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Side note and introduction:

Hi Tim

I hope you’re having an amazing day.

Thank you for your patience, I had an issue with my email but I have fixed

Here are the YouTube Community Posts as promised, you can also use
them as (Emails that you can send to nurture your list, the first giant line is
the subject line)

Doing so frequently, will:

-strengthen your relationship with your audience

-make them more loyal and increase the number of organic views to your

-Increase organic sales and drive traffic to your website

Down below I walk you through why I wrote what I wrote and how it will
impact you and your audience.

I have so many ideas that you can implement to impact more people and
help them out while making 6 figures a month (If my clients with only 130K
subscribers could do it then you can too) without being pushy at all.

And I’d love to discuss them with you over a quick 15min call.

With that being said, here are the notes and goals of the posts

Enjoy, Saad :)
Notes and goals of each Post:

Youtube Community Post1 (Free value post)

Description of the post: In the first community post I am giving away your
tips that will help young programmers through their learning journey.

This is a “value” post, here we want to help your audience out without
expecting anything.

Especially since they haven’t been reached out to with a YouTube post for
4 months now, and since you know that the internet moves fast, we need to
re-establish that report with them…

But also give out enough information and intrigue that it will attract the cold
audience and convince them to go watch your videos and entice them to

I also described you as having a lot of experience and made them relate to
you because you know how hard it is to learn when being young.

Goals of the post: -Strengthen the relationship with your audience

-Make you relatable
-Show indirect competence (you have been coding since age 12)
-Boost organic views

Youtube Community Post2 (Helping them even more)

Description of the post: Here we really want to help them out by giving
them an unfair advantage over their competition.

We are saving them years of their lives and literally giving them a cheat
So we are giving them even more value without expecting anything.

NOW, the reason why I haven’t posted any YouTube posts aiming to drive
sales yet is quite simple:

Most content creators oversell to their audiences and end up ruining that
relationship that took years to build, but there are also some content
creators that give out too much value….

But don’t monetize their audience at all or at least don’t know how even if
their audience is cool with being sold to 9 times out of 10 if the constant
value is there…

And that’s why we will sell them on the next post but in a smooth
non-salesy way.

Goals of the post:

-Give out even more value
-Make them trust you even more
-Strengthen your relationship with them even more
-Increase the number of organic views

Youtube Community Post3 (Motivational post with a SOFT sell)

Description of the post: Here we are motivating them and convincing them
not to give up by mentioning that you, who’s seen as the ultimate expert by
them weren’t born as a “talented” or a “genius” coder.

We’re making you super relatable by showing that you have achieved your
level of mastery by sheer hard work and perseverance and that no matter
how hard it was, you never gave up and you just kept moving forward.

And so if YOU can do it, so can they.

And therefore they cannot give up on their journey towards success and

And at the end, we are trying to soft close them by mentioning that they can
get your knowledge and all the fruits of your hard work and experience by
joining your program which is cheaper than a few coffees (and I really
respect that man, I mean $34 for all that info is insane, and that proves to
me that you want to genuinely help your audience)

We are NOT trying to hard close them, because that would ruin your
relationship with them in the long term if it’s all you do.

Goals of the post:

-Motivate your audience and the new one
-Make you even more relatable
-Make your audience associate reading one of your posts with a positive
-Drive in sales to your website in a very smooth way
-Handling pricing objections.

PS: As you have noticed, I am all for giving out value first and I think that
you are too (from how much you priced your program to how you speak to
your audience, I genuinely think that you care a lot about them which is
why I didn’t want to ruin your bond with them)
YouTube Post 1 (Tips for young programmers)

5 tips you NEED to know as a young programmer

Learning programming as a young kid is NOT easy at all.

Trying to find good information to solve a complex issue is frustrating.

Trying to understand the language is boring

And trying to make sense of it all seems nearly impossible.

I know all of that because I first started learning how to code when I was just 12 years

And I have faced all the obstacles you are facing right now and even more.

I failed and got frustrated more times than I can count.

But thanks to my love for coding, a lot of determination, and thousands of hours spent
learning from my mistakes…

I was able to conquer those obstacles.

And by doing that I have learned so many lessons along the way.

But that doesn’t mean that you too will have to spend years of your life trying to figure it
all out as I did.

Because I have made a video where I’m giving you some tips I would've begged to
know as a newbie programmer.

And you can watch it by clicking down below:
Take care,Tim
YouTube Post 2 (Tips to be more productive)

How to get a massive advantage over other programmers

Most people work extremely slowly.

They’re not very efficient

And they don’t care how fast they complete a task.

Now in most work environments, this is acceptable.

You indeed find most people working at about 50% of their capacities
and get away with it.

But unfortunately, it is not acceptable at all in programming.

Or at least not if you want to be a good programmer.

And if you’re reading this then I’m guessing that you aspire to be the best
programmer you can be.

So if you want to be the best and surpass everyone on your team then
you need to learn how to work faster…

Without sacrificing the quality of your work.

Now to do that, you can either spend hundreds of hours practicing and failing just like

Or you can just watch the video where I show you the 5 tricks you can implement to be
2 times more productive than the other programmers.

Check out the video down below and become the best programmer on your team:

Take care, Tim

YouTube Post 3 (Soft sell of Programming Expert)

A little secret about my coding talent ….

Hey guys

I don’t know if you ever did, but a lot of people think that I was born with a talent for

That I was always this confident in my abilities and that I always knew how to code like
an expert.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

You see, when I first started to learn how to code, I hardly had any math background (I
was 12 years old after all)

I didn’t know anything about coding

And I wasn’t even good at typing.

Moreover, back in the day, I didn’t have access to good resources either...

Which made my learning process 10 times harder.

So how in the world did I become good?

The answer is one word: Obsession.

I was just so fascinated and in love with programming that I spent all my free time
reading, coding, failing, and doing it all over again.

That was all I could think of as a kid.

It took me years, tens of thousands of hours of practice, and hundreds of times failing in
order to master my craft.

But it was all worth it.

So if you ever feel stuck, discouraged, or feel like giving up because you think that it’s
too hard then know that you’re not alone.

We’ve all felt like that at some point.

But you just need to keep moving forward one step at a time…

And you will succeed and become a coding beast.

Take care,Tim

Ps: If you want all of my years of knowledge condensed into simple, efficient and
practical fun lessons then:

Get inside programmingexpert where I will take you from a complete programming
beginner to a programming expert for less than a few cups of coffee

I will see you inside.


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