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GRADE 11/12
(3 spaces)
MELC: Determine textual evidence to validate assertions and
counterclaims made about a text read

 K to 12 BEC CG: EN11/12RWS-IVac-10;

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. identify the types of assertion;
2. distinguish the types of assertion;
3. give examples of the types of assertion;
4. explain claim and counterclaims;
5. identify claim and counterclaims
6. write a counterclaim text

What I Know
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
1. Which is the central argument of the text?
a. assertion
b. fact
c. claim
d. opinion

2. Which stylistic approach or technique involves a strong declaration

regarding a belief or fact?
a. claim
b. assertion
c. expression
d. opinion

3. What is the purpose of assertion?

a. Present a fact
b. Express ideas clearly
c. Gather data
d. Refute a proposition

4. What does counterclaim serve?

a. Offer solutions to problems
b. Concur with the ideas of experts
c. Discuss an issue
d. Provide an opposing viewpoint

5. Filipinos by culture are hospitable. This statement denoted which of

the following?
a. Assertion
b. Expression
c. Claim
d. Counterclaim

Determining Textual
2 Evidence
In the process of evaluating statements, the reader tends to assert his/her point for
emphasis or simply put, his/her claims. Assertion about the content is helpful in
order to get to the central thought of the text and be consistent with the claim.
These assertions are usually based on his/her knowledge, experiences as well as
values. Thus, in the process of reading, readers may vary in their assertions.
Likewise, one’s claim gives credence to his/her conviction. Well-thought-of
assertions lead to meaningful engagement of the reader to the written text. It is for
this reason that they have to be well-thought of.

What’s In
In the previous lessons, you were able to formulate evaluative statements. You were given
different activities that helped you to fully understand evaluative statements.
Now, you have already know how to formulate evaluative statements. To further strengthen
this insight, the task in this module will let you discover the definition of assertion and its
types, claims and counterclaims. and how to identify the types of assertions and to write

What’s New
Assertion is a stylistic approach or technique involving a strong declaration, a
forceful or confident and positive statement regarding a belief or a fact. Often, it is
without a proof or any support. Its purpose is to express ideas or feelings directly,
for instance, “I have put my every effort to complete this task today.”

Types of Assertion
1. Basic Assertion
It is a simple and straightforward statement for expressing feelings, opinions
and beliefs such as:

 I wish I could have expressed this idea earlier because now, someone
else has taken the credit.
 Excuse me, first I want to finish my work then shall go with you.

2. Emphatic Assertion
It conveys sympathy to someone usually has two parts first,
encompasses the recognition of the feelings or situations of the other

persons, and the second, follows a statement that shows support for
other person’s rights such as:

 I understand you are busy, and me too, but it is difficult for me to

finish this project on my own. So, I want you to help me in completing
this project.
 I know this is making you angry and frustrated because you could not
get response yet. But, I can help you by giving you an estimate of how
long it might take.

3. Escalating Assertion
It occurs when someone is not able to give response to basic
assertions of a person and therefore, that person becomes firm about
him or her such as:

 If you do not finish this work at 6:00 tonight, I would better take the
services of another worker.
 I really want to finish this point before you start yours.

4. Language Assertion
It involves I language and is useful for expressing negative feelings.
Nevertheless, it constructively lays emphasis on a person’s feelings
and anger such as:

 When you speak harshly, I cannot work with you because I feel
annoyed. Therefore, I want you to speak gently and then assign me
 When I cannot take proper sleep, it affects my nerves and I feel
irritation. Therefore, I like to go to bed earlier.

Okay, Let’s try this if you understand it. Determine if the sentences are Basic,
Emphatic, Escalating and Language Assertion.

__ 1. Time check, you only have 3 minutes more. Finished or unfinished, you
have to submit your papers. Otherwise, I won’t accept it anymore.
__ 2. Get out! I don’t need your idleness to finish your assigned task. True,
never send a boy to do man’s job.

__ 3. I could have done it better, if only I had the courage to speak out.
__ 4. It has always been I who suffered great loss from a person I loved so

__ 5. I know that the Philippines, before pre-Spaniard colonization, has their

system of writing called the baybayin. This alone proves that the Filipinos are
literate as opposed to the Spaniards claim.

What is It

Components of Assertion

Claims it is the central argument of the text. It can also be called a thesis, a
proposition, or--- if there is only one—simply “the argument.”
Example: One of the ways in which ordinary people can prevent gingivitis is by
gargling twice daily with a dentist-approved mouthwash.

Counterclaim it provides an opposing viewpoint to the central claim. Including a

counterclaim in your writing helps you to prove that yes, your opinion is the best-
substantiated/ most widely-supported one.

Example: one of the ways in which ordinary people can prevent gingivitis is by
gargling twice daily with a dentist-approved mouthwash. However, in a recent
survey of American dentist, some questioned the use of mouthwash as a tactic to
prevent gingivitis.
Let’s try if you understand the difference between counter and counterclaim.
Identify whether the statements are claim or counterclaim.
__ 1. Filipinos by culture are hospitable.
__ 2. Although may still insist that going to school leads a person to success

__ 3. However, many people around the world consider the Filipinos as the best
human capital
__ 4. Road and bridges need to be regularly checked.

__ 5. However, certain practices in some government agencies still need to be


What’s More
Activity 1.1 Let’s Think Critically
As you learned in the previous topics about claim and counterclaim you’ve learned
already how to determine it, now let’s have another activity to enhance your
thinking about claims and counterclaims.
Directions: Read the article below and identify the claim presented but create your
own counterclaim.

Developing Your Sense of Humor: Take Yourself Less Seriously

By: Melinda Smith and Jean Seagal

The essential characteristic that help us laugh is not taking ourselves too seriously.
We’ve all known the classic tight-jawed sourpuss who takes everything with deathly
seriousness and never laughs at anything. No fun there!

Some events are clearly sad and not occasions for laughter. But most events in life
don’t carry an overwhelming sense of either sadness or delight. They fall of ordinary life-
giving you have the choice to laugh or not.



What I Have Learned

Directions: Complete the table below by giving the correct





What I Can Do
Provide a claim and a counterclaim of the following statements below.

I believe that ….. I understand, however …..
Cell phones are great for students in middle 1.
Homework should be required for every 2.
student, every night.

3. The school days should be longer.

4. Students should be able to drive at a

younger age.
Students should have access to social 5.
media during the school day.

6. High school students should be able to

leave campus during the day.

All students must play a sport before the 7.
graduate school.

8. 9.

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Roads and bridges need to be regularly checked.

a. Assertion
b. Expression
c. Claim
d. Counterclaim

2. What do you call the type of assertion which expresses

straightforward statement expressing feelings, opinions and beliefs?
a. Basic Assertion
b. Emphatic Assertion
c. Escalating Assertion
d. Language Assertion
3. What do you call the type of assertion which conveys two parts?
a. Language Assertion
b. Escalating Assertion
c. Emphatic Assertion
d. Basic Assertion
4. This type of assertion involves “I language” which expresses negative
a. Escalating Assertion
b. Language Assertion
c. Basic Assertion
d. Emphatic Assertion
5. Today is Monday.
a. Basic
b. Emphatic
c. Escalating
d. Language
6. Argument: School uniforms are very beneficial in schools today.
Which would be a Claim for this argument?
A. Uniforms in schools increase student safety.
B. Uniforms do not allow students to express their individuality.

C. Bullying and attacks are not stopped just because of uniforms.
D. They cannot bully you if you are wearing your uniforms.
7. Argument: milk is very healthy for the human body. Which could be a
counterclaim for this argument?
A. Drinking milk contributes to obesity.
B. Milk provides many healthy vitamins and minerals for the body.
C. Milk helps to strengthen bones.
D. All of the above
8. Argument: Cell phone radiation is harmful to people. Which would be
a claim for this argument?
A. Studies show that there is a correlation between cell phone
radiation and brain tumors.
B. Cell phone radiation is not powerful enough to cause cancer.
C. There are regulations and limits on how much radiation is allowed
in cell phones.
D. None of the above
9. Argument: There are several disadvantages to social media. Which
would be a counterclaim for this argument?
A. Social media spreads false information.
B. Social media allows news to be broadcasted quickly.
C. Social media is not private or secure.
D. Social media is entertaining.
10. Argument: There are several disadvantages to social media.
Which would be a claim for this argument?
A. Social media allows police to catch criminals.
B. Social media helps students do better in school.
C. Students who use social media often, have lower grades.

Additional Activities
Directions: Write the claim and counterclaim for the following statements below.

1. College athletes should be paid. Write the claim of this statement.


2. The 20-centavocoin should continue to be used in the Philippines.

Write the counterclaim of the statement.

Answer Key

Assessment What's More What I Know

1. A Answers may vary. 1. C
2. A 2. B
3. C 3. A
4. B 4. D
5. A 5. C
6. A What’s new
7. A
8. A 1. Escalating
9. B 2. Escalating
10. B 3. Basic
4. Language
5. Emphatic


Filomena T. Dayagpil, Ed.D., Ethel L. Abao, Ed. D. and Remedios C. Bacus, Ed.D.
, Critical Reading and Writing for the Senior High School, 2016, Lorimar Publishing
, INC.
Ana Rose I. Colorina Et. Al, Self –Learning Kit for senior high school Reading and
Writing Skills


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