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Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Jadavpur University
Calcutta, India

Master of Engineering
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore, India

Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate College

of the Oklahoma State University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Degree of
December, 1978
/9 78])
6 :2/;./q_

Thesis Approved:



The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to the follow-

ing individuals who made this study possible.
Dr. J. Vernon Par:cher, chairman of the author•s committee, for his
excellent instruction and guidance during this investigation.
Dr. Donald E. Boyd, who took a personal interest in this study and
spent many hours of his busy schedule in discussion with the author.
The author is indebted to him.
Dr. William P. Dawkins, Allen E. Kelly, and Charles E. Rice, for
their assistance and advisement while serving on the author•s committee.
Dr. T. Allan Haliburton, for his excellent instruction and assis-
Dr. John P. Chandler, who helped the author immensely and gave his

advice any time the author needed it. The author is very grateful to
Dr. Alex L. Matheson, for his assistance in mathematics.
Fellow graduate students, notably Mr. N. Ravishankar and.Mr. R.
Viswanathan, for their friendship and assistance.
Ms. Charlene Fries, for her excellent and meticulous typing.
The author is greatly indebted to his parents and to his wife for
their sacrifices and encouragement.


Chapter Page

1.1 Statement of the Problem 1

1.2 Purpose and Scope 3
1.3 Assumptions 5

2.1 Introduction . . . .. . 6
2.2 Static Load Solutions • o' 7
2.3 Dynamic Load Solutions 11

3. 1 Governing Equations . ~ . . 16
3.2 Application of the Complex Fourier
Transformation . . . . . 20
3.3 Partial Fractionalization 22
3.4 Inverse Transform 24
4.1 Viscoelastic Models With Four Elements 32
4.2 Elastic Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3 Elastic Plate on Kelvin Foundation . . . 34
4.4 Numerical Results . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.5 Discussion of Results . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.6 Comparative Study of Different Viscoelastic
Models . . . . . 47
4.7 Numerical Example 52
5.1 Summary . . . . 56
5.2 Conclusions . . . . . . . 57
5.3 Suggestions 'for Future Work 58



Table Page
I. Values of Maximum Deflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55


Figure Page
1. Viscoelastic Models . ... . 4

2. Deflection Was a Function of R for e = 0.~ 38

3. Deflection Was a Function of R for e = 0.5 39
4. Deflection Was a Function of R for e = 0.5 40

5. Deflection Was a Function of R for e = 1 . 0 41

6. Deflection Was a Function of R for e = 1.0 42
7. Deflection Was a Function of R for e = 2.0 43

8. Stability Diagram for Surface Di sp 1acement Behind the Load 45

9. Stability Diagram for Surface Displacement Ahead of Load 46

10. Maximum Deflection as a Function of t for Various Values
of e, m = 0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
11. Bending Moment, M, as a Function of R fore= 0.5 49
12. Bending Moment, M, as a Function of R fore= 1.0 50
13. Bending Moment, M, as a Function of R for e = 2.0 51


a root of the characteristic equation

al root of the cha racteri s tic equation

A constant

Al constant

A2 constant
8 constant

81 constant

82 constant

83 constant

84 constant
c root of the characteristic equation I

c constant

cl constant

c2 constant

c3 constant

c4 constant
d root of the characteristic equation
0 constant
o· flexural rigidity of the pavement

Dl constant

02 constant

03 constant

04 constant

E constant
f root of the characteristic equation
F constant
g root of the characteristic equation
H thickness of the pavement
H( ) generalized function
i square root of minus one
k1 subgrade elastic constant
k2 subgrade elastic constant
m ratio of subgrade elastic constants
M1 constant
M2 constant
M3 constant
M4 constant
n real number
N1 constant
N2 constant
N3 constant
N4 constant
p foundation reaction
P dimensionless quantity
P1 constant
P2 constant
P3 constant
P4 constant
q surface loading
Q1 constant

Q2 constant
Q3 constant
Q4 constant
r moving Cartesian coordinate of the plate
R dimensionless distance
s transformed complex plane
complex root
complex root
complex root
complex root
generalized function
v velocity of the load
critical velocity of the load
w midplane deflection of the slab
deflection of the slab under a static load
w dimensionless deflection of the slab
X fixed Cartesian coordinate
y fixed Cartesian coordinate
Dirac delta function
dimensionless damping constant of the subgrade
damping constant of the subgrade
damping constant of the subgrade
velocity ratio
dimensionless damping constant of the subgrade

Poisson's ratio
mass density of the slab



1.1 Statement of the Problem

1. i . 1 Genera 1

The rapid development in jet propelled aircraft coupled with the

enormous growth in surface transport has focused attention on the inade-
quacies in the performance of concrete pavements. The prevalence of
cracks and pot holes in existing pavements certainly indicates deficien-
cies in the analysis, design or construction of highway pavements.
The behavior of concrete pavements depends on many factors such as
type of subgrade, ground water, drainage conditions,topography, climac-
tic conditions, deterioration of the concrete, and loads that are vari-
able in magnitude, space, time and repetitions. All these factors place
concrete pavement among the most complex structures with which the civil
engineer has to deal.
With the recent advancement in the development of the principles of
soil mechanics, behavior of subgrade materials is·better understood. In
addition, specifications (2) (3) aimed at promoting the use of sound con-
crete and the practice of good construction methods have been deve.loped.
Today, the problem of material weakness has been greatly reduced,
and significant progress has been made in the ability to build pavements
and to measure properties which seem important; however, little has been


done to upgrade the methods of analysis. Current procedures for design-

ing and evaluating pavements (114) are still based on static loads and
except for introducing equivalent static loadings (3) they do not account
for the dynamic response of the pavement to moving loads. This thesis
resulted from an endeavor to help satisfy the need for more appropriate

1.1.2 Viscoelastic Approach

Since highway pavement materials have both elastic and viscous prop-
erties (77), the stress-strain relations for the materials are not con-
stant but vary with time. Inasmuch as the load conditions which may be
imposed upon such pavements cover a wide range in time--from the essenti-
ally static condition associated with vehicle parking areas to the rapid-
ly applied repeated loads occurring on heavy-duty highways and airfield
taxiways--it would seem appropriate to apply the principles of visco-
elastic theory in preparing a more rigorous approach to the analysis of
these structures. The many unsolved problems posed by increasing traffic
demands, both in magnitude and frequency of loading, fortify the argument
for such an approach.
Recent researches (12} (13) (52) (67} (93) (98) indicate that physi-
cal behavior of soils can be expressed in terms of viscoelastic para-
meters. Essentially, viscoelastic models are composed of two basic
elements--purely elastic springs and purely viscqus dashpots. These
elements are combined into varipus parallel and series configurations to
produce mathematical expressions for stress-strain-time relations which
may suit a given material under study. The most familiar models are the
Voight or Kelvin and the Maxwell. Unfortunately, neither of these simple

models is sufficient to describe the behavior of a material such as soil.

To obtain representative behavior of most materials, it is necessary to
add more elements to the model system. When this is done, however, the
mathematical operations to define behavior become quite complex. Never-
theless, the necessity to represent the subgrade materials more realis-
tically in theoretical design calls for the more mathematically involved
research required by complex viscoelastic models.
The different viscoelastic models that are generally associated with
soils are shown in Figure 1. Both Standard Solid and VanDerPoel models
are capable of instantaneous elastic deformation, retarded defrirmation,
and recovery. However, it has been shown that these models lack the
ability to account for the continual increase in strain measured in tri-
axial compression tests on asphalt concrete (97) and, therefore, visco-
elastic models with four elements have been suggested to idealize the
subgrade. Viscoelastic models having both three elements and four ele-
ments will be adopted to idealize the subgrade in this present work.

1.2 Purpose and Scope

The primary objective of this investigation is to determine the

deflections and moments in a long rigid pavement of unit width uniformly
supported by a viscoelastic subgrade idealized by different viscoelastic
models for the case of a steady, normal, concentrated load moving longi-
tudinally at a constant velocity. In this study, the influence of the
velocity and the relative effects of the elastic and viscoelastic para-
meters on the deflections and moments of the pavement will be determined.
A comparative study will be made to clearly accentuate the static load
solution and the dynamic load solution. Also, th1 relative effects of

(a) Maxwell Model (b) Kelvin Model

(c) Van Der Poel Model (d) Standard Solid Model

(e) Burgers ~1odel (f) Four Element ~1odel

Figure 1. Viscoelastic Models


idealizing the subgrade by different viscoelastic models will be


1.3. Assumptions

1. The subgrade material acts like a set of linear viscoelastic

elements. The inertia of the material is neglected.
2. The pavement is considered infinite in the longitudinal
3. The usual assumptions of plate theory hold, namely: the plate
is homogeneous, isotropic and obeys Hooke•s law; deflections are small in
comparison to thickness; plane cross sections normal to the middle plane
in the unstressed condition remain normal to this surface after bending;
the effect of rotary inertia and shear deformations can be neglected.
4. Pavement deflections are the same laterally (across the pave-
ment) at any given longitudinal distance from the point of loading.
5. The load acting on the pavement is normal to the surface.


2.1 Introduction

The history of the development of modern highway transportation

is the story of the never-ending cycle of improved highways, which stim-
ulate improvement of motor vehicles, which, in turn, increases the demand
for more and better highways. Concrete pavements have played a tremen-
dously important role in highway engineers' efforts to provide safe,
durable, all-weather, smooth-riding dustless ~urfaces for the use of the
motoring public. In order to use this type of structure with maximum
economy and efficiency, it is necessary for the engineer to know accu-
rately and in detail the character and magnitude of the deflections,
moments and the stresses induced in a slab by the service loads to which
it is subjected, and by the expansion, contraction and warping brought
about by continually changing weather conditions.
The first extensive concrete road system in the world was construct-
. '

ed in Wayne County, M·ichigan in· 1909. These pavements were not designed
in the usual sense of the word beca.use. no rational theory of pavement
design existed at that time. During World War II, there was a signifi-
cant increase in volume and weight of truck traffic on highways and a
large increase in wheel load ·and tire pressure of military aircraft on
airport pavements. In addition, adequate maintenance during this period
was almost impossible, leaving many of these pavements in serious need


of repair and upgrading. Added to this was the need for many miles of
additional pavements to satisfy the tremendous growth of rural and metro-
politan areas. Consequently, research programs in all phases of pavement
technology were intensified to meet the ever increasing demands of post
war traffic. This research ultimately led to procedures which form the
core of pavement technology today.

2.2 Static Load Solutions

In the early 192o•s, Goldbeck (29) and Older (71) independently

developed formulas for approximating the stress~s in concrete pavements.

The best known of these is referred to as the 0orner Formula ...


1926, Westergaard (108) completed his treatise dn the analysis of stress-

es in pavement slabs. The Westergaard equations have since become the
primary basis for pavement design in the United States. Later Kelley
(47), Spangler (99), Pickett (81) and Westergaard {109) himself extended
these original solutions to account for linear temperature variations.
Thomlinson (100) in 1940 further modified Westergaard•s solution by
assuming simple harmonic temperature vari ati o·n throughout the depth of
the slab.
The analysis of beam or plate on a deformable foundation rests upon
assumptions concerning the behavior of plate-foundation systems. These
assumptions involve (1) descriptions of the foundation, {2} conditions to
be met at the plate foundation interface, and (3) systems of equations by
which the behavior of the plate is defined.
The simplest representation of an elastic foundation has been pro-
vided by Winkler (111), who assumed a base consisting of closely spaced
independent linear springs. Based on Winkler•s assumptions that the

deflection at any point is proportional to the foundation pressure at

that point and does not depend on the pressure at any other point of the
foundation, Zimmerman (115) gave his solution in 1888.
Wieghardt (110) was the first one to investigate the problem under
the more general assumption that the deflection at any other point de-
pends on the foundation pressure along a certain length of 2L of the
founda_tion. In 1922, he postulated the deflection of the foundation as

y(x) =Canst. JL q(~) k(lx- ~1) d~


in which y is the downward deflection, q is the foundation pressure and

K is a kernel function dependent on the type of foundation. Among oth-
ers, Prager (82), Nemenyi (69), Marguerre (63), Reissner (87), and
Volterra (107) developed solutions for different kernels K.
One inherent weakness in the Winkler type foundation is that it
neglects the shearing forces generated at the pavement-base interface.
Several mechanisms have been offered to account for this effect.
Filonenko-Borodich (23) added a membrane on top of the Winkler model,
while Schiel (91) took a fluid which exhibited surface tension as his
soil model. Pasternak (74), Hetenyi (35), and Kerr (49), on the other
hand, considered a beam of unit depth resting on a bed of interrelated
springs as their foundation model. Approaching from a COntinuum point
11 11

of view, Vlasov (106) and Reissner (87) suggested other models. Relaxing
the assumption of equal properties in tension and compression in a
Winkler model, Tsai and Westman (104) treated the foundation as a bilin-
ear material, the tensionless found~tion being examined as a special
case. Later, Lin, Swartz and Williams (59) extended the previous work

to devise a simplified procedure based on matrix analysis for a beam on

tensionless foundation.
Different methods for solving the problem of a beam or a plate on
an elastic foundation have been suggested by different investigators.
Classical rigorous solutions were obtained by Biot (7), Besson (8),
Brotchie (9), Hayashi (32), Hetenyi (35), Hogg (36) (37}, Naghdi and
Rowley (68}, Schleicher (94), Thornton (102}, and Vesic (105). An itera-
tive method analogous to Hardy Cross distribution was used by Gazis (27)
to solve the problem of finite beam on elastic foundation and later ex-
tended by Ewell and Okubo (20) to that of a slab on elastic foundation.
A method of concordant deflection whereby a set of simultaneous equations
in terms of the pressure acting on the beam-soil interface can be estab-
lished by equating the deflections of the beam and the soil at a number
of points was first developed by De Beer and coworkers (17) (18) and was
later modified by Schultze (96), Ohde (70), and Barden (5). Wright (112)
used a relaxation procedure, and a basic function analysis which is a
more general version of the Fourier or Harmonic analysis developed by
Inglis (45}, has been successfully employed by Hendry (33). Levinton
(57} used the method of redundant reactions, in which he represented the
pressure of the elastic foundation as a series of redundant reactions and
set up a system of simultaneous equations in terms of the pressure ordi-
nates and elastic constants of the beam and the foundation. Based on
Levinton's method of redundant reactions, Graszhoff (30) in 1951 pre-
sented his numerical solution for the problem of a beam on a modified
Winkler foundation, where the spring constant K increases towards the
end of the beam. Extending and systematizing the Vianello-Stodola
procedures, as are briefly mentioned b,y Foppl (24) and Hetenyi (35},

Popov (80) solved the problem of a beam on an elastic foundation. The

difficult mathematics were completely avoided in this procedure and
reasonably accurate results were obtained. An ingenious electrical
arrangement has been developed by Goflin (28) for solving the neces-
sary differential equations. The method appears to be rapid and it can
provide for the variable moment of inertia of the beam, but it requires
special equipment and techniques.
With the easy access of high speed computers in recent years, nume-
rical methods have been developed to solve the problem. Based on a
variational method which minimizes the potential energy of the structure
to solve the problem of concrete slabs on ground, Fremond (25) accounted
for bilateral or unilateral contact between the slab and the soil.
Finite difference methods have been developed by Malter (62) and Ray (85)
and finite element techniques have been used by Huang and Warg (43),
Saxena (90), Hudson and Matlock (44), and Cheung and Zienkiewicz (10).
All of the above analyses are based on the assumption that the slab
maintains contact with its support at all points and at all times. To
account for the effect of partial support, Leonards and Harr (56) solved
the problem of a partially supported slab on a Winkler foundation for
linear temperature and/or moisture variation along the depth of the slab.
Later Bandyopadhyay (4) solved the case of a strip slab partially sup-

ported on Filonenko-Borodich and Reissner foundations and acted upon by
static loads. Richard and Zia (88) proposed a theory of elastic subgrade
that accounts for the local loss of support beneath foundation structure.

2.3 Dynamic Load Solutions

Unlike the static load case, the probl~m bf moving load on rigid
pavement has received very 1ittl e attention until recently. Previous
works by Raleigh (84) and Lamb (53) in the later nineteenth century con-
cerning the vibration of bars, membranes and plates were primarily stud-
ies in mathematics. Later Ritz (89) elaborated on this work and made a
significant contribution towards the study of vibrating rectangular
Of late, engineers have felt the necessity to study the dynamic
response of pavements, and several soltuions have evolved. Pioneering
these solutions was the work of Timoshenko (103), Hovey (42),and Ludwig
(61) in their studies of the dynamics of rails subjected to moving loads.
In 1943~ Dorr (19), using Fourier integrals, extended the idea to a beam.
When a plate is subjected to transverse load of constant intensity which
moves parallel to the surface of the plate, the stresses induced in the
plate depend not only on the magnitude of the loads, but also strongly on
their speed of propagation. This phenomenon has been investigated for
simply supported, rectangular plates by Schmidt (95) and for the case of
a simply supported rectangular plate resting on an elastic foundation by
Hall (38}. Livesley (60) considered the response of a finite plate on
an elastic foundation to a traveling load. In all of these cases, criti-
cal speed of propagation of the load is shown to exist and the effect of
damping is neglected. Thus, deflections become unbounded when the load
propagates with a speed equal to a critical speed. In addition, most of
the solutions are restricted to sub-critical speed.

Later, in 1953, Kenney {48) introduced the effect of linear damp-

ing in the foundation by idealizing the subgrade as a Kelvin model.
Kenney showed that the deflection of the beam remains finite at all
velocities for a viscoelastic foundation of Kelvin elements. More-
over, the solution of the elastic foundation at super critical velocities
of the load can be easily derived from the viscoelastic solution by let-
ting the damping constant c approach zero in the limit. Kenney found
that the results obtained with an analog computer by Criner and McCann
{16), who made a similitude analysis of rails on elastic foundation
under the influence of high speed traveling loads, verified some of his
own. Mathews (64) studied a similar problem in 1958. Though he formu-
lated a general equation containing the damping coefficient of the
foundation, he only solved for the particular case with zero damping.
Crandall (15), recognizing the contribution of Timoshenko (103) and
Mindlin (65) on shear deformation, extended Kenney's solutions by replac-
ing the Bernoulli-Euler beam with the Timoshenko model. Crandall found
that whereas the former model had a single resonant frequency and a
single critical velocity, the latter had three of each.
It has been shown by Fabian, Clark and Hutchinson (21) that the
peak axle loading of the pavement beneath a moving vehicle can be some-
what in excess of the static axle load that is exerted by a stationary
vehicle because of the dynamic excitation of suspension resonances by
road surface irregularities. Further work by Clark (14) demonstrated
that the road structure is itself a dynamical J.vstem, forced by the
vehicle, and capable of magnification of pavement deflections and stress-
es through the action of energy transfer between the potential energy
stored in the subgrade compression and pavement bending, and the kinetic

energy of a moving pavement mass. Thus, the simple static analysis of

pavement stress and deflection heretofore considered adequate to describe
the road response to vehicle loading forces are shown to be only special
cases of the more general dynamical analyses introduced in these studies.
Elaborating on Clark's and Kenney's solutions, Thompson (102), in
1963,formulated the equation of a long, narrow, elastic pavement, vis-
cously damped and uniformly supported by an elastic subgrade. The sol-
ution demonstrated that for static conditions the deflection curve is
symmetrical (with maximum deflection occuring under the load); but that
as velocity increases, the point of maximum deflection falls farther and
farther behind the load. In the same year, Reismann (86) also studied
the dynamic response of an elastic plate strip to moving line load over
a Kelvin foundation. To achieve a better correlation between the math-
ematical model and the actual behavior of the subgrade material,
Achenbach and Sun (1) replaced the Kelvin model by a VanDerPoel model
to study the dynamic response of a beam on viscoelastic subgrade. To
account for the partial loss of contact between the pavement and the sub-
grade, Lewis (58) considered the case of a warped slab on a Kelvin foun-
dation subjected to moving loads.
Current theoretical approaches to the solution of viscoelastic
pavement systems with dynamic loads may be divided into four categories.
Works by Kenney ( 48) , Cranda 11 ( 15) , Thompson (101 ) , Rei smann (86 ), and
Lewis (58) fall under the first category, in which the elementary method
of undetermined coefficients has been used to solve the resulting dif-
ferential equations. In all these investigations, Galilean Transforma-
tion has been employed first to the resulting differential equations to
get rid of the time variable. Methods utilizing the Laplace and Fourier

transformations come under the second category; and Mathews (64'},

Ferrari (22}, Achenbach and Sun (1}, and Pister and Westman (78) took
this approach. The Correspondence Principle, developed by Lee (55) and
used by Pister (76}, Ishihara (46), Perloff and Moavenzadeh (75), and
Chou and Larew (11) comes under the third category. This method, which
reduced the time dependent problem to an analogous problem for an elastic
body of the same geometry as the viscoelastic body, is applicable for
cases for which the boundary condition and the geometry of the body do
not change with time. This is accomplished by replacing all time vary-
ing quantities by their Laplace transformed equivalents and the elastic
constants by their operational moduli, thereby permitting application
of existing elasticity solutions to the solutions of viscoelastic prob-
lems. The fourth category deals with approximate numerical methods.
Usually the difficulty in viscoelastic stress analysis arises during the
final step of taking the inverse of the Laplace Transformed solution.
To overcome this difficulty, Barksdale and Leonards (6) used a numerical
collocation method to invert the transformed solution in the Correspon-
dence Principle. The Duhamel superposition integral is then used to
obtain the response of the system to a series of stationary, repeated
loadings. However, so far this method has not been used for a moving
load. Another numerical approach, known as 11 Galerkin's Method, .. has
been outlined by Lattes et al. (54)~ However, this method is not fully
developed yet, and no numerical results have been published.
That the subgrade should be treated as a viscoelastic medium rather
than an elastic medium has been established by Schiffmar (92), Pister and
Monismith (77), Papazian (41) and Housel (73), among others. Thus, it
is the object of this thesis to obtain by analytical means a better

understanding of the dynamical behavior of rigid pavements uniformly

supported by different viscoelastic models.


3.1 Governing Equations

In general, the governing differential equation describing.the free

transverse vibration of a free plate can be exp~essed as follows:

4 4 4 2
o• (~ + 2 a w +~)+pH~= q(x,y,t) - p{x,y,t) {3.1)
ax 4 ax 2 ay 2 ay 4 at 2

o· = flexural rigidity of the slab;
w =mid-plane deflection of the slab (positive downward);
x,y = fixed coordinates;
p = density of the slab;
H = slab thickness;
q = surface loading;
p = foundation reaction; and
t = time.
It is assumed that the slab is supported by a standard solid model.

The relationship between the deflection and the foundation pressure can
then be written as:

nl a . kl + k2
P + - E.£. = k2w + nl ( ) aw (3.2}
k1 at k1 at



k1 ,k 2 =elastic subgrade constants; and

n1 = viscosity constant of the subgrade.
The analysis problem can be simplified considerably by assuming
the road width to be small, and solving the resultant narrow-road equa-
tion. Assuming that the deflection of the plate does not vary in the
lateral (y axis) direction, Equation (3.1), for a constant cross section
of pavement, becomes

4 2
D ~ + pH a w = F(x,t) - p(x,t) (3.3)
ax 4 at 2

where F(x,t) is the moving line load.


Equations (3.3) and (3.2) govern the displacements of the elastic

pavement on the viscoelastic foundation. If th~ applied load F(x,t) is
a constant force F0 , which moves with constant velocity, v, over the
pavement, it can be expressed as

F(x,t) = F0 6(x - vt) (3.4)

where 6( ) is the Dirac delta function. Mathematically,

6(x) = oo when x = 0
6(x) = 0 when x ; 0

J 6(x)dx =1

To facilitate the solution of Equations (3.2) and (3.3) a trans-

formation of variables is used that is suggested by physical considera-
tions to describe the response of the plate in a moving coordinate sys-
tem. This is accomplished by the change of variables

r = vt·- x (3.5)

which transforms Equations (3.3) and (3.2) into



Equation (3.5) defines a Galilean transformation which has been

used to advantage in a number of recent studies (15) (48) (58) (86) (101).
The change of variables may be given the following physical interpreta-
tions: an observer fixed with respect to the x-y coordinate system will
see the line load F advance in the dir~ction of the positive x-axis, and
to him the deflectio~ of the plate will appear to be dependent upon x, y,
and t. However, an observer fixed with respect to the r,y coordinate
system will move with the advancing load, and to him the deflection sur-
face will appear stationary--that is, independent of t, and a function of
r alone. It is noted that by neglecting the damped transients mue to the
starting of the motion, the implicit assumption th~t the load has been
moving for a sufficiently long period has been made. It shoul~ also be
noted that r is negative ahead of the load and positive behind the load.
Equations (3.6) and (3.7) are now put in dimensionless form by
introducing the following dimensionless quantities.



f3 =


R= sr
6 =-

The quantities w0 and vcr both refer to the problem of a plate of

unit width on an elastic foundation of spring constant k2. The deflec-
tion w0 is the deflection at the point of application of a stat1onary
1oad F .
o The ve,l oci ty, Vcr , is the cri ti ca 1 ve 1ocity of a tran~verse
displacement wave along a freely vibrating, elastically supported plate

of unit width wit~ zero damping.

After the introduction of the dimensionless quantities, Equations
(3.6} and (3.7} can be written as

4 2
d W(R} + 4s 2 d W(R} + 4P(R} = 8o(R} (3.8}
dR 4 dR 2
p + e(l - m}z; dP(R} = W(R} + ~ dW(R} (3.9)
m dR m dR

The problem now is to determine W(R) from Equations (3.8) and (3.9)
under the condition that

R -+ ~ IX)' w' wI ' wII' wIll -+ 0 (3.10)

where a prime denotes a differentiation with respect to the dimension-

less R.

3.2 Application of the Complex

Fourier Transformation

The condition Equation (3.10) makes it possible to obtain the solu-

tion of Equations (3.8) and (3.9) in a convenient way by applying the
complex Fourier transformation. The transform of a function f(R) is
defined as

f(s) ~ foo eisR f(R)dR (3. 11)

If the complex Fourier transforms of W(R) and P(R) are W(s) and
P(s), respectively, Equations (3.8) and (3.9) after the transforms be-

W(s) [s 4 - 4e 2s 2] + 4P(s) =8 (3.12)

P(s) [1 - e(l- m)z; is] = W(s) [1 -~is] (3.13)

m m

Equations (3.12) and (3.13) are obtained under the following bound-
ary conditions:
W' -+ 0

R-++co W11 -+ 0 (3.14)

Will-+ 0

The transformed displacement W(s) is obtained from Equations (3.12)

and (3.13)

[1- e(l-m)z:; is]

W(s} = ---::::-r-,m:'----- (3.15}

in which

F(s} = [1 - e(l- m)z:; is][s 4 - 4e 2s 2] + 4[1 - ~is] (3.16)

m m

The inverse transform W(R) of Equation (3.15) can be determined if

the zeros of the function F(s} are known. The expression for F(s),
Equation (3.16), is a polynomial of the fifth order and consequently
there is no standard method available to determine analytical expressions
for the roots. It is, however, possible to make some observation on the
general character of the roots. From Equation (3.16) it is observed that
the coefficients of even and odd powers of s are, respectively, real and
imaginary, and thus at least one of the roots is imaginary. The imagin-
ary root is defined ass= -in, where n is real. The real number n now
satisfies the equation

With the Budan-Fourier theorem, it can be shown that the number of
real roots of Equation (3.17) does not exceed three. Because the coeffi-
cients of Equation (3.17) are all real, the remaining roots are all con-
jugate complex roots. Returning to Equation (3.16), the function F(s}
may then assume any of the following forms:


F(s) = (s + ia 1 )(s + ia 2)(s + ia 3)(s- s 3)(s- s 4 ) (3.19)

F(s) = (s + ia 1 )(s + ia 2 ) 2 (s- s 3 )(s - s 4 ) (3.20)

in which

sl ,2 = ~ d - i c

1. f
s3,4 = ~ 9 -

3.3 Partial Fractionalization

To determine the inverse transform W(R), Equation (3.15) is expanded

into partial fractions. It developed that in all the cases considered,
F(s) assumed the form of Equation (3.18). In determining the inverse
transform W(R), explicitly this form is only considered for F(s). Return-
ing to Equation (3.15), it can be written as

8[1 - e(l; m)~;; is]

(s + ia 1 )(s- s 1 )(s- s 2 )(s- s 3 )(s- s 4 ) [- ie(l~m)~;;]
= [ A + B + C + D + E ] [- m I;;]
s+ia 1 s-s 1 s-s 2 s-s 3 s-s 4 ie(l-m)

in which A, B, C, D, and E are all constants. Therefore~

8[ 1 - e(l-m)z;.]
m 1s = A(s .- s 1 )( s - s 2 )(. s - s 3 )( s - s 4 )

+ B(s + ia 1 )(s- s 2 )(s- s 3 r(s- s 4 )

+ C(s + ia 1)(s- s 1)(s- s 3)(s- s 4)

+ D(s + ia 1)(s - s 1)(s - s 2)(s - s 4 )

+ E(s + ia 1)(s- s 1}(s- s 2)(s- s 3}


The values of the constants A, B, C, D, and E can be determined

from Equation (3.22) by letting stake the value of -ia 1 , s 1 , s 2 , s 3 ,
and s 4 , respectively. The values of the constants are found to be

8[1 - a(l- m)r,; a]

A= 2 2 2 2
{d + (c - a) }{~ + (f - a) }

8{Ml - iN }{Pl + iQ }
1 1
B = --'----.i:-----'--;:---'--
2d(Pf + Qf)

8{M 1 + iN 1 HP 1 - iQ 1}
c= --'----.i;-----'-..,.---'--
2d(P2 + Q2)
1 1
8{M 2 - iN 2}{P 2 + iQ 2}
D= 2 2
2g(P2 + Q2)

8{M 2 + iN 2}{P 2 - iQ 2}
E = 2 2
2g(P2 + Q2)


1 =1 - m

M =1-a(l-m)r,;f
2 m
N = a(l- m)r,; d
1 m
N =a(l-m)r,; 9
2 m

P1 = d{(d 2 - g2 ) - (c - f) 2} - 2d(c- a)(c- f)

2 2 2 2 .
Q1 = 2d (c - f) + (c - a) {(d ~ g ) - (s - f) }
2 2 2
P2 = g{(g - d ) - (f- c) } - 2g(f- a)(f - c)
2 2 2 2
Q2 = 2g (f- c) + (f-a) {(g - d ) - (f- c) }

3.4 Inverse Transform

The inverse transform of Equation (3.15) can now be determined not-

ing that the inverse transform of a function f(s) is defined as

f(R) = i'IT {'eisRf(s)ds (3.23)


Accardi ngly, the inverse trans form of s + u\ 1. v is

(sgn v) e -vR e i uR H[ (sgn v)R] (3.24)

In Equation (3.24) sgn( ) and H( ) are generalized functions de-

fined by
for v > 0
=C for v < 0
for R > 0
H(R) =
f O
for R < 0

With Equation (3.21) and the related Equations (3.23) and (3.24),
it is found, after some arithmetic, that

W= A1[sgn(a)]e-aR H[sgn(a)R]

+ [sgn(c)]e-cR [B 1cosdR + B2sindR] H[sgn(c)R]

+ [sgn(f)]e-fR [B 3cosgR + B4singR] H[sgn(f)R] (3.25)

in which

8 M1Q1 - N1P1
B2 = . e(l-m)r;
d(P2 + Q2)
1 1

83 =
8 Ml2 + N2Q2
2 2
g{P2 + Q2)

B4 =
8 M2Q2 - Nl2
2 2
. e(l-m)r;
g{P2 + Q2)

The first term of Equation (3.25) corresponds to the first term of

Equation (3.18). Because a is always positive, the first term of Equa-
tion (3.25) only contributes to the displacement for R > 0, i.e., behind
the load. The other two terms in Equation (3.25) represent a damped
periodic response in R. It can be shown that the two quantities c and f
are of opposite sign. The positive one gives a contribution to the dis-
placement behind the load, and the negative one contributes to the dis-
placement ahead of the load.
Let the actual bending moment in the plate be denoted by M*.
According to the plate theory, the bending moment M* can then be expressed
in terms of the actual deflection w as
M* = -o·d w (3.26)
dr 2
Introduce the dimensionless bending moment M as

M =-
M* (3.27)
Mo .

in which

M = __Q_ {3.28)
o 4e

M0 , as defined in Equation {3.28) is the bending moment just under a


stationary load in a plate of unit width supported by an elastic founda-

tion of spring constant k2. The relation between the dimensionless bend-
ing moment, M, and the dimensionless deflection, W, is now easily found

M= - l2 w· (3.29)

Equation (3.25) can be differentiated twice to find W11 as

W11 = -A 1[sgn(a)]a 2 e-aR H[sgn(a)R]

- [sgn(c)]e -cR [{8 1 ( c2 - d2 )_ - 2B·2cd}cosdR

+ {2B 1cd + B2 (t 2 - d2 )}sindR]H [sgn(c)R]

- [sgn(f)]e-fR [{B 3 (f 2 - g2 ) - 2B 4fg}cosgR

+ {2B 3fg + B4 (f 2 - g2 )}sinqR]H [sgn(f)R] (3.30)

If the subgrade is idealized by a VanDerPoel model, the pressure

deflection relationship for the foundation then will be


Proceeding exactly as above, the deflections and moments are given by

the same Equations (3.25) and (3.30), where

A _ 8[1 - az;(1 - m)al

1 - az;;(1- m)[(a- c) 2 + d2]((a- f) 2 + g2]

-8d(1- m)ar;P 1 - 8[1 - (1- m)ar;c]Q 1

81 = 2 2
ad1-m)d [P 1 + Q1J

8d(l- m)ez;Q 1 - 8[1 - (1- m}ez;c]P 1

B = ---------..,.,..----=------'-
2 edl - m)d [P~ + Q~]

-8g(l - m)e~;;P 2 - 8[1 - (1 - m}ez;f]Q 2

B =----~--.....,..---=------=
3 edl - m)g [P~ + Q~]

8g(l- m)ez;Q 2 - 8[1 - (1- m)ez;f]P 2

84 = 2 2
edl- m)g [P 2 + Q2J

P1 = (c - a)[(c - f) 2 - (d 2 - g2) - 2d 2(c - f)

Q1 = d[(c- f) 2 - (d 2 - g2 )] + 2d(c- a)(c- f)

P2 = (f-a) [(f- c) 2 - (g 2 - d2)] - :2l(f- c)

2 2 2 •
Q2 = g[(f - c) - (g - d )] + 2g(f - a)(f - c)

3.5 Viscoelastic Models With Four Elements

In this section a subgrade idealized by viscoelastic models having

four elements will be treated. Two models, namely Burger•s and Four
Element, have been chosen separately to simulate the subgrade condition.
The pressure-deflection relationship for Burger•s model is


The pressure-deflection relationship for Four Element model is

In addition to the dimensionless quantities already introduced for
the Standard Solid model, another dimensionless quantity needs to be
introduced, defined by

A. = (3.34)

Equations (3.31) and (3.32) can now be written in dimensionless form as


2 2. . 2 2
p + ~ (t..m + r;) dP + ~ (l _ m) .9__i_ = ~ d w + et.. dw
m dR m dR2 m dR2 dR

Equations (3.35) and (3.36) can now be combined separately with the

plate Equation (3.8) to obtain the transformed displacement W{s). For

Burger •s mode 1:

8[1 -_ e(A. + mr;) . - e2t..dl- m) 2]

w(s ) m 1s m ,s
= _ _ ___:.:.;___--;:;-.,..--,.--....;,;..;_--- (3.37)

and for the case of the Four Element model:

8 [ 1 _ e ( t..m + z;) is _ e A. z;( 1 - m) s2]
W(s) = m m (3.38)
F2 (s)




Equations (3.39) and (3.40) are sixth-order equations and for the range
of values considered here assume the following form:


in which

s3,4 = ~ g - if

Following what has been done in section 3.3 and noting that the inverse
transform of

~ is - t sgn(R) (3.42)

the deflection equation of the pavement supported on Burger's or the

Four Element model is found to be

A2 R
W= 2 [sgn(R) - B[sgn(a)]e-a H[sgn(a)R]

- [sgn(c)]e-cR [C 1cosdR + c2sindR] H[sgn(c)R]

- [sgn(f)]e-fR [C 3cosgR + c4singR] H[sgn(f)R] (3.43)

in which, for Burger's model

8[ 1 _ e (Am + r;) a + e Ar; ( 1 - m) a2 ]
m · m m
B= - a{d 2 + (c- a) 2Hg 2 + (f- a) 2} • e2Adl- m)

and for the Four Element model

B[l _ e(A + mz;;) a + e Al;(l- m) a2]
m m m
e2AI;;( 1 - m)

Other constants in Equation (3.43) are the same for Burger•s and the

Four Element models, and are given by

e Al;{l-m)

M3 =1 _ e(Amm+ d c _ e Al;~-m) (d2 _ c2)

N =e Adl - m) 2cd _ e (Am + d d
3 m m

M =1 _ e (Am + ~;; ) f _ e A~;; ( 1 - m) ( g 2 _ f2)
4 m m

N = e2Ad 1 - m) 29 f _ e (Am + ~;;) 9

4 m m

P3 = {d 2 2 2 2
- c(c-a)H(d - g ) - (c-f )}

- {(cd + d(c- a)}{2d(c- f)}


Q3 = {d 2 - c c - a)}{2d(c - f)}{cd + d(c - a)}{(d 2 - g2 )

- (c - f) 2}

P4 = {g 2 - f(f- a)}{(g 2 - d2 ) - (f- c) 2}

- {fg + g{f - a)}{2g(f - c)}

Q4 = {g 2 - f(f - a)}{2g(f - c)} + {fg + g(f - a}{(g 2 - d2)

- (f - c) 2}.


4.1 Viscoelastic Models With Four Elements

It can be seen from Equation (3.43) that although W', W11 , and W111
are zero at R =co, Wis not and, therefore, it does not satisfy the pri-
mary condition that the deflection Wmust be zer:o at an infinite distance.

The constant term~ [sgn(R)] in Equation (3.43) jis the direct contribu-
tion of the real root zero in Equation (3.41). 1This real root zero
appears whenever there is a dashpot connected in series with the Standard
Solid, VanDerPoel, or Kelvin model. It is found that the value of the
constant A in Equation (3.43) is directly dependent on the value of n2 ,
and therefore on A. For values of n2 much greater than n1 or, in other
words, when A becomes much greater than s, the numerical value of A be-
comes negligible and therefore the deflection giv~n by Equation (3.43)
satisfies all the boundary conditions given by Equation (3.10). Inter-
estingly enough, values of n1 and n2 , as suggested by Secor and Monismith
(97) from their creep test results on asphaltic concrete, show that A is
about 4000 times large than s; consequently, the numerical value of A
becomes almost zero an Equation (3.43) becomes a valid solution. It
should be noted that a A+co, Burger's model becomes VanDerPoel's model
and the Four Element m del becomes a Standard Solid model. In fact, for
A > 50, the deflection val~es of the two viscoelastic models with four


elements become almost the same as those of the corresponding viscoelas-

tic model with three elements. Accordingly, numerical results are pre-
sented for the three-element model, namely, Standard Solid and VanDer

4.2 Elastic Response

Both the Standard Solid and Van Der Poel models exhibit an initial
elastic response and delayed elasticity. Two elastic responses are thus
always associated with each model. The elastic responses are limit cases
of the viscoelastic responses because they correspond to ~ = oo and ~ = 0.

For a Standard Solid model it can easily be seen from the relation be-
tween the foundation pressure and the plate deflection Equation (3.2)
that the elastic constants, k1 + k2 (initial elasticity) and k2 (delayed
elasticity), correspond to~= oo and~ = 0, respectively. For the Van
Der Poel model, as can be seen from Equation (3.31), the elastic con-
stants are k1 (initial elasticity) and mk 2 (delayed elasticity). The
complex Fourier transform of the deflections for the four elastic cases
follow from Equation (3.15).
Standard Solid:

Elastic Case I: ( 4. 1 )

Elastic Case II: (4.2)

= 8
Elastic Case III: ~ --.-----,..-~..::,__---~ (4.3)
s4 - 482s 2 + 4m ( 1 - r
m 1
Elastic Case IV: ~ = 0, W(s) 4 = -4.,._-----.2----=2-- (4.4)
s - 48 ·s + 4m

From Equations (4.1) through (4.4) it is noticed that W(s)l' W(s} 2 ,

W(s) 3 , and W(s) 4 will have singularities on the real s-axis whenever,

Elastic Case I: e4 ~ (1-m fl

Elastic Case II: e4 > 1

Elastic Case III: e4 ~ m(l - m) -1
Elastic Case IV: e4 > m

The inverse transform of a function \'lith poles on the real axis can
be determined by making the convention that the integration is not exact-
ly along the real axis but is along a line an infinitesimal amount above
the real axis. An additional requirement is that the function should
have simple poles only on the real axis. It is 'noted from Equations
(4.1) through (4.4) that for e = (1- m)- 1/ 4 , 1, [m(l- m)- 1] 114, and m1/ 4 ,
respectively, W(s) 1 , W(s) 2 , W(s) 3 , and W(s) 4 have poles of the second
order on the real axis, and as a consequenc~, inverse transforms do not
exist. For Elastic Cases I and II the poles are in the complex plane,
if e < (1- mf l/ 4 and e < 1, respectively, and the inverse transforms
are then readily evaluated. For Elastic Cases III and IV the poles are
in the complex plane, if e < [m(l-m)- 1] 1/ 4 and e < m1/ 4 .

4.3 Elastic Plate on Kelvin Foundation

The dynamic response of an elastic beam on a foundation of Kelvin

elements was investigated by Kenney (48). A subgrade of Kelvin elements
corresponds to a limit case of a foundation of Standard Solid elements,
the limit being obtained by letting the constant of elasticity K1 in-
crease beyond bounds. Accordingly, the Kelvin foundation yields a value
of m equal to unity. The transformed displacement for the plate on the

Kelvin foundation is then obtained from Equations (3.15) and (3.17) by

substitution of m = 1. The result is

- 8
W(s) = 4 2 2 (4.5)
s - 4e s - 4ies + 4

The inverse transform of Equation (4.5) is again determined by expansion

in partial fractions. The deflection is given by

~~ = [sgn(c)]e-cR [D 1cosdR + D2sindR] H[sgn(c)R]

+ [sgn(f)]e-fR [P 3cosgR + o4singR] H [sgn(f)R] (4.6)


- 8Q5
Dl - d(P2 + Q2)
5 5
8P 5
D = - --..---'--..--
2 d(P2 + Q2)
5 5
D = --..-----'-....,.--
3 g(P~ + Q~)
8P 6
D = - ---=------'--=--
4 g(P2 + Q2)
6 6

P5 = (d2- g2} - (c - f)2

Q5 = 2d(c - f}

P6 = (g2 - d2) - (f - c)2

Q6 = 2g(f - c)

The difference of a Kelvin foundation response with that of Equa-

tion (3.25) is in the first term of Equation (4.6). The response of the

plate on the Standard Solid foundation includes an exponentially decay-

ing nonperiodic response behind the load. This response is absent for
the plate on the Kelvin foundation, and it is thus related to the initial
elasticity of the Standard Solid foundation.

4.4 Numerical Results

For various values of the foundation constants, ~ and m, and the

load velocity parameter, e, the roots of the fourth, fifth, and sixth
order equations have been calculated and subsequently substituted in the
equation for the deflection and the moment. The computation of the roots
has been carried out with the Newton-Raphson itcirative technique on an
IBM 360 computer.

4.5 Discussion of Results

An important feature of the road vibrations that occur because of a

moving load is that the deflections are not symmetrical about the load.
While the wavy profile of the pavement does propagate along the road with
the same velocity as the load, the waves ahead of the load have a shorter
wave length and smaller amplitude, in general, than the waves behind the
For a given road construction or pavement subgrade configuration,
one matter of concern is how the deflections or vibrations of the road
will change with an increase in velocity of the moving load. Figures 3,
5, and 7 show the effects of load velocity as predicted by the present
study. = 0 (not shown in the figures), the maxi-
At static conditions, e
mum deflection Woccurs under the load (at R = 0) with the deflection
curve being symmetrical about the position R = 0. As the velocity

increases (i.e., 6 > O),the point of maximum deflection falls behind the
load; then the load appears to be imposed on the inclined side of the
trough. All profiles computed in this work show the trend of maximum
deflection falling behind the load as speed increases. To the extent of
the present calculations, however, the point of load application never
rises above the level of the undeflected pavement surface in 11 Climbing
out" of the trough with increasing speed.
Beginning with the symmetrical condition at zero speed, ahead of
the load the wave length becomes shorter with increasing speed; behind
the load the wave length becomes extended to where, at supercritical
velocity, no oscillatory waveform will ever be obtained. This pattern
appears to be a kind of 11 Doppler 11 effect. A complete discussion to de-
fine this matter becomes increasingly complex because in elastic solids
there are two conditions of sonic speed corresponding to the propagation
velocities of longitudinal, compression and tension waves, and of trans-
verse shear waves. Wave interactions then tend to obscure a simple
phenomenological picture.
In comparing the displacement curves for 6 = 0.5, Figures 2, 3, and
4, it is noticed that for the small value of t. the deflections are only
slightly different from the deflections for t = 0 (Elastic Case II). As
t increases, the maximum deflection tends to fall behind the load more

and more. However, as t approaches still larger values the maximum

deflection moves back to the position under th~ applied force, because
t = oo corresponds to Elastic Case I.
Figures 4, 6, and 7 show the effect of damping on deflections for
a Standard Solid model. The damping of the fou~dation has a pronounced

influence on the pavement deflection for load velocities in the


,....- ---- r-- ...~ L"_-- r-----.. . . . . .

0 --- -- """-----
K !(_'-- ---L_0 .... //
. ........
' "'

" '
'I ' / ,/

~' //

-------Elastic Case I

- ~-
...... ~ .
L/ Elastic Case II

- - - - - Elastic Case III


4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4

Figure 2. Deflection W as a Function of R for e = 0.5


Standard Solid
--- ---

VaniDer Poel --------m=O.S z;;=2

... - - - - - m = l . O z;;=2
2 ' .. ......_ ... I ,
-·-·-·m=O.S z;;=2

4 3 2 0 -1 -2 -3 -4

Figure 3. Deflection Was a Function of R for e = 0.5


Standard S Dlid


0 t--- --- =-.: .::::-::::-:;::::;::
~ ....
... ...
vr= m· = 0 . 5 , = 0. 5

l .. - ~ / - - - - - m=0.5, ~:;=1.0

-------- m=0.5, ~:;=2.0 j

4 3 2 0 -1 -2 -3 ... -4

Figure 4. Deflection Was a Function of R for e = 0.5

-1 ~--~--~-------r------~--------+-------~--~~-4--~~--~----~

01- __ _
..... ~--
Standard So 1i d

.... __ -, .......... Kelvin

I ''" ',( I { ,-,·lr---- ' I

. '' I

\.~ I I '' ' ' I
" .. ".. I
I ~ f I I '-< I
11 I ',


Van Der Poel - - - - - - - - z:; = 0. 5, m = 0 . 5

3~------+-------~~--~~------~+---~--~---i z:;=0.5, m =0.5
- - - - - - z:;=0.5, m =1.0

5 ~ 3 2 0 -1 -2 -3
Figure 5. Deflection Was a Function of R fore= 1.0 --'

0 low .::": - :J: w """" - ...:: :3o-1L- - ...-.;;: T •......,. '' I I / J "/ /' I '~

Standard Solid
I I I I '
, ,. ', , . , +11
.... - ;.,
'-............... "· ....
I m=o.5z:;=o.5
-------m=0.5z:;= 1.0
- · - · - · m = 0.5 z:; = 2.0
2l I -·· -··- m = 0. 5 z:; = a
5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3

Figure 6. Deflection Was a Function of R fore= 1.0


Ke 1vi,.

1 -------m=0.5 Z:=0.5
rd Solid m= 1. 0 1;; = 0. 5
Van Der
---·-m=0.5 1;; = 0. 5
2 ,_
5 4 3 2 0 -1 -2 -3

Figure 7. Deflection W as a Function of R for e = 2.0


neighborhood of the critical velocities. This effect is clearly shown

in Figure 10, where the maximum deflection has been plotted as a func-
tion oft for various values of e for the Standard Solid model. An
observation of interest is that for values of e > 2.0, the maximum de-
flection in the pavement is always less than the maximum static deflec-
tion value for all values of t. For e = 0.5, the maximum deflection
decreases with increase in t and becomes less than the static value for
t > 1.0. With speed increasing up to the vicinity of critical velocity
(e = 1), maximum deflection in the pavement is always higher than the
static value for all values of t.
An alternate way of viewing the results obtained in the computa-
tional study is shown in Figures 8 and 9, called Stability Diagrams.
The maximum deflection amplification factor at positions fore and aft of
the load through the range of the velocity ratio have been plotted for
values of constant damping t· Figure 8 shows that maximum deflection
behind the load occurs in the region of positive deflection (downward),
whereas the maximum deflections ahead of the load occur in the region of
negative deflection (upward), as shown in figure 9.
The appearance of Figure 8 is quite similar to steady state reso-
nance diagrams displayed, for example, by second-order systems subjected
to a constant amplitude, sinusoidal forcing function. When the damping
is small and the frequency of the forcing function approaches the natural
frequency of the system, the displacements exhibit excursions to very
large values because of conditions of resonance. In the assumed fifth-
order raod system, such excursions in the deflections due to a steady
moving load occur when the velocity of the moving load approaches the
critical value given by the propagation velocity of the transverse

St ndard Solid

I'; = 0.10
I'; = 0.25
~ 3
= 0.40
:3: I'; = 0.55
0 I'; = 0.85
I'; = l. 30
I'; = 2.00

2 3
Velocity Ratio e
Figure 8. Stability Diagram for Surface Displacement
Behind the Load

::: = 0.10
...... = 0.25
u 2 = 0.40
...... = 0.55
= 0.70
= 0.85
= l. 30
...... = 3.00

0 2 3
Velocity Ratio e
Figure 9. Stability Diagram for Surface Displacement
Ahead of Load

flexure waves of the freely vibrating road structure. However, no forc-

ing function containing a sinusoidal frequency is involved. Because of
this difference, the conditions of maximum road deflections near a =
are termed instability rather than resonance.
The bending moments in the slab are shown in Figures 12 and 13. It
can b~ observed that the viscoelastic behavior of the subgrade is again
of 1mportance in the near critical velocity range.

4.6 Comparative Study of Different

Viscoelastic Models

In this work five viscoelastic models--namely, Burger's, Four Ele-

ment, VanDerPoel, Standard Solid, and Kelvin, and three different
elastic cases which are in fact limit values of Standard Solid and Van
Der Poel--have been considered to study the comparative effect of those
models on the deflection and the moment of the road structure. Earlier,
it has been shown that the results obtained with Burger's and Four Ele-
ment models did not satisfy the boundary condition that the deflection
should be zero at infinite distance. However, it has also been shown
that limited data that are available in the literature on the values of
the four elastic and viscoelastic parameters for Burger's and Four Ele-
ment models virtually reduce them to the Van Der Poel and Standard Solid
model, respectively, for all practical purposes.
In Figure 2, the deflection profiles of the road surafce for three
elastic cases have been plotted. The elastic constants for Elastic Cases
I, II, and III are K1 + K2 , K2 , and mK 2 , respectively, which implies that
Elastic Case I is stiffer than Elastic Case II which, in turn, is stiffer

Stand rd Solid

ttl 2
:::: e = 1.1

e = 1.0

e = 3.0

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Figure 10. Maximum Deflection as a Function of 1:;

for Various Values of e, m = 0.5
21 I I I I I
m = l.O z;; = l.O

an Der Poel~ ------m = 0.5 z;; = l.O


ndard Solid
I ............. "<:::
/:! ~ I
- - - - - - - m = 0.5
z;; = l.O

4 3 2 0 -1 -2 -3 -4

Figure 11. Bending ~·1oment, ~1, as a Function of R for s = 0.5

21 I I I I Van Der roe1 =-", I I \ I I

\ \

t·1 0 k -~ L I j.....C _, / I I' \\ \ I I , v ,
7 I \\ "~ I

~1 I I I I I'""\ '" L Jf/1
/ I \ I

-2 1 I I I I \ 1./ 1----- ::~:~ ~:~::

------- m=0.5 r;;=0.5

4 3 2 0 -1 -2 -3 -4

Figure 12. Bending Moment, M, as a Function of R fore= 1.0

-----m=1.0 s = 0. 5
-----m=0.5 s = 0. 5
- - - - - - - - m= 0. 5 s = 0. 5

Van Der
M0 I j I 1---- ~ +k \ I I 1\ ~


4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4

Figure 13. Bending Moment, M, as a Function of R for e = 2.0


than Elastic Case III; therefore, the nature of the deflection profile
is self-explanatory.
In Figures 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, and 12, deflections and moments in the
slab are plotted against the position of the load for different values
of velocity ratio e for Kelvin, VanDerPoel, and Standard Solid sub-
grades. Although, in general, the nature of the deflection and moment
profiles is the same for the three models, the relative difference in
magnitude of maximum deflection and maximum moment between Van Der Poel
and Kelvin or Standard Solid is as great as 100 percent. The significant
difference in amplitude between ~lvin and Van Der Poel is due to initial
elasticity, and the difference between the Standard Solid and the Van Der
Poel is due to lesser initial elastic deformation, because Standard Solid
has stiffer elastic constants.
Although recent investigations established beyond doubt that the
subgrade has both elastic and viscous properties, it is not possible yet
to concl~de which model simulates the subgrade most realistically because
of a paucity of available data in the current literature. A comprehen-
sive experimental program is required to relate soil to a specific model.
Until more is known about the elastic and viscous parameters of soils,
the Standard Solid model seems to be the logical choice to idealize the

4.7 Numerical Example

So far, all the results are presented in terms of dimensionless

parameters. In the following example, realistic ~alues 9f the parameters
and physical properties of a load and a road configuration are first

specified, the static deflection is computed, and then various aspects

of the deflection profiles due to the moving load are found.
On specifying:
E = 4 X 106 psi
].l = 0.15
p = 150.9 lbm/ft 3 = 0.271 x 10- 2 lb-sec 2;in. 4
H = 8 in.

Axle load = 18,000 lb; thus

P = 125 lb/in.
K1 = K2 = 100 pci

one obtains:

Eh 3 8 .
D• = _--=..:.;..----:::2~ = 1 . 7460 x 10 psi I in.

s 'w
= 4fT2 = 1.9452 x 10- 2 rad/in.

4K o· 114
Vcr = [(p~)2] = 290.96 ft/sec = 198.4 mph

The deflections and positions of the maximum deflection fore and aft of
the load can now be found as follows:
At e = 0.3 (59.5 mph) and s = 0.5,

(~) -2
= +1.02998 w+max = l. 02998 x l. 215 x 10 =0. 0125 in.
wo +max

(~) = -0.064 W
X= -0.064 X 1.215 X 10-2 = -0.000
8 1n.
wo -max
(s r) +max = 0. 045 r+max =0.045/0.019452 = 2.3 in.

(Br) -max = -3.0 r -max = 3.0/0.019452 = -154.2 in.

In Table I, numerical results are presented for a = 0.3 (59.5 mph)

and a= 0.4 (79.3 mph) for s = 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0.

(!!'___) w+max (!!'___) w r+max r -max

Vel. -max
8 (mph) s wo +max (in.) wo -max (in. ) (sr)+max (in.) (Sr)_max (in.)

0.3 59.5 0.5 +1.02998 +0.0125 -0.064 -0.0008 +0.045 +2.3 -3.00 -154.2
0.3 59.5 1.0 +0.98756 +0.0120 -0.064 -0.0008 +0.070 +3.6 -2.50 -128.5
0.3 59.5 2.0 +0.89789 +0.0109 -0.080 -0.0007 +0.090 +4.6 -2.50 -128.5
0.4 79.3 0.5 +1.05601 +0.0128 -0.080 -0.0010 +0.060 +3.1 -2.50 -128.5
0.4 79.3 1.0 +0.98733 +0.0120 -0.079 -0.0009 +0.080 +4.1 -2.50 -128.5
0.4 79.3 .2.0 +0.87560 +0.0106 -0.067 -0.0008 +0.090 +4.6 -2.50 -128.5



5.1 Summary

The purpose of the study reported in this thesis is to obtain a

better insight into the dynamic behavior of a road structure and to de-
vise theoretical techniques for establishing the relative influence of
dynamic and static loading on the deflections and moments induced by a
vehicle on the pavement.
The flexural motion of a long road pavement of unit width uniform-
ly supported by a viscoelastic subgrade has been found for the case of a
steady, normal, concentrated load moving longitudinally at constant
velocity. The subgrade has been idealized by different viscoelastic
models, namely, Burger•s, ~our Element, Standard Solid, Van Der Poel, and
Kelvin, and deflections and moments of the pavement are written in terms
of the roots of the characteristic equations associated with the equation
of motion of the pavement. Solution to the differential equations has
been obtained by the application of the complex Fourier transform. A
detailed study has been made to determine the effect of different para-
meters, namely, the velocity ratio and elastic and viscous constants of
the subgrade, on the deflections and moments of the pavement. Also, the
relative implications of idealizing the subgrade with different visco-
elastic models have been studied.


5.2 Conclusions

From the results of this study, the following conclusions can be

1. On the basis of the assumptions stated herein, the equation of
motion of a long, narrow, elastic pavement uniformly supported by a
viscoelastic subgrade has been formulated. Since the pavement model is
subjected to a steady, normal, concentrated load moving longitudinally
at constant velocity, transformation from a coordinate system fixed with
respect to the pavement to one fixed with respect to the moving load is
possible. The resulting ordinary differential equations are then amen-
able to solution by complex Fourier transform.
2. The results obtained by idealizing the subgrade with viscoelas-
tic models that have four elements are virtually the same when those
models are replaced by their corresponding three element models, for the
range of values of the element constants available in the literature.

3. The pavement profile computations demonstrate that the position

of maximum deflection of the pavement falls behind the load as the vel-
ocity of the load increases.
4. The wavelength of the vibrations decreases in front of the load
and increases behind the load with increase in velocity of the load.
5. The deflection of the pavement increases as velocity of the load
increases and becomes maximum near the vicinity of the critical velocity:

with further increase in velocity the deflection,starts decreasing.

6. Subgrade dampling plays an important role in the magnitude of
maximum deflection. At light damping and with speed increasing up to the
vicinity of critical value (e = 1), the maximum deflection, which is
located behind the load, increases up to three times the static deflectio~

depending on the model. For heavy damping, the maximum deflection for
the Kelvin model is always less than the static value. It never gets
lower than the static value for the Van Der Poel model and is between
these two values for the Standard Solid Model.
7. Due to the paucity of experimental data available in literature,
it cannot be concluded which viscoelastic model gives the best approxi-
mation for the actual subgrade. However, it can be concluded that the
Standard Solid subgrade give deflection profiles which fall between those
of the Kelvin and Van Der Poel subgrades, and therefore is recommended by
the author as the model to idealize the subgrade until enough is known
about the actual viscoelastic behavior of soils.

5.3 Suggestions for Future Work

At the present time, there is very little known on the range of

values to be used in viscoelastic models and therefore a full scale
experiment is in order. A specific choice of viscoelastic model can be
made for a particular type of subgrade only after much more is understood
about the viscoelastic behavior of soils. Triaxial and Creep tests
should be performed extensively on different kinds of soils to correlate
them with specific viscoelastic models. Also, future theoretical work
should include (a) the effects of rotatory inertia and/or shear defor-
mation of the pavement; (b) energy losses due to pavement flexure; (c)
an adequate determination of the boundary conditions that prevail with
finite length pavement slabs; (d) the three dimensional effect of a
finite width pavement slab (e) the dynamics of the vehicle. It is
anticipated, however, that many or all of these refinements will contri-
bute only second order or smaller perturbations to the present solutions,

especially for the relatively low velocity ratio characteristics of

contemporary or future vehicles.

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Sudipta Sankar Bandyopadhyay
Candidate for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy


Major Field: Civil Engineering
Personal Data: Born July 23, 1948, in Calcutta, India, the son of
Mr. Umasankar Bandyopadhyay and ~1rs. ~1aya Bandyopadhyay.
Education: Graduated from D.C.R.B. Secondary School, Chandannagar,
India, in July, 1964; received the Bachelor of Civil Engineer-
ing degree in January, 1970, from the Jadavpur University,
Calcutta, India; received the Master of Engineering degree in
December, 197l,from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
India; completed requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy
degree at Oklahoma State University in Decemben, 1978.
Professional Experience: Civil Engineer, Hindustan Construction
Company, Bombay, India, 1971-1974; graduate teaching associate,
School of Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State University, 1974-
1978; Civil Engineer, Public Works Department, City of Wichita,
Kansas, summer, 1975, and summer, 1976.
Professional Organizations: Associate Member, American Society of
Civil Engineers; Member, Chi Epsilon, Phi Kappa Phi, National
Society of Professional Engineers, and Oklahoma Society of
Professional Engineers.

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