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WEEKLY LEARNING Quarter 4th Grade Level VI

Soldiers Hills IV Elementary School Week 3 Learning Area English
MELC/s: Composing clear and coherent sentences using Date May 15, 2023- May 19, 2023
appropriate grammatical
structures: Adverbs of Intensity

Day Objective Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities

At the end of the Monday
Tuesday lesson, learners are Composing clear a.Prayer Read and understand the
(Face-to-Face expected to: and coherent following.
Classes) b.Reminders Adverbs of intensity are
sentences using
A. identify and appropriate adverbs that tell “to what
c.Checking of Attendance
classify extent” something exists
adverbs of (First Day Set of Activities) or is done. Usually, adverbs of
intensity structures: intensity are written before the
B. compose Adverbs of A.Introduction / Preparation / Opening Up verb, adjective, or adverb that
clear and Intensity they modify although there are
coherent 1.Spelling/ Reading
some exceptions. The words
sentences a. adverb “very,” “quite,” “too,”
using “absolutely,” “extremely,” and
adverbs of b. intensity “so” are examples of adverbs
Degree/Inten of intensity.
sity c. degree Examples:
d. modifier 1. You are working too
diligently. (more diligent)
e. grammatical 2. The water was extremely
cold. (the cold is unbearable)
2. Review 3. The movie was quite
fascinating. (completely
Do a “happy face and thumbs up” if the construction of the sentence
is correct. While, a “sad face and thumbs down” if it is constructed 4. The group just left. (they
incorrectly. left very recently)
a. I will be cook our meal this evening. 5. He has almost finished his
D. (about to finish)
b. They will joining the car race near your place.
c. We shall be dancing with joy.
d. The environmentalists will cleaning the river tomorrow.
e. I watches her dancing yesterday. Source: DepEd Image Bank
2. Motivation
Let us answer the following questions. Try to write your answer on
the board. Let me answer the first question for you.
a.How much do you enjoy teaching?
Answer: Teacher Jena enjoys teaching very much.
b. How excited were you and your friends about having the face-to-
face classes?
c. How well do you sing/dance?
3. Presentation
Let us read our answers on the three questions. Try to identify the
words that shows intensity to the action word in the sentence.
B.Teaching / Modeling It
Now, read the dialogue between cousins Tom and Gerri. They live in
a house near each other and share the same
study area for home schooling.
Tom: Would you like to go biking with me this afternoon?
Gerri: I am very sorry, I can’t.
Tom: How about tomorrow morning?
Gerri: I’d like to, but I really can’t. I have to finish my modules in
English, and besides, we are encouraged to stay at home.
Tom: Oh, is that so? That is extremely unfortunate! Then maybe
let’s go skating on Saturday instead.
Gerri: That is absolutely exciting! but I have to stay at home and
finish my work.
Tom: Too bad, you seem totally have no time for fun anymore.
Gerri: Not really. I just have to spend my time very wisely or I will
fail. I also do not want to break the trust that nanay and tatay gave
me. You know, same as Tiya Adelle, they too are nurses, frontliners
who are working so patiently at the hospital.
Tom: Ok then, maybe I will just have to finish my research work in
Araling Panlipunan, so we can enjoy skating together…after work?
Oh no…after the pandemic is over!
Gerri: That is absolutely right! Anyway, we can play inside the
house when our school works are done
An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, (He sings
loudly), an adjective (very tall), or another adverb (ended too
quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an
Did you notice the highlighted words in the dialogue? What are they
They are Adverbs of Intensity, also known as Degree Adverbs.
Adverbs of degree tell us the intensity, concentration or even the
depth of a particular action. Adverbs usually modify verbs. Some
adverbs of degree or intensity modify adjectives, other adverbs or
clauses. They answer the question how much? or to what extent?
These are example words of Adverbs of Degree

These may be classified as strong, medium, or weak. For

Analyze how the sentences vary their meanings because of the degree

Now read the following examples and remember the words that are
commonly modified or described by a degree adverb.

c.Guided Practice
Directions: Write clear and coherent sentences by supplying the
missing adverb of degree. Choose from the adverbs in the box
below. Do this in your notebook.
1. I _______________ had a time for relaxation since the pandemic
2. We are _______________ unsure about what tomorrow may
3. We need to avoid giving___________ unfavorable comment to our
front liners.
4. It is ___________dangerous to go out because of the pandemic.
5. People need to be ___________obedient to stop the spread of

d.Independent Practice
Directions: To compose clear and coherent sentences, Improve
each of the given sentences by adding
appropriate degree adverbs. Rewrite each sentence in cursive,
and remember to follow rules in sentence writing. Number 1 is
done for you.
1. The trip to the grocery store was long.
The trip to the grocery store was rather long.

2. The lady’s grocery cart was full.

3. She was worried that she may not get enough supply for the
4. The grocery store ran out of supply due to panic buying.
5. The groceries fell out of the lady’s cart.
What are adverbs?
What are intensity adverbs?
How do we use intensity adverbs?

Directions: Write YES if the underlined word in the sentence is
an intensity adverb/degree adverb and write NO if not.
1. The pupils created an absolutely amazing music video.
2. That funny moment is extremely unforgettable.
3. The boy was lonely when he was left alone.
4. I was completely convinced when she cried.
5. She angrily answered the police officer during investigation.

At the end of the Real or Make- a.Prayer Wednesday

Thursday lesson, learners are Believe/Fact or b.Reminders Activity 1
(Face-to-Face expected to: Non-Fact Images c.Checking of Attendance Directions: Read situation
Classes) below then perform the given
a.Define verb (Second Day Set of Activities) task.
b.Identify the verb in
a given sentence A.Introduction / Preparation / Opening Up Friends Jackie and Roberto are
c.Use the correct 1. Review talking about
tense of verb in 2.Spelling their current situation in the
composing correct 3.Motivation barangay, being put to
grammatical Create a sentence using the following random words. You can add Enhanced Community
structures some words to make meaningful sentences. Observe proper Quarantine(ECQ), Jackie has a
punctuations. Write your little confusion about the
answers in your answer sheet or activity notebook. situation. Through a dialogue,
1. THANK/ ALWAYS /GOD / I show how Roberto might have
2. SLOWLY/TURTLES/VERY/MOVE helped Jackie by
3. RISES/THE/EVERYDAY/SUN explaining the situation to her.
4. FIESTA/WE/ANNUALLY/OUR/CELEBRATE Finish the dialogue by
5. SCARY/ ALENA/ WATCHES / NEVER/ MOVIES using appropriate adverbs of
3. Presentation degree in writing your
Based on the arranged word to form a sentence, what is the word that sentences for the dialogue.
describes how often an action is being done?
B. Teaching and Modelling It

Agatha’s Hobbies and Interests

by: Violeta P. Garcia

Agatha has a lot of hobbies and interests. She usually gets up early so
she can run before work. She doesn't often have time to play
volleyball, but she occasionally goes on Saturdays during the

She loves music. She always goes to choir practice on Wednesday Activity 2
evenings and sings in church on Sundays. She doesn't have much Directions: Directions:
extra money, so she rarely goes to concerts in the city. Compose a sentence using
appropriate adverbs of
She seldom watches TV because she likes doing things outside. She frequency and intensity with
usually goes to the gym if it's raining outside. She isn't often alone the images below. Write your
because she has a lot of friends. sentences in the table below.
She occasionally does something alone, but she usually does her
activities with one of her friends. She's a happy woman!

1. What does Mary usually do if it’s raining outside?
2. How often does she practice choir? 1.
3. How often does she watch television?
4. What kind of woman is Agatha?
5. Take a look at the underlined words. What do you call them?
6. What are those words implied?
Go back to the underlined words. What do you notice? You’re right!
It tells how often the action is done. Can you identify kind of adverb
are those?
Adverb of frequency always describe how often something occurs,
either in definite or indefinite terms. An adverb that describes
definite frequency is one such as weekly, daily, or yearly. An adverb
describing indefinite frequency doesn’t specify an exact time frame;
examples are sometimes, often, and rarely. Also, never, usually,
seldom, and always. 2.


Simple Rules for Adverbs of Frequency:

These simple rules for adverbs of frequency will help you to use
them correctly: 4.

• Always use adverbs of frequency to discuss how often something

• Adverbs of frequency are often used to indicate routine or repeated
activities, so they are often used with the
present simple tense.
• If a sentence has only one verb, place the adverb of frequency in the
middle of the sentence so that it is positioned after the subject but
before the verb. For example: Tom never flies. He always takes the Sentences Sentences
bus. for Intensity for Adverbs
• When a sentence contains more than one verb, place the adverb of Adverbs of Frequency
frequency before the main verb. For example: 1.
They have often visited Lucena City. 2.
When using an adverb of frequency in the negative or in forming a 3.
question, place it before the main verb. For example: Do you usually 4.
get up so late 5.

C. Guided Practice
Directions: How often do you the following activities? Compose
clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structure: Adverbs of Frequency in answering these.
1. How often do you sing the Philippine National Anthem?
2. How often do you raise your hand during class recitation?
3. How often do you wear face mask?
4. How often do you clean your house?
5. How often do you help others?

d. Independent Practice
Directions: Directions: Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs to
make the sentence correct and complete. Write your answers in your
1. Electric cars (never, sometimes) use gasoline.
2. I (seldom, sometimes) __________ eat shrimp due to my
3. My brother and I (usually, extremely) __________ play
basketball in the afternoon.
4. Typhoons (absolutely, often) __________ form in the
5. I (always, extremely) __________ read my modules before
going to bed.
What are adverbs?
What is adverb of frequency?
How do adverbs of frequency used in sentences?

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Compose clear and coherent sentences using the
following adverbs of frequency.
1. never
3. always
4. Frequently
5. seldom
Friday Answer the questions Long Quiz a. Distribution of test questionnaires
Set A with 75-100% b. Reading of instructions or directions
(Date & Time) accuracy c. Answering the test questions
d. Checking of test questionnaires
e. Recording of results

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher III Master Teacher I Principal II

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