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Purposive Communication

Lecture 2 Activity

Name: CANLAS, ENRIMELIA V. Year and Section: BSCRIM 2D (IRREG)

Date: JANUARY 30. 2023

The Value of Communication

By Jesus Perry L. Caudilla

Without doubt, communication is an essential tool to help you succeed in life. Whether in
matters of academics or business, excellent communication is imperative in gaining advantage.
Appropriate and respectable communication can lead you to finding solutions to your message well. The
concomitant requirement to communicating well is evaluating your own communication competence
and developing your skill in using a language, interacting with people and sharing experiences. Your
speech and language instructor or any reputable speaker you talk or watch on television can help you
considerably in this regard.
Developing communication skills should start early in life. The spoken and written language is
learned even before you attend formal school. Consequently, you improve your communication skills as
you constantly interact with people who possess language proficiency. However, once you have gained
communication competence, you never get satisfied, thus you have gained communication competence,
you never get satisfied, thus you continue engaging with the people around you and make a compelling
impact on them.
If your communication is ineffective now, you may encounter a lot of problems in your future
career or professional life. You should have realized by now that effective communication is essential in
life and it is essential in life and it is increasingly becoming inevitable requisite for successful personal,
academic and professional undertakings. Therefore, you need to recognize the importance of
communication and its benefits to your life.

What makes communication necessary?

The importance of communication cannot be disregarded. Without it, relationships crumble,
businesses fail, groups are disintegrated, problems remain unsolved and good reputations are lost. Good
communication can be a stairway to success.
Communication serves as vehicle in building relationships. An individual does not live alone. He
or she needs to interact with other people to build relationship with them for various reasons. At home.
family members exchange experiences to strengthen open togetherness. A student communicates with
other students and instructors to share lecture notes, discuss assignments, work together for group
writing and presentation tasks and other academic endeavors. They also communicate to create
friendship or emotional bond with one another. In the same way, employees connect with co-workers,
their bosses, customers and other people around to build strong working relationship with one another.
Whether in school, at work or anywhere else, the purpose of communication is to create a congenial
milieu within which sharing of thoughts and feelings can be easily carried out.
Communication works in improving working environment. Business processes cannot be simply
done without problems. Issues and concerns about product and services and personnel behavior to
name some can be avoided when employees, managers and business owners come together to share
valuable ideas necessary to solve them. In addition, organizational communication, whether downward
or lateral, serves as potent instrument in creating a working environment that is inviting, friendly and
stress-free in order to achieve business efficiency and profitability.
Communication assists in fostering strong team. A strong team cannot be formed when
members of a group do not work interdependently with one another. Propelled by appropriate and
effective communication, this interdependence creates team collaboration in turn. Team members
therefore need to meaningfully interact and exchange information, experiences and resources in order
to make their team spirit strong towards achieving their goals.
Communication helps find appropriate solutions to problems. The key to the solution of many
problems is communication. Individuals who are confronted with problems often ask for ideas and
advice from others especially from those they consider knowledgeable and well-experienced. As son
talks to his father about problems in school. A student asks advice from instructors about conflict in
work and class schedule. An employee opens up to his or her manager about altercation with a co-
worker. In these cases, communication can lead to finding answers applicable to troublesome situations.
Communication builds greater respect. People with excellent communication skills usually get
high positions in the business, media, entertainment, religious, academic and political organizations. The
late Sen. Mirriam Defensor Santiago, Jessica Soho, Bo Sanchez and Boy Abunda are just few luminaries
in the Philippines who have gained admiration of people for their great speaking and writing prowess.
Because of their remarkable communication competence, they gained unquestionable reputation as
leaders and influencers in their respective communities. Truly, excellent communication skills can make
a big difference to a person’s reputation and can be his or her ticket to success.
Working on your communication skills does not happen overnight. In school, actively participate
in individual and group class activities, read regularly at the library and carry out basic research on topic
of interest. Listen to your professors who speak fluently and model after them. At the work place, carry
out decision making for the business. Observe how effective managers express themselves and
persuade others, and imitate their good communication habits. Thus, to succeed in becoming effective
communicator you need to devote time and effort to engage yourself in various speaking engagements
as speaker or listener and write for academic, business and other purposes. Don’t be lagged behind.

I. Reacting to the Text: After reading the essay, answer the questions that follow.
1. Do you feel that you are lagging behind in terms of your communication skills?

Yes, when I'm reporting in class and I'm stumped for words, and sometimes I stutter.  

2. In what way can you work on your communication skills to gain a great impact on your
(a) personal, (b) academic and (c) professional life?

If you want to be a good communicator, you need to practice and read some books about
communication to gain some techniques, skills, and knowledge when it comes to
communicating with someone. As the saying goes, "Begin with an end in mind."

Key Principles of Ethical Communication

By Jackielou E. Cansancio

Understanding the importance of communication can bring you great benefits in terms
of your personal, academic, professional and civic life. Increasing your knowledge about
communication can result in satisfying your needs. You can learn communication. Rules and
norms can influence the way you communicate. Because communication has ethical
implications, it is imperative to adhere to the standards of ethical communication.

Principles that Guide Understanding of Communication

1. Communication is transactional; it consists of interrelated components that influence one
another, thus communication becomes a dynamic process.
2. Communication has content and rational dimensions. The content dimension involves the
ideas being openly talked about, while the rational dimension expresses your behavior
towards the other person.
3. Communication can be intentional or unintentional because all words and actions have
meanings and communicative use.
4. Communication is irreversible; to “unreceive” a message is unlikely, as words and actions,
once said or done, cannot ne unsaid or undone.
5. Communication is unrepeatable because the same words and actions have different
meanings when used or expressed at different times and on diverse occasions.

Ethical Communication

Etymologically, the word ethics comes from the Greek term ethos which can pertain to
customs and habits. As a branch of knowledge, ethics deals with a structure of moral principles.
Ethics guides an individual’s behavior – his words or actions – and the way he or she
communicates with others.
Ethics is defined as a code of moral standards of conduct for what is “good” and “right”
as opposed to what is “bad” and “wrong”. It deals with values with human conduct, with respect
to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the
motives and ends of such actions.
Communication is ethical when it is utilized to enhance the way people interact with
one another to improve society’s moral life. On the other hand, communication is unethical
when it is used to damage human relations or encourage societal decadence. Some common
examples of unethical communication are inappropriate jokes, coercive, threatening and
intimidating statements, misleading words, lying, meddling with something overheard,
telephone tapping, betraying or backstabbing somebody, and spreading fake new.
Communication ethics varies by culture and context and involves the negotiation of and
reflection on our actions regarding what we think is right and wrong or good or bad.

Ethical Standards of Communication

1. Truthfulness and honesty mean refraining from lying, cheating, stealing and deception.
2. Integrity means maintaining a consistency of belief and action.
3. Fairness means achieving the right balance of interest without regard to one’s own feelings
and without showing favor to any side in a conflict.
4. Respect means showing regard or consideration for others and their ideas, even if we don’t
agree with them.
5. Responsibility means being accountable for one’s actions and what one says.

Principles of Ethical Communication

According to Ruth Mayhew (2018), ethical communication has several guiding elements.

1. Fact-based messages should be communicated with honesty and accuracy. Ethics in

communication is shown by observing freedom of expression, accepting differences in
opinion and tolerating dissimilarities in beliefs and behaviors. Ethical communication should
be direct and honest. It should maintain tactfulness and discourage unpleasant remarks or
confrontational behavior.
2. Resources and facts from which the message is generated should be accessible. For example,
if you are providing information about academic standing for students, you ought to give
your audience the written output, performance output and major examination results.
3. Message should be made accessible. If you are conveying information to a diverse audience
make certain that you give consideration to their communication preferences. They may
have different language and listening styles, thus there is a need to deliver your message in
view of these differences. This way, your content reaches your whole audience.
4. Basic human needs should be given careful consideration. Communication is a basic human
need and should be used to satisfy other human needs. Ethical communication gives
premium to the need of people to connect with one another with high regard despite
cultural diversity.

II. Write short nut substantial paragraphs for the following questions.
1. What are some experiences of unethical communication that you have witnessed or
I have witnessed a lot of people making jokes about someone’s race, religion and even
gender. And in my own perspective it’s unnecessary to make fun or make some jokes about
those specific topics.

2. Tell a situation in which you wished you could repeat communication.

I was answering my teacher's question, and my answer was wrong, but I knew that my other
answer was correct, but it was plain, so that's why I didn't tell her that answer.

3. Tell a situation in which you wished you could reverse communication.

My friend and I are fighting over this person I hate, but she continues to see that person.
She blames me because I didn't invite her often to hang out, which is why she's hanging out
with this person I hate; therefore, she blames me for not inviting her over.

4. What lessons have you learned from these two situations that you can apply to future

I learned that you need to communicate when you feel like you misunderstood someone.
Because it is important for you to have clear communication with your friends, partner, or
even your co-workers, so that they don't misinterpret you.

III. Comprehension Check: Answer the following exercise with Yes or No.
Yes 1. The goal of communication between a sender and receiver is understanding of the
message being sent.
Yes 2. Communication noise can influence our interpretation of messages and significantly affect
our interactions with others.
Yes 3. Content dimension expresses how you feel about the other person.
Yes 4. Content refers to the situation or environment in which your message is delivered.
Yes 5. We all use and interpret the meanings of words differently, so even simple messages can
be misunderstood.
_No 6. The non-verbals that we use often cause messages to be misunderstood as we tend to
believe what we see more than what we hear.
No 7. Ethical communication means being inconsiderate of basic human needs.
Yes_ 8. Communicating messages based on facts with honesty and accuracy is the focus of
ethical communication.
No 9. Once you lode the trust of others, they will doubt anything you say in the future.
_Yes_ 10. Lack of ethical communication leads others to questions your professional and
personal integrity.
No 11. Words and deeds, once said or done, are retrievable.
Yes_ 12. Ethical communication is also accepting responsibility for the messages you convey to
Yes 13. Communication is always intentional.
Yes 14. Whether you are talking to a close friend or addressing the workplace in a meeting, your
message must be truthful and consistent with your value system.
Yes 15. Words and behavior mean the same each time they are spoken or performed.

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