First Quarterly Examination

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Governor Andres Pascual College

1045 M. Naval Street, San Jose, Navotas City

A.Y 2016 - 2017



Name: __________________________ Section: _________________ Score: _______

_ _
Teacher: __________________________ Date: _________________ Rating _______
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I-A. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided.

_____ 1. A text type that follows a sequential order

A. Nonlinear text C. Graphic organizers
B. Linear text D. Concept Map
_____ 2. It is a communication tool that uses visual symbols to express knowledge, concepts,
thoughts, or ideas, and the relationships between them
A. Graphic Organizers C. Linear Text
B. Linking Phrases D. Map
_____ 3. A concept map presents information in a descending order of importance.
A. Spider Concept Map C. Hierarchical Concept Map
B. Flow Chart D. Systems Concept Map
_____ 4. These are words or symbols that helps to guide you in reading and understanding a
concept map
A. Arrows C. Straight line
B. Linking Phrases D. Curve Lines
_____ 5. A type of diagram that represents an algorithm, workflow or process, showing the steps
as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting them with arrows.
A. Flow Chart C. Systems Concept Map
B. Hierarchical Concept Map D. Spider Concept Map
_____ 6. Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by
the use of distinctive style and rhythm
A. Style C. Poetry
B. Genre D. Symbolism
_____ 7. This uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal
A. Idiomatic Expressions C. Jargons
B. Connotations D. Figurative Languages
_____ 8. The category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities
in form, style, or subject matter.
A. Genre C. Element
B. Category D. Group
_____ 9. This is a piece of writing that tells a story and is performed on a stage.
A. Drama C. Plays
B. Theatre D. Opera
_____ 10. A prose writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people, such as biography or
A. Nonfiction C. Fiction
B. Narratives D. Essays
_____ 11. An extended narrative about heroic exploits often under supernatural control.
A. Elegy C. Ode
B. Anecdote D. Epic
_____ 12. An exaggerated comedy, situations are too ridiculous to be true; and the characters seem
to be caricatures and the motives undignified and absurd.
A. Melodrama C. Comedy
B. Farce D. Tragedy
_____ 13. The action of conveying information or expressing one's thoughts and feelings in spoken
A. Listening C. Speaking
B. Reading D. Viewing
_____ 14. This speech serves to provide interesting and useful information to your audience.
A. Informative Speech C. Persuasive Speech
B. Demonstrative Speech D. Entertainment Speech
_____ 15. The speaker provides pleasure and enjoyment that makes the audience laugh or identify
with anecdotal information.
A. Informative Speech C. Persuasive Speech
B. Demonstrative Speech D. Entertainment Speech

I-B. Write TRUE if the following statement is true and FALSE if the statement is false.

______________ 16. Nonverbal cues refer to the spoken text itself and to the spoken words
______________ 17. Verbal cues include eye contact, facial expressions, hand gestures, posture,
_ movement, and other forms of body language.
______________ 18. A persuasive speech works to convince people to change in some way: they
_ think, the way they do something, or to start doing something that they are not
currently doing.
______________ 19. A good speaker does not research his topic thoroughly, and does not know
_ the pros and cons of his topic.
______________ 20. A thesis statement usually appears at the beginning of the introductory
_ paragraph of a paper, and it offers a concise summary of the main point or
claim of the essay or speech.
______________ 21. The First and foremost step you need to do in writing a persuasive speech is
_ to get a hot topic that would normally spark controversy
______________ 22. In the sentence, My sister and I bought ourselves popcorn at the movie,
_ Ourselves is referring to the subjects which in this sentence, is the two words
sister and I.
______________ 23. Antecedent is the word that a pronoun is referring to.
______________ 24. The term refers to a concept to be defined.
______________ 25. In the definition, Psychology is the science that studies human behaviour, the
_ phrase studies human behaviour, is called a differentia.

II-A. Read and analyze the situation below and answer the question that follows. Use an extra sheet
of paper when necessary. (5 pts.)

26. – 30. Mr. Angelo Gomas, an owner of a small-time shoe factory business, would like to analyze the
projection his company’s production rate for the month of June - December 2015 respectively. Where
June had 2000 pairs, 1600 pairs for July, 1500 pairs for August, 1400 pairs for September, 1400 pairs
for October, 1800 pairs for November, and 2200 pairs for December.

If you are Mr. Gomas, and you are to make a comparison to know the month where you should stock
materials for production, how will you make a graphical representation of the data given above?
Illustrate fully by writing a nonlinear text.

II-B. Define the following terms using the pattern of definition correctly (T=G+D or G+D=T). Write
your answer on the space provided.

Term Definition
31. Prose

32. Narrative -

33. Fable -

34. Parable -

35. Drama -
36. Biography -

37. Novel -

II-C. Give a brief description of the following qualities of an effective speaker. (2 pts. each)

Qualities Description/Reason
38. – 39. Maintains eye contact

40. – 41. Uses gestures

42. – 43. Prepared

44. – 45. Clear or clarity of the

46. – 47. Confident

48. – 49. Knows his audience

50. Modulates his voice

Prepared by:
Tr. Rigor R. Suguitao


Note: NO ERASURE POLICY for nos. 1 – 25, and RIGHT MINUS WRONG for 16 - 25

I-A. I-B.
1. Linear Text 16. FALSE
2. Graphic Organizers 17. FALSE
3. Hierarchical Concept Map 18. TRUE
4. Linking Phrases 19. TRUE
5. Flow Chart 20. FALSE
6. Poetry 21. TRUE
7. Figurative Language 22. TRUE
8. Genre 23. TRUE
9. Drama 24. TRUE
10. Nonfiction 25. TRUE
11. Epic
12. Farce
13. Speaking
14. Informative Speech
15. Entertainment Speech

26. – 30. A representation of bar graph a line 31. Prose – Consists of those written within
graph, a pictograph, or table the common flow of conversation in
(Title is necessary) sentence and paragraphs.
32. Narratives - A story or account of events,
experiences, or the like, whether true or
33. Fable - they deal animals and imitate
things that speak and act like people,
34. Parable – a short story that teaches moral
or spiritual lessons.
35. Drama – is the theatrical dialogue
performed on stage. It is the specific mode
of narrative typically fictional, represented
in performance.
36. Biography - It is Deals with the life of a
person, which may be about himself, his
autobiography or that of others.
37. Novel - This is long narrative divided into
chapters. The events are taken from to life
stories…and spam long period of time.

38. – 39. Maintains eye contact – to hook/catch the attention of the audience, and to feel
with the message.
40. – 41. Uses gestures – to provide emphasis and explicitly explain concepts or topic
42. – 43. Prepared – to have the mastery of the topic, and to practice the speech prior so as to
44. – 45. Clear or clarity of the message – no beating around the bush. He is concise with his
message and stick with the topic. He may provide examples or situations for better
understanding by the audience.
46. – 47. Confident – a good speaker can be confident if he studies and practice his speech prior
his presentation. This also includes dressing up properly.
48. – 49. Knows his audience – so as to adjust with the demographics and situation, including
language, tone, gestures, and facial expressions.
50. – Modulates his voice – to be better be understood in order to provide clarity of the
message..This also includes adjusting voice depending on the number of his audience.

Prepared by:
Tr. Rigor R. Suguitao

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