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Quantitative Equity Research Report | Release: 11 Mar 2022, 23:11 UTC | Reporting Currency: USD | Trading Currency: EUR

| Exchange: BOLSA DE MADRID Page 1 of 4

Volcan Compania Minera SAA Pfd Shs -B XVOLB QQQ 11 Mar 2022, 23:41 UTC

Economic Moat Uncertainty Price/Fair Value ESG Risk Rating Assessment 1 Trailing Dividend Yield % Market Cap Investment Style Sector Industry
None Extreme 0.6 ;;;;; 2.93 1.5745 Bil Mid Growth Basic Other Industrial
2 Mar 2022 06:00, UTC Materials Metals & Mining
3 Fair ValueQ oant

2 0.32
Last Close


Fairly Valued

0.01 Undervalued
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 YTD Performance
— — 0.75 0.77 1.20 1.36 0.65 0.88 0.98 0.56 0.61 Price/Fair Value
7.91 -51.32 -33.44 -33.07 58.69 66.88 -53.68 -17.86 1.74 27.35 30.87 Total Return %
-6.08 -30.93 -43.84 -2.54 -1.88 38.41 -61.62 -17.48 10.91 39.08 12.26 +/- Index
Total Return % as of 11 Mar 2022. Last Close as of 11 Mar 2022. Fair Value as of 11 Mar 2022, 23:41 UTC. Index: Morningstar Peru GR PEN.
The ESG Risk Rating Assessment is a representation of Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Rating.There is no one analyst in which a Quantitative Fair Value Estimate and Quantitative Star Rating
are attributed to; however, Mr. Lee Davidson, Head of Quantitative Research for Morningstar, Inc., is responsible for overseeing the methodology that supports the quantitative fair
value. As an employee of Morningstar, Inc., Mr. Davidson is guided by Morningstar, Inc.’s Code of Ethics and Personal Securities Trading Policy in carrying out his responsibilities. For
information regarding Conflicts of Interests, visit

Valuation as of 11 Mar 2022 Financials as of 11 Mar 2022 (Fiscal Year End 31 Dec 2021)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 YTD Fiscal
1,148 1,035 1,030 799 828 870 797 744 535 — 675 Revenue (Mil)
XVOLB is Under 320 139 154 39 151 189 149 42 -34 — 146 Operating Income (Mil)
Valued at a 39% 27.85 13.38 14.93 4.91 18.26 21.77 18.67 5.66 -6.35 — 21.68 Operating Margin (%)
Fair ValueQ oant
discount. 211 173 57 -454 84 -477 29 -70 -150 — 19 Net Income (Mil)
0.32 0.06 0.06 0.02 -0.12 0.02 -0.12 0.01 -0.02 -0.04 — 0.01 Diluted Earnings/Share
Uncertainty : Economic Moat
Extreme 275 273 230 233 234 303 235 217 171 — 231 Operating Cash Flow (Mil)
Financial Health -381 -563 -414 -162 -114 -217 -195 -171 -117 — -113 Capital Spending (Mil)
-106 -290 -184 70 121 86 40 46 53 — 118 Free Cash Flow (Mil)
3,458 2,917 3,866 3,859 3,859 3,858 3,858 3,858 3,858 — 3,858 Avg Shares Outstand(Mil)
Last Close 1-Star Price
0.06 0.04 0.01 — — 0.03 0.01 — — — — Dividend Per Share
0.20 0.81
5-Star Price
0.13 Valuation as of 11 Mar 2022
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Current Calendar
— — 0.75 0.77 1.20 1.36 0.65 0.88 0.98 0.56 0.61 Price/Fair Value
2.69 1.34 0.83 0.60 0.99 1.63 0.73 0.70 1.01 0.76 0.96 Price/Sales
Contact 14.51 8.04 9.88 19.13 — 15.42 — — — — — Price/Earnings
Avenida Manuel Olguin 373, Lima, — — 11.92 6.21 3.02 1.95 4.42 4.53 1.61 2.33 3.61 2.20 2.81 Price/Cash Flow
+51 14167000 2.29 1.04 0.59 0.34 0.74 1.20 0.95 0.80 1.12 1.50 1.91 Price/Book
Operating Performance as of — (Fiscal Year End 31 Dec 2021)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q3 Fiscal (%)
9.53 6.24 1.92 -16.36 3.22 -19.2 1.3 -3.2 -7.09 — 0.03 Return on Assets
16.13 12.16 3.83 -36.05 7.85 -55.32 4.69 -11.54 -30.46 — 0.16 Return on Equity
13.95 8.79 3.55 -22.73 6.15 -30.84 4.38 -3.8 -22.25 — 0.6 Rtn on Invested Capital

Business Description stitutes the largest contribution to consolidated

Volcan Compania Minera SAA is a Peruvian mining revenue, and with silver, makes up the vast major-
company. All of its operations are located in the ity of sales. In addition to the zinc and silver busi-
central mountains of the Peruvian Andes, which in- ness, the company also mines lead, copper, and
clude operating units such as Yauli, Chungar, gold.
Alpamarca, and Cerro de Pasco. These four operat-
ing units include a total of 10 mines, seven concen-
trator plants, and an oxide leaching plant. Zinc con-
©2022 Morningstar. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, you may use this report only in the country in which its original distributor is based. The information, data, analyses and opinions ®
presented herein do not constitute investment advice; are provided solely for informational purposes and therefore is not an offer to buy or sell a security; are not warranted to be correct, complete or accurate; and are
subject to change without notice. Except as otherwise required by law, Morningstar shall not be responsible for any trading decisions, damages or other losses resulting from, or related to, the information, data, analyses or
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Quantitative Equity Research Report | Release: 11 Mar 2022, 23:11 UTC | Reporting Currency: USD | Trading Currency: EUR | Exchange: BOLSA DE MADRID Page 2 of 4

Quantitative Equity Reports Overview Micro-Caps: Log (Quant FVE/Price) between (0.75*Quantitative Uncertainty,
1.5*Quantitative Uncertainty)
QQQQQ – the stock is undervalued with a reasonable margin of safety.
Log (Quant FVE/Price) > 1*Quantitative Uncertainty
Micro-Caps: Log (Quant FVE/Price) > 1.5*Quantitative Uncertainty
The quantitative report on equities consists of data, statistics and quantitative
equity ratings on equity securities. Morningstar, Inc.’s quantitative equity After the initial calculation for the star rating, there is a final filtering step
ratings are forward looking and are generated by a statistical model that is based on the momentum of the company. We rank the companies based on
based on Morningstar Inc.’s analyst-driven equity ratings and quantitative their 12-1 month momentum, then restrict those below the 30th percentile to a
statistics. Given the nature of the quantitative report and the quantitative maximum of 3 stars.
ratings, there is no one analyst in which a given report is attributed to;
however, Mr. Lee Davidson, Head of Quantitative Research for Morningstar, iv. Quantitative Uncertainty: Intended to represent Morningstar’s level of
Inc., is responsible for overseeing the methodology that supports the uncertainty about the accuracy of the Quantitative Fair Value Estimate.
quantitative equity ratings used in this report. As an employee of Morningstar, Generally, the lower the Quantitative Uncertainty, the narrower the potential
Inc., Mr. Davidson is guided by Morningstar, Inc.’s Code of Ethics and Personal range of outcomes for that particular company. The rating is expressed as Low,
Securities Trading Policy in carrying out his responsibilities. Medium, High, Very High, and Extreme.
Low – the interquartile range for possible fair values is less than 10%
Quantitative Equity Ratings Medium – the interquartile range for possible fair values is less than 15%
Morningstar’s quantitative equity ratings consist of: (i) Quantitative Fair Value but greater than 10%
Estimate, (ii) Quantitative Star Rating, (iii) Quantitative Uncertainty, (iv) High – the interquartile range for possible fair values is less than 35% but
Quantitative Economic Moat, and (v) Quantitative Financial Health (collectively greater than 15%
the “Quantitative Ratings). Very High – the interquartile range for possible fair values is less than 80%
but greater than 35%
The Quantitative Ratings are calculated daily and derived from the analyst- Extreme – the interquartile range for possible fair values is greater than
driven ratings of a company’s peers as determined by statistical algorithms. 80%
Morningstar, Inc. (“Morningstar”, “we”, “our”) calculates Quantitative Ratings
for companies whether or not it already provides analyst ratings and qualitative v. Quantitative Financial Health: Intended to reflect the probability that a firm
coverage. In some cases, the Quantitative Ratings may differ from the analyst will face financial distress in the near future. The calculation uses a predictive
ratings because a company’s analyst-driven ratings can significantly differ from model designed to anticipate when a company may default on its financial
other companies in its peer group. obligations. The rating is expressed as Weak, Moderate, and Strong.
Weak – assigned when Quantitative Financial Health < 0.2
i. Quantitative Fair Value Estimate: Intended to represent Morningstar’s Moderate – assigned when Quantitative Financial Health is between 0.2
estimate of the per share dollar amount that a company’s equity is worth and 0.7
today. Morningstar calculates the Quantitative Fair Value Estimate using a Strong – assigned when Quantitative Financial Health > 0.7
statistical model derived from the Fair Value Estimate Morningstar’s equity
analysts assign to companies. Please go to Other Definitions
equitydisclosures for information about Fair Value Estimate Morningstar’s i. Last Close – Price of the stock as of the close of the market of the last
equity analysts assign to companies. trading day before date of the report.
ii. Quantitative Valuation– Using the below terms, intended to denote the
ii. Quantitative Economic Moat: Intended to describe the strength of a firm’s relationship between the security’s Last Price and Morningstar’s quantitative
competitive position. It is calculated using an algorithm designed to predict the fair value estimate for that security.
Economic Moat rating a Morningstar analyst would assign to the stock. The Undervalued – Last Price is below Morningstar’s quantitative fair value
rating is expressed as Narrow, Wide, or None. estimate.
Narrow – assigned when the probability of a stock receiving a “Wide Moat” Farily Valued – Last Price is in line with Morningstar’s quantitative fair value
rating by an analyst is greater than 70% but less than 99%. estimate.
Wide – assigned when the probability of a stock receiving a “Wide Moat” Farily Valued – Last Price is in line with Morningstar’s quantitative fair value
rating by an analyst is greater than 99%. estimate.
None – assigned when the probability of an analyst receiving a “Wide Overvalued – Last Price is above Morningstar’s quantitative fair value
Moat” rating by an analyst is less than 70%. estimate.
iii. Quantitative Star Rating: Intended to be the summary rating based on the Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating Assessment: The ESG Risk Rating
combination of our Quantitative Fair Value Estimate, current market price, Assessment is provided by Sustainalytics; a Morningstar company.
Quantitative Uncertainty Rating, and momentum. The rating is expressed as Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings measure the degree to which company’s
One-Star, Two-Star, Three-Star, Four-Star, and Five-Star. economic value at risk is driven by environment, social and governance (ESG)
Q – the stock is overvalued with a reasonable margin of safety. factors.
Log (Quant FVE/Price) < -1*Quantitative Uncertainty
Micro-Caps: Log (Quant FVE/Price) < -1.5*Quantitative Uncertainty Sustainalytics analyzes over 1,300 data points to assess a company’s exposure
QQ - the stock is somewhat overvalued. to and management of ESG risks. In other words, ESG Risk Ratings measures a
Log (Quant FVE/Price) between (-1*Quantitative Uncertainty, -0.5*Quantitative company’s unmanaged ESG Risks represented as a quantitative score.
Uncertainty) Unmanaged Risk is measured on an open-ended scale starting at zero (no risk)
Micro-Caps: Log (Quant FVE/Price) between (-1.5*Quantitative Uncertainty, - with lower scores representing less unmanaged risk and, for 95% of cases, the
0.75*Quantitative Uncertainty) unmanaged ESG Risk score is below 50.
QQQ – the stock is approximately fairly valued.
Log (Quant FVE/Price) between (-0.5*Quantitative Uncertainty, 0.5*Quantitative Based on their quantitative scores, companies are grouped into one of five Risk
Uncertainty) Categories (negligible, low, medium, high, severe). These risk categories are
Micro-Caps: Log (Quant FVE/Price) between (-0.75*Quantitative Uncertainty, absolute, meaning that a ‘high risk’ assessment reflects a comparable degree
0.75*Quantitative Uncertainty) of unmanaged ESG risk across all subindustries covered.
QQQQ – the stock is somewhat undervalued. The ESG Risk Rating Assessment is a visual representation of Sustainalytics
Log (Quant FVE/Price) between (0.5*Quantitative Uncertainty, 1*Quantitative
©2022 Morningstar. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, you may use this report only in the country in which its original distributor is based. The information, data, analyses and opinions ®
presented herein do not constitute investment advice; are provided solely for informational purposes and therefore is not an offer to buy or sell a security; are not warranted to be correct, complete or accurate; and are
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Quantitative Equity Research Report | Release: 11 Mar 2022, 23:11 UTC | Reporting Currency: USD | Trading Currency: EUR | Exchange: BOLSA DE MADRID Page 3 of 4

ESG Risk Categories on a 1 to 5 scale. Companies with Negligible Risk = 5 Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, recipients accessing this
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Quantitative Equity Research Report | Release: 11 Mar 2022, 23:11 UTC | Reporting Currency: USD | Trading Currency: EUR | Exchange: BOLSA DE MADRID Page 4 of 4

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