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Human resources are the most important aspect of any business. The firm cannot
function without human resources. Human resources are the only thing that can
make or ruin a company. People are an essential component of every enterprise.
The only useful human resource who can work in all areas of the organisation is the
valuable human resource. The epidemic has influenced practically every layer,
including the employment process of every organisation. Bringing up the pandemic
generation has been pretty difficult for the globe at large in each aspect. Because of
the increase in demand for goods and services, HR managers must now lease the
workforce. Extra workforces are now necessary to meet all of the client's demands.
Concept and Application
There are techniques of demand forecasting there are two types qualitative method
and quantitative method and these method also have subtypes let us see below

Techniques of HR Demand

Qualitative Quantitative
Method Method

Expert Management Delphi Trend
Forecasts Forecasts Technique Analysis Study

Qualitative Method
Expert Forecast- Expert forecast is an external Hr demand forecasting. In this
name it is cleared that we are asking outsider expert to give us forecast sometimes
HR personnel seeks inputs from professional HR experts regarding future staffing
requirements of their organisations. So here what Hr team is doing they are
approaching experts and telling them please let us know what should be our staffing
requirements and those experts who have been working time and again various
organisations in doing this kind of forecast they will help organization to do all these
Management Forecast- This is an internal HR demand forecasting here what we
are doing we are not approaching any outsider expert we are going to approach
management people of our own organization various HOD because he knowns
better the requirement who is handling entire team so we will go to sales hod for
sales requirement and so on… they only decide the number of people to be hired,
skills required, etc.
Delphi Technique- In this method a group of pre-selected experts is responsible for
forecasting demand. These experts provide their judgment on human resource
requirements. The responses given by these pre-selected experts are summarized
and a report is prepared this process keeps continuing until all experts agree on the
estimated human resource requirement and the final report will be finalized.
Quantitative Method
Trend Analysis Method- A trend analysis is a way of reviewing past data in order to
forecast future demand. Data collection and analysis identifies trends that might
impact future demands; however, this is supplemented with other aspects to provide
a more comprehensive picture in order to predict staffing requirements.
Ratio Trend Analysis- The ratio of output level to available employees is also used
to determine demand for manpower/human resources. This ratio will be used to
forecast human resource needs. The following example will assist you in better
understanding this technique.
For e.g Estimated production for next year = 1,60,000 units
Estimated no. of employees needed= ?
(on the basis of ratio-trend analysis 1: 200) will be = 800

Hence estimated number of employees needed in the organization is 800.

Work Study- This method is appropriate when the predicted work load is easily
measured. Estimated total production and activity for a certain future time are
anticipated using this strategy. This information is converted into the number of man-
hours necessary to create per unit, taking into account the workforce's capabilities.
Management's previous expertise might aid in converting task loads into the number
of man-hours necessary.
For e.g Estimated total annual production= 6,00,000units
Standard man hours needed to produce each unit = 3 hours
600000 × 3=18,00,000
Work ability or contribution per employee in terms of man hour= 6000 hours
Estimated number of workers needed
𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒓 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒃𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔

In the current scenario, the human resource manager is frequently concentrating on
the post-pandemic era, and this environment is not very clean and needs more
thorough inspection. So, in the beginning, the best way would be the Delphi method,
where specialists may aid businesses in determining if they need additional human
resources to operate or not. Then they will be able to see how to change the
company's internal functioning appropriately and successfully. After a period of time,
when the market becomes more stable, they may switch to managerial
judgement because external forces will have less of an impact on the organization's
internal functioning.
Induction program can be broadly defined as the familiarization with, and adaptation
to, a new work environment. It refers to the process by which a new employee is
introduced to the organization, to the work group, and to the job. Traditionally,
organizations approach program by describing to the new employee the
organisation’s history, structure, fringe benefits, rules and regulations. A more
progressive approach is to view program as an opportunity to communicate the
organization’s vision and values, shape the new employee’s values and integrate
him/her into the organsization’s structure.
Concept and Application
Induction program has many parts to include collect the employee information their
personal details and education experience etc. Induction program is a process of
introducing the company mission vision let them know the hierarchy of company also
rules and regulations
Collecting Employee Information-Collect employee information his personal
details name address mobile no gender date of birth education experience etc.
Collect his proper resume.
Introduce the Company- Make employees aware of their company goals tell who is
the chairman ceo founder of company give basic idea of all departments tell the rules
and regulation of company. Let them know the company branches.what is the exact
production done by company.
Salary/Bonus- Give a overview of salary to each and every employee and bonus
criteria tell them growth of company is important and also employee promotion if
employee works for better in 3 years then promotion will be given. Bonus will be
given who do overtime.
Rules and Regulation- Employee should be in formal dress code . avoid using
mobile phone employee should do smart work every employee should be in office
time to reach attendance is mandatory company id card daily should be handy
holidays will not be allowed without any serious reason.
For Eg
Teleperformance Induction Program
 Collect our resume
 Introduce ourself to company
 Company hr gives us brief idea about company
 Various presentation are shown about security
 Gives a tour of company
 Water dinner is provided
 Rules and regulations given
 Dress code and id card
 Feedback
Induction program is an vital part of company to get brief idea about company every
company arrange its program in different methods.
Career planning is the process of determining one's career objectives and the path to
achieving those goals. The primary purpose of career planning is to assist
employees in better matching their personal aspirations with the possibilities that are
genuinely accessible in the firm. Career programmers should not focus just on
prospects for advancement. In practise, there may not be enough high-level posts to
allow for a big number of people to advance. As a result, career-planning initiatives
must target and highlight aspects that provide psychological success rather than
vertical progress.
Concept and Application
Career planning process for successful HR manager
A. Identifying career needs: Most people have no idea what their job objectives,
and goals are. Human resource specialists must thus assist an employee by offering
as much information as possible indicating what type of employment would fit the
person best, taking into consideration his abilities, experience, and aptitude.
Conferences and seminars attract employees' interest by emphasising the
importance of career planning. They assist workers in setting professional objectives,
identifying career trajectories, and identifying particular career development
B. Aligning career paths: Each role must have a career path provided by the
business. Career routes clearly demonstrate career advancement options. They
represent the many roles that a person might take throughout time if they perform
well. Of course, career routes fluctuate throughout time in response to employee
demands and organization goals. When establishing career paths, the claims of
experienced individuals lacking professional degrees and those of fresh recruits with
outstanding degrees but no experience must be carefully balanced.
C. Aligning needs and opportunities: This procedure is divided into two steps:
first, identify employee potential, and then pursue career growth.Programmers to link
employee needs with organisational opportunities Employee potential may be
measured to some extent through performance assessment. Such an analysis would
assist identify employees who require further training, employees who can take on
additional tasks, and so on. Following the identification of an employee's potential,
specific developing approaches such as special assignments, scheduled position
rotation, supervisory coaching, work enrichment, and understudy programmes can
be used to update employee knowledge and abilities.
D. Action Plan: This will assist the employee understand where he is going, what
changes are expected to occur, and what abilities are required to handle new and
developing organisational difficulties. From an organisational aspect, it is also vital to
learn how people are doing, what their goals and aspirations are, if career routes are
aligned with individual requirements and support broader corporate objectives, and
so on.
As we can conclude that career planning is necessary for any organization/company
hr manager should do these for better growth if we will not pay attention towards it
our employees do a hardwork instead of work smartly.
Succession planning is a strategy for identifying and developing future leaders at all
levels of the organisation.The purpose of succession planning is to guarantee that
your firm is future-ready. To do this, businesses acquire fresh talent or educate
internal candidates who will ultimately replace the present leader.As a result, the
succession planning process comprises the rules and actions required to prepare
one or more candidates for a more senior leadership role.
Concept and Application
One of the most critical HR strategic procedures is succession planning. A company
with a good succession plan in place that is effectively communicated and
implemented has a significant competitive edge. Employees are hesitant to accept
employment offers from competitors because they understand their value.
Objectives of goal succession planning
a) .To collect organisational data for use in staffing choices.
b) ii. To identify high-potential individuals who can be taught to take on more
c) iii. To offer high potential workers with tasks and chances so that they may
gain the essential experience to groom themselves
d) iii. To offer high potential workers with tasks and chances so that they may
have the required exposure to groom themselves
e) iv. To include senior leaders in grooming these identified people
f) v. To promote employee loyalty and engagement
g) vi. To meet the workforce's professional development aspirations and hence
increase their commitment to the company.
Goals of Succession Planning
As soon as you've chosen someone for your agency, you must be able to give them
with opportunities to grow. The primary purpose of good succession-planning
strategies is to guarantee that the goals are appropriately placed inside the plan.
Succession planning is typically planned in which talented men and women are able
to go up the ladder and occupy a few executive roles. This may also serve as a
motivator for them, and they will strive to i work as efficiently and effectively as
Succession planning will also assist in determining how many people are willing to
work, how many are now working, and how many are expected to work soon. That is
how the company will be able to determine who must be retained within the company
based only on the degree of competition.
The succession plan is more similar to an entire performance review approach in
which all employees are being developed systematically. Performance assessment
techniques are ways for evaluating a worker's total job performance and, in certain
cases, his contribution to the corporation's overall operation.

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