Quarter 4 Dangers of Alcohol

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Quarter 4

Prevention of
Substance Use
and Abuse
Gateway drug such as cigarettes and
alcohol are legal drugs that a non-drug
user might try, which can lead him/her
to more dangerous drugs such as
marijuana and shabu. Marijuana,
cigarettes, and alcohol are the
“gateway drugs” of our society today .
When young people experiment
with cigarettes, alcohol, and
marijuana, it often opens doors or
“gateways” to stronger, more
dangerous drugs and to risky
situations where these drugs are
readily available.
Negative Health Impact of
Cigarette Smoking
Smoking cigarettes can have
many adverse effects on the Smoking cigarettes affects
body. Some of these can lead the respiratory system, the
to life-threatening circulatory system,
complications. the reproductive system, the
According to the Centers for
skin, and the eyes, and it
Disease Control and Prevention
increases the risk of many
(CDC), smoking cigarettes
different cancers.
increases the risk of dying from
all causes, not just those linked
to tobacco use.
Possible Effects of Cigarette Smoking
1. Lung damage
• Smoking cigarettes affects lung health because a person
breathes in not only nicotine but also a variety of
additional chemicals.
• Smoking cigarettes also presents a greater risk of
developing and dying from chronic obstructive pulmonary
disorder (COPD).
• Cigarettes are also linked to developing emphysema and
chronic bronchitis. They can also trigger or exacerbate an
asthma attack.
Possible Effects of Cigarette Smoking

2. Heart Disease
• Smoking cigarettes can damage the heart, blood vessels,
and blood cells.
• Even those who used to smoke face a higher risk than
people who never smoked.
• Having pulmonary artery disease increases the risk of
experiencing; blood clots, angina, or chest pain, stroke, a
heart attack
3. Fertility problems
• Smoking cigarettes can damage a female's
reproductive system and make it more
difficult to get pregnant.
• This may be because tobacco and the other
chemicals in cigarettes affect hormone
4. Risk of Pregnancy Complications

Smoking can increase the risk of ectopic

pregnancy and reduce the
baby's birth weight.
5. Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
• The CDC report that people who smoke
regularly have a 30–40 percent higher risk of
developing type 2 diabetes than those who do
• Smoking can also make it more difficult for
people with diabetes to manage their condition.
Posible Effects of
Possible Effects
6. Weakened Immune System
of Cigarette
Smoking Smoking cigarettes can
weaken a person's immune
system, making them more
susceptible to
7. Vision Problems

Smoking cigarettes can cause

eye problems, including a
greater risk of cataracts and
age-related macular
8. Risk of Other Cancers

• The American Cancer Society report that

cigarette smoking causes 20–30 percent of
• Smoking cigarettes can also double a person's
risk of stomach cancer. Tobacco is especially
linked to stomach cancers that occur near
the esophagus.
Three smokes produced by
cigarette smoking
• the smoke that comes out • smoke left for a
of the lighted end of a
• refers cigarette or pipe. long time on sofa,
specifically to • This is also called second- beddings, pillow,
the smoke that
hand smoke or and other
environmental tobacco
a smoker smoke (ETS). This is the objects.
more dangerous than
directly inhales. mainstream smoke.
Cigarette smoking causes environmental
pollution by releasing toxic air pollutants into
the atmosphere. The cigarette butts
also litter the environment, and the toxic
chemicals in the residues seep into soils and
waterways, thereby causing soil and
water pollution, respectively
Learning tasks
Written Task no. 1
Directions: Write the short-term effects of
smoking in the square part of the cigarette and the
long-term effects in the rectangular one.
Note: Write the three different smokes produced by
cigarette smoking on the X symbol.
Learning tasks
Written Task no. 1
Learning tasks
Written Task no. 2
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. What are the strategies or ways to prevent and control the
use of tobacco products like cigarette?
2. If your classmate offered you a cigarette at a hidden corner of
the school, what would you do?
3. As a student, how will you able to stop or lessen the use of
Thank You!

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