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Third Quarter 2022
Fellow shareholders,

Q3 was a mixed quarter for Coinbase. Transaction revenue was significantly impacted by stronger
macroeconomic and crypto market headwinds, as well as trading volume moving offshore.
Meanwhile, we saw strong growth in our subscription and services revenue, driven by our
participation in the USDC ecosystem and higher staking activity. While the macro headwinds are
beyond our control, we continue to focus on factors within our control: narrowing our product
focus to deliver amazing customer experiences and reducing our operating expenses.

Looking ahead, we could not be more excited about the industry leading partnerships - like those
we recently announced with BlackRock and Google - as well as the momentum and innovation we
see in our own product portfolio and across the industry more broadly.

Before diving into the chapters, let’s start with a summary of our Q3 results. Q3 results were
largely consistent with the outlook we provided in August. Q3 transaction revenue was $366
million, down 44% compared to Q2, driven by lower trading volume. Subscription and services
revenue increased 43% sequentially to $211 million, driven by higher interest income. Q3 net
revenue was $576 million, down 28% compared to Q2. Total operating expenses were $1.1 billion,
down 38% compared to Q2. Absent non-cash impairment charges incurred, total operating
expenses would have declined 22% sequentially in Q3. While revenues declined sequentially, net
loss and Adjusted EBITDA both improved sequentially to negative $545 million and negative $116
million, respectively.

Chapter 1

Headwinds continued to impact our transaction revenue which declined 44% Q/Q. While we
face three headwinds on our trading volume and associated transaction revenue, we are retaining
customers and growing assets through engagement with non-investing products. First: macro
conditions deteriorated in Q3, resulting in the daily average crypto market cap and volatility
declining 30% and 24% sequentially, respectively. This drove lower crypto trading volume and a
continued shift in our retail customer’s behavior from trading to “hodl’ing.” Second: trading
volume has been shifting away from the US, where our business is concentrated. For example,
global monthly crypto spot market volume declined 18% when comparing September 2022 to
January 2022, but US monthly volume declined over 50% over the same time period. We believe
that this volume shift is partially attributed to the perception of uncertainty that certain digital
asset issuers may have about the development of a regulatory framework addressing our
industry, whether by Congress or regulators. Third: as retail volume pulls back, competition heats
up for market makers and active traders who are price and leverage sensitive.

Chapter 2 

Despite headwinds, there were bright spots: Subscription and services revenue grew 43% Q/Q.
Q3 subscription and services revenue grew 43% sequentially to $211 million (or would have grown
82% when holding crypto prices constant). The biggest contributor within subscription and
services – interest income – benefited from the rising interest rate environment.

Chapter 3 

We are diligently focused on cost optimization and cash management – operating expense
declined 38% sequentially (or 22% absent the impact of non-cash impairment charges). In Q2,
we outlined a series of efforts aimed at streamlining our cost structure – including our June
headcount reduction, recalibrating future hiring plans, optimizing infrastructure and vendor
spend, and increased discipline in marketing spend. We were pleased to see these actions bear
fruit in Q3, as total operating expenses declined sequentially. We ended Q3 with $5.6 billion in
total $USD resources, in addition to $483 million in crypto assets, which we believe puts us in a
strong position to manage through the crypto winter.

Q3 2022 1
Chapter 4

We are seeing continued momentum in our product development and partnerships, supported
by ongoing crypto innovation and adoption. While price declines and lower trading volume
dominate the headlines, we are encouraged by user sentiment, the scaling of blockchains, our
growing partnerships, and institutional adoption that we saw throughout Q3. We see undeniable
traction in product development making crypto more accessible. Under the surface of a
challenging market, an innovation and adoption spring is coiling.

Chapter 5 

2022 Outlook and 2023 Preview. For 2022, we remain cautiously optimistic that we will operate
within the $500 million Adjusted EBITDA loss guardrail that we previously communicated. This
assumes that crypto market capitalization and volatility do not deteriorate meaningfully below
October levels and that we do not see changes in customer behaviors. For 2023, we’re preparing
with a conservative bias and assuming that the current macroeconomic headwinds will persist
and possibly intensify.

Select Key Business and Financial Metrics

1 We previously identified an issue in
the calculation of our MTU metric
KEY BUSINESS METRICS Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22 Q2’22 Q3’22
related to the complexity in
measuring users and activity in self- Monthly Transacting Users MTU (M)1 7.3 11.2 9.2 9.0 8.5
custodial products (notably
Coinbase Wallet) that resulted in the Trading Volume ($B) 327 547 309 217 159
overstatement of the MTU figures
previously disclosed as of Q3'21 and
Q4'21. Accordingly, the MTU metric as Assets on Platform ($B) 255 278 256 96 101
of Q3'21 and Q4'21 was revised from
7.4 million to 7.3 million and from 11.4
million to 11.2 million, respectively, to
Financial Metrics ($M) Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22 Q2’22 Q3’22
reflect our estimate of the
Net Revenue $1,235 $2,490 $1,165 $803 $576
2 For a reconciliation of net income
(loss) to Adjusted EBITDA, please Net Income (Loss) $406 $840 $(430) $(1,094) $(545)
refer to the reconciliation table in
the section titled "Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA2 $618 $1,205 $20 $(151) $(116)
Net Income (Loss) to Adjusted
EBITDA", following the financial
statements included at the end of Cash and Cash Equivalents $6,353 $7,123 $6,116 $5,682 $5,007
this shareholder letter.

Q3 Trading Volume Was Expectedly Lower Q/Q; Expense Reduction Efforts Went Well

Coinbase Q3 Outlook

Metric Q2 Actuals (August 2022) Q3 Actuals

MTUs 9.0 million Lower Q/Q 8.5 million

Total Trading Volume $217 billion Lower Q/Q $159 billion

Subscription and Services Revenue $147 million Modestly higher Q/Q $211 million

Transaction Expenses
 21% Low 20% Range 18%

as a percentage of net revenue

Sales and Marketing Expenses 
 $141 million Approximately 
 $76 million

including stock-based compensation $100 million

Technology and Development + General and $1.1 billion Approximately $1 $895 million,
Administrative Expenses
 billion, including $400 including $373
including stock-based compensation million in stock-based million in stock-
compensation based

Q3 2022 2
Chapter 1 Q3 was another tough quarter, and while we face three headwinds, we are retaining our core
retail and institutional customers and assets through engagement with non-investing products.

continued to impact First, let’s start with macro. A variety of macroeconomic factors – consumer prices grew at the
our transaction highest rate in 40 years and the fed funds rate reached its highest level in 14 years – and
revenue which geopolitical factors – notably the Russia/Ukraine war – have weighed heavily on financial
markets and crypto markets throughout 2022. While crypto markets have not always correlated
declined 44% Q/Q with macroeconomic conditions, we are seeing the broader risk-off appetite correlate with
movements in crypto prices this year.

In Q3, daily average crypto market capitalization declined 30% compared to Q2, including 35%
and 32% declines in the average price of BTC and ETH, respectively, continuing a downward price
trend that we have seen throughout the year. In addition to average crypto prices being lower,
they remained relatively range bound in Q3. As a result, crypto asset volatility – a key driver of
our retail trading volume – reached its lowest point in Q3 since 2020.

Total Crypto Market Capitalization

2022 daily prices 1/1 – 9/30


Q1 Average $1.95T

Q2 Average $1.50T

Q3 Average $1.05T

2022-01-01 2022-04-01 2022-07-01 2022-09-30

As discussed last quarter, during historic periods of declining crypto prices and low volatility, our
retail customers have historically shifted behavior from trading to “hodl’ing.” They have continued
to hold crypto on Coinbase, but traded less. We continued to see this trend play out in Q3 as well
and saw very high crypto asset retention rates – similar to levels seen during the last crypto
winter. We view this as a sign that, on average, our customers maintain long-term conviction in
crypto and we believe they will likely become more active when market conditions improve.

Second, crypto trading activity has been increasingly moving away from US-enabled exchanges,
where we continue to have strong market share. For example, September 2022 global monthly
crypto spot market volume declined 18% compared to January 2022, but over 50% when looking at
just US-enabled volume.

Q3 2022 3
We believe crypto policy in the United States is at an inflection point. Bipartisan Senators

introduced the Digital Commodities Consumer Protection Act (DCCPA) in August 2022, which

could lead to meaningful regulation and clarity on the treatment of digital assets. That

legislation would establish the Commodities Futures Trading Commission as the primary

regulator of digital asset commodities, and would thus close one of the biggest gaps in the

existing regulatory system for digital assets. While there are unresolved issues with this

legislation that need to be addressed, such as its treatment of DeFi, the legislation represents a

potential leap toward crypto policy progress.

However, this legislation is not yet in place, and we are concerned that the regulation by

enforcement practices of U.S. regulators create an incentive for crypto developers and issuers to

leave the US crypto industry. We are seeing this in conversations with certain market participants

who are concerned about a hostile regulatory environment for those operating in the US. This

ultimately harms retail investors by pushing them to unregulated exchanges, and penalizes US-

based exchanges seeking to follow the law.

US policy should incentivize crypto market participants to operate in the US, but a policy of

regulation by enforcement has the opposite effect. That’s why we filed a petition directly with

the SEC in July 2022 requesting they create clear rules for the digital asset securities market.

Those new rules, if created, would address directly when a digital asset is a security or a

commodity, and allow companies like Coinbase to offer a broader range of assets and products.

Meanwhile, leading economies, including the European Union, Australia, Japan, the UK,

Switzerland, and Brazil, are taking substantial regulatory steps to secure their role as leaders in

crypto. More specifically, the text of the European Union’s Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA)

framework was finalized in October 2022, and will be applied throughout the EU’s 27 Member

States in 2024. The Indian Government also resolved to champion the development of an

international crypto regulatory framework as part of their forthcoming G20 presidency during


We will continue to advocate for clear regulations in the US and believe strongly that effective

crypto regulations are not only good for our business, but also for the welfare of society. The US

economy benefits from crypto jobs and projects that are being fueled by Web3 innovation, which

Coinbase is committed to protecting. US national security and its ability to combat crime are

strengthened by a strong crypto economy; it’s easier to stop bad actors when crypto assets are

located in the US. But in order to reap those benefits, the regulatory environment must be

hospitable toward crypto.

Coinbase is committed to working with officials in the US and abroad to develop best-in-class

regulation. The work done on crypto policy today will impact this important sector of industry for

years to come, and allow us to accomplish our mission of advancing economic freedom around

the world.

Despite our expectation that sensible US policy efforts will prevail, we can’t ignore that our

business opportunity is rapidly evolving outside the US and this trend causes us to revisit aspects

of our international strategy which we plan to share with you in future quarters.

Third, as our retail customer hodls and the market shifts towards market makers and “pro” trader

activity, our competitors offer a broader product suite for these users. This includes perpetual

derivatives, high-leverage financing products, and more, which we do not currently offer.

These headwinds weighed on our Q3 trading volume. Q3 total trading volume was $159 billion,

down 27% compared to Q2. In contrast, total global spot market crypto trading volume declined

14% in Q3 compared to Q2. Retail and institutional trading volume declined 43% and 22%

sequentially in Q3, respectively.

Q3 2022 4
Trading Volume

TRADING VOLUME ($B) Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22 Q2’22 Q3’22

Retail 93 177 74 46 26

Institutional 234 371 235 171 133

Total 327 547 309 217 159

TRADING VOLUME (% OF TOTAL) Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22 Q2’22 Q3’22

Bitcoin 19 16 24 31 31

Ethereum 22 16 21 22 33

Other crypto assets 59 68 55 47 36

Total 100 100 100 100 100

TRANSACTION REVENUE (% OF TOTAL) Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22 Q2’22 Q3’22

Bitcoin 21 16 25 31 31

Ethereum 22 16 23 22 24

Other crypto assets 57 68 52 47 45

Total 100 100 100 100 100

Note: Figures presented may not sum precisely due to rounding

While retail customers are trading less, we are retaining customers and growing assets through

engagement with non-investing products.


We served 8.5 million MTU Q
s in 3, a modest decline o f0 .5 million or 6 % compared to Q S 2. imilar

to last q uarter, in Q 3 our mi x f MTU

o s continued to trend more toward non-investing product

usage, nota b ly sta k ing. In Q % 3, 78 or 6.6 million MTU s transacted with non-investing products.

While sta k ing moneti z es at a lower rate compared to trading, we are pleased b y the growth in

ab solute revenue as compared to the prior crypto winter when our sta k ing products did not e x ist

in earnest. When loo k ing solely at trading users, Q A

3 verage Transaction Revenue P U
er ser

R was com orta f b b
ly a ove trough levels seen in 2 0


On the institutional side, we continued to b e the leading partner powering the world s largest and ’
most sophisticated institutional investors and corporations on their crypto j ourney. Our C b oin ase

P rime off ering is b uilt to support all institutional client types through the full transaction

li ecycle, from trading and custody to sta k ing, governance, and analytics. In Q 3, we continued to

grow the num b er o f institutions on b oarded onto the C b oin f ase plat orm, including Koch

D isruptive Industries (KDT) , the C hicago Bulls, Ban q S z (S z

ue y wit )
erland , and T rading 212 (UK) .

Q3 2022 5
Assets on Platform

At the end of Q3, Assets on Platform were $101 billion, up 5% from $96 billion at the end of Q2.

The increase was primarily driven by net inflows from customers during the quarter as well as the

increase in end-of-quarter crypto prices. Our market share of the total crypto market

capitalization declined slightly to 9.6% at the end of Q3 compared to 9.9% at the end of Q2. The

decline in market share was driven by price effects (i.e. larger price decreases for assets that

have a higher concentration on Coinbase like BTC).

Assets on Platform

ASSETS ON PLATFORM ($B) Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22 Q2’22 Q3’22

Retail 116 141 123 47 51

Institutional 139 137 134 49 51

Total 255 278 256 96 101

ASSETS ON PLATFORM (% OF TOTAL) Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22 Q2’22 Q3’22

Bitcoin 42 40 42 44 39

Ethereum 22 25 24 20 24

Other crypto assets 33 31 31 29 31

Fiat 3 4 4 7 6

Total 100 100 100 100 100

Note: Figures presented may not sum precisely due to rounding

Note: As a result of the SAB 121 disclosure requirement, investors can now calculate Assets on Platform based on line items on our

balance sheet. Please add our “customer crypto liabilities” and “customer custodial cash liabilities” together to calculate total Assets

on Platform.

Q3 2022 6
While market conditions discussed above weighed heavily on our transaction revenues, our
Chapter 2

subscription and services revenue benefited from a higher interest rate environment (interest
income) as well as customer inflows (Staking and Custody), although the price movements

headwinds, there
impacted our reported revenue.

were bright spots:

Net Revenue

Subscription and
Q3 net revenue was $576 million, of which $366 million was transaction revenue and $211 million
services revenue
was subscription and services revenue.

grew 43% Q/Q

Net Revenue ($M)

Transaction Revenue Q 3’21 Q 4’21 Q 1’22 Q 2’22 Q 3’22

Retail, net 1,022.0 2,185.8 965.8 616.2 346.1

Institutional, net 67.7 90.8 47.2 39.0 19.8

Tota l Transaction Revenue 1,089.7 2,276.6 1,013.0 655.2 365.9

Subscription an d Services Revenue Q 3’21 Q 4’21 Q 1’22 Q 2’22 Q 3’22

Blockchain rewards 77.0 102.7 81.9 68.4 62.8

Custodial fee revenue 31.5 49.6 31.7 22.2 14.5

Interest income 8.4 7.6 10.5 32.5 101.8

1 We have included Learning Rewards

revenues – which we recently re-

Other subscription and services revenue1 28.2 53.5 27.8 24.3 31.4
branded from Earn campaign revenues

– in other subscription and services

revenues for Q3 and prior periods Tota l Subscription an d Services Revenue 145.1 213.4 151.9 147.4 210.5
shown. Prior to Q3, Earn campaign

revenues was reported as a distinct line

item. Learning Rewards revenue was $7

million in Q3 and historical revenue can

Net Revenue 1,234.7 2,490.0 1,164.9 802.6 576.4
be found in prior SEC filings. Refer to

our Q3’22 10-Q for more information.

Note: Figures presented may not sum precisely due to rounding

Note: In Q4'21, we retrospectively reclassified certain revenue from Blockchain rewards to other subscription and services revenue in

order to conform with the current period presentation. This reclassification has no impact on our previously reported net revenue.

Transaction Revenue

Q3 transaction revenue declined 44% compared to Q2. Retail transaction revenue was $346

million, down 44% compared to Q2, while institutional transaction revenue was $20 million, down

49% compared to Q2.

Our blended average retail fee rate was largely unchanged in Q3 compared to Q2. Our

institutional blended average fee declined in Q3 compared to Q2, driven by lower fees associated

with our market maker program. The vast majority of our reported institutional trading volume

comes from our trading platform, where market makers and high frequency traders are the core


Subscription and Services Revenue

In Q3, subscription and services revenue grew 43% sequentially to $211 million. When applying

constant Q3 average crypto asset prices to prior quarters, subscription and services revenue

would have grown approximately 82% in Q3 compared to Q2. The biggest contributor within

subscription and services – interest income – benefited from the rising interest rate


Q3 2022 7
Revenue as Reported ($M) Revenue Adjusted to Avg Q3'22 Price ($M)1

$250 $250

$213.4 $210.5 $210.5

$200 $200

$145.1 $147.4
$150 $150



$100 $100 $87.8


$50 $50

1 Graph is illustrative of subscription

and services revenues assuming that

0 0

crypto asset prices from the third

Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22 Q2’22 Q3’22 Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22 Q2’22 Q3’22

quarter of 2022 were consistent

throughout the period shown.

Blockchain rewards revenue was $63 million, down 8% compared to Q2, driven by a decline in

average crypto prices. In Q3, Blockchain rewards benefited from increased participation in

staking - both in terms of number of users and an increase in the number of native units staked

across all assets supported on our platform - compared to Q2. Staking user growth was driven

primarily by Solana, which we began supporting in June.

Custodial fee revenue was $15 million, down 34% compared to Q2. While we continued to grow

the number of billable customers and experienced net inflows in Q3, the sequential decline was

driven by lower average crypto asset prices in Q3 compared to Q2.

Q3 interest income was $102 million, up 213% compared to Q2 largely driven by the rising interest

rate environment which benefits interest income in two ways. First, through our participation in

the USD Coin (USDC) ecosystem. Second, through interest earned on customer fiat balances that

are generating higher interest income compared to prior periods.

USDC is a leading US dollar stablecoin and is redeemable for US dollars. The USDC market

capitalization at the end of Q3 was approximately $49 billion. We have entered into agreements

with the issuer of USDC, pursuant to which we share any revenue generated from USDC reserves

pro rata based on (i) the amount of USDC distributed by each respective party and (ii) the amount

of USDC held on each respective party’s platform (i.e. held in its customers’ accounts).

At the end of Q3, we had $6.6 billion of customer fiat on our platform. This represents fiat dollars

in Coinbase customer accounts that were not invested in crypto. Customer fiat balances vary

depending on customer activity and we do not manage our business to grow these balances.

Finally, other subscription and services revenue was $31 million, up 29% sequentially. Other

subscription and services revenue have historically consisted primarily of Coinbase One and

Coinbase Cloud. Beginning in Q3, we are now including Learning Rewards – which we recently re-

branded from Earn – revenue in other subscription and services revenue. Learning Rewards

revenue was $7 million in Q3.

Q3 2022 8
Operating Expenses

Chapter 3

In Q2, we outlined a series of efforts aimed at streamlining our cost structure – including our June
We are diligently
headcount reductions and recalibrating future hiring plans, optimizing infrastructure and vendor

focused on cost
spend, and increased discipline in marketing spend. We were pleased to see these actions bear

optimization and fruit in Q3. Total operating expenses were $1.1 billion, down 38% compared to Q2. Absent non-

cash impairment charges, total operating expenses would have been down 22% compared to Q2.
cash management

– operating

expense declined

38% sequentially
Operating Expenses ($M)
(or 22% absent
OPERATING EXPENSES Q 3’21 Q 4’21 Q 1’22 Q 2’22 Q 3’22
the impact of non-

Transaction expense 197.3 501.1 277.8 167.2 101.9

cash impairment

charges) % of net revenue 16% 20% 24% 21% 18%

Sales and marketing 105.4 244.6 200.2 140.9 75.9

% of net revenue 9% 10% 17% 18% 13%

Technology and development 356.3 459.6 570.7 609.2 556.3

General and administrative 242.6 297.4 413.6 470.2 339.2

Restructuring 0.0 0.0 0.0 42.5 ( )


Other operating expense, net 118.5 73.5 258.6 422.8 74.8

Total operating expenses 1 020.1

, 1 576.2
, 1 720.9
, 1 852.7
, 1 146.8

N on-cash crypto related impairment 17.5 43.8 209.8 377.0 0.0

Total operating expenses, a b sent impairment 1 002.6

, 1 532.4
, 1 511.1
, 1 475.7
, 1 146.8

Full-time employees (end of quarter ) 2,781 3,730 4,948 4,977 4,706

Note: Figures presented may not sum precisely due to rounding

Transaction expenses were $102 million, down 39% compared to Q2. The primary driver of the

sequential decline was lower trading volume. Transaction expenses decreased to 18% of net

revenue in Q3 from 21% in Q2, driven by two primary factors: First, we saw lower miner fees due to

lower volume on blockchains and second, the higher percentage of net revenue coming from

interest income, which carries immaterial transaction expenses. Shifting revenue composition

will create variance in transaction expenses as a percentage of net revenue.

Sales and marketing expenses were $76 million, down 46% compared to Q2. The primary driver of

the sequential decline was our decision to reduce performance marketing, due to lower

efficiency in this spend associated with softer crypto market conditions as well as savings

associated with our headcount reduction.

Technology and development expenses were $556 million, down 9% sequentially. The primary

drivers of the sequential decline were efficiencies in our infrastructure and other software

spending, as well as savings associated with our headcount reductions.

General and administrative expenses were $339 million, down 28% sequentially. The decline was

primarily driven by lower customer support expenses due to lower trading volume as well as

savings associated with our headcount reductions.

Q3 2022 9
Other operating expenses declined 82% sequentially to $75 million in Q3. As a reminder, other

operating expenses were elevated in Q2 as we incurred $377 million in non-cash crypto asset

related impairment charges.


Net loss was $545 million. Adjusted EBITDA was negative $116 million.

Other expenses were $66 million, driven by foreign exchange losses (net of a gain on our FX

forward contracts). Given the strength of the US Dollar relative to the Euro and British Pound in

Q3, our foreign exchange losses principally represented a revaluation of certain receivables and

payables denominated in foreign currencies. Compared to Q2, other expenses declined 62% as

we incurred higher impairment on our Ventures portfolio last quarter.

Our Q3 effective tax rate was approximately 15% and less than the US statutory rate primarily due

to lower tax benefits from nondeductible compensation expenses.

Share Count

Our weighted average fully diluted share count in Q3 was 224 million. We generally net share

settle our RSUs and have paid $269 million year-to-date in cash taxes on behalf of employees to

cover equity award taxes, which has resulted in approximately 2.6 million shares not being sold to

the market.

Capital Position

We ended Q3 with $5,608 million in total available $USD resources which we define as cash and

cash equivalents, USDC, and custodial account overfunding, a decline of $546 million compared

to Q2. As a reminder, custodial account overfunding represents both customer transaction fees

that have been paid but not yet been transferred into a corporate bank account and corporate

funds utilized to facilitate customer liquidity – since crypto trades 24/7 and banks are not open

24/7, we are not able to settle these accounts real-time. To calculate this balance, investors

should subtract “customer custodial cash liabilities” from “customer custodial cash” on the

balance sheet. As of September 30, 2022, this amounted to $233 million.

Total $USD Resources Total $5,608 Million


$368 million



$233 million

Corporate Cash held

at Third Party Venues

Money Market Funds

$168 million
$2,282 million

Corporate Cash

$2,557 Million

Note: As of September 30, 2022

Q3 2022 10
2022 Q 2 to Q 3 Change in $USD Resources


Custodial Account

($16M) ($11M)
$362M ($2M) $9M ($42M)
USDC ($97M)


Adj. Operating

$ 5,682M Capex + Internally M&A + Ventures Crypto Financing Products

Net Equity

Cash Flow 1 $233M

Developed Invest ments,
Transactions 3
Other 4
Software Inventory and,
Other 2 $368M

$ 5,007M
Cash and Equivalents

(excl. Restricted Cash)

Jun Cash and

Sep Cash and

Equivalents + USDC 
 Equivalents + USDC 

+ Custodial Account + Custodial Account

Overfunding Overfunding


($387M) ($20M) ($42M) ($97M) ($546M)

Note: Figures presented may not sum precisely due to rounding

1 Cash flows due to operating Change in $USD Resources From Q2 to Q3

activities, excluding both the net
change in USDC and custodial cash The $546 million sequential decline in $USD resources can be attributed toR
liabilities. Includes cash impact from
FX collateral. Excludes crypto profits
and losses. P Operating activities: $387 million net use of cash includes cash operating losses, in addition to
$145 million for FX collateral for hedging activities which will be returned in 2023, $79 million
2 Crypto purchases and disposals
across crypto investment portfolio,
change in working capital related to large vendor payments, and $39 million in restructuring
operating purposes, and other
expenses that were accrued in Q2 and paid in Q3.

business activities. p

P Investing activities: $20 million use of cash, consisting of $16 million used for internally
3 Net cash paid for taxes related to
net share settlement of equity developed software and capital expenditures, $11 million use for M&A / ventures and $2
awards, offset by cash received for
million for crypto inventory, partially offset by $9 million from Financing Products, principally
the issuance of common stock upon
exercises of stock options, net of Retail Borrow.

repurchases and proceeds for the p

employee stock purchase plan.

P Financing activities: $42 million net use of cash, largely driven by net share settlement of

4 Primarily represents Effect of FX employee equity awards offset by proceeds from stock option exercises and our ESPP.

on corporate cash.

P Other activities: $97 million decline, primarily due to the effect of foreign exchange rates on
corporate cash (notably the impact of a stronger USD on our Euro and GBP balance).

We also consider our crypto assets held as investments as other unencumbered resources to us.
The fair market value of our crypto assets held as investments was $483 million as of September
30, 2022 and had a cost basis of $290 million. When including our crypto investments, total
available resources totaled $6,091 million.

Q3 2022 11
While price declines and lower trading volume dominate the headlines, we are encouraged by user
Chapter 4

sentiment, the scaling of blockchains, growth of our partnerships, and institutional adoption that
We are seeing
we saw throughout Q3. We see undeniable traction in product development making crypto more

accessible. Under the surface of a challenging market, an innovation and adoption spring is

momentum in coiling.

our product
User Sentiment

development and
Despite price declines, long-term crypto sentiment remains high and it is a desired asset class.

According to an October 2022 Schwab study, over 40% of both Gen Z and Millennials surveyed

supported by indicated they wished they could invest in cryptocurrencies through their 401(k)s – the second

highest response – and over 40% of both groups currently invest in crypto. Investing in crypto is a
ongoing crypto

more preferred method for these same groups to save for retirement. Earlier this year, Fidelity
innovation and
Investments announced the industry’s first offering that will enable individuals to have a portion


of their retirement savings allocated to Bitcoin through the core 401(k) plan investment lineup. We

are encouraged to see industry progress aligned with customer interests.

Blockchain Scalability

On chain transaction speeds and costs are not yet comparable to off chain solutions. Increasing

scalability is an important step in crypto adoption for payments and other use cases. In Q3, we

supported a major milestone with the Ethereum Merge, Ethereum's long-awaited migration to a

new “Proof of Stake” consensus mechanism from its previous reliance on “Proof of Work.” The

Merge was six years in the making and is considered by many to be a landmark event in the history

of cryptocurrencies due to its implications for improved energy efficiency as well as future

security and scalability. While the Merge did not immediately increase transaction speeds or

lower costs, it was an important foundational step for the next major Ethereum upgrade,

Shanghai, which intends to address scalability in addition to providing liquidity for Ethereum



In recent months, we have announced a series of industry-leading partnerships, reflecting

Coinbase’s role in helping some of the preeminent industry leaders execute on their crypto


2 GOOGLE In October, we announced a strategic partnership with Google Cloud. As part of this

partnership, select Google Cloud customers will be able to pay for their services via select

cryptocurrencies facilitated by Coinbase Commerce, our merchant payments solution. Web3

developers will also gain access to Google Cloud’s public blockchain datasets via BigQuery,

powered by Coinbase Cloud’s Node service. And Google will use Coinbase Prime for

institutional crypto services such as secure custody and reporting.


2 SS&C We also recently announced a partnership with SS&C, a global provider of services and

software for the financial services and healthcare industries, to offer its clients access to

Coinbase Prime. With the partnership, traders using Eze Investment Suite can manage their

crypto trading processes in one place, from pre-trade compliance to custody.


2 B L AC K R O C K In early Q3, we announced a strategic partnership with BlackRock, the world’s

largest asset management company, to provide institutional clients of Aladdin®, BlackRock’s

end-to-end investment management platform, with direct access to crypto through

connectivity with Coinbase Prime. Coinbase Prime will provide crypto trading, custody, prime

brokerage, and reporting capabilities to Aladdin’s Institutional client base, some of whom are,

or may become clients of Coinbase. Since announcing the partnership, we have continued

building technology and working on integration, and plan to have our offering available to

clients in the first half of 2023.


2 SIGNET Coinbase Exchange has joined Signature Bank's Signet to empower users to fund and

settle their Coinbase accounts in real-time, 24/7/365. Users can now add USDC to the Web3

ecosystem in under 10 minutes.

Q3 2022 12
Institutional Adoption

Despite current market conditions, Institutional investor interest in crypto continues to grow.

According to an October 2022 study by Fidelity Digital Assets – which was conducted during the

first half of 2022 – 58% of institutional investors surveyed reported owning digital assets, an

increase of 6% compared to the prior year’s survey. Moreover, those investors surveyed in the US

and Europe reported increased familiarity, improved perception, and more digital asset


Following on our recent BlackRock partnership announcement, we have also seen continued

interest, with more and more institutions reaching out to engage on helping them onboard into

the cryptoeconomy. As of the end of the quarter, roughly 25% of the 100 largest hedge funds in

the world by reported assets under management have chosen to onboard with Coinbase.

Product Development

We continue to invest and advance our platform to offer the largest breadth of fully integrated,

easy-to-use products to serve our three customer groups: consumers, institutions, and


Providing our users access to the entirety of legal and safe assets available in the cryptoeconomy

is a foundational objective of our platform. In Q3, we added 22 additional assets to custody and

20 to our trading platform – bringing the total number of tradable assets to over 220, more than

double compared with just one year ago. In addition, we continue to make additional assets

accessible to our users by reducing barriers of access to decentralized finance and enabling

them to trade on decentralized exchanges (DEXes) via our wallet product.

As we shared with you in Q2, we remain focused on five strategic product priorities. We are

investing to ensure we are well positioned to meet future demand as the cryptoeconomy grows.

Prioritized Products Long-Term Goal

Coinbase Retail App Bring the next 100 million users into crypto.

Coinbase Prime Maintain our position as the #1 custodian and become the leading

Institutional Prime Broker.

Staking Be the best platform to generate rewards on crypto.

Developer Products – Coinbase Cloud Establish Coinbase Cloud as the market-leading platform for millions of


Web3 Enable 1 billion+ people to safely and securely use Web3 every day.

Coinbase Retail App

We are building a full suite of products for our retail users to engage across the cryptoeconomy,

allowing them to buy, sell, stake, pay, borrow, and more on a single platform. In Q3, our focus was

to continue to integrate features into our flagship Coinbase app to increase usability and

streamline our product development cycle.

A D VA N C E D T R A D I N G : We completed the full rollout of our advanced trading experience across

both mobile and desktop, incorporating all of our traditional and advanced features into a single,

easy-to-use app. This launch reduces friction for advanced traders to access our full product

suite, including additional features ranging from staking to tax reporting. Combining will also

Q3 2022 13
streamline our product development cycle, reducing total time to build and deploy new changes.

In Q4, we expect to deprecate our Coinbase Pro app as its features will now be incorporated into

this experience.

COINBASE ONE: In early Q3, we fully rolled out Coinbase One, our subscription product, to all US

retail users, offering unlimited trading, enhanced customer support, and additional benefits for a

low monthly fee. We continue to see growth in our paid and total subscriber base, and while still

in beta, we are seeing good user engagement and incremental revenue per user in these early

days. We will continue to closely monitor overall user behavior as we aim to provide further value

to users and expand this offering internationally.

D e c e n t r a l i z e d A p p l i c at i o n s : We integrated a Web3 browser right inside our retail app

enabling our retail users to seamlessly access thousands of decentralized applications, which we

believe will position us well to serve as the bridge for long-term adoption of these applications.

Through this integration, we made it easier for our users to trade via DEXes. DEXes are a growing

part of the market as they offer access to a broad group of emerging assets and we are excited to

reduce barriers between our users and the Web3 ecosystem.

Coinbase Prime offers a comprehensive suite of products for institutional clients to help them

with all their crypto needs - trading, custody, transfers, financing, analytics, and generating


In Q3, we launched our second CFTC-regulated derivatives offering, the Nano Ethereum Futures

contract, on our Coinbase Derivatives Exchange. Our Bitcoin and Ethereum futures contracts are

available via a range of third-party brokers, including Ninja Trader, Tradovate, Ironbeam, and more.

Coinbase is the first crypto-native platform to gain traction in the regulated derivatives market

and we have seen $1.5 billion in notional volume across our contracts since launch. Pending

regulatory approval, we look forward to making these derivative products available directly to our


Staking helps ensure blockchains run efficiently and provides protocol users with an opportunity

to earn rewards to help secure transactions on the blockchain. We have grown the number of

assets supported for staking, including adding Cardano in Q1 and Solana at the end of Q2 which

impacted Q3 results. These new products help attract new customers onto the platform but are

also engaging older vintages of customers on the platform who find value in these products.

In Q3, we launched Institutional staking for Ethereum globally and while adoption is still in its

early days, we are optimistic about the long-term opportunity. In addition, we offered users

additional utility for their staked Ethereum through our wrapped cbETH product. This product

allows users who own Ethereum to “wrap” it, allowing them to continue to earn yield on their

assets via staking, while also being able to buy or sell that asset.

Developer Products: Through Coinbase Cloud we seek to provide developers with everything

they need to easily, and securely build Web3 apps. Coinbase Cloud enables developers to run

blockchain nodes, support crypto trading, provide fiat on- and off-ramps to their users, and more.

We launched our first self-serve Cloud developer product, Node, which provides developers with

blockchain access to build, launch, and scale their Web3 applications. As the number of Web3

developers continues to grow – monthly active Web3 developers reached an all time high in

December 2021 according to Electric Capital – we are optimistic that products like Node can

make it easier, simpler, and less costly to build new applications on the blockchain. This offering

is available to developers for free on the Ethereum Network and complements our existing

enhanced enterprise offering across 20+ networks for an additional fee.

Q3 2022 14
Web3: We believe that the cryptoeconomy represents a disruptive challenge to current internet

business models. We believe Web3 represents a new computing platform that will be owned by

builders and users and power a new generation of applications and services. Both larger

companies and smaller developers are increasingly embracing this vision of the future and we are

excited to power the ecosystem that enables this growth.

Coinbase Wallet is the easiest-to-use and most secure way for individuals around the world to

access and participate in Web3. In Q3, we re-architected the Coinbase Wallet app for improved

usability and performance, including a native browser that supports all of the top Web3

blockchains and a new Decentralized Identity that acts as the canonical identifier for entities to

instantly transact with each other with confidence. Coinbase Wallet is also becoming the

aggregation point for all activity in Web3, making it easier for users to find what they're looking

for from a single app. To this end, we launched aggregated NFT listings and commerce - enabling

users to access the largest supply of NFTs and transact at the best possible prices across the full

NFT ecosystem, all within Coinbase Wallet.

Q3 2022 15

Chapter 5

We are continuing to face headwinds which impact our transaction revenues. October trading
2022 Outlook and
volume was $47 billion and MTUs through October are roughly in-line with our reported Q3

2023 Preview

results. In Q4, we expect lower trading volume and a similar number of MTUs compared to our Q3


In the meantime, due to our expense actions, we remain cautiously optimistic for our ability to

operate within the $500 million Adjusted EBITDA loss guardrail that we communicated for 2022.

This assumes that crypto market capitalization and volatility do not deteriorate meaningfully

below October levels and that we do not see changes in customer behaviors.

Coinbase Full-Year 2022 Outlook

Metric O utlook C ommentary

Annual Average MTUs Slightly below 9.0 million N/A

Average Transaction Around $20 Through Q3, retail ATRPU was $24. Our full-year average

Revenue Per User (ATRPU) outlook reflects MTU mix shift towards non-invest products
resulting in full-year ATRPU of around $20. Note that ATRPU
excludes both subscription and services and institutional

transaction revenue.

Subscription and More than $700 million We expect growth in our subscription and services revenue to

Services Revenue continue as a result of the interest rate environment.

Transaction Expenses
 Low 20%s No change to our previous full-year outlook.

As a percentage of net revenue

Sales and Marketing $500 - $550 million We are tightening our expense range to $500-$550 million

(including approximately $70 million in stock-based

Including stock-based compensation) from our prior range of $500-$ 600 million.
We expect sales and marketing expenses to be higher in Q4

compared to Q3 due to seasonally higher spend.

Technology and Around $4.0 billion We are lowering our expense range from our prior range of

Development + General and $4.0-$4.25 billion as a result of our ongoing cost management

Administrative Expense s
initiatives. This includes approximately $ .5 billion of stock-

Including stock-based based compensation expense. We expect stock-based

compensation expense to increase in Q4 compared to Q3 due

to the timing of certain awards.

Other Expenses N/A We do not provide an outlook on these expenses as they are

driven by crypto asset price impairments and unanticipated

system disruptions or incidents. If crypto asset prices drop

below their carrying value, we will recognize a non-cash

impairment expense.

Tax Mid-to-high teens Our annual estimated tax rate is in the range of mid to

high teens.

Q3 2022 16
2023 Preview

Our longstanding approach to navigating crypto volatility has been to model a variety of revenue

scenarios, layer in additional stress events, and ensure we have sufficient capital resources to

navigate a multi-year low revenue scenario. We are continuing that approach in these markets,

and believe that with our current balance sheet and expense management focus, we will be able

to operate through a multi-year down cycle. This means we’re preparing for 2023 with a

conservative bias and assuming that the current macroeconomic headwinds will persist and

possibly intensify.

Revenue The current business climate puts pressure on retail trading activity and by extension

our transaction revenue. Barring any major changes to the macroeconomic climate, we are

preparing for the pressure on transaction revenue to persist into next year. On the other hand, we

also see an opportunity to continue growing our subscription and services products.

Expenses We plan to continue diligently managing our expenses in line with our principles for

operating efficiently at scale. We believe that with our current balance sheet and expense

management focus, we will be able to operate through a multi-year down cycle. We will continue

to update our scenarios as conditions evolve and will take additional actions to manage expenses

if they become warranted.

Metrics Given that crypto markets and our revenue sources continue to evolve rapidly, we

believe there may be an opportunity to evolve our key business metrics disclosures to better align

with business performance. This re-evaluation of our key business metrics may include changes

to or the elimination of certain metrics. We expect to share updates in the coming quarters.

Q3 2022 17
Webcast Information

We will host a question and answer session to discuss the results for the third quarter 2022 on

November 3, 2022 at 2:30 pm PT. The live webcast of the call will be available on the Investor

Relations section of Coinbase’s website at A replay of the call as

well as a transcript will be available on the same website.

Forward Looking Statements

This communication contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private

Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact

are forward-looking statements. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements

regarding our future operating results and financial position, including for the fourth quarter and

the full-year ending December 31, 2022, anticipated future expenses and investments,

expectations relating to certain of our key financial and operating metrics, our business strategy

and plans, expectations relating to our industry, the regulatory environment, market conditions,

trends and growth, expectations relating to customer behaviors and preferences, our ability to

fund our operations through a prolonged crypto winter, our market position and potential market

opportunities, and our objectives for future operations. The words “believe,” “may,” “will,”

“estimate,” “potential,” “continue,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect,” “could,” “would,” “project,”

“plan,” “target,” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements.

Forward-looking statements are based on management’s expectations, assumptions, and

projections based on information available at the time the statements were made. These

forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and assumptions,

including risks and uncertainties related to: our ability to successfully execute our business and

growth strategy and maintain future profitability, market acceptance of our products and

services, our ability to further penetrate our existing customer base and expand our customer

base, our ability to develop new products and services, our ability to expand internationally, the

success of any acquisitions or investments that we make, the effects of increased competition in

our markets, our ability to stay in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, market

conditions across the cryptoeconomy and general market, political and economic conditions. It is

not possible for our management to predict all risks, nor can we assess the impact of all factors

on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual

results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements we may make.

In light of these risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, our actual results could differ materially

and adversely from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. Further

information on risks that could cause actual results to differ materially from forecasted results

are, or will be included in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021 filed with the

SEC on February 25, 2022, our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31,

2022 filed with the SEC on May 10, 2022, our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended

June 30, 2022 filed with the SEC on August 9, 2022 and our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the

quarter ended September 30, 2022 that will be filed with the SEC. Except as required by law, we

assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons if

actual results differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements.

Non-GAAP Financial Measure

In addition to our results determined in accordance with US generally accepted accounting

principles (GAAP), we believe Adjusted EBITDA, a non-GAAP measure, is useful in evaluating our

operating performance. We use Adjusted EBITDA to evaluate our ongoing operations for internal

planning and forecasting purposes. We believe that Adjusted EBITDA may be helpful to investors

because it provides consistency and comparability with past financial performance. However,

Adjusted EBITDA is presented for supplemental informational purposes only, has limitations as an

analytical tool, and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for financial

information presented in accordance with GAAP. Among other non-cash and non-recurring items,

Adjusted EBITDA excludes stock-based compensation expense, which has recently been, and will

continue to be for the foreseeable future, a significant recurring expense for our business and an

important part of our compensation strategy.

Q3 2022 18
In addition, other companies, including companies in our industry, may calculate similarly titled

non-GAAP measures, including Adjusted EBITDA, differently or may use other measures to

evaluate their performance, all of which could reduce the usefulness of our non-GAAP financial

measures as tools for comparison.

A reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to net income (loss) can be found below in the table

captioned “Reconciliation of Net Income (Loss) to Adjusted EBITDA.” Investors are encouraged to

review the related GAAP financial measures and the reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to its most

directly comparable GAAP financial measure, and not to rely on any single financial measure to

evaluate our business. We calculate Adjusted EBITDA as net income (loss), adjusted to exclude

provision for or benefit from income taxes, depreciation and amortization, interest expense,

crypto asset borrowing costs, stock-based compensation expense, crypto asset impairment, net,

impairment on investments, other impairment, restructuring, unrealized gain or loss on foreign

exchange, fair value gain on foreign exchange derivatives, fair value gain or loss on derivatives,

non-recurring legal reserves and related costs, and other adjustments, net.

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