Interview Report (Group 8)

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continue to provide reliable frameworks for corporate

operations. There are many theories of management used in

PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION any organization to maintain harmony of working life.[4]
OF THE PRACTICALITY ON First, there is scientific management theory by Frederick
MOBILE PHONE REPAIR Taylor, an American mechanical engineer and one of the first
management thinkers, pioneered scientific management
COMPANY theory. He was one of the first people to do scientific research
– INDUSTRIES VIEW on work performance. His thought stressed that pushing
individuals to work hard was not the best approach to
maximise outcomes. Taylor, on the other hand, advocated for
Muhamad Zulhairi Bin Nazar Mohd Zarizi, Aiman work simplification to boost productivity.[4]
Nafis Bin Abdul Razak, Muhammad Haziq Bin MD Next, theory of System Management. Systems
Hanapi and Mohamad Syamim Bin Daud management provides an alternate method to organisational
Department of Electrical Engineering Technology, Faculty of planning and management. According to systems
Engineering Technology, University Tun Hussein Onn management theory, companies, like the human body, are
Malaysia (UTHM), Jorak, Bukit Pasir, Johor, Malaysia made up of numerous components that must operate together
for the greater system to function efficiently. According to the
ABSTRACT idea, an organization's performance is determined by several
One of the most essential features of the important factors: synergy, interdependence, and
MANAGEMENT & PROFESIONAL ETHICS interrelations between various subsystems.[4]
curriculum is that students must be prepared aside from lastly, contingency management, the basic idea of the
laboratory work given at the institution, economic training contingency management theory is that no single
components may also provide significant practical work to management strategy is appropriate for every company. There
strengthen the scholars' skills. While Management theories are several external and internal elements that eventually
are ideas on suggested management techniques, which influence the management strategy adopted. The contingency
might include instruments like frameworks and guidelines hypothesis highlights three elements that are likely to impact
that can be used in modern companies. Professionals, in an organization's structure: the organization's size, the
general, will not depend only on one management theory, technology used, and the leadership style.[4]
but will instead introduce principles from many The fast-increasing threat posed by the COVID-19 virus,
management theories that best suit their workforce and also known as a coronavirus, is affecting the global business
business culture. Professionals and individuals in and investment community. Because of the worldwide and
recognized professions use specialized knowledge and linked nature of today's corporate environment, there is a
skills. Professional ethics is concerned with how the use of substantial danger of disruption of global supply chains,
this knowledge should be controlled while delivering a which can result in considerable revenue loss and have a
service to the public. For this, the university has structured negative influence on global economies. The worldwide
economic training by requiring students to complete two economic effect may rise depending on the degree of the
months of training during the third semester of year two, virus's geographic spread. The epidemic, on the other hand,
another two months during the third semester of year three, has already had a detrimental influence on the world
and finally, six months during the final semester of fourth economy.[4]
year. An interview with two industry panels was
performed to determine the efficacy of the planned 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT
training. Several comments and ideas from both panels
Management through science. Human interactions.
were considered for the creation of the industrial training
Advantage in competition. Maximization of shareholder
syllabus in the ET programme.[4]
value. Disruptive innovation is what it's all about. These are
only a handful of the theories that have influenced
1. INTRODUCTION management throughout the last century, providing it with a
Management is the most important factor in an logic, a script, and, at times, justification for action. They
organization. Humans will continue to be the most difficult have also shaped management by projecting a picture of what
species to control until computers can think, communicate, managers should be. Take, for example, scientific
and feel emotions. Humans will never be able to reach the management, often known as Taylorism, which is probably
same level of error-free performance that machines do. On the the most lasting management philosophy of all. It implies that
plus side, there are several tasks that machines cannot a manager's responsibility is to improve the efficiency of a
perform, making people vital assets. As a result, good manufacturing system. The manager, in the image of Dr.
management is one of the most important aspects of every Taylor, must thus be a detached engineer who sifts through
business. With the introduction of the new coronavirus, the data to counteract the most prevalent cause of human
globe is in the middle of what may turn out to be one of the mistake.[4]
most devastating pandemics of the century or, at the very Hence, the outcome of this study is vital to ensure that
least, a disease epidemic unlike anything seen in more than a the level of knowledge about professional ethics and
decade. And its wreaking havoc on people where they spend management in the company and determining whether
the majority of their time at work. [4] professional ethics and management help in the company, as
For a long time, theorists have been investigating the well as providing significant ideas and recommendations on
most appropriate kinds of management for various work how a company can have a better workplace and make their
contexts. Management ideas come into play here. Even management much smoother.[4]
though several of these ideas were created centuries ago, they
creating rotational schedules and more encouraging
customers to transact online.
The main objectives of this research are 5. RESEARCH FRAMEWORK

• To recognize the level of knowledge about

profession ethics and management in the company.
• To identify whether profession ethics and
management helps in the company.
• To provide significant ideas and recommendations
on how a company can have a better workplace
and make their management much smoother.

The questions raised from this research are

• What management theory is used in this company? Figure- 1: Research Framework of the study
-As a company with branches throughout the
country, we use a centralized way of working, A research framework of the study was classified into fifth
where in each state we will have one headquarters categories as shown in Figure-1.
as a place to coordinate the way of working in each
branch. It is to facilitate our affairs and also
customers will get quality treatment at each branch. 6. SIGNIFICANCE OF RESEARCH
• How can management theory improve the quality This research is crucial to find out the practicality
of services and companies? of industrial training for engineering technology students.
-For us, with coordinated SOPs in each branch, our The program has to be different in terms of its curriculum
employees are easy to carry out their duties and so that the engineering technology program can attract the
most importantly the customer experience will be students to join the program. It also helps the students to
closer and more comfortable with us as they will get distinguish the significant difference between Engineering
the best service no matter where the branch is. and Engineering Technology programs through Industrial
• How did the industrial revolution in Malaysia affect training.
the way your employees work?
-With the industry revolution Currently, our 7. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
relationship with customers is easier and faster A virtual interview session has been conducted with
because, customers do not need to come to our one entrepreneur namely as Panel 1, Co-Founder of VIP
branch, instead they can get our diagnosis services Shop Enterprise. The outcomes from this interview and
through social media such as 'WhatsApp' and survey are important to develop an idea and to recognize
'Facebook', where we have provided admin whether this chosen company do follow profession ethics
experienced in this field to answer and assist our and management rules.
customers before they come to any branch to
service their devices. 8. DATA ANALYSIS
• How does a mobile phone repair company deal with
customers and reduce the risk of legal action being In order to analyze the data in this study, an approach of
taken against a single allegation of wrongdoing descriptive and interpretation suggested by Belenky et al. [1]
from the customer to the company? is used. The author will try on his best to understand the
-Before diagnosing and servicing the customer's subject matter during interview and will construct the
device, we will get their consent in black and white sentence of the point of views based on what he understood.
whereby they need to agree on the service we will Similar approach is also emphasized in Othman Lebar [2].
provide and the risks that will cause possible loss to It is to note that proper profession ethics and management
their device. does give a continuous benefit to all company and
• To what extent does the influence of the covid-19 entrepreneur. This is because Ethics programs help maintain
pandemic affect the way your company works and a moral course in turbulent times. Attention to business ethics
the way you deal with it? is critical during times of fundamental change. Times much
-In a pandemic situation Currently, our sector is like those faced now by businesses, both nonprofit or for-
given the opportunity to operate by MKN due to the profit. During times of change, there is often no clear moral
ongoing need to repair devices. This is due to the compass to guide leaders through complex conflicts about
increasing use of devices every day to run ‘WFH’, what is right or wrong. Continuing attention to ethics in the
PDPR and so on. Currently we are responsible for workplace sensitizes leaders and staff to how they want to act
maintaining SOPs in each of our branches to consistently. Ethics programs cultivate strong teamwork and
prevent covid in from spreading further. We have productivity. Ethics programs align employee behaviors with
changed the way branches work by reducing the those top priority ethical values preferred by leaders of the
number of employees working each day and organization. Usually, an organization finds surprising
disparity between its preferred values and the values actually economy at the same time [3].
reflected by behaviors in the workplace.
9. DISCUSSION The figure below shows the proof that we do the
The following suggestions and ideas have been given by interview.
• According to the panel, since the company have a
lot of branches all over the country they need to centralized
way of working, in each state we will have one headquarters
as a place to coordinate the way of working in each branch.
This is to make it easier for our users and customers to get the
service at every branch.
• The panel said the company need to streamlined
SOPs in each branch, to our employees are easy to carry out
their duties and most importantly the customer experience
will be closer and more comfortable with us as they will get
the best service no matter where the branch is.
• with the evolution of industry has greatly changed
the way companies work and our relationship with customers
is easier and faster because, customers do not need to come to
our branch, instead they can get our diagnosis services
through social media such as 'WhatsApp' and 'Facebook',
where we have provided admin experienced in this field to
answer and assist our customers before they come to any
branch to service their devices.
• Panel suggest that to reduce the risk of legal action
being taken against a single allegation of wrongdoing from
the customer to the company is to Before diagnosing and
servicing a customer's device, we will get their consent in
black and white whereby they need to agree on the service we
will provide and the risks that will cause possible loss to their
• the panel stated based on the situation pandemic
Covid 19 now much influenced the way his company worked
our sector is given the opportunity to operate by MKN due to
the ongoing need to repair devices. This is due to the
increasing use of devices every day to run ‘WFH’, PDPR and
so on. Currently we are responsible for maintaining SOPs in
each of our branches to prevent covid in from spreading
further. We have changed the way branches work by reducing
the number of employees working each day and creating
rotational schedules and more encouraging customers to
transact online.


The results from the interview show that further [1] Belenky, M.F., Clinchy, B.M., Goldberger, N.R.,
investigation is required to find out the best industrial and Tarule, J.M. 1997. Women’s Ways of Knowing: The
training practice for ET program. As suggested by Panel 1, Development of Self, Voice, and Mind, Basic Books, New
it will be helpful to obtain the information of students’ York, USA.
experience from the first batch trainees.
. [2] Othman Lebar. 2007. Penyelidikan Kualitatif:
11. CONCLUSIONS Pengenalan Kepada Teori Dan Metod. Tanjong Malim:
The country's unemployment rate in August 2020 Penerbit Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.
remained at 4.7 percent [1], according to the Department of
Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) and Based on the recent covid 19 [3] Astro Awani, Berita Tajuk Utama Hari Ini, Berita Semasa,
pandemic situation many companies have been affected Berita Terkini Malaysia, Dunia, Sukan, Hiburan, Teknologi,
economically and many companies have had to stop Gaya Hidup, Automotif, Politik, Foto, Video, dan Siaran
operations to prevent the spread of the virus so companies Langsung TV. (n.d.).
must act proactively in curbing this problem by creating new malaysia/kadar-pengangguran-malaysia-kekal-pada-47-
ways to curb this contagious problem. companies must also peratus-pada-ogos-263349.
find solutions to curb the current economic problems in order
to prevent their companies from shutting down. In addition, [4] Kessler, E. H. (2013). Encyclopedia of management
the Government must try to find a middle way in an effort to theory. SAGE reference.
overcome the Covid-19 pandemic and revive the country's

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