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Series TP28850

User Manual

February 1998
Sika TP28850 User Manual

Table of Contents
1 TO THIS USER MANUAL............................................................................................ 3
2 SAFETY ....................................................................................................................... 4
3 DESCRIPTION OF THE TP28850 ............................................................................... 6
3.1 Modular groups and operating components.................................................................. 6
3.2 Design and function of the TP28850 ............................................................................... 7
3.3 TP28850 standard units.................................................................................................... 8
3.3.1 Sensor inputs ............................................................................................................... 8
3.3.2 Mains cable .................................................................................................................. 8
3.3.3 Sleeve grab .................................................................................................................. 8
3.3.4 PC connection .............................................................................................................. 8
3.3.5 PC terminal plan ......................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Special accessories ........................................................................................................ 14
3.4.1 Adapter sleeves.......................................................................................................... 14
3.4.2 Software ..................................................................................................................... 14
4 TRANSPORT, STORAGE AND STARTING THE INSTRUMENT ............................. 15
4.1 Transport ......................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Storage............................................................................................................................. 15
4.3 Starting the instrument................................................................................................... 15
4.3.1 Proper use .................................................................................................................. 15
4.3.2 Expectable misuse ..................................................................................................... 15
4.3.3 Positioning and connecting the TP28850 ................................................................... 16
5 OPERATING THE TP28850 ...................................................................................... 18
5.1 Operating and setting up the TP28850.......................................................................... 18
5.1.1 Before starting the TP28850....................................................................................... 18
5.1.2 Establishing the Initial state........................................................................................ 19
5.1.3 Starting the TP28850.................................................................................................. 19
5.1.4 Setting the testing temperature .................................................................................. 20
5.1.4 Block and sensor temperature stability....................................................................... 22
5.2 Connecting specimens................................................................................................... 23
5.2.1 Testing temperature switch ........................................................................................ 24
5.2.2 Testing thermocouples and resistance thermometers................................................ 26
5.3 Cooling down heating block .......................................................................................... 27
6 MAINTENANCE AND CARE ..................................................................................... 29
6.1 Care .................................................................................................................................. 29
6.2 Maintenance .................................................................................................................... 29
6.2.1 Recalibration .............................................................................................................. 29
6.2.2 Checking and exchanging the fuses .......................................................................... 29
6.2.3 Recycling .................................................................................................................... 32
7 TROUBLE SHOOTING .............................................................................................. 33
8 SPECIFICATION........................................................................................................ 34

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Sika TP28850 User Manual

1 To this user manual

The SIKA-Precision-Temperature-Calibrator is an instrument
of the TP28000 series. This instrument is exactly a type
TP28850 one.

This user manual is focussed to skilled and semi-skilled


Before starting an operation carefully read through the

appropriate notes and follow the given sequence of

Read through chapter ‘Safety’ very thoroughly and exactly

remember the pictograms and their meanings.

The instrument is designed for the calibration of temperature

switches, thermostats, thermocouples, thermometers and
resistance thermometers.

This user manual is divided into eight chapters:

1. General
2. Safety
3. Description of the TP28850
4. Transport, storage and starting the instrument
5. Operating the TP28850
6. Maintenance and care
7. Trouble shooting
8. Specification

For any problems or questions possibly arising, please

contact your supplier or SIKA directly:

SIKA-Dr.Siebert & Kühn GmbH & Co.KG Phone: +49 5605 803 0
Struthweg 7 – 9 Fax: +49 5605 803-54 or 60
D - 34260 Kaufungen E-mail: [email protected]
Germany Internet:

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Sika TP28850 User Manual

2 Safety
The TP28850 represents the state of the art. This applies to
measuring accuracy, functional principle and safe instrument
operation. Warranting safe operation, however, requires
expert and safety-reliable user attitude.

You will find the necessary notes in this chapter below.

Warnings, especially related to single operating processes or
manipulations, are given at the respective paragraphs of this
manual. These warnings are marked by the following

Caution: High temperature!

This symbol refers to a situation being hazardous for

Danger! Injurious to Health!

This symbol refers to jeopardizing persons by electric

Attention: Material damage!

This symbol refers to an action causing damages of the

Note: This symbol stands for important notes.

The warning:
Attention! High temperature
is directly placed on the instrument as shown below:

Fig. Magnification enlarge detail

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Safety

Specific safety notes

Note: The TP28850 has to be exclusively used for testing

temperature switches, thermostats, thermocouples,
thermometers and resistance thermometers.

The TP28850 noise level is below 70 dbA.

Remove all easily flammable materials near the instrument

and prevent the instrument from contact with easily
flammable and explosive materials.

Always ensure sufficient cooling air supply by the built-in

fans. Do not hinder air supply by positioning the instrument
on a soft and yielding ground.

Connect the instrument to a circuit of low mains-breakdown

risk to avoid cooling air supply being stopped in case of
mains breakdown.

Ensure that adapter sleeves and specimen are not

contaminated by media (e.g. oil) causing inflammation or
explosion in case of being heated up.

Test the actual heating block temperature before touching a

heating block or the adapter sleeve since there is acute
danger of being burned.

Never remove adapter sleeves from a heated heating block -

heated adapter sleeves can cause inflammation.

Never remove specimen from a heated heating block - acute

danger of being burned.

Note: Never leave a heated Instrument without supervision.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual

3 Description of the TP28850

3.1 Modular groups and operating components

1) Heating block 11) NO/NC toggle switch
2) Heating block bore 12)Interface (PC connection)
3) Adapter sleeve 13) Ground Clamp for
specimen's shield
4) Cycle display
14) Input clamps
5) Display
15) Rotary switch
6) Mains switch on/off
16) Note
7) Adjust key
17) Latching knob
8) Setpoint key
18) Protective grid
9) Start key
10) LED - temperature switch

Fig. TP28850 front panel

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Description of the TP28850

3.2 Design and function of the TP28850

This precision temperature calibrator is operated by an

electronically controlled heating block 1) made of brass and
allowing to be thermostated up to +600 °C. The heating
block has a bore serving as location hole for the specimen.
An adapter sleeve 3) can be inserted in that bore. The
sleeve serves as an adapter between specimen
(temperature switch, thermostat, thermocouple,
thermometer, resistance thermometer) and heating block
bore. The heating block is insulated against the housing.

Caution! The top side of the heating block is provided

with a protective grid and an overheat warning.

The display 5) indicates - acc. to the position of rotary switch

15) - the temperature of the heating block or the specimen.
It is a 4 1/2-digit display with an accuracy of 1/10 K.

Set the desired heating block temperature by manipulating

the setpoint key 8) or the start key 9). It is possible to set the
desired temperature with an accuracy of 1/10 K.

The adjust key 7) serves for controlling stable heating block

temperature levelling.

The input clamps 14) connect the specimen’s contacts with

the instrument.

The ground clamp 13) connects the specimen's shields with

the instruments.

The rotary switch 15) allows switching over between heating

block temperature and the temperature of the respective
specimen tested.

LED 10) and NO/NC toggle switch 11) are necessary for
testing temperature switches.

The RS 232C interface 12) is used to connect the instrument

to a computer.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Description of the TP28850

3.3 TP28850 standard units

3.3.1 Sensor inputs
The following test inputs are standard outfit:

T Cu/CuNi thermocouple,
type T (DIN EN 60584-1)
J Fe/CuNi thermocouple,
type J (DIN EN 60584-1)
E NiCr/CuNi thermocouple,
type E (DIN EN 60584-1)
S Pt10%Rh/Pt thermocouple,
type S (DIN EN 60584-1)
K NiCr/NiAl thermocouple,
type K (DIN EN 60584-1)
Pt100 Pt100 resistance thermometer,
3-wire (DIN EN 60751)
Block Temp indicating the heating block temperature

Fig. TP28850 rotary switch

3.3.2 Mains cable

A mains cable for power supply is enclosed to the TP28850.

3.3.3 Sleeve grab

A grab for taking out the adapter sleeve is enclosed to the

3.3.4 PC connection
A data transfer cable is enclosed to the instrument.

The TP28850 is provided with a RS 232C serial interface. It

is bidirectional, i.e. it is possible to transmit data for further
processing by a superior computer and to receive data for
programming the instrument by a superior computer as well.

The transmitting mode continuously transmits a couple of

measuring values - the actual block temperature and the
temperature value displayed. The transmitting protocol has
16 bytes total. All information is transmitted in ASCII.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Description of the TP28850

Transmitting protocol
Byte Value Explanation
0 02 STX (start of text, start of protocol)
1 „B“ „B“: The following bytes show the information of the block
2 „+“, „-“, „!“ mathematical sign of the block temperature or invalid block
temperature („!“)
3 „0“ ... „9“ 103 digit, block temperature
4 „0“ ... „9“ 102 digit , block temperature
5 „0“ ... „9“ 101 digit, block temperature
6 „0“ ... „9“ 100 digit, block temperature
7 „0“ ... „9“ 10-1 digit, block temperature
8 „B“, „P“, „K“, „S“,
„E“, „J“, „T“ kind of sensor of the temperature displayed
„B“: block temperature
„P“: Pt100 (DIN EN 60751)
„K“: NiCr/NiAl (DIN EN 60584-1)
„S“: Pt10%Rh-Pt (DIN EN 60584-1)
„E“: NiCr/CuNi (DIN EN 60584-1)
„J“: Fe-CuNi (DIN EN 60584-1)
„T“: Cu-CuNi (DIN EN 60584-1)
9 „+“, „-“, „!“ mathematical sign of the sensor temperature or invalid
sensor temperature („!“)
10 „0“ ... „9“ 103 digit, sensor temperature
11 „0“ ... „9“ 102 digit, sensor temperature
12 „0“ ... „9“ 101 digit, sensor temperature
13 „0“ ... „9“ 100 digit, sensor temperature
14 „0“ ... „9“ 10-1 digit, sensor temperature
15 03 ETX (end of text, end of protocol)

The transmitting parameters are adjusted to:

9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, odd parity.

In the receiving mode the TP28850 can record data for the
control of those functions being also adjustable by the
setpoint and start keys. This means that a superior control
computer can set new required values and actuate
temperature switch test release. The receiving protocol has 9
bytes total. All information is received in ASCII.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Description of the TP28850

Receiving protocol
Byte Value Explanation
0 02 STX (start of text, start of protocol)
1 „E“, „A“ „E“: release temperature switch test
„A“: block temperature switch test
2 „+“, „!“ „+“: sign required value
„!“: Do not enter new required value.
3 „0“ ... „9“ or „X“ 103 digit, required value
4 „0“ ... „9“ or „X“ 102 digit, required value
5 „0“ ... „9“ or „X“ 101 digit, required value
6 „0“ ... „9“ or „X“ 100 digit, required value
7 „0“ ... „9“ or „X“ 10- 1 digit, required value
8 03 ETX (end of text, end of protocol)

The receiving parameters are adjusted to:

9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, odd parity.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Description of the TP28850

Superior control computer transmitting the byte sequence:

Byte Value Explanation
0 02 STX (start of text, start of protocol)
1 „!“ „!“: transmit parameters
2 03 ETX (end of text, end of protocol)

requests the TP28850 to transmit the stored information on

instrument type, required value and temperature switch state
to the control computer. The TP28850 replies this prompt by
singly transmitting the byte sequence:
Byte Value Explanation
0 02 STX (start of text, start of protocol)
1 ... 7 „TP28850“ information on kind of instrument
8 „S“ „S“: stored required value
9 „+“, „-“ „+“, „-“: signs of stored required value
10 „0“ ... „9“ 10³ digit, stored required value
11 „0“ ... „9“ 10² digit, stored required value
12 „0“ ... „9“ 10 digit, stored required value
13 „0“ ... „9“ 10° digit, stored required value
14 „0“ ... „9“ 10-1 digit, stored required value
15 „T“ stored temperature switch state
16 „0“, „1“ „0“: temperature switch blocked
„1“: temperature switch released
17 03 ETX (end of text, end of protocol)

Input level +/- 30 V max.

Low level: + 2.5 ... +30V

High level: -30 ... +0.8 V

Input impedance: 3...7 K

Received data

Clear to send

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Description of the TP28850

Output level +/- 9 V, +/- 5 V min.

Low level: + 5 V min.

High level: - 5 V min.

Transmitted data

Request to send

Pin configuration, plug-in connector

D-Sub DB09

Pin numbers and functions

Pin no. Function

1 Schirm

2 TxD

3 RxD



6 nc


8 nc

9 nc

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Description of the TP28850

3.3.5 PC terminal plan

Fig. TP28850 terminal plan

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Description of the TP28850

3.4 Special accessories

3.4.1 Adapter sleeves

Adapter sleeves are available in various sizes upon special

3.4.2 Software
Efficient software is available for TP28000 series
instruments. This software allows the remote control of the
instrument by a superior control computer and carrying out
data acquisition and evaluation. The program can be
operated on all IBM compatible PC’s.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual

4 Transport, storage and starting the instrument

4.1 Transport
The TP28850 testing instrument is a portable unit for
versatile service purposes as well as for industrial and
laboratory tasks. It is provided with a handle attached on its
side and being brought to any position by depressing the
lateral latching knobs 17). For bearing the instrument bring
the handle into vertical position until handle locks.

Attention: For transport, e.g. to recalibration, use original

packing to avoid any damage.

4.2 Storage
Store the TP28850 dust-proof and at a dry place. The
ambient temperature between -10 °C and +80 °C during
storage has to be warranted.

4.3 Starting the instrument

4.3.1 Proper use
Use the TP28850 exclusively for testing temperature
switches, thermostats, thermocouples, thermometers and
resistance thermometers within the given temperature range.

4.3.2 Expectable misuse

Ensure that the testing temperature is suitable for the
specimen to prevent the specimen from being destroyed.

Caution: Remove all easily flammable media from the

surrounding of the instrument and prevent the
instrument from contact with easily flammable and
explosive materials.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Starting

4.3.3 Positioning and connecting the TP28850

Check-ups before starting

Attention: When positioning the instrument ensure that the

fan in the instrument’s bottom can supply enough air. Do
not position the instrument on a soft and yielding ground.

Before starting bring the instrument in its normal operating



• Always position the TP28850 in vertical position.

• If the TP28850 not being vertically positioned an even

temperature distribution within the heating block is not

Fig. TP28850 vertically positioned

Check specifications.

Compare the label with specification.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Starting

Caution: Check the heating block bores for being clean

and undamaged. Do not use filling media.

Check for:

• the specimen

• the adapter sleeve

• the heating block bore

exactly matching to each other.

Keep the thermal contact resistance as low as possible.

Connect the instrument to a circuit of low mains breakdown

risk to avoid cooling air supply stoppage in case of mains

Check for:

• the fan starting operation when being connected to the


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Sika TP28850 User Manual

5 Operating the TP28850

5.1 Operating and setting up the TP28850

5.1.1 Before starting the TP28850

Select place

Position the TP28850 so that there is enough space for the

fan in the instrument’s base to produce sufficient cooling air.
Otherwise, insufficient cooling causes damage and destructs
the instrument.

Note: Put the TP28850 into vertical position for calibrating

to warrant optimal temperature spreading and transmission.

Ground state before switching on

Turn rotary switch into position „BlockTemp“.

You can vary the position of the TP28850 carrying handle by

depressing the grey pushbuttons in it’s rotary joint.

Fig. Rotary switch ground position

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Operating the TP28850

5.1.2 Establishing the Initial state

To clear all stored values of the TP28850, you can set the
instrument to a defined initial state.

• Apply mains voltage.
The fan in the instrument’s base begins to operate.
• Depress setpoint key and keep it depressed.
• Turn mains switch into EIN (ON) „I“.
• Release setpoint key.
• For some seconds "CAL" appears on the display
(Calibration of the built-in electronic).
• You hear a click with „StOP“ appearing on the display.
The fan steps into the second stage.
• Depress start key.

5.1.3 Starting the TP28850

The testing temperature set last remains stored in the
TP28850. After starting the TP28850 the temperature of the
heating block rises up to that one stored.

• Apply mains voltage.
The fan in the instrument’s base begins to operate.
• Turn mains switch into EIN (ON) „I“.
• For some seconds "CAL" appears on the display
(Calibration of the built-in electronic).
• You hear a click with „StOP“ appearing on the display.
The fan steps into the second stage.
• Depress start key.
The heating block is now heated up to the testing
temperature set last.
• Turn rotary switch into position „BlockTemp“.
The actual temperature of the heating block is displayed.
• Depress setpoint key.
Flashing „SOLL“ is displayed.
• Depress start key.
Flashing required temperature (testing temperature) is

Note: For changing the set testing temperature - see

paragraph „Setting the testing temperature“.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Operating the TP28850

Keeping the set testing temperature:

• Depress setpoint key.

Flashing „SoFF“ is displayed.

• Depress setpoint key again.

Actual heating block temperature is displayed.

• The heating block is heated up to testing temperature.

5.1.4 Setting the testing temperature

Set new testing temperature as described below.

With the aid of the setpoint and start keys you can set the
testing temperature with an accuracy of 1/10 K.


• Apply mains voltage.

• Turn mains switch into EIN (ON) „I“.

• Turn rotary switch into „BlockTemp“.

Note: Undepressed key for approx. 30 sec stops

programming for safety reasons and resets the instrument
on „StOP“. Then you have to start the instrument again -see
paragraph „Starting the TP28850“.

• Depress start key.

• Depress setpoint key.

Testing temperature set is displayed.

• Depress start key again.

Flashing 1/10-digit of testing temperature is displayed.

• Depress start key frequently until the desired 1/10-value is


• Depress setpoint key.

1/10-digit confirmed, flashing unit place is displayed.

• Depress start key frequently until desired unit place is


• Depress setpoint key.

Unit place confirmed, flashing ten’s place is displayed.

• Depress start key frequently until desired ten’s place is


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Sika TP28850 User Manual Operating the TP28850

• Depress setpoint key.

Ten’s place confirmed, flashing hundred’s place is

• Depress start key frequently until desired hundred’s place

is displayed.

• Depress setpoint key.

Hundred’s place confirmed, flashing „SoFF“ is displayed.

• Depress setpoint key again.

The actual heating block temperature is displayed.

• The heating block is heated up to the set testing


Fine balancing of the testing temperature

After having programmed the TP28850 for a new required

value, the heating block is heated up or cooled down to the
new temperature. For reasons of external interference it can
happen that the heating block does not directly attain the
testing temperature set. This would mean a difference
between the required temperature (testing temperature) and
the actual one displayed. The TP28850, however, has an
automatic adjusting function serving for automatic difference
balancing. The incorporated microprocessor is continuously
calculating the actual-/required-value difference and thus
controlling the heating block.

Fine balancing is useful, only after heating block temperature

control levelled out on the final temperature value level. The
microprocessor checks for calling up fine balancing.

The microprocessor does fine balancing with the following

fine balancing preconditions fulfilled:

1. Actual heating block temperature deviation from set

testing temperature not more than +/- 5K.

2. Actual heating block temperature does no longer vary

(constant temperature displayed).

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Operating the TP28850

With the aid of the adjust key you can check for the fine
balancing already done by the microprocessor.


• Depress adjust key.

• Flashing „Adj“ is displayed when the heating block

temperature is levelled out. If the display remains dark the
heating block temperature isn’t still levelled out.

• Wait for some minutes, then carry out the test a second

• Depress adjust key again.

• The temperature of the heating block is displayed.

5.1.4 Block and sensor temperature stability

Block temperature stability

As long as the heating block temperature display is flashing

the heating block isn’t still levelled out on the set required
value. In case of constant heating block temperature display
the temperature is on the set level.

The microprocessor checks up the following heating block

stable temperature criteria:

1. Actual heating block temperature does no longer vary

(constant temperature displayed).

2. The difference between programmed actual and required

temperature value is less than 0.1 K.

Sensor temperature stability

Turn rotary switch into the symbol for the temperature sensor

Flashing sensor temperature display means a still varying

one. With the final sensor temperature level being attained
sensor temperature is constantly displayed.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Operating the TP28850

5.2 Connecting specimens

Attention: Connect specimens acc. to their specification

Connect the specimens shield to the ground clamp..

Different specimens can be calibrated:

• thermometers

• temperature switches

• thermostats

• thermocouples

• resistance thermometers

• Insert thermometer.

Caution: Injurious to health - cracking thermometer.

Always observe the maximum temperature capacity of
the thermometer.

Insert the thermometer into the appropriate adapter sleeve.

• Temperature switches and thermostats switching on or off

after having attained the temperature set.
Connect the temperature switch as shown below:

• Thermocouples measuring an actual temperature.

Clamp the thermocouple as shown below:

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• 3-wire circuited resistance thermometers measuring an

actual temperature.
Connect the resistance thermometer as shown below:

• 2-wire circuited resistance thermometers measuring an

actual temperature.
Connect the resistance thermometer as shown below:

5.2.1 Testing temperature switch

Caution: Burning heat: Let the TP28850 cool down after

use (see paragraph „Cool down heating block“).

Note: To obtain an exact measuring result the specimen

has to fit properly in the bore of the heating block or of the
adapter sleeve.

Prerequisites for exact results:

Bore and specimen diameters are fitting into each other.

The calibrating instrument is in vertical position.

Unbended specimen.

Insert the specimen in dry state directly into the bore of the
heating block or in that one of the appropriate adapter

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Note: Before starting the measurement the specimen must

have obtained the temperature of the block.

Give the specimen enough time for coming up to the block

temperature level.


• Turn rotary switch into position „BlockTemp“.

• A temperature switch can open or close when reaching

the test temperature.

• For testing a closer set toggle switch on position „NO“.

• For testing an opener set toggle switch on position „NC“.

• Set test temperature of the heating block (see pragraph

„Setting the test temperature“).

• Depress setpoint key.

Flashing „SOLL“ is displayed.

• Depress setpoint key again.

Flashing „SOFF“ (SOFF = switch: off) is displayed.

• Depress start key.

Flashing „SON“ (SON = switch: on) is displayed.

• Depress setpoint key.

Actual heating block temperature is displayed.

• The specimen switches (closes or opens) when the resp.

test temperature is attained.

• The calibrating instrument indicates the switching of the

by the green LED and
by an acoustic signal.

To finish temperature switch testing heating block the testing

function as follows:

• Depress setpoint key.

Flashing „SoLL“ is displayed.

• Again depress setpoint key.

Flashing „SoFF“ (SoFF = switch: off) is displayed.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Operating the TP28850

For input confirmation

• Depress setpoint key.

Actual heating block temperature is displayed.

5.2.2 Testing thermocouples and resistance thermometers

Caution: Burning heat: Let the TP28850 cool down after

use (see paragraph „Cool down heating block“).

Note: To obtain an exact measuring result the specimen

has to fit properly in the bore of the heating block or of the
adapter sleeve.

Prerequisites for exact results:

Bore and specimen diameters are fitting into each other.

The calibrating instrument is in vertical position.

Unbended specimen.

Caution: Burning heat around the specimen’s diameter.

The specimen adapts the heating block temperature
which can be up to 600 °C. Remove specimen only after
complete cooling-down of the heating block.

Insert the specimen directly into the bore of the heating block
or in that one of the appropriate adapter sleeve.

Note: Before starting the measurement the specimen must

have obtained the temperature of the heating block.

Give the specimen enough time for coming up to the heating

block temperature level.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Operating the TP28850


• Turn rotary switch into position „BlockTemp“.

• Clamp specimen.

• Check kind of sensor.

The following sensors can be chosen:

T Cu/CuNi thermocouple,
type T (DIN EN 60584-1)
J Fe/CuNi thermocouple,
type J (DIN EN 60584-1)
Switch positions
E NiCr/CuNi thermocouple,
type E (DIN EN 60584-1)
S Pt10%Rh/Pt thermocouple,
type S (DIN EN 60584-1)
K NiCr/NiAl thermocouple,
type K (DIN EN 60584-1)
Pt100 Pt 100 resistance thermometer,
3-wire (DIN EN 60751)
BlockTemp indicating the heating block temperature

• Turn rotary switch into the respective position.

The temperature measured by the specimen is displayed.

• Turn rotary switch into position „BlockTemp“.

Actual heating block temperature is displayed.

• Compare heating block temperature with the temperature

display of the specimen.

5.3 Cooling down heating block

Caution: Burning heat. Let the TP28850 cool down after


Transport the TP28850 only after being completely cooled


Burning heat on the specimen’s surface.

Burning heat at specimen.

Never touch heating block or specimen surface.

Never leave the TP28850 unobserved after use.

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Wait until the heating block has attained ambient

temperature before packing the TP28850.

It is possible to enhance cooling by zeroing the test

temperature (see pragraph „Setting the test temperature“).

Remove adapter sleeves.

Caution: Burning heat. The adapter sleeves can be

heated up to 600 °C. Only remove the sleeves in cooled

• Compress supplied sleeve grabs and fit into the adapter

sleeve bores.

• Remove adapter sleeve.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual

6 Maintenance and Care

6.1 Care
Attention: Always keep the TP28850 clean and do not leave
it in dusty and moisty rooms.

Clean the TP28850 after each use.

Attention: Avoid measuring errors by always keeping the

heating block bores clean and never using filling media for

6.2 Maintenance
When switching on your TP28850 is not possible check the
fuses and exchange, if necessary. Fuses inside the TP28850

Danger: Electric voltage.

Before exchanging the fuses disconnect mains plug.

Check the fuses (see pragraph „Checking and exchanging

the fuses“).

Exchange fuse in case of defect.

6.2.1 Recalibration
The TP28850 is adjusted and tested by the manufacturer
acc. to the accepted standards.

On the basis of the DIN ISO 10 012 standard the TP28850

has to undergo testing within fixed intervals of time.

Note: Use original packing to mail the TP28850.

Therefore, we recommend to send the TP28850 to our

factory for recalibration or readjustment within intervals of at
maximum 12 months or after 500 operating hours.

6.2.2 Checking and exchanging the fuses

The TP28850 is equipped with two fuses which have to be
checked and exchanged, if necessary.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Maintenance and Care

1. Mains unit fuse

Check the fuse at mains input when switching on the
TP28850 and in case
the fan does not start,
nothing appears on display.


Danger: Electric voltage, injurious to health.

Before exchanging the fuses, disconnect mains plug.

• Disconnect mains plug.

• Put instrument’s topside down.

• Pull out mains cable.

• Using a screw-driver turn out mains cable cap.

• Remove cap.
Now fuse (T6.3 250V) is visible.

• Check fuse.

Attention: Avoid destruction of the TP28850 by only using a

T6.3 250V (6.3A slow, 250VAC).

• In case of defect fuse can be exchanged for spare one in

the cap.

• Exchange fuse and refix cap.

2. Electronics fuse
Check electronics fuse when switching on the TP28850 and
nothing appears on display.
Danger: Electric voltage, injurious to health.
Before exchanging the fuses, disconnect mains plug.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Maintenance and Care

• Disconnect mains plug.

• Loosen all four screws on front plate.

Fig. Electronics unit front plate

Note: Stiff plug-and-socket connection of electronics unit.

• Slowly pull electronics unit 1) upward until electronics is


Fig. Removing electronics unit

• Remove electronics unit and reverse.

Fuse position is now visible.

Fig. Electronics unit rear side

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Maintenance and Care

• Screw out fuse and check.

• In case of defect fuse always insert a new T40 250 V

(40 mA slow, 250 VAC) one.

• Screw in fuse.

Note: Insert electronics unit 1) together with guide plate 2)

into guide bar.

• Insert electronics and tighten.

6.2.3 Recycling
SIKA factory guarantees for expert recycling.
Therefore return the TP28850 free of charge.

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Sika TP28850 User Manual

7 Trouble shooting

Note: This table shows how to carry out trouble shooting.

Trouble Cause Remedy

TP28850 not in proper function. External influence, e.g. mag- Test applied mains voltage and
netic fields, incorrect supply compare to that one given on
voltage. the label.
Disconnect mains plug.
Check fuses and exchange in
case of defect.
Nonsensical symbols and Set instrument into ground
values displayed. state.
TP28850 goes into standby. Adjust, setpoint or start keys Again depress start key, then
were depressed. TP28850 starts measuring
„StOP“ is displayed.
Programming not finished.
TP28850 goes into error Wrong testing temperature Depress start key and repeat
position. programmed. entry.
„Err“ is displayed.
TP28850 goes into error Internal heating block sensor Heating block sensor exchange
position. defect. at the manufacturer.
„Err“ is displayed.
TP28850 switches off control Heating block heating up to a Let instrument cool down and
device and goes into error temperature of approx. 870 °C. eliminate trouble.
„Err“ is displayed.
The entire heating circuit is The heating block heats up to a Let instrument cool down and
switched off by a temperature temperature of approx. 880 °C. eliminate trouble.

Note: In case the instrument is still in inproper function after

the above trouble shooting it has to be checked at the

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Sika TP28850 User Manual

8 Specification

Setting the heating block temperature:

by required value programming

check by „Adjust“ function between ambient temperature and
600.0 °C
Heating and cooling times:

Heating times *) TP28850/18(28)/100

20°C to 100°C 4 min

100°C to 200°C 5 min

200°C to 300°C 5 min

300°C to 400°C 6 min

400°C to 500°C 8 min

500°C to 600°C 8 min

600°C to 700°C 10 min

700°C to 800°C 12 min

800°C to 850°C 7 min

Cooling times *)

850°C to 800°C 3 min

800°C to 700°C 5 min

700°C to 600°C 6 min

600°C to 500°C 7 min

500°C to 400°C 10 min

400°C to 300°C 12 min

300°C to 200°C 14 min

200°C to 100°C 30 min

*) An additional levelling time has to be considered.

Heating block temperature balancing:

0-850.0 °C in 1/10 K resolution

Heating block control accuracy:

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Specification

+/- 0.5 K
Heating block control stability:

+/- 0.2 K
Measuring element within heating block control:

with PID-controller / Pt100

Actual value display:
4 ½ -digit / 7-segment LED of 14 mm high
Exceeding range / sensor break:
„OFLO“/“OFLO“ display
Sensor break for control unit:
Heating voltage switched off, „ERR“ displayed

Temperature safety system in case of exceeding limit:

2 independently operating safety devices by
approx. 870 °C and 880 °C, heating voltage switched off
Power supply / power consumption:
230 V, 50/60 Hz, approx. 2000 VA

Heating block bores:

TP28850 /18/100:
depth 100 mm, from it 15 mm = ∅ 22 mm
and 85 mm = ∅ 18 mm
Adapter sleeve bore:

TP28850/18(28)/100: diameter ≤ 7 mm
other sizes upon special request
Temperature sensor inputs:
Pt100, 2- or 3-wire acc. to DIN EN 60751 standard
NiCr/NiAl, K type acc. to DIN EN 60584-1 standard
Pt10%Rh/Pt, S type acc. to DIN EN 60584-1 standard
NiCr/CuNi, E type acc. to DIN EN 60584-1 standard
Fe/CuNi, J type acc. to DIN EN 60584-1 standard
Cu/CuNi, T type acc. to DIN EN 60584-1 standard

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Specification

Resolution and measuring inaccuracy:

Pt100 (DIN EN 60751), 3-wire:

-200.0 up to +200.0 °C: +/- 0.1 % v.E. +/- 0.1 °C

+200.0 up to +850.0 °C: +/- 0.1 % v.E. +/- 0.1 °C

NiCr/NiAl (DIN EN 60584-1):

-90.0 up to +200.0 °C: +/- 0.1 % v.E. +/- 0.1 °C

+200.0 up to +1370.0 °C: +/- 0.1 % v.E. +/- 0.1 °C

Pt10%Rh/Pt (DIN EN 60584-1):

0 up to +200.0 °C: +/- 0.2 % v.E. +/- 0.1 °C

+200.0 up to +1760.0 °C: +/- 0.2 % v.E. +/- 0.1 °C

Fe/CuNi (DIN EN 60584-1):

-90.0 up to +200.0 °C: +/- 0.1 % v.E. +/- 0.1 °C

+200.0 up to +900.0 °C: +/- 0.1 % v.E. +/- 0.1 °C

NiCr/CuNi (DIN EN 60584-1):

-90.0 up to +200.0 °C: +/- 0.1 % v.E. +/- 0.1 °C

+200.0 up to +700.0 °C: +/- 0.1 % v.E. +/- 0.1 °C

Cu/CuNi (DIN EN 60584-1):

-90.0 up to +200.0 °C: +/- 0.1 % v.E. +/- 0.1 °C

+200.0 up to +400.0 °C: +/- 0.1 % v.E. +/- 0.1 °C

Cold junction compensation:

built-in for ambient temperatures between 0 and 60 °C

Digital interface:

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Sika TP28850 User Manual Specification

RS232C, transmitting scheme:

9600 baud, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit, odd parity

Dimensions and weight:

Dimensions TP28850/18(28)/100

length, total /
of instrumen 407/371 mm

total width 283 mm

total height,
incl. handle and 462/382 mm
cable hairness

weight approx 16 kg

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