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Time Allowed: 2 hours 30 minutes
Admission No. Personal No.

Candidate’s Name: ……….……………………………………………………………………..……….

Candidate’s Signature: …………………….……………………………………………..……………
School Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
District Name:…………………………………………………………………………….…………..…..

Read the following instructions carefully:

1. Do not forget to write your school and USE ONLY
district name on this paper.
2. This paper has two sections: A and B. Qn.No. MARKS NO.
Section A has 20 questions and Section B
has 12 questions. The paper has 15 printed
1 - 5
pages altogether 6 - 10
3 . Answer all questions. All the working for both
sections A and B must be shown in the spaces 11 - 15
16 - 20
4. All working must be done using a blue or
black ball point pen or ink. Any work done 21 - 22
in pencil other than graphs and diagrams will 23 - 24
not be marked.
5 . No calculators are allowed in the examination
25 - 26
room. 27 - 28
6. Unnecessary changes in your work and
handwriting that cannot easily be read may
29 - 30
lead to loss of marks. 31 - 32
7. Do not fill anything in the table indicated: TOTAL
"For Examiners' Use only" and boxes
inside the question paper.
©2022 Sure Key Examinations Board 0700758668 Turn Over
Answer all questions in this Section
Questions 1 to 20 carry two marks each

1. Subtract: 100 − 99.

2. Round off 59.97 to the nearest whole number.

3. Simplify: 0.9 x 0.6


4. Workout the square of the next number in the sequence below.

21, 15, 10, 6, ……….

5. Benita packed 55.5kg of sugar in small bags weighing 0.5kg. Find the
number of small bags she used altogether.

6. Given that 4 mangoes cost Sh.2,000. Find how many mangoes

would one buy with Sh.6,000.

7. Calculate the average of: 4x, 8, 6 and 2x.

8. Workout: 110two x 11two.

9. Write in figures: ‘Three hundred thirty three thousand thirty three’.

3 Turn Over
10. A Mathematics paper started at 12:00 noon and ended after 2 3 hrs.
At what time did the Mathematics paper end?

11. What is the smallest number divisible by either 6 or 7?

12. Find the solution set for x : 3 < x < 8.

13. Given that Set R = {m, o, p, q}, how many subsets are in set R?

14. A square room is 3.6 metres long. What is its area?

15. Simplify: 1 (4 + 12b)


16. Find the circumference of the figure below.


17. With the help of a ruler and a pair of compasses only, construct
an angle of 300.

5 Turn Over
18. Express 0.345 kilometres in metres.

19. The Ministry of Education and Sports supplied 2800 textbooks last
year. This year the supply decreased by 800 books. In what ratio
has the supply decreased?

20. The diagonals of the rhombus below are 8cm and 6cm respectively.
Calculate the perimeter of the rhombus.

3cm 4cm

4cm 3cm


Answer all questions in this section
Marks for each question are indicated in brackets

21. In a class of 30 pupils, 20 play Volleyball (V), 15 play Football (F)

m play both Volleyball and Football and 2 do not play any of the
two games.

(a) Use the information above to complete the Venn diagram below.
n(Ԑ) = 30 (03 Marks)
n(V) = …….. n(F)

……….. m ………..

(b) Find the number of pupils who play only one game. (02 Marks)

22. (a) Uganda became politically independent from Britian in 1962.

Write the year in Roman numerals. (02 Marks)

7 Turn Over
(b) What number has been expanded to give (03 Marks)
1 1 1
(2 x 10) + (5 x 1) + (4 x 10 ) + (1 x 100 ) + (6 x 1000) + (8 x 110000) ?

23. (a) The area of a Trapezium is 120cm2 and its height is 10cm.
Find the length of one of the parallel sides if the second
one is 10cm. (03 Marks)

(b) A = 1 h(a+b). Find the value of A if b = 6cm, h = 9cm and

a = 10cm. (02 Marks)

24. (a) In the space below, use a ruler, pair of compasses and a sharp
pencil only to construct a triangle EFG, where EF = 7cm, angle
EFG = 1200 and FG = 6cm.
. (04 Marks)

(b) Measure length EG _______cm. (01 Mark)

25. (a) Solve: m+1 + m = 2. (03 Marks)

3 4

9 Turn Over
(b) Solve for q: 2 q2 = 12. (03 Marks)

26. Matovu went to the market with 3 ten thousand shilling notes and
bought the items shown on the table below.
(a) Study it carefully and complete it. (04 Marks)

Item Unit cost Quantity Total cost

G.nuts ………….. 2kg Sh.7,000
Maize flour Sh. 3,000 2½kg Sh. ………..…...
Millet Sh. 2,500 …………… Sh.7,500
Milk Sh. 12,000 ………litres Sh.6,000
Total Expenditure Sh. ……………

(b) Calculate how much Matovu paid for the items if she was given
a discount of Sh.8,000. (02 Marks)

27. 30% of Mukasa’s cattle are calves and 55% are cows.
(a) What is the percentage of bulls? (02 Marks)

(b) If he had 480 heads of cattle, how many calves does he have?
(03 Marks)

(c) If he sells off 25% of the bulls and 15% of the calves, how
many animals will remain? (02 Marks)

11 Turn Over
28. The diagram below shows a metallic door to be fixed at the entrance
of the church. If PQRS is a square of sides 3m.


(a) Find the area of the semi-circle in cm2. (Use = )
(03 Marks)

(b) Find the area of the square in cm2. (02 Marks)

(c) What is the total area of the metallic sheet in m2 the welder
used to make this door? (02 Marks)

29. The figure below shows a sitting room covered with a carpet leaving
a space of 2 metres on either sides of the wall.


2m 2m


(a) What is the actual length and width of the carpet? (02 Marks)

(b) Calculate the area uncovered by the carpet. (02 Marks)

30. (a) Write 2310hrs in the 12-hour clock time. (02 Marks)

13 Turn Over
(b) Change 9:40 p.m. to 24-hour clock. (02 Marks)

31. A motorist left Town A at 10:30 a.m. and reached Town B at

12:30 p.m. driving at an average speed of 60km/h. She made a
stop over at Town B for 1½hrs and thereafter continued to Town C
at a speed of 40km/h for 3 hours.

(a) How far is Town C from Town A? (03 Marks)

(b) Calculate her average speed for the whole journey. (03 Marks)

32. Tap A fills a tank in 3 minutes and Tap B fills the same tank in
t minutes.
(a) If the two taps fill of the tank in one minute. Find the
value of t . (03 Marks)

(b) If 280 litres of water is filled by the two taps in one minute.
Find the capacity of the tank. (03 Marks)

15 END

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