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Today Lecture

Drilling Canned Cycles

What is the Drilling and Milling Canned Cycle?

➢ Canned cycles automate certain machining

functions such as drilling, boring, tapping,
pocketing, etc...
The Different Levels of the Tool Position

Z initial

R -level

Z -level

Z - level:
Initial is the
level : is end of the feed
the specific (metal
position ofcutting)
the tool motion or the final
at the moment depth
the canned
cycle become effective

R - level : the end or rapid motion (0.5: 2.5mm) from the part surface.
Generally, a canned cycle consists of a sequence of six
operations, as shown below:

Op.1 - Positioning of the X and Y axes.

Op.2 - Rapid traverse in the Z axis
to the "R“ point.
Op.3 - Hole machining procedure.
Op.4 - Operation at bottom of hole.
Op.5 - Retraction to R point.
Op.6 - Rapid traverse in the Z axis to
the Initial l e v e l.
Conventional programming to drill a hole on CNC m/c

N10 G90 G21

N20 G00 X100 Y100 Z30 T01 M06
N30 S1000 M03 M08
N40 G00 X10 Y10
N50 G00 Z2
N60 G01 Z-15 F0.5
N70 Z2
N80 G00 Z30
………. AND SO ON
Conventional programming

How many blocks you need to drill all

Drilling and milling Canned Cycles
G81 : Drilling
G82 : Drilling –Counter Boring
G83 : Deep Hole - Peck Drilling
G84 : Tapping
G76 : Boring
Note : G80 : Cancels Canned Cycle
G98 : Return To Initial Level
G99 : Return To R - Level
G81 : Drilling

Sequence of moves:

Op 1) Rapid position to X, Y and Z (the Initial level).

Op 2) Rapid traverse to R level.

Op 3) Feed to Z depth.

Op 4) Rapid traverse to Initial level (G98) or R level (G99).

G81 X Y Z R F

Z initial
G00 Z30
R -level
G98 G81 X10 Y10 Z-15 R2 F0.4
20 15
Note Z -level

If the Zero point in the bottom of the WP Y

G00 Z50
10 X
G98 G81 X10 Y10 Z5 R22 F0.4 10
Note (cont.)
For through holes
Z = wp thick + d /(2tan 59) + clearance (5mm)
Z = 20 + (10 / (2tand(59))) + 5 = 31mm Z

G00 Z30 30

G98 G81 X10 Y10 Z-31 R2 F0.4

20 10
If the Zero point in the bottom of the WP

G00 Z50 d
G98 G81 X10 Y10 Z-11 R22 F0.4
G82 : Counter Boring

Sequence of moves:

Op 1) Rapid position to X, Y and Z (the Initial level).

Op 2) Rapid traverse to R point level.

Op 3) Feed to Z depth.

Op 4) Dwell for value P. ----P (time in 1/1000 seconds)

Op 5) Rapid traverse to Initial level (G98) or R level (G99).

G82 X Y Z R F P

Z initial
G00 Z30
R -level
G98 G82 X10 Y10 Z-5 R2 F0.4 P2500 5

Note Z -level

If the Zero point in the bottom of the WP Y

G00 Z50
10 X
G98 G82 X10 Y10 Z15 R22 F0.4 P2500 10
G83 : Deep Hole Peck Drilling ---- (L/d)≥3

Sequence of moves:
Op 1) Rapid position to X, Y and Z (the initial level).
Op 2) Rapid traverse to R point level.
Op 3) Feed in to the value of Q.
O p 4 ) Rapid traverse out to R point. Operation from 2 to 4 a r e r e p e a t e d u n t i l
Z depth isreached.
Op 5) Rapid traverse to Initial level (G98) or R level (G99)
G83 X Y Z R F Q

Example L=15 ,d=5mm
Z initial
G00 Z35
R -level
G98 G83 X10 Y10 Z-15 R2 F0.4 Q 2
30 15
Note Z -level

If the Zero point in the bottom of the WP Y

G00 Z65
10 X
G98 G83 X10 Y10 Z15 R32 F0.4 Q 2 10
Note (cont.)
For through holes
Z = wp thick + d /(2tan 59) + clearance (5mm)
Z = 20 + (10 / (2tand(59))) + 5 = 38mm Z

Example L=30 ,d=10

G00 Z35 35

G98 G83 X10 Y10 Z-38 R2 F0.4 Q3

30 10
If the Zero point in the bottom of the WP

G00 Z65 d
G98 G81 X10 Y10 Z-11 R32 F0.4
G84 : Tapping

Sequence of moves:

Op 1) Rapid position to X, Y and Z (the initial level).

Op 2) Rapid traverse to R point level.

Op 3) Feed to Z depth.

Op 4) Dwell P (time for spindle stop and start CCW d i r e c t i o n ) .

Op 5) Feed to R point level.

Op 6) D w e l l P ( t i m e f o r s p i n d l e s t o p a n d s t a r t C W d i r e c t i o n ) .
G84 X Y Z R F


F = pitch * spindle speed

For example ---using 125rpm to tape M6 * 1 --- F=1*125= 125 mm/min

---using 100rpm to tape 3/8” * 16 --- F=(1/16)*100= 6.25”/min

---- F=6.25*25.4 = 158 mm/min


N40 S100 M03

Thread (¼” *20)
G00 Z1

G98 G84 X0.625 Y0.625 Z-.8 R0.1 F5

Note :

F = 100*(1/20)=5”/min
G76 : Fine Boring

Sequence of moves:

Op 1) Rapid position to X, Y and Z (the Initial level).

Op 2) Rapid traverse to R point level.

Op 3) Feed to Z depth.

Op 4) spindle stop and move Q value.

Op 5) Feed to R point level.

Op 6) Move back Q value.

G76 X Y Z R F Q

Q: side shift Z
Z initial
G00 Z35
R -level
G98 G76 X10 Y10 Z-35 R2 F0.4 Q 0.5
Note Z -level

If the Zero point in the bottom of the WP Y

G00 Z65
10 X
G98 G76 X10 Y10 Z-5 R32 F0.4 Q 0.5 10
1. Complete the following table to perform the (Drilling, Counter
boring, and Tapping operations) For the part shown in the Fig,
using suitable canned cycles. Note: R-level =2mm for all
position Drilling Operation
G X Y Z R S F P Q Note
1 81 25 25 -5 52 1000 4 Z=
2 81 100 50 -5 52 1000 4
3 81 100 150 -5 52 1000 4
4 81 175 175 -5 52 1000 4
Counter boring
2 82 100 50 15 27 1000 100
3 82 100 150 15 27 1000 100
1 84 25 25 -5 52 100 200
4 84 175 175 -5 52 100 200
2.Fill the table using suitable milling and drilling canned cycles to perform
(Drilling, Counter boring, and Tapping operations) for the shown part.
Note: R-level =2mm for all operations. All dimensions are in mm

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