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Contents Credits

Contents 1 Designer:​ Robert Marriner-Dodds

Credits 1 Character Illustrator:​ Cassandra Dodds
Introduction Cover Illustrator: ​Jack Eaves
About Dragon Drop Adventures 1 Cartography:
Linework:​ Robert Marriner-Dodds,
Trouble in the Catacombs 2 Colourisation:​ Aaron Zachariah Arrick
Adventure Background 3 (Tabletop_Twitch)
Customising the Adventure 3
Encounter with Hang-root 4 Playtesters:​ ​Rolan, Felicyty Shadowhorn,
The Catacombs 5 Seraphena, Bulgrum, Telwar The Exile,
The Catacombs Map 6 Tiara, Synslayer, Feelz McGeelz, Healz
What’s Next? 11 McGeelz.

The Vampire of Vadim 12

Adventure Background 13
Customising the Adventure 13
Vadim & Fragrant Stone Inn 14
Vadim Castle 15 Dragon Drop Adventures
Vadim Castle​ ​Map 16 Dragon Drop Adventures are created to be
What’s Next? 21 easy to use adventures that a DM can simply
drop into their campaign. Dragon Drop
Of Worgs And Goblins 22 Adventures are designed to be played in a
Adventure Background 23
single session and with minimal tweaking can
Customising the Adventure 23
fit easily into your campaign and setting.
Atmos Vale 24 These adventures are designed to only require
Pelad Caverns 25 a small amount of preplanning, aside from
Pelad Caverns Map 26 reading the document.
What’s Next? 30

The Orc Situation 31

Adventure Background 32
Customising the Adventure 32
Stybba’s Office 33
Crystalspire Camp 33
Crystalspire Camp Map 34
What’s Next? 38

Appendix A: NPCs 39
Appendix B: Monsters 45
Appendix C: Magic Items 48

License 49

Introduction Customising the Adventure
Trouble in the Catacombs is designed for a By design, any part of the adventure can be
party of 3-5 5th-level characters. If your party customised very easily to fit your setting and
has more or fewer characters, you can campaign. However we have included a few
appropriately adjust the number of monsters simple examples.
present in each encounter using the guidelines
in the Official 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Locations. ​Due to the very vague placement of
Guide​ (DMG)​ by Wizards of the Coast. Hang-root’s crumbling remains of a village,
and the nearby catacombs, these can be placed
almost anywhere in any setting, provided that
Adventure Background the area is largely uninhabited.
The famously incompetent witch
Hang-root has really messed up this time. NPCs. ​The guards for the exploration party
While attempting to research a powerful can be replaced with an NPC known to the
artifact gifted to her, she unwittingly animated party to great effect. Having the party know
a long dead nobleman, named Canton, and his the guards slaughtered by the undead would
servants in Catacombs, trapping an exploration give them additional motivation to destroy
party. Canton.
The undead have rallied under the The exploration party themselves can
ambitious Canton, and he intends to reclaim be replaced entirely, or have members
what was once his. switched out with characters from your setting
Hang-root is in desperate need of that your party either know, or will come to
adventurers to help rescue the exploration meet again..
party and lay the undead to rest permanently.
3 characters: This is a ​Very​ ​Hard​ adventure for
three characters.
4 characters: This is a ​Hard​ adventure for four
5 characters: This is a ​Hard​ difficulty
adventure for five characters.
To increase or decrease the difficulty,
add or remove enemies from encounters using
the guidelines in the 5th Edition Dungeon
Master’s Guide​ (DMG)​ by Wizards of the Coast.

The Exploration Party
Trouble in the Catacombs The party Hang-root escorted to the catacombs
This adventure begins with the party travelling contained six rather rude high-elves who
between two towns by road. They could be identified themselves are scholars researching
travelling as part of your ongoing campaign, or the origins of various important families. They
you may assign them a simple ‘delivery’ quest had travelled here in search of records and
from point A to point B, with this adventure information about Canton. Hang-root found
location being between the two. the elves to be rude and dismissive.
Along with the elves were four kind human
“Walking down the road, you see in the guards who she suspected were largely
distance the old ruins of an abandoned village. incompetent, but very likeable anyway for
An elderly woman rushes towards you, their warmth and patience dealing with the
begging for your help.” rude elves.

The old woman is an incompetent hedge Hang-root’s past

wizard named Hang-root. Hang-root is an elderly woman deeply stained
Several hours before the party arrived, by guilt.
Hang-root had reluctantly guided an Although reluctant to admit it, the
exploration party to the entrance of the nearby witch is no stranger to disastrous accidents,
catacombs, a place she hadn’t been in several having caused the destruction of the village
decades. several decades earlier in a similar mishap.
Upon arrival, the explorers paid her with a She is afraid of the catacombs after a
magical artifact of unknown origin. traumatic childhood incident. The party can
convince her to talk about the incident with a
Hang-root began experimenting with the successful DC 20 charisma (persuasion) check.
artifact when she accidently activated, and 60 years ago, when Hang-root and her
destroyed it. sister were small children, they became
The activation, and destruction of the artifact separated while playing in the Catacombs.
awoke every corpse within 500ft. Including Hang-root, then called Cici, managed to find
those in the catacombs, a fact she was alerted her way out, but was unable to convince
to when a zombie came stumbling out from the anybody from the town to help her find her
entrance. She was able to kill the zombie and sister, due to an old belief that the catacombs
seal the entrance, although not before taking were cursed.
serious wounds herself.
She quickly became worried about the
exploration party now trapped within and
offers the party her life savings, 520gp if they
save the explorers and destroy the undead.

The Catacombs
Ca1. Entrance
The catacombs were originally the rather
modest tomb of Canton’s parents, constructed
“Two stone doors stand on the north wall of
when the merchant family was still building its
this entrance chamber. Judging by the crates
power and influence.
and wheelbarrows strewn across this room, it
Before the end of Canton’s long life,
appears to be used for little more than
he was able to transform his family from
powerful merchants, to rulers of the local area.
He greatly expanded the family tomb to reflect
A ​Ghost (​ MM)​ is in this room, having
this change in position.
been awoken by the artifact. She is
Not long after his death, it became
immediately hostile to anybody who enters the
apparent that the only thing holding the fragile
room, but will not pursue them out of the
kingdom together was Canton, and with no
heir, the lands quickly fell back into self
Neither door is locked or trapped,
governance, the short lived kingdom a
having both been unlocked by the exploration
footnote in the area’s history.
party. A successful DC 15 Survival (Wisdom)
The catacombs were still used for
check reveals that the exploration party first
years to bury the bones of those who lived
headed through the western door, before
doubling back on themselves and going
through the eastern door.
The Catacombs Features
The catacombs have the following
features, unless otherwise noted in the Divide 1100xp evenly among the party is they
description for that area. defeat, or bypass the Ghost.
Ceilings.​ The Ceilings are 7 feet
tall and almost entirely decorated with the Treasure
bones of the dead. Amongst the crates are 2 ​Scrolls of Greater
Doors.​ The doors are made of Restoration (​ PHB)​ bound loosely together
heavy granite and carved with depictions along with a note that reads ‘Norm, use these
incase of emergency. Adam’. In amongst the
of fictional battles and victories won by
other crates and barrels are various tools for
cleaning flesh from bones, 3 gp, and oddly, a
Floors.​ The floors are tiled with Hat of Disguise.
stone, matching that of the doors.
Walls.​ The walls are entirely
covered with the bones and skulls of the
Lighting. ​The catacombs are not
illuminated at all, and there are no places
to hang torches on the walls.

Ca2. Corridor Maze The ghost is that of a small child named
Jennifer who became lost while exploring the
“The walls to this series of damp dark tunnels catacombs with her older sister. She is
are ornately decorated with thousands of bones unaware that she is a ghost and believes that
and skulls. The smell of rot and decay fill the she has only been lost for a few hours.
air.” In reality, she has been dead for
The exploration party has left faintly visible
tracks in the dirt and dust that covers the floor If the party frighten her, or attack her, she will
of these tunnels. These tracks can be found lose control of herself and attempt to kill them.
and followed by a DC 15 Survival (Wisdom) Otherwise, she acts as a timid, upset girl.
check. If a player fails their check, their
actions disturb the tracks in a 15ft x 15ft She asks the party to help her find her sister,
square centered on them, making the disturbed who she saw leave the catacombs while she
tracks impossible to follow. stayed to explore further.

Random Encounters Jennifer's sister is Hang-Root, who she knows

For every hour that the players spend in this only as Cici and can describe only as a small
area, roll 1d6 and consult the table below for a girl who looks much like herself.
random encounter. Hang-Root’s cottage being their
former childhood home, Jennifer can easily
1d6 lead the party there.
1.​ A cat carrying a human hand in its mouth See ‘What Next?’ if the party return Jennifer
runs past from the ghoul room towards the to her sister
Entrance. This hand belongs to one of the
missing guards. XP
2-3 ​All of the party’s non-magical light Divide 1100xp evenly among the party if they
sources are extinguished suddenly. defeat Jennifer.
4-5.​ Nothing happens. Divide 2000xp evenly among the party if they
6​ Maggots fall from the ceiling above one of return Jennifer to her home.
the party members. The party member must
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to avoid Ca4. Servant’s wealth
them. This purpose built room was constructed to
store the combined wealth of the servants to
Ca3. Jennifer’s Remains Canton and his family.
This area is where Hang-root and Jennifer
became separated. Jennifer waited here for her “This large, stone walled room is empty, save
sister’s return, before succumbing to hunger. from a single plain chest in the center against
the back wall.”
“The soft crying of a young child can be heard
coming from inside this room. As you open The walls are clearly marked with an
the door, a faint glow of spectral light leaks inscription that states this room contains the
out. Sitting, crying in the middle of this room wealth of his staff, as a testament to his
is the ghost of a little girl.” generosity.

Mistakenly believing that he was very catacombs before spreading out to the other
generous to his staff, this room was areas.
constructed much larger than it needed to be.
A single, half filled chest is the only object in XP
the entire room. Divide 1200xp evenly among the party if they
defeat or bypass the Giant Spiders
DM’s Discretion
If you wish to add more excitement to, and Treasure
remove some treasure from, this section of the There are two sarcophagi in this area. Inside
adventure, you could replace the chest with a them, the occupants have long since rotted
Mimic (​ MM)​. away, leaving only 190gp, and 370sp, in what
This would have the results of adding an extra must have once been coin purses.
battle to the adventure if your players are
finding it easier than you anticipated, and Ca6. Central Storage
humorously serving to imply that Canton paid The original purpose of this room was to store
his staff so poorly that at the time of their the equipment used during construction. It
deaths, none of them had any possessions now sits empty.
worth entombing, and so the room was left
empty. “A single crate sits in the corner of this room.
Doors lead south and east.”
The chest in this room is locked with a cheap This small room has been made into a nest for
lock. A DC 10 Sleight of Hand (Dexterity) or Giant Spiders. The entire ceiling is covered in
DC 10 Strength check is all that is required to thick webbing, while the floor is clear.
open it. The chest contains 1,100cp , 160sp , 4 ​Giant Spiders​ (MM)​ ​are on the ceiling of this
60gp and ten small gemstones (10gp each). room.

Ca5. Spider Room XP

This room predates the rest of the catacombs. Divide 800xp evenly among the party if they
It is the tomb of Canton’s parents, who were defeat the Giant Spiders
minor nobility in their time.

“Thick webs cover the walls, floor and ceiling Ca7. Main Burial Chamber
in this room, the bones of the deceased only
occasionally visible through the still webbing.” “You enter into a huge, man made burial
chamber, 50 ft. wide, with ceilings at least
The floor of this room is covered in webs, three times the height of the tunnels. This is
making it Difficult Terrain. very clearly the main burial chamber.
There are 6 ​Giant Spiders (​ MM)​ ​in this area. Amongst the undead, several fresh corpses are
They will attempt to stay hidden until they can scattered across the room. ”
launch an attack on anybody who enters the
room. There are 3 ​Specters ​(PHB)​ ​in this room, along
A small hole several inches across in the wall with 3​ Agile Zombies ​(Appendix)​.
that leads deeper underground. This appears to
be where the spiders originally entered This room is Canton’s grand tomb, decorated
lavishly compared to the rest of the catacombs.

Upon awakening, Canton has retreated further The human is the last remaining guard, a ​Thug
into the Catacombs to look for his wife’s (MM)​, named Edith. She is mournful of her lost
tomb. colleagues and angry at the elves for their
apparent lack of concern.
The exploration party was in this room when If the party hasn’t already done so, the
the catacombs were awakened by Hang-root. explorers and Edith will plead with the party to
The corpses of one human guard and two elves destroy the undead in the Catacombs. The
are in this room, having been killed by the elves note that their leader clearly has
raised dead. The remaining members of the sentience, and an undead army lead by a
exploration fled to area C5 where they sentient being would undoubtedly cause
barricaded themselves in. serious damage in the area.
Several of his now undead servants
remain in this room, waiting for the The elves and Edith are unable to climb out of
exploration party to emerge from area C5 the room due to their injuries, but would be
more than able to walk out.
Divide 1200xp evenly among the party if they XP
defeat or bypass the Specters and Agile Divide 500xp evenly among the party if they
Zombies rescue the remaining members and return them
safely to the surface
Spread amongst the various sarcophagi (with Ca9. Skeleton Bar
the exception of Canton’s, which is completely Canton’s entire kitchen staff, along with
empty) are a ​potion of healing (PHB)​, 390 cp, several crates of food and barrels of alcohol
380 sp, 240 gp three diamonds (100 gp each). were entombed alive in this room.

Ca8. Treasure Chamber “Opening the door reveals ten skeletons,

This chamber was once the treasure chamber apparently in various states of drunkenness.
for Canton’s tomb, however a structural fault Several skeletons are dancing to a silent
caused the roof to cave in long ago. Treasure melody, while others proceed to pour foul
hunters eventually found the 40ft. pit in the smelling liquid into their open mouths, spilling
forest and cleared it out. it down themselves and onto the floor.”

“A human woman meets you at the entrance, The staff quickly gave in to their fate and
sword in hand. Behind her, four elves pace decided to drink and dance away their final
impatiently about this room. The roof to this days and hours.
room has collapsed, leaving a gaping hole criss
crossed with thick vines, exposing the forest Upon reanimation, the now mindless skeletons
above. The room is filled with sunlight, but continued their final actions, bound to drink
otherwise appears empty.” and dance for eternity.
They are gathering the foul smelling liquid,
This room contains the only living members of actually very old cider, from a barrel in the
the exploration party. south east.
The four elf researchers are calm, but
dissatisfied with the quality of the guards they

This room is filled with 10 ​Skeletons​ (MM) Ca11. Hand Servants
dancing and attempting to drink from empty This room was once the final resting place of
cups. Canton’s wife’s personal hand servants.

The skeletons are easily fooled by any “This square room is filled with the sounds of
characters attempting to act like them and will crunching bones and vile grunting. The stink
not notice these characters. of decay fills your nostrils. Faint music can be
They become hostile to anybody who enters heard coming from a door leading east from
the room without appearing to either dance or this room.”
A ​Ghoul ​(MM)​ occupies this room, eating the
XP remains of two guards from the exploration
Divide 500xp evenly among the party if they party that have been dragged here from Area
defeat or bypass the Skeletons C7. Floating almost aimlessly, ignoring the
Ghoul is a single ​Wraith (​ MM)​. The Wraith
Ca10. Pitfall will attack anybody who enters the room.

“A wheelbarrow stands in the south west XP

portion of this large symmetrical room, along Divide 2000xp evenly among the party if they
with several wheelbarrows. Thick moss covers defeat, or bypass the Ghoul and the Wraith
every surface in this cavern and the smell of
damp earth fills the air. Heavy stone doors Treasure
lead north, east, and west.” Between them, the guards have 120gp and
When excavating this room, the architects
discovered an underground stream directly Ca12. Britt’s Chambers
below where they intended to build. To This tomb is that of Canton’s wife Britt and
combat this, they installed a wooden floor over her bodyguards.
the space.
“The sounds of delicate music hang in the air
In time, the moisture from the stream has as you enter this dusty room. The smooth
caused the wood to rot and thick moss to grow stone walls here are not obstructed here by
on every surface. bones. Atop the raised southeastern most
section of this room stands a finely dressed
The wooden floor can only hold 100lbs of skeleton clutching a glowing longsword in one
weight before collapsing into the stream hand, and an ancient music box in the other.”
below. Any creature on the floor when it
breaks must make a DC 15 Athletics Canton ​(Appendix)​ came to this room to see if
(Strength) check or fall twenty foot taking 12 Britt was resurrected like him, to rule again
(2d10) bludgeoning damage. together.

XP He is distraught to find her that she is still

Divide 200xp evenly among the party if they dead, her coffin being undisturbed.
survive, or avoid the pitfall Canton ​and​ ​is found here listening to her
music box along with her staff, now ​2​ ​Agile

Zombies ​(Appendix)​ and ​2​ ​Armored Skeletons
What Next?
If the party defeats Canton, and rescues the
Treasure explorers, Hang-Root will reward them as
Among the room are the many possessions of planned and vow to give up magic, as her
Canton’s wife Britt. Many of them now rotted mistakes have cost too many deaths
with age, however a few items remain of
value, including 2100 cp, 1500 sp, 160 gp, a If the party returns Jennifer to her home,
fine ivory comb inlaid with gold (100gp) and
she doesn’t notice that Cici is now an old
Britt’s Music Box (150gp)​. ​Aside from his
woman, seeing her instead as the child she
sword ​Dawn Oath (Appendix)​, Canton has not
got anything of value on him, having left most once was. Jennifer is happy to be reunited
of his possessions in area C8. with her sister and will stay with her.
Hang-Root gives the party ​Cici’s Guilt
XP (Appendix)​ as a reward.
Divide 1700xp evenly among the party if they
defeat Canton, the Agile Zombies and the If you intend on using this adventure as a
Armored Skeletons. seed for future adventures, you could use
the following plot hook, or add your own:

The Explorers
The explorers are a mystery unto
themselves. For the sake of this adventure,
they are simply rude people interested in
ancient nobility.
However if you wished to, their
vague research, possesion of the artifact,
and casual disregard for the lives of their
colleagues and bodyguards could hint
towards more nefarious goals.
The explorers could have been a
group of necromancers looking for
minions in the tomb when their attempts
failed. The players many not discover this
until several sessions after the rescue,
leading to a group of villains that the
players unintentionally helped.

Introduction Customising the Adventure
Vampire of Vadim is designed for a party of By design, any part of the adventure can be
3-5 6th-level characters. If your party has more customised very easily to fit your setting and
or fewer characters, you can appropriately campaign. However we have included a few
adjust the number of monsters present in each simple examples.
encounter using the guidelines in the Official
5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide​ (DMG)​ by Locations. ​The location of Vadim, and Vadim
Wizards of the Coast. Castle are intentionally left vague so that you
can substitute them for appropriate, or similar
locations in your setting.
Adventure Background Additionally, if you wish to use a
After several residents were found village, town, or even city from your own
dead, their bodies drained of blood, the people campaign or world, you only need to add the
of Vadim hired a charismatic vampire hunter vampire attacks and hunters to the location to
who promised to track and kill the have the plot advance in the same direction.
Hearing rumours of similar incidents NPCs. ​The innkeeper Ethan is simply a
happening in other towns along the coast, questgiver and can be replaced with an NPC
Ethan, the local barkeep, suspects the vampire from your setting.
hunters to be staging the attacks as an excuse
to extort the population, and he's asked you to Difficulty
prove him right. 3 characters: This is a ​Hard​ adventure for
What Ethan doesn’t know is that there three characters.
really is a vampire, Furcas, killing people, and 4 characters: This is a ​Hard​ adventure for four
he’s working with the vampire hunters in a characters.
very profitable scheme. 5 characters: This is a ​Medium​ difficulty
adventure for four characters.
To increase or decrease the difficulty,
add or remove enemies from encounters using
the guidelines in the 5th Edition Dungeon
Master’s Guide​ (DMG)​ by Wizards of the Coast.

Vampire of Vadim
The adventure begins with the party entering
Fragrant Stone Tavern
the market square of Vadim, a town famous The tavern’s peculiar name comes from a
for its food. The party have been hired to mistranslation of the original inn name from
travel here to deliver a small package to Ethan, Elvish to Common
the local innkeeper of the Fragrant Stone
Tavern, which overlooks the square. “This rather unassuming office seems out of
place in comparison to the grandiosity of the
“The town of Vadim is widely nicknamed rest of the manor. The room is cramped, and
‘The Fragrant Market’, and it doesn’t take you bookcases stuffed with papers and old books
long to see, or rather to smell, why. cover every wall. Behind the desk a tall, thin
As soon as you enter into the market square of man dressed in dusty black clothing stares
this otherwise unremarkable town, a thousand intently at you”
different smells strike you at once.
The scents of stalls selling piles of brightly After a very public series of incidents where
coloured exotic spices, grilling, roasting, and Goldburrowers killed merchants that they had
steaming a wide variety of foods all seem to accused of being vampires, Ethan started to
hang in the air.” suspect that the vampire hunters staged the
vampire attacks as an excuse to extort wealthy
Whether the players decide to head directly to residents.
the inn, it doesn’t take them long to discover He offers the party 1000gp to head to
that several townsfolk have recently been Vadim Castle to gather evidence and confront
murdered in a series of gruesome vampire Dawnlight.
Luckily though, a group of Vampire Ethan is only half right. The vampire hunters
Hunters called ‘The Goldburrowers’ lead by are extorting wealthy residents, but he is
Dawnlight Goldburrow, a famous vampire wrong about the vampire attacks.
hunter, known for her battle prowess and The vampire attacks were committed
easily recognisable full set of magical plate by Furcas, and the local clerics can confirm
armour. that the victim’s bodies were drained of blood
This information is either volunteered from puncture wounds in their neck consistent
by market venders, people recognising the with vampire attacks.
players as newcomers to the town, or by Ethan
at the inn.

Approaching the Castle
Vadim Castle
Vadim Castle was once home to the Lord
“A small castle stands atop a hill in the forest
Vadim, who held authority over the local area.
clearing. Many of the arrow slits and windows
Many years has passed since the Vadim family
have been bricked over from the inside, and
were in power and the castle has since fallen
the upper floors are in ruin. A small
into disrepair, with all but the ground floor
encampment of tents and a makeshift stable
crumbling. Dawnlight Goldburrow (Appendix)
lays at the foot of the hill.”
made this castle her (poorly kept) secret base
of operations during her formative years as a
The camp is the recent home of the
monster hunter. Since the arrival of Furcas
Goldburrowers following the occupation of the
(Appendix) and the subsequent scheme they
castle by Furcas.
hatched together, her men have vacated the
At any one time three ​Goldburrowers
castle and are camped nearby, not allowing
(Appendix) ​are in the camp, along with two
anybody to approach the structure.
Giant Boars (​ MM)​.
The occupants of the camp are on
Vadim Castle Features
active watch and will approach anybody
The castle has the following features, attempting to come close to the castle.
unless otherwise noted in the description If the party approach them, or vice
for that area. versa, the Goldburrowers will tell them that
Ceilings.​ The Ceilings are 12 feet this area and the surrounding woods are
high. private property. They will offer to escort the
Doors.​ Interior doors are made of party back to town.
heavy wood. Locked doors require a DC If the party refuse, or are hostile
towards them, they will attempt to kill the
15 Strength check to force open, or a DC
20 Sleight of Hand (Dexterity) check to
lockpick. XP
Floors.​ The floors are smooth tiled Divide 1500xp evenly among the party if they
stone. defeat or bypass the Goldburrowers and Giant
Treasure.​ Each humanoid Boar.
inhabitant of the castle and camp has
2d10gp in assorted treasure. There are no Treasure
silver items anywhere near the castle, on One of the men on watch has the key for the
Furcas’ orders front door of the castle. One of the tents is
being used as a temporary armoury and
Walls.​ The walls are made of the
contains seven spears, ten shortswords, five
stone as the floors, however they
scimitars, three heavy crossbows, two hundred
frequently feature highly faded decorative crossbow bolts. four suits of studded leather
paint or markings. armor and two ​potions of healing (PHB)​.
Lighting. ​Any exterior window is
boarded shut, and as such the interior
spaces are dimly lit with small hooded
lanterns attached periodically to the walls.

V1. Exterior V3. Fanatic Guard Area

“The path leads directly to the main entrance “The windows of this tower have recently
of the castle. The entrance features a set of been bricked over. A cluttered and dusty table
wide steps ascending towards a single large sits proudly in the centre of this room. To the
sturdy door flanked on either side by towers.” west, small rooms have been constructed
inside the tower. Four gaunt men stand around
The front door is locked and requires a​ ​DC 20 the room”
Strength check to force open, or a DC 25
Sleight of Hand (Dexterity) check to It is not uncommon for charismatic vampires
lockpick. to gain the service of human followers, who
worship them as a kind of god.
Additionally, the key carried by the
In this area, there are at least two ​Cult
Goldburrower in the camp will open the
Fanatics (​ MM)​ ​who have sworn loyalty to
door without issue. The door can also be Furcas, standing guard at any one time. They
opened from within, without the need for a will attack and attempt to capture any
key. intruders.
The guards in this room alternate with the two
V2. Entrance Hall Cult Fanatics (​ MM)​ ​in area V4.
The doors for the corridor between areas V3
“A single closed door leads north. The remains and V4 are propped open, allowing any sounds
of doorways, now filled with rubble from the of combat to awaken the off duty guards in
crumbled upper floors, previously lead south area V4, who will quickly join the fight.
and west. The bottom three steps are all that
remain of a once ornate set of stairs heading to If the party pose as Goldburrowers
the upper floors.” The ​Cult Fanatics ​are not familiar with every
member of the Goldburrowers, and the party
Due to the size of some of the pieces of rubble, may be able to convince them that they are
and the fact that some of it is holding up areas members, at which point, they will be allowed
of the roof, it would take four hours of to come and go as they please.
constant digging to unblock either of the
doorways leading east or south. XP
Divide 1800xp evenly among the party if they
Cultist Patrol. ​Characters lingering in this area defeat or bypass the four Cult Fanatics.
would be mistaken to think that it was safe.
Once every hour, the ​Cult Fanatics ​(MM) Treasure
from area V3 check this area for signs of A locked wooden box in this room contains
activity, before returning to their area. 1600cp, 50gp and a ​potion of healing (PHB).​

V3a. Storage areas V5. Werewolf Chamber
These two rooms have been constructed with
thin wooden walls. Originally meant for the “The smell of wet dog fills this large room. A
storage of arms and armaments, these rooms large shirtless man is sat at a table, flanked by
now store little more than empty crates and two hounds. Unlike other rooms in this castle,
dust. the arrow slits in this tower are not bricked
DMs Discretion
A fun, albeit time consuming, addition to this A ​Werewolf​ (MM)​ ​named Syn has recently
area could be the inclusion of a prisoner in learned of the scheme between Furcas and
either of these rooms. Dawnlight and has travelled to the castle to
The Prisoner join their venture, where he has been
The prisoner is a former Goldburrower welcomed with open arms.
named Merif. He was opposed to the deal Syn has not yet been involved in an
Dawnlight made with Furcas, and has been attack, but hopes to be used in the next village.
captured and tortured as an example of Along with his two ​Dire Wolf ​(MM)
disobedience. He is severely wounded and companions, Syn has made this tower his
without weapons or armor. If healed, and home, removing the bricks from the arrow
equipped with weaponry, he will gladly join slits.
the party in their quest, attempting to purify
the once noble Goldburrowers. Merif is a XP
Veteran (​ MM)​ ​but with a hitpoint maximum of Divide 1100xp evenly among the party if they
40, and without the ability to make a third defeat, or bypass Syn and his wolves.
attack, regardless of whether or not he is
equipped with the relevant weapons. Treasure
Syn carries a shoulderbag that holds within
V4. Fanatic Quarters 75gp, 10pp, and a bottle of strong whisky.
This room is used as a sleeping area for the
human guards. V6. Kitchen

“Four ragged bedrolls are scattered across the “The stench of blood envelopes this area as the
floor in this room. Barrels stand neatly tucked corpses of various animals and humanoids lay
into the northeast most corner. Doors lead east, about this room in various stages of dissection.
west and south.” Kitchen utensils lay strewn about the
worksurfaces. A woven basket containing
If they haven’t been alerted to trouble in area fresh fish, vegetables and bread sits on a clean
V3, there are two ​Cult Fanatics ​(MM)​ ​in this section of the work surface. Doors lead north,
room. They act in much the same way as the east, south and west.”
guards in area V3.
This kitchen is used to prepare subdued
Treasure humans to be eaten, as well as being used to
The barrels in the corner of the room contain cook food for the living occupants of the castle
water, and salted meat for the humans to The locked door leading west opens into a
consume. The origin of the meat is difficult to small courtyard at the rear of the castle.

V7. Bedchambers V8. Banquet Hall

“This is the most southwestern tower of the “This large room is clearly the banquet hall of
castle. Doorways lead north and east. the ancient castle. Large doors head out of this
Bookcases filled with dusty tomes stand room to the north and south, while a small
covering the arrow slits while four chestnut door leads west. A hallway leading east has
coffins lay in a neat row in the center of this crumbled with age and is now blocked.
room. ” A large bloodstained table, flanked with well
carved chairs sits central in this hall. The
This room houses the ​Dhampir ​(Appendix) natural stone walls of the room are interrupted
sons of Furcas. They are adults, however the periodically with black banners.”
Vampire still treats them as if they were
children. There are three ​Giant Boar ​(MM)​ ​in this room.
There are three ​Dhampirs​ (Appendix)​ ​in this They are the boars belonging to the
room. The Dhampirs are very confident of Goldburrowers in area V9, however the
their abilities and resent that they are confined Dhampir refused to allow the boars to proceed
to the castle, and at the orders of their father, into the library.
are not allowed free roam of the surrounding The boars are viciously trained and
forest. will attempt to kill anybody they do not
As well as the three Dhampirs, the ceiling of recognise.
this room is covered in bats. These are three
Swarms of Bats (​ MM)​, each separately XP
controlled by one of the Dhampir brothers. Divide 1350xp evenly among the party if they
defeat or bypass the ​Giant Boars
If engaged in combat, all three will fight until
at least one of their brothers is knocked V9. Library
unconscious or killed, at which point, one of
the remaining two will double down on their “Chestnut bookcases filled with ancient books
effort to defend themselves, while the other line the walls of this room. Several study
will break away and attempt to warn the chairs are placed in the room atop an old
occupants of V9 and Furcas in area V10. tattered rug. Heavy curtains block any light
from entering from outside. To the east and
XP west, private reading areas are blocked with
Divide 1500xp evenly between the party if the heavy curtains, designed to block out all but
party defeats or bypasses the ​Dhampirs ​and the loudest noises.”
Swarms of Bats​.
This room both previously and currently is
Treasure serving as the castle library. Many of the
A small wooden chest is among the items in books have rotted with age, however a few
this room. The chest contains 180gp, 10pp and books are considerably newer and appear to be
four sets of silk ​fine clothes (PHB) in good condition.

Four ​Goldburrowers ​(Appendix)​ ​are being

supervised in here by one of Furcas’ ​Dhampir
(Appendix)​ ​sons.

XP V11. Open Roofed Tower
Divide 1250xp evenly among the party if they
defeat, or bypass the ​Goldburrowers​ and the “The roof of this tower is completely absent,
Dhampir​. with natural light pouring in. The room is
completely overgrown with grass and thick
Treasure bushes.”
There are 15 intact books worth 25gp each.
These were brought here by Dawnlight This area was used as a private garden by
Goldburrow before she forged her alliance Dawnlight prior to the arrival of Furcas and his
with Furcas. They cover topics such as sons.
monster ecology, vampire hunting, and such The interior door has been locked by the
things. There is also a single signed copy of vampires, to avoid any of them accidently
The Great Deeds of Dawnlight Goldburrow by stepping into the light.
Dawnlight Goldburrow​.

V10. Furcas’ Chambers

“A simple black coffin lays central in the

frame of a four poster bed against the east wall
of this large chamber. Heavy fabrics covered
in intricate patterns are draped over almost
every piece of furniture. An iron bath tub
stands to the southwest. Several tall iron
candlestick holders are placed around the edge
of this cold room, the candles within filling
this room with a soft yellow light, illuminating
two figures.”

Despite approaching her twilight years,

Dawnlight Goldburrow ​(Appendix)​ still strikes
an intimidating figure clad in shining plate
armour along with a matching shield,
decorated with glowing green arcane runes.
With her in this room is ​Furcas (​ Appendix)​.

Divide 3400xp evenly among the party if they
defeat, or bypass ​Dawnlight Goldburrow​ and

A gold bowl (100gp) sits atop a small cabinet
in this room. The bowl glistens as it contains
250gp, 20pp, three onyx (worth 50gp each),
and four emeralds (worth 50gp each).

What Next?
Upon discovery of the Furcas/Dawnlight
plot, and the defeat of either, or both, the
townsfolk will quickly drive any
remaining Goldburrowers out of town.
Ethan will be very thankful to the
party, and refuse to take any credit for
their actions.
If you intend on using this adventure as a
seed for future adventures, you could use
the following plot hooks, or add your own:

Furcas & his Sons

Furcas, or one or more of his sons could
escape and continue to cause trouble in the
local area, or aim to seek revenge on the
Furcas and his bloodline are very
ambitious and won’t let a simple defeat
stop them. They live for the pursuit of
wealth and power and will aim to conquer
small towns and villages if left able to

The Goldburrowers
Any remaining Goldburrowers may decide
to band together under a new name, as a
group of highly skilled and well trained
With their training, and without
Dawnlight’s caution holding them back,
the Goldburrowers would become very
chaotic, driven only by bloodlust and
greed, seeking to plunder and loot local
hamlets or farmsteads.

campaign or world, you only need to add
Introduction Tronine’s tower for the location to work.
Of Worgs & Goblins is designed for a party of
3-5 7th-level characters. If your party has more NPCs. ​Vicsount De Sarlat can be replaced
or fewer characters, you can appropriately with any appropriately wealthy or influencial
adjust the number of monsters present in each figure who would have motive to help the
encounter using the guidelines in the Official captured villagers and the means to contact
5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide​ (DMG)​ by and pay the party.
Wizards of the Coast. Tronine can be replaced with a villain
from your own campaign that may have
similar motives and actions.
Adventure Background
The people of Atmos Vale have recently been The Slaves. ​The identity and the families of the
the victims of a violent goblin raid. The four captured villagers can be replaced to
unusually organised and intelligent goblins comprise of, or include characters that the
overran the town, capturing several townsfolk party already know.
before retreating back into the forest.
Viscount De Sarlat has asked for you
all by name, requesting that you help retrieve
the missing townsfolk, and bring to justice 3 characters: This is a ​Hard​ adventure for
those responsible, no matter the cost. three characters.
The person behind the planning and 4 characters: This is a ​Medium difficulty
organisation of the raid was ​Tronine adventure for four characters.
(Appendix) ​a Drow wizard residing in Atmos 5 characters: This is an ​Easy​ difficulty
Vale. She has been purchasing slaves from the adventure for five characters.
Goblins for some time, using them for To increase or decrease the difficulty,
experiments in her tower. When the goblins add or remove enemies from encounters using
ran out of slaves to sell her, she suggested that the guidelines in the 5th Edition Dungeon
the goblins stop waiting for merchant caravans Master’s Guide​ (DMG)​ by Wizards of the Coast.
to raid, and pointed to the town as a key source
of people.

Customising the Adventure

By design, any part of the adventure can be
customised very easily to fit your setting and
campaign. However we have included a few
simple examples.

Locations. ​The location of the Atmos Vale,

and the location of the goblin hideout in Pelad
Valley are intentionally left vague so that you
can substitute them for appropriate locations in
your setting.
Additionally, if you wish to use a
village, town, or even city from your own

Of Worgs & Goblins
The adventure begins with the party waiting at “ ‘As you know, three days ago our peaceful
the doors to De Sarlat manor in Atmos Vale. town was raided by goblins in an
unprecedented and well organised assault.
“Only moments after you knock on the grand The goblins demonstrated tactics and
doors of this manor do they swing open. organisation well beyond anything we’ve seen
Standing in the doorway is a halfling man who from them in the past.
introduces himself as Davenport, and asks you They seemed to know the layout of
to follow him to the Viscount’s office.” our streets, our guard postings and patrols, and
worst of all, they knew who to target.
Davenport is Viscount De Sarlat’s loyal I want you to go and find the goblins,
assistant and long term friend. Although he is retrieve the townsfolk, if they are still alive,
adept at masking it, a DC20 Wisdom and bring me the head of whoever is behind
(perception) check will reveal to the players this whole thing. I will give you 400gp when
that he is masking concern and sadness, he has you return.’ “
personally lost a close one to the goblin raid.
His sister Kendra Davenport went The goblins took four physically weak, or
missing during the raid. She is being held in otherwise solitary townsfolk during the raid.
area P7. Tronine selected these four either because, in
Davenport will lead the party through her view, they wouldn’t be missed or because
the large and well decorated manor to a small they were easy targets for the goblins.
room on the second floor. The Viscount’s
personal office. These were:
Kendra Davenport: ​A halfling woman who
“This rather unassuming office seems out of lives alone on mainstreet.
place in comparison to the grandiosity of the Tiral Hightower:​ An elderly human man who
rest of the manor. The room is cramped, and has been retired for as long as he can
bookcases stuffed with papers and old books remember.
cover every wall. Behind the desk a tall, thin Lia Holyday:​ An elf woman who owns a
man dressed in dusty black clothing stares market stall in the town square
intently at you” Stephen Barrington:​ A 17 year old homeless
orphan who begs for change by the main gate.
The man wearing dusty black is Viscount De
Sarlat, the de facto leader of Atmos Vale. He The town lost too many guards in the assault
is a cold and aloof man who despite to attack the goblin base, but they were able to
appearances, cares deeply about the citizens of track the goblins back to Pelad Caverns.
the town. What is left of the town guards need to
stay in the town to protect from another
The current Viscount doesn’t share the grand assault, and to keep order. They will happily
tastes of his ancestors, preferring instead plain give the party directions to the caverns. The
muted clothing and decoration. This is the guards have pooled together their savings and
reason he currently uses the former closet as will offer the party an additional 80gp if they
an office. show no mercy to the goblins.

Pelad Caverns P1. Exterior
Pelad Caverns is a cave series in Pelad Valley.
Created centuries ago by a long dead giant “To the east, a sturdy door blocks the opening
purple worm, the elements have eroded most to what looks like a natural cave. The forest
evidence of the caves formations, the only lays in every other direction. An unusually
remaining evidence being the shape and size large outcropping of trees stands to the south.”
of the tunnels resembling the known
movements of the magical beast.
The Pelad Goblins have been using the The goblins keep their Worgs chained to the
caverns as their home for as long as many of southern outcropping of trees between the
the shorter lived races can remember. Using mountain wall and the trees.
the caverns as a base of operations, the goblins Here, the goblins are hidden from all
have made a name for themselves as lucrative who enter the area from the west, while being
slave traders. exposed to those who enter from the north and
Pelad Cavern Features Three ​Large Worgs (​ Appendix)​ ​are
The caverns have the following features, chained at the tree line. Each Worg is
accompanied by a ​Goblin Slaver​ (Appendix)​. If
unless otherwise noted in the description
the goblins are aware of somebody
for that area.
approaching, they will prioritise unchaining
Ceilings.​ The Ceilings are 8 feet and mounting the Worgs, attempting to use the
high. beasts maneuverability to their advantage.
Doors.​ The doors are made of pine These goblins will attempt to capture
wood cut from the trees of the surrounding any trespassers, who will then be transported
forest, none with particular skill. The to area P7 and kept with the other slaves.
locked doors require either a DC15
Strength (Athletics) or DC15 Dexterity XP
(Sleight of Hand) check to unlock or force Divide 1950xp evenly among the party is they
defeat, or bypass the Large Worgs and Goblin
Floors.​ The floors are smooth
natural stone.
Treasure.​ Each inhabitant of the
caverns has 2d10gp in assorted treasure.
Walls.​ The walls are made of the
same natural stone as the floors and
Lighting. ​The caverns are not

P2. Guard Room Armor cannot swim, this passage presents a
fun roleplay and problem solving challenge for
“A narrow tunnel descends into a large, low the party.
ceilinged natural cavern. The south of the
cavern contains a fire, gently illuminating the P4. Puzzle Room
room, while a cooking pot is suspended
nearby. A crude table and chairs stand in the “Crude steps open up into a large cavern. At
north. A second narrow tunnel leads east out the far north of the area, iron bars extending
of the room.” from the floor to the ceiling surround a large
chest. Four pressure plates are on the floor in
The natural ceiling is only 6 ft. high in this this room, coloured blue, red, purple, and
room. The walls are slippery and covered in a green.”
thin layer of green moss.
Two ​Goblin Slavers (​ Appendix)​ ​act as the first For the bars surrounding the chest in this room
line of defence in this room. If they are aware to lower, the party must first solve the pressure
of anybody attempting to enter the caverns, plate puzzle.
they will position themselves in the narrow
tunnel, blocking entry. The four pressure plates in this room must be
activated in a specific order, if any are
XP activated out of sequence, all four will
Divide 900xp evenly among the party if they automatically deal 11 (2d10) lightning damage
defeat or bypass the Goblin Slavers. to any creature in contact with them.
Activating the pressure plates requires
Treasure more than 40lbs of weight be placed on the
Along with their regular treasure as described plate.
in the description for this dungeon, one of the
goblins wears an ornate elven necklace worth If the plates have been compressed in the
100gp. correct order, and while they stay compressed,
the iron bars surrounding the chest retract into
P3. Underwater Passage the floor.
As soon as the weight is taken off any
“Stairs lower into a 5ft wide by 10ft tall of the plates, the bars return to their previous
passage completely submerged in water. The position
passage continues east for several feet before
branching both north and south ” The correct order is:
This low passage has been flooded for many Red
years. The goblins and peikko are used to Purple
swimming through the water, but the Worgs Green
won’t go near it.
Slaves are dragged through the water The trapped room was placed here by an
with very little thought given to their health or adventuring party who used it to stash their
wellbeing, occasionally this has proved fatal. loot some time in the past, intending to return
to collect it at a later date.
DM’s discretion.​ ​If you are one of the many
DM’s that rule characters wearing Heavy

Treasure P6. Barracks
The chest contains 900gp, 4500sp, one
Diamond worth 300gp and ​Nightingale “Bunk beds, piles of straw and sleeping bags
(Appendix) are pushed up against the natural walls of this
cavern. A fire burning in the middle of the
P5. Large Chamber room gently warms the area. Heavy curtains
block passages leading north and south”
“This warm, and slightly hazy cavern is
illuminated by a large fire. A small empty cell This room is being used as sleeping quarters
has been constructed into a natural alcove in by the goblins and peikko that inhabit the cave
the south, while a table and bench sit in the system. There were not enough beds and
north. Tunnels lead east and west.” sleeping bags for every member of the tribe, so
the weaker members were left to sleep on
A female drow named ​Tronine ​(Appendix)​, is straw, or in one case, the stone floor.
in this room with a single ​Goblin ​(MM).
Tronine is here to collect the current batch of At any one time, there are four ​Goblin Slavers
slaves. (Appendix)​ ​and three ​Peikko (​ Appendix)​ ​in this
She has been purchasing slaves to area. The peikko try to avoid the center of the
conduct arcane experiments on. None of her room, being uncomfortable when more than
previously purchased slaves have survived her 10ft. from stone.
When the party enters this room, Tronine will Divide 2400xp evenly between the party if the
immediately kill the Goblin, and pretend to be party defeats or bypasses the ​Goblin Slavers
an escaping slave. and ​Peikko​.
She is confident in her abilities and
will attack the party as soon as she has the Treasure
element of surprise, or if the party becomes Each resident appears to be hiding coins under
suspicious. their beds from the other residents. The
combined coins from underneath the beds and
XP sleeping bags is 525gp, 1520sp and 907cp, as
Divide 2300xp evenly among the party if they well as one ​Potion of Giant Strength (​ PHB)​.
defeat, or bypass Tronine.
P7. Slave Pen
Tronine has her spellbook and component “Three large boulders rest in the north of this
pouch with her. In addition, she has 500gp in cold cavern. Almost half of the cavern has
both old and recently minted coins. This been separated with steel bars and transformed
money was the proposed payment for the into a large makeshift cell. Two locked doors
current ‘batch’ of slaves. lead north.”
Scattered among the room is 92sp and
180cp. A single ​Potion of Healing​ (PHB) ​is on There are three ​Peikko ​(Appendix)​ ​lurking in
the table in the north. this room. They enjoy annoying the goblins by
jumping into and out of the boulders. They
will use this tactic to fight any intruders, trying

to avoid travelling more than 10ft. from the crowns were previously those of minor human
boulders. royalty, now they adorn the heads of the
In the room with them are two ​Goblin Slavers grotesque goblins. They are also carrying
guarding the slave cell. 450gp and 900sp.
The two Goblin Slavers are each
Makeshift cell. ​The cell here contains four wearing signet rings worth 10gp.
captured townsfolk who were being sold as
test subjects to Tronine.

Divide 1500xp evenly among the party if they
defeat or bypass the ​Peikko ​and ​Goblin
Slavers​. Award the party an additional 800xp
if they free the slaves and deliver them safely
to area P1.

The barrels and crates in this room contains
the slave's sentimental possessions and
clothing. Anything that the slaves owned that
had monetary value has already been
distributed among the goblins and peikko, with
the exception of two ​Potions of Healing ​(PHB)
hidden in a pouch.

P8. Throne Room

“A large chestnut table dominates this room.

At either end sit large thrones, while benches
are at either side. Two candlesticks on the
table illuminate the messy room. A thick
curtain blocks a tunnel to the south, while a
locked door is in the northern wall.”

A ​Goblin King ​(Appendix) ​and ​Goblin Queen

(Appendix)​ ​are eating in this room along with
two ​Goblin Slavers ​(Appendix)

Divide 3100xp evenly among the party if they
defeat, or bypass the ​Goblin King​, ​Goblin
Queen​, and the two ​Goblin Slaver​.

The Goblin King and Queen each wear ancient
crowns worth 100gp each. The once noble

What Next?
If the party rescues the captured townsfolk,
the Viscount and entire town are very
happy with them and rewards them as
After a few days, the town guards discover
a tunnel leading from Tronine’s tower
deep into the forest, which she was using
to enter and exit the town unseen. It was
not used by the goblins during the raid.

If you intend on using this adventure as a

seed for future adventures, you could use
the following plot hook, or add your own:

Tronine’s Secret
When it comes to buying the slaves, and
the assault on the town, Tronine could
have been little more than a middleman,
purchasing the slaves for somebody more
powerful than herself.
Having Tronine be a subordinate of
a more powerful and more evil wizard,
could lead to many possibilities for future
The evil wizard may have a
number of lesser wizards under him, who
he uses as pawns to enact vastly
complicated plans thwarted by the party.

Introduction Customising the Adventure
The Orc Situation is designed for a party of By design, any part of the adventure can be
3-5 8th-level characters. If your party has more customised very easily to fit your setting and
or fewer characters, you can appropriately campaign. However we have included a few
adjust the number of monsters present in each simple examples.
encounter using the guidelines in the Official
5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide​ (DMG)​ by Locations. ​The entirety of the Crystal Barrens
Wizards of the Coast. can be reflavoured and repositioned to
anywhere with a strategic element that the orcs
may find appealing. For example, you may
Adventure Background wish to replace the barrens with forest, and the
Stybba, the leader of a local caravan Crystals with monoliths.
company has an ambitious plan to reroute one
of the company’s less profitable routes through NPCs. ​Stybba is very much a framework of a
the Crystal Barrens, so named for their large character for you to add as much, or as little as
crystal outcroppings. you wish. All we know of Stybba is that she is
Rerouting the caravan, and an influential merchant.
establishing a trade post around the base of the This makes her very easy to replace
Crystalspire, will not only save the company with any merchant or entrepreneurial
large amounts of time and money with every character.
trip, but provide a very profitable income,
which she is willing to pay the party a portion The Orcs. ​It could be powerful to replace the
of. Crystalspire Orcs with a tribe or orcs
The only problem, the proposed route previously encountered in your campaign.
cuts right through the middle of the
Crystalspire Orc tribe’s territory. Difficulty
She has asked you to 'relocate' the 3 characters: This is a ​Medium​ adventure for
current inhabitants of the area away from the three characters.
route, dead or alive. 4 characters: This is a ​Medium difficulty
adventure for four characters.
5 characters: This is an ​Easy​ difficulty
adventure for five characters.
To increase or decrease the difficulty,
add or remove enemies from encounters using
the guidelines in the 5th Edition Dungeon
Master’s Guide​ (DMG)​ by Wizards of the Coast.

The Orc Situation Crystalspire Camp
Word of the party’s skills and deeds has Crystalspire camp is constructed around the
spread, and they have received an offer of legendary Crystalspire, and can be seen for
temporary employment from Stybba, a caravan miles in every direction.
mogul. The Crystalspire is a significant
strategic location, as it is the only water source
“The extravagant, yet tasteful office of Stybba for several miles, as well as providing magical
is dominated by a large desk, disappearing properties.
under various pieces of paper and scrolls.” Anybody who spends 24 hours within
100ft. of the Crystalspire gains a temporary +1
Stybba will explain her plan to reroute one of modifier to attack and damage rolls for the
her company’s less profitable routes through following 24 hours.
the Crystal Barrens, while simultaneously
establishing a trading post at the Crystalspire, Crystalspire Camp Features
and eliminating the looming orc threat in the Many areas of the exterior of the camp are
area. overgrown with thick thistles. It takes one
She is unwilling to part with more
hour to cut through 10ft of thistles.
than 200gp as payment upfront, but offers the
The exterior wall of the camp
party a 10 per cent ownership stake in the
trading post, including 10 per cent of future stands 20ft. tall.
profits from the post. Ceilings.​ The Ceilings of the
buildings on the surface are 10 feet high.
Before she can go ahead with her part The ceilings of the areas built under the
of the plan, she needs the party to 'relocate' the camp are 8 feet high.
current inhabitants of the Crystalspire, a band Doors.​ The doors are all heavy
of violent orcs who have rather sandstone.
unimaginatively called themselves the Floors.​ Interior floors are
‘Crystalspire Orcs’.
sandstone tiles, while the exterior floors
These orcs have been causing great
are covered in sand or grasses.
trouble for the people of the region, and are
responsible for the deaths of countless Treasure.​ Each Orc has 3d12gp in
innocent people. assorted treasure that they have stolen
from their victims.
Walls.​ The exterior wall is 5ft.
thick sandstone, while the walls of the
buildings inside the camp are 1ft. thick
sandstone blocks.
Lighting.​ Within the confines of
the exterior wall, there are freestanding
torches illuminating the camp, lit only
during the night.

Exterior A large murky lake sits strangely still at the
base of the crystals, reflecting back their
“Approaching the walled Orc stronghold, the entrancing form. Dense thistles block access to
large crystalline outcropping protruding far the north.”
above the walls is the most striking feature. A
single watch tower stands over the south of the The water in the lake, although a striking blue,
camp. The roofs of three buildings of orcish is extremely murky, and visibility is limited to
design can be seen over the walls.” only 1ft. below the surface. Hiding below the
surface is a ​Giant Crocodile​ (MM).​ Players can
The orcs very rarely patrol outside the walls of spot the crocodile with a successful DC 15
their camp, believing it to be impossible to Perception (Wisdom) check.
approach without being seen from miles away.
Sword of Kings. ​A sword ‘of kings’ is stuck
Cr1. Entry inside of a stone on the island. The sword is
not magical and appears to simply be a rather
“The large doors open directly into a wide, ornate ​rapier (​ PHB).​ ​The extra inlaid gems and
irregular guard area. Crudely carved and well fine craftsmanship of the sword makes it worth
worn stone steps descend down a steep slope 100gp
to the north. The crystal base can been seen
here and appears to be impassible aside from XP
small passages to the north and southeast.” Divide 1800xp evenly among the party if they
survive or bypass the ​Giant Crocodile (​ MM)​.
The northern section of this area is 20 feet
below the southern section, with rough cut Cr3. Hoard
stone stairs cut into the side of a short cliff,
leading to the lower section. Three ​Orc “Doors lead south and east out of this heavily
Savages (Appendix) ​are sparring in the raised cluttered room. Junk and old furniture is so
southern area, while three ​Orc Usurpers densely packed into the room, that the worked
(Appendix) ​are sat on the bottom of the steps, stone floor is only visible in sporadic patches.”
drinking ale.

Magical Key. ​One of the Orc Usurpers is This room is so crowded with furniture that
carrying an iron key that glows faintly pink. any effort to move through it is hindered. It is
This key is required to open the locked hatch considered difficult terrain.
in area Cr9. One of the lazier orcs had used the
room as storage, until it had become so
XP crowded that any attempt to find anything
Divide 1950xp evenly among the party if they inside had become a fruitless endeavor. Rather
survive or bypass the Orcs. than tidy the room, he simply boarded up the
entrances to it.
Cr2. Lake The party can safely rest here, as the
room is not in use.
“A seemingly disused building, with its
windows and doors boarded up stands against Treasure
the outer wall to the north, while a second, If the party spends at least 1 hour digging
large building appears to be in use to the east. through the piles of junk in this room, they are

able to find a large painting of an Elven queen. part of the crystal is visible inside this large
It was painted a long time ago by a very single roomed building. Bunks line the walls
skilled and famous artist, it is worth 500gp to while a statue stands on a platform in the
the right buyer, but is very fragile and cannot south. Two doors lead east, and west out of
be rolled up for transport. this building. The shutters on the windows are
firmly closed.”

Cr4. Hidden Goblin Camp This room is used by the orcs as their sleeping
“Two small ramshackle huts, constructed from The crystal protruding into the room
wood and scraps, lean against the outer wall appears to be well polished, with a single
here, close to a section that has long since cushion at its base.
crumbled. Between the huts, a large rusted pot The orcs meditate here after taking
boils over a fire. Dense thistles stand to the damage in battle.
south, while buildings stand to the south and Two Orc ​Veterans (​ MM) ​are sat at the table
west. eating and loudly discussing humours methods
of pranking their fellow orcs.
A small displaced tribe of ​Stone Goblins The Orc Veterans are particularly fond
(Appendix) ​have made this area their home. of removing the wooden slats from beneath the
They are being very careful not to draw beds of their fellow tribesmen
attention to themselves from the Orcs, who are
unaware of their presence. XP
Only small or tiny creatures can fit Divide 2100xp evenly among the party if they
through the hole in the wall to the north. defeat, or otherwise bypass the Veterans.
There are 3 ​Stone Goblins ​(Appendix)
in each hut, with 4 ​Stone Goblin ​(Appendix) Cr6. Watch Tower
cooking at the pot, for a total of 10 ​Stone
Goblins​. “A tall wooden watch tower has been
The Goblins will attack any who enter constructed in the center of this open area,
the area. If half, or more, of them are killed, north of a disused and boarded up building. A
the remaining goblins will attempt to flee via narrow route through the thistles is visible to
the hole in the wall the north, as is a route between the crystalspire
and the outer wall to the south west. ”
The Stone Goblins have amassed 15gp, 40sp One ​Veteran (MM) ​is in the watchpost at the
and 300cp in a mix of old and newly minted top of the tower. Two more ​Veterans (MM)
coins are positioned at the base of the tower, looking
towards the southwest entrance to this area
Divide 1000xp evenly among the party if they The watch tower was hastily constructed by
defeat or otherwise deal with the ​Stone the orcs after the cannon attack was able to
Goblins​. break through the outer wall.
The tower is temporary while the orcs
Cr5. Barracks organise themselves enough to rebuild the
wall. This may take some time, knowing the
“Built right up to the base of one the crystals, nature of orcs.

are strong, and more than capable of fending
for themselves if given basic equipment.
Divide 2100xp evenly among the party if they XP
defeat, or bypass the Veterans. Divide 1200xp evenly among the party if they
defeat the Orc Savages. If the slaves escape,
award the party an additional 600xp.

Cr7. Abandoned Room

Cr9. Underground Entrance
“The entrance to this large building has been
long boarded up. A hole in the rear of the “The sound of laughter and conversation
building leads to another hole in the outer echoes around this large open area. A closed
wall, apparently caused by a cannonball that hatch in the ground to the east is decorate with
now sits central to the room.” intricate arcane runes. Standing in a rather
slack formation are five Orcs.”
This room isn’t used by the Orcs. A ​Cat ​(MM)​,
along with her newborn litter of kittens has There are five ​Orc Usurpers (Appendix)
made a nest on a blanket in the room. She is lazily guarding the hatch in the ground. They
initially hostile to the party, but can be calmed are immediately hostile towards anybody they
with a successful DC 10 Animal Handling do not recognise, unless accompanied by an
check. ally.
This room used to be used as a sleeping The magical key carried by the Orc
quarters for the Orcs. Usurper in area Cr1 is required to open the
magically locked hatch.
Cr8. Slavers area Only two people have a copy of the
key, Gra’agh, and one Orc positioned at the
“A small cliff dropping 20ft. separates the entrance to the camp, incase they need to
west and east sections of this large area. Set of deliver news to Gra’agh.
steps lead to the base of the cliff, where an orc
stands guard in front of an occupied slave pen. XP
five orcs with bloodied noses are sparing in a Divide 2250xp evenly among the party if they
makeshift circle at the top of the cliff. Paths defeat, or bypass the Orc Usurpers.
through the thistles lead south and north out of
this area.” Cr10. Collapsed Room

Six ​Orc Savages (Appendix) ​are in this area. “The floor of this natural cavern has collapsed
One stands guard at the slave pen, while five, into a subterranean lake 10 ft. below the floor
most with bloodied noses, practice grappling of the short man made tunnel that enters from
and hand to hand combat in the raised, eastern the north. Through the dirty water, a single,
section. impossible flame flickers at the bottom of the
Slaves. ​The four slaves here have all been
captured by the Orcs in raids. If the Orcs are A ​Giant Crocodile​ (MM)​ ​is in the lake in this
killed, the slaves will immediately see their room.
opportunity and attempt to flee the camp. They

The water in this room is 60ft. deep. The
glistening light from under the water is an
What Next?
Everburning Lantern (Appendix)​ ​that had Stybba will move quickly to begin work
been left in the room prior to its collapse. on the new trading post.
The Orcs throw any of their victims to If the party wish to help Stybba in
the Giant Crocodile to eat. the construction and design of the trading
post, she is more than happy to allow them
Treasure and accommodate their requests and ideas.
As well as the Lantern, there is an assortment
of coins on the floor of the lake containing
If you intend on using this adventure as a
50gp, 150sp and a ​Potion of Healing ​(PHB)
seed for future adventures, you could use
the following plot hook, or add your own:
Divide 1800xp evenly among the party if they
defeat or bypass the Giant Crocodile. Trading Post
10 per cent ownership of a frontier trading
Cr11. King’s Chambers post does not come without its fair share of
opportunity for adventure.
“The walls of this man made chamber are The strategic location of the trading
decorated with the mounted heads of various post, and the now lack of Orcs, may draw
beasts. A crude throne sits on a platform 5ft. the attention of others in the area who wish
above the rest of the room. A solid wood chest
to take over the location.
sits in the southwest corner.”
Alternatively, the magic of the
crystals may make construction difficult
Gra'agh (Appendix) ​is sat atop the throne in
this room, discussing expansion plans with without specialist equipment, equipment
four ​Orc Usurpers (Appendix)​, who are that the party is tasked with tracking down.
stood in the lower section of the room. The trading post has near limitless
The chest is locked. Gra’agh has the options for adventure and campaign building,
key on his person. and can be a valuable asset to a DM, and to the
player characters.
Divide 4100xp evenly among the party if they
defeat Gra'agh and the Orc Usurpers.

Gra’agh has round his neck, the ​Crystalspire
Necklace (Appendix). ​He also has 200gp on
him, and the key to the chest.
The chest contains 2500gp, 1000sp
and 900cp.

Appendix A: NPCs
Medium undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class​ 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points​ 104 (15d8 + 24)
Speed​ 30 ft.

STR ​+2​ DEX ​+0​ CON ​+2​ INT ​+2​ WIS ​+1​ CHA​ +0
Damage Immunities ​Piercing, poison
Damage Vulnerabilities​ Bludgeoning
Condition Immunities ​Exhaustion, poisoned
Senses​ Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages​ Common, Elvish
Challenge​ 4 (1100 XP)

Essence Drain​. Once per turn, when Canton makes

a melee attack with Frost Oath and hits, the target
takes an extra 10 (3d6) necrotic damage, and
Canton regains hit points equal to half the extra
damage dealt.


Multiattack. ​Canton makes two melee attacks with

Frost Oath.
Frost Oath. ​Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing

In his life, Canton was a flamboyant and self

important man. However prone to
exaggeration, Canton, along with his wife,
were highly capable people, and in only a few
decades, took their family from wealthy
merchants to rulers of a small cluster of
In his undeath, very little has changed
about the man, and Canton is still as animated
and egotistical as ever. The lack of
resurrection of his wife has driven Canton into
a rage, and he intends on retaking his former
lands using the mindless undead who were
resurrected alongside him as his standing

Furcas by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken,
and the Vampire regains hit points equal to that
Medium undead (vampire), lawful evil
amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes
a Long Rest. The target dies if this effect reduces
Armor Class​ 19 (plate armor, shield)
its hit point maximum to 0.
Hit Points​ 100 (14d8 + 20)
Speed​ 30 ft.
Claws​.​ Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage.
STR ​+3​ DEX ​+3​ CON ​+2​ INT ​+4​ WIS ​+0​ CHA​ -2
Instead of dealing damage, the Vampire can
Savings Throws ​Str +6, Dex +4 grapple the target (escape DC 13).
Skills​ Perception +3
Senses​ Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Longsword​.​ Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
Languages​ Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Halfling 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage,
Challenge​ 6 (2300 XP) or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two
Regeneration​.​ The Vampire regains 10 hit points at
the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point and
isn't in sunlight or running water. If the Vampire
takes radiant damage or damage from Holy Water,
this trait doesn't function at the start of the
vampire's next turn.

Spider Climb​.​ The Vampire can climb difficult

surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,
without needing to make an ability check.

Vampire Weaknesses​.​ The Vampire has the

following flaws:
Forbiddance.​ The Vampire can't enter a residence
without an invitation from one of the occupants.
Harmed by Running Water.​ The Vampire takes 20
acid damage when it ends its turn in running water.
Stake to the Heart.​ The Vampire is destroyed if a
piercing weapon made of wood is driven into its
heart while it is Incapacitated in its Resting place.
Sunlight Hypersensitivity.​ The Vampire takes 20
radiant damage when it starts its turn in sunlight.
While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on Attack
rolls and Ability Checks.


Multiattack​.​ The Vampire makes three attacks

either with its longsword or claws. It can replace
one of those attacks with a bite attack

Bite​. ​Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one willing creature, or a creature that is Grappled
by the Vampire, Incapacitated, or Restrained. Hit: 6
(1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) necrotic
damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced

Medium humanoid (drow), lawful evil

Armor Class​ 12 (natural armor 14 with mage

Hit Points​ 65 (9d8 + 20)
Speed​ 30 ft.

STR ​-2​ DEX ​+3​ CON ​+1​ INT ​+4​ WIS ​+1​ CHA​ +0

Savings Throws ​Int + 7, Wis +4

Skills​ Arcana +7, Insight +7
Senses​ Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages​ Common, Undercommon, Elvish
Challenge​ 6 (2300 XP)

Fey Ancestry. ​Tronine has advantage on saving

throws against being charmed, and magic can't put
the drow to sleep.
Innate Spellcasting.​Tronine's innate spellcasting
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). She can
innately cast the following spells, requiring no
material components​:
At will:​ dancing lights 1/day each: darkness, faerie
Sunlight Sensitivity.​While in sunlight, Tronine has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Spellcasting. ​Tronine is a 9th-level spellcaster.

Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save
DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks).
Tronine has the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Mending,
Minor Illusion
1st level (4 slots): Magic Missile, Mage Armor,
Burning Hands, Charm Person, Fog Cloud
2nd level (3 slots): Detect Thoughts, Scorching Ray
3rd level (3 slots): Dispel Magic, Fireball
4th level (3 slots): Blight, Polymorph
5th level (1 slots): Cloudkill


Dagger​. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5

ft., one target. ​Hit​: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.

Medium humanoid (half-orc), chaotic evil

Armor Class​ 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points​ 98 (18d8 + 17)
Speed​ 40 ft.

STR ​+5​ DEX ​+0​ CON ​+3​ INT ​+3​ WIS ​+1​ CHA​ +2

Skills​ Perception +4
Senses​ Passive Perception 12
Languages​ Common, Orc
Challenge ​6 (2300 XP)

Quick Footed: ​Gra’agh can disengage or use the

dash action as a bonus action on his turn


Multiattack. ​Gra’agh makes three melee attacks.

Alternatively, it can make one ranged attacks with
his javelin.
Lance​. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10
ft., one target. ​Hit​: 11 (1d12 + 5) piercing damage.
Javelin​. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. ​Hit​: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage.

Orc Savage Goblin King (Grive)
Medium humanoid (Orc), chaotic evil Medium Goblinoid (Goblin), chaotic evil

Armor Class​ 12 (natural armor) Armor Class​ 16 (natural armor)

Hit Points​ 30 (5d8 + 5) Hit Points​ 75 (12d8 + 21)
Speed​ 30 ft. Speed​ 30 ft.

STR ​+3​ DEX ​+0​ CON ​+2​ INT ​+0​ WIS ​+1​ CHA​ -1 STR ​+3​ DEX ​+1​ CON ​+2​ INT ​-2​ WIS ​+0​ CHA​ -2

Senses​ Passive Perception 12 Savings Throws ​Str +6, Dex +4

Languages​ Common, one other language Skills​ Perception +3
determined by race Senses​ Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Challenge ​1 (200 XP) Languages​ Common, Goblinoid
Challenge​ 4 (1100 XP)
Battleaxe​. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. ​Hit​: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage, Multiattack. ​The Goblin King makes two attacks
or 14 (2d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two with its Halberd or Hand Crossbow.
hands. Halberd​. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10
Javelin​.​ Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to ft., one target. ​Hit​: 8 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 Hand Crossbow. ​Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
(1d6 + 3) piercing damage. hit, range 30/120ft., one target. ​Hit​: 5 (1d6 + 1)
piercing damage.

Orc Usurper
Medium humanoid (any), chaotic evil
Grive is the ​Goblin King ​leading the tribe
living within the Pelad Caverns.
Armor Class​ 12 (chain shirt) Although Grive officially leads the
Hit Points​ 60 (8d8 + 20) tribe, everyone knows that the real leader of
Speed​ 30 ft. the tribe is his queen.

STR ​+4​ DEX ​+2​ CON ​+1​ INT ​+0​ WIS ​+0​ CHA​ +2

Skills​ Intimidation +6
Senses​ Passive Perception 11
Languages​ Common, one other language
determined by race
Challenge ​2 (450 XP)


Multiattack​. The Orc Usurper makes two battleaxe

Battleaxe​. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. ​Hit​: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage,
or 15 (2d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two
Javelin​.​ Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7
(1d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Goblin Queen (Feli) Dawnlight Goldburrow
Small Goblinoid (Goblin), chaotic evil Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil

Armor Class​ 14 (natural armor 16 with mage Armor Class​ 20 (plate armor, shield)
armor) Hit Points​ 90 (12d8 + 21)
Hit Points​ 55 (9d8 + 10) Speed​ 30 ft.
Speed​ 40 ft.
STR ​+4​ DEX ​+1​ CON ​+2​ INT ​+1​ WIS ​+0​ CHA​ +4
STR ​+0​ DEX ​+3​ CON ​+2​ INT ​+2​ WIS ​+1​ CHA​ -2 Saving Throws ​Strength +7, Dexterity +4
Skills​ Perception +4, deception +7, persussian +7
Savings Throws ​Wis +4, Dex +6 Senses​ Passive Perception 14
Skills​ Perception +4 Languages​ Common, Elvish
Senses​ Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Challenge​ 4 (1100 XP)
Languages​ Common, Goblinoid
Challenge​ 4 (1100 XP) Armor of Resistance​. Dawnlight wears a suit of
Armor of Resistance​, granting resistance to
Spellcasting.​The Goblin Queen is a 2nd-level Necrotic damage
Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save ACTIONS
DC 15, +5 to hit with spell attacks).
The Goblin Queen has the following wizard spells Multiattack​. The vampire hunter makes two
prepared: longsword attacks.
Cantrips (at will): Fire Bolt, Poison Spray, Acid Longsword​. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
Splash 5 ft., one target. ​Hit​: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage,
1st level (3 slots): Magic Missile, Mage Armor, or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage if used with two
Burning Hands hands.
Nimble Escape​.​ The Goblin Queen can take the
Disengage or Hide Action as a Bonus Action on Dawnlight Goldburrow was for many years, a
each of its turns. highly respected and honest Monster Hunter,
this reached a peak about twenty years ago
Goblin queens are abnormally intelligent when she released her memoirs.
goblins who have learned to unlock basic In the many years since, Dawnlight
arcane mysteries, usually out of reach of most has found it harder and harder to hunt
goblins. monsters and undead due to her ever
Goblin queens often lead their own increasing age. Finally, approaching her 60s,
tribes, although they can sometimes rule after decades of injuries, she realised she was
alongside a goblin king, if it is beneficial to no longer fit or strong enough to carry on her
both parties. line of work.
Due to the goblin queen’s high intelligence, Unable to support herself financially,
tribes under the control of a goblin queen pose and with no savings to speak of, she resorted
a larger threat than those left to their own to allying herself with an old enemy, Furcas.
devices. Together, Furcas and Dawnlight
hatched a plan to ensure a steady stream of
money for very little work.

Goldburrower Appendix B: Monsters
Medium humanoid (any), lawful evil

Armor Class​ 14 (leather armor)

Hit Points​ 26 (5d8 + 2)
Agile Zombie
Speed​ 30 ft. Medium undead, chaotic evil

STR ​+0​ DEX ​+2​ CON ​+1​ INT ​-1​ WIS ​+0​ CHA​ +2 Armor Class​ 12 (natural armor)
Skills​ Intimidation +4, Deception +4 Hit Points​ 20 (4d8)
Senses​ Passive Perception 14 Speed​ 60 ft. climb 30 ft.
Languages​ Common and one other language,
usually determined by its race STR ​+0​ DEX ​+3​ CON ​+0​ INT ​-2​ WIS ​+0​ CHA​ -2
Challenge​ 2 (200 XP) Damage Immunities ​poison
Condition Immunities ​Charmed, exhaustion,
Expertly Trained​.​ Once per turn when the poisoned
Goldburrower hits a target with a melee or ranged Senses​ Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
weapon attack, it deals an extra 4 (1d6) damage. Languages​ understands the languages it knew in
life but can't speak
ACTIONS Challenge​ 1 (200 XP)

Multiattack. ​The Goldburrower makes two melee Undead Fortitude.​If damage reduces the agile
attacks. zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution
Shortsword​. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken,
reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit​: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit.
damage. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point
Javelin. ​Range​ ​Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, instead.
30/120ft., one target. ​Hit​: 5 (1d6 +2) piercing Disengage. ​Once per turn, the agile zombie can
damage. take the disengage action as a bonus action.

The Goldburrowers are well trained warriors,
and previously fulltime monster hunters. Multiattack. ​The Agile Zombie makes two melee
Considerably fewer in numbers than a year attacks.
ago, Dawnlight only retained the services of Slam. ​Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
those she believed would be willing to engage one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
in her recent scheme with Furcas.
The zombies found in the catacombs are
This has lead to the remaining
unusually fast and agile.
Goldburrowers quickly devolving into a group
These undead are very animalistic and
of lazy, violent thugs, living on the profits of
will attempt to climb the walls and cling to the
deception and extortion.
ceilings of wherever they are before launching
onto their adversary.

Armoured Skeleton Dhampir
Medium undead, chaotic evil Medium undead (vampire), lawful evil

Armor Class​ 18 (plate armor) Armor Class​ 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points​ 13 (2d8 + 4) Hit Points​ 60 (10d8 + 15)
Speed​ 30 ft. Speed​ 30 ft.
STR ​+0​ DEX ​+3​ CON ​+0​ INT ​+3​ WIS ​+2​ CHA​ -2
STR ​+0​ DEX ​+2​ CON ​+2​ INT ​-2​ WIS ​+0​ CHA​ -3 Skills ​Stealth +7
Damage Immunities ​poison Senses​ Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Condition Immunities ​Charmed, exhaustion, Languages​ Common, Elvish
poisoned Challenge​ 2 (450 XP)
Senses​ Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages​ understands the languages it knew in Spider Climb​.​ The Dhampir can climb difficult
life but can't speak surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,
Challenge​ 1/2 (100 XP) without needing to make an ability check.

Pack Tactics.​The armoured skeleton has advantage Dhampir Weaknesses​.​ The Dhampir has the
on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of following flaws:
the thug's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and Harmed by Running Water.​ The Dhampir takes 20
the ally isn't incapacitated. acid damage when it ends its turn in running water.
Stake to the Heart.​ The Dhampir is destroyed if a
ACTIONS piercing weapon made of wood is driven into its
heart while it is Incapacitated in its Resting place.
Multiattack. ​The Armoured Skeleton makes two
melee attacks. ACTIONS
Shortsword. ​Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing Bite​. ​Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
damage. one willing creature, or a creature that is Grappled
Shortbow. ​Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range by the Dhampir, Incapacitated, or Restrained. Hit: 5
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing (1d6 + 2) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) necrotic
damage. damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced
by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken.
The official guards of Canton and his wife The reduction lasts until the target finishes a Long
were buried wearing their ceremonial plate Rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit
armor, decorated with the family seal on the point maximum to 0.
Claws​.​ Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
The skeletons seem to have retained
one creature. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage.
some knowledge of their martial training and Instead of dealing damage, the Dhampir can
are still competent combatants. grapple the target (escape DC 13).

Dhampir are half vampires, born to

humanoids. They share aspects of their
father’s vampirism.
Nobody's quite sure of the identity of
the mother of Furcas’ children, but rumors
have suggested everyone from peasant women,
to royalty, and more recently, to Dawnlight.

The subject is rarely discussed, except Many fairy tales, written and spread
by the exceptionally brave as Furcas is known by those who have not actually encountered
to be quite sure to see to it that whoever them, often include Peikko as minor nuisances,
spreads these rumors comes to an untimely or as free spirited protectors of small hamlets.
end. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Stone Goblin
Piekko Small goblinoid (goblin), chaotic evil
Small Fey, chaotic evil
Armor Class​ 15 (natural armor, stonelike skin)
Armor Class​ 14 (natural armor) Hit Points​ 18 (4d6 + 2)
Hit Points​ 28 (5d8 + 6) Speed​ 30 ft.
Speed​ 30 ft.
STR ​+2​ DEX ​-1​ CON ​+1​ INT ​+0​ WIS ​-1​ CHA​ -1
STR ​+0​ DEX ​+3​ CON ​+0​ INT ​+3​ WIS ​+2​ CHA​ -2
Skills​ Stealth +3
Skills ​Stealth +7 Senses​ Passive Perception 9
Senses​ Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Languages​ Common, Goblin
Languages​ Goblinoid, Sylvan Challenge ​1/2 (100 XP)
Challenge​ 1 (200 XP)
Stonelike Skin. ​The Stone Goblin’s stonelike skin
Rock Stride. ​Once on their turn, the Piekko can use allows them to blend in naturally with stone.
10 feet of their movement to step magically into Checks made to hide near stone have Advantage.
one boulder within reach and emerge from a second
boulder within 60 feet of the first boulder, ACTIONS
appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of
the second boulder. Both boulders must be Large or Multiattack​. The Stone Goblin makes two attacks
bigger. with its club.
Magic Resistance​.​ The Piekko has advantage on Club​. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
saving throws against Spells and other magical one target. ​Hit​: 5 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Stone Goblins are small goblinoid creatures

who have evolved a natural thick stonelike
Bite​. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., skin, allowing them to blend seamlessly with
one target. ​Hit​: 9 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage. If the rocky landscape. Some researchers have
target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 theorised that this is the result of interspecies
Strength saving throw or be grappled. The creature breeding with trolls. Others don’t like to think
can repeat this saving throw at the beginning of about it too much.
each of its turns.

Peikko are fey creatures often found in the

company of goblins. They physically resemble
hairy, small, gaunt men with large ears and
slimy, pale skin.
Peikko are uncomfortable when more than
10ft. from solid stone, causing them to mostly
reside in caves or in rocky environments.

Appendix C: Magical Items

Frost Oath Nightingale

Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement) Weapon (any), rare (requires attunement)
This ancient weapon is wreathed in the cold This sentient weapon will only allow itself to
touch of death. Green flames of pure necrotic be used by those who are Good. The weapon
energy dance and twirl around the ornate can telepathically communicate with whoever
blade. These flames are harmless to anybody attunes to it. Using a Bonus Action, the
attuned to the weapon, however can prove creature attuned to Nightingale can command
very dangerous to those not familiar with the it to change shape into any other weapon.
weapon. Once per attack, the wielder can deal Any weapon which Nightingale takes the form
an additional 1d4 necrotic damage with this of has an additional +2 to hit and +2 damage.
Crystalspire Necklace
Cici’s Guilt Wondrous item, rare
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) This necklace is fashioned from a pink
This ring has one charge, and regains a single necklace, set in a silver clasp and secured with
charge at midnight. Using a single charge, you a fine silver chain.
can cast the ​calm emotions ​spell as an action. While wearing this necklace, your Strength
Alternatively you can use one charge to target score changes to 20. If your Strength is already
yourself and use an action to suppress a strong equal to or greater than 20, the necklace has no
emotion of your own. effect on you.
Unable to contain her guilt at
becoming separated from her younger sister, Everburning Lantern
the young Cici poured all of her tears, guilt Wondrous item, uncommon
and magic energy into creating this ring. The flame on this lantern can never be
Having put all of her magical energy extinguished, and will continue to burn until
into the ring, Cici was left unable to cast any time itself runs out.
meaningful magic for the remainder of her life. If the lantern is destroyed, the flame
continues to burn wherever it was at the time
Dawnlight’s Armor of destruction, however it can no longer be
Armor (plate and shield), rare (requires attunement) moved.
Dawnlight Goldburrow wears ornate,
enchanted armor, with a matching shield.
Without the shield, the armor’s enchantment
provides no bonuses. This armor is very
distinct and is decorated with faintly glowing
green arcane runes.
The armor grants the wearer resistance to
necrotic damage and advantage on
performance checks.

Copyright 2017, Dragon Turtle Games.;
Author Robert Marriner-Dodds
Published under Open Game License.

Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright

2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
System Reference Document 5.1
Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy
Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney
Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt,
Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris
Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on
original material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson.

Copyright © 2017 Dragon Turtle Games, published under the Open Gaming License.


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