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Ms. Lê Thị Hiền Hoa

Bộ môn Ngoại Ngữ
Trường Đại học Kinh tế - Luật
There are usually 4 types of questions:
• Giving an explanation (giải thích)
Solving conflicts arising between persons as well as
groups of people is sometimes very much necessary.
What would be the primary things to think about when
solving disagreements among people? Use specific
reasons and examples to support your answer.
• Preference (lựa chọn)
People have divided opinions on using computers. Some
say that computers have made their lives easy. But others
speak of the complication that computers have brought
into their lives. Which of these two opinions do you agree
with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your
• Agreement or Disagreement
Success is measured by how much money you
make. Do you agree or not with this statement?
Give clear explanations for your choice.
• Comparison
There are some people who like changes and try
new things, and there are other people who
don't want other changes and want to maintain
everything the same. What are the advantages
of these two different lifestyle? Use specific
reasons and examples to support your idea.
1. Giving an explanation (giải thích)
Question: Different types of industries require different types of personal qualities in
workers. What do you think are the necessary qualities for people working in a bank? Give
specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Viết câu khái quát sử dụng câu có sẵn trong topic viết lại bằng phương pháp
Câu mẫu: As everyone knows, having necessary skills is a requirement to work well
in any types of industries.
Một số cách diễn đạt thường dùng để trình bày suy nghĩ cá nhân:
• In my opinion …
• It seems clear that … for some reasons
• My point of view on this issue …
• I think/ guess/ insist/ consider/ feel/ …
Câu mẫu: I think accuracy and trustworthiness are the two important personal
qualities that bankers need to have.
Liên kết thành mở bài: As everyone knows, having necessary skills is a requirement
to work well in any types of industries. My point of view on this issue is that
accuracy and trustworthiness are the two important personal qualities that bankers
need to have.
2. Preference (lựa chọn)

Question: Some people like to travel alone. Others like to be with friends. Which
view point do you prefer? Give specific reasons and examples to support your

Viết câu khái quát: paraphrase câu topic, dùng thêm câu These days/ People have
a tendency/ As everyone knows/ …
Câu mẫu: These days, there are many chances to travel and people are travelling
either in a group or alone.
Một số câu dùng trong dạng lựa chọn:
• I prefer
• I would rather … than
• I have a preference for …
• I like better …
Trình bày lý do: because/ since/ because of/ due to/ thanks to/ in terms/
considering to/ in aspect of
Câu mẫu: I prefer travelling with someone than travelling alone.
Liên kết thành mở bài: These days, there are many chances to travel and people
are travelling either in a group or alone. Some people have a preference for
travelling alone. My choice is travelling with friends because doing so gives me a
chance to have more fun and share all the travel expenses.
3. Agreement or Disagreement (đồng ý hay không đồng ý)

Question: Some people think that young children shouldn't spend a lot of
time playing. Also they think young children should start their education
earlier than they do now Do you agree or disagree with this view? Provide
reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Viết câu khái quát: Some people strongly insist that their children should
start their education even earlier than they do now.
Xác định câu trả lời: Đồng ý: agree/ support/ see eye to eye/ share the view/
be in agreement
Không đồng ý: disagree/ oppose/ differ/ not be agreement/ be against/
Câu mẫu: However, I disagree with them.
Liên kết thành mở bài: It has been generally accepted that children should
start education at an early age of 6 to 8. Some people strongly insist that
their children should start their education even earlier than they do now.
However, I disagree with them. I think young children should play a lot
before they go to school. They need to have more free time to enjoy their
lives and learn arts or music …. which bring them better values for their age.
Question: Different types of industries require different types of personal
qualities in workers. What do you think are the necessary qualities for people
working in a bank? Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

As everyone knows, having necessary skills is a requirement to work well in any
types of industries. My point of view on this issue is that accuracy and
trustworthiness are the two important personal qualities that bankers need to
Khai triển ý
• Accuracy is what bankers need when we think about their work dealing with
money. What is accuracy?
• Trustworthiness is probably one of the most important characteristics in the
banking field.
Chèn câu ví dụ hoặc kinh nghiệm cá nhân:
• For example/ for instance/ To illustrate/ To demonstrate
• In my case/ Through my experience
• Studies have indicated that/ Experts have said that/ A recent study shows that/
Recent research shows that/ According to statistic

• To sum up/ Thus, I strongly believe/ In

conclusion/ In summary/ In short/ In brief/
Câu mẫu: Thus, I strongly believe these two
valuable qualities should be considered more
important than any others.
Question: Is it a better idea to change companies often
or to remain at one company for a long period of time?
What do you think? Give reasons and examples to
support your opinion.
In the past, people used to stay at one company for a long
time and that was the norm. Things have been changed
since then. Today, a number of people think they have to
change their jobs to adapt to a rapidly changing work
environment. However, in my view, staying a long time at
one company is better than changing companies too
Firstly, staying at one firm helps a person to become an
expert in a certain field and build a level of loyalty. Actually,
by staying at one company longer, you get more chances
of getting benefits. That's mainly because people become
experts in their fields and the company that they work for
recognizes their values and wants to make them happy by
financially rewarding them.

Secondly, working for the same company for a long period

of time offers another important benefit: building the
relationship with people. To illustrate, a company is not
just a place to provide services in return for a salary. It's a
place to build a human network. People can build up strong
relationships with their colleagues. It usually takes time to
gain trust and form strong bonds between coworkers. That's
why people need to stay in one place for a long time.

To sum up, the chances of obtaining more

experience and opportunities for better benefits
can be a positive aspect of a job change.
However, becoming an expert and creating a
trustworthiness network among coworkers at
one company over a period of time can give
more benefits. Therefore, I much prefer staying
at one firm to changing companies often. (about
Question: A lot of us commute to work everyday.
However, there are some people who work remotely at
their homes or away from their offices. What do you
think is the reason why some companies permit their
employees to work this way?
For many years in the past and for most businesses, it
has been common sense that people have to commute
to their workplaces. However, where we work has been
changing. More and more employees are working
remotely, sometimes at home. The reasons are to save
companies expenses and not to have limitation on
recruiting talented job seekers.
First of all, companies want to reduce their operating costs. Among the
many ways of achieving this goal, having employees work remotely can
reduce money spent on office equipment that employees generally need if
they have to work in an office.

Long ago, I used to work for a company that was located in the city far from
where I lived. There was no branch office where I could commute to, but
that company wanted me. The only option left for both of us was for me to
stay home and work remotely. With the advances in technology, especially
the Internet, I was able to work fine a long way from the company. If the
company had set up a local office for me, they would have had to spend a
large amount of money.

Second, companies can create more chances to hire qualified and

competent employees who live far away from the workplace.
Sometimes, engineers in the computer, biotechnology, pharmaceutical
fields, and so forth, are not easily found locally. What if a high-tech company
finds a candidate perfectly suited for its job, but the candidate doesn't want
to relocate? Then there is no choice but to let the person work remotely.

In brief, companies want to save money to

increase profits and they want to find qualified
employees without worrying about geographical
restrictions. To achieve these goals, companies
choose to allow their employees to work at
home or remotely is a growing trend nowadays.
(about 300w)
Directions: Choose one of the questions below to write
your essay. Your essay will contain 250 -300 words.
• QUESTION 1. There are many ways to find a job:
newspaper advertisements, internet job search
websites and personal recommendations. What do you
think is the best way to find a job? Give reasons or
examples to support your opinion. (200-250w)
• QUESTION 2. Some people enjoy working alone.
Others would rather work in a group. What is your
preferences? (250w)
• QUESTION 3. Large businesses have big budgets for
marketing and promotion. As a result, people have a
tendency to buy their products. What problem does
this cause? (300w)

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