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INT354 Important subjective question

1) Explain the concept of Linear Regression and its role in predicting continuous target variables.

2) What are the advantages of using a Robust Regression Model with RANSAC algorithm in comparison
to standard regression models?

3) How can the relationship between variables be analyzed using a Correlation Matrix?

4) Describe the process of conducting Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) in the context of regression

5) What are some commonly used regularized methods for regression, and how do they help in
improving model performance?

6) How does Polynomial Regression differ from Linear Regression, and when is it preferred?

7) Discuss the advantages and limitations of using Decision Trees for regression tasks.

8) What is ARIMA and how is it used for predicting continuous target variables?

9) Write a program in Python to implement Linear Regression for predicting continuous target variables.

10) Explain the steps involved in fitting a robust regression model using the RANSAC algorithm.

11) How can the correlation matrix be utilized in the data preprocessing stage of regression analysis?

12) Discuss the importance of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) in the context of regression modeling.

13) Compare and contrast different regularized methods for regression, such as L1 regularization and L2

14) How does Polynomial Regression capture non-linear relationships between variables?

15) Describe the process of building a decision tree model for regression analysis.

16) What are the key components of an ARIMA model, and how do they contribute to prediction

17) Explain the concept of residuals in regression analysis and their significance in model evaluation.

18) Discuss the impact of outliers on the performance of regression models and how robust regression
techniques address this issue.

19) How can cross-validation be used to assess the performance of regression models?

20) What are the limitations and assumptions associated with using ARIMA for predicting continuous
target variables?

21) Explain the concept of R2 Score in regression analysis and its interpretation in assessing model
22) Define Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and explain how it is calculated and used in evaluating regression

23) What is the significance of Mean Squared Error (MSE) as a regression metric? How is it different from

24) Discuss the concept of Mean Squared Logarithmic Error (MSLE) and its applications in regression

25) Define Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and discuss its advantages and limitations as a
regression metric.

26) Explain the concept of Explained Variance Score (EVS) and its role in quantifying the quality of
regression models.

27) What is the D2 Score in regression analysis and how does it relate to R2 Score?

28) Discuss the importance of visual evaluation in regression models and provide examples of commonly
used visualization techniques.

29) How can scatter plots be utilized to visually assess the performance of regression models?

30) Explain the concept of residual plots and their significance in evaluating regression model

31) Discuss the use of regression line plots in visualizing the relationship between independent and
dependent variables.

32) What are the advantages of using box plots in evaluating the distribution of residuals in regression

33) Describe the concept of predicted vs. actual plots and how they aid in understanding model

34) Discuss the use of histogram plots in evaluating the distribution of residuals in regression models.

35) Explain the concept of Q-Q plots in regression analysis and their importance in assessing the
normality assumption.

36) How can heatmaps be used to visualize the correlation between features in regression models?

37) Discuss the concept of residual density plots and their role in evaluating the goodness of fit in
regression analysis.

38) Explain the concept of leverage plots and their significance in identifying influential data points in
regression models.

39) Discuss the use of residual vs. predictor plots in understanding the relationship between predictors
and residuals.

40) How can you use time series plots to visualize the performance of regression models on time-
dependent data?
41) Explain the concept of the bias-complexity tradeoff in machine learning and its implications for
model performance.

42) What is the No Free Lunch Theorem and how does it relate to the generalization ability of machine
learning algorithms?

43) Discuss the process of error decomposition in machine learning and its role in understanding the
sources of prediction errors.

44) Define the VC-Dimension and explain its significance in measuring the complexity of classification

45) Describe the concept of Rademacher Complexity and its role in quantifying the complexity of
learning algorithms.

46) What is the Natarajan Dimension and how does it contribute to understanding the complexity of
learning algorithms?

47) Explain the concept of combining classifiers and discuss its advantages in improving classification

48) Describe the Majority Voting Classifier and explain how it can be used to combine the predictions of
multiple classifiers.

49) Discuss the concept of resampling and its applications in estimating statistics for machine learning

50) Explain the concept of lack of inherent superiority of classifiers and discuss the importance of
considering multiple algorithms in machine learning.

51) Discuss the principles behind bagging and boosting classifiers and their impact on improving model

52) What is a Random Forest classifier, and how does it differ from traditional decision tree models?

53) Explain the concept of Support Vector Classifier (SVC) and its role in solving classification problems.

54) What is the difference between Support Vector Classifier (SVC) and Support Vector Regressor (SVR)?

55) Describe the concept of algorithm-independent machine learning and discuss its benefits in practical

56) How does the Random Forest regressor differ from the Random Forest classifier in terms of its

57) Discuss the process of combining classifiers using ensemble methods and its advantages in improving
model accuracy.

58) Explain the concept of Support Vector Regressor (SVR) and how it is used to solve regression
59) What are the advantages of using Support Vector Classifier (SVC) and Support Vector Regressor (SVR)
in machine learning?

60) Describe the process of resampling for estimating statistics and discuss its applications in machine

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