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School ABORLAN NHS Grade Level Grade 7

Pre- Service MS. MARRIEL E. VALLEJOS Learning Area Mathematics


Teaching Date May 23, 2023 Quarter 4th

and Time 8:45AM-9:45AM ; 11:00AM-12:00AM


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concept of geometry of shapes and sizes, and
geometric relationships.

B. Performance The learner is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve accurately authentic
Standards problems involving sides and angles of a polygon.

C. Learning The learner derives relationships of geometric figures using measurements and by inductive
Competencies reasoning; supplementary angles, complementary angles, congruent angles, vertical angles,
adjacent angles, linear pairs, perpendicular lines, and parallel lines.

D. Specific Objectives At the end of this lesson, the learner is able to:
1. Define parallel and perpendicular lines.
2. Identify whether a pair of lines is parallel or perpendicular.
3. Give importance to parallel and perpendicular lines.
II. CONTENT Parallel and Perpendicular lines.


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Learners module mathematics quarter 3-module 2:lines and angles page 11-12
3. Textbook Pages

Additional Materials
from LR Portal
B. Other Learning Chalkboard, chalk, manila paper, marker
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Reviewing previous Routinary Activities
lesson or presenting the -Prayer
new lesson (8min) -Checking of Attendance Expected answer:
What was your lesson all about yesterday? Our lesson yesterday was all
about the pair of angles.

Activity 1: Determine me!

Determine whether the pair of measures of angles is
complementary or supplementary. 1. complementary
1.46o and 44 o 2. supplementary
2. 106o and 74 o 3. supplementary
3.90o and 90 o 4. complementary
4. 19o and 71 o 5. supplementary
5. 113o and 67 o

Very good! Seems like you’ve already mastered our topic

yesterday. Now let us read the objectives of our lesson.
B. Establishing a purpose Now let us read the objectives.
for the lesson At the end of this lesson, the learner is able to: The students will read the
(2min) 1. Define parallel and perpendicular lines. objectives
2. Identify whether a pair of lines is parallel or perpendicular.

3. Give importance to parallel and perpendicular lines.

C. Presenting Activity 2: Form a line! (Group activity)
examples/Instances of the Everybody please stand up and put the chairs aside we are going
new lesson to play Form a line! Form the said lines as fast as you can. The students will follow the
(10min) direction

1: Form a two lines

2: Form a two intersecting lines

3. Form the 3 lines

D. Discussing new concepts and Parallel Lines
practicing new skills # 1 Based on our activity we have formed a different line.
(10min) I have asked you to form a two and 3 lines right?
Those lines are called parallel lines.
Who wants to define parallel lines based on our activity?
Very good! Based on our activity parallel
What is a parallel line? line are lines that do not
intersect or cross.

Example 1.

Activity 3: What is my
paralel line?

Refer to the figure above

determine the lines that are
parallel to each other.
E. Discussing new concepts Perpendicular lines
and practicing new skills # Now going back to our first activity I ask you to form a two
2 intersecting line right?
Those lines are example of perpendicular lines.

Who wants to describe perpendicular line based on the Based on our activity these
activity? lines are lines that intersect.

What angle is formed? Right angle

What is the measure of right angle? 90o

Example 2.
If angle r and p are perpendicular, which of the following
angles are right angles?

P Activity 4:
E/ Expected answer:
E Line f and line a, line f and
X line b, line f and line c, line e
P and line a, line e and line b,
L line e and line c.
A F. Developing mastery Refer on the figure below determine the parallel and perpendicular
(leads to Formative lines.
Assessment ) Expected answer:

(5min) Parallel lines

Line c and line d or cIId
Line a and line b or aIIb
Perpendicular lines
Line a and line a
Line c and line b
Line d and line a
Line d and line b

G. Finding practical Can you give me example of objects you see around that are Expected answer:
application of concepts parallel or perpendicular lines? Windows(jealousy)
and skills in daily living Example. The fence The edges of the board

(5min) The grilles

And so on…
H. Making generalizations What is parallel line? Lines that are coplanar and
and abstractions about the do not intersect.
(3min) Lines that intersect to form
What is perpendicular line?
four right angles.
I. Evaluating learning Assessment Expected Answer:
(5min) Part 1. True or False
Read each statement carefully; write T if the statement is true and
F if false.
1. Perpendicular lines form an acute angle. Part 1.
2. Parallel lines do not intersect. 1. F
3. The measure of angle form by perpendicular lines is 90 o. 2.T
Part 2. Refer on the figure below in answering the following 3.T

What are the perpendicular lines? Part 2.

How many parallel lines are there? 1. line p and line a
Line q and line a
2. 1
J. Additional activities for For your assignment
application or remediation In your house look for examples of things/objects that has an
application of parallel and perpendicular lines.



A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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