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“The Perception of Grade 10 students of Bonbon National High School on

the implementation of Reserve Officer Training Corps(ROTC)
S.Y 2019-2020"

An undergraduate Thesis Presented to

The faculty of Bonbon National High School
Bonbon Libon Albay

In partial fulfillment
Of the requirements for the practical research 2


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Albay
Bonbon, Libon, Albay


This thesis entitled, “The Perception of Grade 10 Students of Bonbon

National High School on the Implementation of Reserve Officer Training Corps

(ROTC) SY: 2019-2020”, prepared and submitted by SENTILLAS, ALJHON, et.

Al., in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the subject PRACTICAL

REASECH, is hereby recommended for the final oral defense.


Research adviser


Thesis adviser

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Albay
Bonbon, Libon, Albay


This thesis entitled, “The Perception of Grade 10 Students of Bonbon

National High School on the Implementation of Reserve Officer Training Corps

(ROTC) SY: 2019-2020”, prepared and submitted by SENTILLAS, ALJHON, et.

al., in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the subject PRACTICAL

REASECH ll, has been examined and is hereby recommended for the final oral





Member Member

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Albay
Bonbon, Libon, Albay


This thesis entitled, “The Perception of Grade 10 Students of Bonbon

National High School on the Implementation of Reserve Officer Training Corps

(ROTC) SY: 2019-2020”, prepared and submitted by SENTILLAS, ALJHON, et.

al., in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the subject PRACTICAL

REASECH ll, has been successfully defended examined and held Bonbon

National High School on March 2020.



Brigette S. Mendoza

Jiezel Nario



Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Albay
Bonbon, Libon, Albay


To Whom It My Concern:

This is to certify that the thesis entitled, “The Perception of Grade 10

Students of Bonbon National High School on the Implementation of Reserve

Officer Training Corps (ROTC) SY: 2019-2020”, prepared and submitted by

ALJHON SENTILLAS L. et. al., has been edited by the undersigned.



The researcher sincerely expresses his special debt of gratitude to the

following people who have graciously offered their assistance, support, and

encouragement that made the completion of this research work possible though

it took to time. The researcher’s give thanks to Almighty God for guiding and

keeping us safe at all time, for protection and ability to work.

To our thesis instructor, MR. DERARD ALONDRA, for the advice on how

to improve the refine the study from beginning until it present form, also for the

support she how showed and for teaching us more about the topic and for the


Thesis committee chairman, members of the panel of examined, MRS.


REALINGO, for their expert opinion and valuable suggestions put forward during

the defense and for the constructive criticism which helped much in the

finalization of the study.

MRS. CHERRY BONDE, his skilled adviser and statistician, for her

untiring assistance, support in statistical need and pieces of the advice in the

completion of this study.


The researchers would like also to extend their warmest regard to the very

energetic and generous parents for the financial, moral and spiritual support,

encouragement and continuous prayer and love that they have given to us

This thesis would have been utterly impossible if not for the extraordinary

kindness of the researchers’ best friend, friends, classmate, groupmates, editors

and mentor for their support, who contributed directly for the realization for this


To the researchers’ dreams as their inspiration.

The researchers wish to extend their warmest gratitude to these people for

their priceless contribution, incomparable assistance, patience and

understanding during the preparation of this study.

Above all, to Almighty God, the source of life and love, for his guidance

blessing and abounding inspiration that makes all things possible.







SENTILLAS, ALJHON L. et. al.: “The Perception of Grade 10 Students of

Bonbon National High School on the Implementation of Reserve Officer
Training Corps (ROTC)”, SY 2019-2020” (Unpublished Thesis, GAS
Department, Bonbon National High School, Libon, Albay, March 2020)

This study is an attempt to determine the perception of the grade 10

students on the implementation of ROTC conducted in public secondary school

in bonbon national high school. specifically, this aim to determine:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. gender

b. family Income

c. health status

2. what are the benefits that can be derived from ROTC as perceived by the

grade 10 students?

3. What are disadvantages of ROTC perceived by the grade 10 students?

4.what programs may be suggested to promotes ROTC?


This research study was premised on the following assumption that , “The

Perception of Grade 10 Students on the Implementation of Reserve Officer

Training Corps (ROTC); that an instructional material can be develop to enhance

the skill ability of the students.

Health Status

The table number one (1) of the summary is to present ten indicators

about the Health status/ history of the grade 10 students. The first indicator which

is have ever been diagnosed with an irregular heart rhythm, 16 or ranked 7; of

the students answered YES, and 174 or ranked 3; answered NO, for a total of

190 (100%) responses. The second indicators which is about Do you suffer from

the skin condition psoriasis, 21 or ranked 6; of the grade 10 students answered

YES and 169 or ranked 4; of the respondents answered NO. The third indicator

wherein they asked if they are Do you have any liver or kidney problem 166 or

ranked 5; of the students answered NO while 24 or ranked 5; of the respondents

answered YES. The fourth indicator is Do you have any-existing medical

condition in which 40 or ranked 5; of the students answered YES and 150 or

ranked 7; of the students answered NO. The fifth indicator is about do you any

allergies to any medicines or foods, 15 or ranked 8; of the students answered

YES and 175 or ranked 2; of the respondents answered NO. The sixth indicator

refer to been dizzy passed out during or after exercise wherein 42 or ranked 2; of

the students answered YES and 148 or ranked 8; of the students answered NO.

The seventh indicator wherein the student asked if they are Do you any member

of your family under age of 50 a heart attack problem or died unexpectedly. 28 or

ranked 4; of the respondents answered YES while 162 or ranked 6; of the grade

10 humility students answered NO. The eight indicator is about Do you have any

problems in the ears wherein 10 or ranked 9.5; of the students said YES and 180

or ranked 1.5; of the students said NO. The nine indicator is about Do you

usually get enough sleep 63 or ranked 1; of the students answered YES and 127

or 9; of the students answered NO. The tenth indicator is about have you ever

broken a bone where 10 or ranked (9.5); of the students said YES and 180 or

ranked (1.5); of the students said NO.


The table number 2 show the ten indicator referring to the benefits that

can derived from the ROTC as perceived by the Grade 10 student of bonbon

national high school. The first indicator about the student can gain additional skill

and knowledge about the ROTC, 163 (85.79%) of the student said YES and 27

(142.21%) of the students said NO. The second indicator is about Do you think

ROTC cadets can learn logically and communicates effectively to others, 149 or

78.42% of the students answered YES and 41 or 21.58% of the students

answered NO. The third indicator is ROTC help you to become a discipline and

person, 161 (84.74%) of the student answered YES and 29 (15.26%) of the

students answered NO. The fourth indicator is about Does the training method

focus on developing team and leadership skill, 45 (23.68%) of the respondents


answered NO and 145 (76.32%) of the respondents answered YES. The fifth

indicator which is this training experience will be useful in work, 138 (72.63%) of

the students said YES and 52 (27.37%) of the students said NO. The sixth

indicator is about ROTC can offer preparation to become an officer in the military,

158 (83.16%) of the student answered YES and 32 (16.84%) of the students

answered NO. The seventh indicator wherein the student was asked if they are if

I enroll in ROTC, I won’t have a service obligation, 147 (77.37%) of the students

answered YES and 43 (22.63%) of the students answered NO. The eighth

indicator is about by enrolling in the ROTC, I can join the army force, 40

(21.05%) of the respondents answered NO and 150 (78.95%) of the respondents

answered YES. The nine indicator is there military obligation during college, 144

(75.79%) of the students answered YES and 46 (24.21%) of the students

answered NO. The tenth indicator is about can my young adult go into ROTC

graduation instead of the regular army, 61 or 32.11% of the student said NO and

129or 67.89% of the students said YES.


The table number 3 show the disadvantages of ROTC perceived by the

grade 10 students of bonbon national high school. The first indicator is about the

ROTC uniform price will be a burden to the paraents,31 (16.32%) of the student

answered NO and 159 (83.68%) of the students answered YES. The second

indicator is about I can’t responsibilities in college, 120 (63.16%) of the students


answered NO and 70 (36.84%) of the students answered YES. The third

indicator is about if you drop out or expelled from the program, you will face

serious consequences including potential action, 112 (58.95%) of the students

answered NO and 78 (41.05%) of the students answered YES. The fourth

indicator is about are you willing to participate in ROTC training events

outside of the class, 138 (72.63%) of the students said NO and 52 (27.37%) of

the students said YES. The fifth indicator is about are you violating the ROTC

commitment, if you compulsorily recruit into the reserved forces, 138 (72.63%) of

the students said NO and 52 (27.37%) of the students said YES. The sixth

indicator is about do you think young at risk of charging your mind, ROTC is not

for you. 110 (57.89%) of the students answered NO and 80 (42.11%) of the

students answered YES. The seventh indicator about Its goal range from

reducing dropout rates and improving academic achievement to prepared

student for the military careers, 78 or 41.05% of the respondents said NO and

112 (58.95%) of the respondents said YES. The eight indicator is about do you

have trauma in ROTC training, 112 (58.95%) of the students answered NO and

78 (41.05%) of the students answered YES. The nine indicator about do you feel

over fatigue or get tired, 124 (65.26%) of the respondents answered NO and 66

(34.74%) of the respondents answered YES. The tenth indicator is about do you

think ROTC is distorted sense of leadership, 115 (60.53%) of the students

answered NO and 75 (39.47%) of the students answered YES.

The finding showed that this problematic perception of the students to

Implement the ROTC, leads to disciplinary violation. There I also problematic


disadvantage that considered not necessarily a rule breaking but a type of

disturbing classroom setting, such as not doing responsibilities, and


In order for them to actually understand the causes of this perception, they

conducted an observation in with they invited some of the remember of the

school which have scale of teaching experience and training background.

The Problem and its Setting

Ever since in Bonbon National High School has never implemented about the

ROTC. ROTC is back on the news after President Rodrigo Duterte bared his desire to

make the program mandatory for senior high school students in the country. Senior high

school covers Grade 11 and 12 students. You may hear people allude to the ROTC

while in high school or when entering college, but if you’re unfamiliar with the program,

you’ll probably glean very little about what the ROTC actually is. The acronym stands for

“Reserve Officers’ Training Corps,” and its goal is to train college students for future in

the ROTC.

Military junior colleges allow students to become commissioned officers in two

years through the Early Commissioning Program. In some cases, this is an advantage

because it allows students to continue their education while also serving as an officer

and thus, gaining the experience and skills necessary for promotion. Students in a

conventional ROTC program would not be commissioned until after four years.1

Probably not everyone knows the word (ROTC) or Reserve Officer

Training Corps, is a prominent program of government for students in secondary

and college. It aims to develop military discipline and skills. It is a mandatory

course for the Senior High School student. There are others who are not allowed

to undergo such training as physically handicapped students or maybe

recommended by the doctor who cannot participate. 2

We all know that ROTC has many good effects to the students in terms of

much aspect such as leadership skills, social interaction and motivate student to

a better citizen of the Philippines. The main objective of this petition is to develop

their love of the country in case of emergency. This petition generally aims to

have ROTC in Senior High School all over the country to train the youth to have

patriotism and to awaken the youth when our country need them to support and

defend our mother country.3

How can the proposed mandatory ROTC be hardwired to deliver on its

purpose to “instill patriotism, love of country, moral and spiritual values, and

respect for human rights and adherence to the constitution.” And avoid post evils,

such as corruption and murder (Cadet Officer Mark Chua case, 2001)? Passing

another law is not enough. Learning from the lesson from ROTC and similar civic

training and development programs is the best way.

The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs traces its humble

beginnings in December 1935 with the passing of commonwealth Act No. 1,

better known as the National Defense Act, which mandates the creation of a

citizen army composed of a small regular force and a large reserve component.

All able-bodied male students enrolled in Philippines colleges and universities

were required to undergo two years of basic military instructional under this


The University of the Philippines Cadet Corps is known to have pioneered

the ROTC programs in the Philippines in 1912 when Philippines constabulary

officers started providing military instructions at UP. But even earlier than the UP

ROTC was a program organized at the university of Santo Tomas in 1762 by

chancellor. Fr. Domingo Collantes. A battalion of young student were given

military training to help fight invading English troops. 5

Part of the “British pains “in the organization of the Philippines army as

provided for by the National Defence Act. was the creation of a satisfactory

officer corp.The Philippines Constabulary had good officers but their training lay

in law enforcement rather than in military tactics and strategy. The problem was

to train senior officers to command the reserve unit that were being formed.

Senior (ROTC) unit were established to provide the senior reverse officer who

would head this rage component of our defense established.

By 1941, there were 33 colleges and universities throughout the country

maintaining (ROTC) units. World War II saw ROTC products in action for the first

time. Cadets from metro manila kook part in the defense of Bataan. In the

Visayas, 45 percent of the 75th infantry regiment of the United, State Armed

Force in the Far East (USAFFE) were ROTC cadets of Silliman university.

Graduates of the Philippines Military Academy and various ROTC units formed

the hunters ROTC guerrillas that continued the fight after the surrender of Bataan

and Corregidor.6

However, ROTC as a pre-requisite for graduation was rescinded. The

programs aimed at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in

universities and college. (SUCs) and other institutions of higher learning are

required offer the ROTC and CWTS program. A Department of Military Science

and teacher (DMST) maybe established provided there are 350 cadets. The

Philippines Military Academy (PMA) PMMA (Philippines Merchant Marine

Academy) and other SUCs of similar nature need not abide with the newly

established act Even though this Act. did not affect the Citizen Army Training

(CAT) in high school.7

This act subsequently amended RA7077 which provided for the for the

development administration, organization, training maintenance, and utilization of

the citizen armed force of the armed focus of the Philippines. RA7077 require a

mandatory military training which included the ROTC for student enrolled in

college, universities and similar institutions not learning purse to the provision of

the National Defense act ROTC as a component of NSTP and its challenge. 7

The ROTC as defend in the implementing rules and regulation (IIR) of the

NSP “refers to the programs component institutiondized under sections 38 and

39 of RA 7077, designed to provided military training tertiary level student in

order to train organization, and mobilize than natural defense preparedness. The

IIR, which took seven years to be adapted and issued after the signing of RA

9163 into law in 2002 by then president Gloria Makapagal Arroyo, earlier requires

that “all higher educational institutional including state. Universities and college

(SUCs) and technical vocational adaption institutions must after upon enrollment

on the (NSTP) components8.

People have forgotten about these powerful civic orientation and

engagement institutions that have been hijacked, neglected and weaponized for

private purpose, among them the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, the Girls Scouts

of the Philippines, the Sanguniang Kabataan, the red cross. We must strengthen

and nature these institutions that provided the resource, opportunities for the

youth to engage in community solving not only family or personal.


This study will assess the perception of grade 10 students of Bonbon

National High School on the Implementation of Reserve of Training Corps.

(ROTC). It will seek answers the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. gender

b. family Income

c. health status

2. what are the benefits that can be derived from ROTC as perceived by the

grade 10 students?

3. What are disadvantages of ROTC perceived by the grade 10 students?

4.what programs may be suggested to promotes ROTC?


This study will be focused on the Perception of Grade 10 Students of

Bonbon National High School on the Implementation of Reserve officer Training

Corps ROTC. This study is limited to those who are enrolled in grade 10 because

they are the focus on the benefits, the advantages and disadvantages of ROTC

Implementation. This research will be using on individual questioning.


This study is expected to benefits the following:

Grade 10 students. They are the chosen the respondents in this research to

determine the discipline and to give their ideas and skill required in the data


Reader. This study can help to open the reader’s awareness of government

initiatives and gain knowledge about the mandatory implementation of the

reserve officers training corps.


School. This study will help the development of having productive students and

develop the attitude and discipline.

Researchers. This study will help the researchers to be observant in the

progress of the student’s ability in the ROTC to being a good leader of the school

and the researchers will also enhance and improve their skills by the help study

Future Researchers. This study will serve as their guide and it can them variety

of ideas and for reference.


Janowitz, M. (1959). Sociology and the military establishment new York –


Russell Sege Foundation. Retrieved from http//hdl.

Corrales (2017) duterte approves revival of mandatory ROTC for grade
11 &12 /869134/duterte-approves-revival-of-
CNN Philippines. (2016), House bill 2238
4>newsletter>feb06> ROTC.option .


7 Com/ rotc html




This chapter deals with related studies and literature on the Perception of

Grade 10 Students of Bonbon National High School on the Implementation of

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). In this chapter also presented the

synthesis of the art, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, and paradigm.

Review of Related literature

According to newspaper on February 8, 1967, president

Fernand Marcos revoked the Executive Order No. 207 of 1939, which state the

Executive Order No. 59 in its place. This executive order was made mandatory

for ROTC in all colleges, universities and other institutions with enrollment of 250

male students and greater. President Marcos also issued a Presidential Decree

No. 1706, also known as the “National Service Law”, on August 8, 1980 the

obligation for the Filipino citizens as national and defined three categories of

national service: civic welfare service, law enforcement service military service 1.

In 1991, the congress passed RA 7077, the Armed force of the Philippines

Reservist Act. Section 38 and 39 of this law have mandated military education for

the two years (Basic ROTC) for all college students while ROTC programing

(Advance ROTC) additional two years is voluntarily. The basic philosophy of

these practice is the belief in the role of Filipino both citizens and soldiers- both

the intellectual and martial democracy in which they live.


Section 38. Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC). – Military training

for students enrolled in colleges, universities and similar institutions of learning is

mandatory pursuant to the provisions of the National Defense Act and the 1987


Section 39. Establishment of ROTC Units in Schools. – At such colleges,

universities and similar institutions of learning that request for the conduct of

military training in their institutions, there shall be established and maintained

Reserve Officers" Training Corps units as the Secretary of National Defense may

approve, which shall conduct military training for the students of such institutions

for the purpose of producing enlisted and officer reservists. The program of

instruction shall be prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense and may

include instruction to prepare female students for military service: provided, that,

such course of instruction shall not exceed two (2) academic years in the case of

enlisted reservists, and four (4) academic years in the case of officer reservists

which shall include as necessary summer or probationary training of not more

than sixty (60) consecutive days, The first two (2) years ROTC training, which is

mandatory, shall hereafter be referred to as basic ROTC while the second (2)

years after said basic ROTC, which is voluntary, shall hereafter be referred to as

advance ROTC. The allocation of ROTC units to the various majors services of

the AFP shall conform to the projected manpower needs of their respective

reserve components3.

According to philstar. Org (2016), one of the ROTC’s resurgence has

sprouted due the tension seen in the regional territorial dispute in the west

Philippines sea where the Chinese claimed it. And if ROTC is mandatory for

student’s grade XI and grade XII they will be prepared as officers who can be

called immediately to defer the country of any occupation. The ROTC also saw

the important of the recent super typhoon in the Visayas Region where many

died and destroyed property. The ROTC Cadets can help save and relief goods

to disaster victims4.

According to Pinol (2017). The new president the return of the reserve

officers training corps. Defense Secretary Lorenzana also filed document on RA

7077 or “Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reserve Act.” To be mandatory

for ROTC. Prior to this approval by president Rodrigo Duterte there are meeting

in the cabinet deep analysis and conversation. Through the ROTC program,

Filipino youth are potential to defend and protect our country 5.

According to padilla (2017), “if the youth will understand the reason of the

training they will learn many skills such as basic life support. First aid training

basic self-defense, combat preparation survival skills others”

In total, we see that not only does the nation benefit but we also learn

many not only in defense but also in disciplining ourselves 6.

Lindzey (1962),Resemble interest but are more basic, for they concern the

valuation all types of activities and goals, and they seem in same instance to be

more closely related to need or drives.


The relation of value to military service is best summarized in a study by

Weybrew and Molish (1959), which deal with motivation of officer candidates for

the submarine service. The authors states (p. 11)

The investigation of motivation for the submarine service from the

standpoint of one’s system of values seem especially fruitful. When one identifies

successfully with a group it is evident that the value of the particular group run

closely parallel to this own. Loyalty to any group depends on this basic doctrine.

It would seem that when this orientation applied to a group of submarine officers

a dual group identification is involved and with the system of general Naval

service is involved and choosing the navy as a career.

Secondly the goals and objectives of the submarine service must be

looked upon by the successful submarine as fulfilling and being constant with his

own basic values. The direction applicability of the above statement to this study

is obvious. The decision to enter the submarine service is similar to that made to

enter a combat arm in the army7.

Review of Related Studies

Judith Butler’s (2008) theory of femininity as performance illustrates that

women in the military break traditional gender boundaries by achieving success

in this historically masculine domain. There are penalties if female cadets do not

carefully balance femininity and masculinity. Reay (2001) also illustrated this

concept in her research of four groups of girls. The only seven-year-old female

who was not harassed by the boys in her classroom was the tomboy. By

abjecting all that was feminine, she was accepted as “one of the guys” by the

other boys. She did not experience the penalties of gender that her other female

classmates experienced. My study shows that the female cadets in my research

have learned to avoid the penalties of gender by being accepted as “one of the

guys.” The second research question I examined is “how do female cadets

believe these experiences will affect their leadership potential?” The first of the

two themes I identified with this question is perceptions of military ratings. Rating

or evaluations are of the utmost importance while training for LDAC. All but one

of the six cadets said they felt their military ratings/evaluations accurately

reflected their performance, but then they immediately made comments that they

have to “work twice as hard” and that male cadets

Gene Martin Lyon, et al. the ROTC program implementation to be

revitalized, that the proposed granting of scholarships will effectively erase the

negative image of the ROTC because it creates a new set of campus leaders

who are both scholars and exposed to military disciplines; that the selective and

competitive nature of the program serve a quality control for the AFP’s recruits;

sources of found can be derived from the appropriation Act, AFP budget and

grants from college and universities, corporation and foundation, NARRA and

NGOs. The link between the ROTC program and Philippines national security is

the development of the reserve force. The following are the implication of the

ROTC Scholarship programs to national security 6.


The United States entry into World War II had little immediate effect on the

ROTC program at St. Norbert College. Although several students enlisted in

some branch of the armed force, there were still 350 students enlisted enrolled at

the college in the spring of 1943. However, in the summer of 1943, when a call

for manpower was sent out St. Norbert College enrolled was decimated seven

times over. Of the 350 students, only five returned the following fall. The total

civilian population of the school consisted of 50 students. This decrease had a

definite impact upon the ROTC program. The 1943-1945 ROTC units were the

smallest in the history of the school. many of the students who would have been

in basic or advanced training had enlisted or been inducted into the armed

forces. The advance unit was discontinued for the duration of the war, and the

military reaching assignment was handed by Sergeant John O’Leary, the only

ROTC instruction on the campus at this time.8

Tagiuri (1965), relates leadership to values by pointing out that most

leader have a high power orientation and that the political scale of the study of

the values in effect measures power orientation. The Rychlack study, as

previously mentioned, also relates leadership to power 9.

Janowitz, (1960, 1964, 1965; Lang 1964; coates and pellegrin in 1966)

have written about a dichotomy in the armed services between the need to

maintain the traditional military values and the need to change in order to take full

advantage of the latest technology. Janowitz (1960) refers to this conflict as

occurring between those with heroic and managerial orientation, but does not

deal in detail with the basic for these orientation. He implies that they are caused

by the technological requirements of the different branches or arms of service. It

is possible, however, that these difference are more basic than Janowitz

believes. They may be a result of the difference values with which individual

enter the Army. If so, they would tend to remain relatively constant throughout his

career and would be an important factor in the dichotomy mentioned above 10.

Kotula and Hanggerty, (1966). The problem of officer retention is not only

one of quantity but also one quantity. As Kurt lang point out, those officers with

the technical degrees now required in the Army are the ones who often resign

(Janowitz, 1964. P. 52). There are, or difference across classes for the combat

groups. Statistical analysis of the data will be conducted to determine if

difference among the various sub-groups are significant 11.

Jepoy (2017), Said in 1992 that ROTC was first implemented and subject

to the UP and the year 1935 made it mandatory for all college and universities.

But in 2002 it was completely abolishing because of the death of a cadet galling

in the UST. It was brutal that the cadets were killed because of its exposure to

ROTC training corruption in UST. But it was only the 17 th of February in 2017 a

law approved by president Duterte was resurrecting the ROTC. The measure will

grant grade XI and the grade XII Students to ROTC. But the presidents say.

ROTC’s the new ROTC is not worthy of the corruption. No. hazing and sexual

harassment. The Armed force of the Philippines (AFP) also pledge to have

restrictions in order to prevent ROTC’s bad happiness.


President Rodrigo Duterte said the mandatory ROTC program in grade 11

and grade 12 could help and depend national love and good citizenship for the

Filipino youth12.

Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art

All the article and studies collected in this part similar and related to the

present study as they all dealt with the concerns with the Perception of Grade 10

Students of Bonbon National High School on the Implementation of ROTC.

These insights gathered from previous writings and studies reviewed are found to

be related and helpful to the presents study. They were accounted for the inputs,

similarities and difference. Several foreign and local literature and studies were

reviewed that focus on this study. The presidents also added that they will set up

inter-agency committee to combine effort and promote cooperation with all

stakeholders to win fight against illegal drugs. He also pointed out that they will

be teaching the rehabilitation of drugs users.

We are adding a number shelter facilities and rehabilitation facilities to all

regions of the country, adding that the armed force of the Philippines (AFP) will

also be involved by the use of military camp and facilities that can be converted

for drugs rehabilitation. President Marcos also issued a Presidential Decree No.

1706, also known as the “National Service Law”, on August 8, 1980 the

obligation for the Filipino citizens as national and defined three categories of

national service: civic welfare service, law enforcement service military service

and the Armed force of the Philippines Reservist Act. Section 38 and 39 of this

law have mandated military education for the two years (Basic ROTC) for all

college students while ROTC programing (Advance ROTC) additional two years

is voluntarily. The allocation of ROTC units to the various major’s services of the

AFP shall conform to the projected manpower needs of their respective reserve

components, relates leadership to values by pointing out that most leader have a

high power orientation and that the political scale of the study of the values in

effect measures power orientation. But the presidents say.

Gap to be Bridged the study

Although there were studies conducted which focuses in Reserve Officer

Training Corps or ROTC Program in support the projects and programs of the

DepEd, no other found out on the Perception of Grade 10 Students of Bonbon

National High School on the Implementation of ROTC.

Theoretical framework

 Rewards and punishment motivate behavior, but it is unclear exactly how

they impact skill performance and whether the effect varies across skills. The

present study investigated the effect of reward and punishment in both a

sequencing skill and a motor skill context. Participants trained on either a

sequencing skill (serial reaction time task) or a motor skill (force-tracking task).

Skill knowledge was tested immediately after training, and again 1 hour, 24–48 

hours, and 30 days after training. We found a dissociation of the effects of reward

and punishment on the tasks, primarily reflecting the impact of punishment. While

punishment improved serial reaction time task performance, it impaired force-

tracking task performance. In contrast to prior literature, neither reward nor

punishment benefitted memory retention, arguing against the common

assumption that reward ubiquitously benefits skill retention. Collectively, these

results suggest that punishment impacts skilled behavior more than reward in a

complex, task dependent fashion.

This study is anchored on discipline and Reinforcement theory. According to

behaviorists thinkers, the effective use of reinforcement should make the use of

punishment unnecessary. They maintain that the most effective technique for

weakening behavior is to use non-reinforcement, i.e. to ignore it. Punishment is

not a preferred method of changing behavior or maintaining discipline. According

to Skinner (quoted in Tuckman 1992, 61), when bad behavior is punished, it may

merely be suppressed and may reappear later under different circumstances.

Ironically the punisher may serve as a model for future aggressive behavior on

the part of the person being punished. This claim implies that educators who

have been subjected to corporal punishment as a child may as an adult educator

also prefer to use corporal punishment. Tuckman (1992, 61) states that there are

two circumstances when punishment, as a last resort, may be used effectively.

Firstly, when undesirable behavior is so frequent that there is virtually no

desirable behavior to reinforce, extreme aggressiveness in a child may leave no

room for reinforcement. Secondly, this may be necessary when the problem

behavior is so intense that someone, including the child himself may get hurt.

Here again, aggressiveness is an example of such intense behavior.

The skills theory grew from the obvious flaw in the trait approach; traits are

relatively fixed. This meant that trait theory was not particularly useful for

developing new leaders who laced those traits. Skills theorists sought to discover

the skills and abilities that made leaders effective. Similar to trait theory, skills

theories are leader-centric, and focused on what characteristics about leaders

make them effective. The two primary theories to develop from a skills approach

were Katz’s three-skill approach and Mumford’s skills model of leadership.The

three-skill approach argued that effective leadership required three skills:

technical, human, and conceptual skills. Technical skill refers to proficiency in a

specific activity or type of work. Human skill refers to being able to work with

people and conceptual skill refers to the ability to work with broad concepts and

ideas. The three-skill approach asserted that, while all skills were important for

leaders, their level of importance varies depending on the organizational level of

leaders. As leaders move through the levels of the organization (from lower to

upper), skill importance moves from technical to human to conceptual.More

complex than the three-skill approach, the skills model of leadership outlined five

components of effective leadership: competencies, individual attributes,

leadership outcomes, career experiences, and environmental influences.

Effective leadership is dependent on how leader competencies are affected by

the leader’s attributes, experiences, and the environment.


Everyone should know to a good leader of the other people or students.

ROTC programs implementation need suggests that behavioral intentions, or an

individual’s readiness to perform a behavior, are best predicted by attitudes

towards the behavior, subjective norms related to the behavior, and perceived

behavioral control (PBC) over the action of performing the behavior. The TPB

defines attitudes as a person’s feelings of favorableness or un-favorableness

regarding performing the behavior, and are theorized to develop from an

individual’s behavioral beliefs regarding the expected positive and negative

outcomes of performing a behavior. Subjective norms are defined within the TPB

as an individual’s beliefs that important others think a behavior should or should

not be performed, and their perception of whether these important others engage

or do not engage in the behavior. An individual’s subjective norms form as a

result of summing their normative beliefs towards the behavior, which are similar

to subjective norms but relate to several specific reference groups (e.g., romantic

partners, immediate family, close friends) to be revitalized that the proposed

granting of scholarships will effectively erase the negative imagine of the ROTC

because it creates a new set of campus who are both scholar and exposed to

military discipline.

The Trait Theory of David Burkus is very similar to the Great Man Theory. It is

founded on the characteristics of different leaders – both the successful and

unsuccessful ones. The theory is used to predict effective leadership. Usually,

the identified characteristics are compared to those of potential leaders to

determine their likelihood of leading effectively. Scholars researching the trait


theory try to identify leadership characteristics from different perspectives. They

focus on the physiological attributes such as appearance, weight, and height;

demographics such as age, education, and familial background; and intelligence,

which encompasses decisiveness, judgment, and knowledge. According to the

Great Man Theory (which should perhaps be called the Great Person Theory),

leaders are born with just the right traits and abilities for leading – charisma,

intellect, confidence, communication skills, and social skills. The theory suggests

that the ability to lead is inherent – that the best leaders are born, not made. It

defines leaders as valiant, mythic, and ordained to rise to leadership when the

situation arises. The term “Great Man” was adopted at the time because

leadership was reserved for males, particularly in military leadership.


Reward and punishment

Reserve Officer
Discipline Training Corps (ROTC)



Conceptual framework

conceptual framework of this study is based on the system’s approach, which

shows the interplay of three important elements: input, process and output.

Figure 1 provides the conceptual paradigm of the study. This figure shows the

conceptual frameworks which will guide the researchers to have an effective

research paper. It determines the Perception of Grade 10 Students of Bonbon

National High School on the Implementation of ROTC the performance level of


Input. It includes the demographic profile in term of gender, family income,

health status of the grade 10 students.

Process. It consists of the analysis, to interview, checklist and survey on the

Perception of Grade 10 Students on the Implementation of ROTC.

Output. Based on the finding of this study, the determine output will be The

Perception of Grade 10 Students on the Implementation of ROTC

Outcome. Based on the finding of this study, the programs may be suggested to

promoted the Reserve Officer Training Corps to the students.


The Perception of
Grade 10 Program may be
suggested to
Students of
promote ROTC.
INPUT Bonbon National
High School on

1.What is the the

 Interview
demographic implementation
 Check list
profile in terms  Survey of ROTC

of: Determine.

a. gender

b. family income

c. health status

Figure2. Conceptual Paradigm


Definition of terms

For purpose of classification and understanding, the following are defined

conceptually and/or operationally as will be used in the study.

Perception. Refer to the way you think about or understand someone or

something. It is also the ability to understand or notice something easily using

one of your sense.

Discipline. is refer to the ability to control attention, emotion, and actions in the

presence of distractions.

Determination. is refer to the relentless pursuit of a major goal regardless of

setbacks and failures.

ROTC or reserve officer training corps. Is a program that consists of military

instruction through training, interviews, and physical training located on many

campuses across the country.

ROTC. is to prepare students for commissioning as officers in the Active Army,

Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. The overall program is designed to aid

students in developing the abilities and attitudes that will make them

academically successful and to develop well educated junior officers.


Mandatory. Is also called upon by the voters of a person or state holding the


Reserve force. A military organization made up of citizens of a country that

combines a military role or career with a civilian career. These are not usually

kept under the arms and their main role is available to fight if a country mobilizes

for the entire war or to defend against the attack.

Military discipline. Refers to self-control, character and efficiency exercises and

as result of training.

NOTES briefing/view/revisting-the-role-

of-the reserve-officer-corps-rotc.
2>statuses>respect RA 7077-1991.html.
3 / question/96bb802urke, P.J. & Stets, J. E. (2009)
Identity Theory. New York, NY: Oxford Press>resourece>ROTC.programs roles-of-discipline-and-and

4 -eyeing
incorporate rotc. K-12..

Pinol,. (2017).,Duterte wants Mandatory ROTC for senior high school

5 598662/duterte wants mandatory-rotc-

for senior high school pi ntilde ol./story.
Padilla, (2016). AFP eyeing to incorporate ROTC to K-12
Butler’s,j. (2004).undoing gender. New York NY. Routledge.

Gene Martin Lyon, et al. the ROTC program implementation to be


revitalized, that the proposed granting of scholarships

Vygotsky, L. (1978) Mind in Society: The development of higher


psychological processes.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press;>statuses>respect RA 7077-1991.html.
38 / question/96bb802
Jonowitz, M. (1964).Sociology and the military establishment New york:
Russell sage. Foundation. Retrieved from http:// hld.
Jonowitz, M. (1964).The professional soldier:A social and political
portrait (Reissue ed.) new york. NY: Free press.
Jepoyo.. (2017).ROTC buhay na naman!! org.



This chapter describe the research methodology. It explains the process

and how the research instrument will be used with the data or information

collected. In order for the researchers to clarify their question that the Perception

of Grade 10 for the Implementation on the ROTC. This chapter will present

details of Research Design, Source of Data, and Respondents of the study, Data

Gathering Procedure and Research Instrumentation.


This study will apply the descriptive method to know the Perception of

Grade 10 Student’s Bonbon National High School on the Implementation of

Reserve Officers Training Corps. Descriptive method is a kind of investigation

that presents facts. This method is one of the most appropriate to this study

because the researcher wanted to understand the performance of the Perception

of Grade 10 students of Bonbon National High School on the Implementation of


ROTC. Evaluation method is a kind of judgment to determine the importance,

worth and condition of a certain thing and it is also a kind of evaluation that

needs careful analysis of something. This study will be using purposive sampling,

in which all of the total number of the students in the grade level particularly in

Grade 10 will be involved and it also called as census, it is a study of every unit,

everyone or everything in a population.

Source of Data

The primary source of data for analysis and interpretation will be taken

from the respondents in Grade 10 students. The secondary source will be taken

from and electronic source.

The total

Target Respondents Female Male Number of


1.Grade 10 Humility 28 36 64

2.Grade 10 Service 33 30 63

3.Grade 10 Charity 31 32 63

TOTAL 92 98 190

Data Gathering

The checklist will be presented to the teacher or the panel for her to

approve it and after that it will be distributed to the respondents and will be

retrieved the answers will be tallied, analyzed and will be interpreted to determine

the Perception of Grade 10 Students of Bonbon National High School on the

Implementation of Reserve Officer Training Corp's School Year 2019-2020.


The researchers will be using a checklist and will conduct interview with

the grade 10 students. Summary questionnaire was used as the main instrument

of data collection. Checklist is a list items, the checklist summary questionnaire

for convenient reference. Interview is meeting of persons face to face especially

for formal discussion and the researchers done video recording and voice

recording. The researchers will also observe the behavior of the students while

they are interviewed them.

Statistical Treatment

The statistical tools used in this study are Percentage count and Chi-Square.

To determine the respondents, nominal data, this consists of the raw count of the

frequencies of occurrence of the characteristics under consideration, the

percentage was computed.


Percentage and Frequency

This technical was used to quantity the responses regarding the profile of

the responded.

The formula is:

P =n/N x 100

P - percentage
N – Population


This chapter presents how the Grade 10 Students perception on the

Implementation of ROCT of Bonbon National High School. they are presented

using tables for analysis and interpretation. The purpose of this was to

understand 16-18 years old for the perception of ROTC of the center focus of the

problems of this study is age, family income, benefits, disadvantages of the

perception of grade 10 student of bonbon national high school

Table 1. a. Respondents Gender


MALE 98 51.58%
FEMALE 92 48.42%
TOTAL 190 100%

The table represent the gender of the respondents of grade 10 students of

Bonbon National High School. Out of 190 grade 10 students of Bonbon NHS, 98
or 51.58% were male and 92 or 48.42% for female.
Table 1.b. Respondents’ Family Income


Php4,000.00 and below 91 47.89%
Php5,000.00 – Php9,000.00 94 49.48%
Php10,000 and above 5 2.63%
TOTAL 190 100%

That table show the summary of the family income of the respondents of

grade 10 students of bonbon national high school. 91 of the respondents

answered (4,000 below) and 94 of the respondents answered of (5,000-9,000)

while the 5 of the respondents answered (10,000 above)

Table 1.c. Respondents’ Health Status


Respondents have been…
Diagnosed with an irregular heart 16 7 174 3
Suffered from the skin condition like 21 6 169 4
Had any liver kidney problem 24 5 166 5
Had any-existing medical condition 40 3 150 7
Had any allergies to any medicines 15 8 175 2
Been dizzy or passed out during or 42 2 148 8
after exercise
Have any member of the family under 28 4 162 6
age of 50 who had a heart attack
problem or died unexpectedly
Have any problem in the ears 10 9.5 180 1.5
Usually get enough sleep 63 1 127 9
Ever broken a bone 10 9.5 180 1.5

The table number one (1) of the summary is to present ten indicators about the

Health status/ history of the grade 10 students. The first indicator which is have

ever been diagnosed with an irregular heart rhythm, 16 or ranked 7; of the

students answered YES, and 174 or ranked 3; answered NO, for a total of 190

(100%) responses. The second indicators which is about Do you suffer from the

skin condition psoriasis, 21 or ranked 6; of the grade 10 students answered YES

and 169 or ranked 4; of the respondents answered NO. The third indicator

wherein they asked if they are Do you have any liver or kidney problem 166 or

ranked 5; of the students answered NO while 24 or ranked 5; of the respondents

answered YES. The fourth indicator is Do you have any-existing medical

condition in which 40 or ranked 5; of the students answered YES and 150 or

ranked 7; of the students answered NO. The fifth indicator is about do you any

allergies to any medicines or foods, 15 or ranked 8; of the students answered

YES and 175 or ranked 2; of the respondents answered NO. The sixth indicator

refer to been dizzy passed out during or after exercise wherein 42 or ranked 2; of

the students answered YES and 148 or ranked 8; of the students answered NO.

The seventh indicator wherein the student asked if they are Do you any member

of your family under age of 50 a heart attack problem or died unexpectedly. 28 or

ranked 4; of the respondents answered YES while 162 or ranked 6; of the grade

10 humility students answered NO. The eight indicator is about Do you have any

problems in the ears wherein 10 or ranked 9.5; of the students said YES and 180

or ranked 1.5; of the students said NO. The nine indicator is about Do you

usually get enough sleep 63 or ranked 1; of the students answered YES and 127

or 9; of the students answered NO. The tenth indicator is about have you ever

broken a bone where 10 or ranked (9.5); of the students said YES and 180 or

ranked (1.5); of the students said NO.


Base on this data gathering no problem for the physical health or kind of

health status because almost majority of the student of grade 10 students are

very healthy at age of 14-16.

Table 2. ROTC Benefits of the students Perceived by the Grade 10 students

of Bonbon NHS S.Y. 2019 – 2020


Student can gain additional skills 163 85.79% 27 14.21%
and knowledge about ROTC
ROTC cadets can learn logically 149 78.42% 41 21.58%
and communicate effectively to
ROTC help you to become a 161 84.74% 29 15.26%
discipline and person
The training method focus on 145 76.32% 45 23.68%
developing team and leadership
Training experience will be 138 72.63% 52 27.37%
useful in work
ROTC can offer preparation to 158 83.16% 32 16.84%
become an officer in the military
If enrolled in ROTC, there won’t 147 77.37% 43 22.63%
have a service obligation
By enrolling in the ROTC, I can 150 78.95% 40 21.05%
join the Amy force
There is a military obligation 144 75.79% 46 24.21%
during college
Young adult go into ROTC 129 67.89% 61 32.11%
graduation instead of the regular

TOTAL 1,484 781.06% 416 218.94%

The table number 2 show the ten indicator referring to the benefits that

can derived from the ROTC as perceived by the Grade 10 student of bonbon

national high school. The first indicator about the student can gain additional skill

and knowledge about the ROTC, 163 (85.79%) of the student said YES and 27

(142.21%) of the students said NO. The second indicator is about Do you think

ROTC cadets can learn logically and communicates effectively to others, 149 or

78.42% of the students answered YES and 41 or 21.58% of the students

answered NO. The third indicator is ROTC help you to become a discipline and

person, 161 (84.74%) of the student answered YES and 29 (15.26%) of the

students answered NO. The fourth indicator is about Does the training method

focus on developing team and leadership skill, 45 (23.68%) of the respondents

answered NO and 145 (76.32%) of the respondents answered YES. The fifth

indicator which is this training experience will be useful in work, 138 (72.63%) of

the students said YES and 52 (27.37%) of the students said NO. The sixth

indicator is about ROTC can offer preparation to become an officer in the military,

158 (83.16%) of the student answered YES and 32 (16.84%) of the students

answered NO. The seventh indicator wherein the student was asked if they are if

I enroll in ROTC, I won’t have a service obligation, 147 (77.37%) of the students

answered YES and 43 (22.63%) of the students answered NO. The eighth

indicator is about by enrolling in the ROTC, I can join the army force, 40

(21.05%) of the respondents answered NO and 150 (78.95%) of the respondents

answered YES. The nine indicator is there military obligation during college, 144

(75.79%) of the students answered YES and 46 (24.21%) of the students

answered NO. The tenth indicator is about can my young adult go into ROTC

graduation instead of the regular army, 61 or 32.11% of the student said NO and

129or 67.89% of the students said YES.

Table 3. Disadvantages of ROTC Perceived by the Grade 10 students of

Bonbon NHS S.Y. 2019 – 2020


ROTC uniform price will be a 159 83.68% 31 16.32%
burden to the parents
Can’t do responsibilities in 70 36.84% 120 63.16%
If dropped out or expelled from 78 41.05% 112 58.95%
the program, student will face
serious consequences including
potential action
Willing to participate in ROTC 52 27.37% 138 72.63%
training events outside of the
Violating the ROTC commitment, 52 27.37% 138 72.63%
if the student compulsorily
recruit into the reserved forces
Young at risk of charging your 80 42.11% 110 57.89%
mind, ROTC is not for you
It’s goal range from reducing 112 58.95% 78 41.05%
dropout rates and improving
academic achievement to
prepare student for the military

Experience trauma in ROTC 78 41.05% 112 58.95%
Feel over fatigue or get tired 66 34.74% 124 65.26%
ROTC promotes distorted sense 75 39.47% 115 60.53%
of leadership
TOTAL 822 432.63% 1,078 567.37%

The table number 3 show the disadvantages of ROTC perceived by the

grade 10 students of bonbon national high school. The first indicator is about the

ROTC uniform price will be a burden to the paraents,31 (16.32%) of the student

answered NO and 159 (83.68%) of the students answered YES. The second

indicator is about I can’t responsibilities in college, 120 (63.16%) of the students

answered NO and 70 (36.84%) of the students answered YES. The third

indicator is about if you drop out or expelled from the program, you will face

serious consequences including potential action, 112 (58.95%) of the students

answered NO and 78 (41.05%) of the students answered YES. The fourth

indicator is about are you willing to participate in ROTC training events

outside of the class, 138 (72.63%) of the students said NO and 52 (27.37%) of

the students said YES. The fifth indicator is about are you violating the ROTC

commitment, if you compulsorily recruit into the reserved forces, 138 (72.63%) of

the students said NO and 52 (27.37%) of the students said YES. The sixth

indicator is about do you think young at risk of charging your mind, ROTC is not

for you. 110 (57.89%) of the students answered NO and 80 (42.11%) of the

students answered YES. The seventh indicator about Its goal range from

reducing dropout rates and improving academic achievement to prepared

student for the military careers, 78 or 41.05% of the respondents said NO and

112 (58.95%) of the respondents said YES. The eight indicator is about do you

have trauma in ROTC training, 112 (58.95%) of the students answered NO and

78 (41.05%) of the students answered YES. The nine indicator about do you feel

over fatigue or get tired, 124 (65.26%) of the respondents answered NO and 66

(34.74%) of the respondents answered YES. The tenth indicator is about do you

think ROTC is distorted sense of leadership, 115 (60.53%) of the students

answered NO and 75 (39.47%) of the students answered YES.

The finding showed that this problematic perception of the students to

Implement the ROTC, leads to disciplinary violation. There I also problematic

disadvantage that considered not necessarily a rule breaking but a type of

disturbing classroom setting, such as not doing responsibilities, and disobedies.

In order for them to actually understand the causes of this perception, they

conducted an observation in with they invited some of the remember of the

school which have scale of teaching experience and training background.




This chapter present the summary, and the researchers come up with the

following findings, makes the conclusions and finally, put forward the necessary



This study determined the Perception of Grade 10 Student of Bonbon

National High School on the Implementation of Reserved Training Officer Corps

(ROTC). S.Y 2019-2020. This research may recommend some

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:


a. gender

b. family income

c. health status

2. what are the benefits that can be derived from ROTC as perceived by the

grade 10 students?

3. What are disadvantages of ROTC perceived by the grade 10 students?

4.what programs may be suggested to promotes ROTC?

The descriptive method of the researcher was employed in this study

instrument used where the student questionnaires checklist on the Perception of

the Grade 10 Students Bonbon National High School on the Implementation of

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). There were ten indicators in the health

status, ten indicators for the benefits, gender and ten indicators for the

disadvantages to be answered by the students of Bonbon National High School,

Bonbon Libon, Albay. The data all collected and tallied then interpreted with the

use of the statistics tools such percentage and rating.


The salient finding of the study are as follows:


The gender of the respondents of grade 10 students of Bonbon National High

School. Out of 190 grade 10 students of Bonbon NHS, 98 or 51.58% were male

and 92 or 48.42% for female.

1.a Respondents Gender

The respondents of this study there are 89 or 51.58% male and 92 or 48.42%

female in the grade 10 student of Bonbon National High School the total of 190

students or 100% respondents.

1.b Respondents’ Family Income

Some of the students there are 91 (47.89%) said Php4,000 and below the

income for the one month, 94 of the respondents say Php5,000 – Php9,000

incomes per month, 5 out of 190 students are said Php10,000 and above are

incomes per month and the total of 190 students.

1.c Health status

(1) Most of the student of grade 10, 174 are say no diagnosed an irregular

heart rhythm. (2) One hundred sixty-nine (169) students said no about the

suffered from the skin condition like psoriasis. (3) Only 166 of the respondents

had any liver kidney problems. (4) Almost the majority of the grade 10 students

had no any-existing medical condition. (5) There are fifteen of the student

allergies to any medicines. (6) 42 or ranked 4 of been dizzy re fast out during or

after exercise. (7) Most of the student of grade 10 are said no problem about the

family member under age of 50 who a had a heart attack problem or died in the

unexpected. (8) There are 10 students with problem in the ears. (9) Almost the

majority of the grade students 63 usually get enough sleep and the last number

180 student are said no ever broken bone. And all the grade 10 student no

problem for the health status.


1.There are one hundred sixty-three,163 (85.79%) out of 190 students can

gain additional skill and knowledge about ROTC. (2) Only 41 (21.58%) students

are said ROTC Cadets can learn logically and communicate effectively to others.

(3) one hundred sixty-one 161 (84.42%) of the respondent are said the ROTC

can help to become a discipline and person because of the patriotism. (4) 45 or

23.68%, ¼ of the respondent answered the training method focus on the

developing team and leadership skill. (5) almost the majority of the respondents

answered the training experience will be useful in work for the students. (6) 32

out of 190 students said ROTC can offer preparation to become an officer in the

military. (7) almost majority again the answered of the respondents willing to

enrolled ROTC, there won’t have a service obligation. (8) 150 (78.95%) by

enrolling in the ROTC, I can join the Army force the answered of the

respondents. (9) some of the students are said, there is a military obligation

during college answered yes 144 or 75.79% out of 190 of the respondents. (10)

most of the students of grade 10, 129 (67.89%) young adult goes into ROTC

graduation instead of the regular Army.

3. Disadvantage

(1) Almost of the respondents 159 (83.68%) are answered ROTC uniform

price will be a burden to the parent. (2) most of the grade 10 students 120

(63.16%) cannot do responsibilities in college. (3) There are 78 (41.05%)

answered if you drop out or expelled from the program, you will face serious

consequences including potential action. The fourth 138 (72.63%) students are

not willing to participate in ROTC training events outside of the class. The fifth

138 of the respondents are not violating the ROTC commitment, if you

compulsorily recruit into the reserved forces The sixth 80 (42.11%) students do

young at risk of charging your mind, ROTC is not for you. The seventh 112

(58.95) students to do a goal range from reducing dropout rates and improving

academic achievement to prepared student for the military careers The eight 115

(60.53%)student are agreeing for the ROTC promotes distorted sense of

leadership. The nine 66 (34,74%) are feel over fatigue or get tired, the tenth

almost majority are No experience trauma in ROTC training if ever.


Base on the researchers’ analysis of the findings and the light of the

objective of this study, the following conclusion were drawn.


1. The common perception of grade 10 students of BNHS on the implementation

of ROTC, ROTC Programs to the SHS students as well as its influence along the

self-improvement, performance and community involvement of the students and

help to enhance their abilities in the emergency response, and security defense

in case a need arises in their communities, all the marching and the various

formation of ROTC cadets execute under the hots sun indeed have their purpose

leaderships skills, teamwork and unity are developed and the difficult exercise

and the value discipline and sacrifice to achieve common objectives.

2. The things that students usually do during findings the result of this study

positive with their statement.

3.propuse orientation about the perception of ROTC of the grade 10 students

and suggested alternative activity to lessen the perception of the student for the



Based from the conclusion, the following recommendation are established.

1.Researchers recommend that the teachers should monitor the students and

give proper teaching strategies to solve it.

2. Give flyers about the perception of the grade 10 student on the implementation

of the reserve officer training corps (ROTC).


3.Hire an ROTC coordinator in order to monitor the programs and to ensure the

smooth implementation of the recommendation.



Bonbon National High School

Bonbon Libon Albay

S.Y 2019 2020

March 12,2020

Dear: Respondents:


The undersigned student is conducting a research on “THE PERCEPTION OF GRADE 10

OFFICER TRAINING CORPS (ROTC)” with this regard and as your permission to answer the attach
its survey questionnaire or us to gather the data.

All information provided will be kept in utmost confidentiality and would be used only
for the perception of the ROTC purpose only.

We believed that you are with us in our enthusiasm to finish this requirement as
compliance on the subject and to develop our well-being. We hope for your positive respondent
on this humble matter.

Thank you very much for sharing your precious time and effort.

Respectfully yours:








Research Adviser

Bonbon National High School

Bonbon Libon Albay
S. Y. 2020 2021



Name (Optional) ________________________________ Grade & Section ___________________

DIRECTION: Put a check on the appropriate line and boxes.

1. a Gender: Male ______ Female ______ Age ______

b. Family Income (Monthly)
_______ (4,000 below)
_______ (5,000 - 9,000)
_______ (10,000 Above)
c. Health Status/ History
C. 1. Have you ever been diagnosed with an irregular heart rhythm?
Yes No
C. 2. Do you suffer from the skin condition psoriasis?
Yes No
C. 3. Do you any liver kidney problem?
Yes No
C. 4. Do you have any-existing medical condition?
Yes No
C. 5. Do you any allergies to any medicines?
Yes No
C.6. Been dizzy or passed out during or after exercise?
Yes No

C.7. Do you have any member of your family under age of 50 had a heart attack problem or died

Yes No

C. 8- Do you have any problem in the ears?

Yes No
c. 9. Do you usually get enough sleep?
Yes No

c.10. Have you ever broken a bone?

Yes No

2. As a student what do you think are the benefits that can be derived from ROTC
as perceived by the Grade 10 Students?

a. Student can gain additional skills and knowledge about ROTC?

Yes No
b. Do you think ROTC cadets can learn logically and communicate effectively to others?
Yes No
c. Is ROTC help you to become a discipline and person?
Yes No
d. Does the training method focus on developing team and leadership skill?
Yes No
e. This training experience will be useful in work?

Yes No

f. ROTC can offer preparation to become an officer in the military?

Yes No
g. if I enroll in ROTC, I won’t have a service obligation?
Yes No
h. By enrolling in the ROTC, I can join the Amy force?
Yes No
i. Is there military obligation during college?
Yes No
J. Can my young adult go into ROTC graduation instead of the regular Army?
Yes No

3. As a student what are the disadvantages of ROTC perceived by the Grade 10 student?

a. ROTC uniform price will be a burden to the parents?

Yes No
b. I can’t do responsibilities in college?

Yes No

c. If you drop out or expelled from the program, you will face serious consequences including
potential action?
Yes No

d. Are you willing to participate in ROTC training events outside of the class?

Yes No
e. Are you violating the ROTC commitment, if you compulsorily recruit into the reserved forces?

Yes No
f. Do you think young at risk of charging your mind, ROTC is not for you?

Yes No
g. It’s goal range from reducing dropout rates and improving academic achievement to prepare
student for the military careers?

Yes No
h. Do you have trauma in ROTC training?

Yes No
i. Do you feel over fatigue or get tired?

Yes No
h. Do you think to promotes ROTC is distorted sense of leadership?

Yes No

4. As student what program can you suggest to improve ROTC. Why?



Curriculum Vitae

Personal Background

Name: Aljhon L. Sentillas

Nickname: Jun
Age: 20
Date of Birth: June 11, 1999
Address: Villa Petrona Libon Albay
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Diosdado Sentiilas Jr.
Occupation: Carpenter/Farmer
Mother’s Name: Agnes Sentillas
Occupation: Housewife

Elementary: Villa Petrona Libon Albay
Villa Petrona Libon Albay
Secondary: Bonbon National High School
Bonbon Libon, Albay
Senior High School: Bonbon National High School
Bonbon Libon Albay

Curriculum Vitae

Persona Background

Name: Andrew A. Panase

Nickname: Drew
Age: 19
Date of Birth: November 2, 2000
Address: Quiugasang Libon Albay
Civil Status: Single
Religion: roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Alejandro Panase
Occupation: Welder (OFW)
Mother’s Name: Rechelda Alvarado
Occupation: Housewife

Elementary: Bonbon National Libon Albay
Bonbon Libon Albay
Secondary: Bonbon National High School
Bonbon Libon, Albay
Senior High School: Bonbon National High School
Bonbon Libon Albay

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Background

Name: Mary joy P. Berma

Nickname: Joy
Age: 19
Date of Birth: October 25, 2000
Address: Bulusan Libon Albay
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Maximo Berma
Occupation: Mechanics
Mother’s Name: Emma Berma
Occupation: Housewife

Elementary: Bonbon Elementary School
Bonbon Libon, Albay
Secondary: Bonbon National High School
Bonbon Libon, Albay
Senior High School: Bonbon National High School
Bonbon Libon Albay

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Background

Name: Adrian Klye P. Benamir

Nickname: Kyle

Age: 18

Date of Birth: October 18, 2001

Address: Sagrada Famillia Libon,


Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Raymundo Benamir
Occupation: On Call Driver (OFW)
Mother’s Name: Menlinda Benamir
Occupation: Housewife

Elementary: Sagrada Familia Elementary School
Sagrada Familia Libon Albay
Secondary: Bonbon National High School
Bonbon Libon, Albay
Senior High School: Bonbon National High School
Bonbon Libon Albay

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Background

Name: Marry Grace Pabia

Nickname: Ghie

Age: 20

Date of Birth: January 15, 2000

Address: Sagrada Famillia Libon, Albay

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name: Rose Marie Pabia
Occupation: Housewife

Elementary: Sagrada Familia Elementary School
Sagrada Familia Libon Albay
Secondary: Bonbon National High School
Bonbon Libon, Albay
Senior High School: Bonbon National High School
Bonbon Libon Albay

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