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Mastering the art of Dynamic Leadership NCO Journal Staff “Soldiers learn to be good leaders from good leaders" Retired ninth Sgt. Maj. of the ‘Army Richard A. Kidd rom the Chief of Staff of the ‘Army down to the new- est Soldier, leadership is the mainstay of Army life, Itis codified in doctrine, taught at leadership schools, demonstrated every day, and is the focus of US. Army Train. ing and Doctrine Commands NCO 2020 Strategy.* NCOs are effective leaders who rely on their experience to adopt the most effective leadership style to accomplish the mission, Leader Development, Army Style ‘he Army develops its leaders using a tiered training approach with doctrine and leadership courses or academies. Academies and courses provide future leaders with recognized methods of leadership training, an advantage thei civilian contemporaries do not necessarily have. Field Manual 6-22, Leader ‘Development, states the overarching tenets of Army leader development are: + Strong commitment by the Army, superiors, and individuals to leader development. + Clear purpose for what, when, and how to develop leadership. Supportive relationships and culture of learning. ‘Thee mutually supportive domains (institutional, operational, and sel-development) that enable edu- cation, raining, and experience. Providing, accepting, and acting upon candid as- sessment and feedback” NCO Journal "These principles reflect the leader attributes laid out in Army Doctrine Publication 6-22, Army Leadership, stating leaders need to have character, presence, and. intellect, Demonstrating these attributes gives Army leaders a chance of successfully leading their Soldiers ‘and accomplishing the mission." ‘TRADOC's NCO 2020 Strategy further defines the NCO asa leader who “will understand the strategic ‘environment, be able to think critically and creatively, vi- sualize solutions, and describe and communicate crucial information to achieve shared understanding, collabo- rate, and build teams”* and, as they master those skills, rise through the ranks and vatious leadership roles, To become experts in any task requires more than a working knowledge of the craft; it requires NCOs to strengthen their leadership skills and ‘understand the diferent leadership styles available. The Army Leadership Requirements Model “The Army Leadership Requirements Model is the roadmap of the attributes and competencies expeet- ed of US. Army leaders, Attributes provide leaders a path to follow, and competencies describe what leaders need to master to become successful. After reviewing ATTRIBUTES CHARACTER PRESENCE INTELLECT + Army Values +Military and professional Mental agility + Empathy bearing Sound judgement +Warrior Ethos/Service Fitness + Innovation Ethos + Confidence + Interpersonal tact + Discipline + Resilience + Expertise LEADS DEVELOPS ACHIEVES: + Leads others Builds trust + Extends influence beyond the chain of command + Leads by Example + Communicates + Creates a positive environ- ment/Fosters esprit de corps + Prepares self + Develops others + Stewards the profession + Gets results T Figure from Army Doctrine Publication COMPETENCIES 6-22, Army leadership. “The Army outlines seven principles for developing future leaders in ADP 7-0, Training ‘Units and Develop- ing Leaders: 1, Lead by example. Develop subordinate leaders. Create a learning environment for subordinate leaders. ‘Train leaders in the art and science of mission com- mand, ‘Train to develop adaptive leaders. ‘Train leaders to think critically and creatively. ‘Train leaders to know their subordinates and their families“ As their careers progress, Soldiers acquire knowledge and experience in their military occupational specialties NCO Journal 2 the LRM‘s five leadership styles, transactional, trans- formational, servant, autocratic, and followership, itis possible to see how civilian leadership theories tie into LRM competencies.” Styles of Leadership ‘Transactional ‘Transactional leadership, known as the “telling” atyle of leadership, focuses on structure, results, rewards, and penalties. Leaders provide subordinates with goals, establish project checks, provide perfor- mance reports and motivate them with rewards based ‘on a recognized system. August 2018 en ees stn sndpiingoptey Ny Ns rhe engender spelt duende Nelhnnemy.peamymiUnonl NOura “Transactional leaders include Gen. Norman H. Schware- kkopf, former commander of US. Central Command, and Vince Lombardi, coach of the Green Bay Packers." ‘Transactional leadership works for the Army because it focuses on leadership, organization, and performance, ‘Additionally, itis suitable immediate reaction to orders is required and instruc- tional scenatios where information flows from leaders to followers. It does not work with free thinkers who regularly exercise personal initiative because it limits their creativity” tuations where the ‘Transformational “Transformational leadership is leadership by example, an Army tradition. This leadership style works well ina chang- ing environment, where ideas flow freely, and subordinates are encouraged to provide solutions. It does not work in an ad hoc or intial development decision-making period ‘where there is litte to no structure to support the team. ‘Thus, transformational leaders are usually technical ‘experts in their fields, want to improve their environ- ‘ment and understand their Soldiers roles.” They inspire their subordinates through rapport, inspiration, and ‘empathy and work well in an environment where they ‘can create change by working with their subordinates, ‘Leaders known for this leadership style include the late Gen. Omar Bradley, frst chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the last ofthe nation’ five-star gener- als, and President Franklin D, Roosevelt.® Servant Effective NCOs are servant leaders. They develop their Soldiers by meeting the needs of their squads or teams. ‘According to retired Ist Sgt, Cameron Wesson, a for ‘mer platoon sergeant with the 10Ist Airborne Division, servant leadership begins with the Soldier's Creed, and as Soldiers become NCOs, place the needs of others before their own, Servant leadership requites a significant level of trust between leaders and subordinates, thus building rela tionships and rapport, However, itis not a style that can be used all the time and requires time to develop enough twust to work well® ‘Examples of servant leaders are retired Gen, Mat- thew B. Ridgway, 19th Chief of Staff of the Army, and Dr. Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Autocratic “Army leaders are expected to be the decision makers and issue clear directions, mission statements, and goals to their subordinates, thus the Army's structure lends itself to autocratic leadership. This leadership style type works ‘well in environments involving hife or death decisions or ‘when the decision-making process becomes stale. NCO Journal ‘Autocratic leaders are the decision makers and re- «quest ttle to no input from their subordinates. However, successful autocratic leaders respect their subordinates, ‘communicate effectively, and listen to opinions. They have a dear idea of the mission and communicate their vision of mission success. Because of their leadership style, they are expected to have a high success rate and, make correct decisions Gen. George S. Patton, former commander of the ‘Third Army during WWI, and Bill Belichick, coach of the New England Patriots are autocratic leaders.”* Followership ‘While followership does not sound like a leader ship style, it is symbiotic to leadership; it shares the same values, requires the same effort, and depends on the same dedication. Competent NCOs can influence ‘outcomes by following the Army values of loyalty, duty respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. Followers assist their leaders by adhering to best practices, completing the mission, and advocating for process improvements. Effective followers are not afraid to approach ther leaders with problems and will often provide solutions to issues, Followership is effectual when followers understand they must go beyond "simply following instructions” Good followers will anticipate a leader’ needs, provide advice on procedures, and exhibit courage when deliver: ing unwelcome or unpleasant news.” Learning beyond the Model ‘According to Wesson, who faced his leadership challenges afer suffering injuries to his knees and back, NCOs, especialy those who work to develop thei lead cxship abies, have potential challenges up their sleeves “One ofthe challenges facing todays NCOs, ate Soldiers who ate incredibly smaxt, catch onto concepts soonet, and who will challenge their NCOs to improve their leadership skills” Wesson said. "Unless NCOs are willing to leara about leadership theories, they won't achieve sel-development” ‘Weston believes todays Soldiers are life-long learn- xs and help shape the force by changing biases towards education and self development." Conclusion ‘Army leadership training continues to define the NCO corps and develops future leaders. Suecessful NCOs must master leadership techniques that best suit their needs and go beyond provided instructional mate- rials, To understand the Leadership Requirements Mod- el NCOs should consider its purpose and its contribu- lions to Army leadership (raining. Understanding these theories and correctly aligning their practice (o specific situations are the hallmarks of professional Soldiers. August 2018 Notes 1. Army Leadership: Be, Know, Do, Field Manual 22-100 (Headquarters, Department ofthe Army, August 1998), httpy/wwwarmyheritage orgiimages/Education Ms! F¥9:2022-100%20Aug99.pdf 2.US. Army, NCO 2020" Fort Leavenworth, KS:TRADOC, 2015) 3. Leader Development, Field Manual 6-22 (Washington, D.C: Government Printing Office, June 30, 2015), https://é_22. pat 4. Army Leadership, Army Doctrine Publication 6-22 (Washington, D.C: Government Printing Office, August 1, 2012), https//armypubs armymil/epubs/OR_pubs/DR_a! patiweb/adps_22,pd 5.US. Army, NCO 20207 Fort Leavenworth, KS:TRADOC, 2015) 5. Training Units and Developing Leaders, ADP 7-0 Wash- ington, D.C: Government Printing Office, Aug. 23, 2012), https// adp7_.pdt 7. Atmny Leadership, ADP 6-22. ly (OX ONou rn e : 48, Pamela Spahr, "What is Transactional Leadership? How Structure Leads to Results Saint Thomas University website, Nov. 25,2074, accessed March 13,2018, httpsv/online stu, ‘edu/transactionalleadership/#examples. ‘9. Spal, "What is Transactional Leadership? How Struc- ture Leads to Results: 10, Mutray Johannsen, "125 Transformational Leaders? Legacee website, 22 March 2014, htps:// transformational_leadership/ist-of leaders! 11Johannsen, "125 Transformational Leaders 12. Johannsen, "125 Transformational Leaders: 13, Johannsen, "125 Transformational Leaders 14, Johannsen, "125 Transformational Leaders 15, Johannsen, "125 Transformational Leaders 16, Johannsen, "125 Transformational Leaders: 17. Johannsen, "125 Transformational Leaders: 18. Retired 1st Sgt, Cameron Wesson, interview by author, March 2018 19, Graphic created from a US, Army photo by Lt. Col. John Hall, 173rd Airborne Brigade, VIRIN: 170826-AMI272. 928. eer ens eee eS ee ee eT NCO Journal August 2018 nen etn andi eptey oC by Ns he edge ee nent nigga eft uenand delemet emma

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