SSS Triangle Congruence: Engage

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SSS Triangle 5.4 SSS Triangle Congruence

Congruence Essential Question: What does the SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem tell you about triangles?

Common Core Math Standards
The student is expected to:
Explore Constructing Triangles Given
COMMON Three Side Lengths
Two triangles are congruent if and only if a rigid motion transformation maps one triangle onto
Explain how the criteria for triangle congruence (... SSS) follow from the the other triangle. Many theorems can also be used to identify congruent triangles.
definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions. Also G-CO.B.7, Follow these steps to construct a triangle with sides of length 5 in., 4 in., and 3 in.
G-CO.C.10, G-SRT.B.5 Use a ruler, compass, and either tracing paper or a transparency.

Mathematical Practices
A Use a ruler to draw a line segment of length 5 inches. Label the endpoints A and B.
CORE MP.7 Using Structure
B Open a compass to 4 inches. Place the point of C Now open the compass to 3 inches. Place
Language Objective the compass on A, and draw an arc as shown. the point of the compass on B, and draw
a second arc.
Have small groups of students complete a triangle congruence chart.

ENGAGE 4 in.
4 in. 3 in.

Essential Question: What does the

SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem tell A 5 in. B
A 5 in. B
you about triangles?
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

D Next, find the intersection_of the two

_ arcs. Label E Repeat steps A through D to draw △DEF on
If three sides of one triangle are congruent to three
the intersection C. Draw AC and BC. Label the a separate piece of tracing paper. The triangle
sides of another triangle, you can conclude that the side lengths on the figure. should have sides with the same lengths as
triangles are congruent. △CAB. Start with a segment that is 4 in. long.
Label the endpoints D and E as shown.

PREVIEW: LESSON 4 in. 3 in.

3 in.
View the Engage section online. Point out that the
A 5 in. B
“structural beams” mentioned in the Preview refer to
the steel sides of the triangles. Then preview the D E
4 in.
Lesson Performance Task.

Module 5 ges must

be made throu
gh "File info" 255 Lesson 4

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SSS Trian
about triang
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SSS Triang ion of
does the from the definit
Quest ion: What (... SSS) follow
Essential e congruence B.5
for triangl .10, G-SRT.
.7, G-CO.C
how the criteria s. Also G-CO.B
COMMON G-CO.B.8 Explainterms of rigid motion
s Give n
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ConstructinLengths le onto
Three Side
one triang
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motion transfo
ent triang
only if a rigid to identify congru

GE_MNLESE385795_U2M05L4.indd 255 02/04/14 12:54 AM

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Two triang of length
triangle. Many le with sidestransparency.

Turn to these pages to

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find this lesson in the

. Place the
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a second
Open a compa A, and draw an arc
 the compa
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3 in.

hardcover student
4 in.

4 in.
5 in.

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of the two
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side length

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3 in. 5 in.
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4 in. 3 in.
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5 in. D 4 in.

Lesson 4


12:55 AM
Module 5


255 Lesson 5.4

 Compare △CAB and △DEF. Are they congruent? How do you know?

Yes. Triangle CAB can be mapped to △DEF by a translation that maps EXPLORE
point B to point F, and then a rotation about point F.
Constructing Triangles Given Three
Side Lengths
1. Discussion When you construct △CAB, how do you know that the intersection of
the two arcs is a distance of 4 inches from A and 3 inches from B?
The arcs are sections of circles sets of points, respectively, 3 inches and 4 inches from A. The other circle INTEGRATE TECHNOLOGY
is the set of points that is 3 inches away from B. The intersection has the properties of both circles.
Students may use geometry software to explore the
2. Compare your triangles to those made by other students. Are they all congruent? Explain. concept of constructing a triangle with given side
Yes, because there is a sequence of rigid motions that maps any one of the
triangles onto any of the others.

Explain 1 Justifying SSS Triangle Congruence INTEGRATE MATHEMATICAL

You can use rigid motions and the converse of the Perpendicular Bisector Theorem to justify
this theorem.
Focus on Modeling
MP.4 Give each student a piece of dry spaghetti.
SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem
They should measure and break the spaghetti so that
If three sides of one triangle are congruent to three sides of another triangle, then the
triangles are congruent.
they have three pieces that are the same length as the
sides of the triangle in the exercise. Instruct them to
Example 1 ¯ ≅ DE
In the triangles shown, let AB ¯, AC¯ ≅ DF¯, make a triangle with these pieces on top of the
¯ ≅ EF
and BC ¯. Use rigid motions to show that
triangle they drew. Have them compare the triangles
△ABC ≅ △DEF.
F and explain why they are congruent. Then ask them
A to consider whether it is possible to create a triangle
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
from the spaghetti pieces that is not congruent to the
triangle they drew in the exercise.

Justifying SSS Triangle Congruence

Focus on Communication
Module 5 256 Lesson 4 MP.3 Some justifications in this exercise may be
difficult for some students to understand. Have
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT students model each step with the triangles they have
GE_MNLESE385795_U2M05L4.indd 256 23/03/14 2:43 AM
drawn on tracing paper. Encourage students to restate
Math Background
opy Notes InDesign Notes theInCopy
steps Notesin their own words. Students should fully
The Side-Side-Side Triangle Congruence Theorem
This is a list Bold, Italic, Strickthrough. 1. This is a list is often presented as the first of 1. This is a list
understand each step before moving on to the
the Triangle Congruence Theorems because it is easy to demonstrate concretely. next one.
In this course, it is the third theorem presented because the justification requires
students to apply the Perpendicular Bisector Theorem. Reinforce this justification
throughout the lesson. QUESTIONING STRATEGIES
Draw two segments that share an endpoint.
How many different segments could be drawn
to turn this figure into a triangle? There is only one
SSS Triangle Congruence 256
⇀ F
A Transform △ABC by a translation along AD

_ by a rotation about point D, so that
AB and DE coincide. The segments coincide
because they are the same length. A B

Does a reflection across AB map point C to _ D lies on the perpendicular
Therefore, point
point F? To show this, notice that DC = DF, bisector of CF by the converse of the
which means that point D is equidistant from perpendicular bisector theorem. Because EC = EF, _
point C and point F. point E also lies on the perpendicular bisector of CF.



Since point D and point E both lie on the perpendicular bisector of CF and there
−‹ ›
is a unique line through any two points, DE is the perpendicular bisector of CF.
By the definition of reflection, the image of point C must be point F. Therefore,
△ABC is mapped onto △DEF by a translation, followed by a rotation, followed by a
reflection, and the two triangles are congruent.

B Show that △ABC ≅ △PQR. Q

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Triangle ABC is transformed by a sequence of rigid motions to form the figure shown
below. Identify the sequence of rigid motions. (You will complete the proof on the
following page.)

Q B ⇀

1. Translation along AP

R C _ _
2. Rotation about P so that PQ and AB
3. Reflection across PQ.

Module 5 257 Lesson 4

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Peer-to-Peer Activity
Give each student five index cards. Students should prepare a card that shows two
labeled triangles for each of the following situations:
• The triangles can be proved congruent by SSS.
• The triangles can be proved congruent by SAS.
• The triangles can be proved congruent by ASA.
• The triangles can be proved noncongruent.
• There is not enough information to determine congruence.
Collect and shuffle them. Divide students into pairs and give each pair ten cards.
Have them sort their cards into the above categories.
257 Lesson 5.4
Complete the explanation by filling in the blanks with the name of a point, line
segment, or geometric theorem.
_ _
Because QR ≅ QC , point Q is equidistant from R (or C ) and C (or R) . Therefore,

by the converse of the Perpendicular Bisector Theorem, point Q lies on the

_ _ _
perpendicular bisector of RC. Similarly, PR ≅ PC . So point P lies on
RC ‹ ›

the perpendicular bisector of . Because two points determine a line, the line PQ is
the perpendicular bisector of RC .

By the definition of reflection, the image of point C must be point R . Therefore,

△ABC ≅ △PQR because △ABC is mapped to △PQR by a translation, a rotation,

and a reflection .


3. Can you conclude that two triangles are congruent if two pairs of corresponding sides
are congruent? Explain your reasoning and include an example.
No; you need a third piece of information to ensure a rigid motion maps
one triangle to the other, such as congruent included angles or another
pair of congruent sides.

Your Turn

4. Use rigid motions and the converse of the B

perpendicular bisector theorem to explain why
△ABC ≅ △ADC.
_ _ _ _
AB ≅ AD and CB ≅ CD, so A is equidistant A C
from B and D, and C is equidistant from B
and D. By the converse of the Perpendicular
‹ ›

Bisector Theorem,
_ AC is the perpendicular D

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

bisector of BD. By the definition of a
reflection, point _D is the image of point B
_ across AC. The reflection also maps
AC onto AC, so △ABC ≅ △ADC.

Module 5 258 Lesson 4

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Have students create a triangle and a quadrilateral using strips of construction
paper or tagboard and brass fasteners. Then have students attempt to change the
angles in each without bending the strips of paper. Students should notice that the
triangle always remains the same but that they can create many different
quadrilaterals. Discuss how this activity illustrates the Side-Side-Side Triangle
Congruence Theorem.

SSS Triangle Congruence 258

Explain 2 Proving Triangles Are Congruent
EXPLAIN 2 Using SSS Triangle Congruence
You can apply the SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem to confirm that triangles are congruent.
Remember, if any one pair of corresponding parts of two triangles is not congruent, then the
Proving Triangles Are Congruent triangles are not congruent.

Using SSS Triangle Congruence Example 2 Prove that the triangles are congruent or explain why they are
not congruent.
_ _
INTEGRATE MATHEMATICAL  AB = DE = 1.7 m, so AB ≅ DE. A 1.7 m
_ _
PRACTICES BC = EF = 2.4 m, so BC ≅ EF. 2.3 m
_ _ 2.4 m
Focus on Math Connections AC = DF = 2.3 m, so AC ≅ DF.
C 1.7 m D

MP.1 Although the example emphasizes the SSS The three sides of △ABC are congruent to the three sides E
2.3 m
of △DEF. 2.4 m
Triangle Congruence Theorem, it is important for
△ABC ≅ △DEF by the SSS Triangle Congruence F
students to keep in mind that the triangles are Theorem.
congruent because one can be mapped onto the other _ _
DE = FG DE ≅ FG .
= 20 cm, so
by one or more rigid motions. Maintain this  _ _
24 cm
connection by asking which segments of one triangle DH = FH = 12 cm, so DH ≅ FH . D 12 cm
_ _ H 20 cm
20 cm
map onto certain segments of another triangle. EH = GH = 24 cm, so EH ≅ GH . 12 cm F
E 24 cm
The three sides of △DEH are congruent to

the three sides of △FGH , so the two triangles are

congruent by the SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem .
When do you use the SSS Triangle
Congruence Theorem instead of the ASA or Your Turn

SAS Triangle Congruence Theorems to determine Prove that the triangles are congruent or explain why they are not congruent.
whether two triangles are congruent? When you
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

5. P 32 in. 6. G
know three pairs of corresponding congruent sides
54 in. 38 in.
and no pairs of corresponding congruent angles, 38 in. 54 in. K

you cannot use a theorem that involves an angle. M N

28 in. S
The corresponding sides MN and QR are It is given that GK ≅ GL and JK ≅ JL,
Have students work in small groups. Have them _ _
not congruent. Therefore, the triangles are and GJ ≅ GJ by the Reflexive Property.
complete a chart like the following, highlighting the
not congruent.
sides and angles that are congruent in each pair of

Triangle Congruence Theorems

Module 5 259 Lesson 4
Theorem Definition Picture
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Connect Context
InDesign Notes InCopy Notes InDesign Notes
1. This is a list 1. This is a list The phrase Given Three Side Lengths in the title ofis athe
1. This list Explore section may

confuse some English Learners. Explain that it indicates that you will be
constructing triangles when you are given the lengths of the sides. Remind
students that in math, they are often given partial information to help solve a
problem, and that the information is called a given.

259 Lesson 5.4

Explain 3 Applying Triangle Congruence
You can use the SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem and other triangle congruence theorems to
solve many real-world problems that involve congruent triangles.
Example 3 Find the value of x for which you can show the triangles are Applying Triangle Congruence

 Lexi bought matching triangular pendants for herself and her mom
in the shapes shown. For what value of x can you use a triangle AVOID COMMON ERRORS
congruence theorem to show that the pendants are congruent? Which
triangle congruence theorem can you use? Explain. Because students are concentrating on sides when
(4x - 6) cm J using the SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem, they
may not write corresponding angles in the correct
order in the congruence statement. Discuss methods
3 cm 3 cm 3 cm 3 cm
they can use to make sure they get the order right.
A (3x - 4) cm
_ _ _ _ _ _
AB ≅ JK and AC ≅ JL, because they have the same measure. So, if BC ≅ KL, QUESTIONING STRATEGIES
then △ABC ≅ △JKL by the SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem. Write an
equation setting the lengths equal and solve for x. 4x - 6 = 3x - 4; x = 2 How do you know whether angles in one
M R 4 in. Q triangle are congruent to the angles in the
 Adeline made a design using triangular tiles
other triangle? You know the triangles are
as shown. For what value of x can you use a
triangle congruence theorem to show that the 4 in. 4 in. 4 in. 4 in.
congruent by SSS, so you know that corresponding
tiles are congruent? Which triangle congruence
N O angles are also congruent because of CPCTC.
theorem can you use? Explain. (3x - 11) in. P
_ _ _ _
Notice that PQ ≅ MN and PR ≅ MO, because they have the same measure.

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company • Image Credits:

_ _
If NO ≅ QR, then △MNO ≅ △PQR SSS
by the Triangle Congruence
Write an equation setting the lengths equal and solve for x. Have students collaboratively write a definition for a
3x - 11 = 4, 3x = 15, x = 5 triangle, providing supports. For example: “A triangle
is a __________, It has ___________ sides.
v Your Turn It has 3 ________. A right triangle has a _________.”
7. Craig made a mobile using geometric

shapes including triangles shaped 60º
as shown. For what value of x and y 30º
can you use a triangle congruence G
theorem to show that the triangles are T (7y + 4)º 12 cm
(8x - 12) cm
congruent? Which triangle congruence
theorem can you use? Explain. H U

m∠H = 30° by the Triangle Sum Theorem, so ∠H ≅ ∠V. ∠G ≅ ∠U, they are
¯ ≅ UV
right angles. If GH ¯, then △FGH ≅ △TUV by the ASA. x = 3; y = 8

Module 5 260 Lesson 4

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SSS Triangle Congruence 260


ELABORATE 8. An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length. If we ask everyone in class to construct an isosceles
triangle that has one side of length 8 cm and another side of length 12 cm, how many sets of congruent
triangles might the class make?
QUESTIONING STRATEGIES The class could make at most 2 sets of congruent triangles. One set would
Two triangles appear to be congruent. You have sides of length 8 cm, 8 cm, and 12 cm. The second set would have
know that three pairs of corresponding parts sides of length 12 cm, 12 cm, and 8 cm.
are congruent, but you have no information about the 9. Essential Question Check-In How do you explain the SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem?
other corresponding parts. How can you determine Possible answer: Two triangles are congruent if a series of rigid motion
whether the triangles really are congruent? Sample transformations maps one triangle onto the other. For two triangles that
answer: If the congruent parts are two pairs of have pairs of congruent sides, begin by translating and then rotating one
corresponding angles and the included side, or two triangle so that it shares one side with the other triangle. Then apply the
pairs of corresponding sides and the included angle, converse of the Perpendicular Bisector Theorem to show that a reflection
you can use the ASA or SAS Triangle Congruence completes the mapping.
Theorem. If the congruent parts are three pairs of
corresponding sides, you can use the SSS Triangle Evaluate: Homework and Practice
Congruence Theorem. Otherwise, check whether
Use a compass and a straightedge to complete the drawing of △DEF so that it is • Online Homework
there is a sequence of rigid motions that map one congruent to △ABC. • Hints and Help
• Extra Practice
triangle onto the other. 1. D

When do you use the SSS Triangle
Congruence Theorem? What information do C
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

you need in order to use this theorem? You use the E

SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem to prove that two On a separate piece of paper, use a compass and a ruler to construct two
triangles are congruent by using three pairs of congruent triangles with the given side lengths. Label the lengths of the sides.
congruent sides. You need to know that all three 2. 3 in., 3.5 in., 4 in. 3. 3 cm, 11 cm, 12 cm

pairs of corresponding sides are congruent to use it. 3.5 in.

11 cm 11 cm
3 in. 3 cm 12 cm 12 cm 3 cm
3 in.
3.5 in.
4 in.
4 in.

Module 5 261 Lesson 4

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261 Lesson 5.4

Identify a sequence of rigid motions that maps one side of △ABC
onto one side of △DEF.

4. A 5. A D F


⇀ ⇀
‾ ,
Possible answer: A translation along CF ‾ ,
Possible answer: A translation along AD
and then a clockwise rotation about and then a counterclockwise rotation
Concepts and Skills Practice
― ― ―
about D so that AB coincides with DE.
― Explore Exercises 1–3
F so that CB coincides with FE.
Constructing Triangles Given Side
6. A E F 7. B Lengths
Example 1 Exercises 4–9
E Justifying SSS Triangle Congruence
Example 2 Exercises 10–13
F Proving Triangles Are Congruent
A D Using SSS Triangle Congruence
Example 3 Exercises 14–20
Applying Triangle Congruence
⇀ ⇀
‾ ,
Possible answer: A translation along AD ‾ ,
Possible answer: A translation along CF
and then a clockwise rotation about D so and then a counterclockwise rotation
― ― ― ―
that AB coincides with DE. about F so that CA coincides with FD. AVOID COMMON ERRORS
In each figure, identify the perpendicular bisector and the line segment it bisects, and Some students may have trouble applying SSS to
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
explain how to use the information to show that the two triangles are congruent.
adjacent triangles. Adjacent triangles share a side, so
8. B 9. E you can apply the Reflexive Property to get a pair of
congruent sides.

‹ ›
− ―
BC is the perpendicular bisector of AD.
‹ ›
− ―
DF is the perpendicular bisector of EG.
This shows that A maps to D by a This shows that E maps to G by a
‹ ›
− ‹ ›

reflection across BC . reflection across DF .

Module 5 262 Lesson 4

GE_MNLESE385795_U2M05L4.indd 262
Depth of Knowledge (D.O.K.) CORE Mathematical Practices 21/03/14 11:50 AM

opy Notes InDesign Notes InCopy Notes

This is a list Bold, Italic, Strickthrough. 2 Skills/Concepts MP.4 Modeling
1. This is a list 1. This is a list

4–9 2 Skills/Concepts MP.1 Problem Solving

10–13 2 Skills/Concepts MP.2 Reasoning
14–20 3 Strategic Thinking MP.1 Problem Solving
21–27 2 Skills/Concepts MP.3 Logic

SSS Triangle Congruence 262

Prove that the triangles are congruent or explain why this is not possible.
COMMUNICATE MATH 10. S 9m T 11. 50º X M 50º
Introduce the word criterion and its plural, criteria.
Ask students if they can define criterion and give an 6m Z P

example of its use. For instance, you might discuss a R 9m Q

50º Y N 51º
college’s criteria for accepting students (a completed
application, a minimum grade-point average, a ― ―
Congruent, by SSS congruence; RS ≅ TQ Not congruent, because only one
minimum SAT score, and so on). Tell students that because they have the same measure, triangle has an interior angle of 51° so
they have developed three criteria for determining ― ―
RT ≅ RT by the reflexive property, and there is no rigid motion that will map
whether two triangles are congruent, the ASA, SAS, _ _
ST ≅ QR because they have the same measure. one to the other.
and SSS Triangle Congruence Theorems. Discuss
K 8 cm
how they can determine whether two given triangles 12. 8 cm K
10 cm
13. 7 cm W
meet any of these criteria.
12 cm 8 cm 9 cm 10 cm

Possibly congruent, depending on the Not congruent. The diagrams show a
lengths of the unlabeled sides. total of 4 different side lengths, but
two congruent triangles have only 3
different side lengths.

14. Carol bought two chairs with triangular backs. For what value of x can you use
a triangle congruence theorem to show that the triangles are congruent?
Which triangle congruence theorem can you use? Explain.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company


25 in. 25 in. 25 in. 25 in.

H (9x - 21) in. I U 15 in. V

_ _ _ _
X = 4; GH ≅ TU and GI ≅ TV, because they have the same measure.
_ _
So, if HI ≅ UV, then ▵GHI ≅ △TUV by the SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem.

Module 5 263 Lesson 4

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InDesign Notes InCopy Notes InDesign Notes

1. This is a list 1. This is a list 1. This is a list

263 Lesson 5.4

15. For what values of x and y can you use a triangle A E
30º 30º
congruence theorem to show that the triangles are
congruent? Which triangle congruence theorem
can you use? Explain. Students may find it useful to use geometry software
(14x - 47) cm 9 cm
x = 4, y = 4; ∠A ≅ ∠E, to model exercises they are struggling with.
― _
∠C ≅ ∠G, and AC ≅ EG, ASA
60º (15y)º

Find all possible solutions for x such that △ABC is congruent to △DEF.
One or more of the problems may have no solution.
16. △ABC: sides of length 6, 8, and x. 17. △ABC: sides of length 3, x + 1, and 14.
△DEF: sides of length 6, 9, and x - 1. △DEF: sides of length 13, x - 9, and 2x - 6

x=9 no solution

18. △ABC: sides of length 17, 17, and 2x + 1. 19. △ABC: sides of length 19, 25, and 5x - 2.
△DEF: sides of length 17, 17, and 3x - 9 △DEF: sides of length 25, 28, and 4 - y

x = 10 x = 6, y = -15

20. △ABC: sides of length 8, x - y, and x + y 21. △ABC: sides of length 9, x, and 2x - y
△DEF: sides of length 8, 15, and 17 △DEF: sides of length 8, 9, and 2y - x
x = 16, y = 1; x = 16, y = -1 Possible solution: x = 8, y = 8

22. These statements are part of an explanation for the SSS Triangle
Congruence Theorem. Write the numbers 1 to 6 to place these strategies in
a logical order. The statements refer to triangles ABC and DEF shown here. B

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2 image of △ABC about
Rotate the_ _ E, so that the
image of BC coincides with EF. E
5 Apply the definition of reflection to show D is

the reflection of A across ‾ EF .

6 Conclude that △ABC ≅ △DEF because a F

sequence of rigid motions maps one triangle
onto the other.

1 Translate △ABC along ‾ BE .

4 ⇀
Define ‾ EF as the perpendicular bisector of the
line connecting D and the image of A.
3 Identify E, and then F, as equidistant from D and the image of A.

Module 5 264 Lesson 4

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opy Notes InDesign Notes InCopy Notes

This is a list Bold, Italic, Strickthrough. 1. This is a list 1. This is a list

SSS Triangle Congruence 264

23. Determine whether the given information is sufficient to guarantee
that two triangles are congruent. Select the correct answer for each
JOURNAL lettered part.
Have students compare and contrast the SSS and SAS A. The triangles have three pairs of congruent
corresponding angles. sufficient not sufficient
theorems and support their answers with a sketch B. The triangles have three pairs of congruent
that illustrates each theorem. corresponding sides. sufficient not sufficient
C. The triangles have two pairs of congruent
corresponding sides and one pair of congruent
corresponding angles. sufficient not sufficient
D. The triangles have two pairs of congruent
corresponding angles and one pair of congruent
corresponding sides. sufficient not sufficient
E. Two angles and the included side of one triangle
are congruent to two angles and the included
side of the other triangle. sufficient not sufficient
F. Two sides and the included angle of one triangle
are congruent to two sides and the included
angle of the other triangle. sufficient not sufficient

A. the triangles have the same shape but not necessarily the same size.
B. SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem
C. These conditions do not produce a unique triangle.
D. The Triangle Sum Theorem will show that the third pair of angles is congruent, so the
triangles are congruent by the ASA Triangle Congruence Theorem.
E. ASA Triangle Congruence Theorem
F. SAS Triangle Congruence Theorem

24. Make a Conjecture Does a version of SSS congruence apply to quadrilaterals?

Provide an example to support your answer.
No; Possible example: a variety of non-congruent rhombuses, including
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a square, may have 4 sides of the same length.

25. Are two triangles congruent if all pairs of corresponding angles are congruent?
Support your answer with an example.
No; At least one pair of sides must be congruent. For example, two

triangles that have three 60 degree angles may not have at least one pair
of congruent corresponding sides, such as a triangle with side lengths of
4 inches and another triangle with side lengths of 8 inches.

Module 5 265 Lesson 4

GE_MNLESE385795_U2M05L4.indd 265 21/03/14 11:50 AM

InDesign Notes InCopy Notes InDesign Notes

1. This is a list 1. This is a list 1. This is a list

265 Lesson 5.4

H.O.T. Focus on Higher Order Thinking INTEGRATE MATHEMATICAL
26. Explain the Error Ava wants to know the distance JK across PRACTICES
a pond. She locates points as shown. She says that the distance
across the pond must be 160 ft by the SSS Triangle Congruence
210 ft
190 ft
Focus on Reasoning
160 ft N
Theorem. Explain her error. MP.2 Ask students to consider the changes in
M 190 ft
The distance is 160 ft, but the justification should be 210 ft Mike’s bench if it were to transform from the original
the SAS Triangle Congruence Theorem. shape to complete collapse. Which properties of the
27. Analyze Relationships Write a proof. A B C bench would change and how would they change?
Given: ∠BFC ≅ ∠ECF, ∠BCF ≅ ∠EFC
_ _ _ _
Which properties would not change? Sample
AB ≅ DE, AF ≅ DC
answer: Change: During collapse, the area inside the
Prove: △ABF ≅ △DEC parallelogram would decrease continually; the
Statements Reasons measures of the angles would change, with the
measures of one pair of opposite angles increasing
1. ∠BFC ≅ ∠ECF, ∠BCF ≅ ∠EFC 1. Given
― ― continually and the measures of the other pair
2. FC ≅ FC 2. Reflexive Property of Congruence
decreasing continually.
3. △BFC ≅ △ECF 3. ASA Triangle Congruence Theorem
― ― Not change: The lengths of the sides and the
4. FB ≅ CE 4. CPCTC
perimeter of the parallelogram would not change.
― ――
5. AB ≅ DE, AF ≅ DC
― 5. Given

6. △ABF ≅ △DEC 6. SSS Triangle Congruence Theorem

Students may argue that Mike’s bench may be solidly
Lesson Performance Task
constructed with screws, nails, and glue, so that it
Mike and Michelle each hope to get a contract with the city to build benches for commuters to sit on while waiting for
buses. The benches must be stable so that they don’t collapse, and they must be attractive. Their designs are shown. would not collapse. Stress that the bench is a
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Judge the two benches on stability and attractiveness. Explain your reasoning.
real-world object introduced here to model an
Mike Michelle abstract geometrical principle, and that it is not a
perfect model. The important conclusion to draw is
the one relating to quadrilaterals, not to benches.

Answers will vary. While Mike's bench will probably be chosen as the more
attractive, students should note that Michelle's is more stable. There are many
quadrilaterals with the same side lengths as Mike's bench. But, by the SSS
Congruence Theorem, the triangles in Michelle's design cannot change shape.

Module 5 266 Lesson 4

GE_MNLESE385795_U2M05L4.indd 266 6/9/15 2:29 AM

Have students construct models of Mike and Michelle’s benches from sturdy
pieces of cardboard or photo-print paper cut into long, narrow strips and attached
at the corners with brads. Students can explore further by making other polygons,
checking their stability, and explaining why, for example, there is no SSSSS
Pentagon Congruence Theorem. A 5-sided polygon is not stable. This means
that there are many different shapes that can be constructed from the same
Scoring Rubric
5 sides of a pentagon. 2 points: Student correctly solves the problem and explains his/her reasoning.
1 point: Student shows good understanding of the problem but does not fully
solve or explain his/her reasoning.
0 points: Student does not demonstrate understanding of the problem.

SSS Triangle Congruence 266

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