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DU Ph.D. 2013
Q1. Two events in a particular reference frame are separated in space by a distance ‘ L ’. In
another frame, which is moving with a speed ‘ v ’ relative to the first frame, the two
events are separated by ‘ x ’ in space and ‘ t ’ in time. Which all of the following
statement is true?

(a)  L    x  (b)  L    2  x 
2 2 2 2

(c)  L   c 2  2 1   2   t  (d)  L    x   c 2  t 
2 2 2 2 2

Q2. The electric field of a plane wave is given by E  z , t   yE0 sin  kz  t  . The magnetic

fields is given by
 
(a) B  z , t   xB0 sin  kz  t  (b) B  z , t    xB0 sin  kz  t 
 
(c) B  z , t   zB0 sin  kz  t  (d) B  z , t    zB0 sin  kz  t 

Q3. A particle is released with zero initial velocity in a region where there is an electric field
E in the y direction and a magnetic field B in the z direction. The condition that is
necessary for the existence of a Lorentz frame in which the (transformed) electric field
E  vanished is
(a) E  c B (b) c B  E

(c) E  c 2 B (d) c 2 B  E
2 2 2 2

Q4. For the following mnemonic instructions for 8051 microcontroller

MOVA, #56 H
MOV R1, #50 H
MOV 50 H , # 45H
The contents in A and R1 will be, respectively
(a) 56 H and 45 H (b) 45H and 50 H
(c) 50 H and 56H (d) 45H and 56 H

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Q5. Consider two identical superconductors separated by a thin layer of insulator ( 10  20 A
thick) A DC magnetic field is applied through the circuit. A de voltage of 1 V is applied
across the junctions, as a result of it
(a) An ac current with frequency 241.8 MHz will flow through the circuit
(b) An ac current with frequency 983.6 MHz will flow through the circuit
(c) A dc current of 1 A will flow through the circuit
(d) No current shall flow as the circuit remain open.
Q6. Mass spectrometers separate isotopes of different element based on their
(a) Mass (b) Electronic Charges
(c) Mass divided by electric charge (d) None of these.
Q7. An Ideal gas undergoes a isothermal process starting with a pressure of 2  105 Pa and a

volume of 6 cm3 . Which of the following might be the final pressure and the temperature
of the final state?
(a) 4  105 Pa and 4 cm3 (b) 8  105 Pa and 2 cm3

(c) 6 105 Pa and 2 cm3 (d) 3  105 Pa and 6 cm3

Q8. The Temperature of two identical gases is from initial temperature to same final
temperature. For gas A the process is carried out as constant volume while for gas B it
is carried at constant pressure. The change in entropy
(a) Is greater for gas A (b) Is greater for gas B
(c) same for A and B
(d) The entropies of A and B do not change in these processes
Q9. A bag contains 100 balls marked 1 to 100 (without repetition). You are asked to pick up
any three balls at random (without replacement). Construct the product N of the three
individual numbers on the ball ( N  N1 N 2 N 3 ) markings the probability P that N is

divisible by 3 is best approximate

(a) P  0.3 (b) P  0.5 (c) P  0.7 (d) P  0.9

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fiziks, H.No. 40 D, G.F, Jia Sarai,  Anand Institute of Mathematics, 
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Q10. Consider an ideal intrinsic semiconductor in thermal equilibrium. No external force or
fields are applied to this semiconductor. At temperatures above 0 K , the electron
concentration in the conduction band is non-zero because
(a) Some electrons from dopant atoms will overcome the bandgap by gained thermal
(b) Some electrons from dopant atoms will overcome the ionization energy by gained
thermal energy
(c) Some electrons from the conduction band will overcome the bandgap by gained
thermal energy
(d) Some electrons from the valence band will overcome the bandgap by gained thermal
Q11. The distribution of electrons in the condition band is given by
(a) (density of quantum states) x (energy of a state)
(b) (density of quantum states) x (probability a state is occupied)
(c) (energy of quantum states) x (probability a state is occupied)
(d) (energy of quantum states) x (chemical potential of a state)
Q12. The number of independent components of a real, symmetric n  n matrix is
n  n  1 n  n  1
(a) n 2 (b) n 2  1 (c) (d)
2 2
5 1 5 1
Q13. Consider the two definite integrals l1   2
dx and l2   2 dx , which of the following
5 x 5 x

is true
2 2 1
(a) l1   , l2  0 (b) l1   , l2  
5 5 25
(c) l2  0 while l1 is undefined

(d) Both l1 and l2 are undefined

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  
Q14. A, B and C are three linearly independent vectors in the usual three dimensions.

  
        
 
Consider the quantity D   A  B  C  .  B  C  A   C  A  B  then
       
(a) D  0
  
 
(b) D 2  A2 B 2C 2
         3
   
(c) D 2   A2  B 2 C 4  B 2  C 2 A4  C 2  A2 B 4 
   
   3
(d) D   A. B  C 
   
Q15. A square wave of frequency 1 Hz has Fourier components with frequencies
(a) ranging from  to  (b) ranging from 0 to 
(c) ranging continuously from 1 Hz to  (d) ranging discretely from 1 Hz to 
Q16. The contour integral of the function taken clockwise around thee circle z  5 is
(a) 2  i (b) 4  i (c) 2  i (d) zero

Q17. The Legendre polynomial P5  cos   is

(a) an odd function of 

(b) an odd function of cos 
(c) an even function of cos 
(d) neither even nor odd as a function of 
Q18. The Newton-Raphson method for finding a root of a function fails when slope of the
function at the root becomes
(a) zero (b) infinite
(c) either one of them (d) None of these
Q19. The value of mid-point after third iteration of bisection method for finding the root of a
function f  x   x 3  1 in the starting interval 1, 2 is

(a) 1.501 (b) 1.735 (c) 1.625 (d) 1.125

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Q20. Molybdenum has a BCC crystal structure, an atomic radius of 0.1363 nm , and an atomic
weight of 95.94 g / mol . The density of the material is

(a) 25.88 g / cm3 (b) 10.22 g / cm3

(c) 4.04 g / cm3 (d) 14.41 g / cm3

Q21. A capacitor of capacitance 0.5  F and leakage resistance of 10 M  is charged to a
certain voltage, V0 , and then insulated. Find the time the voltage will take to fall to one

V 
third  0  its original value
 3
(a) 220  103 sec (b) 2.39 sec (c) 5.49 sec (d) 95 103 sec

Q22. Which of the following cannot be a state in j. j coupling schemer for n1 p1 , n2 p1

1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3
(a)  ,  (b)  ,  (c)  ,  (d)  , 
 2 2 01  2 2 12  2 2  23  2 2 0123
Q23. The rotational constant for HCI molecule is 10.5 cm . The wave number (in cm 1 ) of the

third line in the pure rotational spectra is

(a) 21.0 (b) 31.5 (c) 63.0 (d) 73.5
1 5
Q24. In pure vibrational mode of a diatomic molecule, the energy levels are at OSC , OSC
2 2
and OSC . Total number of spectral lines in the spectra due to transition between above
states are
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four
Q25. Consider an ensemble of N distinguishable particles where each particle can have
energy  and 0 . Let N1 particle be in the energy level   N  N 2  in the energy level 0

and let the total energy of the system be E . The temperature T of the system as a
function of E and N is given by ( k B is Boltzmann’s constant)

kB  E  kB  E 
(a) T 1   (b) T 1 
  N   E 
ln 
  N   E 
ln 

kB  E  kB  NE 
(c) T 1   (d) T 1  
  N   E 
ln 
    E 
ln 

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Q26. Consider two single-particle levels whose energies are  and  . Into thee levels, we
place two electrons (no more than one electron of the same spin per level). The entropy
of system at T  0 is
(a) 0 (b) ln 6 (c)  (d) 1
Q27. Consider NaCl crystal, which is cubic with a lattice spacing of , say, 1 A (Angstrom). It
has some free electrons captured within the lattice. Estimate the longest wavelength of
the light that such electron can absorb:
o o o o
(a) 1 A (b) 2A (c) 100 A (d) 1000 A
Q28. A quantum mechanical particle of mass ‘ m ’ and constrained to move in one dimension
has a probability density
ax 2 for x  b
P  x  
 0 otherwise
where ‘ a ’ is a constant.
The minimal kinetic energy that is possesses is
1 2 5
(a) Zero (b) mx 2 (c) (d)
2 2mb 2 2mb 2
Q29. For a particle in a box, the difference between consecutive energy eigenvalues increases
with ‘ n ’ (the level number) whereas for the harmonic oscillator, it is independent of ‘ n ’.
Consider, instead, a particle in kx 4 potential (with k  0 ). The difference between
consecutive energy eigenvalues now
(a) Increases with ‘ n ’ (b) decreases with ‘ n ’
(c) is independent of ‘ n ’ (d) is a non monotonic function of ‘ n ’
Q30. Imagine a hypothetical world where the charge of the electron and the proton do not have
2Q p
the same magnitude, but obey Qe  . In all other respects, this universe is identical
to ours. In such a universe, the atomic numbers of three lightest inert atoms would be
(a) Z  12, Z  24 and Z=36 (b) Z  2, Z  10 and Z=18
(c) Z  3, Z  15and Z=27 (d) No inert atoms will exist

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Q31. A particle of unit mass moves in the two dimensional potential

V  x, y  
 x  y 2   xy 
1 2

where   0 is a constant.
To 0    , the three lowest energy eigenvalues, in units of  , are

  1 3  5 
(a) 1, 2  ,2 (b) ,  , 
4 4 2 2 4 2 4
    
(c) 1  ,2 ,3  (d) 1, 2  ,3 
4 4 4 4 4

Q32. For central potential V  r   where  is negative constant,
(a) Orbits are elliptical,
(b) Orbits are closed, but not elliptical
(c) There are no closed orbits
(d) The existence of closed orbits depends on the total energy
Q33. Consider a linear system of a point mass ‘ m ’ attached to two identical springs (of spring
constant ‘ k ’) which, in turn, are fixed to two walls parallel to each other. Let the distance
between the walls be ‘ 2 L ’where‘ L ’ is the equilibrium length of each spring. Now, give
the mass a small displacement in a direction transverse to thee system. The motion of the
mass will be described by

(a) Simple harmonic motion with a frequency  

(b) Simple harmonic motion with a frequency  

k 3k
(c) Two normal modes with frequencies 1  and 2 
m m
(d) Completely anharmonic motion

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Q34. In four (space) dimensions, the Lagrangian of point particle is given by

L  q12  q12  q22  q32  q42  
2  q32 

where ‘  ’ is a constant. The conserved quantities are

(a) Energy Alone
(b) Linear momentum and angular momentum
(c) Energy and angular momentum
(d) Energy and a component each of linear and angular momenta
Q35. Two point masses are connected by a spring, and the whole system is constrained to
move on a surface of a sphere. The number of independent coordinates needed to
describe the system (degree of freedom ) is
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1
Q36. A symmetrical top moves under gravity with one point fixed. The following statement
 
about its angular momentum J and angular velocity  is generally true:
 
(a) J is independent of time;  is not
 
(b)  is independent of time; J is not
 
(c) Both J and  are independent of time
 
(d) neither J nor  is independent of time
Q37. If x, y and z are the components of position vector and Lx , Ly and Lz are the

components of the angular momentum, the Position bracket  x, Ly  is equal to

(a) z (b) Lz (c) Zero (d) None of these

Q38. For a system two bodies of mass ‘ m ’ and ‘ 2m ’ respectively, the reduced mass is equal
m 2m
(a) (b) (c) m (d) 2m
2 3

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Q39. In a scanning electron microscope a typical accelerating voltage is 10 kV . The
wavelength of the electro is roughly
(a) 1015 m (b) 1013 m (c) 1011 m (d) 109 m
Q40. At t  0 , a harmonic oscillator is in a state given by 0.6 0  0.8 1 in usual notation.

After a time 2 /  has elapsed, the probability of finding it in the ground state is
(a) 1 (b) 0.6 (c) 0.36 (d) None of these
Q41. Based on extreme single particle shell model, the magnetic moment of 113
Cd  Z  48  is
(a) 1.913 N (b) 1.688 N (c) 1.913 N (d) 1.688 N
Q42. For the given nuclear transition below, which one is the correct?
 7   9 
Sn    111
50 49 ln   
2  2 
(a) Allowed, Gamow – Teller Transition
(b) Allowed, Fermi Transition
(c) Allowed, mixed Transition (Both Fermi and Gamow-Teller)
(d) First Forbidden, Fermi Transition
Q43. Isospin T  and third component of iso-spin T3 of 12
B and 12
N nuclei are

(a) 1, 1 and 1,  1 (b) 1,  1 and 1,  1

(c) 1, 1 and 1, 1 (d) 0, 1 and 0,  1
Q44. Which option is fully correct for nuclear forces?
(a) Spin Independent; charge symmetric and charge independent
(b) Spin dependent, charge asymmetric and charge independent
(c) Spin dependent, charge asymmetric and charge independent
(d) Spin dependent, charge asymmetric and charge dependent
Q45. In a transistor amplifier when signal changes by 0.012 V , the base and collector current
change by 10  A and i 0.8 mA , respectively. The current gain and input impedance are
respectively equal to
(a) 80, 1.2 K  (b) 12.5, 15 K 

(c) 12.5  103 , 1.2 K  (d) 80, 15 K 

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Q46. The total number of 1 ’s in a 15 bit shift register is to be counted by clocking into a
counter which is preset to 0 . The counter must have which one of the following:
(a) 4 - bits (b) 5 - bits (c) 16 - bits (d) 6 - bits
Q47. The number of comparator circuits required to build a three-bit simultaneous A/D
converter is
(a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 15 (d) 16
Q48. The cavity lifetime of a solid state laser is given by (where  is the refractive index, d is
crystal length, R1 and R2 are reflectivities of the two end surfaces,  is loss factor and
C as velocity of light in Air).
2 d 2 d
(a) (b)
C  2 d  ln R2 R1  C  2 d  ln R2 R1 

2 d 2 d
(c) (d)
C  d  ln R2 R1  C  d  ln R2 R1 

Q49. The intensity of sunlight hitting the earth is 1300Wm 2 . The pressure exerted by this if it
strikes a perfect absorber and a perfect reflector are respectively
(a) 4.3 106 Nm 2 ,8.6  106 Nm 2 (b) 1.3 106 Nm 2 ,1.3 106 Nm 2

(c) 4.3 106 Nm 2 , 4.3  106 Nm 2 (d) 1.3 106 Nm 2 , 2.6 106 Nm 2
Q50. The emitter current in the given circuit is
(a) 18 mA
500 
(b) 18 A 500 K

(c) 1.8mA
  100
(d) 1.8 A

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