Disaster Preparedness: CERT Basic Training Unit 1

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Disaster Preparedness

CERT Basic Training Unit 1

Setting the Stage

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Course Preview
Fire safety Disaster medical operations Light search and rescue CERT organization Disaster psychology CERT and terrorism

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Unit Objectives
Identify roles and responsibilities for community preparedness Describe types of hazards that affect community, people, health, and infrastructure Undertake personal and organizational preparedness actions Describe functions of CERTs
CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness 1-3

Community Preparedness: Roles and Responsibilities

Key priority in lessening the impact of disasters Critical that all community members take steps to prepare Effective when addresses unique attributes of community and engages whole community

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Government has responsibility to:
Develop, test, and refine emergency plans Ensure emergency responders have adequate skills and resources Provide services to protect and assist citizens

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Emergency Operations Plan

Assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals Sets forth lines of authority Describes how people and property will be protected Identifies personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Community Leaders
Have a responsibility to participate in community preparedness
Participate on local collaborative planning council Identify and integrate appropriate resources into government plans Ensure that facilities, staff, and customers served are prepared

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


The Public
Learn about community alerts, warnings, and evacuation routes Take training Practice skills and personal plans Network and help others Give feedback to community Report suspicious activity Volunteer
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Engaging the Whole Community

Goal of Citizen Corps is to make communities safer, more prepared, and more resilient Citizen Corps Councils bring government and community leaders together Councils ensure emergency plans more effectively reflect the community

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Types of Disaster
Natural Technological Intentional

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Key Disaster Elements

They are relatively unexpected Emergency personnel may be overwhelmed Lives, health, and the environment are endangered

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Local Hazard Vulnerability

Identify most common disasters that occur Identify possible hazards with most severe impact Consider recent or historical impacts Identify susceptible locations in the community for specific hazards Consider what to expect from disruption of services
CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness 1-12

Results of Damage to Infrastructure

Police: address incidences of grave public safety Firefighters: suppress major fires EMS personnel: handle life-threatening injuries Lower priority needs met in other ways

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Hazards Related to Structure Type

You may not have opportunity to select type of structure when a disaster occurs Engineered buildings have performed well in most types of disasters Types of damage vary by structure Differences in hazards and mitigation between single-family homes and multipleunit dwellings
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Hazards from Home Fixtures

Gas line ruptures
Displaced water heaters or ranges

From falling books, dishes, other cabinet contents

Electric shock or injury

From displaced appliances, office equipment

From faulty wiring, overloaded plugs, or frayed electric cords
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Home and Workplace Preparedness

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Preparing for a Disaster

Know local hazards, alerts, warning systems, evacuation routes, and sheltering plans Consider important elements of disaster preparedness Address specific needs for yourself and people you know

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Protective Actions
Assess situation Decide to stay or change locations
Critical early decision in disasters

Seek clean air and protect breathing passages Protect from debris and signal if trapped Remove contaminants Practice good hygiene
CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness 1-18

Shelter in place: sealing Mass care or a room community shelter
Identify internal room Stay for several hours Store supplies Take 3-day disaster kits Shelters provide most supplies

Shelter for extended stay

Stay for several days or up to 2 weeks Store emergency supplies

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Develop a Disaster Plan

Where will you meet family members? Who is your out-of-State check-in contact? Will you have an extended stay? Shelter in place? Evacuate? How will you escape your home? Workplace? School? Place of worship? What route (and several alternates) will you use to evacuate your neighborhood? Do you have transportation? Did you practice your plan?

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Escape Planning
Consider needs of children and individuals with disabilities Inform all family members or office coworkers of the plan Run practice escape drills

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Preparing for a Disaster

Mitigation is the reduction of loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters
Any activity that prevents an emergency or reduces effects of hazards

CERT members should have adequate homeowners coverage

Add flood insurance if in a flood hazard area

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Non-structural Hazard Mitigation

Anchor heavy furniture Secure appliances and office equipment Install hurricane storm shutters Childproof cabinet doors Locate and label gas, electricity, and water shutoffs Secure water heaters and have flexible gas lines installed
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Other Mitigation Measures

Bolt houses to foundations Install trusses or hurricane straps to reinforce roof Strap propane tanks and chimneys Strap mobile homes to their slabs Raise utilities Build a safe room
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Fortifying Your Home

Different nonstructural hazards to fortify against:
Home fires Landslides or mudslides Wildfires

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Get Involved
Preparedness requires active participation from all
Talk to friends and family about hazards Ask about emergency planning outside the home Make sure those in charge have a plan

Training provides skills needed to help others and keep skills current
CERT program provides training, practice, and connection to others Participate in drills and exercises Talk to friends and family about volunteering

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness

CERT Disaster Response

Respond in period immediately after a disaster Assist emergency response personnel when requested CERT members first responsibility is personal and family safety Respond after a disaster:
Locate and turn off utilities, if safe Extinguish small fires Treat injuries Conduct light search and rescue Help to relieve survivor stress

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


CERT Organization

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Personal Protective Equipment

Helmet Goggles N95 Mask Gloves (work and non-latex) Sturdy shoes or work boots

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


CERT in Action

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Non-Disaster Roles
Identify and aid neighbors/coworkers who might need assistance Distribute preparedness materials; do demos Staff first aid booths at special events Assist with installation of smoke alarms Parade route management
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Protection for Disaster Workers

CERT members generally protected by:
Good Samaritan laws Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 Relevant State statutes

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Additional Training for CERTs

Advanced first aid Animal issues in disasters Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use Community relations CPR skills Debris removal Donations management Shelter management Special needs concerns Traffic/crowd control Utilities control Online courses

CERT Basic Training Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness


Unit Summary
You should now be able to:
Identify roles and responsibilities for community preparedness Describe types of hazards that affect community, people, health, and infrastructure Undertake personal and organizational preparedness actions Describe functions of CERTs
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Homework Assignment
1. Review detailed information for Unit 1 2. Read unit to be covered in next session 3. Bring necessary supplies and wear appropriate clothes for next session 4. Discuss preparedness with family and friends 5. Assemble supplies in multiple locations 6. Examine homes for hazards
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