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YePal Smart Homes

YePal Society Redevelopment Process

Greetings Punekar's   


1. Things before start of redevelopment in society

Conveyance Deed

The society should reconsider redevelopment only if the society has conveyance
deed in their favour. In case conveyance deed is not in favour of society, the
process for deemed conveyance should be done by appointing appropriate

Structural Audit

     When a society should consider redevelopment

1. First step for deciding redevelopment is structural audit report by structural

consultant or project management consultant. This survey has to be carried out for
all building/structures in society plot.

2. The structural audit agency shall reveal the condition of buildings & suggest
whether society needs the redevelopment.

3. Without such report, society can’t go for redevelopment process.

4. Even if building is less than 30 years old (building lifespan), but structural report
suggest redevelopment than restoration, society can go through redevelopment.

5. Circulation of structural audit report-

In case of adverse structural audit report, the society shall circulate the said report
to all the members of the society within one month of receipt of such report along
with their recommendations and call for the consent of all the members of the
society in writing within 14 days of circulation of report giving their opinion
whether they would like to go for repairs or redevelopment. If 75% or more of the
total members of the society give their consent for redevelopment to the
managing committee, the managing committee will start the process of

Starting Redevelopment-

The society in which redevelopment work of the buildings is required to be

undertaken, an application of requisition to hold a special general body meeting to
consider and discuss the redevelopment project and suggestions on the same, is to
be submitted to the hon. Secretary of the managing committee which is properly

Elected as per the provisions of the society’s bye–laws and also constituted as per.
The provisions of the maces act 1960. The requisition application is to be signed by
not less than 1/4th of the total members of the society.

2. Initial Redevelopment Process

SGM for Redevelopment-

On receipt of requisition for calling the meeting, the managing committee of the
society, within 8 days of the receipt of the application, should consider the same
and within a period of 1 month, the hon. Secretary will call the general body
meeting of the members of the society giving  clear 14 days’ notice for which
acknowledgement will be collected from every member and maintained in the
records of the society. The quorum for the SGM shall be 3/4th of the total number
of members of the society. If the quorum is not attained, The SGM shall be
adjourned for 8 days.

If there is no quorum in the adjourned meeting also, then the meeting shall be
dissolved considering that the members have no interest in the redevelopment of
the society. In such a situation, the redevelopment subject cannot be brought
before any SGM for its approval for further one year.

In the meeting, 3/4th of the members should be present in the meeting and should
agree for redevelopment and then a resolution should be passed for going ahead
for redevelopment of the building and authorizing the managing committee to
obtain permission from the deputy registrar of co-operative societies of their
respective ward office for redevelopment. A resolution should also be passed
authorizing the managing committee to obtain quotations from experienced
architects / project management who are empaneled by government / local
authority, for the work of preparing feasibility report and framing rules / conditions
for their work.

Permission for Re-Development-

The society shall forward a copy of the structural audit report along with an extract
of the re-development resolution passed in the SGM to the dy. Registrar of co-
operative societies of their respective ward seeking permission for re-development
of their building. (As per GOVT. GR Dy. Registrar permission is no longer required)

Redevelopment Feasibility Report-

Within one month from the date of receipt of permission for re-development from
the office of the dy. Registrar of co-operative societies, the society should appoint
an architect or a project management consultant to survey the project plot /area /
FSI / TDR/ PMC–rules applicable / technical / financial details including viability,
comparison of repairs v/s re-development and submit a feasibility report. This
feasibility report should be circulated to all the members of the society within one
month from the date of receipt of the report along with the managing committee’s
views and their opinion / objections on the same should be called for in writing for
discussion in the next special general body meeting.

SGM for Constitution of Re-Development Committee-

1. The society should call for a SGM and since this being an important meeting the
quorum for the meeting shall be at least 75% of the members of the society.

2. The managing committee should discuss the feasibility report in the meeting and
if at least 3/4th of the presenting members in the meeting agrees for re-

3. Then they should pass a resolution to go for re-development of the building and
authorize the office bearers to start the procedure to appoint architect / civil
engineer / financial consultant or project Management consultant.

4. In the same meeting, the society should form a “re-development committee” of

at least 5 prominent / senior / original members of the society representing each
building of the society, to oversee the working of the managing committee

Appointment of Consultants-

The office bearers shall shortlist architect/civil engineer/ financial consultant /

project management consultant for appointment and recommend their names to
the re-development committee to confirm their choices and fees chargeable by
this professional/s. The managing committee should call for a SGM and introduce
these professionals to the members of the society and give their
recommendations. A decision should be taken in this meeting to appoint any of
them and fix their duties and fees.

Pooling Of Documents for Re-Development-

The society should ask the appointed consultant/s to proceed and go ahead to get
all the clearances required for re-development and submit his report on the
availability of following documents with the society:

1. Society registration certificate

2. 7/12 extract / index ii / form no. 6 from revenue office

3. Conveyance deed

4. Non-Agricultural (NA) order

5. Property card /

6. City survey plan (demarcation)

7. Copy of commencement certificates

8. Copy of completion certificates

9. Proof of payment of stamp duty / registration charges.

10. Copy of paid assessment bill (water bill, electric bill)

11. Approved building plan

12. Structural Drawings.

3. Important phase in redevelopment

Tender Floating-

After the technical problems are sorted out, the society should call for a SGM no. 4
to apprise the members of the society’s standing on the various technical points
referred to above and convey their views as well as the views of the re-
development committee on the matter and seek the approval of the general body
to proceed further. In this meeting all the members of the society should be asked
to prepare and submit details of requirements / demands / choices / demands in
writing so that the same could be incorporated in the tender document. The
general body should pass a resolution and authorize the managing committee to
proceed ahead and float tenders by inviting different agencies / builders /
developers to give their offers through news paper notice etc.

Opening of Redevelopment Tenders-

Within one week from the last date for receipt of tenders, the society should call
for a SGM no. 5 and open the tenders in front of the members of the society
present in the meeting along with the society’s consultants and parties
participating in the Tender. The details of offers received should be read out in the
meeting and a provisional merit list should be made in the meeting itself.

Comparison Statement-

The consultants appointed by the society should study the tender offers in detail
and prepare comparative charts and give their recommendations to the managing
committee who should satisfy themselves about the recommendations of the
consultants and put it up before the re-development committee for their
observations. The best offer should be short listed merit-wise, and details
circulated to all the members of the society calling for their views.

Selection Of Developer / Builder-

The society should call for a SGM no. 6 and after discussing the merits and
demerits of all the offers, should select one developer / builder for carrying out the
redevelopment of the society. In this meeting, the members should agree on the
following issues

1. The additional area that they should get as not only in terms of percentage
increase in their existing carpet area but also in actual number of square feet.

2. The amount of corpus payable to each member should be clearly expressed in

amount of rupees besides linkage to their existing carpet area. The break-up and
the due dates for payment of the same should also be clearly specified.

3. The amount of rent payable for alternate accommodation should be clearly

specified in terms of amount of rupees besides linkage to the existing carpet area.
The break-up and due dates for payment of the same should be clearly specified.

4. The amount of shifting charges and the re-shifting charges should be specifically

5. The members should pass a resolution authorizing the managing committee to

issue letter of intent to the developer subject to above terms and conditions.

Letter Of Intent-

The society should circulate the agreed terms and conditions to all the members of
the society and obtain irrevocable letter of consent addressed to the society, the
builder, PMC, dy. Registrar of co-operative societies and other concerned parties.
When at least 90% of the members give consent letters to the society, the society
should give a letter of intent to the selected developer / builder and request him to
furnish plans of the new buildings to be constructed, amenities to be provided and
allotment of flats to members as per the new plan.                                                   

Re-Development Agreement-
On receipt of the plan for the new buildings, the managing committee and the re-
development committee members should first approve the same and satisfy
themselves that the same is as per their offer. Then, the society should call for a
SGM no. 7 for approving the plan of the flats / building and amenities offered by
the builder. When the same are approved in the general body, the society should

A resolution to sign a redevelopment agreement with the developer also fixes the
date for vacating the old flats and receiving the compensations. 

4. Handing Over the Property for Re-Development-

The developer should then proceed to get the plans approved and obtain IOD
From PMC After fulfilling the terms mentioned in the IOD the developer should
obtain commencement certificate up to plinth. After these conditions are
complied with, the society should call SGM no. 8 and pass a resolution for vacating
the flats and fixing a date for handing over the vacant possession to the developer
and fixing dates for receiving compensations from the developer. The managing
committee should issue instructions to the members to vacate their flats by
signing individual agreements with the developer and after receiving his dues from
the developer.

5. Occupation Certificates-

After construction of the buildings are completed, the society should follow up
and ensure that the developer gives, occupation certificate and regular water
connection within 4 months from the date of handing over of the new flats to the
members of the society.

Please feel free to call us for further information and assistance..

Mr. Sanjeevkumar Lawate
YePal Smart Homes
Mob No. 9309 574643
[email protected]

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