Idea Evaluation Form 1

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IIC National Innovation Contest 2020

Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), MHRD’s Innovation Cell

All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi
Guideline and Evaluation Criteria Sheet for Idea Submission
Idea Title:

Team Leader Name: Email:

Contact no:

Idea Type: (can select multiple) Theme Name(Annexure 1):

Introduction of new or improved services
Introduction of new method of production/ process
Opening of new market
Exploration of a new source & supply
Reengineering/ organization of business management
Sl. Marks
Parameters Total Marks
No. Obtained
Relevance of Problem & Solution 15 Marks
(a) Whether the identified problem really exists in
10 Marks
1. Society/Market/ Industry ?
(b) “How big is the problem”?
(Low, Moderate, High) 5 Marks
Feasibility of solution (SMART) 25 Marks
(Check the appropriateness of the proposed solution)
(a) Specific- How specifically the proposed
solution resolves the identified problem. 5 Marks
(b) Measurable- Whether the proposed solution
is measurable and step wise approach 5 Marks
towards innovation is followed
(c) Attainable- Clarity of team. Is the team
2. competent enough to develop the solution 5 Marks
and achieve its objectives?
(d) Realistic- Given the resources available, how
realistic is the team’s approach to achieve the 5 Marks
solution in time bound manner?
(e) Timeline- How confident is the team with the
proposed solution & timeline to complete the
5 Marks
prototype (TRL 2 or TRL 3 in 2-3 months)
(refer Annexure 1)
Applicability of Solution 10 Marks
(a) Usability: Level of acceptance of
2 Marks
Solution/Features among target group
(b) Scalability: Adoption Potential of Solution as
2 Marks
Business Model/Startup
(c) Economic Sustainability: Potential of solution to
3. 2 Marks
Become profitable or financially viable
(d) Environment Sustainability: Potential of solution
to become environment friendly or address 2 Marks
environment problems
(e) Existence of Intellectual Property Component, if
2 Marks
Total 50 Marks

• IICs need to disseminate and encourage students to take part in idea submission. Encourage
the ideas taken from the real life problem encountered by students during their visits to
Society, market industry etc.
• Problems from SIH, internal Hackathons and other campus hackathons can be considered.
• Idea may be technical and (or) non-technical.
• IIC Institute need to organize an ideation workshop for participants and evaluate the ideas
• No limit on submission of number of ideas and team size. Gender balance is encouraged.
• All ideas need to be carefully evaluated by the evaluation committee setup for the purpose.
Evaluation committee may have external experts and (or) member’s representation from
incubation and startup.
• Above evaluation criteria can be used for the evaluation purpose of ideas received from
students. Ideas, which receive minimum score of 25, should be considered for next level
(PoC level).
• The details of ideas received need to be uploaded on IIC portal under MIC Driven activities
(activities are scheduled under ACTIVITY tab in IIC homepage). The ideas can also be
directly submitted by students/ team on IIC Portal.

Annexure 1
Please make familiar about Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) among students and faculties
1. Healthcare & Biomedical devices.
2. Agriculture & Rural Development.
3. Smart Vehicles/ Electric vehicle/ Electric vehicle motor and battery technology.
4. Food Processing.
5. Robotics and Drones.
6. Waste management.
7. Clean & Potable water.
8. Renewable and affordable Energy.
9. IoT based technologies (e.g. Security & Surveillance systems etc.)
10. ICT, cyber physical systems, Block chain, Cognitive computing, Cloud computing, AI & ML.

Stages of TRL (Technology Readiness Level):

TRL 0 : Idea. Unproven concept, no testing has been performed.
TRL 1 : Basic research. Principles postulated observed but no experimental proof available.
TRL 2 : Technology formulation. Concept and application have been formulated.
TRL 3 : Applied research. First laboratory tests completed; proof of concept.
TRL 4 : Small scale prototype built in a laboratory environment ("ugly" prototype).
TRL 5 : Large scale prototype tested in intended environment.
TRL 6 : Prototype system tested in intended environment close to expected performance.
TRL 7: Demonstration system operating in operational environment at pre-commercial scale.
TRL 8 : First of a kind commercial system. Manufacturing issues solved.
TRL 9 : Full commercial application, technology available for consumers.

For any Query, contact respective IIC Zonal Coordinators:

Contact: O11-2958-1239 /1223/1241/1513 Email: [email protected]

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