Motion Sensors in Automatic Steering of Hearing Aids: Thieme

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Article published online: 2021-09-24


Motion Sensors in Automatic Steering

of Hearing Aids
Eric Branda, Au.D., Ph.D.1 and Tobias Wurzbacher, Ph.D.2


A requirement for modern hearing aids is to evaluate a listening

environment for the user and automatically apply appropriate gain and
feature settings for optimal hearing in that listening environment. This
has been predominantly achieved by the hearing aids’ acoustic sensors,
which measure acoustic characteristics such as the amplitude and
modulation of the incoming sound sources. However, acoustic infor-
mation alone is not always sufficient for providing a clear indication of
the soundscape and user’s listening needs. User activity such as being
stationary or being in motion can drastically change these listening
needs. Recently, hearing aids have begun utilizing integrated motion
sensors to provide further information to the hearing aid’s decision-
making process when determining the listening environment. Specifi-
cally, accelerometer technology has proven to be an appropriate solution
for motion sensor integration in hearing aids. Recent investigations
have shown benefits with integrated motion sensors for both laboratory
and real-world ecological momentary assessment measurements. The
combination of acoustic and motion sensors provides the hearing aids
with data to better optimize the hearing aid features in anticipation of
the hearing aid user’s listening needs.

KEYWORDS: hearing aids, motion sensors, classification

t is no question that speech intelligibility is ment. The hearing aid settings for this initial
a priority for hearing aid processing. Most often, fitting establish a foundation for the hearing aid
a hearing aid fitting begins by optimizing the user’s overall amplification. However, it is expec-
audibility of speech in a quiet listening environ- ted that the hearing aid user will have further

WS Audiology, Piscataway, New Jersey; 2WS Audiology, Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial-
Erlangen, Germany. License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original
Address for correspondence: Eric Branda, Au.D., Ph.D., work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commer-
10 Constitution Avenue, Piscataway, NJ 08854, cial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (https://
(e-mail: [email protected]).
Hearing Aid Technology to Improve Speech Intelligi- Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue,
bility in Noise; Guest Editor, Joshua M. Alexander, Ph.D. 18th Floor, New York, NY 10001, USA
Semin Hear 2021;42:237–247. # 2021. The Author(s). DOI:
This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the ISSN 0734-0451.

demands on speech intelligibility in various and other nonspeech sounds can help determine
other listening environments and situations. the listening environment. And, of course,
Competing background noise is a leading increases in level, especially with nonspeech
cause of dissatisfaction with hearing aid use1 and signals, further determine the aggressiveness
is consequently one of the greatest challenges for of noise management in a hearing aid.
fitting hearing aids. The surrounding listening More recently, other factors have become
environment can mask the target speech signal, prevalent in identifying the listening environ-
resulting in a decreased signal-to-noise ratio ment. For example, the SNR can be used to
(SNR) that directly and negatively impacts further determine if the listening environment
speech intelligibility. This poorer SNR may be may be challenging, even if the overall sound levels
the result of directly competing signals or even are low. The ambient modulation of other signals
temporal delays created by reverberation. In may correspond to more stationary interferers like
these cases, further adjustments to the initial air conditioning or more dynamic interferers like a
hearing aid settings are often required. These baby crying. The direction of arrival for a given
adjustments could include increasing gain for sound may also indicate its importance as a target
specific speech frequencies or increasing the signal or an interferer. For example, one may
performance of certain features like directional generally assume that target signals arrive from the
microphones and noise reduction algorithms. front. But if a server at a restaurant were to
An additional consideration for these chal- approach the hearing aid user from the side,
lenging listening environments is that it is not this new speech signal may be considered target
always reasonable to expect the hearing aid user to speech rather than interfering speech.
identify the variations in these noisy environ- When the hearing aid identifies or classifies
ments and then manually apply changes to the these changing listening conditions, different
hearing aid settings to address these variations. features are utilized. As noise levels increase,
The user may be aware that the listening envi- the hearing aid’s noise reduction algorithms
ronment has changed and is more difficult, but an may become more aggressive to better reduce
awareness of the underlying influences on the nonspeech signals, especially in the gaps be-
listening environment may be a struggle to realize. tween speeches. Additionally, directional mic-
Considering this obstacle to finding the rophones may adapt to focus better on speech
optimal adjustment of gain and features for a signals and reduce unwanted background noise.
listening environment raises the need for the Some hearing aid algorithms that transition the
hearing aid to accurately analyze the acoustic directionality to full bilateral beamformers have
soundscape. The hearing aid needs to first been shown to provide advantages over unilat-
classify the listening environment and then eral beamformers in noise2 (for more informa-
use this information to apply the appropriate tion about beamformers, see the articles by
processing adjustments that will optimize the Derleth et al and by Andersen et al in this
listening performance for the hearing aid user. issue). Consequently, some hearing aid users
This type of acoustic soundscape analysis has with this configuration of beamforming may
seen changes throughout the years. have better speech intelligibility in noise than
normal-hearing listeners.3 Other directional
technologies that focus on speech arriving
LISTENING ENVIRONMENT from specific directions such as directly to the
ANALYSIS side or behind have been shown to provide more
Traditionally, hearing aids have been somewhat benefit in these listening environments than
limited in classifying different listening envi- traditional adaptive directional microphones.4
ronments (see the article by Hayes in this issue In the vast majority of the aforementioned
for more information about environmental examples, the hearing aids have identified the
classifiers). Acoustic factors such as signal mod- challenging listening environment based on
ulation and level have been key contributors to acoustic sensors and automatically applied spe-
the scene analysis. For example, a difference in cific parameters within their given feature-set to
the modulation rate and depth between speech optimize speech intelligibility.

These automated features are ideal when them to utilize the motion sensor. Additionally,
the listening environment fits the user’s listening when the user switched to a new phone, the
needs. However, it is not always the case that phone’s new processing parameters could result
environmental acoustics provide all of the nec- in different timing effects for the hearing aid
essary input required for the hearing aid user. user, thus changing the performance to which
If we consider an outdoor cafe scenario they were accustomed.
with a hearing aid user and a conversation With improvements in miniaturization
partner, two separate listening needs can be and hearing aid chip design, integration of
quickly identified. While sitting and convers- motion sensors in the hearing aid itself was
ing, the hearing aid user is likely facing the realized in 2019. This eliminated the need for
conversation partner. In this case, the hearing the hearing aid user to depend on the smart-
aids would optimally employ noise reduction phone to provide motion information.
and directionality to suppress the environmen- Three different types of motion sensors are
tal sounds and focus more specifically on the potential candidates for hearing aid use: (1) the
conversation partner. However, if both parties magnetometer, (2) the gyroscope, and (3) the
stand up to leave and are still conversing, they accelerometer. All three measure different
are likely both facing forward to watch where aspects of motion and have varying advantages
they are going while continuing to communi- and disadvantages for hearing aid use. Ideally,
cate. In this case, the conversation partner is not any type of motion sensor must be robust and
directly in the line of sight of the hearing aid reliable. The motion sensor must also be sensi-
user. The environmental acoustics have not tive to real-time head movements, as can be
changed, but the user’s listening needs have expected during a conversation. Additionally,
changed. Directionality, in this case, might be the motion sensor should be sensitive to inertial
somewhat detrimental to both communication movements to track the physical activity and
and possibly even to safety. A less directional motion of the hearing aid user.
response is needed despite the acoustic indica- The magnetometer measures the environ-
tions, and the hearing aids need a method to mental magnetic field. The measurement unit is
identify that requirement. tesla or gauss. Without any disturbances, it
To accommodate a broader range of com- measures the orientation according to the
munication scenarios, motion sensors have re- earth’s magnetic field and can be interpreted
cently been implemented in hearing aids to help as an electronic compass. The nature of its
them appropriately classify the listening envi- operation makes it susceptible to other mag-
ronment. Motion sensors can determine that a netic interferences, which raises the question of
hearing aid user is moving. These data can then the reliability of this type of motion sensor.
be used as part of the hearing aid’s decision- Even minor soldering artifacts or variations
making process to classify the listening environ- during manufacturing may deform the magnet-
ment and apply the most appropriate settings. ic field, thereby requiring proper individual
compensation and calibration.
The second type of motion sensor is the
MOTION SENSORS gyroscope. The gyroscope measures the turning
The use of motion sensors is a relatively recent rate, that is, the speed of a rotation around one
addition to hearing aid technology. As recently axis in radians per second. Hence, it would be
as 2017, hearing aids used wireless communi- ideal for detecting the hearing aid user’s head
cation with smartphones to receive motion data turns if he faces another conversation partner.
from the mobile phone. Recognizing the bene- In terms of size, it is the largest of the three
fits of this synergy, interest grew in incorporat- mentioned sensor types.
ing motion sensors directly in hearing aids. The magnetometer and the gyroscope are
With an integrated motion sensor, several not optimal for hearing aid use, especially when
restrictions were eliminated from the phone- considering power consumption—both are
based motion sensor system. For one, the user power-hungry. Specifically, the current needed
would need to constantly have the phone with for a magnetometer is at least in the order of 50

µA and for a gyroscope at least 420 µA. If we the right side parallel to the ground, and the z-
consider that the typical hard-wired signal direction is pointing upward in the sky (Fig. 2).
processing in a hearing aid takes anywhere Even if the hearing aid user is just stand-
from 350 to 550 µA, the gyroscope alone could ing and looking straight ahead, the acceler-
take more processing power than all of the ometer will still measure an acceleration: the
hearing aid’s adaptive features combined. earth’s gravitational field G, which is 9.81 m/s2
The third type of sensor considered is the (meters per second squared) [32.17 ft/s2]. Of-
accelerometer. As the name implies, this type of ten the raw accelerometer measures are nor-
sensor measures acceleration in terms of stan- malized to G. Hence, the accelerometer of a
dard gravity G. When compared with the other standing hearing aid user would measure
types of motion sensors, attributes of physical in this case. If the
size and power consumption show a clear userweretolaydownonacouchontheleftorright
advantage for hearing aid use. As shown side, the accelerometer measure would read
in Fig. 1, the motion sensor is quite small, And simi-
supporting miniaturization needs within a larly, if the user were to lay down on the front/
hearing aid. Current motion sensors measure back, . In
2 mm  2 mm  0.95 mm. Additionally, the general, if no movement is present, the accelerom-
power consumption of such a motion sensor eter values report the sensor’s orientation relative to
is less than 15 µA. So, considering the size, earth’s gravity. Additionally, looking at the indi-
power consumption, and measurement robust- vidual axes, the total amount of acceleration is
ness, an accelerometer is the best choice for expressed as . This yields a
integrating a motion sensor into a hearing aid one-dimensional pattern of movement.
(Fig. 1). More interesting than the static case is
State-of-the-art triaxial accelerometers measuring the accelerations during the hearing
measure the acceleration forces ax, ay, az for aid user’s motion or, more specifically, different
each orthogonal axis x, y, and z in the three- patterns of motion. The most practical type of
dimensional space (Fig. 2). The orientation of movement detection for hearing aid users is
the sensor axis is defined in our context as walking. The changes in the individual axes
wearing the hearing aid on the ear and looking create a very clear pattern of motion for the
straight forward to the horizon in an upward hearing aid user. If one changes the type of
position. The nose of the hearing aid user points movement from walking to bicycle riding, the
to the negative x coordinate, the y-axis points to amount of change for each axis creates very

Figure 1 A contemporary accelerometer compared in size to a standard 10A-size hearing aid battery.

Figure 2 Orthogonal axes x, y, and z for measuring acceleration forces.

distinct patterns of movement. Fig. 3 shows indicate a higher intensity sound, just as fre-
different motion patterns associated with sit- quency is visualized with the number of com-
ting, walking, and cycling (Fig. 3). plete cycles per second. Hearing aids are very
In many ways, this type of movement can efficient at identifying variations in the slow-
be viewed similarly with the oscillation of sound varying amplitude modulation (the temporal
waves. Higher amplitudes in a sound wave envelope) to differentiate primarily between

Figure 3 Variations in motion patterns from gravitational acceleration over time for sitting, walking, and

speech and nonspeech signals. This type of Froehlich et al5 reported on the use of an
acoustic detection has been successfully extend- accelerometer integrated into a hearing aid
ed to identify other listening environments such platform. Two separate investigations were
as music and car engines. In the same way conducted to examine both laboratory data
acoustic sensors classify sounds as speech or and real-world data as measured via ecological
nonspeech, the accelerometer can detect chan- momentary assessment (EMA).
ges in motion to identify different patterns of In the laboratory trial, 13 participants (7
movement. Fig. 4 illustrates the difference in females, 6 males) with bilateral, symmetrical
waveforms between a spoken vowel and a car downward-sloping mild-to-moderate hearing
engine as well as differences in motion wave- loss were seated in an acoustic scene designed
forms between walking and sitting. Just as to simulate a listening environment where a
traditional hearing aid processing can accurately hearing aid user may be walking by a street with
identify the differences between the acoustic two conversation partners. The ambient street
signals (see the article by Hayes in this issue), noise was presented at 65 dBA from azimuths
they can now accurately identify the differences of 45, 135, 225, and 315 degrees. With the
between the motion signals (Fig. 4). participant facing the 0-degree azimuth, speech
As mentioned previously, the hearing aid from a male talker was presented from 110
will often change processing characteristics degrees and from a female speaker at 250
based on environmental acoustics. For example, degrees (Fig. 5). Speech from both conversation
in a speech-in-noise listening environment, it is partners was presented at 68 dBA. The hearing
very common to apply directionality to help aids were configured to motion sensor “on” and
suppress competing background noise and focus “off” conditions. In the “off” condition, the
on target speech from the front. However, with motion sensor was deactivated, meaning that
the addition of the accelerometer, motion can be the hearing aids could only make soundscape
included in the classification of the listening determinations based on acoustic information
environment. By identifying a movement pat- alone. As expected, this scenario represents a
tern, the hearing aid can factor that data into the speech-in-noise listening environment for
decision process. This provides a more accurate which noise reduction and directionality would
estimation of the hearing aid user’s needs. In a both be applied. The “on” condition was with
case of speech-in-noise where directionality the hearing aid and accelerometer forced into an
might be applied, if the listening environment active condition. Because the participant was
is classified as speech-in-noise with walking, the seated in the center of the loudspeaker array,
hearing aid can reduce the amount of direction- actual motion was limited. Therefore, the hear-
ality to allow for more environmental awareness ing aid was configured to react as if the motion
(see the article by Jespersen et al in this issue for a sensor had detected that the participant was
discussion about the importance of environmen- walking. The expected hearing aid behavior
tal awareness). would be to reduce directionality due to the
By measuring the three axes (x, y, and z), incoming motion data (Fig. 5).
the accelerometer is efficient at identifying The participants were asked to rate both
several characteristics of motion ranging from speech understanding and perceived listening
multiple stationary positions to several types of effort for speech from the conversation partners
movement. All of these measures can be useful for both the accelerometer “on” and “off” condi-
for hearing aid function and improved classifi- tions. For both conditions, performance ratings
cation of a listening environment. were significantly better for the “on” condition
(p < 0.05, see Fig. 6). Recall that in a real-world
experience, the user would be in motion to trigger
EVIDENCE the same “on” response from the accelerometer
To date, there has been little published research and target speech would likely not be directly in
on the use of motion sensors in hearing aids. front of the user while walking. These laboratory
This is primarily due to motion sensors being results support the efficacy of adding a motion
incorporated only recently into hearing aids. sensor to the hearing aid’s classification system so
Figure 4 Comparison of sound and accelerometer patterns over time. Top row: Sound pressure amplitude for sounds of a vowel /u/ and a car noise. Bottom row:
Acceleration for a walking and a sitting scene.

Figure 5 Laboratory speaker setup for traffic scenario. Background traffic noise was presented from 45-,
135-, 225-, and 315-degree azimuths at 65 dBA SPL with male and female speech from 110- and 250-degree
azimuths, respectively, at 68 dBA.

that directionality can be advantageously reduced degree azimuth is the looking direction, and the
to benefit the user in specific listening environ- levels are normalized to that direction. Since the
ments (Fig. 6). Besides the subjective evaluation, hearing aid is placed on the left side of the head,
the effect of the motion sensors can be demon- the right side is attenuated by the head shadow.
strated with technical measures. Fig. 7 displays a This beam pattern is good if there is no back-
measured polar pattern of a monaural beamfor- ground noise. In contrast, the red curve shows the
mer from a hearing aid placed on the left ear. The directional pattern of a fully active monaural
method is based on the Hagerman and Olofsson6 directional beamformer. Sound sources to the
approach and used the extension by Aubreville back and sides are attenuated, while there is only
and Petrausch.7 The green curve (color online) negligible attenuation in the main viewing direc-
depicts an omnidirectional characteristic at the tion. For maximum speech intelligibility, this
KEMAR head for a frequency of 1 kHz. The 0- beam pattern should be applied when there is a

Figure 6 Mean ratings and 95th percentile confidence values for both speech understanding and listening
effort. The 13-point scale was from 1 ¼ strongly disagree to 7 ¼ strongly agree. The acoustic scene was
background traffic noise with speech coming from the 110- and 250-degree azimuths at a þ3 dB SNR.
See Fig. 5 for speaker configuration. (From Froehlich et al,5 used with permission.)

Figure 7 Polar patterns measured on the left ear of KEMAR for four conditions: automatic with no
movement, full monaural directional, omnidirectional, and automatic walking.

direct-facing conversation partner and the envi- spatial awareness while walking and more
ronment is very noisy. Between these two ex- directivity to support better speech under-
treme cases —omnidirectional and monaural standing while not walking. The hearing aid
directional beamformer characteristics—the handles this decision-making automatically.
hearing aid has to automatically select the best Furthermore, by incorporating the walking
settings by combining traditional acoustic analy- decision into the hearing aid settings, the
ses with analyses of the user’s motion behavior. traditional paradigm “my conversation partner
The blue curve shows the directional pattern for a is always in front of me” is extended to include
moderately noisy environment when motion other communication situations. For example,
data are not considered. On the other hand, during a walk, the conversation partners are
the black curve was measured in the identical generally to the side. In this situation, the
acoustic scene, but with motion data being method described here will yield a 3-dB SNR
considered. The acoustic effect is that the left improvement compared with a classical ap-
frontal hemisphere is less attenuated and reaches proach without a motion sensor (Fig. 7).
the omnidirectional characteristic. The assumed Along with the laboratory data, Froehlich
benefits for the hearing aid user are more et al also reported real-world outcomes using

EMA data. EMA was conducted at multiple especially relevant for motion sensors. With a
locations with background noise present, includ- discrete size and low power consumption, acce-
ing home, buildings, public transportation, and lerometers are an optimal technology for inte-
outdoor settings. Other listening environments grating into hearing aids. With the addition of
included outside in quiet as well as both standing motion sensors, hearing aids have more data in
and walking on a busy street. Participants evalu- the decision process for anticipating the hearing
ated the listening conditions for their experiences aid user’s listening requirements.
in terms of loudness, sound quality, speech Motion sensors integrated into hearing
understanding, listening effort, naturalness, di- aids show promise for other uses outside of
rection of a sound, distance of a sound, and overall standard hearing benefit. An application for fall
satisfaction. Participants rated their understand- detection has seen some use in the marketplace
ing in the environments on a 9-point scale (see the article by Fabry and Bhowmik in this
ranging from 1 ¼ nothing to 9 ¼ everything, issue for more details on this application of
with the middle rating being 5 ¼ sufficient. motion sensors). But the benefits can go beyond
Results for understanding while moving in this. The stable placement on the ear and ability
the three background noise conditions in home, to detect various patterns of movement offers
building, and outdoor settings were evaluated. applications to health care. Hence, one possible
Ratings of 6 (“rather much”) or higher were application of a motion sensor could be tracking
considered indicative of understanding speech the general head position over the day. In doing
in those environments. Ratings exceeded this so, one can determine how long or often the
benchmark 80% of the time for all three listen- user is in an upright position or quantify the
ing environments, with movement in the home resting times for each side. The simple knowl-
receiving the highest ratings. edge of how long a family member or loved one
Another condition evaluated in the study has been stationary can help in providing care
was the listening environment of having a con- when not at home. Additionally, using a motion
versation while walking along a busy street. sensor to track movement, such as walking
Considering communication and safety needs, time, can help monitor one’s health (see the
this condition might be highly relevant to mo- article by Fabry and Bhowmik in this issue for
tion sensor use. As part of the study’s EMA more details on this application of motion
portion, participants in this busy street condition sensors). These are secondary to the hearing
were asked the following questions: Is the lis- aids’ primary goal of helping the user to hear
tening environment natural? Is the acoustic better but can support overall health.
scene perception appropriate? What is the over- Hearing aids have traditionally relied on
all satisfaction for speech understanding? acoustic sensors to identify the user’s listening
Results of this EMA portion showed over needs in a given listening environment. How-
90% “yes” or “mostly yes” responses related to ever, as indicated, reliance solely on the acoustic
naturalness, 100% “yes” or “mostly yes” respon- soundscape is insufficient for addressing all of
ses for orientation, and 88% satisfaction for the user’s listening needs. Given the example of
speech understanding in this condition. a restaurant situation with background noise
Study results in both laboratory and real- composed of conversations, dishes, people mov-
world conditions demonstrate an efficacious ing, heating and air conditioning systems, and
and effective use of the motion sensor as part other unexpected sounds, different listening
of a hearing aid classification process. needs can be identified. One patron wearing
hearing aids and sitting with a guest at a table
has a primary need to hear and understand the
SUMMARY conversation partner. A waiter wearing hearing
The use of motion sensors, in particular acceler- aids walking in the same restaurant has
ometers, in hearing aids is a relatively new completely different needs. For both users,
technological feature. Power consumption and the acoustic soundscape is virtually identical,
size are primary factors in considering any new but the additional factor of the user’s motion is a
feature for hearing aid use. These factors are critical difference for the hearing aids’

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