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Every one of us is being part/member of a group.

Everyone has a sense of belonging.

“No Man is an
Humans always move and live in groups since ancient
Man is by nature a social being and he interacts with each others…
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. identifies the different groups within the society b. appreciates the

importance of social groups in society

c. Propose a school activity involving the students which will benefit both
the students and the school.
How Society is Organized Social Group
A Social group can be a collection of two or more people who
interact with one another, share similar characteristics, and
collectively have a sense of unity.
Whatever the form, it is made up of people with shared
experiences, loyalties, and interests.

Characteristics of a social group:

1. reciprocal relationships, 2.sense of unity and feeling of sympathy towards each

other and common interests and ideas.
Group Norms: every group has its own set of rules and norms

A. defining boundaries
B. choosing leaders
C. making decisions
D. Setting goals
E. assigning tasks
a. Defining Boundaries
-to identify who are the members of a group, some sort of devices
must be used to mark the boundaries.

b. Choosing Leaders

 groups by nature must resolve the issue of leadership

 a leader is someone who occupies central role or position of dominance and
influence in a group.
c. Making a Decision
 among societies, making decisions are made involving everyone else in
the community.
 among modern societies, groups use a voting systems to determine the
decision of the group to save time and energy.
d. Setting Goals
 all groups must have a goal
 a goal maybe to general, such as protecting the environment or to narrow
like getting to the beach resort -goals change overtime depending on the
challenges faced by the group.
e. Assigning Task
 goals, decision making, leadership areall important functions of
 significantly only when tasks are assigned to each member to perform.

Types of Groups according to I. Nature of Social Ties

a. Primary Group
b. Secondary Group

II. Social Identification

a. in-groups
b. out-groups
c. Reference
d. Network

Nature of Social Ties

1. Primary Group
-small size and characterized by personal, intimate and
nonspecialized relationships between their members
-ex. family, basketball team, a couple, etc
Elements of Primary Group:
 tend to be small and ordinarily composed of fewer than 15 to
20 individuals.
 interaction and communication among members is of
intimate and personal nature.
 members commonly develop strong emotional bonds with
other members.
2. Secondary Group
 formal, impersonal group in which there is little social intimacy or
mutual understanding.
 ex. business organization,political parties, labor union, etc.
 relationship between members is very superficial and there is only
indirect exertion of influence amongst them.

Elements of Secondary Group:

a. FORMAL AND IMPERSONAL RELATIONS: - the group does not exert

any primary influence upon its members –
 they do not meet face to face
 they perform their jobs, carry out their order, pay their dues
and still may not see each other face to face
 they may be spread all over the world
 due to lack of intimate relations amongst themselves and large
size of the groups, some of the members of the secondary group
are active while others are inactive
1. In-group
-A member can identify himself/ herself within that group.
-indicators for group identification: ethnicity, faith, ideology, common interest, past time or
hobbies, etc

2. Out-group
- group or category to which people feel they do not belong.

3. Reference Group
- They serve as model of standards; we use them as patterns to guide behaviors and attitudes.
Examples: include peer groups, senior schoolmates, actors and actresses etc.
- A set of relations, links, or ties among social actors. (Caroline Persell, 2008)
To illustrate:
You have a friend that has friends who have a friend that knows you. You have a fourth-level
relationship with the last friend who knows you. The second or third friends do not necessarily know
you. But because of this network, it would be possible to know them all through the connections or
the ties that bind you with them.

Functions of Social Network:

1. Diffusion – in network information travels fast like gossips and other breaking
2. Exchanges – information exchange, a material exchange like multilevel
marketing, and a lot more.
3. Social Support – referral system works well in networks in locating someone finding a job,
seeking advice, and forming support groups.

Group Activity
Directions: Complete the table/matrix below by citing examples of various kinds of
groups/situations with a group in the Philippine context. Explain why they belong to that certain
GENERALIZATION What are the different types of groups in our society?

Why is it important to have those types of groups in our society?

What if building and interacting with the group in our society is not allowed, what do you think will
be happen to us?

Does each type of group is interrelated with each other?

Why do you say so?

How to live effectively and happily within a community where social group and interaction is
Part 1
Identification: Identify the different social groups, whether it belongs to the primary group,
secondary group, or reference group.

1. Schoolmates
2. Family
3. Siblings
4. Church mates
5. Friends


1. Among the many social groups that you have had, past and present, choose one you think
that provided you the most memorable influence on your life.
2. Describe the group in column A, and then enumerate the impact it had on you as a person in
Column B.

Part III. (Activity Proposal)

*Propose a school activity that is beneficial both to the students and the institution.
*Consider the types of groups that we have discussed.
I.Project Title:
II.Project Proponent:
III.Project Objectives:
IV.Project Description: V.Project Duration:
VI.Target Beneficiaries:

Read the statement below and share your experience.
We are caught unaware of the pandemic COVID19. It has made an enormous
impact on all aspects of our being. In this time of uncertainty, we can witness
many faces of helping hands, especially on social media. True compassion for
humanity is the essence of it all. How about you?
Together with the help of your family, friends, neighbors, and your community,
perhaps what significant act of genuine compassion did you do to help? Please
share your experience.

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