Oral Presentation Updated

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Brittania’s Oral Presentation

Good morning, Mrs. Reid James, My Name is Brittania Myrie. My Topic is Human Trafficking and
the effects it has on its victims. My Genre is an expository speech, and my sources are an article
titled, Psychological Effects of Human Trafficking, Depression, Anxiety and Substance Abuse
Part 1, a video titled, How Human Trafficking Affects its Victims Psychologically and lastly the
Article titled Causes and Effects of Human Trafficking. The main idea of my presentation will be
to present findings on the effects of human trafficking on victims. My language devices include
facts and emotive language. My aid is a single cue card with my main points.

A survivor of human trafficking as a child, Alex, once said, “The strongest thing we have is our
words, not our fists.” Today, I wish to use my words to shed light on the issue of human
trafficking but more specifically the effect it has on its victims. This issue is a complex, globally
heartbreaking issue (add something), as well as my personal response to this issue.

My first source, an article on the psychological effects of human trafficking shows that the
experience of human trafficking can cause many short and long-term psychological effects.
Possible psychological effects of human trafficking include Depression, Anxiety disorders,
including panic disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Substance use and disorders,
Shame and guilt, Alienation and isolation from social supports, Suicidal ideation (thoughts of
suicide), Identity disturbance/confusion.

My second source a short but informative video also on the psychological effects of human
trafficking on victims highlighted the risk of developing a mental health disorder, as a victim of
trafficking. Other psychological effects include PTSD, anxiety disorder, anxiety, suicidal
thoughts or actions, Stockholm syndrome and substance abuse.

My last source which is an article which addresses both causes and effects of human trafficking
on its victims lists some of its effects as, mental and physical trauma, ostracism, and lack of
independent living skills. Needless to say, it would take me all morning to elaborate on the
effects, but the findings all support the fact that victims of human trafficking will have a wide
range of negative consequences as a result of being victims of human trafficking.

Personal Response

I greatly sympathize with the Men and Women who are being forced to engage in Human
Trafficking. Through this research I realize that the impact of human trafficking is not only
devastating and life altering but they are also long lasting. Internationally, we need to join
together to stop these traffickers from their continuous act and to bring justice and awareness
those men and women who are being forced in such an act. Additionally, we need to provide
continuous support to victims and survivors of human trafficking.

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