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Cambridge Primary Path Level 6

Study Guide, Unit 1

Unit Vocabulary
1 fauna 13 harvesting 25 astonish
2 feature 14 livelihood 26 blanket
3 flora 15 merchant 27 carve
4 landscape 16 nomad 28 congratulate
5 lifestyle 17 rural 29 defend
6 polar 18 textile 30 fade
7 temperate 19 weaving 31 glow
8 tropical 20 wool 32 sparkle
9 tundra 21 border 33 spectacular
10 vegetation 22 cattle 34 steam
11 cultivate 23 dye 35 swish
12 dwelling 24 stilts 36 transform

Vocabulary Review

1 Read each sentence and circle T (true) or F (false).


a If something sparkles, it reflects small points of light and shines brightly. T F

b If something astonishes you, you don’t think it is very interesting. T F

c If something is spectacular, it is very good or exciting. T F

d If something fades, it becomes brighter or stronger over time. T F

e If something glows, it shines with a soft light. T F

f If you transform something, you improve it a little bit. T F

g If you congratulate someone, you tell them what they did wrong or badly. T F

h If something blankets something else, it covers it completely. T F

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Cambridge Primary Path Level 6

2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.


vegetation livelihood fauna rural

merchants nomads wool

a Rainforests have a lot of vegetation because they get

so much rain.

b Although many have stores, some of them

travel around to sell their products.

c Some Berber textiles are made from sheep’s ,

and others are made from goat hair.

d The Maasai depend on cattle for their .

e The of Australia includes kangaroos and emus.

f Many use dwellings such as tents that can be put up and taken
down easily.

g regions tend to have less air pollution than cities.

Grammar in Context
Passive Voice

3 Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses in the passive voice.


a Textiles are hung (hang) on walls as decoration.

b Our town (transform) when a big shopping mall was built

ten years ago.

c This recipe, my favorite, (hand) down in my family for


d Wheat and other crops (harvest) every year in the early fall.

e Some of the plant dyes we have now (use) for thousands

of years.

f Some dinosaur bones (display) as part of an exhibit at school

last year.

g In some schools, English (teach) to students as young as five

years old.

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Cambridge Primary Path Level 6
Future Passive

4 Write future passive sentences using the prompts.

a the kite festival / celebrate / in the spring
The kite festival will be celebrated in the spring .
b dinner / serve / in a few minutes

c the plans for next year / make / the next time the
committee meets

d this song / sing / at tonight’s concert

e his story / tell / in a movie that’s coming out this fall

f by evening, the landscape / blanket / by snow

5 Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

a People built these dwellings over one hundred years ago.
These dwellings were built over one hundred years ago .
b Students will discuss the legend of the armadillo in next week’s class.
c The company doesn’t make this candy anymore.
d Teachers have taught algebra in the same way for the past 15 years.
e First, someone turns the bicycle upside down so that the chain can be oiled.
f A company will build a new waterpark on the edge of town next year.
g Someone invented the drinking straw around 5,000 years ago.

Final Grade: / 30

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Cambridge Primary Path Level 6

1 4

b F b Dinner will be served in a few minutes.

c T c The plans for next year will be made the
next time the committee meets.
d F
d This song will be sung at tonight’s
e T ­concert.
f F e His story will be told in a movie that’s
g F coming out this fall.

h T f By evening, the landscape will be

­blanketed by snow.

b merchants
b The legend of the armadillo will be
c wool ­discussed in next week’s class.
d livelihood c This candy isn’t made anymore.
e fauna d Algebra has been taught in the same
way for the past 15 years.
f nomads
e First, the bicycle is turned upside down
g Rural so that the chain can be oiled.

f A new waterpark will be built on the

edge of town next year.
3 g The drinking straw was invented around
5,000 years ago.
b was transformed
c has been handed
d are harvested
e have been used
f were displayed
g is taught

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Cambridge Primary Path Level 6

1 Big Question: What makes your region unique?

Spelling Patterns Reading Improve Your

Vocabulary Grammar Oracy Skill and Word Study Strategy Writing Speaking Mission
Key Words 1: Passive Voice
Ground Rules / / Compare and Verbs Followed Creating a Menu for
feature, landscape, Berber textiles
Cue Cards: Contrast by Infinitives a Restaurant from a
tundra, tropical, are made of Don’t forget to Different Country or
1 I think that’s tundra, respect, Setting
temperate, polar, sheep’s wool. visit Pamukkale. Region
important pencil, protect,
flora, fauna, Traditions because … minus Key Words: starter, main
vegetation, have been 2 I don’t course, spicy, stir-fry, chili,
passed down. think that’s fritter, special, curry
Key Words 2: Key Language:
Future Passive important
rural, merchant, because …
Your music Are you ready to order?
textile, wool,
weaving, dwelling, will be heard I’m not sure what
nomad, livelihood, all over everything is.
Bolivia. Can I ask you some
harvesting questions (about the
Key Words 3:
What is (Tom Yum)?
dye, stilts, border,
cattle Is it spicy?
Does it contain any (nuts)?
Key Words 4:
I’m allergic to (nuts).
spectacular, Do you have a vegetarian
transform, sparkle, option?
astonish, swish, What do you recommend
steam, carve, (for a main course)?
congratulate, Why don’t you try (our
defend, fade, glow special of the day)?

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