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ma The key Readings in Culture : groups 3/4/7

1. Many Christians believe that traditional narratives D. The divine responsibility that humans share.
about Christianity are: 13. God gave power to name and control all living
A. Fake. C. Old-fashioned. creatures to:
B. Sacred. D. Good for nothing. A. Eve C. Adam and Eve.
2. The first Christians were: B. Adam. D. None of them.
A. Puritans. C. Jews. 14. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution:
B. Buddhists. D. Protestants. A. Emphasized the idea that living organisms had
3. Which book is not an important source of Christian developed from earlier forms.
mythology? B. Strengthened the belief in the literary accuracy of
A. Bible. C. Genesis. Genesis.
B. Revelation. D. Veda C. Reinforced Christians’ spiritual stability.
4. The first eleven chapters of Genesis describe: D. Made Christians accept the literal meaning of
A. Adam and Eve. C. The universe. Genesis.
B. The universe and man. D. The original sin. 15. The myth of progress:
5. According to the Christian story of Creation, what A. Regards the history of mankind as a record of
did God create on the first day? advance.
A. The moon. C. Man and animals. B. Reduces Man to a mere animal.
B. Seas and vegetation. D. The day and night. C. Accepts pessimistic attitudes about the history of
6. On which day did God create the notion of time? mankind.
A. The second day. C. The third day. D. Regards the history of humankind as a decline.
B. The fourth day. D. The sixth day. 16. What does it mean that “the eyes of the man and
7. The statement “God created Man in His own image” woman were opened” when they ate from the tree of
may be interpreted as: knowledge?
A. Man has an inferior position. A. They became aware of good and evil.
B. Man is wise and the second creator after God. B. They saw paradise for the first time.
C. Man is obedient to God. C. They knew the reason why God had created them.
D. Man is a corrupt being. D. They were astonished by the appealing tree of
8. In the Christian mythology, the seventh day is sacred knowledge.
to Christians because: 17. Which statement is not one of God’s punishments to
A. On this day, God created Man. the woman?
B. God ordered the Christians to sanctify this day. A. Pain in childbirth.
C. On this day, God put Adam into the Garden of Eden. B. Being controlled by man.
D. God blessed this day after He completed his work. C. Enmity with man.
9. How can you explain the repetition of the adjective D. Both B and C.
“good” in the Christian story of the Creation? 18. According to Christian mythology, the woman was
A. God was pleased with what He created. named Eve because:
B. All creatures were pleased to be created. A. She was the source of evil.
C. It foreshadowed the creation of Man. B. She was the mother of all the living.
D. God knew that His creatures would worship Him. C. She brought evil to man.
10. According to Christianity, the reason why God D. She was created out of one of man’s ribs.
created the woman is: 19. Why did God fear that Adam and Eve would try to
A. To share responsibility with man. eat from the tree of life?
B. To be a helper for man. A. Because they would challenge God’s power.
C. To multiply. B. Because they would be wiser than God Himself.
D. To help cultivate the Garden of Eden. C. Because they would live eternal life.
D. Both B and C.
11. What was Adam and Eve’s attitude to being naked 20. The metaphorical meaning of the original sin is:
before the fall? A. All humans are doomed to be born sinful.
A. Scared. C. Not ashamed. B. All women are born sinful.
B. Unconcerned. D. Worried. C. The first woman led man astray.
12. The concept of misogyny is reflected in: D. The eternal enmity between Adam and Eve.
A. The woman’s subordination to man. 21. In the poem “Easter Wings”, written by George
B. The human resemblance to God. Herbert, the main idea is:
C. The human curiosity to control other creatures. A. The desire of humans to return to paradise.
B. The strength of the wings of Jesus Christ. A. The wife of Poseidon. C. The daughter of Zeus.
C. The foolishness of human beings. B. The wife of Zeus. D. The sister of Triton.
D. Both A and C. 33. The God of music, poetry, and medicine was:
22. Cain brought some of his……….and gave it as an A. Leto. C. Zeus.
offering to the Lord. B. Hermes. D. Apollo.
A. Harvest. C. Sheep. 34. According to Greek mythology, Dionysus was given a
B. Seeds. D. Plants. seat in the council of the Olympians because he:
23. Which statement is incorrect? A. Invented wine. C. Killed Zeus’s father.
A. Cain was a farmer. B. Built the Olympian’s palace. D. Invented wood.
B. Adam’s wife gave birth to Abel before Cain. 35. Which of the following numbers was an unlucky
C. Abel was a shepherd. number for the Olympians?
D. The Lord rejected Cain’s offering. A. Ten. C. Eleven.
24. The Lord put a mark on Cain to: B. Twelve. D. Thirteen.
A. Punish him for his crime. 36. Which statement is incorrect?
B. Warn anyone who met him not to kill him. A. Deadalus built the labyrinth for King Minos.
C. Make him known for everyone who met him. B. King Minos controlled the land and sea.
D. Send him away to the wandering land. C. Icarus sticked to the instructions of his father.
25. In a non-religious sense, Heaven has been used widely D. Deadalus gave his wings as an offering to Apollo.
as a metaphor for: 37. Narcissus was:
A. The sky. A. Deluded by his reflection.
B. The stars. B. Punished by the goddess Nemesis.
C. Goodness and happiness. C. Loved by all who saw him.
D. All of the above. D. All of the above.
26. Many Christians now regard hell as: 38. In the poem “Mirror”, the mirror, which is the
A. A real narrative. C. An outlet. speaker, describes itself as:
B. A myth D. A fountain of life. A. Cruel. C. Truthful.
27. Greek mythology may include: B. Untrustworthy. D. Fake.
A. The Greeks’ Gods and heroes. 39. Pandora was created by:
B. The origin of their own cult. A. Zeus. C. Prometheus.
C. The nature of the universe. B. Hera. D. Epimetheus.
D. All of the above. 40. The main theme portrayed in Pandora’s Box is:
28. Greek mythology is embodied implicitly in: A. Humans’ suffering is often caused by their jealousy.
A. A large collection of poems. B. Curiosity can be the source of humans’ downfall.
B. Representational arts. C. Cruelty is a trait in all humans.
C. The origins of the world. D. Human beings are the second creators after God.
D. All of the above.

29. When Zeus tried to hide his love affairs from his wife,
he was looked at as a capital figure of:
A. Strength. C. Fun.
B. Courage. D. Cruelty.
30. Which statement is incorrect?
A. The Olympians’ mansions were built by the gigantic
one-eyed Cyclops.
B. All Olympians lived together in an enormous palace.
C. Mount Olympus was the second highest mountain in
D. The Olympians’ mansions were built as royal places
on earth.
31. Which one was not the emblem of Zeus?
A. Eagle. C. Woodpecker.
B. Cow skin. D. Both A and B.
32. Hera was:

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