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Brand Financials Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Volume 40000.00 44000.00 48400.00 53240.00 58564.00

Price 993.85 1,093.24 1,202.56 1,322.81 1,455.10
Revenue 39,754,000.00 48,102,340.00 58,203,831.40 70,426,635.99 85,216,229.55
COGS 28,600,000.00 34,606,000.00 39,969,930.00 46,165,269.15 53,320,885.87
Gross Margin 11,154,000.00 13,496,340.00 18,233,901.40 24,261,366.84 31,895,343.68
Marketing Expenses 3,500,000.00 6,780,100.00 2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00
Organization Cost 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00
EBIT 7,354,000.00 6,416,240.00 15,433,901.40 21,961,366.84 30,095,343.68
Corp Tax 2,573,900.00 2,245,684.00 5,401,865.49 7,686,478.40 10,533,370.29
Profit 4,780,100.00 4,170,556.00 10,032,035.91 14,274,888.45 19,561,973.39

NPV 75,915,957.52
Taxes Rate Dist Margin 12%
Sales Tax 17%
Corp. Tax 35%

5% Forcasted Sales 40000/ 1st year
5% Annual Growth 10%

Cash outflows for Year 1: Cash Inflows
Distribution Margin 1824000 21,128,000.00
Marketing Exp 3500000 25,564,880.00
Organization Cost 300000 30,933,504.80
Corp Tax 744800 37,429,540.81
6,368,800.00 45,289,744.38
13,478,504.00 160,345,669.99


NPV 48,936,941.27
Avg Price
Y1 993.85
Y2 1093.235
Y3 1202.5585
Y4 1322.81435
Y5 1455.095785

Surface Cleaner Liquid Cleaning spray

Per unit 715 Per unit 224
Profit Margin 10% 71.5 Profit Margin 10% 25
Sales Tax 17% 121.55 Sales Tax 17% 38.08
Dist. Cost 12% 85.8 Dist. Cost 12% 26.88
Consumer Price 993.85 Consumer Price 313.96

Surface Cleaner liquid Cleaning spray
Import Cost 560 Import Cost 560
Frieght/Warehouse 150 Frieght/Warehouse 150
Repacking 5 Repacking 20
715 730

Avg COGs 1 2 3 4 5
years 715 786.5 825.825 867.11625 910.4721
Transporation cost
Dedicated Fleet
YEAR 1 Number of containers needed = ceil(40,000 / 90) = 445 containers
Monthly fixed cost = PKR 100,000 * 445 = PKR 44,500,000
Number of trips needed = ceil(40,000 / 4,000) = 10 trips
Variable rent cost = PKR 80,000 * 10 = PKR 800,000
PKR 44,500,000 + PKR 800,000 = PKR 45,300,000

YEAR 2 Number of containers needed = ceil(44,000 / 90) = 489 containers

Monthly fixed cost = PKR 100,000 * 489 = PKR 48,900,000
Number of trips needed = ceil(44,000 / 4,000) = 11 trips
Variable rent cost = PKR 80,000 * 11 = PKR 880,000
PKR 48,900,000 + PKR 880,000 = PKR 49,780,000

YEAR 3 Number of containers needed = ceil(48,400 / 90) = 538 containers

Monthly fixed cost = PKR 100,000 * 538 = PKR 53,800,000
Number of trips needed = ceil(48,400 / 4,000) = 13 trips
Variable rent cost = PKR 80,000 * 13 = PKR 1,040,000
PKR 53,800,000 + PKR 1,040,000 = PKR 54,840,000

YEAR 4 Number of containers needed = ceil(53,240 / 90) = 593 containers

Monthly fixed cost = PKR 100,000 * 593 = PKR 59,300,000
Number of trips needed = ceil(53,240 / 4,000) = 14 trips
Variable rent cost = PKR 80,000 * 14 = PKR 1,120,000
PKR 59,300,000 + PKR 1,120,000 = PKR 60,420,000

YEAR 5 Number of containers needed = ceil(58,564 / 90) = 651 containers

Monthly fixed cost = PKR 100,000 * 651 = PKR 65,100,000
Number of trips needed = ceil(58,564 / 4,000) = 15 trips
Variable rent cost = PKR 80,000 * 15 = PKR 1,200,000
PKR 65,100,000 + PKR 1,200,000 = PKR 66,300,000
Transporation cost Warehousing Cost
Non-Dedicated fleet
Number of containers needed = ceil(40,000 / 90) = 445 containers Number of pallets = (40,000 / 90) = 444.44
Variable rent cost = PKR 105,000 * 10 = PKR 1,050,000 444 pallets * PKR 150 * 52 weeks = PKR 3,312,000
PKR 1,050,000

Number of containers needed = ceil(44,000 / 90) = 489 containers Number of pallets = (44,000 / 90) = 488.89
Variable rent cost = PKR 105,000 * 11 = PKR 1,155,000 488 pallets * PKR 150 * 52 weeks = PKR 3,628,800
PKR 1,155,000

Number of containers needed = ceil(48,400 / 90) = 538 containers Number of pallets = (48,400 / 90) = 537.78
Variable rent cost = PKR 105,000 * 13 = PKR 1,365,000 538 pallets * PKR 150 * 52 weeks = PKR 4,011,600
PKR 1,365,000

Number of containers needed = ceil(53,240 / 90) = 593 containers Number of pallets = (53,240 / 90) = 591.56
Variable rent cost = PKR 105,000 * 14 = PKR 1,470,000 592 pallets * PKR 150 * 52 weeks = PKR 4,416,000
PKR 1,470,000

Number of containers needed = ceil(58,564 / 90) = 651 containers Number of pallets = (58,564 / 90) = 650.71
Variable rent cost = PKR 105,000 * 15 = PKR 1,575,000 651 pallets * PKR 150 * 52 weeks = PKR 4,848,600
PKR 1,575,000
Import cost FPLC

Number of cases needed = ceil(40,000 / 8) = 5,000 cases PKR 10,162,000

Import cost = PKR 560 * 5,000 = PKR 2,800,000
PKR 3,000,000 + PKR 2,800,000 = PKR 5,800,000

Number of cases needed = ceil(44,000 / 8) = 5,500 cases PKR 11,163,800

Import cost = PKR 560 * 5,500 = PKR 3,080,000
PKR 3,300,000 + PKR 3,080,000 = PKR 6,380,000

Number of cases needed = ceil(48,400 / 8) = 6,050 cases PKR 12,394,600

Import cost = PKR 560 * 6,050 = PKR 3,388,000
PKR 3,630,000 + PKR 3,388,000 = PKR 7,018,000

Number of cases needed = ceil(53,240 / 8) = 6,655 cases PKR 13,600,600

Import cost = PKR 560 * 6,655 = PKR 3,721,600
PKR 3,993,000 + PKR 3,721,600 = PKR 7,714,600

Number of cases needed = ceil(58,564 / 8) = 7,322 cases PKR 14,913,920

Import cost = PKR 560 * 7,322 = PKR 4,097,120
PKR 4,393,200 + PKR 4,097,120 = PKR 8,490,320

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