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Introduction 3
What You Will Need ..........................................................................................................................
What You Will Learn ..........................................................................................................................
Formatting Basics 3
Basic Markdown ..........................................................................................................................
Bold ..........................................................................................................................
Italics ..........................................................................................................................
Headers ..........................................................................................................................
Spacing Text ..........................................................................................................................
Normal Spacing ..........................................................................................................................
3 Underscores ..........................................................................................................................
Vertical Spacing ..........................................................................................................................
Centering Text ..........................................................................................................................
Tabbing Text With   ..........................................................................................................................
Wrapping Text Around an Image ..........................................................................................................................
Images ..........................................................................................................................
Images With White Background ..........................................................................................................................
Example Using Multiply ..........................................................................................................................
The Cover 7
The Basics ..........................................................................................................................
Before You Start ..........................................................................................................................
Background Image ..........................................................................................................................
Example Cover Image ..........................................................................................................................
Brew Name ..........................................................................................................................
Creating your Base Title ..........................................................................................................................
Adding to the Homebrewery ..........................................................................................................................
Description ..........................................................................................................................
Logos and the Underline ..........................................................................................................................
The Table of Contents 9
Style ..........................................................................................................................
The Table Itself ..........................................................................................................................
Red Text With Yellow Underline ..........................................................................................................................
Red Text ..........................................................................................................................
Black Text ..........................................................................................................................
Image Blending 10
How This Works ..........................................................................................................................

Created by /u/AeronDrake.
You can find my other homebrewery works here.
Current Version: 1.0
Cover image: Wizard's Room by dleoblack

he idea of this document is to (hopefully) 7. Extra: You can use this userstyles design created by
create a nice tutorial for using the Koba0100 for darkening the code side when you're
homebrewery for giving your brews a pretty creating or editing your brews (It's good for your eyes!)
nice design, similar to the Player's Handbook. 8. Extra 2: The compress option from ILovePDF page after
I'll try to detail how I create my brews using creating the pdf using this program. With that you will
the amazing page called The Homebrewery reduce the filesize without loosing too much quality!.
which simplifies a lot the design part. In fact,
this document was created in the homebrewery. What you will learn
In this guide I'll explain some tips and tricks for:
What you will need 1. General formatting tips.
Here are all of the tools and resources you should get to 2. Creating the cover page.
follow this guide. 3. Creating and modifying the Table of Contents.
1. The Homebrewery, created by Scott Tolksdorf. 4. Image blending.
2., a free and simple image and photo editing
software for everyone who doesn't have Photoshop or Give Credits!
similar. If you use content from other user, like pieces of
3. The Unearthed Arcana Google Drive. In that amazing art or content from another brew, remember to
drive you will find Photoshop brushes, templates, fonts give credits to all of them! Sometimes just
and more. mentioning the name of the artist/user in a credits
4. My homebrewery stains, which are a series of images I section will do.
created for blending other images.
5. For the cover logos, you can use my alternate D&D logos.
Additionally, you can download and install the Veracruz-
Regular font, which I will use for the description at the
bottom of the cover page.
6. Imgur or any other image hosting.

7. Extra: You can use this userstyles design created by

Formatting Basics

ere are some things I use when creating my
brews to give them a better design. You can Headers
also see the whole code of this brew in this Headers are pretty easy to use, just add a number of #
link. (hashtags) followed by a space at the beginning of the text
you want to be a header.
One hashtag for the biggest header. When you use this,
the first letter of the starting paragraph will be the big letter
Basic Markdowns (just like the H in the left).
Two hashtags for the same header used in this section.
Bold This is used in the race names and the class names in the
Player's Handbook
If you write between 4 asterisks (two at the start and two at Three hashtags for the header with the yellow underline.
the end) the text will be bold. For example, if you write Commonly used as the title for the racial traits and class
**Bold** in the code, you will see it on your brew as Bold. features
Four hashtags for the small red header. This is used for
Italics the subraces names, some sub-features from classes and
This works in the same way if you use 2 asterisks for italics. other things like the spell and magic item names.
For example, if you write*Player's Handbook* in the code, you Five hashtags for the black header. This is used for the
will see it on your brew as Player's Handbook. titles in notes and tables.
When you write a spell name or another book in a
paragraph you should write them in italics.

Spacing Text This is commonly used in the spells description, just under
Normal Spacing the level and spell type line (see example below)
When you write some text and you want to divide some Your Amazing Spell Name
paragraphs, you need to separate both paragraphs with a line 7th-level illusion (underlines below this)
between them. Casting Time: 1 action
Text 1 Range: 30 feet
Text 2 Components: M (a small doll)
Text 3 Duration: 1 hour
Text 4
The magnificent description of your balanced spell.

As you can see, the first line of the first paragraph you add
under a header have a different margin compared to the
other lines and paragraphs. If you want a paragraph or line to
have the same margin as the first line, you can add a double
space at the end of the paragraph and then write on the next
line of the brew or add the <br> tag in the line below the
paragraph and then write the next paragraph.
For example, this paragraph have the same margin as the
first paragraph under the header, and the previous
paragraph ends with a double space. Additionally, in the
following paragraph I used the <br> tag.
Random paragraph to show how the <br> tag works. You
can also add various <br> tags to add more spaces between
each paragraph.
Vertical Spacing
This text is under two <br> tags. You can also create some spacing between texts using the
vertical spacing found in the editor button (just under the
naturalcrit logo). To modify the spacing, change the margin-
top pixels. For example:
<div style='margin-top:40px'></div>
Text 1 (markdown below this line, margin-top at 40px)

Text 2

(The white square in the image are the two spaces!)

___ (3 underscores)
If you add three underscores before a text you will get the
same result as using two <br> tags.
Text 1 (underscores below this)
Text 2
Text 3
Text 4 (underscores below this)
Text 5
Centering Text Wrapping Text Around an
If you want to center text, you need to use the following tag: Image
Using the double spaces and/or <br> you can wrap the text
<div style="text-align: center"> around an image to blend it with the image border. It’s not so
All the text you put here will be centered. difficult, here's an example using double spaces (and then
</div> enter to divide each line for wrapping it with the image).
This is used in the spell save dc and spell attack modifier Weapons
Your class grants proficiency in certain weapons,
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma reflecting both the class’s focus and the tools you
modifier are most likely to use. Whether you favor a
Spell arrack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your longsword or a longbow, your weapon and your
Charisma modifier ability to wield it effectively can mean the
difference between life and death while
Tabbing Text With &nbsp; adventuring.
The Weapons table shows the most
You can create some tabbing text to modify the margins for common weapons used in the fantasy
each paragraph using &nbsp; at the beginning of each gaming worlds, their price and weight, the
paragraph, as shown below damage they deal when they hit, and any
Text 1 special properties they possess. Every
Text 2 (normal tabbing) weapon is classified as either melee or
  Text 3 (1 &nbsp; before the text) ranged. A melee weapon is used to
   Text 4 (2 &nbsp; before the text) attack a target within 5 feet of you,
    Text 5 (3 &nbsp; before the text) whereas a ranged weapon is used to
attack a target at a distance.
This also works great on tables, so you can create some
subdivisions like the equipment as you can see in the Player's Image used:
Handbook "Dark Elf Warlord (1st iteration)"
by Tanorax

&nbsp; used for listing ammunitions and

the arcane focuses
Item Cost Weight
Abacus 40 gp 2 lb.
Acid (vial) 20 gp 1 lb.
Alchemist's fire (flask) 50 gp 1 lb.
      Arrows (20) 1 gp 1 lb.
      Blowgun needles (50) 1 gp 1 lb.
      Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp 1½ lb.
      Sling bullets (20) 4 cp 1½ lb.
Antitoxin (vial) 50 gp ─
Arcane focus
      Crystal 10 gp 1 lb.
      Orb 20 gp 3 lb.
      Rod 10 gp 2 lb.
      Staff 5 gp 4 lb.
      Wand 10 gp 1 lb.
Backpack 10 gp ─

Images Images With White Background
In general, in the images for in my brews I add to them to the When you have images with a white background (like a
style the Position:absolute; This allows you to put the image character) you can add a special filter to the image to remove
on any part of the page. You control the position and size the white background called mix-blend-mode:X; This allows
adding the following lines: you to add any blending mode to an image.
You need to replace the X with darken or multiply to
For Y axis, use top:Xpx; or bottom:Xpx;. For example: remove the white background for the image. This is not 100%
top:40px; accurate, but it works great if you don't know how to use
For X axis, use left:Xpx; or right:Xpx;. For example: Photoshop or any other editing software to remove the white
right:-220px; background.
For setting the image size, use width:Xpx;. For example:
width:510px; Example Image Code With Darken
For the X and Y axis lines, you can use negative values too, <img
and for the image size, you can use "%" instead "px". src='
For example, an image code using those markdowns would d5hrur2.jpg'
be something like this: style='position:absolute;bottom:10px;right:-30px;
To learn more information about the blending modes, click
You can also flip an image adding transform: scaleX(-1); to here ( link)
the image style. The X makes the image flip horizontally, and
you can replace to Y to flip the image vertically. You can add Example Using Multiply
both to the style like this: transform:scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1); Original image (left)
With darken as blending mode (right)

Image used:
"Agail Enthess" by rhineville
The Cover

he cover is pretty important for me when I'm
creating a big homebrew with lot of content
inside, since it's the first look of what is inside Px and % for Images
your brew (and also the brews looks pretty cool When modifying the image style, you can use both
with a nice cover). px and % for the top/bottom, left/right and the
width. In general I use pixels because it allows
move and resize the images as I need, pixel by
The Basics You can also use negative values for moving the
If you want to create a cover similar to the 5th Edition books,
you need the following elements:
1. A background image
2. A name for your brew Brew Name
3. A small description for what's inside Choose a nice and interesting name that resumes your brew.
4. The red logos and the red underline In general I try to keep it simple and small, using 3 words as
Before You Start For example, this brew is called "Homebrewery Formatting
Before adding the images to the cover page, you should add Guide"
the following code at the beginning:
Creating your Base Title
<style> The font used for the titles is called Nodesto Caps
.phb#p1{ text-align:center; } Condensed, and you can find it in the Unearthed Arcana
.phb#p1:after{ display:none; } Google Drive Folder. Download it and install it.
To create a title and give it a 5e look, go to and
create a new document (File - New...)
I used this for creating both the title and the description for
That code removes the yellow line at the bottom of the first this brew:
page of your brew.

Background Image
Feel free to choose whatever image you want. The important
thing for me is the image should fit what's inside the brew.
For example, if you brew is about an adventure in a forgotten
temple the jungle, search a jungle, a Mayan temple or similar
that fits the brew theme.
After you choose an image, make sure its resolution is big
enough for the brew to avoid getting a pixelated image.
Example Cover Image
I used the following code for the cover image of this brew,
created by dleoblack.

I'm using the position:absolute to allow the image cover the

whole page and the width:100% to use the image at its Change the background color to something else than white
original size (996x1500 pixels). using the paint bucket tool and choosing a color in the bottom
You can play with the width to change the size of the image, left window. I used the dark-brown color.
and with top and left values to move the image.

After that, you need to create a new layer first for writing your
title. Description
In the bottom right side you can see a small window called The description is the brief text found at the bottom of the
"Layers". Click the first icon (the square with the green + title screen, resuming in two lines what's inside.
sign). A new layer should appear above the background layer. In general, all of these descriptions ends with "for the
world's greatest roleplaying game", so you should write it too.
For this I'll be using again. Create a new
document using the same sizes as the title (2500x400 pixels),
paint the background layer with another color, then create a
new layer, choose the text tool and then search for the
Veracruz-Regular font if you downloaded (if not, you can
choose other font like Cambria). Use the center align and a
smaller font than the title (I used 72px).
Same as the Title, delete the background, save it as a .PNG
file and upload it, then add it to your brew. Here is the code
I've used for this brew:
1st Description Image

Then, make sure you have selected the new layer you've src=''
just created. Go to the top left panel and select the Text tool style='position:absolute;bottom:30px;left:80px;width:700px'/>
and search for the Nodesto Caps Condensed font.
Then, write your brew title using white and a big size (I
used 144px) and center it as much as you can. You should get Logos and the Underline
something like this: Finally, for the red logos you can use the album I've created
here. There you can find some variants of the original logo
(because copyright things). The top and bottom red logos
have a black shadow around, and you can make it using the
Next, you need to delete the background clicking on the drop-shadow filter. Here're the codes I've used in this brew.
background layer and then on the red X on the layers window. Top Logo
After deleting, save it as a .png image for keeping the
transparency (File - Save As... - Choose a location, a name <img
and select .PNG from the list). src=''
Adding to the Homebrewery Red Underline
You need to upload the image with the title to somewhere (I <img
use to upload all the images I use in my brews), src=''
then add it as an image. Unfortunately, doesn't have style='position:absolute;top:150px;left:85px;width:80%'/>
an option to create the black outline for the title like the Bottom Logo
books, but this will work just fine for most of the covers. <img

The Table of Contents

he table of contents is the easiest way to The ToC lines can be divided in various types:
resume everything inside your brew. The ToC
I'm using in this brew was originally made by Red Text With Yellow Underline
/u/calculuschild, and it’s great because it I use this line for the big headers inside my brews brew, such
almost the same of the one you can find on the as the introduction and the chapters.
Player's Handbook, and every part is clickable, Here's an example of code for this type (used on this brew):
so for example, if you click on the "Spacing
Text" you can go instantly to that section of the brew. You can
make one using this base code and then modifying the parts - ### [<span>3</span><span>Introduction</span>](#p3)
of the content to fit your brews. I'll explain how.
Sidenote: In the Player's Handbook they are also used for
Style each part (Mostly for the pretty images with the Part X at the
beginning of each section of the book), while the chapters use
All the code parts inside the <style> </style> tags are the the next type.
base of how the table of contents handles the text and is used
to keep the text, dots and numbers. Don't touch that unless Red Text
you know what you're doing!. I use this for the headers with two hashtags (eg: ## Style).
The code used for this type is the following:
The Table Itself
To edit the table, you need to change, add or delete the lines - #### [<span>3</span><span>What You Will Need</span>]
inside the <div class='toc'> </div> tag. It's pretty simple to (#p3)
Every line have four essential aspects you need: Note: In the Table of Contents, this line needs a space before
Hashtags: At the beginning, depending on what type of the score or its margin will be aligned with the first type!.
line you want to add you will need 3, 4 or 0 hashtags. This Black Text
follows the same rules as the headers, so for example, a 3
### will add a red text with yellow underline. I use this code for all the headers in my brews with three
First <span>X</span>: This changes the number at the hashtags, which are all the red text with yellow underline
end of each line in the table of contents. headers (eg: ### Adding to the Homebrewery)
Second <span>TEXT</span>: Inside this span you will The code used for this type is the following:
write what you want to be on that line.
(#pX): This part makes the magic when you click the line - [<span>4</span><span>Normal Spacing</span>](#p4)
and you are moved to that page. For example, if a line have
the (#p5) you will be moved to the fifth page of your brew.

Contents (ToC Example)

Introduction 3
What You Will Need ..........................................................................................................................
What You Will Learn ..........................................................................................................................
Formatting Basics 3
Basic Markdown ..........................................................................................................................
Bold ..........................................................................................................................
Italics ..........................................................................................................................
Headers ..........................................................................................................................
Spacing Text ..........................................................................................................................
Normal Spacing ..........................................................................................................................
3 Underscores ..........................................................................................................................
Vertical Spacing ..........................................................................................................................
Centering Text ..........................................................................................................................
Tabbing Text With &nbsp; ..........................................................................................................................


Image Blending

hile you can easily remove the white
background for images using the
blend modes, some other images can
be blended with a bit more of work.
This idea was created originally by
/u/QalarValar, and you can see his amazing
resource here
Here's a different method for blending images, simpler and
quicker, but it’s limited by the images you use. In this case, I
took the background image you can find in the Unearthed
Arcana Google Drive folder and edited it, erasing some parts
of the background, allowing to show some image under it
with better stains and a nicer look. With this method, you
need to make sure the edited backgrounds you use for Image used:
blending are at least 816 pixels width, so it covers the "Adventurers" by Sandara
whole background image.
I think this is a nice way to have a nice blending look for
images, and it's great for everyone who doesn't know how to A Bit More of Randomness
use Photoshop or any other editing software. You can also Nunc blandit consectetur lorem, vel
resize, flip and rotate the edited Player's Handbook fringilla nisl accumsan vel. Morbi tempor enim sed sodales
background to fit your needs. rhoncus. Aliquam vel venenatis turpis. Sed felis turpis,
dignissim id purus at, iaculis pulvinar metus. Ut consectetur
lectus at lectus dictum scelerisque. Phasellus vitae egestas
How This Work metus. Nunc consequat, metus lobortis egestas varius, nunc
The process is pretty simple: you need to put the image you nisl facilisis lorem, a fringilla orci lorem a odio. Pellentesque
want to blend and then you just add the edited background habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada
image below the base image. fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce egestas, nisl ac faucibus
The background images I've created are in the same link finibus, dui risus fermentum erat, hendrerit aliquet dolor
you can find on the 3rd page of this guide! If you missed it, diam eget est. Ut nec faucibus dui.
and they are a bit bigger (1275x1650), so you can resize them Heal Bad Hygiene
from 816px to a bigger size, and then moving it to fit the 5th-level transmutation
images you want to blend (and the text you're using).
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Test (Random text) Components: S
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
lobortis erat vel quam pharetra condimentum. Phasellus sed A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, springs from
dapibus lacus, vitae pulvinar nisl. Nullam nec erat eget nisi an object that you touch. The effect look like a regular flame,
viverra semper rhoncus vel tortor. Nullam dictum tellus but it creates no heat and doesn't use oxygen. A continual
elementum, egestas mi sit amet, molestie neque. Vivamus vel flame can be covered or hidden but not smothered or
blandit ligula, et placerat lorem. Aliquam consequat suscipit quenched.
nisl, at gravida ante auctor mollis.
Here you can see the codes for the images used in this page.
Test text As you can see, the adventurers’ image is first on the code,
Morbi scelerisque suscipit ligula, id consectetur tortor followed by the modified background.
scelerisque id. Cras imperdiet orci ac diam mollis, ac Image I Want to Blend
hendrerit velit cursus. Phasellus fermentum finibus blandit.
Cookie Tastiness src='
Tastiness Cookie Type d8xgvqg.jpg'
-5 Raisin style='position:absolute;top:-80px;left:0px;width:816px' />
8th Chocolate Chip Modified Background
11th 2 or lower
14th 3 or lower
style='position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:916px' />
17th 4 or lower


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