Questionnaire Ge 105

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GE 105 Questionnaire

1.) It is the representation, usually on a flat surface, as of the features of an area of the earth or
a portion of the heavens.
2.) What is the meaning of Mappa?
3.) What map shows what the land itself looks like, identifying physical features?
4.) What map shows where something can be found?
5.) What map shows us how an area is divided into countries, states, provinces or other units?
6.) What map shows us how to get around. Such as road maps?
7.) What do carta means?
8.) What do graphien means?
9.) It is the art, technique, or practice of compiling or drawing maps or charts.
10.)Where and what date is first known map being created?
11.)Who was the most important cartographer during the time of the Roman Empire?
12.)Who was the person who first come up the known projections and what are those (referring
to the projections)?
13.)What maps uses sexigesimal number system and divided the circle into 360 degrees?
14.)It is the First known example of a topographic map labeled with cardinal directions.
15.)It is the first map with a bar scale.
16.)Is it true that the town plan of Nippur is created 1600 BCE? (Answer by: TRUE OR FALSE)
17.)What map is known as the Small-scale map of the known world?
18.)What country used papyrus and wood to create maps instead of clay?
19.)What is the most common Egyptian maps?
20.)What map is used for were taxation purposes?
21.)What map is known as the Map of the Gold Mines (1300 BCE)
22.)What topographic map is located between the Nile & Red Sea?
23.)It shows a general view of the world and man’s place in it.
24.)What map is derived from Homer’s Illiad idea?
25.)It is the first world map drawn to scale.
26.)It is the first systematic description of the known world.
27.)What map is considered as the first map with diaphragm (first meridian or parallel)?
28.)He is known as the father of scientific cartography.
29.)Is it true that Eratosthenes has created a world map in 220 BCE? (Answer by: TRUE OR
30.)What map is based on Homer’s Ulysses?
31.)It is the recommended construction on a globe.
32.)What world map has believed as accurate for over 1,000 years?
33.)This __________ map shows the larger scale maps of smaller regions.
34.)This __________ map is use with a written itinerary.
35.)What is the measurement of the Peutinger Road Map (335 CE)?
36.)What map uses pictographic Symbols?
37.)This ____________ map is transferred to paper by ink rubbing.
38.)Stone map of China (1140 CE) has Graticule squares that represent 100 li (40 mi). (Answer
39.)What map is used to demonstrate the new Confucian dynasty’s ―cosmic legitimacy?
40.)This ___________ map is used for bureaucratic control of the empire, beginning in the 7th
41.)Japanese maps uses clouds to compress distance or time. (Answer by: TRUE OR FALSE)
42.)What are the two very useful maps were invented and produced during the middle ages
GE 105 Questionnaire

43.)What map is based on Ptolemaic principles, but incorporating Islamic characteristics?

44.)What map reflects religious views of 10th century Islam?
45.)What do T-O represents in T-O Mappaemundi map?
46.)This _______________ map is the first map printed in Europe (1472).
47.)_________ is a map where illustrates Christ at top, holding a T-O globe.
48.)Who was one of the most important map makers in 15 th century?
49.)____________ is the leading cartographer of the mid-16th century.
50.)____________ is the chart that began the tradition of ―orienting‖ maps with north at top.
51.)What map is known that has a Heart-shaped world‖ resulted by expanding Ptolemy’s
projection to the entire world?
52.)____________ is the map were sold to the wealthy (“LUXURY EDITION”).
53.)This ____________ map is purchased for $10 million in 2003.
54.)What map is known as the first modern atlas: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (Theater of the
55.)What map in 17th-19th Centuries has a High level of accuracy and detail?
56.)It is known as the quintessential renaissance map.
57.)This __________ map is based on Mercator’s projection where Portolan lines are finally
correct (rhumb).
58.)It is the map reinforced by Ascension’s 1602 voyage and outlawed by Ferdinand VII in 18th
59.)This map is built from a single baseline.
60.)Who completed the central spine in Great Trigonometrical Survey (1837)?
61.)What year when an accurate map of the planet was finally develop?
62.)Device that is invented during World War II, whereas, it involves the use of sound waves to
detect objects?
63.)When the first satellite was launched into space?
64.)Enumerate the 4 distinct types of Maps gathered from satellites.
65.)This _________ map shows only the horizontal position of features on the Earth's surface
which show geographic objects, natural and cultural physical features, and entities without
topographic features.
66.)_____________ is a type of map characterized by large-scale detail and quantitative
representation of relief, usually now using contour lines, but historically using a variety of
67.)What map is designed to show a particular theme connected with a specific geographic
68.)_____________ is a method for adding detail, surface texture (a bitmap or raster image), or
color to a computer generated or 3D model.
69.)It is a photograph which is taken vertically from above (as from an airplane) and upon which
a grid and data pertinent to maps have been added.
70.)What do we call the positions in two-dimensional space, such as places with coordinates x,y?
71.)This element are positions in two-dimensional space, such as places with coordinates x,y.
72.)Give at least 2 example of attributes.
73.)___________ is the dimensional relationship between reality and the map.
74.)Is it true that all geographical maps are seduction? (Answer by: TRUE OR FALSE)
75.)Is it true that all maps involve geometrical transformations? (Answer by: TRUE OR FALSE)
76.)Is it true that all maps are attractions of reality? (Answer by: TRUE OR FALSE)
77.)Is it true that all maps use signs to stand for elements of reality such as symbolism with
Universal meanings?
GE 105 Questionnaire

78.)__________ can be used for spatial positioning.

79.)It is used primarily to capture information for planimetric data for 2D and 3D design of
objects or assemblies.
80.)What are the two types of Computer Maps?
81.)It is a Maps created by Cells or Pixels
82.)This _________ maps has Lines and Points that are created by X, Y coordinates.
83.)It is how many decimal points you can have for a location.
84.)It is how closely the mapped object reflects its real world location.
85.)What are the two approaches of Computer Mapping?
86.)It manipulates Unintelligent Graphic Objects.
87.)It manipulates Databases.
88.)What is the used of census?
89.)Where do census data referred to?
90.)It is the process of converting analog map into a digital format.
91.)What are the three (3) digital formats in digitizing?

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