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Seat No: _____

Republic of the Philippines



CRIMINOLOGIST Licensure Examination

1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer
for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet
provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 2 only.

1. An incriminatory statement given by a person outside of the court falling short of an acknowledgment
of guilt is called__________.
A. Judicial admission C. Judicial confession
B. Extra – judicial admission D. Extra – judicial confession

2. Which of the following is the first duty of a surveillant?

A. Record all activities taking place in the subject area
B. Move the observation post when necessary
C. Relieve another surveillant
D. Make sure that he identify the target

3. Which event that Mafia is believed to have originated?

A. Morte Alla Francia, Italia Anela
B. the practice of the criminals to seal a black handprint at the scene of the crime
C. Italian’s beauty, perfection, grace, and excellence
D. The Sicilian struggle in the 13th Century against French Rule

4. Which group of illegal drugs that affect the central nervous system, producing perceptual,
alterations, intense and varying emotional changes and thought disruption?
A. Narcotics C. Depressant
B. Hallucinogens D. Stimulants

5. When one of the accused in the commission of crime is turned to be a state witness he is deemd
to be acquitted or ________.
A. Dismissed C. Guilty
B. Exonerated D. Adjudged

6. Assume that you are a prober. How will you deal with a double-crosser informant?
A. Reveal information about facts already known
B. Use third degree interrogation
C. Give him false information that will lead to his capture
D. Request him to voluntary undergo polygraph examination

7. Which evidence that proves the existence of a fact that specific loss or injury was sustained as a
result of the felony?
A. Corpus Delicti C. Prima-facie
B. Associative D. Mens rea

8. The technique of covertly observing a person or a place in order to gather information that is
criminal in nature is called_______.
A. Surveillance C. Casing
B. Roping D. Elicitation

9. Any facility used for the illegal manufacture of any dangerous drugs and or controlled precursor
and essential chemical is______________.
A. Chemical laboratory C. Controlled precursor laboratory
B. Clandestine laboratory D. Chemical Diversion Lab.
10. Which traffic enforcement action is done when a traffic violator is taken into custody for purpose of
holding or detaining him to answer a charge or violation before a court?
A. Traffic warning C. Traffic arrest
B. Traffic citation D. Traffic investigation

11. He is an informant who moves around the centers of criminals, group or syndicate and delights
the police about bits of information. This refers to which type of informant?
A. False informant C. Double – crosser informant
B. Mercenary informant D. Self – aggrandizing informant

12. In the chain of event in traffic accident what is the first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from
collision course or otherwise avoid hazard?
A. State of evasive action C. Point of no escape
B. Point of possible perception of hazard D. Final position

13. Deep cracking on the surface of a material that has been burned indicative of the point of origin
of fire. This fire pattern is called__________.
A. Pavement marking C. Alligatoring
B. Charring D. Burning

14. What is the constant temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the atmospheric
A. Flash point C. Boiling point
B. Ignition temperature D. Fire point

15. In cases of fire accident or tragedy. Which of the following is the usually cause of death?
A. Burns C. Asphyxiation
B. Stroke D. Shock

16. Marijuana, also called marijane or grass or weed is a crude drug made from cannabis Sativa, a
plant that contains a meal altering ingredient. Which one is NOT an immediate effect of marijuana?
A. Acute panic anxiety reaction – external fear of losing control.
B. Altered sense of time/disorientation
C. Impaired reflexes coordination and concentration
D. Moderate heart beat and pulse rate

17. Operation Plan TOKHANG, propounded by PNP Director General Ronald Dela Rosa as campaign
plan against illegal drugs were rooted from KATOK and HANGYU, which means____
A. knock and plea C. announce and break
B. knock and shoot D. list and surrender

18. Heat transfer can either be conduction, convection or by radiation. What term that describes the
transfer of heat within a solid material from hotter to cooler parts?
A. Conduction C. Convection
B. Oxidation D. Radiation

19. Within how many hours upon confiscation or seizure of dangerous drugs, the same shall be
submitted for qualitative and quantitative examination by the crime laboratory
A. 24 hours C. 72 hours
B. 48 hours D. 12 hours

20. Bruno suffers a compulsive desire to set things to fire or to see a house or building burn. Bruno is
suffering a psychological disorder called_________.
A. Pedophilia C. Kleptomaniac
B. Pyromania D. Dipsomaniac

21. How do you classify a fire that involves combustible metals?

A. Class A C. Class C
B. Class B D. Class D

22. Cosa Nosa is a confederation of crime families in the U.S. who unite themselves for a common
purpose and benefits. Their boss:
1. is its supreme leader
2. is the older members of the crime family
3. is the financier and mobilizer
4. oversees all organizational endeavors and has a final word on decisions involving virtually
all aspects of crime family business
A. 1, 2, and 3 C. 1, 2 and 4
B. 1, 2, 3 and 4 D. 1 and 3

23. Every device which is self propelled or vehicle propelled by electrical power obtained from
overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails can be considered_______.
A. Skating C. Tricyle
B. Bicycle D. Motor vehicles

24. Arson as a crime in the Philippine is punishable by which law?

A. Presidential Decree 1866 C. Presidential Decree 1614
B. Presidential Decree 1513 D. Presidential Decree 1613

25. He is a person who provides information to the investigator on a regular basis. They are either paid
regularly or in a case to case basis. Which person is referred to?
A. Informant C. Informer
B. Infiltrator D. Sabouter

26. The color of the smoke can be a basis in determining the accelerant used in a fire. What color of
smoke that indicates the presence of phosphorous?
A. Black C. White
B. Reddish brown D. Gray

27. Which investigation report is prepared and submitted every time or whenever any development of
the case is accomplished?
A. Initial or advanced report C. Final or closing report
B. Progress of follow-up report D. Spot report

28. Members of the Mafia are bound by an oath of five basic principles. Which of the following is not
one of them?
A. Omerta, or code of silence and total obedience to the “Don” or “Boss”
B Assistance to any befriended Mafia faction, no question asked and to avenge any attack on
members of the family
C. Avoid any and all contact with law enforcement authorities
D. Avoid killing police officer

29. Which of the following is a conclusive sign of death?

A. Dry mouth C. Cessation of circulation
B. Cessation of respiration D. Cooling of the body

30. It involves a number and identity of persons who have handled the evidence between the times of
the commission of the offense until the ultimate disposition of the case. This refers to what total
A. Chain of custody C. Tracing evidence
B. Transfer of evidence D. Preservation of evidence

31. A man testified that he saw a gay named Mr. Bean leaving the place before it was burned. The
man’s testimony is what kind of evidence?
A. Direct evidence C. Indirect evidence
B. Cumulative evidence D. Corroborative evidence

32. There are four methods of extinguishing fire. When a high wind has an extinguishing effect on a
fire, the most probable extinguishing method is:
A. Cooling C. Separation (fuel removal)
B. Smothering D. Chemical chain Reaction

33. Mikee ketong moved by passion of jealousy against Maita Tama on account of her illicit relationship
with Pedro Penduko (Mikee’s husband), destroyed with a bolo one of the partitions of Maita’s house
and burned it. But as the wind was then blowing in the direction of the house this was also burned.
What is the crime committed by Mikee?
A. Arson C. Arson thru reckless imprudence
B. Malicious mischief D. None of them
34. A method of therapy on alcoholism that is based on conversion and fellowship is___________.
A. Aversion method C. Program of Alcoholic Anonymous
B. Psychotheraphy method D. None of the above

35. Preliminary investigation of cases involving dangerous drugs shall be terminated win a period of _____.
A. 15 days C. 45 days
B. 30 days D. 60 days

36. A combustible material that generates heat because of internal chemical action of eventually
ignites without any exposure to fire, spark of heat.
A. combustion C. Spontaneous combustion
B. Burning D. Ignition

37. A technique that is useful aid in investigation otherwise known as instrumental detection of deception.
A. Truth serum test C. Fingerprint test
B. Ballistics tests D. Polygraph test

38. Any event that results in an unintended injury or property damage attributed directly or indirectly to
the action of motor or its load.
A. Motor vehicle accident C. Motor transportation damage or injury
B. Motor vehicle non traffic accident D. Non motor vehicle traffic accident

39. SPO1 Manlapaz not being authorized by judicial order enters the house of Ms. Pining Garcia,
against her will. What crime is committed by SPO1 Manlapaz?
A. Trespass to dwelling C. Unlawful search
B. Illegal entry D. Violation of domicile

40. The main reason why both traffic officers and signal lights are used on some intersection is that:
A. To discourage motorist from “jumping signals”
B. To make the traffic flow fast
C. Greater safety of the pedestrian and motorist is effected
D. So that officer can stop and start traffic as necessity demands

41. Which of the following is the best definition of the term “Right of way”?
A. The personal right to move from one place to another.
B. A way of place open to the motorist and pedestrian
C. The privilege of the immediately use of a particular section of the highway.
D. The right of a vehicle to occupy a space which at that time is occupied by another vehicle.

42. After the completion of the search, effort must be made to determine from the appearance of the
place and object what actually occurred and what the circumstances of the crime are:
A. Mental reconstruction of the crime C. Admission
B. Background investigation D. Modus operandi

43. From among the following measure one is the most effective in police campaign directed at a new
parking regulations.
A. Written warning C. Verbal warning
B. Citation D. Arrest

44. An accusation in writing charging a person with an offence subscribed by the prosecutor and filed to court.
A. Complaint C. Deposition
B. Information D. Blotter

45. Modus Operandi file was first devised by:

A. Sir Francis Galton C. Informer
B. General Atcherly D. Eugene Vidocq

46. The accuracy of identification by eyewitness depends on the following factors:

1. Ability of the witness to observe distinct appearance of suspect
2. Visibility condition when the crime was committed
3. Degree of intelligence of the witness
4. Lapse of time in filing the case
A. 1 & 3 is correct C. 1 & 4 is correct
B. 3 & 4 is correct D. 1 & 2 is correct

47. Known as “Big Six” transnational organized crime group are:

A. Sicilian and American Mafia Families; Russian Mafiya; Yakuza; Triads; Colombian Cartels;
and Mexican Federation.
B. Nigeria; Panama; Jamaica; Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Colombia
C. Red Army; Shining Path; Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia; People’s Irish
Republican Army; Al Qaeda; and ISIS
D. Gambino, Colombo, Profaci, Lucchese, Bonnano, Genovese Crime Families

48. Mr. X collets a rag, soak it with gasoline and place it on the wooden wall of the house of Mr.
Wong. When Mr. X was about to set fire to the rag, he was bothered by his conscience thus, X
gets back the rag and left the place. What crime, if any, did X commit?
A. Attempted Arson C. Consummated arson
B. Frustrated arson D. None of these

49. Which of the following that can be attributed to an illegal drug, known as cocaine?
i. In its pure form, it is white and made up of shine, colorless crystals and called “snow” in the
junkie jargon.
ii. It is a drug from the leaves of coca
iii. It is the most popular illegal drug in the Philippines
iv. A south American Shurb.
v. It is a central nervous system stimulant.
vi. Its use is also referred to as “the king’s habit”.
A. i, ii, iii, iv, v and vi C. i, ii, iv, v and vi
B. i, iii, iv, v and vi D. i, ii, iii, iv and v

50. Which of the following types of accidents is most decreased by the installation of traffic lights?
A. Cross traffic accident
B. Misunderstanding between motorist and traffic officer.
C. Accidents of confusion
D. Accidents of decision of right of way

51. Evidence should not only be related to the facts in issue but also that which is not excluded by the law?
A. Relevant evidence C. Credible evidence
B. Material evidence D. Competent evidence

52. The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices which draw or consume electrical current
beyond the designated capacity of the existing electrical system.
A. Over loading C. Self-closing door
B. Jumper D. Oxidizing material

53. A type of a question which suggest to the person the answer which the interview desire.
A. Direct question C. Relevant question
B. Leading question D. Misleading question

54. It is a process by which the instigator practically induces the would be defendant into the commission
of the offense, and himself becomes a co-principal.
A. Instigation C. Entrapment
B. Buy-bust operation D. In flagrante Delicto

55. Which procedure is conducted by the Bureau of fire Protection as a pre-requisite to grant permits and
or licenses to operate a building or installation?
A. Fire safety inspection C. Fire protection assembly
B. Fire alerting system D. Fire Service

56. Articles or materials which are found in connection with the investigation and which aid in establishing
the identity of the perpetrator or the circumstances under which the crime was committed or which,
in general assist in the prosecution of the criminal.
A. Material evidence C. Corpus delicti
B. Associative evidence D. Tracing evidence

57. A traffic officer stationed along the route of a parade has been ordered by his superior to allow no
cars to cross the route while the parade is in progress, an ambulance driver on an emergency run
attempts to drive his ambulance across the route while the parade is passing. Under these
circumstances the traffic police officer should:
A. Ask the driver to wait until the police officer contact his superior.
B. Stop the parade long enough to permit the ambulance to cross the superior.
C. Hold up the ambulance in accordance with the superior’s order.
D. Direct the ambulance driver to the shortest detour which will add at least ten minutes to run.

58. Investigator must be patient to obtain accurate and complete information especially with uncooperative
A. Logical mind C. Perseverance
B. Power of self control D. Discretion

59. Which agency is mandated to make policy and strategize campaign against illegal drugs, including
supervision of enforcement of the dangerous drug law?
A. Dangerous Drug Board C. Department of Justice
B. Philippine Drug enforcement Agency D. PNP-Anti-Illegal Drug Task force

60. Which of the following fire extinguishing agent is the most effective in cooling the burning material
below its ignition temperature.
A. H2O C. Dry chemical
B. CO2 D. Dry powder

61. The burning of low-grade heavy oils or resinous or tarry materials with sufficient air forms lamp
black commonly known as:
A. Soot C. Black bone
B. Used petroleum D. Black iron

62. Membership in organized crime group requires:

A. Loyalty C. Lifetime commitment
B. Obedience to the boss D. Specialized criminal skills

63. Which member of an organized criminal group who is tasks to perform difficult assignments
involving the use of violence in a rational manner?
A. Money mover C. Enforcer
B. Fixer D. Intelligence analyst

64. Transnational organized crimes went global because of the following:

1. American imperialism
2. Collapsed of the Soviet Union and growth of capitalism in China
3. Enactment of North American Free Trade Agreement
4. Lowering of European customs, currency, passport controls
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1 and 2
B. 2, 3 and 4 D. 3 and 4

65. It rigor mortis leads to approximation of time of death and livor mortis leads to the determination of
position maintained by the body after death. What is the value of instantaneous rigor (cadaveric
A. Sign of death C. Time of death
B. Cause of death D. Kinds of death

66. It is the rapid test performed to establish potential positive result:

A. Validity test C. Confirmatory test
B. Preliminary test D. Screening test

67. Any person found in possession of 100 grams of marijuana shall be punished with:
A. Imprisonment of twenty years and one day to life imprisonment
B. Imprisonment of twelve years and one day to twenty years
C. Life imprisonment to death
D. Life imprisonment

68. This refers to an altered physiological state brought about by repeated use of a drug over a period
of time, necessitating continued use of the drug to prevent withdrawals.
A. Psychological dependence C. Biological dependence
B. Chemical dependence D. Physical dependence

69. MDMA is the other name for Ecstacy which means:

A. Methylene dioxymethampetamine C. Methyline dioxy-methampetamine
B. Methylene diocximethampetamine D. Metyl diosymentampetamine

70. The rule which governs the principle of whether or not bullet is inside the body of the victim.
A. Odd-even rule C. Entry and Exit Rule
B. Color coding D. Multiplicity of evidence

71. Which among the following is an accurate way of determining the firing distance?
A. Walkers test
B. Visual observation
C. Firing a series of test shots from various distances
D. The amount of concentration and powder residue or metal traces.

72. When a police officer finds a tool at the scene of a crime, he should first of all:
A. Pick it up for closer examination taking care not to jar it
B. Wait until the crime scene has bee sketched or photographed and measurements taken
before he collects the evidence
C. Immediately collected and always send it to the crime laboratory for scientific examination
D. Compare the cutting edge of the tool with the impressions to determine if this was the tool
used in the crime

73. Tool markings are said to be important evidence:

A. Because they identify the specific type of tool that left the marking
B. If the situations are visible to the naked eye or easily collected
C. If they reproduce the Characteristics of a tool found in the possession of a suspect.
D. None of the above.

74. Opium which known to be as “Mother of all Drugs” have various derivatives. Which of the following
is NOT one of them?
A. Heroin C. Codeine
B. Morphine D. Cocaine

75. The greatest single cause of Taxi cabs traffic accidents is attributed to:
A. Conversation with the fare C. Unnecessary speed
B. Following too close to other vehicles D. General recklessness

76. Several person were injured as a result of a bus skidding on a wet pavement. In preparing an
accident report, the term “apparently good condition” should not be used in reference to:
A. The tires C. The brakes
B. An injured passenger D. The operator

77. Both impression and striation marks are important traces left by the criminal at the scene of the crime.
Investigators have generally found striations to be:
A. Of less significance than the impression
B. Better recorded on wood surfaces
C. Best collected and preserved by the use of the film of foil
D. None of these.

78. The primary duty of the first officer at the scene of a reported homicide is to:
A. Arrest the offender
B. Administer first aid to the victim
C. Promptly respond to the assignment with reasonable and safe speed
D. Protect the crime scene

79. The primary duty of the first police officer at the scene of a reported homicide is to:
A. Administer first aid and call for medical assistance if the victim is still alive
B. Pursue the fleeing suspect
C. Protect the crime scene
D. Obtain information from the witness

80. The fundamental value of the information which an officer present in the court is affected most by:
A. The techniques used by the defense in cross – examination
B. The ability of the prosecutor to make appropriate objections
C. The thoroughness of the officer’s original investigation
D. The attentiveness of the prosecutor

81. In the majority of criminal trials, primary objective of the defense attorney is to:
A. Discredit the witness called by the prosecution
B. Prove the innocence of his client
C. Cause the court to doubt the guilt of his client
D. Explain the reason behind his client’s actions

82. The best time for conducting a raid on premises occupied as living quarters by criminals is:
A. Midnight, because the raiding party can approach unobserved.
B. Around three A.M. because the occupants will probably be asleep
C. Mid-afternoon, because the elements of surprise will be greatest
D. At dawn, because the approach can be made under cover of darkness and the occupants
will be least alert

83. The first duty of a police investigator upon arriving at the scene of an alleged fatal accident should be to:
A. Determine the cause of death C. Verify that the victim is dead
B. Determine the time of death D. Identify the victim

84. The most valuable, advantageous and psychological factor in the interrogation on criminal suspect
is __________.
A. Friendliness C. Quietness
B. Privacy D. Knowledge of the facts
85. The witness that is usually considered to provide the best information as to air style or type of
clothing of a female suspect is the:
A. Pre-adolescent girl C. Young male adult
B. Adolescent girl D. Elderly woman

86. When obtaining a drunk, the best results are usually obtained by:
A. Treats of imprisonment C. Flattery concerning his character
B. Promises of leniency D. Belittling him in the presence of others

87. In a burglary, assuming that the burglar touched all of the following, the one most likely to yield a
good fingerprint after proper treatment is:
A. The exterior side of a window C. A dirty window ledge
B. The surface of a mirror D. The brass-plated handle of an interior door

88. How much weight of alcohol in a person’s blood to presume that he is under the influence of
A. 0.05 percent or less C. .05 to 0.15 percent
B. 0.15 percent or more D. .15 percent to 1.5%

89. This serves as the implementing arm of the Board and it shall be responsible for the efficient and
effective law enforcement of all the provisions of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 1992.
A. Dangerous Drug Board C. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
B. Drug Enforcement Unit D. Anti-Narcotics Command

90. In investigation of a rape case, use of ultra violet light is useful method
A. Both to locate stains and to establish that they are semen stains
B. To locate strains, but not to establish that they are semen stains
C. Only to establish whether certain stains are semen stains, after they have been located by
some other method.
D. Neither for finding stains nor for determining their nature.

91. The Yakuza is organized into families which adopts a relationship known as____________.
A. Oyabun-Kobun C. Yubitsume
B. Kabuki-mono D. Bakuto

92. A member of a Cosa Nostra who operates at least one specific criminal enterprise and constantly
search for a new sources of revenue for the crime family is called___________.
I. Wise guys
II. Button men
III. Made guys
IV. Point man
A. I,II and III C. I and III
B. I, II, III and IV D. II and IV
93. Known as the Guzmán-Loera Organization  called  La Alianza de Sangre ("Blood Alliance"), which
considered by the United States Intelligence Community "the most powerful drug trafficking
organization in the world“.
A. The Gulf Cartel C. Tijuana Cartel
B. The Juarez Cartel D. Sinaloa Cartel

94. The spread of fire from floor to floor in the same building is usually the result of:
A. Fires burning through floors C. Open stairways or shafts
B. Failure to look of fire doors D. External exposures through windows

95. Who among the following shall serve as permanent consultant of the Board (DDB).
A. Director of the NBI C. A and B
B. Chief of the PNP D. Director General of PDEA

96. The following are the three basic approaches to a traffic safety program:
A. Money, management and machinery C. Road, route and rescue
B. Education, enforcement and engineering D. Economy, Ecology and education

97. The Golden triangle is located at the borders of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar. Which of the
following countries is not one of the collective name for Golden Crescent?
A. Afganistan C. Iraq
B. Pakistan D. Iran

98. The removal of toxic substances from the body as a result of drug abuse is known
A. Cleansing process C. Abstinence
B. Aversion treatment D. Detoxification

99. A prober is a person in charge with carrying out the objective of the criminal investigation which is to
identify the suspect/s, locate and trace his whereabouts and provide evidence of his/ their guilt in the
criminal proceeding. In this process, he will answer the ____ cardinals points.
A. Three C. Five
B. Four D. Six

100. Which sub-types of physical evidence that links the suspect to the crime scene or offense?
A. Associative Evidence C. Tracing evidence
B. Circumstantial evidence D. Corpus Delicti



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