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Practice Test l0


For q uestions 7,13, choose the answer
You are going to read an extractfrom atraveljournal,
to the text,
e, Ć Ór Ó) *ńi"r, you think fits best according

the train,s sleeping

,,open the door|" Itwas three o,clock in the morning, In the darkness of
and slid it open. A huge guarcl armed
with a gun stood before me
car I moved towards the door
make sure I h.'ad myvisa ancl the necessary papers to enter
demancling my passport. He wanted to
the country
I coulcln,t help thinking that tłris
was not the best
Fortunately I did. As I opened my suitcase, that
for a two_1veek trip to the coasl, I had thought
way to start a holiday, We were t-,eaaing
to get time off,
JougłlT".r. My husband had been unable
fishing town
us trom the train sttrtion to tlre small
c)n arriva], we ccluld fincl no taxis to take
a local manwho offered
we were going to. andwe hadnobus
tickets. Finallywe nranaged to tin<l
hil1 and.there on the other side
was the
us a lift for a iarge sum of money. w"
arou" ,-,| u
cliffs. i tong"j to swim in the crystal
water, our dream
deep blue bay positioned between two
holiday had begun!
farm house,
an uncomtortable mzrttress in a small
Two hours later I rvas sitting, in tears. on tyPes of accommcldation
was vastly ove rbooked ancl other
Ihad found that the only hotel in town supply, Not the
becls, peeling puill and a limited water
were gloomy blocks of flats with harcl
lire otnJr oisillusioned tourists. I was beginning to
sort of environment to, ,o.-,r.g chilclren,
than the beautiful resort I had imagined,
realtzethat the town was moń ot a slum

Sowehadencledupinnothingmorethanasheclinavine-coveredyard.Thetwentyorso into her

t.urro*" landlady, she had seven sheds cror,vded
guests were constantly watchecl t y o stove and our
backyard. To make matters worse. we
\łere forbirlden to heat Watel on the gas
water supply was strictly limitec1,
my five_year_old Sa,sha and my two_vear_old
Insteacl of going to the beach, I dragged but no bread, milk,
pl.nty of alcohol and cigarettes,
to the main town to look for tbo<t. I found
łike eggs, cheese ancl sausage, My motherly I
butter, meat or salt, not to mention delicacies I I
"xotr,in! to the city for the next five Weeks,"
instinct told me to leave the place immeaiatety. t
rvu, by a hard-looking woman at the train station, t
the children off to the sea, we sat in the
Fighting clown a feeling of panic, I marchecl
adapting t}
stopped asking tor ice_cream andwere il
About aweek into the holiday. the children hospital had no
Anna rirr irr with a high fever, The
to their diet of potatoes. Soon. however, plane tickets
ńusband who paic1 large bribes to get us
medicine. We ,uvere finally rescuecl by my l readily
me promise never to retuTn there, and
packecl aeroplane. He mac]e
out of the area on a



Practice Test 10

7 \\}r did the guard want to see the writer's passport?

_Ą He rr anted to check her nationality.
B He rł-a_s making sure everything was in order.
c He rl anted to make sure she had one.
D Fie u as being aggressive.
8 The rrriter decided to take a holiday in that village because she
_\ ill..ugi-lt rt rvould be a pleasant family holiday.
B el1..l e cl travelling by train.
C h.rJ he .tt d r-ou didn't need a visa.
D tn,_lLigni it lł-c,luld be cheap.

From the cirr lł indorv the bay looked

_\ i:-,,.,.;ll
B ]: tl...,
C : ..",,
D ,.:-..;,:
{ O In the rritet's opinion, the accommodation she looked at was
A oveńooked.
B ideal.
C unimaginative.
D unacceptable.

l l lilbatnns pańicularly upsetting about the shed?

A The smell.
' B Thenumberofpeople.
C The restrictions.
" D The noise.

{ 2 lłhen thewriter inquired about leaving she was thinking

A of her children.
B ofherself.
c ofherhusband.
D of her landlady.

1 3 \\hen she couldn't leave the village the writer decided to

A irri.-ć h;r children to go swimming.
B tn to iind a shop that sold beach balls.
C complairl to the woman at the train station.
D make the best of the situation.

Practice Test 10

you are going to read a magazine article about supermarkets. Eight paragraphs have been
removedJrońthe article, Choose from the paragraphs A-lthe one which fits each gap (14,20).
There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use, There is an example atthe beginning

The Science of the Supermarket

It's a comnrcln experience for many people. 17 l l

Runningout of food athclme and feeling hungry,, you

Why are yclu walking more quickly'i Look belowyour
make a note to buy sclme milk. cornflakes and
feet and ilou'll see the tiles are getting smaller. lf you
something for supper. then head down to the local
have a shopping trolley, the small tiles make the
trolley sound faster. which hurries you up.
",'.0,,'',.' can't be tnany people who look forward tcl
lsi i

their weekiy journey to the supermarket, Vet some- Men's toiletries, like aftershave and shaving lcltiorrs,
?}re one of the fastest growing products in the grocerv
how you spend more time - and money - tharr you
planned tcl. world. The traditional colours for promoting these
toiletries used to be dark colours like black and
14 blue.
However both men and rvomen are affected by 19
supermarkets' tactics. ln Britain, major grocels are
much more sophisticated about getting customers to Psychologists have estimated th at90% of our "sense "
spend more money than they intended - whether by consists of sight, so colour plays an important part in
changing the iighting or varying the size of a floor the supermarket. Many big British supermarket
tile. chains have altered the brightly lit warehouse effects
and replacecl them with soft, "caring" coiours tcl
,:,,ll§,:, create a warm and friendly atmosphere. Size is
important as rvell.
Sirnilarly the psychological intluence on the supel-
market shopper starts as soon as you walk in the
:;]. :,1,i

door. Enter the shop and the first thing you'll see is
the 1ruit and vegetable section. Obviously the supel- Supermarkets use music to slow down the pace of
markets want to give a good first impression of the customer movement. They also, in many cases, at-
store with their displays clf fresh fclocl. But the colour tempt to keep an ideal temperature in their shops (20
- 21" C) so customers are always comfortable. In the
used - mostly green - has an important psychoiogical
etfect on the shopper, Green is re stful so it immedi- most sophisticated supermarkets shelves are curved.
ately relaxes the shopper. leading you from one display to another. It's no
wonder that when you finally leave tłre shop
,,,,j6,, you find yoursel1 l
you move on to the next set of shelves. canned
with so many things l^
vegetable and fish - unexciting prcducts with low
you never intended V,,
n -'/ /

to buy.
profit margins. They don't lvant you to waste time
here. You find yourself walking more quickly and
,vou're finding it easier to locate what you want
because the lighting is getting brighter.

I@ 1
Practice Test ]0




\ B Lrt ruch tactics are nothing new when it comes to selling. A common practice among
,' L.:lke rs is to throw cinnamon on the pavement outside so that people rub their feet
lil it l nd set clff the smell, therebybringing themselves and other people into the shoP,

B \crt lhing r,ou know you're standing outside it with four bags of groceries and you're
just what happened. Why did you end up buying so much?

C L,., _,k ,r ]ittle closer, Doesn't it seem as if there's a huge choice of fruit and vegetables?
Tle rlirrors irbove the produce mal,well help to give you that illusion.

D \, ,:l: ,l,i the Ł.ig chains, underpressure fromplanning authorities, are even goingback
l._, ::l.r:i:l 5[gps in high street locations.

The :r.-.lucts ere now being presented in simple blocks and it seems like everything
.} :.1.i]-]ling rapidlv - but there's no more effort than before.

F It can't be denied that the shopper is a very wise animal. He or she can see her waY
through the difficulties presented by the shop owner.

G Men in particular hate shopping, and whęn it comes to food shopping they fall for
many- of the superrnarkets' tricks. In general they get bored more easily so any special
promotions or taste tests get their attention and make them spend more.

H Take look today and you'll see lots of racing greens, silver and metallic blue. Don't
these colours remind car-owning men of their pride and joy, parked just outside in
the car park?

I Soon the fioor tiles have become bigger again, and you're taking time to browse.
You're in the bathroom goods section. The lighting is lower but each display is lit uP.
Some shełves may even be of varying depth with the deepest ones at the bottom to
make sure you see as many products as possible.


Practice Test l0

I |

You are going to read some information about holidays. For questions 21-35, choose from the
holidays (A-H). Some of the holidays may be used more than once, When more than one answer
is required, these may be given in any order. There is an example at the beginnin9 (0),

\Ą/hich holiday would you recommend to someone who:

is interested in history'/ B

is interested in painting and sculpture? :iffi

enjoys buying things?

would like to see both cities and countruside? iiffi .,25.1,,

wants to do some independent sightseeing? ':"'ź§::

i:i i i :]-ii!i:ii::

likes seeing unusual animals'J ; ;jii

wants to stay in luxurious hotels?


prefers to travel only by boat? itt§ix]

is interested in beautiful gardens? jł#§*liłi

prefers going to places that are nclt often visited? :"ffiffii!

would like to travel on a river-boat? jiiffii

wants to visit cities of political importance? " óc,i

Practice Test 10


A. Southern lreland
tourS during May and J une offers an excellent
S election of garden visits with
This :a,.
lmpreSs ed b5, the friendly
opp Lr:t t private garden owneIS V isitors to Ireland are always
j ust
tł,eict :' , :l i.l irghou t their Stay
This 1S especially true of the Court Hotel at Killiney BuY,
\\1 th wonderful VlewS towards the Sea. This lS
a medium -sized hotel with extremely
South D
the CounĘ Dublin co astline
high q ]]-, ]l oda tlon and excellent food. Killiney 1S S1tua ted on
of CounĘ Wicklow

hich ć\cltIng ci ty of Dublin and the beautiful countryside

B. Centrał Europe
This E urOpe perfect for people interested 1n the artS, and 1S an interesting
designed to cover the three
of the E p over the centuries. The tour has been specially
the historical
capita i o,, r: Pr agueż B erlin and Dresden allowing travellers to experience
thel rt ill Se There ls also a boa t tri p along the nVer Elbe The Journey will be
mainh : a ilt łrotels along the rou te

c. A classic tour of china

By makine use of our speciai flight arrangements on Air
Chinawe arę able to offer a comfortable and
leisrrreĘ tour of some of the most important cities in china.
Accommodation has been arranged in
to the city, then visitors will be able to
superior four and fil_e star hotels. Theie will be an introduction
is an excellent introduction, We travel from
sightsee on their otrr_ For the first-time visitor to China this
Last stop is Hong Kong for a shopping
north to south_ starting in Beijing and continuing to Shanghai,

D. Nońhem ltaĘ
The dramatic mountain setting of the
This tour of the Italian lakes will be a delight to all garden lovers.
in character, Many rich and talented
southern Alps contrasts well with the lakes, each-very different
gardeners settled here and what they created remains. our
hotel is the Grand Hotel Menaggio which
of l_ake como. Here there is a cool terrace and a lake
full of fish, whenever possible we
is on the shore
will use a private launch to visit the villas around the lake,

E. Journey throug h the Galapagos lslands

A vlSlt tt] the G ..l l I ! 1ands has neVeI be en easy oI cheap W believe we have found the ide a1 way
islands, the
o{l and i1 I- :1S\-l n a Ł.
to 5, p rlCe To enable you to experience the Se strange and wonderful
en tire t L)tl f u iI1 te br bt'l at F orm ed by volcanic eruptions
millions of years a8O, the Gala pagoS lie 600
of the islands neVeI 1e arn t to fear
miles ott th e a(] c1\ t of Ecu ado r U ntouched for centuries, the creatures
humans. Hall the SpeCle S are found now here else on earth
If you have always Wan ted ttl visit the
usually only included 1n wider tourS
Galap agoS but been pu t otf by the coSt and the f,act that they are
of South ,Ąme ric a. then this 1S an opportuniĘ not to be missed.


For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which word A, B, C or D best fits each space.
There is an example at the beginning (0). N/ark your answers in the answer boxes provided.

The seven wonders of the Ancient world

Only one of the seven wonders of the ancient world (0) ..., eństs. This is hardly (1) ,,.., as it is probably
the most dramatic and indestructible. The Egyptian Pyramidswere (2).... between ż550BC and 2480 BC
as royal burial places. They (3) .... on the West bank of the Nile. However, the last century of human
civilisation has had a terrible (4) ....on them, as pollution is decaying the stone. All of the (5) .,..sixwonders
have been completely (6) ..,. by war or natural disasters. For example, the Colossus of Rhodes (7) .... during
an earthquake just 200 years after it was put up at the end of the 4th century. The statue was (8) ,... by scrap
metal merchants in 654 AD. The Mausoleum in Harlicarnassus survived (9) ..,. . It (10) ..,. 19 centuries,
but the white marble tomb was broken up and used for building
( 1 1 ) .... by the crusaders in1,5ż2, The statue

have (13) ..,. to compile lists containing the seven wonders of the (14) ., However nobody seems
to be (15) .... to agree on what it should include.

0A aIwavs B still C again D yet ABcD

1A amazing B shocking C interesting D surprising 1
2A done B put C formed D built 2 ABcD
3A stay B stand C exist D situate 3 ABcD
4A nuisance B effect C trouble D affect 4 ABcD
5A another B left C other D rest ABcD
6A broken B destroyed C wasted D darnaged 6 ABcD
7A pulled down B fell down C put down D gotdown ABcD
8A removed B disposed c received D transferred ABcD
9A farther B later C further D longer 9 ABcD
10A lasted B kept C held D continued 10 ABcD
11 A purpoSe B reason c substance D material 11 ABcD
12A missed B lost C disappeared D away 12 ABcD
13A engaged B worked on C tried D tempted 13 ABcD
14A fresh B latest C modern D culrent 14 ABcD
15A able B capable C possible D probable 15 ABcD

Practice Test 10

For questions 16-30 read the text below and think of the word
which best fits each space. use
j3e (O), Write your word in the
only one word in each space, There is an example at the beginning
answer boxes provided.

Peopie ;an (0) ,.,.,te fzrscinatedorfrustratedbytheirmemory.
Recallingsomethingcanbe just (16) ""
hopelessness and an_xiety, However,
visiting :rn o1.1 frienc]. (17) ,... forgetting can produce feelings of
ra of the past as scientists claim to (18) .," found a protein
a thing
molecule in the
forgetfulne ss ]ll.,.\ s|-l\]n L,,e
"glue" connecting the memory cells together, (20) "" a discovery could mean the
brain rr hich :rct. (19) .... tt
end ot a ],,t,,. ]IJ.t:,tti,,l],
be stored and later recalled, In (23) ""
smell, This. (22) ,,..r:uf n. CIeateS a pattern of activity which can
a memory Pattern. This bond is based
to recall :L]nl.tillil{. _l i]L\i-'.1 must exist (24) ....the cells, producing
join the celis (26) "", and
(25) ..., the p:,.,t<ttl nlLrl-culć scientists have cliscoverecl - the molecule works to
11liIlitrn . Locating tłris protein molecule may enable scientists to
discovet {27\ "" memory
this boncl cre |1te s 11

damage. It could one daywork to bring

is lost (28) .,.. ,..i.1 ege . iollorring injtrrtes or aS a (29) ,... of brain
(3O) .,.. m.;iltrri;: ,,,,; Jtdn't realise we had,
Ł 0 either 0
Ł 16

Ł 17

Ł 18
q 19
20 20
Ł 21 21
23 23
24 24 r---
Ł 25 25
Ł 26 26 r_,
Ł 27 27
28 28

29 29

30 r----

Practice Test ]0


For questions 31-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Use the words given or other words to complete each sentence. You must use
between two and fivewords. Do not change the word given, There is an example atthe beginning
(0). Write only the missing words in the answer boxes provided,

o your house needs to be cleaned. 0 012

need to have your house
have EEl
You............ cleaned.

3l Someone is going to paint our house next week.

painted 31
1 012
We are going to next week.

32 You shouldn't have lied to him.

told 32 32012
I'd rather ......... to him. EEf]
33 She dreams of becoming a pilot.
33 33012
It's a pilot. EEE
34 Could you tell me the way to the station?
34 34012
Would .. .. . me the way to the statiorr?
. . . . .
35 He didn't dare climb the mountain.
He the mountain. 35 35012
36 No one in the club corrld beat him at chess.
He was in the club. 36 36012
37 The teacher didn't punish him despite his bad
let 37 37012
The teacher .... despite his bad behaviour
38 I'm always nel-r'ous before job interviews.
me 38 38012
r] f:] E
Job interviews .........,..... ..... nervous.

39 "I didn't write on the wall"' Tim said.

having 39 39012
Tim on the wall.
40 It took him three days to finish the project.
40 40012
He the project. DED

Pl,actice Te,st l0

For questlcrs 41-55 read the text below and look carefu!ly at each line. Some of the lines are
correct, anc sc,*3 ^ave a word which should not be there.
: i]rst
lf a line is co.,e:: c"li a tick ( ł ) by the number in the answer boxes provided. lf a line has a
-n^,y word whicn s-3, ] not be there, write the word in the answer boxes provided. There are two
exampIes a: :-3 oeo lning (0 and 00).

0 Everyone had told me that England was fascinating ,/ r--l I
had 00
00 sowhen I arrived in l-ondon, I knew I would have had r-_l _
41 a great time. Mv first stop was the Tourist Centre, where 41 Er]
42 lwent as to find out about places to visit 42
4i} and sights of an interest. I was given
44 such a usefirl information that I was able to plan 44 t-E
45 my whole trip. Despite of the cold weather, 45 T--l E
46 I decided to r{sit some of i-ondon's parks. 46 46
47 lhadheard so much deal about them and 47

48 knew l-ondonwas the most greenest ciĘ 48

49 in Europe- In Hyde Park I was amazed at 49

50 the number of trees and plants in everywhere. 50
51 I felt me mlself relax and took time to 51 51

52 walk around appreciating the beauĘ. I must have been 52

Tl t]
: 53 there for hours. When I got to the Buckingham Palace 53

54 itwas dark so I decided to return Łlack to the hotel. 54

55 The next morning I was going shopping and I couldn't wait

For questior,s 56-65 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line
to {orm a ,wo:c tnat fits ln the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0),
Write your r..lord n the answer boxes provided.
thought 0
Adventure Holidays 0
56 L]E
Some pet plc liil.1 :l .l,.,iil,tir1 hiliicla_v boring and uninteresting.
2 The (0) .,.. i]l ],, ittg ,.il :L L.e tich doesn't seem THlNK 57 EE
(56) ..., at al1, Br ,,iiet-itlg crperienced travellers the ADVENTURE 58 58
Ef t-
tlpportunitr tr] \,isit and erplore old (57) ..,. sites, ancient, RELlGloN 59 59
E] T--l
(58) ,.,. teniple s lnd lictrrresque villages. in dramatic, MYSTERY 60
2 (59) ,... regtt ns. nlili,}\ tfil\ ei companies are no\\ attracting MoUNTAIN 60 r] T--l
large nurnbers tll ttlurjsls, (60) ..,. such as Laos. Camboclia DEsTlNED 61
and Vietnan. rr-l-rrch have (61) ,,., beęn considered places TRADlTloN 62
unsuitab]e ior peacetlr1. (62) .... familv holidal,s, have now ENJoY -E63
2 become veil,populal. Yet for those usęd to (63) .... ancl LUXURY 64
E expensive (64) ..... these holiday,s mav turn out to be rather ACCOMMODATE 64
disappoirrting as the hotęls are simple irnd the oniy
(65) ,,.. available is very basic indeed. TRANSPORT

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