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1.1 Background to the Study

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Objectives or Purpose of the Study

1.4 Research Questions

1.5. Research Hypothesis

1.5 Significance of the Study

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

1.1. Background of the study

The Audio-Tutorial method was developed in 1961 by S.N.

Postlethwait at Purdue University. His purposes were to find
an improved method of teaching botany to a larger number of
college students and to effectively assist the students who
possessed only limited backgrounds in the subject. Since that
time, the Audio Tutorial method has been modified and
adopted for use with a variety of subjects, class sizes, and
types of institutions. The design of my approach was based on
Postlethwait's ideas, but I was also influenced by the
philosophy and psychology of B.F. Skinner and Benjamin
Bloom. Mine was an attempt to match an instructional

strategy with the needs of the learners, with the following two
premises clearly understood at the outset:

1. The A-T approach was not designed as an easier way to

teach, but was intended to make learning more meaningful
for both the students and the teacher.
2. The most important ingredients in A-T teaching and
learning are the people involved, namely the teacher, tutors,
and the students. The machines, tapes, slides, books, study
guides, and drawing assignments are only tools which may
help to facilitate the learning, but they were never meant to
take the place of the teacher. The A-T design should permit
the teacher more time to help those students who really
need the help, since many of the students are off and
running on their own power. But the A-T approach will not
make a poor or mediocre teacher any better. On the
contrary, it may even lead to a lesser degree of effectiveness
if the teacher expects to sit back and let the program run

Although the inquiry method is student-centered, it does

require a lot of teacher involvement. The role of the teacher in
the inquiry method is to be the primary mentor, advisor, and
planner. In the early stages of the implementation of the
inquiry, teachers should provide topics consistent with
students’ cognitive thinking and development so that they
understand and are interested in a topic. Teachers should
also plan the objectives of their students’ goals, looking for
resources that can guide their students toward their goals. In

this regard, teachers must also ensure that students use
legitimate resources in their studies. Teachers can tell
students where and how a resource is available for reference.
This will help students find the right information if they are
having trouble finding important information; students
should do their research. Besides that, teachers should
encourage different interpretations of an idea so that not all
the students give the same answers. Accordingly, the teacher
will receive different answers from the students. Teachers
should, therefore, be prepared to listen to and accept
different responses from students to a problem. In this
regard, teachers should create an atmosphere that promotes
and strengthens the relationship or interaction between
students and teachers and students with students. Also,
teachers should help students through questions, comments,
and suggestions so that students can gain additional

On other hand, teaching secondary school requires a variety

of teaching methods to address different learning levels,
styles and intelligence of secondary school students. Some
of the most important teaching methods for secondary
school include proper classroom management, motivation
and a welcoming classroom environment, plus a curriculum
and activities that address a multitude of learning styles.

Environment and Motivation

A classroom environment should promote equality, diversity

and independent learning. Environments that promote

equality allow secondary school students to feel safe and
secure in their own skins, which allows them to open up and
participate more in learning activities. Diverse classroom
environments give students a sense of uniqueness and
exposes students to different cultures without social stigmas
and prejudices. A classroom that promotes independent
learning allows students to take pride in their
accomplishments and install a desire for knowledge. When
coupled with the classroom environment, motivation allows
secondary students to continue learning and take an interest
in their progress.

Learning Styles

Secondary school teachers should create lessons that

address all three of the basic learning styles: auditory, visual
and kinaesthetic. Auditory learners learn by hearing the
concept explained, visual learners learn by seeing the
concept demonstrated and kinaesthetic learners learn by
physically interacting with the concept. Addressing each
student’s learning needs engages students in the lesson and
promotes better memory retention and advancement. This
teaching method is also an effective way to calm an active
class and channel its energy into a productive result.

Classroom Management

The goal of classroom management techniques is to promote

a safe, productive and organized classroom. Good
management keeps the teacher in control of the classroom

and keeps students paying attention. Some suggested
methods include picking students’ names out of a hat so not
one student feels picked on and more are likely to
participate, flashing lights on and off to grab students'
attention or signal the end of an activity or having the
students turn their desks toward the back of the classroom
when there are behavioural issues so the teacher can see
everything they are doing. These teaching methods keep
classrooms in control and allow the teacher to focus on
learning instead of behavioural problems.

Educators refer to a classroom or a place where teaching

and learning takes place as a learning environment. They
disagree about what type of learning environment delivers
the most effective teaching to students of differing abilities.

Teachers differentiate between students of different abilities

by giving them tasks of varying difficulty and complexity. A
single activity may pose different levels of challenge and have
different outcomes depending on the student, or a teacher
may give a different task to each student, according to his

Furthermore, Learning to Teach Science in the Secondary

School is an indispensable guide with a fresh approach to the
process, practice and reality of teaching and learning science
in a busy secondary school Like Government Secondary
School Sharada, Kano. This rise our aim to test as if audio
tutorial and enquiring methods of teaching may probably be

the most effective teaching methods that will deliver out the
real students’ performance.

1.2. State of the problem

The study was mainly design to find out the effect of the
audio tutorial and enquiring methods on academic
performances of Government Senior Secondary School
Sharada Students.

1.3. Objectives/Purpose of the Study

The main purpose/objective of this research is to trace and

find out how effective does these two kind of teaching
method are on Government Senior Secondary School
Sharada students (GSS Sharada, Kano state).

1.4. Research Questions

1- Does audio tutorial and enquiring teaching methods have

significant effect of teaching and learning on Government
Senior Secondary School Sharada Students?
2- Does students and teachers really entertained with these
two teaching method (i.e. audio tutorial and enquiring
3- How does these two teaching methods affects students
learning performances

1.5. Research hypothesis

1- H0 There is no significant effect of the two teaching
methods on students learning performance(i.e. audio
tutorial and enquiring methods)
2- H1 There is significant effect of the two teaching methods
on students learning performance(i.e. audio tutorial and
enquiring methods)
1.6. Significance of the Study

The significant of this study is to find out the effect of these

two teaching methods (i.e. audio tutorial and enquiring
methods) for GSS Sharada Students.

1.7. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is aim to cover all the present senior students of

the Government Secondary School Sharada (GSS Sharada)

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