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Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 10, No.1 (2023) March, Page.

e-ISSN: 2621-1971|p-ISSN: 2088-7086

The Effect Of Social Media Marketing On Tik Tok

Applications On Purchase Decisions At Esana Store
Nasrullah1*, Nurinaya2, Sulaiman3, Wahyuddin Yahya4

1*,2,3,4Departmentof Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar,

Jl. Sultan Alauddin No. 259, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effect of Social Media Marketing of
the Tik Tok Application towards purchase decisions at the Esana Store
in Makassar City. The sample uses direct interviews with the parties
related to the problems that are being discussed and provides a
questionnaire for 165 respondents according to the conducted research.
The data were analyzed using quantitative methods which is using five
formulas as validity test, linear regression, t test and the coefficient of
Correspondence Email: determination by SPSS 25 software for windows. The results show that
[email protected] the Social Media Marketing of Tik Tok Application toward Purchase
Decisions has a positive and significant effect on Purchase Decisions at
the Esana Store in Makassar City.
Keywords: ABSTRAK
Social media; Marketing; Purchase Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Social Media
Marketing Pada Aplikasi Tik Tok terhadap keputusan pembelian pada
Esana Store di Kota Makassar. Sampel menggunakan metode wawancara
langsung dengan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dengan masalah yang sedang
DOI: di bahas serta memberikan kuesioner kepada 165 responden sesuai dengan penelitian yang dilakukan. Data di analisis dengan
menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang menggunakan lima rumus yaitu
Uji validitas, , Regresi Linear, Uji T dan Kofisien determinasi dengan
bantuan software SPSS 25 for windows. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa
Social Media Marketing Pada Aplikasi Tik Tok Terhadap Keputusan
Pembelian berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Keputusan
Pembelian Pada Esana Store di Kota Makassar.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Marketing is done to get someone's attention to what we want to sell or offer. Marketing
itself has various ways of doing it, both directly and indirectly. Not only that, with the
development of today's technology, marketing is also divided into conventional marketing and
digital marketing. Today's increasingly sophisticated technological developments affect
various perspectives, ranging from workers, employers and business people in the world.

One of the marketing media that is currently in great demand by the public is digital
marketing because this type of marketing can be done anywhere and has a fairly wide reach.
For Indonesia itself, from the survey that has been conducted, it has been found that the total
number of users currently connected to the internet is 132.7 million out of a total population of
256.2 million. This survey has increased from the previous number of 88 million users due to
developments in infrastructure which indirectly forced people to enter the digital era (Pradiani,

The Effect Of Social Media Marketing On Tik Tok ,... 109

Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 10, No.1 (2023) March, Page. 109-119
e-ISSN: 2621-1971|p-ISSN: 2088-7086

The current widespread use of social media has made business people prefer to do
promotions through online media compared to carrying out conventional promotional models
such as putting up banners on the roadside. The rapid development of the use of social media
cannot be denied that the presence of the internet is now very much needed. There are many
benefits that are felt when dealing with the internet, including as a source of various
knowledge, entertainment, more efficient use of time, communication media and has a major
contribution in the success of the business world.

Talking about business, of course, marketing media is one of the benchmarks for the
success of each individual's business in selling. Today the widespread use of the tiktok
application as a marketing medium is becoming a trend among the public. The Tiktok
application itself is a short music video platform introduced by Zhang Yiming in 2016 which is
owned by the ByteDance company. The platform is a place to express creativity through videos
that create genuine, inspiring and fun experiences. TikTok allows its users to create short videos
with music, filters and several other creative features. The thing that makes TikTok stand out
among other competitors. This entertainment application allows everyone to become a video
creator because of its simplicity and convenience. Nearly five years after launching in
September 2016, TikTok is experiencing a meteoric rise in popularity.

From the description of the phenomena and theories that have been explained, problems
are found that explain the application of Tik Tok as a form of representation of an idea in
promotion. Other research explains that the Tik Tok application can be used as a pioneer in
new advertising by looking at the phenomenon of using the Tik Tok application which is busy
and a trend in today's modern times. So this study aims to determine the effect of social media
marketing on the Tik Tok application on purchasing decisions at the Esana Store, which is
currently a media promotion trend in society on consumer buying interest.

This type of research used is quantitative research. Quantitative research methods can be
interpreted as research methods based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine certain
populations or samples, sampling techniques are generally carried out randomly, data collection
uses research instruments, data analysis is quantitative (statistical) with the aim of testing
hypotheses that has been set (Sugiyono, 2016: 13).
The type of data used in this study is a type of quantitative data. According to (Juliandi,
2015: 65) quantitative data is data in the form of certain numbers, which can be operated
mathematically. Data sources used in this study are: Primary data, obtained directly from
respondents, namely Esana Store consumers. Secondary data, obtained indirectly from
document literature, data related to research obtained from books, print or electronic media,
journals, and others related to the problem to be studied.
According to Arifin, Johar (2017: 7) Population is the entire subject or totality of research
subjects which can be people, objects, or something that can be obtained and or can provide
research information (data). Meanwhile, according to Sugiyono (2016: 80) Population is a
generalization area consisting of: objects/subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics
determined by researchers to be studied and then conclusions drawn. The population used in
this study were 165 shoppers at the Esana Store who used the Tik Tok application.

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Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 10, No.1 (2023) March, Page. 109-119
e-ISSN: 2621-1971|p-ISSN: 2088-7086

While the sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population.
The sample in this research is Esana Store consumers. The sampling technique used is non-
probability sampling, namely by using purposive sampling, which is sampling based on certain
characteristics, such as consumers who have active and inactive Tik Tok applications.
Data collection was taken by researchers through library research, namely by reading
literature in the form of textbooks that had something to do with the variables studied (Riandani,
2015). The data collection technique that will be carried out by researchers is by asking questions
to respondents to be answered by Esana Store consumers. Then the data obtained by the
researcher is categorized as factual data and will be recorded for processing and analysis. To
provide an assessment of the respondents, researchers used a Likert scale so as to produce
variable measurements on an interval scale.
This study used a simple linear regression model because this research was conducted to
find out the equation that describes the relationship between an independent variable/predictor
(X) and one dependent variable/response (Y). This study used a data processing program,
namely SPSS Version 25.


A. Analysis of the description of research variables
(a) Promotion variable description of Social Media Marketing (X)
The promotion variable for social media is measured through 10 statement items with a
Likert scale of 1-5. The results of respondents' responses to these variables can be explained in
the following table:
Table 1 Respondents' responses to Social Media Marketing X

Statement AVERAGE
1. X1 80 69 13 1 2 7.19
2. X2 74 71 14 4 2 7.06
3. X3 74 62 23 4 2 6.97
4. X4 85 56 21 2 1 7.17
5. X5 73 75 12 3 2 7.09
6. X6 76 69 17 1 2 7.11
7. X7 79 69 13 3 1 7.17
8. X8 80 68 14 2 1 7.19
9. X9 82 61 17 2 3 7.12
10. X10 77 70 15 1 2 7.14

Based on table 1, the first statement is dominated by 2 respondents or 2.0% strongly

disagree answers, 1 respondent or 1.0% disagree answers, 13 respondents or 13.0% neutral
answers, 69 respondents or 69.0% agree answers, and 80 respondents strongly agree answers or
80.0%. The second statement answers strongly disagree 2 respondents or 2.0%, disagree 4
respondents or 4.0%, neutral answers 14 respondents or 14.0%, answers agree 71 respondents
or 71.0%, and answers strongly agree 74 respondents or 74.0%. The third statement answers
strongly disagree 2 respondents or 2.0%, answers disagree 4 respondents or 4.0%, neutral
answers 23 respondents or 23.0%, answers agree 62 respondents or 62.0%, and answers strongly
agree 74 respondents or 74.0%. The fourth statement answers strongly disagree 1 respondent or

The Effect Of Social Media Marketing On Tik Tok ,... 111

Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 10, No.1 (2023) March, Page. 109-119
e-ISSN: 2621-1971|p-ISSN: 2088-7086

1.0%, disagree by 2 respondents or 2.0%, neutral answers 21 respondents or 21.0%, answers

agree 56 respondents or 56.0%, and answers strongly agree 85 respondents or 85.0%. In the fifth
statement, 2 respondents or 2.0% strongly disagreed, 3 respondents or 3.0% disagreed, 12
respondents or 12.0% neutral, 75 respondents or 75.0% agreed, and 73 respondents or 73.0%
strongly agreed. The sixth statement answers strongly disagree 2 respondents or 2.0% disagree
1 respondent or 1.0%, neutral answers 17 respondents or 17.0%, answers agree 69 respondents
or 69.0%, and answers strongly agree 76 respondents or 76.0%. Statement of the seven answers
strongly disagree by 1 respondent or 1.0%, answers disagree 3 respondents or 3.0%, neutral
answers 13 respondents or 13.0%, answers agree 69 respondents or 69. 0%, and the answers
strongly agree 79 respondents or 79.0%. The eighth statement strongly disagreed with 1
respondent or 1.0%, 2 respondents or 2.0% disagreed, 14 respondents or 14.0% were neutral, 68
respondents or 68.0% agreed, and 80 respondents or 80.0% strongly agreed. The ninth statement
strongly disagreed with 3 respondents or 3.0%, 2 respondents or 2.0% disagreed, 17 respondents
or 17.0% were neutral, 61 respondents or 61.0% agreed, and 82 respondents or 82.0% strongly
agreed. the tenth answers strongly disagreed by 2 respondents or 2.0%, the answers did not
agree 1 respondent or 1.0%, the answers were neutral 15 respondents or 15.0%, the answers
agreed 70 respondents or 70.0%, and the answers strongly agreed 77 respondents or 77.0%. and
answers strongly agree 79 respondents or 79.0%. The eighth statement strongly disagreed with
1 respondent or 1.0%, 2 respondents or 2.0% disagreed, 14 respondents or 14.0% were neutral,
68 respondents or 68.0% agreed, and 80 respondents or 80.0% strongly agreed. The ninth
statement strongly disagreed with 3 respondents or 3.0%, 2 respondents or 2.0% disagreed, 17
respondents or 17.0% were neutral, 61 respondents or 61.0% agreed, and 82 respondents or
82.0% strongly agreed. the tenth answers strongly disagreed by 2 respondents or 2.0%, the
answers did not agree 1 respondent or 1.0%, the answers were neutral 15 respondents or 15.0%,
the answers agreed 70 respondents or 70.0%, and the answers strongly agreed 77 respondents
or 77.0%. and answers strongly agree 79 respondents or 79.0%. The eighth statement strongly
disagreed with 1 respondent or 1.0%, 2 respondents or 2.0% disagreed, 14 respondents or 14.0%
were neutral, 68 respondents or 68.0% agreed, and 80 respondents or 80.0% strongly agreed. The
ninth statement strongly disagreed with 3 respondents or 3.0%, 2 respondents or 2.0% disagreed,
17 respondents or 17.0% were neutral, 61 respondents or 61.0% agreed, and 82 respondents or
82.0% strongly agreed. the tenth answers strongly disagreed by 2 respondents or 2.0%, the
answers did not agree 1 respondent or 1.0%, the answers were neutral 15 respondents or 15.0%,
the answers agreed 70 respondents or 70.0%, and the answers strongly agreed 77 respondents
or 77.0%. The eighth statement strongly disagreed with 1 respondent or 1.0%, 2 respondents or
2.0% disagreed, 14 respondents or 14.0% were neutral, 68 respondents or 68.0% agreed, and 80
respondents or 80.0% strongly agreed. The ninth statement strongly disagreed with 3
respondents or 3.0%, 2 respondents or 2.0% disagreed, 17 respondents or 17.0% were neutral, 61
respondents or 61.0% agreed, and 82 respondents or 82.0% strongly agreed. the tenth answers
strongly disagreed by 2 respondents or 2.0%, the answers did not agree 1 respondent or 1.0%,
the answers were neutral 15 respondents or 15.0%, the answers agreed 70 respondents or 70.0%,
and the answers strongly agreed 77 respondents or 77.0%. The eighth statement strongly
disagreed with 1 respondent or 1.0%, 2 respondents or 2.0% disagreed, 14 respondents or 14.0%
were neutral, 68 respondents or 68.0% agreed, and 80 respondents or 80.0% strongly agreed. The
ninth statement strongly disagreed with 3 respondents or 3.0%, 2 respondents or 2.0% disagreed,

(Nasrullah, et al., 2023) 112

Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 10, No.1 (2023) March, Page. 109-119
e-ISSN: 2621-1971|p-ISSN: 2088-7086

17 respondents or 17.0% were neutral, 61 respondents or 61.0% agreed, and 82 respondents or

82.0% strongly agreed. the tenth answers strongly disagreed by 2 respondents or 2.0%, the
answers did not agree 1 respondent or 1.0%, the answers were neutral 15 respondents or 15.0%,
the answers agreed 70 respondents or 70.0%, and the answers strongly agreed 77 respondents
or 77.0%. neutral answers 14 respondents or 14.0%, answers agree 68 respondents or 68.0%, and
answers strongly agree 80 respondents or 80.0%. The ninth statement strongly disagreed with 3
respondents or 3.0%, 2 respondents or 2.0% disagreed, 17 respondents or 17.0% were neutral, 61
respondents or 61.0% agreed, and 82 respondents or 82.0% strongly agreed. the tenth answers
strongly disagreed by 2 respondents or 2.0%, the answers did not agree 1 respondent or 1.0%,
the answers were neutral 15 respondents or 15.0%, the answers agreed 70 respondents or 70.0%,
and the answers strongly agreed 77 respondents or 77.0%. neutral answers 14 respondents or
14.0%, answers agree 68 respondents or 68.0%, and answers strongly agree 80 respondents or
80.0%. The ninth statement strongly disagreed with 3 respondents or 3.0%, 2 respondents or
2.0% disagreed, 17 respondents or 17.0% were neutral, 61 respondents or 61.0% agreed, and 82
respondents or 82.0% strongly agreed. the tenth answers strongly disagreed by 2 respondents
or 2.0%, the answers did not agree 1 respondent or 1.0%, the answers were neutral 15
respondents or 15.0%, the answers agreed 70 respondents or 70.0%, and the answers strongly
agreed 77 respondents or 77.0%.

(b) Purchase decision variable description (Y)

This purchase decision variable is measured through 9 statement items with a Likert scale
of 1-5. The results of respondents' responses to these variables can be explained in the following

Table 2 The respondent's response to the purchase decision variable Y

No Statement AVERAGE
1. Y1 58 74 25 5 3 6.74
2. Y2 18 57 60 23 7 5.51
3. Y3 86 64 13 0 2 7.27
4. Y4 82 62 16 3 2 7.14
5. Y5 81 61 17 4 2 7.10
6. Y6 72 72 16 2 3 7.03
7. Y7 69 69 23 2 2 6.96
8. Y8 71 75 15 1 3 7.05
9. Y9 65 76 18 2 4 6.91

Based on table, the first statement is dominated by 3 respondents or 3.0% strongly disagree
answers, 5 respondents or 5.0% disagree answers, 25 respondents or 25.0% neutral answers, 74
respondents or 74.0% agree answers, and 58 respondents strongly agree answers or 58.0%. The
second statement was dominated by 7 respondents or 7.0% strongly disagree answers, 23
respondents or 23.0% disagree answers, 60 respondents or 60.0% neutral answers, 57
respondents or 57.0% agree answers, and 18 respondents or 18.0% strongly agree answers. third
statement with answers strongly disagree and disagree by 2 respondents or 2.0%, neutral
answers 13 respondents or 13.0%, answers agree 64 respondents or 64.0%, and answers strongly

The Effect Of Social Media Marketing On Tik Tok ,... 113

Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 10, No.1 (2023) March, Page. 109-119
e-ISSN: 2621-1971|p-ISSN: 2088-7086

agree 86 respondents or 86.0%. The fourth statement answers strongly disagree 2 respondents
or 2.0%, disagree 3 respondents or 3.0%, neutral answers 16 respondents or 16.0%, answers agree
62 respondents or 62.0%, and answers strongly agree 82 respondents or 82.0%. The fifth
statement answers strongly disagree 2 respondents or 2.0%, answers disagree 4 respondents or
4.0%, neutral answers 17 respondents or 17.0%, answers agree 61 respondents or 61.0%, and
answers strongly agree 82 respondents or 82.0%. sixth statement with answers strongly disagree
3 respondents or 3.0%, disagree 2 respondents or 2.0%, neutral answers 16 respondents or 16.0%,
answers agree 72 respondents or 72.0%, and answers strongly agree 72 respondents or 72.0%.
seventh statement with answers strongly disagree 2 respondents or 2.0%, disagree 2
respondents or 2.0%, neutral answers 23 respondents or 23.0%, answers agree 69 respondents
or 69.0%, and answers strongly agree 69 respondents or 69.0%. eighth statement with answers
strongly disagree 3 respondents or 3.0%, disagree 1 respondent or 1.0%, neutral answers 15
respondents or 15.0%, answers agree 75 respondents or 75.0%, and answers strongly agree 71
respondents or 71.0%. ninth statement with answers strongly disagree 4 respondents or 4.0%,
disagree 2 respondents or 2.0%, neutral answers 18 respondents or 18.0%, answers agree 76
respondents or 76.0%, and answers strongly agree 65 respondents or 65.0%. neutral answers 15
respondents or 15.0%, answers agree 75 respondents or 75.0%, and answers strongly agree 71
respondents or 71.0%. ninth statement with answers strongly disagree 4 respondents or 4.0%,
disagree 2 respondents or 2.0%, neutral answers 18 respondents or 18.0%, answers agree 76
respondents or 76.0%, and answers strongly agree 65 respondents or 65.0%. neutral answers 15
respondents or 15.0%, answers agree 75 respondents or 75.0%, and answers strongly agree 71
respondents or 71.0%. ninth statement with answers strongly disagree 4 respondents or 4.0%,
disagree 2 respondents or 2.0%, neutral answers 18 respondents or 18.0%, answers agree 76
respondents or 76.0%, and answers strongly agree 65 respondents or 65.0%.

B. Research Results
Validity test is used to determine the extent to which the accuracy of the use of the
measuring instrument for the factor being measured. To measure the validity of the instrument,
the researcher compared the product moment correlation coefficient with the r-table. For
degrees of freedom (df) = n – 2, in this case n is the number of samples. In this case, the df can
be calculated as 165-2 or df = 163. The questionnaire can be said to be valid if the statement
proves something to be measured. Whether or not an instrument is valid can be seen and
compared with the correlation index as its critical value by comparing r-count with r-table. If r-
count > r-table then the statement can be categorized as valid and can be used in further testing.
The results of the validity test processed by the researcher are shown in Table 3 as follows:
Table 3 Test Results

R Table (df=N-2)
Variable Items R Count Significant Level Information
n 0.05%
X1 0.558 0.151 Valid
X2 0.628 0.151 Valid
Social Media X3 0.619 0.151 Valid
Marketing X4 0.606 0.151 Valid
X5 0.699 0.151 Valid
X6 0.650 0.151 Valid

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Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 10, No.1 (2023) March, Page. 109-119
e-ISSN: 2621-1971|p-ISSN: 2088-7086

X7 0.647 0.151 Valid

X8 0.687 0.151 Valid
X9 0697 0.151 Valid
X10 0.745 0.151 Valid
Y1 0.751 0.151 Valid
Y2 0.347 0.151 Valid
Y3 0.704 0.151 Valid
Y4 0.798 0.151 Valid
Buying decision Y5 0.625 0.151 Valid
Y6 0.754 0.151 Valid
Y7 0.843 0.151 Valid
Y8 0.802 0.151 Valid
Y9 0.780 0.151 Valid
Source: Primary data processed, 2023

Based on table 3, it proves that all statement items for each variable are valid, where the
value of r-count > r-table = 0.151. Therefore, the results obtained for each statement item from
each variable are all declared valid and can be used in the next test.

b. Simple Linear Analysis

Table 4 Results of Simple Linear Analysis

Standardize d
Unstandardized Coefficients
Model B std. Error Betas
(Constant) 6,742 1,650
X .710 038 .827
a. Dependent Variable: Y

Based on Table 4 above, the estimation model can be analyzed as follows: Y = a + bX

Y=6,742 + 710
Description: Y = dependent variable
X = Independent Variable a = Constant
b = Regression Coefficient

Based on table 4 it can be explained that the consistency value of variable X is 710. So it
can be said that the addition that occurs in Social Media Marketing (X) then the purchasing
decision (Y) will increase the coefficient which is positive so that it can be said that the direction
of the influence of variable X on variable Y is positive.

Table 5 The results of the Coefficient of Determination R2

Summary models
std. Error of the
Model R R Square adjustedR Square
1 .827a .684 .682 3.02556
a. Predictors: (Constant), X

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Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 10, No.1 (2023) March, Page. 109-119
e-ISSN: 2621-1971|p-ISSN: 2088-7086

Based on Figure it shows that the value (R2) is 0.684, which means that the effect of the
independent variable X on the dependent variable Y is 68.4%.

Table 6 Coefficient t test results

Model t Sig.
(Constant) 4,086 <.001
1 Social Media
18,771 <.001

a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision

Based on the partial test in Table 5 the results of the partial test are as follows:
1) Based on the significance value (sig.) of the Social Media Marketing variable (X) with a
value of 0.000 <probolity of 0.05, so it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted. This
means that it has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions (Y).
2) Based on the value of t count = 18.771 > t table = 1.65426 it can be concluded that the
hypothesis is accepted. This means that promotions through social media affect purchasing
decisions (Y).

The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence on
purchasing decisions at the Esana Store in Makassar City, meaning that the higher the
promotion strategy is carried out, the more sales will increase. Promotion through social media
really helps sales from the business that is being managed because it is an action that increases
the number of sales than before. Where promotion is an activity that needs to be done to provide
information about a product so as to encourage consumers to make purchases. Promotion is also
one of the efforts to persuade consumers to accept products, concepts and ideas that will
influence buyers. Social media itself is a part of the internet that has made many changes and
has also benefited the Indonesian social community.
Purchasing decisions are stages that consumers take before purchasing a product from
many choices. As for what is done before making a decision to buy a product, namely by seeking
information about a particular product or brand and evaluating it in a good way. The results of
research that support this research were conducted by Anita Lestari in (2020) with the title The
Effect of Social Media Promotion on Purchase Decisions at the Missyshop Official boutique in
Makassar City which has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions at the
Missyshop Official boutique. This study has similarities, namely by using a type of quantitative
research and using regression analysis and the coefficient of determination. The difference is

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Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Vol. 10, No.1 (2023) March, Page. 109-119
e-ISSN: 2621-1971|p-ISSN: 2088-7086

seen from the location of the research, where this research was conducted at the Esana Store in
Makassar City while the previous research was conducted at the Missyshop Official Boutique.
Some consumers make purchases at the Esana Store because they need/according to what
they want so they feel satisfied after buying at the Esana Store, so they are interested in
informing others what it feels like to be an Esana Store consumer and buy at the Esana Store if
they want and need it Again. Thus it can be concluded that the purchasing decision at the Esana
Store in Makassar City is very high. Based on the results of the partial test (tcount) = 18.771 >
ttable = 1.65426 it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted. The results of this test
interpret that social media promotion variables have a positive and significant effect on
purchasing decisions at Esana Store.
This study aims to determine the effect of social media promotions on purchasing
decisions. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that social media promotion has
a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions at the Esana Store in Makassar City.
Based on t count = 18.771> t table = 1.65426, it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted.
This means that promotions through social media affect purchasing decisions (Y). This research
has implications for the Esana Store in Makassar City. The influence of social media promotion
on purchasing decisions at the Esana Store in Makassar City means that the achievement of the
purpose of implementing the promotion is a business selling bags and shoes in Makassar City as
well as motivating its employees. Researchers suggest that policy makers need to continue to
maintain and increase promotion through social medicine so that purchasing decisions continue
to increase for consumers, so as to significantly increase company profits.


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