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The Game of Volleyball

Initially called 'Mintonette', the sport of volleyball was introduced in 1895 by William
G Morgan, in Holyoke, Massachusetts at YMCA. The game was spread to Europe and
around the globe during the World War-I, and turned into a formally perceived game after
World War II, when the International Federation was established. Volleyball was called
Mintonette as a result of its similitude with badminton. Later, Alfred Halstead renamed as
volleyball the fact that the aim of the game was to volley the ball back over a net. The
advanced volleyball is profoundly spent significant time in practically all the significant
aptitudes of volleyball. It is a game for youthful and elderly people. The character of
volleyball is altogether not quite the same as that of different games discipline. Rotation
framework is one of a kind element that separates volleyball from different games (Reeser
and Bahr, 2003).

Volleyball is a group action where playing between two teams consists of 6 players in
each and the net is at the center disconnected the teams. The score are endeavors by the ball
correctly dropped in the opponent court sifted through standard rules. Since Tokyo 1964, the
game of volleyball has been introduced officially in the Summer Olympic Games. There have
been different changes in volleyball rules and field estimations. At one time a match was
made out of nine innings with three serves for each social occasion in every inning, and no
impediment to the measure of ball contacts for each get-together before sending the ball to
the adversaries' court. If there should be an occasion of a serving goof, a subsequent
undertaking was permitted. Hitting the ball into the net was viewed as a foul (with loss of the
point out a side-out) beside by virtue of the essential endeavor serve. To ensure the fingers of
the women, they were permitted to get the show on the road and a brief timeframe later toss it
again into play.

Volleyball is directly one of the enormous five inclusive games, and the FIVB, with
its 222 cooperated public associations, is the greatest overall donning alliance on earth. All
through the latest period predominantly, volleyball has seen momentous advancement with
the accomplishment of its existence contention, for instance, World Cup, Grand Prix, the
World Championships, World Grand Champions Cup, the World League and Olympic
Games and the level of venture at all levels generally continues growing exponentially. The

beach volleyball wonder, albeit profoundly noticeable, is still just in its outset. Beach
volleyball has opened up volleyball to an absolutely new market (FIVB, 2009) from the first
FIVB World Tour occasion, somewhat more than ten years back, to the amazing spectator
and TV achievement at the 2000 Sydney and 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games.

The Federation Internationale de Volleyball commonly abbreviated as FIVB. All

types of volleyball competitions held at international level are organized by this governing
body. The headquarters of FIVB are situated in Lausanne, Switzerland and Ary Gaca is the
present president of FIVB. The FIVB was established in April 1947 in France. The FIVB is
the main organization of conducting volleyball competitions associated with IOC the
international body. This body is organizing World championship and Olympic Games before
that conducting qualification competition around the world on the basis of continental
volleyball tournaments. This body allotted the competition venue, places, players’ line up and
replacement restrictions etc.

Events in Volleyball game

There are mainly two types of events in volley ball such as:

Volleyball at the Olympics Games: There are two variants of volleyball played at the
Olympics that is Indoor Volleyball and Beach Volleyball. Indoor volleyball has been
authoritatively played at the Olympic Games since 1964. Beach Volleyball was presented
authoritatively in 1996.

Volleyball World Championship: It is an international competition in which competitions

are held every four years for both men and women.

Volleyball World Cup: The establishment of the international body for volleyball, FIVB, in
1947, saw the sport's appeal go global. The FIVB held the first FIVB World Championship in
Czechoslovakia in 1949, which the Soviet Union won. Post the second edition of the
tournament in 1952, the FIVB has held the competition every four years. The game
Volleyball officially entering the Olympics in 1964, the FIVB had two premier competitions
at a two-year gap. To fill the void between those two tournaments, the FIVB planned to
introduce another premier competition with fewer entries, and thus, in 1965 the FIVB
Volleyball World Cup was born. The Volleyball World Cup has been held quadrennially
since 1965 for men and 1973 for women, with the exception of the 1991 edition which was
held after a gap of two years after the preceding edition. Initially, the FIVB World Cup had a

new host nation for each edition of the competition, however, the tournament has been held
exclusively in Japan, for both men and women, since 1977 with four and three gold medals,
respectively. The Soviet Union and Brazil have been the most dominant nations in the FIVB
Men’s World Cup whereas China, with their five victories, and Cuba with four.

India in Volleyball

India has not only participated in national level competitions in volleyball but also
participated in international competitions like world cup and Asian games etc. A game played
widely across the country, volleyball has been a part of the Indian sporting conscience for
more than seven decades. Whereas an Indian team has never participated in Olympic Games,
the country has enjoyed some success at regional level. The first interstate volleyball
championships were held by the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) in 1936 in pre-
independent India. The sport gained proper structure with the emergence of the Volleyball
Federation of India (VFI) in 1951, and the erstwhile interstate tournament evolved into the
Senior National Championships was held in 1952. It helped the nation discover several
talents who went on to play with great distinction for the Indian volleyball team.

Fundamental Skills in Volleyball

Volleyball is a game that requests acing a mind boggling range of abilities on account
of rotation from playing front row positions to back row positions and continuously moving
from offensive plays to defensive play and wise versa. During some random succession in
volleyball, a player set up to execute a range of skills. The fundamental volleyball ability
skills are serving, passing, setting, spiking, blocking and digging.


A fine serve delivers to the receiving team with a huge favorable position. A serve
that is appropriately put can noted players on the receiving side to escape place or endeavor
ungainly returns. The serve should be delivering from the back of the service line. The
serving style is categorized into three in volleyball that is jump serve, overhand serve and
underarm serve (Gozansky, 1983). The underhand serve is a moderate serve that movements
highly noticeable all around put the back of the court. The jump serve and overarm serve are
the fast serves most of the time hit with top spin.

Serving is the first weapons that can generate an immediate point begin a game, or
ignite an offense. A well-placed serve (whether to a weak passer, at the setter, at the quick

attacker, or to a weak formation) that is also difficult to pass puts the opponent at a
disadvantage (Reynaud, 2011).


Passing otherwise called as "bumping" in a hostile arrangement and "digging" when

used to safeguard a hostile spike. The player meets the ball correctly with his forearms and
set to the right target. Reach the ball on the lower arms and finish to the touch of the ball. The
passing is the main permissible from the service of the ball, and three touches or passes are
allowed in a side to return to the opponent court. (Selinger’s, 1986).


Setting is the main skill in volleyball; it has used to touch in the second pass to hit the
ball by the third shot. A perfect setting is set the ball in a right place over the net. For
instance, the setter is to set the ball above the net according to the convenient of the spikier.
While spiking the ball the player should not touch the net after the follow through (Gozansky,


The spiking is the spectacular movement in volleyball. The third passer usually hit the
ball with highest possible force to the target to finish the point. The hitter must shot the ball
above the net without touching the net, it is called the "spike" or "kill" shot. The spikier
usually hit the ball by taking two or three steps of approach for successful jump to the target
(Selinger’s, 1986). The perfect hitting is the player should jump vertically high as possible
with more flexible at the knee joint and strike with the heel of palm, use the full arm length
and hand completely contact the ball with all fingers followed by complete backward to
forward movement of the wrist.


Blocking is a defensive skill in the game of volleyball. This skill is performing near
the net. The main aim of the blocking is to deflect the ball while the opponent spikes the ball.
This skill can be perform by individual or combined with one or two players. The serving ball
should not block. The blocking skills are more effectively success while the opponent ‘kill’
shots (Gozansky, 1983).

Volleyball Tests

Tests in volleyball take two structures - the skill test and the written test. The skill test
measures students or player's capacity to play out specific aspects of the game, for example,
serving or passing. A portion of these tests have been associated with general volleyball
playing capacity. The written test estimates such factors as information on rules, history of
volleyball and strategy. A volleyball test can be of most extreme adequacy if it meets the
accompanying prerequisites. In this study the following skill related tests were conducted to
measure the proficiency of the subjects:

 Russel-Lange Volleyball Test

 Bradly Volleyball Test

 For dig pass Helman Volleyball (forearm) Test

 For (Face pass/Fingering) Helman Volleyball Test

Coordinative Abilities

Coordination, an ability to incorporate each motor frame works along fluctuating

tactile mode into productive developments. The amicable cooperating of the synchrony,
mood of one's developments is essential to facilitated development. Different body parts
might be included, for example, hand eye coordination, ball kick or strolling stairs. Hand eye
coordination is apparent in adequate motor quality for example, Stringing, Modeling clay or
in total motor activities for example, ball catching, attacking volleyball (Budde et al., 2005).

Coordination implies functioning of entire muscle cluster of the body. It is of most

extreme significance in performing any action with a foreordained target. Coordination is
divided into inter and intra muscular coordination between the muscles group. It implies
coordination among various muscle groups just as between muscle filaments of a similar
muscle. Coordination is important to perform movement; it needs strength and speed with
low consumption of energy, indicating a superior execution over a long period of time. An
individual begin depleting coordination once he get fatigue and the other way around; a worn
out individual can't learn developments requiring a prominent coordination.

Human body encompasses body and psyche. The two parts through their combination
makes a person increasingly effective. The psychological procedure and the physical
attributes flawlessly joined system of the mankind and his completeness for any situation

ought to endure by isolating physical and mental perspectives (Kamlesh 1988). Human life is
a consistent progressive action.

The ideal period for motor learning is hard to characterize. The parameter seems the
ideal age is till early adulthood; anyway deep rooted affectability permits motor learning
procedure to proceed for a long duration, within the sight of regular dismissals and suitable
motivation, The phases before adolescence are by and by to be utilized especially seriously
for suitable boosts (particularly with respect to coordination and speed), since it bodes well to
impact the developing capacities. It has been additionally demonstrated that coordination
skills can be well taught especially at this age. Anyway that doesn't imply no impacts could
be accomplished during developed period. Coordination ability, forms the guideline required
to works in a certain way are automatized, as it were, during skill performance.

Coordinative abilities have also important and strong links with the motor skills as
motor coordination forms the basis of the both. Coordination abilities are understood as
relatively stabilized and generalized patterns of motor control and regulation processes. These
enable the sportsman to do a group of movements with better quality and effect.

All coordinative abilities are important for learning and sports techniques to
continuous improvements in long-term training. Motor learning ability is one of the major
developments in the coordinative abilities (Hardayal Singh, 1982).

Efficacy needs great synchronization among the body and brain. Absence of
coordination brings about untalented or underprivileged movements which are overwhelmed
by cortical control that supplants reflex and incorporated mechanism. In specialized games
wonderful and elegant movements are a result of all around created technical skills and
coordinative capacities which decide to what extent the sports performance can be improved
particularly the games which depend to a great extent on practical and strategic aspects
(Hardayal Singh, 1991).

While carrying out the 'coordination task' is determined by the fact that they mandate
the biggest focus of attention, the differences are elusive and regulations simply, alertness,
creating new methods of movement, coordination, and the streamlining of coordination
firmly-established links presents a slightly difficult task for nervous system. Of course, it is
the satisfactory of all to deal with it at the start of the primary section of the coaching session
(Peker and Taskin, 2016).

Motor coordination is a fundamental part of the guidelines and immovably activity

associated with mental methodology, execution visionary, and the development of a part of
an action. Coordination capacities also have an important and strong relationship with a
motor capacity of motor coordination establishes the reasons for both. Coordination has
become one of the main elements for the implementation of the skill level is not capable of
concerned. It is commonly look into that elite players have the fullness of coordination to
create capacities in the collection means.

Indeed coordinative abilities are comprehended as balanced out and summed up

examples of motor control and regulation processes. These empower the athlete to do
movement thru enhanced usage and impacts. The advancement of coordinative capacities is
significant for all games, specifically for the specialized games, aggressive games and for the
contentious games.

Coordinative abilities are classified into seven categories such as Differentiation

ability, Orientation ability, Balance ability, Rhythm ability, Reaction ability, Adaptation
ability and Coupling ability.

Orientation ability

Orientation ability is to alter the station and action of the physique in existence
comparable to a clear field of activity. In gymnastics the position and the movement of head
and eyes is important for orientation. In wrestling, kinesthetic sense organs assume
importance, in volleyball visualization, particularly peripheral visualization, is crucial.

Differentiation ability

Differentiation ability is to accomplish an elevated level of calibrating or congruity of

individual movement segments and body segment movements. It is a serious extent of
exactness and elevated level of authority over sports movements for compelling application
in rivalry.

Coupling ability

Coupling ability is to coordinate body part activities in relation to a certain goal

related to body movements. For example: In volleyball, the body actions aimed at all
mechanism like passing have to be combine with the entire physique association of
attacking, bounding, etc. Likewise in wrestling the movements of hands, legs, trunk and head
have to be successfully combined.

Adaptation ability

Adaptation ability is to modify or absolutely change the development program during

the development dependent on changes or anticipated changes in the situation. The situational
changes may be typical ones or may suddenly occur. It depends enthusiastically after

Rhythm ability

Rhythm ability is to generate a rhythm, prevailing in motor memory in motor action.

For example, in volleyball the sportsman ought to realize a peripheral rhythm while spiking,
passing and deliver in his actions. In different game rhythm isn't set from outside, the athlete
needs to utilize rhythm put away in his motor memory.

Balance ability

Balance ability is to maintain balance between body movements both static as well as
dynamic balance is important in sports, especially in volleyball the players are moving to ball
while offensive and defensive movements.

Reaction ability

Reaction ability is to respond rapidly and efficiently to a signal. To a great extent it

depends on sense organs, coordinative processes of CNS (central nervous system), decision
making, concentration and anticipation.

The Statement of the Problem

To find out the improvement of coordinative ability and skill performance of

volleyball players through skill related training.

Objectives of the Study

1. The principle target of the investigation was to improve the coordinative abilities
among volleyball players following twelve weeks of skill related training.
2. The second objective was to improve the performance of the volleyball players
after the skill related training.


H1: It was hypothesized that there would be significant changes in the coordinative
ability among the volleyball players after twelve weeks of skill related training.

H2: It was hypothesized that there would be significant changes in the skill
performance among volleyball players after twelve weeks of skill related training.


1. This study was delimited to selected 40 intercollegiate volleyball players from

Y.M.C.A college of Physical Education and Nandanam College of Arts College
2. The player’s ages ranged between 18 years to 25 years.
3. Only male volleyball players were selected for this study.
4. The training period was 12 weeks of 4 days in a week.
5. The subjects were exclusively restricted not to take part in any other
physical education activity for the period of 12 weeks.


The succeeding irrepressible influences related through the study were measured as
limits of the study.

1. The change in weather conditions (environmental degree of heat, humidity, gale speed
and various metrological variables) throughout the time of research and analysis were
not measured as impediments.
2. The turn of events and progression of the players anticipating any, during the hour of
experimentation and the conceivable effect on the standard variable couldn't be
controlled. Regardless, the benchmark bunch was incorporated to invalidate the
impact of the anatomical and physiological turn of events.
3. The past experiences of the samples in the field of sports and games, which might be
impacting on the preparation, were not thought of.
4. Heredity and economic situations and the effect with respect to the issues were not

Definition of the Terms

Central Nervous


The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and spinal cord.


A systematic procedure of doing a work repeatedly that involves learning and


Skill Related Training

The training which is focused on enhancing the skill related to the chosen events.

Significance of the Study

1. This interpretation may help to improve the performance of volleyball players.

2. This interpretation may guide the coaches and trainers to follow a suitable skill
related training schedule in volleyball.



Kolev and Petar, (2017), experimental study was done between groups of volleyball
among the age group of 13 to 15 years of players on coordinative abilities. Totally 36
subjects were selected from Sofia university, mine worker and Slavia teams, out of which
distinguished two equal group; one is experimental and another one is control group. The
coordinative ability tests were conducted two tests, prior to the experimentation and
another two tests was conducted after the experimental duration. Students T test was
applied for the dependent groups. The finding stated that both the groups were developed
the coordinative abilities after the experimental period.

Krishnendu Ghosh,, (2016), studied to find out the changes on coordinative abilities
between the positional players in volleyball game. To attain the objective of the study, the
players were selected from Bolpur in West Bengal from district level participation. The
players from setter, spikers and libero only selected each position consist of 20 players,
their age between 14 to 18 years. One way ANOVA and post-hoc test was executed to
analyses the significant changes among the criterion variables. The result revealed that, no
changes was found between the positional players on coordinative ability, however, the
spikiers had more coordinative abilities than the setter and libero, and the setter was more
coordinative ability than the libero players in volleyball.

Ivana Bojic, (2015) studied to determine the correlation between coordination
abilities and situation-related motor abilities of young female handball players. The test
group consisted of 60 female handball players 12 to 14 years of age. In order to rate their
coordination abilities a set of 7 different variables was applied. Their situation-related
motor abilities were rated based on a battery of 8 different tests. Through a canon-based
correlation analysis a valuable factor in regard to statistics was isolated (p .000) which
indicated the significance of the correlation between areas that were monitored.

Simrat Pal Singh, (2015), studied the coordinative ability of volleyball players among
various level of participation. The 120 players were selected from state level and district
level of participation, each group has equally 60 numbers. The data were collected in the
coordinative abilities and it was assessed by independent t test. It was concluded that the
coordinative abilities of rhythmic, reaction, balance, differentiation and orientation abilities
were significantly better in state level players than district level players in Punjab.

Singh A K, (2015), conducted study on north zone intervarsity volleyball players to find out
the coordinative ability. A total of 40 (N=40) male intervarsity volleyball players (10 from
each university) were selected as participants, they were belonging from Faizabad, Hisar,
Jhansi and Aligarh north-zone intervarsity teams. The coordinative ability test (Hirtz, 1985)
was conducted to the participants to derive the result. The investigator concluded that all four
north-zone university volleyball team players (Faizabad, Hisar, Jhansi and Aligarh) had no
significant difference on rhythmic, balance, reaction, differentiation and orientation abilities.
It implies that, as far as north-zone volleyball players of India are concerned they all have
same type of coordinative abilities.

Jaromir Simonek, (2014), the investigator study on coordination in the game of volleyball
on the basis of beginning stage of periodization in sports training. This study deals with
assessment of difference between both the male and female coordinative abilities for
identifying the talented players. The derived result helps to create a new module in volleyball
to develop coordinative abilities. This module is prescribed to the volleyball trainers, coaches
and classes in education institutions and sports clubs. This module should contribute to the
upcoming professionals in volleyball competition.
Priya Lohchab, (2014), studied to find out the relationship among handball and volleyball
players on coordinative abilities. This study executed on volleyball players (N=15) and
handball players (N=15) in the age group between 18 to 22 years. The paper is an uncertain
study performed on 30 (15 volleyball and 15 handball male players) from 18 to 22 years. The
results revealed that t-ratio of rhythm ability is 0.12, balance ability is 0.05, reaction ability is
0.13, differentiation ability is 0.41, and orientation ability is 0.01 respectively, which was
fewer than the table value of 2.05. It was concluded that, no significant changes were found
among men volleyball and handball players in coordinative abilities.

Rana, (2013), this study was conducted to test the coordinative abilities among the table
tennis and badminton players. All the players were represented interuniversity competition
and their age between 18 years to 25 years. The coordinative ability tests (Peter Hirtz) were
conducted to table tennis and badminton players of totally 40. The result was found that,
reaction ability was significantly interrelated with playing ability of table tennis and
badminton, whereas there is no correlation of rhythm, orientation and balancing abilities of
table tennis and badminton players. However, significant result was found for badminton
player in differentiate ability.


This chapter deals with the methods and procedure of the study. It includes selection
of subjects, selection of variables, experimental design, criterion measures, reliability of data,
reliability of the tests, pilot study, training schedule, administration of tests, collection of data
and statistical technique for analyzing the data.


With the achieving the goal of this investigation the coordinative ability and skill
performance of volleyball players’ forty male players from SACRED HEART SCHOOL
LUCKNOW were selected as the participants and they were between 14-25 years.


Dependent Variables

The coordinative ability variables chosen for this study are Orientation Ability (OA),
Differentiation Ability (DA), Reaction Ability (RA), Balance Ability (BA) and Rhythmic
Ability (RHA).

The following skill related variables chosen for this investigation are

1. Serving

2. Spiking/Attacking

3. Dig /Underarm Passing

4. Forearm/upper hand passing.

Independent Variables

The following independent variable was selected for the study.

1. Skill related volleyball training


The static group comparison design was used for the study. Two groups were made as
Experimental and control Group each comprising of 20 subjects.


Coordinative Ability Variables

The following coordinative ability tests were conducted to both the groups.

Sl.No. Variable Test Item Unit

1. Orientation Ability Numbered Medicine Ball Run Test Seconds

2. Differentiation Ability Backward Medicine Ball Throw Points


3. Reaction Ability Ball Reaction Exercise Test Centimeters

4. Balance Ability Long Nose Balance Test Seconds

5. Rhythm Ability Given Rhythm Test Seconds

Skill related variables

1. Serving - Russel-Lange Volleyball Test is used.

2. Spiking/Attacking - Brady Volleyball Test is used.

3. Dig Passing - Helman Volleyball (forearm) Test is used.

4. Pass/Fingering - Helman Volleyball Test is used.


The reliability of data was consists of setting up by the heading of instruments’

reliability, tester’s competency and reliability of tests.

Instruments' Reliability

The reputed Indian and foreign company instruments were executed in this study. The
instruments were found accurate and used in the Human Performance Laboratory and Sports
Equipment Room of Y.M.C.A College of Physical Education, Chennai and the instrument all
were in calibration and it was working condition.

Tester's Competency
The author studied thoroughly about the technique and procedure of tests. The tests
were practiced many times and corrected the errors by testing and retesting. If any
clarification he was cleared the doubts from the supervisor or experts. The reliability of the

test was helped to the investigator for assessing the correct procedure of the tester’s

The reliability of test concerning coordinative abilities and skill related variables
refers to the consistency with which these tests measure. The test and retest was administered
to all the subjects prior to the study. To find out the reliability; randomly 10 players were
chosen and they were tested all the selected variables two times by the investigator in the
same day and the same place. The results of the reliability of test are listed in the below table,
the data were analyzed by Co-efficient of correlations ‘r’ value.

Co-efficient of Correlation ‘r’ Value on the Criterion Variables

S.No Criterion Variable ‘r’ value

1. Coordinative Abilities

Orientation Ability 0.87*

Differentiation Ability 0.86*

Reaction Ability 0.90*

Balance Ability 0.88*

Rhythm Ability 0.89*

2. Skill Related Variables

Serving 0.90*

Spiking/Attacking 0.87*

Dig/Underarm Passing 0.88*

Overhead/Upper hand Passing 0.89*

*Significant was fixed at 0.01 level of confidence.

The acquired ‘r’ values were greater than the table values; it stated that, the instruments,
tests, researcher and the participants were accepted as consistent in the data.

The data were collected from SACRED HEART SCHOOL , LUCKNOW during
the college working days with the permission from the head of institution. All the data were
collected at the morning hours. The data were taken prior to the training period and the post
data were taken after the 12 weeks of skill related training.

In order to find the coordinative ability, the study is been framed. Total of 40
volleyball players from SACRED HEART SCHOOL , LUCKNOW taken as samples, in
which Group I as control group and Group II in place of training group, each cluster consists
of 20 players. The training group undergone 12 weeks of training on 4 days a week, no
special training was performed by the control group. Selection of Variables: The
coordinative ability variables such as “orientation ability, differentiation ability, reaction
ability, balance ability, and rhythm ability” were selected for this investigation. Criterion
measures: numbered medicine ball run test was assessed the orientation ability (seconds),
backward medicine ball throws test was assessed the differentiation ability (points), ball
reaction exercise test was assessed the reaction ability (centimeters), long nose balance test
was assessed the balance ability (seconds) and given rhythm test was assessed the rhythm
ability (seconds). Training Protocol: The training group underwent training of physical
preparation, skill preparation and tactical preparations for 12 weeks of 4 days in seven days,
the control group didn’t take part in specific training. Statistics: To compare the selected
coordinative abilities among the groups, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used at (p>
0.05). The prior and after test significance changes were found out by using paired ‘t’ test.


The Paired ‘t’ test was executed to find out the significant mean variation between
before and after test of training and control group and the percentile was calculated to find
out the improvement differentiate between pre and post data. The Significant difference of
‘adjusted posttest mean’ between the experimental and control group was analyzed by
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The 0.05 level of confidences was fixed as the level of

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