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Information on the Twenty-

First Century Battlefield

Proposing the Army’s Seventh
Warfighting Function
Capt. Charles M. Kelly, U.S. Army

I n May 2013, Ukrainian artillery officer Yaroslav

Sherstuk designed a smartphone application to
decrease the artillery targeting process from min-
utes to less than fifteen seconds.1 The application expe-
rienced initial success with upward of nine thousand
Ukrainian soldiers using it to conduct fire missions against
Russian forces.2 However, the independent security firm
CrowdStrike reported a Russian information attack on the
application via malware offered Russian forces “the poten-
tial ability to map out a unit’s composition and hierarchy,

determine their plans, and even triangulate their ap- warfighting functions.9 However, IO is rapidly exceeding
proximate location.”3 Russian forces presumably used the the bounds of tasks already required of these two func-
malware to target Ukrainian artillery units employing the tions. The rapid developments in information technology
application. This example aptly demonstrates the charac- have induced newfound importance and relevance of
ter of war confronting modern militaries in the informa- information on the twenty-first-century battlefield. This
tion age. The U.S. Army’s current warfighting model does article demonstrates the increasingly important role of
not adequately reflect the reality of this evolution. The information in warfare and the subsequent necessity of
Army should adopt information as the seventh warfight- elevating information to a warfighting function.
ing function because the rapid change in the character of
war brought about by the advent of the internet enables Information’s Explosive Rise
the weaponization of information. Furthermore, the infor- The Army’s current warfighting doctrine presents
mation warfighting function would enable the adequate an antiquated view of the role of information in combat.
integration of information in operational planning and History is replete with examples of the successful use of
execution and provide an improved ability to apply force information in conflicts. During World War II, for exam-
below the threshold of lethal effects. ple, the U.S. Army famously employed military deception
using inflatable tanks and airplanes to deceive German
Current Model: The Elements forces in France. The rise in information technology in-
of Combat Power creases the relevance and consequences of information in
Prior to discussing the information warfighting func- warfighting and offers opportunities for increased applica-
tion in detail, some background on the Army’s current tion. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Strategic
paradigm is necessary. The Army uses the term “combat Communications Centre of Excellence recently conduct-
power” to describe the “total means of destruction, con- ed an experiment in support of a large-scale military exer-
structive, and information capabilities that a military unit cise using a simulated cyber red cell, “the opposing force in
… can apply at a given time.”4 Combat power is comprised a war game,” in order to evaluate friendly forces’ signature
of eight elements: the six warfighting functions (com- in the online information environment.10 Using only open-
mand and control, movement and maneuver, intelligence, source information, social media, and sixty dollars, the red
fires, sustainment, and protection) with the addition of cell identified 150 soldiers, found the locations of several
information and leadership (see figure, page 64).5 The battalions, tracked troop
warfighting functions provide structure for commanders movements, and compelled Capt. Charles Kelly,
and staffs to plan and execute operations. Army Doctrine service members to engage U.S. Army, is the com-
Publication (ADP) 5-0, The Operations Process, states, in illicit behavior such mander of Company C,
“The staff … integrates forces and warfighting functions as leaving their positions 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry
to accomplish the mission.”6 In the current model, com- against orders. The lack of
Regiment, 1st Stryker
manders achieve battlefield effects using the warfighting institutional awareness of Brigade Combat Team, 2nd
functions, while information and leadership simply aid in the effects and capabilities Infantry Division, at Joint
the optimal application of these functions. Field Manual of information demonstrat- Base Lewis-McChord. He
3-13, Information Operations, defines information opera- ed by this example indi- holds a BS in economics and
tions (IO) as “the integrated employment … of informa- cates the Army’s current a BS in Mandarin Chinese
tion-related capabilities (IRCs) in concert with other lines archaic model does not from the United States
of operation to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the fully grasp the ramifications Military Academy. He previ-
decision-making of adversaries and potential adversaries of information on today’s ously served in 1st Battalion,
while protecting our own.”7 Examples of some of these battlefield. 75th Ranger Regiment and
IRCs are military deception, civil affairs operations, and 4th Brigade, 25th Infantry
cyberspace operations.8 Information operations are cur- Maintaining Division. He has deployed
rently listed as staff tasks under the intelligence and fires Supremacy three times to Afghanistan
In order to maintain in support of Operation
Previous page: Photo illustration by Justin Rakowski, U.S. Army a competitive advantage Freedom’s Sentinel.

MILITARY REVIEW  January-February 2020 63

and maneuver
Competence Shared
Mutual trust
Protection Command Intelligence
Risk Mission
acceptance Commander’s
I n fo r m a t i o n intent
initiative Co n tr o l

Sustainment Mission orders Fires

(Figure from Army Doctrine Publication 3-0, Operations)

Figure. Elements of Combat Power

over our peer and near-peer adversaries, the Army In a 2013 article, Russian Chief of the General Staff
must place a larger emphasis on the use of information Valery Gerasimov outlined what he believed to be the
as an instrument of war. Two decades of low-intensity necessary approaches for twenty-first-century war. From
conflict characterized by combating violent extremist his perspective, future conflicts must include an infor-
organizations in the Middle East justifiably consumed mation element. He avers information asymmetrically
much of the focus of the U.S. military. The relatively low lowers an adversary’s combat potential and creates “a
sophistication level of the enemy enabled U.S. forces to permanently operating front through the entire territory
become complacent on many of the tasks required to of an enemy state.”13 The ongoing Russian-Ukrainian con-
fight conventionally outfitted militaries in the twen- flict displays the practical application of his sentiments.
ty-first century. Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs When Russian forces entered the Crimean Peninsula on
of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford stated, “The challenges 2 March 2014, they preemptively shut down Crimea’s
of a decades-long campaign against violent extremism telecommunications infrastructure, disabled major
adversely affected our own modernization and capa- Ukrainian websites, and jammed the mobile phones
bility development efforts.”12 Accordingly, participation of key Ukrainian officials.14 Russian forces effectively
in these wars presented America’s peer and near-peer isolated Crimea in the information environment, which
adversaries the opportunity to aim their force-mod- contributed to setting the necessary conditions for the
ernization efforts on defeating U.S. tactics, techniques, rapid physical attack.15 While many factors contribut-
and procedures. To further exacerbate this challenge, ed to Russia’s ability to successfully annex Crimea, this
the concurrent meteoric rise in information technology example demonstrates how adversaries are leveraging
enabled adversaries to integrate many of these advance- the capabilities offered by information technology and
ments into their force-modernization efforts. meticulously integrating these capabilities in the planning

64 January-February 2020  MILITARY REVIEW


and execution of operations. Elevating information to a the doctrinal means to sufficiently integrate information
warfighting function enables the Army to exploit infor- into operational planning and execution.
mation capabilities to the degree that technology allows
and that maintaining a competitive advantage requires. Beyond Physical: Expanding
the Concept of War
The Adequate Integration The Army’s narrow definition of tactical and opera-
of Information in Planning tional conflict subverts attempts at strategic victory. In
and Execution his seminal work, The American Way of War: A History of
The absence of information from the warfighting United States Military Strategy and Policy, Russell Weigley
functions inhibits the complete and adequate integra- famously argues that with few exceptions, America’s ap-
tion of IO into planning and execution. In America’s proach to war is aggressive, direct, and with an eye toward
most recent conflicts, resource and technological total annihilation.22 Antulio J. Echevarria II argues this
overmatch against relatively unsophisticated enemies as proof that America only demonstrates a way of battle
allowed the Army to sideline IO without perceived that has not yet matured into a complete and holistic way
negative consequences. In future fights against peer of war.23 Although the American military touts the use of
adversaries, this approach is likely to produce devas- Clausewitzian principles, it seems the “American style of
tating effects. Contemporary examples demonstrate warfare failed to internalize Clausewitz’s contention that
the Army’s challenges with IO integration. In a re- war was the continuation of politics by other means.”24
view of IO in “Information Operations in Operations The Army’s failure to recognize the value of information
Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom – What Went further serves to support this point. The perception of
Wrong?,” Joseph Cox identified three factors inhibiting war characterized by simply winning the physical battles,
the effects of IO: (1) Army doctrine does not provide which overwhelmingly occupies the focus of the current
commanders adequate guidance for integrating IO, (2) warfighting functions, is not enough to win wars.
intelligence doctrine and resourcing do not allow intel-
ligence support to IO to be effective, and (3) the Army A Tool for “Gray Zone” Conflict
has not resourced itself to conduct IO effectively.16 The Army’s warfighting structure does not offer suffi-
Early IO against the Taliban and al-Qaida focused on cient capabilities in the phases of conflict before and after
the employment of kinetic engagements and “only later the highly kinetic and lethal fight. “Gray zone conflict”
did commanders work to convince Afghans that attacks and “hybrid warfare” are in-vogue terms frequently used
on Taliban fighters were not attacks on the Afghan pop- to describe low-intensity conflicts or conflicts employing
ulace.”17 Failure to adequately integrate IO into the plan- methods short of conventional war. Echevarria contends
ning with the early kinetic operations negatively impact- that this “new” form of war is, in fact, historically the
ed the U.S. military’s ability to garner the local Afghan norm and more common than the romanticized World
support required to secure long-term peace.18 A 2012 War II style of fighting.25 Failing to realize this phenom-
RAND Corporation report on the use of information enon exposes America’s unrealistic and self-limiting
and psychological operations in Afghanistan stated, “The concept of war.26 This style of warfare is also increasingly
current disconnect between official IO doctrine and how likely because it occurs below the North Atlantic Treaty
it is practiced in the field is counterproductive” to effec- Organization Article 5 threshold and below the level of
tive and efficient operations.19 Three years later, RAND violence necessary to prompt a United Nations Security
Corporation published a follow-up perspective on the re- Council resolution.27 The near-exclusive orientation of
port and concluded, “It is evident that there is still a great the Army’s warfighting functions toward lethal actions is
deal of work that must be done to integrate and harmo- an accurate reflection of this flawed concept.
nize doctrine [with IO practice] to achieve the greatest This era of renewed great power competition ne-
results.”20 As noted in ADP 3-0 and ADP 5-0, warfighting cessitates a mechanism for employing nonlethal force.
functions are the mechanisms used to synchronize and Adversaries seek to win battles below the threshold of
integrate all available capabilities in an operational plan.21 America’s narrow definition of war in order to score
Without a warfighting function, the Army does not have victory before the United States even realizes the conflict

MILITARY REVIEW  January-February 2020 65

has begun. The elevation of information to a warfighting creates a vulnerability that can be exploited, along with
function provides the Army with the practical flexibility ‘theoretical blind spots’ and ‘thought errors,’ such as the
and means to employ capabilities and address adversarial absence of a comprehensive theory in DOD doctrine that
actions occurring below the threshold for lethal force. The combines all elements of information warfare.”34 These are
Army must “account for more than just the use of kinetic exactly the sort of asymmetries Mao referred to nearly
military force during wartime, and it must accommo- nine decades ago. The Army uses the warfighting func-
date more than just the goal of dominating an adversary tions to not only structure friendly planning and execu-
through decisive operations.”28 The Army needs to develop tion but also to assess the capabilities of the enemy. Failing
its warfighting style to reflect the reality of war’s political to include information as a warfighting function hinders
context as opposed to a struggle for domination of wills de- the Army’s ability to comprehensively understand our
void of broader implications.29 The information warfighting adversaries’ capabilities and mentality.
function would provide the capabilities to influence adver-
sarial actions outside of lethality and would help to serve as Embracing the Burdens of Change
a catalyst for the required institutional mindset change. Some may argue the addition of the information war-
fighting function is an unnecessary institutional burden.
Evaluating Adversaries Making a change of this nature has complex implications
Analysis of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army across doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leader-
(PLA) indicates an astute understanding of the asymmet- ship and education, personnel, and facilities. Information
ric potential of information. Long before the information is already an element of combat power, and Field Manual
age and the advent of the internet, Mao Tse-tung worked 3-13 and Army Techniques Publication 3-13.1, The
to instill the notion of the military as a body to carry out Conduct of Information Operations, give specific guidance
the political will, not solely a physical fighting entity. In on applying and using information.35 Therefore, the focus
his 1929 resolution, titled “On Correcting Mistaken Ideas should be on better applying information as it current-
in the Party,” Mao stated that members of the party who ly exists in the Army’s lexicon. However, based on the
held a purely military view “think the task of the Red evolving technology and the adversarial capabilities, it is
Army … is merely to fight. They do not understand that clear that the status quo is not adequate. In its current
the Chinese Red Army is an armed body for carrying form, “many continue to skeptically view it [IO] as a
out the political tasks of the revolution … The Red Army marginal military activity or as a failing enterprise.”36 This
fights not merely for the sake of fighting but in order to mindset must change if the United States is to maintain
… help establish revolutionary political power.”30 Mao’s supremacy on future battlefields. Military professionals
expression also seems to closely follow Sun Tzu’s famous have a responsibility to achieve an objective reality of war
maxim: “Supreme excellence consists in breaking the en- and adapt accordingly. Imagine if the U.S. military did not
emy’s resistance without fighting.”31 This idea was further institute the Air Force after World War II due to institu-
codified into Chinese military doctrine in 2003 when tional inconveniences. The burdens of change and incon-
the Communist Party’s Central Committee and Central venience outweigh the consequences of strategic defeat.
Military Commission approved a new warfare concept for
the PLA titled “three warfares.” These are public opinion Information Beyond the Joint Level
warfare (media), psychological warfare, and legal warfare.32 In September 2017, then Secretary of Defense James
The Chinese information strategy focuses on using Mattis signed a memorandum elevating information to
stratagems to build and maintain information superiority a warfighting function at the joint-force level.37 Critics
in order to compensate for its deficiencies in technolo- may argue against the idea of an information warfight-
gy-based weapons.33 According to a report to the U.S. ing function at the service level because information is
Congress, the PLA views the United States as a militarily viewed as a strategic capability that belongs centralized
superior foe whose advantages can be overcome through at the Department of Defense. It is certainly useful for
strategy and information operations. The report, which the joint force to integrate information into operational
cites Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy and strategic plans, and some of the decisions germane
America, states, “The U.S. reliance on technology … to IRCs belong at that level. However, as evident by the

66 January-February 2020  MILITARY REVIEW


examples above, information is already proving useful An inflatable OH-58C Kiowa helicopter and inflatable fuel blivets sim-
in tactical scenarios. Additionally, as technology con- ulate a forward arming and refueling point during a deception oper-
ation on 10 November 1990 carried out by the XVIII Airborne Corps
tinues to improve, the tactical solutions will continue to Deception Cell in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia approximately
emerge. The information warfighting function provides forty-five kilometers northwest of An Nuariya. (Photo by Pfc. Randall
the Army with a method to integrate these critical R. Anderson, XVIII Airborne Corps)
capabilities and help drive a change in the self-limiting
centralization of IRCs when able.
The role of information in future conflicts is be-
coming exceedingly important given the explosive rise these rising technological advances and offers the flex-
of information technology. Our adversaries are using ibility to apply force in conflicts occurring below the
information to achieve effects and secure their political appetite for lethality. The last eighteen years of conflict
objectives. Russian military sources even go so far as to characterized by extreme technological overmatch
claim the “role of nonmilitary means of achieving po- lulled the American military into a sense of compla-
litical and strategic goals has grown, and, in many cases, cency and hubris, which precipitated the marginal-
they have exceeded the power of force or weapons in ization of information capabilities.39 If the U.S. Army
their effectiveness.”38 While the elevation of informa- wants to maintain supremacy in this era of renewed
tion is not a panacea for all the Army’s warfighting great power competition, it must adapt to the challeng-
challenges, it provides a method to better integrate es brought on by the changing character of war.

1. CrowdStrike Global Intelligence Team, “Use of Fancy Bear An-
droid Malware in Tracking of Ukrainian Field Artillery Units,” Crowd- 2. Ibid.
Strike, updated 23 March 2017, accessed 31 July 2019, 3. Ibid.

MILITARY REVIEW  January-February 2020 67

4. Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 3-0, Operations (Wash- 23. Antulio J. Echevarria II, Toward an American Way of War (Carlisle,
ington, DC: U.S. Government Publishing Office [GPO], 6 October PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 2004), 1, accessed 31 July 2019,
2017), 5-1, accessed 3 October 2019,
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5. Ibid. Georgetown University Press, May 2014), 46.
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31 July 2019), 4-5, accessed 3 October 2019, Paradigm for U.S. Military Strategy (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute,
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lexicon-2, accessed 5 August 2019, 30. Mao Tse-tung, “On Correcting Mistaken Ideas in the Party,” in
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2019, Information Warfare (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 2014),
13. Valery Gerasimov, “The ‘Gerasimov Doctrine’ and Russian 29, accessed 31 July 2019,
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cgi?article=1001&context=mca. tion (ATP) 3-13.1, The Conduct of Information Operations (Washington,
15. “Little Green Men”: A Primer on Modern Russian Unconven- DC: U.S. GPO, 4 October 2018), v, accessed 31 July 2019,
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16. Joseph L. Cox, Information Operations in Operations Enduring 89 (2nd Quarter, 2018): 11.
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17. Walter E. Richter, “The Future of Information Operations,” Military tion_Joint%20Function_Clean.pdf.
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18. Ibid., 107. paigns-and-the-future-of-international-competition?rq=Gerasimov.
19. Arturo Muñoz, “U.S. Military Information Operations in Afghan- 39. Nick Brunetti-Lihach, “Information Warfare Past, Present, and
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20. Arturo Muñoz and Erin Dick, “Information Operations: The Im-
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Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2015), 3, accessed 23 September
PE100/PE128/RAND_PE128.pdf. Next page: Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe salutes 21 October 2019
21. Ibid., 5-2; ADP 5-0, The Operations Process, 4-5. after delivering his opening speech for the Xiangshan Forum, a gathering of
22. Russell F. Weigley, The American Way of War: A History of United the region’s security officials, in Beijing. Wei issued a stinging rebuke of the
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Press, 1973), xxii. pressure, and military intimidation. (Photo by Andy Wong, Associated Press)

68 January-February 2020  MILITARY REVIEW

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