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Notes on Qaddumi's Risaalah

(Based on Ustadh Yusuf bin Sadiq's Classes)

Mohammed Shahanewz Nayeem


Taharah--- 2
Salah--- 17
Funeral--- 33
Fasting--- 35
Zakah--- 38
Hajj--- 43
Service--- 46

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Kitab At-Taharah


The author of this booklet started with the book of purification. It is a traditional way of
starting fiqh books (exception: Malikis starts with Kitabus salat).
From ibn qudamah's al-Muqni' hanabila started to include chapters of service in the book of


1- Meaning of Taharah

Linguistic: Cleanliness;
Shari': Lifting[Raising] Hadas and removing Khabas
a. Hadas- Not visible, Not physical impurity. It refers to a state of impurity;
b. Khabas- Physical impurity.
There are two types of Hadas. They are:
a. Major, which obligates Ghusl;
b. Minor, which obligates Wudhu.

2- Categories of water

There are three categories of water. They are:

A. Tahoor
a. Remains as it was created.
Ex. Rain water, Underground water etc.
b. Pure itself & Purify others;
c. Lifts hadas & removes Khabas.
B. Tahir
a. Mixed with pure substances, such as Saffron, tea etc, & so that change of
color, taste or odour is occured.
- It must be a major change, minor change doesn't convert tahoor water
into tahir.
b. Small quantity of water that is used to lift hadas. Used water is also under
the same ruling.
c. water of a pot where a sane & adult person dipped his hand after arising
from deep night sleep without washing them three times along with making
niyyah and saying bismillah.

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- Washing hands three times with intention and basmalah after night
sleep is an obligation.
- It has to be night & deep sleep.
- Sleeping during the daytime doesn't require this.
d. It is pure itself but not purify others.
e. It neither lifts hadas nor removes khabas
f. It is permissible to use this type of water in cooking, drinking etc.
C. Najis
a. The small quantity of water that came in contact with impurities,
b. The large amount of water where change in color, odour or taste via najis
substances occurred. Slight change of any of them will make water najis.
c. It neither lifts hadas nor removes khabas.

Amount of Water:-
1. Large amount of water is two qullahs [Qulllatin] or more than it. [2qullahs = 300
2. Small quantity of water is less than two qullahs.

Permissible-Impermissible Utensils & Parts of Dead

3- Permissible & impermissible utensils

It is permissible to use & acquire every utensils except for those made of gold & silver.
a. General 'Usul: If anything is permissible to use then acquiring it also permissible.
The opposite is also true.

4- Clothes & Utensils of Kuffar

Their clothes & utensils are pure as long as it is known to be impure.

a. Person is not supposed to ask him about their purity;
b. They are pure even if doubt remains regarding their purity.

5- Impure & Pure Parts of dead

Dead- Not slaughtered according to the shari'ah.

Bones, horns, skin & blood of dead animal is najis.
a) Skin of dead animals can't be purified by tanning.
b) These tanned skin can be used only in dry objects.
c) Najasah is transferred by moistness.

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Hair, wool, feathers of dead animals are pure, if they come from a pure animal, even if they
are inedible.
a) Pure animals
- all edible animals & inedible animals which are smaller than cat, such as
mice etc.
- Some mice are larger than actual cat size, they are also pure.
b) Impure animals
- inedible animals which are larger than cat, such as dog etc.
- Some dogs are smaller than actual cat size, they are also impure.

Rulings of Istinja & Manners of Restroom

6- Istinja & it's ruling

A. Istinja- Removing najasah from private parts by using water.

B. Istijmar- Removing najasah from private parts by using stones and it's like materials,
such as tissues, clothes, dust etc.
What? Removing what comes out from the waste passages by using tahoor water or
permissible stones and it's like objects, such as clothes.
- najasah is removed by impermissible water, i.e. stolen water etc, but the person will
become sinful for using it.
Doing istinja is obligatory for every passing object except semen, flatulence & dry things,
such as kidney stone, dry faeces etc, which doesn't make untidy.
a. Dry najasah doesn't transfer the impurity.
b. If stones bears moistness, then it is najis.

7- Conditions of validity

It will clean the area.

By using water:- the area have to return to the original state.
a. Has to be cleaned at least seven times.
By using stones:- only traces will be left which can't be removed without using water.
a. must be three wipes occupying the whole area of najasah.
b. Wet tissue can't be used.
c. If najasah exceeded the general area then water must be used.
Recommended is to clean using the stone first and then water. It is the best one.
a. It is permissible to restrict in one, i.e. water or stones.
b. Using water is superior than using only stones.

8- Manners of restroom
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Using left foot during entrance and to say,
"‫ أعوذ باهلل من الخبث والخبائث‬-‫"بسم هللا‬
Using right foot during exit and to say,
"‫ الحمد هلل الذي أذهب عني األذى وعافاني‬-‫"غفرانك‬
Using right is recommended in every good thing.

9- Disliked & Prohibited acts on restroom

Disliked acts are-

1. To face the sun or moon.
a. Because they are from the blessings of Allah.
2. To face the direction of the wind.
3. To speak.
a) Reciting quran, doing zikr is haram.
b) Giving or replying Salam is disliked.
4-7. To urinate on vessel, crack, fire & coal.
a. Insects may cause harm.
b. Coal is the abode of jinn. It is prohibited to annoy them.

Prohibited acts are-

1. To face or turn back towards the qiblah without barriers[rock, door etc].
2. To urinate in a path where people walk.
3. To urinate on a beneficial shade or sunny spot.
4. Urinating under a tree that bears useful things, i.e. leaves, fruits etc.
a) has to be quested by people;
b) Poisonous fruit or that which doesn't bear useful things is out of this ruling.
5. Staying beyond the necessary time.
a) It exposes the awrah without need.
It is permissible(not makruh) to urinate standing if one is safe from being seen &
contaminating himself.

A. Awrah is two types

a) in itself[awrah bi zatihi]-two private parts. Exposing it without need is prohibited,
even if when the person is alone.
b) awrah that other people can't see[min haysun nadhar]. Exposing it in front of people
is haram.
- in the case of man-- from the navel to the knee(excluding them)
- in the case of women [in front of ajnabi(non-Mahram)]-- all of her body.
B. It is prohibited to urinate on the spring of a river or in a place where people gather. But it
is mustahab to separate people who gather to do prohibited acts, such as backbiting,
gossiping etc.

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Rulings of Siwak

10- Rulings of siwak

It is recommended to do siwak all the time. Except in the case of a person, who is fasting,
after the entrance of Zuhr. It is disliked in this case.
It is highly recommended during-
1. When making the Wudhu(During the washing of mouth- before or after it, doesn't
2. Before reciting the qur'an.
3. When waking up.
4. When the odour of the mouth is changed.
5. During or before entering the mosque & home.
6. After prolonged silence.
7. When teeth become yellowish.
8. When the stomach becomes empty.

a) Helps in digestion.
b) Strengthen the gum.
c) Reminds the shahadah when one is near to the death. It's the best of them.

A. It is recommended to use araq, zaytun tree etc. Araq tree was used at that time. Reward of
siwak can't be obtained by using toothbrush or clothes etc.

B. About beard-
Sunnah is to leave the beard without cutting so long as it becomes dissatisfaction[unsightly]
a) It is forbidden to shave the beard.
b) It is disliked to cut anything less than a fist.
c) It is permissible to cut anything more than a fist.

11-Sunan al-Fitrah(personal hygiene)

Sunnah is to-
1. Shave the pubic hair
2. Pluck the armpit hair
3. Cut the nails
4. Look at the mirror
a. It is sunnah to say,
)‫س ْنتَ خ َْل َقي فَأَحْ س َْن ُخلُ َقي‬
َ ْ‫الله ُه هم أَح‬/‫س ْنتَ خ َْل َقي فَ َحس َْن ُخلُ َقي‬
‫ الله ُه هم َك َما َح ه‬، َ‫( ْال َح ْمد ُ َ هّلِل‬
5. Apply the kohl in every night.
a) before sleeping
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b) three times in each eye.
6. Trim the moustache.
a) It has two types--
- making really short, it's highly recommended
- resisting hair from falling into lip
b) shaving it isn't sunnah.

7. Leave the beard without cutting so long as it becomes dissatisfaction[unsightly] .

a) It is forbidden to shave the beard.
b) It is disliked to cut anything less than a fist.
c) It is permissible to cut anything more than a fist.
A. It is sunnah to cut them every friday. It is disliked to keep more than 40 days.
B. Imam Ahmad used to trim the eyebrow & hair of the side of the face.

Rulings of Wudhu

12- Fardh of Wudhu

They are 6 things,

1. Washing the face including rinsing the mouth & nose
2. Washing the arm from the tip of finger to the elbow.[including them]
3. Wiping over the whole head including the ears
4. Washing the feet including the ankles
5. Maintaining order
6. Continuity, Washing the next body parts before drying of the previous body part in
normal state.
a) The wudhu is invalid if it occurs
b) Normal atmosphere should be counted not the exceptions,i.e. very hot or very

13- Wajib of Wudhu

The wajib of wudhu is Tasmiyyah or saying Bismillah.

The ruling is lifted if it is not recited due to forgetfulness or ignorance.
a) If one forgets to say tasmiyyah and remembered during the middle, he will
recite the tasmiyyah instantly and do the rest of wudhu[iqna'] or starts the
wudhu from the beginning[Muntaha]
b) If one leaves it (intentionally) he must redo his wudhu.

14- Prerequisites of wudhu

Shuruth[prerequisites]- outside of worship.

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Prerequisites are Eight.
They are-
1. Completion of that things, which necessitates it, such as passing air, urine, Haydh &
nifas etc.
2. Intention.
3. Islam, He must be muslim.
4. Sanity;
5. Tamyeez[reaching at the age of seven according to the hijri calendar].
6. Purifying & lawful water.
7. Removing those, which prevent water to reach the nails, skin etc.
8. Istinja & Istijmar
a) If it is required.

15-Recommended acts of wudhu

They are Eighteen .

1. To face the qiblah
2. Using siwak
a) During the washing of the mouth--after or before isn't a matter of concern.
3. Washing hands three times except in the case of waking up from deep night sleep. In
this case, washing hands with niyyah and uttering Tasmiyyah is wajib.
4. Starting the wudhu with rinsing mouth & nose before washing face.
5. Doing Mubalaga in rinsing mouth & nose except in the case of fasting.
a) It is disliked in this case.
6. Doing mubalagha in the case of other parts.
7. Using abundant water in the washing of face.
8. Doing khilal on dense beard.
9. Khilal on fingers of hands & feet.
10. To take new water for wiping ear
11. To start with right side
12. To exceed the obligatory body part
- above the elbow and ankles,
- face and head is not included.
13. Washing 2nd & 3rd times.
a) 1st time in the case of wiping head & ear
b) excess of it is disliked.
14. Maintaining the intention
a) Keeping in mind.
b) Invalidating the niyyah invalidates the wudhu.
15. Niyyah during washing hands
a) to do the intention during the first sunnah(in this case it is facing the qiblah) is
b) it is obligatory to do niyyah during the first obligation.
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16. To say the intention silently.
17. After finishing wudhu to say,
َ َ ‫اَلله ُه هم اجْ َع ْلنَ ْي َمنَ التهوا َبيْنَ َواجْ َع ْلنَ ْي َمنَ ْال ُمت‬-‫أشهد أن ال إله إال هللا وحده ال شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله‬
َ‫ط َه َريْن‬
and to sight in the sky and to say suratul qadr.
a. It[saying suratul qadr] is mentioned by samiri(d. 660h) in al-Mustawib. But it
is a weak position because it is not mentioned in any mu'tamad books and no
one in the madhhab hold this.
18. Doing the wudhu without the help of others.

16- Description of wudhu

The description of wudhu is---

1. Making niyyah for praying salah.
a) Doing the niyyah for any work that requires wudhu is sufficient.
2. Then saying,Bismillah.
3. Washing hands up to the writs three times.
4. Then doing the madhmadha & istinshaq 3 times.
5. Then washing the whole face,
- On length- from that part where hair grows to the chin.
- On width- from one ear to the other ear.
6. Then washing the hands including the elbow three times.
7. Then wiping over the whole head once.
- wiping from the front to back
- wiping from back to front
8. Then entering the index finger into the ear hole and using the thumb to wipe the back
of the ear.
9. At the end wiping the feet with ankles.

Rulings on wiping over the Khuf

17- Rulings on wiping over the Khuf

It is valid with 7 prerequisites.They are-

1. Wearing the khuff after doing complete purification with water.
2. Should cover the obligatory skin
a) Holes that shows the skin isn't allowed.
3. Person should be able to walk according to the culture[urf-norm].
4. They should be fixed without additional help.
5. Have to be permissible.
a) not stolen, not bought after the 2nd adhan of jumu'ah, not bought by haram
money etc.
6. Forming material must be pure.
7. Shouldn't display the skin.
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18- Duration & Wiped parts

For residents & unlawful travellers-- 1 day one night from the first hadas after wearing.
The traveller who is permitted to shorten the prayers-- 3 days 3 nights.
The least distance for shortening-- Walking 2 days with luggage.
It is obligatory to wipe the most of the upper part of khuf
Wiping the bottom part & heel is not sufficient, they are not from the sunnah.

19- Invalidators of wiping (over the khuff)

The invalidators of it are three. They are--

1. Whatever obligates ghusl.
2. Exposing the place which is obligatory to cover.
3. The end of the duration.

20- Things over which wiping is permissible

It is valid to wipe over-

- a Jabiirah,
Jabiirah- casting or bandage fixed through a break or cut-dressing;
- Turban that wrapped under the chin or has a tail;
- Khimar that wrapped under the chin.

21- Rulings of wiping over bandage

a) If they are bound in the state of purity & it doesn't exceed the required area, then
person should wash the healthy parts & do masah[wiping] over the rest of the parts.
b) If it is bound beyond the required area & it can be harmful in removing, then person
will do tayammum for exceed parts.[along with washing for healthy parts & masah
for required parts]
c) If it is bound in the state of impurity & it does or doesn't exceed the required parts,
then he will do tayammum for it, i.e. bandage, instead of masah.

22- Invalidators of wudhu

Invalidators of wudhu are Eight. They are:-

1. Anything that comes out of two tracts, lot or few, tahir or najis.
2. Exiting najis things from other parts of the body,
- If they are stool-urine, then they will invalidate all time.
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- If they are others, i.e. blood, pus etc, then the amount of najis will be counted.
If they are a lot according to urf, it will invalidate the wudhu.
3. Lack of sanity-deep sleeping.
1. When a person can hear & understand the sound--it's not sleeping,
2. When a person can hear but don't understand the sound--it's light sleep,
3. When a person can neither hear nor understand the sound--it's deep sleep.
- Wudhu isn't invalidated during the 1st case, Wudhu is invalidated during the
3rd case.
- If 2nd type is occured--being supported by back, two or one shoulder, head--
then it will invalidate the wudhu, Ex. Sleeping during sujud.
- Sleeping[2nd type] during standing or sitting doesn't invalidate the wudhu.
4. Touching the private parts[penis, vagina & anus] with hands[from finger tip to
a) Touching the testicles doesn't break the wudhu.
b) Intention is not a condition.
***Mash=>For hands,
***Lams=>For skin,more general.
5. Touching the skin of an opposite gender with desire, even if skin of dead, old or
a) Touching Non-mahram is impermissible.
6. Washing the deceased or a part of the deceased.
a) The helper is excused.
7. Eating camel's meat even if it is raw.
8. Apostasy, Awudhubillah.
Anything that obligates ghusl also obligates wudhu except death.
a) Ghusl- Wajib, Wudhu- Sunnah.

23- Doubts regarding Purity-Impurity.

Whoever certains of his purity & doubts ritual impurity or whoever certains of his impurity &
doubts purity,acts upon his certainty.
a) If he is certain about his purity, then doing another wudhu is still recommended.

24- Prohibited things during major & minor ritual impurity.

Whether major or minor, it is prohibited to-

1. pray,
2. do tawaf,
3. touch the mushaf without barrier,
In case of major ritual impurity,it is prohibited to-
1. recite quran,
a) Doing dhikr is permissible even if it is from the ayat of quran.
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2. stay at the mosque without doing wudhu.

25-Invalidators of ghusl

Invalidators of ghusl are Seven. They are-

1. Movement of sperm from it's place.
a) Even if it doesn't come out.
2. Excretion of sperm from normal tract with pleasure except in the case of sleeping,
others don't require ghusl.
a) Things that come out as a result of sickness, require wudhu only.
3. Insertion of glans[tip of penis] or its equivalent[if it is cut] into a woman's vagina or
anus even if that of dead, animals or birds etc. without barriers[that prevents the
touching of skin]
4. Acceptance of islam for a disbeliever, even if he is apostate.
5. Menstrual bleeding.
6. Postpartal bleeding.
7. Death.

26- Prerequisites of ghusl

Prerequisites of ghusl are 7. They are:

1. To stop the things that obligate it.
2. Intention.
3. Islam
4. Sanity
5. Discernment[Tamyeez]
6. Pure & Lawful water.
7. Removing anything that prevents water from reaching the skin,nail etc.

27- Wajib of ghusl

Wajib of ghusl is one and that is saying Bismillah. It is overlooked due to ignorance &

28- Fardh of ghusl

Fardh of ghusl is one and it is to reach the water all of one's body including mouth & nose.

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29- Sunans of ghusl

Sunans of ghusl are 7, they are-

1. Doing wudhu before starting ghusl.
2. Removing mani[semen] & najasha, present in private parts & body.
3. Pouring water over the head three times.
4. Commencing with the right side.
5. Maintaining the order.
6. Rubbing the body with hands.
7. Washing feet in another place.

30- Recommended ghusls.

Recommended ghusls are 16. They are-

1. During the day of Jumuah
2. Before washing the deceased.
3. For Eid prayer
4. For eclipse prayer.
5. For Istisqa prayer
6. After recovering from Insanity[Junun].
7. After recovering from unconsciousness.
8. For the pseudo-menstruating women[Mustahidha] before every prayer.
9. For entering ihram.
10. To enter makkah (even if in the case of menstruating woman)
11. To enter the area of haram.
12. In standing arafah.
13. In doing tawaf al-Ziyadah.
14. In doing tawaf al-ifadah.
15. In staying at Muzdalifah.
16. In stoning on Jamarah.
Tayammum is also sunnah during these cases[in necessity].


31- Prerequisites of tayammum

The prerequisites of tayammum are 8. They are-

1. Intention
2. Islam
3. Sanity
4. Discernment[Tamyeez]
5. Istinja & Istijmar.
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a. If required
6. Entry of the time of salat for which tayammum is being made.
7. Inability to use water
8. Lawful, unused, unburnt & dust containing dirt, which adheres on hand.
32- Wajib of Tayammum

Wajib of tayammum is Tasmiyyah. It is overlooked due to ignorance & forgetfulness.

33- Fardh of tayammum

There are five fardh actions in tayammum. They are:

1. Wiping the face.
2. Wiping the hands including wrists.
3. Maintaining order[It is required in case of wudhu-Kashshaf al-qina']
4. Continuity in case of wudhu.
5. To assign specific niyyah of tayammum [for which it will be done], i.e. niyyah for
removing ritual impurity[major & minor] or removing filth of body.
a. General intention is also sufficient, i.e. saying that, I am doing niyyah for
ritual impurity- it is sufficient for removing both[major & minor] impurities.

34- Invalidators of tayammum

Invalidators of tayammum are 5. They are:

1. Things that invalidate the wudhu[in case of wudhu].
2. Presence of water.
3. Conclusion of prayer time.
4. Conclusion of those things which gives the validity of doing tayammum.
5. Removing Socks[Khuff] & it's like things, if tayammum is done while they were

Removing impurities

35- Purifying Impure things

If the filth is from the dog or swine, then it will be washed seven times, where one will be
with dirt.
Other impurities can be purified by seven washings.
The vomiting and urine of male infant, who depends on milk only, can be purified by
sprinkling water in the place.
The impurities of ground and it's like objects can be purified by one washing.
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Note: These are the least numbers of washings. If the filth remains after these washings, then
more washing is required.

36- Pure and Impure animals.

Impure- Animals bigger than a cat, which cannot be eaten. Birds which cannot be eaten are
from this group.
Pure- Animals smaller than a cat.
All death bodies are impure except-
1. Human death body,
2. Fish,
3. Locust,
4. Things which doesn't have flowing blood, such as scorpions.

37- Secreted things of edible animals

Their urine, feces & other secretions are pure except blood & pus.
Small amount[according to the individual] of blood & pus of them are remissible.

38- Secreted things of inedible animals

All of their secretions are impure except semen and the milk of the human.
The presence of blood of animals, which were pure during lifetime, in case of salat is
But if blood falls on food or drinks then it's not overlooked because it is najis.

Haydh & Nifas

39- Hydh[Menstruation]

Natural blood which is secreted from a healthy woman during a certain period.
It's not that blood which comes out due to childbirth.
There is no haydh before nine years, after 50 years & during pregnancy.

40- Minimum, Maximum & Normal period

Minimum Period- 1 day & 1 night

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Maximum Period- 15 days & their nights.
Normal period- 7 days & their nights.

41- Minimum days of purity between two Menstruation

Minimum days of purity are 13 days. Other days are the days of hydh.
There is no limit of maximum.
42- Nifas[Lochia], Minimum-Maximum period

The blood which comes out after child birth or 2 or 3 days before it.
Maximum period- 40.
There is no limit of minimum.

43- Prohibited actions during Haydh & Nifas

They are-
1. Intercourse,
2. Salat,
3. Siyam,
4. Tawaf,
5. Reciting Quran,
6. Touching Mushaf,
7. Staying at Mosque.

After becoming pure, it is wajib to making up the Siyam not the Salat.

Difference between sharth,wajib or Fardh

- Outside the worship,i.e. Niyyah,it is done before starting main worship.
Fardh and Wajib
- Part of worship.
- They are same.However, there is difference between them in some context,i.e.
Taharah,Salat & Hajj. In these cases--
a) Fardh:-Can't be overlooked due to ignorance & forgetfulness.Wajib is
b) Both can't be overlooked when they are spared intentionally.
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Kitabus Salat


44- Rulings on Adhan & Iqmah

Both adhan & iqamah are Fardh al-Kifayah upon-

1. Free
a) Subjugated person doesn't required to do them.
2. Men
a) It is disliked for women to make adhan & iqamah even if their sound isn't
3. Residents.
a) Travellers do not required.

Prerequisites, which are required for being valid-

1. Order.
2. Continuity, according to norm.
3. (Whole of adhan or iqamah) must be done by one person.
a) They are not valid if they are carried out by multiple person.
4. Niyyah.

45- Prerequisites of Muazzin

Prerequisites of Muazzin are 6.They are-

1. Muslim
2. Man
3. Sane
4. Mummayyiz
5. Able to speak.
6. Upright[Adil] from outside.
a) So we shouldn't stalk to him to find out his reality.
b) Fasik is the opposite of adil. He is the one who is doing major sins or insisting
on minor sins without repentance.

46- Giving Adhan before time

It is not permissible except in the case of fazr.

Fazr has two adhan.

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1. That is given after passing of midnight.It is done to remind the people about suhoor &
tahajjud prayer.
2. That is given on time of fazr.

47- Rukn[Piller] of Adhan

Rukn of adhan is to raise the voice unless the adhan is done for the one who is present in that
It is sunnah in the case of muazzin for-
1. having beautiful & loud voice,
2. being honest,
3. being knowledgeable about prayer time,
4. being in the state of purity,
5. giving adhan & iqamah while standing.

48- Recommended acts for Muazzin & Muqim

It is recommended for muazzin, the listener & the resident's who listens the iqamah-
1. to repeat the wordings of adhan except during-
a) Hi 'alas salat & Hi 'alal falah
- Say, la hawla wa la kuyyata illa billah.
b) As salatu khairum minan nawm
- Say, sadakta wa bararta
c) Qadqamatis salat
- Aqmahallahu wa adamaha
2. to say darud upon nabi[sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam]
3. to say,
َ َ‫ت ُم َح همدًا ْال َو َس ْيلَةَ َو ْالف‬
ْ ‫ َوا ْب َعثْهُ َمقَا َما ً َمح ُم ْودا ً اله َذ‬،َ‫ض ْيلَة‬
،ُ‫ي َو َعدْتَه‬ َ ‫ آ‬،‫صالَ َة ْالقَائَ َم َة‬
‫ َوال ه‬،‫اللّٰ ُه هم َربه َه َذ َه الدهع َْو َة التها هم َة‬
4. to make any dua' after it & after iqamah also.

49- Leaving mosque after adhan

It's forbidden to leave the mosque after adhan except for excuse or leaving with an intention
to return.
a) Excuses- that allows leaving jama'ah or jumu'ah.
b) intention to return- being certain to get the jama'ah(that mosque or others)

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Rulings on Salat

50- On Which Salat is Obligatory

Salat is wajib upon-

1. Muslim,
2. Mukallaf[sane & adult[Bulugh]]
3. Women,who isn't in the state of haydh or nifas.
It is not overlooked in the case of a man who is affected by short term memory loss.[***]
It is valid from a mummayiz and he will also get the reward of it.
It is obligatory upon the guardian to order their child to pray salat, when they reach 7 and
beating them slightly when they reach 10.
a) If they don't do so then they will be sinful.
b) Slight beating- the beating that doesn't occur any injury or physical change.
The person who abandons salat & doesn't believe it's wajibat, he is an disbeliever.
a) Excuse-Ignorance
1. The person who abandons salat out of laziness, doesn't become kafir unless some
criterias are met.
a) Inviting from Imam or naib(of imam) & concerning about the obligations
b) Refusing to pray & next prayer's time comes to an end,i.e. For Zuhr---Ending
the Time of 'Asr,
For Magrib---Ending the Time of 'Isha.
- After meeting these conditions he will become a Murtad. 3 days will be given to him
to return.
- If he doesn't return then he should be killed by Imam as a Murtad.

51- Prayer times

Zuhr- From the Zawal[passing of the zenith] until the shadow of an object becomes equal to
it's own length excluding the shadow of Zawal.
[[If the length is 20 cm & the shadow of Zawal is 2 cm, then Zuhr will starts when the
shadow becomes 22 cm]]
'Asr- It has two times.
1. Mukhtar[Choice/Preferred]- From the end of Zuhr until the shadow becomes two
times of it's length excluding the shadow of Zawal.
2. Darurah[Necessity]- From the end of the previous until the setting of the sun.
It is not valid to delay the prayer until the time of necessity without any valid excuse.
Magreeb- From the end of Salatul 'asr until the complete disappearance of redness of sky .
'Esha- It has two times.
1. Mukhtar[Choice/Preferred]- From the end of the Magreeb until the 1/3rd of night.
- Night- From Magreeb to al-Fazr.
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- 2nd opinion- until the half of night
2. Darurah[Necessity]- From the end of the previous until al-Fazr.
Fazr- From the appearance of white light over the horizon horizontally until the sun rises.
- Subh al-Kazib[fake fazr]- appearance of white light over the horizon Vertically.
- Subh as-Sadiq[true fazr]- appearance of white light over the horizon horizontally.

52- Rulings on voluntary prayers

Voluntary prayers are sunnah.

The best of them is that which is sunnah to pray in jama'ah.
And the order is: Qusuf, Istisqa, tarawih & witr.
a) Qusuf is better than istisqa because istisqa is prayed by prophet only one time.
The minimum amount of witr is 1,and the maximum is 11.The least perfect amount of witr is
3 raka'ah with two tasleem.
a) It is also permissible to pray 3 raka'ah with one tasleem.
It's time is between 'Isha[after praying Isha] and appearance of Fazr.It is better to pray sunan
of isha before it.
The qunot should be made after ruku'.
- It is also valid to do qunot before ruqu'.
And he should say,
‫ إنك‬، ‫ وقنا شرما قضيت‬، ‫ وبارك لنا فيما أعطيت‬، ‫ وتولنا فيمن توليت‬، ‫ وعافنا فيمن عافيت‬، ‫اللهم اهدنا فيمن هديت‬
‫ تباركت ربنا وتعاليت‬، ‫ وال يعز من عاديت‬، ‫ إنه ال يذل من واليت‬، ‫تقضى وال يقضى عليك‬
‫ وبك منك ال نحصي ثناء عليك أنت كما أثنيت على نفسك‬، ‫ وبعفوك من عقوبتك‬، ‫اللهم إنا نعوذ برضاك من سخطك‬

The follower should say, Ameen. They should raise their hands above the chest level & wipe
their face by palms.

53- Sunan al-Rawatib

They are 10 raka'ahs of sunan al-Rawatib. They are-

- Two before Zuhr &
- Two after it.
- Two after Maghreeb.
- Two after 'Isha
- Two before Fazr.
It is sunnah to make them up & witr if missed.

54- Taraweeh

Traweeh is 20 raka'ah.
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- Not less that. Less than 20 is termed as qiyam al-Layl.
- Prayed in Ramadan.
- Manner: 2+2…
Time: between Salat al-Isha & and witr.
- Isha must be prayed first.
- Praying sunan (of 'isha) first is recommended.
- Tahajjud is that prayer which is prayed after waking up from sleep.

55- Preconditions of Prayer

Shuroth[preconditions] of prayer are 9. They are-

1. Islam
2. 'Aql[Sanity]
3. Tamyeez[Discernment-age of 7]
4. Being in the state of purity if he is able to be.
- complete purity- Recommended
- refraining from overlooked najasat, i.e. small amount of blood, vomit, pus.
Trace that remains after Istijmar is also under the same ruling.
5. Entrance of time.
- He has to be certain. Being Yaqeen[(100%) is recommended.
- Being doubtful is not considerable. So if he pray being doubtful, he must
repeat the salat even if he prayed within it's time.
6. Covering the awrah if he is able.
- The thing that exposes the awrah is not considered as covering awrah , i.e. not
being transparent.
- Using tight cloth to cover the awrah is considered but it is disliked.
7. Removing Najasat[Impurities] if he is able.
- From place
- From cloth
- From body
8. Facing the qiblah, if it is possible.
- Unable- illness, Fear, Prisoner etc
9. Niyyat

56- Pillars of prayer

There are 14 number of pillars in Salat. They are-

1. Standing if he is physically able.
2. Opening Takbeer
3. Reciting Fatiha
1. It has 11 shaddah, whoever abandons any of them and doesn't return, his
prayer becomes invalid.
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2. Long pause, i.e. saying 1 ayat and being silent for a long time or saying
Alhamdulillah and being paused for long time, will invalidate the recitation.
3. If one doesn't know the fatiha fully,then he will repeat that part which is
4. Ruku.
5. Returning from it.
6. Standing up straight.
7. Sujud.
8. Rising from it.
9. Sitting between two prostrations.
10. Tuma'nina[sukun-being at ease] in these rukn
11. Last tashahud.
- That is saying Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad after first tashahud.
12. Sitting for the last tashahud and two tasleems.
13. Two tasleems in fardh prayer
- One tasleem is rukn in janaza, nafl prayer etc.
- Sayings during tasleem-- assalamualaikum warahmatullah.
adding wabarakatuhu is recommended.
14. Maintaining the order that is mentioned.
57- Wajib of salat

Waajib of Salat are 8. They are-

1. Any takbeer other than the opening one.
- These takbirs[except the first one] are recommended when one prays behind
the imam.
2. Saying "Sami’ Allahu Liman Hamidah" for imam & munfarid
3. Saying "Rabbna Walakal Hamd"
- For All,i.e. imam,munfarid & ma'mum
4. Saying "Subahana Rabbiyal ‘Azeem" in ruku'
5. Saying "Subahana Rabbiyal A‘ala" in sujood.
6. Saying "Rabighfirli" between two sujood.
7. Saying first tashahud.
-it is,
َ ‫ اَل ه‬،ُ‫ي َو َرحْ َمةُ هللاَ َوبَ َركَاتُه‬
‫سالَ ُم َعلَ ْينَا َو َعلى َعبَا َد هللاَ ال ه‬
ُ‫ أ ْش َهد‬، َ‫صا َل َحيْن‬ ُّ ‫سالَ ُم َعلَيْكَ أَيُّ َها النه َب‬ ‫صلَ َواتُ َو ه‬
‫ اَل ه‬، ُ‫الط َيبَات‬ ‫اَلت ه َحيهاتُ هللَ َوال ه‬
ُ ‫أ َ ْن الَ َإلهَ َإاله هللاُ َوأ ْش َهد ُ أ هن ُم َح همدا ً َع ْبدُهُ َو َر‬
ُ‫س ْولُه‬ َ َ
8. Sitting for the first tashahud.

58- Sunan[Verbal]

Verbal sunans are 11, they are-

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1. Du'a al-Istiftah, it is "subhanakallahumma wa bihamdika wa tabarakasmuka wa ta'ala
jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuk".
2. Ta'udh.
3. Basmalah
4. Saying "Ameen" after Fatiha
5. Reciting another surah after fatiha.
- In first two raka'ah.
- Not in 3rd or 4th
6. Reciting out loud, for imam.
- It is disliked for ma'mum[follower]
- Choice for munfarid
7. Saying, "Mil’ al-samawaati wa mil’ al-ard wa mil’ ma shi’ta min shay’in ba’d" after
tahmeed for imam and munfarid.
8. Saying tasbih of ruku', sujood and "Rabbigfirli" more than once.
9. Sending prayers upon the family of the Prophet (saw) in the last tashahhud
10. Sending Barakat[blessings] upon them in it
11. Du’aa’ after the last Tashahud.

59- Sunan[Actional]

Actional sunans are a lot. From them-

1. Doing Raful yadain in starting takbeer.
2. Doing it during Ruku'
3. Doing it After ruku'
4. Holding the left wrist with right and placing them below navel.
5. Sighting on the place of sujud except during tashahud.(-on the index finger.)
6. Lightening the prayer in the case of Imam.
7. Making the first raka'at longer than the second.
8. Separating the feet in the distance of a hand span.
(-Madhhab-What is suitable for one. As long as it doesn't become exaggerating.)
9. Grasping the knees by hands during the ruku'.
10. Lavelling the head and back during ruku'.
11. Separating the elbows from sides & belly from the thighs.
12. Separating the knees.(also toes)
13. Keeping the hands parallel[beside] of the shoulders.
14. Placing the hands in the thighs.
(-not in the knees. hands should be straight & fingers should be unite)
15. Grasping the little and ring fungers of the right hand, making a ring by means of
middle and thumb fingers. Pointing the index during the utterence of Allah &
And there are other sunnah's mentioned in lengthy works.

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60- Ruling of Prostration for forgetfulness and it's modality

It is-
- Sunnah
- When one recites something shari'[part of salat] in the wrong place.
Ex. Reciting fatiha in ruku'
- Mubah
- When one leaves a sunan (unintentionally)

- Wajib
- Due to excess of ruku', sujud, standing or sitting even if it equals Jalsat al-
- That means when one unintentionally adds these things he must go
back to the main part and do sujud as-sahu at last.
- Giving salam before finishing the salat
- Abandoning an wajib out of forgetfulness.
- Being doubt,i.e. third or fourth
- If he doubts then becomes certain[via signs], he should follow the
certainty and should refrain from doing sujud as-sahu.
- If he doubts then should go for least number.
Doing two sijdahs after or before the taslim.
- If he does after the salam, he must repeat the tashahud.
- It is recommended to do after if he ends the prayer before completing it.
61- Disliked things in prayer.

Things that are makruh, i.e. disliked, in prayer are-

1. Reciting fatiha without adding another surah.
- In 1st & 2nd rakah.
- Haram during khutbah of jumu'ah & when tayammum is used as purification.
2. Repeating the fatiha.
3. Moving eyes without moving head.
- Prayer is invalid due to a lot of movements.
4. Closing one's eyes.
- Even if it is done for khushu.
- Exception- when some distracting or impermissible things are present.
5. Carrying something that will keep him busy.
6. Laying the forearm in the ground during sijdah.
7. Fidgeting[Playing with something,i.e. beard.]
8. Placing one's hands in hip.
9. Streching.
10. Opening one's mouth.
11. Putting something in the mouth.
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12. Praying where a picture is in front of him.
13. Facing a Human Face.
14. Facing to someone who is talking.
15. Facing to someone who is sleeping.
16. Facing to the fire.
- Because it is imitating al-Majus
17. Facing to anything that distracts.
18. Touching pebbles.
19. Labelling the land without need.
20. Fanning oneself with his hand unless it is hot weather.
21. Cracking the knuckles.
22. Touching & playing with beard.
23. Rolling the garment.

If they are done profusely according to norm then the prayer will become invalid.

62- Things that invalidates Salat

Invalidators of salat are-

1. Anything that invalidates purity.
2. Exposing the awrah intentionally.
- Even if they are insignificant.
3. Facing the contrary to the qiblah being capable.
- Exception: Praying inside the qabah, during fear salat etc.
4. Having an amount of najasah that is not overlooked & not removing it
5. Moving a lot according to the norm.
- Except in fear salat.
6. Leaning heavily with something without excuse.
7. Returning to the tashahud after starting the qirat.
- If someone stands without doing tashahud and starts the qiraat then it is
impermissible to return on the tashahud.
- If he forgets then when he remembers, he will return.
- If he does it intentionally then the salat is invalid.
8. Adding a rukn intentionally
9. Performing a rukn before another intentionally.
10. Intentionally doing salam before finishing the salat.
11. Intentionally doing the mistakes that changes the meaning.
12. Having the cloth far away when he is praying naked.
- If they are nearby then he must wear it and complete his salat.
- If they are far away from him, which requires a lot of movement then the salat
is invalid.
13. Invalidating the niyyat.
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14. Having doubt[being hesitant] about the niyyat.
15. Intending to invalidate the niyyat.
16. Doing something when doubting about niyyat.
- Doing a sujud when doubting about it.
- If someone doubts about any of his rukn then it is invalid.
17. Dua' related to something in dunya.
- They are treated as normal talk.
18. Using the pronoun 'your' other than Allah & Rasul saw.
- Ex. Iyyaka, Assalamualaika
19. Laughing loudly.
20. Talking in the salah, even if unintentionally.

21. Exceeding the Imam.

- Heel is measured in this case.
22. Invalidating the salat of Imam.
23. Doing salam before imam intentionally or doing it unintentionally and not returning to
24. Eating
25. Drinking.
- Small amount is overlooked for the one who has forgotten or ignorant.
- One can drink a small amount in voluntary prayer but can't eat.
Salat doesn't invalidate if someone-
1. swallows a small amount of food without chewing.
- chewing invalidates the salat.
- Small amount- the amount that requires chewing.
2. sleeps a bit in certain position & then talks or says something during qiraat which isn't
part of qirat[slip of the tongue].
3. is overtaken by congestion, yawning, crying, sneezing & two sounds are enunciated.
- If they are uttered as two sounds intentionally then it will invalides salat.
Salatul Jama'ah

63- On which Jama'ah is wajib

Jama'ah of Five daily prayer is wajib upon every free & capable man.
- weather travelling or not.
It is not valid for mumayyiz[who didn't reach puberty] to lead a fardh salah.
It is recommended to pray jama'ah in masjid.
- It is recommended for women to pray in the house.
- It is valid for them to pray in the mosque.
- It is disliked for attracting women.
It is recommended for women to pray separately from men when they are more than one.

64- Things, which responsibility is taken by imam

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They are 8.
1. Recitation
- Even if the imam gives a pause or ma'mum finds out time.
2. Sujud as-Sahu
- Unless you have missed a rukn
3. Sujud at-tilwah
- In zuhr & asr salat imam doesn't need to do it.
4. Sutrah
- because his sutrah is your sutrah.
- People can pass between the row.
- If you pray alone, then you must prevent them & shouldn't allow him to pass.
5. Dua' al-qunut.
- Imam should do dua' for everyone[by adding jama' mutakallim-adding "na"]
6. 1st tashahud.
- If he joins imam at the 2nd rakat, then he doesn't need to sit in the 3rd rakat of
jama'ah. [Not maintaining the structure]
7. Saying, sami'alla huliman hamidah
8. Saying, milas samai wa mil al ardhi wa mil 'a ma shi'ta min sayiin ba'ad, for ma'mum.

65- Who should lead

1. The best reciter.

a. even if he doesn't know better fiqh than others.
b. Then the one who knows better fiqh.
2. Then the elder.
3. The one who is more honorable than others.
a. A Quraishi is given preference
4. Then the one who is more religious & righteous.
5. Then a lottery will be occured.

The resident and the imam of masjid is predominant of imamah, even if they are subjugated.
The free person is given preference over the subjugated.
The resident, sighted and the one who is in a state of purity are given preferred over their
It is disliked to void the preference without permission.
It is not valid to pray behind the fasikh, except during eid & jumua' prayer
- If he has no option without it, like-If the imam[President] gives punishment for it.
- If he had an option then he must repeat it.
The one who is unable to fulfill any of the arakan or conditions then his imamah is not valid
unless the followers are like him.
- Exception- the regular imam has the allowance.
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- His incapability must be temporary.
A woman can't lead the prayer of man.
A mumayyiz can't lead one's prayer who reached puberty.
- He can lead the voluntary prayers.
- He can lead the mumayyiz followers.
It is not valid to pray fardh prayer behind a nafl prayer.
- The opposite is valid.
It is valid to pray a qadha prayer behind a person who is praying the same named prayer,
opposite is also permissible .
- Means- imam(Zuhr),He(Zuhr-an qadha)
It is not valid to pray zuhr behind asr, it's opposite is also invalid .

66- Where should imam stand

It is valid for him to stand between[middle of the first row] the followers. It is sunnah to
stand in front of them.
If the follower is one then he should stand on the right side parallel to the imam.
- It is not valid to stand at the left side as long as the right is empty.
It is sunnah for a Woman whether she is halal or not, to stand behind him.
- It is valid for her to stand beside him being separate.
If a follower exceeds imam (by the heel) then his prayer is invalid.
If a follower prays in a row alone without any excuse, then his prayer is invalid.
- He should tap someone to come back and join him. If he[tapped one] doesn't, then he
can pray alone.
- He can also stand next[right] to the imam.

67- Excused person from praying jumu'ah & jama'ah.

They are-
1. The sick
2. The one who fears that he might got sick
- Or he fears that the recovery will be decreased.
- One who is in need of food & it is in front of him.
3. One who needs to urinate or defecate.
4. One who loses his animals and expects of it's return.
5. One who fears about losing of his wealth, opportunity or some fears coming to
6. One who fears for the wealth that is leased by him and he must protect.
Ex. looking after homestead.
7. One who fears from mud,snow,sleet,rain and winds in dark night.

68- Combining prayers

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It is valid to combine the Zuhr & 'Asr, Maghrib & 'Isha prayer-
- for a traveller
- they must be prayed in the time of one of them.
- Shortening is mustahab whereas Joining is permissible.
- for sick, who fears that the illness will increase
- for a breastfeeding women
- If najasah is a lot & cleaning of it will cause difficulty.
- for a person who is incapable of performing wudhu for every prayer.
- Instead of doing tayammum
It is valid to combine the maghrib and 'isha prayer due to snow, sleet, mud, cold, strong
wind and rain which can soak one's cloth and causes difficulty.
- even if at home.
It is better to combine in that one which is more easier[becoming].
If they are equal then it is better to combine at the later one,i.e. In the case of zuhr-'asr=>'asr

69- On Which Jumu'ah is wajib

It is obligatory upon--
- all free & Mukallaf[Sanity & Puberty] man who has no excuse.
- the traveller who isn't allowed to shorten his prayer.
a) distance is inadequate or reason of travelling is sinful
- the resident who lives in a place where people gather
a) Presence of 40 people is must.
b) The distance between his place & masjid is not more than a Farsakh.
It is two in raka'at.
70- Conditions for being Sahih

Conditions for being Jum'ah prayer sahih are 4. They are-

1. Time
a) From the time of salat ad-duha to the end of zuhr time.
2. Being in a village where the presence of 40 permanent male resident is occured.
3. Attendance of 40 people including the imam on whom jumu'ah is obligatory.
4. Commencing with two khutbah.

71- Conditions of two Khutbah

The are 5 in numbers:

1. Time
a) Neither before nor after.
2. Intention.
3. Being in a Village[Occuring during permanent residency]
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4. Attendance of 40 people on whom jumu'ah is obligatory.
5. Khateeb must be the one who is acceptable for being imam.

72- Pillars of Khutbah

Pillars of Khutbah are 6. They are,

1. Praising to Allah;
2. Salat upon Rasul saw;
- Doing both salat and salam is recommended.
- doing only one of them is permissible.
3. Reciting at least one ayat from the book of Allah
- Which gives meaning
4. Advising for keeping taqwa of Allah
5. Continuity between them and the prayer.
6. Giving the Khutbah out loud so that people can hear them without any obstacles.

It is forbidden for people to talk or recite.

73- Sunan of two Khutbah

It's Recommended acts are-

1. Purification;
2. Covering of awrah,i.e.Awrah of Prayer;
3. Removing the najasah;
4. General du'a for muslim
5. Giving Khutbah & Leading Prayer by one person.
6. Raising the voice as much as one can.
7. Giving the Khutbah from a high place, relying on a sword or stick.
8. Sitting for a moment between two khutbah.
- At least being silent, if he doesn't want to.
9. Shortening them, i.e. khutbah.
10. Making the second one shorter than the first one.

74- More than one Jumu'ah or eid prayer in a city

It is impermissible to do more than one Jumu'ah or Eid prayer in a city except in the case of-
- lack of space,
- being long distance for people
- Fear of fitnah
If it is done without need than the one in which takbir al-ihram[starting takbeer] made first is
the valid one.
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75- Salat al 'Eid-Conditions & Time

Salat al 'Eid is fardh al qifayah.

- It's an mufradat
It's conditions are same as salat al-Jumua'
- Except the two khutbahs.Here two khutbahs are Sunnah.
It's time as like as the salat ad-duha.
- from the rising of the sun as equivalent to one spear to the zawal[before].

There is no Adhan & Iqamah in salat al-Jumu'ah rather than the announcement of Salatul
jami'ah thrice.

76- Description of Salat al 'Eid

Salat al 'Eid is two raka'ah.

After doing takbeer al-Ihram, one will say dua' al-istiftah.
Then before saying Ta'uz[Auzubillah] 6 takbeer should be made.
Five takbeer should be made after rising from sujood before the qira'at of second raka'at.
He should raise his hands during this takbeer.
Between two takbeer he should say,
‫َّللاَ على سيدنَا محمد النه َبي ْاأل ُ َمي وعلى آله وصحبه‬ ً ‫ص‬
‫ و صلى ه‬،‫يال‬ َ َ‫َّللاَ بُ ْك َرةً َوأ‬
‫س ْب َحانَ ه‬ ً ‫يرا َو ْال َح ْمدُ َ هّلِلَ َك َث‬
ُ ‫يرا َو‬ ً ‫َّللاُ أ َ ْك َب ُر َك َب‬
‫وسلم تسليما كثيرا‬
- It is valid to say a part of it or any other dua'

In the first raka'at after doing the takbeers he should say ta'uz & basmalah. Then he should
recite suratul Fatiha loudly.
The he should recite Sabbihisma rabbikal 'ala.
- In the second rakat he should recite suratul gashiah.
After doing salam Imam should give two khutbahs.
Their ruling are same as jumuah. But he should start the-
- first khutbah with nine tabeers
- second khutbah with seven tabeers
If salat al-Eid is prayed as like as nafl prayer then it is valid.
- Praying without the taqbeers.
- Taqbeers are sunnah.

77- General & Specific takbeers

General Taqbeer is recommended.

They should be said out loud. Time:
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- Two nights of Eid
- 10th day of Zul Hijja, until the Khutbah of Eid
Specific Taqbeer
- Recommended
- After Every Fardh Salah prayed in Jama'ah
- Starts from 9th Zulhijjah fajr until the 'Asr of 13th.
- Not recommended for munfarid.
Description of taqbeer:- Allahu akbar Allahu akbar La Ilaha Il-Allah wa Allahu akbar
Allahu akbar Wa lillahil Hamd.

78- Rulings of Udhiyyah

It is sunnat al-Muakkadah.
Age requirements-
- Goat- 1 year
- Sheep- 6 months
- Cow- 2 years
- Camel- 5 years
Preference order- camel> cow> sheep-goat
Chicken can't be given as udhiyah.
It's time:- begins after finishing the first salat al eid & lasts until the end of the day of 12th
jul hijjah.

79- Prohibited Times

These are the times when praying nafl is prohibited.

- Fardh has no prohibited times.
They are three in numbers-
1- From the real fazr until the rising of the sun in the sky a spear's length.
- Only sunan of fazr can be prayed before the sunrise.
- If someone prays fardh before he has to wait for the sunrise.
2- From the prayer of asr until sunset.
3- When the sun is in the middle of the sky until it moves slightly to the west.

Prayers that can be made during these times-

- Sunan al-Fazr
- Two raka'ah of tawaf
- Sunan of zuhr after asr during combining the zuhr & asr.
- Repeating the jamah.
- If someone is in the masjid & see that jama'h is on going then he can join with
them if he has no prayer to make up.

Published by
Kitab Al-Janaiz

80- Rulings of mayyith.

5 things are obligatory associated with a dead person. They are-

1. Ghusl
- Fardh al-Kifayah
2. Shrouding
3. Praying Salat over him
4. Transportation.
5. Burying
It is sunnah to wrap a man with three & a woman with five white cotton sheets, it is also
same for the hermaphrodite, i.e. 5.
- Young boy - 1 sheet
- Young girl- 3 sheets.

81- Conditions of salat al janaiz

There are 8 conditions, they are-

1. Niyyat
2. Being mature & sane
3. Facing the qiblah.
4. Covering the awrah.
5. Removing the najasat.
6. Presence of deceased.
7. Being muslim(for Deceased)
8. Purification(Taharah)
82- Arakans of salat al-Janaiz

Pillars of slalat upon mayyit are 7. They are-

1. Standing when one is praying the first salat upon deceased.
2. Doing 4 takbeers.
3. Reciting al-Fatiha.
4. Sending salat upon nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
5. Doing dua' for the deceased. It's bare minimum is- "Allahumagfirlahu war hamhu"
6. Doing 1st salam.
7. Maintaining the order of arakan.

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83- Description of Salat upon deceased

Description of salatul janaza includes-

1. Imam should stand towards the middle of a woman & chest of a man.
2. Then he will give the first takbeer.
3. Then he should say Ta'udh.
4. Then he should say basmalah.
5. Then he should recite fatiha.
6. Then he should do the second takbeer & say salat upon nabi.
- With adding salat upon ibraheem
7. Then he should do the third takbeer and do dua' for the deceased.
8. Then he should do 4th takbeer & stand a little bit & do salam.
- Sunnah is to do 1 salam
Sunanh is to--
- cook something & send it to the relatives of the deceased.
- The opposite is disliked[cooking for the others]
- do any voluntary deeds, i.e. reciting quran, prayer, charity etc, and sending it to the
deceased. Niyyat must be done. The hasanat will be the same for both.

Published by
Kitab as-Siyam

84- Signs by which ramadan become Wajib

Keeping siyam becomes obligatory due to the-

1. sighting the hilal,i.e. new moon, of ramadan
- so we can't rely on calculations.
- weather you are in a muslim country or not.
If one person see the hilal, then everyone is required to fast.
- He must be mature, sane, upright[apparent righteousness] muslim.
- The one who doesn't-
- commit major sins
- persists in minor sins or deviates from the custom of people (not
opposite of religion).
Acceptance of the witness of one is accepted in this case.
- Even if he is a slave or woman.
2 upright male's witness is required to affirm other months.
- Ex. Ending of ramadan

85- Preconditions of being the siyam wajib

Things that obligate one to keep siyam are 4. They are-

1. Islam.
2. Puberty.
3. Sanity.
4. Being capable of keeping siyam.
- Both physically & psychologically.

86- Conditions of validity

Conditions, required for validity of siyam in Ramadan, are 6. They are-

1. Islam
2. Ending of menstruation.
3. Ending of lochia.
- Even if she doesn't perform ghusl, siyam is valid.
4. Tamyeez[determination of good and bad]
5. Sanity.
6. Doing the separate intention for every siyam.
- In night[From Magreeb until fazr]
It's fardh is to refrain from every invalidatory things of it from the real fazr until the maghreb.

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87- For Whom it is valid to invalidate

It is valid to invalide siyam for pregnant & breastfeeding women.

- If they fear for-
- themselves, then making up the day is sufficient.
- child, then must make up & feed poor.
- The duty of feeding is up to the guardian of the child.
- Fidya- 1 mud wheat or two mud other food.
It is also valid for elderly people.
It is sunnah for sick person & the traveller who is permitted to shorten the prayers.
- before fazr-- recommended.
- after fazr-- permissible not recommended.
The elderly people must feed the poor for everyday.
Sick & the traveller must make up the day. They don't need to pay fidya.

88- Invalidators of fasting

Invalidators of fasting are 12. They are-

1. Menstrual bleeding.
2. Lochia.
3. Death.
4. Becoming kafir,Awudhubillah.
5. Intention of breaking the fast.
- Saying that, i will break the fast if i get food. Siyam is broken even if he
doesn't eat.
6. Being hesitant about intention.
7. Vomiting on purpose.
8. Swallowing phlegm intentionally
9. Bleeding as a result of hijama
- Siyam of both hajim and mahjom will be invalidated due to it
- Normal bleeding doesn't invalidate siyam
10. Coming out of many[seminal fluid] due to repeated looking.
- Siyam is not invalidated due to wetdream or thinking.
11. Coming out of madhy[pre-seminal fluid] as a result of kissing, touching, masturbating
or foreplay invalidates siyam
- Coming out of many due to masturbation also invalidates siyam
12. Anything that reaches the stomach, throat & brain. Even if it doesn't contain any

Doing these Internationally invalidates one's siyam.

Siyam is not invalidated due to unintentional action or forced action. But intimacy is not
under this consideration.
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89- Due upon invalidating siyam intentionally

It is obligatory to do qadha of those siyam.

Kaffarah is not applied unless one does it via intercourse.
It is due upon the one who has done it, and the one with whom it was done, if she does it
- to free a slave;
- if he cannot then fasting two consecutive month
- if he cannot then feeding 60 miskeen[poor]
- if he cannot then there is nothing to pay.

Published by
Kitab az-Zakat

90- Zakatable wealth

There are five types of wealth on which zakat is due. They are-
1. Cattles- Camel, cow, sheep and goat
2. Wealths that come out from land,
- measurable & stored objects
- crops, seeds, metals etc
3. Honey
4. Gold & Silver.
5. Merchandises.
- that bought and sold for gaining profit

91- Conditions of being zakat liable

They are Five.

1. Islam
2. Being free.
3. Owning the nisab.
4. Being full owner
- Applied to any possession not only money
- A master has a slave, and 1000 $ is required for emancipation. The slave gave
the master 700 $ of them.
The nisab is 500$, now is his 700$ is liable of zakat? No. Because the money
is not under full possession of him.
- Same ruling goes to joint ownership. The will be counted after dividing the
5. Completion of one year
- It depends.
- Not for the things that came from land.
Zakat becomes wajib because of money. That's why wealths of majnoon & infant (,i.e. below
7) is also zakatable.
- Their guardian must pay the zakat.
92- Conditions of being zakat wajib upon cattle

They are three-

1. Keeping those to produce animals or milk, not for transportation, i.e. work.
2. Grazing in the permissible field for most of the time.
3. Reaching the nisab.

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93- Nisab of Camel

The minimum nisab of camel is 5. One sheep or goat will be due.

- 1-4 camel= no zakat.
- If you don't have goat or sheep then you have to sell a camel and buy one of them.
Then a sheep or goat will due on every 5 camels.
- 10-14= 2 sheep
- 15-19= 3 sheep
- 20-24= 4 sheep.
For 25 camels there a bint makahadh, a 1 year old she camel, will be due.
For 36 camels, a bint labun will be due. It is a 2 year old she camel.
For 46 camels, there is a hikkah, a 3 year old she camel, will be due.
For 76 camels, two bint labun,
For 91 camels, two hikkah will be due
For 121 camels= 3 bint labun.
From 130 -
- For every 40= 1 bint labun
- For every 50= 1 hikkah.
So, for 130= 2 bint labun & 1 hikkah.
- for 225 camels= 3 bint labun & 2 hikkah.
You can't give a male camel.

94- Nisab of Cow

Minimum nisab is 30 cows. A Tabi'[one year old male cow] is due in this case.
- Female is better.
For 40 cows- a Musinnah[two year old female] is due.
For 60 cows- two Tabi'
For 70++ cows-
- A Tabi' for every 30 cows
- A musinnah for every 40 cows.

95- Nisab of sheep & goats. Ruling on mixed herbs

The minimum nisab of sheep & goat is 40. A six month old sheep or one year old goat is due
in this case.
If the number reaches 121 then two sheep/goat will be due.
If the number reaches 201 then three sheep/goat will be due.
After that for every 100 sheep there a sheep/goat
will due, i.e for 400-4 sheep, 500-5 sheep, 600-6 sheep etc.

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If one or more herbs are mixed & they reach the amount of nisab of cattle with meeting
- completion of a lunar year
- sharing of same pens, yards, milking station, studs and lands
then zakat must be paid as if they were one herb instead of separate herbs.
- Both owner will pay(according to their share)

96- Zakat on Wealths that comes from land. It's Nisab & Wajibat

For the wealths comes from land, they are storable & measurable objectives, such as wheat,
barley, fruits- dates, raisins, the must be met two conditions-
- When they reach the amount of nisab
- Being in possession of nisab at the time of paying(the time at when it becomes wajib)

Liability commences-
- For Seeds/Grain- when they become harden
- For fruits & vegetables - when they become edible or ripen
Nisab is Five awsaq, which is equivalent to 300 sa'.
If they are irrigated effortlessly, then 1/10 is due.
If they are irrigated with effort, then 1/20 is due.
For honey- 1/10
- the minimum nisab is sixty iraqi rital

For rikaz, buried treasure before the age of Mohammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam,- 1/5

97- Zakat of Gold & Silver. Zakat of Merchandise

The nisab of -
- Gold is 20 misqals, it is equivalent to 85g[21 carat].
- Silver is 200 dirhams, it is equivalent to 595 g
2.5% of them will be due as zakat.
They must be mixed so that the amount reach the nisab.
- based on amount not value, i.e. mixing
- zakat should be given according to the value.
There is no zakaat on the jewellery that are for using, lending (gifting others).
- Jewelleries where there is no financial benefit.
- Zakat must be given on the jewelleries which are for selling.
Conditions on giving zakat of merchandise-
1. They must meet nisab of gold or silver's value.
2. They must be in possession for one lunar year.

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After a lunar year they should be treated as zakatable wealth and zakat must be given 2.5% of
their current value.

98- Zakat al-Fitr

It is a charity, obligatory upon-

- Muslim
- Free
- The one who has more than whatever is required[essential needs] for himself & those
in his care(i.e. family, servant etc) in the night & day of Eid.
- Any addition, zakat al-Fitr is required, even if it is very few,i.e. some dates.
Recommended is to give them before salat al-Eid.
It is disliked after prayer.
It is impermissible to delay it after the day of eid.
It is valid to give them 1 or 2 days before Eid.

Zakat al-Fitr is given with 1 sa' of dates, wheats, raisins, barley or Cottage cheese.
If they are unavailable then the staple food of that country can be given.
It is invalid to give their monetary value.
1 sa' - a volumetric measurement which is equivalent of 4 mudd'.

99- To whom zakat should be paid

The eligible zakat recipients are 8 types. They are-

1. Fukarah- the one who can acquire 50% or less than 50% of his need.
2. Masakeen- the one who can acquire more than 50% but less than 100% of his need.
3. The worker, who is working, i.e. collection & distribution, in the field of zakat.
4. Muallaf al qulubuhum, it refers to sustaining one's heart in islam.
- The obeyed leader from whom muslim community want's to avoid his evil or
hopes that he may convert to islam.
- Can be both muslim and non-muslim.
5. Freeing the slave who is in contract with his master that he will be freed if a certain
amount of money is given. They are two types-
a. the one who is under one master.
b. the one who is partially owned.
6. The one who is in debt. They are two types-
a. The one who is in debt due to reconcile between two people.
i. even if he is rich.
b. The one who is in debt due to reconcile between him and other people.
7. Soldier, who is fighting in the way of allah.
- He is doing it voluntarily.
8. Ibn sabeel- the one who is out of his country and requires money to get to his home or
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- even if he is rich in his country

Published by
Kitab al-Hajj

100- Rulings on Hajj & Umrah

It is wajib at least once in lifetime. Prerequisites of being wajib are 5. They are-
1. Islam
2. Sanity.
3. Puberty.
4. Being free.
5. Capability.
- Ability of financial etc[road safety]

If they are done by a baby[who is mumayyiz] or a slave, then they will be counted.
- but not as obligatory hajj & umrah.
If one fulfils the conditions, then he is obliged to do them immediately as long as the road is
- If he has the money of doing umrah he must do it even if he doesn't have the money to
do the hajj.
A women requires a mahram if it requires travelling.
- It is not a distance
- The thing that is termed as travelling according to the urf.
- If she is a resident of makkah, then she is not required to have a mahram.
Capability: Ability of Collecting food, transportation & those things that are required
constantly for him & his family.

101- Arakan of Hajj

They are 4-
1. Niyyat of initiating the rituals of hajj.
- One must utter it, it is ijma'. It is a part of obligation. Ex. Allahumma
labbayika hajjan etc.
- Based on this hanabilah says saying Niyyat for others, i.e. wudhu etc, can be
done. Saying it Out loud is bid'at.
2. Standing on Arafah.
- One moment of 9th Fazr to 10th Fazr.
3. Tawaf al-Ifadah, time starts from the midnight of eid.
4. Say' on Safa and Marwah.
- Safa to marwah- one time,
- Marwah to safa- one time.
- Neat- 7 times.

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102- Arakans of Umrah

They are 3-
1. Ihram- Niyyat of Umrah.
2. Tawaf.
3. Sai'

103- Wajib of Hajj

Wajib of hajj are 7. They are-

1. Doing the ihram from Miqat.
- Place:- zul hulaifah[madinah], Juhfa[egypt & other western countries], Ya lam
lam[Yemen], Qarn[Najd], Dhat irq[eastern countries]
- Any place of Makkah is the miqat for the people of it[For hajj].
- He can't exceed it without the state of ihram.
- Time:- Shawwal, zul-qadh & first ten days of Zulhijjah
2. Standing in arafah at least one moment of night.
- He can stay here at any of the time to fulfil the rukn but to fulfil the wajib he
must stay a moment of night.
- Standing on morning is sunnah.
3. Spending the night in Mujdalifah if someone reach there before the midnight
- If someone reach there before the middle of the night, he must stay there until
the midnight.
- If someone reach there after the midnight then he doesn’t have to wait there.
4. Staying at Minah in 11, 12, & 13th Zul hijjah.
5. Stoning on jamarh according to the order
- 1st day- 7 stone in aqabah
- 2nd, 3rd & 4th day-
- first- on 1st jamarah situated near the Masjid al-khaif
- Second- on the middle Jamarah
- Third- on the aqabah
- Neat- 70 stones(7+21+21+21)
- They must be thrown one after another (instead of merely placing them down).
6. Shaving or trimming the hair.
7. Tawaf al-wida[farewell tawaf]
- Done before departing from Makkah.
104- Wajib of Umrah

They are 2.
1. Doing ihram from meeqat point for those who are in outside of Makkah
- The people of makkah- getting out the haram area and then doing ihram.
2. Shaving or trimming the hair.

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105- Prohibited acts during Ihram

It is prohibited for muhrim-

1. To -
- wear something that takes the shape of one's body[tailored clothes]- For man.
- Izar & rida are not tailored garments
- cover a woman's face intentionally without need.
- cover one's head- For man.
2. Intentionally smelling & touching perfume and using them in food & water.
3. Removing any body hair.
4. Cutting the nails.
5. Killing land animals or guiding and helping in it
- Either from the haram area or not.
6. Contracting marriage.
7. Sexual intercourse, foreplay, touching & masturbation.

106- What are one supposed to do if any of the above mentioned work is done.

If one wears tailored garment, uses the perfumes, covers head, plucks or cuts more than two
nails or hairs, then it is wajib for him to-
- do qurbani of a sheep or goat or
- fast 3 siyam or
- to feed 6 miskeen
- 1 mudd wheat or 2 mudd other foods
One can do either of these things.
One who kills a game animal, which analogous types of cattle is present then he must-
- do qurbani of it, Ex. Ostritch- a Camel;
deer- a cow; aardwolf- a sheep; gazzlle- a sheep; hyrex, consumable lizard- a young
goat; jerboa, a cross between mouse and rabbit, - 4 months she goat; rabbit- she goat
less than 4 months; Hamam, a bird- a sheep.
- or bring an animal liken to it & use it's monterrey value to feed miskeen.
For other animals one must consult with two experts.
If the animal does not have analogous types, then it's monterrey value must be used to feed
- Ex.
- If the value is enough to feed 60 miskeen, then he should feed 60 miskeen.
- Or he should fast 60 days
- He should distribute it in that area.

Published by
(Bidayat al-Abid)
Kitab al-Jihad

It is Fard al-Kifayah.
- The obligation is fulfilled if done by some people from the community.
It becomes Fard al-'Ayn-
- When the enemy is present.
- If someone were to attend, he can't go back.
- If someone or a city is surrounded by the enemy.
- upon the people of that region
- If the imam says.
It becomes highly recommended-
- When sufficient people is present.
It is obligatory upon-
1. Sane & Baligh
2. Free
3. Capable
4. Sound.
- Who doesn't have any disability.
5. Man
Jihad is the most virtuous voluntary act[when it is Fard al-Kifayah]. Others are (according
to order)-
- Spending for jihad{2}
- Acquiring voluntary knowledge from hadis, fiqh & tafsir and teaching {3}
- Nafl salat.{4}
Naval expeditions are better.
- Because it is more danger & difficult.
Ribat is sunnah.
- It refers to guarding the fortified border of the combat line.
- Least duration - a moment.(according to 'urf)
- Complete term- 40 days.
It is more preferred-
- Where is severe fear.
- than staying at Makkah.
The more the fear, the more it is preferred.
Insolvent debtor shouldn’t go to voluntary jihad-
- unless the debtor gives him permission
- or he should mortgage something
- Debtor will use it
- or he should assign a solvent guarantor.
A man shouldn’t go to a voluntary jihad without his parents permission.
- Parents must be free muslim.

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It is not permissible for muslims to escape or retreat from an army which is twice their size,
even if it is one on two.
- It is permissible if the army is more than twice their size.
It is not permissible to kill-
- Children, women, hermaphrodite, priest, very old, permanent sick & a blind.
- If they do not-
- provide counsel
- fight
- or help to fight[encouraging]
Imam has choice, regarding the captured free soldiers, between-
- killing, enslaving, emancipation, exchanging with wealth or muslim prisoners.
It is wajib for imam to choose the more appropriate one.
- If he is in doubt then killing is the best option.

Recruitment & Spoils

They[army & it's chief] must purify their intentions for Allah in their acts of worship.
- Fighting, curing the injured etc will only for the sake of allah.
Imam has to do contract with (keep checking) the soldiers and their horses.(*)
He should prohibit to attend the following figures -
- The one who is not suitable
- The immature[the one who hasn't reached the age of puberty.
- Mukhajjil or Discouragers, those who say, don't fight, we are not getting anything,
there is no benefit in this fight etc.
- Murjif or Alarmists, the one who say that, they are stronger etc
- Spy, who has the knowledge of inner workings of plan or strategy, he can tell the
enemy the update news.
- Known hippocrates
- Inciter of civil unrest(mischief among them)
- Children, Women
- Except for the elderly who serve as water bearers etc.
It is haram to seek assistance from kuffar except in dire need.
- determined by fakih.
Army chief should prevent his army from-
- impermissible things
- being busy with commerce
He should --
- prepare wages & rewards to the people who will stand, fight, not escape or change
their position.
- seek counsel from experienced people.
Whoever kills a combatant at the time of war, he is allowed to take his belongings.
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Belongings are-
- clothing, jewellery, weapons, horse or animals upon which he is fighting & the
belongings which are on it[horse].
You can only take his belongings not the thing that he owns. The other things are included in
ghanimah[war booty]. They are-
- money, saddle, tents, animals used to carry loads(pack animals).

Ghanimah[War Booty]

The things that are confiscated from the army of al-Kuffar when they are killed, defeated.
- Possessing them made them ghanimah as long as they are in the land of kuffar
They are divided into 5 parts.
- 1st part, i.e. 1/5th, of it can be subdivided into 5 categories, where the share can be
divided. They are-
- Allah & his messenger
- Used to help muslims, Ex. building hospitals.
- Relatives of prophet saw- the family of al-hashim and al-muttalib
- Male will take twice than the female.
- the poor orphan
- Yateem- The person, whose father died before puberty
- The needy[miskeen]
- the wayfarer, who does not find enough money to go back.
- Others, i.e. 4/5th, are divided among soldiers who attended the fight(witnessed)
- Foot soldiers will receive one share.
- Horseman riding arabian horse will take three shares.
- One for him and two for his horse.
- Horseman riding an non-arab will receive two shares.

No share will be given for

- the riding beasts other than horse, Ex. Camel.
- more than two horse.
- If someone has two arbian horses then he will get 6(3+3).
- If someone has one arabian and one non arabian then he will get 5(3+2).
- If someone has two arbian horses then he will get 4(2+2).
- If he has more than two horses he will get shares only for two horses.
The prerequisites of getting shares-
- Puberty
- Sanity
- Being free
- Being male
If one of them is absent then they are given a compensation which is less than a share.
When a land is conquered then the imam has two choices-
- he should make it wakf, ex. Masjid.
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- Muslims will benefit from it
- Ownership- The state.
- Or he will divide it among the soldiers with land tax.
- Land taxes will be used for the benefit of the muslims.
- It will not be stopped.

Followings are all fay, which should be spent for the benefit of muslims-
- Jizyah, whatever is taken from non-believers without fighting, land taxes,
- 10% trading taxes of one who has no contract with muslims,
- 5% trading taxes of one who has contract with muslims,
- what they are abandoned in fear
- The things that are left from them due to their escape.
- the things of a deceased who has no inheritors.

Dhimmah[Pacts of protection]

Dhimmah is a contract with-

- People of the book, i.e. Jews & Christians
- Those who have claimed to have a book, i.e. al-Majus
- It depends on the ijtihad of the ruler.
It is to give them some rights.
It must be done by Imam or his secretary.
- can't be done by random people. It is haram.
It's an obligations to give them dhimmah if-
- he is secure from their deceit &
- they confirm to follow 4 things-
- they have to pay jizyah according to the conditions determined.
- it can't be send
- they have to be humbled
- they have to wait
- they have to mention our religion in a good way.
- they shouldn't do anything that might bring about harm to the muslims.
- In any way. saying, doing both
- they will be judged according to the rulings of our law.
- Something that they have prohibited in their religion.
- such as adultery, they must be punished for it according to our
law, even if the law is not mentioned in their scripture.
- If it is something that they don't consider as haram, they will not be
punished if they do it.
- Ex. Drinking Alcohol
Jizyah should not be taken from a-
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- child or woman
- even if they are rich.
- slave
- poor(man or woman) etc.

They have to distinguish themselves from muslims.

- they have to wear specific clothes or different
They should be prevented from-
- riding horses
- carrying weapons
- constructing buildings higher than a muslim
- Even if they approve
- it should be destroyed
- and he is liable for the destruction.
- But if he purchased it from a muslim, then it should not be destroyed.
- If the tall construction collapsed, then he can't rebuild it as it was.
- The construction should not destructed if a muslim wants to build a lower than
- For example: all houses of muslims are 3 floored buildings, and a
dhimmi has 2 floored building. If a muslim constructs a building of 1
floor, then the building of dhimmi shouldn’tbe destroyed.
They are not permitted to-
- construct new churches
- rebuild old churches, if they collapse
- show anything that is haram in our religion, even if it is not haram in their religion.
- They can't drink alcohol publicly
- they can't ring the bells of their churches
- Holidays
- show crosses
- It is disliked for a muslim to wear a cloth that contains a cross, if he doesn't
believe in it
- eat or drink publicly during the days of ramadan
- eat pork publicly
- raise their voices for deceased
- ring the bells of churches
- recite the qur'an
- reciting their scripture out loud publicly
- buy a copy of qur'an
- they should not be given a mushaf unless one wants to become a muslim and
under the supervision of a muslim.
- they may humiliate it or do bad things with it.
- buying books of hadith or fiqh, tafseer etc.
The ruler and his assistant must protect them & keep them safe
He should prevent whoever would harm them.
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- It is haram to spare them over others.
Breaking the Dhimmah

- refuse to pay jizya according to the description that mentioned or refuses to adhere
our laws or
- fight us
- commits adultery with a muslim woman, weather she agrees or not or
- commits intercourse with her claiming as [in the name of] marriage.
- commits robbery
- Spies or keeps a spy
- mentions allah, his book, his religion or his prophet saw in a bad manner
- kills a muslim
- causes a mischief by telling muslims to leave the religion or to follow another
-- his contract is broken. He will go back in a state of other kafir. He will not be treated as
- His family will not be judged as him.
The ruler must treat him as a captured soldier.
He must choose from-
- killing
- enslaving
- emancipation
- exchanging with wealth or muslim prisoners.
If he is hesitant then killing is better.
His wealth becomes fay'.
It is haram to kill him, if he accepts islam, even if he insults a prophet saw.
- It is only for the dhimmi.

َ‫ أ َ ْست َ ْغ َف ُركَ َوأَت ُ ْوبُ َإلَيْك‬، َ‫ أَ ْش َهد ُ أ َ ْن الَ َإلَهَ َإاله أَ ْنت‬، َ‫س ْب َحانَكَ اللّٰ ُه هم َو َب َح ْمدَك‬

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