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Greg Gillespie

A Classic Fantasy Megadungeon for any Old School Role-Playing Game

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Credits and Acknowledgements
Author and Designer: Greg Gillespie

Layout: Jayson “Rocky” Gardner and Greg Gillespie

Cover Art: Scott LeMien

Cover Design: Estaban Teffhist and Cory Hamel

Editors: Greg Gillespie, Alex Sinnige, Derek Tomkin, Darren Crouse

Dwarrowdeep Hex Map: Estaban Teffhist

Dwarrowdeep Dungeon Maps: John Bell

Interior Art (Ex-TSR): Darlene, Jeff Dee, Diesel, Larry Elmore, Timothy Truman

Interior Art: John Bell, Craig Brasco, Jacob Fleming, Brothers Fraim, Cory Hamel, Kennon James, Dave
Needham, Peter Pagano, Stuart Robertson, Runehammer, Estaban Teffhist, Stephen Thompson

Dwarrowdeep Character Sheet: Dave Needham and Greg Gillespie

Kalas-Toa Random Pouch Contents Table: Thaddeus Moore and Greg Gillespie

Playtesters: Art Braune, Dan Deline, Rob Dreyer, Tristan Marks, Thaddeus Moore, Derek Tomkin

OSR Logo: Stuart Robertson and Estaban Teffhist

Thank You: Terry Demeter for help with Excel

Special Thank You: Peter Pagano for sharing my vision

Dedication: For Steven Perrin (1946-2021) and his adventures Under Illefarn

Copyright 2022, Greg Gillespie

Table of Contents
Section I: Introduction......................................... 4 Traps in Dwarrowdeep......................................... 52
The Lost Kingdom of Dwarrow: A History............... 4 Dwarven House Runes......................................... 53
Gazetteer........................................................... 5 Toxic Gases and Odors....................................... 53
History, Social, and Economic Structure................. 6 Short and Long-Rest in Dwarrowdeep................... 53
Geography......................................................... 6 Racial Enmity...................................................... 53
Lost Kingdom of Dwarrow Regional Map............... 12 Hall of Records................................................... 54
Marching Time.................................................... 13 Mules and Pack Lizards........................................ 55
Religion, Faith, and the Gods............................... 13 Climbing and Descending Rules........................... 55
Deities in the Lost Kingdom of Dwarrow................ 14 Dwarrowdeep Character Sheet............................. 56
Towns and Villages.............................................. 16 New Treasure Types............................................. 56
Baeldaeg (Pyre Day)............................................ 17 Runestone Value.................................................. 57
Places of Note: Hamelet...................................... 18 Dwarrowdeep Factions........................................ 58
Gundgathol Dwarves: Houses, Kin, Culture........... 21
Dwarven Worldview............................................. 22 Section V: Dwarrowdeep Entrances...................... 60
Gundgathol Dwarves: Common Vernacular........... 24 Entrance A: Doors of Dalgeddin........................... 60
The Mead Oath.................................................. 24 Entrance B: Ruins of Kaer-Khelek.......................... 70
Skuld and the Cyclopsmen................................... 24 Entrance C: Galduhr’s Gate................................. 81
Cyclopsmen: Common Vernacular........................ 25 Entrance D: Forgotten Stair of Kalbandur.............. 89
Personalities of Hamelet....................................... 25 Entrance C: Frost Gate........................................ 95
Campaign Begins................................................ 31 Entrance F: Citadel of Sleet.................................. 102
Adventure Hooks................................................. 31
Random Rumour Table......................................... 31 Section VI: Primary Encounter Areas.................... 106
P1: Lower Halls................................................... 106
Section II: Dwarrowdeep Hex Map...................... 32 P2: Glittering Caves............................................ 125
Dwarrowdeep Hex Map Scale.............................. 32 P3: Dwarrowhame............................................... 132
Dwarrowdeep Hex Map Entrances........................ 32 P4: Black Mines................................................... 149
Dwarrowdeep Encounter Areas............................. 33 P5: Forge of Creation.......................................... 157
Primary Encounter Areas...................................... 33 P6: Foundry........................................................ 162
Secondary Encounter Areas.................................. 33 P7: Mithril Lodes.................................................. 174
Dwarrowdeep Passage Types................................ 33 Gund-Felek........................................................ 182
Primary Passages................................................. 33
Secondary Passages............................................ 33 Section VII:
Dead Ends.......................................................... 34 Secondary Encounter Area Generator.................. 212
Secret Passages................................................... 34
Dwarrowdeep Geographical Features................... 34 New Relic........................................................... 224
Elevation............................................................ 34 New Magic Items................................................ 226
Elevation Type..................................................... 36 Dwarven Runestones........................................... 228
Elevation and Time.............................................. 36 Spellstones......................................................... 233
Subterranean Lochs............................................. 36 Wardstones........................................................ 233
Subterranean Rivers............................................. 36 Dwarven Rings of Power..................................... 234
Fording Subterranean Rivers................................. 37 New Spells......................................................... 235
Bridges of Gundgathol........................................ 39 New Monsters.................................................... 238
Bridge Condition................................................. 39 Pregenerated Characters..................................... 254
Chasms and Fissures........................................... 39 Rival Adventuring Parties.................................... 256
Dwarrowdeep Character Sheet............................ 259
Section III: Hexcrawling Dwarrowdeep................ 40
When to Check for Random Encounters?............... 40 Dwarrowdeep Illustration Book........................... 261
Dwarrowdeep Random Hex Encounters................. 40
Monsters............................................................ 40 Random Tables................................................... 278
Warbands........................................................... 41 Slovenly Trull Random Patron Generator............... 278
Natural Hazards.................................................. 46 Random Mundane Runestones............................. 279
Special Encounters.............................................. 49 Random Magical Runestones............................... 285

Section IV: Dungeon Exploration.......................... 50 Dwarrowdeep Map Legend................................. 287

Light, Sight and Time........................................... 50 Dwarrowdeep Hex Map...................................... 288
Random Dungeon Restock................................... 51 Dwarrowdeep Maps........................................... 290
Bricked Walls and Stone Doors............................. 51 Random Geomorphs........................................... 314
Partial Collapses................................................. 51 Random Passages............................................... 324
Stone Sense........................................................ 52
Waymarks of Dwarrowdeep.................................. 52 Legal.................................................................. 331

thank you to all my supporters in the osr i greg gillespie, carved
Dwarrowdeep is an exploration-style megadungeon
designed for classic fantasy role-playing games. Players In the beginning, deep in the Eternal Mountains,
start with first level characters and continue through Thaneduhr shaped the first dwarves from stone. The
mid and high-level play. All-Father created seven dwarves and granted each
sacred knowledge. He decreed the first shall be king.
Dwarrowdeep begins in the town of Hamelet. Hamelet To the king he gifted wisdom in the form of runes. Upon
(called Durnagald by the dwarves) is located in a region the others he granted knowledge of the mountains,
known as The Lost Kingdom of Dwarrow, situated in the mining, and warfare.
northern and central aspect of the Northern Reaches.
Over the course of the adventure, players will learn that Guided by the wisdom of the All-Father manifest in the
the duergar, the evil brethren of the mountain dwarves, divine right of the first Stoneborn King, the dwarves
seek revenge for an ancient blood-feud. From their prospered and founded Gundgathol: the cradle of
deep subterranean passages, the duergar laid siege dwarven civilization. Based on their order of creation,
and conquered Gundgathol - the cradle of dwarven the dwarves formed seven noble houses. These houses,
civilization. The mountain dwarves fled Gundgathol to this day, can trace their ancestral lineage back
to the human town of Hamelet. The duergar and their through the centuries to the first dwarves. All dwarves
allies occupied the city and are obsessed with finding, consider Gundgathol and the Eternal Mountains sacred
and desecrating, the Forge of Creation. earth.

Dwarrowdeep is intended to support an extended In time, the dwarves emerged and met other races
campaign lasting months and years. The dungeon including the elves, and later, humans. Relations with
merges a traditional design within a vast, subterranean, the elves were never favorable but the dwarves formed
dwarven-themed sandbox and includes opportunities a strong relationship with the humans who founded
for exploration and discovery. the burgeoning town of Threshold. The humans sought
the superior metal goods of the dwarves, and the
As player characters (PCs) explore Dwarrowdeep’s dwarves, in turn, traded for foodstuffs that they could
dark dungeons, and press deeper into the mountains, not grow underground. The humans founded a trading
the monsters increase in power and treasures increase post called Hamelet, close to the Doors of Dalgeddin
in value. Subject to the choices made by the PCs, this (Gundgathol’s main entrance), as a way-point between
megadungeon presents opportunities for more than the two races and to strengthen trade.
one end-game scenario.
Over the centuries, orc hordes and giants from the
This book is divided into the following sections. The first Eternal Mountains, and the desolate waste of the
provides an introduction that outlines the geography Frozenfar, assaulted Gundgathol. The humans came to
of The Lost Kingdom of Dwarrow and pays particular the aid of the dwarves. As more humans migrated into
attention to the town of Hamelet/Durnagald. The the Northern Reaches and the town of Threshold grew,
following sections offer information for Referees on the dwarves, in turn, rose to the aid of the humans.
how to read the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map and how to
hex-crawl the Gundgathol sandbox. The next section Despite constant threats to their survival, the dwarves
outlines the themed complexes and passages of the and humans prospered together until the death of King
great dwarven kingdom. The next details a systematic Thorrim Stoneborn, Blood of Thaneduhr. The passing
process to generate random secondary encounter of the king tore House Stoneborn asunder. A war of
areas. The final section provides all the supplementary succession erupted that pitted the king’s twin sons
back-matter such as new spells, magic items, monsters, against each other. The young Thorgallin Stoneborn
random tables, the illustration book, and maps. defeated his twin brother Darguar in a great battle
and was named Lord of Gundgathol and King of
At first the scope of the dungeon might seem daunting. Dwarrow. As punishment for the unprecedented war
Dwarrowdeep is vast and the largest dwarven-themed of succession, Thorgallin banished his kin, and over
sandbox dungeon ever created. It requires the Referee half House Stoneborn, including his brother’s sons and
to roll several charts and encounter areas to smooth daughters and their allied houses, into exile.
introductory gameplay. Once complete, play can begin
by creating characters and venturing into Hamelet.

these runes may this stone stand in commemoration of the siege of
The remaining dwarves of House of Stoneborn called Over the years, the mountain dwarves made several
for further vengeance. Old One Halgdrin Stoneborn, unsuccessful attempts to retake their homeland, or
the High Priest of Thaneduhr, called down the might of at least establish a foothold, but lack the numbers
his god. He stripped the disgraced Stoneborn of their and the resources. Instead, they focused on small
name and, invoking divine power, cursed his exiled reconnaissance missions while solidifying their strength
family for their treachery. The curse emaciated their in Hamelet. The dwarves took over the town and its
bodies, turned their hair white, and their skin gray. The defenses. They replaced meager embankments and
exiled Stoneborn became known as gray dwarves, or wooden palisades with stone towers and ramparts.
simply, duergar. They built a stone temple to Thaneduhr, a meadhall
to Geddinthor, and re-established their trade in iron
The duergar, defeated, banished, and cursed by their goods. Their industry focuses on weapons and armour
own kin and creator, vowed revenge. They migrated – still acknowledged as the finest in the realm – which
deep into the underdark. At first, the dark dwarves they trade via barge and caravan with Threshold.
barely managed to survive. Many were lost, including To most the town appears like an above-ground
their leader and King-in-Exile Darguar Stoneborn. dwarven stronghold. The dwarves refer to the village
To survive, they adapted their culture and language as Durnagald (Translation: Last Hearth) instead of
to the harsh subterranean underworld. Their priests Hamelet. The ealdormen of Hamelet find the dwarven
began praying to Dworgrim, an ancient and disgraced presence antagonizing.
dwarven hero from the early history of Gundgathol. In
time they made contact and created alliances with other Recently, the Old One Halgdrin Stoneborn, the High
subterranean civilizations like the dark elves and the Priest of Thaneduhr, and his dwarven priests read the
kalas-toa. They secured their survival and prospered portents: the trilliums bloom along Loch Rannock to
through subterranean trade in forged iron and slaves. the east, the bald eagle once again nests along the
Eternal Mountains to the west, and the runestones read
Wartok, the grandson of Thorrim Stoneborn, formed the same way each time they are cast: Seek the Forge.
a new clan called House Whitebeard. Under the The time has come to retake Gundgathol. Are you
leadership of House Whitebeard a duergar colony brave (or foolish) enough to explore the long dark of
emerged, strong and fierce, deep in the underdark. Dwarrowdeep?
They had but one purpose – exact their revenge. His
duergar warriors, in concert with their allies, attacked GAZETTEER
Gundgathol and drove out King Thorgallin Stoneborn
and his people from their ancestral home. Wartok The Lost Kingdom of Dwarrow takes its name from the
and his duergar solidified their hold on the city, but once mighty dwarven realm of Gundgathol beneath
Dworgrim, their god, demanded the Stoneborn suffer the Eternal Mountains. The dwarves still claim dominion
further indignity. Above all, Dworgrim demands the over this land despite their forced exodus to Hamelet.
duergar find and desecrate the Forge of Creation,
Thaneduhr’s sacred temple, and the resting place of Apart from the Free City of Threshold and the town of
the Hammer of Dwarvish Lords. Hamelet, the region is sparsely populated. Threshold
only looks inward to rebuild the city from a siege of
Battered and nearly broken, King Thorgallin Stoneborn giants and orcs a few years ago, and most of the
fled. He led his people, and the remnants of their noble peripheral towns and villages of the Northern Reaches,
houses, south out of the mountains. They sought shelter are, essentially, on their own. There are no minor
in the human trade settlement of Hamelet, along the settlements in Dwarrow as they cannot be protected from
River Isenduin. roving orc warbands. Groups of Valdghar barbarians,
some friendly and some not, migrate into and out of the
250 years have passed since the exodus from northern portion of the region. The northmen are hardy
Gundgathol. Monsters from the underdark have and can hold their own against monstrous warbands.
entered, and formed lairs within, the dark dwarven
complex. Orcs and worse have passed through the Generally, the climate of the region is cold and summers
doors of the sacred mountains. The majesty and are brief (8 weeks). Frigid arctic winds and snow during
grandeur of Gundgathol is gone, replaced by shadow winter, at times, can close travel north of the southern
and evil. The people of the Northern Reaches refer to edge of the Eternal Mountains to all but the hardiest
the half-drowned dungeon as...Dwarrowdeep. rangers, druids, and barbarians.

the black moons in the year 249 this stone memorializes the heroism
Hamelet maintains a key trade relationship with GEOGRAPHY
Threshold but is quite isolated otherwise. Normally,
caravan routes to the Free City are closed briefly during 1. The Ford of the River Isenduin
each winter due to snow. Cold weather equipment is
required most of the year. The Ford of the River Isenduin is a key strategic location
in the Northern Reaches. In order to command, defend,
The regional hex map (p.12) provides a geographical and facilitate trade in the region, the Free City of
overview of the Lost Kingdom of Dwarrow. Each hex Threshold must control the road and the river-crossing.
represents approximately 5 miles. This map uses the The ford represents a lifeline to civilization in the frontier
rough guideline that a human can march a maximum darkness of the realm. The ford road is the only direct
of 18-20 miles a day (in 8 hours) given the nature of the connection between Threshold and the Principality of
wilderness terrain. The trails are considered “rough” for Brine in the west and the sleepy villages of the Duchy
travel purposes. Caravan wagons move about 15 miles of Aerik.
a day and unencumbered horses about 30 miles per
day on trails. Movement off caravan routes would be The proximity of the ford to Threshold further reaffirms
reduced and subject to weather conditions. its strategic and defensive importance. Some years ago,
a horde of orcs, goblins, and hill giants from the Black
The Lost Kingdom of Dwarrow Marching Table (p.13) Peaks attacked Threshold and nearly destroyed the city.
approximates the distances between the villages, Prior to the main assault, the evil monsters feint attacked
towns, and key sites. In addition, for every hex traveled Threshold via the Ford of the River Isenduin to draw
by caravan the Referee should roll 1d6 with a result forces away from the city. The Order of the Crimson
of 1 indicating that a wagon has broken a wheel (or Cross, St. Ygg’s elite force of paladins, alongside a
sustained road damage of some sort) and must be company of spearmen, were dispatched to hold the
repaired or abandoned along the trail. ford. A pitched battle took place in which the paladins,
vastly outnumbered, held their ground. Sadly, many of
HISTORY, SOCIAL, their number, including Knight-Commander Ser Alistair
AND ECONOMIC STRUCTURE Broadblade of the Red Bannermen, was slain.

The Kingdom of Dwarrow was a rich territory long A single standing stone located at the ford immortalizes
before the arrival of humans. Thaneduhr provided the battle and points in the direction to the
precious gemstones and metals, including mithril, deep aforementioned territories.
in the Eternal Mountains. The dwarves worked and
shaped these resources into great wealth. The arrival 2. The Pass of Algol
of humans and the founding of Threshold, and later
Hamelet, allowed both races to prosper. The Pass of Algol connects the Principality of Brine
with the Free City of Threshold and the Lost Kingdom
The dwarves built their economic, political, and cultural of Dwarrow. The route through the pass is crucial for
prosperity on a foundation of stone - the hereditary trade with the people of Brine. The pass cuts along
kingship of House Stoneborn. Although many lives a narrow ravine in the Shieldwall Mountains. Both
were lost in the exodus, and many remain missing, the sides are dotted with caves and home to monstrous
Gundgathol dwarves are steadfast in their loyalty to humanoids like kobolds, goblins, and bugbears. They
their king. They rebuilt their world and way of life, as either demand tribute or ambush caravans traveling
best they could, in Durnagald. The dwarves believe they through the pass. There is always work for caravan
will retake their sacred homeland once they possess guards on the route to Brine. The pass is closed during
sufficient numbers and resources. the winter months.

As noted earlier, the town appears as an oddity - an 3. The Shieldwall Mountains

aboveground dwarven stronghold. The dwarves have
colonized and taken possession of Durnagald, much The Shieldwall Mountains are a long mountain range
to the chagrin of the human population and leading extending approximately 30 miles to the southwest of
town ealdormen. The dwarves have little regard for the Threshold. The Shieldwall demarcates the Duchy of
ealdorman of Hamelet and only invite them to Council Aerik to the south and the Principality of Brine to the
of Seven meetings to placate and maintain good trade north.
relationships with authorities in Threshold.

of my cousin thordur ironforge, son of thordurin iii, who charged the
The Shieldwall Mountains are of strategic importance 7. The Dread-Ford
to Threshold. The Pass of Algol is the only caravan
route through the wilderness to ensure trade with The Dread-Ford is located about five miles southwest
the Principality of Brine. The mountain range is also of Hamelet. A trail extends southeast of the ford and
important to ensure monsters cannot use the cover of winds its way between the Kertle and Dreadwood
the Shieldwall to threaten the city from the north. The city Forests. The path continues along the western edge of
guard are often stretched too thin and do not possess the Dreadwood to the ruins of an ancient motte and
the manpower to conduct proper reconnaissance of the bailey castle. A less-traveled path leads south from the
mountains. Merchants hire their own guards if they wish castle through the Black Peaks via the Pass of Black
to traverse the Pass of Algol. Large avian predators like Arrows. From spring to fall, orc warbands ambush
giant hawks and terrordactyls nest in the mountains. caravans traveling between Hamelet and Threshold
near the Dread-Ford. The orcs descend from the Black
4. The Free City of Threshold Peaks and use the Dreadwood as cover. Orc patrols
travel in single file to hide their numbers.
See entry in Towns and Villages.

5. Kertle Forest 8. Hamelet/Durnagald

See entry in Towns and Villages.
The Kertle Forest runs east, south of the River Isenduin,
and is approximately 20 miles in breadth and depth. 9. The Ruins of Dreadwood Motte
The wood is bracketed to the west by the Coal Hills
and to the south by the Black Peaks. A tribe of goblins Once a stalwart defensive structure in the early history
descend from the Black Peaks each year in force and of the Northern Reaches, Dreadwood Motte is a
occupy the hills for summer raiding. They attack both shadow of its former glory. The keep once belonged
miners and loggers alike. Some say a dark spell hangs to Ser Rodarick Erminemantle. Erminemantle was a
upon the wood, corrupting the trees and tainting the knight of repute but was slain by a horde of orcs from
ground. Giant bats nest in the darkest corners of the the Black Peaks. Great Oor-Uks put his villagers to the
forest. Some say the goblins tame and ride the bats. sword and fired his keep. As a third son of nobility Ser
Rodarick would not inherit, instead, he made his fortune
6. The River Isenduin in jousting and tournaments prior to these pursuits
being banned in his homeland. He then migrated and
The River Isenduin and its tributaries dominate the settled in the Northern Reaches. He took his surname
geography of the Northern Reaches from the northeast from a poem written about him:
to the southwest. The exact source of the broad,
majestic river is unknown. Some speculate the source Listen gentles, while I tell
is a glacier far to the north. Others say the river stems How this knight of fortune fell
from a sacred spring circled with stones and tended by Lands or vineyards he had none
mysterious druids of the Valdghar. Jousts and war his living won
Rust the shield and falchion hid
Beginning in the north, the Isenduin winds its way Joust and tourney were forbid
southwest towards Threshold and, eventually, turns All his means of living gone
south just before it reaches the Duchy of Aerik. A large Ermine mantle he had none
branch of the Isenduin, the Moorwash River, feeds the
bog known as the Barrowmoor and then drains via the The ruins of Dreadwood Motte are located in a vale
Merisc and Blackwater rivers beyond the marsh. below the mountain range known as the Black Peaks.
The motte is an ancient and derelict structure. The
The Isenduin is broad and deep in most places, although ruins consist primarily of a central stone tower and
there are fords and bridges where men, horses, and broken wall sections. The earthen embankments are
wagons can pass. The fords are well known. Both barely noticeable. The site remains contested terrain
men and monsters alike know the importance of these to this day between the inhabitants of Hamelet/
locations and are often the site of skirmishes, ambushes, Durnagald and orc warbands from the Black Peaks.
and battles. The best known is called the Ford-of-the- Erminemantle’s sons, sent to Threshold for their knightly
River Isenduin. The other crossings have variant names, apprenticeships, were spared the slaughter. Some say
like the Dread-Ford, or the Old Dwarf Bridge, based catacombs beneath the ruins conceal secret crypts.
on locale. Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #1.

pikes of the black orcs at the battle of the lonely stones ku-
10. The Dreadwood Forest 14. The Ruins of Kaer-Khelek
The Dreadwood extends north and east of Kertle The dwarves named Kaer-Khelek (Translation: Fortress-
Forest. The wood is bracketed on its northern border along-the-Water) for its proximity to the picturesque
by the River Isenduin and the south by the eastern edge vale of Loch Rannock to the immediate southeast. Also
of the Black Peaks. called East Gate, Kaer-Khelek is located along the far
eastern edge of the city of Gundgathol and the Eternal
Giant spiders lair deep within the forest and the trees Mountains. The dwarves built the kaer, or stronghold,
are covered in thick spider webs. Foolish souls venture around the mouth of an ancient cave opening into the
into the wood to harvest spider silk. The material, for mountains. The doors to Kaer-Khelek have been open
the few who return, makes excellent rope and unique for centuries and tribes of monstrous humanoids and
garments for a handsome profit. worse have entered and made lairs in Dwarrowdeep.
A hidden path near the doorway leads up a precarious
11. The Pass of Black Arrows trail through the mountains to the Citadel of Sleet (High
Gate). Beyond the citadel the trail continues north and
The Pass of Black Arrows is fraught with danger. There then descends near the Frost Gate, the northernmost
are other, seldom-trodden pathways through the peaks, entrance into Gundgathol.
but these are known only to the tribes of orcs, ogres, and
hill giants that inhabit the mountains. These monstrous 15. Loch Rannock
humanoids occupy an ancient stone fortress mid-way
through the pass. Some say an intricate network of Loch Rannock is breathtaking to behold. The loch
caves extends from the fortress deep into the mountains glistens and gleams at the base of a stunning and
and into the underdark. South of the pass is a vast picturesque mountain vale at the eastern edge of the
barren wasteland called The Forbidden Zone and the Eternal Mountains. Immediately to the west, the white
ruins of ancient Archaia. peaks of the mountains rise dramatically into the sky.
To the north, the dense alpine forest of the Everwinter
12. The Vale of Bones Wood stretches north for miles on end, and, to the east,
a broad steppe continues as far as the eye can see.
The Vale of Bones is a vast plain mixed with low rolling Between the northern edge of the loch and the forest,
hills. The vale is named after an ancient battle of a large single standing stone juts up from the ground.
antiquity that took place between the armies of dwarves In the center of the stone is the symbol of House
and men against a goblin horde. Losses were so heavy Broadshield (a shield with warhammer over a chevron).
both armies were crippled and forced to withdraw from Around the symbol is the inscription, “I, Jori, of House
the field. Broadshield, stood alone and withheld the Red-Eye
Orcs to protect my kin. I slew 21 before Geddinthor
The remains of the dead sank in the boggy lowlands. called me home.” The first dwarven player character to
Now the skeletal remains of the battle rest in a thin layer leave an offering will receive a Bless for the remainder
of peat-coloured water and mud. To this day tomb- of the day. This happens only once.
robbers scour the site hoping to unearth the remains
of a skeleton bearing coins or precious treasure. In the 16. The Eternal Mountains (Thaneduhr’s Throne)
dark of night, undead are said to haunt the battlefield.
Alongside the Barrowmoor, the Great Salt Reach, and
13. The King’s Gate (The Doors of Dalgeddin) The Forbidden Zone, the Eternal Mountains are one
of the largest geographical features of the Northern
Despite their ruined and derelict appearance, the Reaches. The dwarves of Gundgathol also refer to the
Doors of Dalgeddin are still a majestic sight to behold. mountains as Thaneduhr’s Throne - for the immortal
King Dalgeddin Stoneborn, one of the early Stoneborn god who created them in the heart of the mountain.
kings to rule Gundgathol, stands immortalized in stone The range is massive and spans approximately 35
over three hundred feet tall. miles in length and 40 miles in width. The mountains
are inhabited by monsters adapted to the cold and high
All those who wish entry into the Eternal Mountains must elevation like yeti, ice toads, remorhaz, and frost giants.
pass under his watchful gaze. The Doors of Dalgeddin, These creatures lair in the innumerable caves and crags
also called the King’s Gate, or South Gate, provide the hidden in the mountain peaks. Even an ancient, huge,
southernmost point of entry into Dwarrowdeep. white dragon has been seen on the wing above the

lain etched this stone in memory of kulnir cobblestone, my father
17. Galduhr’s Gate 21. The Frost Gate
The Doors of Galduhr, also called Galduhr’s Gate, rest The Frost Gate, so named due to its perpetual exposure
at the end of the Valley of Woe. The dwarves named to winter storms, is the only entrance to Gundgathol
this entrance after the warrior and architect Galduhr along the northern edge of the Eternal Mountains. The
who fought with two mighty hand axes. The dwarven Frost Gate is connected to Kaer-Khelek and Citadel
exodus from Gundgathol took place primarily from Sleet via a perilous mountain trail. The doors are
the Doors of Dalgeddin, but some escaped through shut and can only be opened by uttering the secret
Galduhr’s Gate. To ensure the safe exodus of their kin, password. A large group of dwarves were cut off from
the remaining warriors sealed the doors and held a escape to the south during the attack of the duergar.
heroic last stand against an overwhelming number of They fled to this gate, but never escaped. They were
orcs. Many were caught inside and killed or captured. killed or enslaved.
The doors have not been opened in 250 years.
22. The Forgotten Stairway of Kalbandur
18. The Valley of Woe
The Forgotten Stairway of Kalbandur is a treacherous
The dwarves renamed this vale the Valley of Woe stone staircase that winds several hundred feet
after they fled Gundgathol. The beaten and retreating above ground along the western edge of the Eternal
warriors made a final stand at Galduhr’s Gate against Mountains.
the invading horde of orcs to ensure their wives and
children escaped. Thereafter, the dwarves only mention Long ago, the dwarves crafted a broad stone staircase
the valley with great melancholy. Some say there are from the Doors of Kalbandur, located at the top of the
crypts from the earliest days of Gundgathol hidden in stairway, down to the eastern edge of the Fargone
the walls of the vale. The doors of these crypts are so Forest. However, after the dwarven exodus the
masterfully crafted, that only the ancestral stone sense staircase collapsed and was never replaced. Instead,
of a dwarf can reveal their presence. someone (or something) cut rough-hewn stairs into
the mountainside. The stairway is slick, vertical in the
19. The Henge of the Heavens extreme (rising at a 75-degree angle) and bombarded
with perilous wind and weather.
The Henge of the Heavens is located in a secret vale at
the top of the Eternal Mountains. The henge consists of In addition, giant bald eagles soar above the
a dozen twelve-foot-tall stones. The stones are twelve western edge of the mountains and nest in the rocky
inches thick and have sharply angled tops. In the center outcroppings above the Doors of Kalbandur. The stone
of the ring is a broad, crude stone altar. Sages believe doors are weathered but inlaid with mithril. In the light
a Valdghar barbarian tribe worshipped at this site and of the moon they will reveal, with a faint white radiance,
made sacrifices under the double moon eclipse that the following inscription in Ancient Dwarvish (see the
marks the night sky during the summer and winter Dwarrowdeep Character Sheet for more information):
solstice. The two moons are called Twyr and Rheada
(Ray-da), the former is slightly larger and higher and is Atop the stair, where eagles soar
known as the “Father” while Rheada sits lower in the Rests Kalbandur’s forgotten door
night sky and is known as the “Mother” (p. 30). The entrance to our mountain hame
Is hidden in the ancient frame
20. The Citadel of Sleet
23. Loch Stenness
The Citadel of Sleet, also known as the High Gate
of Gund-Felek (Translation: Hall of Stone) is the Loch Stenness sits deep within the heart of the Fargone
only dwarven structure that stands atop the Eternal Forest. The loch is both long and broad. The loch is
Mountains. The citadel takes its name, in part, from the spring-fed and perpetually cold. A large burial mound
perpetual winter storms that pummel the tower at high ringed with standing stones is located on an island at
elevation. The tower is unique. It is the only surface its center. Nothing is known about the mound but its
entrance that provides access to the lowest levels of grandeur suggests a status burial from ancient antiquity.
Gundgathol (called Gund-Felek). After the fall of the The Black Teeth gnolls claim the forest and do not allow
city, a white dragon, Glacialicles Frigidarium, broke trespassers into their sacred hunting ground.
into the citadel and made a lair inside it.

in the year 34, gorgrom, blood of falgorm, became lord of house
24. The Black Teeth Gnoll Encampment 28. Everwinter Wood
The Black Teeth are a tribe of vicious gnolls. The The Everwinter is an alpine forest that extends about 45
gnolls have adapted to their northern environment and miles north from Loch Rannock and is 25 miles wide
possess shaggy coats of white, gray, and black that at its broadest point. The forest possesses two unique
are striking to behold and provide superlative natural locations: the Glass Pool of Zinn and the Ninestane
camouflage in the dark snowy forest. The tribe are Henge. The trees of this forest are ancient. They are
renowned for their skill as archers and possess huge tall and broad. Little sunlight penetrates through the
longbows built to match their terrifying height and canopy even on the brightest of days.
strength. The Black Teeth consider the Fargone Forest
their ancestral hunting ground and attack intruders, A small tribe of wood elves lives in the forest. The tribe
such as those along Trovik’s Trail or lumberjacks from hunts the orcs that desecrate the wood and migrate
the Principality of Brine. Warriors of the Black Teeth into, and out of, Kaer-Khelek and Gundgathol. The
possess the skill of rangers and keep both wolves, and elves shun humans. Some say their chieftain rides a
the occasional dire wolf, for protection. They are led by great shaggy unicorn stallion (p.253).
a great warrior-chieftain over seven feet tall.
29. The Ninestane Henge
25. The Fargone Forest
The Henge of Nine Stanes, also called the Ninestane
The Fargone Forest is a northern pinewood. The forest Henge, is located in a secret grove deep in the
marks the border between the Principality of Brine and Everwinter Wood. The stones are inscribed but well-
the Lost Kingdom of Dwarrow. The eastern edge of the worn. A long-plundered burial tomb stand in the center
forest is home to an encampment of gnolls who call of the stones (p. 10).
their tribe the Black Teeth. The forest is said to contain
numerous hidden burial mounds long overgrown Locals claim the magic of the grove attracts northern
with grass and trees. To the inexpert, the mounds are unicorns during the double-lunar eclipse. The henge
indistinguishable from the hills and dales of the forest provides a means of teleportation to other hengegates
landscape. across the Northern Reaches, for those who possess the
knowledge to activate them. The god Odin led Skuld
26. Trovik’s Trail the Cleric to the henge to shepherd the cyclopsmen
when they first appeared in the realm (p.24).
Trovik’s Trail is a shortcut from the territory known as the
Lost Kingdom of Dwarrow, through the Fargone Forest, 30. The Glass Pool of Zinn
to the Principality of Brine. The trail begins near the
Stonefrost Cairn and ends at the Henge of Lost Souls. A frozen lake, with the appearance of glass, is hidden
Trovik’s Trail is perilous. The gnolls of the Black Teeth deep in the Everwinter Wood. At the edge of the lake, a
attack trespassers in their territory and take captives as blue stone tower stands frozen in time. Locals tell a tale
slaves. of an evil sorceress, who, bound by magic, was forced
to live in the tower until her death. Upon her demise,
27. The Stonefrost Cairn she summoned all her power and laid a curse upon
the land. Since that time, the Tower of Zinn remains
The Stonefrost Cairn is a large stone-covered burial untouched. Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #2.
mound surrounded by eight standing stones. The
cairn is marked by a thick round stone door and the 31. The Frozenfar
ring of stones measures 150 feet at its widest point.
The Stonefrost Cairn is an ancient landmark in the The Frozenfar is a vast desolate steppe beyond the
region. The cairn signals the beginning of Trovik’s Trail northern-most forests and mountain ranges of the
west through the Fargone Forest. A tribe of Valdghar Northern Reaches. The Valdghar barbarians are the
barbarians migrated each spring from the Frozenfar to only humans who possess the survival skills and ability
worship at the site but have not returned for several to traverse the remote Frozenfar. Many of their sacred
seasons. Local lore suggests a powerful tribal shaman burial mounds and stones are located deep in the
was buried in the mound and that his ghost rises with barren landscape. The barbarians speak of a great
the bi-annual eclipse of the double-moons during the glacier many leagues beyond the northern edge of the
summer and winter solstice. The stones are aligned Frozenfar.
astrologically, and the mouth of the cairn faces east.

hammerhand i dondur carved these runes this runestone cele-


Dread- Pass of Free Ford of Forgotten
King’s Kaer- Dread- Pass of Stonefrost
Locations Hamelet wood Black City of the River Stairs of
Gate Khelek Ford Algol Cairn
Motte Arrows Threshold Isenduin Kalbandur

Hamelet - 6h/15 8h/20 2h/5 8h/20 14h/35 12h/30 18h/45 22h/55 22h/55 28h/70
King's Gate 6h/15 - 14h/35 6h/15 20h/50 24h/60 18h/45 22h/55 26h/65 32h/80 34h/85
8h/20 14h/35 - 10h/25 20h/50 26h/65 20h/50 26h/65 30h/75 32h/80 38h/95
Dread-Ford 2h/5 6h/15 10h/25 - 8h/20 12h/30 10h/25 16h/40 20h/50 20h/50 26h/65

8h/20 20h/50 20h/50 8h/20 - 4h/10 18h/45 24h/60 26h/65 28h/70 34h/85

Pass of
Black 14h/35 24h/60 26h/65 12h/30 4h/10 - 22h/55 28h/70 30h/75 32h/80 38h/95
Free City of
12h/30 18h/45 20h/50 10h/25 18h/45 22h/55 - 4h/10 6h/15 10h/25 16h/40
Ford of
the River 18h/45 22h/55 26h/65 16h/40 24h/60 28h/70 4h/10 - 10h/25 16h/40 22h/55
Pass of
22h/55 26h/65 30h/75 20h/50 26h/65 30h/75 6h/15 10h/25 - 16h/40 26h/65
22h/55 32h/80 32h/80 20h/50 28h/70 32h/80 10h/25 16h/40 16h/40 - 8h/20
Stairs of 28h/70 34h/85 38h/95 26h/65 34h/85 38h/95 16h/40 22h/55 26h/65 8h/20 -

RELIGION, FAITH, AND THE GODS The town of Hamelet, given its proximity to, and
influence from, Threshold, has adopted the Futurus,
The Ancient Ones, called the Anganach in the Northern for the most part. However, many still remember the
Reaches, represent the elder gods. prayers and sacred ceremonies of their forebears.
Some return, quietly, to the family burial graves and
Some believe they pre-existed in the forests, swamps, mounds of their ancestors. They offer prayers and leave
and streams of the land – like Silvanus (Green Man), sacrifices to Silvanus, Valdghar, or Herne, during the
Herne the Hunter, Zuul, or Valdghar. Others believe the summer and winter solstice. There are numerous faces
first nomadic humans brought their gods with them. No of Green Man carved into the trees along the edge of
one knows for certain. the Kertle and Dreadwood forests that have stood for
With the founding and growth of Threshold, new
religions migrated into the Northern Reaches. These Beyond the Anganach and the Futurus, there are tales
faiths are called the New Gods or the Futurus. of other foreign religions, like Odin, slowly making their
way into the remote Northern Reaches. The Referee
The church of St. Ygg has been the most aggressive can add other deities subject to needs of the campaign.
in establishing itself in Threshold and the Prelacy of
Middenmark. The church has been less successful in
more peripheral, and more traditional, regions like the
Principality of Brine and the Duchy of Aerik. The clerics
of St. Ygg are dismissive of the Ancient Ones and
position them as heathen, backward, and descendant.

brates the birth of bamlin tunneltrue, grandson of bamghar, in the
Deities in the Lost Kingdom Denara (Pecuna)
of Dwarrow Demi-Goddess of Wealth, Bureaucracy, Trade
Lawful Neutral
Arcantryl (Magus) Symbol: Unbalanced scales of trade
Goddess of Magic
Lawful Neutral Denara’s sphere includes the areas
Symbol: Star within a star of trade, wealth, and administration.
Her followers include entrepreneurs,
Arcantryl, a Futurus deity, derives traders, merchants, bureaucrats,
her power from knowledge of the and the wealthy. Denara, a deity of
universe and existence. She believes the Futurus, believes in the judicious
in understanding the structure of the treatment of wealth, the hierarchical
cosmos and harnessing and bending distribution of capital, and lawful
that knowledge to express magical organization of trade and trade agreements.
energy. Instead of branching out
immediately to the smaller villages of Dhurindain (Kibil-Khazad)
the Northern Reaches, the clerics of Arcantryl focused Dwarven Demi-God of Mountains
on developing followers in the larger centers. These Neutral (Good)
include the city of Threshold, Eastdale in the Prelacy of Symbol: Three mountains
Middenmark, and to a lesser degree, Ironguard Motte
in the Duchy of Aerik. Those who wish to offer prayer, Dhurindain, the demi-god of the
or leave a sacrifice, do so at a small statue located mountains and their secrets, serves
near the Seer’s Shack in Hamelet. as the patron of dwarven miners,
architects, and craftsmen. Miners
Crom (Cromm Cruach) and clerics of the Secret-Keeper
God of Strength and Battle often claim they found the tendrils
Chaotic Good of Dhurindain’s beard when they
Symbol: Silver crown over a mountain happen upon a vein of gold or
mithril deep in the earth. Followers
Crom, or Crom Cruach, is worshipped of Dhurindain believe earth and stone are sacred. They
largely by warriors, mercenaries, and believe that carelessness with the wealth of the earth
frontiersmen. Crom, an Anganach will anger Dhurindain. Unlike Geddinthor, Dhurindain
deity, is considered grim and gloomy. never speaks directly to his followers. Instead, the
He prizes feats of strength, valour, Secret-Keeper communicates through signs and
and daring in battle. He rarely symbols hidden in the earth and stone that require his
answers prayers. Instead, he prefers followers’ active observation to decipher. The dwarven
to watch resilient and resourceful people attribute their innate stone-sense to the blessing
warriors blaze their own path to glory. His followers use of Dhurindain. Clerics of the Secret-Keeper typically
his name as a blessing, a curse, or in astonishment. wield hammers as their primary weapon.

Crom’s symbol is a crown atop a great mountain. The Dworgrim (Narag-Khazad)

crown represents his position as the greatest of warriors. God of Gray Dwarves
His followers, upon death, must climb Crom’s great Lawful Evil
mountain and stand in judgment before him. If they Symbol: Bearded skull
have been cowardly, or fled in the face of battle, Crom
will laugh at them and cast them out. However, if a Dworgrim, the god of the duergar,
warrior has been stout of heart and died well, he will be was one of the first great warriors of
welcomed into the afterlife. Crom is often depicted as Gundgathol. Also called the Gray
a barbarian with black hair and blue eyes. Warriors of One or the Outcast, Dworgrim
Crom prefer the battle axe, hand axe, broadsword, and offered no quarter in battle, kept
spear. Warriors of Crom beat their weapons against slaves (forbidden in dwarven society),
their shields before battle in the hope of drawing his and advocated a xenophobic
attention to their heroic deeds. ethnocentrism among the dwarven
people. Upon his death, his descendants formed a cult
based on his ideals and worshipped him in secret.

year 582 i kaldun caved these runes hamrak, grandson of bragrak
In the blackness of the underdark, the exiles of House Silvanus the Green Man (Viridis Voltus)
Stoneborn, forsaken and cursed by Thaneduhr, God of Nature and the Balance
whispered prayers to Dworgrim – and he answered. Neutral
Dworgrim is the sole deity of the duergar and rules their Symbol: Face of leaves
society by rewarding cruelty and malice. He forbids the
worship of familial ancestors. Silvanus is an ancient deity. As
one of the Anganach, Silvanus’
Geddinthor (Baruk-Khazad) faith arrived with the first human
Dwarven Demi-God of War settlements. His religion has been
Neutral Good largely, but not exclusively, replaced
Symbol: Battle-axe by the worship of St. Ygg. Silvanus,
also called Green Man, oversees the
Geddinthor, the Lord of Battle, is the balance in nature: law and chaos,
demi-god of dwarven warriors. All light and dark, growth and decay, life and death. For
dwarven warriors know the stories generations rangers and druids looked to Silvanus for
and sagas of Geddinthor’s courage guidance and protection. Faces of Silvanus have been
and bravery. Dwarven sages believe carved into trees and rocks for centuries in the region.
it was Geddinthor who taught the Tales say good fortune befalls those who chance upon
dwarves to defeat mighty frost giants his face in the wild.
and the tactics necessary to stand
against overwhelming orc hordes with fewer numbers. St. Ygg (Veridicus)
It is said Geddinthor wields a double-bladed battle God of Righteousness
axe and sings praises to Thaneduhr as he wades into Lawful Good
combat. Geddinthor prizes weapon skill, training, Symbol: Red cross on a white field
and valor amongst his followers. Dwarven clerics of
Geddinthor may use the hand or battle axe. St. Ygg is the deity of righteousness
and light. St. Ygg, a god of the
Thaneduhr (Uzbad-Khazad) Futurus, believes in the highest moral
Dwarven God of Creation standards. He is sanctimonious and
Lawful Good has an indignant temper with those
Symbol: A crown over an anvil who fail to see the just nature of his
actions. The faith of St. Ygg is the most
Thaneduhr, the All-Father, is the well-known of the new organized
creator of the dwarven race. The religions in the Northern Reaches. Like Arcantryl, the
dwarves believe he shaped the first faith of St. Ygg is based in Threshold and emanates
seven noble families from stone, outwards to the more distant corners of the realm.
deep in the Eternal Mountains with Recently, authorities in Threshold seeded the Prelacy
a famous relic - the Hammer of of Middenmark, located south of the Lost Kingdom of
Dwarvish Lords. The All-Father taught Dwarrow, to the faith of St. Ygg to bring the region
the dwarves the skills of mining, under control. St. Ygg’s followers include clerics and
forgecraft, architecture, and warfare. Thaneduhr’s a small group of paladins known as the Order of the
symbol is a crown over an anvil, representing his status Crimson Cross. The Red Bannermen, as they are also
as the king of dwarves and the forge as their birthplace. called, are based in Threshold, not far removed from
The demi-gods Geddinthor (War) and Dhurindain Hamelet. Paladins are rare in the Northern Reaches.
(Mountains) serve Thaneduhr. Clerics of the All-
Father wield hammers as their primary melee weapon.
Thaneduhr is associated with the number seven.

silverfist, engraved this stone in worship to thaneduhr this stone
Odin One-Eye
God of Wisdom and Warfare
Neutral Good
Symbol: An eye

The cult of Odin is little known among

the people of the Northern Reaches.
Sages say Odin gouged out his eye
and offered it as a sacrifice in return
for cosmic knowledge and wisdom.
Odin has many names, and, subject
to the people who worship him, is
called Woden, Ofnir, or Grimnir.

Odin possesses a massive great spear called Gungnir

and lives in his great hall in Valhalla. He is sometimes
accompanied by his two ravens Hugin and Munin
and rides through the stars on his eight-legged steed

Under Skuld the Cleric, a tribe of cyclopsmen in Hamelet

worship Odin exclusively as their patron deity. All clerics THE LOST KINGDOM OF DWARROW:
of Odin sacrifice an eye as part of their acceptance into TOWNS AND VILLAGES
the faith. Some say Odin gifts his clerics with new forms
of sight (or insight) in return for the sacrifice. Odin is Threshold (City)
associated with the number nine.
Population: 25,021
Alignment: Any (Lawful Good and Lawful Neutral)
Demographics: Any (primarily human)
Political Structure: Hereditary Kingship
Industry and Trade: Financial, Political, and Trade
Capital of the Northern Reaches

Threshold is the capital of the Northern Reaches. Five

years ago, the city was attacked by a horde of monsters
from the Black Peaks. The army included orcs, goblins,
and giants who nearly leveled the city and destroyed
most of the stone fortifications. The warriors of
Threshold, alongside support from the high clerics and
wizards, barely repelled the army. Currently, only about
half the city is habitable. The other half was destroyed
and remains under construction.

Hamelet (Durnagald)
Population: 4,598
Alignment: Lawful Good and Lawful Neutral
Demographics: Dwarves and Humans; Cyclopsmen
Political Structure: Mixed (Ealdormen appointed
by authorities in Threshold in association with the
Hereditary Kingship of the Gundgathol dwarves)
Industry and Trade: Iron Goods, Iron Ore, Fish,
Honey, Sack Mead, Agriculture (Wheat, Oats), Lumber,
Livestock (Sheep and Pigs)

marks the life of hambuin silverhand, master blacksmith huldock,
Hamelet is located along the northern banks of the Slowly, as small communities grew into villages and
river Isenduin about 30 miles northeast of Threshold. towns, Baeldaeg evolved and remained an important
Hamelet began as a small trade settlement, close to the cultural celebration. The celebration is practiced
banks of the river, designed to support the exchange of primarily by the human population, but the dwarves
iron goods between the fledgling city and Gundgathol. have warmed to the festivities over time.

The population of the village was almost exclusively Baeldaeg begins with Cuthgaert, the Senior
human for generations until the exodus of the dwarves Ealdorman. He leads a procession through the village
from the mountains. Within a few short years, the to a massive pyre built in the town-square. All those
dwarves colonized and remade the sleepy village. living in the town place an offering of some type on the
The dwarves rarely refer to the town as Hamelet. They pyre. Sacrificial offerings are given to one’s ancestors
renamed the town Dur-Nagald (Last Hearth) which the but also to the gods. They include items like an oak
humans corrupt to Durnagald. branch for Silvanus, a cross or broach of St. Ygg, coins
for Denara, or weapons for Crom.
They began by replacing the simple defensive
embankments with stone towers and battlements. The procession is followed by feats of strength such
They built a large stone temple to Thaneduhr, called as axe throwing, archery contests, and anvil carrying.
The Great Forge, which is now the centerpiece of the The activities culminate with animal baits and the ritual
settlement. From the temple, the dwarves oversee the shedding of blood. Animal baiting typically includes
administration of the town and trade. The temple is bears and bulls. However, in some instances, baits also
also the spiritual center of the dwarves. The cultural include owlbears and other captured monsters.
center, and the next largest structure, is the Meadhall
of Geddinthor where the dwarves gather for drink With the setting of the sun, and the rise of the double
and song and to praise the Father of Battle. Large moons, the pyre is set ablaze to coincide with the eclipse.
gatherings of the noble houses, called moots, also take Prayers are offered as their sacrificial items burn away
place in the hall. and float up into the night sky as tiny embers. Most pray
for good weather, a bountiful harvest, health, fertility,
Today, Hamelet/Durnagald consists largely of humans or for success in battle. This is followed by feasting and
and Gundgathol dwarves. The humans are normally merry-making.
settlers, transients, farmers, traders, a few acculturated
barbarians, and adventurers. The next sizeable As directed by their leader Skuld, the Cleric of Odin, the
population includes 81 male cyclopsmen. A few cyclopsmen believe the celebration to be a profoundly
halflings (called “Pecks” in the Northern Reaches) and sacred. She preaches the sacred symbolism of Odin’s
half-elves also make their home in the town. Elves in two eyes (the double moons) closing to one eye during
Hamelet are normally adventurers or travellers passing the eclipse that deeply resonates with the cyclopsmen.
through on their way to/from Threshold. The cyclopsmen do not take part in the feasting (they
can only consume raw meat) or alcohol consumption
Baeldaeg (Pyre Day) (poison) during Baeldaeg. However, they can consume
clotted cream which provides the same intoxicating
Hamelet celebrates Baeldaeg or Pyre Day twice a year effect. Skuld forbids its consumption.
on Midsummer’s Eve and the Winter Solstice. These two
events correspond to the eclipse of the double-moons
that are such a prominent feature of the night’s sky.

The origins of Baeldaeg begin in the years after the

arrival of the first humans. The first settlers found
spiritual significance in the pre-existing burial mounds
and standing stones dotted across the ancient
landscape. They noticed some of these earthworks and
monuments aligned with cycle of the sun, moon, and
stars. They began repurposing the monuments to bury
their dead and gathered at these sacred locations to
worship their ancestors and acknowledge the passing
of the agrarian cycle.

etched this stone in honour of my ancestor braedock in the year
PLACES OF NOTE: HAMELET 3. The Stonecutter’s Guild
1. The Slovenly Trull (Tavern and Inn) Angarr Tunneltrue, a master stonemason, and
Uldram Broadbeam, a master architect, oversee the
The Slovenly Trull is one of Hamelet’s oldest structures. Stonecutter’s Guild. On behalf of their respective
Located by the western gate, The Slovenly Trull is well- houses, they work together to facilitate local construction
situated for merchants arriving from Threshold and is and conduct local mining operations.
also close to The King’s Jewel and The Meadhall of
Geddinthor. One such operation, an iron mine approximately 10
miles to the east in the Dreadwood Forest, is critical
Algar, a seedy looking man with a large noise, operates to the dwarves and their production of iron goods.
the tavern and works as the bartender. He employs The small mining camp extracts the ore which is then
Jalla, a human woman with long braided blonde hair, transported via mule to the Isenduin River directly to
Lug a cyclopsman, and two young dwarves, Gethek the north. The dwarves then load a barge operated by
and Dundrall of House Cobblestone, as servers. the men of the town, who sail it downriver to Hamelet.

The tavern teems with activity and the sound of tin Angarr and Uldram are concerned. Orc warbands
whistles and bodhrans can often be heard as one enjoys harass the operation and slow production, particularly
a drink and a blether at the end of a long day. Tavern in the spring and summer.
patrons consist primarily of humans, as the dwarves
tend to prefer the meadhall. However, there are always Any new building or construction project in town must be
dwarves seeking good company or conducting business approved by the guild. The guild employs cyclopsmen
in The Trull. to work alongside the dwarves. Both dwarves have
admiration (no small compliment for a dwarf) for the
Consult The Slovenly Trull Random Patron Generator strength and masonry of the cyclopsmen.
for exact details (p.278). Referees should roll this chart
multiple times in advance of play. The prices of food, 4. Martok’s Market and Trade Goods
drink, provisions, and lodging are commensurate with
those found in any core rulebook. The specialty is A two-storey building located near the western entrance
called Sack Mead which is made with more honey and to the town, Martok’s Market and Trade Goods is
is therefore denser and stronger in alcohol content. the primary hub for incoming and outgoing goods.
Incoming goods are normally received by caravan
2. The King’s Jewel (Jeweler/Moneylender) from Threshold. Outgoing goods, typically iron ore
and finished iron products are typically transported by
Master Jeweller Duras Longbeard, of House barge downriver to Threshold in the summer months.
Longbeard, is the proprietor of The King’s Jewel. Martok ensures trade flows through his ledgers – on
Duras comes from a long ancestral line of Gundgathol behalf of the Council of Seven and the Ealdormen of
jewelers. He is perhaps the most highly skilled lapidary Hamelet. Martok skims profit from most transactions.
in the Northern Reaches and, in his youth, was a skilled
thief and fighter. His shop can provide 85% of most items in the equipment
listed in any rulebook. Anything not available he can
Duras is old by dwarven standards and has three acquire in a week. Martok works with Weapon Master
young dwarven apprentices, Haldal, Oric, and Falbrig, Grewl Hammerhand, of The Company of the Axe, to
of House Longbeard, in his shop. Above the doorway ensure he has a constant source of guards for his barges
hangs the three-mountain holy symbol of Dhurindain. and caravans. In addition to goods, Martok provides
transport of important persons (at triple normal rates).
Duras can provide appraisal, banking, and lending Martok always has a half-dozen canaries in cages in his
services for a fee. He has an affinity for rare gems shop (a fond reminder of his childhood in Gundgathol).
and dwarven antiquities, especially runestones, from
Gundgathol. 5. The Seer’s Shack
He will pay an additional 15% beyond listed gold piece The Ancient Seer, as he is called, is the only resident
value for any gemstone or jewelry worth in excess of human magic-user in Hamelet. Villagers speak of him
2,000gp from Gundgathol. Duras normally charges in hushed tones and the dwarves and cyclopsmen
10% on all transactions. outright avoid him. His shack is a small hut filled with

944 may this stone stand in recognition of the siege of three hills in

strange arcane symbols and bones hanging on strings time and full payment in advance. In addition, Garduul
from the ceiling. In the center is a firepit that vents can also craft Half Plate mail armour (AC: 4, Price:
through a hole in roof. 275gp) with three weeks’ notice.

Player Characters can consult the Seer regarding 7. The Iron Anvil (Blacksmith)
matters arcane. The Seer is particularly adept at
identifying items related to magic-users and illusionists, The Iron Anvil provides iron goods for Durnagald,
which he will do for a fee. The fee is determined by Threshold, and the surrounding area. Like the Black
average party level (Level 1: 100gp, Level 2: 500gp, Breastplate and the Golden Axe, the Iron Anvil also
Level 3: 1,000gp, Level 4: 2,000gp, Level 5: 3,000gp). serves as a means of apprenticeship for the young
The Seer is incorrect 15% of the time. He will never dwarves of House Ironforge. Under the expert tutelage
sell magic items or write scrolls for player characters. of Andrax Ironforge, the dwarves can produce iron
He will buy arcane spellbooks and scrolls. He has no goods listed in any core rulebook but also can forge
expertise with dwarven runestones. custom dungeoneering equipment as well. He also sells
sledgehammers (5gp).
6. The Black Breastplate (Armourer)
8. The Great Forge of Thaneduhr
The sound of hammers striking metal can be heard
long before you enter the Black Breastplate. The Black Dedicated to the dwarven All-Father, The Great
Breastplate is operated by Master Armourer Garduul Forge is an impressive two-storey stone temple. The
Ironforge. Garduul employs several young apprentices: double doors of the temple are made from wood and
three dwarves (Karnir, Georin, Dunli) and two humans reinforced with iron and decorated in the dwarven
(Aldrick and Malkin). style of geometric relief. The symbol of Thaneduhr is
carved above the entrance. The temple doors open
Garduul normally has dwarf-sized suits of mail on- to a magnificent central chamber lined with pillars.
hand, up-to-and-including chainmail. Platemail must An anvil-shaped altar stands before a great statue of
be custom fitted and requires a month of construction Thaneduhr, bracketed by smaller statues of Geddinthor
the year 625 this stone marks the opening of the copper mine dedi-
and Dhurindain. Long tapestries hang on the walls of the The weaponsmith is concerned with the quality of the
temple and depict the creation of the dwarves and their iron ore raw material he receives from the nearby
noble houses. House Stoneborn designed the temple dwarven mine. From time to time, he receives shipments
to remind the dwarves of their sacred homeland under that are totally unsuitable for smelting. He is unaware
the mountains. The Great Forge inspires reverence for that Cuthgaert, the Senior-Ealdorman of Hamelet, has
dwarven art, stonecraft, and architecture. been corrupting the ore.

The temple is the religious and political center of the New Weapon Damage Cost
Gundgathol dwarves. All dwarven clerics in Durnagald, Warhammer 1d6 3gp
regardless of faith, are educated and barracked within
Spiked Warhammer* 1d6 15gp
the temple. From within the walls of the Great Forge,
the clerics oversee all major religious activities and Great Hammer** 1d8 6gp
ceremonies of the Gundgathol dwarves. Since the Hand Axe 1d6 3gp
exodus from Gundgathol, the dwarven clergy have Battle Axe** 1d8 6gp
been without a supreme high priest. Called a High
Old One, the supreme high priest oversees each of Broadsword 1d6+1 8gp
the three faiths who are, in turn, led by an Old One, or Mace 1d6 3gp
high priest of Thaneduhr, Dhurindain, and Geddinthor, Great Mace** 1d8 6gp
respectively. Halgdrin Stoneborn, High Priest of
Thaneduhr, unofficially assumes the mantle of High Seax Knife*** 1d4+1 8gp
Old One (see Dwarven Clerics for more information). In
addition, the temple is also the seat of King Thorgallin *Blunt or a piercing weapon. Useable by clerics.
and House Stoneborn.
**Two-handed weapon.
The temple is surrounded by forges, including The Iron
Anvil, The Golden Axe, and The Black Breastplate. The ***-1 when used as a thrown weapon.
ringing of hammers, the stoking of fires, and the smell
of smoke, fills the air around the great structure. The 10. The Company of the Axe (Mercenary Guild)
dwarves, given their respect for the cyclopsmen, allow
the worship of Odin One-Eye in the Great Forge – a The Mercenary guild in Durnagald does a brisk trade.
great and rare honour. The clerics will perform auguries Grewl Hammerhand, the Guildmaster, works closely
and healing services for dwarves (standard fee) and an with Martok, the purveyor of trade goods and supplies
additional 10% for non-dwarves. in town. Given the orc warbands, guarding caravan
routes, and protecting the iron mining camp, Grewl
9. The Golden Axe (Weaponsmith) and Martok require a constant supply of mercenaries.

The Golden Axe is known as the finest weaponsmithy In addition to the recruitment and training of
in the realm. Gilius specializes in dwarven weapons, mercenaries, Grewl, along with other select warriors
including variations of the warhammer and the axe. of House Hammerhand, oversee the required martial
training of all the Gundgathol dwarves in town. They
He is particularly well-known for his craftsmanship of also organize and train the local militia (humans,
the dwarven seax knife. A seax knife is a dagger-like cyclopsmen, and others) in Durnagald. Martial training
weapon with a single edge. The blade varies from the is compulsory for all those living in Hamelet.
dagger in its length and breadth – normally 2-2.5 inches
wide and 12 inches long. The seax knife is particularly Use Meatshields: The Classic Fantasy Hireling
well-adapted for tunnel fighting and does slightly more and Henchman Generator available at www.
damage than a common dagger. Dwarves commonly to determine the availability of
carry a seax knife on their belt. mercenaries. Adjust the results so that 2/3s of all
available results are dwarves or dwarven fighters.
Gilius also specializes in broadswords for both dwarves
and men. The blade of a broadsword is wider and
stouter than a longsword. The broadsword, hand axe,
and spear are the preferred weapons in the Northern
Reaches. Player Characters can commission Gilius to
craft specialized weapons, given time and coin.

cated to my ancestor bragdram in the year 720 broannic cut these
11. The Meadhall of Geddinthor Ironforge with knowledge of metalworking. They were
given the answer to the riddle of steel. To House
The Meadhall of Geddinthor is a large rectangular Hammerhand he bestowed the skills of warfare to
wooden hall. Devoted to Geddinthor, the dwarven god protect the dwarven people. Thaneduhr gifted House
of battle, the meadhall is one of the largest structures Tunneltrue with knowledge of mining and to House
in Durnagald. The crossbeams above the entrance Broadbeam knowledge of architecture. The All-Father
are carved with ornate dwarven geometric knotwork. blessed House Longbeard with the skills to shape gems
They depict two dragon heads that intertwine above mined from the earth and he gave House Cobblestone
the apex of the hall. A large iron pot hangs over a the responsibility of service to the other houses.
broad rectangular hearth from the 18-foot ceiling in
the center of the meadhall. Long tables and benches The seven noble houses, each with their own divine
provide seating on either side. At the back, sits a large knowledge and wisdom, serve as the foundation of
throne with six smaller seats (three on either side) for the dwarven society. The houses, from the ruling Stoneborns
king and the lords of the other noble houses. The walls to the Cobblestones, view their role in the larger
are decorated with the shields of the noble families and structure as sacred. By pursuing their mandate, they
their constituent clans. simultaneously fulfill their sacred duty to Thaneduhr,
strengthen their race and house, and reaffirm their
The meadhall is, at once, both a religious temple and community. The dwarves, for example, view the miners
a social center. Certain days of the week are devoted of House Tunneltrue as highly honourable and their
exclusively to religious observance, other days are profession as both sacred and dangerous.
devoted to drinking and merry-making, and still other
days are devoted to meetings of the noble houses. Although the social organization of the Gundgathol
dwarves might look, at first, to be highly structured,
Led by Old One Khalg the Wise, Blood of Khaldaggan each house is considered the authority in their own
“Orc-Slayer” Hammerhand, High Priest of Geddinthor, sphere of knowledge. When a new mine needs to
the clerics of Geddinthor organize and maintain the be excavated, House Tunneltrue speaks the final
strict schedule of the meadhall based on their religious word. When new construction takes place, House
doctrine. The clerics anoint young dwarven warriors, Broadbeam makes the final decision. The cumulative
mark marital advancements in rank, and oversee generational and occupational knowledge and skill
burial rites for fallen warriors. In addition to these within each house results in the most skilled craftsmen
important communal matters, the clerics of Geddinthor and artisans (armourers, blacksmiths, weaponsmiths,
encourage the dwarven people to celebrate their gods miners, builders, etc.) in the realm.
and ancestors in saga and song. They also supervise
the brewing of the sack mead served in the hall and Exceptions to this caste-based system exist. House
The Slovenly Trull. Hammerhand, for example, boasts the most skilled
dwarven warriors. For the benefit and protection of
dwarven society, House Hammerhand oversees the
THE GUNDGATHOL DWARVES: martial training of all Gundgathol dwarves. House
NOBLE HOUSES, KIN, AND CULTURE Stoneborn, relying on their wisdom, oversees the
intellectual and ecclesiastical training of all cleric-
The Gundgathol dwarves structure their society on a initiates in their society.
hierarchical caste-system that is, simultaneously, both
religious and secular. The dwarves divide their society The Council of Seven maintains peace between the
into seven ancestral houses based on divine right houses. The council consists of the Stoneborn King
monarchy. House Stoneborn rule in concert with the and the lords of the other six noble houses. Despite
six other noble houses. These houses, in descending the clear hierarchical structure reinforced by religious
order, include: Ironforge, Hammerhand, Tunneltrue, belief, infighting exists between them. The Council of
Broadbeam, Longbeard, and Cobblestone. Each house Seven serves to advise the king, maintain peace in
is comprised of smaller families and sub-clans. dwarven society, resolve disagreements, and to ensure
collective purpose. House Hammerhand, the most
The dwarves base their hierarchical caste-structure on proud, fierce, and war-like of the noble houses, often
the order of their creation, but also on the blessings disregard the collective will of the council if they deem
placed upon the first seven dwarves by the All-Father. their actions in the best interest of the dwarven race. The
Thaneduhr blessed the first Stoneborn with the wisdom Old Ones (the three highest ranking dwarven clerics
to rule through knowledge of runes. He blessed House of Thaneduhr, Geddinthor, and Dhurindain) serve as

runes in memory of duric greathammer who died at the battle of
advisors to the council. For reasons that are unclear to Dwarves are often entombed with their wealth. This
the priesthood, Thaneduhr has not selected a High Old burial rite serves as a symbolic return of their body and
One since the dwarves abandoned Gundgathol...or so possessions back to the earth and stone.
the story is told.
Above all, dwarves value their ancestry. Dwarves
Each individual noble house contains a Council of Three can recite the ancestral lineage of their house for
that serves their lord in the same fashion. A Council of generations. They retell the stories and sagas of their
Three typically consists of the house lord, their highest- ancestors and incorporate their lineage into their given
ranking cleric, and the house’s finest warrior. A seat on names. Dwarves pray to their gods, but they also pray
one’s house council is a great honour. to their ancestors. They return to the sacred tombs
of their forebears and in these hallowed spaces pray
THE DWARVEN WORLDVIEW to their ancestors for wisdom and guidance. These
ritual observances reaffirm dwarven family bonds,
The dwarven worldview is informed by thousands of years acknowledge the importance of their ancestral lineage,
of hardship and toil. Unlike surface dwellers, dwarves and reinforce their core spiritual beliefs. Due to their
are often isolated. Their collective siege-mentality has intimate knowledge of the past, dwarves are a fiercely
been essential to their survival. Dwarves look first to proud race and are competitive with other noble
themselves, and, as a result, prefer the presence of houses. They sing their own praises and celebrate the
other dwarves. Dwarves believe in the strength of their accomplishments of their houses, families, and kin.
kin and have very high morale in the company of other
dwarves. Some possess an overt xenophobia toward Dwarves in the Northern Reaches reproduce very
other races. Dwarves are normally slow to trust humans slowly. They have a lower birth rate due to their long
and have a profound distrust of elves. lifespans (normally about 450 years). Also, dwarven
male-to-female birth ratio is disproportionate to other
Dwarves are a passionate and tenacious people. demi-humans. The male-to-female reproductive ratio
This tenacity extends to every aspect of their life. They among the Gundgathol dwarves is 3-to-1. Relatively
are fierce warriors and meticulous craftsmen. They few dwarves possess the opportunity to marry and
are persistent and diligent – a reflection of their long relatively few dwarves are born. Both of these social
lifespans. They are also vengeful and possess an events, especially a new birth, are cause for great
indignant anger when wronged. Dwarves have been celebration among dwarvenkind. Death, especially on
known to carry grudges for generations. a large scale, is sometimes impossible for a community
of dwarves to overcome. Dwarves are brave, but also
Dwarves are also highly pragmatic. This pragmatism prudent and judicious with the lives of their kin. They
extends not only to their daily life, but also to their cultural, never cast life aside needlessly.
architectural, and artistic forms of expression. Dwarven
pragmatism is a source of their short-temperedness. Dwarven Names
Dwarves believe strongly in their way. Their methods
have been tested by time and the wisdom of generations. Given their deep relationship with the past, dwarves
Dwarves do not suffer fools and quickly grow impatient honour their patrilineal ancestors by passing on their
when they see an obvious solution to a problem that names to subsequent generations. Dwarven names
others are slow to recognize. Their pragmatism further consist of first names, house names, and ancestral
extends to their sense of humour. Dwarves possess a names. Forenames are derived from male prefixes
dark wit. Their blunt humour emphasizes sarcasm and and suffixes. For example, male forenames within a
irony to highlight the obvious. single-family group might include Dorin, Doringar,
Dorindaggan, Dorduhr, or Daggandor, all of House
Some suggest that dwarves are materialistic in Broadbeam.
comparison to other races. This perspective lacks
cultural context. Dwarves view themselves as extensions Given the similarity of forename, and the uniformity
of the earth, in the same way that precious metals or of house name, nicknames are common in dwarven
gemstones are also extensions of the earth. To mine culture. Dwarves derive nicknames from sources like
and craft these materials into gleaming weapons or occupations, physical characteristics, or heroic deeds.
jewelry, is to care for the sacred bounty provided by Examples might include “Armstrong,” “Big Nose,” or
Thaneduhr and Dhurindain. “Blood Hands.”

the little round cairn alloc carved this stone in glory to the an-
Ancestral lineage also plays an important role in Dwarven Clerics
dwarven naming customs. If a dwarf has a historically
significant forebear, he may attach “Son of” and/or Clerics are revered in dwarven culture. Very few
“Grandson of” after his name. Dwarves use “Blood of” dwarves possess the ability to wield divine magic. The
to refer to kinship beyond two generations. However, young dwarves who possess such gifts cut across all
there are exceptions. The dwarves of House Stoneborn, lines of house-affiliation, social class, and education.
given their divine right ancestry, will normally list both The priesthood identifies potential apprentices at a
generations and their blood relationship to Thaneduhr. young age. Due to the unbalanced birthrate, female
For example, “Thordak, Son of Prince Thordain, clerics exist but are rare in dwarven society.
Grandson of King Thorgallin Stoneborn, Blood of
Thaneduhr.” Dwarves without a heralded patrilineage Dwarven clerics must serve a series of three
simply note their birth location. apprenticeships, often into early middle age. Their
initial apprenticeship begins with House Stoneborn and
Dwarven Beards includes literacy in multiple languages and intellectual
education in the history and culture of their race. Young
Beards serve as a symbol of both individual, group, and acolytes then branch to a second apprenticeship specific
racial identity in dwarven culture. How a dwarf trims, to the faith of Thaneduhr, Geddinthor, or Dhurindain,
braids, knots, or styles his beard can communicate with House Ironforge, Hammerhand, or Tunneltrue,
age, house affiliation, religious affiliation, occupation, respectively. A third apprenticeship concludes with
or social status. These differences, as social signifiers, specialization to a third noble house, based on the
are barely noticed by humans but are central to desires of the priest and the needs of the faith. By the
communication and social interaction among dwarves. end of their three apprenticeships, a dwarven cleric
could be a philosopher, war-leader, and weaponsmith,
A beard, for a dwarf, serves as a masculine status or a historian, miner, and jeweller. Dwarven clerics
display. There are two important considerations for are then assigned to one of the seven noble houses
dwarves: beard length and maintenance. A long beard to provide service and council. In time, they could be
communicates age and wisdom, and a well-maintained promoted either to a Council of Three to advise their
beard communicates honour and integrity. In this house lord or promoted within the faith of their specific
context, a long but unkempt beard speaks poorly, priesthood. Due to their cross-apprenticeships between
whereas a well-groomed short beard might suggest the noble houses they are often called to negotiate
self-discipline and social station. disagreements. Clerics are the cement that binds
dwarven culture together.
Dwarves are practical, if anything, and allow for unique
circumstances and occupations in beard maintenance. Due to their rare ability to harness divine magic,
Dwarves acknowledge that those conducting the sacred and their advanced and lengthy training, dwarven
work of Thaneduhr, like blacksmiths, weaponsmiths, clerics are held in high esteem because they are
and armourers, or those mining in the pits, will fashion physical manifestations of faith. They are the curators
their beards in a functional way reflective of their of knowledge and a conduit to the gods in dwarven
vocations. These vocations are often associated with culture. Their presence reminds the dwarven people
specific noble families like House Ironforge or House why they exist. Clerics remind the dwarven people they
Tunneltrue. The warriors of House Hammerhand style remain connected to their ancestors and what awaits
their beards in a manner consistent with warriors. The them in the afterlife. Dwarven clerics are, at once,
rulers of House Stoneborn, and the craftsmen and priests, warriors, intellectuals, historians, peacekeepers,
merchants of House Longbeard, typically present the diplomats, and elders. Due to their scarcity, extensive
most well-groomed and decorated beards. training, and role in dwarven society, the death of a
cleric is a devastating loss to a community.
High days and holy days provide all dwarves with
opportunities for social display and require additional The faiths of Thaneduhr, Geddinthor, and Dhurindain
beard grooming and attention. In addition to beard are the foundation and organization of dwarven
styling, dwarves decorate their beards with beard rings religion. An Old One, or high priest, leads each sect.
and beads. These embellishments can be as simple In an unknown and mysterious ceremony, Thaneduhr
as coloured glass or made of precious metals. Beard chooses and bestows the mantle of High Old One on
beads are often inscribed with runes and others are one of the three high priests. The High Old One is the
encrusted with small jewels. Some beads are magical. worthiest of the three high priest candidates and leads
the combined faith during his or her lifetime. Ancient

cestors of house ironforge this runestone marks the anniversary
texts reveal that Thaneduhr once granted a strange
lich-like petrification to his most devout High Old One The next morning Skuld awoke to the cries of two
in a time of great peril for the dwarven people. ravens. She packed her belongings and followed
them through the wilderness. Her journey lasted
Gundgathol Dwarves: Common Vernacular many months. At last, Skuld stood at the edge of
a great alpine forest - the Everwinter Wood. She
The dwarves possess vernacular that speaks to their knew she was close. As she moved deeper and
culture and values. The list below provides a starting deeper into the forest, she saw the ravens circling
point for Referees to role-play dwarves: an ancient henge. They landed on its tallest stones.
The sign was clear. Odin’s ravens led her to this
Slang Phrase or Term Meaning
place - she had arrived at the vision in her dreams.
“A poor mason blames his
Get it done/No excuses
tools” As Skuld approached, the sky turned dark above
“Never bring a spellbook to an Use the right tool for the standing stones. Lightning flashed - once,
axe fight” the job twice, and a third time. Again, lightning flashed
a fourth, fifth, and sixth time. Yet again, lightning
“No bottle” or “Without stone” Cannot hold your mead flashed a seventh and an eighth time. When the
sky filled with lightning a ninth time, the earth
“Sassenach” Not a dwarf/Outsider
shook and Skuld fell to her knees. A great flash of
“Ye ken?” Do you understand? light exploded in the center of the henge. Before
“By my beard” Astonishment her stood a large host of strange men the cleric
“Bearin” A child
had never seen before. They were tall, and strong,
and fair - with one central eye. One eye? It was yet
“A few hairs short of a beard” Not wise or intelligent another sign. In all, four score and one appeared
in the flash.
“You forge with the ancestors” A job well done
Who were these men? Where in the nine worlds
“As useful as a quicksilver did they come from? Skuld knew her purpose.
Utterly useless She was sent by Odin to guide and protect these
“I spit on your ancestors” A grievous insult strange outlanders. They were her flock and she
would shepherd them. The cyclopsmen beheld
“You [anything] like an elf” A humorous indignity Skuld, who sacrificed both eyes to Odin and yet
could see, and immediately recognized her as a
The Mead Oath mystic-chieftain. Only male cyclopsmen passed
through the Ninestane Henge.
The dwarves of Gundgathol collectively recite a war-
oath before battle. The oath is an affirmation to their
kin and an intimidation tactic. As they stand together Skuld led them through the wilderness to the town of
in the shieldwall, the dwarves exclaim as loudly as they Hamelet. With her leadership, and the word of Odin,
can: the cyclopsmen acclimatized quickly. Cyclopsmen are
superstitious and highly spiritual. They seek omens
“I swear before you that I shall fight to the death for my in their daily life, especially eyes or shapes related to
King. If my King or my Lord falls, I will take his place circles, and are fearful of magic and wizards. Skuld
and fight to the end. This is my duty and my vow. I make used their superstitious nature to her advantage.
this sacred oath here - before my gods, my kin, and my
King. This I swear.” [Beat Shields and War Cry!] The cyclopsmen adapted quickly to the dwarven-
influenced culture of Hamelet/Durnagald. Cyclopsmen
Skuld and the Cyclopsmen rarely speak. They are physically strong and hard-
working. The one-eyed men are natural craftsmen,
Just a few years ago, Skuld, a Cleric of Odin, particularly of stone. They are intensely loyal and believe,
migrated to the Northern Reaches from lands far when they do choose to speak, that their word is their
to the east. She came in search of a vision she bond. Given their racial and cultural similarities, the
received in a dream. In her vision she saw nine dwarves and the cyclopsmen acclimatized seamlessly.
standing stones nestled in a sacred alpine grove. In fact, the cyclopsmen relate better to the dwarves
than they do the human population of Hamelet.

of the battle of blackhold this stone celebrates the opening of

Old One Khalg Thorgallin Stoneborn Thordak Stoneborn

Hammerhand King of Dwarrow Princeling
Thordain Stoneborn Findlass Stoneborn
Prince of Dwarrow Queen of Dwarrow
Given her influence among the cyclopsmen, Skuld is The Personalities of Hamelet
a formidable figure in Hamelet’s culture, economics,
and politics. To the cyclopsmen, Skuld represents Thorgallin “Giant Bane” Stoneborn, Son of Thorrim,
both a spiritual leader, a military commander, and a Blood of Thaneduhr, Lord of Gundgathol, King of
matron. Skuld is adept at employing the symbolism of Dwarrow, Level 9 Dwarven Fighter, AL: LG, AC: -5
Odin to her best advantage to enthrall and encourage (Platemail +4 and Shield +3 of Fire Resistance), HP:
obedience in her one-eyed followers. In a few instances, 83, #AT: 3/2, DMG: Hand Axe +3 Dwarven Thrower
Skuld called the fyrd of cyclopsmen together to defend (1d6); S 17, I 14, W 14, D 11, C 16, Ch 16. Magic
the town against orc warbands from the Black Peaks. Items: Ring of House Stoneborn, Runestone of Free
Nothing was more intimidating, and terrifying, than a Movement, Runestone of Giant Strength.
company of armoured cyclopsmen ready for battle.
Thorgallin is old by dwarven standards. In his prime,
There are no female cyclopsmen. All four score and he was a fierce warrior and a sharp military tactician.
one are male. They cannot procreate. The cyclopsmen Thorgallin, as one of the older dwarves, remembers the
are doomed - and they know it. They carry an air of Golden Age of Gundgathol. He saved many lives in the
sadness about them. For Skuld, the loss of a single exodus from the mountains but lives with regret over the
cyclopsman in Hamelet is cause for great mourning. dwarves he failed to protect. The King of the Dwarves
The cyclopsmen have little memory of their previous oversaw the reimagining of Hamelet into the bustling and
existence. Based on her religious understanding of the thriving town of Durnagald as a haven for his people.
nine-world cosmos, Skuld has told them Jotunheim. Thorgallin is assertive and masculine. He possesses
a regal, commanding presence that strangers notice
Cyclopsmen and Common Vernacular immediately. He is judicious and practical because the
fate of his people rests in his hands. Thorgallin wears a
Cyclopsmen have difficulty communicating with other crown atop a long white beard, immaculately groomed
humanoids. They have no cultural context to translate with five braids. The king is accompanied by a personal
human metaphoric or hyperbolic communication. bodyguard of three dwarves (two fighters and a cleric
Cyclopsmen translate human communication literally (Levels 5-7)).
because they lack the ability to understand contextual
metaphors embedded in everyday slang. Findlass Stoneborn, Sister of Old One Halgdrin
Stoneborn, Queen of Dwarrow, Level 3 Dwarven
For example, cyclopsmen cannot translate phrases like Fighter, AL: LG, AC: 0 (Chainmail +2, Shield +1 and
“You dug yourself a hole,” or “Right over your head,” Dex), HP: 24, #AT: 1, DMG: Dagger +3 (1d4); S 14, I
or “He’s full of piss and vinegar.” Phrases like these 14, W 12, D 15, C 14, Ch 14. Magic Items: Runestone
would inspire literal responses or strange side-long of Shielding, Dust of Disappearance, Runestone of Proof
glances. Cyclopsmen require prolonged exposure to Against Poison.
humans before they can understand metaphorical
communication. Due to their inability to translate The Queen of the Dwarves is known for her stoic
metaphors, commanding physical presence, and demeanor. She is polite but desires to cut through social
shyness, humans often conclude that cyclopsmen are graces when matters of import require attention. Queen
simple-minded. Findlass is a pious and a devout follower of Thaneduhr.
She ends may of her sentences with phrases like “Praise

the gold mine dedicated to thaneduhr in the year 291 this runestone

Grewl Old One Gilius

Hammerhand Halgdrin Stoneborn Ironforge
Garduul Andrax
Ironforge Ironforge
be to Thaneduhr” or “Thaneduhr wills it.” She is highly for the orcs that plague the Dreadwood Forest and
skeptical of non-dwarves, especially elves and magic- attack caravan routes. Thordak is kind and less gruff
users. Given their slow birth-rate, the Queen is highly than his kin. He is generous with his people and often
protective of the dwarven people - all of them. Upon laughs at inappropriate things. His grandfather thinks
the birth of a new dwarven child, the Queen and the he spends too much time around humans.
clerics of Thaneduhr make a grand announcement
to the dwarven community in the center of town. She Old One Halgdrin Stoneborn, Blood of Braegal the
wears a crown over her bright brown hair. She braids Blackfist, High Priest of Thaneduhr, Level 9 Dwarven
her hair under her beard. Findlass is the sister of Old Cleric, AL: LG, AC: -4 (Platemail +3 and Shield +3),
One Halgdrin Stoneborn. HP: 61, #AT: 1, DMG: Warhammer +4 (1d6); S 13,
I 14, W 18, D 12, C 15, Ch 14. Spells (4/4/3/2/1):
Thordain, Son of King Thorgallin Stoneborn, Blood Command, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil, Light;
of Thaneduhr, Prince of Dwarrow, Level 5 Dwarven Augury, Know Alignment, Hold Person, Delay Poison;
Fighter, AL: NG, AC: 1 (Platemail +1 and Dex), HP: 48, Cure Blindness, Cure Disease, Prayer; Cure Serious
#AT: 1, DMG: Battle Axe +2 (1d8); S 15, I 12, W 9, D Wounds, Protection from Evil 10’ Radius; Flame Strike.
13, C 17, Ch 13. Magic Items: Scarab of Protection and Magic Items: Runestone of Wisdom and Figurine of
a Runestone of Heroism. Wondrous Power: Golden Lions.

Thordain is the son of King Thorgallin and Queen Halgdrin Stoneborn is a revered high priest or “Old
Findlass. Thordain is in early middle age. He is a One” of Thaneduhr. Halgdrin has wisdom and a
natural leader and self-confident. As his father has knowledge of the earth that few dwarves will ever
gotten older, the Prince of Dwarrow has slowly taken possess. The Old One of Thaneduhr is quiet. He
over duties in the field and has experience leading the prefers to listen than talk but when he speaks, all heed
dwarves of Durnagald. Thordain was young when the his council. Halgdrin is so revered among the dwarves
dwarves fled Gundgathol, and his only memories are that only the king would interrupt the high priest from
vague reflections of its great halls and the dark terror speaking, and then only rarely. Halgdrin is stately,
that pursued his family to the Doors of Dalgeddin. distinguished, and immaculately groomed. In truth,
Thordain is highly competitive and likes to wager on his he has done his best to lead his people spiritually, but
skills with axe and hammer in the Meadhall. he misses their world deep in the mountains. The Old
One is a veteran of many battles and a stout military
Thordak Stoneborn, Son of Prince Thordain, commander. He oversees the training of new dwarven
Grandson of King Thorgallin, Blood of Thaneduhr, clerics in the Temple of the Great Forge in Durnagald.
Level 3 Dwarven Fighter, AL: LG, AC: 1 (Chainmail +2
and Shield +1), HP: 28, #AT: 1, DMG: Hand Axe +1
(1d6); S 16, I 12, W 9, D 12, C 16, Ch 12. Magic Items:
Runestone of Healing.

Thordak is a young dwarf full of youthful exuberance

and idealism. He is courageous, almost to a fault.
He possesses little leadership experience and is often
frustrated with his duties and obligations in the town. He
would much rather be on patrol with his kin searching
marks the anniversary of the battle of the black pits i, banmor,

Cuthgaert Ancient Skuld

Senior Ealdorman Seer of Odin
Eadbhert Lug
Ealdorman One-Eye
Lug One-Eye, Level 3 Cyclopsman Fighter, AL: LG, Stonecutter and Guildmaster Angarr Tunneltrue,
AC: 7 (Leather and Dex), HP: 30, #AT: 1, DMG: Club Level 3 Dwarven Fighter/Level 2 Thief, AL: NG,
(1d6); S 17, I 9, W 9, D 13 C 18 Ch 12. AC: 4 (Leather +2 and Dex), HP: 22, #AT: 1 DMG:
Shortsword +1 (1d6); S 13, I 13, W 11, D 16, C 15 Ch
Lug is an oddity among the cyclopsmen - he enjoys 10. Thief Skills: PL 39, F/RT 35, PP 35, MS 35, CW 84,
being social. Cyclopsmen very rarely speak to HS 25, HN 1-3. Magic Items: Potion of ESP.
outsiders, preferring just to ignore them. Lug wanted
to be a warrior but took an arrow to the knee and has Angarr is a patient and religious dwarf. He believes that
a limp. Due to the injury, he found a different type of his occupation as a stonecutter is sacred to Thaneduhr.
work. He clears tables and carries casks of ale and By shaping and fitting stone, he fulfills Thaneduhr’s will
mead back and forth for Algar the proprietor of The for the dwarves on earth. Angarr is a master stonemason
Slovenly Trull. Like all cyclopsmen, Lug is an imposing and oversees the Stonecutter’s Guild alongside Uldram
physical specimen. He has a large commanding Broadbeam, merging the houses of the stonemasons
voice, is direct, observant, and has a deadpan sense with the architects. He has short, straight, black hair
of humour. Like most cyclopsmen, he still takes some shaved on the left side and decorated with a tattoo.
human communication literally which leads to a good He has brown eyes and rough skin. Angarr still prefers
jest with tavern patrons. Lug has a large balding head the ancient halls and corridors of Gundagathol and
with gigantic sideburns. He prays to Odin and follows feels ill-at-ease in open spaces. He likes finding direct
Skuld’s creeds and doctrines. solutions to problems.

Master Jeweller Duras Longbeard, Level 3 Dwarven Merchant-Master Martok Longbeard, Level 4
Thief, AL: NG, AC: 4 (Bracers of Defense AC8, Ring Dwarven Thief, AL: N, AC: 5 (Studded Leather +1 and
of Protection +2, and Dex), HP: 18, #AT: 1, DMG: Dex), HP: 22, #AT: 1, DMG: Shortsword +1 (1d6); S
Shortsword +1 (1d6); S 13, I 13, W 12, D 16, C 16, 10, I 13, W 12, D 15, C 13, Ch 12. Thief Skills: PL 38,
Ch 14. Thief Skills: PL 39, F/RT 35, PP 35, MS 35, CW F/RT 33, PP 37, MS 37, CW 80, HS 27, HN 1-3. Magic
84, HS 25, HN 1-3. Magic Items: Bag of Holding and Items: Runestone of Invisibility.
Runestone of Climbing.
Martok has a bald head and a long black beard.
Duras, of House Longbeard, is as human as dwarves As part of house Longbeard, Martok oversees trade,
come. He is more friendly, patient, and even-tempered broadly defined, between the dwarves and the humans
than his kin. By nature of their profession, as the of Hamelet and Threshold. Martok oversees a dozen
merchants of dwarven society, the Longbeards have young apprentices, five dwarves and a human, to
had more direct exposure to the humans and demi- record and index the substantial inflow and outflow of
humans of the Northern Reaches than other houses. trade goods. The axes, hammers, broadswords, and
The Longbeards have adapted to better facilitate trade shields produced by the dwarves of Gundgathol are
on behalf of their less-social kin. Due to their role acknowledged as the finest in the realm. For business
as merchants, House Longbeard is normally one of purposes, Martok keeps an open eye on the coming
the richest dwarven houses. His beard is impeccably and going of visitors, into and out of, Durnagald.
groomed and he never rushes his craft. Martok tends to be an excellent source of information
and gossip. Martok secretly worships his distant
ancestor Dworgrim - the God of the Gray Dwarves.

son of banur broadbeam, carved this stone in prayer to dhurin-
Ancient Seer, Level 6 Human Magic-User, AL: N, AC: Andrax is the master blacksmith of House Ironforge.
8 (Ring of Protection +2), HP: 17, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6 He apprentices three dwarves of his clan and two
(Quarterstaff +1); S 8, I 17, W 15, D 10, C 10, Ch 5. human boys. The latter he rescued after their family was
Spells (2/2/2): Burning Hands, Read Magic; Baltron’s massacred by orcs east of Durnagald. Andrax has a
Effusive Bloodboil, Galaxina’s Scintillating Spark Shower; grim face often covered in soot. He lost one of his ears
Lighting Bolt, Haste. Magic Items: Wand of Fear, Wand in battle. Despite the scars of war, he enjoys puns and
of Magic Missiles, Deck of Many Things, and a Potion dark humour. He is quite xenophobic of elves, whom he
Jug. refuses to trust, and yet is fascinated by elvish women
with golden blonde hair. Andrax, possesses station as
The Seer serves a purpose in the minds of the dwarven the master blacksmith among the dwarves, and yet is
nobles - he provides them access to arcane magic, modest about his skills and ability.
which, ultimately, serves the greater good of the dwarves
and the town. The Seer was tall in his youth. He has Master Weaponsmith Gilius Ironforge, Grandson of
lived many decades past a normal human lifespan and Gildrag “Greenhands” Ironforge, Level 4 Dwarven
his advanced age has taken its toll. His spine is bent, Fighter, AL: NG, AC: 3 (Chainmail +2), HP: 40, #AT:
and his face and hands are withered. He wears a black 1, DMG: Battle Axe +2 (1d8); S 15, I 9, W 11, D 11, C
hooded robe worn to tatters and, on a dark night, he 17, Ch 9. Magic Items: Runestone of Healing.
might be mistaken for a zombie. Despite rarely leaving
his shack, the Seer knows most of the local gossip in Like Andrax and Garduul Ironforge, Gilius holds
town. He tells villagers their future by palm-reading for a great position among the dwarves as their master
fee of 10gp. His sham prognostications are notoriously weaponsmith. Gilius is the grandson of Gildrag
incorrect. “Greenhands” Ironforge who, so it is told, broke both
his weapons in combat with goblins and resorted to
Master Armourer Garduul Ironforge, Blood of ripping them limb-from-limb with his bare hands,
Duulbrak “Great Shout” Ironforge, Level 5 Dwarven drenching himself in green blood. Andrax is a typical
Fighter, AL: LG, AC: -2 (Platemail +3 of Frost Resistance mountain dwarf. He is short-tempered, powerful, and
and Shield +1), HP: 42, #AT: 1, DMG: Warhammer +3 braggadocious. He has a battle axe tattoo on one
(1d6); S 16, I 9, W 11, D 9, C 16, Ch 13. Magic Items: forearm and a warhammer on the other. He is paranoid
Runestone of Heroism, Whetstone, and a Runestone of about the recent frequency of orc movement near
Extra-Healing. Gundgathol and believes they are planning to finish the
destruction of dwarvenkind. Gilius has a red beard tied
Garduul, of House Ironforge, is an imposing dwarf. in functional braids to facilitate his work at the forge.
He has a long battle-scar that stretches from his left
ear down his neck to his chest. He loves telling the Militia and Mercenary Guildmaster Grewl
story of how that particular battle ended - Garduul Hammerhand, Son of Groain “Gutboy” Hammerhand,
crushed both of the ogre’s kneecaps with his hammer. Level 7 Dwarven Fighter, AL: NG, AC: -2 (Platemail +2
Garduul is a master armourer, and he apprentices and Shield +2), HP: 61, #AT: 3/2, DMG: Warhammer
three young Ironforge dwarves in his shop. Garduul +3 (1d6); S 16, I 9, W 9, D 11, C 16, Ch 10. Magic
is so meticulous and skilled that the paladins of the Items: Runestone of Super-Heroism and Kalbandur’s
Red Bannermen insist he craft their ornate suits of full Runestone.
platemail. The master armourer has piercing blue eyes
and black hair, braided, and pulled back away from his Grewl of House Hammerhand is a thick-skinned,
face. He wears his beard in functional braids reflective big-headed, powerful, and imposing dwarven fighter.
of his occupation. Garduul personally teaches armour- Grewl is the son of the mighty “Gutboy” Hammerhand,
smithing to the dwarven clerics that apprentice with him, a dwarven warrior and adventurer of repute in the
from time to time. He is a strong and fierce warrior. Northern Reaches. Grewl is very traditional in his
Garduul is haunted by the loss of his homeland in beliefs. He is a master warrior and tactician. He oversees
Gundgathol. the combined dwarven-cyclopsmen-human militia. He
also trains youth in basic combat techniques for the
Master Blacksmith Andrax Ironforge, Level 5 Dwarven defense of the town. In concert with his militia activities,
Fighter, AL: LG, AC: 1 (Studded Leather +3, Shield Grewl also recruits, organizes, and oversees the local
+1 and Dex), HP: 42, #AT: 1, DMG: Warhammer +3 mercenary guild. Grewl has a mane of auburn hair. His
Dwarven Thrower (1d6); S 18, I 11, W 12, D 15, C 15, beard is tied in braids and decorated in beads adorned
Ch 11. Magic Items: Runestone of Giant Strength (Frost) with the symbol of Geddinthor. He has a battle scar
and Runestone of Good Luck (+1 on Saves). that crosses his cheek from eye to ear.

dain in the hope of children with my beloved wife thurla rothrar
Old One Khalg Hammerhand the Wise, Blood of the cyclopsmen while also expanding her faith. Every
Khaldaggan “Orc-Slayer,” High Priest of Geddinthor, morning she conducts a group-prayer at sunrise in the
Level 6 Dwarven Cleric, AL: NG, AC: 3 (Chainmail town center - when Odin opens his great eye upon the
+2), HP: 40, #AT: 1, DMG: Battle Axe +2 (1d8); S 15, I world. All the cyclopsmen and a few interested local
11, W 16, D 9, C 16, Ch 12. Spells (3/3/2): Command, villagers take part.
Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Evil; Bless, Spiritual
Hammer, Know Alignment; Prayer, Dispel Magic. Magic Lord Cuthgaert, Senior-Ealdorman of Hamelet, Level 0
Items: Runestone of Prayer and a Runestone of Magic Human, AL: N, AC: 9 (Family Signet Ring of Protection
Resistance (15%). +1), HP: 3, #AT: 1, DMG: Dagger (1d4); S 8, I 16, W
13, D 9, C 7, Ch 10.
Khalg Hammerhand, the Old One of Geddinthor,
has faithfully served the dwarves of Gundgathol for Authorities in Threshold established Cuthgaert as the
decades. Khalg is boisterous, generous, and well- Senior-Ealdorman of Hamelet. Cuthgaert was selected
groomed with a long brown beard braided in twain. due to his family’s noble status more than his ability to
lead. He is middle-aged. He carries the badge of office
Khalg will do anything for his people and is responsible but possesses little spine for the task.
for teaching young dwarven priests the art of war.
He has a battle axe, the holy symbol of Geddinthor, The dwarves of Gundgathol view him as feeble
tattooed on his forehead. and only tolerate him due to their prosperous trade
relationship with Threshold. The Lord of Hamelet is tall
Khalg is from a long line of famous dwarf warriors, but scrawny and weak. His hair is also thin, and his
most notably Khaldaggan “Orc-Slayer” Hammerhand skin is tinged yellow from chronic affliction. Despite
who turned the tides of war by charging through a his weaknesses he possesses a sharp political mind
shieldwall of black orcs to slay their chieftain, Uuglak and uses his intelligence to out-maneuver opponents.
Dwarf-Killer, and win the day. Khaldaggan’s Saga, Cuthgaert views the dwarves as a plague and holds
among many others, is often recited in the Meadhall them in contempt for overtaking “his” town.
of Geddinthor. Khalg will do anything to ensure the
survival of his people. The Senior-Ealdorman enlisted the Seer to concoct a
Potion of Corruption in secret. The potion, when poured
Skuld of Odin, Level 5 Human Cleric, AL: NG, AC: 4 over iron ore, renders the metal soft when forged.
(Studded Leather +1 and Shield +1), HP: 28, #AT: 1, Cuthgaert uses the potion periodically to confound the
DMG: Quarterstaff of Striking (1d6 with 26 Charges); S dwarves and slow production. He hopes to destroy the
14, I 15, W 16, D 10, C 11, Ch 15. Spells (3/2/1): Cure iron trade and force the dwarves out of Hamelet.
Light Wounds, Command, Protection from Evil; Hold
Person, Know Alignment; Cure Blindness. Magic Items: Cernwahl, Ealdorman of Hamelet, Level 0 Human,
Monk’s Habit and an enchanted holy symbol of Odin AL: LN, AC: 10 (None), HP: 2, #AT: 1, DMG: Dagger
that functions as a Scarab of Proof Against Fear. (1d4); S 10, I 13, W 10, D 10, C 9, Ch 12.

Skuld is a mysterious character. She is a priest of Odin Cernwahl is one of two Ealdormen who serve Lord
who migrated into the Northern Reaches from far to the Cuthgaert in the administration of Hamelet. Like
east. Skuld lost one eye as a child and then sacrificed Cuthgaert, Cernwahl received his position due to
her remaining eye to Odin when she became a cleric. the social status of his family. He sees the town as an
For her sacrifice, Odin blessed her with an enchanted utter backwater and has open contempt for dwarves.
one-eyed mask that allows her to see and provides her He serves as the tax collector in Hamelet. Cernwahl
darkvision of 30 feet. She is blind without the mask. adjusts the tax ledgers to his lord’s benefit and keeps a
portion for himself. He really wants to serve his term as
Skuld is not her given name. The cyclopsmen call her ealdorman and return to Threshold as soon as possible.
“Skuld” which roughly translates to “Future” in their
own language (but “Slave” in her dialect of common).
Skuld has presence and is a religious ideologue. She is
serious, solemn, pious, and when necessary, dramatic.
On parting, she always utters “Strength and Honour”
as a blessing to Odin. Skuld respects the strength and
warrior-mentality of the dwarves. She believes keeping
her flock in Hamelet allows her to maintain control of Eadbhert, Ealdorman of Hamelet, Level 0 Human,

carved this stone in honour of the ancestors of house broadbeam
AL: LN, AC: 10 (None), HP: 2, #AT: 1, DMG: Dagger Dwarrowdeep Random Rumour Table
(1d4); S 12, I 16, W 13, D 12, C 11, Ch 14.
Roll the Random Rumour Table 2 or 3 times for each
Eadbhert is young for an ealdorman. He carries out player character. Hirelings and Henchmen may also
the menial tasks that Cuthgaert and Cernwahl prefer know a rumour or two at the beginning of play, subject
to avoid. Despite his youth, Eadbhert is observant and to the Referee.
intelligent. He is aware of the illegal tax collection,
and the growing wealth of his betters, but remains
quiet. Eadbhert might make an excellent lord one Dwarves do not trust elves. They believe elves
day, if he was mentored properly in warfare and civil 1
can enchant and beguile them. The dwarves
call this power Aelf-Siden (under the charm of
administration - something he will not receive from an elf). (F)
either Cuthgaert or Cernwahl. He prays to St. Ygg.
Cyclopsmen can see their death before it
happens. (F)
Magic fills the air when the double-moon
3 eclipse is viewed at the Henge of the Heavens
Adventure Hooks: during the Summer Solstice. (T)
The following adventure hooks are provided to set 4
The crypts of the Erminemantle family below
Dreadwood Motte are haunted by a ghost. (T)
players within the game and begin play:
Recently, merchants have complained about the
The portents are aligned! Thorgallin Stoneborn, King 5 quality of the iron goods made by the dwarves.
of Dwarrow, wants to hire a group of adventurers to (T)
conduct a preliminary expedition into Dwarrowdeep. 6 The Ancient Seer can read your fortune. (F)
The reconnaissance mission will ascertain the state A Valdghar barbarian tribe once worshipped at
of the complex immediately beyond the Doors of 7 the Stonefrost Cairn. They have not returned for
Dalgeddin and report back to the Council of Seven. several summers. (T)
Old One Khalg Hammerhand, the High Priest of 8
Dwarves can “feel” the stone of Dwarrowdeep.
Do not enter Gundgathol without one. (T)
Geddinthor, is concerned. His nephew Khaldak
Hammerhand has not returned from patrol near Kaer- 9
There are many natural hazards in the dark
Khelek. Khaldak is young and ambitious. His uncle depths of Dwarrowdeep. Be prepared. (T)
fears the worst given the news of orcs massing in the 10 All rumours are true. (F)
vale nearby the kaer. He’ll provide a party with the
The Sacred Forge, the place where Thaneduhr
blessing of Geddinthor and pay 200gp for his safe 11 first created the dwarves - or so the myths say -
return. rests at the heart of Gundgathol. (T)
Eadbhert the Ealdorman of Hamelet claims there are 12
Runestones, sometimes look mundane, but can
catacombs beneath the ruins of Dreadwood Motte. be quite valuable. (T)
The ruins were once the seat of the legendary knight 13 Runestones can curse those who read them. (T)
Ser Rodarick Erminemantle. Eadbhert has made Kalbandur was a legendary dwarven warrior of
discreet inquiries to hire a band of stalwart adventurers 14
Gundgathol. He was named after his father. (T)
to explore and determine the state of the ruins.
The Eternal Mountains are known as
Thaneduhr’s Throne to the dwarves. (T)
Lug the Cyclopsman has overheard dark conversations
in The Slovenly Trull. A group of ruthless brigands called 16
The cyclopsmen have no distinct memory of
Regg’s Dregs had too much ale and mentioned their their origin. (T)
intent to ambush the next caravan heading south to Dwarves treat their clerics with deep reverence.
Threshold at the Dread Ford. Something must be done. 17
18 Cyclopsmen do not understand jokes. (T)
Master Jeweller Duras Longbeard needs the help of
brave explorers to find the hidden shrine of his ancestor 19
Dwarves communicate to each other through
Galduras Longbeard in Gundgathol. He’s offering their beards. (T)
200gp for the job. 20 Roll twice. Ignore doubles and 20.

forgrum had these runes cut in memory of multek stonebeard who
Section II: Dwarrowdeep Hex Map Dwarrowdeep Hex Map Entrances
Entrance Secondary Deep
This section provides an overview of the Dwarrowdeep
Name Name Name
Hex Map and the mechanics necessary to facilitate
subterranean travel. Doors of The King’s
A Upper Halls
Dalgeddin* (South) Gate
Dwarrowdeep is designed using a combined theme- B Kaer-Khelek* East Gate East Hall
based and random approach. These two approaches
are integrated into the hex map design. The themed Hall of the
C Galduhr’s Gate Gund-Baruk
areas include Entrances and Primary Encounter Areas. Axe
Both Entrances and Primary Encounter Areas are keyed Forgotten Stairs Kalbandur’s
D West Gate
and serve to ground the themes of the megadungeon. of Kalbandur Hall
The random areas include Passage Travel (Primary, Nurr’s
Secondary, and Secret Passages) and Secondary E The Frost Gate North Hall
(North) Gate
Encounter Areas.
Citadel of Sleet
F High Gate Hall of Stone
As you read through this section keep the / Gund-Felek
Dwarrowdeep Hex Map on hand as a reference.
*Open when the adventure begins.

Dwarrowdeep Hex Map Scale The Doors of Dalgeddin serve as the primary entrance
when the adventure begins. The King’s Gate is located
Overview along the southern edge of the Eternal Mountains close
to Hamelet.
The Dwarrowdeep Hex Map consists of one mile hexes.
The one mile hexes are contained within larger six mile The doors of Kaer-Khelek (Translation: Fortress-
hexes. Set within the Eternal Mountains, the ancient city along-the-Water) are also open at the outset of the
of Gundgathol represents a space approximately 45 adventure. The doors atop the Citadel of Sleet are
miles in both length and width. open but occupied by a white dragon. The remainder
of the entrances are closed and require either a key,
runestone, or a secret password to open.
The Dwarrowdeep Hex Map employs the six mile
hex instead of the five mile hex identified in the Lost
Kingdom of Dwarrow Regional Hex Map (Section
I). Communicating one mile hexes to players (rather
than .833) simplifies gameplay, map-making, and
communication at the table.

Dwarrowdeep Entrances
The Dwarrowdeep Hex Map identifies six entrances into
Gundgathol (marked A to F with a dwarven warrior
hellmouth). The entrances provide points of access and
egress from the dungeon. Not all points of entry are
open when the adventure begins. Each entrance serves
as a dungeon location with keyed entries.

died at the battle of the black sky thaneduhr blessed me with
Dwarrowdeep Encounter Areas of Dwarrowdeep and were constructed as roads lined
with dungeonstone.
There are two types of encounter areas in Dwarrowdeep:
Primary and Secondary. Primary passages are normally 20-50 feet high
(1d4+1x10) and 20-50 feet wide (1d4+1x10), although
Primary Encounter Areas this varies every hex. Within primary passages airflow
is adequate but gets thinner as one progresses deeper
The Dwarrowdeep Hex Map identifies seven Primary into the earth. Mules can normally find solid footing in
Encounter Areas. Primary Encounter Areas are themed primary passages. All primary passages have a barely
dungeon locations within the Gundgathol complex. perceptible downward slope (but not to a dwarf).
They are identified by the letter “P” and a thick outlined Some primary passages have sections with tracks
hex. Each Primary Encounter Area consists of keyed for mine carts. Most passage sections have periodic
dungeon rooms that are detailed in the sections that guardrooms.
follow. They Include:
Since the defeat of the Gundgathol dwarves, the
Dwarrowdeep Primary Encounter Areas duergar purposefully disrupted the primary passages
to deter any attempt to reclaim Dwarrowdeep in force.
P1 Lower Halls The duergar leave the Doors of Dalgeddin and Kaer-
P2 Glittering Caves Khelek open to allow orc tribes to conduct raids on the
P3 Dwarrowhame surface.
P4 Black Mines The dark forces of Dwarrowdeep have allowed the
P5 Forge of Creation once great halls and passageways to fall into disrepair.
Passages have overgrown with fungi and lichen, water
P6 Foundry drips or pours in from walls, cracks have opened in
P7 Mithril Lodes the floors, statues have been defaced or destroyed,
and ceilings have collapsed. The once awe-inspiring
primary passages are now just a dark shadow of their
Secondary Encounter Areas former glory.

Secondary Encounter Areas are randomly generated If a map is required for the purpose of combat or
locations identified with the letter “S” on the exploration while hexcrawling, the Referee should roll
Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. The process of creating these 1d10 and select the appropriate Random Primary
random dungeons is provided later in the book (p.212). Passage map at the end of the map section (p.234).
Secondary areas may be constructed of dungeonstone,
rough-hewn caverns, caves, or a combination of All primary passages are linked with bridges that span
different types. Referees will create encounter areas chasms, lakes, or rivers. The condition of bridges is
reflective of average party level. variable (see Bridges later in this chapter).

Dwarrowdeep Passage Types Secondary Passages

The Dwarrowdeep Hex Map depicts three different Dwarrowdeep is crossed-sected by innumerable
types of passages: Primary, Secondary, and Secret. secondary passages. Secondary passages are
represented by dashed lines on the Dwarrowdeep Hex
Primary Passages Map.

Primary passages are the main routes that connect Secondary passages are the most common passage-
the halls of the dwarven city of Gundgathol. Primary type found in Dwarrowdeep. Unlike primary passages
passages are represented by solid black lines on the with sufficient airflow and flagstone, secondary
Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. passages are tunnels of natural cave stone or old mine
tunnels used as alternate routes between locations.
The dwarves planned these passages carefully to They are occasionally reinforced with wall or ceiling
facilitate ease of transportation (people, trade goods, braces.
warriors, etc.) between its deepest levels and the
surface. Primary passages are the main thoroughfares

strength and bravery at the siege of blackwater in the year 902
Secondary passages vary between 16-35 feet high Secret Passages
(1d20+15) and 10-40 feet across (1d4x10). Passage
dimensions vary each hex. These natural cavern tunnels Secret passages are represented by dotted lines on the
smell musty and have higher humidity. The tunnels have Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. The entrances into, and out
inconsistent airflow - air becomes tighter in narrower of, secret passages are treated as secret doors and
secondary passages. The rock of secondary passages hidden as part of the natural stone. Secret passages
is normally dark gray, greenish, brownish, or yellowish- have the basic look and feel of secondary passages.
tan. The stone is largely natural or rough-hewn with However, secret passages are much narrower and
occasional sections of worked stone. Like primary claustrophobic, about 2 feet at its narrowest to 5 feet at
passages, secondary tunnels have a barely perceptible its widest (use 1d4+1). The ceilings of secret passages
downward slope noticeable only to a dwarf. vary from 4-40 (4d10) feet high. Like the other types
of passages, the width and height of secret tunnels will
Secondary passages are fraught with natural hazards. vary every hex and have a gradual slope downward as
The footing of natural stone is slippery and dangerous. they head north and east.
Therefore, travel is slow. In the absence of the dwarves,
stalagmites, stalactites, and stalagnates have formed Like the other types of passages, if a map is required
in the tunnels. Some passages have split and cracked the Referee should roll 1d8 and consult the Random
causing fissures and crevasses. In some areas ceilings Secret Passages at the end of the book (p. 328).
or walls may have collapsed, and rubble must be
overcome. The slow dripping of water is constant.
Water from cracks and fissures has caused pools to Secondary Passage Dead Ends
form or completely submerge a tunnel. In other cases,
water may have formed small rivulets or streams Numerous secondary passages in Dwarrowdeep lead
that continue for miles. The utter darkness might be to a dead end. These terminal points may have been
broken by phosphorescent fungi or lichen that back- abandoned mines, a passageway never completed,
light a passage with a ghostly purple, yellow, or green relatively newer construction, or an exploratory shaft.
illumination. The caves are eerily quiet, until you stop. If a map is required for the purpose of combat or
Shortly thereafter the subterranean ecosystem will come exploration while hexcrawling, the Referee should roll
alive with squeaks, scratchings, and the chitters of rats 1d10 and select the appropriate Random Secondary
and insects. Passage Dead End map at the end of the book (p.329).

Given the natural hazards and obstacles, mules may Dwarrowdeep Geographical Features
not be able to traverse secondary passages (subject
to the exact terrain encountered and the reasonable The Dwarrowdeep Hex Map depicts a number of
discretion of the Referee). However, a pack lizard can geographical features including elevation, lochs, rivers,
overcome challenging subterranean terrain within fords, bridges, and chasms.
reason (see New Monsters).
If a map is required for the purpose of combat or
exploration while hexcrawling, the Referee should roll The Dwarrowdeep Hex Map identifies four elevation
1d10 and select the appropriate Random Secondary depths by shade. White represents ground level and
Passage map at the end of the book (p.236). each successively darker shade represents a descent of
approximately 300 feet into the depths of Gundgathol.
There are no bridges along secondary passage routes
in Gundgathol. If player characters want to cross a river, Primary Passages will normally ascend or descend by
they must access a ford location. Fords are identified approximately 20 degrees (1d10+10). These slopes
on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map as three wavy lines. will begin in the hex immediately before and after an
elevation change as indicated on the Dwarrowdeep
PCs can choose to avoid fording by doubling-back and Hex Map.
finding an alternate route or through magic at higher
levels (see Fording a River in Dwarrowdeep later in this Secondary and Secret Passages are much different.
chapter). These passages have not been constructed for regular
use. They can remain on one elevation for miles and
then rise and fall dramatically subject to the map
shades indicated.

nortok etched these runes this runestone marks the acceptance
The Referee must determine the elevation of Secondary Elevation and Time
and Secret passages each time player characters cross
as elevation shade indicated on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Use the following chart to approximate the time required
Map: to negotiate an elevation change in a Secondary
Passage (the degree up/down over 300 feet as per the
Secondary Passage Elevation Table elevation shade on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map). The
1 30 Degrees Elevation Degree determines the Base Time. Then add
the Base Time Modifier relative to Elevation Type. Note
2-6 50 Degrees that these timeframes are in addition to the normal
7-8 70 Degrees travel time of 1 hour per hex.

*This table functions for both ascent and descent subject Elevation Degree Base Time
to the direction the PCs are travelling. Referees should
note the result of each random elevation change for 30 Degrees 2 Hours
consistent usage throughout the adventure. 50 Degrees 4 Hours
70 Degrees 8 Hours
Elevation Type
Elevation Type Base Time Modifier
To determine the elevation type, consult the following
chart. Keep in mind the sheer volume of passages, Ruined Stairs 4 Hours
elevations, and stairways, when considered altogether, Narrow Trail or
present a dizzying set of obstacles for player characters 8 Hours
Rough-Hewn Stairs
- this is purposeful. As PCs explore Dwarrowdeep they
will see passages leading off into the darkness, or a few Plateau 16 Hours
stairs beyond an archway leading up or down, at the
edge of their torchlight. Subterranean Lochs
Dwarrowdeep’s subterranean lochs and bodies of water
Elevation Type*
include the Black Pool, Mere of Solitude, Shadow Sea,
1 Plateau** Loch of Crystals, Loch Dubh, Dhurindain’s Reservoir,
2-3 Cut Stairs and the Sunless Loch. These bodies of water flow from
the south toward the northeast via rivers leading down
4-6 Ruined Stairs to the deepest levels of Gundgathol. The Shadow Sea
7-8 Narrow Trail or Rough-Hewn Stairs and Dhurindain’s Reservoir both have waterfalls that
partially empty into bottomless chasms. The waterfalls
*Optional Rule: Note that elevations may have are deceptive because they make very little sound.
conditions that make travel more difficult or impossible
(1d10): (1-4) Clear, (5-6) Wet, (7) Rubble, (8) Fungal Subterranean Rivers
Overgrowth, (9) Glassy Rock, (10) Razor Rock. If not
roped, these conditions will require a Dexterity Check The main rivers of Gundgathol find their source from
every other turn or risk falling (1d6 per 10 feet, if two spring-fed subterranean lakes: the Black Pool and
applicable). See Dwarrowdeep Random Hex Hazards the Mere of Solitude. From these two bodies, water
for detail on conditions (p.46). flows downward through the various elevations, north
and east, and eventually drain into the Sunless Loch.
**An elevation of 70 degrees combined with plateaus Arrows on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map indicate the
requires climbing gear. direction of waterflow.

Referee’s Notes: Elevations, specifically at the There are innumerable lesser streams and tributaries
top or at the bottom, are prime locations for an that branch from the main waterways (Referees
ambush. Each time the players cross an elevation can insert into their Secondary Encounter Areas as
boundary roll 1d6. A result of 1 indicates a Random required). For the random width and river current see
Warband (1-2) or a Random Monster (3-6). the information on Fording Subterranean Rivers on
page 37. The main rivers include the following and are
labelled on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map:

of gimhur redaxe into house ironforge in the year 763 i, gunli, carved
River Name Fording Subterranean Rivers
R1 Black River
Secondary Passages do not include bridges. Player
R2 Falls of the Forge characters must either ford a river or find another route.
R3 Rapids of Raudros Fords are marked on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map with
R4 Ballackburn River three wavy lines.
R5 Silvertine River If players decide to ford a river, determine the river
R6 River Glint width. Rivers are 30-60 feet wide (1d4+2x10 feet) at a
crossing. After determining the river width, consult the
R7 Runegar’s Runnel
Random River Conditions Table:
R8 Wargrim’s Waterway
River Strength Move-
Player characters will find traveling along the waterways
Conditions Penalty ment
of Dwarrowdeep very dangerous. Referees should
review the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map closely. Each time Water Level High
1-3 -3 Penalty 1/4
a river crosses an elevation threshold (300 feet), the with Fast Current
Referee should consult the following chart to determine Water Level Normal
the downward angle and type: 4-6 -2 Penalty 1/2
with Swift Current
Water Level Low
River Elevation Type 7-8 -1 Penalty 3/4
with Steady Current
1-4 20 Degrees Downward Rapids Water Level Low
9-10 No Penalty Normal
5-6 40 Degrees Downward Tiered Waterfall with Slow Current
7-8 50 Degrees Downward Fan Waterfall
The mechanic for fording a subterranean river is based
9 70 Degrees Downward Horsetail Waterfall on the Climbing and Descending Rules provided on
10 90 Degrees Downward Plunge Waterfall page 55. Instead of Dexterity, player characters must
roll Strength checks every 20 feet to avoid being swept
Rapids are approximately one mile in length. They are away in the current. However, penalties apply to the
navigable but may cause damage to watercraft (50%). ability check subject to the conditions noted in the
A tiered waterfall has many smooth steps as it descends. table above. As an approximation, movement rates
The tiers are gradual. A fan waterfall drops from a slope are considered 30 feet for human-sized characters
of 40 degrees but makes constant contact with the in armour and 20 feet for smaller-than-human-sized
underlying rock. A horsetail fall is steep (70 degrees) characters in armour (unencumbered).
and makes occasional contact with the underlying rock.
A plunge waterfall makes no contact as it descends. If players are roped together, they may decrease the
In most instances waterfalls cannot be navigated by penalty by one. A failed check results in the PC being
mundane craft. A PC who falls down a tiered or fan swept away in the current. Adjacent PCs (in the river or
waterfall takes 3d6 points of damage and is allowed without) must make Strength Checks (-1 for each PC
a saving throw versus Death to cling to a rock for a lost in the current) or they too will be pulled down the
number of minutes equal to 5x his or her Constitution river. Note that dwarves, gnomes, and halflings cannot
modifier. Failure, or falling down a horsetail or plunge ford a river at normal or high-water. Player characters
waterfall, results in 10d6 points of damage. swept away are considered lost.

these runes my uncle died at the battle of the goblin barrows
Bridges of Gundgathol Bridge Condition
The primary passages of Gundgathol include 16 Use the following chart to determine the state of each
bridges across subterranean rivers, lakes, and chasms. bridge as player characters encounter them. Be sure
Each bridge is numbered on the Dwarrowdeep Hex to note your results on the table above for consistency:
Map. Most bridges vary in length from 200-500 feet
(1d4+1x100) to a width of 20-50 feet (1d4+1x10).
Bridge Condition
Some are ruined and in an advanced state of disrepair
and others have been partially demolished by the 1-3 Stable
duergar and their allies. They include: 4 Stable (Deteriorated)
5-6 Stable (Partially Demolished)*
Bridge Name LxW (ft) Condition
Unstable: (1-3) Collapses, (4-6) Stable**
1 Thurdin’s Bridge 400 x 20 7-8
(9-10) Broken***
2 Sturi’s Span 300 x 50
*The bridge is stable but shows obvious attempts at
3 Brig o’ Balorn 300 x 20
demolition. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance of 1d10
4 Crystal Crossing 400 x 20 pieces of equipment such as pickaxes, shovels, and
5 Ballackburn Bridge 400 x 40 sledgehammers.
6 Alban’s Arch 300 x 30 **Check each time PCs cross the bridge.
7 Bottomless Brig 500 x 50
8 Arch of Dhurindain 200 x 50 ***This bridge and/or its supports have partially
collapsed. There are 1d3 gaps or partial gaps (10-50
9 Broadbeam Bridge 400 x 20 feet wide or 1d4+1x10) in the length of the bridge. The
10- Bridges of the bridge is considered unstable (see **).
200 x 30
11 Sacred Forge* Stable
Dorgaddan’s Chasms and Fissures
12 400 x 20
Several large chasms mark the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
Geddinthor’s Dwarrowdeep has five such fissures: Chasm of Karak,
13 500 x 10
Crossing Black Abyss, Western Fissure, Eastern Rift, and the
Bridge O’er the Great Frozen Abyss. The dwarves built bridges along
14 200 x 40
River Raudros their primary passageways to span these chasms, some
15 Ice Bridge of Nurr 400 x 50 of which are backlit by phosphorescent fungi and are a
stunning sight to behold deep beneath the earth.
16 Stoneborn’s Span 200 x 20
The fissures are considered bottomless. Any player
*The Bridges of the Sacred Forge are intact and not character that falls down a chasm is considered lost.
subject to Bridge Conditions.

i, kanglin ironforge, carved these runes thaneduhr blessed me
Section III: Hexcrawling Dwarrowdeep Random Hex Encounters
Hexcrawling within the Primary and Secondary passag- Consult the following nested tables to determine a Ran-
es of Dwarrowdeep is dangerous and time-consuming. dom Hex Encounter. A roll of 1 on d6 indicates an en-
The decayed and ruined state of Dwarrowdeep, and its counter:
many and varied natural obstacles, means that player
characters can travel, at most, 1 mile per hour, or 12 Table 1: Random Hex Encounters
miles in a 12 hour march (12 small hexes or two large
hexes on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map). This excludes 1-4 Empty
scouting ahead, an encounter with a natural hazard, 5-6 Monster: Roll Table 1a or 1b (by Level)
or combat. The Referee should indicate time advance- 7 Warband: Roll Table 2
ment to players under these circumstances (use 10 min-
ute, 30 minute, or hour intervals) subject to the nature 8-9 Natural Hazard: Roll Table 3
of the activity being performed. Wise players will be 10 Special Encounters: Roll Table 4
mindful of hasty movement, or making loud noises, to
avoid the attention of Dwarrowdeep’s denizens. This re- Table 1a: Random Monsters (Lvl 1-3)
quires a savvy and disciplined approach from players.
1 Skeleton (1d6)
Reminders: Referees should remind players that every 2 Zombie (1d6)
five turns (50 minutes) of movement in armour requires 3 Giant Rat (3d6)
a rest of 1 turn (10 minutes) and a full rest is required
at the end of a 12 hour march each day. Also note 4 Rock Clam (1d2, 2HD)
that PCs can only move as fast as their slowest char- 5 Giant Earthworm (1d6)
acter and circumstantial adjustments to the hexcrawl-
ing guidelines may be necessary (such as short PCs, 6 Giant Ant (2d6)
wounded, pack animals, prisoners or slaves, etc.). All 7 Giant Centipede (2d4)
underground locations are considered unlit unless oth- 8 Stirge (1d8)
erwise indicated in the text. Torches last for four turns
(40 minutes) and lanterns last for two hours (12 turns). 9 Fire Beetle (1d6)
10 Insect (1) or Blooderfly Swarm (4d4+2)
Point of Reference: In J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of 11 Giant Bat (1d6)
the Rings, Frodo asked Gandalf how long the jour-
12 Carrion Scavenger (1)
ney through Moria would take. Gandalf replied,
“It depends on many chances. But going straight, 13 Rust Bat (1d3)
without mishap or losing our way, we shall take 14 Shrieker (1d6)
three or four marches, I expect. It cannot be less
than forty miles from West-door to East-gate in 15 Brain Fungus (1)
a direct line, and the road may wind much.” This 16 Giant Leech (1d4)
information, approximately four 12-hour marches 17 Giant Cave Cricket (1d6)
(knowing the way and not getting lost), informs the
hex-crawling rate in Dwarrowdeep. Source: J.R.R. 18 Rust Monster (1)
Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings Omnibus (Houghton 19 Darkmantle (1d6)
Mifflin, 2001). 20 Roll Levels 4-7

When to Check for Random Hex Encounters?

Referees should check for random encounters every
other hex beginning with hex two (or six times in a 12
hour march, for example). A specific Random Monster
Check should be made during each long-rest at night.
If player characters are making undue noise, or en-
gaging in activity that would relay their position, the
Referee should make an unscheduled random monster
roll based on average party level on the tables below.

with strength at the battle of dark mountain in the year 111 this
Table 1b: Random Monsters (Lvl 4-7) Orc Warband
1 Rock Reptile (1d2, 5HD) Number & HPs Weapons
2 Ghoul (1d8) 1 (6) 3x4, 2x6, 1x8 1 Scimitar and Shield
3 Stalagbite (2d6, 3-4HD) (6) 4x4, 1x6, 1x7 2 Spear and
4 Cave Fisher (1d4) + Leader Shield
3 Shortsword
5 Galeb Duhr (1d4, 6HD) and
3 (8) 3x5, 3x6, 2x7 Shortbow
6 Giant Slicer Beetle (1d3)
(8) 2x4, 4x6, 2x8 4 Scimitar and
7 Rock Lobster (1d4, 5HD) 4 + Leader Hand Axe
8 Sandling (1d3) (10) 3x3, 4x6, 2x7, 5 Scimitar and
9 Storoper (1) 1x8 Shortbow
10 Ankheg (1d4, 5HD) (10) 4x4, 3x5, 1x7, 6 Halberd and
6 2x8 + Leader Dagger
11 Giant Rhinoceros Beetle (1d2)
12 Brobdingnagian Fungi (1d4) Orc Warband Leader
13 Piercer (2d4, 4HD) Orc Warband Leader (F1) AL: CE, AC: 4 (Chain
14 Roper (1) 1 and Shield), HD: 1, HP: 8, #AT: 1, Weapon:
Spear (1d6), Scimitar (1d6), and Dagger (1d4).
15 Shambling Mound (1d2)
16 Wight (1d3) Orc Warband Leader (F2) AL: CE, AC: 4 (Splint-
2 mail), HD: 2, HP: 14, #AT: 1, Weapon: Halberd
17 Xorn (1d3) (1d10), Scimitar (1d6), and Dagger (1d4).
18 Brown Pudding (1) Orc Shaman (CL2/MU2) AL: CE, AC: 7, HD: 3,
19 Basidirond (1d2) HP: 10, #AT: 1, Weapon: Mace (1d6), Sling and
3 20 Stones (1d6), and Dagger (1d4). Spells (2/2):
20 Purple Worm (1)
Command, Protection from Good; Magic-Mis-
sile, Burning Hands.
Trained Giant Rats (1d6+2) AL: N, AC: 7, HD:
Warbands of various factions move through Dwar- 2hp each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3+Disease.
rowdeep as necessary. Referees must determine the Black Orc AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield),
exact composition of each group by consulting the fol- HD: 3+3, HP: 18, #AT: 1, Weapon: Broad-
lowing table and subtables. 5
sword (1d6+1), Heavy Crossbow and 20 Bolts
(1d8), and Dagger (1d4).
After determining the warband type and treasure, con-
sult the Treasure Tables followed by Table 2B: Warband 6 Two of the above (reroll 6) .

Table 2: Warband
Warband Warband
(Level 1-3) (Level 4-7)
1-3 Orc 1-2 Duergar
4 Goblin 3 Troll
5 Black Orc 4 Kalas-Toa
Roll Warband
6 5 Derro
(Levels 4-7)
Joint Warband:
Roll x2 (reroll 6)

stone was carved to mark the name day of hamdin hardhelm in the
Goblin Warband Black Orc Warband*
Number & HPs Weapons Number & HPs Weapons
1 (6) 3x3, 2x5, 7 1 Scimitar Glaive, Scimitar,
1 (4) 3x15, 1x20 1
(6) 2x3, 2x4, 6, and Dagger
2 2 Spear and Sling
7 + Leader Scimitar, Longbow, and
2 (4) 4x19 + Leader 2
3 (8) 3x2, 3x5, 2x6 3 Scimitar and Shortbow Seax Knife
(8) 4x4, 2x5, 6, Club and Broadsword and Heavy
4 4 3 (6) 3x16, 3x21 3
7 + Leader Buckler Shield Crossbow
(10) 4x5, 4x6, Spear and (6) 4x21, 2x23 Scimitar and
5 5 4 4
2x7 Buckler Shield + Leader Heavy Crossbow
(10) 2x3, 3x5, Bill-Guisarme, Scimitar,
6 6 Club, Shield, and Sling 5 (8) 4x15, 4x19 5
4x6, 7 + Leader and Seax Knife
(8) 5x16, 3x19 Military Fork, Heavy
6 6
Goblin Warband Leader + Leader Crossbow, Dagger
Goblin Warband Leader (F1) AL: CE, AC: 4 *Roll 1d6 to determine armour: 1-3 (AC: 4, Chain and
(Goblin Chain and Shield), HD: 1, HP: 7, #AT: Shield), 4-5 (AC: 4, Half Plate), or 6 (AC: 3, Half Plate
1, DMG: Scimitar (1d8), Light Crossbow with 10 and Shield).
Bolts (1d6), Dagger (1d4).
Goblin Warband Leader (F2) AL: CE, AC: 4 Black Orc Warband Leader
(Goblin Chain and Shield), HD: 2, HP: 12, #AT:
1, DMG: Spear (1d8), Light Crossbow with 10 Black Orc Warband Leader AL: LE, AC: 3
2 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 24, #AT: 1,
Bolts (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1) mounted on a 1
Giant Jumping Spider AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 1, HP: Weapon: Scimitar (1d8), Heavy Crossbow and
6, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6+Poison. 10 Bolts, and Whip (1d4)*.

Goblin Shaman (CL2/MU2) AL: CE, AC: 6, Black Orc Warband Leader AL: LE, AC: 4 (Half
2 Plate), HD: 5, HP: 30, #AT: 1, Weapon: Hal-
HD: 4, HP: 12, #AT: 1, DMG: Dagger (1d4).
3 berd (1d10), Scimitar (1d8), and Whip (1d4)*.
Spells (2/2): Command, Protection from Good;
Burning Hands, Shocking Grasp. Black Orc Berserker AL: LE, AC: 8, HD: 4, HP:
Goblin Shaman (CL2/MU3) AL: CE, AC: 6, HD: 22, #AT: 1, Weapon: Dual Hand Axes (1d6).**
5, HP: 14, #AT: 1, DMG: Dagger (1d4). Spells Black Orc Berserker AL: LE, AC: 8, HD: 5, HP:
(2/2/1): Command, Protection from Good; 30, #AT: 1, Weapon: Dual Scimitars (1d8).**
Burning Hands, Shocking Grasp; Web, mounted Black Orc Shaman (F3/CL3) AL: LE, AC: 3
on a Megalocentipede AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 3, (Plate), HD: 6, HP: 26, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great
HP: 14, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3+Poison. 5 Hammer (1d8) and Sling with 20 Stones (1d4).
Bugbear AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 3+1, HP: 16, #AT: Spells (2/1): Cure Light Wounds, Command;
1, DMG: Morningstar (2d4+1) Hold Person.
6 Two of the above (reroll 6). 6 Two of the above (reroll 6).

*A whip strikes for 1d4 points of damage. On a hit the

target must make a successful saving throw versus Par-
alyzation or fall prone (+4 to hit).

**A Black Orc Berserker wears no armour and attacks

with two weapons (the second attack made at -2). The
berserker scores an additional +2 on damage rolls and
will fight until slain without a morale check.

year 673 i, maror, carved this runestone to honour the ancestors of
Duergar Warband Troll Warband
Number & HPs Weapons Number & HPs
Hammer, Light 1 (6) 2x25, 3x27, 1x35
1 (6) 2x18, 3x20, 1x25 1
Crossbow, Dagger 2 (6) 1x26, 4x28, 1x39 + Leader
(6) 1x16, 4x18, 1x22 Great Hammer, Light 3 (8) 2x24, 4x28, 1x29, 1x32
2 2
+ Leader Crossbow, Dagger
4 (8) 3x25, 3x26, 1x28, 1x29 + Leader
(8) 2x17, 4x21, Hand Axe, Light
3 3 5 (10) 3x23, 3x20, 3x21, 1x33
1x22, 1x28 Crossbow, Dagger
(8) 3x20, 3x22, Battle Axe, Heavy 6 (10) 5x25, 3x26, 2x38 + Leader
4 4
2x23 + Leader Crossbow, Dagger
(10) 3x15, 3x18, Spear, Heavy Troll Warband Leader
5 5
3x22, 1x30 Crossbow, Dagger Cave Troll AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 7+7, HP: 45,
(10) 5x16, 3x19, Pick, Heavy 1-2 #AT: 3 or 1, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10 or Giant
6 6 Club (3d6).
2x21 + Leader Crossbow, Dagger
Duergar Warband Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC: 3
Duergar Warband Leader (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 38, #AT:
3 1, Weapon: Spear (1d6), Hand Axe (1d6), and
Duergar Warband Leader (F5) AL: LE, AC: 3 Dagger (1d4) riding a Steeder AL: N, AC: 4,
(Half Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 33, #AT: 1, HD: 3, HP: 21, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8.
Weapon: Warhammer (1d6), Shortsword (1d6),
and Dagger (1d4). Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL6) AL: LE, AC:
3 (Plate), HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon:
Duergar Warband Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC: 3 Great Hammer (1d8) and Sling with 20 Stones
(Half Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 38, #AT: 1, (1d4). Spells (3/3/2): Protection from Good,
2 Weapon: Spear (1d6), Hand Axe (1d6), and Dag- 4
Cure Light Wounds, Command; Hold Person,
ger (1d4) riding a Steeder AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3, Bless, Holy Chant; Animate Dead, Striking, rid-
HP: 16, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8. ing a Steeder AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 14,
Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL4) AL: LE, AC: #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8.
3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 28, #AT: Two-Headed Troll AL: CE, AC: 2, HD: 8+3,
1, Weapon: Spiked Warhammer (1d6) and Sling 5
3 HP: 53, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d8/1d8/1d12.
with 20 Stones (1d4). Spells (3/2): Protection from
Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command; Hold Per- 6 Two of the above (reroll 6).
son, Silence 15’ Radius.
Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL5) AL: LE, AC:
3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 31, #AT:
1, Weapon: Warhammer (1d6) and Sling with
20 Stones (1d4). Spells (3/2/1): Protection from
Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command; Hold Per-
son, Bless; Striking.
Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL6) AL: LE, AC: 3
(Plate), HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great
Hammer (1d8) and Sling with 20 Stones (1d4).
5 Spells (3/3/2): Protection from Good, Cure Light
Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless, Holy
Chant; Animate Dead, Striking, riding a Steeder
AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 19, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8.
6 Two of the above (reroll 6).

house barrelheart behold my father huldal longbeard, grand-
Kalas-Toa Warband Derro Warband
Number & HPs Weapons Number & HPs Weapons
Spear, Dagger, Shortsword, Light
1 (4) 2x20, 2x25 1
and Shield Repeating Crossbow,
1 (6) 3x15, 3x20 1
(4) 2x18, 2x26 Trident, Weighted Studded, Buckler
2 2 Shield
+ Leader Net, and Shield
Scimitar, Shield, Longpoint Dagger,
3 (6) 3x15, 3x20 3 (6) 5x18, 1x19 Fauchard-Hook,
Dagger 2 2
+ Leader Studded, Buckler
(6) 3x20, 3x22 Spear, Weighted Net, Shield
4 4
+ Leader Light Crossbow
Shortsword, Light
Glaive, Weighted 3 (8) 5x18, 3x19 3 Repeating Crossbow,
5 (8) 4x18, 4x21 5
Net, Dagger Scalemail, Shield
(8) 4x19, 4x22 Harpoon, Weighted Military Pick, Spear,
6 6
+ Leader Net, Dagger (8) 4x18, 4x21 Longpoint Dagger,
4 4
+ Leader Scalemail, Buckler
Kalas-Toa Warband Leader Shield
Kalas-Toa Subleader AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: Longpoint Dagger,
1 36, #AT: 1, Weapon: Harpoon (2d6), Dagger Fauchard-Hook,
5 (10) 5x20, 5x23 5
(1d4), Weighted Net, and Sticky Shield. Chainmail, Buckler
Kalas-Toa Leader AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 8, HP:
2 41, #AT: 1, Weapon: Glaive (1d10), Weighted Military Pick, Spear,
Net, and Sticky Shield. (10) 5x15, 5x18 Longpoint Dagger,
6 6
+ Leader Chainmail, Buckler
Kalas-Toa Whip (CL6) AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, Shield
HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: Scimitar (1d8) and
Man-Catcher (1d6). Spells (3/3/2): Cure Light
Wounds, Darkness, Protection from Good;
Bless, Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate
Dead, Dispel Magic.
Kalas-Toa Whip (CL7) AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP:
41, #AT: 1, Weapon: Trident (1d10) and Dag-
ger (1d4). Spells (4/3/2/1): Cure Light Wounds,
Darkness, Detect Magic, Protection from Good;
Bless, Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate
Dead, Striking, Cause Serious Wounds.
Kalas-Toa Monitor (CL7) AL: NE, AC: 1, HD: 7,
HP: 50, #AT: 4, DMG: 2d4/2d4/1d4+1/1d4+1.
(4/3/2/1): Command, Cure Light Wound, Dark-
ness, Protection from Good; Bless, Hold Person,
Holy Chant; Continual Darkness, Striking; Cause
Serious Wounds.
6 Two of the above (reroll 6).

son of huldrin, who pushed back the ogre vanguard at the battle
Derro Warband Leader Warband Treasure: Level 1-3
Derro Warband Leader (F5) AL: CE, AC: 3 (Half
Plate and Buckler Shield), HD: 5, HP: 30, #AT: A warband member carries Treasure Type I, II, III and IV
1 Varies, Weapon: Fauchard-Hook (1d6), Light (50%). A leader possesses Treasure Type II, IV, V (each
Repeating Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint Dagger x3), 30% chance of 1d2 random gemstones, 20%
(1d4). chance of 1 piece of jewelry, a 10% chance of one
magical weapon or armour (+1), and a 10% chance of
Derro Warband Leader (F6) AL: CE, AC: 3 a random magical runestone.
(Half Plate and Buckler Shield), HD: 5, HP: 34,
2 #AT: Varies, Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), Light Warband Treasure: Level 4-7
Repeating Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint Dagger
(1d4). A warband member carries Treasure Type IV and V (both
Derro Savant (MU5) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 5, HP: x3) and a 30% chance of 1d4 random gemstones. A
27, #AT: 1, Weapon: Light Repeating Cross- warband leader possesses the following: 2d40pp, 1d4
3 bow (1d3) and Longpoint Dagger (1d4). Spells gemstones, 1d3 jewelry, a 25% chance of a magical
(2/2/1): Magic Missile, Spider Climb; Mirror Im- weapon or armour (+1), and a 25% chance of a ran-
age, Web; Lightning Bolt. dom magical runestone. If the leader is a duergar or
a spell-caster the latter percentage increases to 35%.
Derro Savant (MU6) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP:
32, #AT: 1, Weapon: Light Repeating Cross-
bow (1d3) and Longpoint Dagger (1d4). Spells Table 2B: Random Warband Motivation
(2/2/2): Magic Missile, Burning Hands; Mirror 1 On patrol
Image, Web; Haste, Lightning Bolt and a 50%
4 2 Scavenging for food
chance of 1d3 Derro Student-Savants (MU4)
AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 4, HP: 20 each, #AT: 1, 3 Returning with slaves (1d10+2)*
Weapon: Light Repeating Crossbow (1d3) and 4 On ambush
Dagger (1d4). Spells (2/2): Color Spray, Magic
Missile; Mirror Image, Pyrotechnics. 5 Hunting for slaves
Derro Savant (MU8) AL: CE, AC: 2 (Robe of 6 Returning with food (Referee’s Discretion)**
Protection +2), HD: 8, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: 7 Returning with loot (1d3x100gp/party level)**
Light Repeating Crossbow (1d3) and Longpoint 8 Scavenging metal**
Dagger (1d4). Spells (3/3/2/2): Magic Missile,
Burning Hands, Darkness Globe; Invisibility, 9 Trading with warband (Referee’s Choice)***
5 Mirror Image, Web; Haste, Fireball; Confusion, 10 Hunting large predator for food
Minor Globe and 1d3 Derro Student-Savants
(MU4) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 4, HP: 20 each, *1d8+4 dwarves and 1d4 Random.
#AT: 1, Weapon: Light Repeating Crossbow
(1d3) and Longpoint Dagger (1d4). Spells (2/2): **These warbands also have 1d3 Pack Lizards.
Dancing Lights, Magic Missile; Invisibility, Scare.
6 Two of the above (reroll 6). ***Roll the Random Warband Table again (Reroll the
same Warband type).

of brannicks tor kartek etched this stone in memory of algal, my
Table 3: Natural Hazard* For every crevasse encountered 33% (1-2 on 1d6) will
be 10 feet above (1-3 on d6) or 10 feet below (4-6
1 Rubble: Movement slowed on d6) the character’s side of the crevasse. Unless
2 Sinkhole: Floor (1-4) or Ceiling (5-6) otherwise stated crevasses are bottomless. A PC that
3 Crevasse: 5’ (1-2), 10’ (3-4), 15’ wide (4-6) falls is considered lost.
4 Plateau(s) 4. Plateau(s): There are numerous elevation shifts in
5 Razor Rock: Movement slowed by half Dwarrowdeep. These plateaus, or ledgeways, vary in
height and must be climbed, as per normal climbing
6 Glassy Rock: Movement slowed by half
rules. Each time plateaus are encountered roll 1d8 to
7 Rock Pillar Forest: Ambush (1-3 on d6) determine the number of plateaus. Each plateau varies
8 Fungal Overgrowth: Random Monster in height (1d20+10 feet per plateau). Unless otherwise
stated, plateaus and ledgeways are slippery surfaces
9 Steam: Obscures vision to 5 feet (-1 to ability checks or -15% to the thief’s Climb Walls
10 Noxious Gas ability).

*Referees should adjust the table damage by average 5. Razor Rock: Razor rocks are extremely sharp, jag-
party level (1-3 or 4-7) if applicable. ged, and abrasive stone formations. Movement over
razor rock is reduced to 1/4 normal rate. Moving faster
Since the withdrawal of the Gundgathol dwarves, the will necessitate a Dexterity check. A failed check re-
deeps, halls, mines, and passages of Dwarrowdeep sults in a fall for 1d4 points of damage. Attempts to run
have not been maintained and provide numerous sub- through this type of hazard will bring a -4 penalty to the
terranean challenges for player characters: ability check and 2d4 points of damage if failed. Pack
Lizards can move over razor rock at half their normal
1. Rubble: Rubble fallen from the ceiling has partially rate. Standard mounts such as mules will refuse to pass
blocked the passageway for 1d10+10x10 feet. Move- over this terrain.
ment is reduced by half. While traversing this passage
there is a 1 on d6 chance (per 20 feet) of a cave-in. 6. Glassy Rock: Glassy rock appears as a slick, sheer,
If caught in a collapse, characters between levels 1–3 floor surface. Movement over glassy rock is reduced to
take 2d6 points of damage (or 1d6 if a Save versus Pet- 1/4 normal rate. Moving faster necessitates a Dexterity
rification is made). Characters between levels 4–7 take check. If a PC runs, or unknowingly steps on glassy
4d6 unless a save for half damage (2d6) is successful. rock, or attempts combat, they must make a Dexterity
check to avoid falling prone and sliding 1d4x10 feet
2. Sinkhole: Dwarrowdeep contains sinkholes 20-50 until they stop or slide into an obstacle. Fallen PCs will
feet wide and deep (1d4+1x10) caused by water ero- be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Pack Lizards can move over
sion. Approaching a sinkhole is dangerous. If a play- glassy rock at half their normal rate. Standard mounts
er character walks, or runs into, a sinkhole they must will not pass over this terrain.
make a Constitution check to keep from sliding in. Each
subsequent round the character must roll a Constitution 7. Rock Pillar Forest: The passage immediately in
check (with a -1 penalty for each round in the sinkhole) front of the PCs (the width of the specific passage by
until they fail or are saved. A rolled 20 means the PC is 1d6+4x10 feet) is dotted with stalagnate cavern pillars.
immediately sucked down. PCs sucked down a sinkhole The pillars have formed from stalactites and stalag-
are considered lost. If the sinkhole opened from the mites that have fused from the ceiling to the floor. The
ceiling above, treat the floor as Glassy Rock from the ceiling in these locations is 1d20+20 feet high. The sta-
water and mud deposited on the ground. PCs who rope lagnates vary in width and form a strange, otherworldly
themselves together can avoid falling in, under normal subterranean forest. Stalagnate forests are prime loca-
circumstances. tions for predators and ambushes. Roll to determine if
a random monster is present (1-3 on d6). To determine
3. Crevasse: Due to the natural movement of the earth, the type of monster encounter, the Referee must first
the floor has heaved and cracked open perpendicular calculate the average party level. Second, roll 1d6. On
to the direction of the passage. The crevasse is 1d4x10 a roll of 1-4, consult the appropriate Dwarrowdeep
feet wide and the cave, dungeon, or passageway has Random Monster Table (either levels 1-3 or 4-7). On
been split apart. In some instances, the other side of a a roll of 5-6, consult the Dwarrowdeep Random War-
passage or tunnel may be 10s of feet above or below band Table also by level.
the player characters.

friend i, ragror, wrote this runestone to honour the ancestors of
8. Fungal Overgrowth: Thick, overgrown mush-
rooms and fungi, of all shapes and sizes, have blocked
the passageway. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance this rich,
moist environment contains a hazard (a partially cam-
ouflaged sinkhole (1 on d6 passive chance to notice)
or plateau ledgeways (see above). There is a further
1-2 on d6 chance some of the fungal overgrowth is
bioluminescent, and in the absence of torches or lan-
terns, humans may be able to see, albeit in poor light.
These unique and otherworldly environments are home
to monsters and creatures of all types. In these lush
surroundings, random monsters are encountered on a
1–2 on d6. Consult the table below:

Fungal Overgrowth Monster Table

1 Forbidden Fruit Fungus (1d2)
2 Devil’s Fingers (1d6)
3 Brain Fungus (1)
4 Blooderfly (4d10)
5 Faze Fungus (1d2)
6 Megalocentipede (1d2)
7 Hook Horror (1)
8 Basidirond (1)
9 Shriekers (1d4)
10 Sunburst Lichen (1)

9. Steam: The area immediately in front of the PCs

(passage width by 1d6+4x10 feet) becomes hot. Thick
steam reduces visibility to 5 feet. The steam emanates
from holes in the ground that vary in size from two
inches to two feet in width. Intense steam jets push up
through the vents randomly making the area virtually
impassible. There are 1d2 geysers per 10-foot square
and a 1 on d6 chance of a geyser randomly erupt-
ing beneath a player character. Each geyser does 1d6
points of damage (half damage if a successful Save
versus Breath Weapon is made). While in this area
player characters are subject to the spell Heat Metal.

10. Noxious Gas: The terrain (passage width by

1d6x10 feet) is laced with thin cracks, not perceptible
to the eye, that vent noxious gas every 1d2+1 turns.
The gas lingers in the passageway. A dwarf receives a
passive 1 on d6 chance of hearing the gas vent into the
tunnel and a 2 on d6 chance if listening actively. PCs
must make a Constitution check every 10 feet through
this section of terrain. Failure results in gagging and
coughing for 1d10 rounds (-2 penalties to attack and
damage rolls). Prolonged noise (3 plus rounds) will re-
quire a random monster roll.

house strongstar this stone marks the birth of my son bragdrim of
Table 4: Random Special Encounter Table
1 A broken statue of King Dalgeddin Stoneborn II 51 Rival brigands (1d8+3) lost in Dwarrowdeep (TT: XII)
2 Purple phosphorescent fungi illuminates 1d6x10 feet 52 Random adventuring party loaded with treasure
3 A strong draft of wind extinguishes torches 53 A pouch with 1d6 Sling Stones +2
4 A low snarling noise from behind 54 The body of an adventurer in a shallow grave
5 Chalk arrows on the walls for 3d100 feet 55 Wet footprints descend from wall. Disappear on floor
6 The hissing sound of a gas leak for 1d4x10 feet 56 A dead orc. 50% Equipped
7 Random adventuring party loaded with treasure 57 Skeletal remains of dwarven last stand
8 A pouch with 1d6 Sling Stones +1 58 Something glints in the sand: Seax Knife +1
9 Small shrine to Geddinthor cut in the stone. Defaced. 59 Eerie silence for 1d4+1 turns
10 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical) 60 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical)
11 Decomposing body of Kalas-Toa 61 Frightened mule, emerges from dark (Equipped)
12 Yellow phosphorescent fungi illuminates 1d8x10 feet 62 Boulder with symbol of Dworgrim painted in blood
13 A broken well with chain and bucket 63 Passage blocked by huge spider webs for 1d0x10 feet
14 Magic warhammer in the dirt (1-3: +1, 4-6: +2) 64 Insane paladin, beaten/whipped, staggers toward you
15 A screech, a battle cry, and silence 65 A pouch with a magical runestone (Luckstone)
16 Sound of “Help” from narrow fissure in the ground 66 Long dead exoskeleton of a Hook Horror
17 Charnel Pit: Feeding station for nearby predator 67 Random adventurer equipment stash hastily hidden
18 Severed hand clutches spellbook (1d6 spells) 68 Random gemstone (1d4x100gp)
19 Random adventurer equipment stash hastily hidden 69 Carved dwarf pillars support ceiling for 1d3x100 feet
20 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical) 70 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical)
21 Fissure steam (1d4x100 feet), vision reduced to 10 feet 71 Emaciated dwarf slave (dead for 24 hours)
22 Passage narrows, 50% chance of warband ambush 72 Clawed footprints on the floor for 1d6x10 feet
23 Passage blocked by dense fungal growth for 2d100 73 Severed heads of recent dwarf patrol from Hamelet
24 Tiny side cave with body of dead dwarf clutching map 74 Stone grinding on stone. Then silence
25 Side tunnel completely collapsed 75 Cocooned dwarves on ceiling. All dead but one
26 Disemboweled Giant Gecko Lizard 76 A pile of half-eaten fire beetles still glowing
27 Body of a dwarf adventurer, 50% equipped 77 2d200 normal bats fly through passageway
28 A low snarling noise from ahead 78 Green phosphorescent fungi illuminates 1d4x10 feet
29 Chalk arrows on the walls for 3d100 feet 79 2d100 normal fleeing rats pass through the PCs
30 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical) 80 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical)
31 A yellow mold (harmless) covers the floor for 40 feet 81 2d100 normal fleeing rats run through PCs
32 A statue of Thaneduhr, defaced and toppled 82 Chest: Check Treasure Type XX
33 The hissing sound of a gas leak for 1d4x10 feet 83 Magical blast marks on the walls from recent battle
34 Air suddenly cools for 1d4 turns 84 Skeletal dwarf clutching diary written in frantic scrawls
35 Air suddenly warms for 1d6 turns 85 Rusty mining gear: Chains, shovels, picks, and rope
36 A hammer in the distance “Tam-tom, tom-tap” 86 Quarrel Case with Light Crossbow Bolts +1 (1d4+3)
37 PC trips over loose stone: 50% 1d6 gems 87 Rusty mining tracks for 3d100 feet
38 Monster roar echoes down passageway. Then silence 88 Vein of silver gleams in the walls
39 Party of 1d6 adventurers lay dead and looted 89 Vein of gold gleams in the floor
40 Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical) 90 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical)
41 Skeletal remains of dwarven last stand 91 Red Crystals: 1/2 movement for 1d10x10 feet
42 Partial collapse of the ceiling for 1d6x10 feet 92 Bat Guano: 1/2 movement for 1d8+3(x10 feet)
43 Dwarf corpse thrown in shallow grave: Zombie! 93 Pool with 1d3 boated diseased orc bodies. Rot Grubs!
44 Remains of a camp. Two days old 94 Gleaming Helmet +1: Kill Zone for Cave Morays!
45 Battle: Two warbands battle over 2d4 slaves 95 Partial dwarf-made barricade: Stone, Mine carts
46 Broken pipe spills water ankle deep for 1d8x10 feet 96 Small herd of wild Rothe (1d4+1) grazing on fungi
47 Orc footprints, signs of a recent patrol 97 Recently disemboweled Troll regenerating (1d4 Rds!)
48 Runic Tablet (see Barrowmaze Complete) 98 Small stream with glint: Ring of Protection +1
49 Runestone (d6: 1-5 Mundane, 6 Magical) 99 1d4 Runestones (d6: 1-5 Mundane, 6 Magical)
50 Disk of Kar’Koon (see Forbidden Caverns of Archaia) 00 Roll twice on this table

house hammerhand in the year 716 galund, blood of galorin grimfoot,
Section IV: Dungeon Exploration Unless noted in the text, dungeon levels and
subterranean lairs will be still and dark. Ambient noises
Keys and Entries will change with the dungeon type (cave, cavern, or
dungeon complex). Monsters know how to stay alive in
Like Barrowmaze, and the other books in the Northern these environments and noisy PCs will draw attention
Reaches campaign, Dwarrowdeep uses a shortened to themselves.
entry style to discourage reading boxed text to players.
Instead, the text shortens entries so Referees can skim The stillness of the dungeon environment puts additional
the relevant information quickly and convey the scene pressure on players and encourages a measured
while making eye contact with players. This approach and judicious approach to dungeon exploration. For
encourages engagement rather than just reading example, how much time do players want to spend
aloud. In the text, monsters have been bolded and searching for treasure? Do they want to stop and pry
magic items italicized to facilitate play. gems out of the wall? Do they want to search for a
secret door? Break down a stuck door or a bricked-up
Random Tables wall? How much noise are they making? The above
examples of play take time and will cause disturbances
To play Dwarrowdeep, Referees must consult random unless PCs are cautious.
tables in advance of play. Referees should roll the
Random Secondary Encounter Area Generator prior to Light, Sight, and Time
beginning the adventure. Referees should also roll the
Slovenly Trull Random Patron Generator several times There are no torches or lit areas other than those
prior to starting the campaign. specifically identified in the text. Referees must record
time, movement, and light. Remember that torches
Random Monsters, Silence, and Disturbances cast light in a 30-foot radius and last for four turns (40
minutes). They are susceptible to water and gusts of
Random monsters are critical to classic fantasy wind. Lanterns cast light in roughly the same distance
roleplaying games. Under normal circumstances, the (40 feet) but require an oil flask every two hours (12
Referee should roll for random monsters every other turns) and are less susceptible to wind.
turn (1 turn equals 10 minutes) with a 1 on a d6
indicating an encounter. Player characters will be spending extended time in the
darkness and will burn through torches and lantern oil.
There are other instances in the adventure that may Ensure they account for their resources.
(either due to the dungeon atmosphere or player
choice) necessitate an additional random monster or If a character is holding a light source, they will likely
random encounter check. For example, random checks have their weapon or shield sheathed and this will slow
should be made any time players declare they are their participation in combat.
searching for something, making too much noise, or if
they engage in prolonged battle. In these instances, it Also, photo-sensitive subterranean monsters will target
is critical to roll checks. The Referee must balance the light-wielding characters first.
potential upside of searching for treasure, or spending
time doing tasks, with the possibility of an encounter. Resource Allocation and Resupply
The duergar, orcs, and other tribes know how to Prior to entering Gundgathol, players should consider
move about the dark passages of Dwarrowdeep and resource allocation. Referees should encourage players
avoid unwanted attention. They scout ahead, employ to supply with essential dungeoneering equipment and
camouflage, set ambushes, and use flankers and create supply caches near an entrance within their first
lookouts. They also do not move in the open unless few expeditions.
absolutely necessary. They know the lairs of large
predators and keep their distance. These factions also PCs will need to camp within the massive complex and
know how to negotiate natural subterranean landscape might be isolated for an extended period. In this context,
hazards. Player characters must acclimate themselves players need to be judicious with their resources and
quickly to the dangers of the abandoned dwarven ensure they possess appropriate rest and rearm (or
complex. fallback) positions.

engraved this stone in worship to dhurindain i, banmor, offer this
Random Dungeon Restock Regardless of how long it takes, bashing down a
bricked wall will disrupt the silence of the dungeon and
Referees should track all dungeon rooms explored. Each necessitate at least one random monster roll.
time the PCs leave a cave or dungeon environment,
Referees should consult the Random Dungeon Restock Stuck Doors
Table. Restocking the dungeon between forays provides
a sense of verisimilitude, gives the game a unique Some of the doors in Dwarrowdeep are made of stone
evolving character, and ensures that the PCs never get and the rest are made of wood harvested from the
complacent. The monsters are not waiting to be killed. nearby forests to the east and west of Gundgathol.
Dwarrowdeep is their home. For restocking, Referees Some of the wooden doors have been swollen shut with
should consult the monster and treasure tables provided moisture and age and are indicated in the text. In the
in the Secondary Encounter Area Generator. case of a stuck door, players must force the door open
or break it down. A roll of 1–2 on a d6 indicates a
player character has broken the door down. This roll is
Dungeon Restock Table adjusted by the strength bonus/penalty of the character
1 Monster (example: 15 Strength (+1 bonus) would open the door
2 Monster and Treasure on a 1-3 on d6). Be sure to check for random monsters.
3-6 Empty* Stone Doors
*1 on d6 chance of hidden treasure. Some doors in Dwarrowdeep are made of stone. These
doors were used in less common instances or when the
Random Pit Contents dwarves desired to seal something away for eternity.
For stone doors use the mechanic for wooden doors
See the tables provided in the Secondary Encounter except the PC will need a roll of 1 (on d6) to open the
Area Generator (p.212). door. The roll is adjusted by strength like the above. If
the door cannot be opened, treat the door as a bricked
Bricked Walls and stone doors wall.

The bricked wall or archway presents an interesting Turning Undead

obstacle for player characters. Brick walls block
entry to places of import and require at least one All turn attempts are increased by one based on
sledgehammer and iron spikes to penetrate. Players will the Turning Undead Table in the core rulebook. For
need to purchase these from the blacksmith in Hamelet example, a level one cleric would require an 8 on d20
(Sledgehammer, 5gp). A tack hammer is simply too to turn 1 Hit Die undead, 10 for 2 HD, 12 for 3 HD,
small and a melee-style warhammer will be damaged and so on.
beyond repair if used to break down a wall.

Bricked-up walls provide a quandary for players. Do

Partial Collapses
they risk bashing the wall down and making noise? The once mighty city of Gundgathol is now in ruins.
Will anything come out of the wall and attack them Stone halls and passages have cracked, deeps have
from behind if they pass it by? In terms of time, use the filled with water, and chunks of stone have broken away
following as a guide to determine how long it takes to from the ceilings.
break down a wall and create an entrance of sufficient
size: Any dungeon room or cave, either noted in the text or
represented with rubble on a map, may be susceptible
Breaking Down Brick Walls and Stone Doors to further collapse. While PCs are in these rooms, there
is a 1 on d6 chance (every other turn) of a cave-in.
Number of Sledgehammers Time Required If caught in a collapse, characters between levels 1-3
1 Player Character 3 Turns will take 1d6 points of damage (half if a Save versus
Petrification is made). Characters between levels 4-6
2 Player Characters 2 Turns take 2d6 (save for half damage).
3 Player Characters 1 Turn

stone to geddinthor for strength and bravery in the battle of
Stone Sense Stone Sense: New Abilities Chance on 1d6
Detect Secret Doors
Dwarven Stone Sense is a completely underappreciated 1 on d6
and Waymarks (Passive)*
aspect of the dwarven racial class in classic fantasy
role-playing games and it plays a crucial role in Detect Secret Doors
1-2 on d6
Dwarrowdeep. and Waymarks (Active)*
Detect Toxic Gas 1-2 on d6
Stone Sense is the dwarven term for their innate ability
Gemstone Appraisal** 1-3 on d6
to feel the earth. Their stone sense is, first and foremost,
a blessing of their race bestowed by Thaneduhr and
*Use this ability, passive or active, for dwarves to spot
Dhurindain. However, the dwarves sharpened their
secret doors and waymarks.
gift through generations of subterranean life, mining,
masonry, exploration, and warfare.
**A dwarf must hold the gemstone in his or her hand
to appraise.
Within the ancient halls and tunnels of their ancestors,
dwarves possess keen sight. In Gundgathol, dwarven
player characters, not elves, possess the ability to detect The Waymarks of Dwarrowdeep
the stone creases and cracks that suggest secret doors.
The dwarves of Gundgathol rely on their memory to
Referees need not make dwarven player characters navigate its subterranean primary and secondary
immediately aware of their enhanced Stone Sense at passages. Alongside their memory and stone sense,
the beginning of the campaign. Rather, role-play the the dwarves also used clandestine runes to mark key
experience by communicating the feeling of the earth features in their tunnels, mines, and deeps. The graphic
and stone as they walk the halls of their sacred ancestral below represents common glyphs used by the dwarves
homeland. to mark geographical features like lakes, mines, exits,
dead ends, cave-ins, bridges, and danger. Waymarks
are never in plain sight. Rather, dwarves carefully
Stone Sense in Gundgathol* Chance on 1d6 etched these runes in places other races or invaders
Determine Approximate would miss. In some instances, one must stand in an
1-4 on d6 exact spot and align fragments of a waymark spanned
Depth Underground
across multiple walls or geographical features to see
Detect Grade or Slope in Passage 1-4 on d6
and read them. A dwarven character receives a passive
Detect New Tunnel 1 on d6 chance to recognize a waymark and a 1-2 on
1-4 on d6
or Passage Construction d6 chance if actively looking.
Detect Sliding/Shifting Walls
1-3 on d6 Traps in Dwarrowdeep
or Rooms
Detect Stonework Traps,
1-3 on d6 Dwarven stone sense, specifically to detect stonework
Deadfalls, or Pits
traps devoid of magical or mechanical components, will
Detect Unstable Stone or Potential save player characters if they use the ability routinely.
1-3 on d6
Referees should be advised regarding the trap types
*Must concentrate (and be within 10 feet, if applicable) in Dwarrowdeep vis a vis the second level cleric spell
. Find Traps. Find Traps reads, “This spell is centered on
the caster, and when a trapped object or area comes

two fords i, thandrin, etched this stone to honour the ancestors
within range it glows with a blue magical light. Both could suggest low oxygen in a tunnel. Each of these,
magical and mechanical traps are detected. This spell and others, a dwarf can sense while underground.
grants no knowledge about the nature of the trap or However, even dwarves can be caught unaware. When
how to deactivate it.” The Referee should note that not mining, the dwarves used caged canaries to detect
all traps are either “magical” or “mechanical.” The carbon monoxide or toxic gas with 100% effectiveness.
word mechanical is defined as “working or produced Canaries are available in Hamelet.
by machines or machinery.” A concealed pit trap,
without a mechanical resetting or locking floor, is not, Short and Long-Rest in Dwarrowdeep
by definition, a mechanical trap and will not be detected
by Find Traps. Melee traps set by tension that employ For every 50 minutes spent in armour and carrying
no mechanical parts or gears will also not be detected equipment, player characters must short-rest for 10
by Find Traps. Many other traps in Dwarrowdeep, as minutes. A short-rest may take place in armour. Failing
identified in the Secondary Encounter Area Generator, to short-rest requires a Constitution Check. A PC who
like Curse, Magical, Mechanical, Gas, and some fails a check temporarily reduces their movement speed
Ranged traps, will be detected by the spell. by 1/4 until he/she rests. This reduction is cumulative
with successive missed checks until movement is
Judicious players, using Dwarven stone sense combined reduced to zero. The result is a state of exhaustion. A
with Find Traps, will advantage themselves negotiating full day of rest is required to remove exhaustion.
the long dark of Dwarrowdeep.
In addition to short-rest every hour, Dwarrowdeep is
Dwarven House Runes so vast that player characters will be forced to long-
rest, or camp, in the dungeon if they cannot return to
The dwarven houses of Gundgathol each possess a rune the surface. A long-rest is defined as an unarmoured
that symbolizes their house or identifies an affiliation rest of 6-8 hours which must be performed once a
with other dwarven clans. These glyphs find expression day. Failing to long-rest results in a state of fatigue.
on shields and weapons, as well as decoration in Fatigue results in the reduction of movement speed by
living quarters and in glyphs and runestones. The 1/4 and a -1 temporary penalty to ability scores until a
most common are the seven noble houses: Stoneborn, long-rest is completed. These penalties are cumulative
Ironforge, Longbeard, Hammerhand, Broadbeam, on successive days until movement is reduced to zero.
Tunneltrue, and Cobblestone. However, smaller Like the above, movement of zero indicates a state
dwarven houses, some now extinct or absorbed into of exhaustion. A full day of rest is required to remove
larger houses, also have runes of affiliation and lineage. fatigue or exhaustion.

Toxic Gases and Odors Racial Enmity

Dwarves, and other subterranean races, rely on The Gundgathol dwarves have a longstanding blood-
their sense of smell moreso than surface dwellers. feud with goblinkind. A dwarf receives +1 to hit orcs,
They navigate, in part, by their nose. As part of their black orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, norkers, and bugbears
stone sense, dwarves can detect the scent of fresh - and these monsters in return receive the same bonus.
air meandering through a long tunnel and can also In addition, the affront, insult, and slaughter caused
sense polluted air. The lingering odor of a particular by the duergar over the capture and defilement of
spell, the burning of a lamp, or the scent of dung will Gundgathol has bred a deep-seated and inviolable
linger in passages and caves, sometimes for days. A hatred between the two dwarven races. The duergar
pungent fume might suggest ammonia, or the smell possess undying enmity for their mountain dwarf
of rotten eggs may suggest sulfur. A feeling of fatigue cousins and they believe Gundgathol, as Stoneborn

of house rockbeardthis stone marks the life of thindhur stone-
descendants, is their rightful home. They will fight The duergar and orcs defiled most of the Halls of
viciously and to the death to protect it. The gray dwarves Record. They destroyed books, burnt scrolls, and
are clever, treacherous, and exceedingly tactical in crushed runestones. They chiseled and defaced the
their approach to warfare. As a result, the mountain runes decorating the walls of these sacred archival
dwarves and the gray dwarves also attack each other at chambers. These halls are typically in disarray. However,
+1 on the die. Both goblinkind and duergar will target some remain undefiled behind secret doors and traps.
dwarven characters first, if practicable.
If player characters wish to search a Hall of Records
Elevators and Shafts consult the entry for the total number of books, scrolls,
and runestones. Note that all documents are written in
In addition to common transitions between deeps (levels) dwarvish unless otherwise stated. One player character
such as stairs, the dwarves of Gundgathol constructed literate in dwarvish can search 20 pieces of archival
counter-weight elevators. After neglect for hundreds of material in one turn. Using this guideline, divide the
years, these elevators may be in disrepair. There may total number of items by the total number of characters
also be open shafts between deeps. Referees should to determine how long it will take to search a Hall of
use a circled E as a map icon for elevators. Records. When player characters decide to search an
archival chamber the Referee must keep close track of
time and must roll for random encounters every other
turn (10 minutes).

A Hall of Records entry looks like the example provided

below. The valuable items are listed under neath and
are distinguished from the total number of items listed:

Damaged Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 127

Items of Value: 1d2 mundane Runestones, a
Gold Torc (100gp), Silver Disc Broach (35gp),
Runestone of Missile Attraction, and Kalbandur’s

Roll and add the following, in concert with the Secondary

Encounter Area to determine the volume of damaged
archival material, miscellaneous debris, and random
Hall of Records items of value in a Hall of Records:
The dwarves of Gundgathol archived their history and Damaged Records
culture in special chambers. Each primary encounter
area, and most secondary areas, possesses one archive. 2d20+40 Scrolls
In the Golden Age of Gundgathol, these archives 2d20+60 Books
contained the combined wisdom of the dwarven
2d20+80 Runestones
people and were overseen by their clerics. These
chambers, also called a Hall of Records, might contain
knowledge of ancient dwarven history, minecraft, Bone and Skull Piles
forgecraft, engineering, warfare, or spirituality. They 1 Dwarf skeletons
held all manner of material including books, scrolls,
and runestones. A Hall of Records can be identified by 2 Dwarf and orc skeletons
runic inscriptions within its interior walls. The dwarves 3 Dwarf and goblin skeletons
normally constructed their archival chambers with 4 Dwarf and duergar skeletons
light-boxes (a small hole carved into the side of the
mountain) to allow a beam of sunlight or moonlight to In addition to the piles of damaged archival material,
stream into the chamber. the halls contain rubble, rusty swords, broken arrows,
etc. There will be 1d4+1 random items of value:

helm, old one of thaneduhr this stone marks the opening of the
Random Item of Value* Climbing and Descending Rules
1 Mundane Runestone (1d4)
PCs may attempt to rope themselves together to climb
2 Mundane Runestone (1d6) or descend an elevation. Roped PCs may only move
3 Magic Runestone (1) as fast as their slowest member and will need 20 feet
of rope between them. Roping together provides both
4 Magic Runestone (1d2) advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, they run
5 Random Scroll** the risk of everyone falling, but on the other, are more
6 Runic Tablet*** likely to avoid losing a single member to slide or a fall.
Roped PCs must make Dexterity Checks every 20 feet.
7 Disk of Kar’Koon**** Failure indicates a fall or a slide. To determine a fall
8 Random Gemstone or slide roll 1d6 (Dexterity bonus applies). A result of
9 Random Jewelry 1-3 indicates a fall (1d6 damage) and a result of 4-6
indicates a slide (1d3 damage). If either indicated,
10 Random Coin the characters, both above and below, must make a
11 Random Magic Weapon Strength check to stop the slide or fall. If one Strength
12 Roll Twice (Ignore 12) check is successful and the other fails, the successful
character must make a second Strength check to hold
*For Mundane and Magical Runestones consult the on. Each time a fallen character is added to the chain
appropriate tables in the Random Table Section at the of fallen characters, additional Strength checks must be
end of the book. For gemstones, jewelry, coin, and made until the chain is stopped or everyone falls. In the
magic weapons, see the Secondary Encounter Area case of a fall, a penalty of –1 is added to the Strength
Generator. check for each character supported. PCs can support
a fallen comrade for 1d4+1 rounds plus their strength
**See any core rulebook. bonus.

***See Barrowmaze Complete. Party Climbing Example

****See The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia. An adventuring party known as Valdghar’s Vandals,
consisting of Knut, Arne, Erik, and Torsten (all human,
no thieves, and in climbing order) decide to ascend
Mules and Pack Lizards a 70-degree elevation (300 feet) in the middle of a
secondary passage. They each make three successful
Mine mules, also known as “pit ponies,” may be checks and are now approximately 60 feet high. Knut
cumbersome for the Referee to address. Referees makes his fourth straight Dexterity check, Arne fails and
should employ reasonable judgment and base the use slides (1d3), Erik is successful, and Torsten fails and
of mules against the difficulty of the subterranean terrain falls (1d6). Knut and Erik must make successful Strength
faced by player characters as they progress through the checks to keep Arne from sliding and Erik must make
adventure. Exploring along primary passage routes will an additional Strength check to keep from falling with
make pack-animals much more practical. However, Torsten. Knut and Erik make their checks to stop Arne
the hazards faced along secondary passages will not from sliding. Erik makes his second check (despite the
dispose themselves to mules. PCs will likely reach –1 falling penalty for Torsten) and keeps his grip to
a point where they may have to abandon their mule arrest Torsten’s fall. Torsten is now dangling at the end
(poor Old Bill). The PCs may be able to acquire a pack of the rope below Erik.
lizard from a vanquished warband or find one in a
tribal stronghold (see New Monsters). Pack lizards can
traverse difficult terrain standard mounts cannot.

platinum mine dedicated to dhurindain in the year 188 i, runli, sone of
Dwarrowdeep Character Sheet Easter Eggs New Treasure Types
The Dwarrowdeep Character Sheet conceals the Runestones
password required to open the doorway at the top
of Entrance D: Forgotten Stairway of Kalbandur. The dwarven All-Father, Thaneduhr, passed the
The character sheet contains several hints written in gift of knowledge, in the form of runes, to the first
Dwarvish runes (based on Anglo-Saxon) to decode the Stoneborn King. Dwarves, therefore, view runes, and
password. Referees should not explain the hints nor the wisdom they hold, as sacred. The physical act of
point out the easter eggs to players. etching something in stone, the material of the dwarves
themselves, holds profound meaning - stone is forever.
The runes etched across the top-center read:
Dwarven runestones are normally hand-sized. The
Atop te stair, where eagles soar carver typically etches his/her house or clan symbol
Rests Kalbandur’s forgotten door in the center of the stone. The runic text then wraps
Te entranse to our mountain hame around the symbol clockwise beginning on the outside.
Is hiden in te ancient frame Some runestones possess elaborate decoration beyond
the norm. For example, rare runestones are inlaid with
Atop the stair, where eagles soar a central jewel. Some are part of a larger set of three
Rests Kalbandur’s forgotten door that must be collected and joined together. Others are
The entrance to our mountain hame keys and must be set into position to provide access to
Is hidden in the ancient frame specific locations.

How to Decode the Dwarrowdeep Character Sheet Dwarves craft runestones for different purposes. They
create runestones to mark important occasions such
The top left corner of the sheet depicts the runes for “R” as birth, coming of age, or death. The dwarves etch
and “L” for “Right” and “left.” These hint at folding the runestones as deeds, private messages, warnings, or
character sheet so the right border aligns exactly beside personal stamps. Others serve as works of art or poetry.
the left border. The top right corner depicts the rune More elaborate runestones mark historical events or
for “Side.” The “F” rune in the bottom left references battles, like the opening of a new mine or defeating a
“Fold” and the runes on the bottom left spell “Open.” host of enemies. Others contain cryptic messages or
These four hints encourage, after folding and aligning serve as treasure maps.
the border right to left, to turn the page sideways and
read the runes that spell the password “ALBAN” in Dwarves also carve runestones for spiritual reasons.
Dwarvish. Alban is the name of Kalbandur’s father and Gundgathol dwarves etch runestones to honour the
the password to open the door. The sheet also includes gods and beg their favour in business, life, or fertility.
lock and key symbolism, and the joining of the duergar Runestones are often crafted and left at the door of a
face and mountain dwarf face as one, as depicted in burial crypt or on the sarcophagus of an ancestor as an
the Lost Kingdom of Dwarrow Coat of Arms - another offering. Dwarves believe their runestones carry sacred
hint about the Stoneborn blood that runs between both power. Depending on the reason for their creation, they
dwarven peoples. will carry them on their person or around their neck like
a talisman. Dwarves will also etch magical curses onto
The runes etched along the bottom of the page are their runestones to cause blindness, sickness, or death.
a common communal prayer among the Gundgathol
dwarves to Thaneduhr the All-Father: Dwarven clerical power is based on the use and
manipulation of runes. Dwarven clerics must trace
We are te eart, te metal, and te stone runes somatically with their hands to cast spells. The
Te dwarves from rock, made flesh and bone dwarves have also perfected the ability to inscribe
To taneduhr, te fater, our imortal king runestones to express the divine power of their gods.
Our axes, picks, and hammers sing Dwarven clerics can use runestones like a scroll by
etching spells onto it. They can enchant a runestone
We are the earth, the metal, and the stone with the property of a potion and read it to absorb
The dwarves from rock, made flesh and bone its magical effect. The dwarven clerics of Gundgathol
To thaneduhr, the father, our immortal king enchant small runestones to serve as magical sling
Our axes, picks, and hammers sing stones. They can enchant large ones to serve as club
or axe heads.

rundain battlehammer, carved this stone in prayer to geddinthor
Runestones, mundane or magical, offer a window into Gems
the personal world of the dwarves. They provide player
characters with an opportunity to experience feelings For the dwarves of Gundgathol, gemstones hold
and emotions like the life, love, loss, spirituality, and deep cultural meaning. Gemstones possess, at once,
history of the Gundgathol dwarves. symbolic, religious, and monetary value. In the dwarven
worldview, gemstones are the result of Dhurindain, the
Runestone Value Secret-Keeper, blessing the earth. Dwarves, also of the
earth, live their truth by harvesting and shaping these
Mundane runestones have value in gold pieces to the precious stones.
Gundgathol dwarves in Hamelet. Mundane runestones
bear inscriptions, tell stories, relay historical events, and The dwarves believe that gemstones, whether
stand as testimony to the Lost Kingdom of Dwarrow. ornamental, semi-precious, or precious, have
The Random Mundane and Magical Runestone Tables metaphysical properties. For example, dwarves will
are located at the back of this book (p.279). Use the adorn themselves with agates for their protective power.
following chart to determine the approximate gold They believe wearing an aquamarine can provide
piece value of mundane runestone inscriptions: courage. The amethyst provides clarity of thought, and
merchants wear the peridot for prosperity in business.
Mundane Runestone Inscription Value Emeralds aid in fertility and garnets reaffirm kinship
bonds. Jade alleviates fear and malachite promotes
Gold Piece Value a strong constitution. As these examples demonstrate,
gemstones hold sacred spiritual meaning and carry
metaphysical properties in dwarven culture.
Inscription Levels 1-3 Levels 4-7
Basic Given their deep-seated cultural position, dwarves
20+1d2x10gp 120+1d2x10gp
Inscription take great care in the shaping, cutting, polishing, and
Name Day 40+1d2x10gp 140+1d2x10gp appraising of gemstones. They classify these precious
stones by their size and condition. They also embed
Noble House 60+1d2x10gp 160+1d2x10gp their most prized stones into jewelry made of gold,
Battle or Siege 80+1d2x10gp 180+1d2x10gp silver, platinum, or mithril. Gemstones will be a rich
source of treasure for player characters.
Deity 100+1d2x10gp 200+1d2x10gp
Year 120+1d2x10gp 220+1d2x10gp Mithril
The runestones in the Random Mundane Runestone Mithril is the most famous of all the precious metals in
Tables may possess more than one of the above the Northern Reaches. The dwarves believe that mithril
inscription details. If more than one key detail is bears sacred religious significance. When a vein of
provided use the higher of the two values on the table mithril is found, the dwarves claim it is the blood of
above. Thaneduhr, Dhurindain, or Geddinthor nourishing the
For example, assuming Levels 1-3 the following
inscriptions provide the necessary detail to determine Also called Dhurinium, or Dwarrow-Silver, Mithril
their gold piece value. gleams with a radiance that outshines all other metals,
particularly by moonlight. Mithril garments and armour,
Example 1: “Thaneduhr blessed me with a full heart at especially chainmail, are as supple as linen, cold as
the Battle of Yellow Bones in the Year 231. Gaxdrag ice, and harder than steel. Mithril objects are worth ten
Warhelm etched these runes.” In this example a deity times their value in gold.
is noted but the key detail to determine its value is the
indication of the year (231). Therefore, the stone would Only the dwarves know the secrets of forging mithril
be worth 120+1d2x10gp. weapons and armour - and they are jealously guarded.
Mithril armour is exceptionally durable. It is resistant to
Example 2: “Graego carved this stone to bring glory to fire, cold, corrosion, and is non-conductive to electricity
the ancestors of House Ironforge.” Here, the indication (+5 on all item saving throws). In addition, mithril
of “House Ironforge” is the key detail establishing its armour is half the thickness and half the weight of its
value as 60+1d2x10gp. steel counterparts.

this runestone honours my ancestor dworgrim in in the year 619 long

Orc Goblin Duergar Black Orc Kalas-Toa Derro Troll

Orc - N A F H F N
Goblin N - A N H N N
Duergar A A - F F F H
Black Orc F N F - H N N
Kalas-Toa H H F H - N N
Derro F N F N N - H
Troll N N H N N H -
The Gundgathol dwarves view mithril as a sacred. The Dwarrowdeep Factions
finding, harvesting, purifying, and forging of mithril
are also considered sacred and undertaken with great Warbands and Faction Relations
care and reverence. The dwarves believe Dhurindain
weaved mithril into their earth for them to shape There are two factions, very broadly defined, in
into wondrous artifacts. Some dwarves may harbour Dwarrowdeep.
resentment, or outright hostility, if they see non-dwarves
wearing armour or carrying weapons made of their The duergar, with their seething and eternal hatred for
sacred metal. the mountain dwarves, led the army that reclaimed
Gundgathol. The kalas-toa joined their assault in return
Ingots for new spawning grounds along with gold and slaves
to sacrifice to their evil mother god. The duergar also
The dwarves of Gundgathol laid their ancestors to bought the involvement of the derro in return for a
rest with grave goods to send them into the afterlife horde of gemstones.
with sufficient offerings of wealth to the gods. These
include the items they held precious in life, in addition In return for their allegiance, the gray dwarves gave
to offerings left by their immediate family. the goblinoid tribes (orcs and black orcs) the eastern
halls to claim as their own. To the duergar, this offered
Some dwarves, like the lords of noble houses or clergy, a buffer against any future incursion by the Stoneborn
receive status burials. A status burial might include dwarves. The trolls only joined the duergar under pain
additional offerings of reverence and respect such as of death by fireball by the derro savants.
coin, ceremonial weapons and armour, gemstones,
jewelry, magic items, or ingots. The second group wandered into Dwarrowdeep
decades after its successful siege and occupation by the
Ingots are rough-hewn bars of metal. Ingots were made duergar. This group consists of monstrous humanoids
of precious metal like copper, electrum, silver, gold, who have taken residence, in a series of small tribes,
or platinum, but were also made of steel. The most in the various dark corners the massive underground
precious ingots were made of mithril and are always complex. They include bullywugs, troglodytes,
reflective of a status burial in the culture of the dwarves. myconids, vegepygmies, and morlocks. The Referee
These ingots serve as offerings but also to allow the should use these monsters to populate the secondary
deceased to forge necessary items to serve Thaneduhr, encounter areas.
Dhurindain, or Geddinthor in the afterlife.
These undesirables (as far as the duergar are
concerned) eek out their existence in symbiosis with
the subterranean ecosystem. In the years since their
arrival, their presence has stimulated the natural
process of ecological reclamation of the dwarven halls
into the underdark. Most of these groups have, at best,
neutral relationships to each other. These serve as key
monstrous humanoids for secondary encounter areas.
The relationships of the humanoid groups to each other
are summarized in the chart above: Ally (A), Friendly
(F), Neutral (N), Hostile (H), or Enemy (E).

live gary gygax the high priest of advanced dungeons and dragons
The Long Dark of Dwarrowdeep
Dwarrowdeep is designed to be an epic open-ended
sandbox adventure and provides room for multiple
endgame scenarios.

The player characters may, over time, ascertain that

the duergar’s primary purpose was not the occupation
and reclaiming of Dwarrowdeep persay, but rather the
desecration of the Forge of Creation and finding the
Hammer of Dwarvish Lords. Whether the PCs manage
to find and stop the desecration will be the result of
decisions made during play.

When the player characters begin play, they will hear

the dwarves tell their stories of defeat, loss, and exile
from Gundgathol. They will learn that the Stoneborn
dwarves were surprised and overwhelmed by the hated
gray dwarves (the Stoneborn will not reveal the shame
that the duergar are their kin) and their orc allies. The
latter group should provide the first humanoid threat,
with the gray dwarves remaining in relative obscurity.
As they proceed into Dwarrowdeep, and advance in
level, they will discover the duergar, and other powerful
groups, along the way. This approach will give the
campaign an evolving character over time.

The first tangible threat is, without question, the

subterranean environment of Dwarrowdeep itself.
Allow the halls, deeps, passageways, and hazards of
Gundgathol to come alive and challenge the player

Unlike HighFell or The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia,

this megadungeon puts purposeful emphasis on the
Long Dark of Dwarrowdeep. By the Long Dark, I refer
to prolonged and sustained subterranean exploration
in the largest dwarven-themed sandbox megadungeon
ever created and set within the classic tradition of early
fantasy role-playing games.

Even if players know the route - and travelled 12 hexes

a day (or maximum speed) - it would take not less than
four days travelling along the primary passageways, to
pass from the Doors of Dalgeddin in the south to the
Frost Gate in the north, or from the doors of Kaer-
Khelek in the east to the Forgotten Stairs of Kalbandur
in the west.

Much can happen in four days removed from the safety

of town and the light of the sun.

The Long Dark of Dwarrowdeep awaits...

Dwarrowdeep Entrances (A-F) 2. This room is partially lit by sunlight from the main
doors. The room is in disarray. There are three piles of
Entrance A: Doors of Dalgeddin rubble intermixed with bones, rusty shields, and broken
weapons. If players wish to search the rubble, use
the mechanic described in the Dungeon Exploration
Referee’s Notes: The Doors of Dalgeddin are Section. Two medium piles will take 12 turns and the
approximately a half-day’s march from the town of large one will take 18 turns. Those times will be halved
Hamelet/Durnagald. The complex is designed for for every additional PC searching. The following can
character levels 1-3. be found: Electrum Belt Buckle (20gp) and a pouch
with 34sp. In the larger pile: a Seax Knife +1 and a
Mundane Runestone that reads “This stone eternalizes
Doors of Dalgeddin: Random Monsters the courage of my friend Klarbuin Cobblestone, Blood
1 Orc Warband of Klarri, who wadded into the goblin spears and was
2 Goblin Warband slain at the Battle of Maiden’s Stone.”
3 Carnivorous Fly (1d6) This entrance chamber is what remains of the dwarven
4 Skeletons (2d4) defensive structures. The dwarves designed their
5 Giant Rat (3d6) fortifications assuming attack from the surface. This
structure creates over-lapping fields of fire for crossbows
6 Zombie (1d4) at ground level. There are also three terraces 20-feet
off the ground which provided defenders with superior
1. The Doors of Dalgeddin are the primary entrance cover while controlling the high ground.
into Gundgathol. The dwarves constructed the entrance
in honour of Dalgeddin, one of their Stoneborn hero- A (East): The three chambers labeled A stand 20-feet
kings of old. Above the massive double doors stands a above ground level. These terraces are constructed
three-hundred-foot-tall statue of mighty king. The great with battlements to protect defenders. Two ground-
statue is in disrepair and the massive doors are open. level tunnels run underneath the terraces and connect
Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #3. the B chambers with the C chambers (dashed lines). A
(South): A colony of Yellow Mold AL: N, AC: Always
During the Golden Age of Gundgathol there was hit, HD: 2, HP: 6, #AT: Spores, DMG: 1d6*, grows in
a constant stream of iron goods and caravans that the back of the side room. Anyone poking their head
exited the doors to trade with the human settlement of through the archway, or entering the room will cause
Hamelet. the spores to eject.
Now, the doors are cracked open and hang inward. B (East): These guardroom sections contain four arrow-
The pathway to the great entrance is littered with bones slits at dwarf-level. A wooden frame stands above each
and rusty shields. A feeling of loss and melancholy firing position with additional arrow-slits. The stand is
hangs in the air near the entrance. partially destroyed by fire. The two small equipment
chambers contain broken crossbows, spears, and 1d3
The dwarves used many names for their entrances rusty shortswords and 2d6 crossbow bolts are littered
and halls. The Doors of Dalgeddin are also called across the floor. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance of finding
the “King’s Gate” named after their hero-king but a pouch with: 2d6sp, 2d4gp, and 1d4pp in one of the
also “South Gate” as it represents the southernmost equipment chambers.
entrance and exit from Gundgathol.
C (East): This guardroom contains arrow-slits, tiered like
In addition, the dwarves use the term “Upper Halls” B. The wooden framework has been partially destroyed.
generically to communicate any entrance/exit location The equipment room contains weapon racks. All that
(like Entrance A or Entrance B, and so on). remains are a spear and a rusty seax knife.

A (West): The three chambers labeled A stand 20-feet the beam appears near the western door and moves
above floor level. These terraces are constructed with horizontally across the floor to its center at noon. The
battlements to protect defenders. Two ground-level beam then continues to the eastern door as the sun
tunnels run underneath the terraces and connect the B sets in the west. The sunlight presents a magnificent
chambers with the C chambers (dashed lines). spectacle among the tall dwarven geometric pillars,
despite their ruined state. Water slowly drips from the
B (West): The two guardrooms contain four arrow-slits lightbox and echoes throughout the massive hall.
at dwarf-level. A wooden frame stands above each
firing position with an additional four arrow-slits. The Beholding this chamber during the Golden Age
stand is partially destroyed by axe and sword chops. of Gundgathol would have been a majestic sight:
The two small equipment chambers contain broken dwarven guards at their posts, the hustle and bustle
crossbows, spears, and 1d3 rusty warhammers. 1d6 of mountainfolk going about their daily routine, and
crossbow bolts are littered across the floor. There is a caravans slowly making their way to trade with Hamelet.
1-2 on d6 chance of finding a pouch with: Small Finely
Cut Blue and Brown Disthene (40gp), Huge Average 4. This chamber is unremarkable other than a small,
Tiger Eye Agate (36gp), and Very Large Broken Dark vandalized statue of Dalgeddin in the northeastern
Black Agni Mani (24gp). corner. Underneath a rubble pile are two Crossbow
Bolts +1.
C (West): This guardroom contains arrow-slits, tiered
like B. Although the wooden framework is intact. The 5. The stone arch of this door depicts dwarves in battle.
equipment room contains weapon racks and some Atop the ledge, behind the decoration, is a Green
dented dwarven helmets. All that remains is a broken Slime AL: N, AC: N/A, HD: 2, HP: 5, #AT: 1, DMG:
heavy crossbow. Special. The room is empty except for a Mundane
Runestone laying on the ground in the southwestern
3. The Great Hall of the Heavens: The dwarves corner. It reads, “I, Gergrim Longhelm, etched these
constructed this massive pillared-hall to impress visitors runes in remembrance of the life and bravery of my
and dignitaries. The chamber is intended to invoke the friend Thontek.”
Great Hall of Stone located in Gund-Felek (p.190,
Room 44). This is but a small glimpse of the majesty of 6. Officer’s Quarters: The door to this room was
dwarven architecture that awaits. broken down long ago. Normal mold covers the broken
remains of wooden furniture. The area of the secret
The ceiling is 70-feet high. The room once had 20 door is completely covered in green mold. The secret
magnificent pillars shaped in a dwarven geometric door possesses a hidden keyhole (the key is located in
style. Now, all are in ruin and only seven support the Room 3) and is trapped with a pendulum hammer (1d6
ceiling. Four large statues of Thaneduhr, Dhurindain, points of damage, Dexterity Check to half the damage).
Geddinthor, and Dalgeddin stand in the corners of this
room. They have been vandalized by orcs and goblins. At the back of the eastern wall there is a Steel Coffer
The orcs chipped away stone, smeared feces on the (Locked and Trapped with a Poison Needle, Save or
statues and defaced their sacred runes long ago. Die). The secret door key will not open the coffer.
There are three large rubble piles (18 turns) dispersed
throughout the room along with the bones of orcs and The coffer contains: Huge Exquisite Green and Blue
dwarves. The third pile contains a Spellstone (1 First Chrysocolla (68gp), Small Exquisite Pale Blue Frost
Level Cleric Spell) and the fourth contains a key (to Agate (60gp), Medium Broken Light Pink Rhodochrosite
open the secret door in Room 6). (14gp), Very Large Flawed Gray-Black Hematite (24gp),
Huge Average Pale Blue Quartz (28gp), Medium
Set into the center of the ceiling is a lightbox. A lightbox Average Orange Sunstone (22gp), and a Huge Average
is a square hole that allows sunlight (or moonlight) to Deep Blue Azurite (28gp).
stream into the chamber. As the sun rises in the east

7. This room was used for storage to support the Inside the secret door, is a weapon rack with two
garrison of soldiers that manned the defenses nearby. normal hand axes, a great axe, and a shield. Hidden
All that remains are rotting wooden crates. in a secret wallstone, behind the rack, and carefully
wrapped in silk and set in a rusty metal box, is the
A. This chamber was looted long ago. Only scraps Cobblestone Tapestry. The dwarven geometric tapestry
of wood and broken barrels remain. Hidden under a is finely woven and depicts mighty Dhurindain above a
stone is a small bag with the following gemstones: Gem mine with the sigil of House Cobblestone. Cobblestone
Small Average Blue Quartz (16gp), Medium Exquisite dwarves in Hamelet would pay 175gp for its safe return.
Light Blue Lapis Lazuli (48gp), and a Large Exquisite
Blue Quartz (52gp). 14. Long ago the orcs set a crossbow tripwire trap
opposite the door of this chamber. Opening the door
8. This room is empty. snaps the tripwire and activates the rusty light crossbow
mounted on the north wall (damage 1d6). The crossbow
9. This chamber was once a training room and has a 1-2 in d6 chance to misfire. The crossbow attacks
common area for the dwarven garrison. The symbol as a fighter as the same level as the PC who opens the
of House Hammerhand is set in tile on the floor. It door.
has been broken and disturbed with pickaxes and
sledgehammers. 15. This room is empty.

The double doors to this room are ajar. Hanging above 16. The dwarven warriors posted here used this room
the doorway (on the 30-foot ceiling) are Stirges (7) AL: as an armoury. Weapon racks and armour stands
N, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 7, 5, 3x4, 3, 2, #AT: 1, DMG: line the walls. Now, all is in disarray. All that remains
1d3. Ten feet inside the door are the corpses of three are rotting pieces of wood and a few rings of armour
decaying dwarves. Only close examination will reveal scattered on the floor. A partially destroyed polearm
they were sucked dry by the stirges. They were part of weapon rack stands infront of the secret door.
a band of dwarven mercenaries and possess scalemail
armour, two warhammers, a battle axe, 2d6gp each, 17. The dwarves used this secret chamber to store
and three seax knives. a reserve of crossbows and crossbow bolts. Most
have rotted away. However, one heavy and one light
10. The door to this chamber has been destroyed with crossbow can be salvaged along with 2d20 bolts. In
axe blows. The remains of dwarven armour and broken addition, there is a Small, Locked Metal Box, lined with
weapons are strewn along the floor. There is nothing velvet, with three unique bolt heads. The first is +1,
of value. the second is +2 versus orcs (glows blue when orcs
are within 50 feet, and the third explodes into Burning
11. A small forge is tucked into the corner of the room. Hands three feet infront of its target. The area of effect
A collapse has partially covered the forge. The dwarves is the same as the spell and is cast at third level of
used the forge to maintain their weapons and armour. magic use.
Hidden on a shelf above the archway in the side
chamber is a Runestone of Healing. 18. Hall of Pillar-Statues: The large pillars in this room
are shaped as dwarven warriors. All have been defaced
12. Once a barracks, this chamber is empty. except for one that strangely remains intact. The
untouched statue of Thaneduhr is inset with Ruby Eyes
13. A partial collapse along the western wall has left (100gp each). Close examination will reveal cut marks
this room unstable. For each turn spent in this chamber on the statue. The statue is a Sentinel of the Ancestors
roll 1d6. A 1 indicates another collapse causing 2d6 AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 2+2, HP: 12, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6,
points of damage (Save versus Death for half). The and will attack if anyone attempts to remove the gems
remains of rotting tapestries lay on the floor. from its eyes.

19. This chamber is empty. It was once used as a latrine This is a burial chamber of Galgeddin, Blood of
and the smell lingers. Dalgeddin Stoneborn. Upon his death he requested he
be laid to rest in the hall named after his great ancestor.
20. Once an officer’s quarters, the room contains the The two statues represent the two dwarves.
remains of wooden furniture long since rotted. Hidden
among the debris is a Mundane Runestone that reads, A sarcophagus stands infront of the two statues. On top
“Seek the Hammer of Dwarvish Lords.” of the lid Galgeddin’s kin left three runestones to mark
his burial. Two are mundane and one is magical. The
20A. At some point in the past, someone drew a rough first two read, “Mighty Galgeddin, Blood of Dalgeddin,
map in chalk on the floor of this room. The map reveals slew the mighty ogre Bartog at the Battle of Bayden
Rooms 75-78. The word “Beware“ is written near the Hill in the Year 21” and “Mighty Thaneduhr, please
map in dwarven. accept your warrior Galgeddin and return him to the
stone.” The third is a Runestone of Feather Fall. Inside
21. This room has partially collapsed and water trickles are the remains of Galgeddin in his ringmail and shield
down the western wall onto the floor. The smell of mold along with the following gemstones: Very Large Finely
is pungent. A small pristine-looking wooden chest Cut Striated Green Malachite (52gp), Large Finely Cut
stands along the northern wall. Blue Quartz (48gp), Huge Finely Cut Green and Blue
Chrysocolla (56gp), Very Large Finely Cut Lynx Eye
The chest is a Young Mimic AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: (52gp), Huge Broken Striated Green Malachite (28gp),
5, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d4, that has yet to understand the Large Flawed Blue and Brown Disthene (26gp), Small
importance of camouflage and environmental context. Exquisite Pale Blue Quartz (60gp), Small Exquisite
Silkstone (60gp), Small Flawed Transparent Green
22. This room is covered in a thick layer of dust. On a Augelite (18gp), and a Medium Broken Light Pink
low bench at the back of this room is a table and chair. Rhodochrosite (16gp).
On the table is a Runestone of Sharpening (Whetstone)
and a normal hand axe. If his sarcophagus is disturbed, Galgeddin will rise as
a Crypt Shade AL: C, AC: 9, HD: 2, HP: 9, #AT: 1
23. Four Dwarven Skeletal Guards AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: (whirling debris), DMG: 1d8, and defend his remains.
1, HP: 8, 7, 5, 4, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, lay on the floor This might be traumatizing for dwarves who are raised
here. They burn with malice for the living. One has a to show the utmost respect for their ancestors. The small
pouch with 3d6gp and another has a Seax Knife +1. arched room contains broken pottery and an offering
long spoiled. Behind the secret door is an armour stand
24. This room is empty. with Ringmail +1 and a Shield +1 of dwarvish style and
25. Water streams down the northwestern wall of this
room. It is on the verge of collapse. For every two 27. The archway of this room is covered in Black
turns in this room roll 1d6. A result of 1-2 indicates a Witches’ Butter AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 1, HP: 5, #AT: 1,
collapse and 2d6 points of damage (Save versus Death DMG: See entry. Other than some bones and pieces
for half). If a collapse does occur, the wall separating rusty metal armour, there is nothing of value.
Room 25 with the chamber to the northwest will fall.
Roll for random monsters. 28. This chamber is empty. If Room 25 collapses, the
western wall of Room 28 will also collapse.
26. The stone door to this chamber is locked. The door
has a small triangular depression at its center (for the 29. This room is empty.
triangular runestone located in 64A). The door cannot
be opened by other means. The stone is simply too 30. A colony of Yellow Mold AL: N, AC: Always hit,
strong to be opened with spikes and sledges. HD: 2, HP: 6, #AT: Spores, DMG: 1d6* has grown
in a 20x20 patch just inside the southern door of this

room. If PCs take their time and check under the door, the character must Save versus Death (using the PCs
they will see a hint of yellow. Otherwise, the spores will unmodified save) or be corroded beyond use. Magical
eject when the door is open over the first two party bonuses apply. Inside the closet is a box containing
members. three Jeweled Combs and four Silver Beard Beads. The
combs are worth 100gp and the beads 30gp each.
31. The east wall of this room has a small 1x1 foot hole
due to a partial collapse. A Gray Ooze AL: N, AC: 8, The stonemouth on the southern arch will breathe
HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d8, uses this chamber flame on the first PC to pass into the closet. The fire
as its refuge. It will use its camouflage to hide along the causes 1d6 points of damage and all items on the PC
eastern wall near the hole, so it can flee if necessary. must Save versus Death (using the PCs unmodified
Scattered on the floor are a bunch of bones and rubble, save) or be damaged beyond use. Magical bonuses
as well as 25gp and a Silver Belt Buckle worth 113gp. apply. Inside a metal box are the following gemstones:
Huge Finely Cut Blue Quartz (50gp), Huge Average
32. Broken barrels litter the floor of this room. Obsidian (30gp), Very Large Broken Deep Blue Azurite
The southern portion of this chamber is covered in (16gp), and Large Exquisite Green Malachite (68gp).
Cinnamon Mold AL: N, AC: Always hit, HD: 2, HP: 14,
#AT: 1 (Spores), DMG: 2d6+1d6. 38. The door to this chamber was broken down long
ago. Inside are Giant Carnivorous Flies (4) AL: N, AC:
33. A pile of dwarf and orc bones can be found in 6, HD: 2, HP: 15, 3x7, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8.
this room. If the chamber is searched (2 turns) two
Runestones of Impact +1 will be found in a small rusty 39. From time-to-time orc patrols use these cells for
box. prisoners. Escaped slaves, capturers adventurers,
dwarven patrols, and the like. Of the four cells, two are
34. A counter-weight elevator formerly stood in the empty, one contains the decaying corpse of a dwarf,
center of this room. Now, only a dark 10x10 foot shaft and the final cell contains Taleel, an elf merchant. He
remains. The skeletal remains of four orcs are spread was captured on a caravan raid and forced to work
around the floor. The elevator is guarded by four Lesser in the coal mines deep in Gundgathol, far from the
Crystal Statues (4) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 1, HP: 6 each, surface. He has 1hp. Martok Longbeard in Hamelet
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d3, shaped to resemble the dwarven knows him personally (from their many trade dealings)
royal guard. They will attack anyone who fails to say and will offer the sum of 200gp for his safe return.
the password “Stoneborn Forever” (see Coat of Arms).
40. This chamber appears empty. Despite the centuries
35. This room is empty and the cobwebs one can see magnificent dwarven
geometric patterns along the inner walls of this room.
36. The door to this chamber is trapped. When the The patterns make the secret door harder to detect (no
door is opened it will break a tripwire to a mounted passive detection). Inside, against the back wall, is a
crossbow above the door to Room 37. The trap attacks Great Hammer +1, a Runestone of Climbing, and a
as a 2 HD monster and does 1d8 points of damage. Runestone of Healing.
There is a 1-2 on d6 chance the trap fails. The room is
otherwise empty. 41. Over time, this room was used as a latrine by
orcs. The smell is overwhelming and causes all those
37. This chamber appears untouched and empty. who enter to make a Constitution check or vomit for
1d4 rounds uncontrollably. Be sure to roll for random
There are two small closets in the room (North and monsters. Rot Grubs (5) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: 1hp, HP:
South). Each closet has a stonemouth carved into the 1hp each, #AT: N/A, DMG: N/A, are inflecting a dead
arch above. It. The northern mouth will spew acid orc, partially buried by offal. The noise of vomiting
(once only) on the first PC to pass into the closet. The will prompt them to emerge. Before he died the orc
acid causes 1d6 points of damage and all items on swallowed a Large Transparent Green Augelite (28gp).

42. Several rubble piles (bones, broken weapons, held the shieldwall against the Orcs of the Black Spear
rusted metal bits) dot in this long chamber. The reason at the Battle of the Old Dwarf Bridge.” The second is
is that a Gelatinous Cube (1) AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 4, HP: a Spellstone: 1d2+1 Level 1 Cleric Spells.
18, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4* is slowly moving down the hall
infront of the double doors to Room 43. Inside the cube 47. This is a side chamber to the temple. The room
are a Shortsword +1 and a Runestone of Protection +1. was plundered long ago and all the books, scrolls,
These items will appear floating in the air unless the and runestones were destroyed. Every three turns of
translucent cube is spotted. searching will reveal the following (roll for random
monsters): Cleric Scroll with one First Level Spell, a
43. Temple of Thaneduhr: This is a small temple of Runestone of Light, and three Sling Stones +1.
Thaneduhr used by dwarven soldiers, traders, and
civilians who travelled along the primary passage into, A. The bottom of this door was chewed away. The
or out of, the Doors of Dalgeddin. One side of the room contains an old rat nest. Amongst the refuse is a
double-doors has been partially destroyed and hangs Silver Beard Bead worth 25gp.
off the hinges. A defaced statue of Thaneduhr stands
on a broad dais. Infront of the statue is a broken stone B. The door to this small chamber was bashed in long
altar. A statue of Dhurindain (southwest) has been ago. There is nothing of value.
demolished and a statue of Geddinthor (southeast)
has been vandalized. The first PC to say a prayer to 48. This long chamber was once lined with beautiful
Thaneduhr will receive a Bless for the next six hours. dwarven geometric tapestries. Only moldy bits remain
but there is enough to recognize that they each
44. The door to this chamber has been burned out. represented the seven dwarven noble houses.
There is nothing of value.
A. An archway above the door depicts two stoic
45. Small Library: The two small 10x10 foot chambers dwarven faces. The shrivelled husk of an orc lies near
once held books, scrolls, and runestones. The orcs the door.
destroyed the books and scrolls and smashed the
runestones. However, for every turn searching player The stone door is locked and trapped. It contains a
characters can find the following in the northern depression for a runestone. If the door is touched the
chamber: a Spellstone (1d2, Level 1 Cleric Spells) two faces animate. The dwarf on the left will spray a
and a map of 3-5 rooms on this level. In the southern gout of oil on anyone within 10-feet of the door and the
chamber: a mundane runestone and a book called The other face will Produce Flame in an outward stream and
History of House Tunneltrue worth (135gp) to the right light the oil on fire causing 3d6 points of damage (Save
dwarf in Hamelet. versus Breath for half). The trap can be disarmed, and
the door can be opened, by inserting the Runestone
46. Three orcs have risen as Zombies AL: CE, AC: 3 Key located in Room 84A.
(Rusty Plate), HD: 2, HP: 9 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, in
this room. Their armour is so rusty and fragile that on Inside the room is a desk, with small chisels and tools
each successful hit (cumulatively) a piece or armour will for engraving beard beads. The 7 beads include three
fall off and their AC will deteriorate by one. electrum (30gp), one silver (40gp), and three mithril
100gp) each. The latter three have magical qualities.
A. This small chamber contains several dead orcs. The They include Bead of Protection +1, Bead of Healing
smell is so disgusting that all PCs who fail a Constitution (as per Cure Light Wounds, 2 uses), and a Bead of
Check will vomit for 1d4 rounds (roll for random Protection from Evil (as per spell, 2 uses). Note that
monsters). The secret room contains a low table with beads need to be worn in the hair/beard to function.
two runestones. They include a Mundane Runestone
that reads “This stone celebrates the courage of my B. The door to this room has been destroyed. The room
ancestor Borukk Cobblestone, Son of Bordan, who was looted long ago.

49. This room is sacred. It is one of the many Halls If a dwarf sits on the throne, he or she will receive a
of Record where dwarven clerics archived their vast vision, lasting but a moment, from the High Old One
knowledge for the benefit of their people. There are (see Primary Encounter Area 5). The High Old One
four pillar-statues in this room, they all represent clerics will stare at the PC and whisper, “At the center of the
of Thaneduhr. The Hall of Records is in disarray: Sacred Forge, seek the Hammer of Dwarvish Lords.”
The PC who receives the vision will be blessed akin to a
Potion of Heroism (6 turns).
Damaged Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 220 51. Guardroom: The cobwebbed skeletons of three
Items of Value: A Quiver of 20 Crossbow Bolts +1 dwarves lay on the floor of this room where they fell
and a Small Exquisite White Chalcedony (120gp) centuries before. There is nothing of value.
in a velvet bag. There are also three Mundane
Runestones. The inscriptions read: 1) “Idri carved 52. Guardroom: This guardroom contains a broken
this runestone to honour the ancestors of House weapon rack. A well extends down 40-feet. Water can
Thunderheart,” 2) “This stone marks the birth of be drawn with a rusty bucket on a chain.
my son Brodal of House Stoneborn in the Year
963,” 3) “Huldock, etched this stone in honour of 53. This room is empty.
my ancestor Braedock in the Year 944.”
54. The door to this chamber is trapped. After the rusty
steel door opens, it will snap shut 15 seconds later and
There are a total of 31 Scrolls, 74 Books, and 115 lock. The north door is also locked. Once the main
Runestones (or a total of 220 pieces of archival material door swings shut, the two side chamber doors (south
(see the section entitled Dungeon Exploration) strewn and west) will swing open and release two Runestone
across the floor. In addition, there is rubble and the Skeletons AL: N, AC: 4 or 6, HD: 2, HP: 12, #AT: 1,
cobwebbed remains of dwarves and orcs. A great battle DMG: Warhammer (1d6), who will attack the intruders
took place here prior to the exodus from Gundgathol. until they are destroyed.

50. King’s Lesser Audience Chamber: This large room 55-57. These three rooms served as officer quarters
served as the king’s audience chamber while in South for the king’s royal guard. All three have been looted
Gate. The dwarves forbid surface dwellers in their and are in disarray but the following random items may
deepest halls, so this audience chamber allowed the be found for every two turns spent searching: Electrum
king to meet dignitaries, forge trade agreements, Disc Broach 35gp, Very Large Average Blue Quartz
and hold war counsels close to the southern exit of (26gp), Small Broken Pink Rosaline (12gp), Silvered
Gundgathol. Dagger and Scabbard, and Medium Exquisite Tiger Eye
Agate (62gp).
The statues in the room depict six Stoneborn kings
(Thorgallin, Dalgeddin, Throrrim, Grimthor, Dalthorin, 58. These rooms served as small barracks for the king’s
and Dalgrim). All have been vandalized. The skeletons royal guard. They were looted by orcs long ago.
of numerous orcs lay on the floor. Four of the six statues
are Sentinels of the Ancestors AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 2+2, A. This chamber is empty.
HP: 5 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, but they have been
damaged and have low hit points. B. Giant Centipedes (6) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: 1d4hp, HP:
2x4, 4x3, #AT: 1 (Bite), DMG: Poison, have made a
The centerpiece of the chamber is the throne of the nest here from a hole in the wall. The following can be
king. The throne stands atop a large rectangular dais. found in the nest: Large Finely Cut Deep Blue Azurite
The throne is made of stone, and despite its vandalized (44gp), Medium Flawed Light Pink Rhodochrosite
condition, still shows expert craftsmanship and masonry. (20gp), and two small iron ingots worth 30gp each.

C. A hidden pouch under a floorstone holds gemstones: Searching will take two dwarf-literate characters 1
Medium Average Orange Sunstone (22gp), Large turn each. The following Mundane Runestones can be
Broken Pink Rosaline (16gp), Small Exquisite Green and found. The inscriptions read, “Dwalund cut these runes
Blue Chrysocolla (60gp), Small Average Moss Agate in memory of Grundin Hardcrown who was slain at the
(20gp), and Medium Exquisite Lynx Eye (62gp). Battle of the Dead Fields,” “Barunn Grimhelm etched
these runes in remembrance of life and bravery of my
D. Two dwarven skeletons lie here. They were part of a nephew Norunn,” “This stone was carved to mark
patrol from Hamelet that was hunted and destroyed by the name day of Thanrag Battlefist in the Year 721,”
the orcs months ago. The bodies have been looted and and “Balar had these runes cut in memory of Storog
have nothing of value. Hillbottom who died at the Siege of Thistle’s End.”
There is also Runestone of Petrification and a Runestone
E. Two dwarves emerged as Shadows (2) AL: C, AC: 7, of Healing.
HD: 2+2, HP: 12, 10, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d4 plus special,
and linger near their skeletal remains. 63. This chamber once served as an officer’s barrack.
The room has been looted. A pile of broken pottery in
59. Armoury of the Royal Guard: Once used as a the southwest corner hides a pouch with 15gp.
training room and armoury, this chamber has been
looted and vandalized. Sacred runes along the walls 64. The stone door to this chamber was breached
were chipped away long ago and covered in feces. The long ago. In the center of the room is a prayer dais
only salvageable items are a spear and a seax knife. to Geddinthor. The dais was painted with feces long
ago. Several iron spikes were driven into the stone by
60. A large open hole, formerly a counter-weight sledgehammers and then abandoned. The first person
elevator, dominates the center of this chamber. The (or first dwarf) to stand on the dais, kneel, and pray, will
elevator was intended for the king’s personal use in receive +1 Constitution for one day.
times of emergency. The elevator functioned by means
of a lever in the center of a wooden platform that A. The floor of this chamber is covered with rock and
connected to a counterweight to allow the platform debris that has fallen from the ceiling. One of the rocks
to rise or fall. Now, all that remains is an open shaft is the Triangular Runestone Key to Room 26.
extending down into the darkness. Two deeps exist
below this level but have been lost. The chamber is B. There are four Rust Bats AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 1, HP:
defended by a Flagstone Golem AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 2, 3 each, #AT: 1, DMG: See entry, feeding on an old
HP: 16, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d6/1d6. All those who pass shield in the southern corner of the room. They appear
through this chamber must bear the symbol of House like rust marks on the shield (1 in d6 chance to spot).
Stoneborn or the golem will attack.
65. The descending ramp, or slope, at this location is
61. There are two runestones laying on the floor. A hole the beginning of a Primary Passage that leads north
in the flagstone holds an Insect Swarm (Beetles) AL: to S1 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. The dwarves
N, AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 7, #AT: 1, DMG: 2hp, that will constructed the passage to accommodate trade
stream out of its nest and toward the door. The stones and the transport of their people and armies across
include a Mundane Runestone that reads, “I, Drulin, Gundgathol. The floor is covered in rubble and several
Grandson of Durli Hammerhand, carved this stone in statues of Dalgeddin and his ancestors, that line the
prayer to Dhurindain for the fertility of my children” and passage, have been partially destroyed.
a Runestone of Weight.
Giant Flagstone Spiders (5) AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 1,
62. A ruined column depicting Dhurindain stands in HP: 8, 7, 2x5, 3, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d2 + Poison, have
the center of this room. The statue-column is a shrine positioned themselves in the area immediately infront
of sorts. Long ago dwarves left runestones against its of the slope to ambush wandering creatures. Their nest
base as an offering. There is a collection of 40 stones: contains the following treasures: Gold Torc (80gp), Bag

with 53sp, Gold Ring (75gp), and three Silver Beard other reads “Grandfather, please bless my marriage to
Beads (25gp each), and six Sling Stones +1. Hadar with many children.”

66. Once a guardroom, this chamber is empty. The door is trapped, not through the face, but through
a spell called Hammer Ward (see New Spells). If anyone
67. The room contains a collapsed stairwell. A group of attempts to open the door without the key a shimmering
Giant Rats (12) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1d4hp, HP: 3x4, 4x3, magical hammer will appear and strike for 2d6 points
3x2, 2x1, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3, recently made a nest in of damage. The walls of this chamber are covered in
the small 10x10 foot room along the western wall. Their burial alcoves.
nest contains 34sp, 14gp, 10pp, and the following
gems: Large Average Pale Blue Frost Agate (28gp), Burial Alcoves: (49) Semicircle with Bones/ Urns.
Small Broken Obsidian (12gp), Medium Average Pink Contents: Treasure within the alcoves includes
Rosaline (24gp). . Treasure Type: I-VI, XI, two random Mundane
Runestones, and two random pieces of jewelry.
Behind the secret door stand two Runestone Skeletons
AL: N, AC: 4 or 6, HD: 2, HP: 8, #AT: 1, DMG: By
weapon, who will attack trespassers. Behind the secret door stand two dwarven Wood
Golems (2) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 2+2, HP: 15, 10, #AT:
68. The flagstone immediately on the other side of this 1, DMG: 1d8. Behind the golems is a small stone table
door is trapped. The floorstone will tilt on central axis with a Stalagmite Runestone. They will attack intruders.
right or left revealing a shallow depression with spikes
for 1d6 damage. 73. This side chamber is empty.

69. This room is empty. 74. This chamber is a small shrine to Geddinthor. There
are two heavily dented ornamental shields on the floor.
A. This secret chamber was used recently by an They possess no martial value. However, if the shields
adventuring party to stow extra gear. There are four are bashed together, they will produce a single (three
backpacks. Each represents a typical backpack by use only) random magical effect (lasting 1 day).
class: fighter, cleric, magic-user, and thief. In addition,
the cleric sack has two Potions of Healing. Random Magical Effect
70. A few stones litter the floor here. One is a Mundane 1-2 +1 to hit/damage versus orcs
Runestone with the inscription, “Rothrum etched this 3 Protection from Evil
stone in memory of Dalrum Cobblestone, my son.” 4 +1 Strength
71. This chamber has partially collapsed along the 75. A fire burns from a large stone bowl on a pedestal-
northwestern wall. Movement in this chamber beyond stand in the center of this chamber. The fire emanates
one turn may (1d2 on d6) cause an entire collapse of from two Fire Bats (2) AL: NE, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 6
the west wall into the corridor beyond it. This will cause each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3 + Flame. If disturbed, they
1d4 points of damage to anyone within 10-feet and will attack.
require a random monster roll.
76. This chamber is empty.
72. The arch around this door is engraved with a
menacing dwarven face. The door is made of stone, 77. The southeastern wall of this room is on the verge of
has a keyhole (Room 89D), and is engraved with collapse. The floor is covered in rubble. Activity beyond
the symbol of House Tunneltrue. Two runestones lay 1 turn will collapse the wall and cause 1d4 points of
against the door. One reads, “Tunneltrue: In honour of damage to anyone within 10 feet. This will also require
my kin and in remembrance of my ancestors” and the a random monster roll.

78. The door to this room is open. Water spills into the A. A runestone marked with a dwarven face is tucked
hallway. This room contains a small fountain. Although in the back corner of this room surrounded by small
broken and cracked, water still trickles onto the floor. pieces of rubble the same size. This is the key to Room
The floor is covered in moss and is considered slippery 48A.
terrain (half movement, attack at -2).
85. The door to this room is empty. Hanging on a ledge
Side chambers A and C are empty. B contains Stirges above the door is a Giant Crab Spider AL: N, AC: 7,
(4) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 5 each, #AT: 1, DMG: HD: 2, HP: 10, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8 + Poison, awaiting
1d3. its next meal.

79. Smell of Decay emanates from this room. There 86. This large domed chamber was a training room
are 1d4 dead dwarf slaves (2d10 days) piled along the for the King’s Gate garrison. The statue of Thaneduhr
back wall. Three Grub Globules (3) AL: N, AC: 10, HD: has been destroyed (the duergar decreed that all
1hp/cyst, HP: 1hp, #AT: See entry, DMG: See entry, representations of Thaneduhr be defaced or destroyed)
have grown out of the corpses and above the doorway but the other statues of Geddinthor, Dhurindain, and
entrance. PCs that enter will cause the cysts to burst Dalgeddin are intact. The walls are lined with broken
and must Constitution Check or vomit for 1d4 rounds weapon racks and armour stands. Beautiful tapestries,
uncontrollably. Be sure to roll for random monsters. long since destroyed, lay in moldy heaps on the floor
along with a few broken weapons (both dwarven and
80. Hidden under a stone in the floor of this room orc).
are two bottles of Ancient Dwarven Wine. Each bottle
is worth 300gp each. Note that unless the PCs take A-F: These rooms served as barracks for the dwarven
precautions there is a 1-4 on d6 chance a bottle will garrison. Each are dark and quiet. The doors are all
break each time they engage in combat. open. B is home to a Shrieker AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 3, HP:
8, #AT: Special, DMG: Special, D has three Mundane
81. The statue in this room of mighty Dhurindain is Runestones, and F contains a colony of Amber Mold
covered in Purple Moss AL: N, AC: N/A, HD: 2, HP: 3, AL: N, AC: Always hit, HD: 1hp, HP: 1hp, #AT: 1, DMG:
#AT: Sleep, DMG: Special. In addition, the statue was Special, and a bag with Silver Helm worth 87gp and a
partially destroyed and on the verge of toppling. If a PC Gold Disc Broach inlaid with Garnets worth 150gp.
falls asleep from the moss and hits the floor there is a The others are empty.
1-3 on d6 chance the statue will topple and crush the
character(s) for 1d6 points of damage. 87. This was once a storeroom. Empty sacks and broken
crates are all that remain.
82. This chamber is empty and is backlit by a small
patch of yellow lichen. 88. Like Room 87, this was also a storeroom. Normal
mold covers the floor.
83. There are two puddles of green water immediately
outside the door of this room. Inside, there are three 89. The short hallway contains four small rooms:
puddles of green water. The puddles are Oozies (3)
AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 1–4hp, HP: 3 each, #AT: 1, DMG: A. This chamber is empty.
1d6. There is a glint at the back of the room (Silver Ring
worth 25gp). B. This room is empty.

84. As small statue has been vandalized by the orcs C. A bag of silver pieces (25) was spilled across the
beyond recognition. Hidden in a secret compartment back wall of the room. Hanging above the archway, just
at the back is a Dagger +1. A deceptively clever finger inside, are Sallow Cysts (3) AL: N, AC: 10, HD: 1, HP:
groove in the stone allows access to the compartment. 1hp each, #AT: See entry, DMG: See entry.

D. A small rubble pile in the corner contains the key for Kaer-Khelek: Random Monsters
Room 72.
1 Orc Warband
90. A group of dwarven warriors were slain by orcs 2 Goblin Warband
when cornered in this room centuries ago. They will rise 3 Stirges (1d6)
as Fossil Skeletons (5) AL: CE, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 2x13,
11, 10, 4, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, and attack the living. 4 Blooderfly (2d4)
One carries a rotting case with 6 Crossbow Bolts +1. 5 Giant Rat (3d6)
6 Zombie (1d4)

1. The dwarves enclosed the great eastern cave and

constructed the edifice of Kaer-Khelek into the side of
the mountain. The doors, once mighty and impregnable,
stand open and in ruins. A dank smell emanates from
inside. Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #4.
Entrance B: Ruins of Kaer-Khelek 2. Light streams into this location for the first 30-40
feet. Numerous large rubble and skeleton piles are
In the early days of Gundgathol, the dwarves found a dotted along the edges of this primary passage. The
large cave that exited the eastern edge of the Eternal tunnel is quiet.
Mountains. The cave opened to the picturesque vale of
Loch Rannock. They built defensive structures around 3. Two orcs are asleep at their post on makeshift beds.
the cave mouth to protect their city and called it Kaer- If they hear battle, they will lower the portcullises. The
Khelek (Translation: Fortress-along-the-Water). The portcullis levers are located on the east and west walls
dwarves also call this location East Gate. (in the “up” position). Orcs (2) AL: CE, AC: 6 (Studded
and Shield), HD: 1, HP: 5 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Spear
Since the exodus of the Stoneborn dwarves, the Black (1d6), Scimitar (1d6), and Dagger (1d4). Treasure: 6gp,
Tongue Orc tribe use the security of Kaer-Khelek to 2ep, 6sp and 4gp, 7sp, and 10cp.
plunder across the eastern lands and forests of the Lost
Kingdom of Dwarrow. In the summer months the orcs A. This platform stands 20 feet above the ground and
also access the nearby trail across the mountains to is lined with broken battlements. There is a 50% chance
recruit new tribes or access the Frozenfar. the single Orc Guard AL: CE, AC: 6 (Studded and
Shield), HD: 1, HP: 5, #AT: 1, Weapon: Light Crossbow
The orcs feel no need to fully occupy the location. and 10 Bolts (1d6), Spear (1d6), and Dagger (1d4):
Instead, they provide enough of a presence to serve Treasure: 1gp, 3ep, 5sp, 5cp, is asleep at his post.
as a warning for the duergar in deeper levels. There
are never more than a few independent orc warbands B. Barracks: Four flea-infested beds of dirty cloth and
in Kaer-Khelek and they are normally departing, furs lay on the floor.
or returning, from a raid. When the orc tribes move
eastward in force, they emerge from the deeper levels C. The door to this chamber is broken and the room is
and gather their strength at Kaer-Khelek first. empty.

D. The orcs use this small room as a latrine. When the

Referee’s Notes: The Ruins of Kaer-Khelek are door is opened all characters must make a Constitution
approximately 20 hours march north from the town check or vomit for 1d4 rounds from the stench. There
of Hamelet/Durnagald. The entrance is designed is nothing of value. Any PC searching the fecal matter
for character levels 1-3. may (1-2 on d6) contract a disease (see Giant Rat).

E. This room appears empty. Hidden behind a stone A. This platform stands 20 feet above the ground and
on the back wall is a small pouch with the following is lined with broken battlements. There is a 50% chance
gemstones: Medium Finely Cut Tiger Eye Agate (44gp), the Orc Guard AL: CE, AC: 6 (Studded and Shield),
Large Exquisite Dark Green Malachite (68gp), and a HD: 1, HP: 5, #AT: 1, Weapon: Light Crossbow and 10
Huge Average Striated Green Malachite (36gp). Bolts (1d6), Spear (1d6), and Dagger (1d4), Treasure:
5cp and a Small Broken Obsidian (12gp), is drunk or
F. The Orc Rat-Master AL: CE, AC: 6 (Studded and asleep.
Shield), HD: 1, HP: 5, #AT: 1, Weapon: Whip (1d4),
Scimitar (1d6), and Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 5gp, 8ep, B. Three orc heaps of flea-infested straw and furs lay
9sp, 2cp, uses this room as his quarters. Under a stone on the floor. There is 1d8cp and 1d10sp in each. In the
in the floor, under his bed of dirty furs, is a Huge Broken bedding is a Small Broken Blue and Brown Disthene
Pale Green Variscite (20gp), a Large Transparent Green (12gp).
Augelite (24gp), and a Small Deep Blue Azurite (20gp).
C. This chamber contains three mounds of furs and a
G. The orcs use this room to breed Giant Rats (12) AL: Small Coffer. The Coffer is Locked and Trapped with
N, AC: 7, HD: 1d4hp, HP: 3x4, 4x3, 3x2, 2x1, #AT: 1, a Poison Needle (Save or Die). The coffer contains a
DMG: 1d3, for sport. dented Silver Belt Buckle (25gp), two Gold Beard Rings
(20gp each), and the following gemstones: Medium
Pale Blue Frost Agate (24gp), Large Pink Rosaline
(28gp), and a Large Flawed Silkstone (26gp).

5. This defensive platform with battlements stands 20

feet above the floor. The orc guard on duty abandoned
his post.

6. This chamber contains three barrels of scum-covered

water, four large sacks of grain (just starting to rot), and
two small barrels of mead (empty). These were recently
taken in a caravan raid. The barrels are located infront
4. Guardroom: Long ago the dwarves designed this of the secret door.
guardroom to defend against a surface attack. The
ceiling is 30-feet high with two levels of arrow slits 7. Long ago, during a period when the orcs of the deep
for shooting at invaders. A partially broken wooden were out raiding, a reconnaissance patrol of dwarves
framework supports only one of the top tier arrow slits. (three fighters, a thief, and a cleric) from Hamelet
managed to pass through the gates of Kaer-Khelek.
A small group of orcs guards this location. There is a They used this room to store supplies close to the
1-4 on d6 chance they are fighting over 2d6gp and not entrance and proceeded deeper into the mountains.
actively looking through the arrow slits into Room 1. The dwarves were captured, and most were slain.
The Orcs (4) AL: CE, AC: 6 (Studded and Shield), HD:
1, HP: 2x6, 5, 4, #AT: 1, Weapon: Spear (1d6), Dagger The three fighter backpacks include: 30 feet of rope,
(1d4), and Shortbow with 10 Arrow (1d6), Treasure: two seax knives, two hammers (two sledge and a
The guards carry 2d6cp, 1d8sp, and 1d4gp, are led by tack), and 5 iron spikes per pack. The thief’s backpack
Grak, Orc Warband Leader (F1) AL: CE, AC: 4 (Chain includes thieves picks and tools, a small vial of acid (one
and Shield), HD: 1, HP: 8, #AT: 1, Weapon: Spear use), two bags of caltrops, and chalk. The cleric’s pack
(1d6), Scimitar (1d6), Dagger (1d4), and Shortbow with contains a Silver Holy Symbol of Thaneduhr (100gp), a
10 Arrows (1d6). The warband leader has a key for Runestone of Light, a Runestone of Healing, and clean
the coffer located in Room 4C, 2d6gp, 2d4sp, and a bandages.
mundane runestone.

8. The door to this room is open. Four Orcs AL: CE, a socket at the back of the NW mouth, it will repeat the
AC: 6 (Studded and Shield), HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, following phrase seven times: “At the center of the Sacred
Weapon: Spear (1d6) and Dagger (1d4), are cooking Forge, Seek the Hammer of Dwarvish Lords.” This is a
manflesh over a small fire and fighting over who will very early hint for player characters from Thaneduhr
eat first. regarding the importance of the Hammer of Dwarvish
Lords and the existence of the Forge of Creation. The
The orcs have thrown refuse into the small side chamber Gundgathol dwarves in Hamelet/Durnagald would be
at the back of this room. There are broken and rusty shocked to learn non-dwarves possess these deeply
shields and swords, bones, as well as bits of wood and guarded secrets of their race.
rubble. They do not enter as they fear the stone face (A)
and a small Black Witches’ Butter AL: N, AC: 8, HD: Hidden amongst the rubble near the northern door are
1, HP: 3, #AT: 1, DMG: See entry, growing along the two mundane runestones. These can only be found if an
inside edge of the archway. active search is undertaken. A dwarf receives a passive
1 on d6 chance to spot the runestones. They read:
A. The door to this chamber is made of stone and “I, Kalin, etched this stone in honour of my ancestor
carved with a dwarven face. In the center of the mouth Kurdalin Mountainhome of the King’s Guard in the
is an almost imperceptible keyhole. The key is located light of the Full Moons” and “Mighty Thaneduhr, please
on the floor of Room 33. Inside the room are 40 burial bless my marriage to Kurdain with many children.”
alcoves. These runestones were left 100s of years ago near the
door leading to Kurdalin’s crypt (Room 12).
The alcoves possess the following treasure: 1d3
Mundane Runestones, two bags: 102cp and 56gp,a 12. This door is made of stone and has not been
bag with seven Gold Beard Beads (30gp each), and breached by the orcs. There is no key to open this door.
the head of a Hand Axe +1. The latter item is carefully Rather, the player characters must force or break the
hidden at the back of a particularly deep alcove. door with sledgehammers and iron spikes.

9. Forge: The orcs use the small forge here to craft their The false crypt of Kurdalin Mountainhome is illuminated
crude swords and spear tips. The symbols of Thaneduhr by a lightbox cut into the 50-foot ceiling of this chamber.
and House Longbeard, carved into the forge, were The beam of light moves from west to east across the
long ago broken and defaced by the orcs. The room is center of the chamber as the sun rises in the east and
in shambles. Four orc scimitars and three orc pikes lean sets in the west. Laying on the floor in the center of the
against the wall. room is bowl of 49gp decorated with the holy symbol
of Thaneduhr. The bowl is set over a tilting floorstone
10. Guardroom: Orcs (5) AL: CE, AC: three with 5 trap (1d6 no save). Along the north wall is a stone
(Chainmail) and two with 6 (Studded and Shield), HD: bench with a black urn, a Runestone of Delusion, and a
1, HP: 8, 7, 2x6, 5, #AT: 1, Weapons: two with Spear cursed Hand Axe +1 Backbiter. Along the western wall,
(1d6) and Dagger (1d4) and three with Hand Axe (1d6) extending from the secret door, is a stone hand facing
and Javelins x3 (1d6). There is a 1-3 on d6 chance that palm up (see Room 12A).
one of the orcs is standing guard outside the door of
this room. The remaining orcs are sleeping. A. This secret chamber can be detected but cannot be
opened, by any means magical or mundane, unless
11. The southeastern corner of this room has collapsed illuminated by moonlight via the lightbox in Room 12.
and, with it, a portion of the southern ceiling. There is When the first beams of moonlight shine on the door,
a 1-2 on d6 chance of further collapse for every turn the outline of the portal will illuminate. At that moment
spent in this room. The four walls (E, S, W, NW) of this the player characters must place Kurdalin’s Royal Guard
room are decorated with dwarven hellmouths. The orcs Medallion (see Room 67) in the stone hand. The hand
defaced two of them and smeared feces on the others. will close around the medallion and disappear into the
If the Hellmouth Runestone from Room 37 is placed in wall and allow entry into Kurdalin’s final resting place.

Inside, on a low stone bench, are the skeletal remains of famous dwarven warrior-clerics of old. Most of these
of Kurdalin Mountainhome. He is adorned with have been chipped away and defaced by the orcs.
Ringmail +1 and a Shield +1. Over his eyes are a
Runestone of Sharpening and a Runestone of Healing. Shabazz the Orc Shaman has left two Armoured
Around his body rest seven mundane runestones and Dwarf Zombies AL: CE, AC: 3 (Rusty Plate), HD: 2,
a bowl with seven gemstones: a Large Exquisite Dark HP: 16 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, to guard the double
Black Agni Mani (44gp), Very Large Exquisite Pale Blue doors into the temple. One zombie carries a Silver
Quartz (46gp), Small Exquisite Silkstone (40gp), Small Dagger in a sheath at his belt and wears a Gold Ring
Flawed Silkstone (18gp), Very Large Exquisite Gray- (50gp). They will attack non-orcs on sight.
Black Hematite (46gp), Medium Finely Cut Light Pink
Rhodochrosite (32gp), and a Very Large Broken Pink 17. This chamber has partially collapsed in the
Rosaline (18gp). northwestern corner and is home to Orcs (8) AL: CE,
AC: two with 5 (Chainmail), three with 6 (Studded and
13. Broken Fountain of Kaer-Khelek: A once-grand Shield), and three with 7 (Leather and Shield), HD: 1,
fountain stands in the center of this room. The center HP: 2x8, 2x7, 6, 3x3, #AT: 1, Weapons: two with Hand
of the fountain has a square pillar with each compass Axe (1d6) and Javelins x3 (1d6), two with Spear (1d6)
direction faced as a dwarven warrior. Water poured and Dagger (1d4), and four with Scimitar (1d8), Dagger
from their mouths into the fountain basin. The fountain (1d4), and Shortbow and 10 Arrows (1d6). The orcs
was broken and defaced by the orcs and water trickles have pouches with 1d6gp, 2d4sp, and 3d6cp. There is
onto the floor. The ceiling near the eastern wall has a 1-2 on d6 chance that three possess 1d4 nuggets of
partially collapsed, as well as the southwestern pillar. silver ore worth 3d6 gold pieces.
The orcs braced the eastern wall with wood to avoid
future collapse and ensure access to the fountain. 18. This chamber is home to two black orcs sent by the
Movement in this room for longer than 1 turn may (1 duergar to Kaer-Khelek to keep the lesser orcs in hand.
on d6) cause a cave-in. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance the orcs can smell any
dwarf or human that approaches their door and a 1 on
14. This chamber is empty. d6 chance they are sleeping. Black Orcs (2) AL: LE, AC:
4 (Half Plate), HD: 3+3, HP: 19, 16, #AT: 1, Weapons:
15. The orcs once used this room as a cell. There are one with a Broadsword (1d6+1) and the other has a
two long deceased corpses of dwarves leaning against Scimitar (1d8), Treasure: The first has a pouch with a
the back wall. In a secret loincloth pocket is a piece of Very Large Finely Cut Pale Blue Frost Agate (36gp),
paper that reads: Hurimbrir (in dwarvish runes). There Medium Flawed Light Blue Lapis Lazuli (20gp), and a
is a 1-3 on d6 chance that any dwarven party member Huge Flawed Pale Green Variscite (26gp). The other
(1-4 for a cleric) will know the name Muirdaggan has a Platinum Nose Ring (35gp) and 10pp. Note the
Hammerhand and his tale of renown. Muirdaggan Orr-Uks are +2 on damage rolls. There are two Heavy
single-handedly held the gate of Kaer-Khelek against Crossbows with 10 Bolts (1d8) hanging on the south
a great band of frost giants. Muirdaggan made a wall.
pact of single-combat to take the field and challenged
Hurimbrir, the frost giant champion. Muirdaggan deftly 19. This chamber is empty.
weaved between the legs of Hurimbrir and sliced both
his Achilles tendons before slaying the great giant. His A. The secret door to this room opens by means of
statue, and that of Hurimbrir, stand on either side of his a secret wallstone. Pulling out the stone, rotating
crypt door (Room 60) and immortalize his victory. it clockwise once, and pushing it back in, will crack
the door open but arms the Swinging Ball Trap (1d6)
16. Once the former antechamber to the temple of above the door. Turning the stone clockwise twice, and
Thaneduhr (Room 21), this chamber is lined with seven pushing it back in, will open the door fully (trap still
stone pillars on either side of the room. Each of the engaged). To disengage the trap, the wallstone must
pillars are seven feet high and faced with the images be turned clockwise three times and pushed back in.

Engraved into the southern wall is a dwarven stone face. Ventriloquism, Shocking Grasp, Web, two Potions of
Inside the open mouth, at the edge of arm’s length, Healing, Talisman of the Dead (see Barrowmaze).
is a magical Runestone Mace Head +1. The mouth is Shabazz will attempt to draw the party closer to him
trapped with sharpened steel jaws. Unless disengaged, before calling on his undead minions.
the trap will spring when the runestone is removed. The
trap inflicts 1d6 points of damage. On a damage roll Standing in the three alcoves of this room. Hidden
of 5 or 6, the character must Save versus Death or the in total darkness at the back of each are: A: Dwarf
trap will sever the arm. Zombies (2) AL: CE, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 7 each, #AT: 1,
DMG: 1d8. B: Dwarf Skeletons (3) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD:
20. A badly beaten dwarf prisoner by the name of 1, HP: 7, 5, 4, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, and C: Armoured
Durlag Broadbeam managed to escape the sacrificial Dwarf Skeletons (2) AL: CE, AC: 4 (Half Plate), HD: 1,
altar in Room 21 and crawled to this dark section of HP: 6 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6. One of the armoured
the deep to die. In his prime he was a Level 2 Fighter/ skeletons dropped a pouch with the following items in
Level 2 Thief but has spent many years mining coal the dark recesses of its alcove: Fine Bone Comb (75gp)
in Rooms 29-41 under the whip of the orcs. The orcs and a Gold Bracelet (100gp).
cut out his tongue and attempted to burn the House
Broadbeam tattoo on his chest. By the time the PCs 22. This alcove contains a pile of decaying corpses
reach him, Durlag will be near death. He knows of infested with Rot Grubs (10) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: 1hp,
Room 47, where he hid some treasure and gear (but HP: 1hp each, #AT: N/A, DMG: N/A. There is nothing
does not know of 47A or B). He will use a finger to of value.
draw a rough map in the dirt and then perish. Returning
his body to the Broadbeams in Hamelet will provide a 23. This chamber contains four holes in the floor and
reward of $100gp. several on the ceiling. Every turn the PCs are in this
room there is a 1-3 on d6 chance a gust of air will
21. The Ruined Temple of Thaneduhr: This rough- shoot through a hole and extinguish torches. For each
hewn temple to Thaneduhr All-Father was defaced and gust there is a 1 on d6 chance an Insect Swarm (Beetle)
defiled by the orcs. It now lies in ruin. (1) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 7, #AT: 1, DMG: 2hp, also
will emerge. This happens once only. The room has
The large 30-foot tall statue of Thaneduhr was chipped partially collapsed.
and refaced to resemble Garuush (God of the Orcs).
Rubble and debris surround the statue from the 24. The chamber has partially collapsed. Hidden in the
refacing, except for a small path immediately at its base. rubble are two Mundane Runestones and a Runestone
There is also a large piece of rubble used as an altar of Healing. One of these can be found for every four
immediately in front of the statue. The altar is stained turns of searching.
with blood. Three emaciated corpses of dwarves lay
beside the altar. The chamber has partially collapsed 25. This room contains an open mineshaft in the far
at two points along the western wall. northwestern corner. The mineshaft extends 50 feet
There are three prisoners chained to floor near the
altar. Two human men and a male dwarf. All have been 26. Guardroom: Orcs (5) AL: CE, AC: 7 (Ringmail),
badly beaten and are emaciated (1hp). Their tongues HD: 1, HP: 2x7, 2x5, 4, #AT: 1, Weapons: Scimitar
have been cut out. They will need to be carried to (1d8) and Shortbow with 10 Arrows (1d6), occupy this
survive. They are about to be sacrificed by Shabazz guardroom. The orcs here are wagering over a fight
the Orc Shaman (CL2/MU2) AL: CE, AC: 7, HD: 4, HP: between two Stirges (2) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 4
20, #AT: 1, Weapon: Staff (1d6), Sling and 10 Stones each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3, in a large wicker cage. The
+1 (1d6), and Dagger (1d4). Spells (2/2): Command, orcs are engrossed and can be surprised (1-3 on d6).
Protection from Good, Magic-Missile, Burning Hands, Like Room 28, there are three small side chambers
Treasure: 21gp, 15ep, 10pp, Magic-User Scroll: Sleep, with filthy beds. The westernmost contains a bag with a

Medium Broken Striated Green Malachite (14gp) and a include three Dwarves (Males), a Goblin (Male) and a
Very Large Broken Tiger Eye Agate (18gp). Gnome (Female). The slaves have been poorly treated
and whipped repeatedly.
27. The slope at this location descends downward
approximately 60 feet and leads northwest from 33. Something partially buried in the dirt gleams at the
Entrance B along the Primary Passage toward S27 on back of this dead end. Ten feet above the entrance, a
the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. The ceiling is high (50ft) Grub Globule (1) AL: N, AC: 10, HD: 1hp/cyst, HP:
and a large group of Normal Bats (200) AL: N, AC: 1hp, #AT: See entry, DMG: See entry, has taken root.
6, HD: 1hp, HP: 1hp, #AT: Confuse, DMG: n/a, can The globule has four cysts and will burst when it senses
be heard chittering and chattering with movement movement below. The gleam is the key to Room 8A.
(specifically torchlight) underneath them. There is a 1-2
on d6 chance one torch will provoke the bats into flight. 34. Like Room 32, there are normally multiple orc
If the PCs have two or more torches this raises to 1-4 on guards overseeing slaves mining coal in this location.
d6. The bats will circle and swarm the party if provoked However, they are currently located in Room 66
and make enough noise that all orcs in the immediate unloading ore. There are signs of recent activity
vicinity will investigate. After 1d4+3 rounds, the bats including picks, shovels, and empty baskets.
will fly down deeper into the primary passage to escape
the light. There are so many bats that there is a 1-3 on 35. A small pool of water, about 10x20 feet has formed
d6 chance their swarm will extinguish torches. in the center of this chamber. There are three dirty cups
and a bucket against the wall. There is nothing of value.
28. This guardroom is empty. Three orc spears lean into
a corner of the room. Inside each of the three smaller 36. Coal Depot: This chamber has a large pile of coal
rooms are mangy beds of furs and cloth covered in in its center. The slaves move the coal from Rooms 38,
fleas. The middle chamber has a loose stone in the wall 41, and 42 and deposit it here. When the orcs desire,
that contains an Electrum Holy Symbol of Geddinthor the slaves transport the coal to Room 66.
on a Chain (75gp). The orc guards are in Room 26.
An open mineshaft extends down 60 feet. The orcs
29. The sound of pickaxes can be heard from this room. recently threw a very old dwarf slave to the bottom.
Shabazz the Orc Shaman has animated two Dwarf He died from the fall but stuck in his loincloth was a
Zombies (2) AL: C, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 7 each, #AT: 1, runestone. He scratched the following: “I, Halgram,
DMG: 1d8, to excavate coal along the western wall of Uncle of Grewl Hammerhand, lived as a slave to
this mine. They fill their baskets and dump the coal in accursed orcs. By Thaneduhr, help your kin!” This stone
Room 66. They then return to Room 29 and repeat the is of such value to House Hammerhand in Hamelet
process over and over. They will attack all non-orcs they they might offer a +1 weapon or suit of dwarven suit
encounter. If the PCs dress and walk like orcs, they can of armour for its return. Poor Halgram was lost in the
pass unnoticed by the zombies. exodus hundreds of years before.

30. This old mine room was cleared of coal and 37. The orcs use this dead end as a refuse dump. The
abandoned. A pickaxe and a basket lay on the floor. dump contains a mound of rotting body parts, bits of
wood and rusty metal, broken spear shafts, and dirty
31. This mine chamber is empty. There is an obvious cloth.
path in the dirt from the zombies moving between
Rooms 29 and 66. There are three items of value. These can only be
found with three turns of searching (each and in order):
32. Three Orc Guards (3) AL: CE, AC: 6 (Studded Large Broken Transparent Green Augelite (16gp), The
and Shield), HD: 1, HP: 5, 2x3, #AT: 1, Weapons: Hellmouth Runestone (see Room 11), and a Seax Knife
Scimitar (1d8) and Light Crossbow with 20 Bolts (1d6), +1. Be sure to roll for random monsters every other turn
are overseeing five slaves excavating coal. The slaves while searching.

38. Mine: As the party approaches this chamber, they Orcs (4) AL: CE, AC: 7 (Ringmail) HD: 1, HP: 3x6, 5,
will hear the cracks of a whip and the screams of a #AT: 1, Weapon: Whip (1d4), Hand Axe (1d6), Dagger
woman crying out in pain. Four slaves are working in (1d4), and two with Light Crossbows with 10 Bolts (1d6).
this location under the lash of three orcs. The slaves The guards carry 1d8cp, 1d8sp, and 1d4gp.
include a Norker (Male), Kobold (Male), Half-Orc
(Male), and a Half-Elf (Female). The latter, Dunala, is The orcs and slaves are overseen by Graktok a
currently being whipped. She is an apprentice Ranger. fearsome and cruel Black Orc AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate
If the party were to pay for the remainder of her training and Shield), HD: 3+3, HP: 18, #AT: 1, Weapon: Whip
(100gp) in Hamelet, she would join them as a classed (1d4), Broadsword (1d6+1), Heavy Crossbow and 10
henchman (equal share of XP and treasure). Dunala Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: Pouch
was recently captured while hunting in the Everwinter with a Very Large Flawed Deep Blue Azurite (24gp),
Wood. Orcs (3) AL: CE, AC: 6 (Ringmail and Shield), Medium Exquisite Striated Green Malachite (42gp),
HD: 1, HP: 7, 5, 3, #AT: 1, Weapon: Whip (1d4), Spear and a Small Exquisite Pale Blue Frost Agate (40gp).
(1d6), Dagger (1d4), and Light Crossbow with 10 Bolts
(1d6). The guards carry 1d10cp, 1d6sp, and 1d6gp. The slaves have had their tongues cut out and are in
poor condition (2 hit points each). They will fight if given
39. Mine Supplies: This chamber contains mine the opportunity but are too weak to score more than
supplies. There are seven worn baskets with shoulder 1d2 damage with their mining tools.
handles for lugging coal as well as a stack of five old
crates. Leaning against a wall are three pickaxes and 43. This room contains mining supplies including
four shovels in poor condition. 2d4 normal rats will crates, baskets, and two broken barrels. Four shovels
scurry away from behind the empty crates if they are and three pickaxes lean against the wall.
44. A large pool of dark water covers almost the entire
40. Except for an open mine shaft that descends 60 chamber. The orcs avoid this room as they pool is
feet into six feet of water, this room is empty. However, inhabited by Giant Leeches (4) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 2,
the sounds of pickaxes and shovels can be heard from HP: 2x10, 2x8, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, that lay still until
Room 42. prey approach the water. In the center of the pool is a
small 2x2 foot island with a skull and 12 gold pieces.
41. Mine: Three slaves are mining coal in the In the deeper water (5 feet) along the southern wall, a
northeastern corner of this chamber. They include Broadsword +1 is buried in the muck.
a Dwarf (Male), Hobgoblin (Male), and a Dwarf
(Female). Three orcs stand guard. Two face east with 45. A group of three slaves with a single orc guard
their light crossbows in hand while the other whips the just filled their baskets and are moving north to deposit
slaves mercilessly. The latter stands with his back to the their coal in Room 66. The slaves include a Hobgoblin
open mine shaft (40 feet deep). Orcs (3) AL: CE, AC: (Male) and two Dwarves (Males). The Orc Guard
6 (Ringmail and Shield), HD: 1, HP: 6, 4, 2, #AT: 1, (1) AL: CE, AC: 5 (Chainmail) HD: 1, HP: 5, #AT: 1,
Weapon: Whip (1d4), Spear (1d6), Dagger (1d4), and Weapon: Whip (1d4), Club (1d6), and Dagger (1d4),
Light Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d6). Treasure: 1d12cp, 1d0sp, and 1d2gp, stands behind
them snickering and cracking his whip.
42. Large Mine: A group of slaves are mining coal
in the two dead ends of this chamber. They include 46. This dead end has partially collapsed. The orcs
a Dwarf (Female), Dwarf (Male), Bullywug (Male), dumped some old metal shields and scrap metal at the
Troglodyte (Male), Half-Orc (Female), Gnome (Male), back of this chamber. Two Rust Bats (2) AL: N, AC: 5,
and a Goblin (Male). HD: 1, HP: 4, #AT: 1, DMG: See entry, are corroding
and consuming the metal. Their colour makes them
The slaves are overseen by a detail of orcs. The orcs almost imperceptible to the rusty metal. They will
are positioned largely on the eastern side of the room. surprise 1-4 on d6.

47. Long ago Durlag Broadbeam stashed some
treasure in this secret room. He failed to discern that
this was an antechamber for an older crypt (located in
A and B).

Stacked in the southeastern corner is a backpack (see

below), 50 feet of rope, a light crossbow, a quiver with
5 Bolts +1, a sack with 53gp and a Small Steel Coffer.
The Coffer is Double-Trapped with two Tiny Poison 48. This chamber has had a major collapse and water
Needles (Save or Die) that each need to be disarmed trickles in from the eastern wall. Among the rubble
individually. The coffer holds the following gemstones: and debris are several bones. Two Fossil Skeletons (2)
Small Broken Pale Green Variscite (12gp), Huge Finely AL: CE, AC: 6, HD: 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, will rise if
Cut Blue and Brown Disthene (38gp), Small Finely Cut disturbed. Searching the rubble for 3 turns will reveal
Lynx Eye (30gp), Small Regular Obsidian (20gp), and the following (in order): Mundane Runestone, Electrum
a Very Large Finely Cut Silkstone (36gp). The backpack Figurine (25gp), Stalagmite Runestone, and a Bag of
contains thieves’ picks and tools, a tack hammer and Runestone Arrowheads +1 (1d4+1).
iron spikes, parchment, ink and quills, a vial of holy
water, and a crowbar. 49. Minor Temple to Geddinthor: The double doors
to this chamber were burnt out by orcs long ago. The
A. False Crypt of Branbarack Battlehelm: The secret southeastern pillar collapsed, and the room is unstable.
door to this chamber is opened by pushing inwards. The Referee should roll every two turns for further
collapse (1-2 on d6). The orcs chipped and defaced the
This is a false crypt with several traps. First, there are statue of mighty Geddinthor. His broken stone battle
three pits that cover the floor. Each descends 20 feet to axes are a melancholy reminder of the once majestic
rusty iron spikes. The bottom of the pit closest to B is statue. Hidden behind a stone in the southwestern pillar
covered in Yellow Mold AL: N, AC: Always hit, HD: 2, is a lever that will open the secret door.
HP: 3, #AT: Spores, DMG: 1d6*.
Behind the secret door is a small dusty room with a
Along the north wall is a sarcophagus carved in relief of low stone table. On the table is a dwarf-sized Tabard
a dwarven warrior at rest. Removing the lid will cause a +1 emblazoned with a Griffin clutching Three Arrows
Scything Blade to strike for 1d6 points of damage. Inside (useable by a cleric or a fighter). Beside the tabard is a
are the remains of a Dwarven Runestone Skeleton AL: Runestone of Light.
N, AC: 4 or 6, HD: 2, HP: 9, #AT: 1, DMG: Hand Axe
(1d6), who will attack if touched. The skeleton wears a 50-51. The orcs use these chambers as slave pens.
Gold Holy Symbol of Geddinthor (25gp), a Gold Belt Rusty iron manacles (12 in each room) have been
Buckle (35gp), and a Fist-Shaped Disc Broach (20gp). hastily inserted into the floor. The doors are open.
B. The Crypt of Branbarack Battlehelm: The secret door 52. Corpse Closet: The orcs throw the dead bodies of
to this chamber is opened by a lever hidden behind a slaves (7) into this room. Some are in an advanced state
stone on the southern wall close to the secret door to of decay. The bodies move - ever so slightly - as Rot
Room 47. The pit is 30 feet deep. Triggering the pit trap Grubs (8) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: 1hp, HP: 1hp each, #AT:
will cause a Fusillade of Darts (4) to fly from the back N/A, DMG: N/A, consume the dead flesh. The smell
wall (North). Each dart attacks as a 3HD monster for is so overwhelming it will cause all those who enter to
1d4 points of damage. Along the southern wall is a low make a Constitution Check or vomit for 1d4 rounds
stone altar with a dwarven skull and three runestones uncontrollably. Be sure to roll for random monsters.
(Protection +1, Healing, and Feather Fall). Hanging on Random monsters in this instance will be 1d4+1 orc
the backwall is a dwarven Battle Axe +1. guards investigating the disturbance.

53. Hall of Records: The doors to this chamber are C. This chamber is empty.
ajar and partially destroyed by axes and fire. There are
partial collapses along the southwestern and eastern D. Three Orcs (3) AL: CE, AC: 6 (Ringmail and Shield),
walls. Runes are etched in horizontal lines from ceiling HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Spear (1d6),
to floor, many of which were purposefully destroyed by Shortsword (1d6), and Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 2d4cp,
the orcs. The ground is littered with damaged scrolls, 2d4sp, and 1d4gp each, are resting and eating mutton
books, and broken runestones. Note that each dwarf- taken on a caravan raid.
fluent PC can search 20 items in a turn. Add the total
number of characters and divide by the number of E. Storeroom: The orcs have piled foodstuffs taken in
damaged items to determine how long it will take to recent caravan raids. They include three crates of dried
search the hall. Be sure to roll for random monsters meat and two small barrels of mead.
every other turn (in this case, it will be 1d4+3 orc guards
with a 1-2 on d6 chance of an orc warband leader). F. This room is empty.

G. Prison Cell: A tall, blonde man wearing a loincloth

Damaged Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 161 sits, tied and beaten, at the back of this room. He
Items of Value: Three Mundane Runestones, has been imprisoned for some time. This is Ser Alec
Scroll: Two Level 1 Cleric Spells, a Medium Erminemantle (see Pregenerated Characters). The orcs
Average Light Blue Lapis Lazuli (24gp), and a Very captured his party and put the rest to the sword. The
Large Flawed Light Blue Lapis Lazuli (30gp). orcs are highly suspicious of him and his lawful aura,
so they gagged him, tied him up, and threw him in the
cell. Sir Alec is a Level 1 Paladin of St. Ygg with 3 hit
points (11 total) and the following ability scores: S 17 I
54. The orc guards here abandoned their post. The two 14, W 14, D 13, C 15, Ch 17. The orcs concussed him
portcullises are down. The levers are located on the during his capture. He has partial amnesia. However, if
eastern wall (4 feet away from the portcullis) and on the freed and healed to maximum hit points he will take a
western wall of the hallway adjacent to Room 54 (also fascination with swords, horses, and religious symbols
4 feet away). of St. Ygg. Slowly, he will regain memories of his martial
training and squirehood in Threshold over a two-week
A. Like Room 3A, this platform stands 20 feet above period. If his platemail and longsword are found (54B),
the ground and is lined with broken battlements. There the recovery time will be divided in half.
is a 1-4 on d6 chance the Orc Guard AL: CE, AC: 6
(Studded and Shield), HD: 1, HP: 5, #AT: 1, Weapon: 55. Orcs (3) AL: CE, AC: one with 5 (Chainmail) and
Light Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), Spear (1d6), and two with 6 (Studded and Shield), HD: 1, HP: 7, 2x4,
Dagger (1d4): Treasure: 10cp and a Large Broken #AT: 1, Weapons: All three have a Hand Axe (1d6),
Striated Green Malachite (16gp), is drunk or asleep at Dagger (1d4), and Javelins x3 (1d6).
his post.
A. This turret post, 10 feet off the floor, is empty.
B. Two orcs are drunk and asleep on makeshift beds.
They will sleep three rounds through an alarm if one B. Officer’s Quarters: A Black Orc AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half
is raised. Orcs (2) AL: CE, AC: 7 (Ringmail), HD: 1, Plate and Shield), HD: 3+3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, Weapons:
HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Spear (1d6), Hand Axe Scimitar (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Heavy
(1d6), and Dagger (1d4). Treasure: 3d4cp, 2d4ep, and Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Treasure: Gold Chain
1d6gp each. (45gp) and a Pouch with a Huge Flawed Deep Blue
Azurite (34gp) and a Small Finely Cut Tiger Eye Agate
Resting on a heap on the floor are Sir Alec’s suit of (40gp), is sharpening his weapons. The room is spartan
platemail, longsword, shield, and equipment. with a wooden bed, mangy furs, and the rotting heads
of two dwarves.

56. Similar to Room 5, this platform stands 10 feet Inside the crypt is a sarcophagus. The lid is carved with
above the ground and is lined with broken battlements. the likeness of Muirdaggan. The sides depict numerous
There are three Orc Guards (3) AL: CE, AC: 6 (Studded dwarven faces and hellmouths. Atop the sarcophagus
and Shield), HD: 1, HP: 5 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Light his kin left several runestones. They read:
Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), Spear (1d6), and Dagger
(1d4): Treasure: 1d6cp, 1d6gp, at this post. They are Runestone 1: “Lie with Thaneduhr, Muirdaggan. Great
torturing a rat and may (1-3 on d6) not be observing Hero of Gundgathol.”
the primary passage.
Runestone 2: “Behold Muirdaggan, my Nephew. Slayer
57. This room is empty. The double doors were bashed of Mighty Hurimbrir.”
in long ago. Normal rats scurry about the floor.
Runestone 3: “Muirdaggan, Champion of House
58. This chamber has partially collapsed. There is a 1-3 Hammerhand. You shall live forever.”
on d6 chance of further collapse for every turn spent in
this room. Under the rubble towards the north wall is a Each runestone is worth 150gp each to the dwarves of
Pouch with Runestones of Impact (4). Durnagald/Hamelet.

59. Torture Chamber: This room contains a rack and If the lid of the sarcophagus is removed, Poison Gas will
rusty manacles set into the wall. The Orc Torturer (F1) emit from the faces on the sides of the sarcophagus.
AL: CE, AC: 8 (Leather), HD: 1, HP: 7, #AT: 1, Weapon: The trap can be disarmed by a lever inside one of the
Whip (1d4) and Seax Knife (1d4+1), is lashing a dwarf carved dwarven mouths at the back of the sarcophagus.
and laughing at his cries of pain. The dwarf’s name All those in the crypt must Save versus Paralyzation or
is Gadgrim Longbeard. He served as a man-at-arms be paralyzed for 1d4+2 rounds. Setting off the trap will
protecting a caravan when it was ambushed by the orcs. activate the Sentinels to enter the room and attack (+4
His comrades were either slain or made into slaves to to attack paralyzed targets).
work the mines. Grewl Hammerhand in Hamelet would
pay 50gp as a reward for his safe return. Inside the sarcophagus is a skeleton with runestones
over the eyes (Healing and Growth). There is also a
A. This cell contains two slaves near death. One is a half- Small Silver Coffer (Trapped: Poison Needle, Save or
elf male named Athlas and the other is a cyclopsman Die) with four Ingots of Gold (50gp each). This is a false
named Bok. They were taken prisoner along with resting place. The sarcophagus contains a false bottom
Gadgrim and will die within 24 hours without medical with a tunnel that heads east five feet and then north
attention. If healed Bok will owe a life-debt to his healer ten feet. A trapdoor leads up into Room 60A.
and serve as a man-at-arms, if treated well. Athlas just
wants as far away from Dwarrowdeep as possible. A. From Room 60 a short tunnel leads up into this
chamber. At the end of the chamber, along the western
60. This chamber is the sealed crypt of Muirdaggan wall, is a plain sarcophagus. This is the true resting
Hammerhand (see Room 15). The door to this crypt place of Muirdaggan. The sarcophagus is not trapped.
is made of stone. The orcs spread feces on the door. Inside are the skeletal remains of the dwarven hero
On either side of the door are two partially damaged with two magical runestones over his eyes (Death and
statues. One of Muirdaggan and one of Hurimbrir the Delusion). Over his chest lies Muirdaggan’s Reaver, a
frost giant. Both statues are Sentinels of the Ancestors Hand Axe +1 of Frost crafted from the massive axe of
AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 2+2, HP: 12 (22), #AT: 1, DMG: the giant Hurimbrir. The reaver may be used single-
1d6. Both statues were damaged by the orcs and are handed (1d6) or two-handed like a battle axe (1d8), as
barely recognizable. They will only activate under two the wielder desires. In addition, it strikes an additional
circumstances: 1) if the door to the crypt is breached point of damage versus fire-based creatures. The reaver
without use of the password (Hurimbrir), or 2) if the will extinguish normal fire by touch and provides +1 on
poison gas trap of the sarcophagus is tripped. saving throws versus magical fire.

61. Wolf-Master’s Quarters: This chamber is home to 64. Like Room 63, this is a wolf kennel. However, the
the Orc Wolf-Master (F1) AL: CE, AC: 5 (Chainmail), wooden door is rotting. The largest of the Wolves (3)
HD: 1, HP: 8, #AT: 1, Weapon: Whip (1d4), Scimitar AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 2+2, HP: 13, 8, 7, #AT: 1, DMG:
(1d6), and a Seax Knife +1 (1d4+1). 1d6, will break through the door if threatened.

The Master of Wolves keeps his favourite pets in his 65. Orc Barracks: A group of orcs (three males and four
chamber - two Young Adult Winter Wolves AL: NE, AC: females) occupy this room. The smell of a cooking fire
7, HD: 2+2, HP: 10 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d4+1 (bite). can be detected in the hallway. Orcs (3) AL: CE, AC: 7
These young wolves possess a lesser breath attack of (Studded), HD: 1, HP: 5 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Spear
1d6 on a single target within 10 feet (once per combat). (1d6) and Dagger (1d4): Treasure: 2d6cp, 1d6gp and
If harvested and preserved, their pelts are worth 200gp Orc Females (4) AL: CE, AC: 10 (None), HD: 1-1, HP:
each (and provide +1 on saving throws versus cold- 3 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Two with Cleavers (1d6) and
based attacks). There is a 1-3 on d6 chance that if the two with Daggers (1d4), Treasure: Each possesses one
wolves in Rooms 63 or 64 make noise, the Master of of the following: Gold Bracelet (20gp), Silver Earring
Wolves will investigate. (15gp), Electrum Chain (15gp), and a Platinum Earring
The Wolf-Master has a pouch tied at his waist with
Dwarf Knuckle Bones (if consulted, they will serve 66. Coal Dump: This location, accessed through the
as the spell Augury three times before they lose demolished double doors along the southern wall,
their enchantment) as well as a Shoulder Bag with a serves as a coal dump. This location is lit with torches
Dented Electrum Goblet (25gp) and four gemstones: to allow the human slaves (see below) to see. The orcs
Medium Finely Cut Blue and Brown Disthene (32gp), force the slaves to carry the coal in baskets from the
Medium Flawed Green and Blue Chrysocolla (20gp), mines to the south and west to this location. The human
and a Huge Flawed Striated Green Malachite (26gp). slaves then sort the coal and prepare the material for
Hanging on his wall is a Hexagonal Dwarven Shield +1. shipment to Gund-Felek and P6: The Great Foundry.

62. This 20x20 foot room is an antechamber for three Orc Guards (4) AL: CE, AC: 6 (Studded and Shield),
adjoining rooms HD: 1, HP: 5 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Light Crossbow
and 10 Bolts (1d6), Spear (1d6), and Dagger (1d4):
A. The southern wall of this room (formerly a doored Treasure: 1d6cp, 1d6gp each.
arch) was destroyed and collapsed. In the rubble pile
is a Small Chest (buried hastily by an orc in secret from The slaves include four Humans (three Males and
a caravan raid). The chest is Locked. The velvet-lined 1 Female) and three Dwarves (two Male and one
interior contains two potions: Healing and Growth in Female). All the slaves are emaciated and in poor
glass bottles. If the chest is damaged, the potions will physical condition. Faldan Fireforge, one of the male
be destroyed. It takes three turns of searching to find dwarves, is a Level 3 Thief biding his time for the right
the chest. opportunity to flee his captivity in Kaer-Khelek. If the
orc guards are attacked or ambushed by the PCs he
B. This chamber is empty. will attempt to make good his escape. Faldan prepared
a Shiv (1d2 damage) that is hidden in his loincloth. His
C. This chamber is empty. However, there is a tiny hole statistics: HP: 3 (15). Ability Scores: S 13, I 13, W 11, D
in the eastern wall that provides a look into Room 61. 16, C 15, Ch 9.

63. The door to this room has a barred window. The 67. This section of Kaer-Khelek is largely demolished.
orcs use this room as a kennel for Wolves (4) AL: N, It consists or partial walls and rubble piles that provide
AC: 7, HD: 2+2, HP: 12, 10, 9, 8, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6. excellent cover. Given the orcs never travel through this
Hay is strewn across the floor. The wolves will make section, it is also more likely to encounter a random
noise if anyone approaches the door. monster (1-2 on d6). Random monsters in this location

include: giant centipedes, giant rats, gray ooze, 1. The Doors of Galduhr Broadbeam, also called
any mold, or green slime. There are also numerous Galduhr’s Gate, are massive doors bracketed by even
treasures hidden under the rubble. For every three turns larger double-axes carved into the mountainside.
searching consult the Random Monster Treasure Type Galduhr was a master architect and warrior in the history
Tables in the Secondary Encounter Area Generator. A of the Gundgathol dwarves and a devout follower of
total of four treasures may be found. Regardless, the the Battle-Father Geddinthor. Show Dwarrowdeep
second treasure found will be Kurdalin’s Royal Guard Illustration #5.
Medallion (see Room 12A).
Unlike the King’s Gate and Kaer-Khelek, the doors of
Entrance C: Galduhr’s Gate Galduhr’s Gate are closed. During the exodus, a large
battle took place just inside the doors (Room 2). The
Galduhr’s Gate is partially abandoned. Over 200 dwarves, mostly women and children, were cut off from
years have passed since the Last Stand (in Room 2), escaping through the Doors of Dalgeddin, fled through
when the remaining Gundgathol warriors parted with this exit. The remaining dwarven warriors closed the
their wives and children and closed the gate. gate and held a heroic last stand to allow their families
and kin to flee.
Most of the brave warriors were killed. Their remains
litter the floor. The rest were enslaved. Only a small The doors can be opened by means of the Ring of
garrison of black orcs guard the entrance. The doors House Stoneborn, the Hammer of Dwarvish Lords, or
have not been opened for over 250 years. the password Gund-Zirak (Translation: Silver Hall).
Silver Hall is the name the of the Sacred Temple of
Geddinthor in Gund-Baruk (Room 30).
Referee’s Notes: Galduhr’s Gate is approximately
42 hours march from the town of Hamelet/ 2. The great doors open into the remains of a majestic
Durnagald (subject to route). The entrance is dwarven hall. The massive hall is supported by seven
designed for character levels 3-6. great pillar structures 70 feet high. Four of the pillars
are 20x20 foot square structures carved with dwarven
Black Orc Berserkers wear no armour and attack geometric patterns. The other three are huge statue-
with two weapons (the second attack made at -2). pillars that also support the ceiling. Geddinthor
The berserker scores an additional +2 on damage supports the southern wall, Dhurindain the north, and
rolls and will fight until slain without a morale check. Thaneduhr the All-Father stands in the center along
They only use melee weapons. Each berserker is the eastern wall. All three statues are cracked and
given a wineskin with Black Ichor that, if swallowed in disrepair. The statues are too large to have been
at the outset of combat, provides them +1 to the defaced or destroyed by the evil forces that occupy
first initiative roll. Berserkers possess no items of Dwarrowdeep.
value except a rough-hewn Gold Armband (50gp).
The floor of the chamber is a dust-covered battlefield.
Piles of skeletons in armour, rusty shields, and weapons
Galduhr’s Gate: Random Monsters are scattered throughout. It appears the duergar and
their allies surrounded the Gundgathol dwarves and
1 Black Orc Warband killed most of them (the remainder were taken as slaves
2 Troll Warband to work in the mines). For every three turns searching
the ancient battlefield, player characters may find 1d4
3 Dwargoyle (1d2)
items of value. Roll the Random Monster Treasure
4 Ghast (1d4) Table in the Secondary Encounter Area Generator
5 Giant Ant (1d8) to determine the result. Be sure to roll for Random
Monsters commensurate with average party level.
6 Giant Scorpion (1d3)

Three of the four square pillars (A, B, and C) contain A. The nest was once a secret room adorned with war
a secret chamber. Each room holds a Sentinel of the and hunting trophies. Still hanging on the walls are a
Ancestors AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 2+2, HP: 18, #AT: 1, giant ram’s horn, bear claws inlaid with gold filigree
DMG: 1d6. The statues activate and defend the hall (50gp), a rusty orc scimitar, and a two-handed Great
under the following circumstances: 1) if the main doors Spear +1 (1d8). The spider nests contain the following:
are breached without means of the password or items orc and dwarf bones and skulls, three random
noted above, or 2) if the secret doors to their pillars are gemstones, two random pieces of jewelry, and two
opened by any humanoid other than a dwarf. There is random magical runestones.
a 1-2 on d6 chance of a Random Magical Runestone
in each of the three chambers. 5. Water drips from the center of the ceiling in this
chamber and the southeastern wall has partially
Note that opening the doors of Galduhr’s Gate will collapsed. The floor of the chamber is considered
create a loud noise of stone grinding on stone. There hazardous terrain. All combat rolls are made at -2 and
is a 1-2 on d6 chance that the black orcs in Room 15 Dexterity Checks must be made on missed attacks or
and 18 will hear the noise and a 1 on d6 for Rooms fall prone (+4 to hit).
38 and 40.
6. This chamber was once a magnificent sight. The
There is a short (4 foot tall) secret entrance adjacent to dwarves crafted the chamber with natural veins of silver
the main doors. This side entrance cannot be accessed running through the stone. However, the orcs crudely
by means mundane or magical. The door will only chipped some of the metal away and partially collapsed
open when Galduhr’s Runestone is presented before the northern wall.
the door. The runestone is located in Room 33.
7. The door to this room is empty. The northwestern
3. This chamber is empty. Water drips from a crack in corner has partially collapsed.
the ceiling.
A. Hiding in the darkness is Lurdain Greatfist. Lurdain
A. This was once a cloaking chamber. There are seven was caught and taken prisoner by the orcs during the
pegs. Two are empty, three have dust-covered rothe great exodus over 250 years ago. Taken as a slave he
hides, and two have pristine black cloaks. The latter was forced to work the mines and tortured over many
two are Cloakers AL: CE, AC: 6, HD: 5, HP: 30, 25, decades. He grew such a seething hatred for his orc
AT#: 2*, DMG: 1d4+1/1d6*. masters that days after his death he arose as a Wight
AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 10, #AT: 1, DMG: Drain.
4. The door to this chamber was broken down long Lurdain has no direct intention of hurting anyone
ago and the doorway is partially covered in thick spider other than orcs (whom he will happily drain of their life
webs (that will cause smoke if burned). There are three essence). Lurdain exists in a dream-like state between
larger than normal Giant Flagstone Spiders (3) AL: N, the living and the dead - between the Golden Age of
AC: 3, HD: 3, HP: 18, 15, 14, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d8 + Gundgathol and its downfall. He will be very happy
Poison, that make their nest in the secret room (4A). to see another dwarf, for a time, until the hunger to
drain life overtakes him. He can provide the party with
The spiders travel back and forth between the rooms intelligence (the passages leading out of Entrance
through three tunnels dug under the floor between 4 C and approximate compass directions). For each
and 4A. The spiders push the flagstones up to ambush question PCs ask him roll percentage dice. There is
from their tunnels. If the webs are lit, they will take refuge a cumulative 10% chance with each question that he
and conduct pop-up attacks after the flames dissipate. will forget himself and either 1) Attack a non-dwarf,
or 2) attempt to push past the PCs and run out the
The tunnels are only large enough for a halfling, door. Allow any PC between Lurdain and the door a
gnome, or small dwarf. Dexterity Check to avoid his touch.

8. Shafts in the walls of this chamber gust every other 13. A backpack sits atop soft earth in this dead end.
turn. The gusts will extinguish torches. The backpack is slightly open and a vial of holy water
rests near the southern wall. This dead end is also
9. This chamber is strangely backlit by three small dotted with holes in the stone. The holes are home
fires. One located in each of the two alcoves (north to Cave Morays (4) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 4, HP: 2x18,
and south) and one immediately infront of the rubble 16, 10, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, who will attack when a
pile (partial collapse). These small flames are Fire victim enters their kill-zone. Inside the backpack are
Bats (3) AL: NE, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 6 each, #AT: 1, a Runestone of Curing, Runestone of Good Luck, and
DMG: 1d3 + Flame. There are also three Forbidden a Silver Holy Symbol of Dhurindain inlaid with Gold
Fruit Fungi AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 8 each, #AT: (400gp).
None, DMG: None, growing in the far northwestern
corner of room. The fungi are partially covered by the 14. The Primary Passage descends downward
rubble (+4 to AC). At the same time as they use their approximately 60 feet and leads northeast from
spell-like Suggestion, the fire bats will take flight and Entrance C toward S10 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
harry the PCs. PCs that fall under suggestion will drop There are numerous partial collapses along both walls
what they carry, advance, and consume forbidden fruit. and the ceiling of this passageway.
The fungi have slowly decomposed a black orc that
fell to their spores a week ago. Scattered around the 15. Guardroom: The portcullis of this guardroom
fungi are two mundane runestones, a Galeb Runestone is in the up position. The lever is on the western wall
(Medium), and a bag with a Small Broken Bright Yellow near the archway. There is a 1-3 on d6 chance it has
Mellochrysos (80gp). rusted and is inoperable. Black Orc Warriors (2) AL:
LE, AC: 4 (Half Plate), HD: 3+3, HP: 16 each, #AT:
10. The northern aspect of this chamber is eerily backlit 1, Weapon: Bill-Guisarme (1d10), Scimitar (1d8),
with a green phosphorescent fungus. and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 4d6cp, 2d8+1sp,
1d10+1ep, and 1d8gp each, guard this position. There
11. The passage is guarded by Black Orc Warriors is a 1-2 on d6 chance they are being whipped by a
(6) AL: LE, AC: three with 4 (Half Plate) and three with Black Orc Warband Leader (F5) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate
5 (Chainmail), HD: 3+3, HP: three with 19 and three and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 30, #AT: 1, Weapon: Halberd
with 16, #AT: 1, Weapon: three with Bill-Guisarme (1d10), Scimitar (1d8), and Whip (1d4), Treasure:
(1d10), Scimitar (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), 4d8+1sp, 2d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d4pp, for disobedience
and three with Scimitar (1d8) and Hand Axe (1d6). and not paying attention at their post. He has a helmet
Treasure: 4d6cp, 2d8+1sp, 1d10+1ep, and 1d8gp fashioned of dwarf skulls. There are three single arrow
each. Two of the orcs have chunks of maggoty bread. slits that overlook Room 14.
The guards are bolstered by a Black Orc Warband
Leader (F5) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, 16. Battlements: This parapet is 20 feet off the floor
HP: 34, #AT: 1, Weapon: Glaive (1d10), Scimitar (1d8), of Room 14. There is one Black Orc Warrior AL: LE,
Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), and Whip (1d4), AC: 4 (Chain and Shield), HD: 3+3, HP: 22, #AT: 1,
Treasure: 4d8+1sp, 2d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d4pp, and a Weapon: Scimitar (1d8) and Heavy Crossbow with 10
Young Troll AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6+6, HP: 27, #AT: 3, Bolts (1d8), Treasure: 4d6cp, 2d8+1sp, 1d10+1ep,
DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10. and 1d8gp, and a bag of dwarf fingers, on duty. He
was recently beaten by the warband leader in Room 15
The northern portion of this chamber opens into a and is alert at his post. The two side chambers contain
Secondary Passage that extends north from Entrance C three heavy crossbows (and 30 bolts) and 10 spears,
on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. respectively.

12. This chamber recently collapsed along its 17. Guardroom: This guardroom has five arrow slits to
northeastern corner. Water pours in from the ceiling. observe Room 14. There are two Black Orc Warriors
See Room 5 for terrain effects. AL: LE, AC: 4 (Chain and Shield), HD: 3+3, HP: 22,

16, #AT: 1, Weapon: both have Scimitar (1d8) and 22. A major collapse took place along the northern
Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Treasure: 4d6cp, wall of this room. The rubble is as high as the 10-foot
2d8+1sp, 1d10+1ep, and 1d8gp, asleep at their post ceiling. Water trickles through the rubble and creates a
in the side chambers. The side chambers contain thin pool of water on the floor.
makeshift beds of furs and smelly rothe hides. The orcs
are unaware of the secret door. 23. The door to this chamber is made of stone. The
orcs attempted to break it down but were unsuccessful.
18. Guardroom: The portcullis of this guardroom is Inside is a dais covered in runes. The dais provides a
in the down position. The lever is located along the single random magical effect. Consult the Secondary
eastern wall adjacent to the archway. Unlike Room 15, Encounter Area Generator (Special Features: Random
this portcullis functions normally. A group of Black Orc Magical Effect).
Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: two with 5 (Chainmail) and
two with 4 (Half Plate), HD: 3+3, HP: 20, 18, 16, 14, 24. Guardroom: Three black orcs are on sentry duty.
#AT: 1, Weapon: Two with Glaive (1d10), Seax Knife The door is closed as they are squabbling over a bag
(1d4+1), and Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts, and two of gemstones (Large Broken Red and White Sardonyx
with Scimitar (1d8) and Hand Axe (1d6). Treasure: (130gp), a Small Broken Pure Black Onyx (80gp), and
4d6cp, 2d8+1sp, 1d10+1ep, and 1d8gp each, are a Very Large Finely Cut Brown Carnelian (205gp).
seated in a circle playing a dice game. There is a 1-2 Black Orc Warriors (3) AL: LE, AC: two with 4 (Chain
on d6 chance one of them (14hp) will peer through an and Shield) and one with 4 (Half Plate), HD: 3+3, HP:
arrow slit once every turn. Otherwise, he is engrossed 23, 20, 16, #AT: 1, Weapon: Two with Scimitar (1d8)
in the game. and Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8) and one with
Bill-Guisarme (1d10), Scimitar (1d8), and Seax Knife
19. Battlements: This balcony is 20 feet above the floor (1d4+1), Treasure: 1d10+1ep and 1d8gp. Two have
of Room 14. Half the parapets have broken off and one gemstone each: Small Broken Cream and White
fallen onto the floor (providing no cover). Two Black Bluestone (12gp) and Medium Broken Dark Black Agni
Orc Warriors AL: LE, AC: 4 (Chain and Shield), HD: Mani (14gp).
3+3, HP: 21, 15, #AT: 1, Weapon: Scimitar (1d8) and
Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Treasure: 4d6cp, 25. Great Shaman’s Chamber: This room is locked.
2d8+1sp, 1d10+1ep, and 1d8gp each, are seated The shaman possesses the key. This large-vaulted
overlooking the passage behind the short dwarven chamber is the quarters of the Great Shaman of the
parapets. The first small side chamber contains two White Palm tribe of black orcs. The shaman was forced
beds and the other has three dented shields, an open by the duergar to occupy this post as a buffer against
barrel of scum-covered water, two heavy crossbows, any incursion into Galduhr’s Gate.
and 40 bolts.
A mound of furs lies in the northeastern corner of this
20. Guardroom: The orcs garrisoned here have room. A Large Dented Metal Chest sits against the
abandoned their post. The two side chambers contain northwestern wall. The Chest is Double Trapped. If the
four rusty glaives and three Heavy Crossbows with a chest is moved it will pull a wire cleverly disguised up
total of 30 bolts. There is nothing of value. The orcs are the wall (1 on d6 passive for a dwarf) connected to a
unaware of the secret doors to Room 21. Deadfall in the ceiling causing 3d6 points of damage
(Dexterity check for half). The second is a Poison Gas
21. This chamber has partially collapsed along the trap (5x5 cloud infront of the chest (Save or Die). The
northeastern wall. The orcs have hastily braced the contents include 321sp, 3284gp, and 234pp. There
corner with wooden supports. Under a stone in the is also a Small Coffer inside. The sides of the coffer
rubble is a Small Silver Anvil and Crown Holy Symbol of are dusted with Contact Poison (Save or Die). Inside
Thaneduhr (400gp). It detects as magical and adds +1 are a collection of magical runestones the shaman
to a single turn attempt per day for cleric of the faith. does not understand how to use: Galeb Runestone
(Large), Runestone of Constitution, and a Runestone

of Petrification. The chest also contains a small crude As the PCs enter, Guktog the Black Orc Great Shaman
silver idol of a muscular one-eyed orc (50gp) and the (F4/CL4) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Platemail +1), HD: 8, HP: 32,
spellbook of the wizard Lithuniel Greenleaf (Room #AT: 1, Weapon: Great Hammer +1 (1d8) and Sling
41). His spellbook contains four first level spells, three with 10 Stones (1d4). Spells (3/2): Protection from
second level spells, and two third level spells. Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command; Curse, Hold
Person. Treasure: Pouch with a Huge Exquisite Pure
26. This room is empty. Black Onyx (200gp), Huge Average Star Rose Quartz
(150gp), Medium Flawed Orange Carnelian (75gp),
27. Sub-Shaman’s Chamber: This room serves as the Huge Finely Cut Red and White Sardonyx (180gp),
personal quarters of the two sub-shamans. There are Very Large Average Red and White Sardonyx (125gp),
two makeshift beds of rothe hides. Under one is a Large Broken Brown Carnelian (85gp) Huge Average
loose flagstone. Under the stone is a pouch with two Bloodstone (150gp), and two keys (Room 25 and
Runestones of Healing and the following gemstones: Chest), will be performing the Rite of Blood. The Rite
Small Flawed Brown-Black Samarskite (90gp) and a of Blood involves the sacrifice of a dwarf (on the altar)
Small Broken Smokey Quartz (80gp). and initiation of three Black Orc Berserker Initiates (F2)
AL: LE, AC: 8, HD: 2, HP: 10 each, #AT: 1, Weapon:
The room is occupied by Gukt the Orc Sub-Shaman two Hand Axes (1d6), two Warhammers (1d6), and
(CL3/MU3) AL: CE, AC: 7, HD: 6, HP: 20, #AT: 1, two Seax Knives (1d4+1), into the religious sect of the
Weapon: Staff +1 (1d6), Sling and 10 Stones +1 (1d6), berserkers.
and Dagger (1d4). Spells (2/1 and 2/1): Command,
Protection from Good; Hold Person and Magic-Missile, Standing alongside the great shaman are Hromag
Spider Climb; Web. Treasure: A Bag with a Small the Black Orc Berserker Subleader (F4) AL: LE, AC:
Broken Deep Green Serpentine (55gp), Huge Flawed 8, HD: 4, HP: 25, #AT: 1, Weapon: Dual Hand Axes
Brown Malacon (140gp), a Large Finely Cut Rainbow (1d6), Treasure: Two Gold Armbands inlaid with Mithril
Obsidian (135gp) and a Spellbook, who is praying. Filigree (300gp each), and a Polg the Black Orc Sub-
Shaman (CL2/MU2) AL: CE, AC: 7, HD: 4, HP: 12,
28. This chamber is empty. #AT: 1, Weapon: Staff (1d6), Sling +1 and 10 Stones
(1d6), and Dagger (1d4). Spells (2/2): Command,
29. This long chamber contains seven pillars. Carved Protection from Good; Magic-Missile, Burning Hands.
into the pillars are stoic dwarven warriors. Three are Treasure: Electrum Bracers (50gp each), a Pouch with
broken and laying on the floor. They show signs of cut a Huge Broken Tiger Eye Agate (20gp), Large Flawed
marks and battle. The skeletons of many dead orcs Dark Green Malachite (22gp), Medium Broken Moss
litter the ground. In the southernmost pillar, near the Agate (14gp), Large Regular Orange Sunstone (24gp),
floor, is a secret compartment with a Runestone of Large Flawed Banded Agate (22gp), and a Spellbook.
Extra-Healing and a Seax Knife +2. The compartment
is opened by depressing and holding a stone for seven Hromag has a horn he will sound to call his leader and
seconds. the other warriors to battle. The dwarf on the altar is
old, had his tongue cut out long ago, and is insane.
30. Silver Axe Hall or the Sacred Temple of Geddinthor: He bears an arm tattoo of House Cobblestone. Almost
Great double-doors open into a large, vaulted all signs of dwarven craftsmanship have been chipped
chamber that once served as a temple to Geddinthor. away from the altar except a series of geometric lines
The orcs partially destroyed the 40-foot-tall statue of and three runestones carved into the altar. Pressing
the dwarven battle god by chipping the face and body and holding the center stone will reveal a secret
sheer, and carving a rough visage of their deity. The compartment with four Runestones of Impact.
arms of the statue still bear the double-hand axes of
mighty Geddinthor. Rubble surrounds the statue, and 31. Berserker Barracks: Chambers A-D serve as the
the vaulted ceiling has partially collapsed along the spartan barracks of the black orc berserkers. They
northwestern wall. contain beds made of rothe hides.

A. Two Black Orc Berserkers (F2) AL: LE, AC: 8, HD: The pits in this chamber are 30 feet deep and spiked
2, HP: 12 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: each with two Hand (4d6 total damage). Given the thickness of the dust, a
Axes (1d6), are maintaining their weapons. dwarf will not be able to passively detect the pits. As
soon as one of the pits is triggered, the four statues will
B. Empty. The orcs are unaware of the secret door. animate as Sentinels of the Ancestors AL: N, AC: 3,
HD: 2+2, HP: 16, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, and repel the
C. Two Black Orc Berserker (F2) AL: LE, AC: 8, crypt robbers.
HD: 2, HP: 12 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: one with two
Warhammers (1d6), and two Seax Knives (1d4+1), are Two rounds after they activate, or if the skeletal remains
sleeping. are touched, the false skeleton of Galduhr will rise
as a 4HD Runestone Skeleton AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 4,
D. Three Black Orc Berserkers (F2) AL: LE, AC: 8, HD: HP: 32, #AT: 2, DMG: Dual Hand Axes (1d6). This
2, HP: 10 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: two with Shortswords runestone skeleton cannot be turned inside the crypt.
(1d6) and the other with two Seax Knives (1d4+1), are The two runestones embedded into the eye sockets are
fighting over dried rothe jerky. a Loadstone and Disintegration.

32. False Crypt of Galduhr: The door to this chamber If the throne is pushed forward from the rear, it will
is made of stone, sealed, and magically trapped with reveal a flagstone-lined tunnel leading to a trapdoor
Hammer Ward. It can only be penetrated by breaking in Room 33.
down the door (see Brick Walls). It bears the symbol
of Galduhr: two upright axes with a door set between 33. Galduhr’s Crypt: The trapdoor from Room 32
them. Galduhr’s ancestors left three runestones at the opens into a rectangular 60x30 foot chamber. A thick
base of the door. They read: “I, Galmura, carved this layer of dust covers the entire room. A 20-foot staircase
runestone to honour my ancestor Galduhr,” “I etched leads up to a sarcophagus engraved with the likeness
these runes in remembrance of the life and bravery of of Galduhr and his accomplishments as a warrior. If the
my grandfather Galduhr, the Hero of the Pass of Red lid of the sarcophagus is removed, the secret doors will
Arrows,” “This stone was carved to mark the passing open and two Advanced Sentinels of the Ancestors AL:
of my father Galduhr into the hands of the Thaneduhr. N, AC: 0, HD: 8, HP: 50, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d6+2 per
I, Galgeddin, carved these runes,” (Runestone Value: attack, carved in the likeness of Galduhr, will defend
220+1d2x10gp each). his remains.

Four statues of Galduhr line the crypt. At the end of the Inside the sarcophagus lies the remains of the dwarven
chamber, atop a two-tiered dais, rests the (false) skeletal warrior-hero. He is clad in Platemail +1 and beside
remains of Galduhr with a great helm and visor that him are his two Hand Axes +2. In his skeletal hands,
obscures his face. He wears platemail with two hand he holds Galduhr’s Runestone (see Rooms 1-2). Note
axes crossed over his lap. A thick layer of dust covers that the runestone provides its bearer +2 on all saving
everything in this chamber. His symbol is carved into the throws.
statues and behind his throne. Tapestries, decorated
in a dwarven geometric fashion, still cling to rails to 34. This large reservoir is filled with dark clear water.
the right and left of the throne. There are Four coffers The water drips into the reservoir from a system in the
set beside his throne. All are Locked and Trapped with ceiling. The reservoir is 30 feet deep.
Poison Needles (Save or Die): 1) 500gp, 2) 100pp, 3)
3 Random Mundane Runestones, 4) Gemstones: Small There are three random items of value that can be
Broken Clear Green Zircon (55gp), Huge Flawed Apple found amongst rubble, debris, etc., were thrown or
Green Chrysoprase (140gp), Huge Exquisite Pure fell in over time. One item can be found (3 total) for
Black Onyx (200gp), Huge Average Star Rose Quartz every 1d4+1 attempts made to the bottom. Consult the
(150gp), Medium Flawed Orange Carnelian (75gp), Random Treasure Tables in the Secondary Encounter
Huge Finely Cut Red and White Sardonyx (180gp). Area Generator (three total).

35. The dust-covered skeletal remains of a battle took
place in this corridor long ago. Burial Alcoves: (100): Square (1x1 foot)
Contents: Three Mundane Runestones, Runestone
There are 1d6 skeletal dwarves and 1d6+6 skeletal of Protection +1, Runestone of Shielding, 343pp,
orcs scattered down the hallway. It will take three turns and the following gemstones a Medium Exquisite
to search the remains. Dark Green Malachite (42gp), Huge Flawed Moss
Agate (26gp), Very Large Flawed Pale Blue Frost
There is a 1-3 on d6 chance of Treasure Type I-VI and a Agate (24gp), Huge Broken Deep Blue Azurite
1 on d6 chance of 1d3 random mundane runestones, (20gp), Huge Finely Cut Orange Sunstone (38gp),
alongside rusty orc blades and dwarven axes and Large Exquisite Pale Green Variscite (44gp), and
hammers. a Medium Exquisite Pale Yellow Citrine (175gp).
A. This chamber is empty. The black orcs are unaware
of the secret door. 38. This huge, vaulted chamber is supported by seven
large columns with carved relief (dwarven warriors).
B. This chamber is empty. The columns are in disrepair and the floor is littered
with rubble (hazardous terrain). The chamber is lit,
C. This chamber has almost completely collapsed. by sun and the moon, via a lightbox at the top of the
Water trickles in from the northeastern wall. ceiling. As sun rises in the east, a beam of light shines
on a keyhole (the secret door on the western wall). The
D. The torchlight of the party will reflect metal that beam slowly moves across the floor until it reaches the
appears to cover a 2x2 foot section of the floor near eastern wall. At exactly noon, the beam highlights a
the eastern wall (partially dissolved dwarven shields). tiled section of floor in the center of the room (currently
covered in rubble). If the rubble is cleared, it will reveal
A Large Gray Ooze AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 5, HP: 37, #AT: a floor tile that depicts an axe-shaped key. Breaking the
1, DMG: 2d8, found its way through the walls and into tile will reveal the key beneath it. The key not only opens
this chamber. It sits atop a ledge just inside the archway the secret door but also opens the secret door located
awaiting its prey. There is nothing of value. in one of the pillars. Inside the pillar is a stone ledge
with a scroll and two runestones. The map notes the
36. The southwestern corner of this room has collapsed, two passages into Room 37 and the location of two of
and water slowly trickles in. The dampness has given rise the four pit traps. The stones are a Runestone of Magic
to mold and bright green phosphorescent mushrooms. Detection and a Runestone of Protection +2.

The mushrooms have a poignant and off-putting 39. This room is empty. The chamber connects to a secret
smell but possess healing properties. A total of 1d4+4 door (4 feet tall) that cannot be opened by mundane or
mushrooms can be harvested and heal 1d4+1 hit magical means without Galduhr’s Runestone (located
points each. In addition, there is a 1 on d6 chance per in Room 33). The secret doors are so expertly hidden
mushroom that they can also cure disease and insanity. that even a dwarf would have difficulty spotting them
passively (must roll a 1 followed by a 1-3 on d6).
A dwarf may (1 on d6) be able to identify the fungus
as a Gundgathol Trumpet. Note that eating more than 40. Guardroom: Black Orc Warriors (3) AL: LE, AC: 4
three in one day will require a saving throw versus (Half Plate), HD: 3+3, HP: 19, 17, 16, #AT: 1, Weapon:
Death or the imbiber will lose one point of constitution. Two with Military Fork (1d10), Heavy Crossbow with 10
Bolts (1d8), Dagger (1d4), and one with Broadsword
37. The stone doors to this crypt are sealed (treat as (1d6+1) and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 4d6cp,
Bricked Walls). The chamber has a small collapse 2d8+1sp, 1d10+1ep, and 1d8gp each, are on guard
along its northwestern corner. The chamber is covered in this room. They are bored and are likely (1-4 on d6)
in burial alcoves: to be engaged in pushing match.

41. Prison Cells: The black orcs keep prisoners in the Clear Green Peridot (155gp), is currently whipping the
cells along the northern wall. These prisoners will either last remaining breaths from Kalduric. With each lash,
be shipped down to P4: The Black Pit to work the mines Kalduric screams in pain.
or sacrificed in the temple (Room 30).
He was part of a patrol into Gundgathol over 50 years
There are currently Black Orc Warriors (2) AL: LE, AC: ago. The patrol penetrated as far as the Lower Halls
4 (Half Plate), HD: 3+3, HP: 25, 19, #AT: 1, Weapon: when they were ambushed and separated. Eventually
Scimitar (1d8) and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: Kalduric was brought here. He knows of Galduhr’s
2d20gp each, guarding the cells. The larger of the two Runestone and the secret entrance (Room 1 to Room
has the cell keys. 39). He will utter “The secret door...Galduhr’s stone...
the crypt” and die.
A. This cell contains Lithuniel Greenleaf, a Level 4
Elven Magic-User. She currently has 4hp (14) and the 44. This room is exceptionally dark. A feeling of death
following ability scores: S 10, I 18, W 12, D 15, C 11, and loss may (1 on d6) cause a dwarf pause. Inside
Ch 8. Lithuniel was once acknowledged as one of the are the skeletal remains of five dwarves cornered and
most beautiful among her kind, but the orcs burned her slaughtered during the great exodus. They have risen
with fire. She has a strong spirit but may never recover as Shadows (5) AL: CE, AC: 7, HD: 2+2, HP: 16, 14,
from her torture in Gundgathol. 13, 2x12, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d4 + Special, and linger
near their remains. One of the skeletons still clutches its
B. This cell contains the bodies of three decomposing Warhammer +1.
dwarven slaves.
45. Barracks: A group of Black Orc Warriors (6) AL:
C. Fingo Ticklebottom, a Level 4 Halfling Thief. Fingo LE, AC: 5 (Chainmail), HD: 3+3, HP: three with 21
is near death. He is normally a cheery optimist who and three with 17, #AT: 1, Weapon: three with Battle
claims (despite being 3’2”) to be the “tallest halfling in Axe (1d8), Scimitar (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), and
the world.” He has the following statistics: S 10, I 13, W three with Scimitar (1d8) and Hand Axe (1d6). Treasure:
12, D 15, C 15, Ch 10 and HP: 2 (18). 2d8+1sp, 1d10+1ep, and 2d8gp each, have formed a
circle while two of their number wrestle.
D. Durgro Broadaxe, a Level 2 Fighter/Level 2 Thief,
currently has 3hp (18) and the following ability scores: There is a 1-2 on d6 chance when the PCs approach
S 15, I 11, W 9, D 15, C 4, Ch 12. Durgro is a young the room that the wrestling will become a brawl. Their
dwarf whose family fled Gundgathol. His torture at weapons lean against the walls of the room.
the hands of his captors and the state of his sacred
homeland has made him extremely vengeful. He swore 46. This chamber is empty.
a life-vendetta to Geddinthor to kill all black orcs.
47. Berserker Leader Quarters: Glog the Black Orc
42. This room is empty. Screams can be heard from Berserker Leader (F5) AL: LE, AC: 8, HD: 5, HP: 32,
Room 43 and laughter from Room 45. #AT: 1, Weapon: Dual Scimitars (1d8), Treasure: Gold
Arm Bands inlaid with Mithril (300gp each) and a Chest
43. Torture Chamber: The walls of this chamber are Key, is talking to Ogbog the Orc Shaman (CL2/MU2)
lined with manacles and chains. There are three corpses AL: CE, AC: 7, HD: 3, HP: 12, #AT: 1, Weapon: Staff
(all dwarves) still attached and one living. Kalduric (1d6), Sling and 20 Stones (1d6), and Dagger +1 (1d4).
Longbeard is very near death. A Black Orc Warband Spells (2/2): Command, Protection from Good, Magic-
Leader (F5) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, Missile, Burning Hands, Treasure: Electrum Bracers
HP: 34, #AT: 1, Weapon: Scimitar (1d8) and Whip Inlaid with Rubies (75gp each), about the need to hunt
(1d4), Treasure: Bag with gemstones: Small Average for food in the nearby passages of Gundgathol.
Red and White Sardonyx (75gp), Very Large Exquisite
Brown-Black Samarskite (175gp), and a Large Exquisite If the horn is sounded from Room 30, they will respond.

The room is spartan except for a Small Chest (Locked Stairway of Kalbandur: Random Monsters
and Trapped with a Poison Needle, Save or Die).
1 Black Orc Warband
The Chest contains the following: 45sp, 68gp, and 2 Troll Warband
Small Flawed White or Blue Moonstone (90gp), 3 Giant Scorpions (1d3)
Medium Finely Cut Flecked Aventurine (155gp), Very
Large Finely Cut Pure Black Onyx (205gp), Small Finely 4 Giant Jumping Spiders (1d6)
Cut Flecked Aventurine (130gp). In addition, there is 5 Dwargoyle (1d2)
the Crystal Runestone (see P1: The Lower Halls, Room
6 Ghasts (1d6)

The orcs are unaware of the secret door. Referee’s Notes: The Forgotten Stairs of Kalbandur
are approximately 48 hours march from the town
48. Two Black Orc Berserkers (F2) AL: LE, AC: 8, of Hamelet/Durnagald (subject to route). The
HD: 2, HP: 12, #AT: 1, Weapon: one with two Maces entrance is designed for character levels 3-5.
(1d6) and one with two Flails (1d6), Treasure: None,
stand guard at this location. They are Glog’s personal
1. Doors of Kalbandur: The Doors of Kalbandur sit on
a windswept ledge almost 300 feet above the ground.
49. This chamber contains fur beds. The guards that
The stone double-doors are seven feet tall and each
occupy the room are in Room 48.
door is five feet wide.
Entrance D: The Forgotten Despite being heavily worn and battered by weather, the
Stairway of Kalbandur doors are still decorated in dwarven geometric patterns
and the crest of the Kingdom of Dwarrow is engraved
In the early days of Gundgathol, the dwarves carved an above the doors. The mithril outline of the entrance
entrance several hundred feet above the ground along glows softly in moonlight. The doors are engraved with
the western edge of the Eternal Mountains. the following:
They named the entrance after the hero Kalbandur of Atop the stair, where eagles soar
House Hammerhand and enchanted the doors with Rests Kalbandur’s forgotten door
rune magic. The dwarves crafted a broad zigzagging The entrance to our mountain hame
staircase down to the edge of the Fargone Forest to Is hidden in the ancient frame
facilitate access to the western lands and trade.
The doors are impregnable by all means, mundane
Since the exodus of the dwarves, a mountain slide and magical. They can be opened by the Ring of
destroyed the carved stone staircase and it was never House Stoneborn, the Hammer of Dwarvish Lords,
replaced. Instead, something, or someone, cut rough- or the password riddle answer: Alban (the name of
hewn stairs up to Kalbandur’s Door. Kalbandur’s father hidden on the Character Sheet)
The stairway is slick, vertical in the extreme (rising at a Giant Eagles (6) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 4, HP: 25, 24,
75-degree angle) and bombarded with perilous wind 23, 22, 16, 14, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/2d6, nest in
and weather. the outcroppings high above the doors. PCs will likely
(1-3 on d6) see them soaring and circling above the
In addition, giant bald eagles soar above the western mountains in the vicinity of the doors. The eagles may
edge of the mountains and nest in the rocky outcroppings (1-2 on d6) attack if the PCs linger for longer than
above the doors. This entrance was abandoned long several hours.
ago. Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #6.

2. The Doors of Kalbandur open into a large entrance 4. The door to this chamber was burned out long ago.
chamber with two staircases, both long and broad, There are four dwarven statues and the dust-covered
leading upward to the east. Two alcove chambers are skulls and bones of dwarves and orcs. The statues
located to the immediate right and left of the doors. appear as rough-hewn warriors at a glance. Closer
Each contains a small staircase leading up to a statue: inspection reveals they are made of runestones. The
Kalbandur stands to the north and Alban to the south. eastern-most statue is a Runestone Golem AL: N,
The chamber is covered in thick dust and several large AC: 3, HD: 7, HP: 40, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d10. If any of
pieces of stone have fallen from the ceiling. Show the statues are touched, or if any attempt is made to
Dwarrowdeep Illustration #7. remove the runestones, the golem will attack. One of
the stones that constitutes the golem is a key for Room
3. A large seven-foot single stalagmite stands in the 39 (the other is located in Room 9).
center of this passage. There are six 2-3 foot stalagmites
within ten feet. 5. This chamber contains a narrow, collapsed stairwell
leading downward. The stairwell leads to a lost level
The large stalagmite is Gluklaktoc the Storoper AL: and is impassible.
CE, AC: 0, HD: 6, HP: 45, #AT: 6, DMG: See entry.
Gluklaktoc has positioned himself to take advantage 6. This room is empty.
of prey that creep and crawl back and forth along the
primary passage. Gluklaktoc will wait until the PCs are 7. This chamber has partially collapsed in the
within 20 feet before he will open his large eye and southeastern corner. Located in the rubble, (four turns of
unfurl his tentacles. His natural rock-like camouflage searching, check for random monsters) is a Wardstone
makes it near impossible to spot him even in partial (Magic).
light (1 on d6). He speaks his own language, duergar,
and dwarf. To allow the party to pass, he will demand 8. The doors to this room are open and the chamber
tribute in the form of 1d3+1 1,000gp in gemstones. He is empty.
may consider jewelry but will demand a slightly larger
amount. Gluklaktoc is not particularly intelligent and 9. This catacomb chamber is lined with burial niches
may be coerced (subject to a particularly strong role- and alcoves. A thick layer of dust and cobwebs
play arguments at the table). cover everything. Randomly determine the depth and
characteristics of the pits using the Random Pit Table
Inside his stomach are the following gemstones: Medium Subtable in the Secondary Encounter Area Generator.
Exquisite Dark Green Alexandrite (550gp), Very Large
Average Lustrous White Pearl (500gp), Small Finely
Burial Alcoves: (343) Square with Bones/ Urns.
Cut Dark Green Alexandrite (300gp), Small Flawed
Contents: Copper and Silver Earrings (50gp),
Deep Yellow Amber (170gp), Huge Broken Deep
Platinum Bracelet (350gp), Dented Silver Goblet
Crimson Ruby (2,450gp), and a Very Large Average
(50gp), 1 Random Magical Runestone, 1 Random
Pale Blue Opal (2,200gp). In addition, there are 1d2
Mundane Runestone, 215ep, 75pp, and the
random runestones and a Stalagmite Runestone and a
following Gemstones: Medium Finely Cut Cream
Runestone of Invulnerability.
and White Bluestone (32gp), Very Large Regular
Pale Blue Frost Agate (26gp), Medium Exquisite
The Primary Passage descends downward approximately
Silkstone (42gp), Huge Exquisite Deep Blue
60 feet and leads east from Entrance D toward S18
Azurite (48gp), Huge Flawed Tiger Eye Agate
on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. There are numerous
(26gp), Huge Broken Banded Agate (20gp), Large
partial collapses along both walls and the ceiling of this
Regular Silkstone (24gp), Medium Finely Cut Pale
passageway. The rusted armour and skeletons of both
Yellow Citrine (115gp), Huge Finely Cut Red and
mountain dwarves and duergar are littered across the
White Sardonyx (180gp).

covered the floor from the collapse and two Sandlings
Burial Niches: (49) Rectangular with Full Skeletons. AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 4, HP: 26, 23, #AT: 1, DMG:
Contents: 15 Crossbow Bolts +1, 1 Random Magic 1d12+3, nest in the chamber. The following items are
Runestone, 1 Random Mundane Runestone, poking out of the sand: a Gold Goblet (50gp), Silver
209gp, ten Silver Ingots worth 10gp each, and Seax Scabbard (35gp), and a Runestone of Speed.
the following Gemstones: Huge Finely Cut Light
Blue Lapis Lazuli (38gp), Large Exquisite Pale 15. The door to this chamber is trapped with a Swinging
Green Variscite (44gp), Huge Flawed Light Pink Ball (1d6 per level, Dexterity Check to half the damage).
Rhodochrosite (26gp), Huge Average Brown-
Black Samarskite (150gp). 16. Guardroom: This guardroom has been long
abandoned. Bones and rusty armour of dwarves and
duergar litter the floor. The duergar left two Dwargoyles
A. A burial niche cut into the western wall contains a AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: 31, 25, #AT: 4 or 1, DMG:
dwarven skeleton in rusty platemail with a Hand Axe one with Stone Hammer (1d12) and one without
+2 across his chest. He has the Second Runestone Key 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4, as guards. If they see torchlight or
to Room 39 in a pouch at his side. hear the party approach, they will enter rooms A and E,
close the doors, and attack with surprise. If not, they will
10. The walls of this chamber are decorated in assume a statue-like position near the archways and
breathtaking dwarven geometric art patterns. Despite attack as the party enters or leaves.
the dust and the cobwebs, the beauty, craftsmanship,
and grandeur of old Gundgathol is obvious, even 17. Guardroom: This chamber is empty. However,
momentarily. chambers A and C are trapped. The first with Contact
Poison on the door ring (Save or Die) and the second
11. A tiny beam of light from a lightbox shines onto a with a mounted Crossbow-Tripwire on the back wall
statue of Kalbandur in the hallway. At noon, the beam (1d8 damage, 1 on d6 the mechanism fails). Chamber
of light highlights a keyhole, cleverly disguised on the B has three normal rats that will disappear into cracks
statue, that will open Room 12. The key is located in in the walls.
Room 28C.
18. This defensive position with low battlements is 20
12. The door is made of stone and sealed. The door feet above the main passage to the north. It commands
cannot be opened by means mundane or magical. The the passage below it. Two dwarven skeletons, looted
statue in Room 11 can unlock the door. and with rusty armour, were slain here long ago and
are covered in thick, heavy dust and cobwebs.
Inside are seven metal dwarven facemasks. Four have
corroded and are useless. Three detect as magical. 19. This large chamber is supported by four large
They are two-use magic items but retain their gold piece columns, two of which have partially collapsed. Two
value. The first, made of silver, depicts a screaming statues, Kalbandur and Alban Hammerhand, stand
bearded face (Scare: 100gp). The second, made of opposite double-doors along the southern wall.
gold, depicts a stoic face (Cursed: Cannot remove or Hanging from the top of the ceiling are Rust Bats (6)
speak, 150gp). The third, made of Platinum, depicts the AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG: See
face of Thaneduhr (Bless: 200gp). entry. A dwarf or gnome may (1 on d6) be able to smell
their guano that covers a small rubble pile in the center
13. This room is empty. Water trickles in from the partial of the floor.
collapse along the western wall.
20. The mechanism to open this chamber is a lever
14. The door to this chamber is ajar and sand from the hidden behind a flagstone to the right of the door. The
chamber has spilled under the door. The southeastern short hallway opens into a 20x20 room with a stone
corner of the room has partially collapsed. Sand has sarcophagus. The lid of the sarcophagus is trapped

(Poison Gas fills the room, Save or Die). Inside is a axes of the statues cross above the sarcophagus and
5HD Runestone Skeleton AL: N, AC: 2, HD: 5, HP: 32, their eyes are Large Rubies (1,000gp each). The two
#AT: 1, DMG: Great Hammer +1 (1d8). The skeleton is statues are magically trapped with Runes of Dhurindain.
clad in platemail and shield. His grave goods include: When the sarcophagus is approached the western
Electrum Torc (125gp), a Gold Ring inlaid with Mithril statue will bellow in Dwarvish, “Begone Tomb Robbers!
(300gp), and three Gold Beard Rings (50gp each). I, Kalbandur, curse you from the afterlife!” At the same
time, the eastern statue will open its mouth and issue
21. The ceiling of this chamber was braced with now- an Insect Plague toward the sarcophagus. The effect
rotting wooden beams. The entire chamber is on the of the plague is akin to the spell Confusion (Level 4
verge of collapse (check for collapse every other round Magic-User). All those who save manage to weather
with 1-4 on d6 indicating a collapse resulting in 3d6 the effect. Those who fail panic and flee in a random
points of damage and a random monster roll). Water (1d8) direction at full speed. There is a 1-4 on d6
drips in from the ceiling and the floor is slick (hazardous chance PCs drop anything in hand. Be sure to note the
terrain). placement of PCs relative to concealed pit traps prior
to the encounter.
A. The door to this secret chamber opens by pushing
the wall backwards. Three Small Silver Boxes (3x3 Sarcophagus contains a dwarven skeleton in Platemail
inches, 15gp each) sit on a dust-covered ledge along +1 with random Mundane Runestones over its eyes.
the eastern wall. The boxes are marked as “Sacred Both his hands grasp the Seax of Beagnoth (see New
Earth” in dwarven runes. The first contains dark, fertile Magic Items). Inside the sarcophagus is a small Silver
earth that will immediately sprout giant mushroom Coffer with the following Gemstones: Small Average
overgrowth in a 30x30 foot section. The second is light, Brown Malacon (75gp), Very Large Average Red
dry earth that will wither overgrowth in the same space. and White Sardonyx (125gp), Huge Finely Cut White
The third functions as per the spell Entangle. They are Chalcedony (180gp), Very Large Flawed Clear Rock
one use magic items. A small sprinkle of sacred earth Crystal (115gp), Small Flawed Brown Jasper (65gp),
will discern their use. Large Average Black Pearl (400gp), Very Large Flawed
Brown-Green Garnet (470gp), Very Large Average
22. This chamber is empty. Water leaks under the door Red Garnet (500gp), Huge Exquisite Yellow-Green
to the north. Chrysoberyl (850gp), and a Large Broken Pale Blue
Opal (1,450gp).
23. The stone door to this chamber is sealed. The
chamber has partially collapsed along the northwestern 25. A 20x20 foot water reservoir dominates this
corner and the eastern wall. The glint of gold can be chamber. The edge of the reservoir is beautifully carved
seen in the northwestern corner (Ring 20gp). The stone with dwarven geometric knotwork. The knotwork along
busts of seven dwarves from House Longbeard sit in the northern edge is covered in normal mold and
small alcoves around the room. One of the stone busts Purple Moss AL: N, AC: N/A, HD: 2, HP: 10, #AT:
detects as magical. It can cast Great Shout (x2), Wall Sleep, DMG: Special. In addition, a Water Weird AC:
of Fog (x2) and will serve as a Bag of Holding (500gp). 5, HD: 4+4, HP: 32, #AT: 1, DMG: Special, lurks in the
It has an AC5, 3HP, and weighs 50 pounds. The basin. The weird will wait to determine if its prey will fall
activation word is Dural Longbeard (written in runes asleep prior to raising itself up and drowning helpless
along the back of the neck). victims. Inside the shallow (4 feet deep) reservoir are
the following: 473sp, 391gp, a Visored Helm inlaid
24. This large, vaulted, rectangular chamber is trapped with Gold (100gp), a Bone Comb inlaid with Platinum
with numerous pits (randomly determine the depth and (300gp), and a Hexagonal Dwarven Shield +1.
characteristics of the pits using the Random Pit Table
Subtable in the Secondary Encounter Area Generator). 26. This square 40x40 foot chamber has partially
Two statues of Kalbandur, standing tall and proud, collapsed along the northwestern corner and southern
bracket a sarcophagus along the southern wall. The wall. The floor immediately inside the secret door is

trapped with a pressure plate and floor spears (1d6 A. This side chamber is empty except for a thin ledge
points of damage per level, Dexterity Check to half the immediately above the archway. Resting on the ledge
damage). are 1d3 random Runestones and a Runestone of
27. Guardroom: Two Dwargoyles AL: CE, AC: 5, HD:
4, HP: 31, 25, #AT: 4 or 1, DMG: both with Stone 33. The door to this chamber was burned out long ago.
Hammers (1d12), were commanded by the duergar to The western and southern walls have partially collapsed.
guard this location and report on any incursions. A Giant Rat Horde (50) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1d4hp,
HP: 15x4, 20x3, 15x2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3, has piled
Side Chambers A, B, and D contain rotting and broken garbage and debris on top of the rubble and created
crates and barrels. Chamber C contains a Black a massive nest. A Very Large Giant Rat (2HD, 12hp,
Witches’ Butter AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 1, HP: 5, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6+1) leads the horde. They have burrowed
DMG: See entry, and E contains rusty shields and axes small holes out of this chamber into the hallways to
covered in Cinnamon Mold AL: N, AC: Always hit, HD: the north and east - both to the cliff face and into
2, HP: 14, #AT: 1 (Spores), DMG: 2d6+1d6. other rooms (too small for any PC). If the rubbish pile
is disturbed the rats will teem out to defend their nest.
28. Guardroom: This guardroom is empty. The door to Treat the horde as an Insect Swarm at first, except the
A has been kicked in and the chamber is empty. The rats can take damage (quick thinking PCs should use
interior of Room B is covered in Brown Mold AL: N, fire or a spell to redirect the horde from the doorway).
AC: Always Hit, HD: 2, HP: 12, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d8,
and Room C contains two dwarven warrior skeletons 34. This chamber is empty.
pierced with spears. Their bodies have been looted.
One still has a Key (see Room 11 and 12). 35. Kordal Longbeard (Room 31) used this secret
chamber to hide his most precious jewels. The western
29. Guardroom: This guardroom was abandoned long wall is covered in 49 4x4 inch holes three feet deep.
ago. The skeletons of dwarves and duergar litter the There is a 1-2 chance on d4 a hole is empty, 1 on d4
floor. Side Chambers A and D contain broken barrels chance of a trap, and 1 on d4 chance of a random
and mold. C and E are skeleton closets. There is a 1 on gemstone. For gems use the Random Gemstone Table
d6 chance of 1 random gem or jewelry in C or E. The in the Secondary Encounter Area Generator. However,
door to B was broken down and the chamber is empty. use the Levels 4-7 Treasure Value and there is a 1-4 on
d8 chance of a random gem of exceptional value. For
30. This room is empty. The door was burned down traps use the following table:
long ago.
Random Trap and Result*
31. This chamber was once Master Jeweler Kordal
Longbeard’s secret gem workshop. Now it is covered 1-3 Blade (1d4)
in a thick layer of dust. On a short table along the Mechanical Jaws
southern wall are a series of small tools used to cut 4-5
(1d6, Save versus Death or lose hand)
gemstones. They include a small grinding wheel, tile
Poison Needle
nippers, small saws, and three magnifying glasses. 6
(1d2, Save versus Death or Die)
One of the magnifying glasses is the Eyeglass of House
Longbeard (see New Magic Items).
*Damage/level of the player character.
32. The door to this chamber is covered in Brown Mold
36. The door of this room is trapped with a tripwire and
AL: N, AC: Always Hit, HD: 2, HP: 12, #AT: 1, DMG:
deadfall stone just inside the door. The stone will crush
2d8. The mold is difficult to see from more than five
the first entrant for 2d6 points of damage (Dexterity
feet away (1 on d6).
Check for half).

37. The cliff face along the northwestern corner of this Large Exquisite Transparent Ziose (650gp), Large
room has eroded and a beam of exterior light shines Average Clear Blue-White Diamond (1,700gp), Large
through at the end of each day. There is nothing else Flawed Translucent Star Ruby (1,600gp) and a Huge
of value. Flawed Clear Blue-White Diamond (2,600gp).

38. This room contains a small forge. Tools, now rusty, 40. The door to this chamber was made of stone. It
are strewn on the floor. The entire chamber is covered now lies broken in pieces. Two statues, one devoted
in thick dust and cobwebs. A small hexagonal-shaped to Kalbandur and the other to his father Alban, were
well sits in the southeastern corner. defaced by the duergar with chisels and sledgehammers.
A 20-foot staircase leads up to a great throne. The
39. The double doors to this room are made of stone skeletons of three duergar lay on the floor.
and sealed. The symbol of House Longbeard is carved
across the two doors. Each door contains a small The throne is magical and retains one last vestige of its
depression for the insertion of a runestone key. The first power before dissipating forever. Any evil character that
is located in Room 4 (as part of the Runestone Golem) sits on the throne must Save versus Death or die. The
and the other is located in Room 9. The doors can be first mountain dwarf to sit on the throne will permanently
broken down with sledgehammers and iron spikes. increase his or her Constitution by one, and any good-
aligned non-dwarf that sits on the throne will increase
A sarcophagus once stood in the center of this crypt. his or her hit points by 1d4 permanently.
However, a massive collapse in the center of the 20-foot
ceiling destroyed the sarcophagus and spread rubble, 41. Hall of Records: The chamber was looted long ago
both large and small, across the entire chamber. Large and is in disarray. In addition, there are two collapses
tapestries, once rich and majestic, lay in rotted moldy along the northwestern and eastern walls. The floor
piles along each wall. Spears (14) and shields (7) lean is littered with burnt books and scrolls, destroyed
against the walls of the room. runestones, and the skeletons of dwarves and duergar.
Everything is covered in thick dust and cobwebs.
The spirit of Ghurandal, Son of Ghurndan, Grandson
of Ghundallin Longbeard lingers here. If the doors
to his crypt were opened with the runestone keys, Damaged Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 127.
Ghurandal may engage with a dwarven character, Items of Value: 1d2 Mundane Runestones,
he may even show deference to a dwarven cleric, and 1 Cleric Scroll with 1d4 Level 2 Spells, a Gold
provide oblique reference to Room 40 or 43 before Torc (100gp), a Silver Disc Broach (35gp), and
fading away. If the doors of his crypt were broken a Runestone of Missile Attraction, Kalbandur’s
down, Ghurandal will slowly manifest as an eerie green Warstone.
Greater Crypt Shade AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 45,
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d10, and defend his crypt by swirling
and throwing rubble and debris at the PCs. Every other
round Ghurandal receives an additional attack. He will Two monsters have oozed their way through cracks into
manipulate his swirling spirit and hurl a spear or shield this chamber in the hope of finding food. An Ochre
at a PC for 1d6+2 points of damage. Jelly AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 5, HP: 35, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d6
is hidden behind the rubble pile to the west and two
Underneath the rubble pile (12 turns) is the destroyed Amber Jellies AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: 18, 16, #AT:
sarcophagus and Ghurandal’s remains. At his head 1, DMG: 1d6, hang from the ceiling inside of the door.
is a damaged Silver Coffer (25gp) and his personal
collection of gems and jewels: Medium Exquisite Bright 42. Four pillars, in the shape of dwarven warriors
Yellow Microlite (550gp), Huge Average Pale Brown partially protrude from the walls of this chamber. They
Cassiterite (600gp), Large Exquisite Violet Garnet are covered in dust and cobwebs. There is nothing of
(650gp), Large Finely Cut Blue Aquamarine (500gp), value.

A. There is a tilting floorstone trap just inside the is a sarcophagus that contains the remains of Burak
archway. The trap scores 1d6 points of damage per Cobblestone. He was buried with 1d4 pieces of jewelry
level (no save). The room is otherwise empty. and 1d3 random gemstones.

43. A large two-tiered dais stands in the center of this 47. This chamber has two burial alcoves along the
room. The disintegrated remains of a duergar lay in the southern wall. The duergar emptied and looted the
center. alcoves and spilt their contents onto the floor. The back
of one of the western alcoves contains Yellow Mold AL:
A. This side chamber is empty. N, AC: Always hit, HD: 2, HP: 6, #AT: Spores, DMG:
1d6, At the rear of an eastern alcove is a Runestone
B. This small chamber is home to a Brain Fungus AL: Axe Head +2.
N, AC: 7, HD: 3, HP: 16, #AT: See entry, DMG: See
entry. In addition to being partially covered by the 48. The two secret side chambers each contain a
archway (+4 bonus to AC) there is also an Icterine Runestone Golem AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 7, HP: 40, #AT:
Fungi AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 5, HP: 31, #AT: 1d4*, DMG: 1, DMG: 1d10.
1d8, adjacent to it (+2 bonus to AC). The Brain Fungus
will release its psilocybin spore magic-like effects into 49. This chamber is empty except for a Winged Hammer
the air in the hope of drawing prey into the failing hung on the north wall (see New Magic Items). If the
tentacles of the Icterine Fungi. Scattered across the hammer is removed, the two secret doors will slide
floor are several decomposing creatures and bodies. open and golems (Room 48) will activate and attack
The following treasure can be found: a Small Broken the intruders.
Clear Green Zircon (55gp), Medium Flawed Star Rose
Quartz (75gp), Large Broken Apple Green Chrysoprase Entrance E: Frost Gate
(85gp), and a Small Finely Cut Deep Green Serpentine
(105gp), as well as a Bag Runestones of Prayer (1d6), The Frost Gate, so named due to its perpetual exposure
and 142pp. to winter storms, is the only entrance into Gundgathol
along its broad northern border. The entrance is also
C. This secret chamber contains a shelf with three called North Gate, or Nurr’s Gate, named after Nurr
runestones (Thunderous Deafening, Heroism, Extra- of House Tunneltrue. Nurr first discovered the vast
Healing) and four scrolls (Stonebeard, Blessed Stone, frozen cave system around which the dwarves built
Circle of Stones, Courage of the Ancestors). A fifth scroll their northern entrance. The Frost Gate is connected to
in dwarvish runes reads: “Alban! Axes of the Dwarves!” Kaer-Khelek via a perilous mountain trail overtop the
Eternal Mountains.
44. The eastern wall of this room has completely
collapsed and is exposed to the eastern passage. The Frost Gate doors can only be opened by Galduhr’s
Runestone, the Hammer of Dwarvish Lords, the Ring of
45. A stoic stone statue of Alban Hammerhand stands House Stoneborn, or the Blue Runestone (Room 22).
on a plinth in the corner of this chamber. This statue is a
Sentinel of the Ancestors AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 2+2, HP: A large group of dwarves were cut off from escape to
12, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6. It will only animate if the words the south during the siege of the duergar. They fled
“Alban! Axes of the Dwarves!” are spoken in dwarvish. to this gate, but never escaped. They were killed or
The statue will then animate for 1d3 turns per day and captured.
follow the instructions of the dwarf who uttered his
name. The statue will not leave Entrance D. The duergar understand that attack from the north
through the Frost Gate is the least likely means of
46. Two dead duergar lay infront of this door. The door retaking Gundgathol. As a result, they posted only a
of this chamber is made of stone, sealed, trapped with small warband of gargoyles and ice trolls to guard
spell Hammer Ward that resets once every year. Inside the entrance and report on any incursions. The two

groups can weather the cold much easier than the gray Runestone (currently in the belly of the amber bulk in
dwarves and the former are bound magically to their Room 22).
command. There has been no activity in 250 years at
this gate, and the guards are lax. 2. The inside of the entrance is dark and extremely
cold. Several collapses from the ceiling and walls
The Frost Gate is under the equivalent of a Freeze have taken place, near the gate and further down the
Metal spell effect. Player Characters must either dress passage. This location may (1-2 on d6) be watched by
appropriately in winter gear, or prepare with spells, the gargoyles in Room 4.
to adventure in the frozen caves. The temperature is
the equivalent of -40 (the point where Celsius and 3. Guardroom: Two Ice Trolls AL: CE, AC: 6, HD:
Fahrenheit meet). Beards and hair will freeze and long 3+3, HP: 21, 18, #AT: 2, DMG: Great Spear (1d8)
breaths of icy condensation (for living creatures) will fill or 1d8/1d8, Treasure: Silver Armband 300gp. Are
the air. sleeping on duty.

Frost Gate: Random Monsters A. Terrace: This location is empty except for a longbow
and 20 arrows.
1 Ice Troll Warband*
2 Dwargoyle (1d4) B. Two Ice Trolls (2) AL: CE, AC: 6, HD: 3+3, HP: 22,
3 Four-Armed Gargoyle (1d4) 16, #AT: 2, DMG: Great Spear (1d8) or 1d8/1d8,
Treasure: one with Silver Chain (200gp) and the other
4 Ice Spider (1d4) 4 HD with a Pouch: Very Large Finely Cut Smokey Quartz
5 Ice Toad (1d4) (155gp), Large Broken Blue Moonstone (85gp),
Medium Finely Cut Deep Green Serpentine (115gp),
6 Ice Snake (1d6)
and a Huge Average Brown Jasper (150gp). The trolls
are fighting over old bones and are starving.
*Use the standard Troll Warband table and change
standard trolls for ice trolls.
C-E. These chambers are empty.

Referee’s Notes: The Frost Gate is several days F. An Ice Troll AL: CE, AC: 6, HD: 3+3, HP: 18, #AT: 2,
march from the town of Hamelet/Durnagald DMG: Great Hammer +1 (1d8) or 1d8/1d8, Treasure:
(subject to route). Note that travelling to this location 57pp, is cleaning his weapon.
in the deepest part of winter is almost impossible
without magical transportation or enhancement. 4. Guardroom: This chamber is occupied by two Four-
The entrance is designed for character levels 5-7. Armed Gargoyles (2) AL: CE, AC: 3, HD: 4+2, HP:
21, 20, #AT: 6, DMG: each with two Longbows and 20
Arrows (1d6) or 1d4x4/1d6/1d8, Treasure: One with
1. The Frost Gate appears like a great dwarven face
a Very Large Average Pale Green Tourmaline (500gp)
covered in snow and ice. The gate provides access to
and the other has a Small Flawed Pink Coral (170gp)
the tundra of the Frozenfar. The winters are long and
and a Medium Finely Cut Black Pearl (400gp). These
cold on this side of the mountains. The gate can only
gargoyles are likely (1-4 on d6) paying attention at their
be operated a few months of the year.
post and each is armed with two longbows which allow
them to fire twice per round from their arrow ports.
Exposure to the extreme cold of the Frozenfar, during the
deep months of winter, can lead to death by exposure
They are overseen by a Dwargoyle AL: CE, AC: 5,
in minutes. Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #8.
HD: 4, HP: 25, #AT: 4 or 1, DMG: Stone Hammer
(1d12), Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), or
A secret door is located northeast of the main gate. The
secret door can only be opened by means of the Blue

A. Terrace: One Four-Armed Gargoyle AL: CE, AC: 3, Warrior Figurine 1 (Room 43), is a large specimen with
HD: 4+2, HP: 22, #AT: 6, DMG: with two Longbows better armour class and hit dice than the average ice
and 20 Arrows (1d6) or 1d4x4/1d6/1d8, Treasure: troll. He is currently taunting a Polar Bear AL: N, AC:
Gold Neck Chain 300gp, stands on guard along the 6, HD: 6, HP: 15 (33), #AT: 3, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d6,
battlements of this 20-foot elevation tied to a stake in the southern corner of the room. This
practice is called baiting. The bear is wounded and
B. Terrace: One Four-Armed Gargoyle AL: CE, will ferociously attack the warband leader if given the
AC: 3, HD: 4+2, HP: 22, #AT: 6, DMG: with two opportunity. If the party heals the bear, it may (subject
Longbows and 20 Arrows (1d6) or 1d4x4/1d6/1d8, to the referee’s discretion) join the party until it can
Treasure: 65gp, and a Maggog Gargoyle AL: CE, AC: free itself to the Frozenfar. The bear has an exceptional
5, HD: 4, HP: 18 each, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6x2/1d8, sense of smell.
Spells (2/2/1): Magic Missile, Shield; Darkness Globe,
Invisibility; Lightning Bolt, Treasure: Gold Medallion 8. This room contains a 20x30 foot heated reservoir.
(350gp), stand by along the low battlements of this 20- The room is completely obscured with steam and
foot terrace. visibility is reduced to zero unless the double doors
are held open for any length of time. The reservoir is
C. An Ice Troll AL: CE, AC: 6, HD: 3+3, HP: 18, #AT: heated by ancient cleric runic magic along the edge.
2, DMG: 1d8/1d8, Treasure: Polar Bear Pelt (500gp),
along with his two pet Winter Wolves AL: NE, AC: 5, 9. The door to this chamber is open. Three stone
HD: 6, HP: 35, 21, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (bite), have mouths are carved into the eastern wall. They have
taken this room as their quarters. The room smells of been partially defaced with chisels and hammers.
wolf urine and troll.
10. A large Crystalline Cluster has grown in the
D-F. These chambers are empty. dark, cold recesses of this side-chamber. Crystalline
Cluster (Blue) AL: N, AC: 0, HD: 6, HP: 35, #AT: See
G. Armoury: This chamber contains three longbows, six entry, DMG: See entry. The tone emitted by this large
arrow bundles (20 each), and three heavy crossbows specimen lasts for 3d4+1 rounds.
with three quivers of 10 bolts each.
11. The western wall of this room has collapsed. The
5. This chamber once housed prisoners. The smell is room is empty.
terrible. The room is empty.
12. The door to this chamber was destroyed long ago.
6. This chamber is empty. Broken bits of wood and Bits of broken wood and stone are scattered across the
barely recognizable dwarven bas relief are all that ground.
remain of the room’s former glory.
13. The skeletons of two Gundgathol dwarves lie
A. On a narrow ledge above the door are the following back-to-back half-covered in ice. Someone, at some
items covered in dust: Runestone of Curing, a Bag with point, placed runestones over their eyes. If searched,
Runestones of Impact (3), and a Runestone of Location. they will rise as 4HD Runestone Skeletons (3) AL: N,
PCs will not notice the ledge unless they explicitly state AC: 3 (Plate), HD: 4, HP: 25 each, #AT: 1, DMG:
they are looking up. Warhammer +1 (1d6), Hand Axe (1d6), and two Seax
Knives (1d4+1), Treasure: Silver Beard Beads (50gp
7. The sounds of growling and roaring, followed by evil each), and a Silver Bracer (100gp).
laughter, can be heard from the hallway. An Ice Troll
Warband Leader AL: CE, AC: 2 (with Shield +1), HD: 14. The door is made of stone, sealed, and marked
6+3, HP: 38, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d8/1d8, Treasure: Two with a very faint glowing symbol of Dhurindain. The
Black Opal Rings (200gp each), Red Dragon Scale skeletons of three dead duergar lie on the floor in front
Shield +1 (+4 on saves versus fire-based attacks), Stone of the door.

A huge, partially damaged, 8HD Caryatid Column 17. A small colony of Ice Spiders are in hibernation
AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 8, HP: 51, #AT: 1, DMG: Stone in this chamber. If they sense prey, the ice spiders will
Hammer (1d12), stands to the west just outside the door awaken and attack. There are a total of 12: six with
to this chamber. The statue is shaped liked a dwarven 1HD (4hp each), three with 2HD (10hp each), two with
priest in robes. 3HD (16hp each), and one with 5HD (35hp). See the
monster entry for variable damage etc.
The statue is inscribed with the Runes of Dhurindain
(Great Shout) down its back. If the door is touched, 18. This rough-hewn chamber is empty. The corpses of
the statue will animate and scream “Trespassers!” in three dwarf slaves died here and were partially eaten
dwarvish with its Great Shout and then attack with its before they froze.
stone axe.
19. This chamber is empty. Skittering noises (from
Inside, the walls are shaped like natural stone. Veins of ice spiders) echo from both the eastern and western
silver run through the walls. If closely studied (3 turns) hallways.
the veins will depict two Secondary Encounter Areas
from the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map and their subsidiary 20. Something shiny gleams from the dark corner of
passages. The choice of which encounter areas to this chamber. Partially locked in ice, is a single Gauntlet
reveal is subject to the discretion of the Referee. Three of Geddinthor.
items rest on a small altar: a Galeb Runestone (Large),
Runestone of Constitution, and a Runestone of Free 21. The dead end in this chamber is blocked by a
Action. This chamber has partially collapsed along its collapse. Two Rock Clams AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 4, HP:
northern wall. 24, 18, #AT: See entry, DMG: 4d4, have camouflaged
themselves atop the rocks and rubble. Behind the
15. The downward slope at this location descends rubble (18 turns to remove) is a 10x10 foot space.
approximately 60 feet. It leads southeast from Entrance Along the western wall, a miner long ago carved the
E along the Primary Passage toward S37 on the face of Dhurindain into the rock as a good omen. Any
Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. dwarf who prays and leaves a gemstone offering (more
than 100gp value) will receive +1 to his or her primary
The mouth of the slope provides opportunity for ability score permanently.
predators to ambush prey. A group of cold-adapted
Piercers (10) AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 3, HP: 15 each, #AT: 22. The sound of digging can be heard echoing down
1, DMG: 3d6, hang from the 30-foot ceiling at this the corridor of this rough-hewn chamber. A blue-
location. In addition, a group of Stalagbites AL: N, AC: skinned and cold-adapted Amber Bulk AL: CE, AC: 2,
4, HD: 4, HP: 26, 24, 20, 18, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d8, HD: 8+8, HP: 56, #AT: 3, DMG: 3d4/3d4/2d4+2, is
recently moved into their territory. The stalagbites have digging a passage to the south. The monster is an apex
formed a rough picket-line to catch prey moving up predator and is supremely confident of its strength,
and down the passage. Inside the gut of one of the mass, and ability to defend itself. Whether it makes noise
stalagbites is the Stone Warrior Figurine 2 (Room 43). or not, other creatures and monsters know to leave it
Scattered atop the icy floor of their killzone are the alone. Inside the belly of the monster are the following:
following: 213sp, 43ep, and 25gp. Large Broken Translucent Star Ruby (1,450gp), Large
Average Light Green Jade (1,700gp), Very Large Finely
16. The ice spiders in Room 17 pushed the remains Cut King’s Tears (4,700gp), Finely Cut Deep Crimson
of their prey in this dead-end corner. The bones of Ruby (4,100gp), and the Blue Runestone (key to open
dwarves, orcs, and a handful of duergar can be found the secret doors from Room 1 to Room 46).
in the midden. There is a 1 on d6 chance of 1d3
random treasure items in the pile for every two turns Note there is a partial collapse in the northwestern
of searching. The first item found will be Dhurindain’s corner of this chamber. The collapse, alongside the
Portalstone (Room 34). digging of the amber bulk, has made this chamber

particularly susceptible to another collapse (1-4 on d6, Crystal (200gp), Very Large Flawed Flecked Aventurine
3d6 points of damage, Save versus Death for half). (115gp), Large Exquisite Deep Green Serpentine
(155gp), and a Medium Flawed Clear Green Peridot
23. This dead end is braced with frozen wood to deter (75gp). In addition, there is a Seax Knife +2 and a
a collapse. Buried a foot under the ground is a Gold Cursed Warhammer +1, Backbiter.
Locket and Chain (300gp). Inside is a small, partially
eroded painting of a female dwarf. 31. The western wall of this chamber is dotted with blue
crystal growth covered in frost. The crystals themselves
24. A large rubble pile, covered in ice and snow, serves are not dangerous but hidden between them is a Crystal
as a perfect camouflage for a large 6HD Ice Snake AL: Ooze AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 6, HP: 27, #AT: 1, DMG: 4d4
N, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, DMG: 3d4. using their camouflage to catch unsuspecting prey.

25. The entrance to this short dead end is Trapped with 32. Guardroom: This guardroom is empty. Recent signs
a Tripwire Deadfall Stone (1d6 points of damage per of habitation, including two longbows, three arrow
level, Save versus Death for half) that will drop from the quivers (10 each), and frozen dung, are visible.
ceiling. At the back of the dead end are the skulls of
three dwarves. 33. Hall of Records: This chamber is sealed with
a stone door. The door cannot be opened by any
26. A skull and bone pile (dwarves) lies in the means mundane or magical without the portalstones
southwestern corner of this rough-hewn chamber. (see Room 34). At some point it appears the duergar
The pile contains Treasure Types I-V with the normal attempted to spike the door unsuccessfully.
percentage chances of VI.

27. This chamber is empty. The sounds of tunneling can Damaged Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 181.
be heard periodically from Room 22. Items of Value: Locked Chest (217gp), Spellstone:
1d3+1 Level 3 Cleric Spells, Runestone of Good
28. This chamber is empty. There is a mining pit extending Luck (Luckstone), a Disk of Kar’Koon (see The
straight down into the frozen earth. The pit is 50 feet Forbidden Caverns of Archaia), Tome of Martial
deep. At the bottom is a dwarven skeleton in armour Knowledge, Stone Warrior Figurine 3 (Room 43),
wearing a Gold Circlet (500gp) with a Small Runestone and 1d4 Random Mundane Runestones.
attached to the center. This is the Runestone Circlet
that commands the Runic Golem in Room 36A. The
dwarf also has a Pouch with the following Gemstones: 34. Three bearded stone mouths are carved into the
Medium Average Bright Yellow Microlite (300gp), northern wall. Above each mouth is the holy symbol of
Very Large Average Deep Purple Amethyst (500gp), Dhurindain, Thaneduhr, and Geddinthor.
Medium Exquisite Green Aquamarine (550gp), and a
Very Large Exquisite Violet Garnet (750gp). To open the sealed stone door to Room 33, the three
portalstones (marked with their respective holy symbols)
29. The inside walls of this dead end are lined with Blue must be found and placed inside the appropriate
Mold. Blue Mold functions as per Yellow Mold but its mouth. The stones are in Rooms 16, 45, and 59.
spores turn the victim to ice if a Save versus Death is
failed. 35. The room is empty.

30. A pile of skulls, bones, helms, and rusty plates of 36. This room contains seven dwarf-sized statues. The
armour sit in the back corner of this dead end. faces and identifying characteristics have been chipped
away with chisels and hammers. Laying on the floor
The following treasure can be found for every two amongst the rubble is a Runestone of Magic Detection.
turns of searching: Bag with Huge Exquisite Clear Rock

A. A Runestone Golem AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 7, HP: 40, 43. The door to this room is made of stone and sealed.
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d10, stands at the back of this small Several iron spikes were driven into the door, but it was
chamber. The golem is immobile and can only move not breached. There are three stone statues of dwarven
when commanded to do so by a dwarf or good-aligned warriors covered in a thick layer of dust in this chamber.
humanoid wearing the Runestone Circlet (Room 28). These are the “Stone Warriors.” The Stone Warrior
The circlet will allow the bearer to control the golem Figurine for each must be held in hand to activate
until it reaches zero hit points, at which time the stone and control these constructs (they function as Stone
in the circlet will lose its power and the golem will fall Statues). The statues lose their power after six turns and
into a pile of runestones. The wearer must concentrate will not leave this level. The stone figurines are located
exclusively on moving the golem and may not conduct in Rooms 7, 15, and 33.
other actions. Note the golem is extremely heavy and
makes noise as it walks. 44. Winter Wolf Kennel: The ice trolls use this room as
a kennel for their winter wolves. There are two adult
37. This chamber is empty. Winter Wolves AL: NE, AC: 5, HD: 6, HP: 30, 22,
#AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (bite) and three Young Adults
38. The door facing the Primary Passage is trapped AL: NE, AC: 7, HD: 3, HP: 20, 17, 16, #AT: 1, DMG:
(Swinging Hammer). The hammer strikes at the same 1d4 (bite). The Ice Troll Kennel Master AL: CE, AC:
HD at the targeted character and scores 3d6 hit points 4, HD: 4+3, HP: 30, #AT: 1, DMG: Battle Axe +2
of damage (Save versus Death for half). The door (1d8), Treasure: Polar Bear Pelt (500gp), is training the
connecting to Room 37 is locked. youngest of them.

39. The floor, just inside each door, is trapped with 45. Graznac the Two-Headed Ice Troll (1) AL: CE, AC:
tilting floorstones (1d6 no save). The chamber is empty. 2, HD: 8+3, HP: 60, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d8/1d8/1d12,
Treasure: Two Crude Gold Crowns (2,050gp each),
40. The smell of old death extends beyond the door Platinum Bracers (1,000gp each), is asleep on his bed
and into the primary passage. The frozen corpses of after a meal of dwarven slaves. There is a 1-4 on d6
three dwarves are manacled to the western wall. They chance he will hear combat from Room 44 and a 1-2
died as the result of malnourishment and torture. on d6 chance he will hear combat in Room 3 or its
41. Larder: The door to this chamber is locked. Inside,
hanging on hooks are three rothe, two dwarves, and a Hidden in his bedding is Thaneduhr’s Portalstone
human female. A bloody table with a huge cleaver rests (Room 34). Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #9.
against the western wall.
46. A large collapse in the northern aspect of this
42. Three Ice Trolls AL: CE, AC: 6, HD: 3+3, HP: 18 chamber has completely hidden the back wall and
each, #AT: 2, DMG: Two with Great Hammers (1d8) secret door. To access the door, the PCs will need to
and one with Claws 1d8/1d8, Treasure: Platinum clear rubble for a three-hour period (random monster
Bracelet (200gp), Gold and Silver Headband (300gp), rolls apply due to the time and the noise). Note that
and a Pouch with 1d3 Random Mundane Runestones, for every hour of rubble removal there is a 1 on d6
are quartered in this chamber. They have two dwarven chance of finding a random treasure of value (see the
slaves and are arguing over which to eat first. The Secondary Encounter Area Generator).
dwarves are twin brothers, Nanduul and Barock
Broadbeam. They have been slaves for more decades 47. This chamber is empty.
than they can count and are in poor health. They are
both diseased (from giant rats), have their tongues 48. A Giant Beetle Exoskeleton (1) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD:
cut out, and are currently at 2 hit points each. They 5, HP: 41, #AT: 3, DMG: 3d4/2d4/2d4, sits quietly in
are second level Fighters with 15 hit points when fully the dark half-buried in the ice.
healthy (S 13, I 10, W 10, D 13, C 16, Ch 13).

49. Picks, shovels, and baskets are lined against the 57. This chamber is empty. On the wall, low to the
southern wall. A vein of silver runs through the chamber. ground, is the inscription “Nori was here.”

50. A collapse along the northern wall has been 58. Upon entering this chamber a single roar can
braced with thick beams of frozen wood. The corpses be heard from the west. Then silence. The room is
of three dwarven miners rest along the far eastern wall otherwise empty.
of the dead end. One managed to scribble out in runes
“Seek....Hammer...Lords. Save Us” before he perished. 59. Hidden in the back corner, almost completely
camouflaged near the rubble pile, are two Ice Toads
51. A small cluster of 2 and 4HD Ice Spiders have AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 5, HP: 35, 32, #AT: 1, DMG: 3d4.
started a colony on a ledge 10 feet off the floor at this They are ravenous and will attack with surprise on a
dead end. There are 3 of the former with 10hp and 2 1-4 on d6. Deep in the belly of the largest toad is
of the latter with 25hp. Geddinthor’s Portalstone (Room 34).

52. This chamber is empty. The snow and ice builds 60. Mining Storeroom: This chamber is filled with
toward Room 51. mining equipment in poor repair. The equipment has
not been used recently and is covered in ice. There are
53. A group of cold-adapted fungi have sprouted in six pickaxes, five shovels, and numerous baskets to haul
this chamber. They include two Frozen Fungi (1) AL: N, ore.
AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 18 each, #AT: 1-4, DMG: See entry
and a Brain Fungus (1) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 3, HP: 22, 61. This chamber has two partial collapses.
#AT: See entry, DMG: See entry. Stalactites hang from
the ceiling, and several have merged into pillar-like 62. Standing in the center of this chamber are two 5HD
stalagnates. A bag with the following gemstones lay Ice (Crystal) Statues AL: NE, AC: 0, HD: 5, HP: 35
partially frozen in ice: Huge Flawed Red-Brown Spinel each, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d6/1d6, carved by the ice trolls
(570gp), Large Broken Deep Purple Amethyst (350gp), and animated by the maggog gargoyle (Room 4). The
Large Broken Pink Coral (350gp), Large Exquisite Deep statues will attack all good-aligned humanoids.
Purple Amethyst (650gp), and a Medium Average Pink
Coral (300gp). 63. Four mining baskets filled with silver ore sit in the
back corner of this dead end.
54. This chamber is empty except for three rusted
pickaxes laying on the ground. 64. A creature has dug a charnel pit in this dead
end. The pit is filled with bones (dwarf, orc, duergar,
55. This room is exceptionally cold. Fire will dim or be and others). There is a 1-3 on d6 chance of finding
outright extinguished in the extreme temperature. The two random treasure items and a 1-3 on d6 chance
chamber has partially collapsed in the southwestern of contracting disease (the equivalent of the disease
corner. carried by giant rats).

56. This chamber has a high 50-foot ceiling with 65. This chamber contains three rusty mine carts on
stalactites. The skeletons of three dwarven slaves wheels (not tracks). They show no sign of recent use.
are partially covered in ice and snow on the floor. In
addition, the glint of gold can be seen through the ice. 66. A soft luminescence from a strange frozen, fungal
Several of the stalactites are 4HD Darkmantles (4) growth backlights this dead end. The mushrooms are
AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 4+2, HP: 35, 30, 22, 18, #AT: 1, normal. However, the illumination comes from a large
DMG: 1d8, and will attack once the PCs move into colony of Blooderflies (30) AL: N, AC: 10, HD: 1hp,
their killzone. Partly trapped in the ice is a Gold Goblet HP: 1hp, #AT: 1, DMG: 1hp/per, resting below them
inlaid with Sapphires worth 500gp. on the ice. They are famished and crave warm blood.

Entrance F: The Citadel of Sleet
The High Gate of Gund-Felek is the only above-
ground dwarven structure in Gundgathol. Also called
the Citadel of Sleet, the tower is pummeled nearly
year-round by snow and ice storms. The citadel is
an octagonal structure of dwarven geometric design
and stands 300 feet tall. The front entrance has been
destroyed and lies in rubble. The structure has a large
hole in its side 200 feet from the ground. A perilous
trail leads north through the mountains to Entrance E: 5. Laying on the floor of this partially collapsed chamber
The Frost Gate and extends southeast to Entrance B: is bag with three Runestone of War +3.
The Ruins of Kaer-Khelek.
6. Ice Spiders (3) AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 4, HP: 25, 23,
15, #AT: 1, DMG: 4d4, hang from the ceiling in this
Referee’s Notes: All those inside (or out) of the chamber. They have nothing of value.
citadel are subject to extreme freezing temperatures
(the equivalent of a permanent Freeze Metal spell). 7. A collapse of the ceiling has left a huge rubble pile
Player Characters must either dress appropriately at the base of the staircase.
or prepare with spells to spend more than a
handful of rounds exploring the citadel. Also note Hidden in the rubble (four turns of searching) is a
that some of the terrain (1-2 on d6) inside the Spellstone with Animate Statue (x3).
citadel is icy (treat as Glassy Rock).
Ground Floor
There are no random monsters in the citadel.
1. The massive front doors of this chamber were
The Citadel of Sleet/High-Gate is an entrance but destroyed long ago by the white dragon (Second Floor,
also connects via a 5,200-foot stairwell directly Room 1). Wind howls through the opening. The rubble
into the primary encounter area of Gund-Felek. is covered in ice and snow.

2. The stairway leads up to the Second Floor (Room 5).

Lower Floor
3. The stairs lead down to the Lower Floor (Room 2).
1. This broad staircase descends over 5,200 feet down
through the center of the Eternal Mountains to Gund- 4. This stairway leads up to the Second Floor (Room 2).
Felek: The Hall of Stone (Room 117). Laying on the stairs is a white dragon scale.

2. This stairway leads to the Ground Floor (Room 3). 5. This was once a guardroom. Empty weapon racks
are locked in ice and snow. The Citadel Runestone (the
3. Movement in this chamber may (1-3 on d6) cause key to Room 7 on the Second Floor) can be pulled from
a minor collapse of rubble and ice. The damage is the ice with 4 rounds of chipping.
minimal 3d6 (Dexterity Check for half) but may awaken
the dragon (1-3 on d6) if he is sleeping (Second Floor, 6. The stairs lead down to the Lower Floor (Room 4).
Room 1).
7. Three Ice Toads (3) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 5, HP: 36, 29,
4. The stairway at this location leads up to the Ground 20, #AT: 1, DMG: 3d4, are camouflaged amongst the
Floor (Room 6). rubble and ice in this room.

Second Floor Treasure Hoard: Coins
24,951cp Loose
1. The Lair of the White Worm: The main floor of the
second level is the abode of Glacialicles Frigidarium, a 35,632sp Loose
Very Old White Dragon AL: NE, AC: -4, HD: 16, HP: 13,054ep Loose
101, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/2d8. 15,250gp Loose
Glacialicles, also known as Sleet, lies sleeping atop his 872pp Loose
enormous hoard of treasure in the center of the room.
Four 20x20 square columns, in a dwarven geometric Treasure Hoard: Gems and Jewels
design, support the 70-foot ceiling. Two have partially
250 gems (10gp each) Loose
132 gems (20gp each) Loose
Glacialicles is a very old white dragon (651 years). He 57 gems (25gp each) Chest
is 70 feet long (and his tail an additional 64 feet). He
receives +9 damage on all melee attacks/damage and Gold Armbands (1,000gp each) Coffer
has a 50-foot Fear radius. He can breathe a cone of Platinum Goblet (1,500gp) Loose
cold 70 feet long and 25 feet wide every three rounds Silver Broach with Diamonds (2,000gp) Wood Box
for 9d6+9 points of damage. Glacialicles has a magic
resistance of 25%. He is immune to all forms of cold Mithril Statue of Thaneduhr (5,000gp) Loose
attack. He can cast the following spells once per day
(at 18th level of magic use): Protection from Good, Treasure Hoard: Miscellaneous
Ventriloquism, Fog Cloud, Blindness. 1d10 Mundane Runestones Loose
Glacialicles possesses keen senses and any intrusion 28 Silver Ingots (100gp each) Loose
into the citadel may (1-3 on d6) be detected. The 21 Gold Ingots (200gp each) Loose
dragon can determine the races of player characters
7 Platinum Ingots (500gp each) Loose
merely by smell (he developed a taste for dwarves long
ago). 3 Mithril Ingots (7,000gp each) Coffer

If Glacialicles detects a presence, and has time to Treasure Hoard: Magic Items
prepare, he will begin by casting Fog Cloud and
Protection from Good. He will then set to ambush the Mithril Chainmail +3 Loose
PCs by pretending to sleep while positioning himself to Mithril Helm of Free Action Loose
use his breath weapon if the PCs chose to enter his lair Random Scrolls (4) Loose
via one of the two stairwells.
Random Potions (6) Loose
If the PCs ascend via both stairwells he will sense the Grabthar’s Great Hammer Loose
greater number and target the largest group. The Battle Axe +3 Frost Brand Loose
dragon is cagey and, subject to the success of his breath
weapon in the first few rounds, he may fly out of the Wardstone (Magic) Loose
hole in the northern wall. Sleet is supremely arrogant Runestone of Wisdom Coffer
and will not give up his hoard without a ferocious effort
Runestone of Regeneration Pouch
to defend it. He will engage in hit and run tactics, easily
burst through walls, and will ultimately destroy the tower Ring of House Longbeard Bag
before he will allow the PCs to steal his treasure.

2. The stairs lead down to the Ground Floor (Room 4).

3. This stairway leads up to the Third Floor (Room 1).

4. Three runestones sit on a small stone ledge. The first

is a Runestone of Monstrous Attention, the second is
a Runestone of Delusion, and the third is a Runestone
of Controlling Earth Elementals. The key for this secret
room is lost. PCs will have to break through the door to
access the interior.

5. The stairs lead down to the Ground Floor (Room 2).

6. This stairway leads up to the Third Floor (Room 4).

7. This secret chamber can only be opened via the

Citadel Runestone located in Room 5 on the Ground
Floor. A small depression, almost imperceptible to all
but dwarves (1 on d6), is carved into the rock. Inserting
the runestone will open the door outwards. Inside is a
suit of Mithril Platemail +4 on an armour stand and a
Mithril Shield +3 of Spell Turning.
6. The side chamber (Room 6) is locked. The ceiling
Third Floor has collapsed inside and the room is covered in ice and
snow. 12 turns of digging through the snow will reveal
1. The top floor of the Citadel of Sleet is open to fierce a Steel Chest (Locked and Trapped, Poison Needle,
winter winds and the snow-capped peaks of the Eternal Save or Die) that contains kingly gemstones: Small
Mountains. The spaces between the buildings and the Broken Clear Blue Sapphire (1,150gp), Small Flawed
central chamber are covered in ice and snow. The Black Sapphire (1,300gp), Medium Broken King’s
citadel is lined with battlements. The battlements are Tears (1,350gp), Large Flawed Green Opal (1,600gp),
partially destroyed from the dragon perching along its Medium Average Deep Crimson Ruby (1,600gp), Large
edge. The stairway at this location leads down to the Average Deep Green Emerald (1,700gp), Very Large
Second Floor (Room 3). Broken Deep Crimson Ruby (1,950gp), Huge Broken
Deep Green Emerald (2,450gp), Small Exquisite Deep
2. This chamber was once a guardroom. The Crimson Ruby (4,400gp), Medium Exquisite Deep
southwestern portion of the ceiling has collapsed and Green Emerald (4,600gp), Very Large Finely Cut Light
is open to the elements and the biting cold wind. Green Jade (4,700gp), and a Very Large Exquisite
Green Opal (5,200gp).
3. The door to this room is locked. Inside is a small
armoury lined with fourteen heavy crossbows and 7. The dragon broke into both the southern and
10 crates of crossbow bolts (100 each). One of the eastern doorways of the central chamber long ago.
crossbows is magical (+2). The chamber is open to the elements and has been
battered by ice and snow. In the center of the room
4. The stairs lead down to the Second Floor (Room 6). is a statue of Thaneduhr. Although worn and frozen,
the statue was clearly a masterpiece of stonework from
5. The door to this chamber is locked. The room is the Golden Age of Gundgathol. All those who kneel
empty. before the statue and pray to the All-Father will make
their next Death Save. This happens only once.

Primary Encounter Area 1: Lower Halls: Random Encounters
The Lower Halls 1-4 Empty
A clan of derro, close allies of the duergar, have occupied 5-6 Warband
the Lower Halls. They are a formidable force of warriors 7 Monster
and spell-casters (savants). Once the derro are alerted 8 Hazard
to the presence of the PCs, they will mobilize and defend
themselves. If the PCs plan on multiple expeditions to 9-10 Unique
the Lower Halls, the derro will set ambushes in the
primary passages and take the fight to their enemy. Warband*
The derro are bolstered by megalocentipede mounts 1-2 Derro
that, through special saddles and harnesses (like the
duergar and their steeders), allow them to cling to walls 3-4 Orc
and ceilings. Derro warriors riding megalocentipedes 5 Duergar
into battle are a terrifying sight.
6 Black Orc
There are opportunities for diligent PCs to swell their
*Consult the Warband Tables provided in the
ranks with slaves, constructs, and magic items left
Hexcrawling Section.
behind by the Gundgathol dwarves. The secret to
success in the Lower Halls is to proceed slowly, exert
light discipline, ambush the enemy, and stay quiet. Random Monsters*
1-2 Derro Warband
Scaling and Party Level 3 Carrion Scavenger (1)
The Lower Halls are designed for character levels 4 Amber Jelly (1d4+1)
3-6. If the PCs are significantly below this range, or 5 Giant Jumping Spider (1d6+2)
significantly above, the referee is encouraged to adjust 6 Devil’s Fingers (1d4+1)
accordingly. If the PCs are too low, the referee could
have the derro establish a blockade in select passages, 7 Shadow (2d4)
or ambush point, to disencourage PCs. If the PCs are 8 Rust Monster (1d3)
too high, bolster the derro defenses with additional
warriors and savants or warbands of duergar or kalas- *Consult the Monster Tables provided in the Secondary
toa traders. Encounter Area Generator.

P1: Lower Halls Random Areas Hazard*

P1: The Lower Halls uses both a themed and semi- 1-3 Rubble: Hazardous Terrain
random approach. Most of the map is keyed, themed, 4-5 Fungal Overgrowth
and outlined in this section. Other sections on the map 6-7 Steam: Obscures Vision
are labelled “R” (for random) and consist of ruined
walls and rubble. Referees will consult the random 8-9 Noxious Gas
charts below if the player characters decide to explore 10 Tremor**
these areas. Referees should note that the Random
Areas of the map constitute difficult terrain of collapsed *Consult the Random Hex Hazards in the Hexcrawling
stonework and rubble. Movement is reduced by 1/4. Section. The area effect for Rubble, Fungal Overgrowth,
Random Encounters should be rolled every other turn Steam, and Gas is 1d4+1x10 feet.
as per standard dungeon crawling guidelines.

**Tremor: A tremor shakes the ground. Make a 2. The derro trapped the archway into this abandoned
Dexterity check or fall. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance guardroom. A wire at ankle-height is connected to a
that a ruined wall or arch topples near the PCs (Save Swinging Hammer just inside the entrance. The hammer
versus Paralyzation or take 1d4 points of damage per strikes at the same HD as the targeted character and
level). There is a 1 on d6 chance that the collapse scores 3d6 hit points of damage (Save versus Death for
reveals (1d6): 1-3 (Nothing), 4-5 (Random Treasure), half). The room is otherwise empty.
6 (Monster Lair). In the latter two cases, consult the
Secondary Encounter Area Generator. 3. Derro Guardroom: These Derro Warriors (4) AL:
CE, AC: 4 (Studded, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 3, HP:
Unique 2x20 and 2x17, #AT: 1, Weapon: Fauchard-Hook
(1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint
For unique results, consult the Special Features in the Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp each.
Secondary Encounter Area Generator. One carries a Small Broken Pale Blue Quartz (12gp),
are gambling with bone dice. They use a Muggle AL:
CE, AC: 5, HD: 2, HP: 12, #AT: See entry, DMG: See
Derro Weapons and Equipment: entry, while on patrol. The creature is currently tied by
a leash to the wall.
Whip: Strikes for 1d4 points of damage. On a hit
the target must make a successful saving throw 4. The derro trapped this door with a Tripwire attached
versus Paralyzation or fall prone (+4 to hit). to a crossbow opposite the entrance to this chamber.

Net: On a hit the target must make a successful Opening the door snaps the tripwire and activates the
saving throw versus Paralyzation or be ensnared. If heavy crossbow mounted on the west wall (1d8). The
caught, movement is reduced to zero and requires crossbow attacks as a fighter of the same level as the
one round to cut out of the net. PC who opens the door. The room is empty.

Greatwort: This brew increases the size of a 5. Hall of Records: The double doors to this chamber
dwarf from four to six feet tall and provides a were bashed down long ago. The bones of dwarves
corresponding +1 to damage rolls. This liquid and derro are intermixed with orcs and rest among
functions for dwarves only. destroyed books, runestones, and scrolls.

Megalocentipede Saddles: The derro use

megalocentipedes as mounts. Similar to steeders, Damaged Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 199
the saddles are complicated with numerous straps Items of Value: Wooden Box with 25pp, Scrolls
to keep the rider seated while upside down or (3): 1d2 Level 2 Magic-User Spells, 1d2 Level
vertical. It takes 1 turn for a rider to properly strap 3 Cleric Spells, Scroll of Protection (Elementals),
into a saddle. a Disk of Kar’Koon (see The Forbidden Caverns
of Archaia), and 1d3 Random Runestones. In
addition, the Head of Battle Axe +1 is carefully
shaped and hidden as a dirty flagstone in the
P1: Lower Halls southeastern corner of the room.

1. The slope at this location descends approximately

60 feet. The slope leads south from Primary Encounter 6. The floor just inside the door to this room is trapped.
Area 1 (P1): The Lower Halls along the Primary Passage The derro have embellished on a tilting floorstone
toward S4 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. designed by the Gundgathol dwarves. The tilting
floorstone trap just inside the room scores 1d6 points of
damage per level (no save). However, the derro seeded

the spiked recession with Yellow Mold AL: N, AC: The stone double-doors open into a chamber with four
Always hit, HD: 2, HP: 3, #AT: Spores, DMG: 1d6*. 10-foot tall dwarven warrior statues facing a dais. Their
The room is otherwise empty. hammers are raised above their heads and support the
ceiling like pillars. In the center of the dais is an ornate
7. Raldurin’s Resting Place: The double-doors of this great hammer (25gp) enchanted with a brilliant Magic
chamber are sealed and made of stone. A concave Aura that illuminates the room. The hammer is chained
indentation in the shape of a dwarven octagonal shield to the dais with a large lock. If any pressure is put on
is set where the two doors meet. The arch around the the dais the hammers of the four dwarven statues will
door is etched in runes of powerful dwarven magic. drop each causing 3d6 points of damage (only one
Dexterity Check to half the total damage).
Stone faces of dwarves are carved into the walls around
and above the door (three on either side and one above Room 7 is a false crypt and treasury. The secret door
the door). The three on the right depict Dhurindain, the along the eastern wall opens to another narrow
three on the left depict Geddinthor, and the one above chamber with a statue of Thaneduhr with Rubies set
the door depicts Thaneduhr. The bones of a dozen in the eyes (500gp each). His hands are outstretched
derro and six slaves lay near the entrance. holding a great hammer with very fine mithril filigree
(400gp) covered in dust. When the dust is removed it
Each mouth is enchanted with the spell Stonemouth shines with a false Magic Aura. Before him is a small
and an additional spell. These spells regenerate their altar with an urn (the urn is filled with dirt, not ashes, a
enchantments in 49 rounds (it would take 12 turns to hint that is yet another false treasury).
break the stone doors with sledgehammers and spikes).
The spells are triggered by proximity of 10 feet. The A. The next secret door opens into an octagonal
stonemouths discharge their spells in the following crypt. The crypt is lit by a lightbox (very unusual this
manner (from bottom to top: Right, Left, Right, Left, deep underground). The lightbox shines on a recessed
Right, Left, and Center). Use the following chart for the stone box. The box holds a wondrous sentient magic
various enchantments (in order from bottom to top): item: Raldurin’s Runehammer (see New Magic Items).
Any Gundgathol dwarf will immediately recognize the
Right of Doors Left of Doors Above Doors symbol of Raldurin and the stories of his bravery at the
(Dhurindain) (Geddinthor) (Thaneduhr) Battle of Illefarn. Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #10.
Hammer The room has seven sentry alcoves and the skeletal
1 Hold Person
Ward remains of dwarven warriors have spilled onto the
Face of floor. Any PC wearing a Hellmouth Helm can retrieve
2 Heat Metal
Dhurindain the hammer without activating the dead. However, if
Hammer the hammer is touched by anyone without one of the
3 Animate Dead Flame Strike three helms the skeletal warriors will rise and attack
as per the spell Vengeance of the Ancestors (Level 4
To pass through the stonemouths, the PCs must find Fighters, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HP: 24 each,
at least one of the Hellmouth Helms. They are located Weapon: Warhammer (1d6). The warriors each bear
in Rooms 21A (Geddinthor), 75A (Dhurindain), 96A one random item of jewelry.
(Thaneduhr). Only those wearing a Hellmouth Helm
may pass through the barrage of spells unaffected. To A Large Chest, recessed into an alcove along the
unlock the door, the PCs must find the two halves of eastern wall, is Locked and Trapped. The key is hidden
Raldurin’s Shield and insert it into the double doors. under a skull in a recession below it (to the right). The
Chest is trapped with a Scything Blade (attacks at the
The first half is in Room 66A (Left) and the second is in same level as the PC for 2d6 points of damage. A Save
Room 101 (Right). versus Paralyzation is required or the PC loses: 1) 1d3
fingers, 2) the arm below the elbow, or 3) the hand.

The chest contains Raldurin’s lifetime hoard of
gemstones: Large Finely Cut Pale Blue Quartz (34gp),
Medium Broken Deep Blue Azurite (14gp), Small
Regular Banded Agate (20gp), Huge Finely Cut Pale
Blue Quartz (38gp), Medium Exquisite Banded Agate
(42gp), Huge Flawed Dark Black Agni Mani (26gp),
Huge Flawed Moss Agate (26gp), Small Flawed Blue
Quartz (18gp), Large Broken Light Pink Rhodochrosite
(16gp), Very Large Exquisite Blue and Brown Disthene
(46gp), Medium Exquisite Banded Agate (42gp), Very
Large Finely Cut Transparent Green Augelite (36gp),
Very Large Flawed Blue Quartz (24gp), Medium
Broken Pale Green Variscite (14gp), Medium Average
Pure Black Onyx (85gp), Huge Finely Cut Clear Green
Peridot (180gp).
13. A statue of a dwarven female warrior stands with
There are also a Medium Finely Cut White or Blue a stoic gaze. Her body faces northwest. The derro
Moonstone (115gp), Large Exquisite White or Blue have chipped away and defaced her statue. Several
Moonstone (155gp), Large Exquisite Rainbow Obsidian runestones left beside her have been broken with
(155gp), Large Flawed Pale Yellow Citrine (95gp), Very hammers. Although her name was chipped away, if the
Large Average Clear Green Peridot (125gp), Large PCs leave an offering, or attempt to clean up the statue
Average Violet Garnet (400gp), Medium Finely Cut in any way, she will turn her head from northwest to
Golden Yellow Topaz (400gp), Very Large Exquisite north (a hint about the secret door into Room 14).
Lime Green Chrysolite (750gp), Huge Finely Cut
Lustrous White Pearl (700gp), Huge Flawed Deep 14. A strange dark 3x3 foot flagstone with the symbol of
Purple Amethyst (570gp), Huge Broken Red-Brown Thaneduhr stands immediately infront of a translucent
Spinel (550gp), Very Large Exquisite Yellow-Green portcullis-like gray field of force that blocks entry into
Chrysoberyl (750gp), Very Large Flawed Golden Yellow this chamber. The archway is etched with dwarven runes
Topaz (470gp). of power. Beyond the archway, PCs will notice 1000s of
burial alcoves along the eastern wall.
8. A large dwarf stone face is carved into the stone
above the door to this room. This chamber is otherwise This burial chamber functions in the following manner.
empty. Dwarves left their remains and valuables of their kin
on the tile. One of the two Advanced Sentinels of the
9. The western wall of this room has completely Ancestors AL: N, AC: 0, HD: 8, HP: 50, #AT: 2, DMG:
collapsed and is open to the hallway. Hidden in the 1d6+2 per attack, would then emerge from their
rubble (three turns of searching) is a Runestone of alcoves, retrieve the remains, and put them to rest in
Extra-Healing. the crypt.
10. Small pieces of rubble and bones lay on the floor The only way past the forcefield is disguise with valuable
of this room. treasure items. PCs could choose to disguise themselves
under skeletal remains, or conceal themselves (in a
11. A stone mouth is carved into the arch above both chest, in a sack, etc.). Under these circumstances only,
doors to this chamber. The room is empty. the sentinels will carry them through the forcefield and
place them in an alcove. However, once the PCs begin
12. As the players enter this room, they can hear the looting, the sentinels will defend the crypt. Note that
faint tapping of a hammer from the west. The room is players cannot pass out of the forcefield. They will need
otherwise empty. to find the secret door to exit.

Room 3 will investigate. The room is empty except for
Burial Alcoves: 2,401 the skeletal remains of three dwarves.
Contents: Bowl with 25gp, Bag with 23sp,
Pouch with 41sp, Small Box with 31pp, and the 18. Seven stone pillars carved in the shape of dwarven
following pieces of jewelry and gemstones: warriors stand in the center of this room.
Electrum and Platinum Ring (86gp), Platinum
Earring (128gp), Bone Comb inlaid with Platinum A. Long ago a reconnaissance mission of dwarves
(285gp), Ornamental Silver Helm (138gp), Gold from Durnagald/Hamelet penetrated this far into
Disc Broach (134gp), Electrum Pin shaped like Gundgathol and stowed their equipment here prior to
an Anvil (50gp), Seax Scabbard encrusted with being captured by the derro and pressed into slavery.
Garnets (215gp), Gold Ring (106gp), Electrum Their equipment includes backpacks for four fighters,
Belt Buckle (75gp), Six Silver Beard Beads (25gp a thief, and a cleric. The exact contents are subject to
each), Copper and Silver Necklace (45gp), Gold the discretion of the Referee but would include 1d4+1
Headband (75gp), Electrum Arm Bands (30gp items of common adventuring gear each, as well as a
each), Copper and Electrum Bracers (35gp total of 1d4+1 Random Mundane Runestones, a Vial
each). Medium Regular Pale Blue Quartz (22gp), of Acid, two Vials of Holy Water, two Vials of Oil, and
Large Flawed Pale Blue Frost Agate (22gp), Small 50’ Rope.
Exquisite Obsidian (40gp), Very Large Finely Cut
Tiger Eye Agate (36gp), Very Large Finely Cut 19. The door to this crypt was made of stone but the
Obsidian (36gp), Large Regular Cream and White derro cracked it open with sledgehammers and iron
Bluestone (24gp), Small Broken Tiger Eye Agate spikes. A broken sarcophagus and the looted skeletal
(12gp), Medium Regular Gray-Black Hematite body of a dwarf remain. Laying on the floor amongst
(22gp), Very Large Regular Pale Blue Frost Agate the rubble (three turns) are 1d3 Random Mundane
(26gp), Large Exquisite Silkstone (44gp), Very Runestones.
Large Broken Pale Green Variscite (18gp), Small
Broken Pink Rosaline (12gp), and a Huge Broken 20. Like Room 19, this chamber once had a stone door
Dark Green Malachite (20gp). In addition, there that now lies broken in pieces. A sarcophagus was
are 7 Random Mundane Runestones, 3 Magical destroyed with sledgehammers and looted. There is
Runestones (Levels 1-3), a Cloak of Protection +1, nothing of value.
and a suit of Chainmail +1 of Free Action.
21. A mound of dwarf and derro bones have been
piled in the northeastern corner (at the location of the
15. The door to this room is stuck. There are two partial secret door). The only item of value in the pile is a single
collapses along the northern and southwestern corners mundane runestone.
of this chamber. It is otherwise empty.
A. This secret door is trapped with a deadfall stone
16. Cross-Chamber: The emaciated corpse of a (2d6 points of damage, Dexterity Check for half). On a
dwarven slave lies in the center of this cross-chamber. low shelf along the back wall is the Hellmouth Helm of
It is infested with Rot Grubs (5) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: 1hp, Geddinthor (Room 7).
HP: 1hp each, #AT: N/A, DMG: N/A.
22. Armoury: Three young Derro Warriors (3) AL:
17. The door to this room is trapped with a wire just CE, AC: 3 (Scalemail, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 3,
inside the door. Opening the door will snap the wire HP: 18 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Two with Shortsword
and release deadfall stones above the door on the (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow and Two Clips (1d3),
first person to enter the chamber. The stones cause and Net and one with Fauchard-Fork (1d6), Spear
2d6 points of damage (a Dexterity Check will half the (1d6), and Longpoint Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 3d8sp,
damage). The noise will prompt a random monster roll 2d10ep, 2d8gp each, are being instructed in the martial
(1-2 on d6). There is a 1-3 on d6 chance the derro in techniques of the fauchard-fork by a Derro Warband

Leader (F5) AL: CE, AC: 1 (Half Plate, Buckler Shield,
Dex), HD: 5, HP: 30, #AT: Varies, Weapon: Fauchard-
Hook (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint
Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 21gp, Large Average Clear
Rock Crystal (105gp), Runestone of Super-Heroism,
and a Bag with three Human Hands.

Weapons on the walls include spears, shortswords,

fauchard-forks, and buckler shields. Two dead dwarven
slaves were tied to poles for target practice.
28. Derro Guardroom: There are six Derro Warriors
23. Derro Barracks: Derro Warriors (3) AL: CE, AC: 3 AL: CE, AC: three with 3 (Scalemail, Buckler Shield,
(Scalemail, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 3, HP: 16 each, Dex) and three with 2 (Chainmail, Buckler Shield, Dex),
#AT: 1, Weapon: One with Shortsword (1d6), Light HD: 3, HP: 3x16 and 3x21, #AT: 1, Weapon: Three
Repeating Crossbow and Two Clips (1d3), and Net and with Shortsword (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow with
two with Military Pick (1d6), Spear (1d6), Longpoint 2 Clips (1d3), and Net, and three with Fauchard-Hook
Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp each, (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow with 1 Clip (1d3), and
are here cleaning their weapons and awaiting their turn Longpoint Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep,
for instruction in Room 24. 2d8gp each, stand guard at this position.

24. Derro Barracks: Two Derro Warriors AL: CE, AC: Two are seated on the floor playing the derro game
4 (Studded, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 3, HP: 18 each, called Seachad (Translation: Passing) with small pawns
#AT: 1, Weapon: Shortsword (1d6), Light Repeating and dice sticks. Four others are cleaning their weapons
Crossbow and Two Clips (1d3), and Net, Treasure: and the remainder are about to patrol the corridor west
3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp each, are resting (unarmoured). to Room 32 and back.

25. A huge crevasse, almost 200 feet in length (and 30 29. The southern wall of this room has completely
feet at its widest point), dominates this section of the collapsed and is exposed to the Primary Passage.
Primary Passage heading to the northeast. The crevasse Cowering in the rubble is Falik “Fet” Fireforge, a young
is bottomless. A warm draft blows up from the deep. dwarf born into slavery in Dwarrowdeep. The derro call
him “Fet” (short for “Fetor” or putrid stink). Fet has
26. The downward slope at this location descends never met surface dwellers and suffers from Stockholm
approximately 60 feet. The slope leads northeast from Syndrome. He desires freedom from the whips of the
Primary Encounter Area 1 (P1): The Lower Halls along derro and yet also carries a strong psychological bond
the Primary Passage toward S26 on the Dwarrowdeep with his captors. He can be motivated to join the PCs
Hex Map. but will be coy about helping them. The moment a
confrontation breaks out with the derro, there is a 1-2
27. Derro Guardroom: A group of Derro Warriors (5) on d6 chance he will turn on the PCs. Fet taught himself
AL: CE, AC: 3 (Scalemail, Buckler Shield, Dex) and four Level 1 Thief skills to survive and has the following
with AC: 2 (Chainmail, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 3, ability scores S 13, I 12, W 14, D 14, C 15, Ch 12.
HP: one with 17 and four with 19, #AT: 1, Weapon:
One with Shortsword (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow 30. The double doors to this chamber hang off their
and Two Clips (1d3), and four with Military Pick (1d6), hinges. The room is empty.
Spear (1d6), Longpoint Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 3d8sp,
2d10ep, 2d8gp each. One has Gold Headband 31. Eight-foot-tall statues of the three dwarven gods
(75gp), are on guard there. Three of their number are stand against the northern wall. This chamber is lined
preparing for a short patrol to the bottom of the slope with burial alcoves for lowborn dwarves.
toward S26 and back.

A. Both secret doors to the Crypt of Angdol Axehelm
Burial Alcoves: 777 are trapped. The first is connected to a Heavy Crossbow
Contents: 35cp, 24cp, 34sp, 54sp, 27gp, 43gp, bolted to the northern wall. The weapon attacks at
55sp, 3d4 Broken Gem Pieces (10gp each), 2d4 the same hit dice as the PC and scores 1d8 points of
Small Bloodstones (50gp each when finished), damage. The second has a Pressure Plate Flagstone
Steel Disc Broach with Tiger Eye (25gp), Silver just inside the door that will drop a portcullis behind the
Neck Chain (40gp), Four Copper Beard Beads first person to trigger it.
(10gp each), Electrum Bracelet (40gp), Silver
Ring (30gp), Electrum Headband (50gp), Gold Once the portcullis drops (60 strength points to lift and
Owl Pendant with Garnet Eyes (60gp), seven requires one full round) a Flagstone Golem (1) AL: N,
Random Mundane Runestones, Runestone of AC: 6, HD: 6, HP: 28, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d8/1d8, will
Curing, Runestone of Light, Runestone of Heroism, peel itself off the northern wall and attack the intruder.
Spellstone: Stonebeard, Thaneduhr’s Sacred
Hammer, Circle of Stones, Spellstone: Cure Light A skull, hand axe, and runestone, sit on a short ledge
Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds. on the western wall of this small chamber. The skull
is indeed the remains of Angdol Axehelm and retains
some of his spirit in death. His spirit can be called upon
to answer three questions. However, like all undead
32. The derro savants have trapped the door with he will be reluctant to do so. He only speaks ancient
Galaxina’s Gorgonic Glyph (HighFell). The interior of dwarvish and will be more forthcoming to a dwarf than
the room contains three tables. The tables are covered a human or other demi-human. He never provides
with rothe leather-working tools and implements to responses longer than three words.
construct megalocentipede saddles. Three saddles are
completed and lay beside the door and four are under His axe, named “Orc-Splitter,” is a Hand Axe +2 of
construction. Hurling (30 feet), and the runestone is a Runestone of
Proof Against Fear.
33. False Crypt: This chamber is Trapped with two
Concealed Pits. The first is 10-feet deep with spikes 34. A string, ankle height, spans the front of the
(1d6 for the fall and 1d6 for the spikes). The second doorway. Two heavy crossbows, mounted on pillars in
pit is 30-feet deep with spikes (3d6 and 1d6). Laying Room 36 (25 feet off the floor and hidden in darkness),
on an altar is a skeletal dwarf in platemail covered in are connected to the string, and aimed at the door.
dust. His shield rests over his upper body. The dwarf’s If the string is broken, both crossbows will fire (1d8
eyes are covered with two random magical runestones. each). They attack as fighters (at the same level of the
Lying beside him on the altar are three pouches that PC who set off the trap). The room contains a pile of
contain: 49sp, 49ep, and 49gp. dwarven skulls and bones. Four turns of searching will
reveal treasure types I-VI, XI, and a 50% chance of
Also resting beside him are three mundane runestones 1d3 Random Runestones. Be sure to check for random
that read: “Here lies Angdol, Son of Angdon, Grandson monsters.
of Angbor “Dragonslayer” Axehelm. Go to Thaneduhr
in Peace,” “I Durdain Longbeard, carved these runes 35. The door to this room is slightly ajar. Leaning
in honour of Angdol Axehelm, the Hero of Rockhome,” against the north wall is an emaciated derro corpse
and “Angdol Axehelm was my friend. Drink in the Halls holding a backpack. On the ceiling, immediately
of Our Forebears, My Friend. I, Duri carved these above the doorway are three Amber Jellies AL: N,
runes.” AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: 19, 17, 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6. The
backpack contains Large Broken Orange Carnelian
The remains are a Runestone Skeleton AL: N, AC: 2, (85gp), Small Broken Brown Carnelian (55gp), Large
HD: 2, HP: 16, #AT: 1, DMG: Hand Axe (1d6), that will Flawed Bloodstone (95gp), Onyx Bracelet (50gp), and
attack if the grave goods or body are disturbed. a Runestone Mace Head +2.

36. This long rectangular chamber was once supported the derro unceremoniously dumped dwarven armour
by 10 columns but three have collapsed and only seven and weapons in a pile in the center of the chamber. Most
remain. There is a 1 on d6 chance that whispered of the material is rusty and unrecoverable. However,
voices can be heard in the eastern portion of the room four turns of searching (or a Detect Magic spell) will
(coming from the derro guardroom in Room 48). reveal a Visored Helm +1, a Gauntlet of Geddinthor,
and a Seax Knife +1, +2 versus Orcs.
37. The eastern wall of this chamber has partially
collapsed. If any time or care is spent inspecting the 41. Hall of Records: The double doors into this chamber
wall, small holes will allow torchlight to shine through where partially destroyed and burnt out long ago. Once
suggesting a room beyond. The chamber contains a small archive of dwarven wisdom and lore, now the
stone statue of Thaneduhr with Ruby Eyes (1,000gp chamber stands in utter disarray. The bones of dwarves
each) standing on a square dais. and derro are intermixed among the piles of destroyed
books and scrolls.
38. This chamber is empty.

39. Derro Guardroom: A patrol of Derro Warriors (6) Damaged Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 155
AL: CE, AC: four with 4 (Studded, Buckler Shield, Dex) Items of Value: Runic Tablet (Barrowmaze), Gold
and two with 3 (Scalemail, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 3, Hammer-Shaped Cloak Pin encrusted with Rubies
HP: four with 16 and two with 20, #AT: 1, Weapon: Four (300gp), 1d4 Mundane Runestones, Runestone
with Fauchard-Hook (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow of Missile Attraction, Runestone of Curing, Scroll:
with 2 Clips (1d3), Longpoint Dagger (1d4) and two 1d3 Level 1 Cleric Spells.
with Shortsword (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow and 2
Clips (1d3), and Net, Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp
each. Three have unique treasure including 1d4 Silver
Ingots (40gp each), a Silver Ring with a Large Finely A. This secret chamber was a robing room for a high
Cut Clear Green Peridot (135gp), and a Runestone of level dwarven cleric. A suit of Chainmail +2 rests on
War (+1). One of the warriors has a leashed Muggle an armour-stand and on the hanging on the wall is a
AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 2, HP: 13, #AT: See entry, DMG: Warhammer +1, +2 versus Spell-Casters. In a pouch is
See entry. a sling and three Runestones of War.

The warriors are led by a Derro Warband Leader (F6) 42. This secret chamber contains four small barrels of
AL: CE, AC: 1 (Half Plate, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: Dwarven Scotch. The barrels have aged so long they
5, HP: 32, #AT: Varies, Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), would be of great value in Durnagald/Hamelet (500gp
Light Repeating Crossbow with 1 Clip (1d3), Longpoint each) but are also brittle. Anytime the PCs engage in
Dagger (1d4), Treasure: Silver and Gold Headband combat with these barrels, there is a 1-2 on d6 chance
(50gp) and Gold Armbands (75gp each), who occupies they will break.
the side chamber (A).
43. This was once a storeroom. The baskets and
Every 18 turns three warriors and the muggle will patrol crates have rotted and are covered in mold from water
from Room 39 along the main passageway west to dripping in from the ceiling. Normal rats scurry about
Room 113 and back. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance they the floor. There is nothing of value.
are not present when the PCs reach this location.
44. This chamber is empty.
40. The stone frame around this door is carved in a
stunning dwarven geometric pattern. At the top, above 45. A large stone mouth is built into the arch above the
the door, is a stone mouth. The wood of this stuck door doorway. The derro trapped this door with a tripwire
is infested with Ear Seekers (3) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: 1hp, attached to a crossbow opposite the entrance of this
HP: 1hp each, #AT: Special, DMG: Special. Long ago chamber.

Opening the door snaps the Tripwire and activates the 51. This chamber is backlit with dark yellow
Heavy Crossbow Trap mounted on the west wall (1d8). phosphorescent fungi. The fungi are poisonous if
The crossbow attacks as a fighter of the same level as ingested (Save or Die).
the PC who opens the door. The room is empty except
for a loose stone in the floor in the northwestern corner 52. The back southwestern corner of this chamber is
of the room. Under the stone is a bag with 1d3 Random covered in dark yellow phosphorescent fungi, like Room
Runestones. 51. The fungi have grown around, and consumed,
the body of a derro. Among the fungi are Advanced
46. A dried blood trail leads from one door to the next, Phycomids (Brown and Ochre) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3,
and then disappears. HP: 16 and 15, #AT: 1, DMG: See entry. In a pouch,
hidden among the mushrooms, are a Ring of Feather
47. A rectangular water reservoir dominates this Fall, a Runestone of Magic Detection, and Small Finely
chamber. There are signs of derro habitation including Cut Star Rose Quartz (105gp).
cups and buckets to gather water.
53. This large chamber contains three rows of seven
48. This rough-hewn cave serves as a derro guardroom pillars and connecting arches that support three long
for the Secondary Passage heading north-northeast vaulted ceilings. Two archways exit the chamber along
(Room 49). The derro position one of their warriors by the southern wall. Skulls and bones litter the floor.
the rubble near the entrance to serve as a spotter. Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #11.

These Derro Warriors (6) AL: CE, AC: 4 (Studded, A. The secret door is opened via a lever located in a
Buckler Shield, Dex) HD: 3, HP: 4x17 and 2x20, #AT: concealed compartment on the north side of the pillar
1, Weapon: Four with Fauchard-Hook (1d6), Light closest to it. Inside is the Anvil Runestone that serves a
Repeating Crossbow and 1 Clip (1d3), Longpoint key for the secret door in Room 76.
Dagger (1d4), and two with Shortsword (1d6), Light
Repeating Crossbow with 2 Clips (1d3), and Net, 54. The eastern wall of this chamber has completely
Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp each. collapsed leaving a 10-foot wide hole into the hallway
beyond. This breach has been partially blocked with
Three of the warriors carry unique treasure: a Huge wood. Three of the pillars that support this chamber
Flawed Smokey Quartz (140gp), a Medium Flawed have collapsed. There is a 1-3 on d6 chance of further
Pure Black Onyx (75gp) and Electrum Armbands (50gp collapse with combat in this room. The derro use this
each). chamber to stable a small herd of Rothe (12) AL: N,
AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: 6 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d4. The
The warriors are reinforced by two Derro Student- derro harvest fungi and lichen from the nearby primary
Savants (MU4) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 4, HP: 12 each, and secondary passages to feel them.
#AT: 1, Weapon: Light Repeating Crossbow with 2
Clips (1d3) and Longpoint Dagger (1d4). Spells (2/2): A. Butchery: This chamber contains three long tables
Color Spray, Magic Missile, Mirror Image, Pyrotechnics. and cleavers for harvesting and preparing rothe jerky.
Treasure: Each has Spellbook and the following: 3d8ep,
2d10gp, 2d8pp. They wear Gold Circlets worth 200gp 55. The derro have powdered the pull-ring of this
each. door with Contact Poison. Touching the poison (save
to negate) will reduce all ability scores by 1/4 and
49. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that movement rate by half. A Cure Poison, Gundgathol
extends north-northeast from Primary Encounter Area Trumpet, or other magical means will reverse the effect.
1 (P1): The Lower Halls on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. This room is a small armoury. There are 10 buckler
shields, three suits of Half Plate, five suits of chainmail,
50. The sound of collapsing stone can be heard from and seven suits of studded leather armour (all derro
the east. sized).

A. The derro are unaware of the secret door. Inside is 59. Once a temple to Thaneduhr, the derro have
a dust-covered Runestone Golem with its hands held chiseled away his statues (almost unrecognizable).
together palms-up. A Platinum Circlet (500gp) with a Rubble surrounds the statues.
runestone set in the center rests in its hands. Wearing
the circlet will allow a PC to activate and command the 60. Savant Quarters: The quarters to this chamber are
golem, but the PC must concentrate on the task and spartan. The furnishings include a large throne-like chair
take no other actions. Runestone Golem AL: N, AC: and two smaller chairs, a lectern, and a magic circle.
3, HD: 7, HP: 40, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d10. Note that the Shelves contain several arcane spells components. The
footsteps of a construct make a significant of noise. side chamber to the south includes a simple bed and a
Medium-Sized Chest (see below).
56. Water and lichen covers the floor of this chamber
from a large collapse of the wall and ceiling along the Seated on the throne is Jatchil Darkeyes the Derro
western and southwestern portion of this room. The Savant (MU6) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 24, #AT:
derro unceremoniously dumped the bodies of several 1, Weapon: Light Repeating Crossbow (1d3) and
dwarven slaves on top of the rumble. They are in an Longpoint Dagger (1d4). Spells (2/2/2): Magic Missile,
advanced state of decomposition. One is covered in Burning Hands; Mirror Image, Web; Haste, Lightning
Amber Mold AL: N, AC: Always hit, HD: 1hp, HP: 1hp, Bolt. Treasure: Light Green Ioun Runestone (Cure Light
#AT: 1, DMG: Special. Underneath his body, and just Wounds/Day), Potion of Gaseous Form, and a Wand
below some rubble (2 turns) is a bag with a Very Large of Summoning (15 Charges). He wears a Gold Ring
Flawed Pale Blue Opal (2,100gp). (127gp), Electrum Medallion (59gp) and a Small Mithril
Earring (80gp).
57. Savant Quarters: Yalri the Derro Savant (MU5)
AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 5, HP: 18, #AT: 1, Weapon: Light Seated near the savant is Zograg “One-Hand”
Repeating Crossbow (1d3) and Longpoint Dagger Whitebeard a Level 4 Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim
+1 (1d4). Spells (2/2/1): Magic Missile, Spider Climb; (CL4) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Half Plate, Buckler Shield, Dex),
Mirror Image, Web; Lightning Bolt. Treasure: 28pp. He HD: 4, HP: 28, #AT: 1, Weapon: Warhammer (1d6)
also wears a Gold Torc (165gp) and has a Gold Comb and Sling +1 with 20 Stones (1d4). Spells (3/2):
(159gp) and a Silver Scabbard (131gp). Yalri stands Protection from Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command,
before a lectern (with his spellbook open) memorizing Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius. Treasure: A Bag with
his spells. He will hear any commotion in Room 59. 36pp. A Small Wooden Gem Box with a Small Average
Brown Carnelian (75gp), a Very Large Average Rainbow
A. Yalri’s Bedroom: A bed sits in the corner of this Obsidian (125gp), and a Dose of Greatwort. The two
chamber. A Small Rusty Steel Chest (Locked and are in negotiations over a territorial dispute between
Trapped: Poison Needle, Save or Die) contains Pouch the derro and the kalas-toa. They will be aware of any
with a Very Large Average Brown Jasper (125gp), and commotion in Room 59.
a Huge Broken Brown Carnelian (130gp), and a Galeb
Runestone (Medium). The Medium-Sized Steel Chest (Locked and Double
Trapped with Sepia Snake Sigil and a Poison Needle
58. Three Derro Student-Savants (MU4) AL: CE, AC: 4, (Save versus Death or die). The chest contains two bags
HD: 4, HP: 13 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Light Repeating (24gp and 56pp), a Magic-User Scroll: Mikda-Err’s
Crossbow with 2 Clips (1d3) and Longpoint Dagger Practical Tilt, Gartzee’s Incredulous Apostate, Zu-Pang’s
(1d4). Spells (2/2): Color Spray, Magic Missile, Mirror Protracting Eyeball, and Sepia Snake Sigil, a Runestone
Image, Pyrotechnics. Treasure: Each has Spellbook of Disintegration, and two Jars of Uzeron’s Unguent.
and the following: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp. They wear
Gold Circlets worth 200gp each. The students are in 61. Derro Guardroom: A group of Derro Warriors
a heated debate regarding the finer points of casting (3) AL: CE, AC: 3 (two with Scalemail, Buckler Shield,
the spell Color Spray. They will hear any commotion in Dex) and one with AC: 2 (Chainmail, Buckler Shield,
Room 59. Dex), HD: 3, HP: two with 16 and one with 18, #AT: 1,

Weapon: Two with Shortsword (1d6), Light Repeating The warriors are led by a Derro Warband Leader (F6)
Crossbow and Two Clips (1d3), and Net and one with AL: CE, AC: 1 (Half Plate, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 5,
Military Pick (1d6), Spear (1d6), Longpoint Dagger HP: 34, #AT: Varies, Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), Light
(1d4), Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp each, are on Repeating Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint Dagger (1d4),
guard there. One has a set of Brass Knuckles. They just Treasure: 10pp and a Large Regular Pink Rosaline
returned from a patrol in the vicinity of the slope to S4 (24gp), Medium Finely Cut Light Pink Rhodochrosite
and are resting. (32gp), Huge Broken Tiger Eye Agate (20gp), and a
Large Broken Pink Rosaline (16gp). He wears a Copper
62. Guardroom Barracks: Three makeshift beds lay on and Silver Belt Buckle (57gp) and has a Silver Comb
the floor of this chamber. They are made of rothe hides (134gp). He has a bag with three Runestones of Impact
and the skins of other unknown species. Under the and a Pouch of Rothe Jerky. The leader has a leashed
second bed is a loose rock with a Runestone of Healing. Muggle AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 2, HP: 13, #AT: See entry,
DMG: See entry.
63. The archway of this door is lined with dwarven
hellmouth-like faces. The room is empty. A. The derro are unaware of this secret room. On a
small table there are three bags: a Bag of Holding
64. Wisdom of the Ancestors: This secret chamber with 2cp, a Bag of Devouring, and a Bag of Potions.
contains three stone dwarven faces in recessed alcoves. The latter contains 1d4+2 random potions. Roll the
One represents a king with a crown, the second Random Potion Treasure Table in any Core Rule Book
represents a warrior, and the third a cleric. Infront of to determine the results.
each is a small ledge. To communicate with the spirits
of these Gundgathol ancestors, the PCs must make an 66. The stone door to this crypt was broken long ago.
appropriate offering to each. Offerings could include, The contents of the burial alcoves that line the walls
but are not limited to, a valuable gem or piece of of this chamber were unceremoniously dumped on the
jewelry to the king, a personal weapon or war trophy floor and looted. Three turns of searching will find a
for the warrior, or a book, scroll, or valuable runestone Ring of Protection +1.
to the cleric.
A. Leaning against the eastern wall of this secret chamber
If the offering is both valuable and appropriate, they are three shields: A Heater Shield +1 emblazoned with
will disappear and the stone face(s) will shimmer with the symbol of House Stoneborn, a Dented Kite Shield,
ghostly visages. In deep dwarven voices they will say in and one half of Raldurin’s Shield (Left). For the latter,
unison, “Behold! We are Three. Stare into the face of see Room 7.
thine kin and seek the wisdom of your ancestors.” The
PCs may ask one yes or no question of each ancestor. 67. Stable: Megalocentipedes (2) AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 3,
If they fail to ask a yes or no question, the faces will HP: 14 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3 + Poison, overseen
merely shimmer and disappear. by the Derro Handler (F5) AL: CE, AC: 1 (Half Plate,
Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 5, HP: 30, #AT: Varies,
65. Derro Barracks: These Derro Warriors (6) AL: CE, Weapon: Fauchard-Hook (1d6), Light Repeating
AC: three with 4 (Studded, Buckler Shield, Dex) and Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint Dagger (1d4), Whip (1d4),
three with 3 (Scalemail, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 3, Treasure: He wears a Silver Bracelet (79gp). In a
HP: three with 18 and three with 17, #AT: 1, Weapon: pouch he has 15pp and a Huge Flawed Bright Yellow
Three with Fauchard-Hook (1d6), Light Repeating Mellochrysos (140gp). The handler uses the small side
Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint Dagger (1d4) and three room as his bed chamber. There is a makeshift bed of
with Shortsword (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow and furs and rags. There is nothing else of value.
Two Clips (1d3), and Net, Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep,
2d8gp each. One has a Pouch with and 1d2 Platinum 68. The door to this chamber was broken down and lies
Ingots (100gp each), are assigned to guard the temple inside the room. It is otherwise empty.
and the savants.

69. The door to this chamber is trapped with Sepia Repeating Crossbow and Two Clips (1d3), and Net and
Snake Sigil. Inside are crates of foodstuffs (rothe jerky, two with Military Pick (1d6), Spear (1d6), Longpoint
mushrooms, and two small barrels of derro wine). The Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp each,
derro are unaware of the secret door. Resting on a short are posted in this guardroom.
ledge along the northern wall are the following items:
a Runestone of Extra-Healing, a Runestone of Speed, The derro keep a chained Muggle AL: CE, AC: 5, HD:
a Runestone of Steam and Vapour, and a Spellstone 2, HP: 15, #AT: See entry, DMG: See entry, in the side
with Blessed Stone, Circle of Stone, and Courage of the chamber. Every 20 minutes, one guard walks west to
Ancestors. Room 54 with the muggle and returns. Every two hours
one guard will check on the pack lizards in Room 74.
On a small table behind the secret door is a Folding
Boat and a partial map (four hexes) of the River Glint. 74. Pack Lizard Stable: The derro stable four Pack
Lizards AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 8, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3
70. Derro Guardroom: Two Derro Warriors AL: CE, in this chamber. The guards in Room 73 are responsible
AC: 3 (Scalemail, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 3, HP: for their care.
16 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Shortsword (1d6), Light
Repeating Crossbow and 2 Clips (1d3), and Net, 75. The north wall of this chamber has collapsed into
Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp each, stand guard at the primary passage. The chamber is otherwise empty.
this position. They are seated playing a game the derro
called Seachad (Translation: Passing) with small pawns A. The Hellmouth Helm of Dhurindain (Room 7) sits on
and dice sticks. There is a 1-3 on d6 they will hear a shelf in this secret chamber. In a secret compartment
battle from the east. located along the eastern wall, is a box with Kalgon’s
Mithril Coif +2. This coif improves the armour class of
71. The door to this chamber is made of stone. In the the wearer by two and can be used by fighters, clerics,
center of the sealed door is a dwarven face. A single magic-users, and illusionists.
derro stone statue stands infront of the door. He is in a
protective position holding his right forearm infront of B. This chamber is empty. A collapse has opened a
his eyes. The door is trapped with Face of Dhurindain. hole into the adjoining passage.
The enchantment on the door recharges after seven
hours. 76. The stone door of this chamber was broken down
long ago by the derro. They looted the burial alcoves that
72. This chamber is empty. Chains and manacles lay lined the chamber walls and interior rectangular pillars.
on the floor. In the past the derro used this room as a The bones, urns, skulls, and debris cover the floor to
holding cell prior to transporting slaves. the point that one cannot step without crunching bones
underfoot. Every three turns searching in this room will
A. Just inside the archway lies a shrivelled derro corpse reveal 1 random treasure item (a total of three items).
clutching a torn bag with the glint of gold. The derro
warrior fell prey to Brown Mold AL: N, AC: Always At the back of an alcove, along the northern facing
Hit, HD: 2, HP: 14, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d8. The loot bag wall of the northern pillar is a small anvil-shaped
contains an Ivory and Gold Cup (75gp), 15gp, 20sp, indentation. If the Anvil Runestone from Room 53A is
and the following gems: Small Exquisite Dark Black Agni inserted and turned counter-clockwise a secret door
Mani (40gp), Large Flawed Blue and Brown Disthene will swing outwards.
(22gp), Small Exquisite Lynx Eye (40gp), and a Huge
Exquisite Orange Sunstone (48gp). The symbol of long-forgotten House Barrelstane (a
shield on a barrel) is carved in relief on the back of the
73. Guardroom: Three Derro Warriors AL: CE, AC: 2 door. Inside is a small claustrophobic crypt with a set of
(Chainmail, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 3, HP: 23, 19, seven burial alcoves:
15, #AT: 1, Weapon: One with Shortsword (1d6), Light

House Barrelstane Family Crypt 1 Clip (1d3), Longpoint Dagger +1 (1d4), Treasure:
Pouch with 40gp. He wears Electrum Torc (140gp) and
Seven Exquisitely Crafted Platinum Beard Beads
1 a Gold Disc Broach (152gp). Several hammers, axes,
(100gp each)
and shields (war trophies, all dwarven) hang on the
White Dragon-Shaped Ivory Comb inlaid with Gold walls. The room contains a bed.
3 Gold Belt Buckle Dhurindain Symbol (200gp) A. This secret chamber contains the sub-chief’s personal
4 Diamond Earrings (150gp each) treasure. The door is opened by pulling out a fist-sized
flagstone, rotating it counter-clockwise three times,
Octagonal Shield-Shaped Disc Broach inlaid with and pushing it back in. On the floor is a locked Silver
Emeralds (250gp)
Coffer (100gp). The coffer is trapped with Poison Gas
6 Gold Ring inlaid with Garnets (200gp) (Save or Die, one target only). The coffer contains two
Platinum and Gold Seax Knife Dagger Pommel bags: the first is filled with a Glass Beads (10gp) and
inlaid with Sapphires (275gp) the second with the following gemstones: Very Large
Broken Brown-Black Samarskite (105gp), Small Finely
If the Barrelstane alcoves are disturbed, Runestone Cut Brown Malacon (105gp), and a Medium Exquisite
Skeletons (14) AL: N, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: Smokey Quartz (135gp).
2, HP: 12 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Seven with Warhammer
(1d6) and seven with Hand Axe (1d6), will rise from the 80. Derro Sub-Chief’s Quarters: This is the quarters
desecrated bones and defend the crypt. of Gazaka the Derro Clan Subchief (F6) AL: CE, AC:
0 (Half Plate +1, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 6, HP: 43,
77. Oor-Uk Barracks: A contingent of Black Orc #AT: Varies, Weapon: Military Pick +1 (1d6), Light
Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: 4 (Half Plate), HD: 3+3, HP: 16 Repeating Crossbow with 1 Clip (1d3), Longpoint
each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Bill-Guisarme (1d10), Scimitar Dagger +1 (1d4), Treasure: Pouch with 19pp. He
(1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 1d20+1ep, wears a Gleaming Platinum and Diamond Belt Buckle
and 2d8gp each, led by Lugruk the Black Orc Warband (459gp).
Leader (F5) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP:
34, #AT: 1, Weapon: Halberd (1d10), Scimitar (1d8), There is a Small Wooden Chest beside his bed. The
and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d8gp, 4d4pp, and a Pouch chest is Locked and Trapped (Poison Needle, Save or
with a Medium Average Bloodstone (85gp), Large Insanity) that includes his less-desirable gems: Small
Flawed Apple Green Chrysoprase (95gp), and a Huge Flawed Light Blue Lapis Lazuli (18gp), Large Regular
Finely Cut Flecked Aventurine (180gp), have journeyed Cream and White Bluestone (24gp), Huge Broken Blue
from Galduhr’s Gate to speak with Romangat the and Brown Disthene (20gp), Small Regular Pale Green
Derro Clan Chief. They are awaiting their audience. Variscite (20gp), and a Large Regular Transparent
Green Augelite (24gp). However, in a secret box
78. This chamber is empty except for 1d4+1 broken attached to the underside of his bed, are the following:
buckler shields and 1d3 broken shortswords. The derro a Large Broken Brown Carnelian (85gp), Small Finely
occasionally use this chamber for training their warriors. Cut White Chalcedony (105gp), Very Large Broken
It is currently empty. Deep Green Serpentine (105gp), and a Large Finely
Cut Brown Jasper (135gp).
A. Leaning against the back wall of this chamber is a
Quiver of Crossbow Bolts +1 (21) and a Bag of Steel 81. Derro Clan Chief’s Audience Chamber: This room
Sling Stones +1 (7). contains a short table and chairs. A meeting is currently
taking place between Romangat the Destroyer (Derro
79. Derro Sub-Chief’s Quarters: Gludda the Derro Clan Chief), Xutil (Derro Clan Subchief), and Durloz,
Clan Subchief (F6) AL: CE, AC: -1 (Half Plate +1, Buckler Son of Durkill “Beard-Scalper” Whitebeard (Duergar
Shield +1, Dex), HD: 6, HP: 45, #AT: Varies, Weapon: Emissary). Ziltak (Derro Savant) just stepped out of
Warhammer +1 (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow with the meeting back to Room 82 for (1 Turn). They are

discussing delays in coal production in P4: The Black Circlet worth 200gp, that oversee his needs.
Mines and how to ensure the fires of P6: The Foundry
are maintained or the duergar king will be displeased. The room is spartan except for his bed, a desk, and
a lectern (his spellbook is closed and trapped with
Romangat the Destroyer, Derro Clan Chief (F7) AL: Sepia Snake Sigil). It contains his listed spells and 1d3
CE, AC: 0 (Bracers AC: 4, Runestone of Protection +2, additional spells (Levels 1-4).
Dex), HD: 7, HP: 51, #AT: Varies, Weapon: Warhammer
+2 (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow with 1 Clip of +1 Hidden in a secret compartment in the lectern is a
Bolts (1d3), Longpoint Dagger +3 (1d4), Treasure: He Pouch with Very Large Flawed Deep Purple Amethyst
bears a crown made of Gold and inlaid with Platinum (470gp), Large Finely Cut Pale Green Tourmaline
and Diamonds worth (3,000gp) and three Mithril Rings (500gp), Medium Finely Cut Lime Green Chrysolite
encrusted with Rubies (1,000gp each), Ring of House (400gp), Huge Broken Red-Brown Spinel (550gp), and
Cobblestone, keys to the Door and Chest in Room 84. a Large Average Yellow-Green Chrysoberyl (400gp).

Xutil the Derro Clan Subchief (F6) AL: CE, AC: 1 (Half 83. The western wall has almost completely collapsed
Plate, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: Varies, and is exposed to the adjacent hallway. Three large
Weapon: Warhammer +1 (1d6), Light Repeating piles of skulls, bones, rubble, and rubbish cover the
Crossbow with 1 Clip (1d3), Longpoint Dagger +1 floor. For every two turns of searching there is a 1
(1d4), Treasure: A Bag with 38gp and a Satchel with on d6 chance of finding a random treasure (see the
a Huge Broken Bright Yellow Mellochrysos (130gp), Secondary Encounter Area Random Treasure Generator
Medium Average Smokey Quartz (85gp), and a Bone to determine the result).
Figurine of Dworgrim (35gp). He wears a smooth
Diamond False Eye (300gp). 84. Chief’s Chambers: The door is locked (the chief
possesses the key). The room is plain except the
Durloz, Son of Durkill “Beard-Scalper” Whitebeard, shrivelled dwarven hands of the chief’s victims pinned
Duergar Warband Leader (F5) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Half to the wall with iron spikes. A large wooden bed carved
Plate, Shield, Dex), HD: 5, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: in the style of the Gundgathol dwarves rests against
Hand Axe of Hurling +1 (20 Feet) (1d6), Shortsword the southern wall. On top of a small table is a Seachad
(1d6), and Mithril Seax Knife +1 (1d4+1). Treasure: A board made of Ivory (300gp). All the pawns (20) are
Small Pouch with 2d10gp, 2d8pp, and a Large Average made of Gold (20gp each). In the southwestern and
Apple Green Chrysoprase (105gp). He wears Four southeastern corners of this room stand Iron Statues
Gold Beard Beads (20gp each). (2) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 4, HP: 20 hp each, #AT: 2,
DMG: 1d8/1d8. They will attack any non-derro that
82. Savant’s Quarters: This chamber is home to enters this room.
Ziltak the Derro Grand Savant (MU8) AL: CE, AC: 0
(Bracers AC: 4, Robe +2, Dex), HD: 8, HP: 30, #AT: 1, At the foot of the bed is an iron box with two locks
Weapon: Light Repeating Crossbow with 2 Clips (1d3) (the chief and the grand savant possess the two keys).
and Longpoint Dagger (1d4). Spells (3/3/2/2): Magic Both locks are double trapped. The first lock with an
Missile, Burning Hands, Darkness Globe; Invisibility, Acid Spray (1 Target, Save or Die) followed by a Poison
Mirror Image, Web; Haste, Fireball; Confusion, Needle (Save or Die). The second lock with a Poison
Dimension Door Treasure: Spellbook, Wand of Lightning Needle (Save or Die) followed by Poison Gas (10x10
(20 Charges), Scroll: Burning Hands, Torvin’s Flesh of foot area, Save or Die). Each key must be turned six
Fire (see New Spells), and Fly, Key to Chest (Room 84), times (three for each trap) to disarm the traps. Inside is a
and two Derro Student-Savants (MU4) AL: CE, AC: 4, gleaming set of Mithril Half Platemail +2 and a matching
HD: 4, HP: 13 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Light Repeating Visored-Helm +1 of a Screaming Dwarf. This armour is
Crossbow (1d3) and Longpoint Dagger (1d4). Spells emblazoned with the symbol of House Hammerhand
(2/2): Dancing Lights, Magic Missile; Invisibility, Scare, and was looted by the derro from the crypt of Galdrok,
Treasure: 2d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp. Each wears a Gold Blood of Galdoon “Great Beard” Hammerhand, a

hero known to all Gundgathol dwarves. Also, inside 90. Stable: A Derro Handler (F5) AL: CE, AC: 1
the chest, in an Ornately Carved and Velvet-Lined Box, (Half Plate, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 5, HP: 30,
is a Very Large Finely Cut King’s Tear (4,700gp). This #AT: Varies, Weapon: Fauchard-Hook (1d6), Light
jewel once belonged to the Stoneborn royal treasury. Repeating Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint Dagger (1d4),
Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d6gp, 2d6pp, and the following
85. The Chief’s Antechamber: There are six Derro gemstones: Large Exquisite Star Rose Quartz (155gp),
Royal Guards AL: CE, AC: 1 (Half Plate, Buckler Shield, Medium Flawed Smokey Quartz (75gp), Medium
Dex), HD: 4, HP: 26 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Three with Broken Pure Black Onyx (65gp) and one Random
Fauchard-Hook (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow with Mundane Runestone, is training a group of Young
Two Clips (1d3), Longpoint Dagger (1d4) and three with Adult Megalocentipedes (5) AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP:
Shortsword (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow and Two 14 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3 + Poison. There are three
Clips (1d3), and Net, Treasure: Each wears a Platinum saddles sitting against the wall. The handler is currently
Headband (150gp each), on duty. Two guards stand saddled and training the creature to rear its head.
outside the door in the hallway. The remaining four
stand in pairs outside Room 81 and Room 84. 91. Handler’s Quarters: This chamber is spartan except
for three beds of furs and hides on the floor. Voices can
86. This guardroom has been abandoned. be heard beyond the archway.

87. The slope at this location descends approximately 60 A. Two Derro Handlers (F5) AL: CE, AC: 1 (Half Plate,
feet. The slope leads southwest from Primary Encounter Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 5, HP: 30 each, #AT: Varies,
Area 1 (P1): The Lower Halls along the Primary Passage Weapon: Fauchard-Hook (1d6), Light Repeating
toward S10 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint Dagger (1d4), Whip (1d4),
Treasure: One has Gold Armbands (50gp each) and
88. Guardroom: A group of Derro Warriors (6) AL: the other a Thick Silver headband worth (125gp), are
CE, AC: three with 4 (Studded, Buckler Shield, Dex) in discussion with Huakil the Derro Savant (MU5) AL:
and three with 2 (Chainmail, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: CE, AC: 4, HD: 5, HP: 19, #AT: 1, Weapon: Light
3, HP: three with 18 and three with 17, #AT: 1, Weapon: Repeating Crossbow (1d3) and Longpoint Dagger
Three with Fauchard-Hook (1d6), Light Repeating (1d4). Spells (2/2/1): Magic Missile, Spider Climb;
Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint Dagger (1d4) and three Mirror Image, Web; Lightning Bolt, Treasure: Spellbook,
with Shortsword (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow and Bag of Holding (433gp, 1000gp Capacity), and a
Two Clips (1d3), and Net, Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, Non-Magical Healing Salve (1d4+1), regarding the
2d8gp each, led by a Derro Warband Leader (F6) battle-readiness of the young adult megalocentipedes
AL: CE, AC: 0 (Platemail, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 5, in Room 90.
HP: 34, #AT: Varies, Weapon: Military Pick +1 (1d6),
Light Repeating Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint Dagger 92. Hall of Records: The double-doors to this chamber
+1 (1d4), Treasure: Satchel with 29pp, a Large Broken were broken down with axes and hammers. The walls
White or Blue Moonstone (85gp), a Large Finely Cut are engraved with holy runes giving praise to Thaneduhr
Brown Jasper (135gp), and a Bottle of Black Brine the All-Father. The derro looted this chamber and
(Heroism), are on guard duty in this chamber. destroyed what remained by piling it in the center.

Roll 1d6: There is a 1-2 on d6 chance they are in Room

88, 3-4 three warriors are on patrol along to slope Damaged Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 145
to S10, and 5-6 the same number and the leader are Items of Value: Silver Holy Symbol of Dhurindain
on patrol along the primary passage in the vicinity of inlaid with a Finely Cut Ruby (300gp), 1d2 Random
Room 75. Mundane Runestones, Map: Hint at Secondary
Encounter Area S2 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex
89. This chamber is empty. Map, Mace +1, Runestone of Levitation.

93. The floor of this cave is wet. The ceiling is high (40 Zircon (125gp), and a Huge Finely Cut Brown Jasper
feet) and the tips of stalactites can be seen in torchlight. (180gp) and the other with a Very Large Broken Brown
Carnelian (105gp), and an Empty Silver Scroll Tube
94. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that (40gp). He wears an Electrum Disc Broach (113gp).
extends west from Primary Encounter Area 1 (P1): The
Lower Halls on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. The warband leaders are seated at a table with Umkil
the Derro Savant (MU5) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 5, HP: 20,
95. Guardroom: This side chamber is a guardroom to #AT: 1, Weapon: Light Repeating Crossbow (1d3) and
alert the duergar of any intrusion from the Secondary Longpoint Dagger (1d4). Spells (2/2/1): Magic Missile,
Passage west of Room 94. Derro Warriors (3) AL: CE, Spider Climb; Mirror Image, Web; Lightning Bolt,
AC: 3 (Scalemail, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 3, HP: 21, Treasure: 34gp, 17pp, Spellbook, Wand of Paralyzation,
18, 16, #AT: 1, Weapon: One with Shortsword (1d6), Scroll with: Ambasse’s Absent Lapse, Grelf’s Acidic
Light Repeating Crossbow and 2 Clips (1d3), and Net Arrow, and Aztazibar’s Acrid Finger, discussing their
and two with Military Pick (1d6), Spear (1d6), Longpoint next patrol.
Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp each.
The largest warrior has a secret Pouch with three A. Storage Closet: This small chamber contains
Gundgathol Trumpets (see earlier in the adventure) and three Light Repeating Crossbows, six clips, two
a leashed Muggle AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 2, HP: 15, #AT: megalocentipede saddles, 50 feet of rope, a barrel of
See entry, DMG: See entry. water, and two buckler shields.

96. The passageway into this rough-hewn chamber 99. Barracks: This barrack is home to Derro Warriors
has partially collapsed. Only a narrow elf or halfling (10) AL: CE, AC: five with 4 (Studded, Buckler Shield,
could pass through the opening. Inside the chamber Dex) and five with 3 (Scalemail, Buckler Shield, Dex),
skeletal remains are strewn across the floor including HD: 3, HP: 5x16 and 5x17, #AT: 1, Weapon: five with
the Hellmouth Helm of Thaneduhr (Room 7). Sitting on Fauchard-Hook (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow (1d3),
a ledge 15 feet off the floor is an Ochre Jelly AL: N, Longpoint Dagger (1d4) and five with Shortsword (1d6)
AC: 8, HD: 5, HP: 25, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d6, that makes and Light Repeating Crossbow and Two Clips (1d3),
this cave its lair. Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp each. One of the
warriors has a kingly prize. Sewn into a secret pocket
97. A cracked and broken dwarven face is carved into in a stolen dwarven treasure: a Small Mithril Ingot
the wall immediately opposite this door. The derro have (1,000gp).
improvised a trap. A pressure plate infront of the door
will activate a wire pulley inside the mouth that will lob At any given time, there is a 1-3 chance on d6 that half
a glass vial of paralytic powder above the doorway. their number is on patrol west of Room 94 led by one
All those within 10 feet must save or be paralyzed of the two derro warband leaders from Room 98. The
for 1d6 rounds. The chamber serves as a storeroom room contains five wooden bunkbeds.
and contains crates of dried meat (unknown), dried
seaweed, dried fish, and three barrels of derro wine. 100. The southeastern wall of this chamber has
Normal rats scurry about the floor. completely collapsed and is open to the primary
passage beyond. Hidden amongst the rubble (four
98. Officer’s Quarters: This chamber serves as the turns of searching) is a small unlocked rusty iron chest
quarters for two Derro Warband Leaders (F5) AL: CE, with Runestones of Healing, Invisibility, and Speed.
AC: 1 (Half Plate, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 5, HP: 35,
30, #AT: Varies, Weapon: Fauchard-Hook (1d6), Light 101. Hall of Records: The archway above the double
Repeating Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint Dagger (1d4) doors to this room dedicate its wisdom to Dhurindain,
and Military Pick (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow the Secret-Keeper. They doors have been knocked
(1d3), Longpoint Dagger (1d4), Treasure: one with a down and the floor is littered with dwarf bones and
Satchel with 37gp, a Very Large Average Clear Green damaged archival material.

A. This chamber is used as a latrine and refuse dump.
Damaged Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 192 Sifting through the refuse and fecal matter will result in
Items of Value: Huge Exquisite Pale Brown the disease carried by giant rats.
Cassiterite (850gp), Tome of Leadership and
Influence, Two Sticks of Incense of Meditation, 1d3 105. The stone frame around this set of double doors
Random Mundane Runestones, Raldurin’s Shield is carved with hellmouth-like dwarven faces. There are
(Right). For the latter, see Room 7. remains of small campfires and occupation. Transient
warbands of derro, duergar, and black orcs use this
chamber, adjacent to the reservoir in Room 104, to
The secret door in the southwest corner of the room camp prior to continuing their patrols.
contains a small altar with three items: Runestone
of Dwarvenkind, a Galeb Runestone (Small), and a 106. This door is trapped with Sepia Snake Sigil and
Runestone of Extra-Healing. Magic Mouth. If the spell is activated, the mouth will
scream “Intruders!” repetitively for 1 turn. The derro
102. Training Room: two Derro Handlers (F5) AL: CE, in Room 107 will respond and investigate within three
AC: 1 (Half Plate, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 5, HP: rounds.
32 and 29, #AT: Varies, Weapon: Light Repeating
Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint Dagger (1d4), Whip (1d4), Inside is a black magic circle used by the grand savant
Treasure: 3d10ep, 3d8gp, 2d8pp each, and one of the and his graduate-students. A small blood-stained altar
two has a Gold Belt Buckle (100gp). and half-burned candles decorate the chamber. A
spellbook on a lectern contains 1d6 random first level
The handlers are training a large Megalocentipede AL: spells, 1d4 random second level spells, 1d3 random
N, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 21, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3 + Poison, third level spells, and 1d2 random fourth level spells.
for the derro chieftain. The derro will call for the other Hidden inside the cover is a folded scroll with the spell
centipedes in A to their aid. Transmute Flesh to Ice (Reversible).

A. Stable: Megalocentipedes (3) AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 3, 107. Guardroom: Derro Warriors (3) AL: CE, AC: 3
HP: 22, 2x19 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3 + Poison. (Scalemail, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 3, HP: 18 each,
#AT: 1, Weapon: One with Shortsword (1d6), Light
103. Centipede Pens: Two 10x10 foot pens dominate Repeating Crossbow and Two Clips (1d3), and Net and
this chamber. The pens each hold 8 Young Adult two with Military Pick (1d6), Spear (1d6), Longpoint
Megalocentipedes (16) AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 2, HP: Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp each,
10 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d2 (no poison). They are and a Derro Warband Leader (F6) AL: CE, AC: 0 (Half
famished and will climb out of the pens at the smell of Plate, Buckler Shield +1, Dex), HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1,
fresh meat. Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow
and 1 Clip (1d3), Longpoint Dagger (1d4), Treasure:
A. Hatchery: A Large Female Megalocentipede AL: N, A Bag with 15gp, and a Pouch with a Huge Broken
AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: 30, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3 + Poison Pure Black Onyx (130gp), Medium Flawed Bloodstone
sits on a clutch of 35 eggs in this chamber. She will fight (75gp), Huge Flawed Smokey Quartz (140gp), and a
ferociously (+2 to attack) to defend her young. Medium Flawed Pure Black Onyx (75gp). There is a
1-2 on d6 chance the leader will send two warriors to
104. This large rectangular reservoir often serves as a patrol the hallway between Room 107 and Room 90
rally point for patrols and warbands heading northwest, every hour.
west, or southwest from the Lower Halls.
108. This chamber is on the verge of total collapse. The
There is a 1-2 on d6 chance that any random encounter northern and western portions of the wall and ceiling
in this chamber, or Room 105, will be a warband at have fallen in. Searching or engaging in combat here
rest. will likely (1-3 on d6) cause a collapse causing 4d6

points of damage and a loud resounding noise that will B. This cell contains slaves the duergar brought with
send several derro patrols to investigate. Buried in the them to trade. There are a total of eight slaves (five
rubble is a Seax Knife +3 (three turns of searching). male dwarves, a female dwarf, a deep gnome, and a
male half-orc):
109. Guardroom: Derro Warrior (5) AL: CE, AC: 3
(Scalemail, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 3, HP: 16 each, Slave Name Race/Sex/Class Age
#AT: 1, Weapon: Three with Shortsword (1d6), Light
Repeating Crossbow and Two Clips (1d3), and Net, Dalnairn
Dwarf/Male/Cl3 Old (325)
and two with Military Pick (1d6), Spear (1d6), Longpoint Rockhome
Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp each. Nortek
Dwarf/Male/F2 Old (282)
Every hour three warriors patrol down to the bottom of Ironshield
the slop to S11 and return. Grogul Late Middle Age
Longbeard (271)
110. The slope at this location descends approximately Fimdri Middle Age
60 feet. The slope leads northwest from Primary Dwarf/Male/F1
Hardhelm (255)
Encounter Area 1 (P1): The Lower Halls along the
Primary Passage toward S11 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Dwarf/Male/Th1 Adult (173)
Dwarf/Female/F1 Adult (135)
111. This old guardroom stables Megalocentipedes (3) Battlecrown
AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 15 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3 Zeltrig Gnome/Male/Ill1 Old (451)
+ Poison. The creatures are saddled. Glogg Half-Orc/Male/F1 Adult (23)

112. Duergar Barracks: A contingent of duergar warriors Each of the slaves are bound by hand and foot with
are quartered here while their officers and clerics manacles. When transported, they are further chained
conduct negotiations with the derro. The room is empty as a group. This particular group of slaves are older
except for the bedrolls and backpacks of the warriors. and wise. They have learned how to survive under the
Duergar Warriors (10) AL: LE, AC: 4 (Chainmail and whip and are considered skilled labour by the duergar
Shield), HD: 4, HP: 5x25 and 5x20, #AT: 1, Weapon: for their mining, forging, and craftsmanship. Dalnairn
Five with Warhammer (1d6), Light Crossbow and 10 Rockhome, the oldest among them, quietly leads
Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife (1d4+1) and five with and cares for the group through his secret worship of
Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), Thaneduhr. The duergar are unaware that Balnurra is
and Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: female, and the dwarves do everything in their power,
3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each. In addition, three of the including taking beatings from their masters and causing
warriors have unique items: Small Flawed Deep Green distractions, to conceal her and ensure her safety.
Serpentine (65gp), 1d3 Random Mundane Runestones, Zeltrig, the deep gnome, was brought to Gundgathol
and a Runestone of Sharpening (Whetstone). by the duergar. He was enslaved as a young apprentice
illusionist and knows no other existence. Glogg was
A. Officer’s Quarters: Gurlag Whitebeard the Duergar bred for slavery by the duergar. There is a deep-seated
Warband Leader (F5) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Half Plate, Buckler mistrust between him and the dwarf slaves, but they all
Shield, Dex), HD: 5, HP: 39, #AT: 1, Weapon: Spiked agree that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The
Warhammer +2 (1d6), Shortsword (1d6), and Dagger slaves all speak duergar and mountain dwarf, but only
(1d4), Treasure: 21ep, 16gp, 29pp, Small Flawed Clear Glogg speaks common.
Green Peridot (65gp), Large Finely Cut Clear Green
Peridot (135gp), Large Broken Orange Carnelian 113. Storeroom: The derro have provided barrels of
(85gp), Three Doses of Greatwort, and a Lump of Coal. water and foodstuffs for the duergar in this chamber.
The leader, like his warriors, sleeps on the ground with The food includes rothe jerky, mushrooms, and derro
a bedroll. wine (which the duergar think is weak and tastes awful).

114. Guardroom: This room is the temporary home of 116. Crypt of the Stone: The walls of this chamber are
Gruktag Whitebeard’s personal guard. These Duergar recessed with vertical alcoves (21) that bear the skeletal
Warriors (5) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), remains of dwarven warriors. Atop each alcove is the
HD: 4, HP: 5x27, #AT: 1, Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), stone face of a dwarf. A three-sided pillar in the center
Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife of the room is carved in the shape of dwarven warriors.
(1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are At the top of the pillar (gleaming in any light) is a Large
honour bound to protect his life above their own. Like Exquisite Black Sapphire (5,200gp).
Room 112, they sleep on bedrolls on the floor. The
warriors are sharpening their weapons. If any attempt is made to take the jewel, three Caryatid
Columns (3) AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 5, HP: 32, #AT: 1,
A. This side chamber contains a wooden bed carved DMG: 1d8, will pull away from the pillar and attack.
in the style of the Gundgathol dwarves. It serves as the When the constructs step off their pillar, they will activate
temporary lodging of Gruktag Whitebeard, a Level 5 a pressure plate that will close and lock all open doors.
Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL5) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Half The constructs each bear the spell Stonemouth followed
Plate +1, Buckler Shield, Dex), HD: 5, HP: 31, #AT: 1, by Face of Dhurindain. Once they activate, any PC who
Weapon: Warhammer (1d6) and Sling with 20 Stones beholds the caryatid columns must save (Petrification)
(1d4). Spells (3/2/1): Protection from Good, Cure or will turn to stone (one use only, see New Spells).
Light Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless; Striking,
Treasure: Silver Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (75gp), In addition, the spell Vengeance of the Ancestors was
25pp, and Runestones of Impact (3), while the duergar cast upon the crypt. If the constructs activate, or the
delegation negotiates with the derro. He is at prayer. PCs attempt to loot the skeletal remains, the warriors
will animate and defend the crypt. Dwarven Skeleton
115. False Crypt: A broad stone bowl filled with a Warriors (21) AL: N, AC: 5 (Chainmail), HD: 3, HP:
heaping mound of jewels sits atop a large dais in the 18 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Seven with Warhammer (1d6),
center of this chamber. Along the northern wall there seven with Hand Axe (1d6), and seven with Battle Axe
are two sarcophagi with carved relief in dwarven (1d8).
geometric design. The room is dimly lit by four pale
blue glowstones (mined from P2: The Glittering Caves)
set into sconces along the walls. The stones brighten or Burial Alcoves: 21
dim by touch. Contents: 7x3d6sp, 7x3d6gp, 7x3d6pp. Each
warrior wears a Silver Chest Lozenge decorated
If either sarcophagi, or the bowl, are disturbed a with Dwarven Geometric Knotwork worth 100gp
Gemstone Golem AL: N, AC: 0, HD: 8, HP: 60, #AT: each. In addition, there are 1d3 Random Magical
1 or 2, DMG: 1d10/1d10, will form from the mound of Runestones.
jewels and defend the crypt.

On top of each sarcophagus are 1d3 Random 117. This secret chamber is exceptionally difficult to
Runestones (replace proper names in your results with find. The door is so expertly concealed that not even
Randuhr Broadbeam and Durnor Hammerhand). The Gundgathol dwarves receive a passive opportunity to
sarcophagi each holding the skeletal remains of a detect it. In the center of the room, on an armour stand,
dwarf. One contains 4d6gp, 3d6pp, and a Locked and is a suit of Mithril Platemail +1 and a Mithril Shield +1.
Trapped Metal Box (Poison Needle, Save or Die) with The mail is completely encased in translucent crystal.
Large Exquisite Brown-Black Samarskite (155gp), Huge There are only two means to remove the protective
Broken Brown Malacon (130gp). The other contains magical encasement. Either the PCs must find the
6d6ep, 3d6gp, and a Silver Headband with the Symbol Crystal Runestone (Entrance C: Galduhr’s Gate, Room
of Dhurindain (100gp) and a Set of Gold Arm Bands 47) or beseech the Chrysmal Sovereign in P2: The
(100gp each). Glittering Caves for aid.

P2: Glittering Caves Glittering Caves: Random Monsters
1 Chrysmal (1d2)
The Gundgathol dwarves named this cavern system
the Glittering Caves (Levels 7-9) after its bountiful 2 Xorn (1d2)
concentration of gemstones. The caves also produce 3 Amber Bulk (1)
glowstones (the dwarves use the stones for light in the
4 Purple Worm (1)
deepest levels of Gundgathol). The dwarves believe the
caverns are sacred earth and a blessing of Dhurindain 5 Pech (1d4)
the Secret-Keeper. 6 Stegalocentipede (1)
The caves have long drawn the attention of the xorn who 1. The slope at this location descends approximately
consume gemstones. However, since the withdrawal of 60 feet. The slope leads northeast from P2: Glittering
the mountainfolk, natural fields of translucent white Caves along the Primary Passage toward S8 on the
crystal developed throughout the caves. The crystal Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
fields drew the attention of the chrysmal who migrated
to the southeastern corner of the cavern system. This massive cave is bracketed by huge stalagnates
that serve as support pillars to both the east and west.
Since their arrival, the chrysmal have exhausted their The southwestern corner of the cave is gently backlit
own crystal fields and now are forced to graze in (white) by two small crystal fields (approximately 30x30
the xorn’s territory. The xorn, having consumed the feet). The ceiling is too high to be seen with torches
gemstones in the northwestern corner of the caves or lanterns (70 feet). The dim light of the crystal fields
and being unable to consume the crystal fields, have gleams and glitters with raw gemstones embedded in
turned to hunting and consuming the chrysmal. Even the walls of the cave.
though the xorn possess vast crystal fields, and the
chrysmal possess gemstones throughout their caves, As the player characters proceed into the center of this
the two species are natural enemies and are locked cave, two Chrysmals will emerge from Room 2. They
in a pitched war for survival. The xorn have become will completely ignore the PCs and slowly proceed to the
obnoxious “chrysmal carnivores” and the chrysmal are southernmost crystal field. They will consume crystals
peaceful “crystal herbivores.” Neither can consume for a moment and then move on toward Room 13.
meat or flesh. They care little for the machinations of
beings from the Prime Material Plane. 2. An Adult Chrysmal AL: N, AC: -4/0, HD: 6+6, HP:
34, #AT: 1, DMG: See entry, Treasure: See Chrysmal
Crystal Table at the end of this section, and a Young
Referee’s Notes: Numerous locations note the Adult Chrysmal AL: N, AC: 0/4, HD: 2+2, HP: 14,
presence of raw crystal, gemstones, or precious #AT: 1, DMG: See entry, Treasure: See Chrysmal
metals. PCs may wish to undertake mining Crystal Table, is consuming the last crystal in this cave.
operations during or at the close of the adventure. There is nothing of value in this room.
Mining these caves will be noisy, lengthy, and costly.
The size of these deposits and cost is subject to the 3. A small collapse has revealed a plateau 20 feet
referee’s discretion. Moreover, the dwarves mine above the floor of the main chamber. At the top of the
locations like the Glittering Caves or the Mithril ledge is a small, narrow entrance. The entrance is only
Lodes with a sacred reverence. The dwarves, large enough for a halfling, gnome, or small dwarf to
based on their faith and the religious import of squeeze their way through into the room beyond. The
mining, forbid large-scale mining operations that floor of the cave is covered in very small mushroom
strip Dhurindain’s sacred earth of all its bounty. growth. There are several taller mushrooms that emit
a phosphorescent glow (deep purple, violet, and dark

The mushrooms, if ingested, possess unique properties Their names are Gudlk and Rokk. Gudlk is grumpy
based on the chart below (only 1d4+3 each may be and hungry. Rokk is bored and inquisitive. The xorn
harvested): will demand 5,000gp in gems to allow the PCs to pass
through this cave.
With With
Type Property
Violet Dark Yellow 6. This chamber contains a large pool of dark water.
Deep Heals Add 1d3hp The pool is vast and extends well beyond the northern
Intelligence** wall of the cave. Closer inspection will reveal the glint
Purple (1d4+1hp) permanently
of gold and silver sticking out of the sand along the
Poisonous Poison
Violet --- bank. A Black Tentacles AL: CE, AC: 3, HD: 10, HP:
(-1d4+1hp) (Save or Die)
68, #AT: 6, DMG: 1d8*, lurks in the water awaiting
Dark Permanent its next meal. The treasure that washed up along the
Health*** ---
Yellow Illness* edge of the pool includes: a Steel Chest with 1,000pp,
a Silver Coffer (300gp) with a Small Mithril Broach
*Permanent Illness: Lose 1 random ability score point. (Dhurindain’s Symbol) worth 2,000gp and a Gold Belt
Buckle inlaid with Diamonds (1,500gp). There is also a
**Intelligence: Gain 1 point of Intelligence permanently. Shield +2, a suit of Half Plate +3, and a Sealed Scroll
Tube with 1d2 Level 3 and 1d4 Level 4 Magic-User
***Health: Gain 1 point of Constitution permanently. Spells.

Note that the mushrooms will only increase or reduce 7. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that
an ability score once for any given player character. extends north from Primary Encounter Area 2 (P2): The
Subsequent attempts result in no effect. Glittering Caves on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.

4. Mushrooms, stout and red-capped and others tall 8. A small patch, of what appears to be crystal field,
and thin, grow along the northern wall of this cave. grows along the ledge of this plateau. The patch is a
One of the red-caped mushrooms is a Faze Fungus AL: Crystal Ooze AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 6, HP: 43, #AT: 1,
N, AC: 6, HD: 3, HP: 16, #AT: See entry, DMG: See DMG: 4d4, waiting for prey to pass underneath and
entry. The fungus is surrounded by other funguses and use its paralyzing touch.
therefore has an effective AC of 4.
9. As the PCs move halfway through this cave, a
The tall mushrooms are between 12-16 feet high humanoid figure with large bulbous eyes will fall out of
and arch outward above the floor. Two of these are the cave wall and land on her face. After a moment of
Brobdingnagian Fungi (2) AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 5, HP: 35 head-shaking and disorientation, Palda the Pech AL:
each, #AT: 4, DMG: See entry. The following gemstones NG, AC: 3, HD: 4, HP: 25, #AT: 1, DMG: Rough-
can be found near the tall funguses: Medium Finely Cut Hewn Pick (1d6+3) will begin a long, dramatic story (in
Violet Garnet (400gp), Small Average Yellow-Green her own language) about how she was with her family
Chrysoberyl (200gp), Medium Broken Golden Yellow one moment, lost her way, and cannot find her way
Topaz (250gp), and a Huge Average Brown-Green home. She is a just a teenager in the lifespan of the
Garnet (600gp). pech. She has a short attention span, is easily bored,
and constantly interrupts. Her people live to the south
5. Two Xorn AL: N, AC: -2, HD: 7+7, HP: 56, 40, #AT: of the Glittering Caves and are waiting for her, hidden
4 (3 Claws/1 Bite), DMG: 1d3x3/6d4, Treasure: See behind some rocks in the passage that exits the cave
Xorn Gemstone Table, stand on guard in this chamber system (Room 28). If the PCs return Palda to her family,
against chrysmal incursion. The xorn are five feet tall the pech will reward them with a Runestone of Sacred
and have consumed all the gems they can reach along Earth and a Runestone Axe Head +3 they found in the
the walls of this cave. passages of Gundgathol.

10. Three Chrysmals AL: N, AC: -4/0, HD: 6+6, HP: This massive cavern is backlit in spots with mundane
40, 34, 30, #AT: 1, DMG: See entry, Treasure: See purple and yellow phosphorescent fungi and lichen.
Chrysmal Crystal Table, stand on guard in this chamber. The chrysmal harvested all but one patch of crystal
Two have camouflaged themselves as large crystals (which they reserve for their young adults). The adults
sticking out of the ground. The third merged with the must forage and fight with the xorn for other crystal
cave wall by the northwestern entrance to ambush any patches throughout the glittering caves.
xorn intruding into their territory.
14. River Fork: The river that begins in Room 27 winds
11. This cave is dotted with stalagmites of various sizes its way through the caves to this location. The river forks
from 3 to 10 feet tall. The walls of the cave are a sight north and south. Over the centuries, amongst the sand
to behold. The cave possesses a unique density of and mud, the river has deposited numerous items at
1000 raw gemstones. The sight is utterly breathtaking. this location.

One of the largest stalagmites is a Roper (1) AL: CE, There is a 1-2 on d6 chance a random treasure may
AC: 0, HD: 10, HP: 75, #AT: 1, DMG: 5d4. be visible (see Secondary Encounter Area: Random
Treasure Generator). Also, for every four turns of
In the roper’s stomach are the following gemstones: digging, there is a possibility of an addition find to a
a Large Flawed Translucent Star Ruby (1,600gp), Very maximum of three.
Large Average Deep Crimson Ruby (2,200gp), Very
Large Average Deep Green Emerald (2,200gp), Small 15. The river cuts this chamber in half. Several rocks, like
Finely Cut Pale Blue Opal (3,900gp), and a Huge stepping-stones, jut out of the water and allow passage
Exquisite Bright Green Emerald (5,700gp). to the northern side of the chamber. The northeastern
corner of the cave is marked with a large boulder. Four
12. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that massive gemstones on the northern floor of the cave
extends east from Primary Encounter Area 2 (P2): The gleam in the torchlight.
Glittering Caves on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
The rocks are motionless Giant Toads (5) AL: N, AC:
13. Chyrsmal’s Crystal Cave: This huge cavern complex 7, HD: 2+2, HP: 5x14, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d4+1, and the
is the home of the chrysmal. The sound of rushing water boulder is their mother, a massive Huge Toad AL: N,
fills the cavern from the nearby river. Several large AC: 4, HD: 8, HP: 52, #AT: 1, DMG: 6d4. Hidden
stalagnates, stalactites, and stalagmites decorate the under the water is also a Nematoad AL: N, AC: 5, HD:
ceiling and floor. The cave gleams with raw gemstones. 4, HP: 20, #AT: 1, DMG: 3d4. These creatures are
This cavern complex was once filled with crystal fields
but over time the chrysmal have almost completely The gemstones include: a Large Flawed Bright Green
consumed them. To survive, they move as a herd to Emerald (1,600gp), Huge Average Translucent Star
Room 25 to feed every few days. Similarly, the xorn Ruby (2,700gp), Very Large Average Deep Crimson
have exhausted most of the gems in their sphere of Ruby (2,200gp), and a Huge Finely Cut Clear Blue-
control (Room 36). The xorn ambush and consume the White Diamond (5,200gp).
chrysmal in Room 25 to survive.
16. Chrysmal Matriarch and Nursery: This cave is
In this cave there are Adult Chrysmal (12) AL: N, AC: dotted with twelve small crystal clusters set into the
-4/0, HD: 6+6, HP: 30 each, #AT: 1, DMG: See entry, floor. The clusters are incubating chrysmal.
Treasure: See Chrysmal Crystal Table and Young Adult
Chrysmal (4) AL: N, AC: 0/4, HD: 2+2, HP: 14 each, The Chrysmal Matriarch slowly moves between
#AT: 1, DMG: See entry, Treasure: See Chrysmal them and oversees their care. She will only leave this
Crystal Table. chamber if the main cavern (Room 13) is under attack
by the xorn.

Chrysmal Matriarch AL: N, AC: -4/0, HD: 8+8, HP: the crystal is harvested successfully, it hardens to the
70, #AT: 3, DMG: the matriarch attacks three times per strength of steel in 1d4+3 days. The crystal may then
round, once with her central appendage for 1d8+8 and be carved or knapped into magical weapons of strength
two leg appendages for 1d8 each. She may also divide (d6): (1) +1, (2-5) +2, (6) +3. Crystal weapons score
her attacks between different opponents, Treasure: see double damage against undead but may (1-3 on d6)
below. In addition, the matriarch possesses a special shatter if used against creatures made of rock or stone.
spell-like vibration defense. Once per day she may If the chrysmal are employed to harvest the crystals, the
vibrate and cause an auditory pitch like the Level 4 chance of the crystal breaking upon harvest is reduced
magic-user spell Confusion. She will only use this ability to (1-2 on d6).
under extreme duress as it will cause 1d6 points of
damage to all chrysmal in range and may (1-3 on d6) 19. Three Chrysmal AL: N, AC: -4/0, HD: 6+6, HP: 32
destroy some of her young. The matriarch can produce each, #AT: 1, DMG: See entry, Treasure: See Chrysmal
jelly which dissolves crystal. Crystal Table, serve as guards in this chamber to alert
against a xorn incursion. One stands in the center of the
Matriarch Treasure: Very Large Average Deep Purple cave while the other two have melded with the stone at
Amethyst (500gp), Medium Flawed Deep Purple the mouth of the northwestern passage.
Amethyst (270gp), Huge Finely Cut Deep Purple
Amethyst (700gp), Medium Broken Deep Purple 20. Two Chrysmal AL: N, AC: -4/0, HD: 6+6, HP:
Amethyst (250gp), Large Exquisite Deep Purple Amethyst 34, #AT: 1, DMG: See entry, Treasure: See Chrysmal
(650gp), Large Flawed Green Amethyst (370gp), Small Crystal Table, tend the growth of glowstone crystals in
Finely Cut Green Amethyst (300gp), Very Large Flawed this chamber (1d4+1). The dwarves once harvested and
Green Amethyst (470gp), Very Large Flawed Green used glowstones in their deepest chambers far from
Amethyst (470gp), Very Large Broken Green Amethyst light. The crystals may be dimmed by touch from the
(450gp), Very Large Flawed Green Amethyst (470gp), equivalent of a candle (5 feet), to a torch (20 feet), or
Very Large Finely Cut Green Amethyst (600gp), Huge to a Light spell and function for 1d100 touches before
Exquisite Orange Carnelian (200gp), Huge Exquisite losing their luminescence. The crystals backlight the
White Chalcedony (200gp), Large Average White cave with a dim luminescence.
Chalcedony (105gp), and a Huge Exquisite Clear Rock
Crystal (200gp). 21. Three Xorn AL: N, AC: -2, HD: 7+7, HP: 56, #AT: 4
(3 Claws/1 Bite), DMG: 1d3x3/6d4, Treasure: See Xorn
17. This plateau, 20 feet off the floor of the cave, is the Gemstone Table, guard this cave intersection. One has
abode of three Rock Mantas (3) AL: N, AC: 3, HD: camouflaged itself with other boulders near the eastern
4, HP: 29, 25, 19, #AT: See entry, DMG: See entry, entrance and is difficult (1 on d6) to spot. The other
Treasure: None. The rock mantas ignore the chrysmal two have melded into the rock above and below the
and are in a state of hibernation camouflaged against southwestern entrance. They will demand tribute in the
the stone. If the PCs pass the ledge, there is a 1-2 form of 7,000gp in gemstones to pass.
on d6 chance the mantas will sense blood, awaken,
and attack from above. The ledge sparkles with raw 22. Heat Vent: Located along the southern wall, a
gemstones. naturally formed heat vent blows every other turn through
this intersection. All those in the in the intersection take
18. Crystal Cave: This cave sparkles with strange 4d6 points of damage (a successful Save versus Breath
crystal growth blessed by Dhurindain. There are three will half the damage).
crystal clusters: Clear, Blue, and Green. The crystals
vary in length (d6) from (1-2) 1 foot (or seax knife/spear 23. Two Xorn AL: N, AC: -2, HD: 7+7, HP: 56, #AT:
tip-sized), (3-4) to three feet (or broadsword-size), (5- 4 (3 Claws/1 Bite), DMG: 1d3x3/6d4, Treasure: See
6) to four feet long (or longsword-sized). The PCs may Xorn Gemstone Table, guard this chamber. They are
harvest 1d3 of each crystal type. There is a 1-4 on primarily concerned with the northeastern passage and
d6 chance a crystal may shatter upon harvesting. If use their other eyes to see behind them.

24. A Large Brain Fungus AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 6, HP: Room 25: Random Monsters
42, #AT: See entry, DMG: See entry, Treasure: See
below, is positioned near the top edge of the plateau 1 Rock Clams (1d4+1, 4HD)
where it can oversee the glittering cave (Room 25) and 2 Giant Saw-Toothed Beetle (1d2)
use its spell-like abilities on its prey from above. Three 3 Stegalocentipede (from Room 31)
Advanced Phycomids (Tan, Brown, and Ochre) AL:
N, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 16, 14, 13, #AT: 1, DMG: See 4 Piercer (1d4+1, 6HD)
entry, Treasure: None, have sprouted around its base 5 Roper (1)
for defense. Given its unusual size, the brain fungus 6 Basidironds (from Room 29)
can cast its spells twice per day, instead of once, and
1d3+3 potions may be harvested. 26. This large plateau or ledge is 30 feet off the floor
of the main cave and the lair of a Huge Cave Fisher (1)
25. Crystal Fields: This vast subterranean cavern has AL: N, AC: 2, HD: 8, HP: 50, #AT: See entry, DMG:
unique features. There are several large crystal fields, 1d12/1d12 and two Cave Fishers AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3,
along with phosphorescent lichen and mushrooms HP: 21, 16, #AT: See entry, DMG: 1d8/1d8.
that provide a dim, eerie backlight to the chamber.
In addition, there are several massive stalagnate The following treasure is strewn across the ledge:
columns that support the ceiling. The floor is covered a Dented Gold Circlet (1,500gp), a Gold Pin in the
with stalagmites and the tips of some large stalactites shape of a Shield (1,000gp), a Tiny Mithril Medallion
can be seen in the dim light. The sound of a great (1,500gp), a Crystal Decanter in a Velvet-Lined Box
waterfall echoes throughout the chamber (see Room (550gp), and an Electrum Goblet inlaid with Gold
27). Several ledgeways are hidden from view 20 feet Geometric Designs (1,350gp). In a Small Silver Coffer
off the floor. The cavern sparkles in bright light from the are a Large Deep Crimson Ruby (1,700gp) and a Small
raw gemstones in the walls of the cave. Flawed Green Opal (1,300gp). Finally, there is Gold
Box encrusted with Rubies (1,700gp). Inside is a black
When the PCs arrive at this location, roll 1d6 to handkerchief. The handkerchief is a Portable Hole with
determine occupancy: 777pp and a Runestone of Protection +3.

Crystal Fields 27. A massive 50-foot waterfall descends into the

1-3 Empty cave and extends down the river to the southeast. The
waterfall makes communication difficult at this location
4 Xorn (1d2+2) feeding on Chrysmal (1d4+2) and sprays mist into the air. There is a 1 on d6 chance
5 Chrysmal feeding on crystals (1d3+2) the PCs will notice the glint of shiny metal if they use
6 Battle* bright light to observe the water. Close observation
will reveal small, pebble-sized mithril deposits (1d4+1
*The PCs arrive to the roar of battle between the xorn worth 500gp each).
(1d2+2) and the chrysmal (1d4+2). Unless the Referee
wishes to play out the combat, this will be a xorn victory. 28. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that
extends south from Primary Encounter Area 2 (P2): The
Xorn AL: N, AC: -2, HD: 7+7, HP: 40 each, #AT: 4 (3 Glittering Caves on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
Claws/1 Bite), DMG: 1d3x3/6d4, Treasure: See Xorn
Gemstone Table. 29. This cave is filled with seven tall (12-16 foot)
mushrooms. Two of them are Basidironds (2) AL:
Chrysmal AL: N, AC: -4/0, HD: 6+6, HP: 30 each, N, AC: 3, HD: 5, HP: 31, 17, #AT: 1d8 + Special,
#AT: 1, DMG: See entry, Treasure: See Chrysmal DMG: 1d8, using the natural camouflage to ambush
Crystal Table. unsuspecting prey. They have no treasure.

30. This cave is empty. the form of gems they pile beside his throne. He rarely
moves unless angered and casually leans over with his
31. A large Stegalocentipede AL: N, AC: 2 or 5, HD: arms and drops gems into his huge maw like grapes.
8, HP: 50, #AT: 1 or 3, DMG: 3d4 or 1d6, uses this Glurgluk has lived a very long time, even by the
cave as its lair. The creature is coiled and looks like a standards of his own kind. He remembers the mountain
boulder with rock-like protrusions. It has no treasure. dwarves and the deals struck with their kind to mine
“his” gemstones. The grand potentate is obnoxious.
32. Two Xorn AL: N, AC: -2, HD: 7+7, HP: 44 each, He speaks his own language and broken dialect of
#AT: 4 (3 Claws/1 Bite), DMG: 1d3x3/6d4, Treasure: dwarvish.
See Xorn Gemstone Table, guard this chamber. They
are consuming raw gemstones from the cave walls. Glurgluk AL: N, AC: -4, HD: 10+10, HP: 80, #AT: 4
(3 Claws/1 Bite), DMG: 1d6x3/8d4, Treasure: Small
33. Close examination of the southern wall of this cave Average Bright Green Emerald (1,400gp), Medium
will reveal thin mithril ore deposits woven through the Finely Cut Translucent Star Ruby (4,100gp), Large
rock. Mithril is sacred to the dwarves. Any Gundgathol Average King’s Tear (1,700gp), Very Large Broken
dwarf would fall to his/her knees in prayer to Dhurindain Deep Crimson Ruby (1,950gp), Huge Flawed Bright
at the discovery of mithril. Green Emerald (2,600gp), Very Large Finely Cut Deep
Crimson Ruby (4,700gp), Huge Flawed Translucent
34. Two strange looking xorn guard this entrance into Star Ruby (2,600gp), Very Large Flawed Black Sapphire
their communal lair. Buk is very large and round and (2,100gp), Huge Broken Deep Crimson Ruby (2,450gp).
Kdlak, the other, is short and thin. The large one is
particularly stupid and obnoxious and the smaller one Gem Pile: Large Exquisite Deep Purple Amethyst
quite intelligent and articulate for its species. Xorn (2) (650gp), Medium Finely Cut Star Rose Quartz (115gp),
AL: N, AC: -2, HD: 7+7, HP: 56, 30, #AT: 4 (3 Claws/1 Medium Flawed Pale Yellow Citrine (75gp), Huge
Bite), DMG: 1d3x3/6d4, Treasure: See Xorn Gemstone Finely Cut Pale Yellow Citrine (180gp), Very Large
Table. Broken Clear Rock Crystal (105gp), Huge Finely Cut
Deep Purple Amethyst (700gp), Small Exquisite Blue
35. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that Quartz (40gp), Small Finely Cut Brown Jasper (105gp),
extends west from Primary Encounter Area 2 (P2): The Huge Average Brown-Black Samarskite (150gp), Small
Glittering Caves on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. Flawed Red and White Sardonyx (65gp), Medium
Finely Cut Brown Malacon (115gp), Small Broken Apple
36. Like Room 25, this huge cavern is backlit with a Green Chrysoprase (55gp), Large Finely Cut White or
massive crystal field and phosphorescent fungi and Blue Moonstone (135gp), Small Flawed Bloodstone
lichen. (65gp), Small Flawed White or Blue Moonstone (65gp),
Huge Exquisite Flecked Aventurine (200gp), Medium
There are normally Adult Xorn (16) AL: N, AC: -2, HD: Average Brown Jasper (85gp), Large Average Orange
7+7, HP: 34 each, #AT: 4 (3 Claws/1 Bite), DMG: Carnelian (105gp), Very Large Broken Brown-Black
1d3x3/6d4, Treasure: See Xorn Gemstone Table, and Samarskite (105gp), Large Exquisite Clear Green
Young Adult Xorn (8) AL: N, AC: 0, HD: 5+5, HP: Zircon (155gp), Small Flawed Brown Carnelian (65gp),
20 each, #AT: 4 (3 Claws/1 Bite), DMG: 1d2x3/3d4, Very Large Finely Cut Orange Carnelian (155gp), Very
Treasure: See Xorn Gemstone Table, moving about in Large Exquisite Red and White Sardonyx (175gp), Large
the lower portion of this cave. Flawed Bright Yellow Mellochrysos (95gp), Medium
Flawed Brown-Black Samarskite (75gp), Very Large
A. Glurgluk the Grand Potentate of the xorn rests Broken Pale Yellow Citrine (105gp), Huge Broken Clear
upon a throne-like seat of rock well above his subjects. Green Peridot (130gp), Large Finely Cut Clear Green
Glurgluk is, by far, the largest of his species. He is Peridot (135gp), Small Finely Cut Brown Malacon
so massive, his entire clan must labour to sustain his (105gp), and a Medium Finely Cut Brown Carnelian
appetite. All his subjects must provide daily tribute in (115gp).

Chrysmal and xorn Treasure Tables
Roll 2d20 on the tables below to determine Chrysmal (left) and Xorn (right) treasure. Adults will possess 1d6+1
gems or crystals and Young Adults 1d4+1.
2 Small Exquisite Blue Quartz (40gp) 2 Small Average Deep Yellow Amber (200gp)
3 Medium Exquisite Blue Quartz (42gp) 3 Medium Broken Lime Green Chrysolite (250gp)
4 Medium Exquisite Milky Quartz (42gp) 4 Medium Broken Green Aquamarine (250gp)
5 Large Exquisite Pale Blue Quartz (44gp) 5 Medium Broken Lime Green Peridot (250gp)
6 Large Exquisite Blue Quartz (44gp) 6 Medium Flawed Red Garnet (270gp)
7 Medium Broken Smokey Quartz (65gp) 7 Medium Flawed Yellow Chrysoberyl (270gp)
8 Medium Broken Star Rose Quartz (65gp) 8 Small Finely Cut Green Aquamarine (300gp)
9 Small Flawed Clear Rock Crystal (65gp) 9 Small Finely Cut Green Tourmaline (300gp)
10 Large Broken Clear Rock Crystal (85gp) 10 Large Broken Green Aquamarine (350gp)
11 Large Broken Clear Rock Crystal (85gp) 11 Large Broken Violet Garnet (350gp)
12 Very Large Broken Star Rose Quartz (105gp) 12 Large Flawed Deep Purple Amethyst (370gp)
13 Large Average Star Rose Quartz (105gp) 13 Large Flawed Brown-Green Garnet (370gp)
14 Small Finely Cut Smokey Quartz (105gp) 14 Large Broken Red-Brown Spinel (350gp)
15 Very Large Broken Smokey Quartz (105gp) 15 Large Average Blue Aquamarine (400gp)
16 Small Finely Cut Clear Rock Crystal (105gp) 16 Medium Finely Cut Brown Garnet (400gp)
17 Large Average Smokey Quartz (105gp) 17 Large Average Deep Yellow Amber (400gp)
18 Very Large Clear Rock Crystal (125gp) 18 Medium Finely Cut Violet Garnet (400gp)
19 Very Large Average Star Rose Quartz (125gp) 19 Small Exquisite Lime Green Peridot (450gp)
20 Large Finely Cut Clear Rock Crystal (135gp) 20 Very Large Average Green Garnet (500gp)
21 Large Finely Cut Smokey Quartz (135gp) 21 Very Large Average Purple Amethyst (500gp)
22 Huge Flawed Star Rose Quartz (140gp) 22 Large Finely Cut Deep Purple Amethyst (500gp)
23 Huge Average Star Rose Quartz (150gp) 23 Medium Exquisite Green Tourmaline (550gp)
24 Huge Average Clear Rock Crystal (150gp) 24 Huge Flawed Red-Brown Spinel (570gp)
25 Small Flawed Green Amethyst (170gp) 25 Huge Flawed Blue Aquamarine (570gp)
26 Medium Broken Purple Amethyst (250gp) 26 Huge Flawed Green Aquamarine (570gp)
27 Medium Flawed Purple Amethyst (270gp) 27 Huge Flawed Green Aquamarine (570gp)
28 Medium Average Purple Amethyst (300gp) 28 Huge Flawed Blue Aquamarine (570gp)
29 Small Finely Cut Purple Amethyst (300gp) 29 Huge Average Green Chrysoberyl (600gp)
30 Large Flawed Green Amethyst (370gp) 30 Very Large Finely Cut Green Peridot (600gp)
31 Medium Finely Cut Purple Amethyst (400gp) 31 Large Exquisite Deep Purple Amethyst (650gp)
32 Very Large Broken Purple Amethyst (450gp) 32 Large Exquisite Deep Purple Amethyst (650gp)
33 Very Large Broken Green Amethyst (450gp) 33 Huge Finely Cut Green Aquamarine (700gp)
34 Very Large Flawed Purple Amethyst (470gp) 34 Huge Finely Cut Green Aquamarine (700gp)
35 Very Large Flawed Green Amethyst (470gp) 35 Huge Finely Cut Pale Brown Cassiterite (700gp)
36 Very Large Flawed Green Amethyst (470gp) 36 Very Large Exquisite Chrysoberyl (750gp)
37 Very Large Broken Purple Amethyst (450gp) 37 Very Large Exquisite Blue Aquamarine (750gp)
38 Very Large Purple Amethyst (500gp) 38 Very Large Exquisite Yellow Topaz (750gp)
39 Huge Broken Purple Amethyst (550gp) 39 Very Large Exquisite Purple Amethyst (750gp)
40 Roll twice 40 Roll Twice

P3: The Dwarrowhame Dwarrowhame: Random Encounters
1-4 None
After the fall of Gundgathol, the duergar seeded the
control of the Dwarrowhame to the kalas-toa due to its 5-6 Warband
proximity to S12 and the Mere of Solitude. 7 Monster
8 Hazard
The kalas-toa access Gundgathol, in part, through the
various subterranean bodies of water. To strengthen 9-10 Unique
their hold on the Dwarrowhame, and to expand
outward, the kalas-toa have converted reservoirs into Warband*
spawning pools to populate and consolidate their hold
on the complex. 1-2 Kalas-Toa
3-4 Duergar
The duergar are watching the growing expansion of the 5 Troll
kalas-toa closely.
6 Black Orc
Scaling and Party Level *Consult the Warband Tables provided in the
Hexcrawling Section.
The Dwarrowhame is designed for character levels
7-9. If the PCs are significantly below this range, or
significantly above, the referee is encouraged to adjust Monsters
accordingly. 1-2 Kalas-Toa Warband
3 Black Pudding (1)
If the PCs are too low, the referee could have the
kalas-toa on alert to make intrusion into their lair more 4 Shambling Mound (1)
difficult. If the PCs are too high, bolster the existing 5 Huge Sandling* (1)
forces with an additional influx of pilgrims and warriors
on pilgrimages from the Mere of Solitude to the 6 Volt (2d6)
spawning pools. 7 Giant Slicer Beetle (1d3)
8 Stone Golem (1)
P3: The Dwarrowhame: Random Areas
*Huge Sandling AL: N, AC: 1, HD: 8, HP: 60, #AT: 1,
The Dwarrowhame uses both a themed and semi- DMG: 2d10+3.
random approach, similar to P1: The Lower Halls. Most
of the map is keyed, themed, and outlined later in this Hazard
section. Other sections on the map are labelled “R”
for random and consist of ruined walls and rubble. Consult the Hazards section in P1: The Dwarrowhame.
Referees will consult the random charts below if the
player characters decide to explore these areas.
Referees should note that the “R” or Random Areas
of the map constitute difficult terrain of collapsed For unique results, consult the Special Features in the
stonework and rubble. Movement is reduced by 1/4. Secondary Encounter Area Generator.

Random Encounters should be rolled every other turn

as per standard dungeon crawling guidelines.

The Kalas-Toa three with Trident (1d8), Weighted Net, and Dagger
(1d4) and two with Scimitar (1d8), Light Crossbow and
The kalas-toa decorate their bodies by rank. The warrior 10 Bolts (1d6), and Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 1d10+1ep,
subleaders and leaders wear pink coral medallions 2d8gp, 1d6pp, and the following pieces of jewelry:
with the symbol of the Matron of the Deep. Whips bear Carved Whale Bone Bracers inlaid with Electrum
valuable red coral and gold necklaces with the matron’s (500gp), Ankle Band encrusted with Pearls (700gp),
holy symbol and monitors wear similar necklaces of red and an Electrum Thigh Band (600gp), occupy this
coral and platinum. guardroom. They are led by a Kalas-Toa Subleader AL:
NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 36, #AT: 1, Weapon: Harpoon
Kalas-toa possess pouches and bags of miscellaneous (2d6), Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), Dagger
items. In addition to listed treasure, each warrior (1d4), and a Weighted Net, Treasure: 3d8sp, 3d8gp,
possesses 1 item, each subleader or leader 1d2 items, 2d6pp, Polished Pink Coral Matron Medallion (800gp).
and each whip or monitor possesses 1d3 items. For
random results consult the Random Kalas-Toa Pouch One warrior accused the other of stealing. They are
Contents Table at the end of this section. arguing over the issue. The subleader is disciplining
both warriors.

Kalas-Toa Weapons and Equipment: 3. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: Kalas-Toa Warriors (4)

AL: NE, AC: 3 (Sticky Shield), HD: 5, HP: 25 each,
Whip: Strikes for 1d4 points of damage. On a hit #AT: 1, Weapon: two with Trident (1d8), Weighted
the target must make a successful saving throw Net, and Dagger (1d4) and two with Harpoon (2d6),
versus Paralyzation or fall prone (+4 to hit). Light Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), and Dagger (1d4),
Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp.
Net: On a hit the target must make a successful
saving throw versus Paralyzation or be ensnared. If They have the following unique jewelry: Polished Coral
caught, movement is reduced to zero and requires Ankle Band (600gp), Electrum and Gold Arm Band
one round to cut out of the net. (700gp), Silver Torc Entrusted with Pearls (400gp),
Shark Bone and Gold Thigh Band (600gp), are busy
Weighted Net: On a hit the target must make a sharpening their weapons prior to heading out on
successful saving throw versus Paralyzation or be patrol down the slope and into the primary passage
ensnared. If caught, movement is reduced to zero toward S11.
and requires three rounds to cut out of the net.
The warriors are led by a Kalas-Toa Subleader AL: NE,
Greatwort: This brew increases the size of a AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 36, #AT: 1, Weapon: Harpoon (2d6),
dwarf from four feet to six feet tall and provides Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), Dagger (1d4),
a corresponding +1 to damage rolls. This liquid Weighted Net, Treasure: 3d8gp, 2d6pp, Treasure:
functions for dwarves only. Polished Pink Coral Matron Medallion (800gp) and a
Potion of Water-Breathing.

1. The downward slope at this location descends 4. The door to this room is open. This room is littered
approximately 60 feet. The slope leads southeast from with small stone rubble and contains a hexagonal
Primary Encounter Area 2 (P2): The Dwarrowhame shaped well in the northeastern corner.
along the Primary Passage toward S11 on the
Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. 5. Seven columns (one collapsed) support this huge
chamber. The floor of the room is littered with bones,
2. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: Kalas-Toa Warriors (5) AL: old weapons, and rubble. A double-staircase along the
NE, AC: three with 3 (Sticky Shield) and two with 4, HD: western wall leads up to a sealed stone door. Show
5, HP: three with 25 and two with 21, #AT: 1, Weapon: Dwarrowdeep Illustration #12.

6. The door to this chamber is sealed and made of and the presence of Thurund, will drop the PC to his/
stone. Seven hand-sized dials, each with four dwarven her knees.
runic alphabet symbols, protrude from the face of the
door. The symbols represent a cipher that the PCs Thurund is solemn. He is aware of the current state of
must decode to gain access to the inner crypt. Show Gundgathol and will declare Thaneduhr’s desire for the
Dwarrowdeep Illustration #13. dwarves to retake their homeland. If the PCs are not
already aware, he will reveal the existence of Hammer
Each dial has four symbols that represent four letters of Dwarvish Lords and the Sacred Forge. Thurund will
of the alphabet. The dials begin in the top left. Note offer (select) insight to help the PCs but will stop short
that in the ancient dwarven runic alphabet the same of revealing the forge’s exact location. He will warn that
character is used for I/J and U/V (making a total of 24 only those pure of heart may enter the sacred temple
characters instead of 26). The dials must be turned, of the dwarves.
in order, to spell the word “Delnuz” followed by the
numeral 1 (Translation: Favoured-One), to open the He will offer his personal armour and weapon to a good-
door (see Room 72A). The door is magically sealed aligned dwarven fighter or cleric to fulfill Thaneduhr’s
with the ancient power of Dhurindain and cannot be great quest (Note: Thurund will not disclose where these
opened short of a Wish. items are located but he will, before departing, warn
that they may not disturb his resting place. If neither a
Dial Runes/Letters dwarven fighter or cleric are present, he will bid them
to leave his crypt.
1 A, B, C, D
2 E, F, G, H If his sarcophagus is desecrated or his bust is removed,
3 I/J, K, L, M he will attack as a Ghost AL: N, AC: 0, HD: 10, HP: 75,
#AT: 1, DMG: Special.
4 N, O, P, Q
5 R, S, T, U/V 7. Thurund’s Secret Chamber: This chamber was
Thurund’s personal Hall of Records. The walls are lined
6 W, X, Y, Z
with shelves with books, scrolls, and runestones. In the
7 1, 2, 3, 4 center of the room is an armour stand with a helm,
suit of platemail, and a great mace. Thurund’s personal
The stone door opens to reveal a 20-foot corridor armour includes a suit of Mithril Platemail +2, a Mithril
and an archway. Above the arch is a stone mouth. The Helm of Adaptation, and a Mace of Shattering. In the
archway opens to a dust-covered 40x30 foot chamber. inside pocket of the mail is Forge Key #1 (Room 79).
Inside, against the eastern wall, is a sarcophagus. The
sarcophagus depicts a dwarven cleric of Dhurindain at
rest. Recessed into the wall above the sarcophagus is Thurund’s Hall of Records: 777
a bust made of gold (5,000gp) covered in dust. The Contents: 14+4 Mundane Runestones, three
runes engraved on the sarcophagus read: Thurund, Clerical Scrolls (1d3 Spells of Levels 2, 3, and 4),
Blood of Rhurndin, Old One of Dhurindain. Show three Magic User Scrolls (1d2 Spells of Levels 2, 3
Dwarrowdeep Illustration #14. and 4), and Runestones of Healing, Extra-Healing,
Growth, Invisibility, Curing, and Rejuvenation.
As soon as the sarcophagus is touched, Thurund’s spirit There are also Tomes of Martial Knowledge and a
will stir and manifest as a translucent white apparition. Book of Understanding.
Thurund is both present and absent. He is present in
spirit but only through the shroud of the afterlife. His
voice is hollow and terrifying to behold. Thurund will 8. An Ochre Jelly AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 5, HP: 35, #AT:
acknowledge a dwarven cleric, with a slow glance and 1, DMG: 2d6, oozed under the door of this room to
nod of his head. The profound nature of the experience, digest a recent meal. There is nothing of value.

9. The door is ajar. The room is empty except for stone- Electrum Harness Buckle inlaid with Pearls (500gp),
sculpting tools hanging from the wall. Polished Coral Arm Band (300gp).

A. The floor of this chamber is littered with the pieces They are led by a Kalas-Toa Subleader AL: NE, AC:
of partially completed stone statues. The pieces include 4, HD: 6, HP: 36, #AT: 1, Weapon: Harpoon (2d6),
three arms, two legs, two heads, one body, and a stone Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), Dagger (1d4),
hammer. The PCs can construct a Dwarven Warrior Weighted Net, Treasure: 3d8gp, 2d6pp, Polished Pink
Stone Statue AC: N, AC: 4, HD: 5, HP: 25, #AT: 2, Coral Matron Medallion (800gp) and a Potion of Extra-
DMG: 2d6, if they possess and recite the Scroll of Healing.
Making (Room 11) as they piece it together. The statue
will follow commands until destroyed. 13. When the double doors of this chamber are opened,
a stomach-turning, repulsive smell will issue forth (Save
10. Two Doppelgangers (2) AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: versus Poison or vomit for 1d3 rounds, roll for random
30, 28, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d12, killed two dwarven slaves monsters). The smell comes from a corpse-dump in the
and took their shape. They are currently debating how southern end of the chamber. There is nothing of value.
to exit the Dwarrowhame without being detected.
The doppelgangers do not understand the dwarven 14. The southern wall of this chamber has partially
language well and their body language is awkward collapsed into the primary passage. There is a 10x10
and un-dwarf-like. There is a 1-3 on d6 chance they foot opening in the wall.
will fail to understand any verbal communication and
yet nod their heads approvingly anyway. 15. Hall of Records: The door to this chamber was
burnt out down long ago. The bones of dwarves and
11. This chamber is empty and has collapsed along duergar rest amongst the destroyed books, runestones,
the northern and southern aspects of the room. Water and scrolls. The piles are larger closest to the doors to
drips in from above and moss grows along the floor and Rooms 16 and 17. Two statues of dwarven clerics stand
rubble. Lying on the floor, partially covered by moss, is along the north wall of this chamber. Each statue has a
a rusty metal tube containing the Scroll of Making (see shallow, octagon-shaped cavity in the chest (the cavity
Room 9A). The scroll is a one-use magical item that will is seven inches in diameter and two inches thick). To
animate a human-sized or smaller statue. The scroll is open the sealed stone doors to Room 16 and 17 the
written in dwarvish. Runestone Holy Symbol of Thaneduhr and Dhurindain
(respectively) must be recovered and inserted into the
12. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: A small warband of kalas- cavities (note: the runestones detect as magical). The
toa are posted in this guardroom. The room contains doors are magically sealed and cannot be opened
seven wooden stools and a tall narrow table along the otherwise. The stones are located in Rooms 47 and
southern wall. They routinely (every two hours) patrol 74B.
north along the passageway immediately south of
Room 28. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance they are on If any attempts are made to break down the stone
patrol when the PCs reach this location. doors, the four statues will animate as Greater Barrow
Guardians AL: N, AC: 1, HD: 6, HP: 40 each, #AT: 1,
The warband includes Kalas-Toa Warriors (4) AL: NE, DMG: 1d8+2, and defend the hall.
AC: three with 3 (Sticky Shield) and one with 4, HD:
5, HP: 25 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: three with Trident
(1d8), Weighted Net, and Dagger (1d4) and one with Damaged Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 161
Harpoon (2d6), Light Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), and Items of Value: 1d4+2 Random Mundane
Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp. Runestones, Runestone of Levitation, Runestone of
Some of the warriors also possess jewelry: Red Coral Extra-Healing, Seax Knife of Venom, Runic Tablet
Ring (600gp), Platinum Medallion in the shape of a (see Barrowmaze).
Shark (700gp), Gold and Platinum Bracelet (700gp),

16. The door to this room is made is stone and magically A. A Black Pudding AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 10, HP: 61,
sealed. Only the Runestone Holy Symbol of Thaneduhr, #AT: 1, DMG: 3d8, has oozed into this chamber and
inserted into the statue located in Room 15, can open awaits its next meal. There is nothing of value.
the door. The runestone is in Room 74B. On a short
table is a Girdle of Giant Strength, Forge Key #2 21. The sound of ritualistic chanting can be heard
(Room 79), and three runestones: Wardstone (Magic), from Room 28. The walls are lined with benches for
Runestone of Death, and a Runestone of Insanity. the pilgrims to rest and meditate before entering and
leaving the spawning pool.
17. The door to this chamber is made of stone and
magically sealed. Only the Runestone Holy Symbol of A. Blessing Chamber: A statue of Pooldopbilp, the
Dhurindain, inserted into the statue located in Room Matron of the Deep, stands in the southern corner of
15, can open the door. The runestone is in Room 47. the chamber. Pilgrims are required to pray and ask
for the blessing of the matron prior to entering the
On a short table is a Silver Horn of the Ancestors. The spawning pool in Room 28. The eyes of lobster headed
horn functions like a Horn of Valhalla except ghostly statue are Large Rubies (1,000gp each). The floor is
translucent dwarven warriors are conjured to fight on covered in seaweed.
behalf of the summoner. The horn will function seven
times before it loses its enchantment. In addition, there B. This chamber is empty. The kalas-toa have braced
are three runestones: Runestone of Wisdom, Runestone the door (Room 20) closed with wood.
of Weakness, and a Wardstone (Dragon Breath).
22. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: A small group of Kalas-Toa
18. Barrack: The kalas-toa smeared a Contact Poison Warriors (4) AL: NE, AC: two with 4 and two with 3
on the latch of this door. They are immune but other (Sticky Shield), HD: 5, HP: two with 28 and two with
humanoids must save or be paralyzed for 1d6 turns. The 23, #AT: 1, Weapon: two with Harpoon (2d6), Light
ceiling along the northern wall has partially collapsed. Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), and Dagger (1d4) and
There are four makeshift beds on the floor and two two with Harpoon (2d6), Weighted Net, Dagger (1d4),
small chests (both are locked). One has 1d6 500gp Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp and the following
pearls and the other a Necklace of Drow Bones. piece of jewelry: Silver Earring (300gp), Engraved
Platinum Harness Buckle (1,000gp), Ankle Band
19. The western wall of this chamber has collapsed and encrusted with Coral and Pearls (700gp), Polished Red
left a gaping hole 10 feet wide and 6 feet tall into the Coral Necklace (1,000gp), and a Gold Torc (500gp),
adjoining hallway. occupy this side chamber.

Hidden in the rubble in the northwestern corner of the 23. This room is a barrack for kalas-toan warriors.
room (three turns of searching) is a small Ivory Box There are four makeshift beds and two locked steel
(100gp) with three magical beard beads. The beads coffers. One is trapped with a Poison Needle (Save
function like potions and are one use magical items. They versus Poison or go insane) and contains a Bejeweled
function as a Runestone of Giant Strength, a Runestone Conch Shell (800gp). The other is locked and contains
of Extra-Healing, and a Runestone of Invisibility (all one a dozen 100gp pearls.
use). Each is marked with a single rune representing
Strength, Heal, and Fade, respectively. 24. Barrack: Like Room 18, The kalas-toa smeared
Contact Poison on the latch of this door. They are
20. This L-shaped chamber has partially collapsed in immune to the poison, but other humanoids must save
three different places including the southeastern corner or be paralyzed for 1d6 turns.
into the hallway, along the interior wall to A, and along
the southern wall to Room 19. Any combat in this The room contains six beds on the floor and two spears
chamber may (1-3 on d6) result further collapse (3d6 and a trident lean against the wall. There is nothing of
damage, Save versus Paralyzation for half). value.

A. Whip Barrack: This chamber is the personal
quarters of a kalas-toan whip. There is a small altar Burial Alcoves: 120
with an exquisitely-crafted Ivory Figurine of Pooldopbilp Contents: Glass Beads (40gp), Gold Earrings
(750gp). Murals along the walls depicts sharks (480gp), Small Broken Azurite (120gp), Glass
swimming through the depths of the sea. There is also Box (300gp), Electrum Goblet (400gp), Gold
a Trapped Metal Chest (Poison Needle, Save or Die). Cloak Clasp (400gp), Silver spoon (175gp),
The chest contains Red Coral Bracers (AC4) and the Tiny Mirror with Gold Filigree Frame (150gp),
following gemstones: Small Finely Cut Deep Purple Platinum Figurine (450gp), Ornate Silver and
Amethyst (300gp), Medium Finely Cut Brown-Green Electrum Comb (400gp), Copper Ring Missing a
Garnet (400gp), Huge Broken Golden Yellow Topaz Stone (50gp), Small Ornate Bowl (100gp), Silver
(550gp), and a Medium Flawed Lime Green Peridot Inkwell (250gp), Platinum Cup (800gp), Very
(270gp). Large Exquisite Flecked Aventurine (175gp), Large
Exquisite Bright Yellow Mellochrysos (155gp),
25. Crypt of Galduras Longbeard: The door to this Small Finely Cut White Chalcedony (105gp), Large
chamber is trapped (Hammer Ward, 4d6) and made Exquisite Bloodstone (155gp), Large Exquisite Pale
of steel. The stone door arch is carved with dwarven Yellow Citrine (155gp), Large Exquisite Star Rose
hellmouths. The hole for a key and lock mechanism Quartz (155gp), Medium Broken Brown Malacon
is located in the center of the door (Grand Monitor in (65gp), Medium Average Smokey Quartz (85gp),
Room 74). The door can be opened with a Knock spell and a Large Finely Cut Brown Carnelian (135gp).
or similar device. There are also 1d4+8 Mundane Runestones and
1d3+2 Magical Runestones.
The walls of the crypt are lined (every other 10 feet)
with half-pillars carved as dwarven warriors. The pillars
partially protrude from the wall and extend up to
support the vaulted ceiling. In between the half-pillars 26. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: A group of Kalas-Toa
are 20 burial alcoves (120 total). Along the center of Warriors (5) AL: NE, AC: three with 3 (Sticky Shield)
the northern wall is a recessed alcove with a large and two with 4, HD: 5, HP: three with 25 and two with
crystal urn, a spear, and a shield. Above the alcove is 19, #AT: 1, Weapon: Three with Trident (1d8), Weighted
the stone face of a dwarf. Net, and Dagger (1d4) and two with Harpoon (2d6),
Light Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), and Dagger (1d4),
If the door was unlocked with the Key from Room 74, Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp. Several warriors
the statue guardians will not activate until the Shrine of are decorated with jewelry: Polished Red Coral
Galduras, or the alcoves, are disturbed. Medallion (1,000gp), Silver Bracers (500gp), Silver
Bracelet encrusted with Pearls (500gp), are seated on
The half-pillars are stone constructs that will pull stools at a table. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance that three
themselves from their position and attack trespassers. of the warriors, alongside their subleader, are on patrol
The two closest to the door are Advanced Sentinels of along the passage leading to Room 29.
the Ancestors AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 8, HP: 50, #AT: 2,
DMG: 1d6+2, the next two are Barrow Guardians (2) A. Subleader Barrack: Kalas-Toa Subleader AL: NE,
AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 3, HP: 20 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 36, #AT: 1, Weapon: Harpoon
and the last two are Greater Barrow Guardians AL: (2d6), Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), Dagger
N, AC: 1, HD: 6, HP: 40 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8+2. (1d4), Weighted Net, Treasure: 3d8gp, 2d6pp, Polished
Pink Coral Matron Medallion (800gp).
The treasure in the room includes: an Exquisite Crystal
Urn with Remains of Galduras Longbeard (3,000gp), a B. Whip Barrack: Kalas-Toa Whip (CL6) AL: NE, AC:
Great Spear of Skewering (1d8) (see Barrowmaze), and 4, HD: 6, HP: 38, #AT: 1, Weapon: Trident +1 of
a Shield +2, +3 versus Missiles. Wounding and a Man-Catcher (1d6). Spells (3/3/2):
Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection from Good;

Bless, Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate Dead, (300gp), Silver Ankle Bracelet inlaid with Polished
Dispel Magic, Treasure: 6d6pp, Red Coral and Gold Coral (500gp), Platinum Harness Buckle inlaid with
Necklace with Matron Holy Symbol (3,000gp) is Black Pearls (1,600gp).
currently beating a dwarf slave for disobedience.
The warband is lead by a Kalas-Toa Leader AL: NE,
The dwarf is Gulag Mountainbeard, a Level 5 Dwarven AC: 4, HD: 8, HP: 48, #AT: 1, Weapon: Glaive +1
Fighter AL: NG, AC: 9 (Dex), HD: 5, HP: 3 (41), #AT: (1d10), Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), and
1, DMG: Fist (1d4), Ability Scores: S 17, I 11, W 10, Weighted Net, Treasure: 4d6pp, Polished Red Coral
D 13, C 17, Ch 11. Gulag is an older dwarf, but if Matron Medallion (1,200gp).
healed and armed, would make a stout addition to the
party as an NPC. His body is badly scarred from torture The sacred reproduction ceremony is overseen by a
and beatings, but his faith in Thaneduhr sustained him Kalas-Toa Whip (CL7) AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 39,
through decades and decades of imprisonment. Once #AT: 1, Weapon: Trident (1d8) and Dagger +2 (1d4).
he walks out of Gundgathol, he will never return. Spells (4/3/2/1): Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Detect
Magic, Protection from Good; Bless, Hold Person,
27. The north wall of this chamber has almost completely Silence 15’ Radius; Animate Dead, Striking; Cause
collapsed. A section of the wall, 30 feet long and 4 feet Serious Wounds, Treasure: 6d6pp, Treasure: Red Coral
high, is open to the adjoining northern chamber. The and Gold Necklace with Matron Holy Symbol (2,000gp)
sound of ritualistic chanting can be heard from Room and a Conch Horn of Summoning (the horn functions
28. Recently the kalas-toa threw the body of one of as a Wand of Summoning with 28 charges and cannot
their fallen warriors into this room. The body has no be recharged). Two warriors are each posted by the
valuables but could be used by clever PCs during an double-doors and two by the archway to Room 21.
attack on the spawning pool.
29. This tunnel enters a Secondary Passage that extends
28. Sacred Spawning Pool of the Kalas-Toa: The kalas- northeast from Primary Encounter Area 2 (P2): The
toa converted this dwarven reservoir into a sacred Dwarrowhame on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
spawning pool. Six 10-foot tall statues of Pooldopbilp,
the Matron of the Kalas-Toa, as well as broad murals 30. A Kalas-Toa Whip (CL7) AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 6,
of the ocean, decorate the hall. The room is backlit by HP: 43, #AT: 1, Weapon: Staff of the (Sea) Serpent
green and purple lichen cultivated purposefully by the (1d6) and Dagger (1d4). Spells (4/3/2/1): Cure Light
fish-men to evoke the feel of the world under the sea. Wounds, Darkness, Detect Magic, Protection from
Good; Bless, Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate
To solidify their territory Kalas-Toa Pilgrims (8) AL: NE, Dead, Striking; Cause Serious Wounds, Treasure:
AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 12 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Dagger 6d6pp, Red Coral and Gold Necklace with Matron
(1d4), ventured from their lair in the underdark up Holy Symbol (2,000gp) is being beaten by a Kalas-Toa
through the Mere of Solitude (S12) and north to P3: Monitor (CL7) AL: NE, AC: 1, HD: 7, HP: 42, #AT: 4,
The Dwarrowhame. Females enter the pool and lay DMG: 2d4/2d4/1d4+1/1d4+1. (4/3/2/1): Command,
their eggs. Males then enter and fertilize. Roll 1d6+2 to Cure Light Wound, Darkness, Protection from Good;
determine the number of pilgrims in the pool. Bless, Hold Person, Holy Chant; Continual Darkness,
Striking; Cause Serious Wounds, Treasure: 6d6sp,
The pool is guarded by a warband consisting of Kalas- 3d6go, 6d6pp, Red Coral and Platinum Necklace with
Toa Warriors (6) AL: NE, AC: Four with 3 (Sticky Shield) Matron Holy Symbol (3,000gp), and a Wand of Fish
and two with 4, HD: 5, HP: Four with 25 and two with Oil, for his lack of faith.
21, #AT: 1, Weapon: Four with Trident (1d8), Weighted
Net, and Dagger (1d4) and two with Harpoon (2d6), On a small table is a Bowl of Drowning and a Huge
Light Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), and Dagger (1d4), Pearl of Hypnosis (see Crystal Ball of Hypnosis). The
Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp and the following Wand of Fish Oil spews a gout of oil 30 feet that covers
pieces of jewelry: Silver Ring inlaid with Shark Bone a 10x10 area. It has seven charges remaining.

31. The kalas-toa trapped the door to this room. If the 37. This small chamber has partially collapsed along
door is opened it will trip a wire that is attached to its southwestern corner. Two Sandlings AL: N, AC:
a mounted heavy crossbow on the southern wall. The 3, HD: 4, HP: 30, 25, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d12+3, made
trap attacks as a fighter of the same level as the PC who a lair inside the dark room. The skeletal remains of
opened the door and scores 1d8 points of damage. two dwarven slaves lay amongst the rubble. One still
The crossbow bolt is smeared with poison that causes clutches a Runestone of Curing.
an additional 2d6 points of damage (successful Save vs
Poison halves the damage). The room contains stores 38. Like 37, this room has partially collapsed but
of dried salted fish and rothe jerky acquired from the along its southeastern wall leaving an opening into the
duergar in trade. primary passageway. The glint of silver in a rubble pile
will reflect off torchlight in the northeastern corner of
32. Monitor Barrack: A Kalas-Toa Monitor (CL7) the room. The gleam is from a Dented Silver Goblet
AL: NE, AC: 1, HD: 7, HP: 40, #AT: 4, DMG: (100gp).
2d4/2d4/1d4+1/1d4+1. (4/3/2/1): Command, Cure
Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection from Good; Bless, 39. The door to this chamber was bashed in long ago.
Hold Person, Holy Chant; Continual Darkness, Striking; Part of the door still hangs on a hinge. The room is in
Cause Serious Wounds, Treasure: 6d6pp, Red Coral disarray. Destroyed books, rubble, and pieces of wood
and Platinum Matron Necklace with Holy Symbol lay on the floor. A large chest sits against the secret
(3,000gp), is standing in the center of this room in door. The chest is made of wood and reinforced with
prayer. The walls are tiled with undersea murals. There steel. The chest is a Mimic AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 9, HP: 50,
is a 1-2 on d6 chance the monitor is in Room 34. Sitting #AT: 1, DMG: 3d4.
on a small table is a Boat in a Bottle. This magic item,
when the glass is broken, will expand to the size of an 40. This chamber is empty.
eight-person longship. The boat cannot be put back
under glass. 41. The kalas-toa smeared Contact Poison on the door
latch. They are immune but other humanoids must save
33. This chamber is empty except for a makeshift bed. or be paralyzed for 1d6 turns. The room is empty.

34. This is the private swimming pool of the whip and 42. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: A warband consisting of
monitors barracked in Rooms 28, 30, and 32. The Kalas-Toa Warriors (4) AL: NE, AC: 3 (Sticky Shield),
chamber was once a reservoir and is fed by water HD: 5, HP: two with 25 and two with 22, #AT: 1,
dripping in from the ceiling above the pool. If alive, Weapon: two with Trident (1d8), Weighted Net, and
there is a 1-2 on d6 chance the monitor from Room 32 Dagger (1d4) and two with Harpoon (2d6), Light
walks into the room while the PCs are present. Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), Dagger (1d4), Treasure:
1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp and the following jewelry:
35. The door to this room is made of rusty steel and is Platinum Medallion encrusted with Aquamarines
hot to the touch. Three vents in the floor of this chamber (1,200gp), Silver Arm Band Encrusted with Pearls
release scalding hot gas every other turn. The vents are (600gp), Gold Arm Band (700gp), and a Subleader
metal and can be removed but the shafts below are AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 36, #AT: 1, Weapon:
narrow (1x1 foot). The vents descend downward for three Harpoon (2d6), Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8),
feet and then make 45 degree turns. At the bottom of Dagger (1d4), Weighted Net, Treasure: 3d8gp, 2d6pp,
one of the vents is a Runestone of Fire Resistance. Note Polished Pink Coral Matron Medallion (800gp), are on
that anyone standing directly over, or reaching into, will duty at this position.
take 3d6 points of damage (a Breath save will half the
damage) from the vent when the gas is released. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance two of these warriors are
on patrol along the corridor between Room 89 and
36. The double doors to this room are ajar. The northern 39. The room is spartan except for a five wooden stools
wall has partially collapsed. The room is empty. and dried fish hanging from hooks on the walls.

A. This small chamber contains a stone shelf with a 49. Slave Pen: Numerous slaves are chained to the
long thin metal box. A thick layer of dust covers Runes walls of this chamber. A Kalas-Toa Whip (CL6) AL:
of Dhurindain (Fire Blast, 18 points of damage, save NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: Scimitar
for half). Inside the locked, velvet-lined box are three (1d8) and Man-Catcher (1d6). Spells (3/3/2): Cure
crossbow bolt tips. They are Bolts of Giant Slaying Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection from Good; Bless,
(Frost), Disruption, and Flame Tongue. They are one use Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate Dead, Dispel
magic weapons. Magic, Treasure: 6d6pp, Red Coral and Gold Necklace
with Matron Holy Symbol (2,000gp), beats them under
43. This chamber empty and the door is ajar. the eye of a Monitor (CL7) AL: NE, AC: 1, HD: 7, HP:
45, #AT: 4, DMG: 2d4/2d4/1d4+1/1d4+1. (4/3/2/1):
44. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: A group of Kalas-Toa Command, Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection
Warriors (4) AL: NE, AC: 3 (Sticky Shield), HD: 5, HP: from Good; Bless, Hold Person, Holy Chant; Continual
24 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Trident (1d8), Weighted Net, Darkness, Striking; Cause Serious Wounds, Treasure:
and Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp 6d6pp, Red Coral and Platinum Matron Necklace with
and jewelry: Polished Coral Cloak Clasp (500gp), Holy Symbol (3,000gp).
Polished Coral Harness Buckle (500gp), Silver Thigh
Band Inlaid with Whale Bone (400gp), overseen by Specifically, there are three old male dwarves, a male
a Subleader AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 36, #AT: 1, deep gnome, and a lizardman. Each has had their
Weapon: Harpoon (2d6), Heavy Crossbow and 10 tongue removed and bear scars from hard labour and
Bolts (1d8), Dagger (1d4), Weighted Net, Treasure: torture.
3d8gp, 2d6pp, Polished Pink Coral Matron Medallion
(800gp), guard this room. There is a 1-3 on d6 chance The dwarves, Gurgi, Dombur, and Ghilli of House
two of the warriors are on patrol along the 20-foot Greystone, are non-combatants. They are weak and
hallway between Room 87 and 35. have been slaves for over 200 years.

45. The door to this room is trapped with a Swinging The gnome, Kedrak Gemsplitter, is a middle-aged
Hammer. The hammer strikes as a fighter (the same Level 3 Illusionist with 4hp (10) and the following ability
level as the PC who opened the door) and does 3d6 scores: S 12, I 16, W 11, D 16, C 14, Ch 15. He was
points of damage. The room is empty. enslaved when his merchant caravan was ambushed by
the duergar in the underdark. He was later sold to the
46. The primary passage is broken by a large crevasse kalas-toa. He has some knowledge of the slave pits in
at this location. A warm draft gently rises from below. Gund-Felek (Hall of Stone).
Sticking to the wall of the crevasse, ten feet below the
edge, are two Carrion Scavengers AL: N, AC: 5, HD: When Ssilizz, the lizard man, was young, his people
5+1, HP: 28 each, #AT: 8 (stingers), DMG: Paralysis. were aggressively converted by the clerics of St. Ygg.
The creatures sense the movement of periodic kalas- His tribe was later slaughtered by orcs. He was brought
toa patrols and are lying in wait to ambush their next to Gundgathol through East-Gate and was sold to the
meal. kalas-toa. Ssilizz is a Level 4 Paladin of St. Ygg with
10hp (35). His ability scores: S 17, I 13, W 14, D 13, C
47. The crevasse (Room 46) completely swallowed the 15, Ch 17.
northern wall of this chamber. The room is littered with
rubble. Amongst the debris (3 turns or searching) is the For many years Ssilizz used his lay on hands ability to
Runestone Holy Symbol of Dhurindain (see Room 17). keep his fellow slaves alive. His preferred weapon is
Note that the runestone detects as magical. the trident. He speaks lizard man and has a working
knowledge of common and dwarvish. Ssilizz has
48. Slave Pen Guardroom: This chamber is empty difficulty translating verbs in common. For every verb
except for two stools. Evil kalas-toan laughter emanates used in communication with him there is a 25% chance
from Room 49. he will fail to understand.

50. Pilgrim Barracks: Kalas-Toa Pilgrims (8) AL: NE, AC: Pearl Earring (1,000gp) and their Subleader AL: NE,
5, HD: 3, HP: 12 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Dagger (1d4) AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 36, #AT: 1, Weapon: Harpoon
are at rest here having just arrived in the Dwarrowhame (2d6), Heavy Crossbow +1 and 10 Bolts (1d8), Dagger
from their pilgrimage. Half are spawning females, and (1d4), Weighted Net, Treasure: 3d8sp, 3d8gp, 2d6pp,
the other half are males. They have nothing of value. Polished Pink Coral Matron Medallion (800gp), are on
sentry duty. Two of these sentries may (1-3 on d6) be on
51. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: This chamber guards the patrol either north towards Room 85 or west to Room
passage south via Room 52. There are five Kalas-Toa 56.
Warriors (5) AL: NE, AC: one with 3 (Sticky Shield) and
four with 4, HD: 5, HP: one with 30 and four with 23, 54. The Great Temple-Pool of Pooldopbilp: This
#AT: 1, Weapon: one with Trident (1d8), Weighted Net, massive, vaulted chamber was once a great water
and Dagger (1d4) and four with Harpoon (2d6), Light reservoir of the dwarves. The kalas-toa used their slaves
Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), Dagger (1d4), Treasure: to convert the room into a great temple to the Matron
1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp. The warriors possess of the Deep. The chamber, like Room 28, is decorated
jewelry: Silver and Shark Bone Necklace (600gp), with murals. Statues of the matron stand along the
Silver Medallion (600gp), Gold Bracers (700gp) The walls. In the center of the pool is an 20x20 foot island
warriors are led by a Subleader AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: with massive 30-foot tall statue of Pooldopbilp.
6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: Harpoon (2d6), Heavy
Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), Dagger (1d4), Weighted There are currently a dozen Kalas-Toa Pilgrims (12)
Net, Treasure: 3d8gp, 2d6pp, Polished Pink Coral AL: NE, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 12 each, #AT: 1, Weapon:
Matron Medallion (800gp). Dagger (1d4), in this chamber. Half the pilgrims are
swimming while the other half are exiting the pool via the
In addition, there is also a Kalas-Toa Whip (CL6) AL: stairs. All the pilgrims are engaged in a sacred ritualistic
NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 37, #AT: 1, Weapon: Scimitar chant to the matron led by a Kalas-Toa Whip (CL6) AL:
+1 (1d8) and Man-Catcher (1d6). Spells (3/3/2): Cure NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: Scimitar
Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection from Good; Bless, +1 (1d8) and Man-Catcher (1d6). Spells (3/3/2): Cure
Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate Dead, Dispel Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection from Good; Bless,
Magic, Treasure: 6d6pp, Red Coral and Gold Necklace Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate Dead, Dispel
with Matron Holy Symbol (2,000gp), to welcome and Magic, Treasure: 3d6sp, 2d6ep, 6d6pp, Red Coral and
bless the pilgrims that arrive from S12 on their way to Gold Necklace with Matron Holy Symbol (2000gp)
the spawning pools (Rooms 28 and 71). and a Monitor (CL7) AL: NE, AC: 1, HD: 7, HP: 46,
#AT: 4, DMG: 2d4/2d4/1d4+1/1d4+1. (4/3/2/1):
At any given moment, three warriors and the subleader Command, Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection
may (1-2 on d6) patrol down the passage south (Room from Good; Bless, Hold Person, Holy Chant; Continual
52) or north along the hallway (Room 46). Darkness, Striking; Cause Serious Wounds, Treasure:
3d6sp, 4d6gp, 6d6pp, Red Coral and Platinum Matron
52. This tunnel enters a Secondary Passage that Necklace with Holy Symbol (3,000gp), and a Net of
extends south from Primary Encounter Area 2 (P2): The Entanglement.
Dwarrowhame on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
Eight Kalas-Toa Warriors (8) AL: NE, AC: four with 3
53. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: These Kalas-Toa Warriors (Sticky Shield) and four with 4, HD: 5, HP: four with 30
(4) AL: NE, AC: 3 (Sticky Shield), HD: 5, HP: 25 each, and four with 26, #AT: 1, Weapon: four with Trident
#AT: 1, Weapon: two with Trident (1d8), Weighted (1d8), Weighted Net, and Dagger (1d4) and four with
Net, and Dagger (1d4) and two with Scimitar (1d8), Harpoon (2d6), Light Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6),
Light Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), and Dagger (1d4), and Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp
Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp and the following and jewelry: Silver Ring (300gp), Polished Coral Head
pieces of jewelry: Electrum Bracelet (600gp), Silver Band (400gp), Gold Medallion (600gp), Electrum and
Necklace with Aquamarines (400gp), Large Black Shark Bone Necklace (500gp), Silver Earring (300gp),

and a Gold Torc (600gp), stand guard at each set of A. This secret chamber was the personal armoury of a
double doors. dwarven warrior. There is a suit of Half Platemail +2,
a Shield of Frost Resistance +1, +4 on saves versus
The warriors are led by a Warband Leader AL: NE, cold-based attacks, and a pair of Grabthar’s Golden
AC: 4, HD: 8, HP: 48, #AT: 1, Weapon: Glaive (1d10), Gauntlets (see New Magic Items). One of the gloves
Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), and Weighted holds the All-Father Runestone (the key to Room 65).
Net, Treasure: 4d6pp, Polished Red Coral Matron
Medallion (1,200gp). 60. This chamber contains a water fountain in the
northwestern corner of the room. The spout is shaped
55. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: A warband is stationed like a dwarven hellmouth. The fountain basin is cracked,
in this guardroom to monitor movement along the and water slowly leaks onto the floor.
Primary Passage (to S13). They include Kalas-Toa
Warriors (5) AL: NE, AC: two with 3 (Sticky Shield) and 61. Storeroom: The kalas-toa trapped the door to
three with 4, HD: 5, HP: two with 30 and three with this chamber with contact poison. Any humanoid that
25, #AT: 1, Weapon: two with Trident (1d8), Weighted touches the latch to open this door must Save versus
Net, and Dagger (1d4) and three with Harpoon (2d6), Poison or go insane. The kalas-toa are immune. See
Light Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), and Dagger (1d4), Room 66 for contents.
Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp and the following
pieces of jewelry: Polished Coral Earring (300gp), Gold 62. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: A very angry Kalas-Toa
Arm Band (700gp), and a Platinum Thigh Band inlaid Subleader AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 36, #AT: 1,
with Aquamarines (1,200gp) and a Subleader AL: NE, Weapon: Harpoon (2d6), Heavy Crossbow and 10
AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 36, #AT: 1, Weapon: Harpoon Bolts +1 (1d8), Dagger (1d4), Weighted Net, Treasure:
(2d6), Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), Dagger +2 3d8gp, 2d6pp, Polished Pink Coral Matron Medallion
(1d4), Weighted Net, 3d8gp, 2d6pp, Treasure: Polished (800gp) is beating one of his warriors for disobedience
Pink Coral Matron Medallion (800gp). The guards while two others observe. Warriors (3) AL: NE, AC: 3
are currently in a circle cheering a battle between two (Sticky Shield), HD: 5, HP: 25 each, #AT: 1, Weapon:
normal scorpions. Trident (1d8), Weighted Net, Dagger (1d4), Treasure:
1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp and the following: Gold
56. The slope at this location descends approximately and Shark Bone Thigh Band (800gp), Silver Necklace
60 feet. The slope leads southwest from Primary (400gp), Silver Bracers (300gp).
Encounter Area 2 (P2): The Dwarrowhame along the
Primary Passage toward S13 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex 63. Pilgrim Barrack: This chamber is a barrack for
Map. newly arrived kalas-toan pilgrims awaiting entry into
the spawning pool located in Room 71: Kalas-Toa
57. This guardroom is empty. Pilgrims (7) AL: NE, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 12 each, #AT:
1, Weapon: Dagger (1d4). Four of their number are
58. Three massive 30-foot tall statues stand atop a pregnant females and three are males. They have
two-tiered dais along the western wall of this chamber. nothing of value.
The statues represent Geddinthor, Thaneduhr, and
Dhurindain (from south to north). They are broken, and 64. This room is empty. It is normally occupied by the
in disrepair. Despite the state of the Dwarrowhame, pilgrims currently in Room 71.
and Gundgathol overall, these majestic statues are
still an impressive sight to behold. There are numerous 65. The stone door to this room is sealed. A stone mouth
collapses of the ceiling and walls in this room. sits above the door carved into the door arch. The door
is trapped with a Hammer Ward that recharges every 24
59. This huge chamber is supported by large 10x10 hours. The hammer strikes for 4d6 points of damage.
ruined columns. The chamber is dimly backlit by pale The door can be opened, and the trap avoided, with
blue phosphorescent fungi dotted throughout the room. the All-Father Runestone in Room 59A.

A 10x10 foot square dais, engraved with the holy and Weighted Net, Treasure: 4d6pp, Polished Red
symbol of Thaneduhr, sits in the center of this room. A Coral Matron Medallion (1,200gp), have just returned
dwarven warrior statue stands on all four sides facing from an extended patrol along the primary passage to
the dais. The first PC of good alignment to stand on the S22. They are resting and there is a 1-2 on d6 chance
dais - and provide an outstanding and effusive prayer they are sleeping.
to Thaneduhr - will have their prime ability score(s)
increased by 1. If a PC of neutral or evil alignment 69. Empty Barrack: The warband stationed in this room
steps on the dais, the northern and southern statues is conducting a patrol and the room is unoccupied.
will animate as Advanced Sentinels of the Ancestors There are six beds and a small Locked Silver Coffer
AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 8, HP: 50, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d6+2, (clearly of dwarven craftsmanship).
and attack.
The coffer contains the following gemstones: Very
66. Storeroom: The kalas-toa trapped the door to Large Broken Bright Yellow Microlite (450gp), Huge
this chamber with Contact Poison. Any humanoid that Exquisite Lime Green Peridot (850gp), Small Broken
touches the latch to open this door must Save versus Blue Aquamarine (150gp), and a Large Exquisite
Poison or go blind. The kalas-toa are immune to the Brown-Green Garnet (650gp).
effect. The room contains stores and provisions to feed
the pilgrims. These include barrels of salted fish, dried 70. Five doors line this corridor. There is a 1 on d6
seaweed, and the dwarf jerky. chance kalas-toan pilgrims (from either A or D) may be
in the hallway moving north.
67. Priest’s Pool: This pool is reserved for kalas-toan
whips and monitors. There are four Kalas-Toa Warriors A. A group of Kalas-Toa Pilgrims (6) AL: NE, AC: 5,
(4) AL: NE, AC: 3 (Sticky Shield), HD: 5, HP: 25 each, HD: 3, HP: 12 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Dagger (1d4),
#AT: 1, Weapon: Trident (1d8), Weighted Net, Dagger have completed their pilgrimage and are preparing to
(1d4), Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp. The leave the Dwarrowhame tomorrow. They may (1-2 on
warriors are also decorated in jewelry that includes d6) be sleeping. They have nothing of value.
an Electrum Ring inlaid with Pearl (600gp), Gold
and Whale Bone Earring (700gp), and Gold Bracers B. This chamber has partially collapsed along the
inlaid with Aquamarines (800gp), standing guard (two southern and western leaving openings (5 feet tall and
at each set of double doors) while a Whip (CL6) AL: 15 feet wide) in both walls.
NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 35, #AT: 1, Weapon: Scimitar
(1d8) and Man-Catcher (1d6). Spells (3/3/2): Cure C. This chamber is empty. A partial collapse along the
Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection from Good; Bless, northern wall has opened a hole into the adjoining
Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate Dead, Dispel chamber (B). Water drips in from the ceiling. Lichen
Magic, Treasure: 3d6sp, 4d6gp, 6d6pp, Red Coral and grows along the walls and floor.
Gold Necklace with Matron Holy Symbol (2,000gp),
bathes in the pool. D. These Kalas-Toa Pilgrims (4) AL: NE, AC: 5, HD:
3, HP: 12 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Dagger (1d4), just
68. Kalas-Toa Barrack: A warband of Kalas-Toa arrived and are awaiting an invitation by the monitor
Warriors (3) AL: NE, AC: 3 (Sticky Shield), HD: 5, in Room 71 to spawn. One of the pilgrims wears a
HP: 31 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Trident (1d8), Light Gold Necklace decorated with Seven Small Red Coral
Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), and Dagger (1d4), Globes. Unbeknownst to its bearer, this is a Lesser
Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp. The warriors are Necklace of Missiles (six 2HD and one 3HD Fireball).
also decorated in jewelry that includes a Platinum Arm
Band (1,000gp), Platinum Medallion (1,000gp), and A E. The southern wall of this chamber has completely
Silver Torc inlaid with Bone (400gp) and a Subleader collapsed. There is a 20-foot gap in the wall into the
AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 8, HP: 48, #AT: 1, Weapon: Glaive southern hallway and a 10-foot wide hole into the
+1 (1d10), Heavy Crossbow +1 and 10 Bolts (1d8), eastern hallway.

71. Sacred Spawning Pool of the Kalas-Toa: Like Room 3d6gp, 6d6pp, Red Coral and Platinum Matron
28, the kalas-toa converted this dwarven reservoir into Necklace with Holy Symbol (3,000gp), to oversee the
a sacred spawning pool. Statues of Pooldopbilp, the sacred proceedings. They are leading the pilgrims in a
Matron of the Kalas-Toa, stand in the four corners of this ritualistic chant.
room. There are numerous small collapses and rubble
has accumulated along the base of the walls. The walls 72. Hall of Records: The large double-doors to this
are decorated at various points with tiled murals of chamber were destroyed long ago. The bones of
hammerhead sharks and tall seaweed. This chamber dwarves and duergar rest amongst the ruined books,
has cultivated beds of green and blue phosphorescent runestones, and scrolls:
lichen that dimly light the chamber.

A group of Kalas-Toa Pilgrims (10) AL: NE, AC: 5, Damaged Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 191
HD: 3, HP: 12 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Dagger (1d4) Items of Value: 1d4 Random Mundane
have journeyed to spawn and solidify their hold on Runestones, Galeb Runestone (Medium),
Gundgathol. As the PCs arrive at this location roll 1d6 Runestone of Extra Healing, Spellstone: Blessed
to determine if the pilgrims are: (1-2) entering the pool, Stone, Circle of Stones, Courage of the Ancestors,
(3-4) exiting the pool, (4-6) in the pool. and Hand Axe of Hurling +2 (20 Feet). There
is also a Small Box with a Small Flawed Dark
The pool is guarded by a warband consisting of Kalas- Green Alexandrite (170gp), Small Exquisite Red
Toa Warriors (8) AL: NE, AC: six with 3 (Sticky Shield) Garnet (450gp), Medium Flawed Lime Green
and two with 4, HD: 5, HP: six with 25 and two with 22, Peridot (270gp), Medium Finely Cut Deep Purple
#AT: 1, Weapon: Six with Trident (1d8), Weighted Net, Amethyst (400gp), and a Huge Flawed Deep
and Dagger (1d4) and two with Harpoon (2d6), Light Purple Amethyst (570gp).
Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), Dagger (1d4), Treasure:
1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp and the following pieces of
jewelry: Polished Coral Cloak Clasp (300gp), Gold
and Shark Bone Ankle Band (700gp), Polished Red
Coral Bracelet (1,000gp), Gold Arm Band (700gp) A. The door to this side-chamber was broken down long
and a Subleader AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 8, HP: 48, #AT: ago. The face of Thaneduhr is carved in the archway
1, Weapon: Great Trident (1d8), Heavy Crossbow and above the door. Inside are a pile of burnt and moldy
5 Bolts +1 (1d8), and Weighted Net, Treasure: 4d6pp, scrolls covered in Yellow Mold AL: N, AC: Always hit,
Polished Red Coral Matron Medallion (1,200gp). The HD: 2, HP: 6, #AT: Spores, DMG: 1d6*. Underneath
warriors are divided between the two sets of double- the moldy scrolls is a small hardbound book reinforced
doors and stationed along the walls between the doors with metal. Much of the book was burnt but a small
and the statues. piece of paper tucked inside is the word “Delnuz” in
dwarven runes (Translation: Favoured One). This is the
In addition, there is a Kalas-Toa Whip (CL6) AL: NE, password to enter Room 6.
AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 38, #AT: 1, Weapon: Scimitar
(1d8) and Man-Catcher (1d6). Spells (3/3/2): Cure B. This side chamber is empty.
Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection from Good;
Bless, Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate Dead, 73. This natural tunnel enters a Secret Passage that
Dispel Magic, Treasure: 6d6pp, Red Coral and Gold extends northwest from Primary Encounter Area 2 (P2):
Necklace with Matron Holy Symbol (2,000gp) and a The Dwarrowhame on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
Monitor (CL7) AL: NE, AC: 1, HD: 7, HP: 45, #AT: 4,
DMG: 2d4/2d4/1d4+1/1d4+1. (4/3/2/1): Command, 74. Grand Temple of the Matron: This massive 60-foot
Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection from Good; tall chamber was once the central temple of Thaneduhr
Bless, Hold Person, Holy Chant; Continual Darkness, in the Dwarrowhame. After they took control of
Striking; Cause Serious Wounds, Treasure: 4d6sp, Gundgathol, the kalas-toa remade the temple. They

commanded their slaves (mostly dwarves) to reshape There are also Kalas-Toa Warriors (8) AL: NE, AC:
the 50-foot statue of the All-Father into the image four with 3 (Sticky Shield) and four with 4, HD: 5, HP:
of their lobster-headed goddess Pooldopbilp. They four with 28 and four with 24, #AT: 1, Weapon: four
destroyed and tiled over sacred stone relief with scenes with Trident (1d8), Weighted Net, and Dagger (1d4)
of their great victory over the dwarves. and four with Harpoon (2d6), Light Crossbow and 10
Bolts (1d6), and Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 1d10+1ep,
The kalas-toa planted three sets of Giant Subterranean 2d8gp, 1d6pp and jewelry: Electrum Harness Buckle
Land Kelp (beside every other column) in 10x10 foot (500gp), Gold Ring (600gp), Silver Ring inlaid with
sections. The kelp grows 30 feet tall and gently sways Pearl (500gp), Platinum Arm Band (1,000gp), Silver
back and forth. The kelp glows with a dim greenish Earring (300gp), Polished Coral Arm Band (400gp),
phosphorescent glow. The scene inside the temple Silver Bracers (400gp), Silver Torc (400gp), and a Gold
appears like an underwater dream-world. At the Bracelet (600gp), standing guard between the pilgrims
monitor’s command, each bed of kelp can reach out and the kelp beds.
30 feet and function as per the spell Entangle. The kelp
has AC: 10 and HP: 20. The kelp takes half damage They are led by a Subleader AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 8,
from fire and double damage from cold-based attacks. HP: 48, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great Trident (1d8), Heavy
Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), Weighted Net, Treasure:
Doolpblopyll the Grand Monitor of the Kalas-Toa (CL10) 4d6pp, Polished Red Coral Matron Medallion
AL: NE, AC: 1, HD: 10, HP: 70, #AT: 4, DMG: Trident (1,200gp).
of Skewering +3 (1d8) or 2d4/2d4/1d4+1/1d4+1.
Spells (5/4/3/3/2): Command, Cure Light Wounds, A. This secret chamber contains a tunnel that descends
Darkness, Protection from Good, Remove Fear; Bless, 30 feet. The tunnel is equipped with iron rungs. A
Hold Person, Holy Chant, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate natural 10-foot cavern passage snakes downward to
Dead, Continual Darkness, Striking; Cause Serious Room 73.
Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Protection from Good
15’ Radius; Cause Critical Wounds, Flame Strike, B. This secret chamber contains three runestones on
Treasure: Dwarven Key (Room 25), 6d6pp, Red Coral a low ledge. The first is the Runestone Holy Symbol
and Platinum Necklace with Matron Holy Symbol of Thaneduhr (Room 16), Runestone of Thunderous
inlaid with Black Pearls (4,000gp) is currently leading Deafening, and a Runestone of Steam and Vapour.
the ritualistic sacrifice of slaves infront of the altar. She
cuts out the heart and throws it into the audience of 75. A large mouth is carved into the archway of this
Pilgrims (20) AL: NE, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 12 each, #AT: chamber. The room is empty.
1, Weapon: Dagger (1d4), who consume it.
76. Whip Barrack: The whip in Room 77 uses this room
The grand monitor is assisted by two clerics: Kalas- as its personal chamber. The walls are painted in murals
Toa Whip (CL6) AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 38, #AT: of the deep sea. Beds of purposefully cultivated green
1, Weapon: Spear +2 (1d6) and Man-Catcher (1d6). and purple phosphorescent lichen dimly backlight the
Spells (3/3/2): Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection chamber. A bed and a Small Metal Chest are located
from Good; Bless, Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; along the eastern wall. The chest is trapped (Contact
Animate Dead, Dispel Magic, Treasure: 6d6pp, Red Poison, Save or Die) and contains 1d6 500gp Pearls,
Coral and Gold Necklace with Matron Holy Symbol a Pearl of Wisdom, and a Red Coral Necklace of
(2,000gp). Whip (CL7) AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 48, Strangulation.
#AT: 1, Weapon: Trident 1d10). Spells (4/3/2/1): Cure
Light Wounds, Darkness, Detect Magic, Protection from A. A long dwarven-geometric tapestry hangs from the
Good; Bless, Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate southern wall of this chamber. The tapestry is a map
Dead, Striking, Cause Serious Wounds, Treasure: that depicts the Secondary Encounter Area S16 and
6d6pp, Red Coral and Gold Necklace with Matron two hexes of the Silvertine River draining into the Loch
Holy Symbol (2,000gp). of Crystals.

77. A Kalas-Toa Whip (CL6) AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 82. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: A group of Kalas-Toa
50, #AT: 1, Weapon: Scimitar (1d8) and Man-Catcher Warriors (5) AL: NE, AC: four with 3 (Sticky Shield)
(1d6). Spells (3/3/2): Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, and one with 4, HD: 5, HP: four with 25 and one with
Protection from Good; Bless, Hold Person, Silence 15’ 22, #AT: 1, Weapon: four with Spear (1d6), Weighted
Radius; Animate Dead, Dispel Magic, Treasure: 6d6pp, Net, and Dagger (1d4) and one with Harpoon (2d6),
Red Coral and Gold Necklace with Matron Holy Light Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), and Dagger (1d4),
Symbol (2,000gp), is blessing a group of Pilgrims (8) Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp and the following
AL: NE, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 12 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: piece of jewelry: Gold Harness Buckle (600gp), Gold
Dagger (1d4). The pilgrims are on their knees before Bracers (500gp), Silver and Polished Coral Necklace
her as she recites her ritual incantation. (600gp), and a Platinum Ring (700gp) and a Subleader
AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 8, HP: 48, #AT: 1, Weapon: Glaive
78. This antechamber is empty. The sound of a kalas- (1d10), Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), Weighted
toan voice can be heard from behind the door to Room Net, Treasure: 4d6pp, Polished Red Coral Matron
77. Medallion (1,200gp), guard entry into this section of
the dungeon. They are lax in their duties and may (1-3
79. The Great Forge of Dwarrowhame: The double on d6) be sleeping.
doors to this room are made of stone and sealed
shut. A dwarven face is carved into each side of the 83. An octagonal shaped well rests in the northwestern
double doors. In order to open the doors a key must be corner of this room. Attached to the well is a bucket on
inserted into the mouth and turned clockwise at exactly a chain.
the same time. The keys are located in Rooms 7 and
Room 16. A. This small chamber is empty.

The double doors open to reveal and large anvil infront B. Carved relief on the back wall of this small chamber
of a great 30x30 foot forge. The forge is decorated depicts a great hammer and anvil overtop a large
with the holy symbol of Thaneduhr in bas relief. Two tower located on an island with two bridges. This is a
small cooling pools bracket the forge. The walls of the representation of the Hammer of Dwarvish Lords and
great forge are lined with tools, hammers, and bellows. Primary Encounter Area 5 (P5): The Forge of Creation.
The entire room is covered in dust. The forge has not
been lit in over 250 years. The furnace is large enough, C. This room is empty.
and can reach sufficient temperature, to melt mithril
ingots and cast the metal into items of power. This is the D. The corpse of a dwarven slave was thrown into the
only forge outside of the P6: The Foundry and Entrance corner of this small chamber. A tattoo on his forearm
F: Gund-Felek that can forge mithril items, armour, and suggests he was of House Ironforge.
84. Kalas-Toa Guardroom: This kalas-toa use this
80. Cell: This locked chamber contains kalas-toan chamber to monitor movement along the northern
slaves. The slaves include a Goblin (Male), Gnome primary passage to S22. The sentries consist of Kalas-
(Female), Norker (Male), Derro (Male), three Dwarves Toa Warriors (4) AL: NE, AC: 3 (Sticky Shield), HD:
(Male). The slaves have been marked for ritual sacrifice 5, HP: 25 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Two with Scimitar
to the Matron during the next spawning ceremony. (1d8), Weighted Net, and Dagger (1d4) and two with
Harpoon (2d6), Light Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), and
81. Like Room 75, a large mouth is carved into the Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d6pp and
archway of this chamber. There are three large, sealed the following: Electrum Bracers (400gp), Pearl Earring
barrels of whale oil stored in this room. Quick thinking (500gp), Gold Ring with Pearl (650gp), and a Gold
PCs would use the whale oil and flame, or the Necklace Cloak Clasp (600gp) and a Subleader AL: NE, AC:
of Missiles in 70D, to destroy the spawning pools. 4, HD: 6, HP: 36, #AT: 1, Weapon: Harpoon (2d6),
Heavy Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d8), Dagger (1d4),

Weighted Net, Treasure: 3d8gp, 2d6pp, Polished Pink engraved in the stone. The symbol has been partially
Coral Matron Medallion (800gp). There is a 1-2 on d6 defaced with stone chisels. There are three bone and
chance two warriors are on patrol either north down skull piles (duergar and mountain dwarves) in this room
the slope or south to Room 46. and two statues of dwarven miners on the northern
and southern walls. Close investigation of the statues
85. The slope at this location descends approximately will reveal slash marks and battle damage. Searching
60 feet. The slope leads north from Primary Encounter the bone piles for 1d4+2 turns (be sure to check for
Area 2 (P2): The Dwarrowhame along the Primary random monsters) will reveal one random treasure
Passage toward S22 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. item and three random mundane runestones. Consult
the Secondary Encounter Area Random Treasure
86. Duergar Warband: A duergar warband recently Generator (Levels 4-6) for results.
arrived in the Dwarrowhame from Entrance F:
Gund-Felek to negotiate the delivery of slaves with 88. The door is ajar and the room is empty.
Doolpblopyll the Kalas-Toa Grand Monitor. They are
awaiting an audience. 89. This room is empty. The southwestern wall has
collapsed leaving a 6-foot tall and 30-foot wide
There are three warriors located in Room B, three in opening into the primary passage.
Room C, and two in Room D. They have bedrolls and
carry their personal treasure. The warband leader is in 90. Sacred Stones: The short 20-foot corridor leading
Room A. into this room is trapped with dwarven faces. Each
10-foot wall section has two carved stone faces (eight
The warband consists of Duergar Warriors (8) AL: LE, total on the east and west walls). The eyes of each face
AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 4x27 and are set with Rubies (300gp each). All eight faces are
4x20, #AT: 1, Weapon: Four with Warhammer (1d6), trapped with the spell Face of Dhurindain. The largest
Light Crossbow and 10 Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife face on the southern wall, set with Emeralds (100gp),
(1d4+1) and four with Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow is double-trapped with Face of Dhurindain and Runes
and 10 Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip of Dhurindain (Great Shout). The latter is triggered by
(1d4), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each. The looking directly at the stone face. The door is opened by
warriors have the following additional treasure items: reaching into the mouth and turning a lever clockwise
Very Large Finely Cut Red Garnet 600gp), Huge Flawed three times.
Pale Green Tourmaline (570gp), Huge Exquisite Pale
Brown Cassiterite (850gp), Medium Average Golden Inside the room is a low altar. On top of the altar are
Yellow Topaz (300gp) and 1d2 Random Mundane seven runestones bearing unique glyphs and magical
Runestones. Three possess doses of Greatwort. enchantments. They can be used only once:

The warriors are led by a Duergar Warband Leader Glyph Enchantment

(F5) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Half Plate +1, Buckler Shield,
Helm +1), HD: 5, HP: 32, #AT: 1, Weapon: Spiked 1 Fire Fireball (4d6)
Warhammer +2 (1d6), Shortsword (1d6), and Dagger 2 Acid Grelf’s Acidic Arrow
(1d4), Treasure: 25ep, 19gp, 25pp. The leader wears 3 Blast Blessed Stone (Level 5)
seven beard beads. Three are Gold (100gp each), two
are Platinum (200gp each), and one is Mithril (500gp). 4 Protection Protection from Evil 10’ Radius
He also has a Runestone of Super-Heroism. 5 Beetle Summons 1d4+1 Fire Beetles
A-D: See above. 6 Lightning Bolt of Lightning (4d6, one target)
7 Hold* Hold Person (one target)
87. The door to this room was battered down long ago.
The eastern wall has a large symbol of Dhurindain *Attack roll required at +2 (single target).

Random Kalas-Toa Pouch Contents

Roll 3d20 on the table below to determine random kalas-toa personal items:

3 Dried Seaweed 32 Jar of Luminescent Plankton

4 Broken Conch Shell 33 Sharpened Coral
5 Dried Fish 34 Holy Symbol
6 Lobster Claw 35 Starfish Manacles
7 Mussels 36 Sea Turtle Bowl
8 Turtle Shell Shard 37 Scrimshaw Needle
9 Frog Leg Jerky 38 Scrimshaw Comb
10 Fish-Shaped Coral 39 Narwhal Tusk Fragment
11 Fishing Hooks and Line 40 Necklace of Human Bones
12 Jar of Fish Eggs 41 Necklace of Dwarf Bones
13 Flask of Squid Ink 42 Ceremonial Whale-Bone Dagger
14 Conch Shell Horn 43 Seaweed Poultice (Heals 2d4+1)
15 Pot of Tar 44 Vial of Whale Oil
16 Flask of Fish Oil 45 Dried Puffer Fish
17 Compass 46 Jar of Ambergris
18 Broken Sextant 47 Vial of Cod Liver Oil
19 Stone Net Weights 48 Piece of Walrus Tusk
20 Sea Sponge 49 Whale Bone Thimble
21 Bosun’s Whistle 50 Scroll Tube: 1 Random Spell
22 Black Eye-Patch 51 Shark Tooth Dagger
23 Coral Harvesting Pick 52 Seal Pelt
24 Oyster Knife 53 Fish Head Gloves
25 Tiny Sea Urchins (Caltrops) 54 Manta Cloak
26 Shark’s Teeth 55 Shark Fin
27 Shark Tooth Handsaw 56 Fresh Dwarf Beard
28 Barnacle Encrusted Dagger 57 Dwarf Finger Necklace
29 Jar of Chum 58 Drow Finger Necklace
30 Bone Needle and Chiton Thread 59 Rusty Spear Head
31 Leeches 60 Inflated Puffer Fish Bladder

P4: Black Mines 1. The slope at this location descends approximately 60
feet. The slope leads east from Primary Encounter Area
The duergar ceded the black mines, and specifically 4 (P4): The Black Mines along the Primary Passage
the mining of coal, to the trolls of the Black Claw tribe. toward S14 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. The severed
The trolls formed part of the army that laid siege to heads of a seven dwarves mounted on pikes marks this
Gundgathol. The trolls are poorly organized and only as the territory of the Black Claw Trolls.
remain together due to the strong hand of Yukluz the
Two-Headed Troll Chieftain. Seven Pack Lizards AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 8 each,
#AT: 1, DMG: 1d3, loaded with coal are tied to stakes
The trolls use dwarf slaves to mine coal. The coal is in the ground. The lizards await the arrival of a duergar
then prepared for shipment via pack lizards. Duergar warband to transport the shipment to P6: The Foundry.
warbands arrive daily to return unladen pack lizards The warband will appear in 6+1d12 turns.
and pick up the new shipments of coal for transport to
P6: The Foundry. 2. Two broken and rusty mine carts lay on their side
on the floor of the cavern. A large lever, to direct the
The slave population is quite old, and many dwarves minecart rails east or west, is located here.
have died under the lash of the trolls. Most of them
were captured and have been enslaved for 250 years. 3. There are no footprints leading into this cave. Three
large Rock Clams (3) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 4, HP: 30, 28,
25, #AT: See entry, DMG: 1d6/HD, camouflaged as
Scaling and Party Level boulders wait at the back of the chamber.
The Black Mines are designed for character levels 7-9.
4. Two long 20-foot natural staircases descend into this
Like P1 The Lower halls and P3 The Dwarrowhame,
cave. The chamber is cut by a 20-foot wide pool of
referees are encouraged to scale the dungeon, or scare
dark water. The pool is 30 feet deep with an immediate
off the PCs, if the average party level is significantly
drop-off. The pool is occupied by Giant Leeches (3) AL:
below this range. The duergar routinely send warbands
N, AC: 7, HD: 4, HP: 27, 24, 20, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4.
to ensure the coal ore is transported in a timely fashion
to the foundries. Adding more duergar, or increasing
A. On the other side of the pool, located in the
the number of trolls, would sufficiently up-scale the
southeastern corner, is a small island. On the island is
mines for higher levels.
a partially toppled stone cairn. White bone protrudes
from the side of the burial. Excavating the stones (3 turns)
If the party clears out the mines and coal production
will reveal the resting place of a dwarven warrior. He
stops, the duergar will arrive in force and assume
was buried in Half Platemail +2 and carried “Thane” a
control of mining operations.
Hand Axe +3 Dwarven Thrower. Show Dwarrowdeep
Illustration #15.
Black Mines: Random Monsters
1-2 Troll Warband 5. Three Trolls (3) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6+6, HP: 35,
32, 28, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10, stand guard at
3 Black Orc Warband this position. Three empty mine carts are located at the
4 Two-Headed Troll (1) end of the track. The sound of mining can be heard
from Room 6.
5 Cave Troll (1d2)
6 Ochre Jelly (1) 6. A dozen Dwarf (Male) Slaves AL: NG, AC: 10, HD:
7 Giant Boring Beetle (1) 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Pick Axe (1d6), mine
coal in the northeastern corner of this room. Half the
8 Black Pudding (1) number mine, while the other half shovel coal into
baskets and carry the ore up the natural stone staircase

to Room 5 and dump it in the mining carts. Two Trolls 10. The passage into this chamber is only three feet tall.
(2) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6+6, HP: 40, 29, #AT: 3, All characters but halflings must pass on their hands
DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10, guard the dwarves and whip and knees to enter the cave. Giant mushrooms, varying
them (1d4). The cave is backlit by green lichen. in size from 5 to 12 feet tall, grow around the walls
of this cave. Three decomposing dwarves were thrown
One of the dwarves is Thuri Longbeard, a Level 4 into the back center of the chamber. One still clutches
Fighter AL: NG, HP: 4 (30) with the following Ability a Spellstone (Cure Light Wounds, Stonebeard, and
Scores: S 15, I 9, W 11, D 10, C 16, Ch 9. Thuri is Thaneduhr’s Sacred Hammer) in his hand. Some of the
an older dwarf with a wispy gray beard and a bald, mushrooms are Brobdingnagian Fungi (3) AL: N, AC:
tattooed head. If healed and armed, he would ally with 6, HD: 5, HP: 35, 24, 20, #AT: 4, DMG: See entry.
the PCs to seek revenge on his captors.
11. This ledge is 20 feet above the floor of the passage.
A. This ledge stands 40 feet above the floor of the Over the years slaves hastily carved their names on
cave. Atop the plateau, barely noticeable from the rough runestones and secretly placed them, or threw
ground, is a patch of bright green phosphorescent them, onto the ledge. The stones (204 total) tell a tale
mushrooms. The mushrooms have a poignant and off- of sorrow, loss, and pain. A sampling of the syntax
putting smell but possess healing properties. A total of of the stones includes, “After the fall of Gund-Felek,
1d4+4 mushrooms can be harvested and heal 1d4+1 I, Burri Brokenshield, was taken by the dark dwarves
hit points each. In addition, there is a 1 on d6 chance and made a slave,” or “Ancestors forgive me. I, Falgrim
per mushroom that they can also cure disease and Cobblestone, was defeated by orcs and enslaved in our
insanity. A dwarf may (1 on d6) be able to identify the own sacred earth.” Other stones are just lists of names
fungus as Gundgathol Trumpets. to mark the lives of those that succumbed to the whip of
their oppressors. These stones, despite their mundane
7. The shrivelled corpses of three dwarven slaves lean nature, are highly valuable to the Gundgathol dwarves
against the wall by the floor. The corpses are infected in Hamelet/Durnagald. Subject to a successful and
with Rot Grubs (7) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: 1hp, HP: 1hp empathetic negotiation, they may be worth as much as
each, #AT: N/A, DMG: N/A. 100-200gp each.

8. A broad set of natural stone stairs lead up 30 feet 12. Fungal Grotto: This floor of this small cave is
into this cave. The cave is marked by a pool of dark covered in small fungi and lichen that emit a soft purple
water to the southwest and a partial collapse to the bioluminescence. Within seconds of entering the cave
east. The heavily decomposed bodies of three dwarven the floor will come alive with movement and Blooderflies
slaves lean against the wall. They secretly fled and died (40) AL: N, AC: 10, HD: 1hp, HP: 1hp, #AT: 1, DMG:
in the cave. One carved the holy symbol of Dhurindain 1hp/per, will take to the wing and concentrate their 40
on a nearby rock. Anyone who offers a prayer to the attacks on either: 1) the first player character to enter
Secret-Keeper will receive a Bless in their next battle. the room, or 2) the most heavily wounded character.
This happens only once. There is nothing of value in the cave.

9. This cave is unusually warm. The Gundgathol 13. Two huge Cave Trolls (2) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 7+7,
Waymark for “Danger” is carefully concealed on the HP: 42 each, #AT: 3 or 1, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10 or
wall at either entrance. This cave is marked by holes in Great Hammer (3d6), are seated in this damp cave
the floor. The holes vent scalding hot thermal air every picking at unsatisfying bones. There are two empty
three turns. The vents cover a 20x40 foot section of the mine carts located at the end of the track just northeast
floor that is hot enough to serve as “fire” damage to of this chamber.
trolls. Anything or anyone caught in the area of effect
takes 3d6 points of damage (Save versus Breath for 14. This cave is empty. The western wall has partially
half). collapsed. A small tunnel, only two feet tall, exits to the

A. The passage into this chamber is only two feet tall. A. The passage into this chamber is narrow and only
All player characters must crawl, or move on their hands three feet tall (characters except halflings must pass
and knees, to enter the cave. A Stegalocentipede (1) on hands and knees to enter). The cave is covered in
AL: N, AC: 2 or 5, HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1 or 3, DMG: patches of strange, multi-coloured phosphorescent
2d4 or 1d4, has made a lair in this chamber. If it hears lichen. The lichen is mundane unless consumed with two
movement, it will take an ambush position on the ceiling mouthfulls of the same colour, or with a different colour
above the entrance. at the same time (1d3+1 patches of each colour). Each
result happens only once. Consult the chart below:
The creature normally accesses its lair through a hole in
the ceiling that extends northeast toward Room 2 and Type* Lime Green Dark Brown Dark Red
opens 15 feet above the passage floor.
Lime Poison Immunity
Strength +1
15. Two Trolls (2) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6+6, HP: 30, Green (Save or Die) to Poison
#AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10, stand guard here. There Dark Immunity Poison Darkvision
is a 1 on d6 chance they patrol east (to Room 1) and Brown to Poison (Save or Die) 30 feet
back every hour. Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #16. Darkvision Poison
Dark Red Strength +1
30 Feet (Save or Die)
16. A group of Cave Trolls (4) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 7+7,
HP: 40 each, #AT: 3 or 1, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10 or two *All effects are permanent. Each effect can happen
with Great Hammer and two with Glaives (3d6), have only once per PC.
surrounded a single dwarven slave.
20. A 30-foot natural staircase descends into a mine.
The trolls are mocking and bullying Braetek Stonehelm, The mine is submerged knee-deep in water. The dead,
a Level 3 Fighter AL: NG, HP: 6 (20) with the following bloated body of a dwarven slave recently thrown
Ability Scores: S 17, I 10, W 12, D 12, C 15, Ch 12. into the cave floats in the water. The body is that of
Braetek was born in Gundathol. He is being beaten Kalgarrum, Blood of Kalgarand Stoneborn. In life he
for defending a fellow slave. There are three mine carts was a cleric of Thaneduhr. Kalgarrum survived over two
filled with coal buttressed against the end-of-line. centuries of enslavement, helping his fellow dwarves,
until he succumbed to old age. The trolls, knowing
17. A Large Ochre Jelly (1) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 7, HP: 45, Kalgarrum to be a person of import, threw his body
#AT: 1, DMG: 3d6, has oozed into this cave, climbed unceremoniously into the chamber to rot. Kalgarrum,
up the wall, and lies in wait on a cave ledge above even in death, refused to abandon his kin and his spirit
the entrance. Its last meal was a duergar warrior. His lingers near his remains. If anyone enters the chamber
rusty armour will shine in torchlight from the back of the and approaches the body, he will manifest. The cleric is
chamber. A Seax Knife +2 hangs from its belt. consumed with vengeance over the plight of his people
and the desecration of Gundgathol.
18. The floor of this cave is dotted with stalagmites.
Phosphorescent yellow lichen dimly backlights the Kalgarrum will parley with the PCs, but his spirit is
chamber. The cave is otherwise empty. caught between worlds, and his ability to communicate
is obscured by space and time. He will beg them with
19. A 30-foot natural staircase descends into a large kindness to aid his people, in one moment, and lash out
cavern. A broad pool of dark water occupies the with fury in the next. Subject to the empathy shown by
southern end of the cave, and two partial collapses the PCs he may utter Thaneduhr’s phrase “At the center
dominate the northeastern portion of the chamber. The of the Sacred Forge, Seek the Hammer of Dwarvish
walls are braced with thick, rotting wooden rail ties. Lords” or he might reveal that his brother Kalgrim
A narrow tunnel opening, only 3 feet tall, exits to the Stoneborn (buried in Room 4A) may be able to help
northwest. them and that he is located “to the south.”

If the PCs treat him with disrespect or disturb his remains 27. Abandoned Cave: The skeleton of a dwarf slave
(other than with the intent of a proper burial) he will lies face down in the center of the room. Poisonous gas
keen in a deep, penetrating base voice - as if the earth vents from cracks in the walls every other turn. All those
itself cried out. This moan, and his manifestation, is the caught in the room must Save versus Poison or lose 1d3
equivalent of Groaning Spirit AL: CE, AC: 0, HD: 7, hit points permanently.
HP: 38, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8*.
28. Mine Storage: Crates of dried jerky, fish, and
21. Like Room 6, the sound of mining echoes down mushrooms are stacked in this small cave. Normal rats
the passages of this cave. Emaciated Dwarf (Male) scurry about the floor.
Slaves (25) AL: NG, AC: 10, HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT:
1, DMG: 1d2 or Pick Axe (1d6), are mining coal from 29. The passage into this chamber is only two feet
three aspects of the chamber (northwest, north, and tall. All characters must either crawl or pass through
northeast). One third of the dwarves use pick axes on their hands and knees to enter the cave. There are
while another third shovel coal into baskets. The final numerous pieces of treasure spread throughout the
third carries the coal-filled baskets back and forth along room and a large white crystal deposit. The deposit
the southeastern passage to the mine carts located in is a Salt Pudding AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 6, HP: 32, #AT:
Room 16. 1, DMG: 2d6. The creature will remain perfectly still
until it senses the moment to strike. Its treasure, covered
The dwarves are guarded by four Trolls (4) AL: CE, by its body, includes a Runestone of Extra-Healing, a
AC: 4, HD: 6+6, HP: 40, 38, 29, 20, #AT: 3, DMG: Runestone of Steam and Vapour, Galeb Runestone
1d6/1d6/1d10. Each is armed with a whip (1d4). (Medium), and Pinto’s Conical Cap (see Barrowmaze).
There are also the following gemstones: a Very Large
22. The cave is empty except for some old rusty mining Average Bright Yellow Microlite (500gp), Large Average
equipment (picks, shovels, rope, baskets) leaning Deep Purple Amethyst (400gp), Small Exquisite Violet
against the wall. The sounds of mining can be heard Garnet (450gp), Medium Finely Cut Red-Brown Spinel
from Room 21. (400gp), and a Large Green Aquamarine (650gp).

23. The walls have been braced with wood. The trolls 30. A large lever, to direct the minecart rails east or
have driven metal rings into the stone to chain the slaves. west on the main track, is located here.
Three buckets of water are dotted about the cave.
An open latrine is located along the far northeastern 31. Slave Pens: Three 10x10 foot fenced-slave pens
corner of the chamber. The ringing of pick axes can be stand at this location. Each pen has a barred gate. The
heard from Room 21. contents of each slave pen are listed below.

24. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that Three Troll Sentries (3) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6+3, HP:
extends north from Primary Encounter Area 4 (P4): The 33 each, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10, guard the
Dwarrowhame on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. The pens. They are led by a Cave Troll AL: CE, AC: 4, HD:
severed heads of three dwarves mounted on spears 7+7, HP: 40, #AT: 3 or 1, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10 or by
marks this as the territory of the Black Claw Troll Tribe. Great Cub (3d6).

25. Troll Guardroom: Three Trolls AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: Pen 1: Dwarf (Male) Slaves (7) AL: NG, AC: 10, HD:
6+6, HP: 30 each, #AT: 3 each, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10, 1, HP: 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d2 and Hullsta Greathelm, a
occupy this guardroom to protect the mines from Level 3 Cleric of Thaneduhr AL: LG, AC: 8, HD: 3, HP:
anything approaching south from the passage in Room 2 (18), #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3. Hullsta is old by dwarven
24. The trolls are dreadfully bored and may (1-2 on d6) standards and has tended the enslaved Gundgathol
be sleeping. dwarves of the mines or many years. She is familiar
with the layout and the coal operation to feed the great
26. This chamber is empty. foundries (P6).

Pen 2: Dwarf (Male) Slaves (9) AL: NG, AC: 10, HD: Chest 3 (Octagon): This chest is Locked and contains
1, HP: 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d2. a Bag of 28 Beard Beads (taken from the slaves). Of
the beads 14 are made of Electrum (100gp each), 6
Pen 3: Dwarf (Male) Slaves (3) AL: NG, AC: 10, HD: 1, Gold (200gp each), 6 Platinum (300gp Each), and 2
HP: 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d2 and a Gnome (Male) Slave are Mithril (500gp each). There is also a Ring of the
AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 1, HP: 3, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d2. Ram and a Folding Boat.

A single, blind, old dwarf (Lurri) is chained to the mine 34. The sound of mining echoes up to the entrance of
cart lever to ensure carts may pass to Room 35 or further this cave. Emaciated Dwarf (Male) Slaves (14) AL: NG,
north on the tracks. Two dozen pick axes and baskets AC: 10, HD: 1, HP: 5 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d2 or Pick
are lined against the eastern wall of the chamber. Axe (1d6), are mining coal along the northern wall.
Approximately half the dwarves use pick axes while
32. This chamber is home to Yukluz’s personal another half shovel coal into baskets and carry them
bodyguards: Cave Trolls (2) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 7+7, to empty mine carts located at the end of the rail line
HP: 50 and 45, #AT: 3 or 1, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10. just south of the chamber. The dwarves are guarded
One has a Giant Club (3d6) and the other a Great by Trolls (3) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6+6, HP: 38, 29, 20,
Mace (3d6). The room stinks of troll. There are two #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10. Each is armed with a
beds made of rothe hides, dirty clothing, and lichen. whip (1d4).

Laying against the wall are a Hand Axe +2, and a 35. Three mine carts are buttressed against the end of
Spear +1 both of duergar craftsmanship. They buried a the rail line. Against the northern wall are a pile of rusty
Small Chest below one of the beds. The chest contains metal junk and rotting wood and a pile of well-used
a Large Average Bright Red Jacinth (1,700gp), Small pick axes and shovels.
Broken King’s Tears (1,150gp), Large Flawed Deep
Crimson Ruby (1,600gp), Huge Flawed Deep Crimson 36. Three Cave Trolls AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 7+7, HP: 49,
Ruby (2,600gp), and a Small Broken Translucent Star 40, 36 #AT: 3 or 1, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10, lair in the
Ruby (1,150gp). There are also four Ingots of Silver room. The chamber is in disarray and filled with old
(100gp each) and three Ingots of Gold (200gp each). bones and rubbish.

33. Yukluz the Two-Headed Troll Chieftain AL: CE, AC: The following can be found with three turns of
2, HD: 8+3, HP: 60, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d8/1d8/1d12, lives searching: 1d3 Mundane Runestones and a Bag with
in this cave. The walls just outside the cave entrance are a Small Exquisite Transparent Ziose (450gp), Large
decorated with the severed heads of seven dwarves. The Average Yellow-Green Chrysoberyl (400gp), Huge
cave interior has a massive bed constructed of railway Broken Transparent Ziose (550gp), Huge Flawed
ties and covered with skins, hides, and lichen. There are Green Aquamarine (570gp), and a Large Flawed
three dwarven-styled chests in the room. Yukluz wears Yellow-Green Chrysoberyl (370gp). There is a Pouch
the keys around his neck. He also wears a Ring of Fire with a Medium Finely Cut Lime Green Peridot (400gp),
Resistance in his ear. Medium Average Deep Yellow Amber (300gp), and
a Very Large Exquisite Red Garnet (750gp) and two
Chest 1 (Rectangular): This chest is Locked and Trapped Runestones of Extra-Healing.
with a Poison Needle (Save or Die). It contains: 2,474gp
and two random Magical Runestones. 37. The trolls have cultivated and trained a large
Shrieker AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 3, HP: 20, #AT: Special,
Chest 2 (Square): This chest is Locked and Trapped. DMG: Special, at the top of this plateau. The fungus
Inside the chest is a Poisoned Hand Crossbow will not respond to the presence of trolls, dwarves, or
Mechanism (Save or Die) and 1,583pp. A locked orcs, but will wail if other enemies move within 30 feet
Rectangular Coffer (no key) contains a Seax Knife +1 of the plateau.
Flame Tongue.

38. Two Cave Trolls AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 7+7, HP: 45, for two decades (quite a short time in comparison to
40, #AT: 3 or 1, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10 or Giant Club the other dwarves).
(3d6), occupy this dank cave. They are currently trying
to avoid their chieftain as they have been punished for Two Trolls (2) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6+3, HP: 33 each,
eating slaves. They buried the following in the floor of #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10, oversee the dwarven
their chamber: Spellstone: 1d4 Level 2 Cleric Spells, a miners with Whips (1d4). They are led by a Cave Troll
Bag with 1d6 Runestones of War +2, and a Slim Metal AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 7+7, HP: 45, #AT: 3 or 1, DMG:
Box with a Wand of Fire Balls (25 Charges). The trolls 1d6/1d6/1d10 or Two-Handed Sword (3d6).
have painted troll faces in blood on the walls.
43. This chamber is empty. The cave is damp, and
39. A natural stone staircase descends 30 feet into a stalactites hang from the ceiling.
40x40 foot chamber. A dwarf has hurriedly etched the
waymark for “Danger” on the passage wall leading 44. A natural stone staircase descends 30 feet into this
into Room 40. A Gundgathol dwarf would consider the cave. The sound of mining and the cracking of whips
obviousness of the rune highly unusual, especially given can be heard from Room 42.
their clandestine nature.
45. The slope at this location descends approximately
40. This cave is marked by a pool of dark, cold water 60 feet. The slope leads west from Primary Encounter
in its northwestern corner. The trolls and the slaves Area 4 (P4): The Black Mines along the Primary Passage
normally give this room a wide birth due to Llosslusskla toward S17 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. The severed
the Neo-Otyugh (1) AL: N, AC: 0, HD: 10, HP: 67, heads of 14 dwarves mounted on spears marks this as
#AT: 3, DMG: 2d6/2d6/2d4, who lives in the pool. the territory of the Black Claw Troll Tribe.
The pool is shallow for approximately 10 feet and then
drops down to a depth of 40 feet. At the bottom of 46. A group of Trolls (3) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6+6, HP:
the pool, amongst bones and the decaying remains of 34 each, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10, stand guard
several slaves, are treasure types X(x2) and XVI. at this position. A warband of black orcs just arrived
from Entrance D: The Forgotten Stairs of Kalbandur
41. A patch of giant capped mushrooms grow at the and require an audience with their chieftain over the
back of this chamber. The ground is soft and spongy. acquisition of slaves. A large lever, to direct the minecart
Two of the mushrooms are Shriekers (2) AL: N, AC: rails east or west, is located here.
7, HD: 3, HP: 17 each, #AT: Special, DMG: Special,
Treasure: None. Growing beside them are Advanced The warband includes: Black Orc Warriors (6) AL:
Phycomids (Tan, Brown, and Ochre) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: LE, AC: three with 4 (Half Plate) and three with 5
3, HP: 20, 17, 16 respectively, #AT: 1, DMG: See entry, (Chainmail), HD: 3+3, HP: three with 20 and three with
Treasure: None. 15, #AT: 1, Weapon: three with Bill-Guisarme (1d10),
Scimitar (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), and three with
42. The sound of mining echoes down the hallways Scimitar (1d8) and Hand Axe (1d6). Treasure: 4d6cp,
of this cave. Emaciated Dwarf (Male) Slaves (14) AL: 2d8+1sp, 1d10+1ep, and 1d8gp each. The guards are
NG, AC: 10, HD: 1, HP: 2, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d2, are led by a Black Orc Warband Leader (F5) AL: LE, AC:
mining coal from the walls. Some are using pick axes 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 34, #AT: 1, Weapon:
while others are shoveling coal into baskets to carry to Glaive (1d10), Scimitar +1 (1d8), Heavy Crossbow and
Room 35 for transport. One of their number is Falund 10 Bolts +1 (1d8), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 4d8+1sp,
“Dunna Ken” Ironbrew, a Level 5 Dwarven Fighter 2d10+1ep, 2d8gp, 1d8pp.
AL: NG, AC: 9, HD: 5, HP: 3 (45), #AT: 1, DMG: 1d2.
His Ability Scores: S 16, I 9, W 9, D 13, C 16, Ch 13. 47. A group of Young Trolls (3) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD:
Falund is not a Gundgathol dwarf. He is from Citadel 6+6, HP: 25 each, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10, have
Silver far to the south. He was ambushed and enslaved surrounded and are “playing” with a dwarf slave. They
while on caravan guard duty and has been in the mines gave the dwarf two hand axes and take turns swiping

and clawing at him. The trolls snicker and sneer when 52. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that
the dwarf strikes a blow (the trolls regenerate). Baldri extends south from Primary Encounter Area 4 (P4): The
Longbeard, the dwarf, is a Level 3 Fighter AL: LG, AC: Dwarrowhame on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. The
10, HD: 3, HP: 5 (22), #AT: 1, DMG: Dual Hand Axes severed heads of three dwarves mounted on spears
(1d6). His Ability Scores: S 18, I 11, W 11, D 10, C 16, marks this as the territory of the Black Claws.
Ch 12. He has taken numerous wounds. If the PCs fail
to intervene, the trolls will slay and consume him in one 53. Three rusty mine carts were taken off the rails and
turn. Baldri is a devout follower of Geddinthor. He is a sit in this dark corner of the passage. There are also
middle-aged dwarf and was only a beardling when he several rotten wooden rail ties, and rusty metal, were
was enslaved. If saved he will implore the PCs to free also dumped in this location.
the slaves in Room 54.
54. Like Room 42, the sound of mining echoes down
48. Guardroom: Trolls (3) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6+6, the hallways of this cave. Emaciated Dwarf (Male)
HP: 35 each, #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10, guard Slaves (21) AL: NG, AC: 10, HD: 1, HP: 2, #AT: 1,
the entrance to the sub-chief’s chamber. The trolls are DMG: 1d2 or Pick Axe (1d6), are mining coal from the
gnawing on the bones of dwarven slaves. walls. Some use pick axes along the walls while others
shovel coal into the three mine carts located at the end
49. A 20-foot natural stone staircase leads up to the lair of the line.
of Uggbog the Cave Troll Sub-Chieftain AL: CE, AC: 4,
HD: 7+7, HP: 48, #AT: 3 or 1, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10 One of the slaves is Umdrak Whitebeard, a beardless,
or Battle Axe +3 (3d6, see entry). The sub-chieftain is disgraced duergar warrior. Decades ago, Umdrak
a massive brute known for his strength. showed mercy to Gundgathol dwarves and was
punished. His beard was shaved in disgrace and a
He has several trophies sitting on rock ledges in his cave. fungal ointment applied to ensure his skin would scar
They include a Shield +2, a Mithril Mace +2 shaped like and his beard would never regrow. Umdrak is a Level 4
a clenched fist, and a Gauntlet of Geddinthor (skeletal Dwarven Fighter AL: N(G), AC: 8, HD: 5, HP: 7 (34),
hand still inside) tied to his waist. Strewn along the walls #AT: 1, DMG: 1d2. His Ability Scores: S 17, I 14, W
are 2,031gp, a Silver Goblet (100gp), Gold Ring with 9, D 16, C 16, Ch 13 (5 to other dwarves). Umdrak is
a Large Finely-Cut Diamond (1,600gp), and a Bag of now a follower of Thaneduhr. His fellow slaves taught
Holding with 421pp. him the sacred ways of the All-Father during his time
in captivity. Umdrak has knowledge of P4: The Black
50. Normal mushrooms grow along the eastern wall of Mines and the coal mining operation, and has select
this chamber. Long, thin stalactites hang from the high information on P6: The Foundry, Entrance F: Gund-
ceiling (60 feet) of this room. Felek, and activity in P7: The Mithril Lodes.

51. A 30-foot natural stone staircase descends down The following guards oversee the slaves: Trolls (4) AL:
into a 30x30 foot cave. Translucent white crystals grow CE, AC: 4, HD: 6+6, HP: 42, 39, 32, 30, #AT: 3,
from the floor. A short narrow tunnel, only two feet tall, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10, and a Cave Troll AL: CE, AC: 4,
exits the chamber to the east. PCs will have to crawl to HD: 7+7, HP: 42, #AT: 3 or 1, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10
pass through the tunnel. or Great Spear (3d6).

A. A pool of dark water occupies the western half of 55. Guardroom: Three Trolls (3) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD:
this chamber. A pale purple phosphorescent lichen 6+6, HP: 40, 30, 25 #AT: 3, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10,
grows on the ceiling of this chamber and dimly outlines are on guard in this chamber. There is a 1-2 on d6
several large stalactites hanging from the ceiling. Lying chance two of them will patrol north to Room 46 and
in wait just below the surface, waiting for its chance to back every three hours. Except for a few dwarf skulls,
strike, is a Large Crystal Ooze AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 8, the cave is otherwise empty.
HP: 45, #AT: 1, DMG: 5d4.

56. This cave is empty except for a few gnawed dwarf P5: The Forge of Creation
The Forge of Creation, also called the Sacred Forge,
57. A small cluster of ten dark red bioluminescent is the birthplace of the dwarves. Ages past, Thaneduhr
mushrooms dimly backlight this cave. The mushrooms the All-Father forged his people with the Hammer of
are edible but must be eaten in sufficient quantities to Dwarvish Lords in the heart of the Eternal Mountains.
reveal their unique properties. The consumption of a
single mushroom results in 1d8 hit points of damage The Forge of Creation is a breathtaking sight to behold.
(so save). The consumption of two mushrooms results Two bridges span a small, secret loch, to an island
in 2d8 points of damage (also no save). However, formed by a gigantic stalagnate. The first dwarves
the consumption of three will increase intelligence by cut the temple from the huge rock formation and
one point permanently. The consumption of four or meticulously carved dwarven geometric lines, knotwork
more at once will increase intelligence by two points patterns, and pillars along its walls. Each side depicts
permanently. This happens only once per PC. massive hellmouth faces of Thaneduhr, Dhurindain,
and Geddinthor. Huge stalactites hang from the ceiling
58. A large pile of gnawed dwarven bones and skulls above the water. The massive cavern is serene, still, and
rests along the western wall. There is nothing of value. quiet. Only the Stoneborn King, and the High Old Ones
of Thaneduhr, Dhurindain, and Geddinthor, know the
59. Two Cave Troll (2) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 7+7, HP: location of the temple.
40, #AT: 3 or 1, DMG: 1d6/1d6/1d10 or Great Spear
(3d6), inhabit this chamber. There is a 1-2 on d6 All new Stoneborn kings are crowned infront of the
chance they are in Room 54. Their cave is spartan with Stone of Kings located on the second level. They are
the exception of gnawed bones. then required to proceed to the Sacred Forge on the
ground floor and raise the Hammer of Dwarvish Lords
from the Anvil of Creation to symbolically take rulership
of the dwarven people. The hammer then remains
on the anvil and is only used under the most dire of
circumstances - as the weapon takes a terrible toll on
the wielder.

During the duergar attack on Gundgathol, Thaneduhr

called Daldek “Stonebeard” Ironforge, the High Old
One of the Dwarves, to the Forge of Creation. Daldek
was given the honour of protecting and guarding the
shrine and its most precious relic: the Soul Hammer.
For his piety and devotion to Dhurindain, Thaneduhr,
and his people, Daldek was blessed with petrification
and demi-godhood. He slowly became living stone -
an honour saved for the most devout dwarven clerics in
times of great need.

For the last 250 years, Daldek has served as the

guardian of the temple and the Hammer of Dwarvish
Lords. He has done everything in his power to hide
the temple and its secrets from the duergar. Given his
demi-godhood and devotion to Dhurindain, alongside
his location at the heart of the mountains, he is aware
of all living things inside the dwarven realm. He knows

of the relentless duergar effort to find and desecrate the anvil, and hammer, fills the ears. The flickering light of
sacred temple. With each passing day they move closer the forge spills down the hallway toward the southern
and closer to finding its location. Daldek has prepared double doors.
for a great battle, alone if he must, and will defend the
sacred forge with his life. 4. The Forge of Creation: The forge itself is a massive
structure that burns eternally with the fire of creation.
Referee’s Notes: The Temple of the Sacred Forge The forge is bracketed by two cooling pools and
is both a holy site and the most extensive Hall of three statues each of Thaneduhr, Dhurindain, and
Records in Gundgathol. The supplementary rooms Geddinthor. Infront of the forge is a massive mithril altar
are filled with unique archives and the accumulated shaped like an anvil - the birthplace of the dwarves.
knowledge of the dwarven people and the seven
noble houses founded by Thaneduhr. The High Atop the altar rests the greatest holy relic of the dwarven
Old One will not allow non-dwarves to enter the people: the Soul Hammer, also known as the Hammer
side chambers unless under siege. of Dwarvish Lords (see New Relics).

A statue of a dwarven cleric, or what appears to be

Scaling and Party Level a statue, stands before the altar. The statue is High
Old One Daldek “Stonebeard” Ironforge, Son of
The Forge of Creation is intended for high level Dalgeddik, Grandson of Dalzuun “the Red” Ironforge,
player characters only (8-10+). Visiting the forge and Level 20 Dwarven Cleric Arch-Lich of Dhurindain AL:
potentially wielding the Hammer of Dwarvish Lords LN, AC: -1 (Petrification) HP: 101, #AT: 3/2, DMG:
should be the culminating activity either just prior, or “Baruk-Guzduul” a Warhammer +3 Dwarven Thrower
during, the assault on Gund-Felek and the duergar of Disruption (1d6), Sling +3 with 10 Runestones of War
king. PCs of mid-level should be discouraged from (1d4).
approaching the temple until they are prepared for their
final climactic battle with the duergar. Spells (9/8/7/6/5/5/3): Command, Cure Light Wounds,
Detect Evil, Light, Darkness, Stonebeard, Create Water,
Detect Magic, Sanctuary; Blessed Stone, Rest of the
Ground Floor Ancestors, Thaneduhr’s Sacred Hammer, Augury,
Know Alignment, Hold Person, Holy Chant, Silence 15’
1. The Bridge of the Sacred Forge (#10) leads from a
Radius; Circle of Stones, Great Shout, Hammer Ward,
secret passage on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map across
Stonemouth, Cure Blindness, Cure Disease, Speak with
the water to a set of massive double-doors. The doors of
the Dead; Face of Dhurindain, Runes of Dhurindain,
the Sacred Forge are locked and cannot be opened by
Vengeance of the Ancestors, Cure Serious Wounds,
anyone other than Daldek Ironforge the High Old One
Divination, Protection from Evil 10’ Radius; Commune,
of Dhurindain. Daldek can sense any presence in, or
Cure Critical Wounds, Courage of the Ancestors, Flame
around, the Sacred Forge and can open and close the
Strike, Raise Dead; Hammer Barrier, Heal, Stone Tell,
doors at will. To the east, a 20-foot boat ramp leads up
Part Water, Word of Recall; Astral Projection, Holy Word,
from the water. Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #17.
Regenerate, Treasure: Runestone of Controlling Earth
Elementals, Runestone of Steam and Vapour, Runestone
2. The second Bridge of the Sacred Forge (#11)
of Free Action, Galeb Runestone (Large x3), Runestone
extends east across the water to a secret passage on
of Curing, Runestone of Faithfulness, Runestone of
the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
Magic Resistence (40%). Special Abilities: Daldek can
cast the following spells once a day: Read Languages,
3. The Hall of Kings: The entry hallway into the temple
Lesser Move Earth, Summon Elemental (Earth or Fire),
is supported by 10x10 foot columns carved to represent
Passwall, Stoneshape, and Wall of Stone. He can also
the first 12 Stoneborn Kings of Gundgathol. A low
Animate Statue (CL3) at will. Ability Scores: S 17, I 20,
ambient, buzzing, from the celestial power of the forge,
W 20, D 16, C 19, Ch 16.

5. Hall of Records (House Longbeard): The door to this
chamber is marked with the sigil of House Longbeard.

Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 231

Items of Value: 1d10+20 Mundane Runestones,
Runestone of Sacred Earth, Runestone of Seeing,
Wardstone (Magic), Spellstone with four Level 4
Cleric Spells, and a Runestone of Shielding. There
is also a Manual of Quickness of Action, a Lyre of
Daldek is the High Old One of Gundgathol. Over Building, two Treasure Maps (5d6x100 gems) and
250 years ago Daldek, the Old One of Dhurindain, 1d3 Random Magic Items.
was chosen by Thaneduhr to lead the faith. When the
duergar and their allies attacked, Thaneduhr chose
Daldek to guard and protect the shrine and the Soul
Hammer. 6. Scribing Chamber: This is a scribing chamber. The
walls are covered in bookstacks and scroll shelves.
Daldek moves slowly and speaks deliberately and In addition, there are two scribing desks and two
purposefully. His voice is low, and it echoes throughout runestone carving tables. The chamber is immaculate,
the forge. His eyes are pure white and celestial mist and all scribing implements are neatly stowed.
seeps horizontally from the sockets. His helm, armour,
and equipment have fused with his being, and he A (North). Behind this secret door are three books on
endures as living stone - a state of existence offered a low stone shelf. They are a Tome of Leadership and
to only a handful of dwarven clerics in the history of Influence, a Tome of Martial Knowledge, and a Tome of
the dwarves. Daldek has lived well beyond a normal Understanding.
dwarven lifespan. He is now 777 years old.
A (South). This chamber contains three sets of small
If a good-aligned dwarven fighter or cleric is in the stone hammers and chisels for inscribing runestones.
party, he will tell the PC he or she has been chosen The tools decrease the duration of any minor runestone
by Thaneduhr to retake Gundgathol with the Soul carved with them by 7 turns. Daldek has carved scores
Hammer. However, he will warn that the hammer was of magical runestones to aid in the defense of the
not intended for mortals. The Hammer of Dwarvish temple, should the duergar located the Sacred Forge.
Lords will bestow great power on its wielder but will
also exact a terrible price. 7. Hall of Records (House Cobblestone): The doorway
located just outside the entry arch is marked with the
Daldek will not allow the PCs to defile or ransack the symbol of House Cobblestone.
temple. The walls and pillars of the ground floor are
decorated with statues, wall-statues, and pillar statues.
Daldek will use his at-will Animate Statue ability to Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 203
bring the temple to life and defend it. He will also use Items of Value: 1d6+20 Mundane Runestones,
this tactic if the duergar locate the forge and attempt to Runestone of Steam and Vapour, Runestone of
desecrate the sacred temple. Sacred Earth, Runestone of Metal Detection,
Wardstone (Undead), Spellstone with three Level
3 Cleric Spells and another with two Level 4
Note: The celestial staircase on either side of the Cleric Spells. There is also a Manual of Golems
forge magically transports anyone that ascends (Stone) and a Treasure Map (4d6 Pieces of House
over two hundred feet to the top floor. Cobblestone Jewelry).

8. Hall of Records (House Hammerhand): The door A. Archive of House Tunneltrue: This secret chamber
to this chamber is adorned with the sigil of House contains a Spade of Colossal Excavation, and a
Hammerhand. Runestone of Earth and Stone..

13. This cross-chamber is empty.

Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 182
Items of Value: 1d12+20 Mundane Runestones, 14. Chamber of the High Old One: Daldek took
Wardstone (Dragon Breath), Runestone of War this small, humble chamber as his quarters when he
+3 (10), Runestone of Thunderous Deafening, first arrived at the temple. Since his petrification and
Kalbandur’s Warstone, Manual of Bodily Health, advancement to arch-lichdom, he has forgone thoughts
and a Manual of Gainful Exercise. of earthly beings and has not returned in centuries.
His room is simple, spartan, and tidy, although a thick
layer of dust covers everything. On a table is a small
9. Armoury-Archive of House Hammerhand: On the set of seven figurines that resemble his grandparents,
walls of this chamber are an Axe of Hurling +3, a parents, and brothers. A necklace with a Mithril Holy
Thrower, and a suit of Mithril
Warhammer +3 Dwarven Thrower Symbol of Dhurindain (8,000gp) is wrapped around a
Full Platemail Armour +3 on an armour stand. Runestone of Pure Good.

10. Robing Chamber: This was once a robing chamber 15. Hall of Records (House Broadbeam): The door to this
for the priests of the temple. Monk’s Habits dangle from room is decorated with the sigil of House Broadbeam.
three pegs.

11. Hall of Records (House Ironforge): The Ironforge Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 1169
house symbol decorates the door to this chamber. Items of Value: 1d6+20 Mundane Runestones,
Runestone of Enemy Detection, Runestone of
Faithfulness, Runestone of Opening, Runestone
Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 245 of Fire Resistance, Gauntlets of Ogre Power,
Items of Value: 1d6+20 Mundane Runestones, Wardstone (Petrification).
Runestone of Steam and Vapour, Book of Exalted
Deeds, Helm of Brilliance, Necklace of Prayer
Beads, Manual of Golems (Iron). There are also A. Archive of House Broadbeam: This chamber
three Stalagmite Runestones and a Runestone of contains an Instant Fortress, a Runestone of Wisdom,
Dwarvenkind. a Manual of Golems (Bronze), and a set of Dwarven
Nesting Golems (see Forbidden Caverns of Archaia).

12. Hall of Records (House Tunneltrue): The entry door Top Floor
to this room is emblazoned with the symbol of House
Tunneltrue. 16. Hall of Records (House Stoneborn): The upper
floor of the Forge of Creation is devoted to House
Stoneborn. The walls and pillars are lined with stone
Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 178 relief depicting the creation of the first dwarves. There
Items of Value: 1d8+20 Mundane Runestones, are also bookshelves, scrollshelves, and runestones
Manual of Golems (Amber), Spellstone: Courage filled with archival knowledge accumulated by the
of the Ancestors, Face of Dhurindain, Animate dwarves. At the center of the room is a square dais.
Statue, Great Shout. A Runestone Axe Head +4, Two 10-foot staircases lead up to the dais. On top is
Runestone of Constitution, Runestone of Extra the Stone of Kings. The stone is covered with the hand
Healing, and Grabthar’s Golden Gauntlets. imprints of all the dwarven Stoneborn kings through
the ages. Each new king must add their mark on the

P6: Foundry
After the siege, the duergar took control of the
Gundgathol furnaces and the production of iron goods.
The two massive chambers each support three furnaces
in the shape of hellmouths. Each set of three represents
Thaneduhr in the center, Dhurindain to his right, and
Geddinthor to his left.

In the Golden Age of Gundgathol, non-dwarves were

strictly forbid from entering the Foundry. However,
the duergar treat the three dwarven gods, and
the sacredness of this complex, with disdain. The
mountain dwarves that work the furnaces and forges
are considered “skilled” labour to the duergar, most
of these slaves were captured and pressed into slavery
250 years ago.

Referee’s Notes: The Foundry is an essential

production facility and the duergar garrison is
substantial. Rather than a frontal assault, scouting
and diversionary tactics will be critical for the
player characters to achieve victory. If the foundry
is lost, or the PCs manage to dowse the furnaces,
the duergar will respond in force from Gund-Felek
stone as part of their coronation and then proceed to and retake it...which also provides opportunity.
the forge to lift the Soul Hammer above his head and
place it back down again on the altar to demonstrate
his readiness to lead the dwarven people.
Scaling and Party Level
Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 777 The Lower Halls are designed for character levels 7-9. If
Items of Value: 1d10+30 Mundane Runestones, the PCs are significantly below this range, or significantly
Runestone of Wisdom, Runestone Mace Head above, the referee is encouraged to adjust accordingly.
+2, Runestone Axe Head +4, Runestone of Fire,
Runestone of Enemy Detection, Runestone of The Referee should strongly discourage players from
Good Luck, Whetstone, Runestone of Faithfulness, an assault on the furnaces until they have carried out
Runestone of Frost Resistance, Runestone of proper scouting and surveillance.
Illumination. Spellstone with four Level 3 Cleric
spells, Spellstone with three Level 5 Cleric spells. If the PCs are too low, the referee should demonstrate
Helm of Comprehending Languages and Reading significant forces moving south to P4: The Black Mines
Magic, a Manual of Golems (Clay). or to Gund-Felek.

If the PCs are too high in level, bolster the duergar

17. The balcony of the Sacred Forge stands hundreds of defenses with delegations from the black orcs or the
feet above the floor of the temple. derro. The kalas-toa prefer not to enter the foundry.

1. The slope at this location descends approximately
60 feet. The ramp leads south from Primary Encounter
Referee’s Notes: All those in the foundry furnaces Area 6 (P6): The Foundry along the Primary Passage
(Rooms 19, 21, 49, and 54) are subject to a toward S22 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
continuous Heat Metal spell. The warriors and
clerics on duty in these locations wear a protective A group of seven Pack Lizards AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 2,
garment (the equivalent of a Monk’s Habit) under HP: 8, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3, are roped together and
their armour to insulate themselves from the heat. hitched to an iron ring set into the rock floor. They are
harnessed and loaded with empty baskets. A duergar
There are only three mithril forges in Gundgathol. patrol recently delivered a shipment of coal from P4:
They include P3: Dwarrowhame, P6: Foundry, and The Black Mine and shortly the lizards will be escorted
Gund-Felek. back.

Duergar Weapons and Equipment: 2. Steeder Pen: Two dwarven statues are integrated into
the arch of this chamber. The statues are Dwargoyles
Whip: Strikes for 1d4 points of damage. On a hit (2) AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: 26 and 19, #AT: 4 or
the target must make a successful saving throw 1, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4 or Stone Hammer (1d12).
versus Paralyzation or fall prone (+4 to hit). Rather than occupy additional guards, the duergar
posted the two stone constructs at this location. The
Net: On a hit the target must make a successful dwargoyles allow the steeders to pass. The guardroom
saving throw versus Paralyzation or be caught. If contains an octagonal well with bucket and chain.
caught, movement is reduced to zero and it takes
one round to cut out of the net. A. The door to this side chamber is open. This chamber
contains the cob-webbed skeletons of three Gundgathol
Greatwort: This brew increases the size of a dwarves. Their armour and weapons are now rusty and
dwarf from four feet to six feet tall and provides useless. They were looted long ago. Two Steeders (2)
a corresponding +1 to damage rolls. This liquid AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 14 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8,
functions for dwarves only. are stabled here until they are needed by the warriors in
Room 6 for patrols. Note that both duergar clerics and
Steeder Saddles: The duergar use steeders warband leaders possess silent high-pitched whistles to
as mounts. The saddles are complicated with call steeders to their position, if needed.
numerous straps to keep the rider seated while
upside down or vertical. It takes 1 turn for a rider 3. Hall of Records: The door to this once proud archive
to properly strap him or herself into a saddle. of the dwarven race hangs on one hinge. The chamber
was plundered in haste long ago and a thick layer of
Silent Whistles: Duergar warband leaders and dust covers everything. Rubble, broken wood, and piles
clerics possess high-pitched, silent whistles to call of moldy scrolls and books litter the floor.
their steeder mounts.

Sticky Shrooms: A bag of sticky shrooms can be Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 441
thrown and cover a 10x10 area of effect. All those Items of Value: 1d4+2 Random Mundane
within, or move through, the area must Save versus Runestones, Scroll with 1d4 Level 3 Magic-User
Paralyzation or be stuck for 1d4+1 rounds. Spells, Small Mithril Beard Comb (2,000gp),
Dented Platinum Goblet Encrusted with Rubies
Random Monsters: All random monsters in the (1000gp), Wardston (Petrification), Runestone of
Foundry are duergar patrols of 1d4+1 warriors or Disintegration, a Staff of Striking (33 Charges),
duergar warbands. and a Helm of Ogre Power.

A 10x10 foot patch of Amber Mold AL: N, AC: Always Person, Silence 15’ Radius, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d18pp,
hit, HD: 1hp, HP: 1hp, #AT: 1, DMG: Special, covers Dose of Greatwort, Bag of Sticky Shrooms, and a Silver
a loose flagstone in the southwestern corner of the Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (100gp). The room is spartan
room. Under the stone is a Small Metal Coffer with a with a bed, desk, and stool. A Small Chest (Locked)
Very Large Flawed Red Garnet (470gp), Huge Finely contains 45gp, and the following gemstones: Medium
Cut Transparent Ziose (700gp), Small Flawed Yellow- Average Deep Green Serpentine (85gp), Very Large
Green Chrysoberyl (170gp), Medium Broken Red Exquisite Star Rose Quartz (175gp), Large Exquisite
Garnet (250gp), Small Flawed Lime Green Peridot White Chalcedony (155gp), Huge Broken Bloodstone
(170gp), Large Finely Cut Pale Green Tourmaline (130gp), Medium Flawed Bloodstone (75gp), Small
(500gp), a Small Finely Cut Violet Garnet (300gp), and Broken Clear Rock Crystal (55gp), and a Large Average
a Runestone of Spell Turning. Brown Malacon (105gp). He is in prayer to Dworgrim.

4. This chamber has partially collapsed along the B. Officer’s Barrack: A Duergar Warband Leader
southeastern corner. Hidden in the rubble (four turns of (F5) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 5,
searching) is a Ring of Protection +2. HP: 33, #AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Hand Axe
(1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure:
5. Barrack: A duergar off-duty warband occupy 3d10gp, 4d18pp, Dose of Greatwort, is sharpening his
this chamber. There is a 1-3 on d6 chance they will weapons. His room is bare except for a bed.
be unarmoured. The chamber is furnished sparingly
with six bunkbeds and a central table with five stools. C. Barrack: Six Duergar Warriors AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half
Duergar Warriors (6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: Three with 20 and three
and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 21 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: with 22, #AT: 1, Weapon: Three with Warhammer
Shortsword (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), (1d6), Light Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d6), and Seax
Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d8ep, Knife (1d4+1) and three with Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy
2d10gp, 2d8pp each, led by a Warband Leader (F7) Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
AL: LE, AC: 2 (Platemail +1), HD: 7, HP: 45, #AT: 3/2, Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are barracked
Weapon: Great Hammer +2 (1d8), Warhammer (1d6), in this room. They are either (1d6): (1-3) asleep on their
Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp bedrolls or (4-6) donning their armour.
and 4d18pp.
7. The duergar use this chamber as a slave hold. Three
6. Guardroom: Like Room 2, the likenesses of two deceased dwarf slaves lean along the western wall.
dwarven warriors are carved into the arch of this There are buckets overflowing with fecal matter. The
guardroom. Three Duergar Warriors (3) AL: LE, AC: room is squalid, death fills the air, and the smell is
3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 23 each, #AT: 1, nauseating.
Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10
Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 8. The door to this room is made of stone and sealed.
2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are on duty. The guards are The door has a depression for the insertion of the
seated on stools at a table and preparing themselves Divining Runestone Key (located in Room 45). The door
for an expedition to P4: The Black Mines. Resting at is enchanted with the sacred runes of Dhurindain and
their feet is a Darg AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: cannot be opened or breached by any other means.
1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*).
Inside the room, three divining rods lay on a rectangular
A. Priest’s Barrack: This chamber is the quarters of stone altar. Each side of the altar is carved with the
Bhalbek, Son of Bhalgerg Whitebeard, a Duergar likeness of the Secret-Keeper and magically trapped
Cleric of Dworgrim (CL4) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and with Face of Dhurindain. The diving rods are enchanted.
Shield), HD: 4, HP: 28, #AT: 1, Weapon: Mace +2 (1d6) The first detects magic, the second detects traps, and
and Sling with 20 Stones (1d4). Spells (3/2): Protection the third detects secret doors. The diving rods function
from Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command; Hold as per a wand of the same type with 2d10 charges.

9. The stone door of this crypt lies in pieces on the 15. Training Room: Two Duergar Warband Subleaders
floor. The duergar looted this chamber long ago. A (F5) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 35
broken sarcophagus and the skeletal remains of several each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Warhammer (1d6), Hand Axe
duergar are scattered around the room. Several broken (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure:
statues of Gundgathol dwarves lie in pieces. There is 3d10gp and 4d18pp, are instructing a small group of
nothing of value. Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: Two with 3 (Half Plate and
Shield) and two with 3 (Platemail), HD: 4, HP: Two with
10. Like Room 9, this room was once a crypt. The stone 24 and two with 18, #AT: 1, Weapon: Two with Military
door lies broken in three pieces and the room is in ruin. Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and
The duergar emptied the burial alcoves that line the Seax Knife (1d4+1) and two with Battle Axe (1d8), Heavy
walls. Skeletons and debris, covered in cobwebs, rest Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
in piles on the floor. The following can be found (for Treasure: 2d10gp, 2d8pp each. A Duergar Warband
every 3 turns of searching): a Pouch with 23pp and a Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Platemail), HD: 6, HP: 38,
Small Mithril Pendant with the Symbol of Dhurindain #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle Axe (1d8), Warhammer (1d6),
(2,500gp). Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp,
4d18pp, Dose of Greatwort, oversees the proceedings.
11. Dwargoyle Workshop: The duergar clerics use this
room to construct dwargoyles. The floor in the center of The young warriors are practicing their weapon skill on
the room is marked with a runic, enchanted hexagon. a dwarven slave, Kilearn Giantbane, in the center of
In the center is a partially carved dwargoyle. The walls the room. Kilearn is chained by the ankle to a metal
are lined with mason’s tools including small hammers ring in the floor in a form of dwarf-baiting. The duergar
and chisels. are taking their time and Kilearn has taken many
superficial wounds and is near exhaustion. The duergar
12. This chamber is empty. Sneering duergar warriors are sneer and laugh at his suffering.
carved into the arches above the western and southern
passages. The sneering statues are Dwargoyles (2) AL: The metal ring on the floor is near breaking. If the PCs
CE, AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: 25 and 21, #AT: 4 or 1, DMG: attempt to free him, he will find some strength in his
1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4 or Stone Axes (1d12). broken body to break free and fight for his freedom.

13. Slave Hold: This chamber was once a crypt. The Kilearn Giantbane, Level 5 Dwarven Fighter AL: NG,
duergar, as a purposeful affront to the reverence the AC: 8 (Dex), HD: 5, HP: 15 (42), #AT: 1, DMG: Fist
Gundgathol dwarves have for their ancestors, use (1d4). Ability Scores: S 16, I 10, W 9, D 16, C 17, Ch
this room to house slaves. The chamber smells of 14. As a follower of Geddinthor, Kilearn prefers the
sweat, feces, and death. In the northern corner of the axe over the hammer. He is familiar with the furnaces
chamber an emaciated dwarf, Mordrin Barrelstane, is and the mining and transportation of mithril and coal
close to death. If approached he will attempt to scurry from P7: The Mithril Lodes and P4: The Black Mines,
away but is simply too weak. If offered any kindness, respectively.
he will grab the closest PC by the arm, his eyes will
widen, and before he dies, he’ll whisper weakly in 16. Storeroom: Barrels of potent duergar wine, crates
dwarvish, “Baruk-Dzad. Baruk-Dzad!....Munedinul.” of dried foodstuffs, and large sacks of dried fungi, fill
Those who speak dwarvish will translate Baruk-Dzad the storeroom. Hidden behind one the of the barrels
as “Black Hammer” and “Munedinul” to mean “Son is (or what appears to be) a tiny dwarf. However, the
of Munedin.” Munedinul (Pronounced: Mune-din-ewl) tiny dwarf is a halfling slave in disguise. Under normal
is the password to enter Room 34. circumstances the duergar have no use for weak
halflings. When Sorbo “Sootie” Softbottom, a Level 4
14. Armoury: The wooden door to this room is locked Halfling Thief, was first taken prisoner during a raid on
and reinforced with iron. The armour contains 21 hand the surface, his fellow dwarven slaves recommended
axes, 21 hammers, 7 battle axes, and 3 great hammers. he disguise himself as a young dwarf or be killed.

They painted Sorbo with a soot beard to disguise him 18. Barrack: This long chamber is a military barrack.
as a young dwarf. Sorbo is indeed a poor labourer The room is lined with dwarf-size bunks. A total of
but is particularly intelligent and adept at learning fourteen Duergar Warriors (14) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half
new languages (INT 18). The duergar high priest Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: Seven with 25 and seven
made Sorbo his personal slave due to his invaluable with 19, #AT: 1, Weapon: Seven with Hand Axe (1d6),
knowledge of the many languages of Dwarrowdeep’s Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife
inhabitants. He just recently ran away and hid in the (1d4+1) and seven with Military Pick (1d6), Heavy
storeroom. He has the following statistics: S 10, I 18, Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
W 15, D 16, C 13, Ch 12 and HP: 10 (20). Sorbo Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp each, and three with doses of
can speak halfling, common, dwarven, duergar, kalas- Greatwort, occupy this chamber. There are three large
toa, troll, orc, goblin, bugbear, elf, half-elf, gnome, barrels of water and seven crates of dried fungi, fish,
dark elf, troglodyte, bullywug, morlock, and myconid. and jerky.
In addition, he can learn new languages in half the
normal time. Sorbo knows something “special” must Two Duergar Warband Subleaders (F5) AL: LE, AC:
happen with his master’s key to open the chest in Room 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 33 each, #AT: 1,
25 but does not know the exact details. Weapon: Spiked Warhammer +2 (1d6)Hand Axe (1d6),
Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp
17. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that and 4d18pp, oversee the warriors.
extends east from Primary Encounter Area 6 (P6): The
Foundry on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. 19 and 21. The Great Foundry (East): This massive
chamber, and Room 49, are the two great foundries
A. Guardroom: a group of Duergar Warriors (4) AL: of Gundgathol. Prior to the siege and exodus, all non-
LE, AC: Two with 3 (Half Plate and Shield) and two with dwarves were strictly forbidden from entering the great
3 (Platemail), HD: 4, HP: Two with 28 and two with 23, foundry. The Gundgathol dwarves view the foundries
#AT: 1, Weapon: Two with Military Pick (1d6), Heavy as sacred space. The foundries are a temple - a temple
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1) where they once crafted artifacts of beauty and power
and two with Battle Axe (1d8), Heavy Crossbow with 10 from the bounty provided by Thaneduhr the All-Father
Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 2d10gp, and Dhurindain. To the Gundgathol dwarves the
2d8pp each, are on sentry duty in this side chamber. duergar merely plunder and defile the earth for its
There is a 1-2 on d6 chance that two of them are on wealth.
patrol 150 feet down the eastern passage.
The dwarves constructed three massive furnaces to
B. Guardroom: A Duergar Warband Leader (F5) AL: LE, resemble crowned dwarven hellmouths. The furnace
AC: 2 (Half Plate and Shield +1), HD: 5, HP: 33, #AT: in the center depicts Thaneduhr the All-Father. To his
1, Weapon: Hand Axe +2 (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), right, Dhurindain the Secret-Keeper, and to the left,
and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp and 4d18pp, sits at Geddinthor the God of Battle.
a small table appraising gemstones while two Dargs
AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, HP: 20, 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 An intense reddish-hot glow from the furnaces burns
(and 1d6*), rest at his feet. from their eyes and mouths. The heat is oppressive and
the air hard to breath. The extreme heat is necessary for
The gems on the table include a Very Large Finely the refining and casting of mithril. The heat is controlled
Cut Rainbow Obsidian (155gp), Very Large Exquisite by water reservoirs adjacent to the furnaces.Mine carts
White Chalcedony (175gp), Large Finely Cut Bright are used to bring coal ore from the storage chambers
Yellow Mellochrysos (135gp), Very Large Broken Clear (East: Room 21 and West: 54) into the three furnaces.
Rock Crystal (105gp), Small Average White or Blue The massive chamber is in disrepair. Several 10x10
Moonstone (75gp), Large Exquisite Clear Green Zircon foot columns have crumbled and there are numerous
(155gp), and a Huge Finely Cut Pale Yellow Citrine collapses from the ceiling and the walls.

Throughout the huge chamber Duergar Warriors (35) +1), HD: 8, HP: 50, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Battle Axe +2
AL: LE, AC: 4 (Half Plate), HD: 4, HP: 20 each, #AT: 1, (1d8), Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife +2 (1d4+1), and
Weapon: half with Warhammer (1d6), Light Crossbow Whip (1d4), Treasure: Runestone of Extra-Healing and
with 10 Bolts (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip a Monk’s Habit, mounted on a Steeder AL: N, AC: 4,
(1d4) and the other half with Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy HD: 3, HP: 14, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8.
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and
Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, There is a 1-4 on d6 chance of a priest reviewing the
and a Monk’s Habit (see Barrowmaze) each, oversee operation: Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL6) AL: LE,
the labour of their Dwarven Slaves (140) AL: NG, AC: AC: 2 (Plate +1), HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon:
10, HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Pick Axe (1d6). Great Mace (1d8), Sling with 20 Stones +1 (1d4), and
Twenty of these slaves are dwarven women. Whip (1d4). Spells (3/3/2): Protection from Good, Cure
Light Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless, Holy
An additional seven dwarven slaves are classed fighters: Chant; Animate Dead, Striking, Treasure: 3d10gp,
Four Level 4 Fighters (HP: 12 (35), two Level 5 Fighters 4d18pp, Bag of Sticky Shrooms, Monk’s Habit, and a
(HP: 14 (42), and one Level 6 Fighter (HP: 15 (50). Platinum Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (500gp).

The duergar prefer the hardy dwarven slaves to work 20. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that
the foundries but there are a smattering of other races: extends north from Primary Encounter Area 6 (P6): The
Gnome (Male and Female) AL: NG, AC: 7, HD: 3, HP: Foundry on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. There are
15 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Fist (1d2), Norker (Male) AL: normally 1d6+1 duergar warriors from Room 19 on
CE, AC: 7, HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG: Fist (1d2), sentry duty located at this mouth of this entrance/exit.
Hobgoblin (Male) AL: LE, AC: 8, HD: 1+1, HP: 6, #AT:
1, DMG: Fist (1d2), Elf (Male and Female) AL: N, AC: 21. See Room 19.
8, HD: 3, HP: 12 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Fist (1d2), and
a Derro (Male) AL: CE, AC: 7, HD: 3, HP: 12, #AT: 1, 22. Furnace Guardroom: Six Duergar Warriors (6) AL:
DMG: Fist (1d2). LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each,
#AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow
The slaves are bound with manacles at the ankle and with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure:
wrist and move at a slow pace unless whipped. The 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are on sentry duty in this
dwarves are emaciated and only fed enough to keep chamber. They are accompanied by a Darg AL: LE, AC:
them alive. Their beards are matted and overgrown. 4 (Chainmail Barding), HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG:
Most wear only loincloths due to the oppressive heat. 2d4 (and 1d6*). The warriors are intent on playing (and
betting) on a dice game but do so in hushed tones to
Some of the dwarves fill mine carts in the storage avoid detection by their officer in Room 23.
chambers (Room 21), others push carts of ore to the
furnaces, others shovel coal into the furnaces, and A. Warrior Barrack: Four Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE,
other slaves are being whipped for insubordination. AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 24 each,
#AT: 1, Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow
The warriors are directed by three Duergar Warband with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure:
Subleaders (F5) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Half Plate and Shield 3d8ep, 2d8pp each. Two have doses of Greatwort, are
+1), HD: 5, HP: 33 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe unarmoured (AC: 8), and asleep on their bedrolls.
(1d6), Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and
Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp and 4d18pp, and a 23. Officer Barrack: A Duergar Warband Leader (F8)
Monk’s Habit, with Dargs (3) AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, AL: LE, AC: 1 (Platemail +2), HD: 8, HP: 56, #AT:
HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*). 3/2, Weapon: Battle Axe +2 (1d8), Warhammer (1d6),
Seax Knife +2 (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure:
The entire operation is under the command of Dalzok, a 3d10gp and 4d18pp, Chest Key, sits at a table carving
Duergar Warband Leader (F8) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Platemail a runestone to Dworgrim. It reads, “I, Galgol, Son of

Galrak Whitebeard, carved these runes in honour of In the small closet is a Large Ornate Metal Chest.
Dworgrim the Gray One.” Beside the table is a bed The sides of the chest are decorated with dwarven
and a Small Chest (Locked): 35pp, 75gp, and Gold hellmouths. The chest is Double Locked and deviously
Armbands (100gp each). Trapped (the key is in Room 24). To open the chest,
the key must be inserted and turned clockwise once
24. The Forge-Temple of Dworgrim: The sound of ritual until a click is heard. The key must then be turned twice
prayer can be heard in the hallway outside this door. counter-clockwise until two more clicks are heard. Only
High Priest Brogdur Whitebeard, a Duergar Cleric of turning the key in this manner will deactivate the trap.
Dworgrim (CL7) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate +1), HD: 7, HP: If a PC attempts to open the lid after only a single turn
45, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great Mace +1 (1d8), Sling +2 of the key, the trap mechanism will engage. Almost
with 20 Stones (1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells (4/3/2/1): instantaneously, the center hellmouth below the lock
Protection from Good, Detect Good, Cure Light will discharge Paralytic Powder into the face of the
Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless, Holy Chant; key-holder (Save versus Paralysis at -2). If the target
Animate Dead, Striking; Protection from Good 10’ makes his save, he is allowed a Dexterity Check to
Radius, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d18pp, Dose of Greatwort, avoid the next two hellmouths. From the right and left
Bag of Sticky Shrooms, Three Keys (Door to Room 25 of the first, two additional hellmouths will squirt gouts
and Chest, as well as Room 41), Runestone of Curing, of acid for (3d6 total points of damage each, save for
and a Mithril Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (5,000gp), half unless the first save was failed). All items on the
leads his followers in prayer. target must make saving throws versus Death using the
PCs unmodified saving throws or be destroyed by the
Two lesser priests Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL5) acid. Magical bonuses apply. The acid does additional
AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 31 and damage a round later (1d6). However, items do not
29, #AT: 1, Weapon: Mace (1d6), Sling with 20 Stones need to make an additional saving throw.
(1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells (3/2/1): Protection from
Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Inside the chest are the following magical items:
Bless; Striking, Treasure: 4d18pp, Bag of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone of Ice, Runestone of Fireballs, Runestone
and a Gold Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (300gp), attend of Life Trapping, Spellstone: Heal, Stoutblade Dagger
him on either side of an altar along the north wall. +3, and a Runestone of Controlling Earth Elementals.
In addition, there is a hoard of the finest gemstones
Brogdur is blessing a group of Duergar Warriors (8) the party has ever seen: Large Broken Light Green
AL: LE, AC: 3 (Platemail), HD: 4, HP: Four with 28 Jade (1,450gp), Medium Average Bright Red Jacinth
and four with 21, #AT: 1, Weapon: Four with Great (1,600gp), Very Large Broken Pale Blue Opal (1,950gp),
Hammer (1d8), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Very Large Flawed Bright Red Jacinth (2,100gp), Very
and Seax Knife (1d4+1) and four with Hand Axe (1d6), Large Average Bright Red Jacinth (2,200gp), Huge
Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife Broken King’s Tear (2,450gp), Small Finely Cut Deep
(1d4+1), Treasure: 2d10gp and 2d8pp each, who will Green Emerald (3,900gp), Large Exquisite Bright Red
be elevated in rank to warband leaders. Jacinth (4,700gp), and a Huge Exquisite Translucent
Star Ruby (5,700gp).
25. High Priest’s Quarters: The door to this room is
locked and trapped with Dworgrim’s Ward. This spell 26. Priest Barracks: This chamber is a simple barrack
is akin to Hammer Ward (see New Spells), except a for three Duergar Clerics of Dworgrim (CL5) AL: LE,
ghostly white mace attacks the intruder (4d6 points of AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 31 each, #AT: 1,
damage). Using the key (Room 24) will deactivate the Weapon: Mace (1d6), Sling with 20 Stones (1d4), and
trap. Inside the room is a simple bed, a table and chair, Whip (1d4). Spells (3/2/1): Protection from Good, Cure
and a small altar with a Platinum Figurine of Dworgrim Light Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless; Striking,
(1,500gp). Tiled murals around the walls depict the epic Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d18pp, and a Gold Holy Symbol of
victory of House Whitebeard over House Stoneborn to Dworgrim (300gp). All three have doses of Greatwort
retake Gundgathol. and Bags of Sticky Shrooms.

The room contains three beds and a square table. The started to question his faith. His hands and tongue can
clerics are seated at the table carving and blessing only be addressed by means of a Heal spell (for each).
magical runestones. On the table are the following:
Runestone Arrowhead +2, Runestone of Extra-Healing, Gromad, Son of Gromli “One Ear” Fireforge, Level
Runestone of Delusion, and a Runestone of Missile 5 Dwarven Fighter AL: NG, AC: 9 (Dex), HD: 5, HP:
Attraction. 6 (45), #AT: 1, DMG: Fist (1d2) Ability Scores: S 16, I
10, W 9, D 13, C 17, Ch 11. Gromad is a fierce dwarf
27. Cell Guardroom: Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, with bright red hair and tattoos down the length of both
AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 24 each, arms.
#AT: 1, Weapon: Shortsword (1d6), Heavy Crossbow
with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip The duergar use him in their weapons training exercises
(1d4), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, led by (Room 15) and then heal him back to low health. Like
a Warband Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Platemail +1), Nairn, he has reached his breaking point. His body is
HD: 7, HP: 42, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Great Hammer +1 covered in the scars of battle and torture.
(1d8), Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip
(1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp and 4d18pp, with a Darg AL: 31. The double doors to this chamber are sealed and
LE, AC: 4 (Chainmail Barding), HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, made of stone. The arch around the door is carved
DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*), occupy this guardroom. in a geometric design with dwarves faces. The door is
double-trapped with Hammer Ward (4d6) and Runes of
Every three hours two warriors and the darg patrol in Dhurindain (Fire Blast, 14 points of damage).
a loop south to the primary passage, northeast up to
Room 19, and the west back to Room 27. There is a 1-2 Inside is an ornate stone throne decorated with the
on d6 chance they are on patrol when the PCs arrive. symbol of House Ironforge. Massive statues of forge-
smiths stand on either side of the throne. The throne
28. Slave Pen: The door to this chamber is made of is bejewelled with seven Huge Rubies (500gp each),
wood with a barred hole to observe inside the cell. seven Emeralds (500gp each), and seven King’s Tears
There are 21 emaciated Dwarf (Male) Slaves AL: NG, (500gp each).
AC: 10, HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d2.
The throne is magical and offers a single blessing:
29. Slave Pen: Like Room 28, the door to this room has The first dwarf to sit on the throne will be blessed and
a barred hole. Inside are 14 Dwarf (Male) Slaves in receive +1 to his/her constitution (permanent). The
poor health AL: NG, AC: 10, HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: first non-dwarf to sit on the throne will be blessed with
1, DMG: 1d2. Dwarven Stone Sense (also permanent).

30. The Hole: The door to this chamber is made of If any attempt is made to loot the throne, the two statues
rusted steel. The duergar chain slaves who are “trouble- will animate as Advanced Sentinel of the Ancestors (2)
makers” against the wall and subject them to torture. AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 8, HP: 60 each, #AT: 2, DMG:
The two slaves are Nairn and Gromad: 1d6+2 per attack, to destroy the intruders.

Nairn, Son of Nali, Grandson of Nalmorn “Stonehead” There is a 1-2 on d6 chance of damaging the gems
Hillhammer, Level 4 Cleric of Dhurindain AL: NG, AC: (halving the value) if extracted by a non-thief or a thief
9 (Dex), HD: 4, HP: 4 (27), DMG: Fist (1d2), Ability lower than level 6.
Scores: S 16, I 10, W 16, D 13, C 17, Ch 12. When
the duergar learned that Nairn was a priest of the false 32. Two Dwargoyles (2) AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 4, HP:
god Dhurindain, they broke his fingers to end his spell- 25, #AT: 4 or 1, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4 or Stone
casting ability. When he still quietly preached the word Hammer (1d12) stand guard in this chamber. One
of the Secret-Keeper, the duergar cut out his tongue. will attempt to flee west and warn the warriors of the
After centuries of heavy labour and torture Nairn has intrusion in Room 38.

33. The duergar clerics trapped the door (specifically After the Stone Mouth discharges two Runestone
the dwarven face carved into the door arch) with Face Golems (2) AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 7, HP: 40, #AT: 1, DMG:
of Dworgrim (see Face of Dhurindain). Inside the room 1d10, hidden in the dark alcove at the back of the crypt
is a small armoury with three sets of platemail and (A), will activate and attack the intruders.
seven sets of Half Plate on armour stands. There are
also three helms and 14 hand axes. The equipment is The sarcophagus contains the skeletal remains
crafted in duergar style. of Munedal, Son of Munedrin “the Mighty”
Hammerhand. Laid beside his remains is a Silver Coffer
34. The door to this chamber is sealed and made of with a king’s ransom in gemstones: Medium, Average,
stone. There are 24 stone dials on the front of the door. Deep Green Emerald (1,600gp), Large, Finely Cut,
Above each dial is a dwarven rune representing the Deep Crimson Ruby (4,200gp), Huge, Exquisite, Deep
alphabet A-Z. All the dials are in the down position. To Green Emerald (5,700gp), Very Large, Flawed, Deep
open the door, the PCs must spell the word “Munedinul” Crimson Ruby (2,100gp), Huge, Flawed, Bright Red
by turning each respective dial upwards. Repeated Jacinth (2,600gp), and a Huge, Broken, Clear Blue
letters (u and n) must be turned twice as the name is Sapphire (2,450gp).
spelled out. The password Munedinul (Translation: Son
of Munedin and pronounced Mune-din-ewl) can be Munedin was buried in his Ornate Mithril Platemail +3,
learned from Mordrin Barrelstane in Room 13. The Round Mithril Shield +2 of Spell Turning emblazoned
door is enchanted with the sacred runes of Thaneduhr with the sigil of House Hammerhand, and “Baruk-
and cannot be breached by any means mundane or Dzad” the Black Hammer. The Black Hammer was
magical. See page 134. forged in the immediate aftermath of the civil war within
House Stoneborn and the exile of the gray dwarves.
The door opens into a long 60x30 foot chamber. A To ensure House Stoneborn possessed a weapon of
set of seven broad dwarven stairs lead up 10 feet to power to use against its banished kin, House Ironforge
a sarcophagus. The back of the crypt is dark. Murals crafted “Baruk-Dzad.” This weapon is a Mithril Spiked
on the wall depict Munedal, Son of Munedrin “the Warhammer +3 Dwarven Thrower. In the hands of a
Mighty” Hammerhand wielding the Black Hammer mountain dwarf the warhammer can be thrown 40 feet
defeating Yzkill, the great goblin chieftain, in single and return to the wielder. When thrown it strikes for
combat. Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #18. double damage. Its purpose is to slay duergar and it
strikes triple damage on a successful hit against gray
There are two traps in this room activated by pressure dwarves (instead of giantkind). The weapon crackles
plates on the stairs. The traps can be avoided by walking with magical energy during battle. The weapon is a
up the seventh stone of each row of stairs (the stairs are Warhammer +1 in the hands of a non-dwarf.
eight stones across from wall to wall, counting left to
right) leading up to the sarcophagus. Hints regarding 35. Tool Shop: This chamber is a tool shop to supplement
the number seven are provided in the runes carved in the forges (Room 40). Tools such as hammers, chisels,
the crypt murals. and bellows, hang from the walls and are neatly
arranged on tables. There is also a seated sharpening
The side of the sarcophagus facing the stairs is carved in grinder.
the likeness of Munedal Hammerhand. Stepping on any
stone other than the seventh will trigger the discharge of 36. Slave Hold: The door to this chamber is locked.
two wards: Face of Dhurindain and Stone Mouth (Great Inside are Dwarf Slaves (14) AL: NG, AC: 10, HD: 1,
Shout). All those who behold the sarcophagus must HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Fist (1d2). One of them is
save or be Petrified. After the Face of Dhurindain has Brunna Battlehammer, a Level 5 Dwarven Fighter AL:
been activated, the Stone Mouth will discharge a Great NG, AC: 9 (Dex), HD: 5, HP: 3 (45), #AT: 1, DMG:
Shout. All those turned to stone must Save versus Death Fist (1d2), Ability Scores: S 15, I 12, W 2, D 13, C 16,
or be shattered into tiny stone pieces. Those shattered Ch 14. Brunna is a female dwarven warrior. Due to
into rubble cannot be resurrected short of a Wish. the lopsided birthrate, dwarven women are rare. This

group of slaves have been together for decades and and the red glow of active forges from B and E spill
are accustomed to looking after each other. She will out into the hallway. The entrance of each forge is
implore the party to save them and hope to join her kin guarded by a Dwargoyle (4) AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 4,
on the surface. HP: 25 each, #AT: 4 or 1, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4 or
Stone Hammer (1d12). The northern wall has partially
37. Slave Hold: The door is open. This chamber is collapsed.
empty. Some of the slaves from Room 19 are quartered
here. A. This chamber contains a reservoir of dark, clear
water for use in the adjacent forges.
38. Barrack: A force of Duergar Warriors (10) AL: LE,
AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: Five with 22 B. A Duergar Master Smith (F8) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Platemail),
and five with 20, #AT: 1, Weapon: Five with Military Pick HD: 8, HP: 50, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Forge Hammer
(1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax (1d6), Warhammer (1d6) and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
Knife (1d4+1) and five with Warhammer (1d6), Heavy Treasure: 1d10gp and 3d8pp, is at work forging axe
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), blades. His Darg AL: LE, AC: 4 (Chainmail Barding),
Treasure: 3d8ep and 2d10gp each, and a Duergar HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*), lies in
Warband Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Half Plate +1 the corner.
and Shield), HD: 7, HP: 40, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Hand
Axe +2 (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), C. This forge is unoccupied.
Treasure: 3d10gp and 4d18pp, occupy this chamber.
The chamber is furnished with simple bunk beds. A D. The forge is empty. A shiny new Battle Axe Blade +2
Darg AL: LE, AC: 2 (Platemail Barding), HD: 3, HP: lies complete on an anvil.
15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*), sleeps between the
doors on the eastern wall. E. This forge is alive with the forge chanting of a
Duergar Master Smith (F8) AL: LE, AC: 8 (Ring of
39. Forge Guardroom: A small contingent of Duergar Protection +2), HD: 8, HP: 45, #AT: 3/2, Weapon:
Warriors (6) AL: LE, AC: Three with 3 (Platemail) and Forge Hammer (1d6) and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure:
three with 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: Three 1d10gp, 3d8pp. As his hammer beats steel, the smith
with 26 and three with 20, #AT: 1, Weapon: Three with rhythmically sings a song in a deep low voice that
Great Hammer (1d8), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts praises the strength and courage of his people.
(1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1) and three with Military
Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and 41. This door is locked. The key is in Room 24. The
Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, door is trapped with a double Hammer Ward (4d6
led by a Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL6) AL: LE, each). This small vault like chamber contains an altar
AC: 3 (Plate), HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great devoted to Dworgrim with ingots of precious metal for
Mace (1d8), Sling with 10 Stones +2 (1d4), and Whip the forges. There are 21 Silver Ingots (50gp each), 14
(1d4). Spells (3/3/2): Protection from Good, Cure Light Electrum Ingots (100gp each), 7 Gold Ingots (500gp
Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless, Holy Chant; each), 3 Platinum Ingots (1,000gp each), and 1 Mithril
Animate Dead, Striking, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d18pp, Ingot (5,000gp).
Bag of Sticky Shrooms, and a Platinum Holy Symbol of
Dworgrim (500gp), guard the entry into the foundry’s 42. Guardroom: A sizeable force of duergar occupy
lesser forges. It is likely (1-4 on d6) that the cleric is in this room against possible incursion. There are seven
either 40A (1-3) or 40E (4-6) to bless smith’s work. Duergar Warriors (7) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield),
HD: 4, HP: 21 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Four with Hand
40. Lesser Forges: This small complex is the location of Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and
the lesser forges. Rooms B-E contain a fully equipped Seax Knife (1d4+1) and three with Military Pick (1d6),
forge. Each forge has an adjacent storage chamber Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife
with filled with coal and iron ore. The clanging of steel (1d4+1), Treasure: 1d10gp and 2d8pp each.

They are led by a Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL6) 46. Steeder Pen: The duergar warriors in Room 48
AL: LE, AC: 3 (Plate), HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: use this chamber as a stable for their Steeders (6) AL:
Great Mace +1 (1d8), Sling with 20 Stones +2 (1d4), N, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 14 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8.
and Whip (1d4). Spells (3/3/2): Protection from Good, The steeders are normally (1-5 on d6) harnessed and
Cure Light Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless, saddled to ensure their readiness for patrols. Clerics
Holy Chant; Animate Dead, Striking, Treasure: 3d10gp, and warband leaders possess a silent whistle to call
4d18pp, and a Platinum Holy Symbol of Dworgrim spiders that only they can hear.
(500gp). He also has a dose of Greatwort and a Bag of
Sticky Shrooms, and a Duergar Warband Leader (F8) 47. The slope at this location descends approximately
AL: LE, AC: -2 (Platemail +2 and Shield +2), HD: 8, 60 feet. The slope leads west from Primary Encounter
HP: 60, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Hand Axe +2 (1d6), Seax Area 6 (P6): The Foundry along the Primary Passage
Knife +2 (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp toward S20 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
and 4d18pp, and a Runestone of Giant Strength with a
Darg AL: LE, AC: 4 (Chainmail Barding), HD: 3, HP: A group of three Pack Lizards AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP:
15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*). In addition, the 8, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d3, are hitched at this location. Their
duergar allow their four Steeders AL: N, AC: 4, HD: baskets are empty as they await escort back to P7: The
3, HP: 14, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, to range 100-300 feet Mithril Lodes.
down the passage to feed but will return when they
sound their silent whistles. 48. Guardroom and Barracks: Two Duergar Clerics
of Dworgrim (CL6) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Platemail +2), HD:
43. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that 6, HP: 40 and 35, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great Mace +1
extends southwest from Primary Encounter Area 6 (P6): (1d8), Sling with 20 Stones (1d4), and Whip (1d4).
The Foundry on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. Spells (3/3/2): Protection from Good, Cure Light
Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless, Holy Chant;
44. Slave Hold: The dwarves at work in Room 49 Animate Dead, Striking, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d18pp,
normally occupy this chamber. It is foul and squalid. Bag of Sticky Shrooms, and a Platinum Holy Symbol of
Under a loose stone are 1d3 Mundane Runestones. Dworgrim (500gp), and a Duergar Warband Leader
(F6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Platemail), HD: 6, HP: 38, #AT:
45. Hall of Records: The door to this chamber was burnt 1, Weapon: Battle Axe (1d8), Warhammer (1d6), Seax
out long ago. This was once a great hall of records but Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp and
was destroyed by the duergar. The duergar used this 4d18pp, are seated at a table discussing the return
chamber as a slave pen at some point in the past - escort of the pack lizards in Room 46 to P7: The Mithril
an indignity no Gundgathol dwarf could bear. There Lodes.
are piles of destroyed and moldy books and scrolls
throughout the room. A. Barrack: This room is spartan. The Duergar
Warriors (5) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 4,
HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Warhammer (1d6),
Scrolls, Books, and Runestones: 427 Light Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife
Items of Value: 1d4+2 Random Mundane (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are
Runestones, Runic Tablet (Barrowmaze), Scroll backing up their belongings to leave on patrol.
with the following Clerical Spells: Blessed Stone,
Circle of Stones, Stonebeard, and Courage of the B. Barrack: Like A, this room has no furnishings. These
Ancestors, Seax Knife +1 Luck Blade, Runestone of Duergar Warriors (5) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and
Curing, Runestone of Prayer, a Pouch with 1d4+1 Shield), HD: 4, HP: 25 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Military
Runestones of War, three Runestones of Impact, Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and
and the Divining Runestone Key (Room 8). Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp
each, will remain in the foundry. They are at rest in their
bedrolls and are unarmoured (AC: 10).

C. Barrack: These Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: 3 54. See Room 19. Normally dwarven slaves located
(Platemail), HD: 4, HP: 24, #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle Axe in the ore storage dumps are busy shovelling coal into
(1d8), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax mine carts for transportation to the furnace. In the
Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, meantime, empty carts are being pushed back to be
will be joining the escort patrol to the Mithril Lodes and filled. The guards oversee the slaves and whip them as
are awaiting orders to move out. necessary. The dwarves are so accustomed to being
beaten, they pay little attention to the lash.
49 and 54. See Room 19 and 21 for the description,
except there are 28 duergar warriors (with the same 55. Guardroom: This guardroom is empty except for a
number of subleaders and leaders and 119 dwarven table and four stools. The warriors are on the floor of
slaves (with seven additional classed fighters). the foundries overseeing the slaves.

50. Guardroom: Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: 3

(Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 20 each, #AT: 1,
Weapon: Warhammer (1d6), Light Crossbow with 10
Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep,
2d10gp, 2d8pp each, and a Darg AL: LE, AC: 4
(Chainmail Barding), HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG:
2d4 (and 1d6*), guard the entrance into the Great

51. Guardroom: This room is empty. The guards

currently on duty in Room 49 normally occupy this
chamber. There are seven beds with dirty linens. Two
have Small Chests (both Locked and Trapped with
Poison Needles, Save or Die): they contain a Runestone
of Sharpening, and the following gems: Very Large
Average Red-Brown Spinel (500gp), Large Exquisite
Yellow-Green Chrysoberyl (650gp), Small Average Pale
Green Tourmaline (200gp), and a Medium Exquisite
Lime Green Peridot (550gp). The second chest contains
1d3 Random Mundane Runestones and three gems:
Large Exquisite Green Aquamarine (650gp), Very
Large Exquisite Transparent Ziose (750gp), and a Small
Exquisite Deep Purple Amethyst (450gp).

52. This guardroom is empty except for seven dirty


53. Guardroom: Like Room 50, these Duergar

Warriors (3) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD:
4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Military Pick (1d6),
Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife
(1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep and 2d10gp each, guard the
ore-entrance to the Great Foundry. One of the warriors
has a Runestone of Shielding.

P7: Mithril Lodes Scaling and Party Level
The Mithril Lodes are located in one of the deepest The Mithril Lodes are designed for character levels 5-7
levels of Gundgathol. The dwarves view the streams of or higher. If the PCs are significantly below this range,
mithril silver running through the stone to be a blessing or significantly above, the referee is encouraged to
of Dhurindain. adjust accordingly. Repeated incursions into the mines
will draw reinforcements from P6 The Foundry or Gund-
The lodes are considered sacred space to the Felek.
Gundgathol dwarves. They view the mining of mithril
to be a spiritiual undertaking. The dwarves mined The Referee should strongly encourage players to
mithril exclusively by hand. Non-dwarves were strictly engage in scouting and surveillance prior to any
forbidden. incursion.

After the duergar took control, they abused Dhurindain’s

sacred bounty and mined the earth with no regard for
its purity. The duergar primarily use dwarven slaves to Duergar Weapons and Equipment:
mine mithril. They are hardy and skilled at extracting
the precious metal from the stone. The ore is then Whip: Strikes for 1d4 points of damage. On a hit
transported to P6: The Foundry or Gund-Felek for the target must make a successful saving throw
refinement. versus Paralyzation or fall prone (+4 to hit).

The Gundgathol dwarves insist on praying to Net: On a hit the target must make a successful
Dhurindain for his protection (Room 25) prior to mining saving throw versus Paralyzation or be caught. If
mithril in the lodes. They duergar allow it because the caught, movement is reduced to zero and it takes
Gundgathol dwarves refuse to work without the blessing one round to cut out of the net.
and protection of the Secret-Keeper.
Greatwort: This brew increases the size of a
dwarf from four feet to six feet tall and provides
a corresponding +1 to damage rolls. This liquid
Water: Various areas within the mines are flooded
functions for dwarves only.
with water. These flooded areas are marked on the
map. Each time the PCs encounter a pool of water
Steeder Saddles: The duergar use steeders
roll 1d6 for the depth and make a note for future
as mounts. The saddles are complicated with
reference on the map (1d6): (1-2) Ankle Deep, (3-
numerous straps to keep the rider seated while
5) Knee Deep, (6) Waist Deep.
upside down or vertical. It takes 1 turn for a rider
to properly strap him or herself into a saddle.
Mine Shafts: The Mithril Lodes are dotted with open
pits. In this context, the open pits represent mine
Silent Whistles: Duergar warband leaders and
shafts leaving down into the earth. To determine
clerics possess high-pitched, silent whistles to call
the depth roll 1d6: (1-2) 20 feet, (3-4) 40 feet, (5)
their steeder mounts.
50 feet, (6) Bottomless.
Sticky Shrooms: A bag of sticky shrooms can be
Purple Worms: The dwarves believe the passage of
thrown and cover a 10x10 area of effect. All those
the worms may, along with Dhurindain’s blessing,
within, or move through, the area of effect must
seed the earth with the precious metal. This makes
Save versus Paralyzation or be stuck for 1d4+1
mithril mining a dangerous undertaking.

Mithril Lodes: Random Monsters 5. This chamber has partially collapsed along the
southeastern wall. The floor is wet with water dripping
1-4 Duergar Warband in from the ceiling.
5 Ochre Jelly (1)
6 Amber Bulk (1) 6. Guard Outpost: Three Duergar Warriors (3) AL:
LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 40 each,
7 Black Pudding (1) #AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow
8 Purple Worm (1) with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure:
3d10gp, 3d8pp each. Two of the warriors possess
1. The slope at this location leads upward approximately Sticky Shrooms, and are led by Marrug, a Duergar
60 feet. It leads northeast from Primary Encounter Area Warband Subleader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate +1 and
7 (P7): The Mithril Lodes along the Primary Passage Shield +1), HD: 7, HP: 50 each, #AT: 3/2, Weapon:
toward S22 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. Spiked Warhammer +2 (1d6), Hand Axe (1d6), Seax
Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp and
Three Pack Lizards AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 2, HP: 8, #AT: 1, 4d18pp, guard the underdark entrance (Room 7).
DMG: 1d3, are roped together and hitched to an iron
ring. They are harnessed but have not been loaded by 7. Passage to the Underdark: This is one of the tunnels
the slaves. the duergar used during their original assault on
Gundgathol. This passage leads downward into the
2. Guard Outpost: Duergar Warriors (3) AL: LE, AC: bleak blackness of the underdark.
2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 40 each, #AT: 1,
Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 8. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that
Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d10gp, extends southeast from Primary Encounter Area 7 (P7):
3d8pp each, led by Dulgar, a Warband Leader (F7) The Mithril Lodes on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
AL: LE, AC: 0 (Platemail +3), HD: 7, HP: 56, #AT: 3/2,
Weapon: Battle Axe +1 (1d8), Warhammer (1d6), Seax 9. “Dead” End: Cave Morays (6) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 4,
Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, HP: 28, 22, 20, 19, 18, 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 1–8, made
4d18pp, Dose of Greatwort, are on sentry duty. a home in this dead end long ago.

The sounds of mining can be heard from Room 27. The duergar throw unwanted slaves into the corner
There is a 1-2 on d6 chance that two warriors escorting and watch them get torn to shreds by the ravenous
1d6+4 dwarven slaves bearing baskets of electrum ore, morays for sport. The warriors also throw garbage into
may appear from one of the two southern passages on the dead end. Several bones, a Silver Locket with the
their way to load the pack lizard in Room 1. Holy Symbol of Dhurindain (800gp), and two random
Mundane Runestones, protrude from a pile of earth
3. The duergar in Room 2 set a Deadfall Stone Trap in along the back wall.
the northern entry passage to this chamber. A tripwire
will drop heavy stone from the ceiling for 4d6 points of 10. A crack in the back wall of this chamber vents
damage (Save versus Death to half the damage) and poisonous gas several times each day. There is a 1-3
will draw the attention of the guards in both Room 2. on d6 chance gas will vent while the PCs are present.
All those in the 20-foot dead end must Save versus
4. Steeder Den: The duergar allow their Steeders (3) Poison or suffer the effects of Confusion for 1d6 turns.
AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 14 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8,
to occupy this cave. The ceiling is high (40 feet) and 11. The corpse of a dwarven slave lies face down on
they are off the floor tucked into crevasses and natural the floor in a pool of coagulated blood. The back of
cave outcroppings. They will not attack the duergar and his head was crushed by a hammer blow. In his hand
receive a +2 on attacks from above. There is a 1-4 on in a Mundane Runestone that reads “Save us Mighty
d6 chance the spiders are harnessed. Dhurindain. I, Dimri Longbeard, carved these runes.”

12. Two rusty wheelbarrows are tipped on their side. 19. “Dead” End II: This dead end has been used as a
latrine by the duergar warriors. Long abandoned, the
13. A rickety hand-cart (wheelbarrow) sits the end of tunnel still smells of offal - a true affront to the sacred
the short 20 foot eastern tunnel in this mine chamber. earth of Dhurindain. Hidden in the pile (four turns of
The hand cart is a Mimic AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 9, HP: 42, searching) is a Rotting Pouch with a Huge Exquisite
#AT: 1, DMG: 3d4. Red Garnet (850gp), Huge Average Brown-Green
Garnet (600gp), Large Exquisite Pale Brown Cassiterite
14. This chamber is empty except for an open mine (650gp), and a Huge Exquisite Bright Yellow Microlite
shaft leading down into the center of the earth. (850gp). Another three turns of searching will reveal a
Ring of Protection +3. Note that each turn of searching
15. Thin veins of mithril run through this dead-end. may (1-5 on d6) lead to illness (see Giant Rat disease).

16. Silver Mine: A warband of Duergar Warriors (4) AL: 20. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that
LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 30 each, #AT: extends south from Primary Encounter Area 7 (P7): The
1, Weapon: Shortsword (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with Mithril Lodes on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4),
Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each, led by a Subleader 21. Guard Outpost: The duergar posted Warriors (3)
(F7) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate +1 and Shield +1), HD: 7, HP: AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 32 each,
50, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Pick Axe +2 (1d6), Hand Axe #AT: 1, Weapon: Warhammer (1d6), Light Crossbow
(1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: with 10 Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure:
3d10gp and 4d18pp, Runestone of Extra-Healing, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, here as sentries to monitor
oversee the mining operation in this chamber. activity along the secondary passageway heading
south (Room 20).
Fourteen Dwarf Slaves (14) AL: NG, AC: 10, HD: 1,
HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Pick Axe (1d6) or Shovel 22. This chamber is empty. Water trickles down the
(1d4), are at work under the whip of their oppressors. stairs from Room 24.
Half the number have pickaxes mining the walls and the
other half collect ore and fill baskets for transportation 23. Thin streams of mithril run through the western wall.
to Room 1 via the main passageway. One of the
dwarves is a Doppelganger AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: 24. This chamber is empty. Water trickles from the
30, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d12. ceiling of the mine down the stairs to Room 22.

17. The duergar trapped this chamber with a tripwire. 25. Ruins of Dhurindain’s Temple: When the dwarves
Handing from a rope attached to the ceiling above first opened these mines and found mithril, they
the entrance is a glass vial filled with Yellow Mold AL: constructed a temple, set within the natural environment
N, AC: Always hit, HD: 2, HP: 2, #AT: Spores, DMG: of the cave, to honour Dhurindain for his blessings.
1d6*. There is only enough mold to affect the first two
PCs to enter the room. A massive 30x30 statue, over 50 feet tall, dominates
the chamber. The representation of the Secret-Keeper is
18. Guard Outpost: Several Duergar Warriors (3) rough-hewn and his visage appears (as is custom) to be
AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 32 each, cut from stone. The ceiling collapsed at several points
#AT: 1, Weapon: Shortsword (1d6), Light Crossbow including large stalactites that have broken off and
with 10 Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: damaged the statue. The Gundgathol dwarves refuse
2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are seated on rocks sharpening to work the mithril mines unless they are afforded the
their weapons. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance they are opportunity to pray for protection, albeit briefly, before
patrolling along a circuit heading east and south to the statue of Dhurindain before proceeding deeper
Room 19, west to Room 20, and then returning to this into the Mithril Lodes. The dwarves normally stand in a
chamber. group before the statue to offer their prayers.

There is a 1-2 on d6 chance that Dwarven Slaves (35) shipment of precious metal ore from Room 1 to P6: The
AL: NG, AC: 10, HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Foundry. The leader possesses a silent whistle that will
Pick Axe (1d6) or Shovel (1d4), are in prayer as the call the steeders in Room 29 to him in three rounds.
PCs arrive at this location. If so, there are also Duergar Two steeder saddles sit on the floor of the chamber.
Warriors (5) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP:
35, each #AT: 1, Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), Heavy 29. Steeder Den: The duergar allow Steeders (3) AL:
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), N, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 14, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, to lair in
and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d8gp and 2d10pp each. this chamber close to Room 1 for the purpose of patrols
and emergencies.
The warriors are led by Dronkuz, a Warband Subleader
(F7) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate +1 and Shield +1), HD: 7, The ceiling is high (50 feet). One is located on the
HP: 50, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Warhammer +2 (1d6), floor at the back of the chamber, and the other two are
Hand Axe (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), located above the entranceway (+2 to attack). They will
Treasure: 3d10gp and 4d18pp, Runestone of Enemy not attack gray dwarves. There is a 1-4 on d6 chance
Detection, who, at the conclusion of the prayer cracks the spiders are harnessed.
his whip and commands the dwarves to work in Rooms
16, 27, 30, 47, 50, and 51. 30. Silver Mine: A group of Dwarf Slaves (12) AL: NG,
AC: 10, HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Pick Axe
26. Thin streams of mithril run through the walls of this (1d6) or Shovel (1d4), labour under the cruel yolk of
dead-end passage. their masters. Have the slaves are digging in the alcoves
of the room while the other half use shovels and fill two
27. Silver Mine: The sound of mining echoes down small hand carts for transportation east to Room 1.
the passages of this chamber. Dwarf Slaves (21) AL:
NG, AC: 10, HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Pick Duergar Warriors (5) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield),
Axe (1d6) or Shovel (1d4), are mining silver from the HD: 6, HP: 3x35, 2x28 #AT: 1, Weapon: Military Pick
northern and southeastern areas of this room. The (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax
salves are overseen by Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d8gp and
AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 30 each, #AT: 2d10pp each. Three have Sticky Shrooms.
1, Weapon: Shortsword (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with
10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), The are led by Dalhrin, a Warband Subleader (F7)
Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each, and Maarkmak a AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate +1 and Shield +1), HD: 7, HP: 50,
Warband Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Platemail +3), #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Mace +2 (1d6), Hand Axe (1d6),
HD: 7, HP: 56, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Battle Axe +2 Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp
(1d8), Warhammer +1 (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and and 4d18pp, Runestone of Proof Against Fear, oversee
Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d18pp, Runestone of the mining operation.
Heroism, Dose of Greatwort.
31. A stream of mithril runs through this dead-end.
28. Guard Outpost: A handful of sentries include
Duergar Warriors (3) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), 32. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that
HD: 6, HP: 40 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Military Pick extends north from Primary Encounter Area 7 (P7): The
(1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Mithril Lodes on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each.
33. Guard Outpost: Three Duergar Warriors (3) AL:
Argduhr, the Warband Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 32 each, #AT:
+2 and Shield), HD: 7, HP: 52, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: 1, Weapon: Warhammer (1d6), Light Crossbow with 10
Hand Axe +2 (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 2d10gp,
(1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp and 4d18pp, Runestone of 2d8pp each, are posted here to guard the secondary
Levitation, are stationed in this chamber to oversee the passage (Room 32).

34. This room has a small collapse adjacent to a mine grown including Advanced Phycomids (Tan, Brown,
shaft. The two alcoves to the southwest are backlit by and Ochre) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 22, 15, 12, #AT:
dark purple phosphorescent lichen. 1, DMG: See entry, Treasure: None.

35. The dead-end of this tunnel sparkles with a vein of 45. The end of this dead-end passage contains veins
gold. of mithril.

36. This chamber is empty. The sound of mining can be 46. Passage to the Underdark: This is one of the
heard from Room 51. tunnels the duergar used during their original assault
on Gundgathol. This passage leads down into the
37. Guard Outpost: Three Duergar Warriors (3) AL: underdark.
LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 28 each, #AT:
1, Weapon: Shortsword (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 47. Mithril Mine: The sounds of a major mining
10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), operation echo down the passages of this chamber.
Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each, are posted here as The walls are braced with wood and water drips from
sentries. They are engrossed in a game of dice and the ceiling. Thin streams of silvery metal run through
may (1-4 on d6) not notice noise in the main chamber the stone of this chamber. The mithril shines bright in
to the north or the passage to the south. any light.

38. This chamber is empty. Duergar Warriors (7) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield),
HD: 6, HP: Three with 35 and four with 30, #AT:
39. Guard Outpost: Two Duergar Warriors (2) AL: LE, 1, Weapon: Three with Military Pick (1d6), Heavy
AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 32 each, #AT: 1, Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and
Weapon: Warhammer (1d6), Light Crossbow with 10 Whip (1d4), and four with Warhammer (1d6), Heavy
Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 2d10gp, Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and
2d8pp each, monitor activity along this passage. Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d8gp and 2d10pp each, and
a Warband Leader (F8) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Platemail +3),
40. Three corpses of emaciated dwarven slaves lie HD: 7, HP: 70, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Great Hammer +2
slumped against the southern wall. One holds a piece (1d8), Warhammer +1 (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and
silver ore (75gp) in its hand. The duergar trapped the Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp and 4d18pp, supervise
entrance with wire connected to a Deadfall Hammer the operation under their cruel whips.
(4d6 points of damage, Death Save for half).
There are 21 Dwarf Slaves AL: NG, AC: 10, HD: 1,
41. This chamber is empty except for three rusty shovels HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Pick Axe (1d6) or Shovel
leaning against the southern wall. (1d4) at work in the mine. Three of these slaves are
classed Fighters (two Level 4 with HP: 15 (35) and one
42. This room is empty. The chamber has partially Level 5 with HP: 16 (42).
collapsed along the southeastern wall.
Another is Dalfur, Blood of Daldur “Ogre Bane”
43. This chamber contains an open mine shaft in the Stonehelm, Level 4 Cleric of Thaneduhr AL: LG, AC:
western passage and an L-shaped tunnel to the east. 9 (Dex), HD: 4, HP: 4 (27), DMG: Shovel (1d6), Ability
Down the latter, there is a Icterine Fungi AL: N, AC: 5, Scores: S 15, I 10, W 17, D 13, C 18, Ch 15. The
HD: 5, HP: 39, #AT: 1d4*, DMG: 1d8, waiting in the duergar cut out Dalfur’s tongue so he cannot cast
dark. spells (his tongue can be regenerated through a Heal
spell). Dalfur is the leader of this group of slaves and
44. The duergar long ago throw a half dozen dead has kept many of them alive over the many decades
dwarven slaves in the southwest corner of this room. of enslavement. They will follow his commands without
Over the months, various molds and funguses have hesitation.

A. A thick vein of mithril runs across this dead-end. Darbaal, a Cleric of Dworgrim (CL5) AL: LE, AC: 2
(Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 32, #AT: 1, Weapon:
48. Three Duergar Warriors (3) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate Mace +2 (1d6), Sling with 10 Stones +1 (1d4), and
and Shield), HD: 6, HP: One with 35 and two with Whip (1d4). Spells (3/2/1): Protection from Good, Cure
25, #AT: 1, Weapon: One with Mace +1 (1d6), Heavy Light Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless; Striking,
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d18pp, Bag of Sticky Shrooms,
and Whip (1d4), and two with Military Pick (1d6), Heavy and a Gold Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (300gp).
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d8gp and 2d10pp each, 51. Silver Mine: The screams of a dwarf resonate along
oversee a group of Dwarf Slaves (11) AL: NG, AC: 10, the tunnels of this mine. A group of Dwarf Slaves (7)
HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG: First (1d2), seated in AL: NG, AC: 10, HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG:
the southwestern corner of this room. The dwarves are Pick Axe (1d6) or Shovel (1d4), are collectively being
at rest before replacing a shift in Room 50. whipped by Grygrin, a Duergar Warband Subleader
(F7) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate +1 and Shield +1), HD: 7, HP:
49. The duergar trapped a dwarven corpse in the back 45, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Shortsword+2 (1d6), Hand Axe
eastern alcove of this mine chamber. The dwarf sits with (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure:
his back against the wall and his arms around a basket 3d10gp and 4d18pp, and his Duergar Warriors (7)
filled with ore (rocks). A rope is tied around the basket, AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: Three
hidden by his arms, and cleverly concealed up the back with 36 and four with 28, #AT: 1, Weapon: Three
wall. If the basket is touched the alcove will collapse with Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts
and cause 4d6 points of damage (Dexterity Check for (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), and
half). There is a 1 on d6 chance warriors from Room four with Warhammer (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10
51 might investigate. Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4),
Treasure: and 2d10pp each.
50. Mithril Mine: Similar to Room 47, there are Dwarf
Slaves (14) AL: NG, AC: 10, HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 52. Guard Outpost: There is a 1-4 on d6 chance the
1, DMG: Pick Axe (1d6) or Shovel (1d4) at work under sentries in this room are on patrol to Room 53 to the
the whips of the duergar. One of the slaves is an older west. Otherwise, they are seated on stones in debate
dwarf by the name of Bandaric Barrelhame, Level 6 over allying with the “disgusting” kalas-toa. Duergar
Dwarven Thief AL: NG, AC: 8 (Dex), HD: 5, HP: 17 Warriors (3) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6,
(30), #AT: 1, DMG: Shovel (1d6). Ability Scores: S 13, HP: 40 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Military Pick (1d6),
I 11, W 12, D 16, C 15, Ch 13. Bandaric is a self- Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Treasure: 3d10gp,
interested dwarf who has laboured for too long under 3d8pp each, and Klarram, a Duergar Warband
the duergar. He has a Shiv (1d6) coated in a Mushroom Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Platemail +3), HD: 7, HP: 56,
Poison (Save or Die) hidden in his loincloth. #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Battle Axe +2 (1d8), Warhammer
(1d6), Seax Knife +3 of Wounding (1d4+1), and Whip
The guards are Duergar Warriors (6) AL: LE, AC: 2 (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d18pp, Runestone of Giant
(Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 3x30, 3x25, #AT: Strength, Dose of Greatwort.
1, Weapon: Three with Shortsword (1d6), Heavy
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), 53. This chamber enters a Secondary Passage that
and Whip (1d4) and three with Military Pick (1d6), extends west from Primary Encounter Area 7 (P7): The
Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife Mithril Lodes on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
(1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp
each. The warriors are commanded by Mulkgrin, a 54. Thin veins of mithril run through the walls of this
Warband Subleader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate +1 and dead-end passage.
Shield +1), HD: 7, HP: 50, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Military
Pick +2 (1d6), Hand Axe (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), 55. Streams of mithril run through the walls of this
and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp and 4d18pp and dead-end.

56. This chamber is empty with the exception of three 62. Mine Outpost: Duergar Warriors (3) AL: LE, AC:
open barrels filled with water and four crates of dried 3 (Platemail), HD: 6, HP: 25 each, #AT: 1, Weapon:
fish and jerky (unknown) to feed the slaves. Great Hammer (1d8), Heavy Crossbow with 10
Bolts (1d8) and Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4),
57. This chamber is empty. An open mine shaft descends Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each, are complaining about
deep into the earth. the boredom of this post to each other. Their weapons
are at the ready.
58. Three dwarf corpses lie in a pile at the end of this
passage. They are covered in Yellow Mold AL: N, AC: 63. Mine Tier: Dwarf Slaves (28) AL: NG, AC: 10,
Always hit, HD: 2, HP: 14, #AT: Spores, DMG: 1d6*. HD: 1, HP: 4 each, #AT: 1, DMG: Pick Axe (1d6) or
Shovel (1d4), forced into labour, are digging ore at this
59. Guard Outpost: There is a 1d-3 on d6 chance location. Half are digging with pick axes, one quarter
that the guards of this chamber have gone on a patrol are shoveling the ore into baskets, and the last seven
200 feet north along the secondary passage (Room are climbing the stairs to deposit the ore in Room 60
32). If they are present, they are resting and sharpening and return.
their weapons. Duergar Warriors (3) AL: LE, AC: 3
(Platemail), HD: 6, HP: 36 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Duergar Warriors (2) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield),
Two with Battle Axe (1d8) and one with Great Hammer HD: 6, HP: 30 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Shortsword
(1d8). Each has a Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8) (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife
and Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp
3d10gp, 3d8pp each. each, and Barrig, a Duergar Warband Subleader (F7)
AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate +1 and Shield +1), HD: 7, HP: 50,
#AT: 3/2, Weapon: Military Pick +2 (1d6), Hand Axe
Rooms 60-65 represent an open tiered mine. (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure:
There are 40-foot rough-hewn stone staircases 3d10gp and 4d18pp, stand near them cracking their
cut into the tier walls leading down to Room 63 whips.
and the again to Room 64. The stairs allow the
dwarven slaves to carry baskets of ore up to 64. Mithril Mine: Another 40-foot rough-hewn stone
collecting points along the lip of the mine. The staircase leads further down into the mine (Room 64).
baskets are eventually transported east to Room Dwarf Slaves (21) AL: NG, AC: 10, HD: 1, HP: 4 each,
1. The duergar stand with their crossbows loaded #AT: 1, DMG: Pick Axe (1d6) or Shovel (1d4), are
along the edge (Rooms 60-62 and 65). digging for mithril in the deepest part of the open mine.
Two-thirds of these dwarves are digging and one third
carry ore in baskets up both stairs to the top (between
60. Mine Outpost: Three Duergar Warriors (3) AL: Rooms 60 and 59). Two Duergar Warriors (2) AL: LE,
LE, AC: 3 (Platemail), HD: 6, HP: 30 each, #AT: 1, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 30 each, #AT:
Weapon: Three with Battle Axe (1d8), Heavy Crossbow 1, Weapon: Warhammer (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with
with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4),
(1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each, overlook with Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each, lash the dwarves
pit with their heavy crossbows at the ready. mercilessly.

61. Mine Outpost: Like Room 60, two Duergar 65. Guard Outpost: A strong warband of Duergar
Warriors (2) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, Warriors (10) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD:
HP: 30 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Shortsword (1d6), Heavy 6, HP: Five with 35 and five with 30, #AT: 1, Weapon:
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Five with Military Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with
Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each, stand at- 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1) and five with
the-ready with loaded crossbows. Warhammer (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts
(1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8gp and

2d10pp each, are posted here to guard the entrance/
exit into the underdark (Room 66). When the PCs arrive
at this location there is a 1-3 on d6 chance that half
their number and a cleric are on patrol 200-500 feet
down the passageway in Room 66.

The warriors are led by Umgar, a Warband Leader

(F9) AL: LE, AC: -3 (Platemail +3 and Mithril Shield
+2), HD: 9, HP: 75, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Battle Axe
+3 (1d6), Spiked Warhammer +2 (1d6), Seax Knife
(1d4+1), and Whip (1d4).

Kalduul and Angrodul, two Duergar Clerics of

Dworgrim (CL5) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD:
5, HP: 35, 32, #AT: 1, Weapon: Mace +2 (1d6), Sling
with 10 Stones +1 (1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells (3/2/1):
Protection from Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command;
Hold Person, Bless; Striking, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d18pp,
Bag of Sticky Shrooms, and a Gold Holy Symbol of
Dworgrim (300gp).

Both clerics are riding Steeders (2) AL: N, AC: 4, HD:

3, HP: 14, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8.

66. Passage to the Underdark: This is one of the

tunnels the duergar used during their original assault
on Gundgathol. This passage leads downward into the
blackness of the underworld.

GUND-FELEK Scaling and Party Level
Gund-Felek is different from the other locations Gund-Felek is designed for character levels 8-10 or
in Dwarrowdeep. The complex is both Entrance higher. If the PCs are significantly below this range,
F: Citadel of Sleet and a Primary Encounter Area or significantly above, the referee is encouraged to
called Gund-Felek. The complex is located in one adjust accordingly. For example, if the PCs possess the
of the deepest levels of Gundgathol and has a Hammer of Dwarvish Lords, they should have a clear
massive staircase that leads up 5,200 feet to the tactical advantage. The Referee should discourage
Citadel of Sleet (also known as the High-Gate of players from an assault until they have carried out
Gund-Felek). See Room 117. proper scouting and surveillance. If the PCs apply hit-
and-run tactics, they will alert the entire complex. All
sentry positions will be doubled in defense. The duergar
will then go on the offensive and sweep surrounding
Gund-Felek takes its name from the massive Hall of passages to re-establish their sphere of control.
Stone at the center of the complex - a true architectural
wonder in Gundgathol. In addition, the complex also
includes two other unique locations: the throne room Referee’s Notes: There are only three mithril forges
(Room 91) and the colosseum (Room 146). in Gundgathol. They include P3: Dwarrowhame,
P6: Foundry, and Gund-Felek.
The duergar have occupied Gund-Felek for 250 years.
Each year the duergar celebrate their conquest of
Dwarrowdeep with Uzduul-Gundgathol (Translation: Gund-Felek: Random Areas
Victory in Gundgathol). They are currently preparing
for the 250th Anniversary Celebration. They invited Like P1: The Lower Halls and P3: The Dwarrowhame,
delegates from the derro, kalas-toans, and others to the Gund-Felek map uses both a themed and semi-
take part. Wartok Whitebeard, King of the Duergar, random approach. Most of the map is keyed, themed,
Lord of Gundgathol, and Blood of Thaneduhr, and outlined later in this chapter. Other sections on the
announced 250 consecutive days of gladiatorial games map are labelled “R” for random and consist of ruined
in celebration walls, rubble, and debris. Referees will consult the
random charts below if the player characters decide to
There are four main figures in the leadership of the explore these areas.
duergar: King Wartok, his son Thurtok, his grandson
Baltok, and Gulgrim the Old One of Dworgrim. They Referees should note that the “R” or Random Areas
are located in Rooms 6, 91, and 146. In order to break of the map constitute difficult terrain. Movement is
their grip on Dwarrowdeep, the duergar leadership reduced by 1/4. Random Encounters should be rolled
must be defeated. every other turn as per standard dungeon crawling
Referee’s Notes: Gund-Felek is the seat of
duergar power in Gundgathol. Most of their forces Gund-Felek: Random Encounters
are based in the complex. Rather than a frontal 1-4 Empty
assault, scouting and diversionary tactics will be 5-6 Warband
critical for the player characters to achieve victory.
See Rooms 91 and 146 regarding duergar tactics 7 Monster
in the heart of their territory. 8 Hazard
9-10 Unique

Warband* 1. The slope at this location leads upward approximately
60 feet. It heads southwest from Gund-Felek (Entrance
1-4 Duergar F) along the Primary Passage toward S22 on the
5 Black Orc Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
6 Kalas-Toa
A group of Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: 3
*Consult the Warband Tables provided in the (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 20 each, #AT: 1,
Hexcrawling Section. Weapon: Warhammer (1d6), Light Crossbow with 10
Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep,
2d10gp, 2d8pp each, stand here on sentry duty. They
Monster* are reinforced by a Dwargoyle AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 4,
1-3 Dungeon Monsters (Levels 5-6) HP: 25, #AT: 4 or 1, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4 or Stone
4-6 Cavern Monsters (Levels 5-6) Axe (1d12).
7-8 Cavern Monsters (Levels 7+) The warriors are led by Gartok, a Duergar Warband
Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Platemail), HD: 6, HP: 38,
*Consult the Monster Tables provided in the Secondary #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle Axe +1 (1d8), Warhammer
Encounter Area Generator. (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure:
3d10gp, 4d8pp, and a Runestone of Extra-Healing,
Hazard riding a Steeder AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 14, #AT: 1,
DMG: 1d8.
Hazards in Gund-Felek include Robble or Tremors. See
the Random Hazard Table (P1: The Lower Halls). 2. Barrack: This room is lined with seven bunkbeds.
Off-duty Duergar Warriors (6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate
Unique and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon:
Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8),
For unique results, consult the Special Features in the and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp,
Secondary Encounter Area Generator. 2d8pp each, are playing a dice game.

3. Officer Quarters: Magmyl, a Duergar Warband

Duergar Weapons and Equipment: Leader (F7), AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate and Shield +2), HD:
7, HP: 55, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Hand Axe +2 (1d6),
Whip: Strikes for 1d4 points of damage. On a hit Warhammer +1 (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip
the target must make a successful saving throw (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Dose of Greatwort,
versus Paralyzation or fall prone (+4 to hit). and Runestones of Speed and Healing.

Sticky Shrooms: A bag of sticky shrooms can be Magmyl has a partial map of the secondary passages
thrown and cover a 10x10 area of effect. All those just north of Gund-Felek. He is reviewing the map
within, or move through, the area of effect must before his patrol.
Save versus Paralyzation or be stuck for 1d4+1
rounds. 4. Barrack: This barrack is empty. The warriors are
attending the gladiatorial combat in Room 146.
Greatwort: This brew increases the size of a The room is lined with 21 bunkbeds and normally
dwarf from four feet to six feet tall and provides accommodates over two-score gray dwarves.
a corresponding +1 to damage rolls. This liquid
functions for dwarves only. There are three Small Chests (Locked): The first contains
a Gold Headband inlaid with a Ruby (1,000gp), the
second 35pp, and the third, a Stalagmite Runestone.

5. Steeder Pen: The duergar use this chamber, located Protection from Good, Detect Good, Stonebeard,
close to the entrance/exit slope, to stable their mounts: Command; Hold Person, Blessed Stone, Holy Chant,
Steeders (12) AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 16 each, #AT: Silence 15’ Radius; Animate Dead, Striking, Prayer; Cure
1, DMG: 1d8. The room is covered in cobwebs. Half Serious Wounds, Protection from Good 10’ Radius;
the steeders are harnessed for emergency purposes, Flame Strike. Treasure: 8d8pp, Dose of Greatwort,
and the other half are not. They will attack non-duergar. Bag of Sticky Shrooms, Runestones of Wisdom and
Speed, Runestone of Steam and Vapour, Ring of House
6. The Temple of the Forge: Large double doors Hammerhand, and a Mithril Holy Symbol of Dworgrim
open into the once-great forge-temple of Thaneduhr. inlaid with Diamonds (8,000gp).
Four 10x10 pillars form a processional path toward
a massive furnace that sits atop a large rectangular Baltok, Grandson of Wartok, Princeling of the
dais. Light from the massive forge illuminates the whole Duergar, Blood of Thaneduhr (F5) AL: LE, AC: 2
chamber. Four 70-foot tall pillars are bracketed by (Platemail +1), HD: 5, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great
two pools and the forge is bracketed by two massive Hammer +2 (1d8), Mace +2 (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1),
50-foot statues. The statues once resembled the All- and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Platinum
Father but were revised into the image of Dworgrim the Crown inlaid with Diamonds (3,500gp), and Runestone
Outcast. The furnace is large enough to forge mithril. of Extra-Healing.
There are several rubble piles from ceiling collapses.
Emduul, Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL6) AL: LE,
The bottom 10 feet of the four pillars are encrusted with AC: 3 (Plate), HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great
gemstones that sparkle in the light of the forge. There Mace +1 (1d8), Sling with 10 Stones (1d4), and Whip
are 3d20+10 gems per side of each pillar. Consult (1d4). Spells (3/3/2): Protection from Good, Darkness,
the Secondary Encounter Area Generator Random Command; Blessed Stone, Bless, Holy Chant; Animate
Treasure Value Table (Levels 4-6) to determine the Dead, Striking, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag of
value of each gemstone. Note that there is a 1-3 on Sticky Shrooms, Runestone of Impact (3), Spellstone:
d6 chance of halving the value of a stone on removal. Stonebeard, Spiritual Hammer, Silence 15’ Radius,
Dwarves and thieves are exempt from this penalty. Each Runestones of War (3), and a Platinum Holy Symbol of
pillar side takes 1d3+1 days to remove the stones. Dworgrim (500gp).

The clerics of Dworgrim are initiating a new member Bronkuum, Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL5) AL:
into their order. The ceremony is led by Gulgrim LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 32, #AT: 1,
Whitebeard the High Old One of Dworgrim. He is Weapon: Mace +1 (1d6), Sling with 10 Stones +1
assisted by his attendant priests Emduul (CL6) and (1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells (3/2/1): Protection from
Bronkuum (CL5). The senior ecclesiastics are marking Good, Stonebeard, Command; Hold Person, Bless;
the advancement of three junior priests: Gardul, Striking, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag of Sticky
Rutzurk, and Urndrin (CL4). Baltok Whitebeard, the Shrooms, Runestone of Giant Strength, Runestone of
grandson of Wartok and Princeling of the Duergar, Extra-Healing, and a Gold Holy Symbol of Dworgrim
is also in attendance. In addition, there are six duergar (300gp),
royal guard inside the temple. One each on the inside
of the four 10x10 pillars and another two on the dais on Gardul, Rutzurk, and Urndrin, Duergar Clerics of
either side of the High Old One. Dworgrim (CL4) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD:
4, HP: 28 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Mace +1 (1d6) and
Gulgrim the “Gray Hand” Whitebeard, Blood of Sling with 5 Runestones of Impact +1 (1d4). Spells
Dworgrim, High Old One of Dworgrim (CL9/F7) AL: (3/2): Protection from Good, Stonebeard, Light; Blessed
LE, AC: -1 (Mithril Platemail +2, Visored Helm +2), Stone, Silence 15’ Radius, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp,
HD: 16, HP: 68, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Great Mace of Dose of Greatwort, Bag of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone
Shattering +2 (1d8), Sling +2 with five Runestones of of Extra-Healing, and a Silver Holy Symbol of Dworgrim
War +3 (1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells (4/4/3/2/1): (100gp).

Duergar Royal Guards (6) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate +1 9. Passage to the Underdark: This is one of the tunnels
and Shield +1), HD: 6, HP: 30 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: the duergar used during their assault on Gundgathol.
Three with Spiked Warhammers +1 (1d6), Heavy This passage leads downward into the black abyss of
Crossbow with 10 Bolts +1 (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), the underworld.
and Whip (1d4) and three with Military Pick +1 (1d6),
Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts +1 (1d8), and Seax A group of sentries are stationed at the top of the
Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each. stairs. They include Duergar Warriors (5) AL: LE, AC:
3 (Platemail), HD: 4, HP: 24 each, #AT: 1, Weapon:
7. Barrack: This room serves as a barrack for a group Great Hammer (1d8), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts
of Duergar Warriors (7) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep,
Shield), HD: 4, HP: 4x32, 3x22, #AT: 1, Weapon: 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, and a Darg AL: LE, AC: 6, HD:
Military Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*). They are led
and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, by Marmul, a Duergar Warband Leader (F5) AL: LE,
2d8pp each. AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 33, #AT: 1,
Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Hand Axe (1d6), Seax Knife
A. Officer Quarters: Tulgmal, a Duergar Warband (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp,
Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Platemail +1), HD: 7, HP: and a Runestone of Heroism, mounted on a Steeder
45, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Great Hammer +2 (1d8), AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 16, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8.
Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure:
a Runestone of Speed, and a pair of Gauntlets of 10. The slope at this location leads upward
Geddinthor, is discussing the finer points of patrol tactics approximately 60 feet. The slope leads north from
with Branduulz, a Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL5) Gund-Felek (Entrance F) along the Primary Passage
AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 32, #AT: toward S39 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.
1, Weapon: Mace +1 (1d6), Sling with 5 Runestones of
Impact (1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells (3/2/1): Protection The sentries located here include Duergar Warriors
from Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command; Hold (6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP:
Person, Bless; Striking, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag 20 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Warhammer (1d6), Light
of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone of Climbing, and a Gold Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (300gp). Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, and a Darg
AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and
8. Darg Kennel: This chamber smells of darg. The main 1d6*).
chamber walls are lined with chainmail and platemail
barding along with a single bed. Daeduhr, a Duergar Warband Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC:
3 (Platemail), HD: 6, HP: 38, #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle
The trainer is a particularly nasty gray dwarf warrior Axe (1d8), Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and
named Malmodrin the Duergar Darg Trainer (F7) AL: Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, and a Runestone
LE, AC: 2 (Bracers of Defense AC: 4 and Dex), HD: of Delusion, leads them riding a Steeder AL: N, AC: 4,
7, HP: 65, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Hand Axe +1 (1d6), HD: 3, HP: 20, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8. There is a 1-2 on
Whip +1 (1d4), and Seax Knife +2 (1d4+1). Treasure: d6 chance half their number is on patrol south to Room
2d10gp and 3d18pp. 44 and back.

A-D. Alcoves A and B each hold two Dargs AL: LE, AC: 11. Guardroom: Duergar Warriors (8) AL: LE, AC: 3
6, HD: 3, HP: 19, 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*). (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1,
Alcove C is empty. Alcove D is the den of the alpha Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10
male. The alpha possesses the following statistics Darg Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep,
AL: LE, AC: 4, HD: 5, HP: 32, #AT: 1, DMG: 3d4 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are stationed here. There is a
(and 1d8*). The Stone Warhammer, one of three keys 1-2 on d6 chance that half their number is on patrol
to Room 109, lies on the floor at the back of his den. east to Room 64 and back.

12. Guardroom: This chamber is empty except for six 18. Guardroom: The main chamber is barrack for
warrior bedrolls. Duergar Warriors (8) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and
Shield), HD: 4, HP: 20 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Four
A. This small chamber contains a bed, a table and with Warhammer (1d6), Light Crossbow with 10 Bolts
stool, and a Small Iron Chest (Locked). It contains three (1d6), and Seax Knife (1d4+1) and four with Hand Axe
Runestones of Impact. (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax
Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each.
13. The Chamber of Pillars: One pillar has collapsed in
this room. Melee combat in this chamber may (1-3 on Half are seated around a table appraising gemstones
d6) encourage a collapse (4d6 points of damage, Save while others are donning their armour. The gems
versus Death for half). include a Small Average Golden Yellow Topaz (200gp),
Medium Average Deep Yellow Amber (300gp), Medium
14. This chamber is empty. Average Green Aquamarine (300gp), Medium Average
Blue Aquamarine (300gp), Medium Finely Cut Deep
A. Along the northern wall is a pile of dwarf bones, Purple Amethyst (400gp), Very Large Broken Deep
rubble, and cobwebs. In the pile (2 turns of searching) Yellow Amber (450gp), Medium Exquisite Golden
is a Runestone of Sharpening (Whetstone). Yellow Topaz (550gp), Large Exquisite Red-Brown
Spinel (650gp), and a Huge Exquisite Transparent
15. Guardroom: Five Duergar Warriors (5) AL: LE, AC: Ziose (850gp).
3 (Platemail), HD: 4, HP: 24 each, #AT: 1, Weapon:
Battle Axe (1d8), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), 19. This chamber is an armoury. Leaning against
and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, the walls of the chamber are seven axes, three great
2d8pp each, occupy this guardroom. The warriors hammers, fourteen spears, seven shields, and three
are engrossed in an argument over who could win a crates of crossbow bolts.
wrestling match and are not paying attention to the
hallway. 20. Junior Officer Quarters: Hurgfar, a Duergar
Warband Leader (F5) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and
16. Barrack: A group of Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, Shield), HD: 5, HP: 33, #AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe
AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, (1d6), Hand Axe (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip
#AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, and a Runestone of
with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: Invisibility, received a visit from Thuulkam, a Duergar
3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, have just returned from Cleric of Dworgrim (CL5) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Plate and
duty and are in the process of removing their armour Shield +1), HD: 5, HP: 32, #AT: 1, Weapon: Mace
for rest. +1 (1d6), Sling with 5 Runestones of Impact (1d4), and
Whip (1d4). Spells (3/2/1): Protection from Good, Cure
17. Officer Quarters: This lavish chamber belongs Light Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless; Striking,
to Ardgus, a Duergar Warband Leader (F7) AL: LE, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag of Sticky Shrooms,
AC: 0 (Plate and Shield +2), HD: 7, HP: 55, #AT: Runestone of Extra-Healing, and a Gold Holy Symbol
3/2, Weapon: Hand Axe +2 (1d6), Warhammer +1 of Dworgrim (300gp), regarding his tithe to the order
(1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: of Dworgrim.
3d10gp, 4d8pp, Dose of Greatwort, Runestone of
Extra-Healing, Ring of the Ram, and Boots of Striding 21. Barrack: Off-duty, unarmoured Duergar Warriors
and Springing. He is currently beating a Warrior AL: (6) AL: LE, AC: 10 (unarmoured) or 3 (Half Plate and
LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 18, #AT: Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Military
1, Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and
Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp
2d10gp, 2d8pp each, for insubordination. each, are drinking strong ale in their barrack (strictly

22. Storeroom: This chamber contains eight crates of Bowl 2: Gemstone Golem AL: N, AC: 0, HD: 8, HP:
foodstuffs including dried jerky and fungi. 55, #AT: 1 or 2, DMG: 1d10/1d10. A Huge Exquisite
Finely-Cut Ruby (appearance of 8,000gp but actually
A. This small side chamber contains two large barrels part of the golem’s head) sits atop the bowl.
of water on stands. There are three buckets in the room.
Bowl 3: Medium Finely Cut Deep Yellow Amber (400gp),
23. Guardroom: Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: 3 Very Large Flawed Lime Green Peridot (470gp),
(Platemail), HD: 4, HP: 24 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great Medium Exquisite Deep Purple Amethyst (550gp), Huge
Hammer (1d8), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Flawed Golden Yellow Topaz (570gp), Large Exquisite
and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, Brown-Green Garnet (650gp), Large Exquisite Deep
2d8pp each, on sentry duty occupy this chamber. Two Purple Amethyst (650gp), Huge Exquisite Lime Green
are posted in the hallway on either side of the arch. Chrysolite (850gp), Huge Exquisite Lustrous White Pearl
They remainder are seated on stools inside the room. (850gp), and a Huge Exquisite King’s Tears (5,700gp).

24. This chamber is empty. The clerics in this room are casting an Augury
to communicate with their patron deity. Baerdal
25. Armoury: This chamber contains two tables. One Whitebeard leads his underling priests Morkum,
table is lined with three newly sharpened and polished Krummus, and Kromar. Baerdal stands in the center
axes. The other contains four damaged military picks. of a ring holding a glowing black runestone. The other
three clerics stand on the outside of the circle also with
26. Junior Officer Quarters: This chamber belongs to glowing runestones. Their eyes are open and glow with
Hrindal, a Duergar Warband Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC: the same hue as the black stones. A celestial mist seeps
3 (Platemail), HD: 6, HP: 38, #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle from their eye sockets.
Axe (1d8), Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife +2 (1d4+1),
and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp and 4d8pp. His The clerics are consumed by their ritual and will not
chamber is spartan. He carries what he owns. immediately notice the presence of PCs. There is a
cumulative one on d6 chance per round that they will
27. Temple of the Outcast: The duergar converted this become aware of the intrusion and defend themselves.
temple from the worship of Dhurindain to Dworgrim.
Two columns of three 5x5 foot pillars support the 50- Two Dwargoyles AL: CE, AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: 30 each,
foot ceiling in this chamber. The pillars are carved with #AT: 4 or 1, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4 or Stone Axe
sneering duergar warriors. A 10-foot staircase leads (1d12), carved into the pillars, have been instructed
up to a strange statue. The statue of the former was to protect the clerics during the ceremony. They will
destroyed (and hauled away to the R Area north of ambush PCs who attack the priests or interrupt the
Room 28). The gray dwarves replaced it with a massive ritual.
40-foot stone statue of a bearded skull hellmouth - the
symbol of Dworgrim. Three large Gold Bowls (500gp) Baerdal “Broken Hand” Whitebeard, Old One Cleric
each filled with large gemstones sit on a low stone table of Dworgrim (CL7) AL: LE, AC: -2 (Platemail +2 and
infront of the statue. Shield +2), HD: 7, HP: 45, #AT: 1, Weapon: Mace
+2 (1d6), Sling with 10 Stones +2 (1d4), and Whip
Bowl 1: Large Average Deep Purple Amethyst (400gp), (1d4). Spells (4/3/2/1): Protection from Good, Detect
Large Finely Cut Golden Yellow Topaz (500gp), Huge Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command; Hold Person,
Broken Red-Brown Spinel (550gp), Medium Exquisite Bless, Holy Chant; Animate Dead, Striking; Protection
Lime Green Chrysolite (550gp), Very Large Finely Cut from Good 10’ Radius, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp,
Dark Green Alexandrite (600gp), Very Large Finely Cut Dose of Greatwort, Bag of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone
Deep Yellow Amber (600gp), Huge Average Bright of Invulnerability, Wardstone (Magic), Runestone of
Yellow Microlite (600gp), and a Huge Exquisite Black Rejuvenation, and a Mithril Holy Symbol of Dworgrim
Sapphire (5,700gp). (5,000gp).

Morkum, a Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL6) AL: LE, When the duergar attempted to desecrate the temple,
AC: 3 (Plate), HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great Geddinthor’s spirit animated powerful constructs and
Mace +1 (1d8), Sling with 10 Stones (1d4), and Whip elementals to protect and defend his sanctuary (see
(1d4). Spells (3/3/2): Protection from Good, Cure Light below).
Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless, Holy Chant;
Animate Dead, Striking, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag In response the duergar sealed the temple doors with the
of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone of Extra-Healing, and a following protective wards: Face of Dworgrim (see Face
Platinum Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (500gp). of Dhurindain), Hammer Ward (4d6 points of damage),
and Runes of Dworgrim (see Runes of Dhurindain, Rock
Krummus, a Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL5) AL: Blast: 18 points of damage) and have not attempted to
LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 32, #AT: 1, enter the temple in over 200 years.
Weapon: Mace +1 (1d6), Sling with 5 Runestones of
Impact (1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells (3/2/1): Protection The presence of the Locket of Geddinthor will spawn
from Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command; Hold constructs to peel themselves away from the stone
Person, Bless; Striking, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag carved relief that decorates the temple walls and
of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone of Curing, and a Gold pillars. The constructs animate every other round in
Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (300gp). the presence of neutral or evil aligned dwarves or
humanoids. Constructs will not attack good-aligned
Kromar, a Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL4) AL: dwarves.
LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 28, #AT: 1,
Weapon: Mace +1 (1d6) and Sling with 20 Stones Active Constructs: Advanced Sentinels of the Ancestors
(1d4). Spells (3/2): Protection from Good, Cure Light (4) AL: N, AC: 8, HD: 8, HP: 50 each, #AT: 2, DMG:
Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius, 1d6+2 per attack, and Greater Barrow Guardians (3)
Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Dose of Greatwort, Bag AL: N, AC: 1, HD: 6, HP: 40 each, #AT: 1, DMG:
of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone of Extra-Healing, and a 1d8+2.
Silver Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (100gp).
Temple of Geddinthor Constructs
28. Priest Barrack: The door to this chamber is locked
and trapped with a Glyph of Warding (Fire: 18 points 1-2 Advanced Sentinel of the Ancestors (1d2)
of damage). 3 Greater Barrow Guardian (1d2)
4 Flagstone Golem (1d2)
The chamber is lined with six simple beds. Beside each
bed is a small table and stool. Each table is covered 5 Runestone Golem
with 1d3 scrolls. There is a 1 on d6 chance that one 6 Stone Golem
scroll per table will include 1d3 random cleric spells
between levels 2-4.
The four pillars of this chamber are carved to resemble
four of Gundgathol’s finest Hammerhand warriors. The
A. Armoury: This chamber includes four empty armour
families of each of these dwarves carved a personal
stands. Hanging on the wall is a Shield +2.
funerary runestone that were set into the pillars. The
four runestones are worth ten times the value of normal
29. Sealed Temple of Geddinthor: This sister-temple
mundane runestones because they possess the phrase
to Room 27 was devoted to Geddinthor during the
“Chosen of Geddinthor” after the inscription.
founding of Gundgathol. Geddinthor himself passed a
locket, with a clip of hair from his deceased wife to his
Any Gundgathol dwarf would know these names as
descendants and it was eventually buried beneath his
brave warriors of House Hammerhand. Each warrior
50-foot tall statue in the temple. The locket consecrated
has an epitaph beneath their name. The names and
the temple ground and is attuned to Geddinthor’s
runestones read:
celestial presence.

NE Pillar: Maldorn, Son of Maldock Hammerhand. Weapon: Scimitar (1d8) and Whip (1d4), Treasure:
“Malgrim etched this stone in memory of Maldorn, my 4d10gp, 3d8pp, and a Black Orc Shaman (F4/CL4)
grandfather.“ AL: LE, AC: 2 (Platemail +1), HD: 8, HP: 32, #AT:
1, Weapon: Great Hammer +1 (1d8) and Sling with
NW Pillar: Hulgrim, Son of Hulgar Hammerhand. 10 Stones (1d4). Spells (3/2): Protection from Good,
“May this stone stand in recognition of Hulgrim, Son of Cause Light Wounds, Command; Curse, Hold Person.
Hulfar of House Hammerhand.” Treasure: Pouch with 3d10pp.

SE Pillar: Kardain, Son of Karfir, Grandson of Kardal The shaman’s personal guard, two Elite Black Orc
Hammerhand. Berserkers (F2) AL: LE, AC: 5, HD: 3, HP: 20 each,
“I, Kardor, offer this stone to Geddinthor in honour of #AT: 1, Weapon: each with two Hand Axes (1d6), stand
my ancestor Kardain, Son of Karfir.” guard on either side of the door.

SW Pillar: Dwalik, Son of Dwalin Hammerhand. The room is spartan and contains four lice-infected
“I, Dwarri, son of Dwalik, carved these runes in honour rothe furs as bedrolls. The shaman has a letter written
of my father in the Year 23.” in duergar that invites a delegation to attend the 250th
anniversary of Uzduul-Gundgathol (Translation: Victory
In addition to the mundane runestones, each of the in Gundgathol).
pillars is inlaid with 10 Fire Opals (100gp each), 10
Opals (200gp each), and 10 Rubies (300gp each). 35. Black Orc Delegate Barrack: Like Room 34, a
On a stone altar infront of the statue are the following band of black orc warriors occupy this chamber with
items: a Runestone of Invulnerability, a Runestone of the remainder watching the gladiatorial games.
Regeneration, and a Runestone of Pure Good.
The band consists of Black Orc Warriors (6) AL: LE,
30. This chamber is empty. AC: 4 (Half Plate), HD: 3+3, HP: 3x25, 3x18, #AT:
1, Weapon: Three with Military Fork (1d10), Heavy
31. Refuse Dump: The duergar have thrown scrap Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Dagger (1d4), and three
metal, broken weapons, and rubble into this chamber in with Broadsword (1d6+1) and Seax Knife (1d4+1), and
a pile. Three turns of searching will reveal a Runestone Whip (1d4), Treasure: 4d6cp, 2d8+1sp, 1d10+1ep,
of Curing. and 1d8gp each.

A. A skullpile sits at the back of a dark narrow chamber. 36. This chamber is empty except for a sentry stool and
On a narrow stone ledge above the door is the Stone a spear in the corner.
Hand Axe. This item is one of three keys to Room 109.
37. Training Room: This is a duergar warrior training
32. The orcs use this chamber as a latrine. The smell room. The walls are lined with shields hanging from
is nauseating. pegs. There are three large weapon racks. The first
contains spears, maces, and military picks. The second
33. Black Orc Barrack: This chamber is empty except hammers and axes. The third contains heavy crossbows
for some mangy orc bedrolls. The warriors are in the and a bucket of bolts. All are mundane. There are also
amphitheatre. There is nothing of value. three wooden mannequins for target practice.

34. Black Orc Delegate Barrack: This chamber houses 38. Fungus Room: Two stone basins (30 feet long and
a delegation of black orcs, some of which are attending 3 feet wide) run parallel to each other in this chamber.
the games in the arena (Room 146). Each basin is filled with dark earth and fungi grows
from each. This is a growing chamber for Sticky
They include a Black Orc Warband Leader (F5) AL: Shrooms. A total of 1d4+6 bags of the mushrooms can
LE, AC: 3 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 34, #AT: 1, be harvested from the current crop.

39. Guardroom: A warband including Duergar Light Repeating Crossbow with 2 Clips (1d3) and
Warriors (6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: Longpoint Dagger +2 (1d4). Spells (3/3/2/2): Magic
4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Missile, Burning Hands, Darkness Globe; Invisibility,
Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife Mirror Image, Web; Haste, Fireball; Confusion, Summon
(1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, and Monster II, Treasure: Spellbook, Wand of Lightning (20
a Darg AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG: Charges), Scroll: Torvin’s Flesh of Fire (see New Spells),
2d4 (and 1d6*), are led by led by Grybek, a Duergar and Fly, Chest Key, is attended by three Derro Student-
Warband Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Platemail), Savants (MU4) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 4, HP: 12 each,
HD: 6, HP: 38, #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle Axe (1d8), #AT: 1, Weapon: Light Repeating Crossbow with 2
Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip +1 Clips (1d3) and Longpoint Dagger (1d4). Spells (2/2):
(1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp. There is a 1-2 on d6 Color Spray, Magic Missile; Mirror Image, Pyrotechnics.
chance half their number will patrol in a loop (south Treasure: Each has a Spellbook and 3d8ep, 2d10gp,
just inside Room 44, west to Room 1, north to Room 2d8pp. They wear Gold Circlets worth 200gp each.
29, and back).
The savant has a scroll written in duergar that invites a
40. Officer’s Barrack: A single bed, table, and stool delegation to attend the 250th anniversary of Uzduul-
adorn this chamber. Under a loose floorstone is a bag Gundgathol. The chamber contains four beds and a
with a Small Mithril Comb (2,000gp) and a Runestone Small Chest (Locked and Trapped, Poison Needle,
of Delusion. Save or Die). It contains a 4,000gp Huge Finely Cut
Diamond as tribute to the King of the Duergar. The key
41. Meeting Chamber: A large round table sits in the must be turned clockwise and then counter-clockwise
center of this room. There are maps and scrolls laid to disengage the trap.
out on the table. One is a Derro Treasure Map to
(4d6 Gemstones worth 10,000gp hidden in a secret 44. Hall of Stone: The Hall of Stone is the signature
passage of the Referee’s Choice). architectural marvel of Gundgathol. The great hall is
supported by 36 massive 21x21 foot pillars 210 feet
42. Derro Delegate Barrack: The warriors that tall. Several pillars have partially collapsed. The pillars
accompanied the derro delegation for Uzduul- are carved in a geometric pattern representative of
Gundgathol are barracked in this chamber. The other dwarven architecture. The hall is dark except for small
half of their number are attending the games in the areas of dim bioluminescent lichen and fungus (the
gladiatorial pit (Room 146). They include: Derro light is not sufficient for surface-dwellers to see).
Warriors (7) AL: CE, AC: 3 (Scalemail, Buckler Shield,
Dex), HD: 3, HP: three with 19 and four with 17, #AT: 1, The Hall of Stone is sublime. The long vertical lines of the
Weapon: Three with Shortsword (1d6), Light Repeating pillars stretch upward and disappear into the darkness
Crossbow and Two Clips (1d3), and Net and four with while reducing the agency of those who behold it. To
Fauchard-Fork (1d6), Spear (1d6), Longpoint Dagger some the feeling of being dwarfed by the sheer enormity
(1d4), Treasure: 3d8sp, 2d10ep, 2d8gp each. The of the hall is akin to a spiritual experience - specifically
warriors are overseen by a Derro Warband Leader feeling the presence of Thaneduhr or Dhurindain in
(F5) AL: CE, AC: 1 (Half Plate, Buckler Shield, Dex), Gundgathol.
HD: 5, HP: 30, #AT: Varies, Weapon: Fauchard-Hook
+2 (1d6), Light Repeating Crossbow (1d3), Longpoint The duergar are superstitious about the massive
Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp and a Runestone of chamber. As a result, they tend to avoid it in favour of
Speed. The room is spartan except for bedrolls laid out passage along the 20-foot corridors that circumnavigate
along the eastern wall. the hall to the east and the west.

43. Derro Delegate Barrack: A Derro Grand Savant There is a standard 1 on d6 chance of either a random
(MU8) AL: CE, AC: 1 (Bracers of Defense AC: 5, Ring of monster (1-2, see page 191) or a random unique
Protection +2, Dex), HD: 8, HP: 30, #AT: 1, Weapon: encounter (4-6, see page 192) in the Hall of Stone:

Hall of Stone: Random Monsters The crypt doors open to reveal a 30x40 foot room.
Along the western wall is a sarcophagus in the shape
1 Duergar Warband of an anvil. It bears the symbol of House Ironforge.
2 Black Pudding (1) The two inner 10x10 squares of the room are trapped
3 Huge Carrion Scavenger (1)* with pressure plates that will release a deadfall from
the center of the chamber for 4d6 points of damage
4 Greater Crypt Shade (1) (Dexterity Check for half).
5 Large Gray Ooze (1)**
The sarcophagus is trapped with a Poison Cloud (Save
6 Giant Earthworms (1d4+1)
versus Poison or Die) in a 10x10 radius. Inside are the
remains of a dwarven cleric of Geddinthor. He was
*Huge Carrion Scavenger AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 5+1, HP:
buried with two bowls. One filled with six Platinum
40, #AT: 8 (stingers), DMG: Paralysis.
Ingots (500gp each) and the other rare gemstones:
Very Large Average Pale Blue Opal (2,200gp), and
**Large Gray Ooze (1) AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 5, HP: 37,
Huge Average Bright Red Jacinth (2,700gp), Huge
#AT: 1, DMG: 2d8.
Average Deep Crimson Ruby (2,700gp).
45. Guardroom: Margrum, a Duergar Warband
48. Guardroom: A small detachment of Duergar
Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Platemail +1), HD: 7, HP:
Warriors (5) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD:
45, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Great Hammer +2 (1d8),
4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6),
Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip
Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife
(1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, and Runestone of
(1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each.
Extra-Healing, commands a group of Duergar Warriors
(4) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP:
They are posted here under the command of Urmrun,
22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), Heavy
a Duergar Warband Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC: 3
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
(Platemail), HD: 6, HP: 38, #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle
Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each.
Axe (1d8), Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and
Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, and a Runestone
46. Crypt Antechamber: The stone door to this chamber
of Growth. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance two of their
lies in pieces on the ground. Centuries ago the duergar
number are on patrol north to Room 61 and back.
broke into this chamber with the hope of penetrating
the inner crypt. Two sentinels destroyed many of their
49. Royal Guard Barrack: Duergar Royal Guards (6)
warriors before they were defeated. The cost was so
AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 30 each,
great they cursed the place in Dworgrim’s name and
#AT: 1, Weapon: Three with Shortsword (1d6), Heavy
refused to return.
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and
Whip (1d4) and three with Military Pick (1d6), Heavy
47. The double-doors to this chamber are sealed
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
and made of stone. The stone arch around the door
Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each, are quartered in this
is engraved with a repeating pattern of dwarven
chamber. The room is sparely furnished with four
geometric knotwork (3-2, 3-2, 3-2). PCs must study the
arch to draw this conclusion and make an Intelligence
check. Two large statues of dwarven warriors lie in
50. Royal Guard Officer Quarters: This spacious
pieces on the floor as well as the skeletal remains of
chamber is occupied by Bharrik, a Duergar Warband
a dozen duergar. Everything is covered in dust and
Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate and Shield +2), HD:
cobwebs. There is a keyhole located in the right-hand
7, HP: 55, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Hand Axe +2 (1d6),
door. The key can be found in Room 55B. To unlock
Warhammer +1 (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip
the doors, the key must be turned clockwise three times
(1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Dose of Greatwort,
and counter-clockwise twice.
and a Runestone of Super-Heroism.

Hall of Stone: Random Unique Table
1 A broken shield 51 Eyeglass of House Longbeard in a rotting box
2 Yellow Mold covers a rubble pile 52 Patch of 1d4+1 Gundgathol Trumpets
3 A strong draft of wind extinguishes torches 53 A pouch with 1d6 Sling Stones +1
4 A low snarling noise from behind 54 The body of a decomposing dwarf in a shallow grave
5 Flapping of wings as something passes overhead 55 Bloody footprints climb up nearby pillar
6 The hissing sound of a gas leak for 20 feet 56 A dead orc. 50% Equipped
7 A broken runestone 57 Skeletal remains of dwarven last stand
8 A pouch with 1d6 Sling Stones +1 58 Something glints in the sand: Seax Knife +2
9 Small shrine to Geddinthor cut into stone. Defaced. 59 Eerie silence for 1d4+1 turns
10 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical) 60 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical)
11 Decomposing body of Kalas-Toa 61 A frightened mule emerges from the dark
12 Yellow phosphorescent fungi illuminates for 10 feet 62 Rubble with symbol of Dworgrim painted in blood
13 A broken well with chain and bucket 63 A skittering noise to the east
14 Magic warhammer in the dirt (1-3: +2, 4-6: +3) 64 Duergar voices echo to the northwest
15 A screech then silence 65 A pouch with a runestone (Luckstone)
16 A dented dwarven helmet 66 Long dead exoskeleton of a Hook Horror
17 Charnel Pit: Feeding station for nearby predator 67 Random adventurer equipment stash hastily hidden
18 Ring of Fire Resistance 68 Random gemstone (1d4x100gp)
19 Dwarven equipment stash hastily hidden 69 Derro warband slaughtered and looted
20 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical) 70 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical)
21 Fissure steam (1d4x100 feet), vision reduced to 10 feet 71 Emaciated dwarf slave (dead for 24 hours)
22 Water drips forming a pool (1d4x10x1d4x10) 72 Clawed footprints on the floor for 20 feet
23 A broken battle axe 73 Kalas-Toa Whip lost in the hall
24 Skeletal dwarf clutching a map 74 Stone grinding on stone. Then silence
25 A rotting hand cart 75 Tiny Shrieker but noise amplified in the hall
26 Backpack with 1d4 gemstones 76 A pile of half-eaten fire beetles still glowing
27 Body of a duergar warrior, 50% equipped 77 2d100 normal bats fly through passageway
28 A low snarling noise from ahead 78 Green phosphorescent fungi illuminates for 20 feet
29 Wraith rises from duergar corpse when disturbed 79 2d100 normal fleeing rats pass through the PCs
30 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical) 80 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical)
31 A yellow mold (harmless) covers the floor for 30 feet 81 Patch of 1d4+1 poisonous mushrooms (insanity)
32 A statue of Thaneduhr, defaced and toppled 82 Chest sticks out of the ground: Check Treasure XX
33 The hissing sound of a gas leak for 10 feet 83 Magical blast marks on the walls from recent battle
34 Air suddenly cools for 1d4 turns 84 Skeletal dwarf clutching diary written in frantic scrawls
35 Air suddenly warms for 1d6 turns 85 Rusty mining gear: Chains, shovels, picks, and rope
36 A hammer in the distance “Tam-tom, tom-tap” 86 Quarrel Case with Light Crossbow Bolts +1 (1d4+3)
37 PC trips over loose stone: 50% 1d6 gemstones 87 Broken dwarven mandolin
38 Monster roar echoes down passageway. Then silence 88 Vein of Silver gleams in the pillar
39 Party of 1d6 derro lay dead and looted 89 Rusty pickaxe
40 Random Runestone (d6: 1-4 Mundane, 5-6 Magical) 90 A broken statue of King Dalgeddin Stoneborn II
41 Skeletal remains of dwarven last stand against duergar 91 Purple phosphorescent fungi illuminates 10 feet
42 Partial collapse of the ceiling for 1d6x10 feet 92 Bat Guano: 1/2 movement for 1d8+3x10 feet
43 Emaciated body leans against pillar: Wight! 93 Pool with 1d3 boated diseased orc bodies. Rot Grubs!
44 Remains of carcass scavenger 94 Ring of Protection +2
45 A hand axe stuck in a skull 95 Skull and bonepile of dwarves and orcs
46 Broken pipe spills water ankle deep for 1d8x10 feet 96 Small herd of wild Rothe (1d4+1) grazing on fungi
47 Huge spider web between two pillars 97 Ring of Invisibility
48 Runic Tablet (see Barrowmaze Complete) 98 Dwarven Visored Helm +1 of True Seeing
49 Disk of Kar’Koon (see FCoA) 99 1d4 Random Runestones (d6: 1-5 Mundane, 6 Magic)
50 Random Runestone (d6: 1-5 Mundane, 6 Magical) 00 Roll twice on this table

51. This chamber was once a barrack but was destroyed A. Junior Officer Quarters: Harrig’s chamber includes
long ago. All that’s left is rotting wood and a Runestone a simple bed and a Small Chest. The chest is locked
of Curing hidden under a flagstone. and trapped (Poison Needle Save or Die). It contains
3 Mundane Runestones and the following gems: Large
Behind the secret door is a small triangular chamber. Flawed Lime Green Peridot (370gp), Small Exquisite
Leaning in the corner is the Stone Spear. This is one of Green Aquamarine (450gp), Huge Flawed Red-Brown
three stone weapon keys required to enter Room 109. Spinel (570gp), Very Large Exquisite Dark Green
Alexandrite (750gp), and a Huge Exquisite Yellow-
52. Barrack: This barrack is empty. The warriors are Green Chrysoberyl (850gp).
in the amphitheatre. The room has 16 bunk beds.
Two have Steel Coffers (Locked) underneath them. B. Junior Officer Quarters: Bargus, a Duergar
One contains a Runestone of Heroism and the other Warband Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Platemail), HD: 6,
Platinum Arm Bands (500gp each). HP: 38, #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle Axe (1d8), Warhammer
(1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure:
A. Weapon Closet: This weapon closet includes three 3d10gp, 4d8pp, and a Sticky Shrooms, just returned
heavy crossbows and a quiver of 10 Bolts +1. There from a patrol and about to remove him armour. His
are also three great hammers, three battle axes, and room contains a bed and a Small Locked Coffer that
a Spear +3. contains 35pp, a Gold Broach Pin of a Hammer
(800gp), and a Key (Room 47).
53. Guardroom: Four Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE,
AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 20 each, 56. Training Room: This training room is designed
#AT: 1, Weapon: Warhammer (1d6), Light Crossbow for crossbow practice. There are three wooden
with 10 Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: mannequins along the western wall and three heavy
3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are posted here as crossbows hanging from pegs on the eastern wall. A
sentries under the command of Bharram, a Duergar dwarven slave was tied to the center mannequin and
Warband Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate and Shield shot for sport.
+2), HD: 7, HP: 55, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Hand Axe
+2 (1d6), Warhammer +1 (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), 57. Guardroom: This small guardroom contains five
and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Dose of stools and two spears leaning into the southeastern
Greatwort, and a Runestone of Giant Strength. corner of the chamber.

54. Training Room: This training room is empty except A. Storeroom: This room contains three barrels of wine,
for three wooden training mannequins with attached two barrels of water, and three crates of dried rothe
shields. jerky.

55. Training Room: Duergar Warriors (7) AL: LE, AC: 58. Crossing Chamber: This room is empty. The
3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, duergar carved two wicked looking dwarven gargoyles
Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 above each archway.
Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep,
2d10gp, 2d8pp each. 59. Forge of Dhurindain: This forge was once devoted
to Dhurindain the Secret-Keeper. The duergar removed
The warriors are training with Harrig, a Duergar his statues and chipped away the runes inside the
Warband Leader (F5) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and chamber that reference his name.
Shield), HD: 5, HP: 33, #AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe
(1d6), Hand Axe (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip 60. Forge of Thaneduhr: Like Room 59, this forge was
(1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, and a Runestone of once dedicated to Thaneduhr. The duergar removed
Extra-Healing. The sound of combat training echoes all references to him and replaced the All-Father with
well outside this chamber. Dworgrim, the deity of the gray dwarves.

61. Forge of Geddinthor: This forge was devoted to 66. Officer’s Quarters: This barrack is empty. The
Geddinthor. The statues and references to the God of occupant is in the amphitheatre for the celebration. His
Battle were vandalized. At the bottom of the cooling platemail sits on his armour stand. His hand axe has
pool in the southeastern corner is a Runestone of grooves in the shaft from many kills. There is nothing
Curing. of value.

62. Barrack: Duergar Royal Guards (6) AL: LE, AC: 67. Royal Guard Barrack: Duergar Royal Guards (6)
2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 36 each, #AT: 1, AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 6, HP: 30 each,
Weapon: Three with Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow #AT: 1, Weapon: Three with Shortsword (1d6), Heavy
with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4) Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and
and three with Military Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow Whip (1d4) and three with Military Pick (1d6), Heavy
with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
3d10gp, 3d8pp each. Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each. The guards have just
donned their armour and are awaiting their superior
A. Darg Kennel: Three Dargs (3) AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, Gardain (Room 65).
HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*) are asleep on
the floor of this chamber. 68. Latrine: in addition to a latrine, the duergar have
piled rotting wood in the corner. Hidden within (3 turns
63. Junior Officer’s Barrack: This room is spartan, as of searching) is a two-handed Great Club +2 (1d8).
is the duergar custom. There are two beds, tables, and
stools for two junior officers. A Small Iron Chest sits 69. Storeroom: The door is locked. This is a storeroom
beside one of the beds (Locked). It contains a Medium for the royal kitchen. It includes foods from the surface
Average Deep Purple Amethyst (300gp), Small Exquisite taken from caravan raids, such as two kegs of sack
Deep Purple Amethyst (450gp), Small Exquisite Dark mead, three kegs of wine, and two bottles of elvish
Green Alexandrite (450gp), Huge Average Deep wine. There are also four sacks of dried grain, two
Yellow Amethyst (600gp), Huge Exquisite Red Garnet sacks of flour, and a keg of oil.
(850gp) and a Very Large Exquisite Green Aquamarine
(750gp). At the bottom is a Runestone of Disintegration. 70. Storeroom: The door is locked. Like Room 69,
this is a storeroom for the royal kitchen. It includes
64. Two Statues: This cross-chamber is marked by two common duergar foodstuffs such as rothe jerky, dried
large duergar statues with sneering faces. These are mushrooms, and dried fish.
Advanced Dwargoyles AL: CE, AC: 3, HD: 6, HP: 42
each, #AT: 4 or 1, DMG: 1d4/1d4/1d8/1d6 or Stone 71. Larder: The door to this room is locked. Hanging
Axe (3d6). The dwargoyles have been instructed to only on hooks on the ceiling are Hook Horror Claws, Giant
allow duergar to pass into the royal chambers (Rooms Frog Legs, and two skinned Rothe carcasses.
74 and 75).
72. Kitchen: This chamber contains two fireplaces
65. Officer’s Quarters: Gardain, a Duergar Royal each with their own cauldron. A table in the center
Guard Officer (F6) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Plate +2), HD: of the room is laden with knives, spoons, and saws.
6, HP: 44, #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle Axe +2 (1d8), The kitchen crew is currently enjoying the gladiatorial
Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip +2 contests in the amphitheatre.
(1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, is donning his armour
in preparation for the changing of the royal guard. The 73. False Treasury: The door to this chamber is made
room contains a bed, table, stool, and armour stand. A of stone with a dwarf face. It is locked and trapped with
loose stone under the bed contains a bag of Paralytic Glyph of Warding (18 Points of Fire Damage) and Face
Power (Save or be paralyzed for 1d4 turns). Underneath of Dworgrim. This is the false royal treasury. The room
the first bag is a small box containing a Runestone of is laden with large open chests filled with coins, jewelry,
Extra-Healing and a Runestone of Speed. gems, and statuettes. It includes the following coins:

Chest 1 (Open): 8,584cp, Chest 2 (Open) 7,326cp, the duergar are searching for P5: The Forge of Creation
Chest 3 (Open): 10,021sp, Chest 4 (Open): 8,429ep, and have the exact location circled on the largest map.
and Chest 5 (Open): 6,891gp.
There are two Steel Chests on either side of the bed.
There are also two other chests: Both are locked and trapped (Poison Needles, Save or
Die). The first contains scrolls and paperwork dealing
Chest 6 (Open): Small Flawed Violet Garnet (170gp), with negotiations between the derro, kalas-toa, and the
Medium Broken Green Aquamarine (250gp), Medium orcs. In addition, a recently opened scroll, written in
Flawed Brown-Green Garnet (270gp), Medium Flawed drow, suggests the duergar are also negotiating with
Dark Green Alexandrite (270gp), Small Finely Cut Blue the dark elves for reinforcements.
Aquamarine (300gp), and a Large Broken Bright Yellow
Microlite (350gp). The second chest contains the following gemstones:
Small Broken Clear Blue Sapphire (1,150gp), Small
Chest 7 (Open): Large Broken Brown-Green Garnet Average King’s Tears (1,400gp), Medium Flawed
(350gp), Large Flawed Deep Purple Amethyst (370gp), Black Sapphire (1,500gp), Medium Flawed Green
Medium Finely Cut Black Pearl (400gp), Medium Finely Opal (1,500gp), Medium Average Clear Blue-White
Cut Green Aquamarine (400gp), Very Large Broken Diamond (1,600gp), Medium Average Clear Blue
Dark Green Alexandrite (450gp), Very Large Average Sapphire (1,600gp), Large Average Deep Green
Deep Yellow Amber (500gp), Large Finely Cut Brown- Emerald (1,700gp), Very Large Average Deep Crimson
Green Garnet (500gp), Very Large Average Red Ruby (2,200gp), Huge Broken King’s Tears (2,450gp),
Garnet (500gp), and a Huge Exquisite Deep Yellow Huge Average Pale Blue Opal (2,700gp), Medium
Amber (850gp). Exquisite Deep Green Emerald (4,600gp), and a Huge
Finely Cut Bright Green Emerald (5,200gp).
Chest 8 (Closed) is a Mimic AL: N, AC: 7, HD: 9, HP:
50, #AT: 1, DMG: 3d4. 76. Four Statues: Four duergar-constructed Advanced
Sentinels of the Ancestors AL: N, AC: 0, HD: 8, HP:
74. Prince’s Chambers: The door to this chamber is 60, #AT: 2, DMG: 1d6+2/per, guard this cross-over
locked. This spacious chamber belongs to Thurtok, Son room to the royal chambers. They will attack any non-
of Wartok, Prince of the Duergar, Blood of Thaneduhr. duergar and will not leave the room.
He is currently leading the official ceremonies of Uzduul-
Gundgathol in the Great Colosseum (Room 146). 77. Royal Treasury: The secret door to this room is
exceptionally well hidden. Dwarves do not receive a
The room contains a lavish bed, an empty armour passive 1 on d6 to detect this door. The door is opened
stand, a table, and a chair. There is also a Steel by pushing the wall backwards.
Chest. The chest is both Locked and Double-Trapped
(two Poison Needles, Save or Die). It contains 1d4 The duergar masons carved an extremely subtle
Random Mundane Runestones as well as Runestones stonemouth on the floor immediately infront of the door
of Climbing, Super-Heroism, and Speed. There is also that is camouflaged into the floorstone. The mouth is
a Mithril Seax Knife +3 Frost Brand. The pommel is enchanted with Runes of Dhurindain and Great Shout.
shaped like a warhammer. Anyone standing infront of the secret door will activate
the spell. In addition to damage, the shout (directed
75. Royal Chambers: The door to the royal chamber is upwards at the ceiling, will cause a collapse for 6d6
locked and trapped. points of damage (Save versus Death for half).

This large, lavish room contains a bed, an immaculately Inside are three Large Steel Chests. There is also an
carved, rectangular wooden table, and a tall-backed assortment of loose treasure in pots, urns, and bowls
chair. The table is the shape of Gundgathol. Several (43,281ep, 25,835gp, 10,492pp).
maps are spread across it. It is clear from the maps that

Chest 1 (Locked and Trapped, Disintegration Needle, A. This officer’s alcove contains a small desk and a
Save or Die): This chest contains 1d20 Random Mundane stool. There are 1d3 Random Mundane Runestones on
Runestones and three unique magical runestones: the table (adjust wording from Gundgathol dwarves to
The first is shaped in the symbol of Geddinthor and duergar. Note that the duergar only pray to Dworgrim
functions like a Tome of Martial Knowledge, the second and not their ancestors).
is shaped like the symbol of Thaneduhr and functions
as a Tome of Leadership and Influence, and the last 80. Armoury: The door is locked. Inside are four armour
is shaped like Dhurindain’s symbol and functions as a stands with duergar platemail, three shields hanging on
Manual of Gainful Exercise. the wall, and a table with three military picks, two hand
axes, and a great hammer.
Chest 2 (Locked and Trapped, Runes of Dhurindain, Fire:
16 points of damage): The chest contains a Medium 81. Royal Guard Officer Quarters: Hruzduul, a Duergar
Finely Cut Deep Crimson Ruby (4,100gp), Medium Warband Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Platemail +2),
Finely Cut Green Opal (4,100gp), Huge Finely Cut HD: 7, HP: 45, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Great Hammer +2
Clear Blue-White Diamond (5,200gp), Huge Exquisite (1d8), Warhammer +1 (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and
Translucent Star Ruby (5,700gp), and a Huge Exquisite Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, is quartered in
Pale Blue Opal (5,700gp). the is chamber. He has just finished donning his armour.
The room is plain with a small bed, table, and stool.
Chest 3 (Locked): This chest is not trapped on the
outside. Rather, inside the chest is a stone statue head 82. Royal Guard Junior Officer Quarters: This chamber
enchanted with Face of Dhurindain. The head sits atop contains a bed, table, chair, and a Small Steel Coffer
10 Large Mithril Ingots valued at 5,000gp each. This (Locked). It contains two Runestones of Extra-Healing.
is enough to craft one suit of armour or two large
weapons. 83. Royal Guard Barrack: A band of Duergar Royal
Guards (6) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Plate and Shield +1), HD: 6,
78. Guardroom: This guardroom is occupied by HP: 31 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Three with Shortsword
Duergar Royal Guards (6) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife
Shield), HD: 6, HP: 30 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Three (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4) and three with Military Pick
with Shortsword (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax
(1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4) and three Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each, are
with Military Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts quartered in this chamber.
(1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d10gp,
3d8pp each. One has a Runestone of Feather Fall A. Darg Kennel: Three Dargs AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3,
and another has a Runestone of Super-Heroism. HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*) are typically
sleeping in this side chamber.
They are led by Karnam, a Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim
(CL5) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 84. This chamber is empty. The two small alcoves are
32, #AT: 1, Weapon: Mace +2 (1d6), Sling with 5 filled with bones and rubble. In the eastern alcove (2
Runestones of Impact (1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells turns of searching) there is a Ring of Invisibility.
(3/2/1): Protection from Good, Cure Light Wounds,
Command; Hold Person, Bless; Striking, Treasure: 85. The door to this chamber was burnt out long ago.
3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag of Sticky Shrooms, Spellstone: The room is empty.
Spiritual Hammer, Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius,
Runestone of Climbing, Runestone of Healing, and a 86. Crossbow Range: Three mannequin targets are
Gold Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (300gp), lined along the southern end of this chamber. Three
heavy crossbows and four light crossbows hang from
79. Royal Guard Room: This guardroom is empty. The pegs on the wall. A short, open barrel of 35 crossbow
guards are off-duty in their barracks. bolts stands beside a firing line on the floor.

87. Royal Guard Barrack: This barrack of the royal guard 90. Guardroom: Similar to Room 89, Duergar Royal
is currently empty. Its inhabitants are on patrol within Guards (6) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Plate +1 and Shield), HD: 6,
the complex. The room is furnished with bunkbeds. HP: 28 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Three with Shortsword
(1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife
A. Royal Guard Junior Officer Quarters: Two royal (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4) and three with Military Pick
guard officers are looking over a map of Gundgathol. (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax
Their map shows area S35 and the tunnels within two Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each, are
hexes of that location. The room is spartan with a bed, posted here accompanied by a Darg AL: LE, AC: 6,
desk and stool, and armour stand. A Small Coffer HD: 3, HP: 20, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*).
(Locked) contains 2 Mundane Runestones and 77pp.
91. The Grand Throne Room: This once majestic
Urmdan and Banbek, Duergar Royal Guard Officers dwarven hall is in ruin. The sides of the chamber are
(F6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Platemail), HD: 6, HP: 38 each, #AT: lined with 28 10x10 pillars that support the massive 70-
1, Weapon: Battle Axe +1 (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), foot tall chamber. The pillars are carved with faces and
and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 4d8pp. The former has geometric patterns typical of the Gundgathol dwarves.
Sticky Shrooms and the latter a Runestone of Healing. Many of these pillars are partially or completely
Both possess their coffer/chest keys. collapsed. A broad staircase leads up to a dais seven
feet above the floor of the chamber. Atop the dais sits
B. Royal Guard Junior Officer Quarters: This room is the great throne of Gundgathol.
furnished (like A) but contains a Small Chest (Locked)
with a Gold Ring with Diamonds (1,400gp) and a The throne is bracketed by two pools. Behind the
Platinum Armband (1,300gp). throne are the remains of three 20x20 foot statues of
Thaneduhr, Geddinthor, and Dhurindain. The statues
88. Grand Throne Room Antechamber: The grand were once 50 feet high but were demolished long ago
antechamber is heavily guarded by duergar royal guards by the duergar. On either side of the statues are two
in adjacent rooms. At any given moment, there may sets of double doors.
(1-2 on d6) be duergar passing through this chamber
from east to west or west to east. If an event takes place Refereeing the Throne Room: Subject to the decisions
in the throne room, the antechamber will be packed made by players, there are multiple ways to present the
with duergar eagerly awaiting the event. There are two throne room.
statues of Dworgrim the Outcast facing south.
Option 1. If the PCs enter the throne room, and have
89. Guardroom: The entrance into the grand throne not been detected or captured, they will find the King
room is monitored by Duergar Royal Guards (6) AL: LE, and his cleric-advisors discussing the recent incursions
AC: 1 (Plate and Shield +1), HD: 6, HP: 30 each, #AT: into their kingdom. They will be protected by his elite
1, Weapon: Three with Shortsword +2 (1d6), Heavy royal guard. The throne room will be otherwise empty
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and as most of his warriors will be attending the bloodsport
Whip (1d4) and three with Military Pick +1 (1d6), Heavy to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the conquest of
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Gundgathol in the great arena (Room 146).
Treasure: 3d10gp, 3d8pp each, led by Rotgund, a
Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL5) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate Option 2. If the PCs attempt multiple incursions into
and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 32, #AT: 1, Weapon: Mace Gund-Felek, the entire complex will be on alert. The
+2 (1d6), Sling with 5 Runestones of Impact (1d4), and guards at all points of entry and exit will be doubled
Whip (1d4). Spells (3/2/1): Protection from Good, Cure and patrol frequency will also be doubled.
Light Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless; Striking,
Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag of Sticky Shrooms, The king will double the number of his elite personal
Runestone of Heroism, and a Gold Holy Symbol of guard and will be attended by the High Old One
Dworgrim (300gp). (Room 6) in addition to the listed priests below. In this

scenario, the king will be (1d6): in the Throne Room Duergar Elite Royal Guards (6) AL: LE, AC: 0 (Plate +1
(1-3), his Personal Chambers (Room 75) (4), or the and Shield +1), HD: 6, HP: 40 each, #AT: 1, Weapon:
Temple of the Forge (Room 6) (5-6). Three with Spiked Warhammers +1 (1d6), Heavy
Crossbow with 10 Bolts +1 (1d8), Seax Knife (1d4+1)
Option 3. If the PCs are captured at any point, they and three with Hand Axes +1 (1d6), Heavy Crossbow
will be brought before the King. They will be forced with 10 Bolts +1 (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
through a “Walk of Shame” leading up to the steps Treasure: 6d8pp each and Runestones of Heroism.
of the throne where they will be beaten by a throng
of attending duergar, alongside a mix of black orcs, Ghalzduhr the “Grimstone,” Son of Ghalmork,
derro, and kalas-toa. The public humiliation will serve Grandson of Ghalduul “Gray Tongue” Whitebeard,
to reaffirm the king’s power and station among his Old One of Dworgrim (CL7/F7) AL: LE, AC: -1 (Mithril
people. He will then force them to complete in the arena Platemail +1, Shield +1, Visored Helm +1), HD: 7, HP:
as the culminating event to celebrate the conquest of 58, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Mace +2, +3 versus Spell-
Gundgathol. Casters (1d6), Sling +1 with 5 Runestones of Impact
(1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells (4/3/2/1): Resist Cold,
Wartok Whitebeard, Lord of Gungathol, King of the Detect Good, Stonebeard, Command; Bless, Holy
Duergar, Blood of Thaneduhr (F9) AL: LE, AC: -7/- Chant, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate Dead, Striking;
8 (Mithril Full Platemail +5 and a Mithril Shield +2, Protection from Good 10’ Radius. Treasure: 3d10gp,
+3 versus Missile Attacks), HD: 9, HP: 101, #AT: 3/2, 4d8pp, Dose of Greatwort, Bag of Sticky Shrooms,
Weapon: Mithril Axe of the Dworgrim +3 (1d6 or 2d6), Runestones of Wisdom and Speed, and a Mithril Holy
Seax Knife +3 of Skewering (1d4+1). Treasure: 6d6pp, Symbol of Dworgrim (5,000gp).
Dose of Greatwort, Runestone of Curing, Runestone
of Giant Strength, and a Runestone of Free Action, Krummas, Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL6) AL: LE,
Wardstone (Magic), Mithril Crown of the Stoneborn, AC: 1 (Plate and Shield +1), HD: 6, HP: 39, #AT: 1,
Ring of House Ironforge. Ability Scores: S 19 (+3/+4), I Weapon: Mace +2 (1d8), Sling with 10 Stones +1 (1d4),
16, W 15, D 12, C 19, Ch 17. and Whip (1d4). Spells (3/3/2): Protection from Good,
Stonebeard, Command; Hold Person, Bless, Dworgrim’s
Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #19. Sacred Hammer; Animate Dead, Striking, Treasure:
3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone of
The Mithril Axe of Dworgrim is a unique Hand Axe Impact (3), Spellstone: Stonebeard, Spiritual Hammer,
+3 Dwarven Thrower and can be thrown 60 feet and Silence 15’ Radius, and a Platinum Holy Symbol of
return to the hand of the wielder. When thrown the Dworgrim (500gp).
axe scores double damage (2d6). On command the
weapon will lengthen to the size of a Battle Axe (1d10 Vizuul, Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL6) AL: LE, AC:
points of damage) but cannot be thrown. The mithril 3 (Plate), HD: 6, HP: 43, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great Mace
blade (in either form) is so keen the weapon can sever +2 (1d8), Sling with 5 Stones +3 (1d4), and Whip
humanoid limbs (human-sized or smaller and including (1d4). Spells (3/3/2): Protection from Good, Cure Light
the head) on an unmodified attack roll of 20. The axe is Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Dworgrim’s Sacred
a mere +1 in the hands of a non-dwarf. To the duergar, Hammer, Holy Chant; Animate Dead, Striking, Treasure:
the Mithril Axe of Dworgrim is a holy relic. Anyone in 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Dose of Greatwort, Runestones of
possession of the axe will draw the attention of the War +2 (3), and a Platinum Holy Symbol of Dworgrim
duergar, directly or indirectly, in the future. (500gp).

The Mithril Crown of the Stoneborn is encrusted with Malmark, Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL5) AL:
huge diamonds and rubies (15,000gp). The crown is LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP: 33, #AT: 1,
also a powerful magic item. It serves as a Stone of Weapon: Mace +1 (1d6), Sling with 10 Stones +1
Controlling Earth Elementals, an Amulet of Proof Against (1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells (3/2/1): Protection from
Detection and Location, and a Necklace of Adaptation. Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command; Hold Person,

Dworgrim’s Sacred Hammer; Striking, Treasure: 4d8pp, 98. Barrack: A detachment of Duergar Warriors (7)
Bag of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone of Giant Strength, AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP:
and a Gold Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (300gp). 22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
Kragkil, Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL4) AL: LE, AC: Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are posted here
2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 25, #AT: 1, Weapon: alongside their Darg AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, HP: 15,
Mace +1 (1d6) and Sling with 5 Runestones of Impact #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*). The walls are lined with
+1 (1d4). Spells (3/2): Protection from Good, Cure Light dwarf-sized bunk beds. Roll 1d6: (1-2) the guards are
Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius, asleep, (3-4) they just returned from a patrol and are
Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Dose of Greatwort, Bag eating at a central table, or (5-6) they are unarmoured
of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone of Extra-Healing, and a and preparing for a patrol.
Silver Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (100gp).
99. This room is empty. Three kalas-toa tridents are
92. The north wall of this chamber has partially leaning into the northeastern corner of the room.
collapsed leaving a large hole (5 feet tall and 40 feet There are also three kalas-toan bags with 1d3 Random
wide) into Room 88. Contents (see P3: The Dwarrowhame).

A. Three Amber Jellies (3) AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: 100. Kalas-Toa Delegate Barrack: Three fish-men
22, 19, 14, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d6, have oozed into this priests occupy this chamber as part of the kalas-toa
chamber and are on the ceiling above the archway. celebratory delegation for Uzduul-Gundgathol. They
include: Kalas-Toa Whip (CL6) AL: NE, AC: 4, HD:
B, C, and D. These rooms are empty. 6, HP: 36, #AT: 1, Weapon: Scimitar +2 (1d8) and
Man-Catcher (1d6). Spells (3/3/2): Cure Light Wounds,
E. The archway to this room is carved in dwarven Darkness, Protection from Good; Bless, Hold Person,
hellmouths. The chamber appears empty, but there is Silence 15’ Radius; Animate Dead, Dispel Magic,
an invisible Seax Knife of Venom on the floor at the Treasure: 6d6pp, Red Coral and Gold Necklace with
back of the chamber. PCs will only be able to detect it Matron Holy Symbol (2,000gp), Kalas-Toa Whip (CL7)
by magical means or by bumping into it. AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 7, HP: 42, #AT: 1, Weapon: Trident
+2 (1d8) and Dagger (1d4). Spells (4/3/2/1): Cure
93. This room is empty except for a loose stone in the Light Wounds, Darkness, Detect Magic, Protection from
southwestern corner. Inside the hole, in a decaying Good; Bless, Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate
leather bag, are a set of Geddinthor’s Gauntlets. Dead, Striking; Cause Serious Wounds, Treasure:
4d6sp, 4d6gp, 6d6pp, Red Coral and Gold Necklace
94. This room is empty. with Matron Holy Symbol (3,000gp), and a Kalas-Toa
Monitor (CL7) AL: NE, AC: 1, HD: 7, HP: 50, #AT: 4,
95. Priest’s Quarters: This small chamber is the barrack DMG: 2d4/2d4/1d4+1/1d4+1. (4/3/2/1): Command,
of a cleric of Dworgrim. It contains a small bed and a Cure Light Wound, Darkness, Protection from Good;
table with a Golden Figurine of Dworgrim (2,400gp). Bless, Hold Person, Holy Chant; Continual Darkness,
Striking; Cause Serious Wounds, Treasure: 3d6ep,
96. Shrine to Dworgrim: This small chamber contains a 4d6sp, 6d6pp, Red Coral and Platinum Necklace with
statue-sculpture of Dworgrim’s holy symbol: a bearded Matron Holy Symbol (3,000gp). The priests are seated
dwarven skull. Duergar warriors have carved 1d4+3 in a circle praying to an Ivory Idol of their Matron Mother
runestones in his honour and left them on the dais of Goddess (2,000gp). The monitor possesses a scroll
the statue. Other offerings include a set of elf fingers, written in duergar that invites a delegation to the 250th
a dwarf beard scalp, and the tooth-shard of a purple anniversary celebration of Uzduul-Gundgathol. In a
worm. Locked and Trapped Coffer (Poison Contact Powder,
Save or Die) is a gift for the king: Huge Magnificent
97. This room is empty. White Pearl (4,500gp).

101. Kalas-Toa Delegate Barrack: Kalas-Toa Warriors Garuush is a warrior-priest of Crom. Like Luvenin, he is
(6) AL: NE, AC: three with 3 (Sticky Shield) and three being prepared for the pits.
with 4, HD: 5, HP: 26 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: three with
Trident (1d8), Weighted Net, and Dagger (1d4) and C. Ser Braddock Brandine, Level 6 Human Paladin
three with Harpoon (2d6), Light Crossbow and 10 Bolts of St. Ygg AL: LG, AC: 8 (Dex), HD: 6, HP: 5 (55),
(1d6), and Dagger (1d4), Treasure: 1d10+1ep, 2d8gp, Weapon: Fist (1d2), Ability Scores: S 17, I 13, W 14, D
1d6pp. Some of the warriors wear jewelry including a 13, C 15, Ch 17. Braddock was taken prisoner recently.
Pink Coral Ring (300gp), Gold Medallion in the shape He wore an enchanted helmet (darkvision of 60 feet).
of a Crab (500gp), Platinum Bracelet (800gp), Polished He has been blind in the dark since his equipment was
Silver Arm Band (300gp), are bunked here as part of confiscated. He is unaware of the secret door.
the fish-men delegation. The remainder are spectators
in the gladiatorial arena (Room 146). A Kalas-Toa 106. Torture Chamber: This room contains two iron
Subleader AL: NE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP: 36, #AT: 1, maidens, a rack, a pillory, and a table with thumb-
Weapon: Harpoon (2d6), Heavy Crossbow and 10 screws. There are several blood stains on the floor.
Bolts (1d8), Dagger +3 (1d4), Weighted Net, Treasure:
3d8gp, 2d6pp, Polished Pink Coral Matron Medallion 107. This chamber is empty. The duergar are unaware
(800gp), is in command. The room is simple the two of the secret door.
large barrels of water and bedrolls.
108. Steeder Pen: Six Steeders AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3,
102. This chamber is the jailer’s barrack. There are two HP: three with 20 and three with 16, #AT: 1, DMG:
smelly flea-infested beds and a bucket of fecal matter 1d8, are stabled in this chamber close to Room 116.
in the corner. The room smells of offal and sweat. They will not attack dwarves. There are four saddles
along the wall.
103. This chamber is empty.
109A. The door to this crypt is made of stone and
104. The door to this chamber was burnt out long ago. sealed. The door is carved to represent three dwarven
It is covered in dust and cobwebs. There is nothing of warriors standing shoulder to shoulder. Blood stains
value. and rubble from long ago discolour the stone infront
of the door. They each have shields but empty weapon
105. Cells: Two Duergar Jailers (F6) AL: LE, AC: 10, hands. There are carved indentations to suggest a
HD: 6, HP: 38 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Seax Knife stone warhammer, hand axe, and spear would fit into
(1d4+1) and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, the hands of the three warriors (the three “keys” are
oversee the three cells in this chamber. The first has cell in Rooms 8D, 31A, and 51, respectively). If anything
keys and the second has manacle keys. other than these three keys are placed in the hands of
the warriors, they will animate as Stone Statues AC:
A. Luvenin Silverbow, Level 5 Half-Elf Ranger AL: NG, N, AC: 4, HD: 5, HP: 22 each, #AT: 2, DMG: 2d6,
AC: 8 (Dex), HD: 5, HP: 5 (45), #AT: 1, DMG: Fist and attack. Within three days the door enchantment
(1d2), Ability Scores: S 16, I 12, W 12, D 16, C 15, Ch will reconstitute the warriors in their original position.
17. Luvenin is a strong but slender half-elf woman. She Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #20.
was sold to the duergar as a gladiatior.
The door opens to reveal a near-empty, false crypt.
B. Garuush Grimshaw, Level 4 Half-Orc Cleric of Crom Along the northwestern wall of the room is a stone table
AL: CG, AC: 8 (Dex), HD: 4, HP: 5 (28), Weapon: Fist with three dwarven Goblets made of Gold (1,000gp
(1d2), Ability Scores: S 16, I 10, W 16, D 16, C 15, Ch each) and a Platinum Urn filled with Sand (1,200gp).
12. Garuush has had his fingers broken so he cannot Between the PCs and the table are three pits. The pits
cast spells. He requires a Heal to repair his hands. connect 60 feet down to a bottomless chasm. Any
His normal spell list includes (3/2): Command, Cure PCs who fall are considered lost unless they make a
Light Wounds, Protection from Evil; Hold Person, Bless. Dexterity Check to grab the lip of the pit(s).

109. The secret door opens via a wallstone (opposite B. A collapse of the eastern and southern walls has
the door) that must be pulled out and rotated clockwise left a large rubble pile on the floor. Three turns of
three times. searching will reveal a Mithril Ingot worth (3,000gp).
Three additional turns of searching will reveal the
The crypt beyond is a large spacious room. In the center, Triangular Crystal (Room 124).
on an altar devoted to Dhurindain, is Sealed Urn made
of Gold (4,800gp). The room is braced every 10-feet 115. The double-doors to this room are sealed and
by half-pillars that run up the 30-foot walls and are made of stone. They bear the holy symbol of Geddinthor
decorated with dwarven warriors like the stone entry and depict dwarven warriors in the shieldwall. There
door (109A). are seven stone dials on the right-hand door (reference
P3: The Dwarrowhame, Room 6) for details. The first
Inside the urn are the remains of a dwarven cleric six dials have four characters, and the final dial has
of Dhurindain who, near his death, secretly switched four numbers. To open the door, the PCs must spell
to the worship of Dworgrim. Upon his death he was the secret word “Beknuw” followed by the number 3.
denied entry into the afterlife by both deities. His spirit The word “Beknuw” translates to Blessing. The Third
has remained in the urn for 300 years. Blessing is in reference to the Mead Oath (see page
24) said to Geddinthor, the third of the three dwarven
His malice and bitterness grew until he awoke as a deities.
Greater Crypt Shade (1) AL: CE, AC: 4, HD: 6, HP:
43, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d10. Note that the presence of the Inside is a partially collapsed crypt. In the northeastern
living will awaken his spirit. For each round the PCs are corner is a statue of Geddinthor on a two-tiered dais.
in the crypt, there is a cumulative 1 on d6 chance he All those that kneel before the statue and recite the
bursts forth from the urn (halving its value) and attacks. Third Blessing will be healed to full hit points (this
happens only once).
110. This chamber is empty.
116. Passage to the Underdark: This is one of the tunnels
111. Reservoir: This massive reservoir is fed by a natural the duergar used during their assault on Gundgathol.
spring at the bottom. The water is frigid. This passage leads downward into the underdark.

112. Guardroom: Six Duergar Warriors (6) AL: LE, AC: A warband including Duergar Warriors (6) AL: LE, AC:
3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, 4 (Half Plate), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon:
Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Great Hammer (1d8), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts
Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep,
2d10gp, 2d8pp each, occupy this sentry post. 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, one has a Runestone of Giant
Strength, and a Darg AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, HP: 15,
Two of their number may (1-2 on d6) be on patrol #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*), guard the primary
(along the adjacent western corridor) south to Room passage to S31.
122 and back.
They are led by Umrig, a Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim
113. The western wall of this room has collapsed into (CL5) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP:
the adjoining hallway leaving a hole 5 feet tall and 20 34, #AT: 1, Weapon: Mace +1 (1d6), Sling with 5
feet wide. Runestones of Impact (1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells
(3/2/1): Protection from Good, Cure Light Wounds,
114. This chamber is empty. Command, Hold Person, Bless, Striking, Treasure:
3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone of
A. The door to this side-room is ajar. Inside is a Salt Curing, and a Gold Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (300gp),
Pudding AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, DMG: mounted on a Steeder AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 14,
2d6. #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8.

There is a 1-2 on d6 chance that either: two of the 120. This inner chamber is a meat cooler. A dozen
warriors were posted as scouts 200 feet into the primary rothe carcasses hang from hooks on the ceiling. Three
passage, or, three warriors are on patrol (west to Room are inflected with Rot Grubs (7) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: 1hp,
133). HP: 1hp each, #AT: N/A, DMG: N/A.

117. This broad staircase climbs up over 5,200 feet A. This secret chamber is opened via a loose wallstone
through the center of the Eternal Mountains to Entrance and lever. A statue at the end of the chamber honours
F: The Citadel of Sleet, also called The High Gate of Halgrum, Son of Halgor “Brokenshield,” and Grandson
Gund-Felek (Lower Floor, Room 1). of Halborin Goldenaxe. Halgrum’s spirit rests close to
his funerary statue. If a good-aligned dwarf is in the
A. Guardroom: A detachment of Duergar Warriors (4) party, he will materialize as a wispy, translucent warrior
AL: LE, AC: 4 (Half Plate), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, #AT: in armor. He will state in a hollow sounding voice in
1, Weapon: Battle Axe (1d8), Heavy Crossbow with 10 ancient dwarvish “Ask thee, questions three, if ye wish
Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, the dwarves be free.” Halgrum will answer cryptically
2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are posted here to guard the rather than directly, if possible. He is distraught and
grand staircase. consumed over the state of his people and, as a result,
his spirit cannot join his family in the halls of the All-
They are led by Bharrug, a Duergar Warband Leader Father. Once the three questions have been asked, his
(F7) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Platemail +2), HD: 7, HP: 45, #AT: spirit will disappear forever. As he departs, he will utter,
3/2, Weapon: Great Hammer +2 (1d8), Warhammer “Remember the Third Beknuw” and bang his axe on
(1d6), Seax Knife +2 (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: his shield. Dwarves will translate “Beknuw” to mean
3d10gp, 4d8pp, and Runestone of Heroism, Runestone “Blessing.” This is a hint to Room 115.
of Speed, and Agromar, a Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim
(CL6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Plate), HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, 121. Guardroom: This section of Gund-Felek is guarded
Weapon: Great Mace +2 (1d8), Sling with 10 Stones by Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and
(1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells (3/3/2): Protection from Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Military
Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and
Bless, Holy Chant; Animate Dead, Striking, Treasure: Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp
3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone each.
of Giant Strength, and a Platinum Holy Symbol of
Dworgrim (500gp). The warriors are led by Guldan, a Duergar Warband
Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Platemail), HD: 6, HP:
Lying on the floor amongst some rubble, near the 38, #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle Axe (1d8), Warhammer
statue on the western wall, is an Oval Runestone with (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure:
the Symbol of House Longbeard (1 of 3 keys for Room 3d10gp, 4d8pp, and a Runestone of Seeing, and
157). Fargdin, a Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL6) AL:
LE, AC: 3 (Plate), HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon:
118. This chamber is empty. Great Mace +1 (1d8), Sling with 10 Stones (1d4), and
Whip (1d4). Spells (3/3/2): Light, Cure Light Wounds,
A. Light from the PCs will reveal the skeletal remains of Stonebeard; Hold Person, Bless, Holy Chant; Animate
a duergar, partially dissolved along the northern wall. Dead, Striking, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag of Sticky
On the ceiling, just inside the archway, is a Large Black Shrooms, Runestone of Extra-Healing, and a Platinum
Witches’ Butter AL: N, AC: 6, HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (500gp).
DMG: See entry. In the duergar’s hand is a Wardstone
(Acid). There is a 1-2 on d6 chance that two warriors and the
warband leader are on patrol south to Room 125.
119. This chamber is filled with foodstuffs including
crates of rothe jerky, dried fish, and mushrooms. 122. This chamber has partially collapsed.

A. The duergar use this room as a dump. The dump 127. Guardroom: Four Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE,
contains bits of broken wood and rusty metal, stone AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each,
rubble, and corpses. #AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow
with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure:
The smell of decay is overwhelming. Searching the 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are posted as sentries in
dump will result in contracting disease (as per Giant this guardroom.
Rats). There is nothing of value.
A. Rothdar, a Duergar Warband Leader (F6) AL:
123. This chamber has partially collapsed along the LE, AC: 0 (Platemail +1 and Shield +1), HD: 6, HP:
northwestern wall. Three rounds of searching will 38, #AT: 1, Weapon: Spiked Warhammer +2 (1d6),
reveal an Oval Runestone with the Symbol of House Shortsword (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4),
Longbeard (1 of 3 keys for Room 157). Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, and a Galeb Runestone
(Medium), is sharpening his spiked hammer.
124. The Hall of Seven Pillars: The double doors to this
chamber are sealed with a padlock and chains. The His Darg AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG:
doors on both ends bear the holy symbol of Thaneduhr. 2d4 (and 1d6*), rests at his feet.

The duergar have cut and slashed the symbols to 128. The door to this room is infected with Ear Seekers
desecrate them. Inside, the chamber has partially (2) AL: N, AC: 9, HD: 1hp, HP: 1hp each, #AT: Special,
collapsed in the northeastern and southwestern DMG: Special. The chamber is otherwise empty.
corners. Each of the three pillars has a triangular crystal
embedded in the stone facing the internal pillar. The A. The inside of this small chamber is covered in Amber
internal pillar is lined with five similar crystals. One is Mold AL: N, AC: Always hit, HD: 1hp, HP: 1hp, #AT: 1,
missing. The missing crystal is in Room 114B. Once DMG: Special.
the crystal is replaced, the central crystal will glow
with light until a beam of light extends outwards to the 129. Guardroom: Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: 10
crystals in the other pillars. The glow will illuminate an (unarmoured), HD: 4, HP: 26 each, #AT: 1, Weapon:
extremely thin, mithril outline of the Eternal Mountains Battle Axe (1d8), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8),
(Gundgathol) on the floor. The pillar stands in the and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp,
center of the map. The lines of the map converge and 2d8pp, each also has a Dose of Greatwort, are
illuminate the location of P5 The Forge of Creation. sharpening their weapons and polishing their armour.

125. Great Reservoir of Gund-Felek: This massive A. This is the quarters of Gzultog, a Duergar Warband
reservoir is supported by two 10x10 foot columns. Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Platemail +2), HD: 7, HP: 55,
One of which has partially collapsed. The pillars are #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Battle Axe +2 (1d8), Warhammer
carved in the likeness of sneering dwarves. Two of the (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure:
carvings on the westernmost pillar are Dwargoyles AL: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, and Boots of Striding and Springing.
CE, AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: 30, 25, #AT: 4 or 1, DMG:
1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4 or Stone Axe (1d12), who were His room has a simple bed, desk, and stool. Hidden in
posted here to ward off intruders. They will wait until the mattress is a Gold Belt Buckle inlaid with Emeralds
they can attack unsuspecting PCs as they walk near the (2,000gp).
pillar and attack from above at +2.
130. Temple of the Three: The double doors are made
126. Steeder Pen: Four Steeders AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 3, of stone and sealed. Carved across the double doors is
HP: two with 21 and two with 18, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, a representation of the Soul Hammer.
are stabled here for patrols extending west from Room
131 along the primary passageway. There are three The door can only be opened by the Soul Hammer Key
saddles in the room. They will not attack dwarves. located on the sand of the colosseum (Room 146).

The temple walls have partially collapsed along the 135. Arena Guardroom: A band of warriors are seated
north and the south. A two-tiered dais leads up to three around a table discussing the day’s lineup of gladiatorial
statues. Thaneduhr in the center, Dhurindain to his matches. Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Plate and
right, and Geddinthor to his left. Shield), HD: 4, HP: 25 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Hand
Axe (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and
If the PCs are not yet aware of the location of the Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp
Hammer of Dwarvish Lords, Thaneduhr’s presence will each, led by Dalbuk, a Duergar Warband Leader (F7)
fill the room and the PCs will receive a vision of its AL: LE, AC: 2 (Platemail +1), HD: 7, HP: 55, #AT: 3/2,
location. If the PCs are already aware, or in possession Weapon: Battle Axe +2 (1d8), Warhammer (1d6), Seax
of the hammer, Thaneduhr will bless the wielder with Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp,
an automatic successful save on the PCs next attempt. 4d8pp, and Runestone of Water Walking.

131. The slope at this location leads upward 136. Barrack: This barrack contains 16 empty duergar-
approximately 60 feet. The slope leads east from bunkbeds. There are two Steel Coffers (both locked). The
Gund-Felek (Entrance F) along the Primary Passage first contains Small Broken Lime Green Peridot (150gp),
toward S31 on the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. Medium Broken Brown-Green Garnet (250gp), Large
Flawed Blue Aquamarine (370gp), Large Average
A patrol of Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: 3 Lustrous White Pearl (400gp), and a Very Large Broken
(Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, Bright Yellow Microlite (450gp). The second holds a
Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Silver Circlet inlaid with a Ruby (300gp).
Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep,
2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are on sentry duty at this location. 137. Barrack: Duergar Warriors (6) AL: LE, AC: 3
They are led by Kuuzdal, a Duergar Warband Leader (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 26 each, #AT: 1,
(F7) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Platemail +1), HD: 7, HP: 45, #AT: Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10
3/2, Weapon: Great Hammer +2 (1d8), Warhammer Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep,
(1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are seated at two rectangular
3d10gp, 4d8pp, and Runestone of Heroism. All five of tables in the main chamber of this room.
the gray dwarves are mounted on Steeders AL: N, AC:
4, HD: 3, HP: 16 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8. A. This barrack is empty. There is a Small Chest
(Locked) with 77pp.
132. This tunnel leads south from Gund-Felek
(Entrance F) along the Secret Passage toward S23 on B. Armoury: duergar-style hand axes (14), spiked
the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. Show Dwarrowdeep warhammers (7), and pick axes (3), lie on wooden
Illustration #21. tables against the eastern wall.

133. The roar of a large crowd can be heard from the C. Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: 10 (unarmoured),
gladiatorial pit located in Room 146. HD: 4, HP: 26 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle Axe (1d8),
Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife
134. Arena Guardroom: Four Duergar Warriors (4) AL: (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are
LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 20 each, asleep in their bunks.
#AT: 1, Weapon: Military Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow
with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: D. Six bedrolls line the floor of this chamber. It is
3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, serve as sentries in this otherwise empty.
entrance to the gladiatorial pit. The warriors are bored
and two are engrossed training against each other with E. Kuzdul, a Duergar Warband Leader (F6) AL: LE,
seax knives. The dwarves are accompanied by a Darg AC: 3 (Platemail), HD: 6, HP: 44, #AT: 1, Weapon:
AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and Great Hammer (1d8), Light Crossbow of Speed and
1d6*). 10 Bolts (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4),

Treasure: 3d10gp and 4d8pp, is meeting with Lokbrut, Protection from Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command;
a Duergar Cleric of Dworgrim (CL6) AL: LE, AC: 3 Hold Person, Bless, Holy Chant; Animate Dead, Striking,
(Plate), HD: 6, HP: 40, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great Mace Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag of Sticky Shrooms,
+1 (1d8), Sling with 10 Stones (1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spellstone: Command, Stonebeard, Hold Person,
Spells (3/3/2): Protection from Good, Cure Light Runestone of Magic Resistance (10%), and a Platinum
Wounds, Command; Hold Person, Bless, Holy Chant; Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (500gp).
Animate Dead, Striking, Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag
of Sticky Shrooms, Runestone of Extra-Healing, and a 143. The roar of a large crowd can be heard from the
Platinum Holy Symbol of Dworgrim (500gp), over new gladiatorial pit located in Room 146.
patrol routes along the southernmost corridor (Rooms
143 to 131. 144. Arena Guardroom: Burlgrim, a Duergar Warband
Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Platemail +2), HD: 6, HP:
F. Storeroom: This chamber contains three open barrels 38, #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle Axe +2 (1d8), Warhammer
of water and seven crates of dried foodstuffs including (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure:
rothe jerky, dried fish, and mushrooms. 3d10gp, 4d8pp, and a Runestone of Frost Resistance,
is loudly berating his warriors for drinking ale while on
138. Officer’s Quarters: This door is locked. Inside duty. He is accompanied by Duergar Warriors (5) AL:
are three beds and three stools. There is a Small LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 20 each,
Locked Coffer underneath one of the beds. Inside is a #AT: 1, Weapon: Warhammer (1d6), Light Crossbow
Clockwork Cobra (1) AL: N, AC: 2, HD: 1, HP: 8, #AT: with 10 Bolts (1d6), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure:
1, DMG: 1d3*. The chest is otherwise empty. 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each

139. The duergar abandoned this partially collapsed 145. Steeder Pen: Three Steeders (3) AL: N, AC: 4,
chamber and water pools on the floor from the ceiling. HD: 3, HP: 15 each, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8, are stabled
A small hole in the northwestern aspect of the chamber here. The room is relatively cobweb free, except for the
opens into the arena. secret door.

A. This chamber contains a dwarven backpack and 146. The Colosseum: The duergar converted the agora
standard fighter adventuring gear. At the bottom is an - or meeting place - of the Gundgathol dwarves into a
Oval Runestone with the Symbol of House Longbeard massive gladiatorial arena. The 180x180 foot chamber
(1 of 3 keys for Room 157). Attached to the side of the is supported by a ring of 10x10 foot columns decorated
backpack is a Rope of Climbing. in typical dwarven geometric pattern. Many of the
columns have partially collapsed.
140. Darg Kennel: This room is a darg kennel. The
smell is revolting. The dargs normally kept in this The stepped amphitheatre of the colosseum has four
chamber are currently on patrol. tiers and a floor. Standing room at the top, followed
by three 10-foot tiers, and the floor below. Four sets
141. This chamber is empty. of broad 20-foot stairs lead down from the top to the
bottom. Each tier has multiple rows of bench seating.
142. Arena Guardroom: Three Duergar Warriors
(3) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: The colosseum is abuzz with activity as spectators
22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Heavy celebrate the 250th anniversary of the conquest of
Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Gundgathol. King Wartok Whitebeard decried 250
Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are on sentry days of games in celebration. The king invited dignitaries
duty. They are led by Dwurndin, a Duergar Cleric of and delegations of the derro, black orcs, and kalas-
Dworgrim (CL6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Plate), HD: 6, HP: 40, toa to partake in the games. Each has submitted a
#AT: 1, Weapon: Great Mace +1 (1d8), Sling with champion to slaughter slaves and monsters trained for
10 Stones +2 (1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells (3/3/2): the pit. Show Dwarrowdeep Illustration #22.

If the PCs have not put the Gund-Felek complex on Thurlok is escorted by Duergar Royal Guards (4) AL:
alert, there will be 400+3d20 duergar, and 3d20+5 LE, AC: 0 (Plate +1 and Shield +1), HD: 6, HP: 30
derro, kalas-toa, black orcs (all 2HD) in the colosseum each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Three with Spiked Warhammers
cheering the bloodsport and celebrating Uzduul- +1 (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts +1 (1d8), Seax
Gundgathol. Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4) and three with Military
Pick +1 (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts +1 (1d8),
In addition to the monstrous humanoids listed above, and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d10gp and 3d8pp,
there are also the following: each possessed a Dose of Greatwort and a Runestone
of Healing.
Duergar: Level 4 Fighters (50), Level 5 Fighters (20),
Level 6 Fighters (10), Level 4 Clerics (7), Level 5 Clerics The slaves used in the pits are primarily dwarves. There
(3), and Level 6 Clerics (1). are also some deep gnomes, elves, half-elves, norkers,
and kobolds. The duergar also sentence their criminals
Derro: Level 4 Fighters (20), Level 5 Fighters (10), Level and cowards to the pit as do the derro, black orcs, and
6 Fighters (5), Level 5 Savants (6), and Level 6 Savants kalas-toa.
The menagerie of monsters includes giant lizards,
Kalas-Toa: Level 4 Fighters (20), 10 Level 5 Fighters megalocentipedes, ogres, cave bears, dwargoyles,
(10), 5 Level 6 Fighters (5), Level 6 Whips (4). and Level bone or amber golems, minotaurs, owlbears, shambling
7 Monitors (2). mounds, nematoads, and ice toads. These monsters
are paired against HD-equivalent slaves. The contests
Black Orcs: Level 3 Warband Leaders (30), Shamans include either baits or unrestrained melee.
(F3/CL3) (3), and one Great Shaman (F5/CL5).
Being lawful evil, the duergar admire courage and
There are a smattering (1d20) of other races in the bravery and award those slaves that overcome trial by
crowd including orcs, bullywugs, goblins, troglodytes combat with their freedom - even Gundgathol dwarven
(they must sit in their own section), and three dark elves. slaves.

The type of gladiatorial combats offered in the If the complex is on alert based on previous PC incursions
colosseum vary. The duergar train slaves to fight into Gund-Felek, the audience will have dispersed. The
against each other, against monsters, and against humanoid delegations will have returned to their point
their own champions. The bloodsport is theatrical and of origin and the duergar will have formed scores of
recreates epic battles and legends in the history of the warbands to patrol the incoming passageways and set
gray dwarves culminating with a dramatic re-creation ambushes. All the sentries and guards will have been
of the conquest of Gundgathol. doubled to lock-down the complex.

The introductions to each contest are provided by On the sandy floor of the Colosseum is Soul Hammer
Thurtok, Son of Wartok, Prince of the Duergar, Blood Key (Room 130).
of Thaneduhr (F7) AL: LE, AC: -3 (Platemail +3 and
Shield +2), HD: 7, HP: 65, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Spiked 147. The roar of the crowd can be heard from the
Dwarven Warhammer +3 of Throwing (1d6) and Seax gladiatorial arena located in Room 146.
Knife of Venom +2 (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp,
Platinum Crown inlaid with Diamonds (5,500gp), 148. Arena Guardroom: A handful of sentries are in
Runestone of Speed, Runestone of Giant Strength, and the main chamber of this room. They include Duergar
Runestone of Extra-Healing, and two keys (Room 74 and Warriors (6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD:
Chest). Galtok’s attendance and participation provides 4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Spear (1d6), Heavy
an official and regal presence to the celebration of Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
Uzduul-Gundgathol. Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each.

A. Officer’s Quarters: Dalodar, a Duergar Warband in his rat form. He would prefer to retrieve his items
Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: -1 (Platemail +1 and Shield located in Room 150. He has garrot wires weaved into
+2), HD: 7, HP: 48, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Hand Axe his messy, curly hair, and in the hair on his right foot.
of Throwing +2 (1d6), Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife
(1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, 152. The Slave Pits of Gundgathol: This chamber
and a Runestone of Protection +1, sits at his desk has an upper level and a lower level. The lower level
etching a runestone. His Darg AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, consists of ten bar-covered slave pits. The upper level
HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*), is asleep on has a terrace that overlooks the lower level. Moans and
his bed. whimpering and be heard from the pits alongside the
occasional “crack” of a whip.
149. Barrack: There are 14 warrior bunkbeds lined up
along the walls of the room. Hidden in one of the beds The slave pits are 20 feet deep and covered with a
is a Runestone of Extra-Healing. locked iron grate. Iron rungs inside the pits are used
to climb out. Two cruel Dwargoyles (2) AL: CE,
150. Sentry Box: Three Duergar Warriors (3) AL: LE, AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: 28 and 25, #AT: 4 or 1, DMG:
AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4 or Whip (1d4), secure this chamber
#AT: 1, Weapon: Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and fly up to the terrace as necessary. They each have
and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, a key for the grate padlocks.
2d8pp each, occupy this small guardroom.
Each of the ten pits are filled with a random assortment
There is 1-4 on d6 chance they are walking the terrace of 1HD humanoids with 3HP. Use the following chart to
above the slave pits with their crossbows at the ready. determine the contents of each:
Gardo’s (Room 151) equipment sits in the corner. It
includes a backpack of standard thief class items, a Slave Type Number
Longpoint Dagger +2, Pipes of the Sewers, and Studded
Leather +2. 1 Dwarves 2d20
2 Norkers 1d10
151. Cells: This chamber is empty. There are two locked 3 Orc 1d6
cell doors with barred windows. These two cells are for
important prisoners. 4 Goblins 1d6
5 Bullywugs 1d4
A. This cell contains Brooklot the Bracken, a Level 5
6 Deep Gnomes 1d4
Half-Orc Cleric of Zuul AL: CE, AC: 8 (Dex), HD: 5,
HP: 32, Weapon: None, Spells (3/2/1): Command, 7 Halflings 1d2
Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Good; Hold Person, 8 Half-Elves 1d2
Bless; Animate Dead, Treasure: None. Brooklot was
caught and sold into slavery. Brooklot claimed to have 9 Elves 1d2
intelligence on the town of Hamelet/Durnagald and the 10 Dark Elves 1d2
duergar imprisoned him here to await torture. He will
tell any lie necessary to escape his confinement. Within any pit there are 1d4 classed characters (half of
this number will be dwarves). To determine class, roll
B. This cell holds Gardo Bramblewise, a Level 4 1d4: (1-3) Fighter, (4) Thief, (5) Cleric, (6) Multi. Then
halfling-Wererat Thief. He has the following statistics: roll again to determine level (3, 4, 5, or 6). Roll twice if
S 10, I 12, W 14, D 16, C 16, Ch 13, and HP: 18, multi-classed.
Treasure: None.
Any commotion or battle in this chamber may (1-2 on
Gardo “allows” the duergar to imprison him. He is d6) draw the attention of the upper terrace (Rooms
merely waiting for the right opportunity to slip away 150-151, 154-155).

153. Passage to the Underdark: This is one of the 155. This chamber is empty and is covered in cobwebs
tunnels the duergar used during their original assault and dust.
on Gundgathol. This passage leads down into the
murky depths of the underdark. 156. The ruins of Gund-Felek open to a collapsed
stone bridge overtop a bottomless chasm. The bridge
A duergar warband posted at this position includes is 5 feet wide and 20 feet long. The middle 10-foot
Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and section has fallen away. On the other side of the bridge
Shield), HD: 4, HP: 25 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Spiked is a dark terrace. Light will reveal a set of double doors
Warhammer (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts just beyond the dark archway. Show Dwarrowdeep
(1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, Illustration #23.
2d10gp, 2d8pp each, one has a Runestone of Speed,
with a Darg AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, Hidden on the ledges of rock above the broken bridge
DMG: 2d4 (and 1d6*). are seven Volts AL: N, AC: 4, HD: 2+1, HP: 3x14,
2x12, 2x10, #AT: 1 and 1, DMG: 1d4 and 1d12. If
They are overseen by Lotgund, a Duergar Cleric of the PCs create any commotion or attempt to cross the
Dworgrim (CL6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Plate), HD: 6, HP: 42, bridge into their territory, they will attack from above
#AT: 1, Weapon: Great Mace +2 (1d8), Sling with (+2). Note that anyone struck with a volt’s tail attack
10 Stones +2 (1d4), and Whip (1d4). Spells (3/3/2): while crossing the bridge must make a Dexterity Check.
Protection from Good, Cure Light Wounds, Command; An unsuccessful save means the player character has
Hold Person, Bless, Holy Chant; Animate Dead, Striking, fallen off the bridge and is considered lost.
Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Bag of Sticky Shrooms,
Galeb Runestone (Large), and a Platinum Holy Symbol 157. A massive set of sealed stone double doors, 15
of Dworgrim (500gp), mounted on a Steeder AL: N, feet high, stand along the northern wall across from
AC: 4, HD: 3, HP: 21, #AT: 1, DMG: 1d8. the severed bridge. The stone arch around the door
is carved in dwarven geometric knotwork. There are
154. Large Monster Cells: The door to this chamber three concave depressions for the insertion of oval-
opens to reveal three cells with thick metal bars. The shaped runestones. Each bears the Symbol of House
bars cannot be bent by strength less than 19. These Longbeard. The stones must be placed to open the
three unique monsters are intended for the culminating doors. They are located in Rooms 117, 123, and 139A.
matches in the arena.
The stone double doors open to a large crypt 40 feet
The hook horror paces back and forth like a caged long and 70 feet wide. The floor immediately beyond
lion. The owlbear is sleeping curled in a ball. The the door is lined with concealed bottomless pits. Beyond
amber bulk has been dosed with a fungal sedative to the pits a 10-foot staircase leads up to a 30-foot wide
keep it docile and asleep. If the amber bulk awakes it dais with a dwarven sarcophagus shaped in the form of
would rip right through the walls of its cell. Each time a dwarf holding an axe with both hands over his chest.
the PCs enter this chamber there is a cumulative 1-2 on 1d4 Random Mundane Runestones were placed on the
d6 chance the monster awakens. PCs could potentially sarcophagus and are covered in a thick layer of dust.
use these monsters as a distraction: Two 20-foot tall statues of mighty Dhurindain stand
nearby with Huge Exquisite Rubies (5,000gp each) as
A. Hook Horror AL: N, AC: 3, HD: 5, HP: 36, #AT: 2, eyes.
DMG 1d8/1d8.
The crypt is false. If the sarcophagus is touched it will
B. Owlbear AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 5, HP: 33, #AT: 3, animate as a Stone Golem AL: N, AC: 5, HD: 14,
DMG: 1d8/1d8/1d8. HP: 100, #AT: 1, DMG: 3d8, and attack trespassers.
Once the stone golem activates, the two secret doors
C. Amber Bulk AL: CE, AC: 2, HD: 8+8, HP: 56, #AT: (A and B) will slide open and two Advanced Sentinel of
3, DMG: 3d4/3d4/2d4+2. the Ancestors (2) AL: N, AC: 0, HD: 8, HP: 60 each,

#AT: 2, DMG: 1d6+2/per, will animate and defend 162. Guardroom: This guardroom is empty. There are
the crypt. Note that any successful attack within five three stools and a small open barrel of water.
feet of the bottomless pits will necessitate a Dexterity
Check to grab the lip, or fall into the underdark below 163. Arena Guardroom: Four of Handrandar’s
Dwarrowdeep. Duergar Warriors (4) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Platemail), HD: 4,
HP: 24 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle Axe (1d8), Heavy
The secret door behind Room 157A contains a Sealed Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1),
Platinum Urn inlaid with Diamonds (10,000gp) on a Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, with a Darg
low stone table, along with a Dwarven-styled Deck AL: LE, AC: 6, HD: 3, HP: 15, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d4 (and
of Many Things, a Shortsword of Life Stealing, and a 1d6*), occupy this guardroom.
Runestone of Wonder.
164. Barrack: This large room contains 10 bunkbeds.
158. The roar of the crowd echoes down the corridor Duergar Warriors (8) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and
from the gladiatorial pit located in Room 146. Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Military
Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and
159. Barrack: This room contains a dozen bunk beds. Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp
The warriors are on patrol. each, have just returned from duty and are about to
enter the arena to enjoy the sport. They are led by a
160. Slave Pit Guardroom: Duergar Warriors (2) AL: junior officer: Khalbin, the Duergar Warband Leader
LE, AC: 3 (Platemail), HD: 4, HP: 24 each, #AT: 1, (F5) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 5, HP:
Weapon: Great Hammer (1d8), Heavy Crossbow with 33, #AT: 1, Weapon: Hand Axe (1d6), Hand Axe (1d6),
10 Bolts (1d8), and Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp,
3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, are posted here to guard 4d8pp, and a Stalagmite Runestone.
the slave pits.
165. This chamber contains the cells of gladiators
A. Junior Officer Quarters: Dalkuldz, a Duergar marked for death in the arena.
Warband Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC: 2 (Platemail +1),
HD: 6, HP: 38, #AT: 1, Weapon: Battle Axe (1d8), There are normally three Dwargoyles AL: CE, AC: 5,
Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip (1d4), HD: 4, HP: 25, #AT: 4 or 1, DMG: 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4
Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, Runestone of Illumination, or Stone Axe (1d12). The dwargoyles are overseen by
and a Sticky Shrooms, oversees the security of the slave the Grand Torturer, a Duergar Warband Leader (F6)
pits. There is a 1-3 on d6 chance he is walking the floor AL: LE, AC: Bracers AC: 2, HD: 6, HP: 50, #AT: 1,
or terrace in Room 152. Weapon: Seax Knife +3 (1d4+1) and Whip +2 (1d4),
Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp.
161. Arena: Guardroom: Handrandar, a Duergar
Warband Leader (F6) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Platemail), HD: Note that a commotion in this chamber is likely (1-4 on
6, HP: 35, #AT: 1, Weapon: Great Mace +1 (1d8), d6) to draw warriors from nearby chambers. However,
Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip if the games are taking place in the arena the noise of
(1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, and a Runestone of the crowd will drop this number to 1 on d6.
Invisibility, commands the two guardrooms (161 and
163) that enter the great arena. Cell A: Szzleth the Lizardman: Szzleth was captured
by an opposing tribe of lizardmen and sold to a band
His Duergar Warriors (3) AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and of orcs who brought him to Gundgathol. Growlgur
Shield), HD: 4, HP: 22 each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Military the Gnoll was a warrior among the Black Teeth Tribe
Pick (1d6), Heavy Crossbow with 10 Bolts (1d8), and of the Fargone Forest. His coat of white, black, and
Seax Knife (1d4+1), Treasure: 3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp gray is matted. He has taken many wounds from the
each, are either seated inside the chamber (1-3) or pits, Fulknar the Duergar was caught pooping in the
mulling about the large archway (Room 158). reservoir and sentenced to the pits for his crime.

Cell B: This cell contains four young dwarves all bred 166. Flaying Chamber: This chamber contains seven
into slavery. They are capable Level 4 fighters. flaying crosses in an X shape designed to hold slaves
for torture. Each of the stands are equipped with
Cell C: This cell is empty. manacles. The shelves on the wall contain whips and
filleting knives. Dried pools of blood mark the floor.
Cell D: Blurk the Bugbear challenged his tribal
chieftain to single combat and lost. He was then sold to 167. Torture Chamber: This chamber contains three
the pits. He lost his left hand at the wrist and normally racks, three pillories, and three dwarf-sized iron
has a shield strapped to his forearm in combat. Blika maidens. Inside one of the iron maidens is Bulgairn
the Goblin killed a member of her tribe in his sleep Blackbeard, a Level 4 Cleric of Thaneduhr AL: LG,
and was sold to the pits. She is a fierce and athletic AC: 8 (Dex), HD: 4, HP: 3 (28), Weapon: None, Spells
example of her race. She has a scar across her face (3/2): Stonebeard, Cure Light Wounds, Protection from
and is missing an ear. Evil; Hold Person, Bless, Ability Scores: S 16, I 12, W
16, D 16, C 17, Ch 12. The duergar cut Bulgairn’s
Cell E: Three goblins and two orc gladiators are in this tongue out and broke his fingers when they learned
cell. One of the orcs paces back and forth incessantly. he was a cleric. Bulgairn is old by dwarven standards
and possesses much information including the location
Cell F: This cell contains the corpses of three dwarves. of the Forge of Creation. He will require a Heal spell
on both his tongue and fingers to cast spells. He bares
Cell G: Bilglop the Bullywug lost his way in the tunnels many scars and speaks mostly through grimacing.
of Dwarrowdeep and was taken prisoner, tortured by
the kalas-toa, and sold to the games. 168. Cell Guardroom: Tuzgral, a Duergar Warband
Leader (F7) AL: LE, AC: 1 (Platemail +2), HD: 7,
Cell H: Lugbrot the Ogre is young by his race’s HP: 50, #AT: 3/2, Weapon: Battle Axe +2 (1d8),
standards. He was born into slavery and has many Warhammer (1d6), Seax Knife (1d4+1), and Whip
scars along his back. He was then resold to the pits for (1d4), Treasure: 3d10gp, 4d8pp, and a Runestone of
the Uzduul-Gundgathol celebratory games. Proof Against Disease, alongside Duergar Warriors (4)
AL: LE, AC: 3 (Half Plate and Shield), HD: 4, HP: 28
Cell I: Three mangy bugbears are locked in this cell. each, #AT: 1, Weapon: Spear (1d6), Light Crossbow
One is bleeding out from wounds in the arena. with 10 Bolts (1d6), and Sea Knife (1d4+1), Treasure:
3d8ep, 2d10gp, 2d8pp each, oversees security of the
Cell J: This cell is empty. cells from this room.

Cell K: Andunir the Elf’s adventuring party was 169. Officer’s Barrack: This barrack is empty except
caught by the derro. He is the last surviving member. for a cot and a small prayer shrine in the corner with a
Hammurgrim the Dwarf is an old dwarven fighter who Small Silver Statue of Dworgrim (1,500gp).
has survived decades in the pits through his strength
and ferocity. He is on the verge of insanity. 170. Barrack: This barrack is empty. The warriors are
attending the games. The room contains 14 bunk beds
Cell L: Uldbolk the Black Orc is a surly orc known for and smells of dwarf urine. Hidden in one of the beds is
his hot-temper and starting fights within his tribe. His a pouch with 1d3 Random Mundane Runestones.
chieftain sold him to the duergar and he ended up in
the pits. 171. Officer’s Mess: The chamber contains a round
circular table and twelve stools. There are three maps
Cell M: Yislissdop the Kalas-Toa betrayed his tribe in on the table. One depicts an outline of Secondary
hope of currying favour with the duergar. The duergar Encounter Area S28, another S34, and another P5:
sent him to the arena. He is a capable warrior with the The Forge of Creation. The latter merely has a question
trident and net and is a crowd favourite. mark to identify a possible unknown location.

Section VII: Step 1: Determine Random Geomorph Tile Type
Secondary Encounter Area Generator
Roll 1d20 to determine the type of random geomorph
This section outlines the process of generating tiles for the Secondary Encounter Area and record the
Secondary Encounter Areas. result:

There are 40 Secondary Encounter Areas on the Geomorph Type

Dwarrowdeep Hex Map. These are marked as S1, S2,
etc., and include halls, sub-complexes, caverns, forges, 1-5 Dungeon Geomorphs
crypts, vaults, and mines. Many of these have multiple 6-10 Cavern Geomorphs
deeps (levels) that extend down into the earth or up into 11-13 Cave Geomorphs
the mountains.
14-16 Dungeon and Cavern Geomorphs
Secondary Encounter Areas are randomly designed 17-19 Cavern and Cave Geomorphs
dungeons generated by the Referee from Dwarrowdeep-
specific tables. Secondary Encounter Areas are 20 Dungeon and Cave Geomorphs
designed to convey the sheer enormity and vastness of
the interconnected dwarven city of Gundgathol while Step 2: Determine the Number of Deeps (Levels)
also inserting randomness and referee agency into the
campaign. The dwarves of Gundgathol use a specific syntax
when referring to locations across their vast mountain
How to Generate Secondary Encounter Areas: kingdom.

Before you begin have a pencil, paper, and a set of The dwarves never use the word level (or levels) to refer
polyhedral dice on hand. to tiered dungeon floors. Instead, the dwarves use the
word “deep” to refer to a level. In addition, the deep
1. Print all three sets of random geomorph tiles always precedes the exact location. For example, a
(Dungeon, Cavern, and Caves) on paper or cardstock. dwarf might say, “The orcs took the Third Deep of the
Print two or three sets if possible (not required). Eastern Halls” or “The Fifth Deep of the Lower Halls
was overrun with trolls.”
2. Cut out the geomorph tiles on each page and write
the number of each unique geomorph tile on the back Instead of relying on established role-playing game
of its card for future reference. parlance, referees are encouraged to use the lexicon
of the Gundgathol dwarves when communicating to
Understanding the Random Geomorph Tiles: players.

The random geomorphs are designed for replayability. Also, any dwarves in Hamelet, or slaves met in
The tiles have no room numbers. Referees will assign Dwarrowdeep, will use this syntax to refer to locations
room numbers near the end of the generation process. and historical events.

Roll 1d6 to determine the number of deeps for the

Special Feature: Doors of Dhurindain Secondary Encounter Area and record the result:
The Doors of Dhurindain are 12 white portals located
on the outside border of each random geomorph tile Number of Deeps (Levels)*
(three white portals on each side of the four primary 1-4 First Deep
compass directions of north, south, east, and west).
5 Second Deep
These white portals, when the tiles have been 6 Third Deep
combined and the map completed, will serve as doors
but also articulation for primary, secondary, secret *Add additional deeps as desired.
passageways, or closed as dead ends. Informed by
the Dwarrowdeep Hex Map, the Referee will, later in
the process, determine which Doors of Dhurindain If you are using the generator for the first time,
will serve as entrances or exits and which ones will be select one deep and move to Step 3.
closed or serve as doors to other tiles.

Step 3: Determine Number of Tiles Per Deep My preference for arranging a square or
rectangular dungeon shape was to alternate
Determine the total number of random geomorph tiles vertical and horizontal rectangles together with
to be included in the Secondary Encounter Area. Roll a second row underneath. If you want to avoid
1d12 for each deep and record the results. square or rectangular dungeons try lining up only
one or two doors on a given side. Regardless of
If you are using the generator for the first time roll how you want to arrange your maps, do your best
1d6 instead of 1d12 to have a smaller map until to keep players guessing and stretch the map
you get accustomed to the process. If you rolled horizontally or vertically in interesting ways.
two geomorph types in Step 1, divide the total
number of tiles across both geomorph types.
Step 6: Dwarrowdeep Hex Map passageways
In the next step you must compare the completed
Step 4: Geomorph Tile Selection map of your Secondary Encounter Area with its
exact location (S1, S2, S3, etc.) on the Dwarrowdeep
Having identified the geomorph type(s) in Step 1, now Hex Map. The Dwarrowdeep Hex Map indicates the
determine the specific geomorph tiles to construct the compass direction of primary, secondary, and secret
map. Take your results from Step 3 (Number of Tiles) passageway entrances and exits relative to your
and roll 1d12 a corresponding number of times. Record completed dungeon. Select the Doors of Dhurindain on
your result each time. your map that best represent those compass directions.
These will serve as the points of articulation into, and
For example, I rolled Dungeon Geomorphs out of, your newly compiled Secondary Encounter Area.
and one Deep. I then rolled 4 total Dungeon After selecting your entrances and exits as per the hex
Geomorph Tiles in Step 3. I rolled 1d12 four times map, close the remaining Doors of Dhurindain (these
in Step 4. In this example, my results were Dungeon will serve as plain walls or dead ends).
Geomorph Tiles #2, #5, #8, and #9. These
numbers correspond to the numbered geomorph In terms of articulations, Secondary Passages are
tiles located on the map sheets labelled Random normally wider than 20 feet. Either you can widen the
Dungeon Geomorphs I, II, and III (you wrote the Door of Dhurindain to accommodate the passage or
number of each on the back at the beginning). you can narrow the passage as it enters your Secondary
Encounter Area. For entrances and exits from Primary
Encounter Areas, the Referee can add 60x60 foot slopes
immediately adjacent to the new dungeon geomorph
Step 5: Arrange Geomorphs (similar to the examples used in the Primary Encounter
Area Maps). Alternatively, the tunnel extending out from
Arrange your geomorphs to taste. The modular nature the Door of Dhurindain can widen as needed.
of the design allows for near infinite variation - the
only limit is your imagination. If you desire a square
or rectangular shape, you can align the geomorphs as If you rolled two or three deeps, entrance
vertical rectangles side-by-side and create a second passages need not always enter the first deep of
row underneath them. If you rolled two or three deeps, your Secondary Encounter Area. PCs can enter the
repeat the process for the other levels now. third deep and need to climb upwards to access
an exit passage, or the entrance can enter the
Second Deep with different exit passages on the
First and Third Deeps. Make your environments
unpredictable for your players as informed by the
Dwarrowdeep Hex Map.

Step 7: Insert Deep Transitions Sinkhole: A sinkhole, 1d6+3x10 feet long by 1d6+3x10
feet wide, dominates this tile of the deep. Consult the
If your deep is a single level, you can skip this step. Random Passageway Hazards Chart.

If you rolled more than one deep, and having already Occupied: The deep is occupied by a warband or
selected and arranged your tiles, place your level small tribe. Skip the standard room stocking procedure
transitions (such as stairwells, ramps, elevators, shafts, for this specific tile of your map. Roll the Random
etc.) to align with your lower levels. Warband Table once and roll a second time using the
same humanoid warband. Add them together. The
large warband or small tribe will likely be centralized
If you prefer neatly stacked levels that align for protection and there is a 1-2 on d6 chance they
vertically with each other, insert your level posted guards and a further 1-2 on d6 chance half
transitions immediately beside a closed Door of their number are asleep.
Dhurindain along the edge of a geomorph map.
These can align easily and help you keep track if
you have levels stacked on top of each other. If your Secondary Encounter Area is adjacent to
a subterranean lake forego rolling for a random
Stairs, Stairs, and More Stairs: Don’t feel obligated warband and select an appropriate humanoid
to have 10 foot staircases between deeps. The tribe instead, such as bullywugs or troglodytes for
dwarves are known for long staircases extending low levels, or troglodytes or kalas-toa for mid or
100s of feet up or down. These could be broad, higher levels.
thin, circular, or a series of ramps.

Step 8: Special Feature (Part I) Step 8A: Special Feature (Part II)
This step only applies if your Secondary Encounter Area
There is a possibility of one special feature per level. is immediately adjacent to a lake or a chasm. If so, you
Roll the chart below and add the special feature to your may adjust your map accordingly.
map using the dimensions provided:
For example, if your location has a chasm to the south,
Special Feature instead of closing all the Doors of Dhurindain in that
1-5 No special feature direction, perhaps they open into the chasm.
6 Crevasse If a lake is adjacent to the east, perhaps the Doors of
7 Fungal Overgrowth Dhurindain on that side open to a subterranean beach
8 Flooded before the Shadow Sea or The Black Lake.
9 Sinkhole Step 9: Assign Room Numbers
10 Occupied
Assign room numbers to your map. You do not need
Crevasse: A large crevasse cuts across a tile(s) of the to number every single space, although you can if
deep. The crevasse is 1d8+5x10 feet long and 10 feet you wish. Remember, Dwarrowdeep is an abandoned
wide. Consult the Random Passageway Hazards Chart dwarven city - there are many dark and empty rooms.
for more information. Dwarrowdeep is, above all, an exploration sandbox.

Fungal Overgrowth: A tile(s) is overgrown with spores, Step 10: Room Stocking
molds, and fungus. The area affected is 1d8+8x10
feet long by 1d8+5x10 feet wide. Consult the Random Now that you have completed the geomorph tile
Passageway Hazards Chart. map(s), deeps, entrances and exits, level transitions,
and room numbers of your Secondary Encounter Area,
Flooded: The level is flooded. Roll 1d6: Ankle Deep the process of room stocking can begin.
(1-3) or Knee Deep (4-6). Alternatively, add a pool
1d6+6x10 feet long by 1d6+5x10 feet wide that With pencil, paper, and dice at hand, roll the following
accumulated via a partially sunken floor. There is a 2 on chart and record your results to populate all your
d6 chance the pool is occupied. Select an appropriate numbered locations:
random monster by average party level from the charts
provided in this section.
Random Stocking Table Dungeon Geomorphs: Monster HD 3-4
1-2 Empty 1 Sentinel of the Ancestors (1d4)
3-4 Monster 2 Amber Jelly (1d6+1)
5 Trap 3 Flagstone Golem (1d2)
6 Special Feature 4 Gibbering Mouther (1d2)
5 Incendiary Fungus (1d6)
Note that Referees should be flexible in the 6 Stun Jelly (1)
application of the random stocking results. For 7 Gelatinous Cube (1)
example, a Referee should consider moving a 8 Ghast (1d6)
particularly interesting monster, treasure, or special
9 Gray Ooze (1)
result, to take advantage of a secret door or other
interesting dungeon geomorph feature. 10 Giant Rattle or Python Snake (1d2)
11 Brain Fungus (1)

Step 11: Determine Monsters 12 Giant Tarantula (1d3)

13 Iron Statue (1d4)
Once Step 10 is complete, roll the Dungeon or Cavern/
14 Giant Tick (1d6, 3HD)
Cave Geomorph Monster Tables below to populate
your monster results. Use the average party level as a 15 Wraith (1d3)
guide to determine the appropriate tables/hit dice of 16 Amphisbaena (1d2)
the monsters. 17 Water Weird (1)
Referees should use these lists as Wandering Monster 18 Random Warband (3HD)
Tables during gameplay. Simply reroll results from 19 Random Warband (4HD)
immobile monsters such as molds, fungi, etc. 20 Random Monster Table (HD 5-6)

Monster Tables: Dungeon Geomorph Tiles

Dungeon Geomorphs: Monster HD 1-2 Dungeon Geomorphs: Monster HD 5-6
1 Skeleton (1d6) 1 Rust Monster (1d3)
2 Zombie (1d6) 2 Cerepod (1)
3 Giant Rat (3d6) 3 Flagstone Golem (5HD)
4 Green Slime (1) 4 Advanced Sentinel of the Ancestors (1d4)
5 Giant Flagstone Spider (1d3) 5 Caryatid Column (1d4)
6 Flagstone Golem (2HD) 6 Groaning Spirit (1)
7 Giant Scorpion (1d4) 7 Spectre (1)
8 Shadow (2d4) 8 Giant Phase Spider (1d3)
9 Stirge (2d4) or Giant Fly (1d6) 9 Stone Statue (1d3)
10 Amber, Yellow, or Brown Mold (1) 10 Troll (1d6)
11 Devil’s Fingers (1d4+1) 11 Cloaker (1d4)
12 Giant Blood-Thirsty Spider (1d4+1) 12 Lava Elemental (1, 8HD)
13 Mudmen (2d4) 13 Giant Beetle Exoskeleton (1d3)
14 Giant Blister Beetle (1d6) 14 Greater Crypt Shade (1d2)
15 Giant Cockroach (1d8) 15 Crypt Thing (1)
16 Giant Jumping Spider (1d6+2) 16 Dwargoyle (1d4)
17 Black Witch’s Butter (1d4) 17 Mummy (1d4)
18 Random Warband (2HD) 18 Huge Scorpion (1d3)
19 Random Warband (3HD) 19 Random Warband (5 HD)
20 Roll Monster Table (HD 3-4) 20 Random Warband (6 HD)

Monster Tables: Cavern or Cave Geomorph Tiles
Cavern Geomorphs: Monster HD 1-2 Cavern Geomorphs: Monster HD 3-4
1 Rock Clam (1d2) 2HD 1 Cave Fisher (1d4)
2 Grub Globule (1d4+1) 2 Brobdingnagian Fungi (1d3, 3HD)
3 Giant Ant (2d6) 3 Brain Fungus (1)
4 Stirge (1d8) 4 Crystal Ooze (1d2)
5 Fire Beetle (1d6) 5 Giant Earthworm (1d6)
6 Insect Swarm (1) or Blooderfly (4d4+2) 6 Giant Saw-Toothed Beetle (1d4)
7 Giant Bat (1d6) 7 Rock Lobster (1d2, 3HD) or Reptile (1d2, 3HD)
8 Carrion Scavenger (1) 8 Rock Manta (1d2, 3HD)
9 Fossil Skeleton (2d4) 9 Forbidden Fruit Fungus (1d2)
10 Shrieker (1d6) 10 Sandling (1d2)
11 Violet Fungi (1d3) 11 Huge Scorpion (1d2)
12 Giant Leech (1d4) 12 Stalagbite (2d4, 3HD)
13 Giant Cave Cricket (1d6) 13 Megalocentipede (1d3)
14 Fungus Man (1d12) 14 Cave Moray (1d4+2, 3HD)
15 Darkmantle (2d4) 15 Advanced Phycomid (1d4)
16 Phycomid (1d4) 16 Rust Bats (1d2+1)
17 Stalagbite (2d4) 1HD 17 Nematoad (1d2)
18 Random Warband (2HD) 18 Random Warband (3HD)
19 Random Warband (3HD) 19 Random Warband (4HD)
20 Roll Monster Table (HD 3-4) 20 Roll Monster Table (HD 5-6)

Cavern Geomorphs: Monster HD 5-6 Step 11: Determine Monster Treasure
1 Fungus Man (1d12)
2 Giant Slicer Beetle (1d3)
For each monster result, consult the nested tables below
to determine monster treasure:
3 Storoper (1)
4 Icterine Fungi (1d4) Table 11: Random Monster Treasure Type
5 Rot Pudding (1)
1-5 No Treasure
6 Basidirond (1d2)
6-10 Coin*
7 Ettercap (1d4)
11-12 Gem (1d4)
8 Hook Horror (1d4+1)
13-14 Jewelry (1d4)
9 Mantrap (1d2, 5HD)
15-17 Mundane Runestone
10 Piercer (2d4, 5HD)
11 Ochre Jelly (1)
18-19 Magical Runestone
12 Advanced Phycomid (1d4) 20 Magical Weapon or Armour
13 Troll (1d6)
14 Ankheg (1d4, 5HD)
15 Salt Pudding (1d2)
16 Huge Toad (1)
17 Advanced Phycomid (1d4)
18 Random Warband (5HD)
19 Random Warband (6HD)
20 Roll Monster Table (HD 7+)

Cavern Geomorphs: Monster HD 7+

1 Dracolisk (1d2) Table 11.1: Random Coin Type
2 Fungus Man (1d12)
Using average party level, roll the following chart to
3 Galeb Duhr (1d4) 8HD determine random coin type:
4 Flail Snail (8HD)
5 Giant Rhinoceros Beetle (1d2) Table 11A: Random Coin
6 Giant Stag Beetle (1d4) Level 1-3 Level 4-6 Level 7-10
7 Stegalocentipede (1) 1-5 Copper Silver Platinum
8 Advanced Otyugh (1, 12HD) 6-10 Silver Electrum Gold
9 Trapper (1) 11-14 Electrum Gold Electrum
10 Will-O-Wisp (1)
15-18 Gold Platinum Silver
11 Xorn (1d4)
19-20 Platinum Copper Copper
12 Black Tentacles (1)
13 Shadow Dragon (1, 8HD) To determine coin amount, roll the Random Treasure
14 Roper (1d3, 10HD) Value Table below. Use the amount listed instead
of gold piece value (for example, you rolled Coin,
15 Purple Worm (1)
followed by Level 1-3: Electrum, and then rolled a 2 on
16 Carnivorous Vines (12HD) the Random Treasure Value Table, your result would be
17 Behir (1) 75ep). Add 3d6 to the amount to vary your coin results.
18 Twelve-Headed Hydra (12 HD)
19 Amber Bulk (1d2)
20 Random Warband (7HD)

Subtable 11A: Random Treasure Value Table Table 11B: Random Gemstones
1-2 Deep Blue Azurite
After determining the treasure type, roll 1d12 and
consult the table below to determine the coin amount 3-4 Tiger Eye Agate
or gold piece value by average party level: 5-6 Moss Agate
Random Treasure Value 7-8 Orange Sunstone
Level 1-3 Level 4-6 Level 7-10 9-10 Bloodstone (+100gp)
1 50gp 300gp 1,000gp 11-12 White Moonstone (+100gp)
2-3 75gp 400gp 1,500gp 13-14 Smokey Quartz (+100gp)
4-6 100gp 500gp 2,000gp 15-16 Rainbow Obsidian (+100gp)
7-9 125gp 600gp 2,500gp 17 Purple Amethyst (+200gp)
10-11 150gp 700gp 3,000gp 18 Green Aquamarine (+200gp)
12 200gp 1,000gp 5,000gp 19 Violet Garnet (+200gp)
20 Black Sapphire (+200gp)
Subtable: 11B: Exceptional Treasure Value
Table 11.3: Random Jewelry
For each coin, gem, or jewelry result, roll 1d8. A roll of
1 indicates a treasure of exceptional value. Consult the Roll the Random Jewelry Table followed by the Random
table below if an exceptional treasure is indicated: Treasure Value Table (if you wish to add the type of
precious metal as a descriptor, roll the Random Coin
Exceptional Treasure Value Table):
1 +100 7 +400
2 +150 8 +450 Table 11C: Random Jewelry
3 +200 9 +500 1 Helm
4 +250 10 +550 2 Bracelet
5 +300 11 +600 3 Torc
6 +350 12 +1000 4 Earring
5 Disc Broach
Table 11.2: Random Gemstone 6 Medallion
7 Ring
Roll the Random Gemstone Table followed by the
Random Treasure Value Table. Add the additional 8 Belt Buckle
gemstone value, if applicable: 9 Cloak Clasp
10 Scabbard
11 Goblet
12 Beard Ring

Table 11.4: Mundane Runestones Table 11.7: Random Magical Weapon and Armour
For Mundane Runestones roll 1d3 and consult the
Random Mundane Runestone Table I, II, or III in the Consult the following chart to determine the magical
backmatter. Then roll 1d100 to find your result. bonus of a weapon/armour:

Table 11.5: Magical Runestones Random Magical Bonus (1d6)

For Magical Runestones roll 3d20 and consult the Level 1-3 Level 4-6 Level 7-10
Random Magical Runestone Table by average party 1-5 +1 1-2 +1 1-4 +2
level located in the backmatter. 6 +2 3-6 +2 5-6 +3

Table 11.6: Random Magic Weapons and Armour

Step 12: Determine Trap Type
For a Random Magical Weapon or Armour roll 2d20 Using your results from Step 10, roll 1d8 to determine
and the roll 1d6 on the Random Magical Bonus Table the trap type for each trap result on your stocking list
by average party level: and then consult the appropriate subtable below:

Table 11.6: Trap Type

Random Magic Weapons & Armour
1-3 Pit
2-6 Warhammer
4-6 Melee
7 Great Hammer
7-9 Ranged
8-12 Hand Axe
10-12 Mechanical
13 Battle Axe
13-15 Gas
14 Seax Knife
16-17 Curse
15 Light Crossbow
18-20 Magical
16 Heavy Crossbow
17-18 Ring of Protection
Table 12.1: Pit Trap Subtable
19-20 Cloak of Protection
21-25 1d20 Arrows Pit Trap (Concealed)*
26-30 1d20 Bolts 1-3 Empty
31-33 Leather Armour 4-5 Spiked
34-36 Studded Leather 6 Sloped
37 Scalemail 7 Monster**
38 Chainmail 8 Water (bottom 5 feet of the pit)
39 Half Plate *Pit Depth (1d6): (1-2) 10 feet, (3-4) 20 feet, (5-6)
40 Platemail 30 feet. Pits cause 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet
of depth. There is a 1 on d6 chance a pit is open,
otherwise pits are concealed.

**Roll 1d6: (1-2) Yellow Mold, (3-4) Zombie 1d3, the damage with a successful Dexterity Check. Adjust
(5) Grub Globule 1d3, or (6) Giant Leech 1d3. damage 1d6 for every two PC levels after level 1.
Referees should adjust this chart concurrent with party
advancement. **25% of all ranged attacks are poisoned for an
additional 1d6 points of damage. PCs may half the
Table 12.2: Melee Trap Subtable damage with a successful saving throw.

Melee Trap* Table 12.4: Gas Trap Subtable

1-2 Swinging Hammer (1d6 damage)
Gas Trap*
3 Swinging Ball (1d6 damage)
Poison (1d3 hp per round/level of PC.
4 Pendulum Blade (1d6 damage) 1-2
Gas lasts for 1d4 rounds)**
5-6 Deadfall Stone (1d6 damage)** 3 Paralytic (Save versus Paralysis)***
*Melee traps require an attack roll. Melee traps attack 4 Sleep (Save versus Poison)***
at the same class and HD as the targeted player 5 Laughing (Save versus Poison)***
character. PCs may half the damage with a successful 6 Choking****
Dexterity Check. Adjust damage 1d6 for every two PC
levels after level 1. *Activating a gas trap initiates a random monster roll.
**Roll for Random Monsters. **Save versus Poison each round to half the damage.

Table 12.3: Ranged Trap Subtable ***Effect lasts for 1 turn.

Ranged Trap* ****This mundane gas functions as Dust of Sneezing

and Choking.
1-2 Crossbow Bolt (1d8 damage)**
3 Darts (1d3 damage x 1d4 Darts)**
Table 12.5: Mechanical Trap Subtable
4 Arrow (1d6)**
Acid Spray (1d6 damage, Mechanical Trap
10x10ft Area of Effect) 1-2 Ceiling Collapse*
Dust (Yellow Mold 50% 3 Portcullis*
or Cinnamon Mold 50%)
4 Tilting Floorstone**
*Ranged traps require an attack roll. They attack at the 5 Spring-Loaded Floorstone (1d6 damage)***
same hit dice as the targeted player character. PCs half 6 Cage****

*Roll d6: Collapse blocks one passage (1-2), blocks two *See New Cleric Spell.
passages (3-4), blocks all passages (5-6), if applicable.
A portcullis requires 60 total strength to lift. In either **See Glyph of Warding. Roll 1d6: (1-2) Fire, (3-4)
case, roll for Random Monsters. Cold, or (5-6) Electrical Blast. Each blast causes 12
points of damage. A successful Save versus Spell will
**Floorstone tilts on central axis right or left revealing a half the damage. Cast at 6th level of magic use. The
shallow depression with spikes for 1d6 damage. detonation of a glyph requires a random monster roll.

***Dungeon only. ***See New Cleric Spell. The mouth screams

“Intruders!” in Dwarvish for 1 turn. Roll for Random
****Suspended cage falls from high ceiling (Dexterity Monsters (1-3 on d6).
Check to avoid entrapment). The cage requires 60 total
Strength to lift. Roll for Random Monsters. Step 13: special features
Table 12.6: Curse Trap Subtable Step 13a: See page 222.

Curse Trap* Step 13b: Random Magical Effect*

1-2 Blindness 1-2 Bless for 1 day
3 Feeblemind 3 Dwarven Stone Sense**
4 Insanity 4 +1 to hit/damage versus orcs for 1 day
5 Mummy Rot 5 +1 Wisdom for 1 day
6 Disease** +1 to hit/damage with hammer or axe for next
*Curse traps are carefully hidden glyphs or runes
etched or carved on surfaces like floors, walls, ceilings, *These effects do not stack.
or doors. A dwarf receives a passive 1 on d6 chance
to spot a cursed glyph and a 2 on d6 chance if actively **For 1 day (non-dwarves only). Dwarves receive +1
searching. A Detect Magic will always reveal a cursed on saving throws instead.
glyph or rune. Curse traps require a Remove Curse to
dispel. Step 14: Name your Secondary Encounter Area
**Turns pale and sickly: 1/2 Movement and all ability Roll 1d6 to determine the syntax of your Secondary
scores reduced by 1/3. Encounter Area name and consult the appropriate
subtables. Referees are encouraged to expand the
Table 12.7: Magical Trap Subtable existing list:

Magical Traps 1. The [Adjective] [Noun].

1-2 Runes of Dhurindain* 2. The [Adjective] [Noun] of [Prefix/Suffix].
3. The [Adjective] [Noun] of House [House Name].
3 Hammer Ward*
4. The [Adjective] Mines of [Prefix/Suffix].
4 Wall(s) of Stone cover entrances/exits
5. The Mines of [Prefix/Suffix] or House [House Name].
5 Runes of Warding** 6. The [Adjective] Halls of the [Prefix/Suffix] or of House
6 Stonemouth*** [House Name].

Step 13a: Secondary Encounter Area Special Features
1 Pool of murky water (50% of 1 random treasure) 51 Rubble. Further collapse on 1d3 in this room
2 Rubble pile (50% Rot Grubs) 52 7d20 Burial Alcoves (TT: I-VII 10% +1 Weapon)
3 Collapsed circular stairwell 53 Guardroom with well and stand (1d6 Weapons)
4 Pile of 1d4 Mundane Runestones 54 Runic Tablet (see Barrowmaze)
5 Stone Statues (1d4) 55 Prayer Dais of Dworgrim: Good AL take 1d6 damage
6 Iron Statues (1d4) 56 Crypt: Random House (TT: 1-VII and 15% +1 Armour)
7 Crystal Statues (1d4) 57 Vein of Gold for 1d4 rooms (Total Value: 2,000gp)
8 Broken Seax Knife 58 Stone Statues 1d4, broken
9 Throne: Random House (see Random Magical Effect) 59 Red crystal growth with luminescence
10 Dais of Dhurindain (see Random Magical Effect) 60 Rotten Baskets (empty)
11 Wall braced with rotting wood 61 Murky water (Glint of 5gp) and 1d2 Giant Leeches
12 Thin vein of Mithril for 1d2 rooms (Value: 10,000gp) 62 Hall of Records
13 Runestone: Head of Battle Axe +1 carefully hidden 63 Rotten Baskets (1d4 gems and 1 Magic Runestone)
14 Skeletons: 1d6 Dwarves & 1d12 Orcs (TT: I-VI) 64 Great Hammer +1 hidden under rockpile
15 Geddinthor Prayer Dais (see Random Magical Effect) 65 Pouch of 1d4 Mundane Runestones
16 Armoury: Looted. 1 suit of random damaged armour 66 Temperature hot for 1d3 rooms (Heat Metal)
17 Map of 1d4+1 rooms etched on wall 67 Prayer Dais of Thaneduhr (see Random Magical Effect)
18 Mundane Runestones 1d4 and 1 Magical 68 Map of 1d4+1 rooms etched on floor
19 Hidden Bag: 1d4 Crossbow Bolt Tips +1 69 Disk of Kar-Koon (The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia)
20 Rubble pile with glint (Fool’s Gold Ring) 70 Ceiling braced with rotting wood
21 Crystal growth with faint luminescence 71 1d20 Burial Alcoves, looted
22 5d20 Burial Alcoves, partially looted (TT: I-VI, XI) 72 Skullpile: Dwarves (TT: I-VI)
23 Skeletons: Dwarves (TT: I-VI, XI) 73 Crypt: Random House (TT: 1-VII, XI)
24 Hall of Records 74 Altar to Thaneduhr (see Random Magical Effect)
25 Guardroom with well and stand with 1d4 Weapons 75 Throne: Random House with Secret Magic Runestone
26 Sarcophagus of Dwarven Hero, broken and looted 76 Vein of Silver for 1d4 rooms (Total Value: 1,000gp)
27 Temperature very cold for 1d3 rooms (Freeze Metal) 77 Skeletons: Dwarves and Goblins (TT: I-III)
28 Rubble. Further collapse on 1d3 in this room 78 Mundane Runestones 1d4 and 1 Magical
29 Foul air in d8 direction. 50% Random Monster 79 Forge: Used recently
30 Stone Dwarven Statues 1d4, defaced 80 Charnel Pit: 50% Disease, 50% 1d4 Random Gems
31 Musty Smell: Yellow Mold 81 Guardroom with well and chain bucket
32 Crypt: Random House (TT: XI & 1 Magic Runestone) 82 40 Foot Ceiling: 1d2 Orcs cocooned in spider webs
33 Armoury: Looted except 1 suit of damaged platemail 83 Breathtaking Dwarven Geometric stonework
34 Dwarven Sarcophagus (TT: VII, XI, 10% +1 weapon) 84 Rubble pile with glint (Silver Ring 25gp and TT: VIIx2)
35 Forge: Hidden Magical Runestone 85 Dusty mining shovels and picks
36 Thick spider webs block room 86 Stunning Dwarven Geometric stone engraving
37 Stone Statue of King Dalgeddin 87 Stone Statue of Kalbandur, 50% defaced
38 Altar to Dhurindain (see Random Magical Effect) 88 Altar to Geddinthor (see Random Magical Effect)
39 Purple crystal growth with luminescence 89 Foul smelling air in d8 direction: 50% decaying matter
40 Iron Statue of Thaneduhr with Ruby Eyes (100gp each) 90 Musty Smell: Amber Mold
41 Charnel Pit: 50% 1d4 Jewelry, 50% Rot Grubs 91 Sarcophagus: Dwarf Hero (TT: 1-VII& 10% +2 Shield)
42 Water leaks from the wall. Slippery terrain 92 Smell of Decay: 1d2 Orcs (1d7+1 days)
43 Guardroom with well and chain bucket 93 Rubble. Further collapse on 1d3 in this room
44 Large Violet Mushrooms with scent (see Purple Moss) 94 Smell of Decay: 1d4 Dead Dwarf Slaves (2d10 days)
45 Wind from holes in wall 5 times/day. Torches out 95 Hall of Records
46 Yellow Mold hangs above doorway 96 Old Barrels (1d4) 1-2: Rats, 3-5: Empty, 6: TT: XI
47 2 Bottles of Ancient Dwarven Wine (300gp each) 97 Smell of working forges emits from small vent in wall
48 Stunning Dwarven geometric stone arch 98 Referee’s Choice
49 Light Box shines on secret once/day (TT: VIIx2) 99 Roll twice on this table
50 Random Cache: Dusty gear (1d4 backpacks) 00 Roll three times on this table

Adjective Noun Random Name Name
1 Broken 1 Halls House Prefix Suffix
2 Iron 2 Passages 1 Stoneborn 1 Kil 1 drin
3 Eerie 3 Caves 2 Hammerhand 2 Rune 2 nar
4 Bleak 4 Caverns 3 Longbeard 3 Stur 3 ror
5 Silver 5 Catacombs 4 Broadbeam 4 Rag 4 tek
6 Glittering 6 Chambers 5 Ironforge 5 Brag 5 grim
7 Crystal 7 Dungeon 6 Tunneltrue 6 Gim 6 dain
8 Mithril 8 Gates 7 Cobblestone 7 Mar 7 ban
9 Stone 9 Labyrinth 8 Whitebeard 8 Tor 8 gal
10 Lost 10 Forge Step 15. Interpret the Results
11 Black 11 Maze
12 Dark 12 Delve Any random generation requires referee interpretation.
This happens in three parts:
13 Forgotten 13 Tombs
14 Forbidden 14 Mines First, interpret the story of the randomness. Do this by
15 Upper/Lower 15 Pits letting your results speak. Ask yourself: are there any
themes in the results? The nature of the monsters, traps,
16 Dread 16 Temple and special encounters might suggest a crypt narrative,
17 Gloomy 17 Vault a long-abandoned mine, an overgrown cave system, or
a combination of more than one. Your results suggest
18 Shadow 18 Tunnels
themes. Use them to outline a story about why the
19 Quiet 19 Shrine location exists.
20 Dead 20 Quarry
Sometimes your results will lead to strange outliers.
Embrace them. Trying to explain outliers can be a
bridge to creativity.

Second, if necessary, shift a monster, treasure, or trap

result from one room to the next to best fit the theme
of your results. It may also make a more interesting
encounter if you combine two stand-alone results into
a single room. These are the types of decisions that
can make for memorable play experiences. Again, not
a lot of interpretation is necessary, but normally a little
shifting from one room to another can go a long way.

Third, review Dwarrowdeep’s themed Primary Encounter

Areas and use them as inspiration. An overwhelming
sense of loss and darkness consumes those who brave
Gundgathol. Draw on the text, themes, motifs, and
illustrations throughout this book to integrate your
Secondary Encounter Area into the Dwarrowdeep play

NEW RELIC Under the divine right monarchy of House Stoneborn,
the dwarves grew and multiplied. They constructed a
HAMMER OF DWARVISH LORDS great city while keeping the Forge of Creation and the
location of the Soul Hammer a deeply guarded secret.

In the beginning, Thaneduhr the All-Father Each new Stoneborn King is inaugurated by Thaneduhr’s
materialized from the celestial cosmos deep in the clerics in the Sacred Forge. His final act of ascension
heart of the Eternal Mountains. is to stand before the Anvil of Creation and raise the
Hammer of Dwarvish Lords.
He crafted a forge and an anvil from the living
rock. Thaneduhr then called to the stone of the The Hammer of Dwarvish Lords, also known as the
mountains - and the stone answered. Slowly Hammer of Creation or the Soul Hammer, was used
particles of mithril appeared and drifted toward by Thaneduhr the All-Father to forge the first dwarves.
his hands. Thaneduhr turned his hands over and It is an ancient and holy relic of terrifying magical
over. Tremendous heat and light emanated from power. In the hands of a dwarf, the weapon is equal
between his fingers. The heat burned intensely. to a Mithril Warhammer +5 Dwarven Thrower (60 feet)
Mithril particles drifted faster and faster toward and will return to the hand of the wielder. The hammer
him. can elongate into a great two-handed warhammer
(1d10) on command. The hammer scores double-
Soon an artifact began to take shape in his damage when thrown and scores triple thrown damage
grasp - a mighty warhammer! The All-Father then against giants and goblinkind. The bearer of the Soul
breathed on the artifact three times. Once to clear Hammer receives +1 Constitution and possesses +2
the smoke and the steam. He breathed again to dwarven Stone Sense racial traits. The hammer also
cool the artifact. Finally, he inhaled deeply. As he possesses the abilities of a Mace of Shattering, a Mace
exhaled his eyes glowed with a bright white light. of Disruption, and provides 35% magic resistance. The
His breath imbued the weapon with tremendous hammer cannot be destroyed by any known means,
magical power. mundane or magical, and is immune to all anti-magic
Thaneduhr then held out his hands. Seven rocks
materialized on the Anvil of Creation. Using the In addition, the hammer has the following Benign
Hammer of Creation, he crafted and shaped the Abilities for dwarves:
rocks into small humanoid figures. They were stout,
strong, hardy folk, crafted in his image. He then 1. Giant Strength (+3 to Hit/+5 to Damage)
breathed life into each of the figures. 2. Fear Immunity
3. Regeneration (2hp/Round)
The first were the Stoneborn who were gifted 4. Haste (1/day)
with knowledge in the form of runes, the second
were the Ironforge who were given knowledge of The Hammer of Dwarvish Lords also possesses the
metalworking, the third were the Hammerhands following malevolent effects. For every day the hammer
who were blessed with knowledge of warfare, is removed from its place atop the Anvil of Creation, the
the fourth were the Tunneltrue and he gifted them bearer ages 21 years. The hammer cannot be raised
knowledge of mining. The All-Father bestowed more than three times within any one lifetime.
upon the Broadbeams knowledge of architecture.
The Longbeards received the wisdom and skill The hammer is the most sacred relic of the dwarven
to shape and mine gemstones, and finally, the people. Any non-dwarf that attempts to wield the
Cobblestones were given the responsibility of Hammer of Creation must Save versus Death at -3
service to the dwarven people. or be disintegrated (this effect cannot be undone).
The Hammer of Dwarvish Lords can unlock all five
Dwarrowdeep Entrances (A-E).

NEW MAGIC ITEMS be Avenged!” The bonuses of the hammer stack if used
with two of Grabthar’s Golden Gauntlets.
Eyeglass of House Longbeard
Grabthar forged the hammer during the Second
The Eyeglass of Appraisal allows a thief or magic-user Goblin War. His cousin Warvan lost both his sons to
to determine the approximate value of gemstones. Use the wicked spells of a goblin shaman. Grabthar crafted
the following chart, as determined by character class: the great hammer to exact revenge. His house sigil, the
eye within a diamond, adorns both sides of the hammer
and it glows when combined with the gauntlets. His
Class Base Appraisal (1d6)* house symbol is recognizable to most dwarves.
Fighter 1-2
Cleric 1-2 Mace of Shattering
Magic-User 1-3 This powerful two-handed great mace +2 (1d8) is
Thief 1-4 crafted of mithril and engraved with runes of power. This
blunt weapon possesses a special ability akin to sharp
*Dwarves, gnomes, and halflings receive a +1 to their or edged weapon special abilities (Vorpal, Piercing, or
base chance of appraisal. Sharpness). With each successful hit on an armoured
opponent, the target’s AC is raised by one as the armour
Gauntlet of Geddinthor becomes dented, dinged, and damaged. When a suit
of armour is raised to AC 10, it shatters into pieces
Gauntlets of Geddinthor are enchanted mithril-mail and is rendered useless. Each hit on magical armour
gloves reinforced with plates. They are immune to all is allowed a save to avoid the effect using the target’s
rust and heat/cold effects. The wearer of a Gauntlet unmodified Death save (armour bonuses apply).
of Geddinthor, if unarmed, can punch for 1d6 points
of damage. If wearing two gauntlets, the wearer can Potion of Corruption
punch twice for 1d6 points damage each.
This potion, when poured over iron ore, erodes and
Grabthar’s Golden Gauntlets softens the integrity of the metal. Armour and weapons
crafted from corrupted iron ore are weaker and more
These golden-hued steel gauntlets are designed to be susceptible to rust corrosion and magical heat, cold,
worn with platemail armour. A single gauntlet provides and electrical damage. Slowly, but steadily, armour
a +1 to hit and damage. However, when both gauntlets classes will rise and weapon damages will fall, until they
are worn together, they bestow 18 Strength on the are useless.
wearer and provide +3 to hit and +3 to damage.
They also allow the wearer to carry 50 extra pounds of
additional weight. The gauntlets may be worn by any
dwarf, or a fighter, ranger, paladin, or cleric.

The gauntlets are engraved with Grabthar Goldhelm’s

house sigil, an eye within a diamond, on the back of
the hand. Grabthar’s prowess on the battlefield was
matched by his ability as a master armourer and
weaponsmith. Most dwarves will recognize his mark
immediately (75%). The runes glow a pale blue when
the bearer is in possession of both the gauntlets and
any of Grabthar’s weapons of power.

Grabthar’s Great Hammer

Grabthar’s Great Hammer (1d8) is a fearsome two-

handed weapon. The hammer provides a +1 attack
and damage bonus and +2 versus Spell-Casters.

The hammer can cast Stonebeard on its wielder

once per day if the following phrase is uttered, “By
Grabthar’s Hammer, by the Sons of Warvan, You Shall

Raldurin’s Runehammer

Raldurin Ironforge, Son of Raldaggan, was a He had a dark and sarcastic sense of humour
dwarven hero and weaponsmith in the early days typical of the dwarves.
of Gundgathol.
Upon the slaying of his three nephews by orcs
As he neared his death, he crafted a mighty at the Battle of Illefarn, he swore an oath to
great hammer and, with Thaneduhr to destroy their race.
the help of the clerics of
Geddinthor, imbued his Seax of Beagnoth
essence into the weapon.
The Seax of Beagnoth +2 is
Raldurin’s Runehammer is a an ancient and prestigious
sentient +2 great hammer magical weapon. The
(1d8). The sides of the weapon is larger than others
weapon head are engraved of its type: 3 inches wide and
with his face and bracketed 15 inches long.
with runes of power.
The blade is made of mithril and
The top of the head is spiked. The wielder engraved in dwarven geometric designs and
may attack opponents with the spiked tip for runes that spell Beagnoth inlaid with gold. A
1d4 points of damage. deep medial groove separates the runes from
the blade edge.
Raldurin’s Runehammer has an
Intelligence of 9, a Psyche of 9, and The weapon strikes for 1d6+1 points of damage
a Willpower of 18. It has a Lawful and was designed to slay goblinkind.
Good alignment.
It glows with a faint white radiance when goblins,
Raldurin communicates with his hobgoblins, orcs, bugbears, or norkers are
wielder via vibration. One vibration for yes, two within 50 feet and it strikes for 2d4+2 against
for no, and three for maybe. He can also shorten the racial enemies of the dwarves.
or elongate vibrations to communicate his
enthusiasm or disgust. Raldurin only understands Winged Hammer
A winged hammer is a magical warhammer
Raldurin will, more than likely, allow a dwarf to wield (1d6) with wings carved into either side of its
him, but he may try to control other races until he head.
finds a dwarven warrior worthy of his name.
After fighting with the weapon for one round (no
The runehammer’s special purpose is to slay orcs bonus), the hammer will spring from the grasp of
(and black orcs). Against these enemies, Raldurin’s its wielder and fight independently.
eyes glow a pale blue and the weapon strikes for
1d10 points of damage. The hammer can also detect In rounds 2, 3, and 4 it will attack with an
orcs within 50 feet and gemstones within 30 feet. increasing bonus of +1, +2, and +3, respectively.
In rounds 5, 6, and 7, it will fight with a decreasing
Personality: Raldurin was old by dwarven standards bonus of +3, +2, and +1, before dropping to the
when he transferred his essence into the runehammer. ground.
He is courageous and wise, an expert weaponsmith,
and proud of his noble house. The hammer occupies the same space as
a character in melee and it uses the same
He is familiar with the entrances, passages, halls, unmodified attack matrix as its bearer.
and mines of Gundgathol.
A winged hammer can be used once per
More than anything, Raldurin loved the day. Dwarven priests claim to know of unique
companionship of his fellow dwarves and the sound winged hammers that possess special abilities.
of hammer chants sung in the meadhall.

DWARVEN RUNESTONES Runestone of Levitation (Rune: Float)

Minor Runestones This stone functions like a Potion of Levitation.

Unless otherwise stated, minor runestones must be Runestone of Speed (Rune: Swift)
read to activate the enchantment. Stones possess a
single word inscription in dwarvish. Once read, they This runestone functions as per a Potion of Speed.
disintegrate into dust.
Runestone of Super-Heroism (Rune: Heart)
However, some runestones are cursed and bear a false
rune (i.e., Heal, Grow, Aid, Purify, etc.). Only casting This runestone functions like a Potion of Super-Heroism.
Read Magic will reveal a cursed stone. Unless otherwise
stated, these are one-use magic items and last for 6 Runestone of Sweetwater (Rune: Purify)
turns (if applicable).
This stone functions as per a Potion of Sweetwater.
Runestone of Climbing (Rune: Climb) However, the pieces of the stone must be submerged
into the liquid being decontaminated.
This stone allows the bearer to climb as per a Potion of
Climbing. Major Runestones
Runestone of Death (Cursed Rune: Death) Major runestones are magical items that are permanent
or possess charges as per wands. Cursed stones are
Upon reading the runes upon its surface, the bearer falsely marked (Heal, Aid, etc.) like minor runestones. A
must Save versus Death or die. Read Magic will reveal the curse.

Runestone of Disintegration (Cursed Rune: Dust) Galeb Runestone

Upon reading the runes upon its surface, the bearer These odd-shaped runestones allow the bearer to
must Save versus Death or be disintegrated. summon and control (lesser) galeb duhrs. The stones
are: Small (AC: 4, HD: 3, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d6), Medium
Runestone of Extra-Healing (Rune: Heal) (AC: 3, HD: 4, #AT: 1, DMG: 2d6+2), and Large
(AC: 2, HD: 5, #AT: 1, DMG: 3d6). Summoned galeb
This runestone functions as per a Potion of Extra- duhrs cannot cast spells or animate boulders. They are
Healing. immune to lightning and normal fire. They take full
damage from magical fire but save at +4.
Runestone of Giant Strength (Rune: Strength)
Kalbandur‘s Warstone
This runestone functions like a Potion of Giant Strength.
This runestone, identified by the mark of Kalbandur
Runestone of Growth (Rune: Grow) and with the holy symbol of Geddinthor, provides the
bearer with a +1 to hit and damage while also serving
This runestone allows the bearer to double in size and as a Ring of Fire Resistance. The stone must be worn or
strength (damage bonus is doubled). carried by the bearer.

Runestone of Healing (Rune: Aid) Stalagmite Runestone

This runestone functions as per a Potion of Healing. This single-use runestone, marked with the holy symbol
of Dhurindain, allows the bearer to assume the form
Runestone of Heroism (Rune: Courage) of a stalagmite of the same approximate size. A close
inspection will not reveal that the stalagmite in question
This stone functions as per a Potion of Heroism is a magically concealed humanoid. To all normal tests
the bearer is a stalagmite. While in stone form, the
Runestone of Invulnerability (Rune: Protect) bearer can observe all that transpires around him or
her. The bearer of the stone may remain in stalagmite
This runestone functions as per a Potion of Invulnerability. form for seven days. However, for every 24 hours in
stone form the bearer must make a saving throw versus
Petrification or be turned to stone.

Runestone Arrowhead The bearer of the stone lowers his charisma score by
one to all non-dwarves but increases his charisma by
Runestone arrowheads are carved from flint and two to dwarvenkind. The bearer also can read, write,
strengthened with runic magic. They score an additional and speak the dwarven language and receives the
point of damage upon a successful hit (1d6+1) when additional abilities of darkvision and stone sense.
mounted. They can only be used once and vary in
enchantment (1d6): 1-2 (+1), 3 (+2), 4 (+3), 5 (+4), Runestone of Enemy Detection
6 (+5). Bags or pouches contain 1d4+1 arrowheads.
This stone outlines the enemies of the bearer, whether
Runestone Axe Head invisible or hidden, with a red aura within 60 feet. This
expends one charge. A Runestone of Enemy Detection
Runestone (hand) axe heads are carved from magically possesses 1d6+6 charges. It cannot be recharged.
reinforced flint and must be mounted. They score an
additional point of damage upon a successful hit Runestone of Faithfulness
(1d6+1). They vary in enchantment (1d6): 1-2 (+1), 3
(+2), 4 (+3), 5 (+4), 6 (+5). On a “to hit” roll of 1, the The bearer of this runestone is aware of any action that
axe head shatters. could adversely affect his or her alignment or standing
with his or her deity. He acquires this information
Runestone of Constitution immediately prior to performing such an action.

This stone grants the bearer a +1 to his or her Runestone of Feather Fall
constitution ability score. The stone must be carried on
the bearer’s person at all times for the benefit to be This stone activates a Feather Fall spell if the bearer
realized. Approximately 5% of these stones are cursed falls 5 feet or more.
and will reduce the constitution of the bearer by 1 point
permanently. Runestone of Fire Resistance

Runestone of Controlling Earth Elementals This stone functions as a Ring of Fire Resistance.

This powerful runestone may summon and control Runestone of Foul Rotting (Cursed)
one earth elemental per day, as per the spell Conjure
Elemental. The bearer of the stone must concentrate The bearer of this runestone, within a day, will contract a
exclusively on the elemental in order to control it. The horrible rotting affliction that drains 1 point of dexterity,
summoning requires one turn. constitution, and charisma every week until the one of
the ability scores reaches zero. Upon reaching zero, the
Runestone of Curing bearer is turned into a wight. The cursed stone can be
removed with Remove Curse. The ability scores can be
This powerful runestone possess two functions. It can recovered with a Cure Disease followed by a Heal.
Cure Light Wounds (1 charge) or Cure Serious Wounds
(3 charges). The runestone must be held to the wound Runestone of Free Action
being healed and can be used seven times per day. It
has 1d6+15 charges. It cannot be re-charged. This stone allows the bearer to move freely. The bearer
cannot be restrained or hindered by means of spell or
Runestone of Delusion (Cursed) immersion in substances that might otherwise have a
slowing effect (water, mud, etc.). Instead, the wearer
Upon touching this runestone, the bearer will believe always moves at their normal movement rate.
that it is a random magical runestone. The bearer will
be absolutely convinced it possesses the powers he Runestone of Frost Resistance
thinks it does and cannot be persuaded otherwise. The
enchantment can only be lifted with a Remove Curse. This stone functions as a Cube of Frost Resistance.

Runestone of Dwarvenkind Runestone of Good Luck (Luckstone)

The Runestone of Dwarvenkind is extremely rare. The A Runestone of Good Luck, also called a Luckstone, is
stone is viewed as one of the greatest gifts a dwarf can a highly polished stone inlaid with agate. The bearer
bestow on a non-dwarf. This honour is typically reserved receives a +1 on all saving throws and ability scores as
for the most loyal and long-standing allies of dwarves. long as the stone is in his or her possession.

Runestone of Illumination stairway, entrance, exit, room, cavern, pool, etc.), the
stone will point in the direction of the desired location.
The Runestone of Illumination possesses the following The stone may be used no more than seven times in
three functions. First, it can cast Dancing Lights at a cost a given day. Note that the stone will land and point
of 1 charge. Second, it can produce Light at a cost of upwards, or land on its tip, to denote elevation.
2 charges. Third, it can issue a Continual Light at a cost
of three charges. A Runestone of Illumination possesses Runestone Mace Head
1d6+12 charges. It cannot be recharged.
Runestone mace heads are carved from magically
Runestone of Impact reinforced flint and must be mounted. They score an
additional point of damage upon a successful hit. They
A Runestone of Impact is a +1 sling stone (1d4) etched vary in enchantment (1d6): 1-2 (+1), 3 (+2), 4 (+3),
with powerful enchantments. Upon impact the stone 5 (+4), 6 (+5). On a “to hit” roll of 1, the runestone
makes a “thwack!” sound and flashes with magical shatters.
Runestone of Magic Detection
For each additional point beyond the target “to hit”
number, a Runestone of Impact does an additional This stone, when held in the palm, surrounds magical
point of damage. For example, if a 15 was the required items within 20 feet in a faint blue aura. This effect uses
“to hit” and a total (including all bonuses) resulted in a one charge. The stone possesses 15+1d10 charges
17, the stone would score an additional two points of and cannot be recharged.
damage beyond normal damage dice. A Runestone of
Impact can only be used once. Runestone of Magic Resistance

Runestone of Insanity (Cursed) This runestone provides the bearer with magic resistance.
Each such runestone is enchanted differently, as follows
Upon reading the runes upon its surface, the bearer (1d6): 1-2 (5%), 3-4 (10%), 5-6 (15%).
must Save versus Magic or go insane. A Remove Curse
can break the enchantment. Runestone of Metal Detection

Runestone of Life Trapping (Cursed) This stone allows the bearer to detect metal or minerals
in excess of 100 pounds within 20 feet. A dwarf who
This stone possesses seven extra-dimensional spaces bears this runestone will be intuitively aware of the
within it. Any human-sized or smaller creature who reads metal detected. The stone has 1d6+6 charges and
the runes must Save versus Spell or be sucked into and cannot be recharged.
trapped within one of the seven spaces (including all his
or her possessions). Runestone of Missile Attraction (Cursed)

When all the cells are full, the stone will not trap any The bearer of this cursed runestone attracts 50% of all
additional beings. To free trapped souls, the stone must ranged and missile attacks targeted at the members
be broken by dragon breath or a +3 or greater magic of his/her party. Only a Remove Curse will allow the
weapon. Shattering the stone will cause a 6d6 Fireball bearer to cast away the stone.
(25% chance the weapon will be destroyed). All those
in the vicinity, and within the cells, will take damage Runestone of Monstrous Attention (Cursed)
(save for half).
This magical runestone is cursed. The bearer of the
Runestone of Light stone attracts monsters at twice the normal rate. In
addition, monsters are more likely to attack and pursue
This stone functions as per the spell Light and has the owner. The stone cannot be discarded and, if thrown
1d4+1 charges. Numbers on the stone disappear as away, will reappear within the bearer’s belongings until
charges are used. It cannot be re-charged. a Remove Curse spell is cast upon it.

Runestone of Location Runestone of Opening

The Runestone of Location possesses an inverted The Runestone of Opening is shaped as a perfect circle
teardrop shape. When cast onto the ground, and the and is inlaid with mithril. When touched to a locked
bearer imagines a location previously visited (such as a door, lid, door, valve, bars, locks, bolts, etc., the portal

will unlock. This costs one charge. Note that the stone feet of an evil-aligned cleric up to 100 feet away.
only functions on one locked mechanism nor does it
open a portal/lid. The runestone does not disarm or The target will be sucked down through the fissure to
remove traps (if applicable). Also note that if a portal/ one of the planes of hell. The target receives a saving
lid is double or triple locked, this will require additional throw versus Death to escape eternal torment.
charges. The stone can dispel a Hold Portal or Arcane
Lock up to 15th level of magic use but this costs A neutral or evil-aligned cleric will take 6d6 points of
three charges. A Runestone of Opening has a total of damage from touching the stone. Use of this stone
1d10+10 charges. It cannot be recharged. ages the bearer 49 years. It is a one-use magic item.

Runestone of Petrification (Cursed) Runestone of Regeneration

Upon reading the runes upon its surface, the bearer This runestone functions as a Ring of Regeneration.
must Save versus Petrification or be turned to stone.
Runestone of Rejuvenation
Runestone of Prayer
The bearer of this stone receives three additional points
Runestones of Prayer are commonly found in a small of healing (per spell, magic item, or potion) used to
bag or pouch, occasionally they are found on a heal wounds.
necklace. There are three types of prayer stones. The
first are Runes of Blessing (Bless), the second are Runes Runestone of Sacred Earth
of Healing (Cure Serious Wounds), and Runes of Curing
(Disease). A bag or necklace of prayer stones normally This stone allows the bearer to employ the following
includes two of the first two types and one of the third. dweomers: Lesser Move Earth and Passwall (1 charge
They are one use magic items. each) and Stoneshape (2 charges).

Runestone of Proof Against Disease The bearer can also Transmute Rock to Mud (or the
reverse). This power uses 3 charges. It cannot be
This stone provides 75% immunity to all forms of disease recharged (2d10 charges).
excluding Mummy Rot.
Runestone of Seeing
Runestone of Proof Against Fear
This runestone has a hole in the center inset with a thin
This small runestone is often attached to a necklace. It garnet lens. When held to the eye, this stone allows the
provides immunity to all forms of fear. bearer to see as if he were using a Gem of Seeing.

Runestone of Proof Against Mummy Rot Runestone of Sharpening (Whetstone)

Possession of this runestone grants the bearer 75% The Runestone of Sharpening, or Whetstone, is a prized
immunity to the rotting curse caused by mummies. magic item among warriors.

Runestone of Proof Against Poison If used on a slashing weapon like an axe or a sword
for 1 turn prior to combat, the Whetstone increases its
The bearer of this stone is 30% immune to all forms of combat effectiveness. If used on a non-magical weapon
poison. This determination is made prior to rolling a it will confer a temporary bonus of +1 for 2d4 rounds.
saving throw, if applicable.
If used on a magical weapon, if will confer a temporary
Runestone of Protection bonus of +1 for 1d4 rounds.

This +1, +2, or +3 stone improves the bearer’s armour A Whetstone has 1d4+4 uses..
class (if unarmoured) and saving throws by 1, 2, or 3.
Runestone of Shielding
Runestone of Pure Good
The Runestone of Shielding absorbs Magic Missiles
This stone is etched with powerful runes in praise to generated by spell, device, or spell-like ability. They
Thaneduhr. A lawful good dwarven cleric who possess can absorb 36 points of damage before it disintegrates
this item can cause a flaming crack to open under the to dust. This runestone is typically worn on a necklace.

Runestone of Spell Storing Runestone of War

A Runestone of Spell Storing can hold up to six spells. In These runestones are very small sling stones, often
Gundgathol, these stones normally hold spells specific contained in a bag or pouch of 1d3+2. When hurled,
to dwarven clerics, but not exclusively. they function in a similar fashion to Wasp Darts, insofar
as a single Runestone of War will multiply in the air
The runestone is class specific. Only clerics may cast when thrown at an opponent in combat. An attack roll
clerical spells from the stone, and only magic-users must be made for each individual stone. Attacks cannot
may cast arcane spells, and so on. be divided against multiple targets. Each stone cases
1d4 points of damage plus its magical bonus. They can
A spell-casting class will become aware of stone’s only be used once.
enchantments by holding it in his or her hand. Spells
are cast as if the caster was the minimum level to use Type Number of Runestones
the spell.
+1 1d6
Runestone of Spell Turning +2 1d4
+3 1d3
This runestone functions as a Ring of Spell Turning. It
absorbs 2d6 levels before it loses its enchantment.
Runestone of Water Walking
Runestone of Steam and Vapour
This stone functions like a Ring of Water Walking.
This stone possesses two functions. The first is a spout
Runestone of Weakness (Cursed)
of super-heated steam in a jet (1 foot wide and 10 feet
long). The steam causes 4d6 points of damage in the
Upon holding this runestone the bearer is cursed with
first round and 2d6 in the second round. Saving throws
an effective strength of 3. All attacks and damage are
apply for half damage. This function has no effect on
rolled with a penalty of -3 (to a minimum of 1 point
fire-based opponents.
of damage). The stone can only be removed with a
Remove Curse spell.
The second is heated obscuring vapour equivalent to a
Fog Cloud (4x6x14 feet). The cloud persists for 1 turn
Runestone of Weight (Loadstone) (Cursed)
unless dispelled by magic or a gust of wind. Cold-based
creatures caught within the cloud take 1d6 points of
A Runestone of Weight, also called a Loadstone, is a
damage per round.
cursed magical item. The bearer of the stone is Slowed
as per the spell. Once acquired the stone cannot be
Runestone of Stupidity (Cursed)
disposed, discarded, or destroyed, short of a Remove
Upon holding this runestone the bearer is cursed with
an effective intelligence of 3. The stone can only be
Runestone of Wisdom
removed with a Remove Curse spell.
This stone grants the bearer a +1 to his or her wisdom
Runestone of Thunderous Deafening
ability score. The stone must be carried on the bearer’s
person at all times for the benefit to be realized.
This runestone allows the bearer to cast the spell Great
Approximately 5% of these stones are cursed and will
Shout at fifth level of magic use. It has three charges.
reduce the wisdom of the bearer by 1 point permanently.
Runestone of Treasure Finding

In order to activate this runestone, it must be held in the

palm of the hand while the runes are read aloud.

The stone will then rotate in the hand and point in a

single direction (once only) of treasure within 240 feet
and in excess of 100gp total value. After the stone
indicates the direction of treasure, it disintegrates to
dust. This is a one use magic item.

SPELLSTONES Wardstone: Gas

Spellstones are runestones imbued with cleric spells. This stone protects the bearer from harmful and/or
Spellstones function as per scrolls and are one-use poisonous gases.
items. A Read Magic is required to reveal its contents.
Wardstone: Insects
Spellstone: Level 1 (1d4+1 spells)
This stone serves as a ward against insects (giant,
Spellstone: Level 2 (1d4 spells) swarm, or otherwise).

Spellstone: Level 3 (1d3 spells) Wardstone: Lycanthropes

Spellstone: Level 4 (1d2 spells) This stone serves as a ward against lycanthropes.

Spellstone: Level 5 (1 spell) Wardstone: Magic

This wardstone creates a barrier against spells and

WARDSTONEs spell-like effects from devices or monsters.
Wardstones offer powerful magical protection and are Wardstone: Petrification
useable by all classes literate in the dwarven language.
When the bearer reads the runes, they disappear This stone makes the bearer immune to petrification.
from the stone. The bearer is surrounded by a 10-
foot radius of protection. The protective barrier stops Wardstone: Plants
physical attacks from the listed creature (if applicable)
and prohibits the creature from entering the circle of This stone serves as a ward against plants and plant-
protection (the protection excludes missile weapons based creatures.
and spells). Wardstones have a duration of 2 turns.
They are one-use magic items and require a Read Wardstone: Undead
Magic to decipher.
This stone creates a barrier against undead.
Wardstone: Acid

This stone serves as a ward against forms of acid


Wardstone: Dragon Breath

This stone serves as a ward against dragon breath.

Wardstone: Elementals

This stone serves as a ward against elementals.

Dwarven Rings of Power Ring of House Hammerhand

Upon their creation by the All-Father, the dwarves The band of the Hammerhands
forged rings of power to represent their seven noble strengthens the bearer’s ability
houses. The rings are worn by the house lord and are in battle. The ring acts as a Ring
passed down through the ages. The rings are carefully of Free Action, Boots of Speed,
guarded, and non-dwarves are strictly forbidden and Gauntlets of Ogre Power.
to wear them. Several rings were lost in the exodus
from Gundgathol. The seven rings of the dwarves are Location: Worn by Gulgrim
considered ancestral relics and are priceless. “the Black” Whitebeard (Gund-
Felek, Room 6).
Only one ring may be worn at any given time.
Ring of House Tunneltrue
Each ring possesses common and house powers.
This ring facilitates the purpose
Common Powers: of House Tunneltrue: mining.
The ring serves as a Wand of
Each dwarven ring of power provides a base armour Metal and Mineral Detection,
class of 2 and slows aging (3 years equal 1). A dwarven Spade of Colossal Excavation,
house ring allows the wearer to Detect Magic, Read and a Necklace of Adaptation.
Magic, and Comprehend Languages at will. Each
ring also functions as Periapt of Health and a Ring of Location: Unknown.
Regeneration. All seven rings, if worn for long enough,
encourage avarice and the hoarding of wealth. Ring of House Broadbeam

The ring of the Broadbeams

House Powers: serves the foremost dwarven
architects and masons. It
Ring of House Stoneborn functions as a Cube of Force, an
Instant Fortress, and a Ring of
The ring of House Stoneborn X-Ray Vision.
bolsters knowledge and
strength. It functions as a Stone Location: Unknown.
of Controlling Earth Elementals,
and Amulet of Proof Against Ring of House Longbeard
Detection and Location, a Gem
of Seeing, and a Girdle of Giant The ring of the dwarven jewelers
Strength. and artisans has the powers
of Eyes of Magnification and a
Location: Worn by King Gem of Brightness.
Thorgallin Stoneborn (Hamelet).
Location: Citadel of Sleet.
Ring of House Ironforge
Ring of House Cobblestone
This ring emphasizes the control
and manipulation of fire. The The ring of House Cobblestone
ring functions as a Brazier of acts as a Broach of Shielding, a
Commanding Fire Elementals, Periapt of Proof Against Poison
a Ring of Fire Resistance, and +2, and a Wand of Light.
Wand of Fire.
Location: Worn by Romangat
Location: Worn by King Wartock the Destroyer (P1 Lower Halls,
Whitebeard (Gund-Felek, Room Room 81).

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

New Spells Face of Dhurindain

Blessed Stone Level: 4 (Cleric)

Duration: Permanent
Level: 2 Range: See below
Duration: 1 round
Range: See below By means of this spell, a dwarven cleric enchants a
carved stone face with a protective ward. The stone
By means of this spell, a dwarven cleric may pick up a face may be located on an archway, statue, pillar-
rock or stone, not less than the size of his hand, and, statue, wall, stone door, etc. The spell is activated when
while reciting the incantation, throw it violently at a any humanoid gazes at the Face of Dhurindain. Upon
specific target (15 feet per level of the caster). Upon beholding the stone visage, the eyes glow momentarily
impact, the rock explodes and throws shrapnel in an with a terrifying divine power. Victims must make a
area of effect 10 feet by 10 feet. A successful Save saving throw versus Petrification or be turned to stone
versus Spell halves the damage: (Stone to Flesh reverses the effect). In order to draw
trespassers and tomb-robbers into the ward, dwarven
clerics will often cast the spell on bejeweled stone faces
Blessed Stone Spell Damage or statues.
Level Damage Level Damage
Great Shout
2 1d3+1 6 1d6+1
3 1d3+2 7 1d6+2 Level: 3 (Cleric)
4 1d4+1 8 1d8+1 Duration: See below
Range: 30 foot cone
5 1d4+2 9 1d8+2
The caster emits a thunderous roar that deafens and
Circle of Stones damages all those within its 30 foot cone of effect.
Any creature caught within is deafened for 2d6 rounds
Level: 3 and takes 1d6 points of damage per 2 caster levels.
Duration: 1 hour/level A successful save (Spell) negates the deafness and
Range: 10 Feet reduces the damage by half. Creatures made of crystal
take double damage from the spell. Fragile objects
By means of this spell, a dwarven cleric calls into being may be destroyed at the discretion of the Referee. Great
a circle of protection. The cleric must concentrate Shout cannot penetrate a Silence spell.
on the spell as his or her full action and the circle is
stationary. All dwarves within the circle receive a +1 Hammer Ward
bonus to their armour class, +1 on saving throws,
and +1 to attack rolls. In addition, the circle prevents Level: 3 (Cleric)
summoned creatures and undead from passing into Duration: Permanent until triggered
the sanctified space, although ranged attacks and Range: Touch
spells can penetrate the magical protection. The spell
requires seven runestones to cast (six outlining the circle By means of this spell, a dwarven cleric inscribes
and one held by the cleric in the center). If the cleric’s invisible runes as a protective ward on a door, lock,
concentration is broken, the spell fails. archway, wall, sarcophagus, chest, or important item.
When a Hammer Ward is triggered (touch) a hammer-
Courage of the Ancestors shaped field of blue force appears and swings at the
transgressor. The magical hammer strikes only once,
Level: 5 (Cleric) but never misses. The hammer inflicts 1d6 points of
Duration: 1 hour/level damage (for every 2 caster levels) and on a successful
Range: Touch (Dwarf Only) hit the target must save versus Paralyzation or be
knocked prone.
This spell imbues a willing dwarf recipient with the
bravery and courage of their ancestors. For the The invisible runes of a Hammer Ward may be found
duration of the spell, the recipient is immune to all fear by Detect Magic or any spell or item that provides true
effects and never checks morale. The dwarf is immune sight. The enchantment can be permanently removed
to all forms of mind control, magical or mundane. He by Dispel Magic.
receives a bonus of +1 to armour class and all saving
Rest of the Ancestors spell Great Shout. The area of effect remains the same
as the rest of the Runes of Dhurindain.
Level: 2 (Cleric)
Duration: Instantaneous Note that in order to best conceal their wards, dwarven
Range: 30 foot radius clerics inscribe runes in low visibility locations. Also,
they will position runes on ceilings and arches, or target
By means of this spell, a dwarven cleric commands supporting pillars with Rock Blast or Great Shout, to
animated skeletons and zombies to rest. The spell cause collapses and cave-ins.
causes 2d4+2 HD of skeletons or zombies to collapse.
If the remains are dwarves, then 3d4 are affected. The Stonebeard
remains cannot be reanimated for 24 hours. The cleric
is bound, as part of the spell, to consecrate the remains. Level: 1 (Cleric)
Duration: 1 turn +1 round per level
Runes of Dhurindain Range: Caster

Level: 4 (Cleric) Through this spell the caster calls upon the mighty
Duration: Permanent until triggered Geddinthor before battle and transforms his beard into
Range: Touch granite. The beard improves the armour class of the
caster. Stonebeard provides a base unarmoured AC 4
This spell is similar to Glyph of Warding, but specific to and a +1 bonus if the caster is armoured. The effect of
the faith of Dhurindain the Secret-Keeper. By means of this spell is so profound, it will increase the morale of
this spell, a dwarven cleric may inscribe invisible runes dwarves who behold it. The armour class and morale
to protect an area against intrusion. The invisible runes effect remain for the duration of the spell.
of this spell may be found by Detect Magic or any spell
or item that provides true sight. The enchantment can Stonemouth
be removed permanently by Dispel Magic.
Level: 3 (Cleric)
This spell is designed to target an area of effect, not an Duration: See below
individual. The target area is 10 feet wide, 10 feet tall, Range: See below
and 10 feet long (add an additional 10 feet in length
per 2 caster levels). When a creature passes into the By means of this spell a dwarven cleric imbues an
area of effect, the spell is triggered. The caster may existing carved stone mouth with the ability to either
choose his or her desired effect or the Referee can speak a message or cast a spell.
determine randomly:
Message: The mouth may speak a message up to 21
words long. The message is always spoken in dwarvish.
Runes of Dhurindain Effects
The number of times the message repeats is the purview
1 Rock Blast* of the caster, but not longer than 1 turn. The lips of the
2 Fire Blast* stone mouth, on a statue, wall, or archway, etc., will
move according to the words articulated. Stonemouth
3 Paralyzing Blast** can be placed on animated stone statues and golems
4 Great Shout*** but not on living creatures or flesh. The caster may
choose the volume of the message uttered (whisper
*Rock or Fire Blast deals 2 hit points of damage per or booming voice, etc.). In the latter case, the Referee
level of the caster. A saving throw is allowed to half must make a random monster check.
the damage. Cast at 7th level of magic use, unless
otherwise indicated. Spell: Immediately after casting the spell, a dwarven
cleric may cast a second spell which Stonemouth will
**As per the spell Hold Person. After the runes are discharge when specific conditions are met. Instructions
triggered a stone mouth, typically located on a wall, must be detailed and include visual, audible, or tactile
statue, or pillar, will scream “Intruders!” in Dwarvish for triggers. These could include: proximity, noise, words,
1 turn. Roll for Random Monsters twice in the next turn or touch. Discharged spells might include Command,
(1-3 on d6). Light/Darkness, Curse, Hold Person, Great Shout,
Animate Dead, Dispel Magic, Flame Strike, Insect
***When the runes are triggered, a stone mouth, Plague, etc.
typically located on a wall, statue, or pillar, will scream
“Trespassers!” in Dwarvish once with the effect of the

The range limit, for either message or spell, is 5 feet per not attack dwarves unless they are attacked by a dwarf,
level of the caster, so a 6th level cleric can command or a dwarf attempts to plunder their tomb. Ancestor
a Stonemouth to respond to triggers 30 feet away. souls cannot leave their crypt unless commanded by
Regardless, the mouth can only respond to triggers an Old One or High Old One. When the remains of
in its line of sight or reasonable hearing distance, as the ancestors have been destroyed, the spell dissipates
applicable. The duration of the spell is indefinite until forever.
This spell cannot be reversed, short of a Wish. However,
Thaneduhr’s Sacred Hammer in rare instances a high level dwarven cleric has
carved a wardstone to temporarily allow the living to
Level: 2 (Cleric) pass through a crypt protected by Vengeance of the
Duration: 7 rounds +1 per level Ancestors, or to transport remains to a new location,
Range: 10 feet although this is a very rare occurrence. The priest who
carves the wardstone (1 month, 500gp) must be of
This spell is like spiritual weapon, but specific to dwarven higher level than the original caster.
clerics. The spell conjures a magical two-handed great
hammer into the hands of the caster. Only the caster
may use this weapon for the duration of the spell. The
weapon strikes for 1d8 points of damage and receives
a +1 to hit for every three caster levels. The weapon is
considered magical for the purpose of creatures that
can only be struck by magical weapons.

Torvin’s Flesh of Fire

Level: 2 (Magic-User), 4 (Cleric)

Duration: 3 rounds + 1 per level
Range: Self

This spell is a lesser variant of the magic-user spell Fire

Shield. By means of this spell the caster wreathes him/
herself in flames. The flames provide light to 15 feet
and any creature that touches, or attacks the caster in
melee, takes 1d4 points of damage. Ranged attacks
are unaffected. In addition, the spell provides a plus
+2 on saving throws versus fire-based attacks, +1 on
saving throws against cold-based attacks, and -4 saves
versus water-based attacks. The caster’s personal items
are not subject to fire damage.

Vengeance of the Ancestors

Level: 4 (Cleric)
Duration: Permanent
Range: 1 crypt or tomb

Dwarven clerics cast this spell to protect crypts and

status burials. The spell commands the souls of interred
dwarven warriors to animate and protect their tomb
from grave-robbers.

The dead skeletal remains rise and attack as fighters

equal to one-half the caster’s level (round up) at the
time of casting. They attack once per round (damage
by weapon) and possess 6 hit points per level. Their AC
is consistent with the armour of their burial. Note that
ancestor souls are not considered undead. They will


There are two general notes on the monster section. No. Enc: 2d4 (1d4x10)
First, all monster movement rates have been converted Alignment: LE
for ease of miniature use (5 foot squares). Also note Movement: 30
than any mundane monsters not listed in this section Armor Class: See below
can be found in Barrowmaze Complete, The Forbidden Hit Dice: 3+3
Caverns of Archaia, HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon, or Attacks: 1
any core rulebook. Damage: By weapon
Save: F2
Amber Bulk Morale: 10
Treasure: VII (XIX)
No. Enc: 1d4 XP: 65
Alignment: CE
Movement: 20 Black orcs, also called great orcs or Oor-Uks, are
Armor Class: 2 stronger, more regimented, and more intelligent than
Hit Dice: 8+8 their regular orc cousins. Their skin is black with a slight
Attacks: 3 bluish-gray tinge and their hair is black, gray-black, or
Damage: See below white depending on their age. They have yellow eyes
Save: F8 and teeth.
Morale: 12
Treasure: XVI Black orcs have an effective strength of 16 and add +2
XP: 2420 to their melee attack and damage rolls. Every Oor-Uk
warband is led by a leader with 4 HD (28hp). Each
Amber bulks are a predatorial subterranean species. tribe of black orcs will have a warchief with 6 HD (40
Standing 8 feet tall and 5 feet wide, the amber bulk is a hp) and 18 strength. Black orcs are rare and more
formidable opponent. Their origin is unknown, but sages than likely bred by an evil wizard or warlord to serve
believe they are the result of magical experimentation. as an elite guard. Black orcs can move and fight in
sunlight without penalty. Black orcs take better care of
Amber bulks possess massive hands and iron-like their weapons and armor than regular orcs, although
claws. They attack with a claw/claw/bite routine for their equipment may still show rust and disrepair. These
3d4/3d4/2d4+2 points of damage. In addition, their monsters are bred for war as heavy infantry.
claws enable them to tunnel through solid stone at a
rate of 1 foot/turn (or 6 feet/turn in soft earth). Oor-Uks are typically armed and armoured as follows:

The eyes of the creature possess a special ability. Any Black Orc Random Weapons and Armour
intelligent creature that beholds the four eyes of the
amber bulk must Save versus Spell of suffer Confusion Chain and
1–3 1–3 Scimitar and Polearm*
for 2d6 rounds. Shield (AC4)
Half Plate Broadsword (1d6+1)
Amber bulks, also called chitinous clods by some 4–5 4–5
(AC4) and Heavy Crossbow
species of the underdark, will eat almost anything. Half Plate and Broadsword and
They have been known to eat purple worms, giant ant 6 6
Shield (AC3) Longbow
colonies, and ankhegs. Above all, amber bulks desire
humanoids as their preferred prey.
Black Orc Random Polearm*
Amber bulks tend to have a hard black hide that shades 1–2 50% Glaives (1d8) and 50% Awl Pikes (1d10)
to yellow along the chest and belly. Their mandibles are
made of ivory and are valuable (2,000gp each). 50% Bill-Guisarmes (2d4) and
50% Halberds (1d10)
50% Awl Pikes (1d10) and
50% Military Forks (1d8)

Although Black orcs have a regimented and martial

culture, they still possess the obnoxious and disagreeable
nature of their lesser cousins. Whenever one tribe of
black orcs meets another tribe of orcs or goblinoids
there is a 1 on d6 chance of a shoving match (65%) or The brain fungus possesses no melee attacks. Instead,
fight (35%) breaking out between them. Oor-Uks speak when it senses movement with 40 feet it releases
their own guttural orc language. psilocybin spores into the air. These spores function
akin to mind-controlling spells. The magic mushroom
Black Witches’ Butter may use the following spell-like effects once per day:
Colour Spray, Dancing Lights, Hypnotic Pattern, Blur,
No. Enc: 1d3 Ventriloquism, Fear, Suggestion, Amnesia, Hold Person,
Alignment: N and Confusion (1d4 targets).
Movement: 5
Armor Class: 8 Given they have no melee attacks, magic mushrooms
Hit Dice: 1 rely on symbiosis with other species of fungus for defense.
Attacks: 1 There is a 1-4 on d6 chance one of the following will
Damage: See below be within 10 feet of a brain fungus: violet fungi, faze
Save: F1 fungus, shrieker, icterine fungi, or phycomids.
Morale: 12
Treasure: See below The brain fungus, in combination with its spell-like
XP: 13 effects and fungal symbiosis, survives by slowly moving
over its victims and decomposing their organic remains.
Black witches’ butter are a subterranean jelly fungus.
The fungus lies in wait along a wall or ceiling until it The brain fungus has an effective intelligence of 16 and
senses prey. Upon sensing movement within 10 feet, will use terrain and adjacent funguses to full advantage.
the fungus explodes a black corrosive ichor at a single The magic mushroom will, for example, position behind
target. It will then slowly move over and consume its a rocky outcropping, to shield itself from sight and
prey. ranged attacks, while using its powers of deception to
lure prey into a trap or kill zone.
The corrosive ichor dissolves flesh, leather, and
metal. All metals on the target must save using the The brain fungus possesses the following treasure types
target’s saving throw versus death (magical items are from its victims: VI, VII, XI, and 20% 1 magic item.
unaffected). If the target is wearing armour, and the Harvesting the brain ichor of a magic mushroom can
armour is destroyed, s/he immediately takes 1d6 points provide the key ingredients for the creation of 1d3 of
of acid damage. If the target is unarmoured, s/he takes the following random potions:
1d8 points of damage. A successful Save versus Death
will, in either case, half the damage. Brain Matter: Random Potion
There is a 50% chance of treasure type I, II, or III within 1 Animal Control
10 feet of a black witches’ butter. Sages say large and 2 Delusion
huge specimens of this jelly fungi have been known to
exist. 3 Giant Control
4 Human Control
Brain Fungus
5 Philter of Love
No. Enc: 1 6 Plant Control
Alignment: N
Movement: 5 Brobdingnagian Fungi
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 2 No. Enc: 1d3
Attacks: See below Alignment: N
Damage: See below Movement: 5
Save: F2 Armor Class: 6
Morale: 12 Hit Dice: 2-5
Treasure: See below Attacks: 4
XP: 38 Damage: See below
Save: F1
The brain fungus, also known as the magic mushroom, Morale: 12
is similar in size to a shrieker. Unlike the shrieker, the Treasure: See below
magic mushroom has a pink brain-like head atop a XP: 38, 110, 145, 650
thick white stalk instead of a mushroom cap.

Brobdingnagian (Brob-ding-nag-ian) fungi stand damage from flame attacks but full damage from acid.
between 12-16 feet tall and appear as simple oversized They regenerate 2 hit points per round and receive
mushrooms. Their appearance belies their carnivorous +3 to damage rolls. Cave trolls can attack with their
nature. They are normally found near watering holes natural weapons (1d6/1d6/1d10) but are more likely
and lush environments where prey is plentiful. About to use a large two-handed weapon suited to their
25% of the time the putrid stench of rotting flesh will size, such as clubs, spiked clubs, hammers, etc, for
permeate in a 20 foot radius. Sages believe they are 3d6 points of damage. They possess all the standard
distantly related to violet fungi. abilities of regular trolls. The hide of a cave troll is so
thick, that non-magical small-sized ranged attacks such
When brobdingnagian fungi sense movement, they as arrows, stones, and crossbow bolts, have no effect.
attack with four long tendrils released from the
underside of their caps (they may divide their attacks Chrysmal
between multiple opponents) and emit a pulsating
violet bioluminescence. No. Enc: 1d6 (3d6)
Alignment: N
The first tendril attack will attempt to close around the Movement: 20
neck of its target. If successful it will strangulate and Armor Class: -4/0
suffocate by lifting its victim off the ground (death in 4 Hit Dice: 6+6
rounds). On its remaining attacks, the fungi will either Attacks: 1
do the same to multiple targets or use its other tendrils Damage: See below
like spears to puncture strangled victims with wounds. Save: F6
Tendril damage is specific to hit dice: HD 2: 1d4, Morale: 10
HD 3: 1d4+1, HD 4: 1d6, HD 5: 1d8. It will release Treasure: XI x 3
slain victims along its base and consume the decaying XP: 1880
organic matter.
The chrysmal are a prismed formation of translucent
Brobdingnagian fungi normally possess treasure littered crystal. The chrysmal possess 4-6 leg-like stumps that
around their immediate area. Use the following to extend down from their body and a single crystalline
determine treasure: 20% 1d2 potions, 30% 1d6 gems, limb that protrudes upwards from the central trunk. The
50% 1d100 random coin (see Random Secondary movement of a chrysmal is relatively slow and it has a
Encounter Area Generator). stiff, awkward gait.

These giant mushrooms often attract other forms of These sentient crystals inhabit the Elemental Plane of
fungi to their vicinity. There is a 10% chance of one of Earth but have migrated to the Prime Material Plane.
the following in a cluster of brobdingnagian fungi: faze They seek lairs rich in crystal deposits on which to
fungus, basidirond, shrieker, or phycomid. feed. Inside each chrysmal is a collection of gemstones
(Treasure Type XI x3). They pay little attention to beings
Cave Troll from the Prime Material Plane and cannot digest flesh.

No. Enc: 1d8 (2d20) The natural armour of the chrysmal is difficult to
Alignment: CE penetrate. The creature is more likely to take damage
Movement: 40 from blunt metallic weapons (AC: 0) than piercing or
Armor Class: 4 edged weapons (AC: -4).
Hit Dice: 7+7
Attacks: 3 or 1 The creature attacks by one of two means. First, a
Damage: See Below chrysmal can lash out with its central limb for 1d6+6
Save: F7 points of damage. Alternatively, the chrysmal can kick
Morale: 10 with one of its leg-like appendages for 1d6 points of
Treasure: XIX damage. On a successful kick, the target must make a
XP: 2500 successful Strength Check or fall prone (prone targets
are +4 to hit).
The cave, or greater troll, is similar to other trolls in
basic appearance and hide colour. However, the cave The chrysmal is immune to cold and fire-based attacks.
troll is slightly larger (HD: 7+7) and has a thicker and Electrical attacks score half damage (and no damage
more muscular build. The greater troll stands 10 feet on a successful save). The creature is also immune to
tall. The greater troll oozes a sticky substance from gas or poison-based attacks.
its skin that retards flame. Cave trolls only take half

A spell that causes a loud auditory shockwave, such They are also gifted craftsmen and make outstanding
as Great Shout, scores double-damage against a masons. Cyclopsmen are highly fearful of magic, and
chrysmal. Striking a tuning fork within 20 feet will are unable to train as magic-user, cleric, or any of their
Confuse a single chrysmal for 3 rounds (Save versus sub-classes.
Petrification for no effect).
Cyclopsmen prefer two-handed melee weapons, but
A chrysmal can move through earth, rock, or minerals are particularly adept with spears, glaives, and pole-
with one round of preparation. Similarly, it takes one arms. They prefer light armour, such as leather or
round to reconstitute itself upon reappearing. studded leather that allows them free movement. They
possess poor depth perception due to their single eye
The chrysmal are aggressive when provoked. If forced and are -2 on all ranged attacks. Cyclopsmen are
to defend themselves, they prefer to set ambushes and resilient to harsh environments and receive a +1 on
attack with surprise (1-4 on d6). For example, they will saves versus heat and cold. They are also immune to
seat themselves in the earth and camouflage themselves poisonous gas. Cyclopsmen possess darkvision of 40
like a natural crystal formation. They will also use this feet and can detect hidden and secret doors on a roll
tactic in concert with their ability to pass through the of 1-2 on 1d6.
earth to overwhelm opponents.
They have an innate spirituality and gravitate towards
For every three males encountered a fourth will be organized religions such as Odin One-Eye, or the cults
female (HD: 4+4 and AC: -2/2) and for every female of Arges or Polyphemus.
there will be 1d3 young (HD: 2+2 and AC: 0/4).
Cyclopsmen speak Suul, the name of their own
The chrysmal only eat minerals such as quartz and other language, and some will know dwarvish (50%) and
crystalline formations. The xorn prey on the chrysmal common (25%).
and the two are natural enemies.
Cyclopsmen have no corollary in their own language
Cyclopsman for metaphorical communication. This presents
difficulty understanding the hyperbolical everyday
No. Enc: 2d4 language of humans and demi-humans. As a result,
Alignment: LN cyclopsmen interpret common vernacular and slang
Movement: 40 literally, leading to difficulty in basic communication.
Armor Class: 6 Given their size, and their communication issues, they
Hit Dice: 1+2 are often stereotyped as simple-minded.
Attacks: 1
Damage: By weapon Cyclopsmen have unique digestive systems. They are
Save: F1 raw carnivores. They are unable to draw nutrients from
Morale: 9 cooked meat or other foods. Similarly, cyclopsmen are
Treasure: II also unable to consume alcohol. For them, alcohol
XP: 25 has the effect of lethal poison (Save or Die). They can
consume clotted cream, which has the same intoxicating
Cyclopsmen appear as large humans (between 6’4” effect as alcohol.
and 6’8”) with a single eye. They are striking to behold.
Their hair colour varies from light brown to black and Darg
their eye colour from pale blue to green.
No. Enc: 2d4
Cyclopsmen, sages believe, were bred for slave labour. Alignment: LE
As a result, they are hardy and strong, and rarely speak. Movement: 60
Cyclopsmen are a dour, staid, and dogmatic race. They Armor Class: 6
prefer the company of dwarves, whom they admire for Hit Dice: 3
their physical strength and loyalty. Cyclopsmen are Attacks: 1
disparaged by some races, particularly humans, who Damage: 2d4
refer to them as “slags.” Save: F3
Morale: 9
They possess above average strength and constitution Treasure: None
(13-16 in both attributes) but lower intelligence XP: 95
wisdom, and charisma on average (8-10). Due to
their attributes, cyclopsmen make excellent warriors.

Dargs are a subterranean species of lizard-like canines Derro Weapons
domesticated and bred for war by the duergar. Dargs
are largely hairless and appear emaciated. They have Shortsword, Light Repeating Crossbow,
a ridged back and tail. The males of the species can Studded Armour, Buckler Shield
grow as large as 90 pounds in weight and 26 inches Longpoint Dagger, Fauchard-Hook,
in height at the shoulder. Females are smaller by 20 5-6
Studded Armour, Buckler Shield
pounds and 4 inches.
Shortsword, Light Repeating Crossbow
Scalemail, Shield
They have a large maw of sharp teeth that cause 2d4
points of damage. Dargs have extraordinarily strong Military Pick, Spear, Longpoint Dagger,
jaws (effective strength of 16). On a successful bite Scalemail, Buckler Shield
attack, the victim and the darg must make opposing
strength rolls. Failure means the darg has clamped
down and immobilized its victim until a successful
opposing Strength Check is made (1d6 automatic Derro Special Weapons
damage each round). The duergar train dargs to attack
sword arms and are sometimes outfitted with chainmail The derro use a light repeating crossbow. The
barding (AC: 4). bow is capable of 2 shots per round and scores
1d3 points of damage. Each clip holds six bolts.
Dargs possess a sharp olfactory sense that allows them It takes one round to switch magazines. Some
to Detect Invisibility and track as rangers (5th Level). A derro employ a fungus-based poison on their bolt
darg receives a passive (1-2 on d6) on d6 chance to tips (1d4 damage, Save versus Poison for half
detect any living creature within 30 feet. damage). They normally carry one additional clip
beyond the loaded clip.
The derro, almost uniformly, employ Spiked Buckler
No. Enc: 2d4 (1d100) Shields. These shields may be used as a weapon
Alignment: CE and score 1d4 points of damage. Buckler shields
Movement: 20 remain equipped while using ranged weapons.
Armor Class: Varies
Hit Dice: 3+ A Longpoint Dagger (1d4) is a long piercing
Attacks: 1 dagger that allows reach into the second rank of
Damage: By weapon an opponent, if the bearer so desires. A Longpoint
Save: Varies Dagger cannot be thrown. There is a 15% chance
Morale: 9 the dagger is magical (d6): +1 (1-5) or +2 (6).
Treasure: IV, V, XI
XP: 21/HD The Fauchard-Hook is a shortened polearm, about
4.5 feet long, that scores 1d6 points of damage
Sages believe the derro were bred as slaves, possibly and is 25% likely to hook and flip the target prone
by the dark elves or the kalas-toa, or some other (+4 to attack rolls).
unknown evil subterranean race. The ancestors of the
derro escaped, multiplied, and built a civilization in the
deep earth. Due to their history, the derro are fiercely
independent and rarely maintain alliances for long. Derro hit dice vary subject to the needs of the campaign.
For every warband or patrol of four 3HD derro, there
Derro are short in statue, no taller than 4 feet tall and will be a subleader of 4 or 5HD. For every group of six,
typically have muscular physiques. Their skin is pale there will be a leader of 6HD and a 30% chance of a
white with a purple or bluish tint. Their eyes are round subleader. If nine or more are encountered there will
and broad, and they possess darkvision of 120 feet. be a 7HD leader and a 6HD subleader. Leaders and
Derro hair tends to be white or gray. subleaders wear Half Plate armour and buckler shield
(AC: 3) and may (1-2 on d6) possess a random potion.
Like all subterranean races, they suffer -1 penalty in There is a 15% chance one of their arms or armour
daylight or its magical equivalent. They venture to the might be magical (d6): +1 (1-5), +2 (6).
surface only to capture slaves. Note that derro have a
high dexterity, between 15-18, and receive ability score In addition, there is a cumulative 10% chance that a
bonus in addition to their armour class (average 16 or Derro Savant might lead a warband or patrol. A Savant
an AC bonus of 2). is a sage-like magic-user with 1d4+4HD.

Savants possess 1d3 miscellaneous magic items, with rust and becomes useless. The fungus possesses
normally of an offensive nature. Savants can a ravenous appetite for ferrous metal and will prioritize
Comprehend Languages and Read Magic as per spell. the targeting of armoured legs, shields, and weapons.
They cast spells per day consistent with a magic-user of
the same hit dice. Due to this corrosive effect, ordinary metal weapons
inflict no damage. Magic items, such as weapons and
A derro savant is attended by 1d3 student-savants, also armour, receive a save using the character’s saving
called graduate-students. Graduate-students possess 4 throw versus Death (magical bonuses apply). Failure
or 5HD. They may (1-2 on d6) have one magic-user results in the loss of a magical bonus. This save must be
based magical item. performed each time the item comes in contact with the
fungi (for instance, a +2 weapon would become a +1
Like savants, students-savants cast spells per day as weapon or a +1 weapon would become a mundane
a magic-user of the same hit dice. Both groups may weapon, etc.).
wield daggers, staves, slings, and the Light Repeating
Crossbow. Savants and students may choose from There is a 50% chance of treasure types I-V, and a 50%
either the magic-user or illusionist spell lists. Savants chance of corrosive dust, in the immediate vicinity of
and their students employ weapons as per derro the fungus.
warriors but wear densely woven spider silk robes (AC:
4) that provide a mundane form of Free Action, as per Duergar
the magical ring. Common magic items among the
savants and students include a random potion or wand, No. Enc: 2d6
a magical enchantment on their robes (like a Cloak Alignment: LE
of Protection), a magical Longpoint Dagger, Bracers of Movement: 20
Defense, or a Broach of Shielding, etc. Armor Class: Varies
Hit Dice: Varies
A derro stronghold will have several hundred members Attacks: 1
with a single high-level chieftain (10+) advised by a Damage: By weapon
counsel of powerful savants (1d6). The savants are Save: Varies
attended by 3d4 graduates-students. One third of the Morale: 8
total number of derro will be female. Their stronghold Treasure: VI
will be guarded by minor constructs including gargoyles. XP: 27/HD

Devil’s Fingers Duergar are a race of evil dwarves that live deep
underground. Their skin has a grayish-tone, and they
No. Enc: 1d4+1 are often referred to as gray dwarves for this reason.
Alignment: N Unlike the appearance of their mountain dwarf cousins,
Movement: 5 duergar possess slighter frames and their hair and
Armor Class: 7 beards are white. Duergar are also much thinner,
Hit Dice: 1 almost emaciated in comparison to mountain dwarves,
Attacks: 1 and yet they still possess the strength and constitution
Damage: 1d4 for which all dwarves are known. Duergar wear drab
Save: F1 coloured clothing that blends with the stone of their
Morale: 12 subterranean world.
Treasure: I-V
XP: 13 Duergar possess outstanding darkvision (120 feet)
but suffer a -1 penalty to hit in bright light or sunlight.
Devil’s fingers are a subterranean species of fungi. More Gray dwarves are typically silent when not in platemail,
commonly called the rust fungus, the devil’s fingers and surprise opponents on 1-3 on 1d6. They have the
have long, reddish, serrated tendrils that appear like same saving throw bonuses as other dwarves but are
the pointed fingers of a hand. The fungi, but especially completely immune to poison and paralysis. Duergar
its hand and fingers, are coated in a corrosive goop. are immune to illusion magic and phantasms.

When the fungus senses movement or ferrous metal, Duergar speak their own language, and some will have
its hands extend outward (as far as 5 feet) and latch a working knowledge of dwarven, and the gesture
on tightly to its prey causing 1d4 points of damage. language of drow.
In addition, any ferrous metal or metal alloy the fungi
touches (or if the fungi is struck) immediately corrodes

The duergar economy centers on iron mining, forging, Dwargoyle
and the slave trade. Any gray dwarf settlement will
likely (75%) have 5d20 slaves (larger settlements can No. Enc: 1d4 (2d4)
have 4d6x10 that number). Slaves often consist of a Alignment: CE
mix of morlocks, dwarves, drow, orcs, goblins, gnomes, Movement: 30 (Fly 50)
kobolds, adventurers, and a mix of subterranean Armor Class: 5
species. Hit Dice: 4
Attacks: 4
Gray dwarves are fiercely independent, and never trust Damage: See below
easily or for long. They wage war and create temporary Save: F6
alliances as it suits them. Morale: 11
Treasure: None
Duergar warriors vary from 1-9 hit dice, subject to XP: 410
the needs of the encounter. Regardless of hit dice, for
every four duergar warriors encountered there will be a Dwargoyles are gargoyle-like magical constructs. They
patrol leader. Patrol leaders possess two additional hit are created by duergar clerics and are normally used
dice. Most patrol leaders are fighters. However, there is to guard important locations or as priestly bodyguards.
a 30% chance a patrol leader is a cleric.
Like a typical gargoyle, they possess two claw attacks, a
Duergar Weapons bite, and a horn attack (1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4). However,
some dwargoyles (50%) are constructed with stone
Warriors and Patrol Leaders
warhammers or axes (1d12). If they attack with a weapon
Warhammer or Great Hammer, on the wing, they are +1 to hit. They are hardier than
Light Crossbow, Seax Knife regular gargoyles and possess a stronger save (as Level
Hand Axe or Battle Axe, 6 Fighters).
Heavy Crossbow, Seax Knife
They can only be harmed by spell or magic weapons.
3 Spear, Light Crossbow, and Seax Knife They are immune to mundane weapon damage.
Military Pick, Heavy Crossbow,
4 Dwargoyles are less intelligent than their normal
and Seax Knife
counterparts and are known to be literal in their
*Patrol Leaders are also armed with a Whip (1d3 interpretation of instructions.
damage, Save versus Paralyzation or fall prone).
Dwargoyles are crafted from hardened stone and
Duergar Armour animated by means of a runestone inserted into their
chest. Striking the runestone (an unmodified called shot
HD Warrior Patrol Leader of 19-20 on d20) will score double-damage against a
1-3 Chainmail and Shield Half Plate and Shield dwargoyle and there is a 10% it will explode causing
2d4 points of damage to all those within 20 feet.
4-6 Half Plate and Shield Plate and Shield
7-9 Plate and Shield Full-Plate and Shield Forbidden Fruit Fungus
*Within a patrol of duergar warriors (4-6 HD) there is No. Enc: 1d2
a 10% chance one possesses either a magical armour/ Alignment: N
shield or weapon (+1 (60%) or +2 (40%)). There is a Movement: 5
5% chance one carries a random potion. For a patrol Armor Class: 8
of 7-9 HD warriors the percentage is 15% (+2 (70%) or Hit Dice: 2
+3 (30%)) and a 10% chance of a potion. Attacks: None
Damage: None
*Among Patrol Leaders (4-6 HD) there is a 20% chance Save: F2
that one item from their armour or weapons is magical Morale: 12
(+1 (60%) or +2 (40%)). Patrol leaders of 7-9 hit dice Treasure: I-IV
the percentage is 30% (+2 (60%) or +3 (40%)) and XP: 38
25% chance of a potion.
This 4-foot high white mushroom grows black globule-
like fruit atop its cap. Those that behold the fungus fall
under a spell-like Suggestion (women save at -2 and

men save at -1). A failed save means the victim drops provide natural winter camouflage. If motionless, ice
all in-hand items and immediately runs to the fungus, spiders can blend into their natural environment (1-2
picks one of its globules, and ravenously consumes on d6 chance to spot).
it. All those who consume the forbidden fruit must
Save versus Poison or die. If the save is successful, Ice spiders move slowly but can jump 10 feet once per
the victim will attempt to consume an additional fruit round. They take no damage from cold-based attacks.
every 30 seconds (with successive save attempts at -1 Ice spiders fear fire and take double damage from fire-
cumulatively) unless restrained. Upon death the victim’s based attacks.
body turns black and decomposes in 3 turns to nourish
the fungus. Ice spiders vary in size and often group together under
the protection of a large female adult. For every 5 or
Ice Spider 6HD female, there will be 1d8 1HD, 1d4 2HD, 1d2
3HD, and one 4HD ice spiders. Ice spiders attack with
No. Enc: 1d8 a bite and their damage varies by HD: 1-2 (1d4), 3-4
Alignment: N(E) (1d6), 5 (1d8), 6 (1d10).
Movement: 20
Armor Class: 4 Ice spiders do not spin webs but can climb any snow
Hit Dice: 1-6 or icy surface (or ceiling) at will. Instead of a melee
Attacks: 1 attack, they can spit a sticky mucus 20 feet that, on a
Damage: See below successful hit, slows the target’s movement rate five feet
Save: As per HD per round.
Morale: 9
Treasure: None In the absence of food, ice spiders can slow their
XP: 70/HD metabolism and hibernate for months at a time. While
hibernating they remain sensitive to the movement of
Ice spiders are spider-like creatures with eight-legs. prey (1-4 on d6 chance of awakening within 30 feet).
Their long legs connect underneath a tall upright torso.
The creatures are largely white with dark patches that

Kalas-Toa Kalas-toans smear their slimy residue on their shields to
create a sticky coating. There is a 1-2 on d6 chance,
No. Enc: 2d4 (1d100) on a frontal attack, a weapon will stick to a kalas-toan
Alignment: NE shield. They also employ a weighted net large enough
Movement: 20 to cover a single man-sized or smaller target. The net
Armor Class: 4 can be thrown up to 20 feet. On a successful hit the net
Hit Dice: 3+ entangles the target. The opponent must extricate him/
Attacks: 1 or 2 herself from the net. How quickly the target can escape
Damage: By weapon the net is subject to strength: 3-12 (4 rounds), 13-15 (3
Save: Varies rounds), 16-17 (2 rounds), 18 (1 round).
Morale: 9
Treasure: See below The kalas-toan are organized into a rigid theocracy. For
XP: See below every group of four warriors (4, 8, 12, and so on) there
is a 1-2 on d6 cumulative chance of a cleric (6th or 7th
The kalas-toa are a race of subterranean fishmen. The level), called a Whip, leading the warband. Whips are
kalas-toa possess long, gangly bodies with dark scales devotees of an evil and obscure deity called the Matron
and light underbellies. Their stomachs are typically of the Deep (Poolpdopbilp) - a strange lobster-headed
distended and paunch. They have large, broad bulbous female of their species. Half of all kalas-toan clerics
eyes, located on the sides of their thin fish-shaped employ a special weapon called a man-catcher. On
heads, that constantly swivel and dark back and forth. a successful hit, the man-catcher inflicts 1d6 points of
As a result, they are rarely surprised (1 on d6) and they damage and pins its target around the waist or chest.
have a 1-2 on d6 chance of detecting concealed or There is a 1 on d6 chance the weapon will pin both arms
invisible targets. Their voices sound like the gurgling and a 1-3 on d6 chance one arm will be pinned. Any
noises of a drowning man. Their hands and feet are target so pinned loses their shield and dexterity bonuses
webbed, and their skin exudes a slimy coating. Kalas- to armour class. The presence of a whip inspires kalas-
toans do not wear armour, instead they use harnesses to toan warriors (Morale 10). Whip spells are subject
carry equipment and decorate themselves with pearls, to level. A spell list for a 6th level whip might include
beads, and shells. They can breathe both air and water (3/3/2): Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection from
and move equally well on land or sea. Good; Bless, Hold Person, Silence 15’ Radius; Animate
Dead, Dispel Magic. Whips possess treasure types III,
The majority of kalas-toa are classed fighters. A typical IV, Vx3, XI, and 1d2 pieces of Random Jewelry.
warband consists of 2d4 fighters (between levels 3-6).
Every group of four warriors will be led by a subleader For every whip-led warband of kalas-toa, there is a 1-2
of 6th or 7th level and every warband of eight will also on d6 chance of an elite class of fanatical clerics called
include a warband leader of 8th or 9th level. Warriors Monitors. Monitors (AC: 1) are normally between 7th
possess treasure types III, IV, Vx3. Leaders of 6th-9th to 10th level and move at double normal rate (40).
level possess XI. Monitors are ferocious religious zealots and eschew
weapons in combat. They attack four times per round
Kalas-Toan Weapons with two claw attacks (2d4) and two bite attacks
(1d4+1). They can only be surprised on a 1 on d10.
Warriors and Warband Leaders Monitors can attack man-sized or smaller targets to
1 Harpoon, Shield, Dagger, and Weighted Net cause physical damage or sub-dual damage. When
attacking to subdue a target, damage is rolled as
2 Spear, Dagger, and Light Crossbow normal. When reduced to zero hit points, the target falls
3 Harpoon, Dagger, and Weighted Net unconscious for 2d12 rounds. A spell list for a 7th level
Monitor might include the (4/3/2/1): Command, Cure
4 Scimitar, Shield, Light Crossbow
Light Wounds, Darkness, Protection from Good; Bless,
Hold Person, Holy Chant; Continual Darkness, Striking;
Kalas-Toan Weapons and Shields: Cause Serious Wounds. Monitors possess treasure type
III, IV, Vx3, XI, 1d2 pieces of Random Jewelry, and a
A harpoon is a barbed shortspear. The harpoon can be Black Pearl worth 1d6x500gp.
thrown 30 feet and scores 2d6 points of damage. The
weapon is corded and coiled around the forearm of Both Whips and Monitors possess the ability to Backstab
the harpooner. On a successful attack, the target must and Assassinate as per the thief and assassin classes,
make a successful strength check or be jerked off their respectively. Monitors border on the edge of insanity.
feet and fall prone. Warriors will try to reel in prone There is a 1-2 on d6 chance they will go insane during
targets and attack (+4 on the die). combat.

A kalas-toan warband or patrol may (50%) include a Morlock
group of 1d8+6 random slaves, normally with their
tongues cut out. Slaves can include dwarves, derro, No. Enc.: 1d8 (1d20+8)
orcs, goblins, kobold, norkers, etc. Their deity, the Alignment: CE
Matron of the Deep, demands the ritualistic blood Movement: 40
sacrifice of surface-dwellers and enemies. Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 1
Kalas-toans possess several natural defenses. Their Attacks: Varies
slimy scales make them impossible to grapple, nor are Damage: Varies
they restricted by spells like Web. They are immune to all Save: F1
sleep, charm, hold, illusion, or mind-influencing spells. Morale: 9
Kalas-toans are also immune to poison and paralysis. Treasure: XX
They take half damage from lightning. Kalas-toans are XP: 5
subterranean and abhor sunlight or its equivalent (-1
on attacks). They are susceptible to fire-based attacks Morlocks are a degenerate race of subterranean
(full damage and save at -2). Kalas-Toans attack at +1 humanoid predators. They possess no hair and their
to hit and damage and may use two-handed weapons skin is pale and slimy. Their hands and feet are partially
with one hand. webbed, and they are excellent swimmers. Morlocks
are predatory carnivores and prefer the meat of other
They reproduce in special ritual spawning pools that humanoids.
are heavily-guarded and considered sacred. Kalas-
toan speak their own language. Warband leaders, Morlocks are completely blind and employ an advanced
whips and monitors may also speak duergar or drow. form of echolocation similar to bats to negotiate their
They will speak other languages, subject to various hunting grounds. To compensate, their olfactory and
races in their vicinity. They have darkvision of 120 feet. auditory senses are ultra-sensitive. Their echolocation
and senses provide them with the equivalent of 90
Kalas-Toan Warriors have the following experience feet darkvision and they can only be surprised on a 1
points: Warriors: 3rd: 155, 4th: 465, 5th: 1250, 6th: in d6. To best use their senses in unfamiliar ground,
2070, 7th: 2975, 8th: 3875, 9th: 4675, 10th: 5675. morlocks constantly stop, use their senses to determine
Whips: 6th: 2750, 7th: 3950. Monitors: 7th: 5250, 8th: the ground and locate their prey, and resume their
6850, 9th: 8625, 10th: 10050. movement with startling speed. Morlocks can climb as
thieves and can traverse difficult subterranean ground
Kalas-Toa Warband and hazards without slowing their movement. When
morlocks use their echolocation, the make a series of
Number and HP Weapons
three successive “click-click-click” sounds.
(4) 2x20, Spear, Dagger,
1 1
1x25, 1x28 and Shield Morlocks use their sharp claws in combat and strike
(4) 2x18, Trident, Weighted Net, for 1d2/1d2 points of damage. If both claw attacks are
2 2 successful, a morlock receives an additional bite attack
1x14, 1x26 and Shield
for 1d3 points of damage. Morlocks are primitive
(6) 4x20, and prefer their claws over weapons. When they
3 3 Scimitar, Shield, Dagger
1x23, 1x26 use weapons, they prefer crude stone clubs, spears,
(6) 3x20, Spear, Weighted Net, daggers, and/or nets.
4 4
2x22, 1x26 Light Crossbow
(8) 3x18, Glaive, Weighted Net, Morlocks can smell blood within 90 feet and possess
5 5 an insatiable hunger for humanoid flesh. Morlocks
4x21, 1x29 Dagger
have such an appetite that, upon freshly wounding a
(8) 4x19, Harpoon, Weighted Net, humanoid opponent, other morlocks will converge as
6 6
3x22, 1x30 Dagger a pack and immediately attack the freshly wounded
target. If morlocks engage in combat with an opponent
with previous wounds, they will collectively target injured
opponents first.

Under extreme circumstances, morlocks will resort to

cannibalism, starting with the weakest among them. As
a result, they do not form large communities but rather
prefer small tribal groups with sufficient subterranean

hunting ground to support themselves. Each such tribe Pack lizards are subterranean beasts-of-burden. They
will be led by a dominant male. The leader has 3HD, appear similar to a monitor lizard and vary in size from
12 hit points, and scores 1d2/1d2/1d4+1 damage. 6 to 8 feet in length excluding their long tails. They are
short, no more than four feet tall, and are particularly
Nematoad well-suited for gray and mountain dwarves as well as
No. Enc: 1d3
Alignment: N Pack lizards are slow in comparison to mules (3/4
Movement: 30 movement rate) but their low center of gravity and claws
Armor Class: 5 provides the ability to traverse difficult terrain, such as
Hit Dice: 4 razor rock and glassy rock, that other beasts-of-burden
Attacks: 1 cannot.
Damage: 3d4
Save: F4 Pack lizards can carry 300lbs without encumbrance.
Morale: 7 Each additional 25lbs reduces their movement (20) by
Treasure: XIV 5 until they refuse to move.
XP: 245
These lizards rarely attack unless cornered (bite 1d3).
Nematoads are large (5 foot long) subterranean toads. They prefer to flee under normal circumstances.
Their skin is chameleon-like and they can change
colours to match their environment and may surprise Pech
(1-3 on d6). They have a white ridge down their spine
that never changes pigmentation. No. Enc: 1d6+1 (5d4)
Alignment: N(G)
Nematoads are carnivores but prefer carrion. As a Movement: 20
result, they accumulate rot grubs in their broad mouth Armor Class: 3
pockets. Due to their preference for carrion, they Hit Dice: 4
developed an immunity to rot grubs and an ability to Attacks: 1
absorb other parasites. Damage: See below
Save: F4
When a nematoad attacks, it has two options: Morale: 9
Treasure: XI
The first is a bite attack (3d4) that can swallow a dwarf XP: 300
or smaller PC on an attack roll of 19 or 20. Note that
if a PC is swallowed whole, s/he will be immediately The pech are originally from the Elemental Plane of
attacked by the rot grubs in the toad’s mouth (1d6+3). Earth but some have migrated to the Prime Material
Plane. They are relatively short, about four feet high,
The second is like a breath weapon (once every three and have large heads and broad, round pupil-less
rounds) whereby the nematoad ejects its mouth of eyes. They have long arms and legs. A tribe of pech
putrid water and rot grubs (1d6+3). The discharge is so (5d4) will have an equal number of females to males
powerful it sprays 10 feet wide and 15 feet deep from and 1d4 young. They abhor bright light.
the mouth of the toad (divide the number of rot grubs
across each 5-foot square covered). The pech fashion hammers and picks which they use
as both tools and weapons (1d6+3) and they score
Pack Lizard double damage against monster types made from stone
(examples include Stone Golems, Galeb Duhr, etc.).
No. Enc: 1d4 Their flesh is hard as rock and provides an excellent
Alignment: N natural defense (AC: 3). In addition, they are immune
Movement: 20 to all forms of petrification.
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 2 Their origin on the Elemental Plane of Earth offers them
Attacks: 1 with several magic-like abilities that include Stone Tell
Damage: 1d3 and Stone Shape three times per day. Three pech can
Save: F2 join and cast Wall of Stone (as a Level 16 Magic-User)
Morale: 8 and seven pech can cast Stone to Flesh (or the reverse).
Treasure: None Group spells may be cast once per day.
XP: 30

The pech have darkvision to 60 feet and suffer attack Rock clams are carnivorous land-based monsters
penalties in bright light (-1). They typically carry a pouch that appear as rocks or small boulders 2 to 5 feet in
with gemstones (XI) and may (50%) have 1d3 pieces of diameter. Their natural camouflage makes them almost
ornamental jewelry. indistinguishable from their surroundings (1 on d6 to
spot or 1-2 on d6 for dwarves).
The pech are a peaceful xenophobic race that prefer
to be left in solitude. They speak their own tongue, and Rock clams position themselves to ambush prey in tight
some (20%) may speak underdark languages. spaces and narrow tunnels. When they sense movement
within 10 feet, the rock-like creature opens its mouth
Phycomid (Advanced) and lashes out with two tendrils (a rock clam may divide
its tendril attacks against multiple opponents). If a rock
No. Enc: 1d4 clam successfully hits with both tendrils, it immediately
Alignment: N drags its prey into its sharp-toothed maw and bites for
Movement: 5 1d4 points of damage per hit die. If only one tendril
Armor Class: 4 is successful, it will drag its target into its mouth the
Hit Dice: 3 following round (a single-bound victim can resist being
Attacks: 1 dragged into the mouth by making a successful Strength
Damage: See below Check to hold their ground). Tendrils have an armour
Save: F4 class of 5 and 4 hit points per HD (these are in addition
Morale: 12 to its total hit points).
Treasure: I-IV
XP: 95 Rock clams disgorge treasure they cannot digest and
there is a 25% chance of 1d3 gems and a 25% chance
Advanced phycomids are subterranean tubular fungi of 1d3 jewelry in the immediate vicinity. There is also
often found among common mushrooms and molds. a 50% chance of treasure type I-V. Each rock clam
They are partially immune to fire (save at +4 and only contains a large pearl in its center worth 100gp/HD.
take half damage). There is a 1 on d6 chance a rock clam has a Black
Pearl worth 300gp/HD instead.
Advanced phycomids partner symbiotically with various
species of mold. Whenever advanced phycomids are Rock Manta
found, there is a 50% chance of either yellow mold,
cinnamon mold, amber mold, or brown mold around No. Enc: 1d2
the base of each phycomid. When threatened, Alignment: N
phycomids spew globules of sticky fungal mold as far Movement: See Below
as 40 feet. There are at least three known types of Armor Class: 3
advanced phycomids (Tan, Brown, and Ochre): Hit Dice: 2-5
Attacks: See below
Advanced Phycomid Fungal Mold Damage: See below
Save: F2-5
1. Tan Effect as per Cinnamon Mold Morale: 10
2. Brown Effect as per Brown Mold Treasure: See below
XP: 47, 95, 220, 650
3. Ochre Effect as per Yellow Mold
Rock mantas are flying creatures that live in subterranean
caves and caverns.
Rock Clam
They appear in size and shape to manta rays found
No. Enc: 1d4 in ocean environments except they possess a central
Alignment: N serrated maw, and their hide is rock-like in texture and
Movement: 5 appearance.
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 1-4 Rock mantas can change their colour to match
Attacks: See below their environment. Their superior chameleon-like
Damage: 1d4/HD camouflage ability allows them to surprise their prey
Save: F2-4 (1-3 on d6). They prefer to attach to a high wall or
Morale: 12 ceiling and wait in ambush. Rock mantas can fly (40
Treasure: See below feet) or scuttle about the floor (10 feet).
XP: 24, 56, 110, 300
Due to their subterranean existence, rock mantas Runestone Skeleton
are photosensitive and attack at -1 when exposed to
anything brighter than torchlight. No. Enc: 1d8
Alignment: N
Rock mantas attack by flying at their prey and attacking Movement: 20
with their maw. On a successful hit, a rock manta Armor Class: 4 or 6
receives an additional attack as it lashes its victim with Hit Dice: 2
its tail. Attacks: 1
Damage: By weapon
Sages believe the rock manta appeared through a gate Save: F2
from the Elemental Plane of Earth. The nature of their Morale: 12
flight is unknown. Rock mantas vary in size according Treasure: None
to the following chart: XP: 65

Age Category Size HD Bite/Tail DMG Runestone skeletons are the remains of dwarven
warriors who, upon death, agreed to protect the crypts
Young 3ft 2 1d3/1d2 of their house and ancestors. In a ritual unknown to
Young Adult 4ft 3 1d4+1/1d3 all but the priests of Thaneduhr, magical runestones
Adult 5ft 4 2d4/1d4 are embedded in their eyes and allow them to rise and
defend the resting-places of their kin.
Mature 6ft 5 2d4+2/1d6
Some runestone skeletons will be dressed in the armour
Rock mantas do not possess lairs. However, the they wore in life. Roll 1d6: (1-3) Chainmail AC: 5, (4-
following treasure types may (1-2 on d6) be found 5) Half Plate AC: 4, or (6) Platemail AC: 3. Most wield
within 50 feet of their location: I-VI, VII, and XI. warhammers, great hammers, hand axes, battle axes,
shortswords, or seax knives. Runestone skeletons can
Rothe only be damaged by magical weapons, spells, fire,
and acid. They turn as 6 hit die monsters. Holy water
No. Enc: 2d20 has no effect on these skeletons. When the skeleton is
Alignment: N destroyed, the two runestones may be taken as treasure.
Movement: 30 Use the following chart to determine value:
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: 1 Random Runestones 
Damage: 1d4 1-3 No value
Save: F2
Morale: 8 4-5 Mundane Runestone*
Treasure: None 6 Magical Runestone**
XP: 20
*See the Random Mundane Runestone Table and Value
Rothe are musk-oxen adapted to the subterranean
world. They have a mane of long, thick, shaggy hair **Roll 1d6: Healing, Light, Impact, Insanity, Death,
and horns that wrap around their heads. Rothe have Protection.
large eyes adapted to the underdark (darkvision of 50
feet) and they shun bright light. They are herbivores and Runestone Golem
primarily graze on fungi and lichen.
No. Enc: 1
Occasionally, a small herd of wild rothe may be found Alignment: N
wandering the underdark. They will be led by a bull Movement: 20
with 3HD. Rothe rarely attack unless provoked. They Armor Class: 3
prefer to charge opponents with their horns or trample Hit Dice: 7
with their hooves for 1d4 points of damage. Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d10
Various races including the drow, duergar, derro, and Save: F7
others, keep large herds of domesticated rothe as food. Morale: 12
The fur of the rothe is often harvested for clothing and Treasure: None
weaving in the underdark. XP: 1490

A runestone golem is stout, roughly humanoid golem ferrous metal or metal alloy the bat touches (or if
comprised of dwarven runestones. These golems are the bat is struck) immediately corrodes with rust and
used to guard tombs and crypts of import. When a becomes useless. Looking for the largest metal objects
runestone golem is first activated - normally by an to consume, rust bats will typically target armour,
intrusion into the crypt it guards - its magical energy shields, and weapons, in that order.
flickers on and off momentarily as if powering up after
a long period of dormancy. Due to their corrosive ability, ordinary metal weapons
inflict no damage on rynocks. Magic items, such
The golem defends the crypt by bashing opponents as armour and weapons, receive a save using the
with its fists. When this golem is struck opponents must character’s saving throw versus Death (magical bonuses
save (Spells) or randomly activate a runestone (roll apply). Failure results in the loss of a magical bonus.
1d6) with the following spell effects cast at 7th level (if This save must be performed each time the item comes
applicable): in contact with the bat (for instance, a +2 weapon
would become a +1 weapon or a +1 weapon would
Runestone Golem: Random Effect become a mundane weapon, etc.) or each round the
bat clings to, and tries to corrode, the item.
1 Great Shout 4 Glyph of Warding*
2 Darkness Globe 5 Petrification Rynocks hang from ceilings like other bats, but will also
use their natural camouflage and attach themselves to
3 Fear 6 Weakness** rusted metal to surprise their prey (noticed on a 1 on
*Glyph of Fire (1-3) or Electricity (4-6): 14 points of
blast damage. Save for half. Sentinel of the Ancestors
**As per Runestone of Weakness. The effect lasts for No. Enc: 1d4
1d4 turns. Alignment: N
Movement: 20
These golems are unaffected by non-magical weapons. Armor Class: 3
Like all golems they are immune to sleep, charm, hold, Hit Dice: 3
and mind-influencing spells. They are unaffected by Attacks: 1
poison or gases. When a runestone golem is destroyed, Damage: 1d6
it falls into a heap of broken stones including 1d4 Save: F3
magical and 1d4 mundane runestones. At least one Morale: 12
of the mundane runestones will bear an inscription Treasure: None
with the name of the priest who constructed the golem. XP: 350
These runestones are considered rare and valued at
500gp. The sentinel of the ancestors is a variant construct
akin to an archaian sentinel or caryatid column. They
Rust Bat appear as stone statues, pillars, or columns in the
form of dwarven warriors. Sentinels will often guard
No. Enc: 1d2+1 (1d10) important locations like a vault or crypt of an ancestor.
Alignment: N They remain inanimate until someone disturbs the
Movement: 5 (Fly 40) place they were assigned to protect. They are made
Armor Class: 5 of a granite strengthened and reinforced with dwarven
Hit Dice: 1 stonecraft and clerical magic.
Attacks: 1
Damage: See below With each hit on a sentinel, the player character must
Save: F1 make two saving throws: the first for the character
Morale: 8 (Paralyze) and the second for the weapon (Death). Roll
Treasure: None the character save first. A successful save results in
XP: 24 damage to the construct but not the PC. If the character
fails, the strength of the stone has quivered up the arm
Rust bats, also called rynocks, are about two feet in to the body of the attacker (1d4 points of damage). Roll
length. They are red-brown in color with underbellies for the weapon next using the character’s unmodified
of burnt orange. Death save. If the weapon fails, it shatters against the
stone. Magical weapons apply their bonuses to the
Rynocks feed of ferrous metal. They attack by swooping saving throw. A successful save results in no effect.
down and attaching to their prey (no damage). Any
Sentinel of the Ancestors Steeders are hierarchical and therefore easily trained.
(Advanced) Gray dwarves use them as mounts but also for hunting
in the caves and caverns of the underdark.
No. Enc: 1d2
Alignment: N Steeders can climb at will. They can climb walls and
Movement: 20 ceilings at half their movement rate. They can perform
Armor Class: 0 a 20-foot jump attack once per combat (+1 on the die).
Hit Dice: 8 Steeders do not possess a poison bite and their webs
Attacks: 2 are flame resistant. Steeders are bloodthirsty. If they
Damage: 1d6+2/per attack detect fresh blood, or draw fresh blood, other steeders
Save: F8 will seek to attack the bloodied target.
Morale: 12
Treasure: None Subterranean races like the duergar construct special
XP: 850 steeder saddles. The saddle allows the rider to hang
upside down while mounted but does not allow the
The greater sentinel of the ancestors is similar to the 3 hit rider to easily dismount. Mounting oneself into a saddle
die sentinel insofar as they appear as statues or columns requires 1 turn.
of dwarven warriors. However, the greater Archaian
sentinel is constructed with stronger enchantments and Toad (Huge)
has greater hit dice. Some are equipped with shields
that provide 25% resistance to magic. No. Enc: 1d2
Alignment: N
The greater sentinel strikes twice (1d6+2 points of Movement: 30
damage with each attack). They are normally armed Armor Class: 4
with stone axes or hammers. Sentinels, if they wish, Hit Dice: 8
can hurl rocks, or break off pieces of stone, to throw Attacks: 1
at opponents (also 1d6+2). Note that the sentinel can Damage: 6d4
divide its two attacks between multiple targets. Save: F8
Morale: 10
Treasure: XIV
Advanced Sentinel of the Ancestors Armaments XP: 2600
1-2 Hammer and Shield
These massive toads are as large as small house and
3-4 Axe and Shield
often weigh between 1000-3000lbs. Like other toads,
5-6 Axe and Hammer the huge toad can blend into their environments,
surprising opponents on a 1-3 on 1d6.
Like the 3 hit die version, striking an advanced sentinel
results in quivering damage and possible weapon- A huge toad has a long 20-foot tongue through which
shattering effect. they attack and yank opponents into their gaping
mouth. A successful bite attack deals 6d4 hit points of
Steeder damage and victims must Save versus Poison or die.

No. Enc: 1d8 Huge poisonous toads have a swallow attack that
Alignment: N is effective against small-sized opponents (dwarf of
Movement: 20 smaller). Swallowed opponents suffer 1d6 hit points of
Armor Class: 4 damage per round. Their treasure is most often strewn
Hit Dice: 3 around their lair or in their belly.
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d6
Save: F3
Morale: 8
Treasure: None
XP: 95

The steeder is a subterranean species of giant spider.

They are relatively short (3 to 3.5 feet high) with black
and brown hair. They have large heads and eight eyes.

Unicorn (Shaggy) The xorn are completely immune to fire or cold-based
attacks. They suffer only half damage from electrical-
No. Enc: 1d3 based attacks, or no damage with a successful saving
Alignment: LG throw. The spells Rock to Mud and Stone to Flesh reduce
Movement: 80 a xorn to AC 8 for 1 round, and the xorn cannot attack
Armor Class: 2 until it transforms back to its original form. The spell
Hit Dice: 7+7 Move Earth pushes a xorn backwards 30 feet and stuns
Attacks: 3 it for 1 round. A xorn can glide through stone, dirt,
Damage: 1d10x2/1d12 or almost any other sort of earth except metal after 1
Save: F7 round of preparation. A Phase Door spell cast on an
Morale: 10 area containing a burrowing xorn kills it instantly. The
Treasure: None xorn possess three eyes and are almost never surprised
XP: 1,300 (1 on d6). The xorn may (50%) possess treasure types
XIx3, XXII, XIII, XXI in their guts. The xorn and the
The shaggy unicorn is a massive and majestic creature. chrysmal are natural enemies.
Adult males stand over six feet in height and can weigh
over 2,000lbs. Their coat is long and shaggy to protect
against the harsh conditions of the Northern Reaches.
Like all unicorns they have a long horn that grows from
the center of their foreheads and their coats are snow

These majestic creatures have the ability to teleport 1

time per day, along with a rider, up to 360 feet. Some
say the elf-chieftains of the Northern Reaches use these
huge creatures as mounts. The creatures are hunted
for their horns, which sages say, function as powerful
magical wands.


No. Enc: 1d4

Alignment: N
Movement: 20
Armor Class: -2
Hit Dice: 7+7
Attacks: 4
Damage: 1d3x3/6d4
Save: F7
Morale: 10
Treasure: See below
XP: 2,100

The xorn are 5-6 feet tall and are native to the elemental
plane of earth. When on the material plane they tend to
live deep underground, where they feed on gemstones.
The Xorn look like boulders when stationary and are
able to blend into their environment (surprise on 1-3 on
1d6). The xorn do not attack humans or demi-humans
as they cannot digest meat. They are largely indifferent
to creatures of the material plane — except for those
carrying precious metals or minerals.

They can smell gemstones up to 20 feet away and will

demand adventurers give them their gem and precious
metals. If refused, they will almost always (90%) attack.

Ser Alec Erminemantle, Knight-Errant
Level 1 Human Paladin of St. Ygg
STR: 17 INT: 14 WIS: 14 DEX: 13 CON: 15 CHA: 17
HP: 11
AC: 1 (Plate, Shield, Dex)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Weapons: Longsword, Mace, Dagger

Equipment: Backpack, Iron Rations (1 Week), Waterskin, Torches (7),

Sacks (4), Vial of Holy Water (2), Silver Holy Symbol, Crowbar, 50’ Rope.
Abilities: Paladin Skills

Krannog, Son of Krannock, Blood Krannuul “Dragon Slayer” Longbeard

Level 1 Dwarf Fighter
STR: 18 INT: 9 WIS: 12 DEX: 13 CON: 16 CHA: 10
HP: 12
AC: 3 (Chain, Shield, & Dex)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Weapons: Hand Axe, Warhammer, Seax Knife

Equipment: Backpack, Iron Rations (1 Week), Waterskin, Sledgehammer,

Iron Spikes (5), Steel Mirror, Grappling Hook, Sacks (6).
Abilities: Dwarf Traits

Aeldir Greenleaf
Level 1 Elf Fighter
STR: 12 INT: 14 WIS: 12 DEX: 16 CON: 13 CHA: 14
HP: 11
AC: 6 (Leather and Dex)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Weapons: Longsword, Longbow and 20 Arrows, Dagger

Equipment: Backpack, Elvish Bread (3 Weeks), Waterskin, Flask of Oil (2),

Large Sacks (3), Small Sacks (5).
Abilities: Elf Traits

Selena the Sorceress
Level 1 Human Magic-User
STR: 12 INT: 17 WIS: 13 DEX: 14 CON: 12 CHA: 18
HP: 4
AC: 9 (Dex)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Weapons: Quarterstaff, Sling and 10 Stones, Dagger

Equipment: Backpack, Iron Rations (1 Week), Spellbook, Waterskin, 10’

Pole, Torch (7), Flint and Tinder, Parchment, Quill, Ink Pot, Steel Scroll
Tube, Small Steel Mirror, Caltrops (2 Bags).
Spellbook: Read Magic, Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Floating Disc

Brother Botram
Level 1 Human Cleric of St. Ygg
STR: 14 INT: 12 WIS: 16 DEX: 13 CON: 13 CHA: 12
HP: 9
AC: 3 (Chain, Shield, and Dex)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Weapons: Mace, Warhammer, Sling and 20 Stones

Equipment: Backpack, Iron Rations (1 Week), Waterskin, Holy Symbol,

Wooden Spikes (3), Prayer Beads, Large Sacks (3), Vial of Holy Water (3).
Spells: Cure Light Wounds

Dramwise Barleycorn
Level 1 Halfling Thief
STR: 12 INT: 13 WIS: 12 DEX: 16 CON: 14 CHA: 15
HP: 7
AC: 6 (Leather and Dex)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Weapons: Shortsword, Dagger (x3)

Equipment: Equipment: Backpack, Iron Rations (1 Week), Waterskin,

Small Lantern, Flask of Oil, Flint and Tinder, Steel Scroll Case, Pouch of
Flour, Garlic, Caltrops, Thieves’ Picks and Tools, Steel Vial of Acid, Chalk.
Abilities: Thief Skills

Rival Adventuring Parties Second Sons
Regg’s Dregs Gorum Grimbeard, Son of Garuuk
Level 3 Dwarven Fighter
Regg Mac Easbuig
S 18 I8 W 16 D 14 C 13 Ch 8
Level 1 Human Fighter
AL: LG HP: 26 AC: 1 (Plate, Shield, Dex)
S 16 I8 W6 D 10 C 10 Ch 17
Weapons: Warhammer +1, Handaxe, Dagger
AL: NG HP: 10 AC: 4 (Chain and Shield)
Weapons: Broadsword, Heavy Crossbow, Dagger Thormach “One-Eye” Longbeard
Level 2 Dwarven Fighter
Masdra, Daughter of Grimnir
S 11 I 10 W 12 D9 C 13 Ch 11
Level 1 Human Cleric of Odin
AL: LG HP: 15 AC: 4 (Chain and Shield)
S7 I6 W 17 D9 C 15 Ch 16
Weapons: Handaxe, Warhammer, Light Crossbow
AL: NG HP: 9 AC: 6 (Studded and Shield)
Weapons: Hammer and Sling Dwaltok Ironmane, Son of Dwaltor
Spells (1): Cure Light Wounds Level 3 Dwarven Fighter/Level 3 Cleric of Dhurindane
S 18 I 14 W 17 D 10 C 15 Ch 12
Magnus the Magician
AL: NG HP: 23 AC: 0 (Plate, Shield +1, Dex)
Level 1 Gnome Illusionist
Weapons: Warhammer, Mace, Sling
S9 I 17 W 12 D 16 C 16 Ch 12
Spells (3): Command, Protection from Evil, Spiritual
AL: LG HP: 6 AC: 8 (Dex) Hammer
Weapons: Quarterstaff and Four Daggers
Spells (1): Hypnotism, Read Magic, Detect Magic Nodom Stonehammer of Citadel Silver
Level 2 Dwarven Fighter/Level 2 Thief
Uktu One-Eye S 15 I 15 W 10 D 18 C 16 Ch 9
Level 1 Cyclopsman Fighter AL: NG HP: 17 AC: 4 (Studded and Dex)
S 16 I 13 W 10 D 14 C 16 Ch 10 Weapons: Broadsword, Light Crossbow, Dagger
AL: LG HP: 11 AC: 3 (Chain, Shield, Dex) Thief Abilities: PL 30%, F/RT 27%, PP 27%, MS 27%
Weapons: Broadsword, Mace, Longbow CW 78% HS 17% HN 1-2

Caledon Crowfoot Storack Rockfist, Blood of Stordin the Hammerhand
Level 1 Human Fighter Level 2 Dwarven Fighter
S 15 I 14 W 13 D 17 C 12 Ch 15 S 17 I7 W 12 D 11 C 13 Ch 7
AL: CG HP: 10 AC: 5 (Studded and Dex) AL: NG HP: 16 AC: 4 (Chain, Dex)
Weapons: Longbow, Spear, Dagger Weapons: Battle Axe, Warhammer, Dagger

The Wolverines! Ulag’s Outlaws
Jed Strongarm Ulag “Great Axe” Ironhand,
Level 2 Human Fighter/Level 2 Cleric of Crom Blood of Ulum, Hero of Coldwater
S 16 I 15 W 16 D9 C 17 Ch 10 Level 2 Dwarven Fighter
AL: NG HP: 21 AC: 4 (Chain and Shield) S 18 I 10 W 14 D 15 C 17 Ch 13

Weapons: Mace, Sling AL: LN HP: 18 AC: 3 (Half Plate and Dex)

Spells (2): Command, Cure Light Wounds Weapons: Battle Axe +1, Hand Axe, Dagger

Eruka of Thatchum Halgdain Rockbottom of Clan Rockbottom

Level 1 Human Cleric of Syldina Level 1 Dwarven Fighter
S9 I 13 W 17 D 17 C 10 Ch 14 S 14 I 13 W 13 D 17 C 14 Ch 13

AL: CG HP: 8 AC: 4 (Ringmail, Shield, Dex) AL: LN HP: 11 AC: 2 (Chain, Shield, Dex)

Weapons: Mace and Sling Weapons: Warhammer, Hand Axe, Light Crossbow

Spells (1): Cure Light Wounds

Goli “Broadhead” Ironside, Son of Golakk
Level 2 Dwarven Fighter
Advar of the Red Dawn
S 18 I 11 W 14 D 17 C 14 Ch 12
Level 2 Human Fighter
S 10 I 10 W5 D9 C9 Ch 16 AL: N HP: 17 AC: 1 (Half Plate, Shield, Dex)

AL: CG HP: 15 AC: 7 (Leather and Shield) Weapons: Hand Axe, Warhammer, Shortsword

Weapons: Broadsword, Spear, Dagger

Braefrag Mountainbeard
Level 2 Dwarven Fighter
Teasdale the Mystic
S 14 I 12 W 12 D 10 C 13 Ch 15
Level 3 Half-Elf Magic-User
S 11 I 17 W 14 D 13 C 13 Ch 16 AL: CN HP: 16 AC: 4 (Chain and Shield)

AL: N HP: 10 AC: 7 (Ring +2 and Dex) Weapons: Spear, Hand Axe, Light Crossbow

Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger, Darts (9)

Mulmar Brighthammer of the Red Crystal Caves
Spells (3): Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Read Magic,
Chandra-Kar’s Charm of Disciplinary Jargon Level 1 Dwarven Fighter
S 15 I 10 W 14 D 13 C 15 Ch 12
Mattice Lightfinger AL: LN HP: 11 AC: 5 (Ringmail, Shield, Dex)
Level 2 Human Magic-User/Level 2 Thief Weapons: Warhammer, Mace, Sling, Dagger
S 14 I 18 W 17 D 16 C 15 Ch 9
AL: NG HP: 14 AC: 7 (Cloak +1 and Dex)
Weapons: Shortsword, Light Crossbow, Dagger
Spells (2): Aztazibar’s Acrid Finger, Mazakala’s
Imperfect Panic, Read Magic, Detect Magic

Tayback’s Four-Leafs Valdghar’s Vandals
Tayback Knut Valdgharson
Level 4 Half-Elf Fighter Level 2 Human Barbarian
S 15 I 15 W 10 D 16 C 11 Ch 14 S 18 I 11 W 11 D 10 C 17 Ch 11
AL: CG HP: 32 AC: 5 (Studded +2) AL: CN HP: 20 AC: 6 (Studded and Shield)
Weapons: Longsword, Longbow +1, Dagger Weapons: Broadsword, Spear, Hand Axe, Dagger

Tavaran Greenmantle Arne the Vandal

Level 4 Elf Thief Level 2 Human Barbarian
S 10 I 14 W 15 D 17 C 16 Ch 17 S 17 I 11 W9 D9 C 18 Ch 10
AL: NG HP: 22 AC: 4 (Cloak +2, Ring +2, Dex AL: CN HP: 19 AC: 7 (Ringmail)
Weapons: Longsword, Longbow, Dagger Weapons: Battle Axe, Hand Axe, Dagger
Thief Abilities: PL 26%, F/RT 23%, PP 42%, MS 44%,
CW 90%, HS 37%, HN: 1-4 Erik the Chosen of Valdghar
Level 2 Human Cleric
Nueloth Starsilver S 16 I8 W9 D9 C 18 Ch 8
Level 3 Elf Fighter/Level 3 Cleric of Aeldrin Moonbow AL: N HP: 21 AC: 7 (Ringmail)
S 17 I 16 W 18 D 17 C 11 Ch 14 Weapons: Great Hammer, Sling
AL: CG HP: 35 AC: 3 (Elven Chainmail +2, Dex) Spells (2): Cure Light Wounds, Command
Weapons: Mace +1, Sling
Spells (3): Cure Light Wounds, Command, Hold Torsten of Frozenfar
Person Level 1 Human Barbarian
S 16 I 12 W 10 D 15 C 16 Ch 16
Illuthil of the Woodland Realm
AL: CN HP: 12 AC: 6 (Leather, Shield, Dex)
Level 4 Elf Magic-User
Weapons: Broadsword, Hand Axe, Dagger
S 11 I 16 W 13 D 16 C 11 Ch 14
AL: CG HP: 12 AC: 4 (Robe +2, Ring +2, Dex)
Ulf of the Frost Wolves
Weapons: Quarterstaff of Striking, Dagger Level 1 Human Barbarian
Spells (4): Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Read Magic, S 18 I9 W 13 D 17 C 13 Ch 13
Detect Magic, Invisibility, Pyrotechnics
AL: NG HP: 11 AC: 5 (Studded, Dex)
Aithlin Sun-and-Stars Weapons: Two-Handed Sword, Spear, Dagger
Level 2 Elf Fighter/Level 2 Magic-User
S 14 I 14 W 13 D 13 C9 Ch 15
AL: CN HP: 16 AC: 5 (Bracers AC6, Dex)
Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger of Hurling +1
Spells (2): Fennril’s Exquisite Strangulation, Baltron’s
Black Sheen, Read Magic, Detect Magic



The Slovenly Trull Random Patron Generator
Name Morning Noon Evening Present?
Lug One-Eye 95% 95% 95% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Algar the Absentee Bartender 30% 40% 60% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Jala the Barmaid 95% 95% 95% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Gethek and Dundrall Cobblestone 95% 95% 95% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Duras Longbeard 15% 15% 65% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Haldal, Oric, Falbrig Longbeard 10% 25% 65% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Angarr Tunneltrue 20% 40% 60% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Uldram Broadbeam 30% 60% 90% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Martok Longbeard 10% 10% 50% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Grewl Hammerhand 10% 10% 80% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Company of the Axe Mercenaries 50% 50% 80% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Ancient Seer 1% 25% 20% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Garduul Ironforge 15% 15% 45% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Karnir, Georin, Dunli Ironforge 15% 35% 65% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Aldrick and Malkin (Apprentices) 15% 35% 75% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Andrax Ironforge 10% 10% 30% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
High Priest Halgdrin Stoneborn 5% 15% 10% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Old One Khalg Hammerhand 5% 10% 5% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Gilius Ironforge 15% 35% 15% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Skuld of Odin 10% 10% 10% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
King Thorgallin Stoneborn 5% 5% 5% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Queen Findlass Stoneborn 5% 5% 5% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Prince Thordain Stoneborn 20% 40% 60% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Princeling Thordak Stoneborn 40% 60% 80% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Cuthgaert, Senior-Ealdorman 40% 60% 80% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Cernwahl, Ealdorman 20% 40% 60% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Eadbhert, Ealdorman 10% 40% 20% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Regg’s Dregs 15% 25% 50% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Second Sons 15% 25% 50% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
The Wolverines! 15% 25% 50% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Ulag’s Outlaws 15% 25% 50% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Tayback’s Four-Leafs 15% 25% 50% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Valdghar’s Vandals 15% 25% 50% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Dwarf Ironstone Miners (1d6+2) 10% 20% 60% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Dwarf Villagers (1d4+2) 35% 45% 85% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Human Villagers (1d4+2) 35% 65% 75% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Human Farmers (1d4+2) 35% 65% 75% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Level 0 Men-at-Arms (1d4) 25% 35% 75% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Level 1 Henchmen (1d2) 25% 35% 75% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Porters/Torchbearers (1d2) 35% 65% 65% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Evil Brigands (1d4+2) 15% 25% 45% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Sheepherders (1d4) 20% 65% 35% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Merchants (1d4+1) 35% 70% 95% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Dwarf Apprentices (1d4+1) 20% 60% 60% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Cyclopsmen (1d4) 45% 75% 85% ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐


1 May this stone stand in commemoration of the Siege of the Black Moons in the Year 249.
2 We memorialize the heroism of Thordur Ironforge who charged the black orcs at the Battle of the Lonely Stones.
3 Kulain etched this stone in memory of Kulnir Cobblestone, my father.
4 In the Year 34, Gorgrom, Blood of Falgorm, became Lord of House Hammerhand. I Dondur carved these runes.
5 We celebrate the birth of Bamlin Tunneltrue, Grandson of Bamghar, in the Year 582. I Kaldun caved these runes.
6 Hamrak, Grandson of Bragrak Silverfist, engraved this stone in worship to Thaneduhr.
7 This stone marks the life of Hambuin Silverhand, Master Blacksmith.
8 Huldock, etched this stone in honour of my ancestor Braedock in the Year 944.
9 May this stone stand in recognition of the Siege of Three Hills in the Year 625.
10 This stone marks the opening of the Copper Mine dedicated to my ancestor Bragdram in the Year 720.
11 Broannic cut these runes in memory of Duric Greathammer who died at the Battle of the Little Round Cairn.
12 Alloc carved this stone in glory to the ancestors of House Ironforge.
13 This runestone marks the anniversary of the Battle of Blackhold.
14 This stone celebrates the opening of the Gold Mine dedicated to Thaneduhr in the Year 291.
15 This runestone marks the anniversary of the Battle of the Black Pits.
16 I, Banmor, Son of Banur Broadbeam, carved this stone to Dhurindain in the hope of children with my wife Thurla.
17 Rothrar carved this stone in honour of the ancestors of House Broadbeam.
18 Forgrum had these runes cut in memory of Multek Stonebeard who died at the Battle of the Black Sky.
19 Thaneduhr blessed me with strength and bravery at the Siege of Blackwater in the Year 902. Nortok etched these runes.
20 This stone marks the acceptance of Gimhur Redaxe into House Ironforge in the Year 763. I, Gunli, carved these runes.
21 My Uncle died at the Battle of the Goblin Barrows. I, Kanglin Ironforge, carved these runes.
22 Thaneduhr blessed me with strength at the Battle of Dark Mountain in the Year 111.
23 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Hamdin Hardhelm in the Year 673.
24 I, Maror, carved this runestone to honour the ancestors of House Barrelheart.
25 Behold my father Huldal Longbeard who pushed back the ogre vanguard at the Battle of Brannick’s Tor.
26 Kartek etched this stone in memory of Algal, my friend.
27 I, Ragror, wrote this runestone to honour the ancestors of House Strongstar.
28 This stone marks the birth of my son Bragdrim of House Hammerhand in the Year 716.
29 Galund, Blood of Galorin Grimfoot, engraved this stone in worship to Dhurindain.
30 I, Banmor, offer this stone to Geddinthor for strength and bravery in the Battle of Two Fords.
31 I, Thandrin, etched this stone to honour the ancestors of House Rockbeard.
32 This stone marks the life of Thindhur Stonehelm, Old One of Thaneduhr.
33 This stone marks the opening of the Platinum Mine dedicated to Dhurindain in the Year 188
34 I, Runli, Son of Rundain Battlehammer, carved this stone in prayer to Geddinthor.
35 I, Dorin, etched this stone in honour of my ancestor Thandal Longbeard in the Year 647.
36 This stone immortalizes the life of Kharack Ironanvil, Master Weaponsmith.
37 In commemoration of the Siege of Black Glen. I, Dranrum, Blood of Drandar Hammerhand, carved these runes.
38 This stone marks the birth of my son Draelur of House Tunneltrue in the Year 976.
39 Norain Flinthammer etched these runes in remembrance of the life and bravery of my nephew Nordhur.
40 This stone announces the birth of my son Kharlur of House Hammerhand in the Year 600.
41 This stone celebrates the life of Guthain Greathammer, Master Blacksmith.
42 Radaggan etched this stone in memory of Radlar Tunneltrue, my friend.
43 This stone marks the birth of my son Alur of House Stoneborn in the Year 455.
44 This stone marks the name day of Dwaltek Thunderheart in the Year 98.
45 I, Drulin, Grandson of Durli Hammerhand, carved this stone in prayer to Dhurindain for the fertility of my children.
46 Gimdri, Grandson of Rothdal Brightaxe, engraved this stone in worship to Dhurindain.
47 I, Karkarak, Son of Karnan, offer this stone to Dhurindain for strength and bravery in the Battle of the Rusty Pike.
48 I, Dundal, Grandson of Dundorri Hillsmith, offer this stone to Geddinthor for courage in the Battle of Silver Spurs.
49 I, the widow of Thinmor, etched these runes. He was slain by Ogres at the Battle of Bleached Peaks in 543.
50 On the opening of this Crystal Mine, I pray to thee Dhurindain.

51 My father Thudlin Hammerhand led the ambush against the Red Ear Goblins at the Battle of Frozen Barrows.
52 May this stone stand in recognition of the Battle of Troll Tor in the Year 83.
53 Gimain carved this stone to bring glory to the ancestors of House Ironforge.
54 My grandfather Thangrom Longbeard, Son of Golgrom, charged the orc shieldwall at the battle of Burnt Cliffs in 433.
55 Hamrak had these runes cut in memory of Killind Greathand who was slain at the Battle of the Black Stockade.
56 On the opening of this Salt Mine, I pray to my ancestor Gimthor.
57 On the opening of this Bloodstone Mine, I pray to my ancestor Dagdal Silverbeard.
58 I, Morindin, Blood of Morthain, offer this stone to Thaneduhr for strength in the Battle of the White Citadel.
59 This runestone celebrates the apprenticeship of Rundock Tunneltrue, Master Ironstone Miner, in the Year 521.
60 Rolli etched this stone in honour of my ancestor Banli in the Year 577.
61 Kiltok Mountainbeard etch these runes to remember the life and bravery of my nephew Kildur. Slain by the Goblin King.
62 I, Bragmir, carved this runestone to honour the ancestors of House Warstone.
63 I etched these runes in remembrance of the life and bravery of my Grandfather Bragdur, the Hero of Nalgur Pass.
64 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Thordan Battleshield in the Year 875.
65 I, Gergrim Longhelm, etched these runes in remembrance of the life and bravery of my friend Thontek.
66 Halbuin had these runes cut in memory of Braenock Blackfist who was slain by orcs at the Battle of Eagle Peak.
67 Falrum etched this stone in memory of Norir Ironforge, my uncle.
68 Galdin, Son of Galdhur Greatheart, engraved this stone in praise to Geddinthor.
69 Dhurindain blessed me with strength at the Battle of Silver Caves in the Year 128. I, Dranlin etched these runes.
70 Dramdain had these runes cut in memory of Raldhur Stoneforge who died at the Battle of the Pinned Barrow.
71 On the opening of this Crystal Mine, I pray to my ancestor Ragonk Brewbeard.
72 May this stone stand in recognition of the Siege of Dark Hammers in the Year 761.
73 My Nephew died at the Battle of Shattered Axes. I, Brodhur Broadbeam, carved these runes.
74 This runestone marks the anniversary of the Siege of Bleached Bones.
75 In commemoration of the Battle of Braydon Hill in 876. I, Ragdin, carved these runes.
76 My Son died at the Battle of the Salt Gate. I, Gerg Battlehammer, carved these runes.
77 I, Balice Hillsfar, widow of Rundur, etched these runes. He was slain by giants at the Battle of the Red Pass.
78 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Gaxlig Glitterhame in the Year 229.
79 This stone marks the opening of the Mithril Mine dedicated to Thaneduhr in the Year 959.
80 This stone marks the opening of the Great Hall of the Fourth Deep. Dedicated to my ancestor Drambrag in the Year 619.
81 My nephew died at the Battle of Karda Brae. I, Dununn Stoneborn, carved these runes.
82 Durnar, son of Guthain Ironbeard, engraved this stone in worship to Dhurindain.
83 I, Brairn, wrote this runestone to honour the ancestors of House Grimforge.
84 In commemoration of the Battle of Black Teeth. I, Ragdan, Blood of Ragdar Barrelstane, carved these runes.
85 Thangrim Mountainanvil etched these runes in remembrance of the life and bravery of my grandfather Thandock.
86 I, Dramund, carved this stone in prayer to Dhurindain in the hope of fertility with my beloved wife Kilta.
87 I, Kharor, Blood of Kharudan carved this stone in prayer to Thaneduhr.
88 This runestone marks the anniversary of the Battle of Ninestane Henge.
89 This stone marks the life of Huldain Anvilstane, Master Armourer.
90 Dhurindain blessed me with strength at the Siege of the Broken Spear in the Year 553. Braeolf etched these runes.
91 I, Gimir Blackbeard, Father of Undir, etched these runes. He was slain by giants at the Siege of Yellow Tears.
92 Thonag etched this stone in honour of my ancestor Thondal in the Year 227.
93 This stone marks the birth of my son Brodal of House Stoneborn in the Year 963.
94 May this stone stand in recognition of the Battle of the Salt Bridge in the Year 999.
95 My nephew died at the Battle of Broken Armies. I, Fimdhur Broadbeam, carved these runes.
96 We mark the anointment of Fimror Stoneborn, Blood of Galror, into the service of Thaneduhr in the Year 391.
97 I, Bamag, Son of Bamdal Giantbane, offer this stone to Geddinthor for courage in the Siege of Green Trolls.
98 In commemoration of the Siege of Three Hammers. I, Aldrag, Son of Dhurdrag, carved these runes.
99 Dagrar carved this stone to bring glory to the ancestors of House Broadbeam.
00 May this stone stand in commemoration of the Siege of the Black Moons in the Year 249.


1 We honour the sacrifice of Drangrim Tunneltrue who led the charge at the trolls at the Second Battle of the Black Peaks.
2 Gimdin had these runes cut in memory of Thondin Goldsmith who died at the Battle of the Black Ford.
3 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Thandal Goldhelm in the Year 573.
4 In honour of Gimfrag Tunneltrue, Grandson of Gimdal. I, Bandal Blackheart, carved these runes in the Year 355.
5 I eternalize the courage of my friend Klarbuin, who ran into the goblins and was slain at the Battle of the Maiden’s Stone.
6 Dundri cut this stone in memory of Runairn Rocksmith who died at the Siege of the Dhurri’s Keep.
7 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Yaldal Stoneanvil in the Year 651.
8 This runestone celebrates the birth of Hamtek Tunneltrue in the Year 6. I, Hamlin Battleheart, carved these runes.
9 In honour of my uncle Ragrak Stoneborn, Blood of Thaneduhr. Slain by the trolls at the Third Battle of the Frozen Peaks.
10 Stornir had these runes cut in memory of Gimrim Strongfoot who died at the Siege of the Iron Holdfast.
11 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Urtek Barrelstane in the Year 438.
12 In celebration of Fimtok Tunneltrue, Grandson of Fimdal, into the service of Dhurindain in the Year 454.
13 The courage of Borukk Cobblestone, held the shieldwall against the orcs at the Battle of the Old Dwarf Bridge.
14 Kardur had these runes cut in memory of Dwalag Hammerhand who died at the Battle of the Red Thicket.
15 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Muldain Ironshield in the Year 16.
16 This runestone honours the apprenticeship of Daldin Stonehand to House Hammerhand in the Year 805.
17 Kalrar etched this stone in memory of Mulmar Cobblestone, my nephew.
18 In commemoration of the Battle of Mist Hills. I, Thorlur, Blood of Durdalin Ironforge, carved these runes.
19 May this stone stand in recognition of the Battle of Three Axes in the Year 805.
20 I, Hamdin, Son of Hamdal, carved this stone in prayer and humility to mighty Dhurindain.
21 This stone marks the opening of the Mithril Mine dedicated to Thaneduhr in the Year 550.
22 On the opening of Great Bloodstone Hall, I pray for the blessings of Dhurindain.
23 Karmor Greataxe etched these runes in remembrance of the life and bravery of my father Galdock.
24 I, Dranan, Blood of Drandri Hammerhand, offer this stone to Geddinthor for strength in the Battle of the Forest Moons.
25 This stone marks the birth of my son Galir of House Stoneborn in the Year 842.
26 I, Brorum, wrote this runestone to honour the ancestors of House Hammersmith.
27 Drandock etched this stone in honour of my ancestor Gorli Woodenshield in the Year 432.
28 This runestone marks the anniversary of the Siege of Sunken Barrows.
29 Galgrim carved this stone in honour of the ancestors of House Ironforge.
30 Kharri, Blood of Halgarri Rockforge, engraved this stone in worship to Thaneduhr.
31 I, Barfrag, friend of Thannar, etched these runes. He was slain by orcs at the Battle of the Salt Mines of Darmoor.
32 This stone marks the life of Hamrak Stoneheid, Master Armourer.
33 My Uncle died at the Siege of the Grassy Hill. I, Kilgal Tunneltrue, carved these runes.
34 Dhurindain blessed me with bravery at the Battle of the Round Drumlin in the Year 404. Drandir etched these runes.
35 Return to me.
36 In commemoration of the Battle of Bleached Bones. I, Drambuin, Grandson of Dramdun Redbeard, carved these runes.
37 May this stone stand in recognition of the war of Bloody Hammers in the Year 682.
38 I, Gorrak, carved this stone in prayer to Thaneduhr in the hope of fertility with my beloved wife Bralli.
39 This stone marks the opening of the Iron Mine in praise of my ancestor Furin Oakhelm in the Year 311.
40 On the opening of this Diamond Mine, I pray to mighty Dworgrim.
41 Hamtok Goldcrown etched these runes in remembrance of the life and bravery of my father Grolur.
42 I, Fimhur, Blood of Fimlock Proudheart, offer this stone to Geddinthor for strength in the Battle of Uddar’s Holdfast.
43 This stone marks the birth of my son Runrak of House Hammerhand in the Year 928.
44 I, Gallur, wrote this runestone to honour the ancestors of House Silvercrown.
45 Kurolf etched this stone in honour of my ancestor Thondurric in the Year 183.
46 This runestone marks the anniversary of the Battle of Long Bones.
47 Ragorric carved this stone to bring glory to the ancestors of House Ironforge.
48 Gromir, Grandson of Groror Ironshield, engraved this stone in worship to Dhurindain.
49 I, Bragdin Barrelhame, Uncle of Bragdal, etched these runes. He was slain by goblins at the Siege of Black Spears.
50 This stone marks the life of Grodain Battleanvil, Master Architect.

51 My Father died at the Battle of Wooden Shields. I, Thingrim Longbeard, carved these runes.
52 Thaneduhr blessed me with strength at the Battle of Goblin Gorge in the Year 500. Fimrim etched these runes.
53 Bannir etched this stone in memory of Brori Cobblestone, my father.
54 In commemoration of the Battle of the Sinking Fen. I, Bragdin, Grandson of Braggeddin, carved these runes.
55 May this stone stand in honour of the Battle of Broken Teeth in the Year 165.
56 I, Gurdrin, Son of Gurri, carved this stone in prayer to the Secret-Keeper.
57 This stone marks the opening of the Mithril Mine in honour to Thaneduhr in the Year 840.
58 On the opening of this Great Hall, I pray to my ancestor Rothdal Greystone.
59 Dallin Battlebeard etched these runes in remembrance of the life and bravery of my Uncle Dallgor.
60 Honour Drangrim Tunneltrue who led the charge against the trolls at the Second Battle of the Black Peaks and was slain.
61 Gimdin had these runes cut in memory of Thondin Goldsmith who died at the Battle of the Black Ford.
62 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Thandal Goldhelm in the Year 573.
63 This runestone glorifies the coronation of Gimfrag Tunneltrue, Grandson of Gimdal in the Year 355.
64 This stone eternalizes the courage of my friend Klarbuin, who wadded into the goblinsat the Battle of Grimdark Stone.
65 Dundri cut this stone in memory of Runairn Rocksmith who died at the Siege of the Dhurri’s Keep.
66 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Yaldal Stoneanvil in the Year 651.
67 This runestone celebrates the birth of Hamtek Tunneltrue in the Year 6. I, Hamlin Battleheart, carved these runes.
68 These runes remember the courage of Ragrak Stoneborn, slain by the trolls at the Third Battle of the Frozen Peaks.
69 I, Ragtok II, carved this stone in prayer to Thaneduhr for the health of my family.
70 This stone marks the opening of the Copper Mine to Thaneduhr in the Year 132.
71 I, Storag Greatforge, Grandfather of Storli, etched these runes. He was slain by wolves at the Battle of Broken Shields.
72 Gorrum Battlehand etched these runes in remembrance of life and bravery of my nephew Gordur.
73 I, Baldain, Blood of Baldric “Great Shout” Longbeard, offer this stone to Geddinthor for the blessing of strength.
74 This stone marks the birth of my son Bamur of House Cobblestone in the Year 335.
75 Idri wrote this runestone to honour the ancestors of House Thunderheart.
76 Kalund etched this stone in honour of my ancestor Lurund Broadbeam in the Year 464.
77 This runestone marks the anniversary of the Third Battle of Citadel Sleet.
78 Killic carved this stone to bring glory to the ancestors of House Tunneltrue.
79 Kordaldrak, Blood of Rudald Flintbane, engraved this stone in worship to Dworgirm.
80 Thaneduhr spared me at the Battle of Yellow Bones in the Year 231. Draek Warhelm etched these runes.
81 Falrar etched this stone in memory of Dalgrar Ironforge, my uncle.
82 In commemoration of the Siege of Severed Heads. I, Gimog II, carved these runes.
83 May this stone stand in recognition of the Battle of Boggy Fen in the Year 521.
84 I, Hulror II, carved this stone in prayer to Geddinthor for success in business.
85 This stone marks the opening of the Silver Mine dedicated to my ancestor Gorfal in the Year 371.
86 On the opening of this Gold Mine, I pray to thee Geddinthor.
87 Barunn Grimhelm etched these runes in remembrance of life and bravery of my nephew Norunn.
88 I, Hulgtok Son of Martok IV, offer this stone to Geddinthor for courage in the Siege of the Brown Plateau.
89 This stone marks the birth of my son Draegrim of House Cobblestone in the Year 302.
90 I, Benhurn, carved this runestone to honour the ancestors of House Longbeard.
91 Thaneduhr blessed me with strength of heart at the Battle of Yellow Bones in the Year 704. Dramlic etched these runes.
92 Remember the strength of my cousin Thalur Ironforge II who wadded into the orc ranks at the Battle of the Bloody Axes.
93 Dwalund had these runes cut in memory of Grundin Hardcrown who was slain at the Battle of the Dead Fields.
94 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Halgdin Goldanvil in the Year 99.
95 This runestone immortalizes the adoption of Grunrak Broadbeam III in the Year 78. I, Knir, carved these runes.
96 I, Mormar Ironforge, slayed the ogre champion Yagbaek at the Siege of the First Battle of the Gap of Gnarr.
97 I, Storack Hardfist, Father of Storgrom, etched these runes. He was slain by Hill Giants at the Siege of the Steading.
98 This stone marks the life of Muldal Blackanvil, Master Warrior.
99 My uncle died at the Battle of Long Bones. I, Dramric Tunneltrue, carved these runes.
00 I, Durri Underheart, Father of Durindal, etched these runes. He was slain by frost giants at the Battle of the Glacial Rift.


1 I, Gurrald, Son of Gurstal Longbeard, offer this stone to Geddinthor for strength and bravery in battle.
2 This stone marks the birth of my son Burdain of House Broadbeam in the Year 266.
3 I, Storur, etched this runestone to honour the ancestors of House Battlebeard.
4 Bragnar etched this stone in honour of my ancestor Bragain “Barrel” Cobblestone in the Year 826.
5 This runestone marks the anniversary of the Battle of Broken Boulders.
6 Halgbuin carved this stone to bring glory to the ancestors of House Longbeard.
7 Grolli, Granddaughter of Muldain Thunderhammer, engraved this stone in worship to Dhurindain.
8 I, Kaliss, Grandmother of Dranorin, etched these runes. He was slain by goblins at the Battle of Frozen Hammers.
9 This stone marks the life of Braegur Grimhand, Old One of Geddinthor.
10 My Son died at the Siege of Yellow Tor. I, Bragund Hammerhand, carved these runes.
11 Thaneduhr blessed me with strength at the Second Battle of Broken Spurs. Drandon Axesmith etched these runes.
12 We mark the heroism of Grunrum, who led the ambush against the hobgoblins at the Battle of the Slaver’s Stockade.
13 Gorunn had these runes cut in memory of Dwaldaggan Stonecrown who died at the Battle of the Blackened Bog.
14 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Raghur Warstone in the Year 818.
15 I eternalize the coronation of Runlin Cobblestone, Blood of Runedalin, as Lord of House Cobblestone in the Year 278.
16 My father Fintok Tunneltrue, Blood of Gorfindal, led the orc ambush against that saved the Battle of the Inverness Keep.
17 Balfrag had these runes cut in memory of Gurdal Strongarm who died at the Battle of the Bloody Fen.
18 This stone marks the name day of Yurmak Thundertongue in the Year 905.
19 Behold the anointment of Burdur Ironforge to Dhurindain in the Year 337. I, Gimmin, carved these runes.
20 My father Rothdock Cobblestone held against the Goblin Shieldwall for four hours at the Battle of the White Mound.
21 Orin had these runes cut in memory of Furgal Mountainsmith who died at the Battle of the Barrier Peaks.
22 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Karrock Battlehelm in the Year 886.
23 Frar Blackhand, apprenticed to House Broadbeam in the Year 694. I, Mardin, carved these runes.
24 This stone marks the bravery of Braebur Ironforge who lead the assault on the giant vanguard at the Battle of Threshold.
25 Thorain had these runes cut in memory of Dramdir Hammerstone who died at the Battle of the Skara Down.
26 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Karrak Goldeater in the Year 871.
27 I, Furdag, carved these runes to celebrate adoption of Grotok Rockbottom into House Cobblestone in the Year 248.
28 I celebrate my father Thalbane Broadbeam who lead the assault on the hobgoblin pikes at the Battle of Misty River.
29 Balar had these runes cut in memory of Storog Hillstar who died at the Siege of Thistle’s End.
30 This stone marks the name day of Rorund Mountainbrow in the Year 237.
31 This runestone marks the coronation of Galban Hammerhand I in the Year 46. I, Grungrom, carved these runes.
32 I, Halgral Broadbeam IV, slayed the goblin warlord Yustal at the Battle of the Pined Gap.
33 This stone glorifies my father Morglar Hammerhand II who rallied against the ogres at the Battle of the Shallow Fen.
34 Bamrim had these runes cut in memory of Nori Brewbeard who died at the Battle of the Flat Cairn.
35 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Ragrin Grimshield in the Year 331.
36 This runestone memorializes my father Halgir Stoneborn, Son of Durgir, in the Year 673. I, Halgorin, carved these runes.
37 I, Galdoc Tunneltrue, Grandson of Galdhurin, slayed the Orc Warlord Uzgeg at the Battle of the Red Mushroom Caves.
38 This stone glorifies the sacrifice of my father Thorir Ironforge II who pushed back the trolls at the Battle of Bloody Stones.
39 Brobin had these runes cut in memory of Thur Longhame who died at the Battle of the Stunted Trees.
40 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Thanrag Battlefist in the Year 721.
41 This runestone marks the apprenticeship of Kilain Longbeard II in the Year. I, Kardur Axecrown, carved these runes.
42 I, Albuin Ironforge II, slayed the hobgoblin berserker Sizgut at the Battle of the Bloodstone Mines.
43 This stone honours my father Storur Tunneltrue II who wadded into the black orc scimitars at the Battle of the Circle.
44 We are the Earth, and the Stone, the Dwarves from Rock, Made Flesh and Bone, our Axes, and Hammers sing.
45 Thandhur had these runes cut in memory of Galrak Warhammer who died at the Battle of Barrowmoor.
46 This stone was carved to mark the name day of Norgrom Grimstone in the Year 873.
47 This runestone marks the apprenticeship of Bamdur Hammerhand IV in the Year 222. I, Thanror, carved these runes.
48 I, Ragric Stoneborn, slayed the troll warlord Ughgek at the Siege of the Black Mounds.
49 Thandhur cut these runes to honour mighty Thaneduhr.
50 This runestone honours my ancestor Dworgrim in the Year 2.

51 Galdhur etched this stone in memory of Ori Tunneltrue, my grandfather.
52 In commemoration of the Battle of Three Keeps. I, Rag mir/ric II, carved these runes.
53 May this stone stand in recognition of the Siege of Broken Hammers in the Year 476.
54 I, Dramdur IV, carved this stone in prayer to Thaneduhr for the strength to protect my people.
55 This stone marks the opening of the Bloodstone Mine dedicated to Geddinthor in the Year 774.
56 On the opening of this Copper Mine, I pray to my ancestor Galmar.
57 Gorin Mountainheart etched these runes in remembrance of the life and bravery of my grandfather Brorir.
58 I, Raglur, Blood of Ragalan Bloodaxe, offer this stone to Dhurindain for strength in the Battle of Purple Highlands.
59 This stone marks the birth of my son Balnar of House Ironforge in the Year 841.
60 I, Galdri, wrote this runestone to honour the ancestors of House Blackhame.
61 Dunran etched this stone in honour of my ancestor Balnir in the Year 379.
62 This runestone marks the anniversary of the Battle of Shattered Hammers.
63 Ragolf carved this stone to bring glory to the ancestors of House Cobblestone.
64 Valdric, Son of Falkk Greathelm, engraved this stone in worship to Dhurindain.
65 I, Balda Greathand, widow of Faldain, etched these runes. He was slain by ogres at the Siege of Two Shields.
66 This stone marks the life of Bamdhur Greathand, Master Warrior.
67 My father died at the Battle of the Salt Caves. I, Norgrim Tunneltrue, carved these runes.
68 Thaneduhr blessed me with strength at the Battle of Little Men in the Year 5. Gergrim Hammerstane etched these runes.
69 Rothrum etched this stone in memory of Dalrum Cobblestone, my son.
70 In commemoration of the Battle of Two Citadels. I, Daldur, Blood of Dalri, carved these runes.
71 May this stone stand in recognition of the Battle of Broken Hills in the Year 45.
72 I, Halgrain II, carved this stone in prayer to Dhurindain for luck.
73 This stone marks the opening of the Platinum Mine to Thaneduhr in the Year 743.
74 On the opening of this Silver Mine, I pray to my ancestor Thalwalin.
75 Duri Silvertongue etched these runes in remembrance of the life and bravery of my grandfather Draeli.
76 I, Kilmarnock, offer this stone to Geddinthor for strength and bravery in the Siege of Frosted Pines.
77 This stone marks the birth of my son Brogain of House Cobblestone in the Year 947.
78 I, Bamnir, wrote this runestone to honour the ancestors of House Thunderfoot.
79 Thonum etched this stone in honour of my ancestor Thoban in the Year 521.
80 This runestone marks the anniversary of the Battle of Green Giants.
81 Hamik carved this stone to bring glory to the ancestors of House Cobblestone.
82 Dramfrag, Son of Dramric Mountaincrown, engraved this stone in worship to Dhurindain.
83 I, Guthairn Barrelrider, friend of Thualar, etched these runes. He was slain by ogres at the Siege of the Leaning Tor.
84 This stone marks the life of Gromad Hillblade, Master Jeweller.
85 My Grandfather died at the Battle of Orc Moons. I, Halgund Stoneborn, carved these runes.
86 Thaneduhr blessed me with strength at the Siege of Bleached Earth in the Year 114. Thinorin etched these runes.
87 Halgdock etched this stone in memory of Halrak Hammerhand, my father.
88 In commemoration of the Battle of the Black Gate. I, Banog, carved these runes.
89 May this stone stand in recognition of the Siege of Three Pikes in the Year 176.
90 I, Kharag II, carved this stone in prayer to Geddinthor for the strength to protect my people.
91 This stone marks the opening of the Crystal Mine dedicated to Dhurindain in the Year 399.
92 Guthdur Brighthame etched these runes in remembrance of the life and bravery of my uncle Nordur.
93 I, Branar Blood of Gorlar, offer this stone to Thaneduhr for strength and bravery in the coming battle.
94 This stone marks the birth of my son Broain of House Stoneborn in the Year 231.
95 Dalgeddin’s Will, Be Done.
96 I, Rothdin, wrote this runestone to honour the ancestors of House Barrelhelm.
97 Ragrim etched this stone in honour of my ancestor Korgrim in the Year 621.
98 This runestone marks the anniversary of the Battle of Thatchum.
99 Gorhur carved this stone to bring glory to the ancestors of House Ironforge.
00 Falrar, Son of Bandar Fireforge, engraved this stone in worship to Geddinthor.

3 Runestone of Healing 32 Runestone of Enemy Detection
4 Runestone of Climbing 33 Runestone of Location
5 Runestone of Growth 34 Runestone of Shielding
6 Runestone of Heroism 35 Runestone of Proof Against Poison
7 Runestone of Levitation 36 Runestone of Rejuvenation
8 Runestone of Sweetwater 37 Runestone of Faithfulness
9 Runestone of Treasure Finding 38 Runestone of Good Luck (Luckstone)
10 Spellstone: Level 1 (1d2 spells) 39 Runestone of Magic Detection
11 Spellstone: Level 1 (1d4+1 spells) 40 Runestone of Wisdom
12 Spellstone: Level 2 (1d2 spells) 41 Runestone of Constitution
13 Spellstone: Level 2 (1d3+1 spells) 42 Runestone of Light
14 Spellstone: Level 3 (1d2 spells) 43 Runestone of Thunderous Deafening
15 Spellstone: Level 3 (1d3+1 spells) 44 Stalagmite Runestone
16 Runestone of Protection +1 45 Stalagmite Runestone
17 Runestone of Protection +2 46 Wardstone: Plants
18 Runestone of Water Walking 47 Wardstone: Acid
19 Runestone of Magic Resistance 48 Kalbandur ‘s Warstone
20 Runestone of Proof Against Disease 49 Wardstone: Plants
21 Runestone of Proof Against Fear 50 Wardstone: Petrification
22 Runestones of War +1 (1d2) 51 Grabthar’s Runestone
23 Runestones of War +2 (1d3) 52 Runestone of Monstrous Attention
24 Runestone of Impact +1 (1d2) 53 Runestone of Missile Attraction
25 Runestone of Impact +2 (1d3) 54 Runestone of Petrification
26 Runestone Arrowhead +1 55 Runestone of Insanity
27 Runestone Axe Head +1 56 Runestone of Stupidity
28 Runestone Mace Head +1 57 Runestone of Delusion
29 Runestone of Sharpening (Whetstone) 58 Runestone of Weakness
30 Runestone of Feather Fall 59 Runestone of Weight
31 Runestone of Illumination 60 Runestone of Disintegration


3 Runestone of Healing 32 Runestone of Dwarvenkind

4 Runestone of Extra-Healing 33 Runestone of Sacred Earth
5 Runestone of Growth 34 Runestone of Steam and Vapour
6 Runestone of Levitation 35 Runestone of Spell Storing
7 Runestone of Sweetwater 36 Runestone of Spell Turning
8 Runestone of Treasure Finding 37 Runestone of Proof Against Mummy Rot
9 Runestone of Super-Heroism 38 Runestone of Free Movement
10 Runestone of Giant Strength 39 Runestone of Healing
11 Runestone of Speed 40 Runestone of Seeing
12 Runestone of Protection +3 41 Runestone of Pure Good
13 Spellstone: Level 4 (1d2 spells) 42 Galeb Runestones
14 Spellstone: Level 5 (1 spell) 43 Runestone of Controlling Earth Elementals
15 Runestone of Fire Resistance 44 Wardstone: Elementals
16 Runestone of Regeneration 45 Wardstone: Lycanthropes
17 Runestone of Water Walking 46 Wardstone: Magic
18 Runestone of Magic Resistance 47 Wardstone: Undead
19 Runestone of Proof Against Disease 48 Wardstone: Gas
20 Runestones of War +3 (1d4+1) 49 Wardstone: Dragon Breath
21 Runestone of Impact +3 (1d4+1) 50 Wardstone: Petrification
22 Runestone Arrowhead +2 (1d4+1) 51 Wardstone: Insects
23 Runestone Axe Head +2 52 Runestone of Monstrous Attention
24 Runestone Mace Head +2 53 Runestone of Foul Rotting
25 Runestone of Sharpening (Whetstone) 54 Runestone of Life Trapping
26 Runestone of Illumination 55 Runestone of Petrification
27 Runestone of Enemy Detection 56 Runestone of Missile Attraction
28 Runestone of Opening 57 Runestone of Delusion
29 Runestone of Frost Resistance 58 Runestone of Weakness
30 Runestones of Prayer 59 Runestone of Weight
31 Runestone of Metal Detection 60 Runestone of Disintegration

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8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan,
You must clearly indicate which portions of the work Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins,
that you are distributing are Open Game Content. Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes,
Agents may publish updated versions of this License. Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
You may use any authorized version of this License to
copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content Barrowmaze, Copyright 2012; Greg Gillespie.
originally distributed under any version of this License.
Barrowmaze II, Copyright 2012; Greg Gillespie.
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of
this License with every copy of the Open Game Content Barrowmaze Complete, Copyright 2014; Greg
You Distribute. Gillespie.

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market Barrowmaze Complete 5E, Copyright 2016; Greg
or advertise the Open Game Content using the name Gillespie.
of any Contributor unless You have written permission
from the Contributor to do so. Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition, Silverthorne Games,
Copyright 2003; Ian Johnston and Chris S. Sims.
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to
comply with any of the terms of this License with respect Fight On! Issue 4, 2009; Ignatius Umlaut.
to some or all of the Open Game Content due to
statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then Grognardia, Copyright 2008-2011; James Maliszewski.
You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon, Copyright 2019; Greg
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically Gillespie.
if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to
cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon 5E, Copyright 2021;
the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination Greg Gillespie.
of this License.
Knockspell Magazine Issue #2, Copyright 2009; Matt
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held Finch.
to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed
only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. Knockspell Magazine Issue #3, Copyright 2009; Matt
Knockspell Magazine Issue #4, Copyright 2009; Matt
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of Finch.
the Coast, Inc.
Knockspell Magazine Issue #6, Copyright 2009; Matt
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards Finch.
of the Coast, Inc.
Labyrinth Lord™ Copyright 2007–2009, Daniel Proctor.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards Author Daniel Proctor.
of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathon Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Labyrinth Lord™ Advanced Edition Companion,
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Copyright 2009–2010, Daniel Proctor. Author Daniel
System Reference Document Copyright 2000–2003,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monstrosities, Copyright 2012, Matthew Finch.
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins,
David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Original Spell Name Compendium Copyright 2002
Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original Clark Peterson; based on NPC-named spells from the
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Player’s Handbook that were renamed in the System
Reference Document. The Compendium can be found
Modern System Reference Document Copyright on the legal page of
2002–2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill

Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls,
Copyright 2009; Michael Curtis.

Swords & Wizardry Complete Rulebook, Copyright

2010; Matt Finch.

Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008; Matt


Swords & Wizardry Monster Book: Oe, Copyright

2008; Matt Finch.

Tomb of the Iron God, Copyright 2008; Matt Finch.

The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia, Copyright 2017;

Greg Gillespie.

The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia 5E, Copyright 2018;

Greg Gillespie.

Tome of Horrors I, Copyright 2002, Necromancer

Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson,
Erica Balsley, Kevin Basse, Casey Christofferson, Lance
Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawringer,
and Bill Webb.

Tome of Horrors II, Copyright 2004, Necromancer

Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene; Additional authors:
Erica Balsley, Kevin Basse, Casey Christofferson, Jim
Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis
Hawvermale, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawinger, Nathan
Paul, Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook.

Tome of Horrors III, Copyright 2005, Necromancer

Games, Inc.; Authors Scott Greene, with Casey
Christofferson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Lance
Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnston,
Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Greg
Ragland, Robert Schwalb and Bill Webb.

Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,

Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and
Erica Balsley. Lair encounter authors John Stater, Jeff
Harkness, Gary Schotter. Additional authors Kevin
Basse, Casey Christofferson, Jim Collura, Meghan
Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian
S. Johnston, Nill Kenower, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan
Paul, Clark Peterson, Greg Ragland, Robert Schwalb,
Greg A. Vaughan, Bill Webb.

Dwarrowdeep 5E, Copyright 2022; Greg Gillespie.

Dwarrowdeep, Copyright 2022; Greg Gillespie.



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