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Ravancho, Gaile


Exit Ticket/Slip

The case of Beth Taylor

Observations  Pigs need a balanced diet to ensure proper growth and weight
 Different types of feed options are available in the market for
 Feed composition and quality can impact the weight gain of
Question “What is the best food for pigs to help them gain weight?”
Hypothesis If pigs are provided with a balanced feed containing a combination of
high-quality protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, then they
will experience enhanced weight gain compared to other feed options.
Steps in Experiment Sample Selection:
Select a representative sample of pigs with similar ages, breeds, and
health conditions.
Ensure an equal number of pigs in each group.

Group Formation:
Divide the pigs into three groups: A, B, and C.

Group A (Control Group): Provide pigs with a standard feed commonly

used for pigs.
Group B: Provide pigs with feed that is high in protein content.
Group C: Provide pigs with feed that is high in energy content.

Feeding and Monitoring:

Feed the pigs according to their respective groups for a specified
Weigh the pigs at the beginning of the experiment and regularly
monitor their weight throughout the experiment.
Record the weight of each pig in a tabular form.

Presentation and Analysis Pig Number Group Initial Weight Weight

of the data (tabular form) Weight (kg) after 4 after 8
weeks (kg) weeks (kg)
1 A 30 35 39
2 A 32 37 41
3 A 28 34 38
4 A 31 36 40
1 B 29 38 45
2 B 33 40 48
3 B 27 36 43
4 B 30 39 46
1 C 31 37 43
2 C 34 39 45
3 C 28 36 42
4 C 32 38 44
Draw conclusion Based on the analysis of the collected data, we can draw the following
Group A (Control Group): Pigs fed with the standard feed experienced
moderate weight gain over the 8-week period, with an average increase
of 8 kilograms.
Group B: Pigs fed with a feed high in protein content exhibited
significantly better weight gain compared to the control group, showing
an average increase of 15 kilograms over the 8-week period.
Group C: Pigs fed with a feed high in energy content also demonstrated
improved weight gain, with an average increase of 12 kilograms over
the 8-week period.

Based on these results, it can be concluded that providing pigs with a

feed high in protein content (Group B) led to the greatest weight gain,
followed by the feed high in energy content (Group C), while the control
group (Group A) showed the least weight gain.

Therefore, selecting a feed with a higher protein content would be

more effective in promoting weight gain in her pigs.

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