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Simulation of diesel hybrid electric vehicle containing

hydrogen enriched CI engine

The internal combustion engine is currently the main source of energy for industry and transportation, so
improving fuel economy and reducing harmful emissions for the engine are two tasks that are set with companies,
scientists today. To achieve the above goals, there have been many proposed policies such as eco-driving training
program, application of emission standards, fuel quality... or some technical solutions, emissions treatment,
coordination of power sources as well as the use of alternative fuels. In particular, the solution of using alternative
fuels is a direction that scientists are interested in due to the increasingly depleted fossil fuel sources as well as the
problem of environmental pollution from the consumption process, hydrogen is one of the most important sources of
energy. among them. Therefore, the researchers proposed modeling studies with four types of vehicles. First with
the appearance of antique diesel vehicles (v1), hydrogen-enriched diesel vehicles (v2), hybrid electric vehicles with
the same diesel engine (v3), hybrid electric vehicles with the same hydrogen-enriched diesel engine (v4) . Simulated
with AVL tools to compare performance and emission values for the first time. A comparison of hydrogen-enriched
diesel engines gave promising outputs and in particular the v4 gave excellent performance compared to the rest.

I. Intrduction
With the advantages and development potential of H2 energy, it is attracting strong attention from governments
and businesses as a new generation energy. The interest in this energy source is not only aimed at the goals of
energy security, but also the attention of countries and businesses to the goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
converting energy into energy. lasting. In addition, batteries are also an alternative method for the automotive sector.
Hydrogen demand in 2050 is forecast to increase 10 times compared to 2015, from 56 million tons to 54.6 billion
tons of hydrogen. With the application of Hydro at this scale, it will create about 30 million jobs with a revenue of
about 2.5 trillion USD/year….

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) assessment, to develop H2 energy, it is necessary to
implement 4 solutions simultaneously:

- Initiating industries and industrial parks that are pioneers in the conversion of using H2 . energy

- Converting, building infrastructure for more competitive H2 fuel storage, transportation, and distribution

-Implement projects on supply, transportation, international trade on H2

-Strengthen international cooperation, share knowledge, experience, best practices for dissemination

The target expected from the HEV can be expressed as shown the minimum FC and emission values. Increasing
the rate of hybridization allows for lower emission rates for more environmentally friendly vehicles. As for the
downsides the HEV brings with these positive effects are the power/weight ratio and complicated coding on the
controls. The bridging role of HEV for ICE and EV is shown in.

In recent years, many automakers such as GM, Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz and Toyota have launched fuel cell
vehicles. However, their prices are quite high and the refueling problem is complicated, so to attract customers,
these cars have to overcome many barriers.

In recent years, many automakers such as GM, Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz and Toyota have launched fuel
cell vehicles. However, their prices are quite high and the refueling problem is complicated, so to attract customers,
these cars have to overcome many barriers.

II. Methodology
1. Vehicle description and specifications

Simulated ICEs powered by H2 using various emulators. Therefore, this new theme is mainly simulated.

Vehicle two (V2) designed as H2 is added on V1 version. The most important information in that, researchers have
a large-scale opportunity because that hydrogen's flammability limit is between 4 and 75%. References have chosen
an 8% hydrogen enrichment of the same critical value of this study. of small H2 enrichments in heavy-duty diesel
engines are mentioned in turn. According to the large concentration of H2 mixture reported into the intake manifold
of 10e40 L per minute. With these detailed analyses, it can be concluded that heavy duty diesel engines
(displacement > 2.5 L) produce a mixture of 5e20% H2 from the intake manifold.

It is further reported that, to avoid thermal stresses and late combustion effects, 8% in heavy-duty diesel engines
experience localized explosion at higher engine speeds. Based on these findings and the author's previous
experimental studies, 8% (volume/volume) H2 enrichment was selected for this simulation study.

This case allows the concentration of hydrogen-enriched mixture to lead to better combustion. The V3 is designed as
a hybrid electric version of the V1. Again, the V3 has a 3.0 L diesel and a 30 kW EM for dual propulsion. This
hybrid version is a parallel hybrid architecture equipped with regenerative braking and a lithium-ion battery pack.
The newly announced system, HEV's H2-enriched diesel engine, is named vehicle four (V4). The V4 has the same
V3 system in addition to delivering hydrogen to the HEV's ICE. The vehicle descriptions are illustrated in schematic
form in Figure 1.

2. Modeling and simulation

In most engineering applications prototyping and feasibility studies in the automotive sector play an important
role in terms of time and total cost. The tools help a lot in determining the prototype state and vehicle specifications
in this research. In this study, the tool was provided with model-based functionality using AVL and the cruise
simulation tool. The tool features accurate prediction of tahir gas engine power and sound using the AVL engine for
today's modern models to optimize driving system analysis. When the combustion model is structured the additional
conditions are arranged as follows “Engine speed ¼ 3000 rpm; Average effective brake pressure (BMEP) ¼ 5 bar;
compression ratio: 16:1; equivalent ratio ¼ 1.3; initiation of injection (SOI) ¼ 23 CA before leading death center
(BTDC); “load ¼ full load condition and extended throttle position.
cm is the average speed of the piston; cu is the circumferential velocity; VD is displacement per cylinder; pc; 0 is the
cylinder pressure of the engine with the engine; Tc; 1 is the temperature in the cylinder at the intake valve closing
valve and pc; 1 is the pressure in the cylinder at the intake valve closed. Regarding the emission production model of
the HEV design equations, for the most part, the subindex explanation is given in Table 3.

Table 3 e HEV design equations and formulas [re-written from 6,14].

Eq. No Description Formula

5 Vehicle Acceleration dVv/dt¼(PFt-PFtr)/dMv

6 Vehicle Torque

7 Electric motor power 1

8 Battery Power Tv ¼ fRMvg cos∅þ Mvg sin∅þ 2CDrAvV2v rw
9 Battery Current
Pm¼(Tmuum)/ 2m

Pbatt¼VocIbatt-I battRbatt

Ibatt ¼ Voc pVocffi 2R2batt 4Rbatt*Pbatt

10 Battery SOC SOC(kþ1)¼SOC(k)e[(Ibatt*Dt)/Qc]

Subscripts: Ft is traction effort, Ftr is total resistance, d is mass factor, Vv, Mv, Av are the speed, mass and frontal area of the vehicle, rw is the wheel radius, fR is the rolling
resistance (friction) coefficient, CD and r are the drag coefficient and air density, ∅is the road angle and g is gravitational acceleration. mve0 is nominal vehicle mass, mce is
combustion engine, mba is battery system, and mem is electric machine masses. Tm is the motor torque, um is angular speed of motor, and ɳm is the efficiency of motor. Qc is
battery capacity, Ibatt ¼ Battery current, SOC¼ State of Charge of battery, (k) is SOC discrete-time index, R resistance, V Voltage.
¼ ¼

3. results and Discussion

While the main purpose of producing hybrid vehicles is to reduce FC and emissions, this does not compromise
power and performance. For that reason, the dual propulsion system (ICE þ EM) offers many promising results in
terms of performance. Meanwhile this arrangement is necessary for optimal energy balance.

In this study, the situation of efficient use of fuel sources

(H2) differs from the electric mode because both an enhancer and an emission reducer are demonstrated. Firstly, V1
and V2 model vehicles were compared with each other with the pressure and heat output rate (ROHR) leading to the
effect of H2 on the combustion stage.

Also, in the ROHR graph, it can be noted that the duration of the diffuse combustion phase and the thermal
efficiency increase with addition of H2. By the way, it has been observed that V2 gives better results than V1 when
evaluated in terms of combustion parameters. The end reference is very similar to the output of this paper. It should
be noted that, in light of these results, it also
there is an important bias regarding the performance and sions emis of HEV models. Because these ICE designs are
supported for use in modeled HEVs. After verifying the combustion pattern; Designed vehicles are compared
between different in terms of torque, power, fuel consumption, CO2 and Nox emissions.

For all vehicles, the NEDC driving cycle is used for data validation. The NEDC cycle time is 1180 s and its distance
is 11023 m. In particular, determining the HEV drive current and emission scale, this cycle is used for simulation
tests. In Figure 3, the graphic of power versus motor speed and in Figure 4, the torque corresponding to the graphic
of motor speed are given, respectively. Figure 3 is showing the positive effects of hybridization and H2 addiction.
When comparing V1 and V2; strength is increased with 2.38%. On the other hand when comparing V3 with V4; the
As is known, HEVs have powered by an electric motor when starting the engine-powered vehicle to achieve less FC
and emissions.

Fundamentals of ICE. The engine of the car occurs most FC and exhaust in the part of the sled. This complex
calculation of the FC of the HEV is assembled with the average consumption of the driving cycle. In Figure 5, FC is
illustrated as the cumulative mean result of the NEDC cycle, for all modeled vehicles. V2 is less FC than V1 by 8%.
When it comes to comparing FCs between V1 and V4; V4 has a better result as FC drops 14.32%.

The model vehicle emissions are calculated according to the CO2 and NOx outputs according to the NEDC cycle.
The hybrid versions of the models, the V3 and V4, have shown favorable emissions reductions. In particular, the V4
achieved 33% lower CO2 emissions than the V1 with 108 g/km, reaching the projected future target of 95 g/km in
2021 on CO2 emissions [16]. Unfortunately, again consistent with previous popular studies; The addition of H2,
especially at higher engine speeds, causes a slight increase in NOx values compared to V2 and V1. In addition,
electric motors also affect emissions.

III. Compare

Hydrogen engines are more environmentally friendly, but at high temperatures the combustion process will produce
nitrogen oxides, which in turn cause pollution. Most vehicle manufacturers try to get rid of this harmful gas, and the
good news is that mechanical hydrogen does not release this harmful gas. The wider hydro engine ratio air
conditioning system can operate with an air-to-air ratio (AFR) up to 180:1, while the engine can only have a
maximum ratio of 37:1. poor performance, hydrogen mechanism is easier to start when the engine cools down. This
also means that the hydrogen engine requires less fuel, resulting in higher efficiency and reduced NOx emissions.
However, this is one of the downsides of hydrogen engines – a cleaner green engine means less power. 3. Low
Ignition Energy Ignition energy is the amount of energy required for the fuel and air mixture to ignite. The lower
this number, the easier it is for the engine to ignite the carburetor. In general, hydrogen requires a lot less energy
than gasoline to flow. Specifically, it only needs about 0.02 mJ, while gasoline will need 0.24 m. The auto-ignition
temperature is higher than the auto-ignition temperature, the temperature at which the fusion mixture flows
automatically without the need for sparks. Hydrogen has a higher self-ignition temperature of 500 degrees Celsius,
while this figure for gasoline is only about 280 degrees Celsius.

IV. Conclusion

In this simulation study, the use of H2 as a supplementary fuel in the ICE of HEV diesel engines was investigated
for the first time. In terms of performance and emissions, vehicles with hydrogen-enriched diesel engines show
promising results when compared to non-engined vehicles. In which, V4 is shown to be superior.. When compared
with V4 to V1, CO2 emission has improved by 33%. Other recommendations of the study. Taking into account
mankind's concern for a clean environment, one should expect that a breakthrough will be made in the matter of
perfecting "green" means of transport. But when this happens, only time will tell.

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