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6 Weeks Machine Learning – Zero to Hero

Week 1 – Python Programming

Module 1 - Installation of Python on Anaconda Platform
• Introduction to installation of Anaconda
• Introduction to Python Editors & IDE's (Anaconda, Jupyter etc...)
• Understand Jupyter notebook.
• Overview of Python- Starting with Python
• Exploring different IDE for Python
Module 2 - Data Types and Variables
• Primitive and Core Datatype
• Mutable and Immutable Data Types
• Core built-in data structures – Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, Sets
• Working with list, tuple, dictionaries and sets and explore different functions and
Module 3 – String and Conditional Statement in Python
• String
• String built-in methods
• String formatting using format function
• If – Else Statement | Single Hand if else
Module 4 – Loops and Functions in Python
• What are Loops
• While Loop
• For Loop
• What are Functions and its use?
• Types of Functions
• Examples
Module 5 – File Handling and Comprehension
• What is file handling?
• Open file, read file, modify, delete file.
• List Comprehension, Set Comprehension
• Lambda Function
Module 7 – Object Oriented Programming
• What is OOPS
• Concept of Class, Objects, Methods
• Inheritance and its types | MRO – Method Resolution Order
Module 8 – Django – Web Development
• Installing Django and making basic app
• Understanding Django File Structure
• Making simple static web page
• Taking input from user in web app
Module 9 – Django – Continued
• Understanding Django Admin
• Making a dynamic website
• Connecting Mysql to webpage
• Loading data from MySql to Website
Week 2 – Data Analysis with MySQL

Module 1 - Introduction
• MySQL Installation and Introduction
• Use of MySQL
• Working of MySQL | Features
• MySQL Datatypes | Variables
• MySQL Connection
Module 2 – MySQL User Management
• Create User | Grant Privileges to User
• Show All Users | Drop User | Change User Password
Module 3 – MySQL Database
• Create Database | Select | Show Database
• Drop | Copy Database
Module 4 – Table & Views
• Create Table | Alter Table – Add/Delete/Modify Column in Table
• Show Tables | Rename Table | TRUNCATE Table | Describe Table | DROP Table |
Copy Table
• MySQL Views – Create | Update | Drop | Select Views
Module 5 – MySQL Key
• Unique Key
• Primary Key
• Composite Key
• Foreign Key
Module 6 –MySQL Queries & Constraints
• Select | Insert | Update | Delete | Alter | Truncate | Drop | Replace Queries
• Insert Into Select Query
• Exploring different MySQL constraints
Module 7 – MySQL Clauses
Module 8 – MySQL - Control Flow Function and Conditions
• MySQL IF Statement
• MySQL Conditions
Module 9 – MySQL - Joins
• MySQL Inner Join | MySQL Left Join | MySQL Right Join
Update Join
Module 10 – MySQL - Aggregate Functions
• MySQL count() | MySQL sum() | MySQL avg()
• MySQL min() | MySQL max() | MySQL GROUP_CONCAT()
• MySQL first() | MySQL last()
Week 3 – Data Analysis with Python

Module 1 - NumPy
• Installing Numpy | Introduction to Numpy Arrays
• Different operation and functions on Numpy Arrays
• Numpy operations and different functions
• Creating different arrays using Numpy
• Array Indexing and Slicing | Array Functions and Methods
• Different Mathematical Functions | Different Matrix Operations
• Random Numbers | Generate Numbers between a range.
Module 2 - Introduction to Pandas for Data Analysis
• Installing Pandas | Pandas Introduction
• Use of Pandas for Data Analysis
• Series vs DataFrames
• Reading data from CSV and TXT file and databases
Module 3 - Pandas (Series)
• Concept Of Series in Pandas | Creating Series using Pandas
• Series vs List, Series Operations
• Different Functions in Series | Sorting of Series
• Extracting Values from Series
• .value_counts() method, .apply() methods
• Data Cleaning - Dealing with Duplicates and Missing Values
Module 4 - Pandas (DataFrame)
• What is DataFrame and its use | Creating DataFrame
• DataFrame different functions
• Dropping columns/rows from DataFrame
• Display Particular Columns from DataFrame (Subset of DataFrame)
• Add New Column to DataFrame
• Broadcasting Operations in DataFrame | Dropping and Filling Null Values

Module 5 - DataFrame - Continued

• Different Sorting Algorithms in Dataframe
• Filtering Data in Dataframe
• Filterning Data based on Condition.
• Filter Data with AND & OR Operations
• .set_index() & .reset_index() in Pandas
• Retrieve Row Values Using loc and iloc in Pandas
• Set New/Multiple Values for a Specific Cell or Row
• Rename Index Labels or Columns in Pandas
• Delete Rows or Columns in Pandas
• The .nsmallest() and .nlargest(), .where(),.query(),.apply() methods in Pandas

Module 6 - Data Visualization

• Introduction to Data Visualization | Installing Matplotlib and Seaborn
• Line Plot, Scatter Plot, Bar Plot, Histogram, Pie Chart
• Box Plot
• Detecting Outliers
• Heatmap
Week 4 – Machine Learning
Module 1 – Introduction
• Introduction to Machine Learning
• Introduction to Data Science
• Data Science vs AI vs ML vs Deep Learning
• Flow of Machine Learning & its applications.

Module 1 – Machine Learning Types

• Types of Machine Learning
• Supervised Learning with Examples
• Unsupervised Learning with Examples
• Reinforcement Learning with Examples
• Regression vs Classification
• Different ML Algorithms

Module 2 - Simple Linear Regression

• Regression Problem Analysis
• Mathematical modelling of Regression Model
• Use cases, Regression Table,
• R-Square | Mean Squared Error
• Model Specification, Data sources for Linear regression.
• Project – Employee Salary Prediction / House Price Prediction
Module 3 - Logistic Regression and KNN
• Logistic Regression Working and Mathematical Equation
• Model Specification, Model Parameter Significance Evaluation, Confusion Matrix
• Different Classification Evaluation Metrics (Accuracy Score, Precision, Recall, F1-
• Concept of KNN Model
• Project – IRIS Flower Classification / Titanic Passenger Survival Prediction
Module 4 – Unsupervised Learning - Clustering
• Unsupervised Learning, Clustering Introduction,
• K-Means Clustering, Handling K-Means Clustering,
• Maths behind K means Clustering – Centroids
• Hierarchical Clustering, Dendrogram
• Project – Customers Clustering
Module 5 – Natural Language Processing
• Introduction to NLP
• Concept of Stemming, Lemmatization
• Bag Of Words, TF-IDF
• Text Cleaning and Implementation on Python
• Sentiment Analysis
• Entity Recognition
• Examples
Module 6 – Azure Machine Learning
• Creating Regression model on Azure ML Studio
• Creating Classification Model on Azure ML Studio
Week 5 – Computer Vision & Image Processing

Module 1 - Introduction
• Introduction to Image Processing & Computer Vision
• Introduction to OpenCV Python
• Installing OpenCV-Python
Module 2 – Getting Started with Images
• Reading an Image with different modes
• Displaying an Image
• Writing an Image to different path
• Understanding Images as Matrices and numbers
• Image Shape & Dimension
• Size of image
Module 3 - Getting Started with Webcam & Videos
• Using Webcam | Webcam Resolution
• Capture Image Using Webcam
• Playing Video from file
Module 4 – Drawing Functions in OpenCV
• Creating an Image
• Drawing Line
• Drawing Rectangle
• Drawing Circle
• Drawing Ellipse
• Drawing Polygons
• Adding Text to Images
Module 5 - Basic Operations on Images
• Accessing and Modifying pixel values
• Accessing Image Properties
• Image ROI
• Changing Image Background
• Blurring | Image Smoothening
• Image Transition
• Image Sharpening
• Edge Detection
Module 6 - Introduction to Face/ Eyes/ Smile Detection
• HaarCascade Concept
• Detection of Eyes / Face / Smile from any Image
• Detection of Eyes / Face / Smile from Live Webcam
• Project – Face/ Smile/ Eyes Detection from Image and Webcam
• Car Detection
Module 7 - Facial Recognition Model
• Creating a Face Recognition Model
o Capturing Samples
o Training Model
o Testing Model
Week 6 – Deep Learning

Module 1 - Introduction
• Introduction to Deep Learning
• Deep Learning vs Machine Learning
• Different techniques
• Installing Tensorflow | Keras

Module 2 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

• Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs): Concept
• Activation Functions
• Feed Forward Neural Networks
• Back Propagation
• Cost Functions

Module 3 - Introduction to Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

• Introduction to CNN
• Working of CNN
• Convolutional Layer | Pooling | Flatten

Module 4 - Introduction to Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

• Introduction to RNN
• Introduction to LSTM

Module 5 - Model Performance Metrics

• Confusion Matrix
• Precision Score | Recall Score | F1 – Score
• Overfitting and Underfitting
• Learning rate | Batch Size
• Feature Scaling
• Outliers

Random Password Generator Guess the Number Game
Dice Roll Simulator Weather App
Covid – 19 Data Analysis IPL Data Analysis
Titanic Passenger Data Analysis Basic Website with Django
Amazon/Flipkart Review Web Scraping Text Cleaning and Implementation Using NLP
Review Sentiment Analysis House Price Prediction Project
Titanic Passenger Survival Prediction Project Customer Clustering
Image Resizer Facial Recognition Attendance System
MNIST Handwritten Digit Prediction Google Stock Price Prediction
Spam Email Detection Face / Smile / Eye Detection
Car Detection Image Background Changer

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