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(Division of General Studies)

GST 221: History and Philosophy of Science (2 Units)

I. D. Number:………………………………………


(a) Attempt all questions in all sections.

(b) This question paper serves as your answer sheet.
(c) Time allowed: 1 Hour.
(d) No student is allowed out of the Hall prior to 30 minutes of examination commencement.


1. Data analysis in scientific research requires the knowledge of (a) calculation (b) experiment
(c) mathematics (d) *statistics

2. The scientific community relies on all of these in generating and analyzing data except (a)
empiricism (b) observation (c) *manipulation (d) objectivity

3. Philosophy and Science are investigative because they (a) observe reality (b) interpret reality
(c) *discover reality (d) explain reality

4. The focus of the second national development plan was (a) man power development (b)
massive industrialization (c) leadership training (d) oil exploration

5. Who developed the theory of human cognitive phase? (a) * Jean Piaget (b) Karl Marx (c)
Mary Parker (d) Mc Comick

6. Which of these are amenable to manipulation in scientific research? (a) data (b) samples (c)
*variables (d) population

7. The highest solid waste in Maiduguri is believed to be (a) *leaves (b) polythene bags (c)
papers (d) pure water bags

8. Which of these basins is formed during the Jurassic period? (a) Bornu basin (b) Sokoto basin
(c) *Benue basin (d) Niger Delta

9. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a well planned experiment? (a) Simplicity (b)
Precision (c) Valid conclusion (d) *Randomization
10. Which of the basins is widely believed to have originated from rifting? (a) *Bida/Nupe (b)
Benue basin (c) Niger Delta (d) Sokoto basin

11. Which of the ions turns human bones into ashes? (a) *fluoride (b) hydrogen (c) Benzene (d)

12. The two types of harmful substances in the industries are (a) *liquid and gaseous (b)
Chemical and Radiochemical (c) Solid and gaseous (d) Solid and liquid

13. The approach to resources management that is aimed at enhancing the efficiency and
effective application is (a) Geological (b) Economic (c) *Technological (d) Ethnological

14. Pollution and other related problems can be solved with the principles of (a) Physics (b)
*Chemistry (c) Biology (d) All of the above

15. Which of the following is not an effect of waste generation in Nigeria? (a) Disease (b)
Environmental degradation (c) Pollution (d) *Recycling.

16. …….ensures the absence of bias in scientific research. (a) questionnaire (b) interview (c)
*experimentation (d) sampling

17. Sample collection is required at the stage of……………in research process (a) literature
review (b) *fieldwork (c) methodology (d) survey

18. Pure research is referred to as (a) basis (b) *basic (c) bases (d) biased

19. International institute of tropical agriculture (IITA) is located in (a) Kano (b) Lagos (c)
*Ibadan (d) Enugu

20. In the statement no smoke without fire, fire is the (a) cause (b) *effect (c) course (d) affect

21. A system of explicit rules and procedures on which research is based is called (a) project (b)
sampling (c) survey (d) *methodology

22. The focus of the second national development plan in Nigeria was (a) democratization (b)
green revolution (c) 7-point agenda (d) * Industrial expansion

23. The research that mostly seeks to provide reasons for human action is (a) *pure research (b)
rational research (c) human research (d) people research

25. For massive industrialization Nigeria requires (a) *Technology (b) Designers (c) Information
(d) computers

26. Technology is a good example of (a) *applied science (b) technological science (c) pure
science (d) natural science
27. Knowledge derived from testing hypothesis is called (a) rational (b) *empirical (c) religious
(d) intuitive

28. The theory of Relativity is credited to (a) *Albert Einstein (b) Jean Piaget (c) Mary Parker (d)
Mc Connack

29. Veterinary Research Institute is situated at which state? (a) *Plateau (b) Benue (c) Nasarawa
(d) Bauchi

30. Natural resources are classified into (a) Human and personnel (b) Renewable and Non-
renewable (c) Exhaustible and Non-Exhaustible (d) *Physical and Biological

31. Project Development Agency is a research institution based in (a) Ibadan (b) *Lagos (c)
Enugu (d) Abuja

32. Which of the following is not an effect of waste generation in Nigeria? (a) *Disease (b)
Environmental degradation (c) Pollution (d) Recycling

33. The power of science lies on which of these (a) Reasoning (b) Research (c) *Empirical
evidence (d) Intuition

34. Which of the National Development Plans (NDP) witnessed a high degree of
mismanagement in the economy?

35. Data analysis in scientific research requires the knowledge of (a) *statistics (b) mathematics
(c) experiment (d) calculation

36. The driving force between philosophy and science is (a) Research (b) Universe (c) Reality
(d) *Knowledge

37. The principle of numbering in mathematics is credited to (a) *Pascal Blaise (b) John Pascal
(c) Blaise John (d) Albert Blaise

38. Pure research is referred to as (a) Data (b) *Applied Research (c) Science (d) Technology (e)
latest research

39. Addressing the issues of examination failure and falling standard of education requires the
use of (a) Securities (b) *Basic research (c) Programming (d) research methodology

40. Developing and testing hypothesis is one of the qualities of (a) Intuitive knowledge (b) trial
and error (c) *research method (d) democracy

41. Questionnaire is a research instrument used for (a) experimentation (b) verification (c)
networking (d) *data collection
42. Census and opinion poll are two good examples of………... research (a) democratic (b)
*applied (c) final (d) information

43. The first step in scientific research is (a) literature review (b) *experimentation (c)
questionnaire (d) interview

44. ………………ensures the absence of bias in scientific research (a) literature review (b)
questionnaire (c) interview (d) * experimentation

24. ……………………………is referred to as the scientist of the 21st century. (a) Isaac Newton
(b) *Albert Einstein (c) Bill Gates (d) Neil Armstrong

45. Variables in scientific research are referred to as (a) dependent and dependent (b) *dependent
and independent (c) independent and independent (d) free and independent

46. Lecturers and students are mostly involved in ………research (a) *pure (b) good (c) project
(d) survey

47. The end product of research is called (a) publication (b) *knowledge (c) philosophy (d)

48. Knowledge could make life better and lack of it could lead to (a) *destruction of life (b)
duplication of life (c) revival of life (d) indiscipline

49. The capita generation rate of refuse in Nigeria is highest in……...forest (a) mangrove (b)
*tropical rain (c) marine (d) savannah

50. ………is the modern method of waste disposal. (a) dumping (b) cleaning (c) burning (d)

51. The celebrated theory of evolution is credited to (a) *Charles Darwin (b) Karl Max (c) Isaac
Newton (d) Aristotle

52. Philosophy can be seen as an academic discipline through the following except. (a)
Investigation process into the social reality (b) Intellectual enterprise (c). *Man and his
environment (d) End product of research

53. Which of the following types of knowledge describe the gains from every day’s experience
(a) *Folk Knowledge (b) Literary knowledge (c) Scientific knowledge (d) Empirical knowledge

54. Science is classified into the following except. (a) Natural or physical science (b) Social
science (c) Applied science (d) *Philosophical science

55. The type of knowledge that we observed through our five senses is called. (a) *Description of
observation (b) Discovery of regularities (c) Generalization of the discovered phenomenon into
theories and laws (d) None of the above
56. The scientific method starts with. (a) *Observation (b) Experimentation (c) Prediction (d)

57. The philosopher who discovered human cognitive development is called. (a) Karl Marx (b)
*Jean Piagent (c) Mary Parker (d) Barnes R.D

58. A system of explicit rules and procedures on which research is based and against claims for
knowledge is evaluated is called. (a) Research method (b) *Research methodology (c) Research
design (d) Research activity

59. An intellectual problem calling for an answer in the form of scientific inquiry is called. (a)
*Research process (b) Research design (c) Research problem (d) Research method

60. Which of the following is not a research process (a) Problem formulation (b)
Experimentation (c) Field work (c) *Randomization

61. A well planned experiment has the following characteristics except. (a) Simple (b) Precise (c)
Absence of systematic error (d) *Invalid conclusion

62. Experimentation involves all except. (a) Randomization (b) Replication (c) Requesting for
help (d) *Normalization

63. The statisticians advance the following questions except. (a) What are the data? (b) What are
the units? (c) are the values reasonable? (d) *What do you want from the conclusion.

64. A data used for a purpose other than for which it is collected is called. (a) Primary data (b)
*Secondary data(c) Sample data (d) Population data

65. Problems in research can be stated in any of the following except. (a) Question to be
answered (b) Hypothesis to be tested (c) Effected to be estimated (d) *Result to be interpreted

66. The following are characteristics of sampling except. (a) Reduce cost (b) Avoid time wasting
(c) *Maximized labour (d) Each member in the population is included in the sample

67. The Nigerian environment can best be discussed in terms of the distribution of. (a) Basin
types (b) *Rock types (c) Vegetation types (d) Economic types

68. The crystalline rocks are mainly divided into the following except. (a) *Niger Delta (b)
Recent Volcanic (c) Younger Granite (d) Basement complex

69. The mineralization of basement complex. (a) NE-ENE-SW-WSW trend (b) *ENE-NE-
SW-WSW trend (c) SW-WSW-NE-ENE trend (d) WSW-SW-ENE-NE trend

70. which of the following basin is not a sedimentary rock distribution zone. (a) Sokoto (b)
Borno (c) *Longuda(d) Niger Delta
71. The most important economic potentials of the Bornu Basin includes the following except.
(a) Diatomite (b) Kaoline (c) Bentonite (d) *Graphite

72. The most economically important sedimentary basin in Nigeria is. (a) Sokoto (b) *Niger
Delta (c) Benue (d) Bida/Nupe

73. Which of the following is not an approach of resource management (a) Technological (b)
Economical (c) Ecological (d) *None of the above

74. Harmful substance in the chemical industries are classified into. (a) Solid and liquid (b) Solid
and gaseous (c) *Liquid and gaseous (d) acid and liquid

75. Philosophy is basically concerned with (a) *the study of man (b) the meaning of universe (c)
the search for knowledge (d) the essence of reality

76. Philosophy of science observe, experiments and investigates into. (a) the essence of reality
(b) the nature of reality (c) the scope of reality (d) * the meaning of reality

77. Knowledge gained from everyday experience is called (a) scientific knowledge (b) empirical
knowledge (c) *folk knowledge (d) literary knowledge

78. In the study of science, philosophy offers insight into which of these (a) meaning, scope and
purpose of science (b) *nature, issues and facts in science (c) study, issues and claims in science
(d) belief, reality and facts in science.

79. Which branch of philosophy evaluates the moral claims and judgment in science (a) logic (b)
metaphysics (c) *ethics (d) epistemology.

80. Fundamentally, science is concerned with the idea of (a) organization of knowledge (b)
identification of knowledge (c) *understanding of phenomena (d) law of nature

81. The system of explicit rules and procedures on which research is based and against which
claim for knowledge is evaluated is (a) *research methodology (b) research method (c) research
activity (d) research design

82. All of these are essential features of philosophy of science except (a) *knowledge rationally
obtained and empirically explained (b) the emergence, of facts and evidence (c) the study of
universe, man and the constituted element of reality (d) a critical inquiry into the origin and
nature of reality

84. When philosophy of science questions the validity of any knowledge attained, we say that
philosophy is the (a) queen of all science (b) laborer of all science (c) * systematic body of
knowledge (d) does not accept things as given.

85. Knowledge derived from testing of hypothesis is called (a) intuitive knowledge (b)
*empirical knowledge (c) metaphysical knowledge (d) rational knowledge
86. Empiricism, objectivity and control are the underlined principles the scientific community
depend on when. (a) *generating and analyzing evidence (b) doubting and dismissing evidence
(c) exploring and evaluating evidence (d) reviewing and refining evidence

87. Explanatory research deals with which of these (a) testing hypothesis (b) *describing
situation and events (c) discovering new ideas (d) measuring and establishing evidence

88. Which of the following is a characteristic of applied research (a) *the use of laws and
principles in solving the problem of the society (b) developing and testing hypothesis (c)
adoption of large scale studies (d) uses overall scheme of scientific activities.

89. Variables in scientific research are categorized into (a) believable and non believable
variables (b) *dependent and independent variables (c) experimental and non experimental
variables (d) observable and non observable variables

91. Which of these is not one of the basic steps in scientific research (a) formulation of
hypothesis (b) data analysis and interpretation (c) generalization (d) * investigation of reality

92. Philosophy, the study of the universe is also synonymous with: (a) search for solution (b)
search for ideas (c) *search for knowledge (d) search for intelligence

93. In examining definitions of philosophy and science, what do the two disciplines have in
common (a) observing the movement of the universe (b) *discovering the nature of reality (c)
explaining the scope of reality (d) investigating the features of reality

94. Scientific knowledge is different from literary knowledge because (a) it requires reasoning
(b)it is speculative in nature (c) * it is derived from empirical evidence (d) it involved methods
and methodologies

95. Historical approach to the study of philosophy of science deals with which of these (a)
historical artifact (b) *drawing fact and evidence from history (c) drawing important lesson in the
history of science (d) allowing historians to make use of historical facts

96. Philosophy and science are all regarded as (a) descriptive disciplines (b) observational
disciplines (c) explanatory disciplines (d) *investigative disciplines

97. Which aspect of philosophy questions the behaviour and conduct of a scientist (a) * logic (b)
ethics (c) metaphysic (d) aesthetics

98. Which of these is least enquired in the study of philosophy of science (a) ethics (b)
epistemology (c) *aesthetics (d) metaphysics

99. In scientific research, which of these is the starting point (a) *experimentation (b)
observation (c) problem formation (d) generalization
100. Philosophy of science does not accept anything as given means (a) it believes nothing can
be known (b) it questions the validity of any knowledge we have (c) *it insist that knowledge
method reasoning is empty (d) it is an abstract discipline

102. The relevance of metaphysics to science is captured in which of these (a) *the study of the
existence of unseen realities(b) the origin and development of man (c) the uniformity of nature
(d) the study of scientific development

103. Philosophy is the queen of all sciences means all of these except (a) all sciences are offshoot
of philosophy (b) all sciences were previously studied under philosophy (c) all sciences are based
on methods and methodologies (d) *all sciences generate their materials from philosophy.

105. Which of these is not an approach to the study of philosophy of science (a) methodology (b)
logical (c) * historical (d) cognitive

106. All of these are types of knowledge except (a) folk knowledge (b) scientific knowledge (c)
literary knowledge (d) *demonstrative knowledge

107. Science is not only interested in the accumulation of knowledge but also in (a) where
knowledge is accumulated (b) * how knowledge is accumulated (c) when knowledge is
accumulated (d) what knowledge is accumulated

108. In generating and analyzing data, the scientific community depend on all the following
except. (a) measurement (b) empiricism (c) objectivity (d) *control


1. Waste could be classified into solid and liquid waste only. True [ ] or False* [ ]

2. Scientific approach to knowledge development is democratic. True* [ ] or False [ ]

3. The application of basic rules and principles to solve to solve human problems is the concern
of natural science. True [ ] or False* [ ]

4. The disagreement between science and religion arose because men love religion more than
science. True* [ ] or False [ ]

5. The basement complex rocks are the youngest rock types. True [ ] or False* [ ]

6. Science and Technology has made our material comfort difficult. True [ ] or False* [ ]

7. Ajaokuta Steel Company is located in Kwara State. True [ ] or False* [ ]

8. The Nigerian environment can best be discussed in terms of vegetation. True [ ] or False* [ ]

9. Public enlightenment could be a way of reducing waste generation. True [ ] or False* [ ]

10. Using psychological theories to explain the growth and structure of scientific knowledge
requires naturalism approach. True [ ] or False* [ ]

11. Knowledge derived from testing hypothesis is called rational knowledge. True [ ] or False* [

12. Scientific method starts with observation. True [ ] or False* [ ]

13. The focus of the Second National Development Plan was massive industrialization. True* [ ]
or False [ ]

14. Technology is a good example of natural science. True [ ] or False* [ ]

15. To embark on massive industrialization, Nigeria requires more of prayers. True [ ] or False*
[ ]

16. Data analysis in scientific research requires the knowledge of literature review. True [ ] or
False* [ ]

17. The driving force between philosophy and science is knowledge. True* [ ] or False [ ]

18. The theory of relativity is credited to Gilbert Feinstein. True [ ] or False* [ ]

19. The power of science lies on research. True* [ ] or False [ ]

20. The 4th National Development Plans witnessed a high degree of mismanagement in the
economy. True* [ ] or False [ ]

21. Resources can broadly be classified into physical and Biological. True [ ] or False* [ ]
22. Veterinary research institute is situated at Plateau state. True* [ ] or False [ ]

23. Natural resources is classified into five groups. True [ ] or False* [ ]

24. Project Development Agency is a research institute based in Ibadan. True [ ] or False* [ ]

25. Recycling is not an effect of waste generation. True [ ] or False* [ ]

26. Scientific approach to knowledge is development is democratic. True * [ ] or False [ ]

27. The application of basic laws and principles to solve human problems is the concern of
natural science. True [ ] or False * [ ]

28 The Nigerian environment can best be discussed in terms of vegetation. True [ ] or False * [

29. It is always said that science is speculative and philosophy is experimental. True [ ] or False
*[ ]

30. Petrochemical industries were cited in Nigeria during the fourth national development plan.
True [ ] or False * [ ]

31. It is easier to manipulate variables in field experiment than laboratory experiment. True [ ]
or False * [ ]

32. The acid that cause severe effect on the body organ is called sulphuric acid. True [ ] or False
*[ ]

33. Knowledge is tentative and not the ultimate statement of reality. True [ ] or False * [ ]

34. Science is defined as activities culminating into a testable, falsifiable and verifiable body of
knowledge. True [ ] or False * [ 35. Science is a result of philosopher’s activities. True* [ ] or
False [ ]

36. Recycling is the modern method of waste disposal. True* [ ] or False [ ]

37. The celebrated theory of revolution is credited to Barrack Obama. True [ ] or False* [ ]

38. Pure research is also referred to as final year research. True [ ] or False* [ ]

39. addressing the issues of examination failure and falling standard of education requires the use
of Nigeria Police. True [ ] or False* [ ]

40. Developing and testing hypothesis is one of the qualities of research method. True* [ ] or
False [ ]
41. Questionnaire is a research instrument used for data distribution. True [ ] or False* [ ]

41. Lecturers and students are mostly involved in false research. True [ ] or False* [ ]

42. Census and opinion poll are two good examples of applied research. True* [ ] or False [ ]

43. The first step in scientific research involves chapter one and two. True [ ] or False* [ ]

44. The principle of numbering in mathematics is credited to Pascal Blaise. True* [ ] or False [ ]

45. The corruption and mismanagement were responsible for the collapse of 1st National
Development Plan. True [ ] or False* [ ]

46. Plagiarism ensures the absence of bias in scientific research. True [ ] or False* [ ]

47. Variables in scientific research are referred to as independent and independent. True [ ] or
False* [ ]

48. The end product of research is called knowledge. True* [ ] or False [ ]

49. Knowledge could make life better and lack of it could lead to scientific revolution. True [ ]
or False* [ ]

50. The per capita generation rate of refuse in Nigeria is highest in the tropical rainforest. True* [
] or False [ ]

51. 50. The per capita generation rate of refuse in Nigeria is lowest in the tropical rainforest.
True [ ] or False* [ ]

52. Philosophy is seen as an academic discipline but not an intellectual enterprise. True [ ] or
False* [ ]

53. The term resources is more of a concept than a mere word. True* [ ] or False [ ]

54. Ajaokuta Steel Company is located in Kwara state. True [ ] or False* [ ]

55. Scientific approach to knowledge development is democratic. True* [ ] or False [ ]

56. By using one event to predict the occurrence of another; we are referring to dependent and
independent variables. T

57. The application of basic laws and principles to solve human problems is the concern of
natural science. True [ ] or False* [ ]

58. The disagreement between science and religion arose because men love religion more than
True [ ] or False* [ ]

59. The Nigerian environment can be best discussed in terms of vegetation. True [ ] or False* [

60. The basement complex rocks are the youngest rock types. True [ ] or False* [ ]

61. Science and technology has made our material comfort difficult. True [ ] or False* [ ]

62. Waste could only be classified into solid and liquid waste. True [ ] or False* [ ]

63. Public enlightenment could be a way of reducing waste generation. True* [ ] or False [ ]

64. The first national development plan was aimed at eradicating poverty. True [ ] or False* [ ]

65. Yaba college is in Eastern part of Nigeria. True [ ] or False* [ ]

66. The philosopher Mc. Comack, B.J is associated with the study of Geophysics. True [ ] or
False* [ ]

67. Research conducted by students and lecturers and reported in journals is called final year
research. True [ ] or False* [ ]

68. The fourth National Development plan collapsed because indiscipline. True [ ] or False* [ ]

69. The third National development plan covers the period 1975 – 1980. True* [ ] or False [ ]

70. The first technological institution in Nigeria is called Lake Chad Research Institutes. True [ ]
or False* [ ]

71. A system of explicit rules and procedures is known as statistics. True* [ ] or False [ ]

72. The oldest method of waste disposal in Nigeria is called recycling. True [ ] or False* [ ]

73. The philosophers Jaen Piaget is associated with the study of cognitive development. True* [
] or False [ ]

74. Meta and physics are two words representing metal and physical science. True [ ] or False* [

75. The collapse of the First National Development plan was as a result of corruption. True [ ] or
False* [ ]

76. The commonest way to dispose waste in Nigeria is open dumping. True* [ ] or False [ ]

77. Technology is important in Nigeria because of industrial development. True* [ ] or False [ ]

78. The female philosopher, scientist and mathematician that criticized Pythagoras theory of
number is Margret Macmillan. True [ ] or False* [ ]

79. The study of universe and the search for knowledge are the primary concern of all scientific
fields. True [ ] or False* [ ]

80. Meaning, scope and purpose of science are derived from the insight offered by polytechnics.
True [ ] or False* [ ]

81. Philosophy of science is the investigation of important metaphysical, ethical, epistemological


issues that arise in the practice and development of science. True* [ ] or False [ ]

82. Hydrofluoric acid forms fluorine and hydrogen ions when it comes into contact with human
body. True* [ ] or False [ ]

83. To avoid chemical hazard in the laboratory you are prohibited from eating and drinking.
True* [ ] or False [ ]

84. The first national development plan was aimed at industrial development. True [ ] or False*
[ ]

85. In science, the answer to today’s problem may turn out to become tomorrow’s problem.
True* [ ] or False [ ]

86. In science, the answer to today’s problem may turn out to become tomorrow’s problem.
True* [ ] or False [ ]

87. Mathematics ensures the absence of bias in scientific research. True [ ] or False* [ ]

88. Sample collection is required at the stage of analysis in research process. True [ ] or False* [

89. Pure research is referred to as quantitative research. True [ ] or False* [ ]

90. International institute of tropical agriculture (IITA) is located in South western Nigeria.
True* [ ] or False [ ]

91. In the statement no smoke without fire, fire is the effect. True* [ ] or False [ ]

92. A system of explicit rules and procedures on which research is based is called scientific
research. True [ ] or False* [ ]

93. The study of magic square was credited to Alexander the Great. True [ ] or False* [ ]
94. The focus of the second national development plan in Nigeria was Oil exploration. True [ ]
or False* [ ]

95. The research that mostly seeks to provide reasons for human action is speculative research.
True [ ] or False* [ ]

96. Charles Darwin is referred to as the scientist of the 21st century. True [ ] or False* [ ]

97. For massive industrialization Nigeria requires technology. True* [ ] or False [ ]

98. Science is defined as activities culminating into a testable and falsifiable body of knowledge.
True [ ] or False* [ ]

99. Scientific approach to knowledge development is democratic. True* [ ] or False [ ]

100. The application of basic laws and principles to solve human problems is the concern of
natural science. True [ ] or False* [ ]

101. The Nigerian environment can best be discussed in terms of vegetation. True [ ] or False* [

102. It is always said that science is speculative and philosophy is experimental. True [ ] or
False* [ ]

103. Petrochemical industries were cited in Nigeria during the fourth national development plan.
True [ ] or False* [ ]

104. It is easier to manipulate variables in field experiment than laboratory experiment. True* [ ]
or False [ ]

105. The acid that causes severe effect on the body organ is called sulphuric acid. True [ ] or
False* [ ]

106. Knowledge is tentative and not the ultimate statement of reality. True [ ] or False* [ ]

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