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1. PROJECT E4E Increase the 1. List the students who are Community Mapping School Head,
(Education for number of not enrolled and count high Class Advisers,
Everybody) enrolment from of school age children who are Subject Teachers,
not enrolled. PTA, Brgy.
Grade 11 and
grade 12
2. Information drive to the Pre-Registration School Head,
Barangay Sheets Teachers


2 PROJECT DOAW Increase the 1. Identify students who are List of identified
(DOes Attendance number of fond of making absences. learners per grade
Works) attendance of level School Head, Class
grade 11 and Advisers, Subject
grade 12 from Teachers, PTA
85% to 100%
2. Close monitoring and Attendance Sheets
supervision Class Advisers and
Subject Teachers
3. Home Visitation Narrative Report
Class Advisers and P1,000
Subject Teachers

4. Teachers to create student Student Climate result

friendly classroom Class Advisers

3. Project EDC Decreased the 1. Identify students who are List of identified School Head, Class
(EVERY DROPOUT, school drop-out fond of making absences. learners per grade Advisers, Subject
COUNTS) rate from 3.5% to level Teachers, PTA,
1% students in SSG
Grade 11 and 2. Close monitoring and Attendance Sheets
Grade 12 Class Advisers and
supervision Subject Teachers
3. Home Visitation Narrative Report Class Advisers and
P 1,000
Subject Teachers
4. Teachers to create student Student Climate result
friendly classroom Class Advisers


2. Conduct a feeding Attendance , Pictorials Every
program every quarter Quarter
Class Advisers, P 2,500 P 2,500

3. Conduct post BMI BMI result March 2017


MAPEH Teachers

4. Enroll student in the Loan Forms, Pictorials All year

SSG financial assistance round
program School Head, Class
Advisers, SSG P5,000

TOTAL P3,500 P12,000 P2,500

1. PROJECT LIBRO Decrease the 1. Identify students who List of students who
AY BINABASA frustration level belong to frustration level belong to the June 2017 School Head
(READ). HINDI readers from 15 to frustration level Teachers, SPT,
BINABASA (WET) 0 students in PTA
Grade 7 to Grade
2.Assisgn teachers to conduct Schedule of RRE June 2017
10 School Head
RRE instruction Instruction
Teachers, SPT, P2,000

3.Conduct RRE instruction Module, Action Plan June 2017-
from 4:00-5:00 in the March 2018
afternoon Subject Teachers P2,000

4.Evaluate the progress of the Progress Report June 2017

learners every quarter
Subject Teachers

5.Conduct recognition rites Certificates Every quarter

of all students who qualify to Advisers , Subject
the next reading level P1,000

2. PROJECT HMP Decreased the 1. Identify students who List of Non-numerates June 2017
(HAVE MATH IN non-numerates belong to the non-numerates
YOUR PATH) from 30 learners
to 0 in Grade 7 to 2. Assign teachers to conduct Schedule of RRE June 2017 School Head
Grade 10 RRE instruction Instruction Department Heads
3.Conduct RRE instruction Module, Action Plan June 2017-
from 4:00-5:00 in the March 2018 Subject Teachers P1,000
3.Evaluate progress of the Progress Report End of every Subject Teachers,
students every quarter quarter Advisers
5.Conduct recognition rites Certificates Every quarter
Subject Teachers,
of all students who qualify to P1,000
the next reading level
3. PROJECT RAASA Increase the NAT 1. RRE Program Action Plan, Module June 2017-
School Head
(REVIEW MPS from 40% to March 2018 P 2,000
STUDY AHEAD) 2. NAT enhancement Accomplishment June 2017- School Head
classes Report March 2018 Teachers, SPT, P 2,000
4. PROJECT MPS Increase the MPS 1. Assessment of Table of Checked Table of Every quarter School Head,
(More Practice for the from 65.51% to Specifications (TOS) Specifications (TOS) Department Head,
Success) 75% Teachers,
2. Checking of the Table of Congruency Every quarter School Head,
congruency of the TOS and Department Head,

the Test Questions Teachers,
3. Item Test Analysis Test results analyzed Every quarter School Head,
Department Head,
5. PROJECT Decreased the 1. Identify the list of List of identified June 2017
TABANG (Teaching failure rate from students who are prone to learners per grade
Alternative Best 2.01% learners to be failed in all subject level School Head, Class
Assistance and 1% learners in areas. Advisers, Subject
Nourished and Grade 7 to Grade Teachers
Guidance ) 10

2. Close monitoring in terms Attendance Sheets All year

of students attendance, round
output Class Advisers and
Subject Teachers

3. Inform parents and Narrative Report All year

subject teachers on their round
progress in every quarter. Class Advisers and
P 1,000
Subject Teachers

4. Give recognition to each Student Climate result

student who pass in every Every
subjects and quarter. Quarter
Class Advisers

5. Enroll student in the SSG Loan Forms, Pictorials All year

financial assistance round
program School Head, Class
Advisers, SSG P5,000

6. PROJECT BEC Decreased the 1. Identify students who List of identified June 2017
(Bringing Education number of belong to the repeaters learners per grade
to Children) students who group. level Class Advisers,
repeated from 3 to Subject Teachers
0 students

2. Close monitoring and Attendance Sheets All year

observation round
Class Advisers and
Subject Teachers

3. Home Visitation Narrative Report All year

Class Advisers and
P 1,000
Subject Teachers

4. Teachers to create Student Climate Result End of school

students friendly year
Class Advisers

5. Reward students for Certificates End of every

passing all subjects in quarter
every quarter.
Class Advisers P1,000

6. Enroll student in the SSG Loan Forms, Pictorials All year
financial assistance round
program School Head, Class
Advisers, SSG P5,000

7. PROJECT EAST Increase 1. Identify students who are List of identified June 2017
(Edukasyon ang promotion rate prone not to be promoted learners per grade
Susi ng from 89.32% to in every school year. level Class Advisers,
Tagumpay) 100% to students Subject Teachers
in Grade 7 to
Grade 10

2. Closely monitor their Attendance Sheets All year

attendance output round
Class Advisers and
Subject Teachers

3. Home Visitation Narrative Report All year

Class Advisers and
P 1000
Subject Teachers

4. Teachers to create Student Climate Result End of school

student -friendly year
Class Advisers

5. Reward students for Certificates End of every
passing all subject in quarter
every quarter
Class Advisers P1,000

6. Enroll student in the Loan Forms, Pictorials All year School Head, Class
SSG financial assistance round Advisers, SSG P5,000
program Adviser
8.Competition Participate in 1. Intensive review classes, Memorandum of June 2017- School Head
academic Question and Answer Results, Certificate of March 2018 Teachers, SPT,
competitions participation and PTA, students
Pictorials P10,000 P10,000
Participate in non- 2. Intensive practice on Memorandum of June 2017- School Head
academic sports and culture and Results, Certificate of March 2018 Teachers, SPT,
competitions arts participation and PTA, students
Pictorials P10,000 P10,000

TOTAL 41,000 40,000

1. PAARALAN MO, Increase SBM 1. Assign SBM Committee 1. Assigned SBM January 2017
MAHALIN MO level of practice Committee School Head,
from level 1-2 P200

2.Group Discussion for the 2.Group Discussion Jan 2017

School SBM Committee for the School SBM School Head,
Committee P200

3. Compilation of supporting 3. Compilation of Whole-year School Head

evidences supporting evidences round Teachers, SPT,
PTA P 650

4. Monitoring of the low 4. Monitoring of the June 2017 School Head, SPT,
thematic Area and SBM low thematic Area and SBM Assessment
Indicators SBM Indicators P 500
Teachers, PTA
5.Conduct follow-up 5.Conduct follow-up Whole – year School Head,
discussion to update discussion to update round teachers, SBM P 200
evidences evidences Committee
2. Kamay ay Hugasan Increase the hand 1. Conduct PTA meeting Attendance sheet, June 2017
Para sa Kalinisan washing Pictorials School Head,
facility/WinS Teachers, PTA
from 1 to 3
2. Ask assistance & from the Pictorials, Whole-year School Head
different stakeholders Communication round Teachers, Child-
especially the PTA Letter, Solicitation friendly
Letter Coordinator, SPT,
PTA, students
3.Construct additional hand Actual Toilets, Whole-year
washing Official Receipts round School Head
Teachers, PTA, & P10,000 P10,000
other stakeholders

4. Maintain the cleanliness Pictures Whole year

and orderliness of the toilets round School head,
teachers, Students

3. PROJECT LIBRO To provide 1. Examine the curriculum CG/TG/LM April 2017

KO HANDOG KO learners materials guide availability Property
to each student Custodian, P 500

2. Identify the different Research possible April 2017

sources where the skills from source of data School Head
the CG could be downloaded P1,000

3. Purchase the photocopying Official Receipt Whole year
machine round School Head, P30,000 P 50,000
Teachers P 30,000

4. Photocopy learners Photocopied materials Whole-year

material round School head,

1. Journalism Increase the Create an editorial board staff School Paper, Whole-year School Head
number of and make write-ups/article in Certificate of round Teachers, SPT, P10000
students to every school activities Participation and PTA, School
participate in Certificate of Publication
School, Division Recognition, Pictorials Officers P10,000
and Regional Publish quarterly newsletter School Whole-year
Press Conference Paper/Newslletter round
Competitions P10,000

2. Sports Increase the Join in the athletic meet Certificate of August 2017- School Head,
percentage of Participation, January 2018 Teachers, Athletic
participation Pictorials Coordinator, PTA, P10,000
3. Culture and Arts Increase the Participate in the culture and Certificate of August 2017- School Head,
number of contest arts activities Participation, January 2018 Teachers, Culture
participated Pictorials and Arts P5,000 P 5,000
Coordinator, PTA,
4. Brigada Eskwela Improve the scope Cleaning of school ground, ACR, Attendance May 30, 2017 School Head,
of work to be classrooms and fixing of Sheets, Pictorials to June , 2017 Teachers, PTA, P5,000 P5,000
completed school furniture students P5,000

5. DRRM Increase the Advocacy and orientation of ACR and Pictorials June 2017- School Head,
number of students on DRRM August 2017 Teachers, SPT, P2,500 P2,500
activities to be PTA, students P5,000
6. Child Protection Increase the Orientation on child ACR, Attendance June 2017- School Head,
Policy/ Anti-Bullying percentage of protection policy and school Sheets and Pictorials August 2017 Teachers, SPT,
Law implementation anti-bullying law PTA, students
P 3,000
7. Eco-Friendly Increase the Teach students on proper ACR and Pictorials Whole-year School Head,
percentage of segregation of waste round Teachers, SPT,
implementation materials and instill the love PTA, students P 5,000
of nature
8. Vegetable Production Increase the Plant more vegetable ACR and Pictorials Whole-year School Head,
or augment feeding vegetable round Teachers, SPT,
program production GPP Coordinator, P 4,000
PTA, students
9. BSP/GSP Increase the Join the BSP/GSP Membership Card April 2017 School Head,
number of registration/ membership Teachers,
registrants BSP/GSP
P 5,000
Coordinator, P 3,000
10. RPMS Improve the Data gathering RPMS compiled forms Whole-year School Head,
percentage of and reports of teachers round Teachers,
implementation P 3,000
11. PHIL-IRI Increase the Reading program inventory Oral and Silent Whole-year School Head,
number of Reading Profile round Teachers, Reading
students reading Results Coordinator,
performance students P 2,000
12. Senior High School Increase the Advocacy and campaign Tarpaulin, List of October Senior High School
number of Enrollees, ACR with 2017- May Task Force,
enrolment pictorials 2017 Teachers, PTA,
students P1,000
13. Laboratory Improve Update physical inventory Inventory of materials, Whole-year School Head, P 10,000
Equipment laboratory Receipt and Inspection round Teachers, Property
equipment/ Report Custodian, Science

materials and Coordinator


A. Facilitate the
repair of the
following: Rehabilitate the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, July 2017 – School Head,
 Flagpole school flagpole inventory Purchase Request, September Teachers, School
Purchase Order, 2017 Facilities P15,000
Certificate of Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 School Stage Construct of School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
school stage inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
Purchase Order, October 2017 Facilities
Certificate of – December Coordinator, P15,000
Acceptance/Completio 2017 Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 School Improve the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
Building/ school building/ inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
Roofing roofing Purchase Order, April 2017- Facilities
Certificate of June 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Furniture’s and Improve the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
Fixture school furniture’s inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
and fixture Purchase Order, Whole-year Facilities
Certificate of round Coordinator, P15,000
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Plant boxes Improve the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
school plant boxes inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
Purchase Order, Whole-year Facilities P3,000

Certificate of round Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Electrical Rehabilitate the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
Installation electrical inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
installation of the Purchase Order, Whole-year Facilities
school Certificate of round Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Pathway Construct of School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
school pathway inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
Purchase Order, May 2017 - Facilities
Certificate of July 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Comfort Improve the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
Rooms school comfort inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
rooms Purchase Order, Whole-year Facilities
Certificate of round Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 School gate Improve of school School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
gate inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
Purchase Order, May 2017 - Facilities
Certificate of August 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Classroom Rehabilitate the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
classrooms inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
Purchase Order, Whole-year Facilities
Certificate of round Coordinator, P15,000
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Guardhouse Rehabilitate the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head, P3,000
school guardhouse inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
Purchase Order, January 2017 Facilities
Certificate of – June 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer

n, Pictorials
 Covered walk Implement the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
construction of inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
the covered walk Purchase Order, January 2017 Facilities
P 10,000
Certificate of – June 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Computer Implement the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
Rooms rehabilitation of inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
the computer Purchase Order, Whole-year Facilities
rooms Certificate of round Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Hand Washing Improve and School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
Facility construct the hand inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
washing facility Purchase Order, Whole-year Facilities
Certificate of round Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Guidance Implement the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
Office construction of inventory Purchase Request, January 2017 Teachers, School
the guidance Purchase Order, – June 2017 Facilities
office Certificate of Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 SSG Office Implement the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
construction of inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
the SSG Office Purchase Order, April 2017 – Facilities
Certificate of June 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Publication Implement the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
Office rehabilitation of inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
the Publication Purchase Order, January 2017 Facilities
Office Certificate of – June 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 School Clinic Implement the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head, P10,000

construction of inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
the School Clinic Purchase Order, January 2017 Facilities
Certificate of – June 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 School Implement the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
Canteen construction of inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
the School Purchase Order, Whole-year Facilities
Canteen Certificate of round Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Computer table Implement the School facilities/amenities Purchase Request, School Head,
Set rehabilitation of inventory Purchase Order, Teachers, School
the computer sets Certificate of Whole-year Facilities P5000
Acceptance/Completio round Coordinator,
n, Pictorials Disbursing Officer
B. Facilitate the
purchase of the
 Water Tank Increase the School facilities/amenities Purchase Request, December School Head, 20000
number of water inventory Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
tank Certificate of February Facilities
Acceptance/Completio 2018 Coordinator,
n, Pictorials Disbursing Officer
 Garden Tools Procure garden School facilities/amenities Purchase Request, September School Head,
tools for students inventory Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
use Certificate of November Facilities P5,000
Acceptance/Completio 2017 Coordinator,
n, Pictorials Disbursing Officer
 Printer (s) Purchase School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head,
Printer(s) Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
Official Receipt, November Facilities
Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 Power Purchase 1 power School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head, P5,000
Regulator for regulator for the Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
the photocopying Official Receipt, November Facilities

photocopying machine Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
machine Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
photocopier Purchase 1 School Property Inventory Purchase Request, August School Head, P35,000
machine photocopier Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
machine Official Receipt, November Facilities
Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspecti Disbursing
on, Pictorials Officer
 Stand Purchase stand School Property Inventory Purchase Request, Whole year School Head,
Fan/Wall Fan fan/wall fan Purchase Order, round Teachers, School
Official Receipt, Facilities
Certificate of Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 Microphones Purchase 1 School Property Inventory Purchase Request, Whole year School Head,
microphone Purchase Order, round Teachers, School
Official Receipt, Facilities
Certificate of Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 Medicine and Procure various Student Health Record Book Attendance Sheets, Whole-year School Head,
Medicine medicines and Medical Logbook round Teachers, Clinic
Cabinet medicine cabinets Teacher,
per year Disbursing Officer
 Window grills Procure materials School facilities inventory Program of Work, Whole year School Head,
for window grills Purchase Request, round Teachers, School
Purchase Order, Facilities
Certificate of Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 Monobloc Purchase School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head,
Chairs monobloc chairs Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
Official Receipt, November Facilities
Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials

 SBM Cabinet Purchase 1 SBM School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head,
Cabinet for Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
organizing the Official Receipt, November Facilities
files Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 Electrical Procure electrical School facilities inventory Purchase Request, Whole year School Head,
Wirings supplies Purchase Order, round Teachers, School
Official Receipt, Facilities
Certificate of Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 Camera Purchase 1 School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head,
camera Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
Official Receipt, November Facilities
Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 LCD Projector Purchase LCD School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head,
Projectors Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
Official Receipt, November Facilities
Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 Flash drive Purchase flash School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head,
drives for record Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
keeping Official Receipt, November Facilities
Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 External Purchase external School Property Inventory Purchase Request, Whole year School Head,
Memory memory for Purchase Order, round Teachers, School
record keeping Official Receipt, Facilities
Certificate of Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 Flower Pots Purchase flower School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head, P1,000
pots for the Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School

classrooms Official Receipt, November Facilities
Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 Home Procure home School Property Inventory Purchase Request, Whole year School Head,
Economics economics Purchase Order, round Teachers, School
Kitchen wares Kitchen wares Official Receipt, Facilities
Certificate of Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 LPG Tank Purchase LPG School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head, P2,000
Tank Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
Official Receipt, November Facilities
Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspecti Disbursing
on, Pictorials Officer
 Water Jug Purchase water School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head,
jug for every Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
classrooms Official Receipt, November Facilities
Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 Refrigerator Purchase School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head,
Refrigerator Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
Official Receipt, November Facilities
Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
 Lockstitch Purchase School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head, P9,000
sewing lockstitch sewing Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
machine machine
Official Receipt, November Facilities
Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspecti Disbursing
on, Pictorials Officer
 Sewing motor Purchase 6 sewing School Property Inventory Purchase Request, Whole year School Head, P8,200
machine motor machine Purchase Order, round Teachers, School

Official Receipt, Facilities
Certificate of Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspecti Disbursing
on, Pictorials Officer
 Multimedia Purchase School Property Inventory Purchase Request, September School Head,
Equipments multimedia Purchase Order, 2017- Teachers, School
equipments to Official Receipt, November Facilities
facilitate learning Certificate of 2017 Coordinator,
Acceptance/Inspection Disbursing Officer
, Pictorials
C. Facilitate the
construction of the
 Bulletin Implement the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
Boards construction of inventory Purchase Request, Whole-year Teachers, School P 5,000
the bulletin boards Purchase Order, round Facilities
Certificate of Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 School Canal Implement the School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
construction of inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
the School Canal Purchase Order, Whole-year Facilities
Certificate of round Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
 School Fence Improve of school School facilities/amenities Program of Work, School Head,
fence inventory Purchase Request, Teachers, School
Purchase Order, Whole-year Facilities
P 10,000
Certificate of round Coordinator,
Acceptance/Completio Disbursing Officer
n, Pictorials
D. General Services January 2017 School Head,
 Hire Enhance the Hire utility/security aid Job Contract, Payroll – December Utility Aid,
Utility/Watchm school operational 2017 Watchman
an system
E. Utilities All year School Head,
P 30,000
 Electric and Increase Pay the water and electric Bills, Receipt of round Disbursing Officer

Water Bill and effectiveness in bills Payment
others school operation
F. Office Supplies Increase School facilities/materials Purchase Request, School Head,
 Procure office effectiveness in inventory Purchase Order, Teachers, School
supplies facilitating Certificate of Whole-year Facilities P60,000
learning Acceptance/Completio round Coordinator,
n, Pictorials Disbursing Officer
 Sound System Enhance the audio School facilities/materials Purchase Request, School Head,
equipment of the inventory Purchase Order, Teachers, School
school Certificate of Whole-year Facilities P10,000
Acceptance/Completio round Coordinator,
n, Pictorials Disbursing Officer


ACCESS 3,500 12,000

QUALITY 35,000 40,000 0


TOTAL 668,750 52,000 2500


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