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Germplasms are living genetic resources such as seeds that are maintained for the purpose of
plant breeding, preservation and other research uses. These resources can be seed banks or
also trees growing in a nursery. Germplasms are important for maintaining biological
diversity and food security, thus acting as reservoirs of genes. Germplasm can also be
described as the sum total of all the hereditary material.

Classification of Germplasm:

A. Land races

Land races are primitive cultivars which were selected and cultivated by the farmers for many
generations. Land races were not deliberately bred like modem cultivars. They evolved under
subsistence agriculture. Land races have high level of genetic diversity which provides them
high degree of resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Biotic stress refers to hazards of
diseases and insects, whereas a biotic stress means, drought, salinity, cold, frost, etc. Land
races have broad genetic base which again provides them wider adaptability and protection
from epidemic of diseases and insects.

B. Obsolete Cultivars

Improved varieties of recent past are known as obsolete cultivars. These are the varieties
which were popular earlier and now have been replaced by new varieties. For example,
varieties K68, K65 and Pb 591 were most popular traditional tall varieties before introduction
of high yielding dwarf Mexican wheat varieties. These varieties are well known for their
attractive grain colour and chapati making quality. Now these varieties are no more

C. Modern Cultivars

The currently cultivated high yielding varieties are referred to as modern cultivars. These
varieties have high yield potential and uniformity as compared to obsolete varieties and land
races. Modem cultivars constitute a major part of working collections and are extensively
used as parents in the breeding programme.

D. Advanced Breeding lines

Pre-released plants which have been developed by plant breeders for use in modem scientific
plant breeding are known as advanced lines, cultures and stocks.

E. Wild forms of Cultivated Species

[ are available in crop plants. Such plants have generally high degree of resistance to biotic
and abiotic stresses and are utilized in breeding programmes for genetic improvement of
resistance to biotic and a biotic stresses.
F. Wild Relatives

Those naturally occurring plant species which have common ancestry with crops and can
cross with crop species are referred to as wild relatives or wild species. Wild relatives are
important sources of resistance to biotic (diseases and insects) and abiotic (drought, cold,
frost, salinity, etc.) stresses.

G. Mutants

Mutation breeding is used when the desired character is not found in the genetic stocks of
cultivated species and their wild relatives. Mutations do occur in nature as well as can be
induced through the use of physical and chemical mutagens. For example, mutant genepool
Dee-Geo-Woo-Gen in rice and Norin 10 in wheat proved to be valuable genetic resources in
the development of high yielding and semi dwarf varieties in the respective crop species.

Germplasm Activities:

There are six important activities related to plant genetic resources:

(I) Exploration and collection,

(II) Conservation

(III) Evaluation,

(IV) Documentation,

(V) Distribution,

(VI) Utilization.

(I) Exploration and Collection:

Exploration refers to collection trips and collection refers to tapping of genetic diversity from
various sources and assembling the same at one place. The exploration and collection is a
highly scientific process and includes,

(i) Sources of Collection:

There are five important sources of germplasm collection: viz., (a) centers of diversity, (b)
Gene banks, (c) Gene sanctuaries, (d) Seed companies, and (e) Farmers’ fields. Moreover,
collections can be made by local exploration trips to the regions of crop diversity.

(ii) Priority of Collection:

The next important step in the germplasm collection is to fix priority of collection. Some
areas of diversity have been threatened more than others by the danger of extinction.
Similarly, some crop species have more risk of extinction than others. Hence, endangered
areas and endangered species should be given priority for germplasm collection.

(iii) Agencies of Collection:

The task of germplasm collection is undertaken by crop research institutes and state
agricultural universities in collaboration with National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources,
New Delhi for indigenous collections. For global collection the task is undertaken in
collaboration with International Plant Genetic Resources, Institute (IPGRI), and Rome, Italy.

(iv) Method of Collection:

Germplasm collections are made in four principal ways: viz.:

(a) Through expeditions to the areas or regions of genetic diversity,

(b) By personal visit to gene bank centre,

(c) Through correspondence,

(d) Through exchange of material.

(v) Method of Sampling:

There are two sampling methods for collection of germplasm from the regions of diversity,

(a) Random sampling, and

(b) Biased sampling.

Random sampling is effective in capturing of alleles for biotic and abiotic stresses, whereas
nonrandom or biased sampling is useful in collection of morphologically distinct geneotypes.
Hence, it is advised that both random as well as biased sampling procedures should be
adopted to tap the maximum genetic diversity of a crop species.

(vi) Sample Size:

The sample size should be such that 95% of the total genetic diversity can be captured from
the area of collection. To achieve this goal, 50 to 100 individuals should be collected per site
with 50 seeds per plant. As wide as possible range of habitats, should be sampled for
capturing maximum genetic diversity.
(II) Conservation:

Conservation refers to protection of genetic diversity of crop plants from genetic erosion.

There are two important methods of germplasm conservation or preservation, viz.:

A. In-Situ Conservation:

Conservation of germplasm under natural habitat is referred to as in situ conservation. It

requires establishment of natural or biosphere reserves, national parks or protection of
endangered areas or species. In this method of conservation, the wild species and the
complete natural or semi natural ecosystems are preserved together.

This method of preservation has following main disadvantages:

a. Each protected area will cover only very small portion of total diversity of a crop species,
hence several areas will have to be conserved for a single species.

b. The management of such areas also poses several problems.

c. This is a costly method of germplasm conservation.

B. Ex-Situ Conservation:

It refers to preservation of germplasm in gene banks. This is the most practical method of
germplasm conservation.

This method has following three advantages:

a. It is possible to preserve entire genetic diversity of a crop species at one place.

b. Handling of germplasm is also easy.

c. This is a cheap method of germplasm conservation.

The germplasm is conserved either – (1) in the form of seed, or (2) in the form of meristem
cultures. Preservation in the form of seed is the most common and easy method. Seed
conservation is relatively safe, requires minimum space (except coconut, etc.) and easy to
maintain. Glass, tin or plastic containers are used for preservation and storage of seeds. The
seeds can be conserved under long term (50 to 100 years), medium term (10 to 15 years) and
short term (3-5 years) storage conditions.

Roberts (1973) has classified seeds into two groups for storage purpose; viz.:

(1) Orthodox:

Seeds which can be dried to low moisture content and stored at low temperature without
losing their viability are known as orthodox seeds. This group includes seeds of corn, wheat,
rice, carrot, beets, papaya, pepper, chickpea, lentil, soybean, cotton, sunflower, various beans,
eggplant and all the brassicas. These seeds can be dried and stored at low temperatures for
long periods of time.

(2) Recalcitrant:

Seeds which show very drastic loss in viability with a decrease in moisture content below 12
to 13% are known as recalcitrant seeds. This group includes cocoa, coconut, mango, tea,
coffee, rubber, jackfruit and oil palm seeds. Such seeds cannot be conserved in seed banks
and, therefore, require in situ conservation. Crop species with recalcitrant seeds are conserved
in field gene banks which are simply areas of land in which collection of growing plants are
assembled. For conservation of meristem cultures, meristem or shoot tip banks are

Conservation of genetic stocks by meristem cultures has several advantages as given below:

(i) Exact genotypes can be conserved indefinitely free from virus or other pathogens and
without loss of genetic integrity.

(ii) It is advantageous for vegetatively propagated crops like potato, sweet potato, cassava,
etc., because seed production in these crops is poor.

(iii) Vegetatively propagated material can be saved from natural disasters or pathogen attack.

(iv) Long regeneration cycle can be envisaged from meristem cultures.

(v) Perennial plants which take 10 to 20 years to produce seeds can be preserved any time by
meristem cultures.

(vi) Regeneration of meristems is extremely easy.

(vii) Plant species having recalcitrant seeds can be easily conserved by meristem cultures.

(III) Evaluation:

Evaluation refers to screening of germplasm in respect of morphological, genetic, economic,

biochemical, physiological, pathological and entomological attributes.

Evaluation of germplasm is essential for the following:

(i) To identify gene sources for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, earliness, dwarfness,
productivity and quality characters.

(ii) To classify the germplasm into various groups.

(iii) To get a clear picture about the significance of individual germplasm line.
Evaluation requires a team of specialists from the disciplines of plant breeding, physiology,
biochemistry, pathology and entomology. First of all a list of descriptors (characters) for
which evaluation has to be done is prepared. This task is completed by a team of experts from
NBPGR, Delhi. The descriptors are ready for various crops. The material is evaluated at
several locations to get meaningful results. Moreover, evaluation is done in a phased manner.

The evaluation of germplasm is down in three different places, viz.:

(a) In the field,

(b) In green house, and

(c) In the laboratory.

Observations on morphological characters, productivity attributes, resistance to biotic and

abiotic stresses, and some physiological parameters like photosynthetic efficiency and
transpiration rate can be recorded under field conditions using portable instruments.

The resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses can be screened under greenhouse conditions.
Evaluation for biochemical characters like protein, oil and amino acid contents, and
technological characters is completed under laboratory conditions. Both visual observations
and metric measurements are used for evaluation.

(IV) Documentation:

Documentation refers to compilation, analysis, classification, storage and dissemination of

information. In plant genetic resources, documentation means dissemination of information
about various activities such as collection, evaluation, conservation, storage and retrieval of
data. Now the term documentation is more appropriately known as information system.

Documentation is one of the important activities of genetic resources. Information system is

useful in many ways as given below:

(i) It provides information about various activities of plant genetic resources.

(ii) It provides latest information about characterization, conservation, distribution and

utilization of genetic resources.

(iii) It helps explorers, evaluators and curators in the conservation of genetic resources.

(iv) It helps in making genetic resources accessible to plant breeders and other users.

Large numbers of accessions are, available in maize, rice, wheat, sorghum, potato and other
major crops. About 7.3 million germplasm accessions are available in 200 crops species.
Handling of such huge germplasm information is only possible through electronic computers.
For uniformity of information IPGRI has designed descriptors (characters) and descriptor
state for majority of crops. The entire data is put in the computer memory and the desired
information can be obtained any time from the computer.

(V) Distribution:

The distribution of germplasm is one of the important activities of genetic resources centres.
The specific germplasm lines are supplied to the users on demand for utilisation in the crop
improvement programmes.

(i) Distribution of germplasm is the responsibility of the gene bank centres where the
germplasm is maintained and conserved.

(ii) The germplasm is usually supplied to the workers who are engaged in the research work
of a particular crop species.

(iii) Germplasm samples are generally supplied free of cost to avoid cumbersome work of
book keeping.

(iv) The quantity of seed samples to be sent is usually small, depends on the availability of
seed material and demands received for the same and several other factors.

(v) Proper records are maintained about the distribution of material. After evaluation users
should send a report about important characters of the accessions to the distributor who will
record the information in the germplasm register for documentation purpose.

(vi) The germplasm is usually distributed after evaluation by collecting centre for one or two
crop seasons. It helps in acclimatization and purification of the material.

(vii) Without distribution to the actual users, there is no point in collecting the germplasm.

(VI) Utilization:

Utilization refers to use of germplasm in crop improvement programmes. The germplasm can
be utilized in various ways.

The uses of cultivated and wild species of germplasm are briefly discussed below:

(i) Cultivated Germplasm:

The cultivated germplasm can be used in three main ways:

(a) As a variety,

(b) As a parent in the hybridization, and

(c) As a variant in the gene pool.

Some germplasm lines can be released directly as varieties after testing. If the performance of
an exotic line is better than a local variety, it can be released for commercial cultivation. In
some cases, new variety is developed through selection from the collection.

Some germplasm lines are not useful as such, but have some special characters, such as
disease resistance, good quality of economic produce, or wider adaptability. These characters
can be transferred to commercial cultivars by incorporating such germplasm lines in the
hybridization programme. Transfer of desirable characters from cultivated germplasm to the
commercial cultivars is very easy because of cross compatibility.

(ii) Wild Germplasm:

The wild germplasm is used to transfer resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, wider
adaptability and sometimes quality such as fibre strength in cotton.

However, utilization of wild germplasm poses three main problems, viz.:

(a) Hybrid inviability – inability of a hybrid to survive,

(b) Hybrid sterility – inability of a hybrid to produce offspring, and

(c) Linkage of undesirable characters with desirable ones.

Thus utilization of wild germplasm for crop improvement is a difficult task.

National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR):

NBPGR was established as an independent body called National Bureau of Plant Introduction
in August 1976 which was renamed as ‘National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources’
(NBPGR) in January 1977. The establishment of the NBPGR coincided with the advent of
the Green Revolution and was in response to the realization of perceived effects of the Green
Revolution on agrobiodiversity. Further, it was in accordance with the international
developments in the form of establishment of the International Board for Plant Genetic
Resources (IBPGR), Rome, in 1974 (now renamed as International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute). The NBPGR played a pivotal role in the improvement of various crop plants and
diversification and development of agriculture in India through germplasm introduction from
various institutes/organizations located in foreign countries and germplasm collection from
within the country and abroad and conservation thereof.

The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) has its headquarters at New
Delhi. The Bureau follows the guidelines from the Crop Science Division of ICAR, Institute
Management Committee, Research Advisory Committee, Institute Research Council and
Germplasm Advisory Committees.
The Bureau has five Divisions, three units and an experimental farm at its Headquarters in
New Delhi and 10 Regional Stations located in different phyto-geographical zones of the

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