Teachers Students Workshop Application 2022 23

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(to be filled in English CAPITAL Letters only)
1. Name : ___________________________________

2. Date of birth : D D - M M - Y Y Y Y

3. Class in which Studying/Handling :_____________ Put 

Male / Female
4. Name of School with address :________________________________

5. Level desirous of joining :

Please tick () the relevant one) Classes in 2022-23 *
Teachers Primary Sub-Junior Junior & Inter
Classes 5 & 6 Classes 7 & 8 Classes 9 to 11

6. Name of parents: Father : ___________________________________

Mother: ___________________________________

7. Address to which communications are to be sent:

Phone No : ____________________ Cell: ______________________
E-mail ID : ________________________________________________

8. Any other information: Amount : ______________

Signature of candidate Signature of parent/guardian

Amount : ______________ DD Number: _______________ DD Date.: __________
Bank : ___________________________________________________________________
Or Online transfer or direct deposit details
Account holder Name: ___________________________________ Date:_________________
Transaction reference No: _______________________________________________________
The bank details to deposit directly into our account and send us the scanned copy of the deposit receipt or transfer ID.
Account Name : The AMTI Bank Name : Punjab National Bank
A / c. Type : Saving A / c. No. : 0346000100121327
IFSc code : PUNB0034600 Bank Address : 50, Singarachari Street, Triplicane, Chennai – 600005

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