Effective Strategy in PE

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APRIL 2023


Background of the Study

Education is a unique investment, and academic achievement is a vital aspect of

it. In this world of industrialization and globalization, the educational status of an
individual is largely assessed through academic achievement. Education can be
described as a planned and programmed process which is applied in order to attain the
desired changes in a pers behavior. In the general education the teaching is defined as
a thoughtful, planned and systematic organization of learning. Learning is a process of
acquisition of specific knowledge, skills and habits.

Physical education (PE) is based on motions, games, and sports, which

encourages frequent contacts between teachers and students. Students' opinions of PE
teachers may be significantly influenced by the character of these exchanges
(Mabagala, 2010). For instance, when teaching, it is common to physically handle the
students and yell, especially when demonstrating and grading a skill. Additionally, PE
teachers sometimes function as sports coaches in addition to being classroom teachers
(Mabagala, 2010).

In addition, to enable grasp of ideas, skills, and competencies among its

learners, it is necessary for one to have a repertoire of suitable and most successful
strategies for instruction while teaching physical education. Each student's learning and
performance in physical education classes are enhanced by the use of teaching
strategies. Since students are the primary beneficiaries of education, it is required of a
physical education teacher to apply and create a range of teaching strategies to meet
their needs and desires. This indicates that educators must be flexible in order to meet
the fundamental requirements of their students (Sangko, 2022).

According to (Kjønniksen, et la., 2009) it is crucial to take into account both what
is taught in physical education in schools and how pupils see the topic. Because
"students' attitudes to PE may influence their participation in PE at school as well as
organized sports outside of school," it is vital to take into account how kids feel about
physical education.

Globally, in order to guarantee that every student in every school in the world has
access to daily, high-quality PE instruction and physical activity, both the American
Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) in 2000
and the International Council on Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sports and
Dance (ICHPER.SD) in 2001 established global standards for a program-based
competency (Miguel, 2013). Unfortunately, no locally developed program-based
competency requirements for physical education have been developed.

As we deal with the steady realities of the importance of the effectiveness of

teaching strategies in physical education there is a lack of research and understanding.
Understanding the implications of teaching strategies is new and is an area that
requires further research. Furthermore, the researchers aim to generally evaluate the
student’s perception of the effectiveness of teaching strategies in physical education
among grade 8 students at Central Mindanao University Laboratory High School.

Significance of the Study

The goal of this research work is to provide a clear view and to fully
understand the relationship between personality and academic performance.
Understanding that teaching strategies in physical education has a gigantic role in
students’ academic achievement throughout his/her career in life. This will help the
educators on what teaching strategies will be used to effectively give what is best and
fit for the students. This study tends to convey the current mindset of people that
academic intelligence is the ultimate measure of mental and suggest that different
subject most likely demands a different approach to learning.
The ultimate purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of teaching
strategies in physical education its effect on their academic performance. The findings
of this study will benefit society considering that educators can use the result as basis
on how to deal physical education subject. The more the educators understand, the
more that the students pay attention on class lesson. Thus, making their maximizing
full potential and improving their academic performance. Schools that will use the
results of this study as guide will be able to train students better. For the researchers,
the study will help identify critical areas in learning that some researchers were not
able to identify. Thus, a new understanding on the development program will arise to
better enhance the performances of the students in physical education classes.

Statement of the Problem

The study generally aims to assess the student’s perception of the effectiveness
of teaching strategies in physical education among grade 8 students at Central
Mindanao University Laboratory High School.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What is the effectiveness of teaching among PE teachers in terms of teachers’

knowledge content?
2. What is the extent of the emerging physical education teaching strategies as
perceived by the students in their physical education classes in terms of the following:

2.1 Interactive teaching;

2.2 Cooperative teaching;

2.3. Self- instructional strategies;

2.4. Cognitive strategies; and

2.5. Practice strategy?

3. What is the level of students’ academic performance in physical education?

4. What kind of development program may be created to improve students'
achievements in physical education classes??
Research Design
The study utilizes a phenomenological qualitative design using survey
questionnaires, and a semi-structured one on one interviews for the data collection. The
researcher seek an in-depth understanding of the student’s perception on effective
teaching strategies of physical education.

Research Locale
This will be conducted at Central Mindanao University Laboratory High School,
University Town, Musuan, Maramag, and Bukidnon.

Study Population
The respondents of the study are from randomly selected grade 8
students of Central Mindanao University Laboratory High School (CMULHS) enrolled in
SY. 2022-2023. A total of twenty-five (25) respondents.

Research Instrument
A questionnaire will be singled out as an instrument.Twenty five (25) respondents
will be selected grade 8. In addition, semi-structured interviews that allows the
researcher to have flexibility in asking questions will be conducted. This is also to
evaluate the students perception on effective teaching strategies in PE and in relation to
their academic performance in the subject. The researcher aims to accurately document
the data and as a result all the interviews will be recorded using the researchers’ mobile
phone. The interviews will be transcribed and analyzed; the recorded data will be
deleted immediately for confidentiality purposes. 

Treatment and Data Gathering

As already been described the data for this study will be collected using a survey
questionnaire. The survey will be created using appropriate questions modified from a
related research study. The survey will be comprised of five (5) questions, which will be
related to the students perception on effective teaching strategies in PE and in relation
to their academic performance.
The researchers assure the confidentiality of their survey sheets. The
researchers understand that people’s consciousness may also affect their honesty and
effectiveness in answering the survey, so the researchers will give the respondents the
option of being anonymous. Respondents will be given time to answer the questions
and then the researchers will collect the questionnaires the next day.
Furthermore, the semi-structured, one on one interview will also be used as in
depth evaluation of the respondents understanding, and also to allow the researchers
some degree of flexibility. An interview guideline will be provided to help the
respondents prepare for the interviews. A mobile phone will be used to record the
interview. This will be very helpful because the researcher will be able to concentrate on
the relevant information needed and that the researcher could think about the possible
follow-up questions.

Data Analysis

Thematic content analysis will be used to analyze the research data. This
analysis method are comprised of five (5) steps, namely: transcription, checking and
editing, analysis and interpretation, and verification (Karlsson, nd.) 

Step 1: Transcription: 

The researcher will transfer the recorded data into a paper, and read it to get the
necessary the data for analysis. 

Step 2: Checking and Editing 

The data will be divided into similar related units. This is achieve by reading each
paragraph and recording the themes that were in the paragraph. . Similar themes then
be grouped together to make related units. 

Step 3: Analysis and Interpretation 

Psychological meaning will also be used to interpret the themes from step 2. This
is achieve by using the researchers understanding of the themes that were presented.
The psychological interpretation will be used as the facts. 

Step 4: Generalization 

The differences and similarities between the different interviews will be identified,
allowing typologies to develop. The researcher will then summarize the units in the
order that will suits his/her. This is done by dividing them into related paragraphs. The
differences will also be grouped into individual paragraphs. 

Step 5: Validation

Validity of the data will be check by going through the transcription again, and
allowing all the researchers to read it as well so as to validate the findings. The central
theme will then be obtained. 

Ethical Considerations

This study honors the ethical standards set by the generic research
ethics. In so doing, the respondents will be informed about all the steps that will be
taken in this research. Confidentiality will be ensured, as the subjects identifying
information will not be sought.

1. Mabagala,S. (2010). Students’ Perceptions on Physical Education Teachers’

Compliance with the Professional Code of Ethics and Conduct in
Tanzania. Retrieved at:
2. Sangko, A. (2022). Emerging Physical Education Teaching Strategies and
Students’Academic Performance: Basis for a Development
Program. Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi:
10.5281/zenodo.7031217, ISSN 2822-4353.
3. Kjønniksen, L., Fjøtoft, I., & Wold, B. (2009). Attitude to physical education
participation in organized youth sports during adolescence related
to physical activity in young adulthood: A 10-year longitudinal study.
European Physical Education Review, 15(2), 139-154
4. Miguel,C.T. (2013). Physical Education Program Competencies of Higher
Education Institutions in Region 10: Enchancing Quality. The
Mindanao Forum Vol.XXVI, NO.1.
5. ICHPER.SD and UNESCO, International Charter for Quality Education.
National Standard for Physcial Education.
6. National Association for Short and Physical Education (NASPE). (2004).
National Standard for Physcial Education. Reston, Virginia,
Appendix. 1. Survey Questionnaire.

Central Mindanao University- Laboratory High School

University Town, Musuan Maramag, Bukidnon

Survey questionnaire




Directions: please fill up all the necessary information about yourself or check
the space provided that corresponds to your response. Please do not leave any item

Name (Optional):
Age:_____ Gender: [ ] Male
[ ] Female
PE Grade:
Part 2:
Directions: Please answer the following questions honestly and accurately as much as
possible. Please do not leave any item unanswered.
1. Do you understand the topic that your PE teacher discusses during your class?
2. Are you satisfied on how your teacher discusses during your class?and Why?
3. Do you think the teaching strategies of your PE teacher affect your academic
performance? Explain.
4. Describe and express in as much detail as possible your experiences as you
have your class in PE.

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