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Drizzt’s Travelogue

of Everything

An astonishing account of rules options

for the world’s greatest roleplaying game
Volume 1
Project Lead: Lucas Anderson

Writers: Lucas Anderson, Aaryan Balu, Sarah Brey-

foggle, Hiten Dave, Nathan Doyle, Iam Pace, Jack

Additional Writers: Ismael Alvarez, Ukulele Bard,

Marius Brunner, Jesse McNamee, Ryan Miller, Endhy
Pino, Basil Wright

Lead Editor: Stuart Broz

Editors: Jack Weighill, Taylor Navarro

Lore Consultant: Bailey Russel

Layout: Andrew Welker

Artists: Alexartyouready, Citlalli Anderson, Brandon

Chang, Daniel Comerci, Zal Cryptid, Ben Fleuter,
Threnody Gawron, C. Salavante Hadaway, Artifi-
cial Jealousy, Sofia Lopez, Ben Mansfield, Chelsea
Mcalarney, Jimmy Nijs ,
Roselysium, Dean Spencer, Peter Violini, Kii Weath-

Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey /

Fat Goblin Games
Indi Martin © 2016 (The Fate Warlock)
Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permis-
sion. All rights reserved.
Some artwork © 2020 Vagelio Kaliva, used with permis-
sion. All rights reserved.
Some artwork © 2021 Victoria Blackmore (OneDMto-
Another), used with permission. All rights reserved.

On the Cover
On a brief evening’s respite, Drizzt sits by his campfire
at night, his loyal spirit panther Guenhwyvar curled up
beside him, writing another entry in his travelogue, in
this beautiful painting by Ben Mansfield.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks
of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon
Masters Guild.

2 Credits
Credits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chapter 1: Player Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tactician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Class Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Grandmaster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Mentalist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Scholar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
War Mind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Multiclassing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Artificer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Mechanic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Plague Doctor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Barbarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Path of the Avalanche. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Path of Revelry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Path of the Berserker Redux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Bard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
College of the Promenade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
College of Wordsmiths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Cleric. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Chaos Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Spirit Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Druid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Circle of the Streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Circle of Winter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Fighter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Sorcerer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Animal Warrior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Fey Essence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Dimachaerus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Undead Soul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Monk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Warlock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Way of Redirection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Fate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Way of Terror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 The Deceiver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Way of the Sun Soul Redux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Wizard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Paladin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Planar Weaving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Oath of the Many. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Somniamancy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Oath of the Weave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Chapter 2: Magic Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Ranger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Chapter 3: Dungeon Master Tools. . . . . . . . 75
Emissary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Creature Domestication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Journey Conclave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Intrigue and Mystery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Rogue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Reskinning Monsters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Agitator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Shopping and Businesses Revised. . . . . . . . . 87
Blade Spinner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Traps as Stories and Encounters. . . . . . . . . . 88

Contents 3
My name is Drizzt Do’Urden, and
rather than dying in my infancy as
a sacrifice to the goddess Lolth, I
went on to live a life fuller than
any I could ever imagine, and I don’t
intend to die just yet. I have fought,
befriended, and fought and befriended
all manner of folks and creatures,
from my dear fellows in the Companions
of the Hall, to the relentless assassin
Artemis Entreri (currently my reluc-
tant ally, but only time will tell). I
have seen wonders of magic, and awesome
sights during my journeys. Through
the joys and tragedies I have experi-
enced, I decided one day to organize
and sort my thoughts in a sort of
travelogue which I wrote in whenever I
had a moment of peace. My dear Catti-
brie stumbled upon me writing one
night and to my surprise, insisted I
share my book with the world. That is
what you now hold in your hands or are
viewing in your scrying device. Pardon
my scattered thoughts and varied
accounts, as I often write what comes
to mind as it flows. You may think me
a liar or embellisher for the fantastic
accounts written within. I am no
stranger to skepticism or judgment,
but only ask you to keep an open mind,
and not be the overconfident fool I
was once. I hope that what you read
here inspires you to open your eyes to
the wonders around you and, perhaps, to
seek out adventure yourself.
–Drizzt Do’Urden
Each class offers a character-defining choice at
Chapter 1: Player 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level that unlocks a series of special
features, not available to the class as a whole. That
Options choice is called a subclass. Each class has a collective
term that describes its subclasses; in the fighter, for
The main figures in any D&D campaign are the instance, the subclasses are called martial archetypes,
characters created by the players. The heroics, folly, and in the paladin, they’re sacred oaths. The table
righteousness, and potential villainy of your characters below identifies each of the subclasses in this book.
are at the heart of the story. This chapter provides a Each of the class presentations leads off with advice
variety of new options for them, focusing on additional on how to add depth and detail to your character’s
subclasses for each of the classes. This chapter also personality. You can use the tables in these sections as
provides a new class: the Tactician. a source of inspiration, or roll a die to randomly deter-
mine a result if desired.
Character Options
Class Subclass Description
Tactician - Brilliant thinkers that utilize cunning and planning to win battles and aid allies
Tactician Grandmaster Positions and maneuvers allies and schemes like a master chess player
Tactician Mentalist Uses extreme insight and deductive skills to manipulate and prevail
Tactician War Mind Balances martial skills to fight alongside and lead allies to victory on the battlefield
Tactician Scholar Dabbles in magic in their pursuit of knowledge and learning
Artificer Mechanic Consructs an arcane ride vehicle that they can deck out with cutting-edge upgrades
Artificer Plague Doctor Utilizes healing vapors and medicinal expertise to heal allies and intoxicate foes
Barbarian Path of the Avalanche Charges ahead by building momentum to become unstoppable
Barbarian Path of Revelry Delights in battle, brashly attacking and provoking foes
Barbarian Path of the Berserker Redux A revised and enhanced version of the original classic
Bard College of the Promenade Performs magnificent dances which greatly aid their dance partners
Bard College of the Wordsmiths Bombards and confounds foes with magic born from their poetic rhymes and verses
Cleric Chaos Domain Serves a deity of chaos and wields unpredictable powers
Cleric Spirit Domain Deals with the spirits of the departed and manifests ghostly powers
Druid Circle of Winter Wields powers of cold and freezing of the harshest aspect of nature
Druid Circle of the Streets Thrives in urban cities and locales where nature merely takes a different form
Fighter Animal Warrior Channels mighty animal spirits to gain unique abilities and costumed garb
Fighter Dimachaerus Fights masterfully with two weapons, chaining strikes together to overwhelm foes
Monk Way of Redirection Masters the flow of momentum to redirect blows and control the battlefield
Monk Way of Terror Strikes fear into the hearts of foes with pragmatic brutality and improvised attacks
Monk Way of the Sun Soul Redux A revised and enhanced version of the original classic
Paladin Oath of the Many Harnesses the power of camaraderie and teamwork to promote unity and empathy
Paladin Oath of the Weave Swears an oath to stop those who abuse magic and wields powers effective against mages
Ranger Emissary Carries divine messages and wields holy powers
Ranger Journey Conclave Guides and protects travelers like the leader of a pack
Rogue Agitator Fights with devious tricks to sabotage and thwart foes
Rogue Blade Spinner Dances between foes, switfly landing multiple attacks in style
Sorcerer Fey Essence Wields mighty fey magic and controls and alters the terrain with plants from the Feywild
Sorcerer Undead Soul An arcane caster with a strong bond to undeath
Warlock The Deceiver Employs trickery and deception, difficult to pin down in more ways than one
Warlock The Fate Serves a patron of destiny and utilizes a tarokka deck to predict and alter outcomes
Wizard Planar Weaving Harnesses the energies of the many planes
Wizard Somniamancy Wields the power of sleep and rest to hinder foes and aid allies

Chapter 1 | Player Options 5

Tactician Creating a Tactician
Creating a tactician begins by deciding the origin of
The clang of clashing metal rings out as an orc’s mace your character’s genius. Are they a natural born savant
swings down to smash against the shield of a merce- who has always risen above their peers, or is their bril-
nary captain. The captain laughs, thinking the orc easy liance a result of hard work and perseverance? Did you
prey, failing to notice the orc’s command as an unseen have a kindly teacher who helped foster your brilliance,
tiefling slams her greataxe into the captain’s back. or is your intelligence the result of independent study
A gnome, protected within a ring of allies, furrows and the harsh lessons of life?
her brow as thousands of possibilities race through Second, ask yourself why your character chose to
her mind. In a matter of seconds, she finds the perfect become a tactician over other pursuits. Do they distrust
answer and calls out the offensive to her allies, leading magic, did they lack the aptitude for it, or did they
to a quick and decisive victory. simply never consider or receive the opportunity to
A dragonborn stares calmly into the face of a study it? Furthermore, did they feel that devoting their
beholder, unflinching as all eleven eyes stare down skills to physical greatness distracted them from exer-
upon them. With only their analysis and a single dagger cising the full extent of their tactical techniques?
at their disposal, the dragonborn ducks under the first Finally, why did your character choose a life of adven-
of the beholder’s rays and plunges their dagger into the ture? Most tacticians, with their brilliance and cunning,
aberration’s central eye, before commanding their allies are more than capable of earning a comfortable living
to attack. as merchants, royal advisors, or battlefield strategists.
Masters of the mind and the battlefield, a tactician Therefore, why choose a life of travel, danger, and
embodies the idea that one does not need incredible uncertainty, particularly when your character lacks the
strength or arcane might to achieve greatness, only a common powers of strength or magic to defend them-
sharp wit and an analytical mind. selves? Perhaps for those very reasons your tactician
chose to hone their minds in the fires of adventure,
With no magical prowess to speak of and scant more
rather than in a comfortable and safe vocation. Perhaps
martial skills, I had mistakenly assumed that tacti-
they have a vendetta and are traveling seeking revenge.
cians were not cut out for adventuring. However, their
Or perhaps they simply wish to acquire more knowl-
awesome intellects make them capable leaders, master
edge or wealth. Regardless, your character clearly
planners, and deadly foes…
knows that they will prevail with their keen analytic
-Drizzt senses and reliable leadership skills.

Quick Build
Resourceful Thinkers You can make a tactician quickly by following these
Blessed with neither magical powers nor physical great- suggestions. First, make Intelligence your primary
ness, at first glance many would assume that tacticians ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the
have a difficult time making do. Looks can be deceiving sage or soldier background.
and this underestimation is what allows the tactician to
thrive. The power of a tactician’s mind is a frightening
thing, overflowing with potential and focus that benefits
Class Features
anyone that stands by their side. Whether it’s to lead an Hit Points
army to victory or direct a small strike team, tacticians
Hit Dice: 1d8 per tactician level
find themselves seeking knowledge wherever it may be
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitu-
Uncommon Minds tion modifier per tactician level after 1st
Intelligence, nerve, and communication are the three Proficiencies
pillars of a tactician. This makes them unique, as their
Armor: Light armor
intelligence directs them away from the traditional path
Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbow, longsword,
of magical studies and towards the mastery of combat
maneuvers. These natural born leaders often find them-
Tools: Any two of your choice
selves pursuing a life of adventure in which they can
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
push themselves to the limits and truly test their mental
Skills: Choose three from History, Insight, Investiga-
tion, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, or

6 Chapter 1 | Player Options

and that can see or hear you makes an attack roll or
Equipment ability check, you can use your reaction to expend one
You start with the following equipment, in addition to of your Perfect Plan dice, adding the roll to the result.
the equipment granted by your backstory: You can wait until after the d20 is rolled before deciding
• (a) a longsword or (b) a rapier to use this feature, but must decide before the DM says
• (a) a hand crossbow and quiver of 20 bolts, or (b) a whether the roll succeeds or fails.
shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows Once a Perfect Plan die is rolled, it is lost, and only
• (a) a diplomat’s pack, (b) an explorer’s pack, or (c) a one Perfect Plan die may be used at a time. You regain
scholar’s pack all expended Perfect Plan dice when you complete a
• Leather armor, a dagger, and one set of tools that you long rest.
are proficient in When you reach 7th level, you can add your Perfect
Plan dice to saving throws in the same way you would
Alternatively, you may start with 4d4 × 10 gp to buy your to a creature’s attack rolls or ability checks.
own equipment.

Perfect Plan
Beginning at 1st level, you become a master at devising
the best course of action for the future. When you
complete a long rest, you gain a number of Perfect
Plan dice, as shown in the Perfect Plan Dice column
of the Tactician table, which are d4s. Upon receiving
these dice, you can spend 10 minutes concocting a plan
that includes a number of willing creatures up to 1 +
your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 2 creatures).
Whenever a creature that is a part of your Perfect Plan

Level Features Plan
1st +2 Perfect Plan, Intelligent Defense, 2
2nd +2 Analyze, Contingency Plan 3
3rd +2 Strategic Focus, Expertise 4
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 5
5th +3 Guiding Guile 6
6th +3 Strategic Focus Feature 7
7th +3 Resilient Mind, Improved Perfect 8
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 9
9th +4 Advanced Planning Techniques, 10
Mind’s Eye
10th +4 Strategic Focus Feature, Expertise 11
11th +4 Analytic Advantage 12
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 13
13th +5 Improvised Plan 14
14th +5 Battlefield Commander, Improved 15
Contingency Plan
15th +5 Strategic Focus Feature 16
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 17
17th +6 Piercing Eye, Improved Advanced 18
Planning Techniques
18th +6 Strategic Focus Feature 19
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 20
20th +6 Ultimate Knowing 21
Intelligent Defense Analysis Ability
Also at 1st level, you rely on predictive measures and You use your Intelligence to closely evaluate your foes
careful observation to protect yourself, rather than raw in combat. You use your Intelligence modifier when
agility. You can use your Intelligence instead of your setting the saving throw for a tactician feature.
Dexterity when determining your Armor Class. Analysis save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence
Also at 1st level, your mind grasps more information Contingency Plan
than the average person. You learn two languages of
Also at 2nd level, with a little time to rest and think,
your choice.
you can adjust your plans to new situations. Whenever
Analyze you complete a short rest, you can choose to regain a
number of expended Perfect Plan dice equal to 1 + half
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to focus your intellec- your maximum.
tual prowess into breaking down the defenses of your Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so
opponent and utilizing the information gained to your again until you complete a long rest.
advantage. As a bonus action, you can begin analyzing When you reach 14th level, you can use this feature
a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. Your any number of times.
analysis lasts for 1 minute and provides a number of
benefits as shown below, as well as additional benefits Strategic Focus
as you gain levels in this class. Your analysis ends early
At 3rd level, you’ve decided to hone your tactical
if you are incapacitated, you end your turn unable to see
prowess into a specific long-term Strategic Focus of
the creature, you begin analyzing a different creature,
your choice: Grandmaster, Mentalist, Scholar, or War
or you die.
Mind, all detailed at the end of the class description.
You can use this feature a number of times equal
Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at
to your proficiency bonus, regaining expended uses
6th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level.
whenever you complete a short or long rest.

Combat Analysis Expertise

Also at 3rd level, choose two of your skill proficiencies.
For as long as you are analyzing a creature and can see
Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check
that creature, you gain the following benefits:
you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies.
• When you hit a creature that you are analyzing with At 10th level, you can choose another two skill profi-
an attack, you can expend a Perfect Plan die. Alter- ciencies to gain this benefit.
nately, when an allied creature that is part of your
Perfect Plan hits a creature you are analyzing with an Ability Score Improvement
attack, you can use your reaction to expend a Perfect When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
Plan die. If you do, the attack deals additional damage. and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
Roll 1d4 and add the result to the attack’s damage. If choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of
you are 6th level, add 2d4 instead. If you are 11th level, your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability
add 3d4 instead, and if you are 17th level, add 4d4 score above 20 using this feature.
instead. If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead
• Creatures you are analyzing have disadvantage on take a feat.
opportunity attacks made against you.
Guiding Guile
Trait Analysis At 5th level, you have wit and direction that others
At the end of each of your turns, if you are analyzing wisely heed. Once per turn, when you hit a creature
a creature and can see that creature, it must make an with a weapon attack, you can call out a command to
Intelligence saving throw against your analysis save DC. an allied creature within 60 feet that can see or hear
On a failure, you learn one of the following characteris- you. That creature can use their reaction to make one
tics about the target: weapon attack against the same target. If that ally is
part of your Perfect Plan, you can expend and add a
• Armor class
Perfect Plan die to their attack roll as a part of the
• Any two of its ability scores that you choose
same reaction.
• Damage vulnerabilities
• Damage resistances
• Damage immunities
• Condition immunities

8 Chapter 1 | Player Options

When you reach 17th level, you can name both a
Resilient Mind creature and a location as a part of making your Perfect
At 7th level, you are naturally able to resist effects that Plan.
would alter your mind. When you are subjected to an
effect that allows you to make a Wisdom saving throw Mind’s Eye
to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if Beginning at 9th level, you are able to keep track of the
you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage world around you, even when you cannot see it. Other
if you fail. creatures can’t gain advantage on attack rolls made
Additionally, you gain advantage on saving throws against you as a result of you being unable to see them.
made against being charmed, frightened, or stunned.
Analytic Advantage
Advanced Planning Starting at 11th level, your analysis allows your allies
Techniques to inhibit your foes more readily. Whenever you add
At 9th level, your plans surpass perfection. When you a Perfect Plan die to the damage roll of an attack, the
make your Perfect Plan, you can name a creature or target of that attack suffers one of the following penal-
a location as part of your plan, which persists as a ties:
part of your plan until a new plan is made. A creature
• It can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn.
you name must be one you are familiar with or can
• It is pushed back up to 10 feet away from its attacker.
describe. A location you name must be one you are
• It must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against
familiar with or have a map of. The location is a cube
your analysis save DC or fall prone.
up to ten times your tactician level on a side in feet.
If you name a creature, you gain one of the following
benefits: Improvised Plan
• Whenever you add a Perfect Plan die to an attack When you reach 13th level, you can quickly cobble
made against the named creature, you can choose to together a strong plan of action, even in the heat of the
reroll the die if the result is a 1 or 2. You must use the moment. As an action on your turn, or whenever you
new result. roll initiative, you may expend a Perfect Plan dice and
• Choose an ability score. Whenever the named call out an impromptu plan to a number of creatures
creature makes a saving throw using that ability score, that can hear you, up to 1 + your Intelligence modifier
you use your reaction to expend and roll a Perfect Plan (minimum of 2). Each of those creatures gains an
dice, subtracting the result from the target’s roll. You Improvisation die, which is a d4.
may use this ability before or after the target makes Once within the next minute, the creature can roll
their roll, but before the DM determines the outcome of the die and add the number rolled to one ability check,
the roll. attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can
• Whenever the named creature would be pushed out wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use
of the reach of another creature that is a part of your the Improvisation die, but must decide before the DM
Perfect Plan, you may use your reaction and expend a says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Impro-
Perfect Plan dice. When you do, the named creature visation die is rolled, it is lost. A creature can have only
provokes an opportunity attack from each creature that one Improvisation die at a time.
is a part of your Perfect Plan whose reach it would be You may use this feature a number of times equal to
pushed out of. your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses
whenever you complete a long rest.
If you name a location, you gain one of the following
benefits: Battlefield Commander
• Whenever you add a Perfect Plan die to an attack When you reach 14th level, you can effortlessly call out
made within the named location, you can choose to commands in the heat of battle. In combat, you get a
reroll the die if the result is a 1 or 2. You must use the special extra reaction. You can use this special reaction
new result. only to utilize your Perfect Plan dice, and you can’t use
• Whenever you add a Perfect Plan die to an ability it on the same turn that you take your normal reaction.
check or saving throw made by a creature in the named
location, you can choose to reroll the die if the result is Piercing Eye
a 1 or 2. You must use the new result. By 17th level, you are always one step ahead of your
• As a bonus action, you can spend one of your Perfect enemies, able to predict their every move and capitalize
Plan dice to allow each creature within the named on their every weakness. The first time you make an
location that can see or hear you to use their reaction attack roll against a creature you are analyzing on each
and move up to half their speed. of your turns, you may add a Perfect Plan dice to your
attack without using your reaction or expending the die.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 9

Ultimate Knowing Two Steps Ahead
At 20th level, your knowledge in tactics and planning At 6th level, you become a master of analysis and
is unparalleled, almost supernatural. Your Intelligence forward planning, aware of your target’s next moves and
increases by 2. Your maximum score is now 22. how to counter them. Whenever you become the target
Additionally, your keen sense of strategy and anticipa- of an attack made by a creature you are analyzing, you
tion of adversity grants you the following benefits: gain a +2 bonus to AC against that attack.
• You cannot be surprised. Additionally, whenever you are forced to make a
• You have advantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, Dexterity saving throw by a creature you are analyzing,
and saving throws. you gain a +2 bonus to that saving throw.
• Other creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls
against you.
Beginning at 10th level, you have mastered the art of the
Strategic Focus swift and advantageous rebuke. Whenever a creature
deals damage to you, you can use your reaction to make
All tacticians are brilliant, but not all tacticians agree a weapon attack against that creature.
on the same way to harness and pursue their genius. You can use this feature a number of times equal to
Thus, tacticians will choose or gravitate towards a your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses
specific Strategic Focus, a particular method of honing whenever you complete a long rest.
one’s skills. By 3rd level, a tactician chooses a Strategic
Focus in which to invest their talents. Perfectionist
Beginning at 15th level, you have so many contingencies
Grandmaster and clauses that your plans cannot fail. The first time a
With the ability to see the bigger picture and plan creature that is a part of your Perfect Plan rolls a 1 on
accordingly, Grandmasters see life as a game of an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw on a turn,
strategy–one they are committed to winning. Able to they can reroll the die and must use the new result.
manipulate and position allies to achieve victory, as well
as predict and outmaneuver foes, the strategic focus of
Grandmaster is one of patience and cunning, but also At 18th level, you have mastered the ability to telegraph
one of striking for the decisive win. a perfect, game-winning strike. Whenever a creature
that is a part of your Perfect Plan hits another creature
with an attack. If it had advantage on its attack roll, you
It is humbling to think we’re all just pieces to be
can use your reaction and cause that attack to count as
maneuvered in some great game between rival schemers.
a critical hit.
In contrast to the vast majority, Grandmasters have
Once you have used this feature, you must complete a
claimed the role of the player, controlling pawns as
short or long rest before you may do so again.
necessary to gain victory.
It is said that letting a Mentalist analyze you is to know
Bonus Proficiencies defeat. With unparalleled powers of observation and
When you first choose this focus at 3rd level, you gain insight, the deductive skills of a Mentalist can put even
proficiency in two of the following skills: Deception, the most proficient psionic mind readers and diviners
Insight, or Persuasion. to shame. Their talents rely on piecing together clues,
Additionally, you gain proficiency with up to three such as a person’s appearance and behavior, to draw
gaming sets of your choice. conclusions that are uncannily accurate, allowing them
to worm their way into their opponent’s head and bring
Moving Pieces them down from the inside.
Also at 3rd level, you are able to take a step back within
your mind and view the entire battlefield like a board,
filled with pieces for you to move. On your turn, you A tactician once greeted me in a tavern and, after
briefly glancing over my person, deduced my whole
may choose not to move. If you do, you may choose a
history simply by analyzing my posture, indicative of
willing creature that can see or hear you. That creature
can then use their reaction to move up to your walking sword training in Menzoberranzan, my garb, reflec-
tive of a seasoned ranger, my gaze, displaying a strong
speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
sense of justice, and so forth. In some ways, these
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended Mentalists who can read every aspect of your being
without extracting your brain are more terrifying
uses when you finish a short or long rest.
than mind flayers.

10 Chapter 1 | Player Options

You can use this feature a number of times equal to
Bonus Proficiencies your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses
When you first choose this focus at 3rd level, you gain whenever you complete a long rest.
proficiency in two of the following skills: Deception,
Insight, or Perception. Predicted Downfall
When you reach 15th level, your uncanny eye pierces
Insightful Prediction the minds and defenses of your foes. Your Insightful
Beginning at 3rd level, you can worm your way into Prediction feature affects the target’s saving throws.
the minds of your attackers, predicting their next move
with frightening accuracy. Whenever a creature you are Unnerving Prediction
analyzing starts its turn, if you can see that creature, At 18th level, your words cut deep into the minds of
you can make an Wisdom (Insight) check contested your foes, throwing them deeply off-balance. Whenever
by the creature’s Charisma (Deception) check. On a you affect a creature with your Insightful Prediction
success, you read their every move. Until the start of feature, you may call out disarming words towards
that creature’s next turn, whenever it makes an attack that creature. If the target hears you, it takes an extra
roll or an ability check, roll a d4 and subtract the result 1d12 psychic damage whenever it is hit by an attack roll
from their roll. before the start of your next turn.
When you reach 10th level, the die rolled increases to Additionally, when you use your Psychoanalyze
1d6. feature on a creature, you instead automatically
succeed on all Wisdom (Insight) checks made against
Psychoanalyze that creature for the duration.
Also at 3rd level, you can read into the body language
and speech patterns of a creature to determine their
motives. Whenever you analyze a creature for the full
duration, you gain an insight into their mental state, Heavy tomes, endless research, and mountains of
granting you advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks information can drain the energy from the average
made against that creature for the next 24 hours. person, but to a Scholar these are the things that fill
them with life. Most Scholars tend to be minor spell-
Subtle Influence casters, merely picking up a basic proficiency in magic
to aid in their studies. What Scholars truly excel at
Starting at 6th level, you can use your predictive abili-
is learning, knowledge, and focused analysis. These
ties, combined with a layer of subterfuge, to guide your
bookish fellows are not helpless in a fight though, for
enemies into the perfect position for you and the worst
their research can also include spelling your defeat.
position for them. As a bonus action, you can goad a
creature under the effects of your Insightful Predic-
tion feature into attacking whoever you like. Choose a I once met a Scholar, a tactician who “dabbled” in
creature that is a part of your Perfect Plan. As long as magic, though only in their quest for knowledge. Never
the target can see the chosen creature and is hostile have I met someone so persistent and uncannily skilled
to them, the target suffers disadvantage on attack rolls in learning, studying, and applying their scholarship in
that do not target that creature until the start of your shocking ways.
next turn. -Drizzt
You can use this feature a number of times equal
to your proficiency bonus, regaining expended uses
whenever you complete a long rest.
When you first choose this focus at 3rd level, your
Unerring Perception tactical studies have granted you the ability to cast
Also at 6th level, your eyes remain sharp, even in the spells.
heat of battle. You add your Intelligence modifier to Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from
Wisdom (Perception) checks. the wizard spell list. You learn an additional wizard
Additionally, you can take the Search action as a cantrip of your choice at 10th level.
bonus action. Spell Slots. The Scholar Spellcasting table shows
how many spell slots you have to cast your wizard spells
Spot the Opening of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you
At 10th level, your skill in predicting your opponents’ must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You
moves allows you to take advantage of even the regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long
slightest opening. Whenever a creature under the rest.
effects of your Insightful Prediction feature misses with For example, if you know the 1st-level spell catapult
an attack roll or fails an ability check, you can use your and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available,
reaction to make a weapon attack against that creature. you can cast catapult using either slot.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 11

Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know Scholar Spellcasting
three 1st-level wizard spells of your choice, two of which Tactician Cantrips Spells – Spell Slots per Spell Level –
you must choose from the divination and transmutation Level Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
spells on the wizard spell list.
The Spells Known column of the Scholar Spell- 3rd 2 3 2 — — —
casting table shows when you learn more wizard spells 4th 2 4 3 — — —
of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be an 5th 2 4 3 — — —
divination or transmutation spell of your choice, and 6th 2 4 3 — — —
must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For
7th 2 5 4 2 — —
instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can
8th 2 6 4 2 — —
learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.
The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can 9th 2 6 4 2 — —
come from any school of magic. 10th 3 7 4 3 — —
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can 11th 3 8 4 3 — —
replace one of the wizard spells you know with another 12th 3 8 4 3 — —
spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. The new
13th 3 9 4 3 2 —
spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots,
and it must be an divination or transmutation spell, 14th 3 10 4 3 2 —
unless you’re replacing the spell you gained at 3rd, 8th, 15th 3 10 4 3 2 —
14th, or 20th level from any school of magic. 16th 3 11 4 3 3 —
Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting 17th 3 11 4 3 3 —
ability for your wizard spells, since you learn your
18th 3 11 4 3 3 —
spells through study and memorization. You use your
Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting 19th 3 12 4 3 3 1
ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier 20th 3 13 4 3 3 1
when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you
cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Analytical Caster
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence
modifier Beginning at 10th level, your spells strike hardest
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence when you know your enemy. Whenever you damage a
modifier creature you are analyzing with a spell of 1st level or
higher, that creature takes one additional die of damage
Bonus Proficiencies of the spell’s damage.
Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in two of the
following skills: Arcana, Investigation, or Medicine.
Tactical Arcana
Additionally, you gain proficiency with calligrapher’s Beginning at 15th level, you can enhance the spell-
supplies. casting capabilities of your allies. Whenever a creature
that is a part of your Perfect Plan casts a spell that
Expert Analyst forces one or more creatures to make a saving throw,
you may use your reaction to expend and roll a Perfect
Also at 3rd level, you can glean great amounts of infor-
Plan die, adding the result to the target’s spell save DC
mation from creatures at a moment’s glance. Whenever
for that casting.
a creature fails its Intelligence saving throw against
If one or more of the spell’s target’s fails their saving
your Analyze feature’s Trait Analysis, you may learn two
throw against the spell, you cannot use this feature on
characteristics about the target, instead of one.
that spell’s caster again until you complete a long rest.
Spell Guile Perfect Spellcraft
Starting at 6th level, you can interweave your spells into
At 18th level, you can store reserves of arcane power,
your combat tactics, guiding your allies towards the
tapping into them only when your plan requires it. You
targets of your spells. Whenever you damage a creature
may cast spells you know without expending spell slots,
with a spell, if you haven’t already this turn, you may
instead expending a number of Perfect Plan dice equal
use your Guiding Guile feature, directing the chosen
to twice the spell’s level.
ally to attack the target creature. If you damage multiple
creatures as a part of the same casting, choose one of
the damaged creatures.

12 Chapter 1 | Player Options

War Mind Battle Brilliance
Also at 3rd level, your analysis of a creature shows you
Choosing to bolster their martial prowess instead
of focusing solely on their cunning, War Minds are the best ways to harm it. Whenever you add a Perfect
renowned as peerless military commanders and Plan die to an attack roll made against a creature you
generals. Not only do they know how to inspire their are analyzing, you also deal additional damage as if you
troops through motivational words, War Minds are had spent a Perfect Plan die for your Combat Analysis
more than prepared to fight side-by-side with their feature.
soldiers and can easily hold their own in the fray. Additionally, your weapon attacks score a critical
hit on a roll of 19 or 20 against any creature you are
Not all tacticians eschew physical combat in pursuit
of the mind. To War Minds, orchestrating victory in Extra Attack
battle and fighting in the fray are one and the same. Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice, rather than
-Drizzt once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Bonus Proficiencies Perfect Defense

At 10th level, strong offense breeds strong defense,
When you first choose this focus at 3rd level, you gain
something that you always plan accordingly for. As a
proficiency in two of the following skills: Athletics,
bonus action, you may expend and roll a Perfect Plan
Persuasion, or Survival.
dice, adding the result to your AC. This benefit lasts
Additionally, you gain proficiency with martial
until the start of your next turn. You can use this feature
weapons and medium armor.
only if you have taken the Attack action this turn.
Fighting Style Strength in Numbers
At 3rd level, you adopt a style of fighting as your
At 15th level, your combat prowess and tactical
specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t
direction can allow you and your allies to withstand
take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you
devastating attacks. Provided you aren’t incapacitated,
later get to choose again.
whenever you and one or more other creatures within
Archery 30 feet of you would be forced to make a saving throw
against the same effect, each affected creature you
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with choose gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to the
ranged weapons. number of chosen creatures (maximum bonus of +5).
Defense You may use this feature a number of times equal
to your proficiency bonus, regaining expended uses
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to whenever you complete a long rest.
Flawless Formation
At 18th level, you have mastered the art of arranging
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand your troops to win the battle. While two or more crea-
and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage tures that are a part of your Perfect Plan and are not
rolls with that weapon. incapacitated are within 5 feet of each other, they gain
the following benefits:
• Their AC increases by an amount equal to your Intel-
When a creature you can see attacks a target other
ligence modifier.
than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your
• Their attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.
reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You
must be wielding a shield.
Ability Score Minimum. Intelligence 13.
Proficiencies Gained. Light armor, simple weapons,
one tool of your choice.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 13

Artificer Mechanic Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells
At 3rd level, an artificer gains the Artificer Specialist prepared after you reach particular levels in this class,
feature. The following options are available to an as shown in the Mechanic Spells table. These spells
artificer, in addition to those offered in Eberron: Rising count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count
from the Last War and Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
Spells with an asterisk (*) can be found in Xanathar’s
Mechanic Guide to Everything.
Bored of blistered feet and horse-drawn carriages, Mechanic Spells
artificers of the Mechanic specialization seek to create Artificer Level Spells
something entirely new: a transportation machine. A 3rd burning hands, longstrider
breakthrough in your sciences has allowed you to craft
5th blur, misty step
an arcane ride, allowing you to travel at distances and
speeds thought impossible before. 9th blink, haste
13th dimension door, stoneskin
17th passwall, steel wind strike*
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Artificers
supposed they could improve upon the common riding
horse. I still prefer a noble beast of flesh and blood,
Tools of the Trade
but I must admit that my steed, Andahar, does not have When you first choose this specialization at 3rd level,
quite as many missiles, boosters, or fanciful features you gain proficiency with land vehicles.
as these Mechanics’ “arcane rides” do...

Your arcane ride cannot gain the benefits of the same
Arcane Ride customization more than once.
Also at 3rd level, you have engineered a brilliant motion The number of customizations your ride can have
machine, an arcane ride that stays by your side. As an increases as you gain artificer levels, increasing by two
action on your turn, you can assemble your arcane ride, at 11th, and then two more 15th level.
which is a Medium or Large object with an AC equal to During a long rest, you can choose one or more of
your artificer spell save DC and hit points equal to 5 + the customizations currently active on your arcane ride
your artificer level. Its Strength score is 14, its Dexterity and replace each of them with a different customization
score is 18, and its Constitution score is 13. It is immune of your choice, spending 1 hour with your arcane ride
to poison and psychic damage. and a set of tinker’s tools, and expending 25 gp for each
While within 5 feet of your arcane ride, you can use changed customization.
5 feet of movement to begin piloting it, treating it as a
creature you have mounted. When piloting your arcane Customizations
ride, you gain the following benefits: Crew Capacity. One other Medium or smaller
• Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. creature of your choice within 5 feet of you can use half
• You can take the Dash or Disengage action as a its movement on its turn to become a passenger on
bonus action. You can also take one of these actions as your arcane ride. While a creature is a passenger in this
a part of your action to form your ride. way, it gains the following benefits:
• When you need to make a Strength (Athletics) or • It occupies your space, moves wherever you move
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, you can make an Intelli- and cannot move otherwise except to dismount your
gence (land vehicles) check instead. ride, which costs half its movement.
• You gain advantage on ability checks and saving • Whenever you take the Disengage action, any passen-
throws made against effects that would move you gers on your arcane ride also gain the benefits of that
against your will. action.
• Your jump distance is tripled. • Whenever the passenger falls, the falling damage it
• You can use a reaction to reduce any falling damage takes is equal to the amount you take and it falls prone
you take by an amount equal to three times your arti- only if you do.
ficer level and, unless you suffer damage, you are not
A passenger can use half its movement on its turn to
knocked prone from falling 10 feet or more.
dismount your arcane ride, moving into a space within
Other creatures cannot pilot your arcane ride, as they 5 feet of you. A creature is forcibly dismounted if it falls
fail to understand its workings. prone.
As a bonus action, you can disassemble your arcane Combat Drifting. Whenever you enter a space within
ride, collapsing it into a compact form that fits within a 5 feet of another creature, you can immediately move
1-foot cube. into another unoccupied space within 5 feet of that
When your arcane ride is reduced to 0 hit points, it creature and within 10 feet of you.
immediately disassembles and you fall prone if you are You can use this feature a number of times equal to
piloting it. your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses
As long as your arcane ride is disassembled, it when you complete a short or long rest.
regains all lost hit points when you complete a long Grav Magnets. You gain a climbing speed equal to
rest. your walking speed and can move up, down, and across
If you lose your arcane ride, you can craft another by vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while
spending 8 hours with 50 gp worth of materials. When leaving your hands free.
you create a new arcane ride, any other arcane ride you Localized Shield. As a bonus action, you engage
have created ceases to function. a magical barrier around your arcane ride. You gain
Your arcane ride takes on whatever appearance you temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier
choose, as long as it fits within a 10-foot cube. Its shape + your artificer level, which last for 1 minute. While you
has no bearing on its capabilities. Suitable appearances have these temporary hit points, you and any creature
for your arcane ride might include: lightning-powered mounted on your arcane ride gain a +2 bonus to your
boots, a motorcycle, or a mechanical animal mount. AC and to Dexterity saving throws.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
Mechanical Tinkering your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses
At 5th level, you can employ tweaks to your arcane ride, when you complete a long rest.
specializing it for any occasion. Your arcane ride gains Micro Missiles. As a bonus action, you can have your
two customization options, detailed below. Customiza- arcane ride fire off three homing darts of arcane energy.
tions are benefits granted to the arcane ride for as long You can fire them at one target or several. Each target
as you are piloting it. must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your
artificer spell save DC for each dart targeting them or
take 1d4 force damage.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 15

You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses Vertical Boosters
when you complete a long rest. By the time you reach 15th level, you have developed
Oil Slick. As an action on your turn, you can have powerful magical propulsors and installed them into
your arcane ride leak a slippery liquid onto the ground. your arcane ride. While you are piloting your arcane
Until the end of your turn, whenever you enter into a ride, you have a flying speed equal to your walking
space, you leave behind a 5-foot area of this liquid that speed and you can hover.
falls to the ground, filling the closest space on solid
ground below it. The substance lasts until the end of
your next turn, after which it dries and fades.
Plague Doctor
Whenever a creature steps into an area covered by Every human generation or so, there is a pandemic
the substance or starts its turn standing there, it must of some kind of mundane disease somewhere along
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your arti- the Sword Coast. While magic and those who follow
ficer spell save DC or fall prone. the gods can provide healing, their services can be
Once you have used this feature, you must complete a expensive. And even when a temple’s services are free
short or long rest before you can do so again. of charge, the plagues can often spread faster than
Ramming Speed. The first time you move at least 20 magic can contain it. In many of these circumstances,
feet in a straight line towards a creature on your turn special doctors fill in the gaps where faith fails. Plague
and enter into a space within 5 feet of them, you can doctors practice a form of artifice that—while similar
take the Shove action against that creature as a part of to herbalism and alchemy—is inherently different.
the same movement. If you choose to push a creature in While these artificers often go by different names, be it
this way, you can push that creature up to 15 feet away medicinalists, pharmacists, apothecaries, or chemists;
from you. the moniker of plague doctor is used by the layman
Slipstream. Whenever you take the Disengage near-ubiquitously.
action, you can engage your slipstream. When you do,
you can move through the spaces of other creatures When a healer was summoned to tend my wounds, I
and also gain the benefits of the Dash action. certainly wasn’t expecting an Artificer wearing heavy
You can use this feature a number of times equal to robes and a bird mask. However, when the Plague
your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses Doctor uncorked his healing vapors, the gashes from
when you complete a long rest. the bandits’ blades sealed shut, and I could feel the
Spellnitro. Once on each of your turns, you can poison fade along with any lingering doubts.
expend a spell slot to immediately move a number of -Drizzt
feet equal to ten times the level of the expended spell
slot in a straight line. This movement does not provoke
opportunity attacks. Tool Proficiency
Submersible Propulsion. Your arcane ride is suited At 3rd level, as you take up the trade of healing the
for underwater travel. You gain a swimming speed sick, you gain proficiency with your choice of one of the
equal to your walking speed and your arcane ride forms following tools: alchemist’s supplies, the herbalism kit,
an air pocket around itself that grants you 1 hour of air, or the poisoner’s kit.
or 30 minutes of air to you and a passenger.
Plague Doctor Spells
Arcane Stunt At 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared
At 11th level, your expertise at the helm allows for you to after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown
overcome almost any obstacle. While you are piloting in the Plague Doctor Spells table. These spells count as
your arcane ride, you gain the following benefits: artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the
• The bonus to speed your arcane ride grants you number of artificer spells you prepare.
increases to 20 feet. Plague Doctor Spells
• Your jump distance is multiplied by five, instead of by Artificer Level Plague Doctor Spells
3rd create or destroy water, detect poison or disease
• When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to
make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, 5th calm emotions, prayer of healing
you instead take no damage if you succeed on the 9th remove curse, stinking cloud
saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. 13th aura of life, death ward
17th contagion, raise dead

16 Chapter 1 | Player Options

Potent Vapors Empowered Vapors
Beginning at 3rd level, you can lob potent vapors into Starting at 5th level, your potent vapors increase in
the field of battle. As a bonus action, you can target power.
a space you can see within 30 feet and choose either Harmful Vapors. Your Harmful Vapors now deal an
Harmful Vapors or Healing Vapors. additional 1d8 necrotic damage on a failed save (2d8
Harmful Vapors. Each creature within 5 feet of the total).
target point must succeed on a Constitution saving Healing Vapors. Your Healing Vapors now heal
throw against your spell save DC or take 1d8 necrotic creatures an amount of hit points equal to 1d8 + your
damage. Intelligence modifier.
Healing Vapors. You expend a spell slot of 1st level
or higher. Each creature within 5 feet of the target point Vital Vapors
is cured of one disease that afflicts it, or one of the When you reach 9th level, your potent vapors become
following conditions that apply to it: blinded, deafened, even more powerful.
paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned. Harmful Vapors. On a failed save, a creature now
becomes poisoned by your harmful vapors until the
Constant Exposure start of your next turn.
Beginning at 5th level, due to your continuous exposure Healing Vapors. When a creature would be healed
to the sick, you have built up an immunity to illnesses to full hit points by your Healing Vapors, any surplus
and ailments. You are immune to disease. healing can be applied to the creature as temporary hit

Magnificent Vapors
Starting at 15th level, your concoctions are the stuff of
Harmful Vapors. On a successful save, creatures
now take half damage from your Harmful Vapors.
Healing Vapors. In addition to the healing options
provided by your Potent Vapors feature, you can also
select from the following options:
• Reduce each creature’s exhaustion level by one
• End any reduction to the targets’ ability scores
• End one effect reducing the targets’ hit point

Chapter 1 | Player Options 17

Barbarian Generating Momentum
You generate momentum under the following condi-
At 3rd level, a barbarian gains the Primal Path feature. tions:
The following options are available to a barbarian, in • If you are raging and move at least 30 feet during
addition to those offered in the Player’s Handbook. your turn or take the Dash action, you generate 1
Path of the Avalanche • If you are raging and knock a hostile creature prone
You are the roar that thunders from the cliffs. You are or push it 5 or more feet, you generate 1 momentum.
the dread of the slopes. Each swing of your weapon is • If you take damage from a trap, environmental
the anger of the mountain, the crush of stone, the crash hazard, or hostile creature, you generate 1 momentum.
of ice, the promise of overwhelming fury. • If you roll a 20 on an attack roll or reduce a hostile
You channel the force of motion into terrible blows creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack, you
and inexorable speed, able to discharge the buildup generate 1 momentum.
of energy into great feats of strength or inexhaustible You can spend up to your proficiency bonus in
acts of endurance. And with it, your charge is inescap- momentum points in a single round. If you have any
able, your wrath irresistible, your might undeniable. at the end of your turn, you lose half your momentum
Your blows shatter gates and walls and fell giants and (minimum 1) if any of the following apply:
dragons with contemptuous ease. • You ended your rage that turn
Those who walk this path often garb themselves in • You did not move that turn
bright colors and exotic tokens, vibrant feathers and • You did not gain or spend momentum that turn
vicious fangs, to draw the gaze of friend and foe alike so
they may witness and remember your dauntless power.
Greater Momentum Powers
When you reach 6th level, you learn to harness your
My tactical knowledge and training always led me to
momentum into even greater acts of strength and fury.
fight with nuance, to zig and zag, and to retreat when
You learn one greater momentum power of your choice,
necessary rather than to charge straight forward
which is detailed below. Greater momentum powers
regardless of potential hazards. However, barbarians
require momentum points to use. You learn one addi-
of the Path of the Avalanche have made a seemingly
tional greater momentum power of your choice at 9th,
reckless strategy rather effective.
12th, and 17th level. Each time you learn a new greater
-Drizzt momentum power, you can also replace one greater
power you know with a different greater one.
Momentum Powers • Dauntless Advance. Spend 2 momentum points as
At 3rd level when you select this path, you can channel a bonus action and either gain a number of temporary
your motion into great feats of strength and violence. hit points equal to twice your Constitution modifier
You learn two momentum powers of your choice, (minimum of 1) or remove one of the following condi-
which are detailed below. Momentum powers require tions from yourself: blinded, deafened, frightened, or
momentum points to use. You learn one additional poisoned.
momentum power of your choice at 7th, 10th, and 15th • Defiant Fortitude. Spend 2 momentum points when
level. Each time you learn a new momentum power, you you make a Constitution or Strength ability check or
can also replace one power you know with a different saving throw and gain a +5 bonus to your roll.
one. • Overwhelming Obstinacy. Spend 2 momentum
points when you are hit with an attack. Until the
• Wall Breaker. Spend 1 momentum when you hit with
beginning of your next turn, you have resistance to all
an attack on an object to deal double damage.
damage other than force damage and psychic damage.
• Speeding Boulder. Spend 1 momentum to increase
• Unrestrained Rage. Spend 2 momentum points as
your speed by 10 feet until the end of your turn.
a reaction when a spell or other magical effect would
• Irresistible Onslaught. Spend 1 momentum to use
reduce your speed or cause you to be paralyzed or
your bonus action to shove a creature 5 feet or knock a
restrained. You ignore that effect until the beginning of
creature up to one size larger than you prone.
your next turn. In addition, you can spend 1 momentum
• Inescapable Wrath. Spend 1 momentum to take the
point to escape from nonmagical restraints, such as
Disengage action as a bonus action. When you do, you
manacles or a creature that has you grappled.
ignore difficult terrain until the end of your turn.
• Thunderous Awe. Spend 2 momentum points as a
• Mighty Mien. Spend 1 momentum when you make an
bonus action to give creatures of your choice within 60
Intimidation or Performance check involving Strength
feet disadvantage on Insight, Perception, and initiative
to gain advantage on that check.
checks until the end of their second turn.
• Potent Thew. Spend 1 momentum and, until the
• Relentless Wrecker. Spend 2 momentum points to
beginning of your next turn, you count as two sizes
make an additional melee weapon attack when you take
larger, up to a maximum of Huge.
the Attack action.
Living Avalanche Path of Revelry
Starting at 10th level, you can smash through your foes
Most barbarians channel pure rage and hatred into
with relentless aggression. If you knock a creature
their strikes, their fury driving them forth in battle
prone or push it 5 or more feet, you can choose to either
through rivers of blood and enemies. Those of the Path
make an immediate melee weapon attack against it or
of Revelry have no time to get angry. Why would they?
to increase your speed by 20 feet until the beginning of
Fighting is fun!
your next turn.
Those who follow this path live for great mirth and
Endless Momentum revelry, favoring the passions that come with it. They
stride into battle with a gleeful grin on their face and
Beginning at 14th level, you learn how to hold the power a song in their hearts, ready to bring a bit of joy to the
of the avalanche within yourself. When you roll initia- blood-soaked battlefield.
tive, you gain a number of momentum points equal to
your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). In addition,
while raging, your movement increases by an additional I do not relish fighting, regardless of how often I
10 feet when you aren’t wearing heavy armor and your find myself engaged in deadly combat, for I see it as

Rage damage bonus is doubled if you move at least 30 an unfortunate necessity and view those who relish it

feet on your turn. with scorn. However, it is not cruelty that fuels the
passions of the Path of Revelry but a spirit of fun
that is almost… childlike in nature. It confuses and
unnerves me.

Life of the Party

Starting when you begin down this
path at 3rd level, you gain proficiency
in the Performance skill and one
musical instrument of your choice.

Battle Bliss
Also at 3rd level, when you enter a
rage, you instead enter a blissful state
of glee and energy. When a creature
or object targets you with an attack
or deals damage to you while you are
raging, your melee weapon attacks
deal 1d4 extra damage to that creature
or object until the end of your next
turn. The die rolled for this extra damage
increases in size as you gain barbarian levels,
increasing by one size at 6th (1d6), 10th (1d8),
and 14th (1d10).

Adrenaline Rush
At 6th level, you’re always looking to get to the
center of the action. While you’re raging, you
can use your bonus action to move up to your
speed towards a hostile creature. You can use this
feature a number of times equal to your proficiency
bonus, regaining all expended uses when you complete
a short or long rest.

Brash Taunter
Beginning at 10th level, you can shout vulgar insults
and make taunting gestures at your foes, drawing them
toward you. As a bonus action while you’re raging, you
can taunt any number of creatures you choose within

Chapter 1 | Player Options 19

30 feet of you. A creature within range that sees or
hears you must make a Wisdom saving throw, the DC
of which is equal to 8 + your Strength modifier + your
proficiency bonus. On a failure, a creature suffers the
following penalties, which last until the start of your
next turn.
• It suffers disadvantage on attack rolls made against
any creature other than you.
• It must spend 2 feet of movement for every 1-foot it
moves in any direction not toward you.
A creature that you have dealt damage to since the start
of your previous turns automatically fails on its
saving throw against this feature.
When you enter a rage, you can use
this feature as a part of the same
bonus action used to enter that rage.
Once you have used this feature,
you must complete a short or long
rest before you can do so again.

Euphoric Revelry
By the time you reach 14th
level, while you’re raging you
can use a bonus action to
briefly enter a state of pure
passion and energy, which
lasts until the end of your turn.
While it lasts, whenever you enter
a space within 5 feet of another
creature, you can make a melee
weapon attack against that creature (no
action required) provided that you have not
already hit that creature with a weapon attack
on your turn. You can make a number of attacks
this way up to your Constitution modifier
(minimum of one).
Additionally, you can use your Adrena-
line Rush feature as a part of the same
bonus action.
Once you have used this feature,
you cannot do so again until you
complete a long rest.

20 Chapter 1 | Player Options

Additionally, when you enter a rage, you can choose
Path of the Berserker a number of creatures you can see within 30 feet equal
Redux to your proficiency bonus and force them to make a
Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency
For some barbarians, rage is a means to an end—that bonus + your Constitution modifier) or be frightened of
end being violence. The Path of the Berserker is a path you until the end of your next turn.
of untrammeled fury, slick with blood. When you enter If a creature succeeds on its saving throw, it is
the berserker’s rage, you do not know the meaning of immune to this effect for 24 hours.
fear, and punish those who would dare try to stop your
fighting spirit. Retaliation
Starting at 14th level, when you take damage from a
Many a barbarian has claimed the title of “Berserker” creature that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your
when in reality they exhaust themselves after raging in
reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that
a sadly lackluster display. Those I have met who truly creature.
follow the Path of the Berserker are paragons of
might, fury, and relentless offense without end.

Starting when you choose this
path at 3rd level, your rage
becomes all the more ferocious
and mindless. Your damage
bonus while raging increases
by 2, to a total of +4. This bonus
increases to +5 at 9th level and
+6 at 16th level.
Additionally, while raging,
you have resistance to psychic

Fearless Rage
Beginning at 6th level, your bravery is
unchallenged. You have advantage on
saving throws to avoid being frightened.
Additionally, while raging, whenever a
creature forces you to make a saving throw to resist
being frightened, you can use your reaction to move 30
feet closer to them. If this brings you within range, you
can make one weapon attack against that creature as
part of your reaction. You make this attack immediately
before making the saving throw. If the attack hits, your
save automatically succeeds, in addition to the attack’s
normal effects.

Terrifying Presence
Beginning at 10th level, your mien inspires fear. You
gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill if you don’t
already have it. If you already have proficiency in this
skill, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability
check you make with that proficiency.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 21

Bard its reaction to choose another willing creature within 5
At 3rd level, a bard gains the Bard College feature. The feet of it to share the effect of the spell as if it was also
following options are available to a bard, in addition to targeted by it.
those offered in the Player’s Handbook.
College of the At 6th level, with inspiration comes a surge of energy
Promenade and the urge to dance. When a creature gains a Bardic
Inspiration die from you, it can use its reaction to move
Those who practice the weaving of the performing arts up to its speed.
with magic aren’t always singers or storytellers, nor are
they always poets or painters. Sometimes they dance.
For those inclined to sashay across the dance floor, it
is often less important to be better than everyone else
at the dance than it is to be better than yourself.
Although it should be noted that—for some—
being better than everyone else has its
own rewards. Members of the College of
the Promenade are often as at home in
the courts of nobles with masques and
music and the pervasive fear of a meta-
phorical knife in the back as they are
in the grassy meadow of a peasant folk

I didn’t know what to expect when I danced with a

bard, but certainly I was not prepared for a dance
with so much passion, flair, and deadly efficacy. The
College of the Promenade is a wonder to behold, and
even more thrilling to experience.

It Takes Two
Beginning at 3rd level, when you inspire someone, they
can share your inspiration with a partner. When you
grant a creature a Bardic Inspiration die, that creature
can choose another creature within 5 feet of it to share
its inspiration. This second creature gains a Bardic
Inspiration die identical to the first. This second die
does not cost you an additional use of your Bardic

Social Butterfly
Beginning at 3rd level, your knowledge of social
dancing expands your repertoire in related areas.
Choose one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics,
Insight, Performance, or Persuasion. You become
proficient in that skill and your proficiency bonus is
doubled when you use it.

Tandem Tactics
Beginning at 6th level, those inspired by you are
able to share the benefits of certain spells, so long
as they are nearby when it is cast. When you cast a
spell targeting a creature that has an unspent Bardic
Inspiration die granted by you, that creature can use

22 Chapter 1 | Player Options

The Deadly Dance Arcane Poetics
At 14th level, those inspired by you gain the ability to Beginning at 3rd level, you learn to rhyme and spin
work in tandem on the battlefield as well as on the lyrics that evoke powerful magical forces, allowing
dance floor. If a creature that begins its turn with an your very words to manifest devastating effects. Your
unspent Bardic Inspiration die granted by you hits an metaphors scorch with blazing heat, your puns punish
enemy with an attack, any other creature that begins with force, and your imagery materializes as terrifying
its turn with an unspent Bardic Inspiration die granted reality. As long as you can speak, you can forgo the
by you has advantage on their first attack against that somatic components of your spells.
creature before the end of your next turn. Additionally, you gain proficiency in Intimidation.

College of Battle Bars

Wordsmiths Also beginning at 3rd level, when your spellcasting
feature lets you choose or replace a bard spell or bard
Some bards fight not with weapons or music, but with cantrip of 1st level or higher, you may choose spells
their very words which, when spun into rhymes, create from the wizard spell list of the evocation school. When
powerful spells like blades forged in the hottest flames. you cast a spell that deals damage, you can expend one
These bards are fittingly known as the College of of your uses of Bardic Inspiration to roll a Bardic Inspi-
Wordsmiths, and while their duels are fierce things and ration die and add the result to the damage roll.
they often swagger with great pride and braggadocio,
they are always seeking to perfect their deadly art of the Freestyle
spoken word. At 6th level, your skill with improvisational lyrics allows
you to nimbly bounce back from awkward conversa-
tional mishaps. When you roll a Charisma ability check,
I always thought actions bested words, but then again
you can reroll once, but must use the new result if you
I had never witnessed a bard spin a cutlass out of a
do. You may use this ability a number of times equal
couplet, turn a verse into a curse, or slay a dinosaur
to your proficiency bonus. All uses of this feature are
with a metaphor. Truly, the College of Wordsmiths
restored after completing a long rest.
has given me a greater appreciation for poetics.
-Drizzt Lyrical Labyrinth
At 14th level, your lyric mastery allows you to create an
inescapable web of words that can ensnare even the
strongest foes. As a bonus action, you can expend a use
of your Bardic Inspiration to roll a Bardic Inspiration
die and add that number to your spell save DC until
the end of your turn. Once you have used this ability
you cannot use it again until you have completed a long

Chapter 1 | Player Options 23

At 1st level, a cleric gains the Divine Domain feature.
The following domain options are available to a cleric,
in addition to those offered in the Player’s Handbook.

Chaos Domain
As an acolyte dedicated to the whims of chaos and
spontaneity, you are different from most other mortals Bonus Cantrips
with connections to divine beings. Clerics of this Starting at 1st level, you learn the vicious mockery
domain tend to mock notions of tradition and battle cantrip plus one additional cantrip of your choice from
against tyranny, and they frequently cavort with the wizard spell list. For you, these cantrips count as
swashbucklers and thieves. They believe that laws, cleric cantrips.
bureaucracy, and authoritarianism stifle growth, and it
is only through chaos and randomness that mortals can Divine Chaos
evolve. Some may use their powers to better the fate of
Also at 1st level, your spellcasting can unleash surges
the downtrodden. Others may be more sinister, gaining
of untamed magic. Once per turn, you can roll a d20
their powers from malicious forces who seek nothing
immediately after you cast a cleric spell of 1st level or
more than discord and destruction.
higher. If you roll a 1, roll on the Divine Chaos table
In the Forgotten Realms, chaos deities include Cyric,
to create a magical effect. If the effect is a spell, it is
Mask, and Tymora. In the Eberron campaign setting,
too wild to be affected by any class feature or magic
gods include Olandra, the Mockery, and the Traveler. In
item that influences a spell you cast, and if it normally
Theros, gods of chaos include Keranos and Phenax.
requires concentration, it doesn’t require concentration
in this case; the spell lasts for its full duration.
My first inclination is to distrust chaos, but I have
come to respect it as a crucial component of the
balance of existence. However, I suspect even clerics
who serve the Chaos Domain do not fully understand
what they are getting into.

Chaos Domain Spells

You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the
Chaos Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain
class feature in the Player’s Handbook for how domain
spells work.
Chaos Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st faerie fire, Tasha’s hideous laughter
3rd crown of madness, phantasmal force
5th bestow curse, hunger of Hadar
7th blight, hallucinatory terrain
9th animate objects, mislead

24 Chapter 1 | Player Options

d100 Effect
Divine Chaos 43-44 For the next minute, you can teleport up to 20 feet as a
d100 Effect bonus action on each of your turns.
01-02 Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the 45-46 You cast zone of truth centered on yourself, but are
next minute, ignoring this result on subsequent rolls. immune to its effects.
03-04 A random creature within 30 feet of you gains the benefit 47-48 A unicorn controlled by the DM appears in a space within
of a shield of faith spell for 1 minute. 5 feet of you, then disappears 1 minute later.
05-06 A pegasus controlled by the DM appears in an unoccu- 49-50 You cast silence, centered on yourself.
pied space within 5 feet of you, then disappears 1 minute 51-52 You cast sanctuary on yourself.
53-54 You are immune to being intoxicated by alcohol for the
07-08 You cast confusion centered on yourself as if using a next 5d6 days.
3rd-level spell slot.
55-56 Your hair falls out but grows back within 24 hours.
09-10 You cast guiding bolt as a 2nd-level spell.
57-58 You are under the effect of a zone of truth spell for the
11-12 Roll a d10. Your height changes by a number of inches next hour.
equal to the roll. If the roll is odd, you shrink. If the roll is
59-60 You regain your lowest-level expended spell slot.
even, you grow.
61-62 For the next minute, you must shout when you speak.
13-14 You cast mass healing word as a 3rd-level spell, targeting
all creatures within 30 feet of you. 63-64 You cast healing word, targeting a random creature within
15-16 For the next minute, you regain 5 hit points at the start of
each of your turns. 65-66 Up to three creatures you choose within 30 feet of you
take 4d10 radiant damage.
17-18 You grow a long beard made of feathers that remains
until you sneeze, at which point the feathers explode out 67-68 You are poisoned until the end of your next turn.
from your face. 69-70 You cast faerie fire, targeting each creature within 20 feet
19-20 You cast create food and water in your space. The effect of you.
on the terrain is equivalent to a grease spell. 71-72 You gain resistance to all damage for the next minute.
21-22 The next time you make a spell attack within the next 73-74 A random creature within 60 feet of you becomes
minute, you have advantage on the attack roll. poisoned for 1d4 hours.
23-24 Your skin glows with a vibrant golden color, and you give 75-76 You glow with radiance, shedding bright light in a 30-foot
off light as a candle. A remove curse spell can end this radius for the next minute. Any creature that ends its turn
effect. within 5 feet of you must succeed on a DC 10 Constitu-
25-26 You have a heightened awareness of deception for the tion saving throw or take 1d10 radiant damage.
next minute. During this time, you have advantage on 77-78 You cast guardian of faith in an unoccupied space within
Wisdom (Insight) checks made to detect lies. 10 feet of you, but the guardian can’t discern friend
27-28 For the next minute, all your spells with a casting time of from foe, and forces a Dexterity saving throw from any
1 action have a casting time of 1 bonus action. creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of it (including
you, when it appears).
29-30 You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space of your
choice that you can see. 79-80 Illusory butterflies and flower petals flutter in the air
within 10 feet of you for the next minute.
31-32 You must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw
or be teleported to the plane of Pandemonium until the 81-82 You can take one additional action immediately.
end of your next turn, after which time you return to the 83-84 Each creature within 30 feet of you takes 1d10 necrotic
space you previously occupied or the nearest unoccupied damage. You regain hit points equal to the sum of the
space if that space is occupied. You take 1d4 psychic necrotic damage dealt.
damage from the winds of that plane. 85-86 You cast enhance ability on yourself.
33-34 Maximize the damage of the next damaging spell you 87-88 You cast tongues on a random creature within 30 feet of
cast within the next minute. you.
35-36 Roll a d10. Your age changes by a number of years equal 89-90 You become invisible for the next minute. While invisible,
to the roll. If the roll is odd, you get younger (minimum 1 other creatures can’t hear you. The invisibility ends if you
year old). If the roll is even, you get older. attack or cast a spell.
37-38 1d6 flumphs controlled by the DM appear in unoccupied 91-92 If you die within the next minute, you immediately come
spaces within 60 feet of you and are frightened of you. back to life as if by the reincarnate spell.
They vanish after 1 minute. 93-94 Your size increases by one size category for the next
39-40 You regain 2d10 hit points. minute.
41-42 You turn into a statue of your deity until the start of 95-96 You and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnera-
your next turn. While a statue, you are incapacited, are bility to piercing damage for the next minute.
immune to poison and psychic damage, and are resis- 97-98 You are surrounded by faint, holy music for the next
tant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from minute.
nonmagical attacks. If you are reduced to 0 hit points,
99-00 You regain half of all expended spell slots between 1st
you revert to your normal form.
and 5th level, rounded up.
Channel Divinity: Chaos Spirit Domain
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity Clerics of the Spirit Domain hold a special relation-
to potentially hinder your opponents. When a hostile ship with the fallen; those restless spirits who have not
creature you can see casts a spell, you can force that passed peacefully to the realms beyond. The best of
creature to roll on the Divine Chaos table. The creature these spirits are respected for their wisdom and knowl-
must roll two percentile dice, and you choose between edge; clerics often seek to help them complete their
the two outcomes. final business so that they may pass into the afterlife.
Other spirits-—angry, vengeful, and destructive—are
Rotating Luck hunted and destroyed before they wreak more havoc on
At 6th level, you learn how to manipulate the strands of the world of the living.
fate to your advantage. As a bonus action, or a reaction Many clerics worship the spirits themselves, rather
in response to being forced to make a saving throw, you than specific deities. However, some gods of death
can gain advantage on the next attack roll, ability check, and memory are associated with this domain. In the
or saving throw you make. With this advantage, you Realms, deities of this domain include Kelemvor and
can roll three d20s instead of two, and take the highest Mystra. In other worlds, this domain includes deities
result of the three. If you would have had disadvantage such as Osiris, Hades, or the Raven Queen.
on the original roll, you roll two d20s as normal.
Once you use this feature, the DM can impose a My time with Gwynhyvar often leads me to contemplate
reverse penalty to one attack roll, saving throw, or the world of the incorporeal, the spirit, and my very
ability check you make before you next complete a long soul. The gods of the Spirit Domain allow certain
rest. With this penalty, you roll three d20s and pick the clerics to explore those questions very... directly.
lowest. If you had advantage on the original roll, you -Drizzt
roll two d20s as normal.
Once you use this feature, you can’t benefit from it Spirit Domain Spells
again until the penalty is applied or until you complete a Cleric Level Spells
long rest, whichever comes sooner. 1st protection from evil and good, unseen servant
Potent Spellcasting 3rd invisibility, see invisibility
5th speak with dead, spirit guardians
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to
the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip. 7th banishment, death ward
9th antilife shell, dispel evil and good
Chaotic Form
At 17th level, you can use an action to transform yourself Bonus Proficiencies
into an avatar of chaos, gaining the following benefits At 1st level, you have a connection with the ones who
for 1 minute: lived before. You gain proficiency in the History and
• When you see a creature within 30 feet of you making Insight skills.
an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw with either
advantage or disadvantage, you can use your reaction to Spirit Seer
force the creature to roll with your choice of advantage Also at 1st level, you have the uncanny ability to see into
or disadvantage. the realm of spirits. As an action, you gain a special
• Once per turn when you cast a spell, you can choose spirit sight that extends to a range of 30 feet and lasts
to roll on the Divine Chaos table. for 1 minute. Within this range, you have darkvision if
• Whenever you roll on the Divine Chaos table, you can you don’t already have it and you can see through solid
roll twice and choose either number. objects. You perceive objects as ghostly, transparent
• If a creature scores a critical hit against you or an images, and you can see into the Ethereal Plane.
allied creature you can see within 60 feet of you, the You can use this feature a number of times equal to
next attack that hits the attacking creature is automati- your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain
cally a critical hit as well. all expended uses when you complete a long rest.
• When you have advantage on an attack roll, ability
check, or saving throw, your advantage can’t be negated
by disadvantage.

26 Chapter 1 | Player Options

Channel Divinity: Step
Beyond the Veil
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity
to cross partially out of the physical realm as an action. Your body must still make death saving throws, and
While in this state, you appear ghostly and translucent, it suffers the normal effects of taking damage while
and you have resistance to all damage except psychic at 0 hit points. If your body is stabilized or has hit
and force damage. You can move through other crea- points restored, it remains unconscious until your
tures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, but spirit chooses to return to it, which it can do from any
you take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside distance (no action required).
an object. If your body dies, your spirit remains for seven days,
After 1 minute, or until your concentration ends but it cannot return to your corpse.
(as if you were concentrating on a spell), you become Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until
corporeal again. If you occupy the same spot as a solid you complete a long rest.
object or creature when this happens, you are immedi-
ately shunted to the nearest unoccupied space that you
can occupy and take force damage equal to twice the
number of feet you are moved.

Survivor of Spirits
At 6th level, you become better able to resist the touch
of the dead. You gain resistance to necrotic damage and
your hit point maximum cannot be reduced by attacks
or effects that do necrotic damage.

Divine Strike
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse
your weapon strikes with ethereal force.
Once on each of your turns when
you hit a creature with a weapon
attack, you can cause the attack
to deal an extra 1d8 force damage
to the target. When you reach 14th
level, the extra damage increases
to 2d8.

Spectral Warrior
At 17th level, you have a flying speed of 10 feet and
you can hover.
Additionally, when you are reduced to 0 hit points,
you can cause your spirit to continue fighting.
Your body drops prone but your spirit
remains standing. Your spirit retains all
of your statistics with the following
• It gains all the benefits of your
Step Beyond the Veil feature, but
does not require concentration.
• It has a Strength score of 1 and
gains no bonus to its Armor Class
from wearing armor.
• It cannot cast spells that require
material components.
• If it is reduced to 0 hit points, it is forced
back into its body. If the body is dead, the
spirit dies as well.
• If it begins its turn more than 100 feet from its
body while the body still lives, it must succeed on a
DC 15 Charisma saving throw or instantaneously
return to the body.
Chapter 1 | Player Options 27
At 2nd level, a druid gains the Druid Circle feature. The
following options are available to a druid, in addition to
those offered in the Player’s Handbook.

Circle of the Streets

Those who take the druidic vows do not just move
when urbanization encroaches upon their domain.
Sometimes they do, and sometimes the druids of a
particular area react violently; seeing the encroachment
of so-called civilization as an affront to nature. Other
druids, however, see cities as just another part of the
natural order. To these druids, dwarves, elves, humans,
halflings, and other sapient species are just different
types of animal; and their buildings and settlements
are really no different from a fire ant’s mound or a bee’s
hive. People don’t like to be rained on, so naturally
they build homes. People don’t like to be pushed out
by invaders, so naturally they build walls. Such druids
adapt to their new surroundings and often take up
the mantle of protecting the new nature around them.
Druids who embrace the streets and flagstone learn
abilities that enable them to carry out their druidic
duties in their domain, just the same as any other druid.

One would think it is common knowledge that druids

shun great cities like Waterdeep and Neverwinter
as realms outside of nature’s domain. However, I have
met more than one city-dwelling druid of the Circle
of the Streets who sees the city as just another
ecosystem, a sort of “cobblestone jungle,” if you will.

Life on the Streets Circle Spells

At 2nd level, Your connection to the city and other
At 2nd level, life on the streets has taught you both what
urban centers grant you access to certain spells. Once
to say and how to move to work with the other denizens
you gain access to one of these spells, you always have
of the city. You know thieves’ cant, a special language
it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of
used by rogues, spies, and thieves. You are also adept
spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a
at maneuvering through crowds. Moving through
spell that doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell
occupied spaces doesn’t count as difficult terrain and
is nonetheless a druid spell for you.
you can move through an enemy’s space, but you can’t
end your turn in another creature’s space unless it is Circle of the Streets Spells
two size categories larger or smaller than you. Addi- Druid Level Spells
tionally, fighting in cramped quarters doesn’t impose 3rd calm emotions, knock
disadvantage on you as long as you are not wielding a 5th tongues, nondetection
weapon in two hands and are in a space large enough 7th Mordenkainen’s private sanctum, fabricate
for you to squeeze through.
9th animate objects, wall of stone

28 Chapter 1 | Player Options

Everyday Objects
Size Hit Points Armor Class Attack Modifier Damage Strength Dexterity
Tiny 20 18 +8 1d4 + 4 4 (-3) 18 (+4)
Small 25 16 +6 1d8 + 2 6 (-2) 14 (+2)
Medium 40 13 +5 2d6 + 1 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
Large 50 10 +6 2d10 + 2 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
Huge 80 10 +8 2d12 + 4 18 (+4) 6 (-2)

Everyday Object Circle of Winter

At 6th level, you gain the ability to transform into an
While winter has been intoned in prose as the season of
everyday object, capable of moving on its own with
death, of stillness and silence, of starvation and snow,
some semblance of life. As a bonus action, you can
where half the world darkens to life, this natural phase
spend a use of your wild shape to transform into an
is also a time of hibernation and rest, of migration and
animated object as per the animate objects spell. You
travel. It marks a period when many beasts, from great
can become a Tiny, Small, or Medium object. At 10th-
bears to minute insects, go into deep torpor, and its
level you gain the ability to become a Large object, and
advent and ending herald long journeys across vast
at 14th-level you can become a Huge object.
distances. While the pattern and behavior of animals
As an animated object, you are a construct with AC,
changes for each climate region during the winter
hit points, attacks, Strength, and Dexterity determined
months, one distinct element above all others is consis-
by your size. You also gain a melee weapon attack that
tent and pervasive—the coming cold. And it is this
deals bludgeoning damage according to your size.
aspect the druids of winter manifest the most.
The DM might rule that you instead inflict slashing
As a druid of the Circle of Winter, you attune to the
or piercing damage based on the form you take. Your
natural rhythm of this season and physically embody its
Constitution is 10 and you retain your mental ability
essence, becoming a warden of the restful, a shepherd
scores statistics while in this form. Your speed is
of the traveler, and a herald of the cold, able to shape
30 feet. If the object you become lacks legs or other
and summon ice and imbue your spells with gelid
appendages you can use for locomotion, you instead
have a flying speed of 30 feet and can hover. You have
blindsight with a radius of 30 feet and are blind beyond
that distance. When your animated object form drops I have traveled through Icewind Dale and other frozen
to 0 hit points, you revert to your original form, and any regions and have seen the austere beauty of nature and
remaining damage carries over to your original form. its awesome brutality that few can endure let alone
thrive in. Yet druids of the Circle of Winter cele-
Herd Immunity brate and embrace the cold, relishing in the frigid

Beginning at 10th level, Through your attunement majesty of nature at its coldest.

to the nature of the streets and exposure to relative -Drizzt

uncleanliness you are immune to disease, the poisoned
condition, and poison damage. Mark of Winter
Backdoor Those who connect to the frigid season are marked by
At 14th level, your intimate knowledge of the hidden
paths and magical spaces that underlie cities enables Winter Mark
you to find passages where they normally don’t exist. d6 Mark
As an action, you can spend a use of your wild shape 1 Your skin is cold to the touch and glitters as though
to cast the passwall spell without the need for material covered in hoarfrost.
2 Your eyes shimmer like purest ice beneath the sun.
3 A chill mist wafts from you, leaving spinning clouds as
you move.
4 Your irises are the shapes of snowflakes.
5 Your hair becomes snow white, and your skin takes on a
cerulean hue.
6 Your demeanor and emotions become as cold as the
powers you connect with.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 29

Circle Spells Herald of Winter
At 2nd level, Your connection to the seasons grant you When you reach 6th level, you can draw upon the
access to certain spells. Once you gain access to one of essence of winter and rest. As a bonus action, you can
these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t expend a use of your Wild Shape feature and, rather
count against the number of spells you can prepare than assuming a beast form, invoke one of the following
each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn’t effects:
appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a Chilling Presence. You emit a chilling aura for 10
druid spell for you. minutes that extends from you in a 10-foot radius and
Circle Spells moves with you. You must concentrate on this aura as if
concentrating on a spell. The ground within your aura
Druid Spell
becomes icy and slippery and is difficult terrain. Plants
and water in your aura freeze if exposed for 1 minute.
2nd armor of Agathys, sleep Water freezes thick enough to walk upon. In addition,
3rd Maximilian’s earthen grasp*, Snilloc’s snowball swarm you gain the Freezing Touch ability.
5th Leomund’s tiny hut*, slow Freezing Touch. As an action, you can freeze
7th fire shield*, Otiluke’s resilient sphere 20-cubic feet of water with a touch. The water remains
frozen for 1 hour if the ambient temperature is above
9th cone of cold, Bigby’s hand*
freezing. Additionally, as an action, you can make a
melee spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 cold
Imbued by the Cold damage and must make a Strength saving throw
At 2nd level when you select this circle, the depthless against your spellcasting DC or be
chill of winter courses through you. You gain resistance encased in ice and restrained. As
to cold damage, and you can move across difficult an action, the target can repeat
terrain created by ice or snow without spending extra the Strength saving throw to
movement. In addition, if you inflict cold damage to a free itself. While it remains
creature from any source, the creature’s movement is encased, it takes 1d4 cold
reduced by 5 feet until the beginning of its next turn. damage at the start of
Only a single creature can be affected each turn. each of its turns. A
This reduction increases to 10 feet at 9th level, 15 feet creature within 5 feet of
at 13th, and 20 feet at 17th. it can use an action to
attempt a Strength

30 Chapter 1 | Player Options

against your spellcasting DC, freeing the encased
creature on a success. The encased creature is also Avatar of Winter
freed if it is dealt 30 bludgeoning damage or 15 fire Beginning at 14th level, you can use an action to
damage. become an incarnation of ice and winter for 1 hour.
The damage of Freezing Touch increases to 2d4 at Maintaining this form requires concentration as if you
9th level, 3d4 at 13th, and 4d4 at 17th. This applies to were concentrating on a spell. While in this form, you
both the initial damage and the damage taken each turn gain the following features and powers:
a target is encased in ice. • You are immune to cold damage. When you would be
Gelid Spell. When you cast a spell, you can change dealt cold damage, you instead regain hit points equal
a spell’s damage type to cold. If the spell already deals to half the amount of damage.
cold damage, it ignores resistance to cold damage and • You become vulnerable to fire damage.
treats immunity as resistance. In addition, the spell • As a bonus action, you can lower the temperature
deals additional cold damage equal to your druid level in a 60-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can
to one creature it targets. see within 60 feet of you. The temperature in that area
Icy Construct. You create either an inanimate ice drops swiftly. Each minute, the temperature drops
object or an animated ice creature. The ice object can’t one category, from extreme heat to hot, from hot to
have any moving parts, must be able to fit inside a temperate, from temperate to cold, or from cold to
5-foot cube, and has the density and durability of stone. extreme cold. Once the temperature reaches extreme
The ice creature must be modeled after a beast with cold, it stays there until you leave your Avatar of Winter
a challenge rating of 1/8. The ice creature obeys your form or end the effect as a bonus action, at which point
commands and has the same statistics as the beast it it returns to its previous temperature at a rate of one
models, with the following changes: the creature is a category per minute.
construct with vulnerability to fire damage, immunity to
cold and poison damage, and immunity to the following While in this form and in an area of extreme cold, you
conditions: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, gain the ability to control the environment. As a bonus
petrified, and poisoned. The ice object or creature action on your turn, you can cause one of the following
appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of you. It effects:
melts into a pool of normal water after 1 hour or when • Freezing fog fills a 20-foot-radius sphere centered
it drops to 0 hit points. In extreme heat, it loses 5 (1d10) on a point you can see within 60 feet of you. The
hit points per minute as it melts. Use the guidelines in fog spreads around corners, and its area is heavily
chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide to determine obscured. Each creature in the fog when it appears
the hit points of an inanimate object. must make a Constitution saving throw against your
The CR of beasts and size of objects you can create spellcasting DC, taking 3d8 cold damage on a failed
with this feature increases to CR 1/4 and a 10-foot cube save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A
at 9th level, CR 1/2 and a 15-foot cube at 13th, and CR 1 creature that ends its turn in the fog takes 3d8 cold
and a 20-foot cube at 17th. damage. A wind of at least 20 miles per hour disperses
Migratory Path. For 8 hours, you and up to a number the fog. The fog otherwise lasts for 10 minutes, until you
of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus gain 10 feet use this action again, or until you are rendered uncon-
of movement while traveling through natural environ- scious. 
ments and can ignore the effects of extreme cold. This • Jagged ice shards burst from the ground, striking up
bonus does not apply during combat and is lost when to three creatures that you can see within 60 feet of
initiative is rolled. you. You make one ranged spell attack roll using your
The speed bestowed by Migratory Path increases to Wisdom modifier against each target. On a hit, the
20 feet at 9th level, 30 feet at 13th, and 40 feet at 17th. target takes 2d8 piercing damage and 2d8 cold damage. 
• An opaque wall of ice forms on a solid surface you
Season of Rest can see within 60 feet of you. The wall can be up to 30
Starting at 10th level, you and up to a number of crea- feet long, 30 feet high, and 1 foot thick. When the wall
tures equal to your proficiency bonus can complete appears, each creature within its area is pushed 5 feet
a long rest in 4 hours. In addition, when a creature out of the wall’s space, appearing on whichever side of
benefiting from this feature finishes a long rest, it can the wall you want. Each 10-foot section of the wall has
remove two levels of exhaustion instead of one and AC 5, 40 hit points, vulnerability to fire damage, and
regains all of its spent Hit Dice instead of up to half. immunity to acid, cold, necrotic, poison, and psychic
damage. The wall disappears after 10 minutes, when
you use this action again, or when you are rendered
unconscious. In extreme heat, it loses 5 (1d10) hit points
at the end of each of your turns as it melts.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest
before you can use it again.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 31

Fighter Cunning Coyote
At 7th level, you form a connection with the spirit of the
At 3rd level, a fighter gains the Martial Archetype Cunning Coyote, which grants you its blessing. As a
feature. The following options are available to a fighter, bonus action, you can channel the spirit of the Cunning
in addition to those offered in the Player’s Handbook. Coyote, and a spectral, furred coyote costume appears
over your body covering whatever gear you are wearing.
Animal Warrior While this blessing is active, you have advantage on
stealth and deception checks. When you score a critical
The Animal Warriors were an ancient Maztican warrior
hit on a creature while under the effects of this blessing,
caste known for venerating the great Jaguar and other
you can inflict one of the following effects on the target:
majestic creatures. These warriors dressed to emulate
it falls prone, it is disarmed, or you have advantage on
legendary beasts and wielded weapons edged and
your next attack against it before the end of your next
tipped with razor-sharp obsidian. They were known
for their combat prowess and fearlessness as well as
the gifts granted to them in battle by the creatures they
dedicated themselves to. Today, only remnants of their
Divine Couatl
traditions persist, but the fighting art of the Animal Starting at 10th level, you achieve a connection with the
Warriors surfaces periodically when a fighter dons spirit of the Divine Couatl, granting you its blessing. As
astonishing attire and performs amazing feats in battle. a bonus action, you can channel the spirit of the Divine
Couatl, and a spectral, scaled-and-feathered couatl

A misunderstanding in Maztica landed me in deadly

combat with a unique type of fighter, an Animal
Warrior who wore the garb of a jaguar and fought
with the strength and ferocity of one. Had an inter-
preter not broken up our fight, I’m not certain who
would have won.

Bestial Blessing
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd
level, you gain the ability to forge spiritual bonds with
legendary creatures and receive their blessings. You
learn how to connect with a new creature at levels 3, 7,
10, and 15. Receiving a blessing requires the use of
a bonus action, and each blessing lasts for 10
minutes, until you end it as a bonus action,
until you use a new blessing, or until you
are incapacitated or die.
You can use this feature a number of
times equal to your proficiency modifier.
You regain any expended uses when you
finish a long rest.

Noble Eagle
Also at level 3, you form a connection with the
spirit of the Noble Eagle, which grants you its blessing.
As a bonus action, you can channel the spirit of the
Noble Eagle, and a spectral, feathered eagle costume
appears over your body covering whatever gear you
are wearing. While this blessing is active, your speed
increases by 5 feet for every point of your proficiency
bonus and opportunity attacks targeting you are made
with disadvantage. In addition, when a creature makes
an opportunity attack against you and misses while this
blessing is active, you can use your reaction to make a
single melee weapon attack against that creature.

32 Chapter 1 | Player Options

costume appears over your body covering whatever harness that motion seamlessly into their next step or
gear you are wearing. While this blessing is active, you strike, a choreographed brutality where each attack
have truesight to a range of 120 feet. While under the fuels the next.
effects of this blessing, you can use your reaction when
you are targeted with an attack to summon fortuitous
winds that push you out of harm’s way, increasing your I am quite skilled in my dual-wielding fighting style,

armor class by your proficiency modifier until the begin- though even my skills pale in comparison to a Dimach-
aerus. These fighters were once known as the terror
ning of your next turn.
of colosseums, and I am most grateful I never had to
Sovereign Jaguar cross blades with the one I met.
When you reach level 15, you master a connection with
the spirit of the Sovereign Jaguar, which grants you its
blessing. As a bonus action, you can channel the spirit
of the Sovereign Jaguar, and a spectral, spotted jaguar
costume appears over your body covering whatever
gear you are wearing. While this blessing is active,
you have advantage on saving throws and
Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
As a bonus action while this
blessing is active, you can
choose a creature you see
within 90 feet and mark it as
your prey. Each time you hit a
creature marked as your prey
with a weapon attack you deal
an extra 1d8 damage. This
extra damage is cumulative,
increasing by 1d8 each time you
hit the target up to a maximum
of a number of d8s equal to your
proficiency bonus.

Obsidian Elite
At 18th level, your mastery of the various
animal forms allows you to combine
them, choosing the appearance of your
spectral costume. When you activate one of
your animal blessings, you can choose to add
the effects of a second blessing as well without
expending a second use of Bestial Blessing.

The tradition of the dimachaeri grew in the
blood and savagery of the fighting pit, a gladi-
atorial style born to battle with the weight of a
weapon in each hand. But as time passed, the
dimachaeri gradually forged their techniques
into a pragmatic system of violence. While the
dimachaeri have abandoned the flashier tech-
niques still practiced by the bards of the College
of Swords, these fighters have taken the deadly
lessons they learned in the sand of the coliseum
to the field of war. Now, their style emphasizes a
quickness and precision without performance,
a deadliness without fanfare, and the spilling
of blood not for approval but for survival. The
moment their blades land, these warriors

Chapter 1 | Player Options 33

Prowess Master of Dual Weapons
Beginning at 3rd level, as a dimachaerus warrior, you Beginning at 7th level, when you use a bonus action
learn to instinctively feel the ebb and flow of combat. to attack with your offhand weapon, you can attack
You are able to expend points of prowess that you use twice with it. In addition, you can now expend up to 2
to fuel your abilities. You gain 1 prowess for each of the prowess each turn.
• When you hit a hostile creature with a weapon attack
Fierce Determination
• When you roll a 20 on the attack roll At 10th level, you can use your Second Wind an addi-
• When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points tional time. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you
with a weapon attack. can expend 1 prowess to use Second Wind. In addition,
when you use Second Wind, you gain advantage on
Thus, if you roll a 20 on an attack roll, hitting a creature attack rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
with a weapon attack and reducing it to 0 hit points, you
gain 3 prowess. You can’t have more prowess at once Peerless Fighter
than twice your proficiency bonus. You lose 1 point of
Beginning at 15th level, when you activate a prowess
prowess if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a
ability, you can spend 1 additional prowess to increase
hostile creature since your last turn. You lose all your
that ability’s potency. This provides the following
accumulated prowess when combat ends or if you are
You can expend 1 prowess each turn to gain one of • The movement you gain with prowess doesn’t
the following prowess effects: provoke attacks of opportunity and ignores difficult
• Increase your movement by 1d4 5-foot increments
• Additional damage you deal with prowess ignores
until the beginning of your next turn
resistances and immunities to damage. In addition, this
• Add 1d4 to the damage of a single melee weapon
damage can’t be regenerated or magically healed until
attack you make while wielding two weapons
the beginning of the target’s next turn.
• Add 1d4 to a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution
• When you increase a Strength, Dexterity, or Consti-
ability check or saving throw you make
tution ability check or saving throw with prowess, you
• As a reaction to taking damage from a single source,
also remove one of the following conditions of your
reduce that damage by 1d4 choice from yourself: blinded, deafened, exhausted,
The size of the die you roll for your prowess effects frightened, or poisoned.
increases to a d6 at 11th level and a d8 at 17th level. • When you reduce the damage you take with prowess,
increase your AC by half the amount rolled until the
beginning of your next turn. If this ability is used more
than once, only the highest value is added.

Ceaseless Combat
At 18th level, when you roll initiative, you gain prowess
points equal to your proficiency bonus. In addition, you
can now expend up to 3 prowess each turn.

34 Chapter 1 | Player Options

Monk Redirect Attack
Beginning at 3rd level, while other monks have learned
At 3rd level, a monk gains the Monastic Tradition to deflect missiles, you have taken this lesson much
feature. The following options are available to a monk, further. When you are hit by an attack with a melee
in addition to those offered in the Player’s Handbook. weapon, you can spend 1 ki point and use your reaction
to reduce the damage you take from the attack by 1d10 +
Way of Redirection your Dexterity modifier + your monk level.
If you reduce the damage to 0, you can disarm your
Given enough time, the mighty river will cut a canyon
opponent if you have at least one hand free and the
through the firmest rock. But if that rock is large
weapon you were hit with is small enough for you to
enough and planted in the river’s path, the river has
hold in one hand. If you disarm an opponent in this way,
no choice initially but to go around; or, in some cases,
you can spend 1 additional ki point to catch the weapon
change its path entirely. The way of redirection is to
and make a single melee weapon attack using it against
become both that river and that rock, when the circum-
that opponent as part of your reaction. You make this
stances demand it. You must be the river and erode
attack with proficiency, regardless of your weapon profi-
your enemy’s defensive and offensive capacity. You
ciencies, and the weapon counts as a monk weapon for
must be the rock and deflect your enemy’s momentum
the attack.
towards the path that you dictate. Sometimes the path
that you dictate is into another rock, and sometimes
after erosion the firmest stone winds up as sand on the
Throw Anything
beaches beneath the ebb and flow of the tides. At 6th level, if you can hold it, you can throw it. You can
throw anything that wouldn’t cause you to be encum-
bered by itself. When you throw an object this way it
A monk once introduced himself to me on the road and is considered an improvised weapon with a range of
said he practiced the Way of Redirection, and, being 20/60.
curious, I asked for a demonstration. The monk, seem-
ingly with no effort, dodged my sword slash, disarmed
me, and had my own sword pointed at my throat before
I could blink, to which I could not help but grin.

Anything is a Weapon
At 3rd level, in your hands, everyday
objects become deadly weapons and you
can even weaponize your surroundings
against your foes. You gain proficiency
with improvised weapons, and they
count as monk weapons for you. In
addition, you can initiate a grapple
using a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
instead of Strength (Athletics) if you wish.
When you are grappling an opponent and
are within 5 feet of a solid surface such as a wall
or a tree you can force the grappled creature into that
surface as an attack, treating the surface as an impro-
vised weapon.

At 3rd level, you have the ability to deftly run and
avoid most kinds of obstacles. When you take
the Dash action on your turn, you ignore diffi-
cult terrain, climbing doesn’t cost you extra
movement, and your jump distances are
doubled. Additionally, when you take
the dash action your movement does
not provoke opportunity attacks.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 35

Hard to Resist Way of Terror
At 6th level, your ability to focus ki and apply force with
Monks who follow the Way of Terror learn to manipu-
uncanny precision allows you to penetrate defenses
late the hearts and minds of their enemies, executing
that would thwart others. Your attacks with improvised
brutal techniques to stoke primal fear in those they face
weapons count as magical for the purpose of over-
in combat.
coming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks
Intimidation and force come naturally to these
and damage.
warriors, for good or for ill. Some who follow the Way
Transferred Momentum of Terror use its techniques to bully and belittle the
innocent, ruling by force and taking what they can
At 11th level, you have learned to manipulate claim. Others, however, turn its techniques against
momentum in combat, and can use your own those who do evil—lurking in the night to find and
movement to influence your opponents’ movement punish those who prey on the weak.
around the battlefield. When you hit an enemy with
a weapon attack you can choose one of the following
effects provided that you meet the conditions for it: Being mistaken as a criminal has unfortunately been a
somewhat common occurrence for me in rural towns,
• If you have moved 15 feet or more on your turn, your
but the monk who took it upon herself to hunt me
opponent must succeed on a Strength saving throw or
down was anything save for common. Practicing the Way
be pushed 15 feet away from you in the direction you
of Terror, she fought with pragmatic brutality and
were moving.
improvised weapons, and was a fright to behold, so much
• If you stood up from prone on your turn, your
so that I found it wiser to flee the town than stay
opponent must succeed on a Strength saving throw or
and fight.
be knocked prone.
• If it is not your turn, and you hit an opponent that
has moved 15 feet, your opponent must succeed on a
Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet in the direc- Fearsome Brawler
tion they were moving. When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency in the Athletics and Intimidation skills if you
Earth’s Embrace don’t already have them.
Beginning at 17th level, you know how to strike an Additionally, when you hit a creature with an
opponent that you are holding as well as how to unarmed strike or monk weapon, you can spend 1 ki
present them to your allies to inflict the most point to force each creature of your choice within
damage possible. Whenever a creature 15 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw.
(including yourself) makes a melee weapon On a failed save, a creature is frightened
attack and hits a creature you are grap- of you until the end of your next turn. If
pling, you can spend 1 ki you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points
point to turn that or score a critical hit, you can use this ability
attack into a without spending a ki point.
critical hit.
Stalker in the Night
Also at 3rd level, you gain darkvision out to a
range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision
from another source, its range increases by
30 feet.

Constant Vigilance
At 6th level, you are always prepared for
battle. You gain a bonus to your initiative rolls
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1),
and you cannot be surprised while you are
not incapacitated.

Compounding Terror
Also at 6th level, when you hit a
creature that is frightened of you with
an unarmed strike or monk weapon, it
takes additional psychic damage equal to
one roll of your Martial Arts die.

36 Chapter 1 | Player Options

Master of Terror Searing Wave
At 11th level, you can’t be frightened. Additionally, you At 6th level, you gain the ability to channel your ki into
can spend 4 ki points to cast fear as a bonus action, searing beams of energy. When you take the Attack
requiring no material components. A creature you action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki to replace one of
have damaged with an unarmed strike or martial arts the attacks with a burst of energy in a 25-foot line that
weapon within the past minute has disadvantage on its is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a
saving throws against this effect. Dexterity saving throw against your ki save DC, taking
radiant damage equal to two rolls of your Martial Arts
Absolute Terror die plus your Wisdom modifier on a failed save, or half
At 17th level, you have advantage on attack rolls against as much damage on a successful one.
creatures frightened by you.
As a bonus action, you can force a creature within 60 Searing Sunburst
feet of you that is frightened of you to make a Wisdom At 11th level, you gain the ability to create an orb of light
saving throw, taking 2d10 psychic damage on a failed that erupts into a devastating explosion.
save or half as much on a successful one. You can You can spend 3 ki points to cast fireball without
increase this damage by spending ki points. Each point material components. When cast this way, it does
you spend, to a maximum of your proficiency modifier, radiant damage. The spell save DC is equal to your Ki
increases the damage by 1d10. save DC, and Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for
this spell.
Way of the Sun Soul You can increase the spell’s damage by spending

Redux extra ki points. Each extra point you spend, up to a

maximum of 3, increases the damage by one roll of your
Monks of the Way of the Sun Soul learn to channel Martial Arts die.
their own life energy into searing bolts of light. They
teach that meditation can unleash the indomitable light Solar State
shed by the soul of every living creature. At 17th level, you can wreathe yourself in a luminous
aura that gives you incredible power by spending 4 ki
points as a bonus action. While in this state, which lasts
I am not privy to all the secrets of monks who Follow
for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action, you
the Way of the Sun Soul, but I have heard that common
gain the following benefits.
imitators, glorified novices, claim to follow the way
without unlocking a fraction of its true power. I have • You shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light
met one true master though, and her powers made her for an additional 30 feet
akin to a radiant god, channeling ki into energy blasts • You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed
and even flying by grace of her mighty aura. • You gain resistance to fire and radiant damage
-Drizzt • When making a Strength or Dexterity check or saving
throw, you can use your reaction to gain a bonus equal
to one roll of your Martial Arts die
Radiant Sun Bolt • The range of your Radiant Sun Bolts increases to 60
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you feet.
can hurl searing bolts of magical radiance.
You gain a new attack option that you can use with
the Attack action. This is a ranged spell attack with a
range of 30 feet. You are proficient with it, and you add
your Dexterity modifier to its attack and damage rolls.
Its damage is radiant, and its damage die is a d4. This
die changes as you gain monk levels, as shown in the
Martial Arts column of the Monk table.
When you take the Attack action you can make one
attack with this ranged attack as a bonus action, or
spend 1 ki point to make the attack twice as a bonus
When you gain the Extra Attack feature, you can
substitute this ranged attack for any of the attacks you
make as part of the Attack action.
Paladin Channel Divinity
Gift of Cooperation. As an action, you can expend
At 3rd level, a paladin gains the Sacred Oath feature. one use of your Channel Divinity to touch one willing
The following options are available to a paladin, in creature and gain one of its skill, language, weapon, or
addition to those offered in the Player’s Handbook. tool proficiencies of your choice for one hour. As part of
the same action, you can also choose one of your skill,
Oath of the Many language, weapon, or tool proficiencies to grant the
creature for the same duration.
The Oath of the Many requires paladins to see beyond
Endless Allyship. You can use your Channel Divinity
themselves; their power lies not only in their oath,
to aid an ally in need. When one willing creature you
but in those who surround them. Paladins who walk
can see within 60 feet of you is hit by an attack or fails a
this path seek to break down barriers, connecting to a
saving throw, you can use your reaction to expend one
broad spectrum of people and sharing the best of what
use of your Channel Divinity and teleport to an unoc-
each has to offer. Through empathy, understanding and
cupied space within 5 feet of the creature and suffer
cooperation, these champions forge lasting bonds more
the effects of the attack or failed save in the creature’s
powerful than any spell.
place. As part of the same reaction, you can make one
melee attack against a creature within range.
Were it not for the aid of my beloved allies—Catti-
brie,Wulfgar, Bruenor—I would have perished long ago.
In my travels, I was delighted to meet paladins who
recognized the strength found in numbers and allies
and swore an Oath of the Many to harness and champion
this strength.

Tenets of the Many

Embrace Diversity. Seek new voices and perspec-
tives. Never stop listening, learning, and growing.
Practice Empathy. Strive to understand those you
come across, though do not fear disagreement.
Find Unity. Conflict is natural when many voices
meet. Find the common ground among them.
Maintain Humility. Fight for the many who have
been forgotten, and remember your place among them.

Oath of the Many Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. See the
Sacred Oath class feature in the Player’s Handbook for
how oath spells work.
Oath of the Many Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd comprehend languages, heroism
5th calm emotions, mirror image
9th sending, tongues
13th dimension door, guardian of faith
17th telepathic bond, teleportation circle

38 Chapter 1 | Player Options

Aura of Unity Tenets of the Weave
Starting at 7th level, you emanate an aura of kinship in Defend Against the Dark Arts. The use of magic to
a 10-foot radius. Creatures within this area can commu- promote injustice and tyranny is a grave sin that must
nicate telepathically with other willing creatures in the be stopped in its tracks. Seek out evil practitioners of
area, as long as both can understand a language. magic before they harm innocents.
When a friendly creature within this aura takes Practice Diligence and Discipline. One must keep
damage, the damage it takes is reduced by an amount their mind as sharp as their blade. Arcane magic can
equal to the number of allies it has in the aura be a wicked thing in the wrong hands, and is capable of
(maximum of 10). misleading even the wisest among us.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 Promote Ethical Education. Ensure that arcane
feet. education includes guidance on ethical arcane practice.
Everyone has a right to become a wise wizard’s appren-
Empathic Connection tice, but graduation must be earned.
At 15th level, you can share your experiences with
others. When you are the only target of a spell, you can Oath Spells
use your reaction to cause the spell to also target an You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. See the
additional willing creature of your choice within 10 feet Sacred Oath class feature in the Player’s Handbook for
of you. how oath spells work.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to Oath of the Weave Spells
your Charisma modifier, and you regain all expended
Paladin Level Spells
uses when you complete a long rest.
3rd protection from evil and good, identify
Bridger of Worlds 5th branding smite, hold person
At 20th level, as an action, you become a divine 9th counterspell, dispel magic
diplomat for 10 minutes, gaining the following benefits: 13th dimension door, locate creature
• You have truesight out to a distance of 120 feet, and 17th dispel evil and good, geas
you can speak and understand all spoken languages.
• You have advantage on ability checks and saving Channel Divinity
throws that use Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
• You can cast sanctuary as a bonus action without
following two Channel Divinity options. See the Sacred
expending a spell slot. A creature warded by this effect
Oath class feature for how Channel Divinity works.
has advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma
Impede Spellcasting. You can use your Channel
(Persuasion) checks.
Divinity as an action to emit an aura around yourself
• When you trigger this effect, you and your allies
in a 5 foot radius that disrupts the process of spell-
within 30 feet gain 25 temporary hit points.
casting. If a hostile creature within this aura attempts
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until to cast a spell, it must succeed on a Constitution saving
you finish a long rest. throw or choose a different action that does not involve
spellcasting. The aura lasts for 1 minute or until you are
Oath of the Weave incapacitated or killed.
Spell Hunter. You can use your Channel Divinity to
Paladins who swear this oath work to ensure that
gain superior magic-detecting senses. As an action, you
arcane practice is well regulated and practiced only
open your awareness to detect traces of magic. For the
by those who use it for noble deeds. These warriors
next minute, you learn the name, effect, and targets
are blessed with a measure of arcane magic and train
or area of effect of all spells within 60 feet of you. You
themselves in techniques designed to protect against
also learn the creature type of the spellcaster. If the
such magic’s detrimental effects. In addition to deities
spellcaster is within 60 feet of you and not behind total
of justice such as Torm, Tyr, and Dol Arrah, they also
cover, you learn its location as well.
worship deities of magic, such as Mystra, Aureon, and
Azuth. Spellwarding Aura
By 7th level, your spellwarding powers grow more
I have lost count of the many wicked people in this potent and allow you to protect your allies as well. A
world who would abuse magic for their own twisted creature that makes a spell attack against you or a
ends, but thankfully certain paladins exist to oppose friendly creature within 10 feet of you has disadvantage
these villains. The Oath of the Weave exists to on that attack.
protect the natural order of the Weave and those who
wield it; woe to those who would oppose its protec-
Chapter 1 | Player Options 39
In addition,you or a friendly creature within 10 feet
of you can make a Constitution saving throw, when
targeted by a spell that affects a creature based on
its current hit points (like power word kill or sleep),
resisting its effect on a success. The DC equals the
caster’s spell save DC. If no DC is specified, or the
origin of the spell is not a spellcaster, the DC equals 10
+ the level of the spell slot used.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30

Spell Censure
At 15th level, you can cast the antimagic field spell,
requiring only verbal components and without
expending a spell slot. Charisma is your spellcasting
ability for casting the spell in this manner.
When you cast this spell using this feature, it extends
out to a range of 30 feet.
Once you have used this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.

Vanguard of the Weave

At 20th level, you can tap into your divine power to
wreathe yourself in the weave itself. As a bonus action,
you gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
• You gain truesight with a range of 120 feet.
• You have advantage on attack rolls against any
creature that has cast a spell since the end of your last
turn, or is currently concentrating on a spell.
• If you deal damage to a creature, making it lose
concentration on a spell, it can’t cast another spell until
the end of its next turn.
• You can cast magic missile as a bonus action on each
of your turns.

40 Chapter 1 | Player Options

At 3rd level, a ranger gains the Ranger Archetype
feature. The following options are available to a ranger,
in addition to those offered in the Player’s Handbook.

Emissary Holy Message

Those a part of the archetype of the Emissary are the Also at 3rd level, you can impart your words with divine
messengers of churches and gods. Messages may be power onto your adversaries. You can speak, read, and
the words of a great religious leader to be brought to write one extra language of your choice.
their allies, divine proclamations from the gods them- Additionally, once on each of your turns, when you hit
selves, or even a divine arrow delivered unto the heart a creature within 30 feet of you with a weapon attack,
of an enemy. you can deliver a divine message. A creature with an
Intelligence of at least 1 understands the meaning of
your message.
I do not trust those who fight for the clergy, rather
A creature that hears and understands the message
than the gods and their ideals. That powerful churches
takes an extra 1d6 radiant damage from the attack.
to great gods of law would employ such underhanded
tactics brings me unkind memories of my home.

Divine Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when
you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the
Emissary Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger
spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of
ranger spells you know.
Emissary Spells
Ranger Level Spells
3rd comprehend languages
5th skywrite
9th sending
13th Leomund’s secret chest
17th Rary’s telepathic bond
Additionally, whenever
you complete a long rest,
you prepare a list of spells,
choosing from the cleric
spell list. When you do so,
choose a number of cleric
spells equal to one third
your ranger level. The
spells must be of a level for
which you have spell slots.
If a spell prepared this way
is not on the ranger spell list,
that spell is nonetheless consid-
ered a ranger spell for you.
For example, if you are a
6th-level ranger, your prepared
spells can include two spells of 1st
or 2nd level, in any combination.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 41

Radiant Word Holy Command
At 7th level, you can deliver the true words of divinity. Beginning at 11th level, you can invoke the gods to
When you use your Holy Message feature, you can impose a divine commandment on your foes. You learn
invoke a Radiant Word as a part of the message, adding the command spell, which counts as a ranger spell for
one of the following effects to the message. you and does not count against your number of spells
Avenging Word. The first attack roll made against known.
the creature each turn before the start of your next turn As a bonus action, you can expend a use of your
is made with advantage. Radiant Word feature to cast command without
Frightful Word. The target must succeed on a expending a spell slot.
Wisdom saving throw against your ranger spell save DC Regardless, any creature with an Intelligence of at
or be frightened of you until the start of your next turn. least 1 can understand you when you cast command
Warding Word. A wave of warding energy radiates and is affected by the spell regardless of its creature
out from the target. Each creature you choose within type or languages known.
15 feet of the target gains temporary hit points equal to Additionally, the damage dealt by your Holy Message
your ranger level, which last until the start of your next feature increases to 2d6.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to Divine Guidance
your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses By the time you reach 15th level, you can invoke divine
whenever you complete a short or long rest. words to aid you and your allies’ defensive capabilities.
Whenever a creature within 30 feet of you makes a
saving throw, you can expend a use of your Radiant
Word feature as a reaction and roll a d8. If the target
can hear you, it adds the result to its saving throw.
You can use this feature before or after the creature
has made the roll, but must do so before the DM has
declared the result.

42 Chapter 1 | Player Options

Journey Conclave Pack Herder
Also at 3rd level, you gain an uncanny ability to sense
While many rangers train to safeguard travelers in
and keep track of those you are stewarding through the
the untamed places of the world, those who belong to
wild. If you have created a pack with your Trailblazer
this archetype dedicate themselves to guarding and
feature, you can use your action and expend one ranger
guiding those they escort, ensuring their companions
spell slot to know where each creature in your pack is.
are protected against the hazards of the wild. In pursuit
For 1 minute per level of the spell slot you expend, you
of this goal, these rangers develop a supernatural ability
can sense whether the chosen creatures are present
to connect with their companions, forming a pack that
within 1 mile of you (or within up to 6 miles if you are
allows the members to communicate silently among
in your favored terrain). This feature reveals the loca-
their group.
tions of each chosen creature if it is within the range.
These rangers move with unparalleled swiftness
In addition, packmates under the effect of this feature
across the land, shepherding their allies through
can telepathically communicate with each other out to a
natural hazards and leading them against deadly foes.
range of 60 feet. The creatures must share a language.
They learn to keep track of their allies across vast
As a reaction when a creature starts its turn within
distances. They can coordinate sudden strikes across
5 feet of your pack ally, you can make a single weapon
the battlefield or camouflage their party to keep them
attack roll against that creature.
safe or set an ambush.
Pack Hunter
As a ranger, one of my sworn duties is to guide At 7th level, you—like the hunting wolves—instinctively
those in need through the wilderness and shield them know where to position yourself and your allies to
through danger. I used to think I was one of the best exploit weaknesses in your prey. When a member of
in this regard, until I met a few members of the your pack created with your Trailblazer feature attacks
Journey Conclave. a creature it can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to
-Drizzt the attack roll and, if the attack hits, the damage roll,
provided that the creature is within 5 feet of another
Journey Conclave Spells member of your pack. If the attack is made against your
favored enemy, this damage bonus is doubled.
Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when The size of this bonus die increases to a d6 at 11th
you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the and a d8 at 17th level.
Journey Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell
for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of Shelter from Sight
ranger spells you know.
At 11th level, you become adept at hiding those under
Journey Spells your care. When you use your Hide in Plain Sight
Ranger Level Spell feature, you can also apply the bonus to members of a
3rd expeditious retreat pack created with your Trailblazer feature. In addition,
when you or another creature begins combat while
5th spider climb
benefiting from your Hide in Plain Sight feature, the
9th haste creature is considered to be in three-quarters cover
13th dimension door until the end of your next turn.
17th far step
Traverse Perilous Realms
Trailblazer At 15th level, your skill at shepherding companions
through the dangerous wilds allows you to quickly
Beginning when you select this archetype at 3rd level,
adapt to natural environments. When you finish a long
you can choose a number of creatures you can see
rest, you can change one of your favored terrain types
equal to twice your proficiency bonus as a bonus action.
to a new one. When members of the pack created with
Creatures must be able to hear and understand you to
your Trailblazer feature travel through one of your
gain the benefits of this feature. For the next hour, you
favored terrains, pack members can pass through
and the creatures chosen become a pack. While they
nonmagical hazards without being slowed by them and
are members of this pack, creatures gain advantage on
gain resistance to damage from nonmagical hazards
Constitution checks against the effects of extreme heat
(such as forest fires, floods, avalanches, and so on).
and cold (see chapter 5 of the Dungeon’s Master Guide),
In addition, pack members have advantage on saving
and their speed increases by 5 feet.
throws against spells and hazards that are magically
The movement bonus increases to 10 feet at 7th level,
created or manipulated to impede movement, such
15 feet at 11th, and 20 feet at 17th level.
those created by the entangle spell.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest.
Chapter 1 | Player Options 43
Rogue Master Agitator
By the time you reach 17th level, you have mastered
At 3rd level, a rogue gains the Roguish Archetype your known arts. You gain the following benefits:
feature. The following options are available to a rogue,
• Whenever you force a creature to make an attack
in addition to those offered in the Player’s Handbook.
roll with your Dirty Fighting feature, that creature

Agitator gains advantage on its attack if you force it to target a

creature hostile to you, and disadvantage if you force it
You owe your skills not just to your own abilities, but to target you or a creature allied to you.
also to the weaknesses of your enemies. You know how • Whenever you make a weapon attack as a part of a
to adapt to any situation, taking advantage of every reaction, you do so with advantage.
opportunity to strike your enemies where it counts.

Whilst underhanded fighting is not unfamiliar to me,

the extent to which an Agitator can take this extreme
of combat is impressive, yet disturbing.

Extemporaneous Violence
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level,
you gain proficiency in improvised weapons, and impro-
vised weapons have the finesse property for you.

Dirty Fighting
Also at 3rd level, you know just how to bypass
your enemy’s defenses and strike them where it
hurts, throwing off their aim completely. When
you deal damage with your Sneak Attack to a
creature, you can force the target to make a
weapon attack against another creature within its
weapon’s range.
You can use this feature a number of times equal
to your proficiency bonus, regaining expended uses
whenever you complete a long rest.
Additionally, as long as it’s your turn, you gain a +5
bonus to your AC.

When you reach 9th level, you know just how to come
back from a failure, spinning it into something new.
Whenever you fail an ability check, you can expend a
use of your Dirty Fighting feature. If you do, you can
reroll the check, but you must use the new result.

At 13th level, you know just how to read your enemies,
predicting their next moves. Whenever a creature
misses you with a melee attack, you can use your
reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that

44 Chapter 1 | Player Options

Blade Spinner Two-Weapon Fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add
Beauty and elegance, like steel wrapped in silk, the your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
blade spinner delivers death to their foes as they move
with equal parts poise and passion. The art of the blade Calculated Risk
spinner is that of a spinning whirlwind of brandished
At 3rd level, you have learned to efficiently engage your
blades. Cutting this way and that—sometimes the same
enemies without committing everything to a single
target twice and sometimes dispatching a duo of foes
attack. When you hit an enemy and are able to add your
simultaneously—the blade spinner dances through
sneak attack damage, you can choose to not use all of
the battlefield. Rarely one to shy away from a fight, the
the sneak attack dice on your damage roll. If you choose
blade spinner wades into a battle like a fisher might
to do so, if you hit an enemy later in the same turn you
ford a stream to find the perfect fishing hole.
can use the unspent sneak attack dice.

Contrary to stories and stage plays, fighting is

Blade Dancer
typically a messy and ugly affair and not a graceful At 3rd level, your practice and experience with your
ballet of swords. However, I found
a notable exception fluid movement while fighting has given you the grace
are rogues who practice the art of the Blade Spinner, of a skilled dancer. When you make a Charisma (Perfor-
turning deadly combat into a whirling dance of blades, mance) check to dance, you have advantage on the roll.
one where they’re the only dancer left standing at the
end. Whirling Death
-Drizzt At 9th level, the first time on your turn that you use
Calculated Risk to reduce your sneak attack damage
Fighting Style dice by at least 2d6, you add 1d6 damage to each
damage roll that uses your sneak attack that turn.
Beginning at 3rd level, you adopt a particular style of
fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following Extra Attack
options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more Beginning at 13th level, you can attack twice, instead of
than once, even if you later get to choose again. once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Blind Fighting Improved Whirling Death
You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within Beginning at 17th level, if you reduce your initial sneak
that range, you can effectively see anything that isn’t attack dice by at least 4d6 when you use Whirling
behind total cover, even if you’re blinded or in darkness. Death, you add 2d6 damage to each damage roll that
Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that uses your sneak attack on your turn.
range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.

Superior Technique
You learn one maneuver of your choice from among
those available to the Battle Master archetype. If a
maneuver you use requires your target to make a saving
throw to resist the maneuver’s effects, the saving throw
DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength
or Dexterity modifier (your choice.)
You gain one superiority die, which is a d6 (this die
is added to any superiority dice you have from another
source). This die is used to fuel your maneuvers. A
superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain
your expended superiority dice when you finish a short
or long rest.

Thrown Weapon Fighting

You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as
part of the attack you make with the weapon.
In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a
thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 45

Fey Spells
Sorcerer Sorcerer Level
disguise self, faerie fire
At 1st level, a sorcerer gains the Sorcerous Origin
feature. The following options are available to a 3rd misty step, moonbeam
sorcerer, in addition to those offered in the Player’s 5th plant growth, summon fey
Handbook. 7th freedom of movement, hallucinatory terrain

Fey Essence 9th

commune with nature, seeming
mirage arcane
Your soul has been touched by the essence of the
Feywild, infusing you with fey magic that allows you Fey-Blessed
to conjure up its wild flora. Perhaps as a child, your
Also at 1st level, your link to the fey grants you resil-
imagination alone drew you into the Feywild, where
ience against their arts. You have advantage on saving
the realm’s magic was infused into you. Maybe you are
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you
secretly the offspring of an archfey, or one blessed you
to sleep.
as an infant. Whatever your origin, you are filled with
a boundless urge to spread the magic of the Feywild to
all realms. Through your magic, you conjure forth the
world of the fey, painting the lands around you with its

Mischievous, and strange, the Feywild has birthed

many a sorcerer by its touch, imbuing them with Fey
Essence. These spellcrafters overlap its very soil
with our own, conjuring the sublime beauty of the
Feywild and leaving none of its deadly essence behind.

Fey Magic
Beginning at 1st level,
you learn additional
spells when you reach
certain levels in this
class, as shown on the
Fey Spells table. Each
of these spells counts as a
sorcerer spell for you, but
it doesn’t count against
the number of sorcerer
spells you know.
Whenever you gain a
sorcerer level, you can
replace one spell you
gained from this feature
with another spell of the
same level. The new spell
must be an enchantment or an
illusion spell from the sorcerer,
warlock, or wizard spell list.

46 Chapter 1 | Player Options

Wild Growth Power Pollen
Also at 1st level, you can conjure up the wild energies Starting at 14th level, you can conjure up special plants
of the feywild to create bursts of natural growth. As a and flowers from the fey realm. As a bonus action,
bonus action on your turn, you can choose up to three you can expend a use of your Wild Growth feature to
points within 60 feet of you that you can see and that conjure one of the following flowers at an unoccupied
are on solid ground, causing blooming flowers and tall point on the ground within 60 feet of you. Each flower
brush to bloom in 5-foot cubes centered on each chosen is immune to all damage, protected by whimsical fey
point. Each cube created in this way must be adjacent magic, but a dispel magic spell destroys one flower
to at least one other cube. it targets and an area of antimagic suppresses the
You and creatures allied to you can take the Hide flower’s magic. After 10 minutes, any summoned plant
action as a bonus action as long as they are within shrinks down, becoming harmless foliage.
the foliage. Enemy creatures treat the area as if it was If a flower’s effect requires a saving throw, the DC is
heavily obscured. equal to your sorcerer spell save DC.
Each 5-foot cube of foliage is immune to all damage, Enthralling Euphorbia. The flower releases pher-
protected by whimsical fey magic, but a dispel magic omones in a 30-foot radius around it. Whenever a
spell destroys all created foliage in a 10-foot radius, creature starts its turn within the area, you can force it
while an area of antimagic suppresses the foliage. to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, it must
The foliage lasts for 10 minutes, after which it shrinks immediately move up to its speed towards the flower.
back down into the ground, becoming normal-sized, If it enters a space within 5 feet of the flower it stops
nonmagical foliage, provided the ground can support moving and cannot willingly move away until the start
plant life. of your next turn. A creature immune to the charmed
The maximum number of 5-foot cubes you can create condition automatically succeeds on its saving throw.
with each use of this feature increases as you gain Poisoning Petunia. The flower releases a spray of
sorcerer levels, increasing by one at 6th (four cubes), poisonous gas in a 20-foot radius around it at the start
14th (five cubes), and 18th (six cubes) level. of each of your turns. Each creature you choose that
You can use this feature a number of times equal to is caught in the area must make a Constitution saving
your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses throw. On a failure, a creature suffers poison damage
whenever you complete a long rest. equal to your sorcerer level and is poisoned until the
start of your next turn. On a success, a creature instead
Veil of the Wild World takes half damage and is not poisoned.
When you reach 6th level, the magical underbrush you Tangling Tulip. The flower’s roots twist and turn in
can call upon from the feywild bends itself more finely a 20-foot radius around it. Each creature you choose
to your will. Allied creatures within the foliage created that is caught in the area must succeed on a Strength
by your Wild Growth feature have half cover from any saving throw or be restrained by the roots until the
source outside of their space and enemy creatures treat start of your next turn. A creature must expend 2 feet of
spaces filled by the foliage as difficult terrain. movement for every 1-foot it moves in the area. When
Additionally, whenever you start your turn inside you summon the flower, you can choose any number of
a space covered by the foliage created by your Wild creatures. Those creatures can move normally through
Growth feature, you become invisible until the start of the area.
your next turn, or until after you attack or cast a spell.
Wild Sublimity
By the time you reach 18th level, you can call upon the
Feywild to create for you a perfect reality. As an action
on your turn, you can cause the essence of the Feywild
to swirl around a point you can see within 500 feet of
you. A 30-foot radius sphere centered on the chosen
point is affected as per the mirage arcane spell for 1
As an action on subsequent turns, While the affected
area is within 500 feet of you and you can see it, you
can alter the illusion to whatever state you choose as
per the limitations of the spell.
Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so
again until you next complete a long rest.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 47

Undead Soul Undead Soul Spells
You learn additional spells when you reach certain
The presence of undeath permeates virtually the entire
levels in this class, as shown on the Undead Soul Spells
multiverse. You have somehow come in contact with a
table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell
powerful source of necrotic energy, and it has changed
for you, but don’t count against the number of sorcerer
you, allowing you to exist in a partial state of undeath.
spells you know.
Some with this gift choose to exploit it and gain
Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace
mastery over mortality itself, others use it to accumu-
one spell you gained from this feature with another
late more knowledge, and some channel this gift to
spell of the same level. The new spell must be an
guard against threats greater than death.
enchantment or necromancy spell from the sorcerer,
As an Undead Soul sorcerer, you decide how you
warlock, or wizard spell list.
acquired your powers. Were you born with them? Or did
an event later in life leave you feeling haunted? Consult Undead Soul Spells
the Undead Origins table for a possible origin for your Sorcerer Level Spells
power. 1st false life, unseen servant
Undead Origins 3rd hold person, ray of enfeeblement
d6 Origin 5th animate dead, speak with dead
1 You somehow managed to cross through a shadow 7th blight, death ward
crossing and entered the Shadowfell. Exposure to this 9th antilife shell
realm changed you.
2 You were once possessed by the ghost of a necromancer, Grave Tongue
which has left a necrotic mark on your soul.
At 1st level, your connection to the undead allows you to
3 A worm from a spawn of Kyuss burrowed its way into
communicate with them. All undead creatures within
your body, but didn’t manage to kill you. When you cast
30 feet of you that understand at least one language
a spell that deals necrotic damage, a strange, blackish
always understand you when you speak. An undead
substance oozes from your nostril.
creature that doesn’t understand any language will
4 As a child, you made friends with a poltergeist that could understand simple ideas that you intend to convey. You
only reveal itself to you. Everyone else thought it was just also understand the speech of any undead creature that
an imaginary friend, but the secrets it shared with you speaks a language, regardless of the language it speaks.
were very real. In addition, you can cast the speak with dead spell
5 You played with a haunted toy as a child. Though you once with this feature without expending a spell slot or
managed to escape its influence, the years you spent using any components. You can’t do so again until you
with it changed you. complete a long rest.
6 A greater undead, such as a vampire or lich, made a pact
with one of your ancestors. The pact is now void, but
Undead Resilience
remnants of their gifts have been passed on to you. Also at 1st level, your connection with undeath grants
you a measure of resilience. As an action, you can give
yourself temporary hit points equal to twice your profi-
The powers of an Undead Soul can be a great burden ciency bonus.
to bear, but with support and guidance, I believe In addition, beginning at 2nd level, when you use
those sorcerers can wield even the powers of undeath your Undead Resilience, you can spend 1 sorcery point
for good. If you come across such a being, approach to gain resistance to poison damage and advantage on
without any preconceived judgment, and evaluate saving throws against poison for 1 hour.
whether they just need guidance or a hostile dousing
of their power.

48 Chapter 1 | Player Options

Grave Rebuke
Beginning at 6th level, your link to undeath allows you
to rebuke attackers. When a creature that you can see
deals damage to you or an ally you can see, you can use
your reaction to cause jagged bones to erupt from the • You have advantage on saving throws against being
ground in the attacker’s space. The target must make charmed, exhausted, frightened, and paralyzed.
a Constitution saving throw against your sorcerer spell • If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend 1
save DC. On a failed save, it takes 2d10 piercing damage sorcery point to drop to 1 hit point instead.
and is incapacitated with pain until the end of your next
One you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
turn. On a successful save, the target takes half as much
complete a long rest.
damage and is not incapacitated.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended
uses when you complete a long rest.

Soul Connection
At 14th level, you can target a creature you can see
within 30 feet of you and force it to make
a Charisma saving throw against your
sorcerer spell save DC. A creature
can choose to voluntarily fail the
save and undead and constructs
automatically succeed. On a failed
save, you form a bond of blood with
the creature that lasts 1 minute or
until you use this feature again.
Whenever you take damage while
this bond is in effect, you only take
half damage (rounded down), and the
bound creature takes the remaining half.
You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
expended uses when you complete a long rest.

Deathly Transformation
At 18th level, the power of undeath within you
resonates so strongly that it allows you to step
into a state of being similar to undead beings.
As an action, you undergo a transformation
that lasts 1 minute (or until you are incapaci-
tated, knocked unconscious, or die), and
gain the following effects:
• You gain a flying speed equal to
your walking speed and can hover.
• Your eyes retract into their
sockets and you gain blindsight out
to the range of your normal vision.
• You gain resistance to necrotic
damage; immunity to poison
damage and the poisoned condi-
tion; and resistance to bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage from
nonmagical attacks.
• When you deal necrotic damage to
a creature, you always deal maximum
damage instead of needing to roll.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 49

Warlock Tarokka Reading
At 1st level, you habitually take a reading for your day
At 1st level, a warlock gains the Otherworldly Patron when you finish a long rest. Typically this reading takes
feature. The following options are available to a the form of a three card spread where the meaning of
warlock, in addition to those offered in the Player’s the cards varies depending on your need: body, mind,
Handbook. and spirit; past, present, and future; the subject, another
person, and their relationship; what will help, what will
Fate hinder, and what will do both.
As you finish a long rest, you take a basic reading with
Fate is a tricky thing. Whatever powers dictate fate
the cards of the common deck. You draw three cards
and fortune, luck and loss, has seen fit to bestow upon
from the deck and flip them. These cards reflect ways
you and your deck of cards the very ability to twist
that prophecy can influence the actions of you, your
fate and pull on the threads of the tapestry instead of
allies, or your enemies. Once a card is used, it cannot
just reading fortune. Is your patron a benevolent one,
be used again until you complete a long rest and a card
granting you the luck and abilities to fulfill some great
loses its power when you return it to the deck or take a
destiny? Or are you burning all your good fortune before
new reading. If the card affects a die roll, you can wait
you actually need it? Some see the power they work
until after the die is rolled to use it, but must decide
with as a tangible, sapient force, exerting its will upon
before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. If
mortal pawns, while others view their patron as an
a card grants the ability to cast a spell, that card serves
almost mythical figure: Miss Fortune to some and Lady
as a spellcasting focus for that spell.
Luck to others.
Roll 1d10 to determine the card value (row) and 1d4
to determine the card suit (column) on the Tarokka
By pure chance one day, it just so happens that the Common Deck Table.
only vacant seat at the Yawning Portal was across
from a fortune teller who offered me a tarokka
reading. Politely accepting the reading, I later
learned that this was a warlock whose patron was
Fate, and, had I known, I would have better heeded the
warning of the cards with my very luck at stake.

Fate Expanded Spell List

Spell Level Spells
1st detect magic, identify
2nd augury, locate object
3rd clairvoyance, nondetection
4th divination, locate creature
5th commune, legend lore

Tarokka Deck
Beginning at 1st level, you possess or gain possession of
a tarokka deck, one that has been imbued with the gift
of prophecy. You can use your deck or any card or cards
from it as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells.
You can summon the deck or any unexpended card
from the deck that you have pulled with a class feature
to your hand with a bonus action.
If you lose your Tarokka Deck you can perform a
1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your
patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short
or long rest, and it destroys the previous deck. The deck
turns to ash when you die.

50 Chapter 1 | Player Options

High Deck Readings No Tarokka Deck? No Problem!
At 6th level, you begin to regularly include the high card You can simulate the Tarokka deck using ordinary
deck in your personal readings. In addition to the three poker cards (including two jokers) or with dice.
cards from the common deck, you also draw two cards If you’re using dice, roll a d4 and a d10 together
from the high deck and flip them during the reading. for each card drawn from the common deck. The d4
Until you next complete a long rest, these cards grant correlates to the suit of the card, and the d10 is the
you access to an additional magical effect. Once you numerical value of the card drawn. A 10 represents the
use one of the two cards you cannot use the other high master of the particular suit and is the highest card in
deck card until the next time you take a reading when a particular suit, but otherwise the lower numbered
you finish a long rest. cards are a higher strength. For the high deck: roll
a d100, rerolling results of 00 and 99 and consult
Common Reread the chart for the high deck cards. In either case,
Beginning at 6th level, whenever you take a moment reroll any duplicate cards, keeping in mind that with
of respite, you can twist fate by replacing one of the the common deck you might still wind up with two
common deck cards. When you finish a short rest, you different cards that have the same effect.
can draw a replacement card for any of the common If you’re using poker cards, it is important to
cards you have not used. Do not put used cards back in separate the aces and the numbered cards from the
the deck for the reread. face cards and the jokers. For the common deck:
hearts represent glyphs, spades represent swords,
diamonds represent coins, and clubs represent stars.
Like with dice, the 10 represents the master of the suit
but otherwise the numbers represent at face value. For
the High deck: consult the chart to find the specific
cards that represent them.

Tarokka Common Deck Table

1d4 and 1d10 1 - Glyphs (Hearts) 2 - Swords (Spades) 3 - Coins (Diamonds) 4 - Stars (Clubs)
10 (Master) When you or a creature When you or a creature When you or a creature When you or a creature
you can see makes a you can see makes a you can see makes a you can see makes a spell
saving throw, you can melee weapon attack roll, ranged weapon attack roll, attack roll, you can grant
grant advantage or disad- you can grant advantage you can grant advantage advantage or disadvan-
vantage to that saving or disadvantage to that or disadvantage to that tage to that roll or that
throw or if succeeding on roll or that melee attack roll or that ranged attack spell attack scores a
the saving throw would scores a critical hit on a scores a critical hit on a critical hit on a roll of 19
allow for a creature to roll of 19 as well as 20. roll of 19 as well as 20. as well as 20.
only take half damage,
they take no damage on a
success instead.
1-2 When you or a creature When you or a creature When you or a creature When you or a creature
you can see makes a you can see makes a you can see makes a you can see makes a spell
saving throw, you can melee weapon attack roll, ranged weapon attack roll, attack roll, you can grant
grant advantage or disad- you can grant advantage you can grant advantage advantage or disadvan-
vantage to that saving or disadvantage to that or disadvantage to that tage to that roll.
throw. roll. roll.
3-5 When you or a creature When you or a creature When you or a creature When you or a creature
you can see makes a you can see makes a you can see makes a you can see makes a
saving throw, if a success melee weapon attack roll, ranged weapon attack roll, spell attack roll, that spell
on the saving throw that melee attack scores that ranged attack scores attack scores a critical
would allow for a creature a critical hit on a roll of 19 a critical hit on a roll of 19 hit on a roll of 19 as well
to only take half damage, as well as 20. as well as 20. as 20.
they take no damage on a
success instead.
6-9 When you or a creature When you or a creature When you or a creature When you or a creature
you can see makes a you can see makes a you can see makes a you can see makes a spell
saving throw, you can melee weapon attack, you ranged weapon attack, attack, you can grant a +1
grant a +1 or a -1 to that can grant a +1 or a -1 to you can grant a +1 or a -1 or a -1 to that attack roll.
saving throw. that attack roll. to that attack roll.

Chapter 1 | Player Options 51

advantage on that roll. Once you use this feature you
Stronger Reading cannot use it until you finish a long rest. If you do not
At 10th level, the high cards now have an even stronger grant yourself advantage using this feature before you
pull at the threads of destiny, and as such are capable of finish your next long rest, you can use your common
producing a more powerful effect. You can still choose reread feature immediately after taking your common
the lesser effect if you wish. deck reading.

Trading Fortune Full Reading

At 10th level, you can draw bad luck onto yourself in the Beginning at 14th level, you are able to realize the full
hopes that it will pay off later. Whenever you make an potential of any reading you perform. You can use both
attack roll, a saving throw, or an ability check, you can of the high cards drawn during your reading once per
gain disadvantage on that roll. Then within the next long rest. Additionally, when you use your common
hour, when you make the same type of roll, you can gain reread feature, you can draw a replacement card for
both high cards, but only if you haven’t used either one.
Tarokka High Deck Table If you replace one high card, you must replace them
Playing Card
Tarokka Card Effect
The Artifact Joker 1 (01-07) As an action, you can cast the spell animate objects as if using a 5th-level spell slot. At 10th level, this
spell is cast as if using an 8th-level spell slot instead.
The Horseman Joker 2 (08-14) You can cast the spell phantom steed without expending a spell slot. Beginning at 10th level, you can
cast it in this way up to four times.
The Donjon King of Clubs As an action, you can cast the spell banishment as if using a 4th-level spell slot. At 10th level, as an
(15-21) action, you can choose to cast the spell forcecage instead.
The Raven Queen of Clubs As an action, you can summon an enchanted raven which will last for one hour. This creature acts
(22-28) as though it were summoned by the find familiar spell. At 10th level, as an action, you can summon
four swarms of ravens which will obey you for one minute, after which they fly away.
The Seer Jack of Clubs When you flip this card as part of your reading, roll two d20s and record your choice of one of the
(29-35) two numbers rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or
a creature that you can see with the chosen roll. You must choose to do so before the roll. At 10th
level, you roll three d20s and record two of them. If you do, you can use each of the two recorded
rolls before the card is fully expended, but you can replace a roll in this way only once per turn.
The Broken One King of Diamonds As an action, you can cast Tasha’s mind whip or Tasha’s hideous laughter as if using a 2nd-level spell
(36-42) slot. At 10th level, as an action, you can cast confusion as if using a 4th-level spell slot.
The Tempter Queen of As an action, you can cast suggestion as if using a 2nd-level spell slot. At 10th level, as an action, you
Diamonds (43-49) can cast mass suggestion as if using a 6th-level spell slot.
The Beast Jack of Diamonds As an action, you can cast polymorph, except you can only target yourself. At 10th level, you can
(50-56) choose to target another creature instead.
The Ghost King of Hearts As an action, you can cast gaseous form as if using a 3rd-level spell slot. At 10th level, as an action,
(57-63) you can cast etherealness as if using a 7th-level spell slot.
The Innocent Queen of Hearts When you flip this card as part of your reading, you are immediately under the effect of the sanctuary
(67-70) spell, except that the spell will last until you next complete a long rest or until you make an attack
or cast a spell that affects an enemy creature. At 10th level, you can choose to forgo the sanctuary
effect and instead, as an action, you can cast mind blank.
The Marionette Jack of Hearts As an action, you can cast the spell dominate person as if using a 5th-level spell slot. At 10th level,
(71-77) that spell is cast as if using an 8th-level spell slot instead.
The Darklord King of Spades When you flip this card as part of your reading, you gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet until
(78-84) you next complete a long rest. If you already have darkvision, its range is increased by 60 feet. Addi-
tionally, as an action, you can cast darkness. At 10th level, when you cast darkness using this card,
you gain the ability to see normally in that darkness.
The Mists Queen of Spades As a bonus action, you can cast misty step. At 10th level, as an action, you can cast dimension door.
The Executioner Jack of Spades As an action, you can cast phantasmal killer as is using a 4th-level spell slot. At 10th level, as an
(92-98) action, you can cast finger of death.
– 99-00 Reroll the dice and use the new result.

52 Chapter 1 | Player Options

The Deceiver Deceiver’s Dagger
You have made a pact with a being of lies and deceit, Beginning when you choose this patron at 1st level,
marking yourself as a servant in their machinations. your patron gifts you with a magical blade that contains
The nature of your patron’s deceptions may vary, from a fragment of their beguiling power. The blade is a
simple acts of trickery, to grand schemes of domination. magical dagger that you can use as a spellcasting focus
Deceivers are as varied in shape as they are in nature, for your warlock spells.
such examples include: Beshaba, Lady Doom; Cornelia, The dagger returns to your hand immediately after it
the Blamed Lady; Cyric, Lord of Strife; Eldrantulku, is used to make a ranged attack.
the Oathbreaker; Gargauth, the Tenth Lord; Laira, the Additionally, you can use a bonus action while
Teacher of Men; Mask, the Lord of Shadows; Sora you hold the dagger to create a tunnel, a 5-foot-wide
Katra, the Spinner of Gold and Lies; Scorcha, the Dusk one-way magical portal that connects two points in
Reveler; or Wysara, the Lady of Lies. space for 10 minutes. Tunnels are two-dimensional,
jagged tears filled with a glowing energy, hovering in
Whilst I would call many warlocks fools, those who space. A tunnel is only visible from one side, which is
would bargain with a being of chaos and discord I find the side that functions as the portal.
especially idiotic. The tunnel entrance appears in a space within 5 feet
-Drizzt of you, facing towards you, While the exit appears in
a space within 60 feet of you, facing in a direction you
choose. It can be a place you can see, or one you can
Expanded Spells clearly visualize.
The Deceiver lets you choose from an expanded list of Any creature or object entering the entrance portal
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following arrives at the exit portal as if the two were adjacent to
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. Spells each other. Passing through a tunnel from the nonportal
with an asterisk (*) can be found in Tasha’s Cauldron of side, or through the exit side, has no effect.
Everything. A creature that looks through either end of the tunnel
can see through to the other side.
Deceiver Expanded Spells You can create a tunnel once, after which you must
Spell Level Spells complete a short or long rest to do so again. You can
1st command, dissonant whispers use this feature more times as you gain warlock levels,
2nd blindness/deafness, Tasha’s mind whip* increasing by one at 6th (two times) and 14th (three
3rd blink, nondetection times) level.
If your dagger is destroyed or you lose it, you can
4th confusion, greater invisibility
perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement
5th dominate person, modify memory from your patron. This ceremony can be performed

Chapter 1 | Player Options 53

during a short or long rest, and the previous dagger is
destroyed if it still exists. The dagger vanishes inexpli- Deceiver’s Prison
cably when you die. By the time you reach 14th level, you can use your
If you later gain the Pact of the Blade feature, your deceiver’s dagger to send your foes far away. When
dagger vanishes and cannot be recovered. Instead, you hit a creature with an attack using your deceiver’s
any weapon you summon with your Pact of the Blade dagger, you can attempt to force that creature to your
feature gains the capabilities of your dagger, as long as patron’s realm. The target must make a Charisma
that weapon deals piercing or slashing damage. saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. On a
failure, the target takes up to 6d6 force damage and is
Mystic Mirage banished to a harmless demiplane for 1 minute. While
From 6th level, you can use your deceiver’s dagger to there, the target is incapacitated.
cut yourself into two distinct shapes: one real, one fake. At the end of each of its turns in the demiplane, the
Whenever you begin to move on your turn, you can target can repeat its saving throw. On a success, the
send an illusory double to another unoccupied space target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest
that you can see up to a number of feet away equal to unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
your remaining movement. You must be holding your If the target fails its saving throw against this feature
deceiver’s dagger to use this feature. three times before succeeding once, it becomes perma-
The illusion has your AC. It vanishes whenever it nently trapped in the demiplane until you use an action
takes damage or at the start of your next turn, which- to release it, or until you successfully trap another
ever comes first. The illusion can travel through your creature. In either case, the target reappears in an
tunnels. unoccupied space that you can see within 60 feet of
A creature can use its reaction when you first use this you.
feature, making a Wisdom (Perception) check against Once you have used this feature, you must complete a
your warlock spell save DC. On a success, the creature short or long rest before you can do so again.
discerns the duplicate as an illusion.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), regaining
all expended uses whenever you complete a long rest.

Arcane Tunneling
Also at 6th level, whenever you create a tunnel with
your dagger, you can choose for that tunnel to be two
way, allowing creatures to enter either end of the

Fleet of Falsehoods
At 10th level, you can create backnetworks through
reality with great ease and precision. Whenever you
move, you can teleport that distance instead of moving.
When you teleport in this way, you can use your
Mystic Mirage feature as if you were moving. When you
move the illusion created by that feature, you can also
cause it to teleport in this way.
Additionally, whenever you create a tunnel with your
deceiver’s dagger, you can create the exit up to 120 feet
from you.

54 Chapter 1 | Player Options

Wizard Planar Imbuement
Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, you
At 2nd level, a wizard gains the Arcane Tradition can tap into the planar energies you have studied to
feature. The following options are available to a wizard, enhance yourself. You can select two planes from which
in addition to those offered in the Player’s Handbook. to draw power. Each planar source offers a permanent
bonus listed in the Passive Effect column of the Planar
Planar Weaving Powers.
When you reach 6th, 10th, and 14th level, you can
Each plane thrums with its own energy, its own
replace one of your known planar sources with a planar
essence, a pervasive and potent force capable of
source of your choice.
altering, with subtle splendor or profound horror, all
those who touch it. For written into the very fabric of
each realm is the fundamental ethos of that reality, a
Planar Weaving
power that reshapes matter and souls alike to the rules Beginning at 6th level, you learn to harness a third
governing those planar domains. Even magic itself, planar power source.
which winds and writhes through all places and all You can infuse yourself and your spells with planar
times, is influenced by the rules of these realities. And essence. As an action, you create a planar weave for
for those with knowledge and daring, the planes exist a single planar power source you know. This planar
as a torrent of potential, an endless wellspring that weave grants you the ability in the Weave Effect column
promises control not only oneself but of all reality. of the Planar Powers table for the chosen plane. If an
But those who research such places, who treat with ability in this column has an instantaneous effect, it can
such power, should do so with great wariness. only be used once each turn. The planar weave lasts for
For it was not meant for mortals. a number of minutes equal to your wizard level or until
you end it as a bonus action, at which point you lose
access to the ability it grants.
Wizards are no strangers to traveling between the In addition, when you cast a spell, you can spend
many planes, or so I’ve heard many a wizard boast. a use of your Planar Weaving to change the spell’s
However, those who practice Planar Weaving are indeed damage or saving throw type to one corresponding to
a wondrous surprise, for they do not just galavant a planar power you’ve learned as seen in the Planar
between the planes, but wield their very energies. Power column of the Planar Powers chart. If a Planar
-Drizzt Power column offers a choice, you decide each time you
use this feature to alter a spell you cast.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest.

Dimensional Warding
Beginning at 10th level, when you or a creature within
30 feet of you takes damage or makes a saving throw
that corresponds to a damage or saving throw type of
one of your planar powers, you can use your reaction
to grant the target resistance to that damage type for
that instance of the damage or advantage on that saving
In addition, as an action, you can use your Dimen-
sional Warding feature to grant all creatures within 30
feet of you immunity to the negative effects of planar
exposure for planes you have selected for your Planar
Weaving feature for 1 hour.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest.

Walk Between Worlds

Starting at 14th level, you learn to harness a fourth
planar power source.
In addition, you can expend a use of your Planar
Weaving to cast plane shift targeting a plane you have
selected with your Planar Weaving feature. When you
cast plane shift in this way, you do not require material
components. 55
Planar Powers
2nd Level 6th Level 6th Level
Passive Effect Planar Power Weave Effect
The Infinite You speak, read, and write Abyssal. A creature Acid or Poison; If a creature succeeds on a saving throw against
Layers of the that fails a saving throw against a spell cast by Constitution a spell cast by you, the next saving throw it
Abyss you that uses a spell slot has disadvantage on makes within 1 minute has disadvantage. Instan-
ability checks for 1 minute. taneous effect.
The Infinite You speak, read, and write Abyssal or Infernal. Lightning or You add your Intelligence modifier (minimum
Battlefield of You gain proficiency with martial weapons or Thunder; Strength of 1) to Dexterity (Initiative) checks and your
Acheron light armor. AC while you are not wearing medium or heavy
The Peaceable You speak, read, and write Celestial. You gain Radiant; Creatures of your choice (including yourself)
Kingdoms of resistance to poison damage, and you are Charisma within 30 feet can’t be frightened and are
Arcadia immune to diseases and the poisoned condi- immune to diseases, poison, and the poisoned
tion. condition.
The Olympian You speak, read, and write Celestial. You are Radiant; Strength You add your Intelligence modifier (minimum
Glades of Arborea immune to the charmed condition, and magic of one) to your Constitution, Dexterity, and
can’t put you to sleep. Strength checks and saving throws.
The Astral Plane You gain telepathy out to 30 feet. Communica- Psychic; Intelli- When you cast a spell that deals damage,
tion is two-way and works with any creature that gence you can have the spell deal additional psychic
understands a language. damage equal to twice your wizard level to one
target of the spell. You can use this feature once
each turn. Instantaneous effect.
The Wilderness of You speak, read, and write Celestial. You gain Thunder; Consti- You can transform into a beast (as the poly-
the Beastlands proficiency in two of the following skills: Animal tution or Strength morph spell) for a number of minutes equal to
Handling, Perception, and Survival. your wizard level. You retain your intelligence
and ability to speak (allowing you to cast spells
that have only a verbal component).
The Twin Para- You speak, read, and write Celestial. When Radiant; When you cast a beneficial spell with a range
dises of Bytopia you make a Charisma (Persuasion) check or Charisma of self or touch that normally only affects one
Charisma saving throw, you can add your Intelli- creature, you can target an additional creature
gence modifier to the check or saving throw. within 5 feet. Instantaneous effect.
The Tarterian You speak, read, and write Abyssal or Infernal. Cold; Intelligence As a reaction when a creature or object within 60
Depths of Carceri You have advantage on checks and saving feet of you is the subject of a spell or an effect
throws to avoid being restrained or grappled. that teleports it or allows it to move to another
You can spend 5 feet of movement to automati- plane, you can choose to stop the spell or effect.
cally escape from nonmagical restraints, such as Instantaneous effect.
The Bleak Eternity You speak, read, and write Abyssal or Infernal. Acid or Fire; When a creature within 10 feet of you casts a
of Gehenna When you make a spell attack with a cantrip Constitution spell, you can use your reaction to force the
that deals acid or fire damage, you score a creature make a Charisma saving throw against
critical hit on a roll of 18, 19, or 20. your spellcasting DC. On a failure, you can pick
a new target for the spell. Instantaneous effect.
The Elemental You speak, read, and write Ignan. You are Fire; Constitution You gain immunity to fire damage. In addition,
Plane of Fire immune to the effects of extreme heat, as spells you cast that deal fire damage ignore
described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s resistance to fire damage and treat immunity as
Guide. In addition, you can light a small fire with resistance.
a touch as an action, and fire sources you carry
shed bright light for an additional 10 feet.
The Elemental You speak, read, and write Auran. You don’t need Lightning; You gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed.
Plane of Air to breathe and your speed increases by 10 feet. Dexterity
The Elemental You speak, read, and write Terran. You add your Acid; Strength You add your Intelligence modifier (minimum
Plane of Earth Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) to ability of one) to your AC when you are not wearing
checks involving stone; including Strength armor. In addition, you can glide through the
(Athletics) checks to scale natural rock and earth, gaining the ability to burrow through
Wisdom (Perception) checks to detect cave ins nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While
and avalanches. doing so, you don’t disturb the material you
move through. You can breathe while burrowed.
2nd Level 6th Level 6th Level
Passive Effect Planar Power Weave Effect
The Elemental You speak, read, and write Aquan. You can Cold; Constitu- You transform into water, gaining resistance to
Plane of Water breathe both air and water, and you gain a swim tion nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
speed equal to your movement speed. damage, and you can enter a hostile creature’s
space and stop there. You can move through
a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
The Ethereal You learn to speak, read, and write one language Force; Wisdom You can become ethereal, gaining resistance to
Plane of your choice. You can see a faint aura around bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. In
any visible creature or object within 30 feet of addition, you can move through other creatures
you that bears magic, and you know its school of and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You
magic, if any. take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn
inside an object.
The Feywild You speak, read, and write Sylvan. You add your Psychic; Charisma If a creature takes damage or fails a saving throw
Intelligence modifier (minimum of one) to from a spell you cast, you can give it disadvan-
saving throws you make against spells. tage on attack rolls and ability checks targeting
you for 1 minute as it forgets about you. Instan-
taneous effect.
The Gray Wastes You speak, read, and write Abyssal or Infernal. Cold; Constitu- If a creature fails a saving throw against a
of Hades You have advantage on saving throws against tion or Wisdom spell cast by you that uses a spell slot, you
spells or effects that cause you to move or be can weaken it, giving it disadvantage on ability
changed against your will, such as by petrifica- checks and attack rolls until the beginning of its
tion, being knocked prone, and the polymorph next turn. This effect can occur once each turn.
spell. Instantaneous effect.
The Ever- You learn to speak, read, and write two random Psychic; Intelli- As a bonus action, you can make an Intelligence
Changing Chaos languages determined by the Dungeon Master. gence check to mentally move an object that you can
You gain a fly speed equal to half your walking see within 30 feet of you. The DC depends on
speed. You are able to hover, but you cannot fly the object’s size: DC 5 for Tiny, DC 10 for Small,
more than 5 feet above the ground. DC 15 for Medium, DC 20 for Large, and DC 25
for Huge or larger. On a successful check, you
move the object 5 feet plus 1 foot for every point
by which you beat the DC.
The Seven You speak, read, and write Celestial. When you Radiant; Wisdom When you make an attack roll, ability check, or
Heavens of finish a long rest, you gain the benefits of a saving throw, you can roll 1d6 and add it to the
Mount Celestia lesser restoration spell. check or roll.
The Clockwork You speak, read, and write Modron. You gain Force; Intelligence When a creature within 60 feet of you that you
Nirvana of proficiency with two tools of your choice and you can see would make an attack roll, ability check,
Mechanus add twice your proficiency bonus to checks with or saving throw you can use your reaction to
those tools. substitute their result on a d20 roll with a 10. .
Instantaneous effect.
The Nine Hells You speak, read, and write Infernal. When Fire; Intelligence You can add your Intelligence modifier
you make a Charisma (Deception) check or (minimum of 1) to the DC of spells you cast that
Charisma saving throw, you can add your Intelli- impose the charmed condition.
gence modifier to the check or saving throw.
The Shadowfell You speak, read, and write Sylvan. You gain dark- Necrotic; Your darkvision doubles and you can see in
vision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already Charisma magical darkness. In addition, you have advan-
have darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet. tage on saving throws against spells and other
magical effects.
The Windswept You speak, read, and write Abyssal. You gain Cold; Wisdom If a creature takes damage or fails a saving throw
Depths of Pande- darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you from a spell you cast that uses a spell slot, you
monium already have darkvision, its range increases by can cause it to be buffeted by great winds and
30 feet. moved 30 feet in a direction of your choice. This
can occur once each turn. Instantaneous effect.
The Heroic You speak, read, and write Celestial. While Radiant; Constitu- When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit
Domains of you have temporary hit points, you can’t be tion or Strength points with a spell, you can gain a number of
Ysgard charmed, frightened, or fail concentration temporary hit points equal to twice the hit dice
checks. of the creature. Instantaneous effect.
Somniamancy Sleep Casting
At 2nd level, even while asleep, your spellcasting
The waking and subconscious mind are deeply linked,
instincts remain vigilant. When determining whether
and the bridge between the waking world and the
you are surprised, you are always considered awake.
world of dreams is linked by one thing: sleep. A few
If you are unconscious when you roll initiative, you
wizards have pioneered the arcane tradition of Somni-
can immediately enter into a trancelike state and can
amancy and are able to harness this mysterious power,
stand up if you choose. In this state, you are considered
extending their spellcasting prowess beyond the waking
awake and aware of your surroundings.
world. When a Somniamancer harnesses the power of
Additionally, you have full control of your own sleep.
the unconscious mind, they can force their dreams past
You can fall asleep immediately at will, and you can
the barriers of sleep and into reality.
choose how long you will sleep for or what sorts of
stimuli will wake you. Unless you choose otherwise,
I have always seen sleep and rest as a foe: a necessity, magic can’t put you to sleep.
yes, but also an enemy of productivity and action. My
naïve thought was dispelled in more ways than one when Slumber Magic
I met and conversed with a wizard practitioner of Also at 2nd level, you learn the spell sleep if you did
Somniamancy. not know it already. You can cast sleep at the highest
-Drizzt level for which you have spell slots without expending
a spell slot or requiring material components. You can
use this feature a number of times equal to your profi-
ciency bonus, regaining expended uses whenever you
complete a long rest.

Restorative Repose
Beginning at 6th level, you add the catnap
spell to your spellbook if it is not there
already. When you cast catnap, you can
target one additional creature and each
affected target can choose to gain one of
the following additional benefits:
• The target reduces its exhaustion level by one.
• The target rolls any hit dice it expends during the
short rest twice, taking the higher of the two results for
each die.

Dream Familiarity
Also at 6th level, your ability to control your
own dreams allows you to better deal with
dreams and nightmares in the waking world.
You can use your reaction to grant yourself
advantage on ability checks to see through
illusions and saving throws against illusions
and fear. You can use this feature a number of
times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining
expended uses whenever you complete a long

58 Chapter 1 | Player Options

You may use this feature a number of times equal
Doze to your proficiency bonus, regaining expended uses
Starting at 10th level, you can briefly enter a sleeplike whenever you complete a long rest
state and sort through your magical thoughts. As an Lucid Transformation
action, you can choose a number of wizard spells you
Object Size DC
have prepared and replace each of them with another
wizard spell from your spellbook. You can replace a Tiny 5
number of spells with a combined level equal to your Small 10
wizard level. Medium 15
Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so Large 20
again until you complete a long rest.

Lucid Dreaming Heavy Slumber

When you reach 14th level, the power of your subcon- Also at 14th level, your Slumber Magic is imbued with
scious alters the waking world. As an action, you can the essence of true weariness. As an action, you can
make an Intelligence check to mentally alter a Large choose a number of creatures you can see within 60
or smaller nonmagical object that is not being worn feet of you equal to your proficiency bonus and spend
or carried that you can see within 30 feet of you. The all of your remaining uses of Slumber Magic (minimum
DC depends on the object’s size, as shown in the Lucid 1) to inflict exhaustion on them. Each target must
Transformation table below. On a success, you change succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your
the object into another object you are familiar with of spell save DC or gain three levels of exhaustion. This
equal size and of equal or lesser value. cannot raise a creature’s exhaustion level above five.
This feature cannot be used to create objects that This exhaustion is temporary and lasts for one
ordinarily require a high degree of craftsmanship, such minute, but an affected target can use an action on
as jewelry, weapons, glass, or armor, unless you have each of its turns to repeat the saving throw on its turn,
proficiency with the type of artisan’s tools used to craft removing one of the inflicted exhaustion levels.
such objects.
Chapter 2: Magic Backpack of Flying
Wondrous item, uncommon

Items This backpack is fitted with heavy gnomish equipment

at its base and has storage space akin to that of a
Magic items are gleaned from the hoards of conquered standard rucksack above. It has 5 charges, and regains
monsters or discovered in long-lost vaults. Such items 1d4 +1 expended charges at dawn. As a bonus action,
grant capabilities a character could rarely have other- you can expend one charge to activate the backpack,
wise, or they complement their owner’s capabilities in sending you flying 50 feet in a straight line in any
wondrous ways. direction. If used to go up, the backpack shimmers
According to the Dungeon Master’s discretion, party faintly, causing you to fall harmlessly to the ground as if
members may encounter some of the following magic under the effects of the feather fall spell. If you expend
items in their adventures. two charges, each creature within 5 feet of you when
Magic items are presented in alphabetical order. the backpack is activated takes 1d4 + 2 fire damage.
A magic item’s description gives the item’s name, its If the backpack reaches 0 charges, roll 1d10. On a 1,
category, its rarity, and its magical properties. the backpack malfunctions and cannot be used until a
creature succeeds on a DC 15 check with tinker’s tools
Aspect Mirror to repair it. An attempt to repair the backpack that fails
Wondrous item, rare by 5 or more destroys the backpack.
An aspect mirror looks like a plain, circular, silvered
mirror, usually 1.5 feet in diameter. Aspect mirrors come
Beholder Personal Tank
in pairs, and mirrors in a pair match each other. Wondrous item, legendary
As an action, you can touch an aspect mirror and This item first appears to be a Large sealed iron
establish a link to its paired mirror. For the next minute, sphere weighing 250 pounds. The sphere has a hidden
you can see, hear, and speak as if you were in the same catch, which can be found with a successful DC 20
space as the paired mirror. While using the mirror like Intelligence (Investigation) check. Releasing the catch
this, you and your surroundings are visible to those who unlocks a hatch at one end of the sphere, allowing a
see through the paired mirror as if the paired mirrors Medium or smaller creature to crawl inside. Twelve
were a window. Communication through the mirrors levers are set in a row at the one end, each in a neutral
ignores distance, but you can only use the mirrors when position, able to move either up or down. When certain
they are on the same plane of existence. You cannot levers are used, the sphere transforms to resemble a
cast spells through the mirrors. beholder. The beholder personal tank is a Large object
Once an aspect mirror is used in this manner, the with the following statistics:
mirrors can’t be used again until the next dawn. If one Armor Class: 20
of the mirrors in a pair is destroyed, the other one Hit Points: 200
becomes nonmagical. Speed: 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
To be used as a vehicle, the tank requires one pilot in
the compartment. The pilot can use an action to move
as many as two of the tank’s levers up or down. After
each use, a lever goes back to its neutral position.
Each lever, from left to right, functions as shown in the
Beholder Personal Tank Levers table.

Magic items are wonderfully useful in the right hands,

so much so that it is not uncommon for adventurers to
form a sort of friendship with their tools. Of course,
this is also true in the literal sense if your weapon
happens to be sentient.

60 Chapter 2 | Magic Items

Beholder Personal Tank Levers Bertie’s Favor
Lever Up Down
Wondrous Item, common
1 The tank’s mechanical The eye rays and motor
eyes extend, as well as retract, reducing the tank’s Six gleaming white alligator teeth dangle from this
a motor that allows the speed to 0 and making necklace. You can detach a tooth from the necklace
tank to fly. The tank begins it unable to benefit from and throw it up to 20 feet. When a tooth is thrown
to hover 5 feet off the bonuses to its speed. upon the ground, the terrain in a 5-foot radius imme-
ground. Levers 8-11 allow diately becomes swamp-like difficult terrain. If a tooth
the pilot to fire a ray from is thrown into terrain that is already swamp-like, it
the relevant mechanical transmutes into an alligator and attacks any creatures
eye at a creature it can see hostile to you. An alligator created by this necklace
within 60 feet. The eyes disappears after 1 minute.
must be extended to use
these effects and each ray Bladeslinger Dye
can only be used once per Wondrous Item, uncommon
This clear, paint-like liquid is contained in a small
2 Front window shutter Front window shutter bucket decorated with rainbow designs and images of
opens. closes. weapons.
3 Side window shutters open Side window shutters close You can spend 10 minutes coating the blade or head
(two per side). (two per side). of any melee weapon with this liquid. Once fully coated,
4 The apparatus floats up to The apparatus floats you can choose a color and the weapon will instantly
15 feet upward. downward up to 15 feet, to be dyed that color permanently and become a magical
a minimum of 5 feet off the weapon. If the weapon was already magical, it main-
ground. tains its enchantment and simply changes colors.
5 The apparatus flies up to The apparatus flies up to If no color is named within an hour of coating the
30 feet forward. 30 feet backward. weapon, the liquid evaporates and the weapon remains
unchanged. The bucket contains enough liquid to cover
6 The apparatus turns 90 The apparatus turns 90
up to three weapons.
degrees left. degrees right.
7 The tank emits bright light The light turns off. Bracers of Elvenkind
in a 30-foot radius and dim
Wondrous item, uncommon
light for an additional 30
feet. These leather bracers are inscribed with Elvish runes
8 Disintegration Ray. If the target is a creature, it must of primal magic. While you wear them, you ignore diffi-
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 18 cult terrain created by dense foliage. In addition, you
(4d8) force damage. If this damage reduces the creature have advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks
to 0 hit points, its body becomes a pile of fine gray dust. and Charisma (Persuasion) checks made when dealing
If the target is a Large or smaller nonmagical object or with woodland creatures.
creation of magical force, it is disintegrated without a
saving throw. If the target is a Huge or larger nonmagical
object or creation of magical force, this ray disintegrates
a 10-foot cube of it.
9 Enervation Ray. The targeted creature must make a DC
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) necrotic
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
10 Fear Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 14
Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. The
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
11 Paralyzing Ray. The targeted creature must succeed on
a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for
1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
12 The rear hatch unseals and The rear hatch closes and
opens seals.

Chapter 2 | Magic Items 61

Bulb of the Stranger
Wondrous Item, very rare
This bulb comes from an alien plant and bulges with
purple veins. As an action, you can plant the bulb
in a corpse within 5 feet of you. Doing so consumes
the bulb. After 10 minutes, the corpse is returned to
a semblance of life as a Bizarre Stranger. A Bizarre
Stranger uses the statistics of the original creature with
the following changes:
• It has confused memories of the original creature’s
• Its type is construct.
• It has immunity to psychic damage.
• It has 100 hit points.
• After 8 hours, it is reduced to 0 hit points and dies.
The Bizarre Stranger acts on its own accord, though is
friendly to you and your allies.

Claws of the Bear Strangler

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
While wearing these large fur mitts, you have advantage
on Strength checks to attempt or maintain a grapple
against creatures that are Large or smaller. These
appears in an unoccupied space on the ground in that
mitts are equipped with claws that you can use to make
direction within 30 feet of you. It is friendly to you and
unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you can deal
your companions and acts on your initiative, starting
slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier
with the round on which it was summoned.
instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an
You can communicate with the couatl telepathically.
unarmed strike. Additionally, you can grapple or shove
The couatl won’t attack any unaligned monsters. If it
creatures up to two sizes larger than you.
sees a creature under a magical compulsion to fight you
Coin of Enhanced Luck (e.g., via a charm spell) it doesn’t attack that creature,
but attempts to end its compulsion (using greater
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a restoration if needed) and ensure it is acting of its own
halfling or a creature with the Lucky feat) volition.
This coin was forged by halflings, and has an image of The couatl remains for a number of rounds equal
Yondalla engraved on it. While attuned to this coin, you to your Charisma or Wisdom modifier (whichever is
gain the following benefits: highest), disappearing immediately after its final turn.
• If you spend a luck point or use your Lucky trait to If it casts a spell that requires concentration (such as a
affect one of your attack rolls or an ability check, the bless), that spell ends once the couatl disappears.
d20 you choose gains a +2 bonus. The couatl’s celestial spirit is immortal. If its physical
• If you spend a luck point to affect an attack against form is killed while it is summoned, its spirit retreats to
you, the d20 roll you choose suffers a -2 penalty. the gem to recover and it cannot be summoned again
• You regain one luck point up to your maximum at the until 3d6 days have passed.
end of a short rest. Once you summon the couatl, you cannot summon it
again until you complete a long rest.
Once you have used a benefit, you can’t use that benefit While it is not summoned, you can telepathically
again until you finish a long rest. communicate with the couatl through the gem. The
couatl is happy to share old tales of the god Tyr, reciting
Couatl Gem stories such as how the god of justice lost his hand to
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a Kezef, the Chaos Hound.
creature of good alignment) If you show a genuine interest in the couatl’s stories,
This gem houses the spirit of an ancient serpent loyal your religious knowledge will be expanded. By spending
to Tyr. an hour during a long rest listening to these tales you
You can use a bonus action to whisper a prayer to the gain advantage on Intelligence (Religion) checks for 24
gem, calling on the services of a couatl. A beam of blue hours (you can also use the couatl as a teacher if you
light flashes in a direction of your choice and a couatl wish to train that skill—as per the downtime activity in
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything).

62 Chapter 2 | Magic Items

Darcy’s Dinner Triangle
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This mithril triangle has musical notes
etched into its surface. Tapping one side
of the triangle will cause it to chime with a
pleasant sound and glow like a torch. When
all three sides of the triangle are struck, roll 1d4.
On a result of 2-4, each creature in a 15-foot cone
that can hear the triangle must succeed on a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you as
they hear the voice of a loved one who they know to be
dead calling them home. An affected creature is fright-
ened until the end of your next turn and must use their
reaction, if available, to move 20 feet away from you.
On a result of 1 on the d4, the sound of the
triangle echoes around you and you suffer the
effect instead. Unless you succeed on a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw, you are frightened of each
creature you see in the 15 foot cone until the end of
your next turn and must use any movement you have
remaining to move 20 feet away from those creatures.

Dissonant Microphone
Weapon (heavy crossbow), very rare (requires attune-
ment) Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a
Crafted to fight off the horrors of the night, this
crossbow is made of dark oak inlaid with the holy This device was crafted by a team of renown Lantanese
symbols used by its previous wielders. It is strung with engineers. The magic within it allows it to amplify the
a silver thread that glows slightly with radiant energy. voice of someone who speaks into it. Using a bonus
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage made with action, you can speak a command word to turn the
this magic weapon. device’s amplifying feature on or off. While it is on, you
This weapon is wielded as a typical heavy crossbow, can speak normally into the microphone and be heard
but requires no ammunition. Instead, when an attack up to 500 feet away.
is made with this weapon, it creates a magical bolt that While holding the microphone, you can use an action
deals radiant damage in place of piercing. These bolts to cast one of the following spells from it, using your
dissipate moments after impacting their target. You can spell attack bonus and spell save DC: command, disso-
choose to use ammunition with this crossbow instead nant whispers, sleep, or Tasha’s hideous laughter. Once
of firing radiant bolts. When you do, you gain the attack you have cast a spell with the microphone, you can’t
and damage benefits of this magical weapon as normal. cast that spell again until you finish a long rest.
If you score a critical hit on a creature that is consid-
ered an undead or fiend with this crossbow, the attack
Divining Eye Amulet
deals maximum damage. Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This silver amulet has the shape of an eye, similar to a
Deadwalker’s Ring symbol often ascribed to those who study the arcane art
Ring, very rare (requires attunement) of divination.
While attuned to this ring, whenever you cast a necro- While attuned to this amulet, you have advantage
mancy spell with a casting time of 1 minute, you can on Initiative checks and cannot be surprised. You can
cast it as an action instead. You can also create one also cast the augury spell without the need for material
additional undead creature if you cast a spell that components by staring into the eye of this amulet. Once
creates or summons undead creatures. you do so, this spell cannot be cast in this way again
In addition, the undead created or summoned by your until the following dawn.
spells gain a bonus to their attack rolls equal to half Cursed. Once attuned to this amulet, you cannot
your proficiency bonus. unattune or remove this amulet without the use of a
remove curse spell or similar magic. While attuned, you
always feel a strange sort of dread regarding the future
and have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws made
against effects that cause you to be frightened.

Chapter 2 | Magic Items 63

Eiliastraee’s Blessing command the hamster to run up to 30 feet in a direc-
tion of the your choosing and roll on the Wild Magic
Weapon (greataxe), rare (requires attunement) Surge table. At the end of each turn that the hamster
This greataxe has been blessed by the drow goddess is loose, roll 1d6. On a 1, the hamster is tired and sits
Eilistraee. down where it is and refuses to do anything more. The
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made hamster and the orb are invulnerable to damage and
with this magic weapon. In addition, using the axe, you magical effects of any kind unless inside an antimagic
can cast the freedom of movement spell as an action field. After 1 hour or when the hamster sits down and
once per day. refuses to act, you must return the hamster to the orb
Moonlight. While holding the greataxe, you can use and wait 1d4 days before releasing the hamster from
an action to cause the weapon to glow. This glow sheds the orb again. Any attempt to let the hamster out sooner
bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an addi- fails as the hamster simply refuses to move.
tional 30 feet. The glow lasts until you stop wielding the
weapon or you use an action to dismiss the light. Engulfing Carpet
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
Empowering Orb
This 20-foot-square carpet can be folded up into the
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) dimensions of a handkerchief.
This crystal orb is about the size of a grapefruit. A You can use an action to unfold an engulfing carpet
latch on one side opens it up and reveals its contents: a and place it on or against a solid surface. When you
miniature hamster with glowing turquoise eyes. As an do so you decide whether it is visible or if it adjusts its
action, you can release the hamster; it runs up to 30 feet color to blend in with the surface. While unfolding the
in a random direction and rolls carpet, you can designate creatures of your choice to be
on the Wild Magic Surge immune to its engulfing power.
table as a Wild When a creature steps on the carpet, it must succeed
Magic sorcerer. on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or sink 2 feet into
Once the the carpet and become restrained. At the start of each
hamster is of a restrained creature’s turns, it sinks another 2 feet
loose, you until fully submerged. As long as the creature isn’t
can use completely submerged into the carpet, it can attempt
a bonus to escape by using an action to make a DC 15 Strength
action to (Athletics) check. Another creature can use an action
to pull the restrained creature out of the carpet, if it
is within reach, by using its action to make a DC 15
Strength (Athletics) check. A creature that is completely
engulfed in the carpet is blinded and can’t breathe.
Destroying the carpet frees any restrained or
engulfed creatures.

Faerie Bomb
Wondrous item, uncommon
This fist-sized gray ball feels powdery and is pliable
to the touch. It can be thrown or set to be triggered
when a creature comes within 5 feet of it. When it hits
a target or is triggered, the bomb explodes, covering
each object within 10 feet in blue, green, and violet dust.
Creatures in this area are also covered in dust if they
fail a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature or
object covered in dust sheds dim light in a 10-foot
radius and cannot benefit from being invisible.
Attack rolls have advantage against them if
they are visible to the attacker. The dust
lasts for 24 hours and cannot be washed
off by mundane means, but magical
effects including prestidigitation can
be used as normal to remove the

64 Chapter 2 | Magic Items

Ghost Robe 60 feet regain 1d10 hit points and at the beginning of
your next turn undead within 30 feet of the apparition
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be
This cloak is almost insubstantial to the touch. When turned as if by an 11th level cleric, with undead of CR
you wear it, you become equally insubstantial, able to 2 or lower being immediately destroyed if they fail this
move through Medium or smaller creatures and walls save. Before disappearing at the end of your next turn,
thinner than five feet as if they were difficult terrain. If the apparition will tell you the damage vulnerabilities of
you end your turn inside a creature or object, you take any undead or fiends you can see.
2d8 force damage. You cannot move through magical 6 - Rook. You summon a ghostly fortress which
barriers or lead of any thickness. surrounds you. For the duration, a spectral wall forms
to protect you. The wall appears as translucent stone
Golden Rise Cookie Tin that is 5 feet thick, and can be a maximum of 15 feet
Wondrous Item, very rare high and up to 30 feet in length. It has 60 hit points and
AC 15. The wall can either be a straight line, part of
This round, metallic tin of cookies displays an image which must be no more than 5 feet from you, or a ring
of the holder’s current surroundings, including with you on the interior. The wall lasts for one minute
anyone next to them, on its lid. Inside the container or until it is destroyed.
are 30 shortbread cookies nestled within fluted paper 7 - Pawn. You summon a ghostly apparition of an
wrappers. There are six different types of cookie, each eager youth that appears in an empty space within
with a different symbol: King, Queen, Knight, Bishop, 10 feet of you. The apparition functions as an unseen
Rook, and Pawn. As an action on your turn, you can pull servant that lasts for 1 minute or until it is destroyed.
a cookie from the tin and eat it. Roll 1d8 to determine If you give the apparition a command while in combat,
what type of cookie is pulled from the tin. On a 1, the there is a 50% chance that it will move 15 feet in a
cookie is transformed in your hand and you receive random direction instead of following your command.
sewing supplies, such as a needle or bobbin. On an 8, No more than two cookies can be consumed in one
if you eat the cookie, you regain 2d4 hit points, but no day. If a third cookie is eaten, you must make a DC18
other effect occurs. Constitution saving throw. On a success, the cookie
When consumed, each cookie generates a different tin seals itself closed for one day, becoming unusable.
effect. If the cookie has not been eaten by the beginning On a failed save, you feel ill and are incapacitated until
of your next turn, it crumbles into dust. the end of your next turn and the tin’s contents are
2 - King. You summon a ghostly apparition of a completely replaced with sewing supplies for 1d4 days.
crowned warrior that appears in an empty space within Once a total of 30 cookies are removed from the tin, the
10 feet of you. At the beginning of your next turn, the tin becomes nonmagical.
warrior summons a bundle of phantom swords and
casts them at an enemy of yours that they can see up
to 40 feet away. The target must succeed on a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw or take 3d12 piercing damage.
The warrior disappears after casting its swords.
3 - Queen. You summon a ghostly apparition
of a veiled woman holding an ornate cup that
appears in an empty space within 10 feet of
you. While within 30 feet of the apparition,
you and allies of your choice that you can
see can use an action to regain 2d8 hit
points. You also gain +2 to attack rolls and
advantage on Charisma ability checks
while the apparition remains. The appari-
tion disappears after one minute or when
its healing ability has been used three times.
4 - Knight. You summon a ghostly apparition
holding a spear that appears in an empty space within
10 feet of you and disappears after 1 minute. For the
duration, you and up to three creatures you can touch
are filled with a burning energy and gain resistance to
fire damage and deal an extra 1d4 fire damage on your
melee weapon attacks.
5 - Bishop. You summon a ghostly apparition of a
priest that appears in an empty space within 10 feet of
you. You and each of your allies that you can see within

Chapter 2 | Magic Items 65

Heliotropic Seeds action to summon an illusory double of yourself. The
illusion appears in an empty space you can see within
Wondrous Item, rare 30 feet of you, and you can move it up to 15 feet each
This small pouch has a sun and moon design on it. turn as a bonus action. Creatures that see the illusion
Inside are six seeds. When one of the seeds is planted can make a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw. Success
during the day, a sunflower grows, reaching full size in 1 on this saving throw allows a creature to discern the
minute. When planted at night, a moonflower grows in illusion’s true nature.
the same amount of time. Each time a hostile creature You can use your action to cause the illusion to
enters within a 15-foot radius of the sunflower during its explode. Each creature within a 20 feet of the illusion
turn, it is attacked with a scorching ray. Upon the same must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A target
conditions, the moonflower attacks with moonbeam. takes 4d8 magical slashing damage on a failed save, or
The flower’s spell save DC is 15. In all other ways, these half as much damage on a successful one. Once this
flowers act normally: they have AC 5 and 1 hit point, and property is used, the mirror can’t be used again until
their seeds are normal seeds for the type of flower they the next dawn.
Lagoon Submersible
Helm of Warlord’s Sacrifice Wondrous item, uncommon
Wondrous item (helmet), very rare (requires attune- This Large capsule-shaped vehicle is adorned with
ment) green seaweed and is colored the same as dark oceanic
While you are wearing this helmet, allies within 60 rock. It can snugly fit up to two Medium or smaller crea-
feet of you gain advantage on death saving throws. In tures inside and can be controlled by either creature
addition, it has the following ability: via a control console of well-labeled buttons and levers.
Brave Camaraderie. If a creature you can see The submersible has a swimming speed of 60 feet. If it
reduces one of your allies to 0 hit points, you can use descends below 500 feet, its movement speed is halved,
your reaction to make one melee attack with advantage and if it descends past 600 feet, its movement speed
against the creature. If the creature is not within your is reduced to 0. While in the submersible, you have
reach, you can—as part of your reaction—momentarily blindsight out to a range of 120 feet and you can breathe
double your speed and take the Dash action if doing normally.
so allows you to make the melee attack. Attacks of
opportunity against you during your dash are made Lenses of Darkness
with advantage, but you gain a bonus to your attack Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
roll equal to the number of attacks of opportunity you These two glass lenses fit over your eyes. It takes 1
provoke. minute to put on the lenses.
Kaleidoscope Shooter While wearing these lenses, you can see normally
through darkness, both magical and nonmagical. In
Wondrous Item, uncommon addition, you have advantage on saving throws against
This oblong metal tube is decorated with rainbow being blinded, as well as on ability checks to discern
swirls and is capped on each end with clear glass. magical illusions.
When a creature looks into one end of the tube, a While in sunlight while wearing these lenses, you
dazzling array of colors appears inside. You can use have disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom
an action to attack a creature you can see within 30 (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
feet with the kaleidoscope by expending a charge and
blowing into one end of the tube. The target must Liquid Luck
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be covered Potion, rarity varies
in technicolor light, take 2d12 psychic damage, and be When you drink this potion, you begin to feel very lucky.
stunned for one minute. A stunned creature can repeat You gain a number of luck points based on the rarity of
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the potion imbibed. These luck points last for up to 7
the effect on a success. If the target attempts to speak, hours.
it will only result in it naming colors. On a successful When you make an attack roll, ability check, or saving
save, the target takes half damage and is not stunned. throw, you can spend 1 luck point to roll an additional
The kaleidoscope has 3 charges and regains 1d3 d20. You can use this ability after the original roll, but
charges at each dawn. before the outcome is revealed. You choose which of
Karshin’s Volatile Armor the two results is used. You can also spend one luck
point when an attack roll is made against you. Roll a
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) d20, and choose whether the attacker’s roll uses their
When you stare into this small mirror you see your result or yours. If multiple creatures use a luck point on
reflection grinning mischievously back at you. Once the same roll, they cancel out, resulting in no additional
per day, while you’re holding this item you can use your dice.

66 Chapter 2 | Magic Items

Immediately after you use the last luck point, your Magebane Weapon
luck runs out and you become unlucky. You must make
a Charisma saving throw with a DC determined by the Weapon (any melee weapon), very rare (requires attune-
rarity of the potion (Unlucky DC). If you succeed on the ment)
saving throw, you are unlucky for 13 minutes. If you fail While wielding this weapon, you gain the following
the saving throw, you are unlucky until you complete benefits:
a long rest. While you are unlucky as a result of this
• You have advantage on attack rolls made with this
potion’s effects, whenever you make an attack roll,
weapon against any creature that is concentrating on a
ability check, or saving throw, you are at disadvantage.
Additionally, whenever an attack roll is made against
• You have advantage on saving throws against spells
you, that attack has advantage.
and other magical effects
Liquid Luck Varieties • If you succeed on a saving throw against a spell or
Name Luck Points Unlucky DC Rarity magical effect by 5 or more, you are unaffected by the
Gained spell and can use your reaction to reflect the spell or
Potion of 1 13 Uncommon effect back at the creature who cast it using the initial
Liquid Luck caster’s attack bonus and save DC. Spells with an area
of effect that are reflected back on their caster will origi-
Potion of 2 11 Rare
nate from the caster’s space.
Greater Liquid
Potion of 3 9 Very Rare
Mirror Shield
Superior Armor (shield), uncommon
Liquid Luck This shield is fashioned out of an enchanted mirror.
Potion of 5 7 Legendary Due to its weight and fragility, It does not grant any
Supreme bonus to AC. You cannot benefit from both this item and
Liquid Luck a standard shield at the same time.
While wielding this shield, you can use your reaction
when you are targeted by a ranged spell attack or a line-
based spell effect to reflect the spell back on the caster
who is affected as if they were the target of the spell.
Once the shield has reflected an effect in this fashion,
it cracks and is unusable until it is repaired. The glass
will slowly flow back together to repair itself over the
course of 2d6 days. Alternately, the mirror can be
repaired with a successful DC 15 ability check with
Glassblower’s Tools made over the course of a short

Mithral Mist Armor

Armor (medium or heavy, not hide), rare
(requires attunement)
Mithral is a light, flexible metal. A mithral
chain shirt or breastplate can be worn under
normal clothes.
If the armor normally imposes disadvan-
tage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks or has a
Strength requirement, the mithral version
of the armor doesn’t.
While wearing this armor, you can use an
action to cause one of the following effects:
Billowing Mist. Your space fills with
billowing silver mist. You are heavily
obscured while in the mist, which lasts until
the end of your next turn.
Gaseous Form. You cast the gaseous form
spell on yourself.
Once you have used an effect, you can’t use that
effect again until the next dawn.

Chapter 2 | Magic Items 67

Nascent Forest when you throw the dust and keeping them closed until
you leave the area). A blinded creature can repeat the
Weapon (spear), very rare (requires attunement) saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
This spear is beautifully crafted to resemble a tree, with effect on a success. On a successful save, a creature is
its wide spearhead fashioned to look like a single sharp immune to the effects of this dust for 24 hours.
leaf made from dark green jade. You have a +1 bonus to
attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Rear Guard
When you use this weapon to make an attack from an Weapon (longbow), uncommon
elevated position, including attacks made during a leap, This longbow is beautifully crafted from a fine gray-
you make that attack with advantage. stained oak. A single cat’s eye stone is set into the
You can use your bonus action to strike the ground center of the bow facing outwards. You have a +1 bonus
with the butt of this spear, immediately causing a to attack and damage rolls made with this magic
sapling to grow under you, lifting you to a height of 5 weapon.
feet. The sapling can always hold your weight. If you When you are targeted by a ranged attack while
jump while atop such a sapling, you can jump as though wielding this bow, you are magically made aware of the
you had moved 10 feet before doing so. attacker’s location until the end of your next turn. Addi-
As an action, you can grab a sapling created by this tionally, you can use your reaction to make one ranged
spear and uproot it. An uprooted sapling can be used attack against the attacker. If your attack succeeds, the
as a +1 javelin. After 1 minute, the javelin becomes a next attack that creature makes before the end of its
sapling again, rooting itself into the ground if possible. next turn is made at disadvantage.
Once you uproot a sapling to create a javelin, you As an action, you can use this bow to shoot an arrow
cannot do so again until you complete a short rest. and cause it to stop mid-flight at any point along its
Powder of the Black Veil trajectory, where it will magically float in the air for up
to one hour or until you use a bonus action to end the
Wondrous item, uncommon magic, at which point the arrow falls to the ground.
Found in a small container, this sooty, black powder While the arrow is suspended in the air, you can use
resembles very fine sand. There is enough for one use. your action to concentrate on the arrow and gain sight
When you use an action to throw a handful of this and hearing from the arrow’s location as if you were
powder into the air, it creates a standing at the arrow’s location. This effect lasts until
10-foot radius sphere of dark, the start of your next turn, and you can use your action
dense dust, centered on on subsequent turns to maintain this connection,
you. The area is heavily extending the duration until the end of your next turn.
obscured and lingers in While concentrating your senses through the arrow,
the air for 1 minute. you are blinded and deafened to your own surround-
When a creature ings. This sight grants you darkvision within 60 feet, as
enters the area for well as the ability to see invisible objects and creatures
the first time on a within the same range. Wisdom (Perception) checks
turn or starts its turn made through this magical sight have advantage. Once
there it must make you use this ability, you can’t use it again until the next
a DC 15 Wisdom dawn.
saving throw or
become blinded Relampago
for 1 minute (you Weapon (greatclub), rare (requires attunement)
can avoid this The end of this large weathered club is shaped like a
by closing storm cloud. It hums with electrical energy.
your eyes This magical weapon gains 1 charge when you hit an
enemy with a melee attack made with it and can hold
up to 3 charges. When you hit with a melee weapon
attack with relampago, it deals 1 point of lightning
damage for each charge it currently has in addition to
its normal damage. As a bonus action you can expend
3 charges to deal an additional 3d8 lighting damage
on your next successful melee weapon attack with
relampago before the end of your turn. Unused charges
expire after 10 minutes.

68 Chapter 2 | Magic Items

Ring of Abjuration This ring has 9 charges. If you are reduced to 0
hit points while attuned to this ring, one of the ring’s
Ring, rare (requires attunement) charges is expended, granting you the benefit of a death
This copper ring has shield-shaped carvings on it. ward spell. Once the ring’s last charge is expended, it
While wearing this ring, you permanently gain the crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
benefits of a detect magic spell, without needing to Once the ring has depleted its charges, if you are
concentrate on it. If a creature within 60 feet of you ever reduced to 0 hit points, you are considered to have
casts a spell that uses a somatic or material compo- failed two death saving throws. This effect can only be
nent or a verbal component you can hear, you can alleviated via a wish spell or divine intervention.
immediately make an Intelligence (Arcana) check with
advantage (DC 10 + the spell’s level). If you succeed, you Scimitar of the Arcanaweave
learn the spell and its level. Weapon (scimitar), legendary, (requires attunement)
In addition, when you make an ability check as part This weapon is old beyond measure and clearly
of casting an abjuration spell (such as counterspell from another plane, carved and etched with whirling
or dispel magic), you can add half your proficiency patterns. An aura of shadow emanates from it.
bonus to that ability check. If you already benefit from The scimitar of the arcanaweave is possessed by a
a feature or ability that allows you to add any of your type of living spell—a person who out of desperation
proficiency bonus to this ability check, you don’t gain or intellectual curiosity turned themselves into a spell,
this benefit. or a spell given life and agency by its creator or some
Ring of Anti-Propaganda unusual effect. The living spell is sentient and can
communicate with or assist you, but often struggles to
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) understand things in corporeal terms and may veer off
While wearing this ring, you have advantage on on highly intellectual tangents.
Wisdom (Insight) checks. The scimitar of the arcanaweave requires attune-
When you learn that a creature has deliberately lied ment. Upon attuning to it, a tattoo of the same whirling
to you or about you, you can use your reaction to force patterns appears on your dominant arm, extending up
it to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, taking 1d10 to your chest. It remains for as long as the attunement
psychic damage on a failed save. You do not need to does, disappearing slowly over 1d6 + 1 days if the attune-
know the creature’s location and this effect functions at ment ends.
any range as long as the creature is on the same plane The arcanaweave is aligned, but no alignment is
of existence as you. A creature that succeeds on its presented here; the alignment of the spell will deter-
saving throw is immune to the effects of the ring for 24 mine the role that the scimitar of the arcanaweave plays
hours. in a campaign. A good-aligned spell might contribute
useful advice at key moments, while an evil-aligned
Ring of Chromatic Orb spell may subtly manipulate you. A spell can also cease
Ring, rare (requires attunement) to function for you if it does not share your alignment,
rendering the weapon a +1 scimitar until it can be
While wearing this ring in dim light or darkness, you persuaded to help again.
can use an action to cast the dancing lights spell from it.
The ring has 6 charges. While holding it, you can use Arcanaweave Statistics
an action to expend one or more charges to cast the Int: 22
chromatic orb spell from it. For 1 charge, you can cast Wis: 18
the 1st-level version of the spell. You can increase the Cha: 14
spell slot level by one for each additional charge you Skills: Special, see weapon properties
expend. Your spell attack bonus with this spell is +5. Senses: blindsight 5ft
The ring regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at Languages: six of DM’s choice, communicated via telep-
dawn. If you expend the ring’s last charge, roll a d20. On athy and audible whispering
a 1, the ring crumbles into ashes and is destroyed. The scimitar of the arcanaweave has a +2 to attack
and damage. On a hit, it does 2d4 slashing and 2d6
Ring of Nine Lives necrotic damage to its target. If you make an attack with
Ring, very rare (requires attunement) the scimitar as part of the Attack action, you can use a
bonus action immediately after to make a melee attack
Once you attune to this ring, you can’t remove it or with it. This bonus action attack deals 1d4 slashing and
unattune from it while it retains any charges unless you 1d6 necrotic damage.
are in an antimagic field or use a wish spell or similar In addition, you can spend an action to roll 1d6 and
magic. add it to a skill check of your choice. Once you have
used this property, it cannot be used again until dusk.

Chapter 2 | Magic Items 69

Sea Jouster impose disadvantage on the creature’s attack roll. After
you have successfully used this feature, you cannot use
Weapon (lance), rare (requires attunement) it again until you finish a long rest.
While wielding this magic weapon, you gain a Good Listener. While attuned to the weapon, you
swimming speed equal to your base walking speed. gain proficiency in the Insight and Persuasion skills.
Additionally, you can cast find steed. When you do, In addition, if you talk to a creature for more than five
any creature you summon gains a swim speed equal minutes, you have advantage on Charisma (Persua-
to its walking speed, the ability to move across liquid sion) checks made to negotiate peace with or calm that
surfaces at will as if under the effects of a water walk creature until you next finish a long rest.
spell, and the ability to breathe water as well as air. Sentience. Seryl is a sentient chaotic good weapon
Once the lance is used to cast this spell, it cannot be with an Intelligence of 10, a Wisdom of 15, and a
used in this way again until the next dawn. Charisma of 15. It has hearing and darkvision out to a
range of 60 feet.
Seryl the Laughing Bow Seryl can speak, read, and understand Elvish, and
Weapon (longbow), legendary (requires attunement by a can communicate telepathically with its wielder and
creature of good alignment) any creature within 30 feet of it. While you are attuned
to it, Seryl also understands every language you know.
Seryl is an elven longbow, crafted over five hundred Personality. Although it is over five hundred years
years ago from serren, a rare and exotic wood found on old, Seryl views the world with a child’s sense of
the first layer of Arborea. wonder. For reasons that elude it, Seryl finds dwarves
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made especially hilarious and enjoys spending time around
with this magic weapon. In addition, while attuned them, laughing at their jokes and marveling at their
to the weapon, you can cast the calm emotions and tales. It does not enjoy inflicting pain on others and
faerie fire spells three times per day each. When you strongly advocates taking prisoners over needless
cast these spells, you do not require any material slaughter.
components and your spell save DC is 15.
Aversion to Violence. While attuned to Stacked Deck
Seryl, you gain the effect of a sanctuary
Wondrous item, common
spell at the end of every long rest. This
lasts until the start of your next long This deck is enchanted to benefit its owner and use
rest (the spell can end early as of it in gaming is considered cheating. Once per day,
normal). The save DC for the spell you can use the deck to give yourself advantage on a
is 15. gambling-related check, as long as that check is not to
Distracting Chuckle. pretend that you are not cheating.
When a creature you can
see within 30 feet of Steelsilk Mantle
you makes an attack Wondrous item, rare
against you, you can This dull gray, hooded cloak feels unusually heavy. On
use your reaction rare occasions, it seems to shine with a bit of reflected
to cause Seryl light.
to release a When targeted with an attack, you can use your
distracting reaction to whip this cloak around your body, causing
giggle it to harden into a solid, metallic barrier. Until the end
and of your next turn, you have half–cover and resistance
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Once
you use this ability, you can’t use it again until the next

Stone King’s Sling

Weapon (sling), uncommon
This magic weapon bears the faded symbol of
an old dwarvish king. When you hit with a
ranged weapon attack using this sling, you
can expend one of its 5 charges, causing
the sling’s ammunition to grow in
size as it hits its target doing an
extra 2d6 damage at short range
or 3d6 damage at long range.

70 Chapter 2 | Magic Items

In addition, on a critical hit, if the target is a creature, While attuned to the bottle, you can touch it and use
it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or an action to speak a command word. Doing so allows
be knocked prone. The sling regains 1d4 + 1 expended you to determine the general contents contained within
charges daily at dawn. the bottle, but doesn’t provide access to specific knowl-
edge, memories, or spells stored inside. In order to
Stoneheart Essence access a bottle’s contents, you must use an action while
Potion, rare holding the bottle to enter a state of deep concentra-
tion (as though concentrating on a spell). While in this
This pale gray liquid regularly pulses with a silvery
state, you are incapacitated and can’t move. You also
shine, calling to mind a heartbeat. When you drink it,
automatically fail Dexterity saving throws. If you remain
your heart turns to stone for 24 hours. Drinking this
in this state until the end of your next turn, you recover
potion removes any exhaustion you are suffering and
one whole thought, memory, or spell stored within the
cures any disease, and removes the poisoned, charmed,
and frightened conditions. While under the effects of
Knowledge. Knowledge can include an idea or
the potion, your emotions are dimmed, you cannot
conclusion, such as a particular course of action or the
become exhausted due to lack of rest or sleep, and your
answer to a problem or the name of a murderer, as well
movement speed is reduced by half.
as passphrases and command words for magic items
Storm Lord’s Charm and effects. A piece of knowledge must be able to be
phrased in a single sentence of 25 words or less. When
Wondrous item, uncommon you store knowledge in the bottle, it disappears from
This small pin is shaped like a lighting bolt. While your mind, but you know the general contents of what
wearing this item, whenever you deal lightning damage you stored.
to a target, you deal an additional 1d8 lighting damage Memories. One memory counts as your entire
to a different creature of your choice within 5 feet of recollection of events lasting up to a single day. When
that target. you store a memory into the bottle, it disappears from
your mind, but you know the general contents of what
Thought Bottle you stored (for example, “the night I first ventured into
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Dagult Neverember’s vault under the city of Water-
This flask is made of thick green glass and always
Spells. When you retrieve a spell, you know the spell,
appears empty inside. It can be used to store knowl-
it doesn’t count against the number of spells you know
edge, memories, and even spells.
or can prepare, and you can cast it using a spell slot as
While attuned to the bottle and holding it, you can
normal. Once you cast a spell retrieved from the bottle,
store a bit of knowledge, memory, or spell in it. Storing
you lose memory of it unless you can retrieve the same
a piece of knowledge requires an action, storing a spell
spell again or know it by some other means.
requires you to cast the spell (the spell has no effect
other than to be stored in the bottle when cast this
way), and storing a memory requires an amount of time
equal to the memory’s duration.

Chapter 2 | Magic Items 71

The bottle can hold up to 12 thoughts worth of Torch of Shadows
content. One thought is equivalent to a single piece
of knowledge or up to 6 hours of continuous memory. Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Spells are more complex and each spell stored in the When you use an action to activate this torch it burns in
bottle takes up 3 thoughts worth of space per spell level. a blackish flame and emits darkness in a 20-foot radius
If your attunement to the bottle ends, the contents of and reduces bright light to dim light for an additional 20
the bottle are lost unless a wish spell or similar magic feet. The torch burns for up to 8 hours or until you use
is used. an action to douse it.
Toothpick of the Wanderer Twin Moons
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement)
This toothpick is gilded with silver. When carried These twin, crescent-shaped daggers are silvered and
between your teeth, this toothpick grants you advan- expertly balanced for throwing. When thrown, each of
tage on Charisma (Intimidation) and Initiative rolls. these magic weapons has a short range of 60 feet and
In addition, you can use your bonus action to grant a long range of 120 feet. When you are attuned to these
yourself advantage on a ranged weapon attack roll, but daggers, you can draw or stow both daggers when you
once you have used the toothpick in this way, you can’t would normally be able to draw or stow only one. Addi-
do so again until dawn. tionally, being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t
When you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you can impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls made
use your reaction to spit out the toothpick. If you do with these daggers.
so, roll on hit die and add your proficiency modifier. You can use your bonus action to recall one of these
Your hit points are set to the result of this roll instead daggers as long as you hold its twin. A recalled dagger
of 0. If you use the toothpick in this way, it immediately reaches your hand at the end of your turn. If you
vanishes, only to be discovered by another wanderer somehow lose these daggers while attuned to them, you
somewhere far away. can perform a minute-long ritual that will summon the
pair of daggers to your hands.
When you throw one of these daggers, you can
choose one of the following options:
• Full Moon—The dagger glows brightly and deals an
extra 1d6 radiant damage.
• Crescent Moon— The dagger automatically returns to
your hand at the end of your turn.
• No Moon—The dagger becomes invisible until the
end of your turn, providing your attack with advantage
unless the target can see the dagger while it is invisible.

Yolchicachuac, the Proud Warrior’s

Weapon (longsword), artifact (requires attunement)
Yolchicachuac is a Maztican macuahuitl, a sort of
“sword” consisting of a long wooden paddle with razor
sharp shards of jet-black obsidian inserted along the
edge. The name means “courageous” in the Nexalan
language, and it is a weapon that has been passed
down from legendary warrior to legendary warrior for
over a thousand years. Over time, rather than the wood
decaying and the obsidian chipping away, the macua-
huitl became imbued with the martial spirit of all its
wielders, developing into a magic weapon with a
strong personality.
While attuned to Yolchicachuac, you gain the
rewards and suffer the penalties of Yolchi-
cachuac’s Favor.

72 Chapter 2 | Magic Items

Yolchicahuac’s Favor
Favor Modifier Property
15 and above Favored Tier 5. Yolchicahuac grants the rewards of Favored Tiers 1-4. Additionally, you are filled with a sense of valor and
vitality that fuels and restores you. You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws and death saving throws, and regain
the maximum number of hit points possible from any healing.
12 to 14 Favored Tier 4. Yolchicahuac grants the rewards of Favored Tiers 1-3. Additionally, you gain resistance to bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.
9 to 11 Favored Tier 3. Yolchicahuac grants the rewards of Favored Tiers 1-2. Additionally, you are immune to the frightened
condition. However, if you attempt to flee from a fight or surrender to an enemy, you take 6 (1d12) psychic damage at the
end of each of your turns until you make an attack. If you are reduced to 0 hit points by this damage, you are stable.
6 to 8 Favored Tier 2. Yolchicahuac grants the rewards of Favored Tier 1. Additionally, when you see an allied creature within
30 feet of you take damage, you can use your reaction to divide that damage evenly between yourself and the creature,
taking half the damage yourself. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain
all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
3 to 5 Favored Tier 1. You can cast the following spells three times per day each, without requiring any material components:
compelled duel and hold person your spell save DC for these spells is 15.
-2 to 2 Neutral. Yolchicahuac regards you neutrally. He functions as a +3 magical weapon but has no additional properties or
-3 to -5 Scorned Tier 1. Yolchicahuac reserves his power for a more worthy wielder. He functions as a +1 magical weapon.
-6 to -8 Scorned Tier 2. Yolchicahuac imposes the effects of Scorned Tier 1. Additionally, you suffer disadvantage on attack rolls
made to attack with Yolchicahuac as he resists you.
-9 to -11 Scorned Tier 3. Yolchicahuac imposes the penalties of Scorned Tiers 1-2. Additionally, you become physically repugnant
to all who behold you, suffering disadvantage on Charisma-based ability checks.
-12 to -14 Scorned Tier 4. Yolchicahuac imposes the penalties of Scorned Tiers 1-3. Additionally, your ability to communicate is
restricted. Every time you attempt to talk, your words come out as senseless babbling no matter what language you
choose to speak. If you would ordinarily be able to communicate telepathically, your thoughts are conveyed as inco-
herent screams, inaudible whispers, or a simple repetitive noise such as a cricket chirping. Further, you are unable to
write in any language, even through pictographic writing. Any attempt to do so creates incoherent scribbles or absurd
-15 and below Scorned Tier 5. Yolchicahuac imposes the penalties of Scorned Tiers 1-4 as a permanent curse before forcibly unattuning
you from himself. The penalties of Scorned Tiers 1 and 2 are modified as follows: Tier 1. any magical weapon you use
acts as +1 weapon with no other benefits, and Tier 2. you have disadvantage on attack rolls made with any weapon.
These penalties can be removed by a remove curse or similar spell, but the effects of each tier must be removed sepa-

Sentience. Yolchicachuac is a sentient lawful good Traits: I am decisive, straightforward, honest, and
weapon with an Intelligence of 15, a Wisdom of 15, and fearless. I am usually level-headed and reasonable, but
a Charisma of 10. It has hearing and darkvision out to a get quite passionate during a challenge or battle.
range of 60 feet. Ideals: Battle allows a warrior to prove their valor and
Yolchicachuac can speak, read, and understand one greatness. One’s conduct in battle clearly demonstrates
language of its current wielder, and can communicate their honor.
telepathically with its wielder and any creature within Bonds: I shall be a peerless weapon for a worthy
30 feet of it. While you are attuned to it, Yolchicachuac wielder, and serve them as best as I am able.
also understands every language you know. Flaws: Some say my craving for battle is cruel, but I
Yolchicachuac will state his terms and conditions do not heed the opinions of others easily.
when a new wielder picks the weapon up for the first Yolchicachuac’s Favor. As you behave in a way that
time: he expects his wielder to behave as an honorable Yolchicachuac deems worthy of a true warrior, you
warrior and earn true glory and, thereby, Yolchica- will rise in his esteem, or fall if you behave in a way he
chuac’s favor. As you gain his favor, he will reward you deems unworthy. Yolchicachuac grants rewards and
with power. As you lose his favor by behaving dishonor- imposes penalties based on the amount of favor his
ably and cowardly, he will penalize you. bearer gains from him as shown in the Yolchicachuac’s
Personality. For over a thousand years, Yolchica- Favor table.
chuac has been wielded by one great Maztican warrior Gaining and Losing Favor. Yolchicachuac is
after another, and has developed a warlike personality constantly judging you, causing you to gain and lose
amalgamated from all who wielded it. favor with him depending on what you do. The more
you act in accordance with his personality and align-
ment, the greater the favor you will gain, and the

Chapter 2 | Magic Items 73

more you go against his will or act in opposition to his saying you will kill the leader of the bandits before
alignment, the more favor you will lose. Below are some any other enemies and then doing so could earn you
examples of actions you can take that will increase or 1 point of favor—as long as you keep your word. If you
decrease your favor with Yolchicachuac. If you think you claim you can take down the head of a pack of demons
have done something similarly worthy of favor, you can on your own and successfully do so, you may gain 2-3
work with your DM to negotiate an increase in favor, favor or more depending on the difficulty of the fight.
but be cautious! Your DM can alternatively choose to But beware! If you fail to keep your word, you will lose 1
impose a decrease in favor if they feel you have acted point of favor for every 2 points of favor that you would
against the will of Yolchicachuac. have gained.
Cowardice. Acts such as letting an ally take damage Noble Victory. Once per day when you take prisoner
for you, refusing to take part in a duel, or fleeing a creature whose level or CR is of a level equal to or
from combat show Yolchicachuac your cowardice. greater than your own without killing it, you gain 2
Depending on the severity of the action, you will lose 1 points of favor with Yolchicachuac. The creature cannot
or more points of favor. For instance, refusing to accept be killed by you or any of your companions within 3
a duel with someone of an equal level or CR to you days or you lose 3 points of favor.
would lose 1 point of favor. Fleeing from the middle of Slaying a Mighty Foe. Once per day when you slay
a battle and abandoning your allies to hide and then a creature whose level or CR is of a level equal to or
claiming glory with your victorious companions later greater than your own, you gain 1 point of favor with
would lose 2-3 points of favor. Yolchicachuac.
Performing Feats. Successfully performing a feat of Underhanded Methods. If you attack a creature
prowess in combat or taking down that dragon that you that is unaware of you or regards you as an ally, this
swore to slay can earn you favor with Yolchicachuac. displeases Yolchicachuac, causing you to lose 1 point of
The greater the feat, the greater the favor. For instance, favor.

74 Chapter 2 | Magic Items

The instinct to adopt a pet is a common one, and not
Chapter 3: limited to druids and rangers. A cavalier fighter may
want to tame their own warhorse; a swashbuckling
Dungeon Master rogue may have a parrot that sits on her shoulder; or a
wizard may seek to tame a creature to use as a familiar
Tools as per the find familiar spell. This section provides
rules for domesticating an animal at all levels of play.
In general, it’s a good idea to not let a character
Creature domesticate an animal with a CR greater than half
Domestication their character level rounded down. Such an animal
can dominate play, granting the character a substantial
The wolf slunk around the edge of the campfire, yellow advantage over others. It’s also important to note that
eyes glinting in the firelight. It growled, low and fierce at while a domesticated creature need not necessarily
the goblin on her belly, proffering a bone. have the beast type, it should not have a high enough
intelligence to be considered sentient. A sentient
“Here, doggy doggy doggy! Heeeere, doggy doggy creature can neither be tamed nor domesticated;
doggy!” instead, it can be befriended and should follow the rules
for Loyalty laid out in the Dungeon Master’s Guide or
The wolf sniffed, then cautiously approached, one another method of determining the friendship of NPCs.
massive paw in front of the other. Where you draw that line will depend on the world-
building of your campaign, but the line should be drawn
“Who’s a good doggy? I’m going to ride you into combat, deliberately and consistently.
yes I am!” Domestication of evil-aligned creatures can also
present issues. It can be tempting to roleplay such crea-
tures as constantly undercutting their trainer’s wishes,
Not everyone is able to form a bond with such a loyal but if it is too adversarial, it can undercut fun at the
spirit companion as I have with Guenhwvyar, though it table. Allowing such a creature to be slowly won over by
is not uncommon to see efforts made to tame or form a a dedicated trainer can be a great way to reward player
bond with an animal companion. Perhaps one of the most investment into the world and create scenes that will be
curious cases I have come across was that of a young remembered long after the campaign concludes.
lady who formed a bond with a mimic over their mutual
appreciation for altering their form. Initial Domestication
-Drizzt When a character encounters a creature and decides
that they would like to domesticate them they can
attempt to develop a relationship with that creature
if it is of an appropriate CR. The character can make
a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check with a DC equal
to 10+ the creature’s CR (minimum 1). Certain
situations may warrant making the check with
advantage, such as feeding the creature, treating
its injuries, or rescuing it from captors that
were mistreating it. Likewise, if the character
has been in combat with the creature, the
check is made at disadvantage.
If the check fails, the creature is uninter-
ested in a relationship with the character
and flees at its earliest opportunity; more
aggressive creatures may attack on a roll
that fails by 5 or more. On a success, the
creature is willing to follow the character,
although it may do so only in hopes that it
will receive more food.

Before a creature can be trained, it must
first become used to humanoid contact. This
habituation period varies and is recorded in the
table below. A character attempting to habituate

Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools 75

their creature must spend a minimum of one hour per
day playing with, feeding, and helping the creature Creatures in Combat
become comfortable with humanoid presence and Some trained behaviors can be used in combat. If
touch. the creature is being ridden, it follows the rules for
If the creature has a habituation time longer than a mounted combat for a non-intelligent creature. Other-
week, an additional Wisdom (Animal Handling) check wise, the creature acts directly after the character in
may be made at the end of each week. On a success, the combat. If the character has invested time in training
time to habituate the creature decreases by 1 week. the creature to attack or otherwise act in combat, they
Habituation can use an action or bonus action to command the
creature. An action command is always successful;
Example Creatures Habituation Time a bonus action must be accompanied by a Wisdom
(Animal Handling) check against the creature’s DC. If
Previously domes- Stray cat, performing 1 week the command goes against the creature’s nature, such
ticated monkey, quasit as commanding a mimic to “drop it”, the check is made
Can be domesti- Wild horse, feral 4 weeks at disadvantage. If no command is given, the creature
cated, but currently dog, pigeon acts according to its nature.
feral Depending on the nature of the creature, it can be
Wild creature Wolf, griffon, young 8 weeks targeted during combat as any other creature would be.
remorhaz If pets dying is something you’d prefer to minimize in
Wild and resistant Displacer beast, 16 weeks your game, you have several options depending on the
wyvern, mimic level of risk you and your table are comfortable with.
You can give the creature death saves just like a player
character; you can allow the trainer to spend their
Training reaction to make a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check
Once the creature has been habituated, it may sponta- to stabilize the creature if it drops to zero hit points;
neously begin to use its natural abilities to the benefit or you can simply rule that pets cannot die and are
of its trainer. A remorhaz may recognize that its always simply knocked unconscious. Bear in mind that
humanoid gets cold at night and lie just close enough pet death is something that conjures up memories of
to serve as a space heater, while a tressym may spot an real-life grief for many people and make sure that your
ambush while flying ahead and circle back to warn the players are comfortable with your ruling.
party. Training helps the creature do these behaviors on
command, rather than whenever it feels like it. Roleplaying Pets
The creature may be trained to perform tasks listed In most cases, domesticated creatures will be played
in its stat block, such as a Bite attack or a scent-based by the DM like any other NPC. As the character forms
Wisdom (Perception) check made with advantage. In a bond with the creature, however, it is appropriate
addition, it may be trained to perform a variety of behav- to slowly pass over control of the creature to the
iors such as scouting, riding, or learning to shake paws player, representing the strengthening of their bond. A
on command. Training a creature to perform a specific creature should not be actively hostile to a character
task requires a successful Wisdom (Animal Handling) who has succeeded on the initial domestication check;
check versus the creature’s DC and an amount of time it may be wary or snappish, but it should be able to be
equal to half the creature’s habituation time. If training won over with a little luck and care. As it becomes more
occurs as a downtime activity, where the trainer spends comfortable, describing its affection toward the char-
their full attention on the creature, the trainer may acter can create memorable, special game moments.
choose whether to make the roll with advantage or to Even when a creature’s actions are not in the party’s
reduce the training time in half again. favor, they should still be mischievous rather than
If the trainer fails a Wisdom (Animal Handling) actively hostile; a skittish wolf may snap at a character,
check to train a skill, the DM may, at their discretion, but it shouldn’t howl while the party is trying to sneak
determine that the creature cannot learn that skill. past a group of bandits.
Alternatively, the creature may misbehave and require If the creature was domesticated as a baby or adoles-
the services of a professional trainer, specialized in cent of its species, it might eventually grow up. Refer
training that type of creature. Rates for such a trainer to the creature’s description and stat block to deter-
should start at the skilled hireling rate of 2gp/day, mine its approximate lifespan and what its process of
as outlined on pg. 159 of the Player’s Handbook; for maturation looks like, bearing in mind that its adult CR
trainers specializing in wild creatures, the rates may be should not exceed half the character’s level.
much higher.

76 Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools

Intrigue and Mystery
Namiri examined the blood spatters, then bent and
tasted it. “Mm.” She spat it out. “Gnome, I think.”

“Orcs.” Varan rolled his eyes. “Must you taste every-


“Well, what have you found out about our missing


“Only,” Varan bent to examine a paper on the desk,

“that he was shipping pearls. Looks like a shipment
was supposed to arrive tonight.”

“On the Umberlee,” Fredrek piped up, from where he

was lounging on the merchant’s couch.

Varan and Namiri turned to stare at him. “How did you

know that?” Namiri asked incredulously.

“Obvious.” Fredrek held up a worn diary. “He kept a


Whether a mysterious death at a king’s court, or the

disappearance of all the pots and pans in a countryside
village,Intrigue inevitably complicates the life of an
adventurer. While the truth might sometimes be buried
or obscured, like a puzzle, all the clues will make
sense of things when put in their right place.

The experience of
solving a mystery can
be deeply satisfying—
or, if clues can’t be
found, incredibly frus-
trating. These rules
provide a framework
for setting up satis-
fying mysteries and
intrigues and can be
used in any situation
where the party
needs to discover
information through
roleplay or skill
checks, rather than
simply receiving it
from a helpful NPC
or item.
figuring out why the murderer is killing people may take
Important Questions inductive reasoning to solve. Only then can the party
Any good mystery or intrigue needs to answer six ques- identify who the murderer is.
tions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. The other strategy is to break up the answer to the
• Who is usually a villain; however, it could also be resolving question into multiple smaller clues. Perhaps
almost any individual or group, such as a lost civiliza- the party learns that the killer has brown hair when
tion, a wizard with the magical key to the next part of they discover a strand left at a crime scene; that the lost
the adventure, or a kidnapped prince. city is located east of a major river, or that the lover has
• What is happening, or has happened, is the inciting been acting erratically. None of these are, in them-
incident, a secret, or the plot: the kidnapping, the city, or selves, enough to solve the mystery, but several such
the villain’s plan. smaller clues can, together, point toward a resolution.
• When usually indicates the time at which the what Number of Clues
will—or did—occur. Adding a ticking clock may not
always be appropriate, but it can add some tension to a The challenge of running a mystery or intrigue at the
mystery or intrigue. table is that players can get stuck if they miss a crucial
• Where is the location that the party needs to go next clue. This can be solved by creating multiple clues for
or the place that the what occurred at. each of the six questions that are essential to resolving
• Why is the motivation that the who had for their act the mystery. Placing three clues that answer each
or secret. crucial question in different places is a good rule of
• Finally, how fleshes out the what more thoroughly, thumb. The trope of having a single clue that unravels
tying it to the other factors and providing a satisfying the entire mystery is a satisfying one, but remember:
resolution to the mystery. your players don’t know about the clues that they don’t
discover, so any clue that they find can potentially be
When writing a good mystery or intrigue, identifying the that clue for them. In practice, having there truly be
answer to each of these questions will provide you with only one crucial clue is likely to result in the party
a starting place for writing clues. Each of the questions standing around awkwardly, hoping for guidance.
has either a known answer (often what motivates the
party to solve the mystery), an answer that can serve Foreshadowing and Genre
as a clue, or an answer that resolves the mystery. If you
Some mysteries benefit from having the solution
are trying to set your party on the trail of a serial killer,
appear completely obvious once it is solved; others do
the what may be fairly obvious—someone is killing
better if they preserve a sense of wonder. A serial killer
people, usually with a specific method (how). When and
can be someone known to the party, and discovering
where the killings occurred may provide further infor-
their identity can have great emotional impact, while
mation; at night in the victim’s homes, on the full moon
discovering the location of a lost city should lead to
in a cornfield, or behind the inn after it closes are all
a completely novel experience. You can look to genre
possible examples. When and where can also be crucial
expectations when you are deciding how you might
information to attempt to intercept the killer—perhaps
want to foreshadow a mystery’s resolution. In a murder
the characters can catch them at the scene of their next
mystery, the party will almost always already know the
murder. Why is the motivation for the murders, and ulti-
person who is revealed to be the killer. When searching
mately, you want your characters to discover who did it.
for a lost city, a dream or prophecy might provide
Clue Order hints at the city’s nature. However, the interpersonal
dynamics of a missing lover don’t typically benefit from
In the example above, it is clear that the answers to foreshadowing, unless there is another mystery folded
some questions can result in the resolution of the into that intrigue.
intrigue, possibly prematurely. If the party discovers the
identity of the murderer, the case is solved; likewise for
the location of the forgotten city, the motivation behind
a lover’s departure, or any other form of intrigue. There
are two ways to handle this, which can—and usually
should—be used in conjunction.
The first is to make all other clues available to the
party before they can determine the answer to the final
question. For example, if your party is investigating a
serial killer, they may work out the what and the how
within minutes of setting foot on the scene. Deter-
mining if there is a pattern to when and where the
murders are being committed may take some time, and

78 Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools

Example Clues d8 Where
This section provides sample who, what, when, where, 1 A lost ruin
why, and how statements to help you build your own 2 In plain sight
mysteries. Roll on the tables below, or use them as
3 The sewers
inspiration to write your own.
4 A noble manor
5 A religious site
d8 Who
6 A graveyard
1 A secret werewolf
7 A body of water
2 A petty noble
8 A business
3 A rival
4 A foreign visitor Why
5 A mage with even less sense than talent d8 Why
6 A cat with supernatural gifts 1 Revenge
7 A djinn 2 Intellectual curiosity
8 An ancient wizard 3 Unmet needs, such as hunger
4 At the command of another
5 Greed
d8 What
6 To start an apocalypse
1 Murder
7 Jealousy
2 A hidden or lost location
8 Desperation
3 A shameful secret
4 A betrayal How
5 A powerful magical item d8 How
6 The truth 1 In the study with the candlestick
7 A mysterious alchemical gadget 2 Dark ritual
8 Divine intervention 3 Accidentally
4 With a new kind of weapon
5 Magic
d8 When
6 The forces of nature
1 On the solstice
7 Complete chance
2 Tomorrow night
8 A stroke of genius
3 Coronation of a new monarch
4 Every full moon
5 Dawn
6 When opportunity strikes
7 During a wedding
8 During a funeral

Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools 79

Ask the players to discuss amongst themselves, in- or
Negotiation out-of-character, to determine their requirements,
Zan’iyah folded her arms. “And why, pray tell, should I interests, and deal-breakers. Writing these down may
share the elves’ vast knowledge with simple humans? be helpful.
Your lives are so short. You would simply misuse it for Some things that a negotiator might be interested
petty, shortsighted gains.” in will be trivial for the other side to give up, while
others might be significant in some way, whether they
Moss simply smiled, putting their feet up on the table. are expensive, likely to cause future complications,
“I’ll give you that—and I’m not saying tell us everything. or simply be difficult for the other side to agree to for
Now, here’s what I propose.” some reason. Each requirement and interest should be
assigned a numerical value between 1 and 6 to measure
this significance. In many cases it will be very clear if
Negotiation, or attempting to resolve conflicts with a goal is of great significance (deserving of a 6) or very
words, rather than weapons, can be as tense —and trivial (1). In cases where it is less clear, you can roll 1d6
as profitable—as a battle. This chapter provides rules and assign the result to each requirement and interest.
for resolving negotiations designed to satisfy both the You can use the NPC generation tools on page 83 to
roleplay-heavy table, who would prefer to act out the give your NPCs more depth and help define what they
negotiation in character, and the more tactical table find important. The requirements, interests, and deal-
who would prefer to roll the dice and move along. It breakers of PCs are a special case; a NPC may see a
details a simple, flexible system for determining what request as intensely provocative, while a PC may see
each side wants and what they’re willing to do to get it. it as no big deal. In instances where there are multiple
NPC sides, then, it is likely that each NPC will put
The Negotiators different weight on the players’ wants and interests.
In most negotiations at your table, the party will be on If two sides are similar enough in goals, however, they
one side and a NPC or group of NPCs will be on the can be grouped together into one and that perspective
other. In more complex situations, the party may be can be given more weight.
called in to moderate a negotiation between warring Once the pre-negotiation is complete, the scene can
factions or seek to achieve their goals without offending begin. Unless it is one of their deal-breakers, a side
others at the negotiating table. Regardless, a negoti- will generally agree to a request if it has a score less
ation assumes that those involved are negotiating in than or equal to one of their interests or requirements
good faith. Deceptions may occur, but DMs should use that the other side is willing to give up in exchange. If
them sparingly when first implementing this system someone is exceptionally convincing, through roleplay
to avoid scaring players off attempting negotiations or successful skill checks, they can reduce the signifi-
altogether. cance of one of their requirements or interests by 1 (to
When building a negotiation-based encounter, the DM a minimum of 1). If someone is exceptionally unsuc-
must first establish the sides. This may be one NPC and cessful—such as through legitimately insulting roleplay
the party, or it could be six noble houses; the important or a failure of 5 or more on a roll—the DM may at their
thing is that each side is identified and named. discretion choose to increase the significance of a
Once you have determined the participants in a requirement or interest of theirs by 1 (maximum 6).
negotiation, you need to record their goals. There A negotiator will always refuse to give up their deal-
are three types of goals: requirements, interests, and breaker in a negotiation. If a player is seeking a goal
deal-breakers. A side will not consider the negotia- that you know will be unattainable through negotiation,
tion successful unless they get their requirements. An it’s a good idea to prepare other things for them to be
interest, on the other hand, is something that the partic- offered if you want to avoid player frustration. This can
ipant might want, but isn’t their primary reason for be especially crucial in negotiations where multiple
negotiating. A side will not willingly accept a negotiated sides have to come to consensus, such as in the Hoard
agreement that includes a deal-breaker. Negotiators do of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat published
not need to have all three of these items, but they must adventures. In that adventure, a faction—or multiple
have at least one requirement or a few interests—other- factions—can walk away from the negotiating table
wise they don’t want anything and there is no reason for entirely, but the PCs can still succeed at the adventure.
them to sit down to negotiate. If you want a negotiation Assuming there are no dealbreakers, each side
to have any possibility of success, no side should have usually wants to make the most favorable deal that they
more than two dealbreakers. can; that is, they want to give as little as possible while
These categories don’t need to be comprehensive; gaining as much as possible. To understand what this
you can always add to them at the table. For examples looks like in play, let’s revisit Moss and Zan’iyah from
of each, see the Example Clues tables on page 79. this chapter’s introduction.

80 Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools

Taylor is known to be precocious in her roleplaying, so
How does pre-negotiation work? she takes that last route. “Now, here’s what I propose,”
Assigning numerical values to wants can feel a little she says, as Moss; “this ruin we’re attempting to
cold, but in truth, any team of people going into a discover is of ancient elvish origin. As a bard, I am
negotiation should take some time to be on the same of course impeccably equipped to learn all I can and
page before they start conversation with other sides. A report back to you, including its location if you want to
simple line from a helpful NPC about how the players visit someday. Your clan would be the first to rediscover
should take some time to be sure they’re in agreement this lost piece of history, and you wouldn’t have to risk a
before they meet the group’s leader is usually suffi- single elvish life. How does that sound?”
Greg thinks Zan’iyah would say that sounds pretty good;
possibly a 3. It also piques Zan’iyah’s curiosity about
Moss is being played by Taylor, while Zan’iyah is an Moss’ knowledge of elven folklore, so Greg would say,
elven princess and NPC being roleplayed by the DM, as Zan’iyah: “You make a... compelling point. I was not
Greg. Before Moss was brought to meet Zan’iyah, aware that non-elves had an interest in the affairs of
Taylor spoke with the group and determined that my people.” If Moss is convincing enough, they may
Moss’ primary goal was to get a rubbing of an ancient walk away from this conversation having persuaded
elven tablet; they believe that the tablet is the key to the tablet’s weight down to 3, proposed a new 3-point
finding a lost magical secret that will help them defeat task in exchange, and satisfied
the campaign’s villain. However, they won’t say no to Zan’iyah’s interest—meaning
magical items as well, making the acquisition of magic that they could leave with
items an interest. Zan’iyah is fiercely traditionalist, so the cloak of billowing
she considers their requirement to have an importance and Zan’iyah would
of 4. If she has the magic item Moss asks her for, she’d still believe that
rank that based on its rarity. she had got the
best deal.
Greg has, as DM, also determined that Zan’iyah has
things she wants, which is why she’ll meet with Moss;
the forest has a spider problem, and adventurers are
good at solving those kinds of problems. Zan’iyah also
has an interest in elven folklore. Greg has assigned this
interest a score of 3 and her interest in folklore a score
of 2, and has written the following in his notes:

Zan’iyah: Interest: spider quest (3)

Interest: elven folklore (2)

Moss: Requirement: tablet (4)

Interest: magic items (1-4 depending on rarity)

If Moss is exceptionally persuasive, either from a

roleplay or skill check standpoint, they could convince
Zan’iyah that the tablet is a suitable reward for
solving the spider problem; this would lower the
value of the tablet to 3 and result in a fair deal.
Moss could also learn that Zan’iyah is inter-
ested in elven folklore and offer to teach
her bard one of the elven songs that they
know, which would mean that Zan’iyah
would end the negotiations ahead by
1 and in a good mood—unless Moss
decides to leverage that goodwill for a
cloak of billowing to accentuate their
future performances. Finally, Moss could
identify something that Greg has not
realized Zan’iyah would want; in this case,
Greg would assign a value to that thing on
the fly and add it to the negotiations.

Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools 81

Some tables may be comfortable with this level of
roleplay; others may prefer to use skill checks to Variant Rule: Recurring Negotiations
achieve the same results. Persuasion is the most If the representative of the side is likely to be a recur-
appropriate, although Deception and Intimidation may ring character, you can instead substitute an opposed
also work. In specific situations, another skill may also Insight check for the DC. This is not otherwise recom-
be appropriate; for example, Moss could have made a mended because many NPCs do not have proficiency
Performance check to showcase their knowledge of with Insight and negotiations with them can therefore
elven folklore. If using skill checks, no character may become too easy; however, the experience of nego-
make more than one check of the same kind in a nego- tiating multiple times with the same NPC, growing
tiation. closer, can be deeply rewarding. If the party ends a
To encourage players to roleplay their characters, the negotiation with a side having leftover points, they
DM may wish to reduce or increase the significance of can leverage those points against the next negotia-
a requirement or interest by 1 if the character success- tion, reducing the cost of their want by the number of
fully leverages their ideal, bond, or flaw. If the player points left over.
leverages their ideal, bond, or flaw against their inter- If the negotiations are hostile—for example,
ests, grant that player inspiration. attempting to leverage a dirty secret against a crime
lord—the opposed check can instead be made with
Negotiation DCs Intimidation.
Tier DC Range
Tier 1 (Level 1-4) 8 + Significance (9 to 14)
Tier 2 (Level 5-10) 12 + Significance (13 to 18)
I have met many people in my travels, all unique in
Tier 3 (Level 11-16) 16 + Significance (17 to 22) their own way. Many times have I found it necessary to
Tier 4 (Level 17-20) 20 + Significance (21 to 26) abandon my preconceptions about what a person should
be like as what they actually are like contradicts

NPC Generation what I once believed.

Generating engaging NPCs on the fly can be chal-
lenging, especially when you have to create large
numbers of NPCs and communicate their different Keisha’s players were chasing a cambion through the
personalities very quickly. To quickly provide definition marketplace, but they’ve lost sight of him. Quickly, they
to NPCs, consider three defining aspects. The first is a scan the crowd for someone who has seen where he
physical description; the second, a vocal characteristic; went.
and the third, a driving personality trait. The physical
description allows you to distinguish the person from Keisha, thinking fast, picks a defining physical charac-
a potential crowd. The vocal characteristic gives you teristic: “An extremely short man waves to you.” Next,
some techniques for roleplaying them at the table she has to speak as the man, so she comes up with a
without having to practice accents. Finally, the person- vocal characteristic—the man has an unusually deep
ality trait provides you with guidance when determining voice. “He went that way!”
how they will act and behave.
For more complex characters, define multiple Keisha’s friend Mike, playing a bard named Rayi,
descriptors for each of the three aspects; for quick inter- doesn’t trust this man—what if he’s trying to mislead
actions, pick one. You can also start simply and add them? He rolls a Wisdom (Insight) check to see if the
more detail if the party expresses interest in your NPC. man has any ulterior motives.
Avoid descriptors such as “attractive,” “good,” “ugly,” Now Keisha needs a personality trait or two. She
and “evil”; those characteristics flatten a character. remembers the legends of Casanova and assigns the
Your character may indeed be attractive or ugly, good or man a trait—he’s a philanderer. Therefore, he is hiding
evil; but those traits should emerge alongside the more something, but it’s just the rose in his hand and the
detailed descriptions you use. lady’s favor tucked into his breast pocket. The cambion
Along those lines, be careful to avoid reinforcing chase is preventing him from meeting his illicit lover.
stereotypes when selecting traits. At best, they’re If coming up with examples at the table is difficult for
boring, and at worst, they’re offensive. Consider how you, don’t fret! The following tables provide examples
you can subvert expectations of gender roles, physical to help you generate NPCs that are memorable, unique,
ability, class, and mental well-being to create more and easy to role-play. Roll here, or create your own on
interesting characters. Stereotypes such as disabled or the fly.
physically scarred villains, fat and humorous sidekicks,
or conniving and greedy merchants are pervasive in
media; beyond being hurtful to real people, they’re often
so common as to be boring.

82 Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools

Physical Characteristics
d100 Physical Characteristic d100 Physical Characteristic

01 Long hair 51 Has a mustache

02 Short hair 52 Smoking a pipe

03 Dyed hair 53 Wearing dramatic jewelry

04 Very tall 54 Lots of piercings

05 Very short 55 Heavily tattooed

06 Fat 56 Colorful tattoos

07 Thin 57 Eating food

08 Old 58 Eating candy

09 Young 59 Drinking something

10 Middle-aged 60 Fey heritage

11 Elaborate hairstyle 61 Magic-user

12 Dreadlocks 62 Prominent nose

13 Uses a cane 63 Prominent ears

14 Uses a wheelchair 64 Long legs

15 Has a scar 65 Rosy cheeks

16 Pockmarked 66 Bow-legged

17 Amputee 67 Barrel-chested

18 Missing fingers or toes 68 Visibly cursed

19 Limps 69 Religious emblem

20 Physical tic 70 Long, painted nails

21 Dressed all in one color 71 Unseasonal gloves

22 Dressed richly 72 Wearing a mask

23 Dressed in rags 73 Unusual hat

24 Wearing trade clothes 74 Big jacket

25 Wearing furs 75 Unusual scarf

26 Wearing religious garments 76 Unusual shoes

27 Wearing a uniform 77 Barefoot

28 Scandalously dressed 78 Bright eyeliner

29 Bald 79 Bright lipstick

30 Blind 80 Face paint

31 Wearing glasses 81 Glowing

32 Wearing a monocle 82 Freckles

33 Wearing an eye patch 83 Dramatic mole

34 Glass eye 84 Unusually colored eyes

35 Muscular 85 Sunburnt

36 Lean 86 Pale

37 Carrying a bag 87 Tanned

38 Carrying food 88 Odd tan lines

39 Carrying tools 89 Ashy

40 Carrying trade goods 90 Dandruff

41 Carrying a child 91 Carries a hearing trumpet

42 Carrying a pet 92 Unwashed

43 Carrying an instrument 93 Has a walking staff

44 Carrying art 94 Carrying a pack

45 Carrying an hourglass 95 Unusual birthmark

46 Carrying a book 96 Falconer with a bird

47 Carrying a fan 97 Distributing pamphlets

48 Riding a horse 98 Pushing a handcart

49 Leading a farm animal 99 Ringing a bell

50 Has a beard 00 Has a skull-like face

Vocal Characteristics d100 Personality Trait
d20 Vocal Characteristic 25 Silly
1 High pitched 26 Irreverent
2 Low pitched 27 Empirical
3 Monotone 28 Dry
4 Cartoonish 29 Effusive
5 Childish 30 Morbid
6 Hesitant 31 Patronizing
7 Long winded 32 Idealistic
8 Raspy 33 Sensational
9 Breathy 34 Philandering
10 Cracking 35 Gambler
11 Long pauses between words 36 Secretive
12 Rapid 37 Musical
13 Enunciates strongly 38 Direct
14 Mumbles 39 Short-sighted
15 Says all “t”s as “d”s 40 Ambitious
16 Overemphasizes “s” sounds 41 Overly personal
17 Has a lisp 42 Flirtatious
18 Stutters 43 Reserved
19 Short of breath 44 Witty
20 Singsong 45 Sarcastic
46 Logical
Personality Traits
47 Unfocused
d100 Personality Trait
48 Hedonistic
01 Arrogant
49 Straightforward
02 Sarcastic
50 Childish
03 Cheerful
51 Wondering
04 Stoic
52 Distractible
05 Naive
53 Focused
06 Erudite
54 Dramatic
07 Stubborn
55 Sensitive
08 Argumentative
56 Loquacious
09 Grumpy
57 Subtle
10 Pragmatic
58 Irritable
11 Shy
59 Know-it-all
12 Outgoing
60 Serene
13 Pessimistic
61 Anxious
14 Optimistic
62 Sweet
15 Religious
63 Bitter
16 Awkward
64 Parental
17 Artistic
65 Professional
18 Impulsive
66 Clumsy
19 Rude
67 Elegant
20 Passionate
68 Stuffy
21 Romantic
69 Stuck-up
22 Cynical
70 Wild
23 Dishonest
71 Proper
24 Talkative
72 Negligent

84 Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools

Personality Trait
Reskinning Monsters
74 Compassionate Even with the myriad of monsters available in the
75 Judgmental
Monster Manual, Volo’s Guide to Monsters, Mordenka-
inen’s Tome of Foes, and other supplements, sometimes
76 Relaxed
you need a new monster. Perhaps you’re trying to
77 Intense populate an alien world or a homebrew setting; maybe
78 Savage your players are experienced and struggle to avoid
79 Vibrant metagaming when confronted with a troll. This section
80 Violent provides lightweight guidance to help you reskin
monsters to provide your table with novelty without
81 Laid-back
requiring you to create entirely new stat blocks.
82 Eccentric
83 Scientific
I have fought many different creatures in my time.
84 Outlandish
Interestingly, I have sometimes found that it feels
85 Emotional as though I am fighting the same creature when it is
86 Empathetic actually new, such as the time I was convinced I was
87 Bizarre fighting an orc while in underwater combat, though I

88 Opinionated suppose I have never seen an orc with gills and a fish
89 Delicate
90 Strong
91 Pretentious
92 Down-to-earth
93 Feline
94 Funny
95 Zealous
96 Pugnacious
97 Lucky
98 Impressionable
99 Rash
00 Composed

Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools 85

does not change. Changing Constitution scores impacts
Visual Reskinning how hit points are calculated, but unless your monster
This first option is the simplest; simply describe the is liable to roll hit dice, you may not experience issues
monster differently. Say you wish to use a bulette stat- with changing a creature’s Constitution score and
block; it’s the right challenge rating for your party, and keeping their hit points the same.
its abilities are pretty neat. It has two options that it can Likewise, for abilities which require a saving throw,
use in combat, its Bite and its Deadly Leap. Further- switching the type of saving throw required can change
more, it has tremorsense and a burrow speed. However, the flavor of the monster substantially. To an extent,
perhaps your party is traversing a great plain at the the saving throw needs to make sense with the attack;
moment, and a bulette doesn’t fit with the aesthetic however, a creature could force a Dexterity saving
you’re trying to cultivate. throw to avoid being tripped rather than a Strength
Describing the monster differently, you might create saving throw to be knocked over, with the same result
a monstrous, scaled jackrabbit-kangaroo hybrid. None of landing prone on a failure.
of the stats need change; a creature the size of a small Another flavorful substitution is damage type. Not all
car with ferociously sharpened canines and long, strong damage types are created equal. PCs are often resistant
hind legs could just as easily Bite and Deadly Leap, and or immune to some damage types, such as poison, but
its burrowing speed allows it to create the warrens that are almost never resistant or immune to others, such as
it calls its home. Even its creature type (monstrosity) radiant or psychic. In general, you can safely and easily
can remain the same. substitute cold for fire, thunder for lightning, radiant
When reskinning a creature visually, identify its signa- for necrotic, and force for psychic, as well as vice versa.
ture abilities; what sets it apart from other monsters? A Consider the impact of changing a cambion stat block
mimic is set apart through its ability to shapeshift and to do cold damage.
its adhesiveness. A bugbear is a tough, strong bruiser More challenging but extremely rewarding is
with the ability to use weapons. From there, identify changing creature type. Not all creature types have
other kinds of creatures that both fit your setting and associated abilities, but those that do are extremely
could share those characteristics. Other forms of media consistent. In the case of our ice cambion, its fiendish
are great places to draw inspiration from, as is folklore heritage is granting it damage resistances and darkvi-
- although be careful that you only pull inspiration from sion, as well as its named Fiendish Blessing. Changing
open traditions. If you have children in your life, ask the creature to fey, we might remove its resistance
them what a monster might look like. Their answers to fire and poison and give it the Fey Ancestry trait
will always be creative. instead. Because we’ve themed this creature around
ice, it makes sense to allow it to continue to be resistant
Reskinning Stats to cold damage.
As you reskin monsters in this way, it becomes Combining these minor stat block changes with
tempting to start to change things about their stat block. visual reskinning can have a profound effect. Identifying
However, not all stat block changes are created equal. key characteristics from our ice cambion, we have a
Changing hit points, damage output, or armor class all flying fey which can cast some spells, shoot ice, and
affect how tough your monster will be; however, some charm opponents. Perhaps it’s a humanoid ice pixie
more minor switches can be made with little to no who still wields a spear; alternatively, maybe it’s a flying
unbalancing effect. ice snake with the spear attack modified to be melee
In general, you can switch any ability score with only and changed to a Bite attack that does the same
another without causing significant problems, although damage.
if you modify Strength and Dexterity, keep in mind that
those scores impact attacks and, unless a creature has
natural armor, Dexterity impacts AC. Whichever ability But What About Challenge Rating?
(Strength or Dexterity) is used for attacks, it should The more changes of this nature that you make, the
remain the same unless the switch is between Strength easier it is to create a creature that warrants a change
and Dexterity to give the monster the ability to use in CR, either upwards or downwards. Use your best
different weapons. However, if a monster uses Strength- judgment, particularly with creatures under CR1; that
based attacks, switching Dexterity with, say, Wisdom, is being said, challenge ratings are often imprecise
unlikely to make a difference. For spellcasting abilities, measures of actual creature strength. If your efforts
it’s typically easiest to switch both spellcasting ability don’t feel out of place at the table, you don’t need to
and spellcasting score so that the modifier for spells worry too much. If you’re nervous, stick with minor
changes, such as visual description and damage type.

86 Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools

same, or from another guide that you prefer. The price
Shopping and of the magical items will help determine how common
Businesses Revised or rare they are. It is important that the buying and
selling price are the same to prevent an unbalanced
Close examination of the shopping guidelines in magic item economy.
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything reveal a handful of
discrepancies; most notably, that it is mathematically Variant: Low-Magic Campaigns
not only possible but easy to profit off the magic items The rules for acquiring specific magic items in Xana-
market. Consider that a very rare magic item sells, thar’s Guide to Everything are such that it is relatively
consistently, for 40,000gp; by contrast, that same magic easy to acquire the specific item one wants immedi-
item could then be repurchased for 1d4+1x10,000gp, ately. If you would like that search to be more difficult,
or a range of 20,000-50,000gp. The opposite is true representing that the magic item market is specialized
for rare items, which consistently sell for 4,000gp, and only a few items may be on the market at any given
but can be purchased for 2d10x1,000gp, or a range of time, you can use the following variant rules.
2,000-20,000gp. The following rules are presented as Based on the rarity of the item, there is a percen-
alternatives to streamline the financial aspects of play tile chance per week that the item can be found, as
in such a way that the focus remains where it should displayed in the following table. This percentile chance
be: on the adventure. compounds per week of downtime spent looking for
that item. As an example, if a player is looking for a
While sometimes taken for granted, commerce is an
rare item, the first week has a 20% chance of finding
essential concept to understand. Those who lack such
the item; the second, 40%; the third, 60%. At the end of
understanding are, unfortunately, easily taken advan-
each workweek, roll d100; if the value is equal or lower
tage of by those who manipulate commerce to their own
to the current percentile chance, the item is found,
along with any other items that the character’s roll
-Drizzt would normally allot them as per pg. 126 in Xanathar’s
Guide to Everything.

Shopping Chance to Find

Item Rarity Percent Chance to Find
When attempting to buy or sell a specific magic item,
Common 40%
the buyer and seller must make an opposed skill check.
The purchaser makes a Wisdom (Insight) check; the Uncommon 30%
seller makes a Charisma (Persuasion) check. Where Rare 20%
applicable, either party may substitute a Charisma Very Rare 10%
(Deception) check or a skill check made with a tool Legendary 5%
proficiency; for example, a character with proficiency in
smith’s tools might apply such a proficiency to deter- Mikaela’s character Boros is looking for gauntlets of
mine the craftsmanship of the magic sword that they ogre power to augment his physical prowess, but the
wish to purchase. first time he went looking for them, he couldn’t find
The disparity between the checks determines the even a rumor of someone selling a pair. Now, he’s back
modifier placed on the cost of the magic item, as shown in the city and wants to try again, so Mikaela’s DM rolls
in the following table. The modifier always benefits a d100 and gets a 43. Because gauntlets of ogre power
the victor of the opposed skill check; if the buyer is are uncommon and Boros has already spent a week
successful, they negotiate a discount, while if the seller looking for them, the percentile chance is at 60%; since
is successful, they pitch a higher price. 43 is lower than that threshold, Boros finds a seller
willing to sell him the gauntlets.
Shopping Price
Difference Between Checks Magic Item Cost Modifier Running a Business
0-2 No Change
The following rules are variants for running a profit-
3-5 10% able yet engaging business that are compatible with
6-9 20% the downtime rules presented in Xanathar’s Guide to
10-13 30% Everything. Businesses are divided into six sizes which
14-16 40%
correspond to creature sizes; Tiny, Small, Medium,
Large, Huge, and Gargantuan. The size of the business
17+ 50%
determines both its operating cost and its profit-
The base price of the magic item can be calculated ability. Operating cost is assumed to cover all relevant
from either the buying magical items price table on expenses, including the cost of paying employees to run
page 126 of Xanathar’s Guide to Everything or the the business in the adventurer’s absence.
selling magical items price table on page 133 of the

Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools 87

The profitability of the business is determined by been lured to the Feywild by an archfey. Outraged by
the result of a dice roll, as indicated in the Running a the treant’s meddling, the archfey banished him from
Business table. The result, multiplied by 10, equals the the Feywild and imprisoned him in a barrow designed
business’s profit in gold pieces. Certain situations force to entice mortals with stories of fey treasure. There the
a reroll of one or more of these dice, as detailed below. treant waits, paralyzed by a terrible fey blade piercing
These situations stack. his amber heart.
Complication. If the character does something
that would likely compromise the business, such as
I have seen many a skeletal corpse of a former treasure
insulting the mayor or letting a pack of gnolls out of the
hunter in a mysterious dungeon chamber. Locked doors
sewers, the highest single die result is rerolled and the
typically keep intruders out, but beware the dangers
new result is taken.
of doors locking to trap you inside.
Franchise. A character may found their business as
a franchise, with branches in multiple cities. If so, the
number of dice rolled for each franchise beyond the
first is reduced by one. Trigger. When a creature with an Intelligence 4 or
Investment. If the character makes a one-time invest- higher that is of neither the fey nor plant type enters
ment in the business equal to the business’s operating the 60-foot-square underground chamber, its stone
cost, they can reroll a die of their choice (typically doors slam closed and are sealed by an arcane lock
the lowest) each time they roll to see how much the spell. Opening the doors requires a successful DC 26
business earned. Once this investment is made, it lasts Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity check using
until the business is upgraded. thieves’ tools. A crowbar or mason’s tools grants
Shrewd Business. If the character does something advantage on the Strength check. If the arcane lock is
as part of adventuring that would benefit the business, dispelled or suppressed, the DC is reduced by 10.
such as encouraging the rescued innkeeper to start Initiative. The trap acts on initiative count 20 and 10.
stocking their products, they can reroll a die of their Awakening Guardians (Initiative 20). The roots and
choice (typically the lowest) one time. Multiple shrewd vines on the wall nearest to a creature form into two
decisions can apply to a single roll, but if a character guardians (treat as quaggoth spore servants, MM,
frequently has the option to reroll more than half of p. 230). They attack any creature that is neither fey
their dice, the criteria for what qualifies as shrewd may nor plant, and will continue to do so until either they
need to be reexamined. are destroyed or the trap is disabled. The creatures
Upgrade. If the character has already made an continue to act on initiative 20.
Investment in their business, they can make a further Swirling Leaves (Initiative 10). A dense cloud of
one-time payment of the operating cost of the next tier swirling leaves and thorns erupts in a 5-foot cube in the
of business to upgrade their business to that tier. center of the chamber, causing the area to be heavily
obscured. If a creature starts its turn in the swirling
Traps as Stories and leaves, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
Encounters throw or take 7 (2d6) slashing damage, and its speed is
reduced by 20 feet until the start of its next turn. Plant
Traps hold the potential to be more than a simple creatures are immune to all effects of the Swirling
obstacle to be bypassed by making a single ability check Leaves.
or saving throw. At its core, a trap provides a framework Dynamic Event (Treant Aid). At the beginning of the
for engaging with a dangerous environment. How a trap awakening guardians’ turn,the imprisoned Crann Cnoic
functions and where it was built can tell a story, convey speaks a single sentence to ask for aid or offer advice.
themes, and reveal plot elements. Traps can not only When he does so, one creature within the chamber of
provide mechanics that encourage and reward explo- the treant’s choice regains 9 (2d8) hit points. The treant
ration but also make this exploration feel more daring, knows how to disperse the leaves and end the trap, and
interesting, and truly interactive. he speaks Druidic, Elven, and Sylvan.
The following traps are designed as dynamic encoun- Dynamic Event (Overgrowth). Once per round,
ters. Each of them has multiple elements as well as when an awakening guardian is killed, the chamber
narrative elements that can be either woven into a summons two more that appear adjacent to the room’s
campaign or used as a stand-alone encounter. wall. The summoned creatures appear at a rate of one
per round on initiative 20 and can act immediately. Only
Chamber of the Amber Heart one creature can appear each round.
Complex Trap (Tier 1; Average Party Level 4) Dynamic Event (Spreading Leaves). The swirling
Long ago, Crann Cnoic, a young treant druid native leaves spread to an additional 5-foot cube filling the
to the Feywild, aided a group of adventurers who had space of a creature if possible, although they avoid the
become lost in the Twilight Realm, helping them return guardians. The leaves continue to spread until they
home. Unbeknownst to the treant, the adventurers had fill a number of 5-foot cubes equal to the number of

88 Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools

creatures—excluding the guardians and Crann Cnoic— Elemental
in the chamber. If the leaves are all dispersed, a new
cube spawns at the center of the chamber and spreads • The trap is in a natural cave
normally. • The imprisoned creature is an elemental spirit
Countermeasures. A 5-foot cube of leaves is trapped in a lamp
dispersed by a wind of moderate or greater speed (at • The creatures that animate on initiative 20 are fire
least 10 miles per hour) or 10 points of fire damage. snakes (MM, p. 265)
Crann Cnoic is restrained by an enchanted blade of • Instead of the Swirling Leaves, fire spreads, which
woven mistletoe that pierces his amber heart. The can be dispersed by extinguishing it (dealing 10 cold
blade must be withdrawn to free the treant. Removing damage to a 5-foot cube or dousing a 5-foot cube with 10
the weapon requires a total of 50 on one or more gallons of water
Strength (Athletics) checks. Checks can be made until • The damage caused on initiative 10 is fire
the cumulative total is 50 or more. Freeing the treant
prevents future Overgrowth and Spreading Leaves Ooze
• The trap is in a damp sewer or cavern
Modifying the Encounter • The imprisoned creature is a sentient ooze petrified
Here are suggestions for scaling the encounter for party by a magical object imbedded in it
level, size, or player experience. • The creatures that animate on initiative 20 are gelat-
To make this encounter more challenging: inous cubes (Medium size and 30 hit points, CR 1; MM,
p. 242)
• One additional creature animates on Overgrowth
• Instead of the Swirling Leaves, slime drips from the
events (three total)
ceiling in thick curtains, which can be dispersed by
• The Swirling Leaves are DC 14 and cause 10 (3d6)
freezing it (dealing 10 cold damage to a 5-foot cube)
• The damage caused on initiative 10 is acid that
• The Strength (Athletics) checks require a total of 75
doesn’t affect the gelatinous cubes
to free the treant
• To make this encounter less challenging:
• One fewer creature animates on Overgrowth events Undead
(one total) • The trap is in an ancient dungeon
• The Swirling Leaves are DC 10 and cause 3 (1d6) • The imprisoned creature is a ghost whose skeletal
damage corpse is impaled by a weapon
• The creatures that animate on initiative 20 are
Adjusting the Theme and Location specters (MM, p. 279)
This trap requires a chamber (a tunnel, cavern, or • Instead of the Swirling Leaves, darkness spreads as
room) that can be quickly closed (a door slamming shut, per the spell and can be dispersed with the light spell or
a gate crashing down, or a boulder thundering into radiant damage
place) and a prisoner. • The damage caused on initiative 10 is necrotic
This modularity allows it to be customized to a
natural environment, a dungeon ruin, or an opulent The Path Precarious
castle—whatever the current story needs. The crea- Complex Trap (Tier 2; Average Party Level 8)
tures, prisoner, and aesthetic of the initiative count
effects can be adjusted to suit specific themes. An isolated wooden bridge spanning across a wind-
Here are suggestions for modifying the Chamber of swept gully has been magically trapped by bandits who
the Amber Heart to suit a specific theme. loot the bodies of those who fall from it to their deaths.

Construct Many an all-powerful mage or unparalleled swords-

• The trap is in a building or lab woman has even still met their untimely end falling

• The imprisoned creature is a sentient magic item to their deaths at the bottom of a chasm despite

held by a statue their skill. To this day, I view bridges with a healthy

• The creatures that animate on initiative 20 are amount of skepticism and a reminder that death is

animated armors always just one slip and fall away.

• Instead of Swirling Leaves, a dense fog appears and -Drizzt

spreads, which is also dispersed by a wind of moderate
or greater speed
• The damage caused on initiative 10 is poison

Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools 89

The gully is 70 feet deep and filled with tall boulders, to spot a glyph is 15. The spells within the glyphs are
and creatures take 7d6 bludgeoning damage falling into Tasha’s mind whip by default, but they can be adjusted
it. The bridge is 120 feet long and towering trees are to challenge the party.
visible on the far side. These numbers can be adjusted Countermeasures. Characters binding themselves to
based on the party’s capabilities. The gully should be the bridge (such as with rope) can’t be knocked off (but
wide enough that the party cannot simply jump across they can still be knocked prone). Dispel magic dissi-
and deep enough that a fall is concerning, but not so pates the magical wind, and conjuring a magical wind
deep that it would likely outright kill a character. to blow against the gust dampens its impact or diverts
The bandits check on the bridge and gully every few it, providing advantage on the required Strength save.
days to reset the trap and recover valuables from those A creature with a passive Perception of 16 or higher
who have fallen to their doom. By default, they are not or who succeeds on a successful DC 20 Wisdom
present when the adventurers arrive, but, for a more (Perception) or 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check
challenging encounter, the DM can have four bandit notices the weakened planks. A creature aware of the
archers (thugs) and two mages (illusionists) on the far weakened planks has advantage on Dexterity saving
side, prepared to ambush the party once the trap is trig- throws to cross the bridge safely.
gered (see the Modifying the Encounter sidebar below).
Creatures with a passive perception of 16 or higher or Modifying the Encounter
that succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom (Perception) or DC Here are suggestions for scaling the encounter for party
17 Intelligence (Investigation) check notice the remains level, size, or player experience.
of pack animals and travelers covered by brush at the To make this encounter more challenging:
bottom of the gully. They also notice a rope ladder
• For APL 9-10, increase the bridge length and gully
leading down to that area.
depth by 20 feet. For APL 6-7, reduce the gully depth
Trigger. When a party member reaches the midway
and bridge length by 20 feet.
point of the bridge (or flies to the far side), a magical
• Add additional glyphs of warding with dispel magic
wind strikes the area, attempting to fling creatures into
in them (3rd level, +4 bonus to dispel) triggering when
the gully.
characters use feather fall or fly.
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative count 20 and 10.
Magic Wind (Initiative 20). A magical wind causes Adding bandits to the encounter:
all creatures on the bridge and within 5 feet of the edge • Remove two thugs for APL 6-7
of the gully to make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or • Remove one illusionist for APL 6-7
be knocked prone. The DC is 19 for flying creatures. • Add three thugs for APL 9-10
A creature that fails the saving throw by 5 or more is • Add two illusionists for APL 9-10
flung into the gully.
Once the wind hits the party, characters can make a
DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Those who succeed
Adjusting the Theme and Location
deduce that the wind is unnatural. A result of 20 or This trap only requires a narrow crossing over a hazard
higher on this check ascertains the wind is an arcane that is dangerous but not immediately deadly (falling
spell that can be dispelled. into lava is usually too deadly for this tier of play).
Rules Tip: Flying creatures that are knocked prone Here are suggestions for modifying the complex trap
fall unless they can hover. to suit a specific theme.
Swaying Bridge (Initiative 10). The bridge shakes
and boards come loose. Each creature on the bridge Toppled Masts between Two Ships over
must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall Shark-Infested Water
prone. If the saving throw is failed by 5 or more, the • The characters must cross a mast fallen between two
creature slips into the gully. ships or a ship and a dock
Dynamic Event (Sabotaged Planks). Whenever a • Replace falling damage with sharks or quipper
creature past the halfway point moves 10 feet across swarms in the water below the mast. Each time a
the bridge, it must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving creature ends its turn in the water, it takes 3d6 piercing
throw or step on a weakened plank and fall through the damage from the swarms.
bridge. A successful DC 18 Dexterity (Acrobatics) or • Instead of magic wind, there is a building storm and
Strength (Athletics) check allows the creature to catch howling gale. Start the wind DC 3 lower than normal
itself on a bridge beam, leaving it dangling. but increase it by 2 on initiative count 1.
Dynamic Event (Traps in the Gully). The bandits
placed glyphs of warding beneath the bridge and
around the gully to ensure that creatures that fall are
killed without harming their goods and equipment.
There is one glyph of warding per character below the
bridge. The glyphs are spaced 15 feet apart, and the DC

90 Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools

Fallen Tree across a Jagged Ravine terrain feature with 15-foot-tall cliffs on either side so
filled with loose Rocks the party must cross the area to continue traveling. This
trap doesn’t have to be defeated—simply surviving it a
• The characters must use a fallen tree to cross a few rounds and moving away or through it is a suitable
jagged ravine. solution.
• Instead of magic wind, there is a building storm and
howling gale. Start the wind DC 3 lower than normal
Life on the material plane has left most of its inhab-
but increase it by 2 on initiative count 1.
itants unprepared for extraplanar mispaps. Yet when
• When a creature falls into the ravine, it must succeed
the unexpected—but not impossible—strikes, death
on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or become restrained
from the Far Realm’s tentacles or destructive chaotic
by loose rocks and debris. It can repeat the saving
energy becomes a reality whether one is prepared or
throw at the beginning of each of its turns. While
restrained, it takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage at the end
of each of its turns as loose debris falls into the ravine
from the wind.
Trigger. The party enters the designated area, which
Crumbling Stone Bridge between Two should be a 50-foot by 50-foot location with walls or
Towers barriers, such as cliffs, at least 15 feet high.
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative count 20, 10, and
• The characters must cross a crumbling stone bridge 1.
between two towers Rifts (Initiative 20). On initiative 20, an efferves-
• Instead of the bridge shaking (it is stone, after all), cent, shimmering rift fills a 5-foot square in the same
lightning strikes it. Section the bridge into six parts space as the creature nearest to the menhir. A creature
across its length and roll a d6 twice each round on beginning or ending its turn in the same square as a
initiative count 1. Lightning strikes those sections rift must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
dealing 4d10 lightning damage to each creature on that take 2d10 force damage and be knocked 1d4 x 10 feet in
section. A successful DC 14 Dexterity check reduces the a random direction. To determine the direction, roll a
damage by half. d8 and assign a direction to each die face. If this causes
the creature to contact another rift, it must repeat the
Rope Bridge across a Rushing River saving throw.
On a successful saving throw, the creature is harm-
• The characters must cross a rushing river on a rope
lessly moved to a square of its choice adjacent to the
• Replace falling damage with freezing water and being
Countermeasures. A creature seeing the menhir
swept away by a river current. If a creature ends its turn
after it starts glowing and succeeds on a DC 17 Intel-
in the water, it takes 10 (3d6) cold damage unless it has
ligence (Arcana) check can deduce that this obelisk
acclimation to cold climates or resistance or immunity
is channeling planar energy and that damaging the
to cold damage. A creature moves 50 feet downriver
menhir or using spells that dissipate magic, such as
at the end of each of its turns. A creature can move to
dispel magic, can disperse some of that energy. The
shore by making a successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics)
menhir has AC 16, 400 hit points, and is immune to
check. A creature with a swim speed automatically
psychic and poison damage.
succeeds on this check.
Singularity Pulse (Initiative 10). Each creature
within 100 feet of a rift must succeed on a DC 15
Planar Upheaval Strength saving throw or be pulled 1d6 x 10 feet towards
Complex Trap (Tier 2; Average Party Level 6-10) the nearest rift. A successful saving throw reduces the
distance by half.
During an astrological event (such as a returning
Energy Arcs (Initiative 1). Energy arcs from the
comet or conjunction of planets) in a place associated
rifts. Each rift fires a current of lightning at the nearest
with an Outer Plane (such as an ancient altar used to
creature or source of metal weighing 10 or more
make sacrifices to Orcus, Prince of Undeath; a location
pounds. A targeted creature must succeed on a DC 14
of repeated summoning; or an abandoned githyanki
Dexterity saving throw or a rift spawns in its space and
raiding camp), rifts can form, spilling planar essence
it takes 2d6 lightning damage. Creatures wearing metal
and dangers into the Material Plane.
armor have disadvantage on this saving throw.
On the eve of a returning comet coloring the sky, the
Note: The number of rifts open at once should never
party comes across a menhir with veins of quartz, while
exceed twice the number of characters in the party. If a
traveling in a wilderness or rural location. It begins to
new rift spawns, causing the number of rifts to exceed
glow as they approach within 50 feet of it.
this maximum, one of the other rifts (determined
The trap is located along a stretch of the road that
randomly) closes.
passes into a crevasse, dry riverbed, or some other

Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools 91

Countermeasures. A creature can minimize the by the tentacles can use its action to make a DC 16
effect of the singularity pulses by anchoring itself to a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (its
rock or tree with rope. If it does, it will only move as far choice) to free itself.
as the rope will reach. • The tentacles are distracted by food, particularly raw
Creating a pile of metal draws the energy arcs to it, meat or blood instead of metal.
leaving creatures unharmed. However, each rift still • Instead of Singularity Pulse, creatures restrained by
strikes the nearest target, either a source of metal the tentacles are dragged 40 feet towards a rift.
weighing more than 10 pounds or a creature. If a source • Instead of being bounced out of rifts, a creature
of metal and a creature are equal distance from a rift, contacting a rift takes 1d10 psychic damage and is held
the arc strikes the metal. in the rift’s square. A creature can use its action to
Every 25 points of damage dealt to the menhir closes make a DC 16 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acro-
a rift. Dispel magic closes a number of rifts equal to the batics) check (its choice) to free itself from the rift.
level of the spell slot used to cast it. • The tentacles have 13 AC and 50 hit points.
A rift can be directly attacked. It has an AC of 14, 50
hit points, and is immune to damage from nonmag- Infernal Rifts
ical weapons as well as psychic and poison damage.
It vanishes when reduced to 0 hit points and leaves • Instead of Singularity Pulse, tempting whispers and
behind a glowing crystal worth 150 gp that sheds dim sights beckon creatures. A creature looking at a rift
light in a 10-foot radius. must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or use
its movement and take the Dash action to move as close
Modifying the Encounter as it can to a rift. It can repeat this saving throw at the
Here are suggestions for scaling the encounter for party end of each of its turns ending the effect on a success. If
level, size, or player experience. an object or creature blocks its line of sight, it automati-
To make this encounter more challenging: cally succeeds on this saving throw.
• Instead of being bounced out of rifts, a creature
• Increase the DC of the Rifts and Singularity Pulse by contacting a rift takes 1d10 psychic damage and is held
2. in the rift’s square. A creature can use its action to
• Increase the damage of the Rifts and Energy Arc by make a DC 16 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acro-
an extra die. batics) check (its choice) to free itself from the rift.
To make this encounter less challenging: • For the purposes of closing rifts, splashing a rift with
• Lower the DC of the Rifts and Singularity Pulse by 2. holy water and spells that deal radiant damage acts as
• Reduce the damage of the Rifts and Energy Arc by dispel magic. A character’s Charisma modifier is used
one die. in place of the spell slot level when determining the
• Reduce the maximum number of rifts to the number effect of holy water on a rift.
of characters in the party.
Pandemonium Rifts
Adjusting the Theme and Location • A creature in the same square as a rift must succeed
This trap only requires a location where the party can’t on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded
easily flee from the area. A cavern, dungeon room, and gain a temporary level of exhaustion. It can repeat
narrow pass, bridge, and other such locations work well the saving throw at the end of its turn to remove these
for this. The planar energy should be obviously coming effects.
from a certain point or object, such as an ancient altar, • The DC to resist being pulled towards a rift is 18.
rune-carved menhir, small stone circle, or jagged pillar • For the purposes of closing rifts, splashing a rift with
of crystal. This modularity allows it to be customized to holy water and spells that deal radiant damage acts as
your campaign’s needs. dispel magic. A character’s Charisma modifier is used
Here are suggestions for modifying the complex trap in place of the spell slot level when determining the
to suit a specific theme. effect of holy water on a rift.
• Energy Arcs do not occur on initiative count 10.
Far Realm Rifts Instead, whenever a creature gains a level of exhaus-
tion, a rift spawns in its space. If a creature is in a rift
• Instead of Energy Arcs, tentacles reach from the rifts
when it gains a level of exhaustion, the new rift spawns
to grapple creatures. When a creature starts its turn
in an adjacent space to it.
within 120 feet of a rift, the creature must succeed on a
DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 bludgeoning
damage and be restrained by the tentacles. A creature
that starts its turn in the area and is already restrained
by the tentacles takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage and
is pulled 40 feet towards a rift. A creature restrained

92 Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools

Tells All
What words were penned in the journal of
history’s most famous drow?

The legendary drow ranger, Drizzt Do’Urden,

has seen it all in his life of adventure and lived to
tell the tale. Fortunately for you, Drizzt has kept
a meticulous account of his fantastic adventures
in his personal travelogue, which he is finally
sharing with the multiverse. You thought you
knew it all, but Drizzt’s notes will doubtless prove
you wrong.

This book’s fantastic entries include new

subclasses for each character class in the
Player’s Handbook, and the Artificer class
included in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. If
that weren’t enough, the brilliantly clever new
Tactician class makes its debut here, a master
of planning and strategy. Drizzt’s tales don’t end
there, with dozens of new astonishing magic
items, revised rules for shopping, narrative
traps, revised classic subclasses, and many more
tantalizing tales.

Although usually a private and brooding figure,

Drizzt offers his honest insights in the form
of myriad anecdotes and commentary notes
dotted throughout the book. Inside, he offers a
sample of the wondrous sights and people he’s
encountered, and rumor has it that his travelogue
is so extensive, that he’ll be publishing a second
volume soon…

Chapter 3 | Dungeon Master Tools 93

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